March 2011 - Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce
March 2011 - Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce
Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce 1285 Sunnyridge Road Pewaukee, WI 53072 262-691-8851 Email: [email protected] Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce Newsletter In This Issue Mark Your Calendar March 9 Luncheon We Listened to Your Feedback ABLE 6 March 15 Breakfast Biz After 4 March 31 Meet Our Newest Directors Meet our Newest Chamber Member Municipal Update Visit Spain with Us! Renewing Chamber Members NEW COMMUNITY GUIDE June 3 Golf Outing Feb. 4 Awards Dinner Five O'Clock Club Join a Committee! Country Spring's Minute to Win It WCTC is looking for Board Members Milwaukee Marriott West Composure Graphics Westwood Health and Fitness Center Pursenal X'Pressions ADVERTISE IN MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Quick Links March 15 A.B.L.E. 6 Breakfast March 2011 Mark Your March Calendar www.pewaukeechamber.o rg March March March March 1 1 2 8 March 9 Church March 10 March 13 March 15 March 24 March 31 April 5 April 6 April 6 Ambassador & Membership Committee Mt Open House Fiesta at Salsa Cafe & Cantin Chamber Board Meeting Cajun Rajun Mardi Gras Festival at Thund Bay Grille Pewaukee Chamber Luncheon/Spring Cre Program Committee Meeting Pewaukee Day with the Wave ABLE 6 Breakfast Tri-Chamber Golf Commmittee - Golf Date June 3 at Western Lakes Golf Club Biz After 4 at Piano Blu (4:00-7:30 p.m.) Ambassador & Membership Committee M Chamber Board Meeting WCTC Micro Entrepreneuer Conference March 9 Luncheon Topic: 10 Ways to Leverage Social Media for Your Business at Spring Creek Church Join Phil Gerbyshak, Marketing Technology Specialis shares 10 of the easiest and most effective ways you business can leverage social media. As Phil will sha not about the tools, it's about the people, strategies the techniques! Social Media is all the buzz! Your customers are using it... employees are using it...your competitors are using it... is business using it? Here's what you will learn through this presentation: • Why you need to build a blog to be the base as a communications portal for information • Why Twitter can be the most powerful t your company's tool belt • How you can create a newsletter that g March 9 Luncheon Newsletter/Email Advertising Fees Distribution: 600+biz $25 per monthly newsletter $50 for 3 newsletters (one free) $199 for 12 issues (less than $17 per issue) Newsletter Advertising Information 2011 Pewa ukee Cha mber Boar d of Direc tors opened and shared by your cusstomers and potent customrs • What free videos can do for your business that no o medium can match Location: Spring Creek Church, N35 W22000 Capitol Driv Catered by: Chocolate Factory Time: 11:00 - 1:00 - New Luncheon Format! ONE HOUR NETWORKING, ONE HOUR LUNCHEON AND SPEAKER Register Online for March 9 Luncheon (Back to o Normal - Second Wednesday of each month) to register is Friday, March 4. NEW IMPROVED LUNCHEON FORMAT - WE LISTENED TO YOUR SURVEY FEEDBACK! You told us in the December survey that you would l see more STRUCTURED networking at the luncheons changed the luncheon format to include one hour of networking from 11-12 before the lunch and speake If Feeback from the Feburary 16 luncheon at was very positive and we heard a number of you recieved some great business leads! Russ Roberts, President, WCTC Small Business Center Bill Miller, Vice President, Guardian Insurance/Park Avenue Securities Shannon Schlitz, Treasurer, Hau & Associates Matt Titel, Secretary, Commonwealth Mortgage Group Cathy Zmudzinski, Director, Waukesha State Bank Register for March 15 A.B.L.E. 6 Breakfast Meeting Dr. Mandy Pearce, Director, Pewaukee Family Chiropractic LaVonne Beecher, Director, Safari Specialty Advertising Kathy Oleinik, Director, Neighborhood Welcome 2011 Pewa ukee Cha mber Offic e Hour s Lots of networking opportunities with Six Chambers March 15, 2011 Pro Health Care Center N17 W24100 Riverwood Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. $15 registration online before March 10 WALK INS ARE NOT ALLOWED - PLEASE RSVP BEFORE DE During last month's ABLE 6 meeting there were 24 busine 13 success stories. Add your business to this growing list. Register today online with your Credit Card (MC/Visa/Am Ex/Discover) Deadline to register is March 10 at Noon. Piano Blu, 179 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Hosts Next Biz After 4 on Thursday, March 31 4-7:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day, Thursda y 7:00 3:30 Closed Fridays, Saturda ys and Sundays Kathy Eckhardt, Executive Director Meet our Newest Directors Meet our Newest Board of Directors Contact Kathy 262-6918851 Join Our List Shannon Schlitz Treasurer Hau & Associates, S.C. Shannon Schlitz, our new Treasurer, has a B.S. Economics from UW-Madison and is working towards her M Degree in Acccounting from UW-Milwaukee. Staff Accountant at Hau and Associates, and is an expert a Quickbooks. She has been most helpful in setting up our Chamber Accounts and reconciling our accounts. Shannon lives in Union Grove and loves animals, having re several cats and a dog and owns horses. She has compet successfully in show jumping throughout the Midwest. LaVonne Beecher Director Safari Specialty Advertising LaVonne Beecher founded Safari Specialty Advertising in 2 is affiliated with IPROMOTEU, one of the largest buying gro of promotional products in the U.S. Prior positions include partnership with SaberCor, LLC, sales and customer repres posiions with Sundance Communications, Dunn & Bradstre Chicago. She formerly served as Chapter Presidnt of BNI, of Adult Ministries at RiverGlen Christian Church and found WMAI, (Women Making An Impact). She enjoys sports an watching her kids participate in their activities. Kathy Oleinik Director Neighborhood Welcome Kathy Oleinik has been a resident of Pewaukee since Nove 1982 and raised four children here, all attending Pewaukee Schools. She began working with Welcome Wagon in 1992 when they reformatted she began her own Welcoming Ser June of 2000, now known as Neighborhood Welcome with part time staff members. She has worked as a Chamber Ambassador this past year and now serves as Co-Chair of Membership Committee. WELCOME NEW BOARD DIRECTORS! Meet Our Newest Chamber Memberunches Cerissa Dickerson, Shakl Distributor/Health Wellness Advisor www.dickerson.myshakl email: donae79@hotmai 262-347-7911 Shaklee is the number one natural nutrition compan U.S. I enjoy helping anyone who is interested in rea optimal health by being their reliable source in the a healthy nutrition, healthy home with nontoxic cleane healthy weight and beauty. Cerissa was referred by Stefanie Berner of Pursenal X'Pressions. In appreciation - Stefanie will receive a ad in this month's newsletter and will have a display along side Cerissa's at a future luncheon. Refer a new member and if they join, you too, can re the benefits Stefanie received! Thank you Stefanie! MUNICIPAL UPDATE unches Update from the Village: Taco Bell and Aldis will break ground April 1. Costco is still working with Department of Transportatio obtaining permits for "right of way" before breaking groun Prime Leather Finishes is adding an addition on Hickory Village received $223K Community Development Emerg Assistance Grant to be used for reconstruction of the Pewa Lake Dam. Update from the City: Spring Weight Enforcement on certain city streets as ou in Sectiion 5.05(2) of the Municipal Code may affect some local businesses. The language can be found on the city's under Ordinances. The list of streets that have been ident 2011 can also be found on the city's website at The City Common Council is currently exploring Firewor the Fourth of July. If funding is forthcoming and Village ap food and alcohol permits - then the Chamber is willing to s and coordinate the event. NEW THIS YEAR PEWAUKEE CHAMBER IS PARTNERING WITH LAKE COUNTRY TRAVEL TO TAKE YOU TO SPAIN!hat's My Return on My Investment?" Alcazar, Day 8 of Tour - This Royal Palace in Spain dates b and is the best remaining example of Medieval Spanish A EXPERIENCE SPECTACULAR SPAIN The Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce, Lake Country Trave Globus invite your to enjoy the grace and beauty of Spain. escorted tour is set to depart on September 23rd and retu October 2, 2011. Registration Deadline is May 15. We recognize the following Renewing MembersMembers Celebrate their Anniversaries with us! CAN'T FIND YOUR CHAMBER PLAQUE? LIKE OUR NEW ONE BETTER? For $15 we can get you a new silver/blue one like picture. Email: [email protected] Look how many years renewing members supporting the Chamber through the years. thanking the following members who renewed t memberships since the February newsletter. Sixty Four Years Century 21 - Koepp Realty - WOW - THANK YOU FOR LOYALTY THROUGH THE YEARS! If our records are - Century 21 - Koepp Realty is one of our founding most senior member. Eighteen Years All Safe Mini Stor It Fifteen Years Harris Bank Country Springs Hotel Fourteen Years M Magazine Pro Health Thirteen Years Advanced Design Concepts, Inc. Manor Care Eleven Years Saddlebrook Apartments Pewaukee Public Schools Ten Years TDS Metrocom Seven Years Prime Leather Finishes Pewaukee Dental Six Years J Kane Home Repairs Sign Synergy Five Years Droegkamp Furnace Goff's Auto Body Three Years Mary Kay Cosmetics - Jodi Keene Pewaukee Area Arts Council Dental Works Two Years Hau & Associates Pewaukee Family Chiropractic One Year Neighborhood Welcome - Kathy Oleinik Quad Direct Opportunity to Promote Your Business and Support the Chamber through Advertising in 2011 - 2012 Community Guide As a chamber member your listing is free - Lake Cou Publications will call you in case you would like a lar colored ad. This year's publication will be glossy an larger. Mark Your Calendar for the June 3, 2011 Golf Outing Feb. 4 Awards Dinner was a "Spectacular" Success! The Awards Dinner held on February 4 at the Milwaukee M had the largest attendance in our Award Dinner history. Silent Auction and Raffle raised enough money to pay our the year so we thank all you chamber members who gene donated certificates and items and bid on them as well. We are already planning next year's event to be held again Milwaukee Marriott. So mark your calendars for a great pr Valentine's Day weekend to include a wonderful social afte 9:00 - 11:00 on Friday February 3, 2012! Dr. Mandy Pearce, Pewaukee Family Chiropractic, Ambassador Deborah Bayee, Kirkland Crossings, Business Advocate of Helen S. Ackley, Citizen of the Year Helen S. Ackley, "Citizen of the Year": "What a spectacula Chamber did in planning and executing the Awards Dinner ambience, food, drink and attendees were wonderful." Amy Pugh, Pewaukee Public Schools, Employee Appreciatio Becky's Blissful Bakery, Entrepreneur of the Year Rebecca Scarberry, Becky's Blissful Bakery and "Entrepren the Year" "Thank you for a wonderful night. happen". Minuteman Press - Waukesha "Small Business of the Y AmeriSign & Graphics, Innovative Marketing Award Heather Mangold, Mangold Creative, "What a great event o 4th. Much enjoyed by all." Pat Gallagher, Pewaukee Kiwanis, "The Marriott did a very and I think everyone had a good time. It was well organiz All photos courtesy of Ron Sankey at Contact him at 414-367 view pictures from Awards Dinner or to request a higher re photo. Thank you again Ron for all the wonderful pictures Five O'Clock Club in the News!embers Celebrate Anniversaries For 82 years straight, it's been 5 O'Clock on Pewauk - Four generations behind restaurant... Freeman 1/27/2011 Join a NEW Committee this year! Most committees meet one hour per month. a Committee Join one of our New 2011 Committes. chaired by Kathy Eckhardt, Executive Director. [email protected] Call 262-691-8851. still be involved even if you can't make monthly com meetings. Program Committee: Chaired by Bill Miller. [email protected] Purpose: Plan/organize monthly lunches, breakfast networking events in the evening. Generally meet Thursday mornings after Monthly Luncheons. Membership Committee: Co-Chairs Dr. Mandy Pearc Kathy Oleinik. Email: [email protected] [email protected]. Ambassador Sub-Committee Chaired by Alisha Schul Email: [email protected] Purpose: Recruit New members and retain current members. Generally meet Tuesday noon before Mon Luncheons. Events Committee: Chaired by Cathy Zmudzinski. [email protected] Purpose: Plan/organize two - three major events ea year, including Community Awards, Summer Golf Ou and other events to be determined. Meet as needed All of these committees need additional members to make work. If you are looking for a fun, educational and network building membership benefit while generating revenue nee support chamber operations - then join a committee! Committee Chairs for meeting times. Country Spring's Minute to Win It Played at their Biz After 4 on Thursday, February 24 was a big hit!aE! Bill Miller, Guardian Insurance and Debbie Landers, River Care Center team up to play "Iron Man". package donated by Nelson's Automotive of Pewa WCTC is looking for Board Members aE! Read on if you are interested in serving on WCTC Bo Directors Milwaukee Marriott West aE! Composure Graphics aE! West Wood Health and Fitness Center aE! Pursenal X'Pressions aE! Composure Graphics Volunteers to Create Ads for Chamber Newsletter! at Shakespeare Wealth Management Call Peter Fenelon at 262-369-9600 or email: [email protected] Here's the Ad rates (size of business card and would appear within a block such as this) Or you can subm business card or 100 words or less and your compan logo: 1. Monthly ad is $25/issue 2. Quarterly ad (appearing in 3 newsletters) is $50/one fre 3. Annually at a cost of $199 (less than $17/mo) NEW MEMBERS: Receive their first Ad at No Charge Contact: Kathy Eckhardt, Executive Director at 262-691-8 email: [email protected] Newsletters are sent out the first Wednesday of each mon Ads for April newsletter should be received by March 15. newsletter is sent to over 600 businesses in 13 Pewaukee Business Parks. Enjoy the month of March. This month we'll continue planning the Tri-Chamber Golf Outing, learn more about Social Media improving our business at the March 9 luncheon, enjoy a Biz After 4 at Piano Blu and learn whether the City and Village will once again work with us to sponsor the Annual Pewaukee 4th of July celebration. We'll begin planning the new Community Guide with Lake Country publications. Dance an Irish Jig - Spring is around the corner! Sincerely, Kathleen Mary Rose Murphy Eckhardt (my real Irish name comes out this month!) Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce p.s. Please note new 2011 Chamber Office Hours M-Th 7:00 - 3:30 p.m. Closed F,S,S (weekend). Email: [email protected] Forward email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce | 1285 Sunnyridge Road | Pewaukee | WI | 53072
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