PEJABAT PENGARAII HOSPITAL HOSPITAL PULAU PINANG JA.LANRESIDENSI 10990 PUIAU PINANG \z' Tel : RujukanTuan : Kami : Rujukan Tarikh S eperti @s'"s"iurrtr HoSPITALPUI-AU PlNAl{G 012225333 Fax : 04-2281737 l7eb : htp://hpp.moh.gou.my : (J1) dlm. HPP/O9OI JOJulai,2010 Senarai E daran. Melalui: Negeri . Pongarah Kesihatan Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang Tingkat 35-37, KOMTAR, 10990 Pulau Pinang Tuan/Puan; INTER HOSPITAL TRANSFER oF PATIEI,ITS Dengan segala hormatnya perkara di atas adalah dirujuk. "' 2. Dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Jabatan Kecemasan Dan Trauma, Hospital pulau pinang telah mengemukakan bebgrana garispanduan bagi menerima kemasukan kes-kes rujukan pesakit yang tidak kritikal ke hospital ini untuk mengelakkan kesesakan dan beban trgu, yang tinggr di jabatan tgrsebut. Garispanduan yarg dib"rikan adalah berdasarkan kepaAa PekeliJin8 Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Bil.zlz\\9-Girispanduan Rujukan dan perpindahan Pesakit Diantara Hospital-hospital Kementerian Kesiiatan Malaysia 3. Sehubungan dengan itu pihak Tuan/Puan adalah diminta agar dapat mematuhi ar.u:"t te hospital ini dapat dihantar terus ke wad-wad yang berkenaan tanpa melalui Jabatan Kecemasan Dan Trauma; tertakluk kepada persetujuan serta perancangan awal oleh pihak Tuan/puan dengan jabatan yang terlibat. kesemua_ garispanduan yang_dinyatakan supaya pesakit-pesakit yang ., 4. Bersama-sama ini disertakan sesalinan gmrp*a*n yang dimaksudkan bertajuk 'Inter Hqspital Transfer Of Patients 'untuk rujukan dan panduan fuanlpuan. Kerjasama dari semua adalatr amat diharapkan bagi memastikan gmispanduan ini dapat diguriapakai dan dilaksanakan dengan sebaik mungkin. d Sekian, terima kasih. ..BERKIIIDMAT TINTUK IIEGARA" *SATIJ MALAYSIA, RAKYAT DIDAIIULUKAN, PENCAPAIAN DIUTAMAKA}I Saya yang menurut perintah, @w\.\r,- (DR.RAJ4ib*ga"il""BrNRArAARrrFrN) No. pendaftaratr MpM: il'*i?r,'#iifl?1",* 24656 _ h S"Pr* ---"4) il: ll J"l D,{r0ip,,$*gi;ratrrco INTER I{OSPITAL TRANSFER OF PATIENTS BACKGROTIND Hospital Pulau Pinang (HPP) is a tertiary hospital and receives patients for step-up care from the other hospitals in the state as well'as-hospiitals in ur" No.tt"rn Region. The Current practice requires the referring doctor to consult the dbctor in the receiving hospTtal *;;r;; the patient is accepted, such patients are sent to Emer8ency Departmen(EDj in FIpp to u" ,"Ln by the ED doctors first before they are reviewed by the ..l"iri,iti.* of admitted to the respective wards. However, not all patients need to be seen at ED prior to admission and the current practice leads to unnecessary delay in the handover process, to .ong"rtion-i;E il l;..ru."a workload for the ED staff' The ED doctor is meiely. functioning "ddr ,r u?-ua,,ioing officer in cases where the "' "*' patients are stable and only require admisiion and aoel;ilil;;;rl"ri"*]-' Pekeliling Ketu4 Pengarah Kesihatan Btl }l2oog-.Garispanduan Rujukan Dan perpindahan Pesakit Di Antara Hospital-Hospital Kementerian Kesihatan was sent to all hospitals in May 2009 to address issues in inter-hospital transfer of patients (cou"-*"nt Hospitals). Among the issues addressed was the process of patient handover in s.gr.'-' "tuur" 5.3.2 Patient lfandover Excerpts from this clause o Patients that primarily require admission should be directly brought to the receiving ward' The receiving team is responsible for providing advanced notice to that ward and the Admission Room, aboui the patient's .*pEJ"a time o of to arrival. The team accompanying the patient should be piovided with clear instructions us to Lv irrei. rr specific 'v^rs eo ward destination. Patients that require a review by the specialty team should be directed to the ED. The receiving team is responsible for providing prior noii". to the ED about the initial management plan. ' Any patient whose clinical status.deteriorated during transfer and become unstable or require active clinical intervention must be airecte? immediately to the ED by the accompanying team. ' Any transfer to an intensive care bed must-be managed in stict accordance to instructions by the receiving team. The patient should ideally"L"'t.ugtt to the ICU, minimizing patient movements.and delay in transfer.. uTr";;s",y delays which may occur if the patient is kansfe*ed via the ED or Admission noo* i, io be jrevented ; t as possible. The accompanying team shalt not leave the patienruntiithe receiving team has formally taken over care of the patient. en Hpp, ir, ;;;;;; who are sin ar ED ?rst, th, accompanying team witt stay with the-patieilyi z io*, fo, the primary managing team to make a decision, after which time tie *"oiprryirg"tJrm o OTIR PROPOSAL r "* l"orr. DIRECT ADI\fiSSION FOR CASES ALREADY DISCUSSED WITII RECETYING TEAM - GICU/PICU admissions DWA/DpTA/HIDA scans Paed.iatric patients for Stable surgical cases Stable medical cases Elective admissions r Stable fractures Pregnancy-relatedproblems Oncology patients for radiotherapy PATIENTS WHO REQIJIRE REVIEW BY A SPECIALTY TEAM AT EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT BEFORE AD}VtrSSION - Head injury and other Neurosurgical cases Polytrauma Acute Myocardial Infarct Haemodynamically unstable cases when first seen at refering hospital Patients whose general condition deteriorated during transfer PROCEDTIRE FOR DIRECT Apl\dIqSrON OF STABLE PATIENTS TO WARp - The referring team must have discussed the case with the receiving team and agreement reached for transfer. On arrival, the referring team will send the patient to flre designated ward. The ward doctor willwrite an admission form. The referring team will bring the admission form to Admission Room to admit the patient. The referring team will bring the admission forms back to the ward. CONCLUSION The ED hopes that all hospitals referring patients to FIPP will follow the above guidelines for inter-hospital transfer in order to minimize delay in the transfer process of patients from the refening hospital and to avoid congestion in the space-constrained ED and unnecessary workload for the ED staff. ED resources will then be spent on patients truly requiring emergency care. yz(tln DR rEo_4+( H9IP MBBS., M.ircd. (Emp,fgcncy M.diclnal f"trra laUatad/ feccmasan Pakar Klinikal penlUatan Kccernasan Hospital Pulau Pinang