February 15, 2015
February 15, 2015
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfatimaparish.org E-mail Address: [email protected] Rectory Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am-12Noon, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Evenings: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm / Sun. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Rev. Msgr. John E. Mahoney, Pastor Rev. Michael Udoh, In Residence, Part-Time Parochial Vicar Rev. Edwin H. Lozada, Parochial Vicar Rev. Patrick J. Frawley, In Residence Rev. James Fedigan S.J., In Residence Deacon Marco Lopez, Permanent Deacon Ms. Leslie De Paz, Financial Secretary Mrs. Anna Maria Mejia, Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Liturgy Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:15 am - Family Liturgy (Sept. - May) 12:00 pm 5:30 pm Weekdays: Monday thru Friday 7:00 am & 8:30 am Saturday - 8:30 am First Fridays and Holy Days - As announced in the Bulletin INFANT BAPTISMS For children under 8 years of age, the sacrament is celebrated the FIRST Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. The parents must register in the parish office at least 3 weeks prior to the baptism. Both parents and godparents are expected to attend one catechetical session in advance, on the Wednesday before the baptism, at 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTS OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION Before being fully initiated into the sacramental life of the Church, children over the age of 8 will need catechetical preparation through the RCIC process. Teenagers and adults will participate in separate RCIA processes. CONFIRMATION and COMMUNION For those already baptized, preparation for these Sacraments will take place according to the person’s age and knowledge of the Catholic Faith. For further information contact the Office of Faith Formation Program. MARRIAGES Couples should contact the parish office at least six months in advance to make the proper arrangements for the Sacrament of Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact the parish office. RECONCILIATION A priest is available for Confessions on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. You can also make an individual appointment. PARISH DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Fatima Novena and Rosary Monday 7:30 pm First Friday: Exposition 10:00 am / Holy Hour 6:30pm, followed by Benediction & Mass at 7:30 pm Mrs. Cassie Zelic, School Principal 25-38 80th Street 718-429-7031 Sister Patricia Reills PBVM, Pastoral Associate & Director of Faith Formation 25-02 80th Street 718-457-3457 Mr. John Cook, Music Director & Organist Mr. Jerry Rodriguez, Youth Minister, Part-Time Mr. José Aquino, Trustee Mr. John Blaney, Trustee HORARIO DE MISAS en español Domingo 10:30 am Jueves 7:00 pm Dias Festivos: Se publica en el boletín. EL BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS Solamente para los niños menores de los 8 años de edad, se celebra el sacramento el SEGUNDO y el CUARTO domingo del mes a las 2:00 pm. Es preciso que los padres se inscriban en la parroquia por lo menos tres semanas antes del bautismo. Ambos padres y padrinos deberán asistir a una instrucción catequética, la noche del Miercoles anterior al bautizo a las 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTOS DE LA INICIACION CRISTIANA Con el propósito de participar plenamente en la vida sacramental de la Iglesia, los niños mayores de los 8 años de edad, necesitarán prepararse en el proceso de Iniciación Cristiana Para Niños. Los jóvenes y los adultos se preparán separadamente en el proceso del RICA. CONFIRMACION Y COMUNION La preparación para estos Sacramentos se cumple según la edad de la persona y su conocimiento de la Fe Católica. Para más información comunicarse con la Oficina de Formación de la Fe. MATRIMONIOS La pareja deberá hacer su solicitud en el despacho pastoral por los menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda, para entrevistarse con el sacerdote e iniciar la preparación matrimonial. UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Comunicarse con el despacho pastoral. RECONCILIACION El Sacramento se celebra semanalmente los sábados de 3:30 pm a 4:30 pm. También se puede fijar una cita para la Confesión otro día de la semana con un sacerdote. DEVOCION EN HONOR AL DIVINO NIÑO Ultimo Viernes de cada mes. 6:00 pm - Confesiones - Rosario - Novena 7:00 pm - Misa SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 8:30 am - Purgatorial Society 5:00 pm - Mary Fabrizi SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 8:00 am - For the People of the Parish 9:15 am - Graciela Alvarez (Birthday) 10:30 am - Maria I. & Maria Idaly Mera 12:00 pm - Michele Tenebruso 5:30 pm - John & Johanna Blaney MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 7:00 am - NO MASS 8:30 am - Pietro & Paolina TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 7:00 am - Matilde Spani & Constance Carghill 8:30 am - Rose Mary Raymond (1st Anniversary) ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 7:00 am - Souls in Purgatory 8:30 am - Ignaz Magdits 7:00 pm - Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Breen (Spanish) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 7:00 am - Angela & Mary Grilli 8:30 am - Eddie Bott 7:00 pm - Misa Comunitaria TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The leper will dwell apart, making an abode outside the camp (Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46). Psalm — I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation (Psalm 32). Second Reading — Do everything for the glory of God; be imitators of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:31 — 11:1). Gospel — The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean (Mark 1:40-45). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab,12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Presidents’ Day Tuesday: The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order; Mardi Gras; Shrove Tuesday Wednesday: Ash Wednesday; Fast and Abstinence Thursday: Chinese New Year 4713 Friday: Abstinence Saturday: St. Peter Damian FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 7:00 am - Pietro & Mimma Spani 8:30 am - Arrigo Bott SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 8:30 am - Ronald Mangano 5:00 pm - Joseph & Rose Avitabile SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 8:00 am - For the People of the Parish 9:15 am - Giuseppe Cichi 10:30 am - Maria & Vicente Cavassa 12:00 pm - George Koopman 5:30 pm - John & Catherine Blaney Please pray for the sick: Rev. Jack Newell, Jennifer Garcia Yepes, Isabel & Rebecca Cruz, Rita Morris, Rita del Valle, Ronald De Paz, Joyce Scocozza, Mary Jung Please pray for the deceased: Graciela Alvarez, Esnedad de Jesús Rangel, Graciela del Valle, Rene Turcke, Jacinto Bajaña Cerezo, Alfonso Angles, Angel & Josephina Vera, Emma Rodriguez de Arvila, Celia Carmen Carbo, Gregorio Conderi, Graciela Carbajal, Geronimo Proano, Pura Toro, Gonzalo Guevara LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El leproso habitará solo, fuera del campamento (Levítico 13:1-2, 44-46). Salmo — Perdona, Señor, nuestros pecados (Salmo 32 [31]). Segunda lectura — Haz todo por la gloria de Dios; sean imitadores de Cristo (1 Corintios 10:31 — 11:1). Evangelio — Jesús, después de haber curado a un hombre leproso, le pide que no se lo cuente a nadie (Marco 1:40-45). COMPASIÓN Y GENEROSIDAD Que tu corazón se compadezca de las desgracias y angustias de todos y que tu mano dé en proporción a tu riqueza. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. Todo lo que hagan ustedes, sea comer, o beber, o cualquier otra cosa, háganlo todo para gloria de Dios. — 1 Corinthians 10:31 SCHEDULE FOR PRESIDENT’S DAY Monday, February 16th is President’s Day. There will be NO MASS at 7:00 A.M. and the church will be locked after the 8:30 A.M. Mass. There will be NO NOVENA on Monday evening. The Rectory Office will be OPEN with limited service. HORARIO PARA EL DÍA DE LOS PRESIDENTES El Lunes, 16 de febrero es el Día de los Presidentes. NO habrá MISA de 7 a.m. y la iglesia se mantendrá cerrada después de la MISA de las 8:30 A.M. NO habrá NOVENA por la noche del lunes. Tengan en cuenta que la Oficina de la Rectoría estará abierta. ASH WEDNESDAY Memorials ALTAR CANDLES are donated this week in loving memory of the VICTIMS of the Metro North. The BREAD and WINE are donated this week in loving memory of Margarita Ore Moroco. The season of Lent will begin on Wednesday, February 18th. Please note that ASHES will be distributed at the following times on that day: 7:00 AM Mass, 8:30 AM Mass 12:00 Noon - Prayer Service 4:00 PM - Prayer Service 7:00 PM - Mass ( Spanish) PLEASE NOTE THAT ASHES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT ALL THE MASSES AND SERVICES Fast and Abstinence Ash Wednesday, February 18th and Good Friday, March 3rd, are days of Fast and Abstinence. Limit of one full meal on these days for those who had completed 18 years old and have not reached 60. Days of Abstinence All Fridays of Lent those who are over 14 years of age abstain totally from meat. Ayuno y Abstinencia El miércoles de Ceniza 18 de febrero, y 3 de marzo es Viernes Santo, son días de ayuno y abstinencia. Se limita a una comida completa durante esos 2 días y obliga a los mayores de 18 años hasta los adultos de 60. Días de Abstinencia Todos los viernes de Cuaresma obliga a los mayores de 14 años de edad a no comer carne. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Parishioners, This Wednesday, February 18th is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the holy season of Lent. As the blest ashes are placed on our foreheads we embark upon a spiritual journey of prayer, penance and charity that will lead to the glorious celebration of Easter. May our observance of Lent this year be for all of us a time of grace, blessing and spiritual renewal. Msgr. Mahoney Queridos Feligreses: El Miércoles, 18 de febrero es Miércoles de Ceniza y el comienzo de la Santa Cuaresma. Como las cenizas benditas se colocan en la frente nos embarcamos en un viaje espiritual de la oración, la penitencia y la caridad que nos llevará a la gloriosa celebración de la Pascua. Que nuestra observancia de la Cuaresma de este año sea para todos nosotros un tiempo de gracia, bendición y renovación espiritual. Mons. Mahoney STATIONS OF THE CROSS The parish will celebrate this traditional Lenten devotion on Friday, February 20th at 7:00 pm in English. ESTACIONES DE LA CRUZ Tendremos las Estaciones de la Cruz todos los viernes de la Cuaresma a las 8:00 pm, comenzando este viernes 20 de febrero. COLLECTIONS February 8, 2015 - $6,346.00 Poor Box - $128.00 Second Collection – $2,625.00 (Deficit Reduction) February 9, 2014 - $4,331.00 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL FINAL REPORT (January 13, 2015) Parish Goal: $53,901.00 PLEDGES: 204 AMOUNT PLEDGED: $65,971.00 AMOUNT PAID: $65,476.00 REPORTE FINAL (Enero 13, 2015) Meta parroquial: $53,901.00 PROMESAS: 204 SUMA PROMETIDA: $65,971.00 CANTIDAD PAGADA: $65,476.00 We recently received a check from the Diocese for $8,977, representing the final distribution of our parish share in the 2014 Appeal. Thank you for your generous support of the Diocese and our Parish! THE 2015 ANNUAL APPEAL WILL BEGIN IN MARCH! ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY SPEECH AND HEARING CENTER FREE Speech and Hearing Screening starting February 2 through May 11, 2015 Please call center at 718-990-6480 to schedule an appointment. The Center is located at 152-11 Union Turnpike, Flushing, NY GRATIS un exam de habla y audicion se llevara a cabo desde February 2 a Mayo 11, 2015 Llamar al centro para pedir una cita al 718-990-6480 Direccion 152-11 Union Turnpike Flushing, NY USHERS We are in need of additional ushers to assist at Sunday Mass and on other occasions. Any man or woman, 16 years of age or older, who is interested in helping with this important ministry, please give your name and phone number to Deacon Marco. Thank you! UJIERES Necesitamos ujieres para que asistan en la Misas los domingos y en otras ocasiones. Cualquier hombre o mujer, de 16 años de edad ó más, si estás interesado en colaborar en este importante ministerio, por favor den su nombre y número de teléfono al diácono Marco. Gracias! MISA AL DIVINO NIÑO El viernes 27 de febrero a las 7:00 P.M. es la Misa al Divino Niño. Habrá confesiones, rosario y novena. Todos estan invitados no falten. PARISH FASHION SHOW COMMITTEE The meeting of our Fashion Show Committee has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 4th at 7:00 PM in the rectory. PRO-LIFE CORNER - “Abortion is the only surgery for which the surgeon is not obligated to inform the patient of the possible risks of the procedure, or even the exact nature of the procedure. Indeed, abortion providers are the only medical personnel who have a ‘constitutional right’ to withhold information, even when directly questioned by the patient.” LEGION OF MARY The Pilgrim Statue of the Blessed Mother is ready to visit the homes of Our Lady of Fatima parishioners. If you would like to have the statue to be with you for a week, please call Christina Hughes at 718-458-2632 and two members of the Legion of Mary will bring the statue to your home. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL GIVES BACK Our Lady of Fatima should share in the profits. For each car, truck or van, running or not. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will give back to our church $50/100 per vehicle. Maybe you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member, friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at (718) 491-2525. Thanks for your participation! PLEASE SUPPORT OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS! B Diocesan Lenten Pilgrimage B Diocesan Lenten Pilgrimage 500th Anniversary St. Teresa of Avila The Passion Play in Sordevolo, Italy Visiting Rome, Assisi, Venice, Padua And the Paimonte Region September 3-13, 2015 Bishop Chappetto & Msgr. Aguggia Chaplains For a Brochure call: Nettie at Central Holidays 1-800-935-5000 x5244 [email protected] Visiting Fatima, Lisbon, Avila, Madrid Segovia and Toledo March 12—20, 2015 Bishop Octavio Cisneros, Spiritual Director For a Brochure call: Lucille, Regina Tours 1-800-Catholic x208 We are pleased to inform you that the following members of our parish have academic accomplishments during the second quarter of 2014-2015 school year at the following school: St. Francis Preparatory School—Honor Roll Status: COX, KIMONE FERNANDEZ, KRISTEN GONZALEZ, SEBASTIAN GUARDADO, ELIAS HENRIQUEZ, RYAN LAMY, TASHELLE ORTIZ, JONATHAN TRENTACOSTI, JACLYN ZURITA, ANDRES TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Lent, the Church’s annual pre‑baptismal retreat, prepares us to gather around the Easter font, renew our baptismal vows, and receive new life from the water as the elect are plunged into Christ’s death and resurrection. This core meaning is more or less available, depending on whether we journey with catechumens in the parish and on the vigor of our liturgical celebration of the Triduum. Some persist in seeing Lent as a lonely journey in the wilderness; yet this week we enter the Lenten fast in solidarity with one another. The smudged foreheads you will spy throughout Ash Wednesday on buses, street corners, and supermarket aisles remind you that you are hardly alone in your desire to enact a spring cleaning regime for your spiritual life. Long ago, this kind of repentance was available to Christians only once. Ashes and sackcloth were not raiment for a day, but permanent habits for public sinners. Fasting became a way of life, and if they sinned severely again, there was no hope of restored communion. Happily, this system did not endure. It produced reluctant Christians who even held back from baptism, like St. Augustine did, out of fear. Today we have recovered an ancient tradition that conversion and repentance are constant themes on life’s journey, and that Lent is an annual opportunity to revive our baptismal identity, both as individuals and communities. PARISH CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS ASH WEDNESDAY—BEGINNING OF LENT Wednesday, February 18th Fashion Show Committee Wednesday, March 4th - 7 PM at the Rectory
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Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Mrs. Cassie Zelic, School Principal
25-38 80th Street 718-429-7031
Sister Patricia Reills PBVM, Pastoral Associate &
Director of Faith Formation
25-02 80th Street 718-457-3457
Mr. John Cook, Music ...