2005 Winter:Spring - Delta Chi Fraternity


2005 Winter:Spring - Delta Chi Fraternity
Delta Chi
Winter/Spring 2005
Tragedy in a Bottle
Tragedy in a Bottle
n the evening of November 17, 2004, Steven Judd, New Mexico State
’06, prepared to go out with some friends, some of whom were Delta
Chi brothers, to celebrate his turning 21 at midnight that night. Steven
had been elected “A” of the Chapter just that month. He was, well, just
read the letter from his father that is reprinted below.
Many traditions, rites, and rituals are an important aspect of fraternal life,
but on November 18, 2004 the New Mexico State Chapter of Delta Chi had
the misfortune of experiencing what can happen when common sense gives
way to tradition, pride and ignorance. One of their traditions, which we have
subsequently learned is fairly common, was to take out their brothers at 12
midnight on the eve of their 21st birthday and try to get them really drunk. On
that fateful night they were very successful. My son, Steven David Judd,
according to his brothers and the El Paso, Texas Coroner’s office, consumed
over 15 mixed drinks in less than two hours. All these drinks were purchased
by his Delta Chi brothers. When the bars closed at 2 AM they took him back
to his room at the fraternity house and put him to bed. They even provided
him with a “barf bucket” next to his bed and proceeded to watch him go
unknowingly from a drunken state of euphoria to a stupor and eventually
sleep. During this “sleeping it off” phase he eventually went into a coma
and by morning had stopped breathing, all of this under the watchful eyes
of his brothers who knew no better. Steven never woke up from his “big
night on the town” and was pronounced dead on November 19 th, barely 24
hours after their celebration. Steven’s birthday, funeral, Thanksgiving,
Christmas and the New Year have now passed and we are still trying to
pick up the pieces and make some sense of how this tragedy could have
occurred and been prevented.
Very few of you had the opportunity and pleasure to know Steven as
an individual, but to those brothers who did, know how blessed you are.
Steven David Judd was born November 18, 1983. Steven leaves behind
his loving father Steve, mother Karen, sister Stephanie and too many
friends and family to count. Steven was born and raised in El Paso, Texas.
During his high school years he received a number of state and local awards
in academics, science and computer programming and graduated with
honors. Steven was a practitioner and teacher of Butokan Karate. Besides being enthralled with learning and computers, Steven loved traveling and camping. He had the fortune to be able to visit all 50 states in the
US and many of the providences and states of Canada and Mexico. At the
time of his death, Steven was a junior Crimson Scholar at New Mexico
State University in Las Cruces majoring in computer science and recently
had been invited to join Gamma Sigma Alpha (the National Greek Academic Honor Society). Steven had recently been elected president of the
NMSU Delta Chi Chapter. Steven also worked at AICS in Las Cruces for
the past three years as a computer programmer developing software which
will be used in science and education to deliver talks and lectures to parts
of the world lacking high speed Internet access. He, like many his age,
had all kinds of dreams and aspirations to fulfill.
Steven has left many family and friends who will be better off for knowing him and will be missed by all. We hope that people will remember Steven
for all his accomplishments in his short life, in addition to the fact that his
Steven Judd, New
Mexico State ’06
untimely death was the result of excess alcohol consumption on his 21st birthday. Life teaches us something if only we will listen. Regretfully, some
people have to learn from their own mistakes. Even more regretfully, some
mistakes are so tragic that both one’s life and potential are lost forever. We
hope that all his brothers who read this will choose the former not the latter.
We hope that the one positive thing that comes out of Steven’s untimely and
unnecessary death will be that others will learn something about their own
infallibility and will make the necessary changes in their lives. We do not
want anyone else to put their friends and family through what our family and
friends will have to endure the rest of our lives.
We pray that Steven’s death will be a learning experience for others.
Even GOOD kids can make stupid mistakes. This lesson has been the
hardest for us to understand. Steven was an intelligent young man who
knew better and somehow still made this tragic error in judgment. He had
worked hard all week on his various computer and physics assignments in
order to have a couple of hours of free time to celebrate his birthday after
midnight. We had talked to him only a few hours before and told him to
use his good judgment and to remember he had both school and work the
next morning. What was going on or not going on in his alcohol induced
mind we will never know. This tragedy might have been prevented had
Steven or his brothers used good judgment and spent a few minutes learning about alcohol poisoning and its symptoms and preventions. His brothers, out of ignorance not malice, virtually did everything wrong according to the experts. He could be your son, daughter, brother, sister, or friend.
Please take a few minutes and sit down with them and read this article
together. We hope it will make a difference. It is the good that all who
know him will remember forever, but if his real legacy is that others lived
because he died, then maybe his loss will not be so wasted.
We would like to challenge all of Steven’s Delta Chi brothers throughout the country to have at least one less drink each month this semester
and to donate the money you would have spent on those drinks to the
Steven David Judd Scholarship at New Mexico State University to help
keep Steven’s memory alive. More importantly, when you pass on that
last drink of the night, remember our son and your brother Steven Judd.
Hopefully, no other Delta Chi chapters will have to endure the guilt and
suffering that the NMSU chapter will have to endure forever.
We are also challenging each of the Delta Chi chapters to take the lead
on their own college campuses to educate their communities with regards
to alcohol abuse and the tragic negative effects. With minimal effort you
can find out all kinds of valuable information on the Internet and make a
difference. Over 1400 college students are killed in alcohol related
accidents each and every year. We are not trying to bring back the
temperance movement, only moderation and common sense. Both of
these often are ignored in “the moment.” – Steve Judd
Disclaimer: These are the thoughts and feelings of Steven’s father and they have been reprinted here at his request.
The Values of Delta Chi
As a former professional law fraternity, Delta Chi has always maintained as part of its core values, the respect for and observance of the law.
When we went “General” in 1923, we broadened that out to “Justice for our fellow man.” Fundamentally, we believe in the betterment of
mankind and, specifically, our members. Besides our policies aimed at curbing inappropriate behavior, we have developed a wide range of
materials to show our members and our chapters what they can and should be doing. Besides the lessons taught in our Ritual and other
ceremonies, in 1988 we adopted the Basic Expectations of a Delta Chi as a guide to assist our members in living up to their obligations not only
as Delta Chis but as members of society at large.
Taken from Delta Chi’s Ten Basic Expectations of a Member:
I will protect the health and safety of all human beings.
I will neither use nor support the use of illegal drugs; I will neither abuse nor support the abuse of alcohol.
I will know and understand the ideals expressed in my fraternity Ritual and will incorporate them into my daily life.
I will challenge all my fraternity members to abide by these fraternity obligations and will confront those who violate them.
2 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
A report released in 2002 by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism titled, “A Call To Action: Changing the Culture of Drinking at U.S. Colleges,” revealed that drinking by college students age 18-24
contributed to an estimated 1,400 student deaths, 500,000 injuries, and 70,000
cases of sexual assault or date rape each year. “The harm that college students
do to themselves and others as a result of excessive drinking exceeds what
many would have expected,” says lead author Ralph W. Hingson, SC.D., Professor of Social Behavioral Sciences and Associate Dean for Research at Boston University’s School of Public Health. “Our data clearly point to the need
for better interventions against high-risk drinking in this population.”
The NIAAA’s National Advisory Council convened a task force consisting of more than 36 college presidents, scientists and students to conduct a comprehensive review of research on college drinking and efforts
to curb it. Its findings appear in the March 2005 issue of the American Journal of Public Health. Among its discoveries is that most students drink moderately or even abstain, with the percent of non-drinkers rising from 15%
to 19% between 1993 and 1999. But it also discovered that there has been a
dramatic increase in the extreme forms of college drinking. There was evidence that something like 20% of college students consume 70% of all the
alcohol consumed by college students. According to the Task Force research, “Drinking rates were highest among incoming freshmen, males,
members of fraternities and sororities, and althletes.”
The study then focused on prevention efforts to see what was and was not
effective. The following were deemed to be effective: combining cognitivebehavior skills with norms clarification; brief motivational interventions, and
altering students’ expectations about the effects of alcohol. Also found to be
effective were enforcement of of minimum drinking age laws, restrictions on
alcohol retail outlet density around campuses, and responsible beverage service policies. Promising steps listed included the reinstatement of Friday classes
and exams, alcohol free living environments, “Safe Ride” programs, regulation of “happy hours,” and consistent enforcement for alcohol policy violations. The Task Force reported interventions that rely entirely on providing
information about problems related to risks from drinking as “Ineffective.”
The alcohol culture that pervades so many of our college campuses
today is at the root of all too many tragedies. The assumption that excessive drinking is the “norm,” coupled with the sense of immortality and
that nothing bad can happen to us when we are young, is a dangerous
and, unfortunately, sometimes lethal mixture. Nationwide, Greeks represent about 8% of the student population and studies have shown that the
majority of our members either drink responsibly or even abstain, but even
good people can, on occasion, make bad choices. Those who do drink irresponsibly on a more regular basis are truly causing us great difficulty, not
only in the reputation for drinking but in terms of the dysfunctional
behavior that their drinking is causing. Vandalism, destruction of chapter property and the pain and suffering visited on the rest of the brotherhood and sisterhood are just some of the consequences of this behavior. It is past time for such behaviors to be confronted. There is an old
saying that the world will never be in danger from those who do evil
but, rather, from the good people who allow them to do it, even if those
who are doing evil or simply making a bad choice are fraternity brothers or close friends and maybe especially if they are.
Risk Management and Fraternity Related
KIRKLIN & COMPANY, LLC http://www.kirklin.com
http://www.deltachi.org Go to “Resources”, “Officer
Reference Materials, “F”
Alcohol Websites
OTHER DRUG STUDIES http://www.siu.edu/
EXPERIENCE http://www.factsontap.org/default.html
THE CENTURY COUNCIL www.centurycouncil.org
Alcohol Assistance Resources
1-800-662-HELP (toll-free) or http://findtreatment.samhsa.gov
oviding your geographical location over the phone or online will give you treatment options in your area.
This helpline and website ear
maintained by The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, a U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services agency.
TheAlcohol Treatment Referral Hotline provides 24-hour help and referrals for people with concerns about alcohol or drug use.
To Find Self-Help and Support Groups
1-212-870-3400 or www.alcoholics-anonymous.org
AlcoholicsAnonymous (AA) is for people who want to stop drinking.
1-800-344-2666 or www.al-anon.org
Al-Anon can help you if you have a friend or elative
with a drinking problem.
1-310-534-1815 or www.adultchildren.org
Adult Childr
en of Alcoholics can help you if you have a parent with a drinking problem.
To Find Information
1-800-487-4890 or www.health.org
The National Clearinghouse forAlcohol and Drug Information provides various information and resources.
1-800-438-6233 or www.madd.org
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) works to prevent drunk driving and underage drinking.
Cover photo: generously
donated by Joe Hart,
Oklahoma State ’06
∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005 3
am enjoying being Delta
Chi’s 49th “AA”. In the six
plus months since I was
elected, I have been on the road
visiting with chapters and
alumni and representing the
organization for official events.
I thoroughly enjoyed being
back in Manhattan, Kansas for
the 10 th anniversary of the
Kansas State Chapter ’s
Chartering. As a young
Director of Expansion, I helped
to start that Chapter in 1992,
and this was my first trip back
there. I also was able to
participate in the initiation of
the Founding Father class at
his 21st birthday, and some
reports said he did around 15
shots. This was just one of
several alcohol-related deaths
that occurred on college
campuses last fall. A number
of them involved members of
the Greek system. When will
college students learn that
they are not indestructible?
When will they learn that their
choices can dramatically
impact their lives and the lives
of others? That realization
simply MUST happen soon. If
our undergraduate members
had to place a phone call to the
grieving parents of a lost
alumnus who thought closing
the chapter was too severe an
outcome for their ONE
transgression. When I told him
the Chapter had THREE
transgressions during the fall
semester, he was surprised.
And he was on their ABT. Delta
Chi had no choice. The drug
raid a week later, after local
authorities had been able to
purchase marijuana in the
house, confirmed our decision.
Delta Chi is my favorite
college fraternity, but it is not
yet the BEST college fraternity.
We are working on it. The
Board of Regents is developing Steve Bossart, “AA”
It’s good (and bad)
to be the “AA”
the Marshall Colony. That was
a real treat for me. In addition,
presenting the chartering
proclamation to the new
Georgia Southern Chapter was
truly an honor. Working with the
other board members and
executive committee members
as well as meeting alumni and
undergraduate members – I am
thrilled every day to be a leader
in this great organization.
I will tell you that it hasn’t
all been rosy. On Saturday,
November 21 st I placed a
telephone call to Steven Judd’s
father in El Paso, Texas. Steven,
the “A”-elect of our New
Mexico State Chapter, died the
day before from alcohol
poisoning. He and a group of
friends went out to celebrate
brother, as our New Mexico
State brothers did, I think the
realization would hit them
sooner rather than later.
In addition, in the span of
just a few weeks in January of
this year, Delta Chi lost
chapters at Eastern Illinois,
Whitewater. These chapters
closed for a variety of reasons,
EACH of which can be traced
back to the choices the
members made. In every case,
Delta Chi did all that it could
do to keep these chapters open.
We relied on the members to
make good choices and to do
what was necessary. But even
good people can make bad
choices. In the case of
Whitewater, I talked to an
Inside the Quarterly
Winter/Spring 2005
Volume 101 Number 4
Tragedy in a Bottle
It’s Good to be the “AA”
Uphold me, O Lord
Campus Scene
DELTA CHI QUARTERLY (USPS 152660) Published quarterly at Iowa City, Iowa
by The Delta Chi Fraternity. Editorial and
Business Office at P.O. Box 1817, 314
Church St., Iowa City, Iowa 52244. Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244
and at additional mailing offices. Printed
by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., Fulton, MO.
One-year subscription $10.
4 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
A Report Card
Keeping in Touch
Farewell & Parting
ADDRESS CHANGES: Send all notices of address changes to Delta Chi
International Headquarters, P.O. Box
1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817.
Phone: (319) 337-4811; FAX: (319) 3375529; e-mail: [email protected] Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69.
Please visit our website at
skills learned, friendships
made, and experiences had.
We need you to be involved
with a local chapter or alumni
group. Don’t assume that
things are fine at your chapter
or at the chapter just down
the road; go see for yourself.
Your involvement just might
help prevent what has been
happening at all too many
chapters like the three
mentioned above. We also
need you to support Delta
Chi with annual gifts, and we
need you to consider this
organization in your future
financial plans. Resources
will help us become the best
college fraternity in North
America. We can’t do it
without our members.
It is good to be the “AA”.
I was once told that the most
important power a leader has
is the power to ask for help. I
am asking for all of our
members to help us become
the best college fraternity in
North America. I am asking
the alumni to get involved in
a local chapter or colony.
Spending time mentoring
and advising young men has
great rewards. To be the best
will take some time, but Delta
Chi will be better off for the
effort. Please contact me at
[email protected] with your
thoughts and suggestions.
action items as a result of a
strategic planning process
undertaken over the past few
years. With the involvement of
leaders from last year ’s
President’s Cup chapters, we
are working toward the
international service project
that will be unveiled at the 2006
Convention. And a committee
made up of board members and
undergraduates is searching for
ways to improve the Convention
experience for all who
participate. We look forward to
sharing results with our
members as we move forward.
I was recently asked about
our image as an organization.
My response was that our
image is our members – both
undergraduate and alumni. If
we are to become the best
college fraternity in North
America, it is going to take a
concerted effort of our
members to get us there.
Undergraduates need to
confront the inappropriate
behavior of their peers. They
need to fight against
mediocrity and strive to be
great. These are choices that Fraternally,
must be made in order to run
their chapters in a manner that
breeds success. Alumni need
to reflect on what this
organization has meant to Steven P. Bossart, “AA”
them in their lives in terms of Kent State ‘90
“Uphold me, O Lord, according to
your promise, and I shall live and
do not confound me in my expectation.” – Suscipe
n August 15, 2004, my lips
uttered the scriptural
verse known as the Suscipe
quoted above. These words were
a clear signal to the Benedictine
monks of my community that I
was professing monastic vows as
they had all done before me, binding me to this particular monastery, its monks, and the Rule of
Benedict that governs our lives.
Following the pronouncement of
these words, I laid down freely on
the floor of the Archabbey Church
of Our Lady of Einsiedeln before
the abbot and the community. I
was covered with the funeral pall.
The pall is the sign of Christian
death. In my case, it was also a
sign of dying that I might rise to
this new life. The placement of the
pall is a stark symbol that caught
many of my family and friends
witnessing the profession off
guard, including a good number
of my fraternity brothers. But it
tells the story, in one way, of what
I think about the importance of
common beliefs among brothers.
This time, the story was told with
my monastic brothers. It was not
unlike the previous time, with my
fraternity brothers in 1995, and in
the initiations after that.
On this day, there were a number of people present at Saint
Meinrad Archabbey where monks
have been gathering for just over
150 years to do the Opus Dei, the
work of God, the prayer of the
Church for the Church and for the
world. I often reply simply to my
friends when they ask me what I do
for a living. I could say, “I am a beekeeper, a retreat master, a spiritual
director, a dishwasher, a breakfast
cook, a snow remover, a philanthropist, a student, a teacher, a chaplain, a choir member, a confrere, a
caretaker, a pastoral counselor.”
Instead, I reply, “I pray for you before you’re out of bed in the morning. That’s my job.”
While a Delta Chi officer at
Northwest Missouri State University, I had the great privilege for a
number of years to give the last
talk at our formal recruitment
function. Sitting before me were
the men we were inviting into our
way of life to become part of the
Bond of Delta Chi. “If you believe
in something, you live it. Then you
learn to love it. Then you can teach
it. Live, love, and teach.” Live, love,
and teach have been penned back
to me from some of my fraternity
brothers. I had no idea that I was
helping them out or that they were
hearing me. These words have
come in the form of a scribbled
thank you note, an email, a phone
call, or a face-to-face visit when I
have heard,
“Do you remember
when you
Chi challenged me to live in a particular
way. I chose to incorporate our ten
basic expectations in my style of
leadership and in living with others who do not always share the
same values and merit as Delta
Chi. I learned to see how voices
can mingle in a way that set our
hearts aglow, bound together in a
particular way as thousands have
done before us in Delta Chi since
October 13, 1890, as even more
have done since the founding of
the Flat Hat Club at the College of
William and Mary in 1750, as
Benedictine monks have done
since around the year 540. Just as I
mingled my voice with my brothers in the Bond, so I mingle my
voice with my brother monks each
day, praising God and commending the world, once again, to His
divine mercy.
As an undergraduate, I loved
what I was doing in Delta Chi and
what Delta Chi gave me the cour-
age to do in my own life, in my
chapter, on campus, and for the
international organization. People
saw me living and loving what I
was doing and often joined me in
my zeal for our way of life. They
trusted enough to join me in the
adventures of the House Corporation, renovating a house, recruiting
new members, re-recruiting old
members, taking responsibility for
finances, and making a name for our
fraternity on campus and in the city.
To teach, one must be a good
student. Delta Chi assists in the
acquisition of a sound education
for those willing to do the work.
For those not willing to do what it
takes to finish the endeavor of a
university education, no amount of
assistance by a fraternity or anyone
else will accomplish the goal for
them. Time and again, I have witnessed how Delta Chi, especially at
Northwest Missouri, has indeed
done its share in forming educated
leaders during their college years.
Once graduated, at their best, these
leaders take
what they
have been
given in
their undergraduate
years and
apply it in
their careers and the organizations to
which they belong as civic leaders.
As a monk I continue to share
in the lives of my fraternity brothers. This relationship, although I
am far away from most of them, is
unique. Our paths continue to
cross as I hear about their joys and
sorrows. Lately, a number of fraternity brothers have called to
share the news
that they are expecting their first
child. They ask
me for prayers. I
congratulate them
and add them to
the list of people
for whom I pray.
Then I hang up
the phone with a
smile and wish I
could have told
him who else is
expecting a first child
“As a monk I continue to
share in the lives of my
fraternity brothers.”
But, as with him, that news was
told to me in confidence. So
that’s not my place.
Living the monastic way of life
challenges me to live my life in a
particular way, making my way
“along the road, my heart expanding with the inexpressible delight
of love” (Prologue, Rule of Saint
Benedict). Some may think it is a
radical way of living life; for me it
is my vocation, my job. To live in
a cloister has its challenges, as any
way of life can. Persevering in a
vocation is more than just doing
the work. It is more than experience upon experience. Living life
fully requires reflection on the experiences of our lives, to reflect on
what seems to be ordinary and
decide how your experience fits
into the world’s experience.
The Kingdom of God is at hand.
We live in the Kingdom of God. Either we choose to believe in this,
what some call God’s providence,
or not. If we choose something
greater than our own experience,
the value of common bonds is ever
more a radical understanding of
experience. The first Christians understood this and lived this. Monks
throughout the centuries have done
this. Brothers in the Bond of Delta
Chi continue to do this in a particular
way. We understand how the events
in our lives provide a connection so
that we can see beyond the distractions that can take the place of what
we are to be doing, of living reflectively
in bonds of faith, hope, and charity.
Editor’s Note: At his chapter,
Michael Vinson held the
positions of “A”,”B”, AMC
and was a Regional
Conference Coordinator.
Above: Brother Anthony lies on the floor
of the Archabbey Church of Our Lady of
Einsiedeln, covered with the funeral pall,
to represent his dying to his old life and
rising to his new, monastic life. Left:
Brother Anthony (Michael) Vinson, OSB,
Northwest Missouri, ’98, and Father
Patrick (Michael) Cooney, OSB, Purdue
’81, are both monks of Saint Meinrad
Archabbey and members of Delta Chi.
∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005 5
Editor’s Note: If a chapter or
colony is not represented here
then no Campus Scene
material was received on its
behalf for this issue.
We won this year ’s Delta
Gamma Anchor Splash, improving on last year’s second place
finish and ousting the previous
six-time champions and placed
second our first time in Kappa Alpha Theta’s ABC Head Start Run.
New for us were the Alpha
Gamma Delta’s Greek Games.
We also defended our championship in the IFC Greek God and
Goddess event. Our lead was established by an amazing dance
number and secured by a
multitalented band. To round out
a near-complete Delta Chi dominance in interfraternal events, we
still have to defend our championship in the Panhellenic
Songfest later this year.
We have also had success with
our 7th annual We Want Your
Pants clothing drive. We collected more clothes than last year,
in large part due to the efforts of
Stephan Cherwoniak and Chris
Sandstra. Proceeds went to the
George Spady Homeless Shelter.
As always, success is driven by
brotherhood, epitomized this
year by our initiation of 14 members. Xi was the largest class
since our Founding Fathers.
Spearheaded by Kris Perlinski,
their own philanthropy event
raised an astounding $1,000 in
only 16 hours! Called Wearing
Breasts for Cancer, the event had
brothers wearing stuffed bras to
support breast cancer research,
bringing media attention to the
issue in campus newspapers in
Canada and the U.S.
Our chapter has been revitalized by a move to a new chapter
house that is almost twice as large
as our previous one. The move
has allowed more brothers and
friends to enjoy the chapter and
has helped in generating interest
for rush. Social events held this
semester included a Kappa Alpha
Theta Halloween exchange, our
second annual Shut Up and Grind
party, and an informal Alpha Psi
exchange held during rush.
We welcomed fifteen initiates,
representing the largest fall class
we have had in a few years. We
have effectively doubled in size
as a result of hard work over the
past year. A few renovation
projects have been completed on
the house, and a few more are in
progress. We also held our first
annual Fall Cocktail on November 6th before the game vs. Mississippi State. This event was
successful in raising funds for
further renovations.
This year we placed in more
events than any other fraternity
on campus, completely dominating in intramurals, Homecoming,
and Greek Week. We grabbed
first place in the Homecoming
float contest by building a twostory steamboat with a paddle
The Alabama living room showing off some of the renovations.
6 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
Augusta brothers at their White Carnation Formal.
and a smokestack that actually
smoked. We also placed first in
the Chi Omega softball tournament with an undefeated record
and again came in first with the
Greek Week flag football title by
case of the slaughter rule. In the
most respected competition on
campus, “Greek Week Lip Sync,”
we placed first in choreography
and second overall.
This year also marks a benchmark in fundraising due in large
part to our fundraising chair J.P.
Carlin’s new campaign. We also
raised money from the annual
alumni golf tournament and a
poker competition run by our associates. As to social events, we
are still having three to four mixers a semester with the sororities.
We’re wrapping up our first
semester in our new on-campus
housing at Adelphi II and continue to make improvements to
our chapter room and common
areas. This fall we initiated 25 of
the 34 men who were offered bids
and our intramural football team
made the playoffs. In November,
we held our first philanthropy
since our reestablishment, “Delta
X-Games, “ which was a phenomenal success. Proceeds benefited the Phoenix Children’s Hospital. We would like to thank our
“BB” Klayton Roark ’03 and Scott
Davis ’94, as well as his staff at
Tessio’s Pizza for their support.
We achieved the 3rd highest
GPA amongst the fraternities and
also received a top All-Sports
award. We have been blessed
with a great new housemother,
Charlotte Danielson, who has already started making positive
changes within our chapter.
We held our annual Lake/
Rush party at the Newell family’s
lake house and we had a huge
turnout for our Halloween costume party. We also started a
new tradition, our Sunday Skeet
Shooting Club.
Our turnout of alumni for
football games has greatly increased this year, especially at
homecoming. Also, we would
like to thank the Newell family
and Mike Carroll for their overwhelming support this semester.
This fall, we celebrated our
first White Carnation since 2000.
It was a great success!
This semester we have 13
members with 10 associates. On
Thanksgiving, we raised over
$1,000 for the Augusta Rescue
Mission. Now that the Chapter is
multiplying, we are looking at bigger and better things in the future.
Early this semester we participated in an annual walk to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. This consisted of setting up at 6 am and
helping the walkers prepare. Our
15th annual semi-formal in
This year we have already downtown Erie was a huge sucparticipated in a blood drive and cess. In early November a small
pumpkin painting with the group of brothers traveled to
project uplift kids.
Youngstown, OH to visit our
“BB” Paul Gruseck and House
Corporation President Chuck
Heid to set up for a RUSH Workshop in the spring. We have never
held such an event and are hoping for the best results. On November 21st we volunteered our
time and energy at the Martin
Luther King, Jr. Center to serve
Thanksgiving dinner to the community. This was a very rewarding experience for the brothers
and the city of Erie. Our help was
very much appreciated.
For fall we were proud to have
27 associates join the Bond. This was
the largest fraternity class on campus! Many wanted to join, due to our
being first in grades last spring.
We held our third semi-formal
in Windsor, Ontario. Many brothers and their dates enjoyed a great
evening at Patrick O’ Ryan’s. Another impressive social event was
our first annual Del-Tiki with
Delta Gamma. Much time and energy was spent to create the Tiki
atmosphere. Our house was
decorated with everything from
palm trees to grass skirts. This
fall we made the rounds of campus as we had events with almost all of the sororities.
We also continued to improve
our house as we purchased
brand new black leather couches
and a new entertainment center
for our living room. Future plans
involve painting our coat of
arms in the dining room, as well
as painting bedrooms.
In November we welcomed
parents and alumni for an open
house and football game. Finally,
we had a major community service event, as many brothers participated in an event called Halloween Funfest. The kids enjoyed the candy and the exciting costumes that we wore.
well as a new sorority on campus,
Delta Delta Delta, which had its
first social function here with us.
Our Executive Board has done
a great job of rebuilding and
strengthening our chapter. Our
relationships with the university
and the community have never
been stronger.
Thanks to our annual
fundraising trip to Cedar Point,
we were able to pay off half of our
debt to Delta Chi. With much help
from two of our alumni, Terry
Taylor and Rich Marshal, we
were able to establish an ABT and
House Corporation. Our 12-man
fall 2004 class is the largest class
any of us can remember.
Thanks to Tom Ketterman and
Paul Neimann for their generous
donations towards our TV room
and chapter room renovations.
The chapter received three
overstuffed black leather couches
and three overstuffed cloth
couches for the TV room. We also
bought a 64" HDTV. Congratulations to our 11 new brothers!
We also held our annual philanthropy by raising money for the
American Cancer Society.
Central Missouri’s chapter room has new look.
members are motivated to meet DENISON
the next semester head on as we
The year’s philanthropy efstrive to become a full chapter.
fort was kick-started by a second
place finish in Delta Gamma’s
Anchor Splash that aided the
We took several weeks to plan Service for Sight division of
prior to the start of school, and Newark, Ohio. The week was
much success came from that.
capped off by an entertaining and
We went to our first playoff excellent effort in the synchroin intramural sports. “B” Joel nized swimming portion of the
DePaoli organized our first ex- event in which the brothers
change with Sigma Alpha Epsi- donned Speedos, top hats, and
lon Pi, with several others in the dresses for a Sex in the City theme.
works. Our ABT has been es- We next focused our efforts on
tablished, and ABT President our annual tutoring project with
Chase Armer, Sacramento ’00, Conrad Elementary School. The
has been working hard to help
project, which serves as part of the
ensure our success.
fall associate member program,
Under the direction of our
AMC, Ross Gunther, and Broth- brings aid to what remains the
erhood Chairs, Ricky Frischer poorest school per capita in Ohio.
Additional events of note inand Matt Smith, we have an Alcluded a fundraising car bash
pha Class of six associates.
With the guidance of our Re- and a scholarship dinner. The
gent and “BB” Eric Woolfitt, Cal First Annual Steak and Hot Dog
Poly ’03, and the dedication of the Scholarship dinner was not only
brothers, we look forward to 2005, a fun night but was an excellent
committed to recruiting quality reminder of our increasing acabrothers and making an enduring demic excellence. The evening
presence at our campus.
was concluded with an intrigu-
This fall we initiated our largest pledge class ever. Along with
our new initiates, we were successful in running a supplemental rush. With our new initiates
and our new associates, our numbers have reached an all-time high.
Our members have also been
very active on campus and in the
community. Brothers helped
both sides of the presidential
campaign in the days before the
election by going door-to-door
and encouraging voter turnout.
Alumni also got involved with
our community service by
This year we started off by partnering with current members
having a black tie affair for our for the occasion.
annual Founders’ Day Ball to
We have begun working and
celebrate the 15th anniversary planning to reach our goal of
of our rechartering. Over 30 chartering within a year. Many
alumni attended as well as of our requirements are in place,
“CC” Tom Horowitz, who pre- and future events will help get
sented us with an award to everything accomplished. We are
currently the Greek sponsor of
honor the occasion.
On April 23, 2005 we will be the American Cancer Society’s
having our annual Alumni Week- Relay for Life annual event. This
end and golf tournament at Black event will go a long way towards
Lake Golf Course. Last year this helping to raise money for canevent saw over 50 participants cer research. We are also
and 100 dinner attendees. We partnered with the American
have been busy socially, holding Cancer Society for our Mudfest
functions with sororities such as philanthropy next semester. The Denison brothers with their Delta Gamma Anchor Splash
Alpha Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, as new executive board and all the Coaches prior to the synchronized swimming competition.
∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005 7
city after a big homecoming guished alumnus and renowned
weekend and the only fraternity neuro-psychologist
to volunteer in running and op- Mapstone back to the house for
erating the most recent blood a reception in his honor. In the
drive held at our university. We presence of his friends, family, a
are currently organizing a Dean of Hobart College and his
women’s self-defense seminar to fraternity brothers, Mark was ofbe held on campus as well. We ficially presented the Distinhave cleared ourselves of all out- guished Alumnus award that he
standing debt and are now on the won at the Convention this year.
right track to progress. There are The Hobart Chapter of Delta Chi
more accomplishments such as is extremely proud of Mark and
these; however, we feel that one the work that he continues to do
of the most impressive is our re- at the University of Rochester’s
cent victory in the intramural Alzheimer’s Disease Center.
flag football season.
We continue to develop and
For the first time in almost encourage active involvement
Frostburg’s championship flag football team shortly after winning three years, Delta Chi was able with all of our alumni. On Oct
to knock out the three-year un- 2nd brothers met in NYC at a
their final game.
defeated champions to capture party hosted by former “BB”
ing talk from former “AA” Paul raised over $1,500 for the Arthri- the championship for ourselves. Brian Bender ’94. Justin Brown
Bohlman, Ohio State ’70, in tis Foundation, the official phi- It was a very tough season, but, ’06 gave an update of the chapin the end, we finished as cham- ter while Michael Fudzinski ’96
which he stressed the importance lanthropy of Greek Week.
The Third Annual Can the
of academics and fraternal skills
and how they can be applied to Van was also a success, thanks to
the help of Justin Maffei. An old
the business world.
We held an alumni cookout van was placed on campus and
during the university’s home- filled with canned goods that we
coming weekend, at which a donated to the Brashear Society
number of alumni enthusiasti- before Thanksgiving.
The First Annual Red/Buff
cally returned to visit with the
current brothers and meet the Football game between the
associate members. We would Duquesne Chapter and the Pittsalso like to thank Dustin Phiff, burgh Colony was a great time.
Denison ’03, and Daniel R. We won the first game and are exDaigneault, father of Evan cited for the rematch. We also
Daigneault, for their donations. welcomed five new men into the
Most importantly, we wish to Bond this fall and are excited for
thank our “BB”, Monte Johnson, Carnival in the spring.
Ohio State ’69, for his excellent
guidance and support.
Our annual “Delta Chi Lip Illinois Homecoming Float Heads Joe Marino and Mike
Sync” competition is the biggest Mahoney with some of the women of Alpha Delta Pi.
We have regained the title of social event held on campus. We
Greek Week Champions by win- were able to raise over a thou- pions, playing our semi-final and and Tim Martin gave an update
ning the Trivia, Greek God, and sand dollars in that one night. In final game back to back.
from the ABT. The event was
Greek Sing competitions. Con- community service, we have conwell-attended by a variety of
gratulations to the new Greek sistently been on the front lines GEORGIA TECH
brothers including: Steve
God, Bob Spisak, and thanks to of Greek involvement. We were
New members, a new house, Johansen and Bob Brunner from
the sisters of Alpha Phi, our part- the only full fraternity to partici- and an incredible homecoming the class of ’64; Mitchel Alegre
ners for Greek Sing. We also pate in the cleanup of our little performance have our morale at ’73; Michael Fudzinski, “BB”,
an all-time high. This fall we and Dave Bozzutto from the
gained 21 associates and initiated class of ’96; and Tim Martin and
eleven brothers. Work on our Frank Fellone from the class of
new house is progressing excep- ’04. Special thanks should be given
tionally well, and there are 27 to Bender for hosting this event.
brothers looking forward to livA scholarship also is being
ing there this spring in its inauformed
in memory of Alberto
gural semester. We have also
’93. Anyone wishing
been blessed with a surge of
alumni involvement and were to contribute to the scholarship
proud to have many of our broth- should contact Matt Robbins ’94
ers return for Homecoming to at [email protected]
hear the half time announcements
that Paul Supawanich would be HUNTSVILLE
Our 17-member class was the
crowned Mr. Georgia Tech and
that our chapter had achieved its largest on campus! We would like
to show great appreciation to
first Homecoming victory.
alumnus Troy Skinner ‘99, for
doing an outstanding job heading
Hobart brothers pose with Mark Mapstone ’89 and his
On the evening of November up both the spring and fall semes19th 2004, we welcomed distin- ter associate member classes.
Distinguished Delta Chi Award.
8 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
We are in the midst of a capital funds campaign to raise
money for a spot scheduled for
construction in 2006 on the new
Greek row. Over fifty alumni and
active Huntsville brothers, including founding fathers
Fernando Arias ’79, John Ormby
’81, and Randy King ‘78, escorted their dates to our 2004
Founders’ Day Banquet.
This semester is the first time
in over eighty years that we have
not had a house in which to live.
As many of you know, our house
is undergoing a full renovation
that will repair the exterior of the
house and renovate the entire interior. Despite not having a
house, our active members have
continued our philanthropy contributions, brotherhood events
and campus presence.
We have participated in numerous philanthropy events including Delta Gamma Anchor
Splash, Alpha Gamma Delta Water Wars, Camp Alpha Chi and a
charity golf outing hosted by
Gamma Phi Beta. We have also
continued our relationship with
the Swann Special School Center.
Some of our activities with the
Swann School include taking the
children bowling, playing sports
and games, and helping with
their weekend church services.
For many of the events, we invited sororities to come and help,
such as Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha
Chi, and Alpha Delta Gamma.
We have also had some great
brotherhood events this season.
Early in the semester we had a
group tubing event at the
Kikapoo River and a camping
trip at a nearby campground.
We hosted a large homecoming gathering in the front yard of
our house for our alumni following the game. On that Friday,
paired with the women of Alpha
Delta, we entered a float in the
Homecoming parade.
This fall we were especially
proud to have John Fakhoury
elected President of IFC, and Charlie
Bollinger was elected Vice President
of Risk Management.
The entire renovation of the
house exterior has been completed, and the interior renovation is just now beginning. Our
active members are very excited
for the completion of our house
next year and appreciative of our
alumni’s continuing support.
We started out this year with
a bang and hosted a beach party
and gathered food to benefit the
Johnstown food bank the first
weekend of school. Once again,
on homecoming we had our annual pig roast with the alumni.
We also are continually improving our financial status and plan to
be out of debt in the coming months.
We are proud to declare that we won
Greek week for the third year in a
row and are determined to make it
a fourth, next semester.
We hosted our annual Christmas Party with the women of
Gamma Phi Beta for the children
of the Lawrence Boys and Girls
Club. By providing gifts to the
children we made a holiday that
might not have been otherwise
possible for them. We are also
making preparations to host our
2nd Annual Kaw River Carnival.
Expectations are high, and we
plan to improve upon the success
of last year’s inaugural event. All
proceeds from the carnival will
be donated to our philanthropy,
The Brook Creek Learning Center.
We also participated in the
Pre-Holiday Intramural Basketball Tournament. Another
Johnstown brothers at their beach party fundraiser for the local
food bank.
achievement being trumpeted
by the Chapter is our 2 nd place
finish in the annual Homecoming Float Parade.
Alumni relations have also
remained strong. Mark Mitchell
’74 spearheaded an effort to hold
a thirty-year reunion for the
members of his class on November 13 th . Also invited were
alumni from the classes of ’72
through ’76. After brunch and
conversing with the undergraduates, they joined us in attending
the KU vs. Texas football game.
Finally as the semester closed,
we held one of our most anticipated brotherhood events, the
“Secret Santa” gift exchange.
Over 60 brothers and their
dates attended the celebration of
our ten-year anniversary at our
Founder ’s Day banquet. We
hosted Sorority Woman of the
Year, an annual philanthropy that
honors Jim Komatz, who passed
away from leukemia during his
last semester. We were honored
to have numerous guests including: Steve Bossart, the current
“AA”, Jason Butler, the Region IV
Regent, “BB” Emeritus Dr. Alan
Brightman, Former Housing
Corps Treasurer Tom Hunter,
House Mom Marsha Collins,
House Cook Joann Breault, Warren Mcleod, Aaron Otto “BB”,
alumnus of the year/ABT Vice
President Justin Knopf, House
Corp. President Mike Dichiser,
and Director of Chapter Services
Matt Killingsworth in attendance.
We also made it to the semi-finals in intramural soccer for the first
time in the chapter’s existence.
We will be celebrating our 15th
Anniversary during our spring
formal. We will be welcoming
members of the International Executive Board to help us make this
a very special occasion.
For the second consecutive
year, one of our brothers has been
elected to the Undergraduate Student Senate. Adam Croweak was
elected Student Relations Senator
and has become an integral part
of a student senate that is mostly
Greek. Croweak has helped to establish Student Legal Services.
Kansas State brothers with “AA” Steve Bossart and Regent Jason Butler at their Founders’ Day Banquet.
The committee heads planned
exciting events over the summer
quarter, and the time to carry them
out finally arrived. Notable
among those events was the
“steak dinner,” which has historically been the most successful of
all rush tools. Additionally, two
∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005 9
Brothers and alumni of the Kettering-B Chapter during retreat
after the football game.
men were initiated as brothers.
Furthermore, several young and
worthy men, who had been spotted as prospective associate members, were handed out bids.
Alpha Sigma Alpha joined us
for a social get together after the
Hay Ride had to be cancelled due
to bad weather. Nevertheless,
they had a great time cooking
marshmallows and making hot
chocolate, along with indoor
games of “Texas Hold’em” and
“Truth and Dare Jenga.”
We won the highest GPA with
an average of 89% this year. Finally, the hard work and sincere
effort that our brothers had collectively put in had borne fruit.
projects regarding study sessions at the house are currently
being discussed.
Our chapter retreat held at
Camp Holaka in Lapeer, MI was
also attended by some of our
alumni. Unfortunately, Mother
Nature wasn’t on our side, and
it rained heavily during the first
night. From then on, card games
and setting up the fireplace were
the two most occupying tasks.
The following day the
brothers set out to explore the
woods and, as expected, were
lost. Finding the way back was
an adventure in itself. The
football game between the
alumni and the brothers was,
as usual, a treat to watch.
Even though our chapter is
small in numbers, we still pack
a very big punch in our school
and our community. In October
we held our annual “Delta Chi
Haunted House,” with proceeds
going to benefit the Sunshine
Kids Mentoring Program. During the haunted house, the fraternity property is turned into a
very scary place through all of
the work that the brothers and
associates do during the month
of October. We also held a softball tournament to benefit St.
Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
Every semester the fraternity
works at the Talladega. The trip
is always a great time with many
great bonding experiences.
We currently hold the championship for Tug-of-War and
Marquette brothers at their annual alumni/active football game.
10 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
won many smaller events held
throughout the year. During
intramurals, Delta Chi Team 2
went to the championship game
after defeating all of the top
teams during the regular season.
Their record was 7-3.
During the past year, several
renovations have been made to
the house. These include a fresh
coat of paint on the inside walls,
a new deck, a new volleyball
court, a new meeting table for
the conference room, and, after
Hurricane Ivan’s wrath, new
doors for the front of the house.
Indian Party is coming up
in April, along with the
Alumni versus Active softball
game held every Saturday during the weekend-long celebration that is full of lots of food
and fun for everyone.
We recently inducted 14 new
members. These new members
helped to kick off our premiere
community service project for
the year involving “The Ruston,
Louisiana Council on Aging.”
An alumnus set up this project
to help teach many local elderly
persons simple computer
knowledge and skills. The program began by acquiring donations of hardware and software
to assemble six computers. Since
then, Delta Chi brothers have
taught two-hour lessons on
email use and general computer
skills each Wednesday evening.
The project has definitely helped
improve the quality of life of some
local senior citizens, and their response has been wonderful.
Through our Delta Chi Dollar Days and with the help of our
Vice Regent Mark Schramka’s
“Cuts for Cancer” program, we
have raised nearly $1,000 for
cancer research this semester.
All proceeds from our philanthropy this semester will be donated to the St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital.
On November 20th we held
our annual alumni/active football game in which the alumni
edged the brothers for the win.
It was an amazing time of brotherhood, as we experienced one
of the best turnouts in years. It
was followed up by an incredibly productive ABT meeting
with the chapter’s new executive
board. This is just one of the
many signs that our alumni are
now taking a more active role in
our development as a chapter.
Several major projects that we
are now working on with our
ABT include a professionally designed
steal rod iron letters for our
chapter house and getting the
ball rolling financially with completing our chapter room.
On behalf of the 35 Founding
Fathers at Marshall University,
we would like to say that it is our
honor to join the “Bond of Delta
Chi”. In just a few short weeks
we gathered an interest group
that grew to be the third largest
fraternity on campus. We have
already carried out community
service projects such as raking
leaves around town and running
a local blood drive. We foresee a
bright and promising future here
at Marshall, and we promise to
do our best to spread the characteristics that make Delta Chi a
successful fraternity.
We are all proud to be brothers of Delta Chi!
We were chartered in 1990,
and throughout our 15-year history the brothers have lived in
five fraternity houses and apartment complexes. Unlike most
chapters, we have faced the adversity and difficulty of running
a chapter without a steady central location. We are currently in
our third year of renting an offcampus fraternity house that is
in a good location but in very
poor condition. Despite the poor
condition of the house and a limited budget, our chapter boasts
many accomplishments.
In February 2004 we hosted
the largest Region IX Conference
in Delta Chi history and won an
outstanding Regional Conference Award. Since then we have
doubled the size of our House
Corporation, increased alumni
involvement and donations by
50%, and paid off a debt of over
$10,000 to Delta Chi a week before the 54th International Convention in Washington, D.C.
This fall, Nicholas Spiwak received the IFC outstanding Executive Board member award.
The outstanding Executive
Board member is one of three
Fraternity awards given at the
Leadership Ball, representing individuals in the University of
Maryland Greek system who
stand out among the rest because
of their excellence in dedication
and leadership.
of our teams made the playo ff s , i n c l u d i n g o u r u n d e feated football team.
Just a reminder: Golf Outing
is coming up in the spring; for
more information send e-mails
[email protected].
Marshall Colony Founding Fathers with Leadership
Consultant Steven Meyer (front, right).
On March 2nd, 2003 Benjamin
Petty passed away from a rare
blood disease his junior year.
The brothers and alumni inducted his father, Philip Petty.
Following his induction, the
brothers, along with Ben’s family and friends, created the nonprofit group called the “Friends
of Ben Foundation.” Last year,
along with the sisters of Zeta Tau
Alpha, we held the first “Bowling for Benji” duckpin bowling
fundraiser for “Friends of Ben.”
We raised over $1,000, and the
money was donated to the
Edmondson –Westview Recreation Council in Baltimore
County in Ben’s honor. By the
end of the spring 2005 semester,
the brothers and the foundation
hope to hold the first annual golf
tournament in Ben’s name. We
are also planning a Greek
dodgeball tournament to raise
money. Money raised from both
events will be donated to Johns
Hopkins Medical Research Center for research on Hemophagocytic Syndrome, the disease that
resulted in Ben’s death.
With our goals set and our
minds focused on improving the
chapter, we expect to grow in
size and spirit. We thank all of
our dedicated alumni and our
“BB” Jose Rodas for their donations and their support.
We are proud to report that
even after winning fourteen
awards at the Delta Chi International Convention, our drive to
improve ourselves and our
house has not slowed down but,
instead, accelerated. Even
though we were overjoyed and
honored by the awards, our
goal is to always improve on
what we have.
Last semester we placed first
out of over 25 fraternities by donating 52 hours of community
service through various activities, but this semester we improved with 106 hours of community service. Our philanthropy, The Delta Chi Broomball
Invitational 2004, was a huge
success as a fundraiser for the
Habitat for Humanity charity,
and we also participated in eight
other philanthropies for charity.
Scholarship continues to be one
of our strongest points, as another one of our members was
honored by being invited to join
the Order of Omega. After placing first in our division in intramural sports last semester, we
are in the midst of another great
season. Our Parents’ Weekend
and Homecoming weekend had
the largest turnout we’ve seen,
and we’d like to thank all who
attended and also all those who
donated. From alumni donations alone we have enough
money to put up a commercial
grade flagpole in remembrance
of our former housemother,
Evelyn. To improve the look of
our house, one of our projects
was to remove the carpet from
the high traffic area of our front
common room. We installed tile,
which really brightens up the
look of our house at the entrance.
With our letters outside and new
spotlights placed on them and
after having our house repainted, we are ready for rush
to begin as we anticipate another great group of quality
gentlemen joining the brotherhood of a lifetime.
Our house has gone through
some major changes in recent
months. The exterior of the
house was given a fresh coat of
paint, and a rock garden is being built on the side of the house.
The interior of the house was not
left out, as every room has been
repainted, and Wiley Moseley
and Lyle Deepe redid the basement floor. We also installed
new lighting and ceiling fans
in the main room. The house
looks great, and we are excited
to show it off to anyone who
wants to stop by.
We have been very busy
lately, participating in everything that comes our way. The
annual Homecoming traditions
of pomping house decorations,
building a signature float and
providing service to the community once again became important to the chapter. We had an
extravagant experience spending time with the other two
chapters that were involved in
our triad. We are in the process
of revamping the MO-KAN philanthropy that existed between
ourselves and the Kansas Chapter not too long ago. The main
idea of the MO-KAN process is
to run the game ball from the visiting stadium to the home stadium, in either Lawrence or Co-
lumbia, and raise money for
each mile that we cover.
The house has seen renovations to the basement to make it
more appealing, and we re-carpeted the entire house thanks to
donations that were collected
from the parents of every member. We also have had some elegant sofas donated to the upstairs lounge by one of the active
members in the house. We look
to continue building on to the
Missouri Chapter of Delta Chi.
Our Associate Class is bringing with it 12 new brothers, doubling our numbers. The Red
Cross Blood Drive, which we
sponsor each semester on campus, has been a continuing success. We once again exceeded
the projected goal of usable
pints with the support of our
fellow students and faculty.
This was our first year participating in the Penguin Plunge
to aid and support the Special
Olympics of Connecticut. The
freezing cold water was not
enough to stop us, nor lessen
the feeling of satisfaction of
helping those less fortunate.
This year was our 23rd Annual White Carnation semi-formal dance, which was held at
The Inn at Villa Bianca. Over 60
brothers, associates and guests
were present to celebrate with us
to make it a night to remember.
This semester we initiated 14
members of our Phi class.
Homecoming with our partners, the ladies of Chi Omega,
was great. We placed fourth
overall, with Jonathan Nichols
We have the largest associate class on campus, led by
VP of Rush Sanel Kostic. All
Maryland brothers, alumni, and friends showing off at the 15th
annual Homecoming Tailgate.
∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005 11
Missouri brothers display their hospitality.
being honored as the second attendant of this year ’s Homecoming court.
Intramurals went well, with
our volleyball team placing second. Also, during its first year in
existence, our dodgeball team
placed second. Both the football
and soccer teams also did well,
with both making the playoffs.
Continuing with our tradition
of community service, community service chair Anthony
Madrid did a great job organizing and coordinating our Road
Cleanups, River Cleanups, and
Halloween fair for an elementary school. The Annual Families and Youth, Inc. dinner was
again a success.
Finally, the Fraternity is saddened by the recent passing of
our brother, Steven Judd.
Steven was our newly elected
“A” and had a great passion for
Delta Chi. He will be dearly
missed and forever loved.
This semester we have not
only seen the addition of five new
brothers to the Bond but also
placed second overall in Homecoming, expanded our social
functions, and incorporated a
huge new philanthropic event
into campus’ Family Day.
Through our new “Community
on the Quad,” we collected do-
nations from local businesses that
were then raffled off for donations during a concert put on by
bands from all over Missouri.
Thanks in part to this event,
CASA, an organization designed
to assist abused and neglected
children, will soon be able to establish itself here in Adair
County. When combining these
accomplishments with the current new house fundraising drive
being pushed by our ABT,
House Corp., and many other
caring alumni, it truly is an exciting time to be a Delta Chi at
Truman State University!
Crew,” and Children’s Miracle
Network Dodgeball tournament,
as well as highway and cemetery
cleanup efforts. Brothers also
helped by setting up for events
such as the inter-cultural campus
Pow-Wow, and Winter Wonderland in the park.
On November 6th we held an
Alumni Tailgating event for the
annual “Fall Classic” at Arrowhead Stadium. Actives and
alumni shared great food and
memories as we cheered on the
Northwest football team. A special thanks goes out to Vince
Evola ’80 and Tim McGinnis ’79
for coordinating the event.
Alumni can find out more
about upcoming events at
We find it particularly important to honor those brothers and
community members who have
served in armed conflict as well
as those currently serving in the
Fall started off with the addition of another strong associate class. When Homecoming
rolled around, our success continued as we paired up with the
ladies of Phi Mu to win “Overall Parade Supremacy.”
The chapter has dominated in
intramurals, taking first place in
cross country, first in softball for
the second year in a row and winning the football championship
for the past three years.
Our outstanding philanthropic efforts earned us the IFC
“Gavel Award” for contributing
over 250 hours of community service in the first three months of
school. These activities included
raking leaves for the elderly, “Cat
Northwest Missouri brothers in front of “The House.”
military. Therefore, the chapter
held a Veteran’s Day dinner at
“The House” for the local V.F.W.
Post 442. Alumni and current
members of the Chapter are active in many different branches
of the military. Scott Griffin, also
known as Corporal Griffin in the
U.S. Marines, is returning to active duty and will depart for the
Middle East in mid-January. Following his departure, Alan
Hargreaves will also leave for his
second tour overseas. We pray for
the safe return home of all Delta
Chi brothers serving abroad.
New Mexico State Brothers pose for a picture during meeting.
12 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
Our first annual Mayhem in
May philanthropy went extremely well. Organized by Philanthropy Chair Richard Sohler,
it was a week-long event in
which fraternities and sororities
competed to raise the greatest
amount of coins, clothes and
food. The climax of the week was
a Monster Ball tournament. Congratulations to FIJI and Alpha Xi
Delta for winning the men’s and
women’s leagues respectively. In
the end, we were able to donate
about 500 lbs. of food, 500 articles
of clothing, and $500 to the local
Linn-Benton County Food Share.
In May we held a spring
Alumni Day, and local alumnus
Jeremiah Bishop put together
an Alumni Ceremony for our
graduating seniors and older
alumni who had not yet been
through the ceremony.
Our alumni reunion event for
Homecoming was also a lot of
Our colony is almost two
years old and having a great time.
So far we have initiated three
classes of AMs, and the fourth is
due for initiation in February.
fun. We were treated to stories from World War II-era
a l u m n i . We a w a rd e d t h e
Alumnus of the Year Award to
John Rogers, while our “BB”,
Brian McFarlane, won the local colony’s E.B. Lemmon Top
Academic Scholar Award for
having the highest GPA in the
past school year.
Many brothers took part in
UW-Oshkosh’s New Voters
Project. The non-partisan group
registered voters and gave them
objective information about candidates. In addition, our “BB”,
Ron Montgomery, who held elective office for 12 years, offered us
non-partisan discussions about all
of the Presidential candidates’
views and plans in order to help
increase student-voter turnout.
Oregon State brothers gather at the house.
We have accomplished so
much this year already. However, our greatest accomplishment so far is our fourth place
ranking in the intramural
sports standings. Our soccer
team led the way to our ranking. We played ten games and
won them all. Our last game
was against Phi Delta Theta
and we won five to one. Our
team ranked first. We hope to
keep the good news coming
and are looking forward to a
great spring semester.
We got an early start on recruitment by helping freshmen move
into their dorms and participating in IFC-sponsored Greek rush
events, in addition to our own
events, such as bowling and an
afternoon barbecue. We are excited to welcome the twelve
members of our third associate
class into the Bond of Delta Chi.
In October, we participated in
the Greek-wide Philanthropy
Week to raise money for breast
cancer research. We took part in
the Family Feud, date auction,
bowling tournament, Penny
In November, we hosted the Wars, and clothing drive in a
second annual Miss Radford Pag- combined effort with our teameant in hopes of raising money to mates, the sisters of Alpha Phi.
support the Cystic Fibrosis Foun- We improved our scholastic
dation in loving memory of a lost standing, rising from seventh to
brother – Jon C. Capps. Cystic fourth. The move continues a
Fibrosis is a fatal disease that trend that saw us go from elevtakes the lives of many people enth to seventh the previous seeach year. It is rare for some- mester. In intramurals, we reone with this disease to make ceived the Greek Intramural
Sports Trophy as the best fraterit past his teens.
Since we started this event, we nity for our combined success in
have raised just under $1,400 in football, soccer, and floor hockey.
We also sent nearly thirty
donations. The ladies of the
to a Boston Celtics game
Greek Community were kind
to end the semester with a great
enough to participate as pageant
brotherhood event. We have
contestants and as a part of the
plans in place for the spring for
audience. Each contestant was
recruitment and to have our first
escorted by a brother.
alumni initiates as a colony.
This year, Mary Berger, Jon’s
mother, was invited to the PagSOUTHEAST MISSOURI
eant and was asked to sit on our
After a successfully planned
panel of judges. She was kind fall rush our Chapter was able to
enough to participate and drove double its size. We initiated ten
520 miles in one afternoon to men in October, and an equal
show her support. Mary was number are ready to become
very proud of us and left in Delta Chis in January. Plans for
high spirits. For those of us spring rush are already in effect,
who never met Jon, this gave us and we have many more men
a glimpse into his life and showing interest due to the hard
brought him that much closer work of the Chapter and its new
to our family here at Radford. members. These men have the
potential to grow the Chapter
and make Delta Chi one of the
strongest chapters on campus.
Homecoming was a total success. With the help of our “BB”,
Jim McCausland, and many others, we were able to have one of
the best alumni turnouts in many
years. There were many new
faces to go along with the ones
we had been used to seeing every year. Everyone had a great
time building the float, watching
the parade, barbecuing in the
park, and attending the formal
Homecoming dance. There
seems to be a newfound energy
within our Chapter. Seeing everyone come together to share
old stories and develop a stronger Brotherhood made this
Homecoming one to remember.
Last fall, the Southwest Missouri State Colony experienced
its largest event to date, our chartering banquet. After being recolonized at SMS two years ago,
the hard work has finally paid
off. With representatives from
Delta Chi in attendance, alumni
from the old and new chapters,
parents and friends all witnessed
the banquet with feelings of joy.
The 50 chartering members that
had helped rebuild Delta Chi at
SMS were even more surprised
as Raymond Galbreth, Executive
Director, presented our “BB”,
Mark Sluss, with the old
chapter’s charter. Notable attendees at the banquet were former
Region IV Regent Hamilton
Henderson, current Region IV
Regent Jason N. Butler, and Di-
rector of Expansion and Colony
Operations J. Reed Davis. Since
our return to SMS, we have won
numerous Striving for Excellence
Awards from the Greek Life Office, as well as placing 1st in Greek
Jam, 2nd in Homecoming, and
taking numerous first place trophies in intramural sports, not to
mention having the 2nd highest
GPA out of all fraternities. Along
with a new charter, the chapter
signed a lease for our first house,
held our annual Powder Puff
Football Philanthropy Tournament that raised over $1,000 for
the local Boys and Girls Club and
offered an alcohol awareness program for the Greek Community.
With a storied past at the university and a fast start to success, the
Southwest Missouri State Chapter keeps its goals big and its list
of accomplishments long.
We were hoping to have as
much success this fall as we had
in 2003, and with the third largest rush on campus of 17 guys,
15 of whom we now proudly call
brothers, we are satisfied with
our accomplishments. We are
now a 53-man strong chapter,
making us the third largest on
campus. Going on our seventh
year at USF, we are becoming a
force to reckon with. We are moving into the spring semester with
new ideas and a greater sense of
the direction in which we would
like to take our chapter.
The fall proved to be an exciting one, as brothers participated
Purdue’s first place soccer team after its final game in the playoffs.
∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005 13
Austin University, an elegant
Founders’ Day date party, a
brotherhood trip to New
Braunfels, Texas to float the
Guadalupe River, Trick or Treating for canned goods on Halloween for Project H.O.P.E. with
Delta Zeta and the establishment
of a new, promising Executive
Board. It has been a great year,
and it just keeps getting better.
Radford brothers with Miss Radford Pageant participants.
in numerous events both on and
off campus. We helped Alpha
Chi Omega raise money for its
philanthropy by participating in
its annual “Mr. Fling” event. In
addition, we finished second in
Phi Sigma Sigma’s philanthropy.
We also volunteered for “Dome
Donation Days,” an event that
helps the Salvation Army collect
food for the needy across central
New York. We are continuing to
establish ourselves on campus, especially with the help of our “BB”,
Tom Decker, and the tireless work
of Eric Jacobsen and Chad Davis,
former “A” and our current Public Relations chair. Davis also became the first Delta Chi at Syracuse to be elected to the executive
board of the IFC as the new Vice
President of Internal Affairs. We
also elected new officers for our
ABT, with Joe DeFazio, Fredonia
’92, becoming the new president.
This semester will no doubt be
equally as busy as we plan to
hold our second annual “Chi
Kicks” Kickball Tournament to
help raise money for underprivileged school children. We will
also be hosting the 2005 Region
VII Leadership Conference here
in the spring and have been busy
preparing for that.
This fall we have contributed
greatly to our community here in
San Marcos. We have volunteered over one hundred fifty
community service hours to Students with Alternative Transportation. This October, we celebrated Founders’ Day with a
great success with alumni support. After dinner we celebrated
with our alumni, dates, and
friends. We are hoping to get
even more involvement for our
future philanthropy events.
This semester has been a great
one for Delta Chi at Texas Tech.
We have over 20 members in
our Beta class this fall and are continually recruiting more.
Intramurals have proven to be a
great tool in recruiting new members. The success of each of our
teams shows that we are an organization to be recognized at Tech.
Homecoming this year proved
to be a great time. With the help
of the ladies of Fashion Board, we
We initiated the first spring
class since 2000, remodeled several rooms in our house, initiated
14 Associates this November and
received cash awards from the
University for school spirit during Homecoming. This year we
joined with Delta Zeta for Homecoming and had a great time.
Their alumnae and our alumni
had a great time at a fun tailgate
party and a gathering at our
house after the game. The lovely
ladies of Delta Zeta have once
again reaffirmed themselves as
our favorites on campus.
Other activities this semester
included a Toga theme party, a
brotherhood trip to Stephen F.
The Southeast Missouri Chapter celebrates Homecoming 2004
with alumni and chapter sweetheart.
dinner at Saltlick in Driftwood.
We have been celebrating our
Founders’ Day at Saltlick for over
four years, and more alumni
show up every year. It was a
built our first float and won second place in the Homecoming parade. After the parade we held a
tailgate party and an after party
for the Fashion Board women.
Chartering Members and alumni of the Southwest Missouri State Chapter gather to show off their old and brand new charters.
14 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
Texas Tech brothers and members of the Beta class at fall pinning.
Our alumni tailgate in October
had an excellent turnout and gave
many of the brothers a chance to
meet and get to know our alumni.
We are all looking forward to the
spring alumni golf tournament.
Our reputation continues to
grow better and better with each
event in which we participate. Our
“Decades” party drew over 400, and
everyone is excited to go to the
White Carnation Formal with the
brothers of New Mexico State.
Piro, we placed in the top five in
two of them and won Alpha Xi
Delta’s “Xi Man” competition.
We also were named co-champions of Homecoming, led by our
Chair, Jeremy McNatt.
Soon it will be time for our annual Philanthropy event, King’s
Crown. Since 2002, King’s
Crown has raised over $100,000
for the Boys and Girls Club.
house. We are in full swing with
renovations and improvements
to our house.
We would like to thank our
alumni for all their assistance this
semester. They helped tremendously with financial support in
making this year a success. Special thanks go to Bruce Gould,
who was fundraising chair, and
also, Danny Scalise, our new
ABT President, for all the advice
and support he has given us. We
also have a new website, which
we welcome all to visit.
We were fortunate this year to
be able to celebrate Founders’
Day with Leadership Consultant
Steven Meyer with a nice dinner.
We were also joined by our new
ABT President; our “BB”, Bill
Arnold; and House Corporation
Chair Joe Richards.
Our intramural football team,
ranked 4th going into the playoffs,
is still alive. We beat our rival,
Sigma Pi, 71-0.
friends, Pi Lambda Phi. It was
the first time in years in which a
fraternity has co-hosted a party
with another fraternity; the turnout was beyond amazing. We
also joined the whole Greek Com- WESTERN MICHIGAN
munity in the 16th annual HallowThis semester we initiated 13
een Watch, in which groups pa- men, helping make us one of the
trolled Richmond’s Fan District largest chapters on campus and
allowing us to reach the pinnacle
and monitored trick-or-treaters.
of 1,000 initiated men in our history.
We have been doing well in inWEST GEORGIA COLONY
We had our best semester to tramural sports so far this year. We
date. We successful competed in did very well in intramural footFlag Football, only to lose in the ball, and we are also expecting to
playoffs. We have also had much do well in both basketball and volsuccess when it comes to socials leyball this upcoming semester.
We have been actively particiand date nights. This semester
pating in philanthropy events
alone we have had three socials
around the community, includand three date nights. We had an ing the St. Jude Children’s Reexcellent visit from Brian Brown, search Hospital. Our chapter’s
who taught us a lot in our quest academic improvement has us on
for our charter.
pace for the Standards of Excellence academic award. We are
looking forward to an exciting
After initiating six men in the spring in which we are hosting
fall, we are alive and well. We the Region VI Conference, our
have been working hard all term 13th annual powder-puff tournato improve upon many aspects of ment, and beginning the celebrathe Fraternity in and out of the tion of fifty years on campus.
The semester started off great
with one of the biggest rush turnouts we have seen in years. Rush
Chairs Ramsay Lanier and
Fernando Gomez worked hard
and eventually pinned seventeen
associate members of the Alpha
Zeta class. On October 17 we
held the second annual
Founders’ Day Banquet, which
interested Founding Father Scott
Bayers to fly in from San Francisco, California just for the event.
He said that reuniting with the
guys who he hasn’t seen in a while
was the best thing to ever happen
to him, and to, “…always keep
brotherhood ahead of anything.”
In intramurals we are once
again the flag football champions,
In spring 2004, we were named after defeating Theta Chi in overIntramural Rebel Cup Champi- time with a “Hail Mary” pass into
ons. Then, during fall recruitment the end zone for the win. It was
we were honored with best over- the classic battle for the rest of the
all rush and outstanding Rush year on the field that night. The
Chairs, Kris Smith and D’Andre brothers also were semi-finalist in
Douglas. Together they helped us indoor soccer, falling short to the
Ethiopian team for a loss. There is
bring in 19 associates.
To keep the winning streak we an alumni vs. brothers soccer
were on going, we also partici- game and flag football game
pated in three philanthropy planned soon for next semester.
We ended the year with a
events. Due to the guidance of
our Philanthropy Chair, John huge party with our Greek Western Michigan celebrates the initiation of the fall 2004 class.
The fall started off on a good
note, with the Chapter’s members
returning to the news of our sixth
consecutive President’s Cup.
Then, due to some changes in University policy, our rush program
had to be completely revamped.
The chapter has been very busy
with public relations ranging from
“Highway Cleanup” to “Rock the
Vote” to even helping a local camp
close up for the winter. The chapter has also been active in
intramurals and is on the way to
a winning season in basketball.
Currently the Chapter is looking
forward to our winter formal,
which is set for Dec. 4.
∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005 15
A Report Card on Basic Expectations
Chapter Accounts Payable
to Delta Chi
Update on Risk Management Probation Chapters
that are still operating.
As of February 24, 2005, 100 of Delta Chi’s 121
operating Chapters and Colonies were current on
their financial obligations with the Fraternity!
Those groups and their support alumni are to be
commended. The remaining 21 groups and their delinquencies are listed below.
For a comparison listing as well as an explanation of the various levels of probation, please see page 17 of
the Fall/Winter ‘04 Quarterly. Out of 121 Chapters/Colonies, only 12 are currently on Risk Management
Probation. Delta Chi commends those groups and individuals who are enjoying the Fraternity experience
without putting it and those involved with it at risk.
Central Michigan*
Gorham State*
Jacksonville State*
James Madison
Long Beach*
New Mexico State
Northern Arizona*
Penn State
West Virginia Tech*
Western Ontario
Appalachian State
Central Missouri
Colorado State
Lake Forest
Michigan State
Northwest Missouri
Release Date
*Currently an additional three (3) chapters/colonies and one of the chapters above are awaiting adjudication
due to additional alleged violations of the Fraternity’s Risk Management Policy.
Housing Fund Loans
Southern California
(as of February 28, 2005)
*Is in violation of payment contract with Delta Chi.
Loans to the following House Corporations are current: Auburn, Behrend, Cornell,
Fullerton, Iowa (2), Iowa State, Kansas State, Missouri, New Mexico State (2),
Northwest Missouri, Oregon State (2), South Florida, and Texas A&M. Delta Chi
appreciates your efforts!
Go to www.deltachi.org and click on
“Conferences” to learn more!
North Coast Harbor Skyline
Cleveland’s breathtaking skyline as viewed from North Coast Harbor
features The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, the Great Lakes
Science Center, the Steamship William G. Mather Maritime Museum, the
U.S.S. Cod and Cleveland Browns Stadium.
16 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
On October 2, 2004, eighteen
area Delta Chi brothers met in
Fayetteville, North Carolina
and formed the Cape Fear Area
Alumni Chapter of the Delta
Chi Fraternity, Inc. As the
brothers met and got to know
one another one thing was
clear, their love for Delta Chi
has never left and is still strong.
Elections were held and all
offices filled: “A” Miles
Washburn, MA ’87, “B” Jitan
Patel, N. Carolina State ’99,
“C” Jonathan Hassler, E. Carolina ’03, “D” Jason Wade, E.
Carolina ’03, “E” Thomas
Alcock, E. Carolina ’99, “F”
John Johnson, Penn State ’61.
Our webmaster is John
Stamey, Clemson ’01. He is
developing a web site for our
chapter. In November we participated in the initiation of new Northeast Ohio petitioning group gathers for Founders’ Day.
brothers into the Coastal Caro- Please contact either Justin Donnelly at [email protected] or
lina Colony in South Carolina.
Steve Bossart at [email protected] for information.
Captain Jay Atwood ’93, is a
military attorney at Camp
Shelby, MS. His Army reserve
unit has been mobilized for
possible deployment.
Doug McLean ’98, is the IFC and
Panhellenic Advisor at Alberta.
Richard Schwabe ’00, married
to Vanessa Seifner on August
23, 2003. (correction)
Jason Gladue ’01, has achieved
CPGA Class A Certification.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Johnny
Anderson ’04, a daughter, Katie
Jean-Marie, on June 23, 2004.
Kevin Lee Dioquino ’93,
married to Kathryn Claire
Richards on October 9, 2004.
Ed Hannah, Sr. ’48 was
named 2004 Senior of the Year
as part of the Young at Heart
Festival in Columbus, OH.
“The object is to give special
attention to those who are
active in their community,
active in their lifestyle and
who set an example for other
seniors to follow,” says Jim
Toms, publisher of the
Suburban News Publications,
which sponsors the festival.
Hannah says, “Volunteering
keeps me young.” Ed is a
Pearl Harbor survivor and a
former field secretary of the
Fraternity from 1948.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Christopher Diak ’94, a son,
Keegan John, on July 14, 2004.
Roy Payne ’52, was honored
by Cornell President Lehman as
a Foremost Benefactor of Cornell
University on October 16, 2004
with a luncheon and a presentation. This expression of Cornell’s
thanks is not a giving club. It is
authorized only by a vote of the
Cornell Board of Trustees.
Cornell President Jeffrey Lehman
(left) with Roy R. Payne, Jr. ’52.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Adam Yoder ’97, a son, Henry
David, on October 19, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Chris
Hildebrandt ’95, a son, Connor
James, on November 27, 2004.
KoeKen C. Ong ’99, married
to Rosa McNamara on
October 9, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Steven Harrington ’01, a
daughter, Kathryn Nicole, on
October 28, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Stewart Ebaugh ’88, a son, Ian
Christian, on September 21, 2004.
Millington Lockwood ’91,
married to Jill Walters on May
29, 2004.
Robert Rogers, II ’91, married
to Victoria B. Zaccagnino on
June 26, 2004.
Chris Loss ’94 recently won the
2004 Radio Megablast Award for
the “Country Label Promotions
Executive” part of the Radio Music
Awards. Chris is the Director of
Regional Promotion/West Coast
for Disney's Lyric Street Records.
He represents Rascal Flatts,
SHeDAISY, Josh Gracin, Brian
McComas and Aaron Tippin.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Jason D’Arcy ’93, a son, Daniel
Gregory, on February 10, 2004.
David S. Chellgren ’99,
married to Kathryn Anne Eyler
on July 17, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Michael Solis ’03, a daughter, Alyssa Morgan, on
November 18, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Julius Miller ’99, a son, Duncan
Keith, on September 29, 2004.
Tim N. Trudell ’00, married
to Laureen Martinez, on
October 9, 2004.
David Hale ‘70, has served as
President and Chief Executive
Officer of CancerVax Corp.
since October 2000 and as a
member of its Board of Directors
since December 2000. CancerVax
is a biotechnology company
focused on the research,
development and commercialization of novel biological
products for the treatment and
control of cancer. Its objective is
to establish a position as a leader
in the development and
marketing of specific active
immunotherapy and other
biological products for the
treatment and control of cancer.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Dustin
Baxter ’95, a son, Samuel Kelvin,
on December 8, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Jake
Arnett ’98, a son, Owen Jacob,
on August 9, 2004
Ryan Gedney ’99, married
to Jennifer Rassette on
November 6, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Matt
Charvat ’99, a son, Mason, on
December 2, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Chuck Harriman ’99, a
daugher, Regan Josephine, on
December 3, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Justin Ricke ’01, a son, Jared
William, on December 10, 2004.
Lucas Bucl ‘03, married to
Lindsay James on November
23, 2004.
Todd Kohman ‘03 ,married to
Leslie Perrin on November 6, 2004.
Daniel Russell ’03, married to
Missy Ruckman on July 17, 2004.
∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005 17
Livingston residents traveling east from the corner of
Highways 11 and 28 towards Highway 80 now have a new
way to appreciate one of their most beloved couples.
On June 7, 2004, the intersection was dedicated the Betty
and Asa Green Highway. The dedication ceremony was held
before a crowd of 50 of the Greens’ closest friends, former and
current UWA faculty and staff members, UWA students and
alumni and other Sumter County residents wishing to pay
their respects to the Greens in the Webb Hall Parlor.
Dr. Green spoke before the crowd, thanking Pierce
Boyd, who set the events in motion, Gov. Bob Riley, Ad
Boyd, Terry Bunn, Louise Nolen, Alex Saad and all who
attended to support the memory of his wife, Betty, who
passed away in November 2003.
Management in Houston, Texas.
The company manages ships
under contract to the U.S. Navy.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Michael Woolbright ’86, twins,
a son, Michael James, and a
daughter, Madeline Kate, on
November 14, 2004. Mike is a
former “CC”, “DD” and Regent.
Michael Bolger ’00,
married to Stacy Eldridge on
November 6, 2004.
Alan Heitz ’93, booked an
episode of the USA television
show, “MONK.” Filming began
October 1, 2004. The episode
aired in January. Heitz has also
been seen on, “Frasier,”
“Grounded for Life,” “Buffy The
Vampire Slayer,” “King of
Queens,” “America’s Most
Wanted,” and will play the role
of a police photographer in the
upcoming film “Lemony
Snickets” starring Jim Carrey.
Dr. Asa Green, his stepson, Steve Ross and Pierce Boyd display
the new sign indicating the Betty and Asa Green Highway.
Richard Wilson ’04, married to
Anne Pinto on September 3, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Mark Kenworthy ’00, a
daughter, Katherine Marie, on
December 7, 2004.
Alex Saad ’72, was elected
President of the Board of
Trustees for the University of
West Alabama.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Joe
Sprague ’97, a son, Jakob
Kimble, on September 1, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
James Butler ’98, a daughter,
Mary Beth, on January 12, 2004.
William Cassidy ’00,
married to Casey McKenzie
on October 23, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Jesse
Reich ’99, a son, William Martin,
on September 24, 2004.
Nathan Draper ’98, married to
Amber Freeman on May 14, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Michael Harris ’98, a daughter,
Aubrey Reanna, on May, 10 2004.
James P. McGregor ’75, is
President and COO of Ocean Ship
18 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
A “Tail”
of Brothers
George Stalk ’73, was recently
featured on the front cover of
Nearly nine years later, Celebrity Fish Talk (Sports Publishing
LLC, April 2005, $19.95) has become a reality with stories from
the likes of Samuel L. Jackson,
Actor Kevin Costner, Ful- Andy Garcia, Jay Leno, Vince Gill,
lerton ’77, and Dave Strege, Tiger Woods, Ted Williams, Gen.
Fullerton ’77, shared more Norman Schwarzkopf, Bobby
than the common bond of Knight and, of course, Costner.
b ro t h e r h o o d a s m e m b e r s
from the Fullerton Chapter.
Little did either know that
they would hook up again 20
years later on a project that
would mix fishing and celebrities and that Costner would be
one of the 100 or so celebrities.
Strege, a sportswriter
turned outdoors writer for the
O r a n g e C o u n t y R e g i s t e r,
came up with an idea about
a book featuring celebrity
fishing stories and ran the
concept past Costner in 1996.
The award-winning actor/
director didn’t hesitate. He
embraced the idea and cast
Costner provides a poetic
Strege among his peers. description of fishing in the
Strege attended celebrity book’s foreword, and in one
functions –- mainly pro-am golf story talks about surviving his
tournaments like the Bob Hope own Perfect Storm when he
Classic and the AT&T at Pebble worked as a commercial fisherBeach — and started collecting man off Northern California one
fishing stories from the stars. summer during his college days.
Fast Company, a magazine of
business gurus that referred to
him as the “World’s Best
Strategist.” George’s newest
book is Hardball: Are You
Playing to Play or Playing to
Win? written with Rob
Lachenaer. He has also written
Competing Against Time: How
Time-Based Competition Is
Reshaping Global Markets.
Jason M. Pociask ’03, married to
Lindsay E. Lamb on June 19, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Robert K. Hubbard, III ’88, a
son, Robert Kellis Hubbard, IV,
on March 7, 2004.
Fishing means a great deal
to Costner, and it’s not just
about catching fish. For
Costner, a day on the water
fishing means getting closer to
nature, closer to God.
”I feel badly for somebody
who says, `I just don’t get what
fishing is about,’” Costner
says. “I guess you’ve had to
grow up with it or something.”
Strege writes narrative
lead-ins to introduce the various chapters. He talks about
Brad Pitt and the making of
A River Runs Through It, a
shark attack, funny game
warden stories, fishing presidents, practical jokes in fishing and the one that got away.
The tremendous support
from his famous fraternity
brother is not lost on Strege.
”Kevin really gave me the
push I needed to pursue this
one-of-a-kind book,” Strege
says. “Kevin obviously took
great pride and detail in making Dances with Wolves. You
might say Celebrity Fish Talk
is my equivalent, though on
a much smaller scale.”
Born to Brother and Mrs. Don
Gratale ’92, twin daughters,
Eve Mae and Alexandrea Faye,
on September 22, 2004.
James Lumpkin ’99,
married to Ashley Bailey on
November 20, 2004.
These men have lived amongst us for a time, and we have been honored to call them
Brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting.
Lewis B. Sherrill ’27, December
17, 2003
Richard F. Parrish ’31, December
7, 2004
Fred Grawe ’40, August 25, 2003
Albert A. Larsen ‘95
Robert C. Loiland ’51, December
11, 2003
Charles Palmer ’69, June 22,
Born to Brother and Mr.
Daniel Kruse ’90, a daughter,
Brooklyn Danielle, on November 14, 2004.
Willard Hartley ’51, May 10, 2004
James Page ’53, November 17, 2004
John W. Thompson ‘54
Clark Allen ’40, January 22, 2004
William H. Boust ’48
Fred Minnick ’01, was
recently promoted to Staff
Sergeant while he continues to
serve in the Army in Iraq.
Allen H. Rechtermann ’74, May
29, 2003
Walter Levi ’48, April 25, 2004
Born to Brother and Mrs. Kyle
Klimek ’00, a son, Kaleb
Joshua, on October 13, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Russell
Berger ’96, a daughter, Kaitlyn
Marie, on September 30, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Damon Perry ’99, a son, Joshua,
on August 31, 2004.
James Allen ’94, married to Kari
Briggs on October 16, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs. James
Prater ’01, a son, Alexander Aaron,
on October 7, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs. David
M. Smith ’95, a son, Cooper
Michael, on December 9, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Thad Greiner ’01, a son, Noah
William, on October 17, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Matthew Vier ’95, a daughter,
Ansley Beth, on Sept. 24, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Sean
Manette ’92, a daughter, Rachel
Anne, on May 30, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Jeffery
McCarthy ’84, a daughter,
Brooklyn, on August 26, 2004.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
James Kagie ’97, a son, Jared
James, on July 23, 2004.
Nils A. Jansen ’42, June 1, 2004
Larry A. Doss ’66, June 17, 2004
Charles W. Babcock ‘35
Lyle O. Amberg ’38, January
9, 2004
Alan M. Ptacek ’82, December
16, 2003
Don Ingram ’88, January 1, 2003
William Colavolpe ’34, October
7, 2003
Walter Schall, Jr. ‘41, May
17, 1998
Earl W. Wolf ’33, April 15, 2003
Dr. G. Frederick Lambert ’40,
May 18, 2004
Rodrigo F. Barroso ’90
Gregory S. Janssen ’77, August
31, 2003
Clanence H. Churchman ’21,
November 15, 2004
Kenneth D. Jordan ’43, January
10, 2003
Ronald B. Ginn, January 6, 2005
Raymond D. Moon
Alberto T. del Rosal ’93
Michael H. Rodriguez ’76,
September 1, 2003
Merlin L. Geddes ’33, January
6, 2003
Ronald E. Larson ’62, December
14, 2004
Dennis C. Helton ’69, December
17, 2003
Tom Gilliam ’41, May 21, 2004
Andrew F. Chaky ‘47,
November 6, 1998
Cleo Schemp ’50, November 8, 2004
Don C. Flowers ’51, August
31, 2004
Dennis King ’59, July 12, 2004
Charles Waite ’59, June 13, 2004
Charles W. Schlotter ’50,
October 26, 2004
Clyde S. Lyle ’29,
September 28, 2004
Ross B. Lehman ’42,
December 12, 2003
Sterling W. Hubbard ’71
John Williams ’59,
May 21, 2004
George T. McCollough ’43,
August 27, 2003
Richard A. Sterner ’52, March
27, 2003
Raymond J. Symons ’52, July
6, 2004
David Mandell ’54, December
26, 2004
William H. Forestelle ’42, June
25, 2003
Merrill Rosenthal ’63, May
19, 2004
Michael C. Hardy ’75, October
21, 2003
James White ’95, January 2004
James Woods ’50, March 2, 2003
Larry E. Cleaver ’76, November
17, 2004
Robert W. Hird ‘34, September
23, 2001
Steven Judd ’06, “A”,
November 19, 2004
Rollie Wright, December 10, 2004
Walter Craw ’43, October 22, 2004
Walter Barrington ‘51, April
11, 2002
Alan D. Sweet ‘80, June 19, 2004
Roy M. Long ’31, June 9, 1994
Theodore A. Armstrong ’40,
January 23, 2003
John A. Stewart ’43, November
21, 2004
J. Delbert Brown ’48, November
11, 2004
James Elder ‘51, January 22, 2003
Gerald S. Walker ’52, April
25, 2003
Frank J. Montalbano ’55,
October 01, 2004
Harry G. Markle ’33,
December 9, 2003
Edwin Trefzger ’55,
April 6, 2004
Philip C. Canup ’53,
September 22, 2004
Lewis Burden ’56, May 6, 2004
Terry Baylis ’83,
October 4, 2004
Our sincerest apologies to:
Curtis Camp, Parsons ’68 who we
incorrectly listed in Farewell &
Parting in the Winter/Spring 2002
∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005 19
Address ____________________________________
City _______________________________________
State _____________________ Zip ____________
E-mail _____________________________________
Send your mailing label with new address to:
The Delta Chi Fraternity, International Headquarters
P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817
Phone: (319) 337-4811 FAX: ( 319) 337-5529
ABRACADABRA-Univ of Calif-Berkeley-2721 Channing
Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
ALABAMA -Univ of Alabama-Tuscaloosa-PO Box 11127,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
ALBERTA -Univ. of Alberta -Box 165 SUB, Univ. of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7
AMERICAN -American Univ. -4400 Mass Ave. NW, Box 18,
Washington, D.C. 20016
APPALACHIAN STATE -Appalachian State Univ. -Box 9084,
Boone, NC 28607
ARIZONA -U. of Ariz.
ARIZONA STATE-Arizona St Univ.-Sun Devil Inv. Ctr, PO
Box 873001, Tempe, AZ 85287
AUBURN -Auburn U. -530 Biggio Dr., Auburn, AL 36830
AUGUSTA -Augusta Col. -2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA
BEHREND -Behrend Col. -3316 Buffalo Rd, Erie, PA 16510
BOWLING GREEN-Bowling Green St. Univ-1217 E Wooster,
Bowling Green, OH 43403
BRYANT -Bryant Col-Box 3289, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield,
RI 02917
CAL POLY -Cal. Polytechnic State Univ. -PO Box 15633,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
CALIFORNIA UNIV.-PA -California Univ. of PA-PO Box 516,
California, PA 15419-0516
CENTRAL MICHIGAN -Central Michigan Univ. - -1007 S.
Main St., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
CENTRAL MISSOURI -Missouri State Univ. -Unit D
Fraternity Complex, Warrensburg, MO 64093
CHICO -California State Univ. - Chico -PO Box 4932, Chico,
CA 95927-4932
CLEMSON -Clemson Univ. -10174 Univ. Station, Clemson,
SC 29632
COLORADO STATE-Colorado St. Univ-321 Myrtle St., Ft.
Collins, CO 80521
CONNECTICUT -Univ. of Conn -Husky Village Bldg. #1A,
Storrs, CT 06269
CORNELL - Cornell Univ. - % Brian Strahine, 536 Willard
Straight Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
DENISON -Denison Univ. -P.O. Box 0594, Granville, OH
DEPAUW -DePauw U. -912 S Locust St., Greencastle,IN 46135
DUQUESNE -Duquesne University -600 Forbes Ave.,Pittsburgh,
PA 15282
EAST CAROLINA - East Carolina Univ-422 Martin Luther
King Dr., Greenville, NC 27858
EASTERN ILLINOIS EMBRY-RIDDLE -Embry-Riddle Aeron. Univ.-538 S Ridgewood
Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32114
FERRIS STATE -Ferris State Univ. -805 Campus Dr.,Rankin
Ctr. Rm 233, Box 155, Big Rapids, MI 49307-2226
FREDONIA -SUNY-Fredonia -SA Office Stu Ctr - SUNY,
Fredonia, NY 14063
FROSTBURG -Frostburg St. Univ-Box 213 LaneCtr., FSU, Frostburg,
MD 21532
FULLERTON -California State Univ.- Fullerton 2100
Associated Rd., Fullerton, CA 92631
GANNON – Gannon U. – 510 Myrtle St., Erie, PA 16501
GEORGIA -Univ. of Georgia -677 S Milledge Ave.,Athens, GA
GEORGIA SOUTHERN-Georgia Southern University-1601
Chandler Rd., Statesboro, GA 30458
GEORGIA TECH -Georgia Institute of Tech-170 Fifth Street
NW, Atlanta, GA 30313-2512
GORHAM STATE -Univ. of Southern Maine -23 Preble St.,
Gorham, ME 04038
HAYWARD -California St. Univ.-Hayward -25036 Carlos Bee
Blvd., Hayward, CA 94542
HOBART -Hobart Col. -574 S Main, Geneva, NY 14456
HUNTSVILLE -Univ. of AL-Huntsville -606 C John Wright
Dr., Huntsville, AL 35805
IDAHO -Univ. of Idaho -PO Box 3076, Moscow, ID 83843
ILLINOIS -Univ. of IL -%Brian Medina, 903 S. First St., Apt.
212, Champaign, IL 61820
IOWA -Univ. of Iowa -309 N Riverside Dr., Iowa City, IA 52246
JACKSONVILLE STATE - Jacksonville State Univ.-PO Box
3062 JSU, Jacksonville, AL 36265
JAMES MADISON-James Madison Univ-MSC 3518, Harrisonburg,
VA 22807
JOHNSTOWN -Univ. of Pittsburgh -Johnstown — Box 0288,
UPJ, Johnstown, PA 15907
KANSAS -Univ. of Kansas -1245 W Campus Rd., Lawrence,
KS 66044
KANSAS STATE -Kansas St. Univ. -508 Sunset, Manhattan,
KS 66502
KENT STATE -Kent St. U. -312 E Main., Kent, OH 44240
KETTERING A-Kettering Univ-1700 W 3rd Ave., Flint,MI 48504
KETTERING B -Kettering Univ. -1700 W. 3rd Ave., Flint, MI
LAKE FOREST -Lake Forest College -555 N Sheridan Rd., Box
D1, Lake Forest, IL 60045
20 ∆X Quarterly Winter/Spring 2005
LIVINGSTON -Univ. of West Alabama -Drawer CC, Livingston,
AL 35470
LONG BEACH -CSU-Long Beach -1067 Grand Ave. #1, Long
Beach, CA 90804
LOUISIANA TECH -LA Tech Univ. -201 Everett St., Ruston,
LA 71270
MANKATO -Minnesota State Univ. -Mankato -1300 Warren
St., Mankato, MN 56001
MARQUETTE -Marquette Univ. 845 N. 16th St., Milwaukee,
WI 53233
MARYLAND -Univ. of Maryland -4603 College Ave, College
Park, MD 20740
MIAMI -Miami U. -131 E Withrow, Oxford, OH 45056
MICHIGAN STATE -Michigan St. Univ. -101 Woodmere
Ave., East Lansing, MI 48823
MINNESOTA -Univ. of Minnesota -1601 University Ave. SE,
Minneapolis, MN 55414
MISSISSIPPI STATE -Mississippi State Univ. -Drawer GK,
Mississippi State, MS 39762
MISSOURI -Univ. of Missouri -111 E Stewart Rd.,Columbia,
MO 65203
MONTCLAIR -Montclair State Univ. -Stu Ctr Box 103 SGA
Off, Upper Montclair, N.J. 07043
MONTEVALLO -Univ. of Montevallo -Drawer AC, Montevallo,
Al 35115
NEW HAVEN -Univ. of New Haven -PO Box 8937, West
Haven, CT 06532
NEW MEXICO STATE-New Mexico St. Univ.-PO Box 3893,
Las Cruces, NM 88003
NORTH CAROLINA STATE -North Carolina St. Univ.
NORTHEAST MISSOURI -Truman State Univ. -904 S First St.,
Kirksville, MO 63501
NORTHERN ARIZONA-Northern Arizona Univ. -318 S
Humphreys, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
NORTHERN COLORADO -Univ. of No. Colorado -1803 10th
Ave., Greeley, CO 80631
NORTHERN ILLINOIS -Northern Illinois Univ. -1114 Blackhawk,
De Kalb, IL 60115
NORTHWEST MISSOURI -Northwest Missouri State Univ.—
219 W Second St., Maryville, MO 64468
NORTHWESTERN-Northwestern Univ-619 Colfax Ave., Evanston,
IL 60201
OSHKOSH -Univ. of WI at Oshkosh -911 Wisconsin St., Oshkosh,
WI 54901
PENN STATE-Penn State Univ. -424 E Fairmount Ave., State
College, PA 16801-5714
PURDUE-Purdue Univ. -501 Russell St., West Lafayette, IN
RADFORD-Radford University- Box 6898 Radford Univ., Radford,
VA 24142
RENO – U. of NV - Reno – 15570 Pinion, Reno, NV 89521
ROWAN -Rowan University -5 Eben St., Glassboro, NJ 08028
RUTGERS-Rutgers University-15 Bartlett St., New Brunswick,
NJ 08901
SOUTH DAKOTA STATE - South Dakota St. Univ. -USU 065
Box 2815, Brookings, SD 57007
SOUTH FLORIDA- South Florida University-CTR 2432, 4202
E Fowler Ave. GKY 4072, Tampa, FL 33620
SOUTHEAST MISSOURI -Southeast Missouri State Univ-330
N Pacific, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA-Univ. of Southern California -920
W 28th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007
SYRACUSE-Syracuse Univ-303 University Pl., 228E Schine
Ctr., Syracuse, NY 13244
TEXAS STATE -Texas State Univ. -PO Box 2500, San Marcos,
TX 78666
STEPHEN F AUSTIN-Stephen F Austin Univ. -Stu. Act. Box
13021 SGA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3021
TARLETON -Tarleton State Univ. -Box T-1557, Tarleton
Station, TX 76402
TEXAS - U. of Texas - 2641 Rio Grande, Austin,TX78705
TEXAS A&M -Texas A&M Univ. -11490 Walnut Rd., College
Station, TX 77845
TRI-STATE – Tri-State U. – 112 S Darling, Angola, IN 46703
TROY STATE -Troy State Univ. -PO Box 820633 TSU, Troy,
AL 36082
UNLV-Univ. Las Vegas-Box 452008, 4505 Maryland Pkwy.,
Las Vegas, NV 89154-2008
VALDOSTA -Valdosta State Col. -PO Box 1142, Valdosta,
GA 31603-1142
VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH -VA Commonwealth Univ3423 Kensington Ave. Apt. 2, Richmond, VA 23221
VIRGINIA TECH -Virginia Polytech. Inst. and St. Univ.
-560 Cinnabar Rd, Christiansburg, VA 20473
WASHINGTON -Univ. of WA -1819 NE 47th St., Seattle,
WA 98105
WASHINGTON STATE -Washington St Univ.- 800 NE
Monroe St., Pullman, WA 99163
WEST CHESTER-West Chester Univ-202 Sykes Union Bldg.,
West Chester, PA 19383
WEST VIRGINIA TECH -West Virginia Inst. of Tech.-621 First
Ave., Montgomery, WV 25136
If undeliverable send notice
on Form 3579 to
The Delta Chi Fraternity
International Headquarters
P.O. Box 1817
Iowa City, IA 52244-1817.
New Address (Please Print) __ Home __ Work
Name ______________________________________
WESTERN CAROLINA -Western Carolina Univ.-PO Box 1215,
Cullowhee, NC 28723
Fraternity Village Dr., Kalamazoo, MI 49006
WHITEWATER -Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater -PO Box 115,
Whitewater, WI 53190
WINDSOR -Univ. of Windsor -408 Indian Rd., Windsor,
ON, Canada N9C 2M4
BINGHAMTON-Binghamton Univ of SUNY-%DanMeyer, BU
Box 6689, PO Box 6006, Binghamton, NY 13902
COASTAL CAROLINA-Coastal Carolina Univ-PO Box 261954,
Conway, SC 29528-6054
COLORADO-Univ. of Colorado-1135 11th St.,Boulder,CO 80302
DAVIS-Univ of California-Davis-PO Box 72432, Davis,CA
HOFSTRA-Hosfstra University-260 Stu. Ctr., 200 Hofstra
University, Hempstead, NY 11549-2000
ILLINOIS STATE-Illinois State Univ.-P.O. Box 323, Normal,
IL 61761
IOWA STATE - Iowa State Univ. - c/o Greek Affairs Office,
B-6 Memorial Union, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA 50014
KENTUCKY-Univ. of Kentucky-PO Box 741, Georgetown,
KY 40324
L.S.U. - Louisiana State Univ. - Office of Greek Affairs, 137
Johnston Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
MARSHALL-Marshall University-Student Act., MSC Ste. 2W38,
One John Marshall Dr., Huntington, WV 25755
MICHIGAN-Univ. of Michigan-1705 Hill St., Ann Arbor,
MI 48104
OHIO STATE -Ohio State Univ. -Ohio Union #314, 1739 N.
High St., Columbus, OH 43210
OKLAHOMA-Univ of Oklahoma-PO Box 2722, Norman,
OK 73070
OKLAHOMA STATE-Oklahoma State Univ., PO Box 722,
Stillwater, OK 74076
OREGON STATE-Oregon State Univ.-203 NW 13th St., Corvallis,
OR 97331
PITTSBURGH-Univ. of Pittsburgh-255 Dithridge St.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
RHODE ISLAND-Univ. of Rhode Island-PO Box 1941, Kingston,
RI 02881
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS-Southern Illinois Univ-502 Freeman
St., Carbondale, IL 62901
SOUTHWEST MISSOURI-Southwest Missouri St-901 S
National, Off. Stu. Act., Springfield, MO 65806
TEXAS TECH-Box 42031-146, Lubbock, TX 79409-2031
WEST GEORGIA-St. Univ of West Georgia-1616 Maple St.,
Carrollton, GA 30117
WESTERN ONTARIO -Univ. of Western Ontario-% Matthew
Balaban, 73 Meridene Crescent West, London, ON N5X 2M2
WILLIAM & MARY-College of William & Mary-%James Goodwin,
CSU 1908, PO Box 8793, Williamsburg, VA 23186
ARIZONA VALLEY-Pres. Russ Gunther, IAST ’89,
[email protected]
BLUEGRASS -Pres. Stephen Meyer, Jr., Louisville ’92,
[email protected]
CAPE FEAR AREA-Pres. Miles Washburn, Mass '87,
[email protected]
CAPITAL AREA-Pres. Michael Magri, John ’84,
[email protected]
CHARLOTTE AREA-Pres. Bobby L. Dewrell, Troy St.’95,
[email protected]
COLUMBUS -Pres. Paul Bohlman, Ohio State ’70,
[email protected]
DALLAS/FORT WORTH-Pres. John Gioffredi, IA St. ’78,
[email protected]
GREAT LAKES-Pres. Barry Aronson, NW AL, 289 Tanager
Ct.,Deerfield, IL 60015
ILLINOIS -Pres. Ray Mathews, IL ’76,
[email protected]
LOS ANGELES -Pres. Michael Woolbright, LB ’86,
[email protected]
SACRAMENTO AREA-Pres. John Shelby, Sac '86,
[email protected]
TAMPA BAY-Michael Shelton, FL ’98,
[email protected]
SOUTH FLORIDA -Pres. Michael Agnello, Mich. St. ’81,
[email protected]
THREE RIVERS-Pres. Tom Horowitz, Mich. St. ’87,
[email protected]
TORONTO-Pres. John Dean OsgH ’66,
[email protected]