OUR MISSI - Aluminerie Alouette
OUR MISSI - Aluminerie Alouette
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2014 2014 IN PICTURES: VISIT ALOUETTE.COM A WORD A WORD FROM FROM THE THE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT OUR OUR MISSION MISSION Aluminerie Aluminerie Alouette, Alouette, as anasindependent an independent operating operating company, company, shallshall operate operate as a as low-cost a low-cost smelter smelter usingusing world-class world-class business business principles principles and and continuous continuous optimization optimization of processes of processes and assets. and assets. As a As sustainable a sustainable company, company, Aluminerie Aluminerie Alouette Alouette will maintain will maintain high high standards standards of health, of health, safety safety and and environment environment in in orderorder to betorecognized be recognized as a as responsible a responsible employer employer and and corporate corporate citizen. citizen. OUROUR STRATEGY STRATEGY Aluminerie Aluminerie Alouette Alouette is driven is driven everyevery day day by abystrategy a strategy based based on on five five principles principles guiding guiding us to us achieve to achieve the the levellevel of excellence of excellence that that contributes contributes to maintaining to maintaining Alouette Alouette among among the the leading leading producers producers of of primary primary aluminium. aluminium. The year The year 20142014 presented presented its share its share of of challenges challenges and Aluminerie and Aluminerie Alouette Alouette employees employees and partners and partners moved moved heaven heaven and earth and earth to meet to meet eacheach one. one. Clearly Clearly the strength the strength of ourofteam our team is is in approaching in approaching eacheach situation situation as as an opportunity. an opportunity. The theme The theme of this of this year’syear’s report, report, Excelling Excelling Together, Together, lookslooks to a unified to a unified future future and marks and marks the progress the progress mademade throughout throughout our our technology technology transition. transition. It presents It presents our our results results in various in various sectors sectors and tracks and tracks new performances. new performances. Diligence Diligence of of operations, operations, continuous continuous improvement improvement and our andsense our sense of innovation of innovation are the are the foundations foundations on which on which we stand we stand to to excel.excel. Moreover, Moreover, our level our level of comof compliance pliance in health in health and safety and safety as well as well as inas environmental in environmental issues issues remains remains an essential an essential factorfactor in helping in helping our our employees employees and partners and partners to flourish to flourish both both at work at work and at and home. at home. In the Inspirit the spirit of partnership, of partnership, we strive we strive to further to further our vision our vision of sustainability of sustainability and to and continue to continue to lead to lead the way the in way in the primary the primary aluminium aluminium production. production. EnjoyEnjoy reading! reading! Claude Claude Boulanger, Boulanger, President President and and CEOCEO PEOPLE AND CULTURE PEOPLE PEOPLE AND ANDCULTURE CULTURE TOGETHER ACCOMPLISH TOGETHER TOGETHER WE WEWE ACCOMPLISH ACCOMPLISH ONGOING INTERACTION ONGOING ONGOING INTERACTION INTERACTION A strong team iscatalyst the catalyst that allows Alouette to project itself into the future, A strong A strong team team is the is the catalyst that that allows allows Alouette Alouette to to project project itself itself into into the the future, future, Since 1991, The COBRAL Social Club Since 1991, 1991, TheThe COBRAL COBRAL Social Social Club Club has hashas anticipate coming challenges and meet them head on. Employees’ mobilisation Since anticipate anticipate coming coming challenges challenges and and meet meet them them head head on. on. Employees’ Employees’ mobilisation mobilisation been gathering the Alouette family together been gathering gathering thethe Alouette Alouette family family together together and commitment to continued improvements are extremely important in an been and and commitment commitment to to continued continued improvements improvements areare extremely extremely important important in in anan rd nd nd nd rd rd industry is and more and more competitive. The continuous endeavour to better do better 4242 industry industry that that isthat more is more and more more competitive. competitive. The The continuous continuous endeavour endeavour to do to do better and 43 Forums, 42 and and 43 43Forums, Forums, a continuous tradition of sharing a continuous tradition tradition of of sharing sharing in every isjust not a trend; it now is an now an integral a continuous in in every every way way isway is notnot just ajust trend; a trend; it is it is now an integral integral ofday-to-day our day-to-day business model. As such, part part ofpart of ourour day-to-day business business model. model. AsAs such, such, 464 464464 73% 73% of employees participated 73% of employees participated of employees participated A DEVOTED AA DEVOTED DEVOTED in the organizational survey problematic situations were analysed and handled using in in organizational survey thethe organizational survey problematic problematic situations situations were were analysed analysed and and handled handled using using TEAM, TEAM, TEAM, the problem-resolution method (PRM), and 65 larger 93% thethe problem-resolution problem-resolution method method (PRM), (PRM), and and 65 65 larger larger 93% of employee general satisfaction 93% rate of employee general satisfaction rate ofrate employee general satisfaction ACTIVELY ACTIVELY ACTIVELY Kaizen activities were achieved, not counting Kaizen Kaizen activities activities were were achieved, achieved, notnotcounting counting thethethe INVOLVED INVOLVED INVOLVED more far-reaching, Black Belt projects. A survey is also more more far-reaching, far-reaching, Black Black Belt Belt projects. projects. A survey A survey is also is also taken every two years to measure employees’ satisfaction DEVELOPMENT taken taken every every two two years years to measure to measure employees’ employees’ satisfaction satisfaction DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES in terms of organizational climate. Employees can express their opinion and make in terms in terms of organizational of organizational climate. climate. Employees Employees cancan express express their their opinion opinion and and make make 17 regular employees received college 1717 regular regular employees employees received received college college suggestions regarding a variety of subjects such as communication, collaboration, diplomas suggestions suggestions regarding regarding a variety a variety of of subjects subjects such such as as communication, communication, collaboration, collaboration, diplomas in industrial reliability diplomas in in industrial industrial reliability reliability respect, performance, management practices, as well as health and safety. respect, respect, performance, performance, management management practices, practices, as aswell wellas ashealth health and andsafety. safety. 529 continuous improvement activities 529 continuous improvement activities continuous improvement activities Detailed analysis ofresults the results leads to concrete actions in collaboration Detailed Detailed analysis analysis of of thethe results leads leads to to concrete concrete actions actions in in collaboration collaboration with withwith 529 successfully completed successfully completed successfully completed employees. The organization is firmly committed to manpower training, supporting employees. employees. The The organization organization is firmly is firmly committed committed to manpower to manpower training, training, supporting supporting 463 employees involved in one 463 employees involved 463 employees involved in in oneone a healthy business culture directed at development. a healthy a healthy business business culture culture directed directed at at development. development. or continuous more continuous improvement project more continuous improvement project or or more improvement project HEALTH AND SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT HEALTH HEALTH AND ANDSAFETY, SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT HEALTHY ACCOMPLISHMENTS HEALTHY HEALTHY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACCOMPLISHMENTS Actions taken in health, safety and environment, over the last several years Actions Actions taken taken in in health, health, safety safety and and environment, environment, over over the the last last several several years years have generated good results, notably a significant reduction innumber the number have have generated generated good good results, results, notably notably in in a significant ainsignificant reduction reduction in in thethe number of injuries total injuries over one year. The attention given to events requiring of of total total injuries over over one one year. year. The The attention attention given given to to events events requiring requiring first firstfirst isindication an indication of reliability and interest the part oforganizathe organizaaidaid isaid is anan indication of of reliability reliability and and interest interest onon theon the part part of of thethe organization. Each event oftype this is taken seriously, integrating the principles tion. tion. Each Each event event of of this this type istype is taken taken seriously, seriously, integrating integrating thethe principles principles of of of continuous improvement in issues regarding health ANAN continuous continuous improvement improvement in in issues issues regarding regarding health health AN IMPORTANT MILESTONE IMPORTANT IMPORTANT MILESTONE MILESTONE and safety. A committee dedicated to health and and safety. safety. A A committee committee dedicated dedicated to to health health and andand TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 1 full year with no recordable-injury event 1 full year year with with no no recordable-injury recordable-injury event event well-being continues to suggest ways to improve 1 full well-being well-being continues continues to to suggest suggest ways ways to to improve improve foroperation 2 operation sectors 2 operation 2 sectors sectors INJURIES INJURIES INJURIES awareness, particularly concerning the benefits forfor awareness, awareness, particularly particularly concerning concerning thethebenefits benefits NEARLY 20% of ofhealthy NEARLY NEARLY 20% 20% of healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. healthy eating eating habits habits andandregular regular physical physical activity. activity. FEWER THAN FEWER FEWER THAN THAN Employees Employees have responded enthusiastically Employees have have responded responded enthusiastically enthusiastically to totheto thethe VARIOUS METHODS VARIOUS VARIOUS METHODS METHODS LAST YEAR activities LAST LAST YEAR YEAR activities suggested the committee. In terms activities suggested suggested by by theby the committee. committee. In In terms terms of of of 11 days IMPACT 100% dedicated days days IMPACT IMPACT 100% 100% dedicated dedicated environment, the strategy is clear: minimize environment, environment, thethestrategy strategy is isclear: clear: minimize minimize thethethe 1111 to health and safety and environment health health andand safety safety andand environment environment company’s carbon footprint at all times. Once again total emissions at the to to company’s company’s carbon carbon footprint footprint at at allall times. times. Once Once again again total total emissions emissions at at thethe source as well insurrounding the surrounding air remain below norms and targets. Regular Regular support meetings with subcontractors source source as as well well as as in as in thethe surrounding airair remain remain below below norms norms and and targets. targets. Regular support meetings with subcontractors support meetings with subcontractors Results for runoff water and residues are similar, although there is room Results Results forfor runoff runoff water water and and residues residues areare similar, similar, although although there there is is room room forfor for Go-Sees Go-Sees and PRMs for each injury Go-Sees PRMs each injury andand PRMs forfor each injury improvement in these two areas. Employees making the effort togood use good improvement improvement in in these these twotwo areas. areas. Employees Employees making making thethe effort effort to to useuse good New, safer method of treatment for anodes effects New, safer method treatment anodes effects New, safer method of of treatment forfor anodes effects work practices every day a significant impact on all of these results. work work practices practices every every dayday have have ahave significant a significant impact impact onon allall of of these these results. results. TOTAL INJURY TOTAL TOTAL INJURY INJURY FREQUENCY FREQUENCY FREQUENCY GOOD PRACTICES GOOD GOOD PRACTICES PRACTICES 3.5 3.5 3.5 A committed member at the A committed A committed member member at at thethe Table de concertation la qualité de l’air Table Table de de concertation concertation sursur la sur qualité la qualité de de l’air l’air 3.0 3.0 3.0 In 2014 there were 7 incidents In In 2014 2014 there there were were 7 incidents 7 incidents 2.5 2.5 with recordable injury, which with with recordable recordable injury, injury, which which is is is 2 fewer than the previous year.2.0 2.0 2 fewer 2 fewer than than the the previous previous year. year. a spirit of improvement, In In a spirit aIn spirit of of improvement, improvement, thethethe 1.5 1.5 total number of injuries total total number number of ofinjuries injuries was waswas considerably reduced in spite considerably considerably reduced reduced in in spite spite of of of1.0 1.0 the intensity of operations linked thethe intensity intensity of of operations operations linked linked 0.5 0.5 totechnology the technology transition. to to thethe technology transition. transition. 0 Regional participation in the Regional participation Regional participation in in thethe Grand Prix santé et sécurité du travail Grand Prix santé sécurité travail Grand Prix santé et et sécurité dudu travail 2.5 2.0 1.5 Participation 2 contests related Participation 2incontests related Participation in in 2 contests related to to to environment and sustainable development environment sustainable development environment andand sustainable development 1.0 New certification: Healthy Enterprise | Elite New certification: Healthy Enterprise | Elite New certification: Healthy Enterprise | Elite 0.5 0 0 1214 13 05 0506 05 0607 06 0708 07 0809 08 0910 09 1011 10 1112 11 1213 13 14 14 Alouette Alouette, Subcontractors and Visitors Alouette Alouette Alouette, Alouette, Subcontractors Subcontractors and and Visitors Visitors 3 2 014 2 014 | SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 0 3 0 3 20014 | SUSTAINABLE | SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT REPORT REPORT ENERGY EFFICIENCY SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION 14,600 14,400 14,200 14,000 WORLDWIDE PRODUCTION OF PRIMARY ALUMINIUM* Electrical energy consumption (kWh/t Al) Specific Energy Consumption (kWh DC/t Al) Specific energy consumption in the electrolytic process is 12,985 kWh/t Al of continuous current. Aluminerie Alouette consistently aims to be the a worldwide reference in energy efficiency, despite the technology transition experienced. 13,800 13,600 13,400 13,200 13,000 12,800 12,600 12,400 12,200 12,000 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 (Thousands of tons) 20,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 14,000 13,000 Aluminerie Alouette 12,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 *Source : International Aluminium Institute (IAI) 2013. ALOUETTE CONTINUALLY PROMOTES LOW-ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN ITS OPERATIONS. IMPROVEMENTS IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY IS A PRIORITY THAT IS CONSISTENT WITH OUR VISION OF GROWTH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THE AP40LE ELECTROLYTIC CELL WAS DEVELOPED WITH THIS VISION IN MIND. MAP OF AMBIENT AIR SAMPLING STATIONS UASHAT MAK MANI-UTENAM POINTE NOIRE LA PETITE BOULE LA GRANDE BASQUE WIND ROSE SCALE (KM) Wind speed and direction from the Pointe-Noire weather station. LA PETITE BASQUE NORTH WIND SPEED (KNOTS) > = 22 17-21 11-17 7-11 4-7 1-4 LA GROSSE BOULE CHENAL DU MILIEU 1 RADIO-CANADA TOWER 23 SAINTE-MARGUERITE BEACH 28 GRAND BASQUE ISLAND ÎLE DU COROSSOL 64 SEPT-ÎLES AMBIENT AIR SAMPLING 3% 6% 9% 12% 15% SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT | 2 014 04 AIR EMISSIONS 2.6 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (GHG) The period of technology-transition contributed to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, measured at 1.95 t eq. CO2/t Al. Operation in parallels with two different pot technologies presented a challenge throughout this transitioning period. With efforts made to optimize the process, GHG emissions in the last months of 2014 clearly decreased compared to the beginning of the same year, paving the way for an improved future. Aluminerie Alouette is continuing its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by establishing various initiatives and closely following the Carbon Market. 2.4 2.2 CO2 Equivalent t/t Al 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 05 PFC 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Others CANADIAN ALUMINIUM IS THE GREENEST IN THE WORLD, THANKS TO RENEWABLE, HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY USED FOR ITS PRODUCTION. SULPHUR DIOXIDE (SO 2) Installations for coke-mixing were used throughout 2014, decreasing sulphur dioxide emissions to 19.6 kg/t Al in spite of the increased variability in quality of raw materials. This remains an important aspect for the industry in the coming years. Through applied research, Aluminerie Alouette and its partners also intend to continue optimizing the different anode parameters produced. TOTAL FLUORIDES FROM REDUCTION PROCESS Fluoride emissions in Reduction area were 0.37 kg F/t Al. Several improvements contributed to maintain levels similar to those of previous years thanks to employees involvement and consistent devotion to operational best practices, in spite of the high number of pot changes, cleaning operations of tap-out pots and the technology transition period. 1.0 RAA ANNUAL NORM * 0.9 24 0.8 22 0.7 0.6 20 0.5 Total Fluorides (kg F/t Al) 18 SO2 (kg/t Al) 16 14 12 10 05 06 07 08 09 10 Anode Baking (loss on ignition + fuel) Anode Consumption during reduction process 11 12 13 14 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 05 06 Stacks * 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Roof RAA : Règlement sur l’assainissement de l’atmosphère (The Clean Air Act) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT | 2 014 05 0.055 0.055 RAARAA NORM FORFOR ANODE BAKING NORM ANODE BAKING 0.050 0.050 0.045 0.045 0.040 0.040 0.035 0.035 0.030 0.030 0.025 0.025 0.020 0.020 0.015 0.015 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.000 05 0506 0607 0708 0809 0910 1011 1112 1213 1314 14 PAH (kg/t baked anodes) VERY VERY FEW FEW PAH PAH EMISSIONS EMISSIONS ARE ARE ASSOCIATED ASSOCIATED WITH WITH ALOUETTE’S ALOUETTE’S PRE-BAKED PRE-BAKED ANODE ANODE TECHNOLOGY. TECHNOLOGY. PAH (kg/t baked anodes) POLYCYCLIC POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS HYDROCARBONS (PAH) (PAH) PAH PAH emissions emissions at at thethe Anode Anode Plant Plant (production (production andand baking) baking) in 2014 in 2014 were were 0.0011 0.0011 kg/tkg/t of baked of baked anodes, anodes, significantly significantly below below Quebec Quebec anode-baking anode-baking regulations regulations of 0.05 of 0.05 kg/tkg/t of baked of baked anodes. anodes. This This lowlow figure figure reflects reflects thethe quality quality of our of our operations. operations. Total Total AnodeAnode Production Production (manufacturing (manufacturing and baking) and baking) PARTICLES PARTICLES AVAILABILITY AVAILABILITY OFOF SCRUBBERS SCRUBBERS Particle Particle emissions emissions come come mainly mainly from from roof, roof, scrubber scrubber outlets outlets andand dust dust collectors. collectors. 2014 2014 particle particle emissions emissions were were measured measured at 1.12 at 1.12 kg/tkg/t Al. Al. Aluminerie Aluminerie Alouette Alouette operates operates 7 scrubbers 7 scrubbers to protect to protect thethe environment: environment: 5 gas 5 gas treatment treatment centres centres (GTC) (GTC) located located in the in the Reduction Reduction area area andand 2 fume 2 fume treatment treatment centres centres (FTC) (FTC) at the at the Anode Anode Baking Baking furnaces. furnaces. In 2014 In 2014 scrubber-availability scrubber-availability raterate waswas over over 99.8%, 99.8%, a figure a figure thatthat illustrates illustrates thethe rigour rigour andand efficiency efficiency with with which which thisthis equipment equipment is operated is operated andand maintained. maintained. This This lowlow particle particle emission emission is due is due to reliable to reliable scrubbing scrubbing equipment equipment andand to the to the dedicated dedicated team team thatthat maintains maintains thethe filters. filters. In spite In spite of the of the potpot change-out change-out program, program, particle particle emissions emissions were were far far lessless than than in in thethe 2010 2010 program. program. 2.2 2.2 1.6 1.6 99.999.9 99.899.8 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 99.799.7 99.699.6 Particles (kg/t Al) Particles (kg/t Al) 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 05 0506 0607 0708 0809 0910 1011 1112 1213 1314 14 Rate of Availability (%) 100.0100.0 1.8 1.8 Rate of Availability (%) 2.0 2.0 99.599.5 99.499.4 99.399.3 99.299.2 99.199.1 99.099.0 05 0506 0607 0708 0809 0910 1011 1112 1213 1314 14 Total Total Emissions Emissions RECYCLING RECYCLING ANDAND VALORIZATION VALORIZATION OFOF RESIDUAL RESIDUAL MATTER MATTER 0 6 0 6 2 0142 014 | SUSTAINABLE | SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT REPORT REPORT 90 90 80 80 Recycling Rate (%) 70 70 60 60 Recycling Rate (%) Within Within ourour ownown operations, operations, ourour aluminium aluminium plant plant recycles recycles almost almost all all process process by-products. by-products. In 2014, In 2014, 66% 66% of hazardous of hazardous waste waste (excluding (excluding spent spent potlining) potlining) andand 85% 85% of non-hazardous of non-hazardous materials materials were were recycled recycled or recovered. or recovered. Leftover Leftover wastes wastes areare disposed disposed of at of authorized at authorized sites. sites. Many Many Continuous Continuous Improvement Improvement Projects Projects tooktook place place during during thethe year, year, aimed aimed to reduce to reduce thethe generation generation of waste of waste matter matter andand its its environenvironmental mental footprint, footprint, improve improve triage triage practices practices andand heighten heighten employees’ employees’ awareness awareness to always to always do better. do better. TheThe organization organization hashas been been certified certified ICIICI ONON RECYCLE RECYCLE (We(We Recycle Recycle Here) Here) since since 2010, 2010, a recognition a recognition thatthat waswas renewed renewed in 2013. in 2013. Alouette Alouette remains remains thethe onlyonly large large industry industry in the in the region region to hold to hold thisthis highest highest level level of certification. of certification. 100 100 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 12 12 13 13 Hazardous excluding potlining Hazardous wastewaste excluding spentspent potlining Non-hazardous materials Non-hazardous materials 14 14 RUNOFF WATER The main outflow of rainwater is located at the sedimentation basin, where water from the roof and surrounding facilities is collected. This water is sampled on an ongoing basis, with strict adherence to wastewater standards. An increase in emissions measured in 2014 can be explained by particularly high precipitation of both rain and snow, although these measurements remain below legal limit. 12 3,000 14,000 LEGAL LIMIT 2,500 LEGAL LIMIT LEGAL LIMIT 12,000 10 2,000 10,000 08 1,500 8,000 06 6,000 1,000 500 0 04 4,000 02 2,000 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 0 12 13 14 Aluminium (kg/yr) 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 0 14 Fluorides (kg/yr) 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Suspended Particulate Matters (mg/L) PROCESS WATER IS NEVER DISCHARGED INTO THE ENVIRONMENT. INSTEAD, INDUSTRIAL WATER IS REUSED IN COOLING TOWERS AND FUME TREATMENT CENTRES. ALOUETTE IS COMMITTED TO THE RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT OF THE USE OF POTABLE WATER. AMBIENT AIR Alouette operates 4 ambient air-sampling stations, one of which is located in Sept-Iles. Measurements taken at these stations represent an integration of all emission sources, regardless of the origin of contaminants. The data contributes to a better understanding of air quality in general, as well as the impact of the smelter’s operations. The choice of parameters measured is made in collaboration with the authorities, and takes into consideration the main atmospheric emissions from aluminium plants. 120 140 RAA NORM 100 80 80 Annual Average (μg/Nm3) Maximum Daily Average (PPB) 24-HR RAA NORM 120 100 60 40 20 0 05 06 07 08 09 10 Val-Marguerite 11 12 13 14 Sept-Îles SULPHUR DIOXIDE (SO 2) IN AMBIENT AIR SO2 levels in the air met the 110 ppb standard. In addition, the maximum standard (4 minutes) of 400 ppb was never exceeded during the year. 60 40 20 0 05 06 07 Val-Marguerite 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Sept-Îles TOTAL PARTICLES IN AMBIENT AIR The chart represents the annual average of various samples taken. The 24-hour norm was never exceeded. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT | 2 014 07 BUDDING VEGETATION IS MORE SENSITIVE TO FLUORIDE. ALOUETTE SCHEDULES THE MAINTENANCE OF ITS SCRUBBING FACILITIES OUTSIDE THIS CRITICAL BUDDING PERIOD. THIS MAINTENANCE IS ESSENTIAL FOR KEEPING THE EQUIPMENT IN GOOD WORKING ORDER, WITH A 99% RATE OF AVAILABILITY AND PERFORMANCE (FLUORIDE AND DUST). GASEOUS FLUORIDE IN AMBIENT AIR Average concentrations of gaseous fluoride (HF) in ambient air remained below critical levels for protecting vegetation. The condition of vegetation in both industrial and non-industrial zones is evaluated every year within a 7-km radius of the plant, including Grande Basque Island and Arnaud Avenue in Sept-Iles. Results indicate that Alouette’s operations continue to have no significant impact on vegetation outside the site. 0.45 CRITERION FOR VEGETATION PROTECTION 0.40 0.35 Average Concentration HF (μg/Nm3) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 05 06 07 08 09 10 Sainte-Marguerite Beach Radio-Canada Tower on the Marconi Peninsula 11 12 13 14 Grande Basque Island Sept-Îles OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE ALUMINIUM: METAL OF THE FUTURE 581,569 tons of solid aluminium allocated THE CHALLENGES 245 pots replaced with new technology Development of new hexapods for AP40LE pots 12 power reductions in January, offering exceptional support to Hydro-Quebec Thousands of anodes sold to help other aluminium smelters 08 2 014 | SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT TECHNICAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS The year 2014 was notable for its unprecedented organizational challenges, particularly in terms of operations. With the production of over 580,000 tons of primary aluminium, Aluminerie Alouette is still the largest aluminium plant in all of Americas. The pot change-out program also had an impact on operational stability, requiring the mobilization of employees and many partners. A RECORD IN POT CHANGES Various projects were launched, calling for adaptations in every sector, such as less resistive anodes and a new baking cycle, the transfer of liquid metal from furnaces to carrousels, as well as special attention given to equipment supporting the entire transition. Even though the two pot-technologies (AP30 and AP40LE) still cohabit, nearly 75% of the transition was completed by year-end – a benchmark that allows us to confidently move forward and aim for new summits. SHAREHOLDERS, COMMUNITY AND PARTNERS COLLECTIVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS History shows that for nearly 25 years, Aluminerie Alouette, Port-Cartier, Sept-Iles and Uashat mak Mani-Utenam communities have been working together in a spirit of collaboration. This has translated into an openness and transparency reflected in the organization by welcoming hundreds of visitors to its installations every year. At the end of this year, and for the very first time, press members and environmental organizations came to visit the gas treatment centres to A RELATIONSHIP learn more about the management of atmospheric OF MUTUAL emissions. On another note, the trilateral cultural SUPPORT agreement between Aluminerie Alouette, the City of Sept-Iles and the Government of Quebec was renewed, demonstrating continued goodwill and active participation in the cultural growth of the St. Lawrence North Shore region. Furthermore, the inauguration of the Alouette University Building confirms our commitment toward education and development for the future generations, a legacy from Alouette and its shareholders valued at $10 M. This building is a key element of advanced education in the region, illustrating the notion of diverse partnership with Sept-Iles College and the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi. ACTIVELY ENGAGED 1st International Aluminium Conference in Canada 36th Orange Alouette Volleyball Tournament 62 nd Alouette North Shore Invitation Curling Tournament Participation at the Salon sur les meilleures pratiques d’affaires SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS $230,000 donated with employees to Opération Enfant Soleil $192,531 donated with employees to Centraide Duplessis (United Way) The Alouette University Building, a legacy in advanced education for future generations AN OPEN-DOOR ORGANIZATION Over 700 visitors during the summer season First technical and environmental meeting with press members and the community FINANCIAL EXCELLENCE SOUND ACCOMPLISHMENTS The global economy and particularly the aluminium market continue to be unstable, inciting all companies to relook the way they operate and try to find ways to improve. Success is unavoidably linked to better productivity, more stability and improving costs. Moving forward with 60/60 Program ($60 M in cost savings and 60,000 extra tons of aluminium between 2010 and 2018), which is more and more anchored in the everyday mindset of employees and business partners, plays a crucial role in meeting objectives. Alouette continues IMPORTANT to pursue investment in projects that generate ECONOMIC capital, in order that the plant and its installations LEADER, can thrive and grow. The new Aluminium Logistics SUSTAINABLE Centre (ALC) is a technical marvel, housing nearWEALTH ly 15,000 tons of aluminium before it rides the CREATOR blue highway, thanks to an automated management system using self-guided vehicles. This new component contributes to keeping the organization competitive and responds to the growing need for transportation logistics. The organization is always interested in finding innovative solutions, such as the use of natural gas to replace heavy fuel oil in anode-baking furnaces (conditional to the availability of natural gas on the North Shore). This new avenue makes for significant financial and environmental gains. Notwithstanding the involvement and contribution of Alouette and its employees, access to fair electricity rates is essential. CONCRETE OUTCOME Hundreds of jobs for 3-year period, in the aluminium field Quebec Aluminium Industry Cluster presented to North Shore representatives 10 North Shore citizens granted for a 24-hours training at École d’Entrepreneurship de Beauce (EEB) 2 students granted for the Camp Entrepreneurs En Devenir at EEB SUSTAINABILITY Inauguration and start-up of the Aluminium Logistics Centre Beginning of the construction of the new 161 kV power line Nearly $30 M invested in Capital Expenditures Projects SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT | 2 014 09 ALOUETTE CONSORTIUM 13,33% 20 % MARUBENI METAL & MINERALS JAPAN HYDRO ALUMINIUM NORWAY 40 % RIO TINTO ALCAN CANADA 6,67 % INVESTISSEMENT QUÉBEC CANADA 20 % AMAG AUSTRIA METALL AG AUSTRIA MANUFACTURING PROCESS SCRUBBED FUMES PITCH SILOS SCRUBBED GAZ GREEN ANODES BAKING FURNACES COKE SILOS RAW MATERIALS ALUMINA SILOS ANODE ASSEMBLY BAKING FUMES FUME TREATMENT CENTRES GAS GAS TREATMENT CENTRES ELECTRICITY (ALTERNATING CURRENT) 2014 IN PICTURES, VISIT ALOUETTE.COM Aluminerie Alouette Inc. 400 Chemin de la Pointe Noire PO Box 1650 Sept-Iles, Quebec G4R 5M9 418 964-7000 SUB STATION (DIRECT CURRENT) CRUCIBLES ELECTROLYTIC POTS CASTHOUSE INGOTS OR SOWS METAL TRANSPORTATION Graphic Concept: Gendron Communication Legal Deposit: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec 2014 ISSN : 1919-3378 (print) ISSN : 1925-8194 (on line) 100%