Friends of the - Lynchburg College
Friends of the - Lynchburg College
HOW it Happened WHERE it Happens The Daura Gallery at Lynchburg College was established in 1974 as the College's art gallery. It was dedicated in 1990 as the Daura Gallery in memory of Pierre and Louise Blair Daura. In 1995, the Gallery expanded its facili es through the generosity of their daughter, Martha Randolph Daura, who also donated more than 200 works by the Catalan-American ar st Pierre Daura (1896-1976) to the Gallery. The collec on now numbers more than 2,000 pain ngs, works on paper, sculpture, and ethnographic objects from America, Europe, and world cultures. Friends of the Daura Gallery Daura Gallery, Lynchburg College 1501 Lakeside Drive Lynchburg, VA 24501 434.544.8349/8343 [email protected] Cover: Rufino Tamayo, Hombre II, 1981, Friends of the Daura Gallery Purchase, Collec on #9373 Inside: Pierre Daura, Barn of Peace, oil on canvas, ca. 1940. Gi of Martha R. Daura, Collec on #3059. Hours: Monday—Friday, 9 a.m.—4 p.m. Closed Holidays & College Breaks MAKE it Happen HELP it Happen THANKS for Making it Happen Name __________________________________________ Basic Membership Benefits (as you would like it to appear in print) (includes two individuals) Address ________________________________________ Announcements of lectures, recep ons, children’s workshops, and special events Daura Gallery Exhibi on & Program Calendars Annual Daura Gallery Newsle er Invita ons to exclusive travel programs Invita on to the annual Director’s talk and recep on Invita on to the bi-annual Evening with Art & Friends dinner and lecture A por on of your membership fee may be tax-deduc ble. The value of goods and service for the Friends level is $50, $60 for the Bene-‐ factor and Patron levels, $100 for the Virginia Davis Society, $160 for the Georgia Morgan and Pierre & Louise Daura Socie es , and $385 for the Director’s Circle . Friend ($25-99) Enjoy basic membership benefits. Benefactor ($100-249) Plus receive a copy of an exhibi on catalogue. Patron ($250-499) Plus be acknowledged as a program sponsor. Virginia Davis Society ($500-999) Plus get an invita on to a special exhibi on preview brunch. Georgia Morgan Society ($1,000-4,999) Plus enjoy dinner with a visi ng ar st or scholar. Pierre & Louise Daura Society ($5,000-9,999) Plus be acknowledged as an exhibi on sponsor. A great op on for businesses and corpora ons. Director’s Circle ($10,000 and above) Plus rental fee waived for one private event in the Daura Gallery. Another perfect op on for businesses and corpora ons. City ___________________________________________ State _____________________ Zip _________________ Telephone ______________________________________ E-mail__________________________________________ __Friend __Georgia Morgan Society __Benefactor __ Pierre & Louise Daura Society __Patron __Director’s Circle __Virginia Davis Society SEE it Happen __Renewal __New Member [Valid annually from July 1 through June 30] __Waiver of Benefits By becoming a Friend of the Daura Gallery, you join a dedicated group of people who invest in our mission to support the arts on campus and in our community. Our Friends support a dynamic schedule of exhibi ons and public programs that contribute to the cultural life of Lynchburg College and the regional community. Other $_____________________________________________ Gi in honor of _________________________________ Gi in memory of ________________________________ Friend/Family’s Name & Address___________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ If you have enjoyed the Daura Gallery’s talks, openings, exhibi ons, and special events, then make the decision to support the Gallery today and BECOME a Friend, or RENEW at a higher-level membership. _____My payment is enclosed Gi s in honor or memory will not men on amounts in acknowledgements. Payment Op ons (Make checks payable to Friends of the Daura Gallery) _____Credit Card (MasterCard, VISA, Discover, AMEX) Account Number __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ -__ __ __ __ Expira on Date _______-_______ Contribu ons provide much needed support. As the Gallery increases its scope, your taxdeduc ble gi will enable us to expand the collec on, offer more ambi ous programs and to develop new educa onal ini a ves. Join now and help us MAKE it happen. Security Code ________ Signature ________________________________________________ NOTE: Corporate matching gi s count toward your total contribu on. Membership is tax-deduc ble to the extent allowed by law. Waiver of benefits makes the full amount of dona ons tax-deduc ble. Return to Laurie Cassidy, Daura Gallery, Lynchburg College, 1501 Lakeside Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24501