St. Paul Catholic Church and Child Enrichment Center
St. Paul Catholic Church and Child Enrichment Center
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 4, 2015 St. Paul Catholic Church and Child Enrichment Center Markyourcalendars!OurParish50th AnniversarywillbecelebratedinApril12,2016 All are Welcome! Weekday Mass Monday to Friday 7:30am and 12:15pm First Friday Mass 7:30pm Second Saturday Mass Anointing of the Sick 8:30am Saturday - 8:30am (Morning Prayer and Benediction 8:10am) Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil Mass 5:30pm Missa em Português: 7:30pm Sunday Masses 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am, 12:30pm, 5:30pm Misa en Español: 2:00pm Reconciliation/ Confession Saturdays 10:00am and 4:00pm or upon request 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration Every Friday 8:30am To Saturday 8:20am Morning Prayer Monday to Friday 7:10am Saturday 8:10am GuessWho? AswecelebrateRespectLifeSunday,theSt.PaulStaffwantedtoputacollage togetheroftheirbaby/toddlerpictures.Wewanttocelebratethelifeofall childrenofGod!Canyouguesswhoiswho? Findanswersinsidethebulletin. Church Office Address: 12708 N. Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa, FL 33618-2802 813.961.3023 Fax 813.962.8780 Office Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm, M-F Growing Together In Christ Page 2 Thank you God for choosing Pope Francis as our Pope WelcomeFatherBhaskara RaoGangolu(FatherBob’s brother)whowillbe assistingourpriestsduring themonthofOctober. Welcome! TheAnnualDiocesan PriestConvocationwillbe heldOctober5th-8th Pleasekeepallpriestsin theDioceseinyour prayers! Eucharistic Adoration Now Every Wednesday 8am-9pm and Friday 8am8am (Saturday) PrayerIntentionfor Day12/October4th: MaytheKingofthe Universe,whoentered thisworldasahelpless infant,giveusthe humilitytobehealed. My dear friends, As I write this, my mind is looded with images of our Holy Father’s apostolic visit to the United States. I was touched not only by his words, but by his gestures ... the way he reached out Our Pastor, Fr. Bill to the poor, the elderly, the children, the imprisoned, the marginalized ... When I think of his visit, I can’t help but thank God for choosing him to be the bishop of Rome. My hope in prayer is that as I continue to relect upon his words, I will continue to appropriate in my own life his message of love and mercy. Please pray for me as well. Share your favorite quotes from Pope Francis with others If you are interested in reading his remarks, they are all readily available online at I encourage you to share your favorite quotes or most memorable moments with others. In this way, our Holy Father’s visit will be more than just a national distraction, but truly an impetus for us to grow as “one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.” You are invited to Coffee and Donuts every Sunday! One of the comments I overheard was the Holy Father relecting on the beauty of the cathedral in Philadelphia and noting that the task of today’s Church is not to build walls, but to tear them down. To that end, we have begun “Coffee and Donuts” after the morning Masses on Sunday. It seems that we are all too often in a rush to get to Mass on time and then leave early in order to get to our next appointment. The Lord invites us to linger with one another and build “Church.” Plan a few extra minutes in your schedule to stop by after Mass for some coffee or juice and a donut. Let this be part of your Sunday ritual. Get to meet new friends and enjoy quality time with those you love. You will be blessed and so will they! Come and spend a few quite moments with the Lord! We have also increased the time for Eucharistic Adoration. We will now expose the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday following the 7:30 am Mass and conclude with solemn Benediction just prior to 9 pm. These new times are in addition to our normal Friday adoration following the 7:30 am Mass and continuing through to the Saturday 8:30 am Mass. My hope is that we will have so much demand for Eucharistic Adoration that we will continue to expand the hours of Exposition. Come and spend a few quiet moments with the Lord every Wednesday and Friday! You will be glad you did! Thank you for participating in the Parish Directory initiative Finally, I thank all those who have signed up for an appointment to have their photos taken for our Parish Directory. It is free and will not only help us to commemorate the 50th anniversary of our parish but will help us to better serve you by putting a “name to the face!” If you have not yet signed up, please see inside this bulletin for more information. Growing together in Christ! Father Bill Swengros Pastor “ThereforewhatGodhasjoinedtogether,nohumanbeingmustseparate."Mk10:10 Parish Upcoming Events Page 3 Prayer Service for National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness and Recovery Tuesday, October 6th at 7 pm In 1990, the US Congress passed a resolution designating the irst full week in October as Mental IllnessAwarenessWeek(MIAW).Itspurposewasto give recognition to the work accomplished by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and similarorganizationstoeducateandraiseawareness aboutconditionssuchasdepression,bipolardisorder, andschizophrenia. Asaspecialhighlightthisyear,theTuesdayofMIAW (October6th)hasbeendesignatedastheNationalDay of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding. On that day, people of all faiths take part in diverse prayer services across the country, whereourmanyreligioustraditionsaddtheirvoiceto MIAW’s effort to raise awareness and loving support for people whose lives are affected by mental illness. Please join us in the chapel on Tuesday October6that7pmas weaddourvoicestothose prayingaroundtheUSonthisspecialday. Baby Shower Collection Respect Life Weekend October 3-4 TheRespectLifeMinistrywillbecollecting muchneededitemsforGuidingStarTampa/ LifeChoicesWomen'sCarePregnancyCenter WishListItems: GentlyUsedorNewBabyClothing,sizesNB-4T Diapers,sizesNB-5(sizes4-5greatlyneeded!) DiaperWipes Healthy,LowSugarSnacks Ifyouwouldliketodonate,pleasedropyourdonations atthecribdisplayorseeaRespectLifemember. Pope Francis' Encyclical on Ecology -A One-Hour PowerPoint Presentation By Louis M. Savary, Ph.D., S.T.D. Tuesday, October 20th at 1:15 pm in the Family Center Christ Heal Us!! On the second Saturday of every monthduringthe8:30morningMass,wewill offer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. This beautiful Sacrament is for all those who are advanced in age as well as those who suffer from a serious (grave) illness. It is recommended for all those who are scheduled to be admittedtoahospitalforsurgerylaterthismonthtobe anointed. This Sacrament can be received as often as needed.Comeandexperiencethehealingtouchofthe DivinePhysician! Tampa Life Chain Sunday,October4from3pm–4pm South East corner of N. Dale Mabry and Fletcher Ave. Please join us as we stand in prayer across America in a silent declaration of the sanctity of life.Signswillbeavailable. Page 4 St. Paul Child Enrichment Center and Baptisms Infant Baptism ‘IbaptizeyouinthenameoftheFather, andoftheSon,andoftheHolySpirit’ ExcellenceinCatholicpreschooleducationforover30years Martha Aguiar, Director Contact us at 264-3314; [email protected] Our sincere thanks to all the parishioners that visited our St. Paul Child Enrichment Center table this past weekend at the Ministry Fair! Where in the world is Pope Francis? Please join us in welcoming those children presented to receive the Sacrament of Baptism at many of the Masses this Respect Life weekend! We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Baptism Coordinators. They are present at every Baptism setting up, greeting and checking in families with a big smile and a warm heart, assisting the celebrant and tidying up after. With over 300 baptisms a year, it would be difficult to manage without their generous time and unending compassion. Thank you to: Jackie Cosgrove (Head Coordinator), Clara Celaya, Gilberto & Lucy Ospina, Patricia Palacios, Marta Pineda, Mary Beth Prendergast, and Maggie Trower. If you would like information on Infant Baptism or would like to share your time and talents with our young families, please contact Lizette Espel in the Parish Office. (813) 9613023 x3311. Thank you and God bless you! APrayerofThanksandPraise For children who are a gift from you, Loving God, We thank you and we praise you. For the laughter and smiles of your children, We thank you and we praise you. For the sleepless nights and endless washing, For information or questions about the preschool please visit our website or Contact us at 813-264-3314. FollowusinFacebook St.PaulChildEnrichment/Tampa We thank you and we praise you. For the tearful nights and morning hugs, We thank you and we praise you. For all the love your children show us, We thank you and we praise you. “ThereforewhatGodhasjoinedtogether,nohumanbeingmustseparate."Mk10:10 Liturgical Corner Our Parish Family BaptizedintoteLifeoftheRisenChrist Monserrat Camila Gutierrez Martinez, Daniella Padilla, JacobPelaezCastaño,JorgeMichelVisoSeptiem,Matthew JamesDeegan. NewlyRegisteredFamilies—Welcome! Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dajao, Mr. Yair Mera, Ms. Madelyn Rodriguez,Ms.LisaAponte,Mr.andMrs.BrianBarnes,Ms. Donna Conroy, Mr. Danilo Lima, Ms. Amanda Meira, Mr. andMrs.RicardoRimblas,Mr.andMrs.TerrenceTolster. BornintoEternalLife Lorraine Sarine, Alicja Bowen, Salvador Daly. Dr. George Pastor, Frank Suszynski, Shirley Ashabranner, Grace Jacobs, Geraldine Jane Callaghan Daly, Anthony Cappablanca, Rosemary E. Waterhouse, Anita CastroGalis, Sue Murphy, Timothy Glass, Frances Grace, Sandra Thrower,JulioJValdes,CharlesDavidDorr. Special Prayers (2 weeks) If have an immediate familymemberinneedofprayersandwouldliketoadd them to the list, please contact Louise [email protected]. SaintsofGod::ItisoftensaidthatGodwrites straightincrookedlines.Thatiscertainlytrue of Blessed Marie Rose Durocher. Eulalie was born on October 6, 1811 near Montreal, the tenth of eleven children. As a teenager, she wantedtobecomeareligiousbutwasrejected because of her poor health. After her mother died, she served as a housekeeper for her brother who was a priest. She began to help in parish ministry and felt calledtoteachwithyoungwomenwhootherwisewere deprivedofaneducation.Attheageof33,herdreams wererealizedandshestartedherownorder,theSisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary, dedicated to the Christian education of the poor and neglected. Today her order serves in North America, South America, the Carribean, and Africa. Her community sponsors Academy of the Holy Names in Tampa. She diedat the ageof38onOctober6,1849ofnaturalcauses.Shewas beatiied on May 23, 1982 by Pope John Paul II. She is the patron of those who suffer from bodily ills; loss of parents; illness; frail health. Her feast day is this Tuesday. Letuspray: “Lord, you enkindled in the heart of Blessed Marie Rose DurochertheGlameofardentcharityandagreatdesireto collaborate, as teacher, in the mission of the Church. Grant us that same active love, so that, in responding to the needs of the world today, we may lead our brothers and sisters to eternal life. We ask this through our Lord JesusChrist,yourSon,wholivesandreignswithyouand theHolySpirit,oneGod,foreverandever.Amen. Page 5 Pope Francis: : “American Catholics arecommittedtobuildingasocietywhich is truly tolerant and inclusive, to safeguardingtherightsofindividualsand communities, and to rejecting every form of unjust discrimination.Withcountlessotherpeopleofgoodwill, they are likewise concerned that efforts to build a just and wisely ordered society respect their deepest concerns and their right to religious liberty. That freedom remains one of America's most precious possessions. And, as my brothers, the United States Bishops, have reminded us, all are called to be vigilant, precisely as good citizens, to preserve and defend that freedom from everything that would threaten or compromise it” (Pope Francis, Address, 23 September 2015). WordsofWisdom: “Anauthenticfaith-whichisnevercomfortableor completelypersonal-alwaysinvolvesadeepdesireto changetheworld,totransmitvalues,toleavethis earthsomehowbetterthanwefoundit.”–PopeFrancis Our Lady of Aparecida Mass Saturday, October 10th at 7:30 pm All are welcome to this beautiful celebration in honor to Our Blessed Mother Mary! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Please Pray for the Safety of Our Military 2nd LT. Hans C. Arcand, USAF Officer U.S. Navy, Ensign Christopher A. Garcia Sgt. Mathew M Colon, US Army USM Captain Richard Majette Captain Katrina Monti, PA US Army Captain Katrina Monti, PA US Army 2nd Lt. Richard Sison Jr, USAF If you are a parishioner and have an immediate family member serving in the military and would like to add them to the list, please email Louise Romano at [email protected]. Reflections on Scripture Page 6 By Jack Conroy, Ph.D. “Due to copyright restrictions, we cannotprinttheScripturesbeforethe reGlections of Mr. Conroy. The Scripture for today’s liturgy can be foundonToday’sMissal” I. Genesis 2:18-24 The Model for Community. Re5lection: We read part of the second Creation Story from Genesis. Scholars have recognized that the Creation narrative is dependant upon Ancient Near East culture; if we read carefully, the author depicts a God who works much like we do...He tried one solution to the solitude of "the man" and it did not work; so, He tried another, making "woman" (Heb. ish-shah) from "man" (ish). The crucial element, however, is that it is human community that fulills our destiny. Life with animals was not suficient. The Creator knew that being-alone was inhuman; and only another human could remedy that defect. This passage introduces perhaps the central theme of all Scripture: the human "experiment" is communal in character; and its success depends upon the recognition that other humans are not "alien," but are "bone of my bone..." And the model for all community is the dyadbecome-monad of two persons who become one being. II. Hebrews 2:9-11. Another Source of "Community." Re5lection: This short reading packs into it two critical ideas: 1) While Christ (the same pre-existent Logos who was vehicle of Creation) assumed a form of a mere human being ("lower than the angels"), He was perfected as a result of His suffering and death. He became one of us, even to embracing death, and was gloriied therein. He thus became the "High Priest" who continues to offer the Perfect Sacriice. 2) By His assuming our form, by becoming totally and fully human, He became our Brother. The Incarnation becomes that bridge that spans the impossible chasm that separates the Totally Other, the Origin of Being, from the utterly contingent, fragile and minuscule creation. Contemporary science, which recognizes our entire solar system as a barely perceptible pimple in one small galaxy, merely reinforces the character of the centrality of the Incarnation. Despite the almost impossibility of inding our planet on a cosmic scale, God cared/cares for us. among learned Jews at the time. Jesus took a stricter position about divorce than was normal at the time. The emphasis, I suggest, is the critical character of stability within the human community. This does not mean that the human community cannot exist if divorce exists; but divorce introduces stress on the basic unit of society that ought to be avoided. The second story relects another aspect of "community." Children were the most powerless in that society; and to suggest that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to these afirms the inclusiveness that Christ and His Church insist upon. The same issue is being dealt with: "Community." III. Mark 10:2-16. Community Again. Re5lection: We have two stories combined in this reading: The irst is a "controversy" story, but which was most likely the standard form of discussion about Torah that existed Looking Ahead! Pleasemark your calendars for these important upcoming parish events: October 11 - Annual Knights Golf Tournament; October16-Father-DaughterDance; October 17 - Council of Catholic Women Junk in Trunk; October 29 - Open Forum; November 1 - All Saints Day; November 2 - All Souls Day; November 7 - Parish Picnic; November 11 - Veterans’ Day; November 19 - Healing Mass; November 26 - Thanksgiving; November 30-Dec 3 - Parish Mission with Sr. Briege McKenna, OSC and Fr. KevinScallon,CM. Hang Ten to a Tweeners Meeting Enter the impact zone every Thursday from 8:30-11am at St. Paul Family Center More information? Email Tweeners@StPaul “ThereforewhatGodhasjoinedtogether,nohumanbeingmustseparate."Mk10:10 Ministries in Action! Page 7 Ministry Meeting Day & Time Place ESOL/EnglishasaSecondLanguage EveryMonday7pm St.Michael’sBuilding BibleStudy EveryWed.9am&Thurs.7:15pm FamilyCenter,SectionII MDSMatrimonialDialogespañol EveryTuesdayat7pm FamilyCenter BereavementMinistry Tuesday,October13at7:30pm ParishCenterRoomH InBetweenJobsSupportGroup EveryThursdayat8:30am FamilyCenter CatholicCouncilofWomen Sat.Oct.17at7am/JunkintheTrunk St.PaulParkingLot CommunicationsMinistry Wednesday,October6at7pm ParishCenter RCIARiteChristianInitiationAdults EverySundayat9amMass FamilyCenter SOSMinistryMeetingsresume EverysecondWednesdayat7:45pm ParishCenterRoomE OurMotherofMercy EveryTuesdayat1pm Afterthe12:15pmMass LegionofMaryenespañol EveryTuesdayat7:30pm ParishCenter LaFamiliaPadresyMadresOrantes Every2ndand4thTuesday FamilyCenter RosaryinPortuguese FirstWednesdayofthemonth8pm Chapel SpiritualMothersPrayerGroup EveryThursdayat1pm Afterthe12:15pmMass AmordeJesusPrayerGroup EveryThursdayat7:30pm FamilyCenter,SectionIII CursillosdeCristiandad EveryfourthFridayat5:30pm ParishCenter Quinceañeras Thank you for your generous response last weekend to The Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Gulu, Uganda, represented by Sister Irene Onyai. Some people are called to go to serve in other countries to develop the Church and serve its people, but all of us can always offerourprayersandsupporttotheirmissionfromright hereinourparish.MayGodBlessthisMission! Many Latin American cultures embrace the custom of celebrating the passage from childhood to adolescence on the occasion of a young girl’s ifteenth birthday. The Quinceañ era involves a ritual thatinwhichsheexpressesthanksgivingtoGodforthegiftoflife and then asks for a blessing from God for the years ahead. Those who wish to celebrate a Quinceañ era at St. Paul are to make an appointment with Maria Costa at 961.3023; [email protected]. St. Paul Parish 50th Anniversary Family Portrait Session Making your appointment is easy! 1. Stop at the Portrait table after any weekend Mass to ill out a card to set-up your appointment 2. Visit and click on the portrait sign-up link 3. Give us a call at 813-264-3316 to schedule the best time and day for your family. 4. You will receive a free 8 x 10 photo. Addional informaon [email protected]. Page 8 Children's’ Faith Formation Thank you to our St. Paul Faith Formation Catechists and Volunteers. We are rooted in Faith and growing in grace Wearegratefultoourvolunteercatechistswho bringtheFaithFormationministrytolife.We alwayswelcomemoreadultvolunteers.Ifyou wouldliketolearnmoreaboutbecominga CatechistpleasecontacttheParishOf5icetospeak withVickiLombardo(813)961-3023ext.3380 [email protected]. Registrations are still being accepted! Kindergarten through grade 5 and Middle School 6-8 classsessionstakeplaceduringthefollowingtimes: SUNDAY: 10:15-11:30am–GradesKthru5 MeetintheParishCenter. RCIA Adapted for Youth following the Liturgy of the Wordtheyaredismissedfromchurchandmeetinthe FamilyCenteruntil11:30am. MONDAY: 4:15-5:30pm–GradesKthru5 MeetintheParishCenter. 5:30pm–6:00pmPizzawillbeavailableforpurchase in the Family Center. Attendance is optional during thistime. 6:00-7:30pm–Grades6thru8(EDGE) ClassesbeginandmeetintheFamilyCenter TUESDAY: 6:00-7:15pm–GradesKthru5 Meet in the Parish Center. WEDNESDAY: 6:00–7:30pm–Grades6-8(EDGE) ClassesbeginandmeetinFamilyCenter 5:30pm–6:00pmPizzawillbeavailableforpurchase in the Family Center. Attendance is optional during thistime. Spotlight on Faith Formation Lizette Espel’s smile is familiar to manyparishioners.Shejoinedthe St. Paul Church staff ifteen years ago when she was hired as a receptionist for our front desk. Over the years she has used her wonderful gifts and talents in a varietyofways,fromgreetingpeoplewhocomethrough our doors to typing the bulletin. She continues to be a terriic resource for all the members of the Faith FormationTeam. Lizette currently serves our parish as our Baptism Coordinator. She works with parents of our newest parishioners helping them to prepare for their child’s baptismandcoordinatesadedicatedteamofvolunteers who facilitate the preparation classes for new parents. Inaddition,sheistheCoordinatorforthePUP(Parents UninterruptedPrayer)nurseryforchildrenone-to-three years of age. Our PUP nursery is in session on Sunday mornings during the 9:00 am and 10:45 am Masses. If you visit the parish ofice you will ind Lizette helping with the Children’s Faith Formation ministries. Lizette andherhusbandLuisareparentsofthreechildren.For more information about our Baptismal preparation classes and our nursery, please contact Lizette at [email protected](813)961-3023ext.3311. “ThereforewhatGodhasjoinedtogether,nohumanbeingmustseparate."Mk10:10 9 THE4ZERO UPCOMINGEVENTS ________________ MIDDLESCHOOL YOUTHMINISTRY NEXTSESSIONS!! Oct.5th&7th5:30-7:30PM TOPIC:GeneralAdmission Signuptowork thePumpkin Patch!Details listedbelow! PenanceService! Thankyouforallthosethat cameandrepresentedthe FaithFormationin receivingthisSacrament! CONFIRMATIONINFORMATION! Pleasemakesuretosignupthis weekfortheConGirmation Interviews! Oct.10th12PM-2PMor Oct.14th5:30-7:30PM YOUNGADULTMINISTRY ALL:(Sun)Oct.4thRockNight:XLT (7PM-9PM in the Church) The whole family is invited to enjoy this time of Praise, Adoration, and talk on Respect Life! Looking forward to a great night of fellowship as St. Paul Parish! ______________ EDGE:(Mon/Wed)Oct.5th&7thSession:GeneralAdmission (6:30-8:30PM @ Family Center) We invite all Middle Schoolers to join the EDGE Ministry for pizza, social, games, and a discussion that helps you to grow deeper in your faith! Come with friends and experience A General Admission - the Sacraments of Initiation! 5:30-6:00(Social&Pizza-$1/slice;chips&drink$1) 6:00-7:30(SessionandSmallGroups) _________________________ ALL:(Fri)Oct.9thMOVIENIGHT!(6PM-9PM) Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, & Families are welcome to join in on a movie night! We will be watching a movie and making as many connections to our faith! ________________ CONFIRMATION:INTERVIEWS!!! Oct. 10th (12-2PM), Oct. 14th (5:30-7:30PM) Sign up this week for your time for interviews! Please allow 15 minutes per interview! Thank you! ________________ ALL:(OCTOBER)PUMPKINPATCH! THE PATCH IS BACK! Please sign up for hours to serve & promote around your community! THIS IS OUR #1 FUNDRAISER FOR THE YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY!!! NEEDHELP! Wearelookingforthosethatcan helpustogrowinourfaithin: Study,prayer,liturgy,fellowship, andfun!Ifyoufeelcalledto becomemoreinvolved&lead, pleasecontactStephanieMurphy @813.961.3023! SIGNUPFORPUMPKINPATCH! Wearelookingforthosethatcan helpwiththePumpkinPatchduring theweekandweekendsofOctober! Detailsbelow! RESPECTLIFEROSARY! JoinusOct.17thoutsidetheTampa Women’sHealthCentertoprayfor thelivesoftheunbornstartingwith St.Paul’s8:30AMMass! CheckoutthecalendarpostedintheNarthex, parishofAice,website,&Facebookformore upcomingevents! GOALFORTHEWEEK: RSVPw/[email protected]! PUMPKINSAREHERE!!! Nextweekendstartsouramazing PumpkinPatch! OCT.3rd9AM-8PM Spreadthewordandinviteeveryoneto comeandgetyourpumpkins! PUMPKINHOURS Monday-Friday:2PM-8PM Saturday:11AM-8PM Sunday:8:30AM-7PM HIGHSCHOOLYOUTHMINISTRY GOALFORTHEWEEK: Bringjoytothosearoundyousimplyby asmileandseehowitchangestheir day! TEENS&PARENTS!!! SIGNUPTOVOLUNTEERTORAISE MONEYFORYOURSUMMERTRIPS! Reachoutofyourcomfortzoneto lendahelpinghand! REGISTER!!! TimetoregisterofSTEUBENVILE2016 PleasebringaDepositwithRock RegistrationformtoStephanieASAP! THISWEEK’sROCKNIGHT InviteeveryonetoourGirst XLT! Praise&Worship,Adoration,& atalk onRESPECTLIFE! OCTOBER4th7:30PM-9PM NEXTWEEK:Vocation Awareness! Therearesomanydifferent vocations!Discoverwhatthey areandwhatyourcallingmay be!Oct.11th@6:30PM XLT:October4th7:30PM-9PM AllarewelcometocomejoinusintheChurch inpraise! Praise&Worship! ADORATION! TalkonRESPECTLIFE! Invitevisitingfriendsandfamilyaswejoinin onecommunitytogivepraisetoourrisen Christ! PARENTWEEKLYGOAL: You have many callings in life. And onethattendstogounnoticediswhat it truly takes to be a parent! Thank you for the love you have given and the sacriAices youhavemadefor your children! Take time to pause and enjoythejoysofyourchildren! ONETHINGGodissayingtoyouTHISMass: _______________________________________________________ FATHER-DAUGHTERDANCEISCOMING! October 16th, 2015 5:30PM-9PM in the Family Center A night of elegance, dinner, and dancing! $10forFather/FatherAigure $5perDaughter Dress your best & be ready for a wonderfully glowing night! Page 10 Adult Faith Formation Ask It Basket: “At the 9 am Sunday Mass, several groups leave during Mass. What is goingon?”Goodquestion.AtthatMass,we offeraspecialLiturgyoftheWordforChildren age4-6.Inordertobetterreachoutchildren,theyleave for the meeting room where they hear the readings of the Mass and a brief relection at a level they can understand.TheyreturntotheirfamiliesfortheLiturgy of the Eucharist. We would love to start Children’s Liturgy of theWord atother Masses as well. If you are interested, please let me know! The second dismissal occurs after the homily.From the irstcenturiesof our Church,thosewhowerenotyetCatholic,weredismissed beforetheLiturgyoftheEucharist.Today,adults,teens, andchildrenwhowouldliketobecomeCatholicgotothe Family Center where they discuss the readings of day and learn more about our beautiful faith. If you are interestedinbecomingCatholicorhelpingasasponsor or part of the RCIA team, please contact Maria Costa in theParishCenter.(Ifyouhaveaquestion,pleaseemail [email protected].) Living Faith: Today we hear God’s vision for marriage ... a sacred covenant, an indissoluble bond, a sacrament of God’s loveforus.OurparishisblestwithCouplesforChristand Matrimonial Dialogues which assist couples in building healthy marriages. Dr. Pat has graciously offered her servicesforthosewhoarestrugglingintheirrelationships. Wealsohaveamarveloussupportgroupforthosewhohave been divorced. The diocese also offers a number of programs such as Marriage Encounter and Retrovaille to help build strong marriages. But the question for you to discusstodayis...whatdoyoubelievemarriageis?Andif youaremarried,howcanyouformanevenstronger,more life-giving,morelovingrelationship? Did you know? At present, 56% of all Americans favorand38%opposethedeathpenalty(achangefrom 62/31percentin2011).Amongthosewhoself-identify as Catholics, 53 percent favor and 42 percent are opposed to the death penalty (a change from 39/36 percentin2011).Letusprayforarenewedrespectfor allhumanlifefromconceptiontonaturaldeath! NoteWell!Ifyou,amemberofyourfamilyora friend are ill and unable to attend weekly Mass, please inform us by calling Fr. Bob at the parish ofice.NoCatholicshouldbedeprivedoftheopportunity forfrequentreceptionofCommunion.Also,ifyouhave an upcoming surgery, receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick before admission. Due to HIPPA laws,itisimperativethatyouletthehospitalknowthat youwouldlikeavisitfromaCatholicpriestandbesure tocalltheparishofice.Thankyouandknowyouarein ourprayers! Eucharistic Miracles: In 1369, thieves broke into the church of St. Catherine in Brusselsandstoleaciboriumcontaining 16 hosts. These were desecrated by nonbelievers by stabbing them with knives. Immediately blood lowed from the stab wounds. The men, full of fear, gave them to a young woman who gave them to a local priest. During the ProtestantandFrenchreformations,manyofthehosts were destroyed. The three remaining hosts were enshrinedthembehindcrystalinthecenterofagolden crossandwereplacedinthecustodyoftheCathedralof St.Michael. Thoughtfortheday:“Whenyouapproachthe tabernaclerememberthathehasbeenwaitingforyou fortwentycenturies.” -St.JosemariaEscriva We thank God for our Holy Father and for his successful pilgrimage to the United StatesofAmerica.Mayhisvisitbear abundant fruit in our country. Once again, we thank everyone who made our Ministry Fair sucharesoundingsuccess!Itwasagreattoexperience theenergyandsynergyasourparishcontinuestogrow in the Lord! Over 700 people volunteered to become more involved! If you haven’t yet joined a ministry, pleasedo!CopiesofourParishResourceDirectoryare available in the narthex. Last but not least, we thank thosewhosharedbulletinsfromtheirtravels:Colorado, NewMexico,Pennsylvania,Nevada,andFlorida.Godis good! Please Note: If you signed up for a ministry at the Ministry Fair and have NOT yet heard from the ministry, please let us know so that we can “close the loop.” Contact Nancy at the parish ofice. We are so gratefulforyourinterestinservingtheLordandwant tohelp! On a Lighter Note: Therewasaverygraciouslady who was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in another part of the country. "Is there anything breakable in here?" asked the postal clerk. "Only the TenCommandments,"answeredthelady. CatholicLifeBibleStudy: GENESIS Beginatthebeginning… WednesdayMornings9amto11am ThursdayEvenings7:15pmto9pm St.PaulCatholicChurchFamilyCenterSectionII . DistinguishthemanywaysGodshowedhisloveandcareforNoahinGenesis7. Faith Online: If you have not had a chance to look at our ParishResourcesDirectory,weencourageyoutopickoneup at the Parish Ofice or download your electronic copy at www.StPaulChurch.comundertheAboutUstab. “ThereforewhatGodhasjoinedtogether,nohumanbeingmustseparate."Mk10:10 Stewardship a Way of Life CouncilofCatholicWomen Page 11 Foralwaysansweringthecalltoserve.Everybody enjoyedyourspecialtouchattheSpanishRetreat lastSaturday.Wanttojointhisincrediblegroup ofSt.PaulParishladies?CallLauraat369-0151 [email protected] formoreinformation. SOSHumanTrafAickingMinistry ForhostingourirstCoffee&Donuts.Ifyouwantmore informationaboutthisimportantministry,callCathyand Daveat961-1365or [email protected] Learntospeak conversational Englishlanguageina friendlysurrounding. Thepeoplenexttoyou... ...aremorethananydescription, ...aremorethananyexplanation, ...aremore,much,muchmore. The People Next to You "Lookaroundyou... Whoarethepeoplesittingnexttoyou? Thepeoplenexttoyou... arethegreatestmiraclesyouwillever meetatthismoment-andthegreatest mysteries. Thepeoplenexttoyou... haveaninexhaustiblereservoirof possibilitieswhichhavebeenonly partiallytouched. Thepeoplenexttoyou... areauniqueuniverseofexperience seethingwithnecessityandpossibility, dreadanddesire,smilesandfrowns, laughterandtears,fearsandhopes-all strugglingtoindexpression. Thepeoplenexttoyou... ...aresurgingtobecomesomething ...toarriveatsomedestination, ...tohaveastoryandasong, ...tobeknownandtoknow. Thepeoplenexttoyou... …believeinsomething, …standforsomething, …countforsomething, …laborforsomething, …waitforsomething, …runfromsomething, …runtowardsomething. Thepeoplenexttoyou... aresearching... ...formeaning, ...forinnerpeace, ...forself-esteem. ...forsomethingtheyalreadyhave ...theyjusthavetorealizethat. Thepeoplenexttoyou... haveproblemsandfears, ...justlikeyou, ...areoftenundecided, …butareendowedwithgreat toughnessinthefaceofadversity andareabletosurvivethemost Achallengetousall…“Areligionthatgivesnothing,costsnothing, andsuffersnothing,isworthnothing.“MartinLuther unbelievabledificultiesandchallenges. Thepeoplenexttoyou... ...arecombinationsofpeople metduringalloftheirlifetimes. Thepeoplenexttoyou... …havesomethingtheycando betterthananyoneelseintheworld, ...havestrengthstheydonot evenrecognize, ...needtotalktoyouabout thoseabilities, ...needyoutolisten, ...butdotheydarespeakthemtoyou? Thepeoplenexttoyou... ...needafriend, ...wanttobeafriend, ...cancomfortyou, ...careforyou, ...understandyou, ...andloveyou. ...Isn'tthatwhatyouwant? ...It'swhattheywant. Thepeoplenexttoyou... arespecialhuman beings ...andsoareyou! Youwillwanttoget toknowthesepeople. Goal: Pledged: #ofPledges: Thankyouforyourparticipation. Every Monday 7:00 pm St. Michael Building (Bldg. 5) $397,644 $369,625 775 Thankyouforyourgenerosity! Goal: Pledged: # of Pledges: $1,450,339 $543,208 454 InformationandenvelopesareintheNarthex. Don’tforgettosignupforOnline giving!It’ssimpleandconvenient. Justgoto: formoreinformationonhowtosignup. Weekly Offertory Sunday, September 20, 2015 Offertory: $ 26,510.33 Online Giving $ 13,897 The Little Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Gulu $ 14,261.57 Attendance: 3,358 Envelopes: 781 Thank you for your Generosity! Page 12 Week at a Glance Monday, October 5 Daily Mass 7:30 am, 12:15 pm St. Vincent De Paul Pantry 9 am-12 pm Faith Formation Sessions EDGE 6 pm (5:30 pm Pizza) ESL 7pm Tuesday, October 6 Daily Mass 7:30 am Daily Mass 12:15 pm Mary Mother of Mercy 1pm Faith Formation Sessions 6 pm Children’s Choir 5 pm MDS en Español 7 pm National Day of Prayer for Mental Health Prayer Service 7 pm Wednesday, Oct. 7 Daily Mass 7:30 am ADORATION 8 am-9 pm begins Bible Study 9 am Daily Mass 12:15 pm EDGE 6 pm (5:30 pm Pizza) AA 8:30 pm Thursday, October 8 Daily Mass 7:30 am In Between Jobs 8:30 am St. Vincent De Paul Pantry 9 am-12 pm Daily Mass 12:15 pm Spiritual Mothers Prayer Group 1 pm Citizenship Classes 5:30 pm Bible Study 7:15pm Amor de Jesus Prayer Grp 7:30 pm Friday, October 9 Daily Mass 7:30 am and 12:15 pm Adoration 8 am Mantel of Mary 9 am Couples for Christ 6 pm Divorced and Separated 7:30 pm Sat., October 10 Our Lady Aparecida Mass 7:30 pm Week at a Glance FaithinAction“SooutofthegroundtheLordGodformed every beast of the 5ield and every bird of the air, and broughtthemtothemantoseewhathewouldcallthem; andwhateverthemancalledeverylivingcreature,thatwasits name” (Gn 2:19). The creation story reminds us of two importantpoints.First,sincethestart,Godhasputtheentireworld into our care. Second, stewardship has been around since the beginning of mankind, it isn’t something recently invented by the Church. Just as past generations built our Church, it is now our responsibility to continue to nurture and develop these gifts for futuregenerations. Readings for the Week of October 4 Sunday: Gn 2:18-24 / Heb 2:9-11 / Mk 10:2-16 or 2-12 Monday: Jon 1:1—2:2, 11 / Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10 / Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11 / Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Mel 3:13-20b / Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Jl 1:13-15, 2:1-2 / Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21 / Lk 11:27-28 Sunday: Wis 7:7-11 / Heb 4:12-13 / Mk 10:17-30 Clergy and Parish Staff We are here to serve you! 813-961-3023 Fax: 813-962-8780 Rev. Bill Swengros Pastor Rev. Bob Romaine Parochial Vicar Deacon Carlos Celaya Deacon Ray Dever Dcn. Greg Kovalesky Deacons Donna Koppy Faith Formation Director Lizette Espel Faith Formation Assistant, Infant Baptism Coordinator Theresa Adams Faith Formation Assistant Stephanie Murphy Youth Ministry Director Mass Intentions for the Week of October 4 Saturday, October 3, 2015 5:30 pm Joseph and Kathryn Marcinko + 7:30 pm Ferdie Polidario + Sunday, October 4, 2015–27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am St. Paul Parishioners (int.) 9:00 am Martha Broughton + 10:45 am Irene V. Arsorn + 12:30 pm Michael and Mike Hingson + 2:00 pm Albert Velazquez + 5:30 pm Mr. and Mrs. Elias Alphonso + Monday, October 5, 2015 7:30 am Felix Villaflor + 12:15 pm James Koelsch + Tuesday, October 6, 2015 7:30 am Jackie McCarthy + 12:15 pm Mary Fitzpatrick + Wednesday, October 7, 2015 7:30 am Timothy Glass + 12:15 pm Consecrated Life and Priestly Vocations (int.) Thursday, October 8, 2015 7:30 am Roy Thomas + 12:15 pm Patrick LeBlanc + Friday, October 9, 2015 7:30 am Joseph Planz, Jr. (int.) 12:15 pm Karen Meehan + Saturday, October 10, 2015 8:30 am Argelis and Jorge Godoy + 5:30 pm Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Zichi + 7;30 pm Antonio Santos Carland + Sunday, October 11, 2015–28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Jaroslaw Paul Miernik + 9:00 am Edward clement, Jr. + 10:45 am Susan Murphy + 12:30 pm Bernadette and Paul Bonnard + 2:00 pm Martina Cintron + 5:30 pm James Cleary + Sr. Theresa Betz Adult Faith Formation Eleanor King Marriage Annulments Vicki Lombardo Faith Formation Administrative Assistant Martha Aguiar Child Enrichment Center Director, Pre-School Program Mindy Geer Child Enrichment Center Maria Costa Wedding Preparation Louise Romano Liturgist, Funeral Arrangements Mary Gant Music Director Russell Gant Choir Director Michael Maloney Parish Manager Barbara Gray Pastoral Administrative Gaby Fotopoulos Parish Communications, IT Pat Berne Counseling Service Nancy Kissane Ministry and Stewardship Director Jim Kissane Special Projects Coordinator Tina Bubb Finance Office Judy Flaherty Finance Assistant Sam Mathai Maintenance Manager Jose Rodriguez Maintenance Assistant “ThereforewhatGodhasjoinedtogether,nohumanbeingmustseparate."Mk10:10 Outreach Ministries and Community Events Page 13 St. Vincent De Paul Pantry Hours Monday and Thursday 9 am -12 pm WemustbeginthinkingabouttheHolidaysand themanyfoodbasketsweprovideforthosein need! That means--PLEASE donate your cash to the poorboxandbringinlotsoffoodsupplies---andwewill allhavewonderfulholidays! Legal Consultation Services Referral service on Mondays by appointment. Please call 961-3023. Divorced and Separated Support Group - We care about you and what you are going through. We meet every Friday at 7:30 pm. PleasecallDonHemkeformore informationat813-205-1735 Welcome New Parishioners Sunday,October11th afterthe12:30pmMass All New Parishioners are invited to meet our clergy, staff, and heads of ministries. Learn more about your new spiritual home, St. Paul Parish. See you there! Oct. 7th Wine, Women & Wisdom Hear about Our Fiat - a prayer program that helps to transform the water of your life into fine wine, as Jesus did at Cana! Place: Christ The King, 821 S. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, Fl. 33609 Contact Sue at [email protected] or 727-742-4187 Respect Life Month, observed in October,beginsthenew,yearlong cycleoftheRespectLifeProgram, which continues through the following September. It is a time dedicated by the U.S. bishops for the Church nationwide to bring attention to, celebrate, and work and pray for the protection of the gift of human life. The irst Sunday of themonth,October4thisyear,isdesignatedasRespect Life Sunday. The theme of the 2015-16 Respect Life ProgramisEvery Life is Worth Living. “Whetheritlasts for a brief moment or for a hundred years, each of our lives is a good and perfect gift,” wrote Cardinal Seá n P. O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston and chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). “At every stage and in every circumstance, we are held in existence by God’s love.”CardinalO’Malleywrotethatnothingcandiminish a person’s God-given dignity or the worth of his or her life, only that others may fail to respect human dignity. He also noted that encountering another’s suffering, while dificult, is an opportunity to embrace them with love, attention and prayer. See more about the Respect LookingforvolunteerstohelpusatGuidingStar Tampa/LifeChoicesWomen’sCare We are welcoming more helping hands and loving hearts to serve as client advocates, nurses and ultrasound technicians. We also need volunteers who can serve as community outreach coordinators, getting in touch with the community and data entry volunteers. We especially need bilingual (Spanish/ English) volunteers. Guiding Star Tampa is open on Mondays 9:00 am – 6:30 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 am – 4 pm and Wednesdays from 9:00 am to1 pm. Contact Rene at (948-7734; [email protected]) GUESS WHO? (top left to right): Jan McMorrow, Mary Gant, Michael Maloney, Sr Theresa Betz, Tina Bubb, Gaby Fotopoulos, LouiseRomano,LizetteEspel,MariaCostaandDonnaKoppy. RED MASS October 14th at 12:10 pm at Sacred Heart Church in downtown Tampa. The Tampa Bay Catholic Lawyers Guild warmly extends invitations to all members of the legal profession (including legal staff, law enforcement, government oficials, and law students) and members of the general public, regardless of religious afiliation, to attend the Red Mass. MISA DIOCESANA HISPANA Celebrations of our Marian Devotions October 10, 2015 Cathedral of St. Jude The Apostle 10 am Rosary 10:30 am Procession of Flags 11 am Mass In honor of Our Lady of Copacabana, Bolivia