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LINKS BETWEEN THE ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT AND CIRRUS PROPERTIES: A SYNERGETIC APPROACH USING IR SOUNDERS, ACTIVE SOUNDERS AND METEOROLOGICAL REANALYSES C. Stubenrauch, A. Feofilov, T. Nicolas, and R. Armante Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, IPSL/CNRS, Université de Pierre et Marie Curie, Ecole Polytechnique, France E-mail:[email protected] How many of detected clouds are high, midlevel & low clouds? Climate monitoring with IR Sounders TOVS, ATOVS, AIRS, CrIS, >1979 / ≥ 1995 NOAA IASI (1,2,3), ≥2002 / ≥ 2012 NASA IASI-NG ≥2006 / ≥ 2012 / ≥ 2020 CNES-EUMETSAT 1:30 AM/PM, (2005-2012) 1rst coordinated intercomparison of 12 ‘state of the art’ global cloud datasets onboard polar orbiting satellites, with local observation time at: 7:30 AM/PM, Cloud Assessment TOVS Path-B & AIRS-LMD participated in Stubenrauch et al., BAMS 2013 http://climserv.ipsl.polytechnique.fr/gewexca 9:30 AM/PM CAHR = CAH / CA satellite observations: good spatial coverage long time series -> climate studies channels along CO2 / H2O absorption bands (with differing atmospheric weighting) allow to sound the atmosphere retrieval day & night: T & H2O profiles; cloud, aerosol & surface properties high spectral resolution: esp. reliable Cirrus properties increasing spectral resolution CAHR + CAMR + CALR = 1 CAHR depends on sensitivity to thin Ci (30% spread) active lidar > IR sounders > VIS-NIR-IR imagers > multi-angle VIS imagers 42% are high clouds (COD>0.1) -> 20% with COD>2 (MISR, POLDER) thin Ci over low cloud misidentified as midlevel clouds by ISCCP, ATSR, POLDER 42% are single-layer low clouds, 60% are low clouds (MISR, CALIPSO, surface observer) -> increasing vertical resolution of upper tropospheric humidity TOVS: TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder : High resolution InfraRed Sounder (HIRS) / Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) ATOVS: Advanced TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder: HIRS / Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) AIRS: Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder + AMSU CrIS: Cross-track Infrared Sounder + Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) IASI: Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer CALIPSO only considers uppermost layers to better compare with passive datasets lidar, CO2 sounding, IR spectrum Ci over low clouds: interpretation of cloud height IR-VIS imagers solar spectrum 1 TOVS Path-B & AIRS-LMD L3 cloud data available at http://ara.abct.lmd.polytechnique.fr/ AIRS-LMD L2 cloud data distributed by ICARE: http://www.icare.univ-lille1.fr/ ( 20% of all cloud scenes according to CALIPSO) 2 even if absolute values differ,geographical distributions & seasonal cycles similar Diurnal cycle of high clouds Cloud Retrieval: choice of ancillary data AIRS- IASI : using similar ancillary data reduces biases (diurnal cycle = small signal) reanalysis of AIRS, IASI (LMD) & TOVS / ATOVS (cooperation CM-SAF) ISCCP analysis : max of high clouds in evening (significant over tropical land) (Cairns 1995) TOVS analysis : Cirrus increase during afternoon & persist during night, thickening (Stubenrauch et al. 2006) LMD cloud retrieval based on spectral coherence of cloud emissivities estimated from radiances along CO2 absorption band (4A radiative transfer, TIGR data base) GEWEX ancillary data Dec 2007 Analysis 5° x 5°: time series, RMS of diurnal variability ERA ancillary data clear sky radiance = f(Tsurf, esurf, t(l,atm,qv)) AIRS, 1:30AM NASA AIRS L2 (V6) & NOAA IASI L2, GEWEX (NOAA HIRS-NN, ISCCP Tsurf), ERA-Interim Impact on CP distributions: IASI, 9:30AM land, 1h30PM 0 0.1 0.15 0.2 main diurnal variability over tropical land coherent with Cairns 1995, Tian et al. 2003 AIRS, 1:30PM CP distributions similar for AIRS L2 / ERA, slightly less high clouds & more low clouds for GEWEX (GEWEX warmer Tsurf in afternoon) 0.05 IASI, 9:30PM 3 4 1 CEM-CP high-cloud Weather States Identification of cloud classes cloud pressure (CP) & optical depth (COD) or cloud emissivity (CEM) vertical extent ISCCP per cloud class: CEM class : 0.05-0.25 0.25-0.5 0.5-0.75 0.75-0.9 0.9-1 1 Clouds extended objects, driven by dynamics -> cloud systems AIRS-LMD mesoscale grid: occurrence of these classes -> weather states (Tselioudis et al. 2013; talk W. Rossow) 42 CEM-CP classes -> 13 CEM-CP Weather States; 5 including high clouds: CEM vertical extent increases with CP & CEM; similar contributions of single layer Ci & Ci + low cld vertical structure per cloud class 0.7 / 98 / 3 0.8 / 97 / 6 0.7 / 96 / 6 0.4 / 98 / 6 0.6 /65 / 9 CEM/CA/ RFO Vertical structure from CALIPSOCloudSat GEOPROF (Mace et al. 2009) Cloud types like in Tselioudis 5 WS’s distinct vertical & horizontal structures Clouds with same IWP may have different IWC and De profiles -> influence on radiation ? Is it possible to give a shape probability in dependence of cloud properties or atmospheric properties? const trapecia increas decreas 51 0-10 54% 20% 10% 16% 29 10-30 31% 48% 13% 8% 17 30-100 28% 56% 14% 3% 3 100-300 26% 51% 21% 2% <1 300-1000 38% 35% 26% 1% only strong vertical winds affect lower & upper triangles probability of ISS presence in layer by calibration with MOZAIC (commercial aircraft) 200-250 hPa Feofilov et al., in prep. RFO 6 Ice Supersaturation & Cirrus IWC profile classes & dependency on IWP IWP(g/m2) Next step: explore radiative effects frequency of potential contrail situations from CALIPSO AIRS const & trapecia ≈ 80% of all profiles Lower triangle increases with IWP from 10 to 26% from AIRS Lamquin 2009; Lamquin et al., ACP 2012 integrated from ice super saturation occurrence weighted by flight altitude air traffic density Ci occurrence increases with ISS occurrence stronger increase in tropics than in midlat (different formation mecanism?) Upper triangle only for IWP < 30 g/m2 independent of location / season ! Next steps: 7 •Lagrangian studies of atmospheric flow linked to cirrus (like Luo & Rossow 2004, Tzella & Legras 2011) • link ISS & dust loading to Ci 8