Maple Tree Cafe - St. Mary`s Church
Maple Tree Cafe - St. Mary`s Church
ST. MARY’S PARISH, SIMSBURY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM Monday 8:00 AM Tuesday 8:00 AM Wednesday 8:00 AM Thursday 8:00 AM Friday 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Saturday 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM SEPTEMBER 28 Mary & Paul Cooper by: Elaine Blanchard Vigil: J ohn G. Groppo by: Ronning, Hartwell & Bible families SEPTEMBER 29 People of St. Mary’s Parish James McDonald by: Michele & Donald Allen Patricia Cavo by: Kevin & Jean Coombes SEPTEMBER 30 Barbara Bronzino by: Melissa Regan OCTOBER 1 Eleanor Sudol by: Leanne Oleasz PARISH FINANCES AND COLLECTIONS We are grateful for your generous support to our Parish. Weekly Offering—$8,231.00 HOPES —$4,816.00 Weekly E-Giving—$2,637.00 Bulletin: Announcements for the bulletin should be 50 words or less. All bulletin announcements should be sent to the Parish office at [email protected] by the end of the day on Monday. Help Wanted: St. Mary’s is need of additional maintenance work and is looking for a part-time employee who can perform light repairs and basic custodial duties. Approximately 10 hours per week, mostly weekend hours, mostly flexible timing. However, Sunday hours are required. For more information, contact Bill Heiden in the Parish office at 860-658-7627 WORSHIP AND PRAYER OCTOBER 2 Julieta & Zygmunt Romanow by: Family OCTOBER 3 Ryan Duff, birthday remembrance by: his family OCTOBER 4 Karl Kaminsky by: Paul & June Krippner School Mass OCTOBER 5 Vigil: Charlotte Lynch by: The Wollert Family OCTOBER 6 Richard West, 4th anniversary by: the family People of St. Mary’s Parish Connie Maffeo by: Tosini family Daily Mass Schedule: Daily Mass is celebrated Monday through Saturday at 8:00 AM. The Rosary is recited after the 8:00 AM Mass on Saturday. Free Rosaries: Do you need a pair of rosary beads? You will find a box with free rosaries in the vestibule of the church. Statue of the Blessed Virgin: On the rectory side of the church, you will see a lovely statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary donated by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montano in memory of their daughter Elaine ! Are you celebrating your 25th, 50th, or 60th Wedding Anniversary? Join Archbishop Mansell at St. Joseph’s Cathedral on Sunday, October 20th at 2:00 PM. at a Mass to celebrate your anniversary and renew your marriage vows. If you plan on attending, please call the Parish Office 860658-7627 Respect Life Mass: Archbishop Mansell will celebrate this year’s Archdiocesan Respect Life Mass on Sunday, October 6th at 11:00 AM at St. Joseph’s Cathedral. All are welcome. Consider Joining the Youth Choir: The St. Mary's Youth Choir is for young people in grades 2 through 8. We will rehearse on the following Friday afternoons: September 27th, October 11th, October 25th, November 8th, and November 22 from 3:45 - 4:30. Please contact Patty Lepak at [email protected] for more information! St. Mary’s Contemporary Group need you! The Contemporary Music Group is now serving at the 9:30 Mass each week. We rehearse on alternate Tuesday evenings and before Mass at 8:30. New singers are most welcome to join us. Please contact Patty Lepak at [email protected] for more information! TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. MARY’S – A PLACE TO BELONG, BELIEVE, BECOME How Do I Decide What Is Right? Part Three Last week I wrote that if we are to make good moral decisions we must know who we are; for when we know who we are then we know how we ought to act. In last week’s column, I said that our deepest and most important identity is the identity we enjoy in Christ. And I suggested that if we are conscious of our identity in Christ we will know how we ought to act. In this week’s column, I am presenting five ways that we can think of our identity in Christ that will help us to make the right moral choices. We are a people who have been baptized into Jesus Christ. At our baptism each one of us was baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. At that moment we were sacramentally united with Christ’s saving death and his life-giving resurrection. This means that we died with Christ to the power of Sin so that it is no longer necessary for us to sin. Put another way, we are free not to sin! Our baptism also means that we enjoy the new life of grace, and so we are free to live in a new way. While the power of Sin still affects our lives, we are no longer under its power. We are free to live a life apart from the power of Sin, if we choose. We are a people who have been sealed with God’s Holy Spirit. At baptism and confirmation we were sealed with the power of God’s own Spirit—the Holy Spirit. This Spirit enables us to do what we could not formerly do. It allows us to live as God wants us to live. If we allow the Spirit to act within us, the Spirit of God produces its fruits of love, joy, and peace within us. The Spirit enables us to live a morally good life. We are a people who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ. By his death on the cross, Christ redeemed us from our slavery to the powers of Sin and Death. Previous to Christ’s death and resurrection we were enslaved to these powers that ruled over our life. But after Christ’s death and resurrection these powers no longer rule over those who believe in Christ. This means that we, the redeemed, can live in a new and better way if we wish. We are a people who have been reconciled to God. When Christ died on the cross, God reconciled us to Himself. This means we are at peace with God, not because of something we have done but because of something God has done for us. We did not, and we could not, reconcile ourselves to God, so God did what we could not do for ourselves. God reconciled us to Himself by the blood of his Son. This means that we are a people who are reconciled to God and so ought to live as a people who are at peace with God. We are a holy people who form the Church. We are not just individuals; we form the community of the Church, the Body of Christ, and the Temple of the Living God. We are a holy and sanctified people whom God has sanctified by the blood of his own Son. By this blood, God has consecrated us for service to Himself. This means that all the members of the Church can rightly be called “saints,” not because we always do the right thing, but because God has consecrated and set us aside for service to Himself. The five points I have made above point to our dignity as Christians. They tell us who we are. If we remember our Christian dignity, if we remember who we are, we will know how to act. Fr. Matera September 29, 2013 ST. MARY’S SCHOOL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Walk-In Wednesdays: If you are interested in seeing all Lifeteen resumes tonight! Our next Lifeteen night will be held Sunday, September 29th in the Parish Center. It will begin at 6:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm. This is the new Religious Education program for high school students. This is a curriculum night and the topic is “All who are thristy.” the exciting things happening at St. Mary’s School, please drop in any Wednesday morning in October. No appointment is needed, just drop by between 9:00 am and 11:30 am. ADULT ENRICHMENT Want to Learn More about the Gospel of John? Fr. Matera will give the fourth in his series of talks on the Gospel of John this week on Thursday evening at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center. This week he will discuss how the miracles in John’s Gospel point to Jesus as the one who comes from the Father to reveal to the world what he has seen and heard in the Father’s presence. Would You Like to Grow in your Prayer Life? Ellen Graham will be our speaker at the Adult Enrichment on 10/6. Ellen a parishioner is also a Spiritual Director at the Spiritual Life Center in West Hartford. Ellen holds a special interest in Centering Prayer and meditation. Join Ellen as she helps us define prayer, as well as talk about the three essential prayers. There will be time devoted to Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina. This program will be held in the Parish Center before and after the 9:30 Mass. St. Mary’s Lending Library is up and running!! St. Mary’s now has a lending library for parishioners. Please stop by the parish center Sunday mornings before and after the 9:30 Mass. We have books for adults, young adults, tweens, and children. We also have movies and music CDs. Come and check out our selection! Books can be taken out for two weeks, movies and music for one week. Wednesday Evening Bible Study: Bible Study with Deacon Art Miller will continue on Oct 2nd and the following Wednesday evenings: Oct 23, Nov 6, & Nov 20. All classes will be held in the Parish Center beginning at 7:00 PM preceded by prayers for healing and special intentions at 6:30 PM. Please bring your Bible and a friend. Adult Education Online Discussion Board: It has a link to last week’s talk from Steve Rushin. Come take a look! To access the Discussion Board, go to “Faith Formation / Adult Enrichment / Discussion Board” on the St. Mary’s website ( Reflection and Study on Sunday Readings: Join other men and women on Tuesday mornings from 8:45 am to 10:00 am in the church office conference room to read and reflect on the upcoming Sunday Scripture readings. Contact Caryl Muller at 651-3849 or [email protected]. Group limited to 10 people. RCIA Schedule: We meet Monday nights at 7:30 in the Parish Office September 30—Word of God October 7 — No Class October 14 — Word of God—New Testament October 21 — Overview of the Sacraments OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS Awakening the Faith: If you would like to reconnect more closely with your faith, please join St. Catherine of Siena Parish beginning Wednesday, October 2nd at 7:30 pm in the church library. The series will run through November 2nd. Northwest Catholic High School invites prospective students and parents to attend one of a series of Admissions Information Sessions at three different locations in the Greater Hartford area during October. NWC will also host an Open House on Sunday, Nov. 3rd at 1pm. For more information or to register for an info session online, go to or contact Andrew Selig at [email protected] to reserve a spot. Come " to the 2013 CT Catholic Men's Conference on Saturday, October 26, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at Goodwin College, 1 Riverside Drive, East Hartford, CT 06118.( ) To Reserve a Ticket (s), Go to: Be another St. Francis! Be Inspired to Help Rebuild our Church!" Mercy Shelter Desserts & Fruits Needed: Members of the Social Action Committee will be serving a meal at the Mercy Shelter next Sunday, October 6th. Those who would like to provide desserts or fruits should leave them in the Church basement before 3:00 PM. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you. Andrew J. Ponichtera, DMD, MS Cosmetic Dentistry 373 Hopmeadow St. Weatogue, CT 06089 HOP MEADOW COUNTRY CLUB BEST PAINT... BEST ADVICE 860-658-7623 Weddings • Baptisms Baby Showers • Fundraisers Golf Outings • Luncheons Funeral Receptions 860-651-3319 Maher’s Paint & Wallpaper LLC KEVORKIAN & ASSOCIATES, LLC Attorneys At Law Estates and Trusts Real Estate and Commercial Transactions Gary R. Kevorkian, Esq. Kathleen M. Congero, Esq. Eileen C. Moskey, Esq. 40 Woodland St. Rear Hartford, CT 06105 39 West Dudley Town Rd. Bloomfield, CT 06002 860-728-5431 #2 FUEL OIL BURNER & A/C SERVICE & INSTALLATION Greg Maglieri, Parishioner Tel. 860-242-0298 Fax: 860-286-9731 678-1200 (860) For Information Call Joe Sheehy 1-800-888-4574 ext. 3393 Licensed in CT & MA Health Care Excellence Brings Peace of Mind Short Term Rehab • Hospice Respite • Skilled Nursing 350 Salmon Brook Street, Granby, CT (860) 653-9888 An Athena Health Care Systems Managed Facility Erica K. Maglieri KEHOE REMODELING, INC. REALTOR® Connecticut Realty 920 Hopmeadow Street Simsbury, CT 06070 Cell 860 324-6842 Fax 860 651-4729 [email protected] An Independently owned and operated member of !"#$%&'()*+,%)*+-.')'%+/01*()'%.2+3&45 HOD-000924 • S-1-0300612 Call Steve Ardussi 860-309-4137 email: [email protected] Website: MAGLIERI Construction & Paving, Inc. Turning 65? Some plans at 0 cost! Advertising Sponsors make this bulletin possible 18 Hartford Avenue Granby, CT 06035 860-653-5521 DEITCH ENERGY, LLC Confused about Medicare Plans? 369 West Main St. Avon, CT 06001 ...we will exceed your expectations 85 Firetown Road, Simsbury, CT 06070 Health Insurance Medicare Plans 860-693-4929 FREE ESTIMATES “No Job Too Small” Tim Kehoe • Insured • CT Lic. #0624474 Arthur Robert Sanfilippo Owner Custom Painting Established 1988 Interior/Exterior Residential/Commercial Simsbury, CT 860-658-1535 2536 Memorials-monuments & markers Cemetery lettering & cleaning Distinctive Bronze Plaques 739 Bloomfield Ave., Windsor 688-5977 Compliments of... RODERICK CONSTRUCTION CO. Site Development • Septic Systems Drainage Systems • Excavation Foundations • Sewer Hook-ups Bobcat & Backhoe Driveways • Concrete Work Over 4 Decades of Family Owned & Operated Service to the Valley Maple Tree Cafe 860-651-1297 Call 860-658-5257 413-569-2400 860-654-1975 A part of your neighborhood 25 Sam W es t Rd., P.O . Box 1168, Sout hwi c k , MA 01077 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 BARK MUL CH & CO LO R ED M ULCH PLA YG RO UND CHIPS • FIREWO OD • T OP SO IL © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 10:22 AM Friendly & Reliable Service. 860-844-3000 for three generations. ST. MARY, SIMSBURY, CT 03-0265 R ID BRISTOL’S BARRETT BUILDERS TREE SERVICE LLC 35 Years Serving The Valley Roof Cleaning Steven Bristol P.O. Box 77, Canton Center, CT 06020 860•693•0143 the Premier Tree Service in the Farmington Valley A specialty food store HOME MAINTENANCE ROOFING • Replacement Windows Siding • Seamless Gutters Roof Cleaning & Gutter Cleaning (860) 658-1601 FREE ESTIMATES CT. Arborist License #62677 Tel. (860) 242-5559 Fax (860) 243-3865 L.J. Electric Co. Inc. Residential • Commercial Industrial 705 North Mountain Road Newington, CT 06111 Bud Klimas - President Lic. 103941 Jerry Graham, D.D.S. Avon Wellness Center Open Sundays till 2 p.m. Patrick F. Albergo, M.D. ane’s BOARD CERTIFIED OPHTHALMOLOGIST 100 Simsbury Road, Avon, CT arket 860-606-0066 Duane F. Austin, M.D. BOARD CERTIFIED OPHTHALMOLOGIST 639 Park Rd., W. Hartford, CT 06107 860.521.9230 • Fax 860.521.1709 • Quality Meats Me • First Class Deli • Fresh Produce • Custom Gift Baskets • Full Service Catering Quality dentistry in a comfortable and caring atmosphere 1310 Hopmeadow St., Simsbury, CT 06070 35 Waterville Rd., Avon, CT 06001 860.409.7764 • Fax 860.409.7766 New Patients Welcome (860) 651-0614 Miller Plumbing & Heating Co. Est. 1954 Lic.# 203627 GENERAL PLUMBING WATER HEATERS HEATING SYSTEMS DRAIN SERVICES 860-523-PIPE QUALITY SCREENED START RIGHT - START HERESM Valley Home & Garden Centre, Inc. TOPSOIL 16 Railroad St., Simsbury, CT 3, 7 & 17 CY LOADS DELIVERED Excavating & Grading 860-651-5646 Call 860-658-3676 Feed - Hardware - Lawn & Garden Power Equipment Sales & Service Greg & Karen Piekarski - Owners [email protected] 860-651-6517 860-404-0606 5091 1-888-TAB-4-HELP www.w 860-651-7060 More than a grocery store 180 Farms Village Rd., Simsbury, CT 06092 An active member of the community for over 50 years Providing IT support to area small businesses for over 28 years. WARNER NURSERY 710 Hopmeadow Street Simsbury, Connecticut Open 7 days a week, 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM Perennials • Shrubs • Trees Garden & Lawn Supplies Christmas Shoppe Connecticut’s Dealer Since 1975 860-651-0204 528-9881 South Windsor • Milford RIVERSIDE RD., SIMSBURY CENTER Douglas M. Hope, D.M.D. Complete Propane Installation, Service and Bulk Delivery State Line Propane 500 Salmon Brook St., Granby (860) 653-8076 Delivery & Service License #’s: SI-303179, PI-204150 TAX SERVICES Family Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry FOR INDIVIDUALS AND SMALL BUSINESSES 381 Hopmeadow Street Suite 301 Simsbury, CT 06089 BRENDA J. SULLIVAN, CPA, CFA 860-651- 4915 MELANSON & SPARAGNA, LLC SIMSBURY, CT 06070 Attorneys at Law TEL: 860-658-7209 Andrea M. Melanson • Marialta Z. Sparagna 714 Hopmeadow Street, Suite One, Simsbury, Connecticut (860) 651-7481 FAX: 860-658-9461 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Transactions Refinances • Estate Planning • Probate & Wills Family Law • Mediation • Special Needs Trusts Elder Law • Medicaid Planning EMAIL: [email protected] FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 10:22 AM ST. MARY, SIMSBURY, CT 03-0265 R ID
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