May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015
TFIE CI{URCI{ OF ST VINCENTFERRER Served by tbe Doninican Friars 859 LexingtonAvenue, NewYork, DIRECTORY M"y r7r 2or5 S eo NY roo65 Telephone; entb Sunday ofE aster (21 2) 7 44-2080 Fax: (212) 327 -3011 ,4NNOI/NCEMENTS 'We Second Collection This'Weekend. are seeking alms in a second collection today to help us reduce the parish's operating deficit. Thank you for your support. Food SundayThisVeekend. Members of the Social Concerns Committee will be at the doors of the Church this weekend to collect food and/or monetary donations for the New York Common Pantry Your gifts of food and money help feed over rjoo families dependent on the Pantry for food for themselves and their children. Special request for May: Brown rice, canned tuna/salmon/chicken, and whole wheat pasta. The zor5 Cardinal's Annual Stewardship Appeal. If you have not made your pledge to the Cardinal's Annual Stewardship Appeal, it is not too late! You can pledge your gift now and make payments in the coming months. You can also make your gift online at Updated totals will be available in next week's bulletin. Eucharistic Adoration. Eucharistic Adoration at St. Vincent Ferrer Church will be canceled on 'Wednesday, May zoth. Eucharistic Adoration will resume on Wednesday, May zTth and continue throughout the surnmer. Memorial Day. On May z5th, there will be one Mass in the Church at 9:oo am. The church will open at 8:3o am, and then close for the day after the 9:oo am Mass. The parish ofice will be closed in observance of the holiday PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 9 am - 7 pm Saturday: 10 am - 'l pm CHURCH HOURS Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 6:30 pm Saturday & Sunday: 7:30 am - 7 pm MASS Sunday: 8 am, 10 am (sung),12 pm (solemn), 5:30 pm Monday - Friday: B am, i 2:10 pm, 6 pm Saturday: 8 am, 5:30 pm (Sunday vigil - sung) RECONCILIATION Monday - Friday: 5:20 - 5:50 pm Wednesday:7:45 - B:30 pm Saturday: 4:30 - 5:30 pm Or by appointment. LITURGYOFTHE HOURS Morning Prayer: 7:40 am (Monday - Friday) Office of Readings & Vespers: 5:30 pm (Monday - Friday) Night Prayer: B:30 pm (Wednesday) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesday: 7:30-9pm 7:30 Exposition & Preaching B:30 Night Prayer (Compline) B:45 Benediction BAPTISMS &WEDDINGS P/ease callthe parish office to schedule. ANOINTING OFTHE SICK Available after Sunday Masses or by appointment with Fr. Walter or Fr. John Chrvsostom. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS DOMINICAN FRIARS DOMINICANTHIRD ORDER Fr. Walter C. Wagner, O.P., Pastor The Dominican Third Order (Lay Fraternity) meets in the Parish Center on the third Thursday of each month from 6:oo to 8:oo pm. A11 are welcome. Fr. John Chrysostom Kozlowski, O.P., Parochial Vicar HOSPITALITYCOMMITTEE The Hospitaliry Committee plans and hosts numerous parish social events throughout the year, from monthly coffee hours after the r2 noon Mass, a parish Mardi Gras part;1 and much more. Call the parish office for more information. Bro. Damian McCarthy, O.P., Sacristan oT rreacners was founded bv St. Dominic preach theTruth forthe salvation ofsou/s. tne wroer in 1216 to STAFF Deacon John Powers Deacon Richard Cheu, Business Manager lvlrc Patricie Koon:n Sacroferrr LEGION OF MARY The Legion works in union with Mary to evangelize the world and win it over to Jesus and His Church. All are invited. Meetings are held each Tuesday in the Parish Ms. Yvonne ^Scally, Receptionist Center, at 5:oo pm. ContactJoshua at Ms. Mary Schwarz, Adult Education S7o-772-r333. SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE The Social Concerns Committee provides support services for the homeless and poor. Among other commitments, the committee hosts weekly bingo games and holiday parties for the women living at the Park tl Mr. Tony Hicks, Church Custodian Dr. Mark Bani. Music Director Mrs. Dolores Getcher, Child Education EDUCATION Avenue Armory \Tomeris Shelter and collects money and food each month for the New York Common Pantrrz Call the parish office for more information. ST. VINCENT FERRER CHORALE The choir provides a varied repertoire of classical sacred music for the weekly r2:oo noon Mass each Sunday and for the various holy days throughout the liturgical yeaq as weli as concerts. For more information, contact Dr. Mark Bani: [email protected] or (zrz) 744-zo8o, ext. 16. Also, see our website: www stvincentferrermusicnyc. com. "VC" is a group of single, divorced, and widowed women who come together for prayer, fellowship (manifested through various social and cultural events), and to ofrer mutual support to one another. Call the parish office for more information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FORADULTS For those interested in becoming Catholic or need Confirmation, classes are held on Sundays at 4ioo PM. For information, call Mary Schwarz at 212-734-9758 or email PARISH STUDY On most Tuesdays of the parish year (September - May), adult faith formation classes are offered either in the form of a Bible sfudy or as an exploration of some relevant aspect of the Catholic faith. More information will be available in the bulletin as the time for class approaches. BAPTISM PREPARATION CLAS S REGISTRATION Please register as a member of our parish if this is where are available in the parish office. Offering envelopes come with registraiion, and using them enables us to give you a repoft of your contributions for tax purposes. Having your name in our records is the only way we have of certifying that you are a practicing Catholic, as we have to do for people who are being asked to serve as sponsors of Baptism or Confirmation. beginning in September zor4, please contact Mrs. Dolores Getcher at ztz-86t- z5 6 6. [email protected]. VISITATION CIRCLE you regularly attend church. Registration forms RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN Tuition for the year for all levels: $z5o (includes books). For more information and/or registration for classes A Baptism class will be held on the second Friday of each month 630 PM, from September to May for all parents ^t preparing for the Baptism of their child. Baptism classes will resume in September 2or1. ST. VINCENT FERRER HIGH SCHOOL Sr. Gail Morgan, OP, Principal (ztz) 95- 458o . The Churchof SaintVincent Ferrer May r.7, 2or5 Seventh Sundavof Easter/ B Prelude (5,3o & ro:oo): Andante (Grande Piice Symphonique) (rz:oo): Ave Maria Franz Schuberi (iglrsig) - Arioso (Cantatano. 156) - - C6sar Franck (r8zz-r89o) Johann Sebastian Bach Ges5-r75o) Bianca Czaderna, flautist Entrance Hymn: #+6g (Vorshtp - A Hymn Of Glory Let Us Sing The Order ofthe Mass: Kyrie and Gloria: Mass For A Servant Church - Michel Guimont (b. r95o) Liturgy of the'Word First Reading: Acts r: r1-r7, zoa, zoc-26 Responsorial Psalm: #8s8 (IV ors h ip) Sec6nd Reading: r John i: :n-t6 Gospel Acclamati onz # 286 (Yhrsb ip) Gospel:John 17: rrb-r9 Homily Profes-sionof Faith General Irrtercessions Liturgy of the Eucharist OffertoryHymn(5:3o&ro:oo): #77 (X/orship) - Alleluia! SingToJesus (vs. z) OffertoryAnthem (rz'oo): Thou, O God, Art PraisedlnZion - Malcolm Boyle (t9oz-r976) Thou, O God, art praised inZion, and unto Thee shall the vow be performed inJerusalem. Thou that hearest the prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come. Blessed is the man whom Thou choosest and receivest unto Thee. He shall dwell in Thy courts and be satisfied with the pleasures of Thy house, e'en of Thy holy temple, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever, for the Lord is e_verlasting strength. Let the peoples praise Thee, O God, yea, let all the people praise Thee. Then shall the earth bring forth her increase: and God shall give us His blessing. (Psalms 61,67; Isalah z6) Sanctus: Mass For A Servant Church - Michel Guimont Memorial Acclamation: Plainchant Mass (Ronan Miss aD, Third edition Concluding Doxology and Amen Comrnunion Rite The Our Father Agnus Dei: Mass For A Servant Church - Michel Guimont ComrnunionArrthem (rz:oo): Bless The Lord, O My Soul - Michail Ippolitoff-Ivanoff (r8lg-rgtr) Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all within me bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. He is gracious and plenteous in mercy. As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities them that love Him and remember to keep His commandments. (Psalm ro3: r,2,8, 13, rB) Hymnof{hanksgiving: #+gl fiY/orship) Praver after Comrnunion - Rejoice, The Lord Is King Concluding Rite Blessing and Disrnissal Antipho:r: Regina Caeli (Page 3r, Lirurgical Nlusic booklet) Postlude: Final Fugue (Grande Piice Sympbonique) - C6sar Franck Father l7alter Wagner, O.P., Pastor Brother Damian McCarthy, O.P. The St. Vincent Ferrer Chorale and Soloists Mark Bani, D.M.A., Director of Music and Organist Father John Chrysostom Kozlowski, O.P. Rev. Bro. John Maria Devaney, O.P. DeaconJohn M. Porvers Revised Spring Save the Date 17 sunday, May At the 12PM Solemn Mass on the Seventh Sunday of Easter, we will celebrate the Confirmation of adult Catholics. This eveningi we will host the final meeting of the Frassati Fellowship for this parish year. Monday, May 18 In Washington, D.C. there be an extraordinary session of the provinciat respo-nd to the merger decree for our iwo parishes of St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Catherine of Siena. Council of the Friars to Wednesdayn May 20 A day of retreat for the Friars as we begin anniversary of ihe Friars in 1216. to prepare for the 800th 22 Friday, May Washington, D.C. at St. Dominic's Church eight Dominican Friars will .ln be ordained to the priesthood. bne of them will be our own Deacon John Devaney. Another will be Deacon lnnocent Smith. We hope thai both o{ these great Dominicans will -be working in our new parish after their ordination. Please pray for them and their classmates. $.o.lO?V' May 25 On Memoriat Day we willfollow our custom of having a single Mass at 9AM. The Church willclose after Mass. ]ye1daV, May 26 St. Vincent Ferrer Priory will welcome six of our Student Brothers from Washington' They will be with us through ihe month of July as they engage in summer ministries' On that evening there will alsi be an extraordinary session of parish study at 6:45PM' Mr. William Hilliard, just received into the full Communion of the Church, will give us a talk on the extraordinary vibrahcy of the catholic church in India. Thursday, May 28 At 1OAM, the Graduation Mass for st. vincent Ferrer High school saturday, May 30 At 10AM, st. Vincent Ferrer High school Graduation Saturday, June Thanksgiving. 6 At the 5:30PM Vigil Mass, Fr. John Devaney will celebrate a Mass of Sunday, June 7 On the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, we will have Solemn Mass and Procession of the Blessed Sacrament at Noon. At this Mass we will also celebrate First Communions. I Monday, June This is a tentative date for an extraordinary meeting of the parish Council for the purpose of implementing our merger with the Parish of St. Catherine of Siena. Thursday, June 11 We will conclude our parish year wiih the traditional Volunteer Appreciation Party from 6pM to gpM in the pariors of the priorv. THIS.WEEK MASS INTENTIONS LECTORS Saturday, May16 5:3o Mark Flesher (d) Saturday, Mayfi jt3o Heidi Cinquegrana Sunday, Mayry Sunday, 8:oo Joseph McGovern & Kathleen Redmond (d) ro:oo People of the Parish r2iro j:3o Gloria Bautista (d) Claire'\)Vickham Deckey (d) 8:oo Saturday, May 16 Mayr9 5t3o Deceased of the Parish and the Order Deceased Members of the Bowler Families; Andrew & Arthur \Tilliams (d) Edith Markin (d) & Yerkes Thursday, May zr 8:oo JamesJ. & Irene M. Clarke (d) rziro Geordie Delaporte and Leon A. Delapoete (d) 6:oo Living & Deceased Members of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic Friday, Mayzz 8:oo r2iro 6:oo Charles, Richard & Peter Buckley (d) Edward C. Perry (d) Rev Augustine Yurko OSB (d) and RevWilliamYurko (d) Saturday, May z3 8:oo jt3o Asst. Priest / R. Kett Sunday, May zo 6roo Sr. MaryElena Rizzo, OP Lauretta Bruno HOLYCOMMUNION Rudolph Dallenbach (d) rziro JohnA. & Margaret McGrath (d) 6:oo Margaret Burns (d) 'Wednesday, 8:oo r2:ro ro:oo rzioo EXTRAORDINARY MINI STERS OF Julia Chanduvi (d) Thesday, Annette Cunningham S:3o LouZachanlla Monday, Mayr8 8:oo \7i1liam & Rose Marotti (d) r2iro Marie &Jack Powers (d) 6:oo Mayry 8:oo Regina Marquis (d) Bayard G. Schaeffer (d) PARISH PRAYERLIST Mayry 8:oo L. Saladino ro:oo rzioo Stjo Asst. Priest /A. Lucarelli Deacon Powers /A. Rose / L. Miranda Asst Priest / C. Yaptenco / P. Langer SANCTUARYLAMPS Maria Luisa Barahona (d) Ramon & Fernando Gonzalez (l) WilliamJ. Schwede, Sr. (d) Rene Concepcion (d) John Conroy (l) Special Intention Intention of Donor SANCTUARYMADONNA Jack Ryan Keegan (l) in tbe lanps before tbe tabernacle and before tbe Madonna at tbe entrance of tbe sanctuar! are aztailable for an oftrt"s of $r5 eacb. Tbese lamps Tbe sezten-day candles, wbicb burn are botb an act ofdevotion and a source ofbeauty in our cburcb. Forthe sick: Rev ChrisJohnson, O.P, Willie Phillips, Anthony Mondola, Coleen E. Maguire, Sr. Timothy Goettesheim, O.P., Anne 'Wittlin, Agnes Sales, Mrs. Btown, Maria rWtttlin, Joseph SUNDAYOFFERING Vill be aaailable in next uteek's bulletin. Hayes Salaverry Stephen Copeman, Margot Uszakiewicz, Hoyt Deering Ventrella Giulia, Maria Camasta, Elisabeth RECEIVINGTHE BULLETIN Kieselstein-Cord, Carlos Fuente, Sr., Kendra Seth, Parishioners who are unable to come to church are being sent the Sunday Bulletin by the Hospitality Committee. If Frederick John Jenks, Raymond Hicks, Sarah McDermott, and Rev Bruce\Tilliams, O.P Forthe deceased: Pat Cruz, Sumintra Budra, Betsy von Furstenberg, Mary Birch-Reynardson, Angelica Rostaing, and Claudia Corradini. you know of someone who would like to receive the Sunday Bulletin each week, please call the church office and give their name and address to the receptionist. Frank E. Campbell - The Funeral Chapel 1076 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10028 212-288-3500 Traditional Values, Elegance and Integrity Owned by a subsidiry of Service Corp. Intemational 1929 Allen Pkwy Houston, TX 77019 7 13-522-5141 0rov ton MHTTo JFK $45-"n MHTTo LGA $30.'u MHTTo EWR $45."u palpallimo @ hfiur, Afteilip tupport Your Chwch lec polorlond 212-AAA,OOOO d I lcllctln, dedgn I 'lilagner)3 llgrs, ny helpl Nunsps & Mnorcll PBnsoNNnr, Acnucr INc. Quality Healthcare For Over 40 Years R.N.'s. L.P.N.'s. H.H.A.'s. P.C.A.'s. N.A.'s email [email protected] (212)838-5930-1 Fax(2r2)833-0883 177 E.87th St. New York, NY L0128 ssilil?A:& l: t ATTO R N EYS AT LAW wlrs I rnusrs I rsrerrs I rroEn mw I nlorcarD ""^J;T,ff;K"H;::frT;'.i- N.P AGENCY PROVIDES A COURTEOUS ond EXPERIENCED STAFF OF Registered Nurses Home Heqlth / Personal Core Aides CertiJied Nurses Aides / Home Attendants (24 hour, 7 days a week) LONG TERM INSURANCE CI.AIMS PROCESSED BACKGROUND AND HEALTH SCBEENING ALL STAFF Licensed by New York State Dept. of Health CALL US AT: 212-838-8O83 Visit our w€bpage @ Kav Brooks, 353 Eilt 58th Strcet. N Y. NY 10022 Karen RN JOSEPH S. DALLESSATUDRO, D.D,S. General Dentistry Office Hours by Appointment 360.East 72nd Street 988-1089 pr"{NNrNc SATURDAYS ON AM 970 RADIO 6-7pm ASK LAWYER MIKE Edwin l. Gorski Attorney At Law 750 Third Avenue NewYork, NY 10017 Tel. 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