crazy wolf turd ferguson lil sure shot flint dixon job
crazy wolf turd ferguson lil sure shot flint dixon job
CRAZY WOLF TURD FERGUSON LIL SURE SHOT FLINT DIXON When attacked he may discard a card from his hand to avoid the hit. Add the value of the card played against him with the value of the card he discards. If this value is greater or equal to 13, it counts as a Missed!; 17, a Dodge; 20, a Missed! and a BANG! against his attacker. Once per round, Turd has a free Missed! that does not add to his card limit. Turn Turd sideways to indicate when he has this Missed! When it is used, turn him back to the normal vertical position. These Missed! do not stockpile. She carries 2 guns by default (2 Colt .45), and can fire both on her turn. She can play 2 gun cards, even if they are duplicates. Once she has 2 gun cards in play, only 1 BANG! is needed to fire both. Whenever Flint plays a BANG!, he chooses whether his target must discard a BANG! or a missed! to avoid it. Barrel still may be utilized to avoid his shot. JOB MUSGROVE PORTER ROCKWALL PAT BARRETT JOHNNY POPE Anytime he is attacked, he may “draw!” On royals, discard a card from the hand of his attacker. He may discard 2 cards to produce a defensive or offensive BANG! directed at any player, regardless of distance. When he creates an offensive BANG!, it does contribute to his BANG! limit. Whenever a card is played or used against Pat that targets him alone, and that card is resolved, he may immediately discard a card of the same color to draw that card from the discard pile. Once per turn, he may lose a life point and either give it to a player or make a player “draw!” On reds, Johnny steals a card from him. On blacks, that player must discard 2 cards with missed symbols or lose a life point.