this registration form
this registration form
1 2 + All women, teens and up are invited! First time? See below…our special gift for you. ***************************************************************** REGISTRATION FORM – 2016* You are invited to LeTourneau’s Blessed Hope Women’s Spring Retreat! May 20-22, 2016 Register soon! May 20-22, 2016 Plan ahead. Join us as we welcome “Final Harvest” Pamela Warren, Pamela Sandberg, and Lacy Burdick They communicate the gospel of Jesus, The Messiah; the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb. 13:8. Through their unique and intricate harmonies, this gospel and message of God's last call for His final harvest has been their focal point since 2006. Their love for God and all with whom they come in contact cannot be denied. Jou Their wide range of music style includes southern gospel, contemporary and original classical inspirational. They look forward to the opportunity to come to Blessed Hope Retreat to fellowship with us and share the message that God placed in their Quisque velhas justo eget felis hearts. FULL TIME: (with 5 meals and TWO nights lodging)* _______$155 shared room (Lodge or Bethany House) (Some single beds or cots. May share a double bed or bunk beds) _______$185 single occupancy _______$130 per person in each Bungalow (3 bunk beds, 6ppl./Bungalow, Bring your own bedding & towels) OR Fill a bungalow with 6-get a discount! $115.00 ea. First time? Scholarship: ½ off for full-time/shared room! If you apply by April 20 Scholarship deadline ************************************************ PART TIME: (Specify ~ 3 meals and ONE night lodging)* (Night:________Meals:__________________ _______$106. Shared room (Lodge or Bethany House) (Some single beds or cots. May share a double bed or bunk beds) _______$126 single occupancy _______$95 per person in each Bungalow (3 bunk beds, 6ppl./Bungalow, Bring your own bedding & towels) OR Fill a bungalow with 6-get a discount! $80.00 ea. *Housing at LeTCC will be first come, first serve. *************************************************** DAY ONLY: please check & tally all that apply _____$ 14.00 Friday dinner _____$ 8.00 Saturday breakfast _____$ 12.00 Saturday lunch _____$ 14.00 Saturday dinner _____$ 8.00 Sunday breakfast _____$ 8.00 Registration fee for day only/with meals _____$ 20.00 Day attendance only/no meals _____$ DAY ONLY TOTAL ______In addition, please accept this donation to Blessed Hope’s Scholarship fund for next year’s Retreat! ________ GRAND TOTAL ($20 Deposit due by April 29 or before) Registrations due on or before April 29, 2016. LATE registration fees: Add $15.00 after April 29. Add $20.00 after May 6, 10:00 AM. Thank you! Check payable to LeTourneau. (Memo:) Blessed Hope 2016 Retreat **************************************************************************************** * Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ __________________________________________________ (H)______________________(C)_________________ sollicitudin Ut enim lorem, _Phone: adipiscing. Our gift to you: Pastor’s wife (or pastor) $10 off full-time rate. Name__________________________________ Church_________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Roommate preferences? Special Needs? _____________________________________________ Food Allergies? _____________________________________________ Please complete and return to Registrar: Suzy Dankosh, 210 S. Main St. #8, Naples, NY 14512 [email protected] (585)734-9206
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harmonies, this gospel and message of God's last
call for His final harvest has been their focal point
since 2006. Their love for God and all with whom
they come in contact cannot be denied.