DOLLAR PICK COSUXNA, M I C H . , O C T . .?;>. YEAR. BoyJ Orator? VOLUMIO XVI, Xc. 45 CIRCUIT JUDGE j LOCAL HAPPENINGS. .--W. A. Parker was at Fiint. M );i'hy. . the Held im soldiery, do you beiievc i 'vvv-g-c* wo-uld increa.se >-o ihucii uudfi" — Mis.* Grace Hawkins was on the sick Hon. Stearns F. Smith, of Owosso. the conditions that woit<t4 follow your i —A, W. Green is on the sick li>:»> thte iistht^r week. Judge.Smith was born near Cleveland, week. ' election? .— -1, V. Austin, of Kairliohl. was in our I*ut)li-<he<\ evtry Thursday inomi&ir, at Corgrains of Ohio, Sept. H. >*!!.">. In \STt.', he came • Sixth—Why is it th«t:$7 j — ilon. W. It. Chapeli was at Sa^hmv. city Thursday. unna, the County Sfat of ahiawHis*"?? County. Devoted to l l i e i merest* «>l" Iftr hr-publican I silver with the stamp of gold suudard j with his parent* tolVrry m this county. ! Monday. —s. H. Row, of T.an.*i;ig, was \n our Party and' i_o colkt-liou of kwai *ud gem-ttxi i America cm It will buy 754 grains of Hi-•; In 1^.^> he returned to Ohio, wheiu he ! —Attorney H. M, High, of Ovid, was < • . jt\" last Thursday.. ! ver with the stamp of silver standard i remained until the Mpriitg of IS.*;*, when i in town yesterday on probate matters. T»RXS:—One year. tl.Oft; six months, ttfiy cents; three momta, twetuy-Bve ceiiis. —Mr*..Henry Welfare'visited- friends j Mexico ou it? | he emigrated to the Pacilie coa.-t. reAdvertsinir rufo* nude krwvti at the otfii^. j —Mrs. Hollin K. Kelsey lelt last week at .Filching last week. First-cla** fadUltl*-* JW Jnl» «nd i^imnerci-1 MR. BRYAN, THE PQPULISTJC i Seventh—If you say it is because the maining there until ls»l<;. lie then re- i for Chicago to.pursue the study of art. priming ot MLi SsiuUe im suurt uutkv. i — Jesse Dewey hus our .^fban'kft for a j silver dollar in America is maihtaiiieil : turned to Terry, residing there _nd at Sbfeit;er* not p*»tf.rt>r :h«»ir paper r*in-i«r*: CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT. ! — .folin C. Cjuuyle, the cash grocer, bus Si*>ji»uw and Uilliitiuston until 1S*M, basket of snow apple-. | at par with gold by the government. \ i t b y cause vrili | when the credit of the government is re- when be removed to Owosso. where he | a few words to say in another column. — John Patchel, of 1'hi.ruud, was at Gave a Gem from his.Oratorical Dia- • moved by Tree coinage find silver stands ha* since re.-dded. He has held the ottiee ; Read it. the county seat Monday.' dem at Owotto last Saturday. —The residence of Geo. Xeeciiiam, of on its merits, wilt not the American sll- of supervisor at''large of Owosso. city —L>. O. Reynolds, of iJantster, was a Owos*so, was ver doMar sink to the value'of the Mex• attorney and mayor, al^o two terms $ts by tire Satj piea.*ai.t caller yesterday. OF OORUNNA Hon. VVui. J. Bryan, the popuii>tic ican dollar, and will uot tbe working-'iirtiiiv i • •-• •••— W. D. - \ - C i t y Clerk and Mrs. W. A. Knight for President held foith at man who received it be put upon tbe - M r . C. C. Chapman, the Owosso j , p e n t S m H l a y w l t h M r # a i ) ( 1 M r s ^ i.Kvo»»o la*t .S-vturdny, ;.u I the extensive j }ow level of the Mexican laborer? bookbinder, is ill with a fever and aj >Vm. McCartv adv*ni*ingof the coining of SK> mighty j Eighth—You say ttat gold ha* ap! severe cold. Dr. i)uile> is attending IMWKTOSS. —Mrs. Edd Traph^geji and a _*T!«>iiag». brought out A lar^e i-rowd, predated. That under the gold standJ jbiiu. itt fh*( A. NlCRtH—. people th>*tshould ard the gold dollar has grown from 100 /of Linden, Were the ;fi:e^ts of her ulster j —John Aldrich. of Victor, Clinton | \_r<. Flovd _. to '200 cents. Wages in this country are I .county, was sent to the county jail by j WhtrtlltT lit? \iV ' gl»d to «*e them in gold or its equivalent. The rate | Justice Byerly. on a charge of being i —J. G. VanSiekif* a»:d M.O. tft(<t«fiietaai* i« hard t<> tell a* Ire said nothing that j o f has risen since 1S"3. If tbe l>etroit. were the gne*t*of W.lt Van I drunk. would iiMlicvte th»t he w American workingtuan receives as many | Sickles, of this city, over Sunday. Thv failure to im-ei j -—Ca^s Reed, of Vernon, wa? A caller J dollars for a day's wofk now as he did —Tbe prohibitionists of • here Tucsdav. He has been on tbe sick of»he crowd is laid to Kditor iu 1SJ3. and these dollars have grown of the OWO*H> Pre,4<*. Mr, White in value from 100 to 200 cents, do you 'list some time tLU la.il, but n vow all oounty hav«» nomin»Ud a 1n\) cotnity ticket. They would not be sw*Howed i* firmly oppewri to * <M«ml currency not think It would be unwise to swap t right again. i* putting up - _*nl tight for those k for a dollar which you frankly tell f —W. F. C1O«<P, of Byron in our Hty,I by the fusion5«s. Wue ilfUKN rat?. Pouter and Buek- him would be worth only half «s much. i Thursday, on his way to Owosso. to at- j —There are S5 meivher* of the fre«horr, »id for Found tumiey and the n flji'ss at Olivet >'"o»!eg<--. with ftiulNinth—Will the worklngmsn, under prosecuting attorney of Shiawa*st€ • te»d tbe r^iSBicR of LSJ; c!J reg:_e:;L county, all of which offices he has filled mm of OWOMO. In his i ^ u e representlng 130 towns and cities i the 29th Michigan Infantry. free coinage, nave to work as hard and some very yerti- as many hours for a dollar as he does with ability and fidelity to the interests I —Tbe Republican nominees for circuit | i u Michigan alone. of tbe people. Mr, Brj-«ui with a re- now. j court coinuiisgioherf, Warreu Pierpont j —The Junior claw of theiifgfc school The death of Judge ilontajfue, a little quest that be answer Uwcu while at OwH. Collins, are o*«\ M r. Bryan harteg <.<ea?ed to be a OWOSSO, MICH. Board of Supervisors. who <rrant every Burnett, as •nbeeriber since Mr. White refused to .Go«\ Bicti to ftll tbe vacancy, which he of excellent qaaiiftcfttkm necefsary for the position. secretary; Hosier McBride, treasurer. MWWP™, virt-Pre». wpport hi«t to da*»*e that he «bould The work of tbe supervisor* is draw- did bv the appointment of Hon. Stearns I. H. sum, —The B. T . P. C , -ided by Stantley —The ronnfif receive a copy of (be Pre*s* which by ing to a close. Most of the reports of F. Smith, of Owosso. Judge Smith WHS of *»ur city have P Bigelow, tbe boy elocutionist of Mor»nlze<! a McKiniey vlnb and eleete<1 or?? | t_e way has achieved a national repn- tbe standing committees are in and the a formidable applicant, through his ! rioe, will give a literary and mosicalen* yi^ p ^ ^ j e TJndVy. pr*»««lfV»»t: M!ss G L JB«#t*r VEH»H friend?, for the judgship at the time of ^ t*tiou stn«e Mr. Brj*n*g whatever j accounts are nearly all audited. j teruiouient at the Baptist Church, on j J ^ p ** . ^rvttkrj; ami Mi?? Ad» n a AT T It S KeeJrr it* statKliug might have been heretofore, j The equalization committee made a the appointment of Judge Montague, Wednesday evening, Oct. 28. Admte~t w'hlppie trea«uier. 4 per cetttlltereSt QMfterty ©• sotit him a copy by special delivery. | supplemental rejwrt to comply with when the thirty-fifth judicial circnit S i r s Deposits. Allure invitetl. j w a s Mr Bryan got the paper all right as ; the stfituie relative to rite deductions S organiisHl. At the time of the deathi sion. ,10 cents. „ ' . • . . ! —T,. IF. Wilwx.of Waoliinsrti>n. T > C , ! —Mr. Hiram Chapman returned home i . , . i . • r Money'to Loftn on Real E«tate. bis speech, which we give b^low, clear- ! &n<) ..},Mitlons ro roaf w'f«t*. i c ' J u r t g e Montague Judge Smith was i._ , _ .. . _. , . ,_ . _,, I tMine home !a.»t we*»k to remain Deposit Boxes for Kent. nOt a | t*Mlay ffom a six weeks visit in Flint) . , f 'ly shows, but It spoiled tbeiueetingasfa. i '_'j, e <iu{>erShteiHlentfi of the poor were ! candidate, apu the appointment visiting his CRIne t o 1 tn and vicinity. He reports that the ma-!* ' _ ' , , * ., lie : EvCBiftg»I a.« the populate were cenrerned and drew • nuthori/od fo purchase 40 ncrw of lan«l> * "» wSfhont i?olieiwtion. He Saturday B«tik • daughter, Mr)*, r j who thronged in Flint to see the j , .. pity from their opponents, who wuuld . the price not to exceetl Sl.'KJO. \ inunaiiately threw up an extensive and ijorltv !„ *«. *» ? . , 1iiiewingouj I Hon. Mr. Bryan la*t ^i^tu^lay were as like to we them enjoj* theinwives. I t ! J, A. Armstrong was re-elected hv r l»orative practice, which he had Wen DIRECTORY. —-Thf* boani of fHrei'fors.of thp ' however proved a bonanza for Editor j unanimou* vote to succeed liim*felf as i y e a r s * n building up, an<l ascumwl the ! sorely tlipappoijated as tbe many w»ire nnil White w h o w*i kept busy sill d a y ad<l- *iiv»frim)>iidrnt of the m*i>r ' ofSlce. This was no small Siurrittce. a's ! in ; : n* <ling «ubser.il>er$ t o his* list. wlilJe a f e w r,Corunn*, Mich. I'nricr the ,,fMV lav/ rd*.« sup. rvi-^r ^ c - ' - ^in.-*,• i? >«i <• 1 him a handsome, _ > _ r . Q. E. Perry, of 3luske_rcii, is 8*mu*;i . o f V e r r t o n . n n ho^me rt?^d c o n i.a.l their it»\y* rs di^i'tmthnied. T h e fol-i , a v c t o olcrt thvci • n v . - ^ r s b. . oni ' nij^tcco. which siiice then has \m-u visiting bi» listers. Mrs*. K. A. Sewelu of u k b y o t l e r £•:!{*. VJ: Joe* o n h o u s e «>f A . If, i> the hjieecli of Mr. Hr j"ft'r«;' whjeh tinM 7i, A*rr. of having ft n>pr<>>e!U- ! , * " ' "Forney-, of tlxr county. 1 Owosso,, and Mrs. I. E. , of —F. I. -h ; Mich, il 'H. of' ,'«liddl»*?mry. «f ^ i ' 1 ' . T < 111i11 M> him to the dirtiiigsii^h.:;! Th e K ^ n U M . a n c<»iiventlou >AN:ity. Mr. iVi'ry was> »n tit f o r fli»' front cadi '< K. s t u r d y l i ' J i . e s t y rsMtl :»l»i!irv. :n:d ';' Midi. Sowing 31a*:hlne & "Th«« lluy Orator." Jle *.i»Id:-i\v. e<! ui < o.. of A . '". — (;*•<•. tr vr;ir'r •V fi'ilil. FtltiT. ;\: j • I t > A S i * ( i K N i"l,ci|B,V 1 1 1 • 1 i h v f ! ' > ! ! l l i : ! l f I \ M I t i l l ' i l l ' ' i l l l l ' S <)\\fi.»>o. some twenty-yvf if K. M . Ka.>:. <•' -til tv|in of ftMii' y(.U: ; . i ro^idinJ iii this city. 'lliey me ..i. .iriJ Vi-I i . It i» tlu-OM'OnMi Pl't-f-.-" l i f the liiitc ui Ki- aj*|«»ii)fintlit tfn* At Hi 1. 14, an exc«?«fill well known .U.M \si\l tt».-i»7 liliti H u m tlirt : u t lliivt tt.to n l y H l « n i p Miner, —1>. It. Salisbury received Ja-t week »t law—S. A ttorneyy awl < II I M H I 1 tijMii) it \yn+ » > j i f < - l t i i rtrliv^rv t*i.inip . ^«id: " 1 here w n s n o itearlh tliree O W M U . Miob. 'I hor** i* hope f«>r <*PO. | an order tpr/i.iW pairs ol 6lnn>* I<> lie, i l;»k* H litt' v.'rAatf(i thut it raiue frum'the kUi- lent, board. The p:iy was tix^d ht of good timber iu S!iiavta?*ee county for UIT vt thp pajwr. AJKJ i*l thai J)a|»rr there * r e dollars per day. . if he is H|»rf*d 30 , of ! delivered before Jan. 1. This will I am willJup U> anhonorable _K>«ition. aud the |H*>|>!C nomey.lRi«« ., The committee on clerk's rertinVrttcs uu • ; necessitate an Increase of haniN. It is! or 40 years longer. Office In A|rn««r bl<«k, opp»»«Uc t*t ULan who ) • IK nm.le » lengilrlv report recomiHendhig i o f the county •liould feel elated thitt the unfortunate both for the city :iud Mr. j _ , , I uu^y bait- m right to «hk mtme quc»ti< K ( V W M w U m h #>f r e r r y ( , js _. lift. } V. l l h t U l k i K l W i t t l l f "" in the I Governor came to thi< county with the Salisbury that the paying of the bonus j , the amounts to he raised e } F B t ( , ,,, e p o l t t i , . a , {>rM , (> f r ^ t I 1 a p f > | , H . i - i n lliii-ttU Ilt-ix-v. J vvmit tit jittk Ih'ln b h t o r ! ; appointment, and the many friends of U t u i r answrrlu^r \ii* >i(lr^ti<i!iN v»h<Mln*r lir u p - j various towti^hi|>« and ttorney*ami is he uiidonhtcdly 1 i^.11«. ,*\ Ian— hu.s !H*MI delayed. on Wettm'sd'iv evenlnniVfl <>f riii- u i i n o r i i y i i i _ u i . in. sh«? in t n e «.'Iu- j Cbdpnun. Smith rejoice that he received I'riit. A. X. Cody, of over tiiirty hiitid« Would 1)" einjiioj in b«nk, Owot*o, Mich. : tn ; v Krom commrntia w«*.'have heard on l h i » K . l i t u r o f t h e Pr< i* for » term <if' * J» or. .J»ul|;« rSmith is 1*0 well by ttii* time. I elected school It ttiiti i m i t i i - i n a i i u i i l n o t )>'illt out the j»(w*Ht'h we sliould juilsje ttistt wtiile knowti In this couniy ' that it i; hardly 1.4 a «iicces!*f«iJ ' lie two t t o r n e y s anil ooun:«rk>r*«t l M * . - R n V \ Minto, a former «' he may Iw » irood umn fo till H pnlp.it. tw. A rolling,, ollioe i n .Mlllnrrt hl<»ck ;•••.». ..I.V l:'!rll'.lji I >v;iJil V(Hl l O U I K l e r H l H I l l ! l U n t V . p universal I *-'es**ry t 0 s: * v any more. We huvc tini^lied o l - a r t ' h t r t ' ii» t h i s ' < i r . ' i j » ; i ! ^ i i n<il J o \t* | > t ; i , \ n ! * i t h teacher and his election I was not a howling sueee-s a* ;n-,iiiip:i!^u ii iI 'known the Judye fur the past rtftecu K i . circuit couit l>y riit-:i \vini j . t n ^ u d u>MU]ii»ort im<- tii-kKt wht?n' l»«jiJdiii_. *J4_fK) feet, ;i flct, C'oruiiua, Mivti. orator. llif.v UIT" ti> iuK l " tlri't anutUt*r. I a i n rtilliu^ I j years and we have no hei-iUuicy in >-ayThe committee on public l>i invl-t m i y rt]niWii-;tu w h o b H l c v r * n h i i t h e | s;i»s, b u l l w u n t U ) i d ) y o u tU;it t)«emr, tlenio- I ! lug lhat he is un honest m»n, and thatiw ill use lor clothing —The ^lichiarart f'luh sniiotuicp a' at <TittK n liO AJjprar UH d«№vKT_iM RJKI }>r»;trnd t o ! and grounds recommended irctiit court <r»mmti*l<mer nod ing*. Mr. ilinto bought out hi* partinw—F. V- Bumi»s, Owosso, Mk*. adopt:'*." s"ch ;i hi;in ciin do, with superior ^Mtid.msss meetiiiir at ih<? Auditorium, nti_jpui'l a i;i»liouul Uekf.l, B.re I r v i n g t o e l n - t « | tie rais-fcd for that fund which wa in Sbatttick block. ner-bout a year aj{o »nd is duin^ & tine rf{;i)l>li(-Mii wh.nn thi',-<late nut scii»jKti-l. T b e y ! I le^al ability, will IK* done in the interest Detroit, Oct. 2X at S o'clock p. m. As* <U> tuil Jeseftr to be Ir*-j_ied au men who have I ed. ! busiuesH. Hi* old friends in Curunna »ii houe^l opinion. I want to ami the £tUtor j Geo. T. iluson, county drain commts-1 o f justice. TUe^amc genuine courtesy addrrs? will IK> delivered hv ITenry f>. ttorney RnJ counselor at law—Walter ivbo h*» the courage to stud mr thi-i jwiptr, Uut { will be pleased to hear of Estabrook. of Chicago. The club will Bride, LXirunoa.Micti. Office upstairs two h;iM HOT tlif i-ourjtfc't: to make bimistrlf known la sioner, made a exhaustive report of hi* j*'bicb has marked his carter as a gentlethis crowil wlifn 1 am here. l%en jfrutlemen, I nort- of postofllce. I I t is stated iu Washington that Mr. man will aot forsake him now. We be)lOM an informal reception >»t the club It shows the amount of win BBKner bis if trnr wl*«o iit* Uas tbe courage ; Moreton Fewer, the English bimetalief, | lieve he will give entire satisfaction and roO ui S on the afternoon of that day Now _r«atietnf it, 1 luinkl _a«e located bint. drains to be 813,078.90. ttorneys and couniwlors at Inw-"handler I u_tien>tuD<] extend U> him our earnest congratula- j who has been conferring with Senator | f r o n r 4 t o Bo Yjock. thai ia tiu: ITL&U «t_»iing over _ KiduinU, coruiiDH, Mich. O0ue in there, ba* k on the vaxus. with Xikt blut- cap on. Supr. Scoiigale, chairman of the comJones and other silver leaders, brought' Acoew block, opposite tbe court bouse. I wluii tUatni»n to tell tbJM Awdieuce whether mittee ou settlement with the conoty tions." —H. H. Pulver n la rge and he >a» in favor of Ut« 8_n»rtty pi—hk at the substantiou financial aid for the Bryan CiiU'iigQ cony^gqtoai. W«ne >uu or were you treasurer Colby, reported that the com- Everything we then wild we believe enthusiastic reptiblicnn meeting at Banak»kle School —Soltesre awl Teaehert' !t*- not? mittee nad performed their duty and baa been proven true, and if so, he is *ainpai^n fuod from the Bhnetalic eroft last Thurwiay evening. The opera ™u*t<HT*ndCorotneretH8e&i>oL Apply Well, my frtaitd*. iw kt not _ _ f »«Mlem now certainly entitled to the election which League of Europe, aud that more mouey _« be will t* •" hen he Cods 1__• th« found everything correct. it» Hfw. L. £- Oo^—i. Frincipai. Owa«o. tioket h« Is napporting has D A carried I can be had from the same source if Mr. house wa« crowdwl to it** fullest capaThe board also a resolution a fair-mlndad people will give him. iaUte La_*d Stw>*n. Jiy friettd*. I Frewer Is convinced that it can bring city, and fully one hundred people authorizing the superintendents of tbe loetor-W.S.Jon««.Comiina,Mlcti* Special could not get into tne hall. The Ver(ri ven to di»eaw« of * « • • » ••* to «>•»« fro— bektiad * •>«_i ami «uutd The Coining Entertainments. about tbe election of Bryaa. . attention attentin (ri over Ofltoe Cha It AiMreU'f store. store that I _»ve at* mrnth klaae _ ft to talk Xo jon. poor to contract for medical services for non marching club came over and joinUdren. Ofltoe over Cha_s It —Owwto iff right in it this week, as t «-aat to If] I you *—* 4fOid f«aadard DeTer the poor in Owoseo and Corunna, not ed in the parade with 75 torchw, O u r foujrht a c —>iw*afly—t. -jud th» m_B who went P ^ 1 ® w i l 1 remeinber that tbe 'i' u e g aay night she had another monster making 150 torches in iine. The speaker •( oar. nose *tod rtxroat »|i«rtair«t—Dr O. to tbe Be]Niblica«««»ve*>i|»u a_d ojuptMcd the to «_eeed $№ in lue former and $200 I c o * ^ * " * * elected to procure airrac- parade with nearly a thousand torches \ ^ | h e a t t e _ t i o n o f _ i 8 a u d j e n c e f r o n _ Chicago platform, opposed it tm lb« proi-nd In the latter cUV. they were *i.*i4 it would u—er_re with n>b,OwoB«NM*eli t * « a | The townships and wards were auth- ttons for the winter's entertainments inline. After the parade Hon. L.. L. flrgt t o , „ , ^ ^ ^ ftM %Sme Jy Utted 0_k*b»»ur»,9tol«.2to4:»iuKl?to HfrrnniHwiWi and the? went to Ixdtanmade a new.departure by placing the Powers, of Maine, addressed all who i 8, Office, room i.Tboawu Hock. ^ _ t-a^c* oui witli a, tick?* IIKJ «lo not crats joined the club after the meeting. ~ "~~ i ret*pe«at all. I venture that tbi* Editor will orized to raise one-twentieth of one season tickets at $1 instead of $1.50 as| coulxl get into the annory. Last even- i and surfreon—*. C. Hume, Cor- j »ot vote tot P—-«r ««4 Buckner; UtaS he to mill for a fund for the relief of indiliiana, MJch. Olttue bourt.S to4 ». in. on i p-id In thla cttn.taJya to support Pa_u«r —Tbe Michigan Agricultural College vetonus,'wive* ami minor children | heretofore. In order to make this a | ing the Generals drew a lar^je crowd, d«yw. Ofioe ui. j?rr.ur,d floor. State St.. j B»«-I«-T _ o n f w t t t t e Sfa-Ktnley. weeki day*. has added to the opportunities it alsuccess it will be neces&iryta sell more ! and on Saturday evening Gen. Lew WalTbe following are tbe question* which •mt door went of school rwit1 offer Bryan at Durand. tickets than, usual, aud tbe committee ! address at the armory. r * young men. four cpevitii Mr. Bryan deemed worthy of notice, ]ace w i n cordially asks your co-operation to that winter courses, of six weeks each, in MASONIC. Oct. 17,—Candidate IV. J . but did not attempt to answer: —A McKinley A HpbartjClub was or- Dairying. Stocfc Fewllnc. Horticulture, end. Bryan delivered a ten minute speech COK4JVNA LODCE NO. 115, F. * A. M. _ First—Will tbe free coin&ge of silver this the most' ganized at T^ingsburg last Friday eve- Floriculture and Winter Vegetable Garalar ooimmjTitcntion*, flrst Tucfld*? on or be. at the ratio of 16 to I increa>e tbe rate here this morning aud was greeted by a It is desire*] to make Q for*- the full or the mono. In each month. members. 0. D. S Sharpe dening. The courses bet in *?a». 4 th and C. M. y»AC<)Cit,Sec. F. H . P K T T I B O M ^ W . }|. of wages now paid ~ working iaes in '* r g e concourse of people. Many re- profiUWe and popular course ever had | ' " S j was elected president and Dr. E. P. the total expeu*e will not exceed $25. h e r e a n d CORDXNA CHAPTER, NO. 33, R. A. M.the United States? If you say it wilL f publicans were present and McKiniey j i i 3 t ' o { the committee has procured a ; Partlow gecretary. Hon. Ohas. E. Rejfular a>DVOC*none> flret Thurwiay In ea<* please name us mmie( free coinage coir.»i«coun oun-i badges were plentiful. Mr. Bryan said attraction* whieh will surely 1 Townsend, of Jackson, delivered an Any young man disjrous of improving t month. RALPH AuoSBr»T,Secretary. A. E. lease these fine opportunities should add rtn * There are five in number, which try hi which the working- men are paid totbeold*o!dle«; ^I>ear boys, under P SlCHAHDS, H, t. .earnest, eloquent .and convincing ad- j a c a r ( j t 0 t b e president of the College. wages as high as they now receive iu the free coinage of silver at 10 to 1,your will make only twenty cent, for each I dress for protection and sound money, j Agricultural College, asking for further pension will be divided in two. buttben entertainment where a season ticket U OOBUN*AOOCN'CTLNaa8,K.*S.H, p the Inited State*. ; The hall was packed wilb an en thus las- j information. alar a*№tnMle« third Tbundarlnuuili month. you imirt know your property will secured, while most of them will be well Second—-We are not only interested y ; tic and appreciative audien^. ^. M. PKACOCK. Uet-crder. Gxo. SBATTUCK, — Brailey Grout, aged about (13 years, in the rate of wages, but also in thepur- double in prico, so you will play even worth fifty cents each, and for the«e f. I. M. j George Setzer,our popular meat mark! fifty cents will, be Cunrgvu t<n Miitfie ntiwas found dead in a crontield on his | chat Ing power of the mouey fti which I on such a deal."—Argus. | et man, was 43 years old Wednesday, and mi^ion ticket*. farm in Burns township, last Friday. ' the wages are paid. Is there a freecoinRegistration Notice, Th« course will be opeaed Dec. 3rd by ; i n the evening about fifty of bU friends Someone noticed his team was running mouth, w. H. | uge country in the world wnere a worki n M Xotioe is hereby given that the boards | ^ ^ ' f ' J * Uwl* * *™*x l e c U i r e ' i 'rom this city aud Owosso gave him a awMj, and on going to tbe field found | tng man can buy RO much for a dollar T h e Pi s s i o n P ! a vo f of registration will meet in tbe several i " Ober-mmergau," ; e a ] i . Vocal and Insrumental mnsic him by a pile of c c n , ilea I. He bad | ae he can in the Tnlted §ta.e«? FOOTERS. superbly illustrated by tnagrutieent disI with a sumptuous repast was the order been troubled wfih heart disease for i Third—You and other advocates of i warda of the city of Corunna, on Oct. solving views. It was given 50 times iu i of the evening. Mr. Setzer was present- go^t; Uuie, which was the probable f r e e coin e c l l m t n a t J tw l J l Mv hou*o and premises in j *« * increM* | 29th, 30th, and 3Ut, 1896 at tbe followBoston last season, and everylKXly will ;ed With a fine easy eb&lr. The evening; c a u 8 e o f bis death. The funeral wa* tbJsctty. Inquire at .'henry Welfares the price of all commodities. If It; lowing places: want to see and hear it. I was delightfully spent and all hope tc \ held Monday in the Baptist church ia new greenhouse, aero** the, oad from the ] should Increase tbe price of the things [ 1st ward. Green & Pettibone's etore. premise*. H. W. HIOKS. . j . v r O n aud was largely attended, lie which the workingmai. h«* to buy and ! 2nd w«rd. City hall. j O r ^ r P ' " ^ • V S ^ n ' U S i w I . " " ? bi • help him celebrate his next birthday. w 9 j — The Epworth League held i u annual * • m * n T * r V hJ*fhiy re«|w.>r^l. He does not correupondit.gly Increase UU j 3rd ward, G r U Mill offl^, j followe<Hy The Bliss ComertCompany! You can save lot* of money by leaving wage», will he not be most seriously af-: Pu^uant to rscoiutiou of the common j Thio company contains a boy soprano j meeting in the parlors of the M. E. j l e a v e s . » widow and four rbildiea. your orders for harness with Jaa. Sim-fect*d by tlie change ? who Is a wonder. council, adoptwl Oct. 13,18»>. ! church Friday evening, Oct. I'J, and | The next is that great humorist, J . eon. 3tf Wil.A. KXIOHT, >-Is lttruetbatbetw«;nl8(»0 and 1863, He hus Got One. Williams Maty, followed by the Heber- elected the following officers- PreMCity Clerk lein Grand Concert Company, widen dent. Thoa. M. Mott: i.*t vice-president, i at thos»e new good? and new {when the currency w*s inflated with — will close the course. mtylea in ludNM'-flnekid shoes at rolling paper that price* of all commodities rose Prof. C. I. Collinfi; 2cd vice-president,! It would be worth your while to cal\ Marriage Licenses. Jt will be a great aid to the committee 116 p«r cent and wages only rose 4i per for *1.00: ir.en's sTioos lor $1.00. Good Mrs. Heurv Welfare: 3r<l vire-piv.^iiieNi. ou Ye Kditor find notice th.v "lfrw <ilif esch person who is interested in tli^ AGE. RZSIDF.XCK. XAJIE. Miss KUa Iloenshell; Ith vice-p-osidiMit. j vcr do!l;\r" of hi.*, it ..< niar«; ov le*^ 'udgment in buying and .discounting cent? .. :I7 course will talk it over with tU-ir H. Fifth—If Tvsges only increased about neighbor.*and ask th»?m voKiibscribe f >r jny hills is what counts. Collins t>*at.s Miss Mlna Kalbrtelsh; treasurer, >Hss th«n four inches in diameter and weighs .... 2? M. a I? this can he made a Kittie Young; organist, Mbs Flossie about a pound. Ou one .side is the libonc-tlj'ird as much A* the price of thinge Philip Fioo<i, ... 33 a season ticket. the wcrhl on footwear. the committee can do still better ! fo.- which wuges had io l^e exchtingcd I'athariue . :n year. Plea.w stop at the bank Mott, Hegular meetings Sunday even- erty head and ou the other side •M Inited Frank KOK RKST: Ifoiisfs mid two acre* of ... v»i between ifiW) and isOa, when hundreds worry, and ask them to put your name down ings at f> o'clock. The young people States of America, Hi to V N'IT. —Morland just outride the city. Addres*!* of thousands of laborers were in fora ticket. rice Herald. \ are cor.ltolly Inviled tc \# present. A. iSiuilh, I.'uiaiiii i'J S.'A..HICK, Coruuua. PROVES HIS TO YOlTRFl'LLNESS. 1 T' V • • f . II V i V ' i . x V A A - . C A A O e , , - . , - • - l o m * THE CORUMA JOURNAL, OCT. 22, 1896. BOX STRANGEST OF FISHES. »N A STONE PYRAMID. Coraer-Stose J£exuor!*t l'nd«;' th« Capitol at S> H if\i Qfijtoiv. A Marine tVoader at tlio to:umbi» % RECEIVES IN HER BATH. Jil, ?*j>lre of Maulajswcar Tn»Q№ioUk Ar^lr* lu HOT tali. who pri^e tiu*i:i.selvrs upon *vhut they eall their sturdy comnson ntVift to uesjv.se elnlk>rate civil!- > t i e s ui:<it*i' Hit- expr<":s.«u'e term o f **starch." Noue. the l<-s«. s;iys the Denver HqniUiiTii, ()i> KUOIJ s:jcriflcea t o e x a c t i n g ^ rat'i's flourish, and certainly not It-.-,- \\m\\ i:i coiint,r;cs nearer hoiri« aruojii;• . llu- i l i x i i s of ,\i;.(J.itr;..*t:«r, w h o wen-, fv«-u before their annexation, nothimr if not Parisian. St«ri ; h..is, however, a t the- court of Antananarivo n o mere jjiatter nf form; rather, if a n y o n e may !<;iv so. a form of r.vatter, for it in the starch so vtuiispeuwihle in our laundries that, lik* Riujkc^ijeare's divinity, doth hvdge tiround the ^'jjtOn Ranavalo, She. like Marie Antoinette, i s oecustoturd t o r^*.:eivr' state visitors in her i n o m i u g tub. and »juit»: ft*.-ving the dlsu4h-utif;«<{-C£ ut baiiiitf her batb w a t e r like her ssiate pulley. tt>o c h a r , t h e starch i& thrown into it to dissolve a s H w h i t e veil around the rpietn. Among 1 t h e di^nitnries' t h u s received by her was, a^'fording to the Paris correapond- or ',•<* !n ^ o n ^ r r ^ Jor l&e Mijjlith ,:a I):*ii Set cf <.«,!;'>tite, ro whirls n S'-niit**- for tl.e ' <-it>'of Ctiiuui:a, M|(;lif^a:), (!!i:«t Iv-ii,^ thr; ' jj!ik< - f o l b o ' . r t i n ^ * '.h«* C i r i ' w i t O o ' . : r t f o r ; ' J » ? I ' O M I ! l . v 0 ! . S i l i i i U 'Ar>.st'i', j it f L ' i i . iiii > O : J t h f t ^ i ' i i t y - 1 1 r > t ( i a y u f N i ) V " ! ; ; i ' i / n - , | S v : J , . . ; ' . - : ' i n ' l 1 ! « > • -r I < I i . ; i r , i r < r i o < ' ! i < / , .i t i i . ; A n y . 'l•.•• ] > : - - i : . ' • • • • . - . ' , ' - . • • ! j i i n l , : i i sivi.l C i o l I ^ ; * ^ « a r c a ~ ( ( i ' j l . n v i - . t u - v .( ) : i u l n 1 4 Tbe Wipiici at WasJ.i;^;'ou }•.•)& tY-rae YfcK rt> in an unun&l ut, Columbia unifcaxe* hi<id<.'.«i iu its fo.'.iisdaJior-* which versity which ha& neithex ttirs, eyes, AND NEUKALGtA CURED BY i r o r o f i i J . s , S ( c K", i:or lu'art. l i r s i : i ( ! i l ! l ! u [ i t o t i n '\ i ! i ! : } i - •>: \ ' c ;'].<•?., ;aT(:nilti<? coiiJitir;."> 0 ! li»>^hw i\ rtiid S l i i H coutait) all tbe aecttfasorus of a cjomer) I K K ' iiff):f--'>:i.iiti»'r i n H n - St.iif- ' iii>; ' i ) 111'- r ' . n - f i i - r i ^ i i p k t ! l : ; r : i « f , ^ . : ; y .-,ii.iiu ti-ii A R - T H R O - P H O N - 8 -A Tlu» ol.f t'tu'o. of tin4 headwind heart is atoise. t6:::ny. t'or ilit; K t ' f i c e s e i U M ! ! v e U;,-Ti:<:t, ' i n t ; i r v i M ; i / ( ; c u \ \ ' i i i o ; i , ! - i ! : i . i . v ; i : - . - - i r t ' You c a n trv t-i.^'oro you puy, S h i a w a s s c e c t u n t v ; «!»<) JI t'ir»Mj;T The Ihird Lo.vvim laid t'>e t,thor ray naturally the odd feature of this strange bil«dFnE£onrecetptot(2c)t<sin^an4 I coii)prj^iriu : rnj;«ov' ,- 'j'f-:\i;\.4,'"' . W. H. HJHCf>.,Pe^oit.Mich. Jil'l^ft fi'jr t b e T»- i f t y - f i . !h J ml Join i Cirnijii . o l ' in a .pyramid of evineiu. There wan \>o rmUure, which bio'o{Tis>s cull a laucelet. One of liuMiJ is !Uiv. beiiiij experis t m ; K i l l ^InuwaJst-f.'. A . L. <:h<*H.tS»-.-<fc> A . »•:. l.'i It) U ' j t i u B o o f w h r r c ' f I hure hv.n:uuW> .*«( tbf box; iio crowd,of inICMK-ted spec- D]Cii!(»(i on in -Columbia -university's ffly b u t c, MI><3 u f t i x f ' i t>!e ( ; r o j i [ s r a ) o l ti.f' biological !;:bcruc;)sy, says the S:m tators, but only ii'.c a;oi) t-ngugvu iu tins S l a t e »• I'.MiciiiK i n . wi .'.ius-Uijf, Jh<_* *iK>- ai.11 year Qrct sbuve.wrli'on, •»Fork ou tbe 'pyramidal' foundation Francisco Examiner. Notice of Drain Letting. YES« why not v/h«n you can Although this', wpiuter looks N o t i c e i-4 h t r f h y ^ i v t r : t h r t r 1, .<::• :.;if!.! C o r which is t<> snpwi't th<* dynamo 1o \ye •v ol' iscatc*. ^'cc'iiii, i J r . t i i i C o i u i a i . s s u i i i r i ' 0 1 ' l h ^ l . i s v i i s i . i J J o f put the medicine right on the ptil in on the senate sided' tiie cap no 1. deaj like a fish, it is re^H.v an W'CK'^iiiUll, r u i l i i l y ot Sliijtw.'ifintV. v l a t f r u f i l i r t l i^itti, w i l l o u 11 s«— t ivi^til v ' i i . ' V . l i i lijty i>;' .S«;itr!r.I t uas so near completion that Archi- for th^re is just as much d;rfer< County. Corunna, >tit-h., Aup-. 2J,.'!«> !><-r, A , li. 18i>*;, ",t tin- i o v . n i ; ; i i : in .-^iti l o i v n tect Wood concluded the time had come twoen the larwrelet aad a salmon, for l a addition to ttienbove you sire ht-rvtiy n'>- .-.liip o f W o o i l b u l i , a t o ; i p o'c-k-fk i i i t h r to {-.lac? in position his lx>x of curios. So Instance, ns-ther^ is..between a man and o f j,:ii(l ( i a y p t i x ' i - c i ) t o r t v f f v t ? 'iic!><foi titied tiiut at tbe y«"«c:;*: eleclSon to be hehl in r v . i t i o n t>i a i v r t a i i i <'.rrtiu, ! ; n o v c n tbls siutr, on iho Tu^-ida.T suecewliUK ihe first he had the workmen build a li'.tle vuwlt an ordinary' bird. Hondaf «f 1Noveuilwr, next, the ''uitowin^ o!* Epicureans ' with a sweet .tooth for of bricks a-s near the oejit^rof lhepy-fan t h e s.-ti,i !ov.-|is!,;:i ,,f ttetrs tire as * to lie eiec!«xl, riz: A P.-*»bate Jurist-. Sheriff, CierJf, Pi'osecuting' h i l l ! , i;(Mi)mrai'!ii).' a t a p o i n t c«i: t::r'.-.ri'tian H u e mki »is possible. This v?aa to be th« fish will hail with delight the prospect Attonif y, Ke>/istor ot l>ef(t'*,. Tn^urf-T, T«'o I w - l w c r u sfi;tiou.-t Jv.-n;tjr-iivf (i*>) a t u i t w e n t y of having all the lakes and rivers of th» resting-place of the box. Circuit t:<j»r( (.lounuiS6i'>':ors, Surveyor, and K).V (^!>) i l l t h f tovvjjshi]> <>j \\*O'»i.ii ; ] i , u l x i l U t^U country stocked with, the luncciet, for (IU) VCXIK u u i t h - o f tin: C i i i r a L / o i <r!fifid T r u c k two Coroners WM. E.JAUuU^, . The box itself -.vasa tin a-ffairtec by llit-ace •>ouiiiwe;>t«'i !y acsheriff. Kttilwji.v, twelve inches and eiffbt itsclies deep. in their entire body there is not a lx>n<\ crorfs the southeast coi-nir of lut u«f- Vl) nf b)k. True, t-Jiere is a kind of iKickl^ne runAfter the articles had beta placed,In, KO1MTK O.kpEK—rStaie of Mii-hiiran rleren (II) of th* vflhtf-'e of shaft burs?: also reaches the sore spot and Ooiitity of ytiiawasst*, ss. At a MJSSJOO ikcit'.ss tiie noriiiwest tyt'uer ', lr<t two (3} of i t was sealed and soldered. The .wurlt ning the length of the body, but as tots cures Blind Bleeding and or ibe piotmti'<;umi I'orgaid county, i e i d ut block eleven (J!), fshfii-e it lejyv'c* \Uf. vf^M. U«ff bone ts not a bone at all, but <mly a r tbe villa/e of Sh*ftsl>ur?; ta^nc'fi *:i tbee. /it •was bricked in aftf r it was put in place Itching r*ile5. At drug- the protmeoftiee in TIK- city at (Jorunna, on of Mou<lay, ihe vth dny of Oct. in tiiejear one h_a'f o'J the uortlie*k»t nuarttr of «*<.'tu> and lasers of cement were piled on top strip of ...what ordinary mortals wouM gists or by mail. «ix (M) forty (iO) roc'.nfroan piaoe ot h thoujuud eitrbt huwiivcl and uluety-six. call grteile, no trouble with fishbom* tbenoe west or nearly w*rsi sixteffn (16) j-ods; of it. J'ic'.eni, Mmttivw liush, Judtf« ot Probate. Send For Booklet* north ivesterly thirt.v-rbre* /^3> rods t * In the matter of the estate of Joun Specimens of the coins of tbe United can foflow from the attempt to eat the eut oi the Tunes, a French ambassador, J marsh; thence down stream n)ong the Kerr. deceased. animal when a man is in a hurry to M. l>e SAyrv de Viler*, who, after ' a States from or.-e cent up to a rJlver dolW. H. HILL CO., Henry li. VanLtew, administrator of saides- water cours* nearly west tweotr i*otl«; thence M c«tch an "L" exprwa. plentiful us* of diplomatic *oft soap," (*tect.>Uie*i iniocourt and ttpn-6*m8 that he is northweHt«rly five (5) ro6n; then.;e isarth tire (h lar were among the curiosities laid ia now tl-epiired to reader flaal uccount as roils to st&lje n-arked 0. S*id job will be 2tt by Detroit, Mich. retired highly confident. An old Horn, Still another advantage exists to ft tbe box. A number of small medals sections. The section at the outlet of the drain such ttiiuunUktrittor. Tbeteupoa it l£ ordered rhat Monday, the Oth will be let tfr*t and the r*m*juiujr f-?cti<?us in v e r e added, o w specimen being a man who wants to eat the lancelet in i howwer, more experienced in Madaof Nor next, ai K o'uiock in the forenoon, tiieir order upstream ia accordswee with the •world's fair medallion. The present jiffy. This advautogv is, perhaps, **oiw gascar etiquette, took a different riew ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SCHOOL day be aaaijraed tovxaulue uud allow such ac- diagram now on file with the other wapers -perof the re«;ilt& of XI. de Viler*' mission. better" than the absence of hours. couutand ih;tt the bfcirs at law o t said tiiininjr to said drain in the offic-* of* the towfc«ft*npaigtt was fully illustrated by a colYEAR '.895-96. "Oh. be will not obtain anything," he Kvery man's eyes perform the function dt-eeaded aud nil oilier persons sh-.p elerk U» which reference mar be bad bvv all lection of campaign buttoas, republican, Oatea of Eliminations: 1 interested id said estate, are required parties interested, and bids will" be made and stfid; "there wa* too much starch.** of an. X-ray machine in good working KeyuUr, Coiunna, Auvu&t 20, ?i, ]*%. to appear at a oeseion ot taJd court reoeived accordingly. Contraets will be made democrat, populist, etc. Spt<;iaI.C v«86o, October 16, 13, l i * . order, for the Jancelet is absolutely Excessive starch would neem to make thra to be hokten ta tbe wrobtit« office in the with the lowest refiiwusibl* bi<j«2er Riving adeSpecimens of alumim*!jn were put in Ke^uln.r, l.'< rumw. March ai, :*, 1«»7. ctty ot Curunba, Mid t-^unty aud snow cause, quate security for the perforiaanvft of the work and collars al&e "stuck up.** transparent in every section of it* exSpeci*!, OWO^BO, June IT. 18,1897, if aoy th«re 1*, » by ihe said account should in a sum then and there f be fixeri by me. -rethe box as nell as a smaJl bottle of quiAJ! t-iamiuationstrill eotumeoc* ml 8:90 ft. not bv nl>ow«d. serving to myself ihe rlglit to reject any and all traordinary corpus. xuae capsules. IDM btandard time. Applicants tor tbird The itate for tbe completion «f such cou~ furtfaerorderedthataairf adtxioistrair bids. yrHes will write upon wmpbv, theory mat iraot and the terms of payment therefor AL*!1 SHE KILLED THE BEAR. A paper was added afterftpaper map notice to ibe t*r«'Us inreves;ed in said be aunonnced ITALIAN ANTIQUITIES *it MIU] eclMoi law the first tali d a ? : gnitBin&r estate, at the time aad place of lettina. of tike pendency of Mid account, and t a d been put in, stating that the work l>bysii>lO(ry *ud reading tbe «e«o«d to*If <l*j; I be bearing ICotiee is further nensb* gives that at the titne tber*ot, t>> causinif A copy of this antAtuetie. peDmanshipajvd history tbe third order be pubU*h«d In the Coruuoa Joiiniai. a and place of snid lettine or at sucij other time o( huildicg tbe pyramid bad been finhair dfty; and ci\ii r<n-erament and ortbojr> oewapaper printed and circulated In said cnun and plat-e thereafter to whieh I. tbe drain com«f LttKtkX itttATdlftloA*. ished within tovr days. Tbe box now Some Philadelphia «portjsmewhnntJag ' the fouito htflT day. Applicant forfint t/, fur taree tooccc»ire weeks pre\i'-us to Mid missioner aforesaid, u»a* adjourn same, tht *»Some day* ago a weli-known deaier M?»smenu for benefits and the laads romprieed -"• rrfWupiTa rests three feet down from The surface tbe deer in the wild portion of Clearwithin the Shaltsburff Drain Special Assesstheory aod art and Ka«>oi law the Oi* to antiquities offered for sale t o tike MAtTTHEVT BVSH, of the pywunfcl, wbicih ** iys fee4 £'%h. field c o u n t y , to t h e c e n t e r of t h e m o a n day; p i m m a r , pbrPioinpj-, aUrebra and n*d ment District will be snbiect to Judjre of I*roii*te. review. The following U a dewription of the tbe »««cod balf day: aritbiaetic, htstory I t is 24 feet long1 at tbe base, and nine Louvre museum in Parts a splendid col- t a i n s of P e n n s y l v a n i a , w e r e hurriedly .iug By K . d- , - -b- i- L-i .^^. -J—.JJ. t «-^i^.v J :iL№r t Probate Kefftster several tractA or parcels of land ttuwtitttting' lection of ancient vaaes from Italy or U b i d b i f d d il feet wide. Tbe other two boxes ore OR tbe wpeflal ass^sKment district of tai,1 drain: by tbe guJde, ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^ S ' ^ ^ r f t o ^ S y ^ Greek or Italian workmanship, say* the eailed out oae morntag HOBATK OKDElt. State of Michigan, Coeam«vi;in(F at a point o* tbe section line be- •two^>ccks • — - • • • a few t<K»n»jbaJt day Applicants for flr«t grade* the boose side and in tbe corner stone. who had discovered County of Sbia*a«*<se. **. tween sevtionA 2S and 2«, in tbe township-Jt London News. The museum was unawill wiite upon reometry. general history asd At a s^fcsfrm vf! the Pri-bate Court fur the WoodhnU, about ten ro£s north of the Chlcajro DOG PLAYS THE PIANO. ble to pay the prfc*e asked— £20,000— miles away, tajra tbe New York World. botany on antHiday. county or t » w » w w . bokien at the A GrvaA Trunk Sailwajr croswhijr. Tnenee The •''Otcwbedule win be strictly foJKwwd. iktiice, tn tbe city of C«runB4,,ott Hastily starting, tbe men did not carry K Q N Kor third «r^*rt an av- «ke With &HJ »r d r p c tn.tbr yi-ftr one tltuu* Bo«U»w«sterly aertMet the wontbeast corner of KEQUIKEMENTS: Cute* Kow Pellfhtla* Crtrha and declined the bargain. The Italian ,i large supply of axatnonition and what lor one r i j cf Hoes eJeven ( M > trn#e of eevtDty is required viTto nottewrluio minister of education, having learned of hundred and uiceiy 4.1. of K«v Totfc. of the rUlafte of Shaftsbtirjr; also slxty-tlve In any branvb; for seoood *rade an esbdeiiibt they bad was all used or wtusted in bagP f w w t . Matthew BuchtJuap? of Probate, a<rrofts the oorthwes* corner of lot two (2> Paderrweki la In New York ci^y. He this, has taken proceeding* under tj*c git.? the deer. Starting back to camp, *yer««reof seventyflve hi required with not ib* martyr or toe estate of Sarnibua S. of block eleven (II) where it leaves the west tUan tcveniv many Imnvta;f<nr fl"»i gr«d* is only a dog, but be plays the piano. Pacca law n-fatnat S\g. di Priwjo, the they encountered a bear and M they •'.esa of the Tillage of ehafttrar?: thence oi* the D average ol eighty flveta required witu not Ftftvlue K Kidney, admtntstnitor of «aM esLike the original of the qanw, be baa owner of these antiquities. The latter i* could not shoot they ran, each going le*s tban eJ^hty In any branch. Apvitcasta tate w m e t into uourr *n>i rcprest-nis ttat he ftbali nse )ea«l cap paper and write with pern c striking- head of ha;r and is one of a large land owner a t Bosco Reale. He in a different directron* and ink. Applicsnvi for first and second who fws« In part of tbe bmoche* n a y attractions £ t an uptown s h o v - secretly made esmvations on bis estate The bear chased the guide am! he grades . that rewrite at tlte next rsamitmtioo tn the remainhr.d found ?5 silver vases of remote anlie is a black French poodle. der. Alter f«iiiiir In two consecuttve examtook tbe direct course toward the camp The dog trots out oa the stage, glee- tiquity. ination*, they mont rewrite ]R ail branrbe*. №0R; tben<-e north Ure rvd* to ftake market «. IOWJIMT *nid accouut and tttnt tbe b 'nn at !«w Dat<d tliis !Sth«l«.T of September. A. I>. 18»6. Notwithstanding' the Italian law pro- Joy house, where his vrife was pre- ApplicaoU for third pradf* wbo fail in part of !I of fully wagging his tail, and jumps up ^aiti decf:a№d laud at) titbrr pertbe branches mi>»t rewrite in at! branches. paring- <•: meal. With a, yelT he daslied SAESFtELD CORCOnAN. I soni interested In -said estate, tire required e n a music stool in front of u. piano hibiting owners of antiquities from into tbe house and up into the loft. <>. L. BKISTOI., k Township Draic Oi*n»(-*si0ner to uppear at a tpess^iuii cf *«M (^ourt. then tn • • cf the township of Woodhull, thrc« feet long. The piano has only tending them out of the country with- His wife ran out of the back door. J tw holfieo at the I'ruuate Dtfice, inthecityof MANCEKY iOKI>EK: St*ie of M c h f a o , : L'otunna, and ebowcau'e, if any tbe it? be, »hy one octave and rach of the keys is four out JfRve, or, rather, on account of this Closed It, and as tbe bear had gone in. Tbe Circuit Ceurt for t bt county ofSbfa- tbe MUd account should uot beaUuwed. oH works of art *a«(»«e. tn Cbancery. •• inches wide. Seated en bis haupebes Taw. which prevents And it is further ordered, that said aflmlniVr 1 »kle *he hurried around, ciowd the uW ooticv to tbe persons interested In -Mid 1*aderew5fei prepared!' to P<ay, but first from comrcftndrng anything- like their front door and made, the bear a prisoner. Etiza A- Kewtwrry and estate of the tendency <<t said account, and M K, h e e d , L i fce Icoks oroumi abstractedly and pvvesnatural price {n ihe Impoverished countbe bearing thereof^ by oaustnif a copy of tht« The intrepid tvoman then lh*d a uog Joseph c . Godfrey, ex. al., try, Sig*. di Frisco nmujrgied his find out order to be publisoed in the Corunna .foumal, |lii» head a'preliminary" shake. Then There's ao pUce defendants. t* a fio?e> thrust the howling cariiie a newKpMper printed and circulated to taid the orchestra plays slowly through the of Italy and offered it to a reHwdpaJer tbrouyh the door and thus ctv.xed the Suit p*>ndin({ in the circuit court for tbe county o f SoutwasMe, for three »ucc«.««ire like tbe Josna! of 8biawawee in chancery, at tbe city wwks prcvioui to *«W day of hearing. tuce he l;nd-vs. It is "the Last for £5,000. CuDtintilnn? rnennwhile his Li^.r out. As Istiiiii ftpptran d ^hr :• jruck county of CorUnna- io >aid couuty, un The Kr3t day Of search, he fonVxl other silvt-r yaHf. of Suniiacr." find iU* <3og listen.* August, A.D. !WH, forJofcPrintlr.f. which fluly joined the'v fellows h*Paris," him with an ux and killed him at iho In this CUHMJ it a?pear!n<ir from affidavit on By K.ITHEKINK F. KFI/«ET. TruhRte K*?trir=t«r. with his oars critiraHy o file tiutt thf ilerendttnt Jrguuh c . fi-''.lre.r it» wboK* lot VT'I? cffrr*»d to the v, itb an air of j j \hv or- t «nunrf^idfiir of tbi» 8!«ti.* t-u> rwititsai Howthe hunt^rsccmnjeTit^d on b< r H Louvio. Tli*' Italicia rinrii<t<T of ^iufrtton. M;»?«..»>r!d t'utt the defend«nt, The (Joiijljint/. fiiici at a signal > of fLshing* for n $">0 bt*ar with a tir-J* & C.ark i'tiperCO , ii« noi a rt.stdeia of this roa*)e by Ue!en M. of V>ru»i», ljis master, l.e briLps pro jxitv down t'-on. throw* iuten\ rt)ntf lipht o», the but rcslilifs at F'ftiHburg. t'ririn.T On movvorth SU'O, but the vuimnn re- (state, which nn«lvrj\'»i<l offirlais arf tion of Matfhfw I'u-ih. cornpl*.tn:nit9 ar>Hi>| » or strik*\s •* not«\ The look of apM>MVt~SlOEKS' the [ U\ th" miitter (t tfl urd^i-ctl ttint tUi* sai<i to affonf illicit ••\poir1ers"of tortit!: of th»; 'J-ttli i i s « y of D p t v . ' i i i l x ' i ' . I K ' l , ;. r»>i-i»r\l«<! In ifre I Liny | » r e n t riS'riVvIt <."i rai«k-r»*vi p 5ki 1 p r r 1 SORE SPOT? Dr. Tandy's Pile Cure l P *£%>%* i s t:!iT!<r>.--l :cs f i i i m y .-is fi;r-- vluyij }[• cuti»']ti:tit-sr, tliiit, s'jmuId Uv ^ • • i ^ - i s » m->r i t i r n t i o n i'.ry ritVti'ui.'s l t f ioiiTid t o dcc*«*- "W«? p-«H'i;;I!y slioots V;n. b u t - v , e ni:>cr rims f r : i ! i i "«'ITL." I tiifir uppfrnriitu^ thai H n v fcn-wt'f t«t bf txji«ota1«fln^n' I't'l » ! Wf t h e ui:t »»•! i.y thf Jlon. ' % .ii«'W H<i-»:, J J M ^ - < l'n>- i/ IIHJO iii m . ' i 1 t ' t i o i j n ? y o l Mii have oi»m>ivp«l ut this latest evtwion of : in l>eft!»<!. «U<J a <tipr i l i e r c t t t o I . and his bucS< stiffens as lit- goen on. I tdvj lilt, '?v-' "." i i i tinl»«*r.' I^yft, duly a*Ht|nir<i kiHtv <-f MichH'tt l u r n t o rtccJve. SPANISH MINES IN TEXAS. the compialnam"* m>iicitor within twenty «»»>» examine and adJuM all i in*: i>y the _ ami eSmnand* o f Note by nott\ tiie orelies^ra nceorn* the I*aoca law, they will \K> criminally af»er aeivfc* on ^hcuiot 'a copy nf *»*d tii'l MUII •-iiM m d M * L. proK*»oiit<rd. la Tm»k ot C»rr jiirticefif th»# uftier; ''Atiii }T» iK-fauh thereof IWiiiyies him, ami this helps U> keep up notice that we wiJi n»^i ai rhe ri^tdeno* «f ^••"l^iiaK'iil »'t» on raid bit! wlii !>•• Ti«keu a4confcMe(l by Raid uon- Nth <!j*v of N(nrmb*f, tW*.\, Old onaa, Forrrtt B. l*«ry, in tb* tuWmhlp ot Iln7*lt*n fwMrtxl In t*ie the tune when the dog, as hi*m*inetinieM PHRYGIAN CAP AND THE KNOUT. t f n u . I n n t d c o u n u , on M*tt<l»y, lit*, |Ptb day of tier of t'ue R«-j,"i«U-r of Dc<*iU ft<r T!ui earli^ht settlers of lie'.! eour.ty, i rti«id<nt does, strikes a fa Is* note- When the A 1» further ordered that within twenty *Vtn»»»'r.jW«. ami on the *!ih tiny of January, i, in 'iti lij 1 nnro to Kvtp Oat Tex., found along-tht mountain* north- duj-K the 4^ild i-onipitiinant wiuse M ro^y ut thn4 A, I* i«K, at It) o'clock m the loren-xiaof each ;*.'i t*rnX whi*f»r».*i, <!»• fault has tune i* ended ho trots off the »r »aid day*, for the purp •(•«• of receU in» and east of llflton an<J near -Noliin's cntek order t o be pub i-nKJ m the (Vruimn Journal the }>Hymrtit of t h e llttwi an EillMt. with a distinct air of relief. ntiewsiMiper printctl, pul:]f*he<l and cli-cufatOD I be INtli >lt> of IVcrn»b«-r, adjucitnjr all cJatsuir Mirums: i«aiJ e^tme, and M'h republic, thuiiks to the wliat upj»furt<ic] to In* old mines ihnt fi ne ii'K I n - a i d f.niiu v, ;in<1 that rb«> mi>\ publicaj Mi«;flix tnorithn tnun toe itftti <ljy of Juiy, IBUfi, j tton be c«pntiwu/<l therein w « In each week are allowid »o credttnreto I'lVser'it rh«>irclaim* t h t r t > <J In for th» BEARS AS UNRULY PRISONERS. nev\ iiliiance ln'twccn the Phrygian cup jirobalil.v l>t en worked by the Sj> tor » U w e e k s in *ucc« s*l;>n o r ih»t he cuu*e a t.MOj!Tii*eiouer» fi.r ai:ju«tuictitfc»Jdaii berebjr nnd ?he knout,U-.v*itloiie.itb lx«: U>maku Itulians or 'Ac-Tecs. Since J!»•-!» every copy of i b i s ludfjr to tie |>er»<iii«liy s e r v o l o n their cption i<l »ortfr»<re s o d by Performing Rraln-i 31;:ke Syrians Tff»«W« Haul noii-r-'^iteiit dt-ffntUiiri* at k'lisi twenty hen-by <i 1t^ soil iiihecurc tor th'osM wiia rted fruni ortce in awliile; there hits Ix-en t^lk of d»yc •iayorJuJy.A. D. priu< p sum ot **id tnortbcf«»re the ilmt- above pre^jcriLi^d for their MR, of tryir.<^ to «j*eii th*» mines UZKI set? \vhut «pi>fc«LTHiu-e. the tyranny''of c-Aii'tlc in, says ';ht» North *. Uirto "ixdue *n«t i'».v»)>lr; Thepolicvof Kingsbridgi;station,New i'KliKV S. UOIXOMB. in them, sn^« the Cjalvt.sTon ? S T E A H N H F . SMITH, utoouut clalinn'. to W tlur f»Auifiican lU-view. Antony Itussian *.\AZI.E WAI.WOUTM, York, have captured a tartar—two, in J iiih'iT.it ou imi.t w o r t / a ^1 j l Hit- 'line of ihis i ilt'S livijj}? at Zurich. Geneva and l«m- They presented H»e a|>i>fonu)cf cf deep ^A1VJ; ; E V V m j . S | | iiolice ii< the sum uf thrr* lj\ui.ir»-d .inu fortyfact—and the rvwrVt-* of that d'strict holi-s in the ground* «orue of which ha<l inn? and tljfbty-iicv^n ofcr hHU<5mJth!» dollar*. spies Itave latterly l^een i did duty during the night within the mid the wuui of live dollar*) for iusuraurr yaiit l>e<Mi j.<irtiaHy nisd other* nlinost en, even in the fftiiae of alleged l>yrtuitlArtsi^nt!**, lojfifiher wilh nu itttortify Detective Work ELECTION NOTICE. station vainly endeavoring to quell a tirely filled witli d;rt. In Pcnw ^nstareea f«« of W Asstipulatetl in ><a.l<l inort^afrc; and no of the same nationality. In riot. The other afternoon three French/STATK OK MICHIGAN. » l>root*ftliu}iM either Ht law or iu cijiiity liMvinj; bushes htul frown in these places. In Vn;en taken to c<>ll*s.-t au.v part of *ai<l dthi uow Done, men, with two performing bears, halted England alone proscribed Ihjesisinj* «re oive or two cases large cedar logs hs»d orricM o r TH* »kCiitTAHV o r PTATE ( Lait»iiijr. July UOtb, 1896. <lur, notive IJ* hereby frivrn that by Tirtur of in front of the police station, and in free, and in England, partly in conse- Iwea placwl over th«»e nuine-hole* onci To the Sheriff of the County of SnHa wa*eee: lh« v*)\» er uf sjkle coatnin««l ib eatd quence of their contact with the quiet By a private detective. AIJ olassSir: Vnu #rtr herrby notified that al the in<' the stanUe in aucb c«»« made and defiance of the city ordinances the dirt tlirmin on them. Some jn?ople Keneral election to betaeMin tiiiKttaie, ontfae «d, said mortgage will W foivclotwd by "» e* of rivil und criminal investigabears began to dance. All five were opeiationof parliamentary ins'itutiens, always contended that it \v,n>kl TuriH)«y succeedinir tbt-flt-atMonday in Nov- of ihe premists Ce^cribeit in saM mortfra^t. or ember next, tke fuliowitiir officers are to be so much theirof m may 1>* nee«w>ary to satisarrested and locked up. The French- partly on account of a change of feeltion, collection of account«i auil to reo}>en and work these o'.d mines, rit: fy tbe debt aforesaid witn iuterest u.t the rate men were as qiiiet as ait well-behaved iuff enKmp the cultured classes of their but until now no one who desired to put tkscied, evidence promptly done. All uorA Governor. laeiuenant Governor, Secre- of *i&t per cent per annum from t'a* <]»te t>? Frenchmen should be, but the b e a r s - own country, men like Stepniak,1the au- time or money tn them. tary of c<tate, Si m e Tr« B3urf?r, Auditor Geiwr- tbw notice, tojreiber with 6*1 d attorney's fee, re?poD(Jeac< strictly at, Attorney <l«iierat. and Sujjerlntendent of insuriUH'e tuooey paid by s«id a*Mi?iie«w mod Little RMie, weight a ton. height eight thor of **UndergTound Rusria * «nd The recent discovery of goirl four or Public Instruction. Commissioner of the State all lepal rosiit and expenses of tJii* '6r -vMoiiire, kindred works, who once had a hand in feet in tn* altogether, and Taffy, weight O&ce, >Uo a member of tbe State Board HI pubita »Hetion or vendue, to the big'-ie^t bidfive, miles from Beltoo has given a new •Land I Education ta phtce of David A. Hammond. der at tb« front door of ihe court hvu*e in ihe a ton and a half, height nine feet— the fierce active fijpbtagainst aatocra^y Lock B*r. 73, Coratva, Midi. i inter* ?t in these ok) mines. In one of were no sooner locked in separate cells by all available means of irregular war* tbe-se uunes some m«n have beg un wotk tban they took to acting like a couple fare, have gradually ceased to be conin earnest, end are keeping* at it from nected with the organization of soof art students in the Latin quarter. day to day. They are rot very ciimcalled terroristic attempts. Their LouThey smashed the cell beaches, tore tounicatife nbout their prospects for don monthly organ, Free Russia, shows on', the water pipes, thusflooding-the success, but this ranch they telL. -hot entire building, and. in other ways, de-.' Jjow nuwh they have moderated their in o short time they are sroinxr to ship demcruls. 'ported themselves dtsgraeefulTy" The 1 some of what they think Is their bestIf the young emperor would only conFr»?nchroen were offered their liberty paying ore to the stoeher at e?g\e PBSS. if they would take the bears out of tbe Bent to the introduction of some k*nd After it ho a been stnclted they will krow A WOHOCR AND A WONDER WORKER. THE LATEST AMD city. They v.ere very comfortable, of representative assembly, snch 6-= ell more. Meanwhile there is a g"ocd de*l HIGHEST TRIUMPH OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. tbank you. and perfectly willing to re- European nations have, and e? even the of ioterestftbout it r round town. main in the stat r on house over night. sultan had adopted shortly before It it prepared tnm tbe Afrkmi KoU Hit- whk* th* natim pric* So the reserves were ordered to be In Turkey w«s beaten down by the armies SILENCED THE "MASHER." S t the strength tad coon^* It &T<* tktmu Th*j 1I*TC used it for a^ss, bat readiness, and th« foreign outfit will of Alexander II., the reigning czar it h*6 •*!> reee&flT bee* iatrtdneed in rMliied lands. It is endorsed would rally around biro n-any who are he held until the court can pass upon Bow m N»w WOOUMI SAVMI Bfim«l« from and prescribed by the most emineat physki***, ut4 ihe nedietl J«arute at present his adversaria* ip what is be* L'a welcome Atteutloa. the case—that is, unless Little Billie •re filled with Ihe report* ©f the m&ntim* remits ©f !t» o»e. lieved to b^ the camp of the most exHe had a smile as brig-ht as and Taffy choose to leave before court It Is ft POWERFUL STIMCLANT WITH NO REACTIONIST treme party. " V , .f,J* ... colored trap a* he rode up EFFECTS. It if « i eaercLdnf aerre food. It acte swiftly aad 1 demure young woman who was walktarely on bc*rt» stomach, liter and kldteya. It glTesrtreagthf»r GIHLS WORK IN A MINE. ing in Central park the other morning, CARDINAL 8ATOULI A CYCLIST. tbe hisbest mental and physical exertteu aud prert-uts aay se&se cf A It«pr«h0iMUCe Intnxla«rtofi of Fo>r«tjpi upon one of the asphalt paths, reports Sklltfal Enough, Howertf, to CoJtoRM on Aa»orlc»B S#tL the New York Herald. She heard tbe It is an ABSOLUTE CUBEforall F0HSS OF 5E2T017S PH0SVeatar« on the Public Street*. Four athletic younjr girU find daily rattle of wheels at her side, yet Fhe TRJiTlON, KO MATTER WHAT THE CAUSE. It e«rr* weakness Cardinal Sutolli, the cpostoiic deleand trrefnlarity «f heart action, and xtvtores a «tea4y and Tlgwrvu employment at a small coal mine in the neither to the right nor to the gate, is the latest convert to bicycling in drevlalivn of the Mood. Mahoninjj valley, peveral miles from Washington. He has )»een presented IT THIULLS ESFEEBLED MA5D00D AS0 WOMANHOOD WITH ••Good zooming." said th<» handsome vrith a wheel cn<l enjoys a spin around Shamokin, says tbe Atlanta ConstituNEW LIFE. 1 bis house l l r does not appear on tbe tion. The colliery is owned and op- young loan as he raised his straw hat It giTci Tcntal aad rtfreahiflg aieep aifti(S^t;bright amd firuitfal by Joseph Mans, a hard-work- with the dizzy band, "wonltlrx't;Km l!k« tareet. There is a large room on the erated aetirity thrvofhont the day. 1 first floor of the papal !egmtk>n formerly ing German, who nayn he has simply in- to takeftride with me thks morning?** T* teaeher*, editor^ clergymen, lawyers «ad other bndn workers, Tbe g-Jr! didn't say "Sir-r-rl" or nder any annsaal pressure of labcr, for tie tired, ererwwrked used as a ballroom, ba! now occupied by troduced the custom of his fatherlaad in wonea whose nerres are wwtrnnp by ise thonsaiwl aanoyln^ worries a billiard table, which takes up a small having his four daughters assist him in "What means this intrusion?" She of the household this wonderful tonic will prore a prfedees boon. slowly turned around and looked the j urtien aiid leaves space for a private preparing the fuel fur market. It is a ratable reatedy for Kerre Weakness aad KxhaBkUoa, The girls are six-footers, g'ood look- young m«»n over from hend to foot. Tie riding -school of .small dimensions. This H««rt Fallnre aad Irregularity, ^obaeeo Heart,1* KMaey aad Bladder ing and well formed, each tipping the bore her p-dze withoutflirjehingr,and is where the cardinal enjoys his rideA. Ailments, iJTer Troable, Ciilonsiw**, Malaria* IadlgestioB, Pjspn*!*, He is learning' to become reore expert scales at about 200 pounds. Kate, a^red started to get down from his seat a« if Headache, ArthtM, Bronchitis, CottsUjpatSon, RhenmattsM, and it oob* «-»ery day. and it is JiVrly before he 20 years, has chaise of the breakers; to assist iier into the trap. pletely reasores the depressiBfaBd distrestias afltects tt the Grippe* . KINQ O^ AB&YSINIA, 'e»'"e>s Washinfrton next month for Annie, Cffed )6, runs its mine pumps The ftirl looked »t hiTn and then at A burbarlan kirift. wiios* warriors crashed tb« To the laTalid and ttose advanced b*years. to those who want straMTth modem arny of It»iy. B* and his dusky Home will be skillful enough to ride in and breaker engines like » veteran en- the pocketbook which she held in her and coaran for the <4baUJe of life,*9 it will pro?e iavaloabto. 'It gineer; Lizzie, aged 18, drives a mule hand. tbe public streets. M *^tn?M away tke Waes." attached to a gin for the purpose of "I don't kiKm " »he said, half jtfotid, It is More than a tonle,ttis a food for "ran*4owau" nene-brefcea Men or woioen* hoisting tbe coal from the slope, and "I don't knov, I'm sure. How moch A Sw«ll Wedding Prevent. KOMO Kola Kurt b Irani the fresh Koto Sits ospedaUy Imparted by as, and trery dx«f> Js rkh with A man 'n London is making a lot of Mary, aged IS, se^» that the slate is would you charge to take me to the art •watti aad botfly Tlgor. nscrtey by lending a £1,000 Bank of picked from the coal by her little broth- inuseum?** It is carefaHy cooponndei mtlh Celery, the treat Berrtne, and is a tme nerre Mvrfehcr and Mood builder* England note for swell w e d d i n g to be ers, whom she helps in the work. It 1% especkally adapted to ru-down MTTMS syttens. Itfeedsthe verres, ecrkhes the Wood, beantiles There was a whirl of yellow trap, of the skin, regvlates tie bowels, increases theftppettte,and drim out disease by toning ap the esmro system. exhibited as the gift of the bride's fa-. The girls wear short Rkirlu, not bright red hat band a^d flyinjf wheels. As a gvaraatee, wertiara the necey paid by tie person who we* Kongo Kola Kore and h not benefited thereby. HUT. Aroanis sent along1 to watch tbe Moomers, as might, be s«r>pos<«rl. "You'll do," the young nif>rt said, as Put up in large bottle Price, 11.00 per botUe, or six bottles for $5.00. Ask your Jraggiat for It, note, and can h« made very useful in exMans formei'Jy worked in (he niip.M 1 ,r ^;-\\ , rvpiil] s' Jnvnv. cr order it frum u*, We pay all cbargeA. « • hibiting the presents. nt ShaTttokin, but during th« l^st Yi years, with the assistnnce. of hia wife, Prepared by KONCO KOLA SUPPLY CO., 126 Washington St., Chicago, III. | RkftHt of tb* An«rt<»a vrho runs the farm, and thf ir^aughfers Sundays nndfixedhol The averefT'* number of Aioericma at fh** D.iiif, he has managed to buy this %joo.000 wOrtii uf fish are daily l\f\r\ rVfxfV • r\ r\ f\ f\r\r\ r\f\r\""" r\r\r\ f\f\r\ is»ued yeerly is about M,O;iO; cuel mjT* and a targe flttioont of timber out of the sea by th« fishermen of EnglaoJ «oiy from 5.000 to 8,000. besides. laud. For Sale by P . M. Kilbourn, Pharmacist, Corunna, Mich. *vi»!i>Titly f c f l s l i ^ is (!o::i:r liinwlffirmul K KK 1 K KK K K K-—K K K KKK KONGO. KOLR KURE KKK The BraatMt Ttnicta(kt Wtrii. i. T1IE CORPJfNA JOiMAt, OCf.22, 13%; TALMAGE'S SSEMON. I They will move into the ranks with Presbyterians, headed by some John HE WON HIS CLIENT'S CASE. cl'iuroh. •'"This is a good ^n< JI, brethwhet the Bible calls the "Song of the Knos yet to arise. The Episcopalians, ren." paid the pastor ami tlu;n hxDrunkard." And what a bloated, and beaded by some Bishop Charnock yet Venture of a Broker as w on and jMV'iM'hfd his sermon. lt»i?.t Advocat* at the HAT. The Great Battle of Armageddon fcoeked, aud bleared, and blcsted, and to be unrolled. The itaptists, 1 ! A Ja<'.l;>K<f!vilh* LroKi-r, ^ h'-U- li'.1-. wliitjf by Kosno Missionary Caroy yet to hiccoughing, fiGfl tKiUbf-nting ho.>! . It THE DIVINE NAM5, &s Bc.scr.botf. in •Fropiiacy. To Carry oa su Aincst Hapless* in the Alabama mountains, was invited world. The €on^$ now, according to Msdeutist, in Eufc- the - A t Last tbe Fight h Orer. laud there are 50'IHJO dvAths annually church, headed by some Dr. Kirk liy a frit-lid, a loeui judge, to attend the The loeSublr W ur4 T):i»t Is Never N 1 1 Picture of (.be (From the IJattU- Ctttk Moon.) from strong drink, and in the of pentecoslsl power yet to take trial of a *'•_•(a«ikcr" for shooting a "nig IJev. Dv. Wise, president of the HeWbtrh, U to M*rlt ib« R»rtli'« CllOur representative ev.litr.l ;-U 26 B tongue of tire. I see them mov United States, 'accord iutf to ang-er," and the prisoner hanng no money brew Iniotj college at Cincinnati, Kas —Tk« iiwti of Creek Avenue?, tin; residence, of S. I. liobIn? into tha ranks, carrying ,a other estimate, «8,0O0 deaths annually to hire a lnwycr, the judge appointed golfed b given his view of the ancient Jewish i)iuii,an<i in at'i interviow with him broagbt from strong driuk, what an army of st*Ddani striped aad starred; striped the brol;-."' to defend him, alleging" that rvmkriii^ of Llic Lame oi the Deity, ro- out the following facts; Mr. Uobbini telU living druukards that implies, comlajf a* suggesting Him by whose stripes if the broker was nota lawyer "he \v«is an (it his wife's experis'iio: in u mnnno.r that Kev. T. Ik-Witt Xuliuatfe delivered ['up from the w!:ole earth to take their we are healed, and starred as with tho idiot because, he wasn't one"— a judg- jxvrt.s tin- .Ww Yurk 8nn, lie says iiiu.t curries coavictiou with his words. He the lerm ".Jehovah," the ii;«'i'ab!e tetrathe following* *«rrnon before hisWash* \ the battle, especially a* the . promise that those who turn.many to ment ajuplv supi>oj ted Ly his.conduct says. " 1 am mytry tny wire is not at hofna i r lu^rejjatiou, takiuy for his increases ami the miinoiis now I A i^£ J 4 l c O l i t y l i C S i ) QlAAk4 3-Lt* u C №O b kiC S tat+X*") of the CU.SL-. Tin1 broker, says th? Sar. gT;i;imii!ton, is never jjroric.inctrd by thi*} P. M., but no out knows bcite.v ttoua on their way may be jolaed I forever and ever. Into that battle on Francisco Argonaut, cross-ex a mined many Israelites. They us-' the word I how she has suffered durinc past ye.irs. Attd He gatfctreU 1L1 m together tu a place by other millions oi re.-enforctfjneutj 1 our side will roll tho*e mighty engines the witnesses briefly, sor.din"1 ir> now "Adoiioi,"•• which signihVs "the Lore'." For twenty years she }:»«* iK>on iift1>cte<l brigade afu-r brigade, wilU drutiktnU,->' i of powvi*, Cue pcluliutf presses of and then a discomfiting trajectory. TTif trial:•!liters of th«? Ui'ule fo!!t.mv<l with the. various'forms ..of kidney comJiev. xvi.. it. this custom, rendering the word ".Je- plaint and an enlargement of \h» • liver, Me^id^u is, the n«iui«j of a uiuuutatu bones drumming on the head of l***r I Christendom, luto that battle will .When ho came to make a speech lie- said: hovah" a.s "Lord." Iu aiiekjit tiiuvs bin: Wiuoftcu eoiilined t(i lier bed for mom that ILKJUS down np^u Esiiruelon, tho barrels the dead march of nouls. {also move the mightiest telescopes, "(lentlrmen of the jury, I have taker: the l'harisces ivjj'lar-cfl the ti«tmtfr:\m- than two weeks ar, * time sullering uutolil greatest battle-field that tho world The*e millious of vieuui* of alcohol j that shall briutf the stars in their great pains to show you that my client icaton by Shem; they u.sed "Klcr.iO,'* iigony. She lifts df.tctored cijusuuitiv, and was a respectable citizen. Ten witI have paid out in doctors' bills for her has ever se«u. There liamk fought joiued by the millions of tbe riotiius of I courses to fight for our GoU. ' which is also J'iblicnl, its the sucwtl tbe Canaan ites; there Gideon fought arrack, the spirituous liquor of China, | Again, the regiment* elemental will nesses have asserted'—on oath, mind name, und this numc is1 yet retaiijt'd, to u)o:i<; as much &s !^X).(>0, and theu her relief was only such that she would be able tbe Muiiacites; there Josiah fought and India, and Arabia, and Hgypt, and i come into that battle on the right side. you-—that he stands high in his comt:ome exu-nt, among the J*nvs. l!ut it 1 Ceylon, and Siami j The winds! God showed what He could to U: around for. a spell. Some time ago munity." The defendant was six feet tfc» invading Egyptians. The whole would appear from jwis-sii^eiS in the I do with them when the splintered slw' felt the symptoms of another attack, Yeal to show the magnitude of the three inches tal!, and the jury smiled. region blands for battle, and the coming on, such as a pain in through the I timbers of the ships of the Spanish l'&aliiis that Adonoi, or Lord, for Jeforces on the wrong side, I have to **He stood high !n the community, and Armageddon of ray text borrows it* kiilueys and back. I hardly know what j Armada were strewn on the rocka of hovah was more ancient even than tbe that is sufficient. Now for the law. We name from it, aucl is here u&ed, not tell you that what is left of heatheninduce! tnc to get u box of Doan's Kidney j Scotland, Norway and tbe Hebrides. tim«-s of the Pharist-es. It thti-s occurs find that the 30th verse of the 16t h chap geographically, but figuratively, while Urn at tb*t time will march into the Pills, iostead of seudiag fur the family tatting forth the idea that there is to conflict. There are 150,000,000 fetish The water*! He showed what lie could ter of *Chitty on Pleadings*—Chitty. eight time** in. I*salnj lxxxiv. It also ap- physician; however, I got some and she be a worlds closing battle, the greaU idolaters, 230.000,000 Brahmins, 4GXV do with them when He put the whole gentlemen, was one of the bravest gen - pears in the book of Kxotlus where "Je- commenced their use. It was a surprise eat of all battles, compared tvith which 000,000 Bnddhist*, Through the sub-j earth under them, leaving it subaque- eraisin the confederate army—this well- honah** had lx*<n usi-d hi the origihal to us both to see their sction - the attack This sulretitu'ion would Wiis ward**! off. and she continued taking the conflicts of this century and all lixalst asovo*oe&t of this century, the ( ous 150 days. The earthquake*! He established principle of law." Here the Hebrew. other centuries were insugqiflcant, be- mtsaionary movement, all the tima showed what He could do with broker adjusts hla glasses, holds the eeem to be older than any other, tnd it them Tnth marked improrement each day of their use. She is better now th&a she cause of the greater nomber of oom- gathering in momentan, I believe all. them when He let Caracas drop book far off, elevates his chin and reads: is yet common a mong a 11 Jews, into the open mouth of horror bmtasta engaged, the greater victory or nearly all, of that 770,000,000 of Dr. Wise &ays he has found that tbe h*» been in years, the pain iu the back and "'No recpectable white man can be others in the kklnevs have entirely gone. and the island* of the sea went into heathenism will be converted to God. and tbe greater defeat. The exact guilty of crime*.* That, gentlemen, is under t translations testify in favor of Hardly a day fres by that we do not menentombment The lightnings! *He But that which is not converted will date of that battle we do cot know, enough. I leave the cate iu you r hands." "Adonoi.** tion the great goodf Doan's Kidney PUfe and the esact locality is uncertain. It come into the Armageddon on the showed what He oonld do with them Each juror changed his quid, looked at Looking at the English translation have done her. I was always opposed to when He wrapped Mount Sinai in may be in Asia, Europe, Africa or wrong side. flame, and we have all seen their his neighbor, codded, and. without leav- of the Old Testament it w'M be found patent medkifite, but confess that my America; but the fact that such a batFirst of all, t mention tbe Regimentt ing their seats, rendered a loud and em- that the name Jehovah appears in the wife's experience with Doan's Kidney tle will take place ia aa cer- Angelic. Alas! that the subject ot J naahtag lanterns moving with the phatic verdict of "not guilty,** and then books of Genesis, Exodus, Judges, the Pllb has done much to change my opfatain as God's eternal truth. demooologj seems better understood chariots' of the midnight hurricane. Joined in three cheers for the defendant Psalms and Isaiah. It is not in the Xew km& If it were not for those pilissbe would not have been able to be out this When I use the auperlaUv* than the subject of angelologj. Bat All the rigimenta elemental will eocoe and hi* lawyer. Testament. afternoon. degree la regard to that coming eon* the glorious enirite around the throne i a on *«r side in tbe great Armagedflict, I do not forget that there hare and all the bright Immortals that fill don. C o m and let *« mount and rid* Doan's Kidney P U s fo? sale by all dealThe church, in the person of tbe wife ers—price, 'been war* all along on stupendous tbe galleries and levels of the untrereo along the line, and review tbe teoopa CAT IN THE PULPIT. 50 cent*. Mailed by Fosterof the bishop of Winchester, has taken MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. 7., sole agents scale. As wben at Marathon Miltt- are to UCe part in that last great of Emanuel, attd find that the regibf t t e Meek the to cycling, says the Lady'a PictoriaL C M * * * ?t a4e* brought on his men, not in ordi- fight, and the regiments angelic are ment* terrestrial and celestial that for thf U. S. Remember the na D $ \ It Awmy. Rev. EL Husband, by tbe way. the well- And take tt nary march, but in fall ran, upon the tbe only regiments capable of meeting come into that battle on tbe right side An inquisitive black cat strayed into known vicar of St. Michael's, Folkstone, Iwrsemen of Persia and the black tbe regiments plntonie. To show you a n , as compared with those oo the tbe Bristol Methodist Epfecopal church | preached a special sermon to cyclists arches of Ethiopia, and scattered them, something of an angel's power, I wrong side, two t o one, a hundred to on a recent Sunday evening just bett re I recently, in which he not only followed and, crying, "Bring fire! Bring firel" ask you to consider that jnst one one, a thousand t o one. the services began, says the Pittsburgh ; some of the old divines by seeing no set Into flame the (ships cf the invaders. of them slew 189,000 of SenBat who is the eommander-in*cbief Chronicle-Telegraph. j harm in taking a punning text—"They As when Pizarro overcame Peru. As nacherib's hosts !c a night, and It is on this side? Splendid armies bare D«tr«!t 1 rtitw.ukee Divisioa. There were very few people in the' toil not, neither do they spin!**—but when Philip II. triumphed over Portu- sot a torqrh arthmetical question to been ruined, caught in traps,flung over gal. As when the Huns met the Goths. solve, if one angel can slay 185,000 precipices and annihilated through church et the time, but the loud And further remarked he firmly believed As when £00 Spartans sacrificed them troops ia a night, how many can 500,* the incompetence or treachery of their plaintive mewing of the stranger nt- that, had velocipedes been in existence selves at Thermopylae As when the 000,000 of them slay? The old Book general. Who commands on oar side? tracted their attention, aitd »they hr ancient days, the sacred writings TAKING EFFECT JUNE 15,1896. Carthagenians took AgHgeutum. As says that "They excel in strength.", It Jehovah-Jireh! uncalled in one place. watched its movements with interest. would have contained approving referwben Alexander headed the Mace- is uot a celestial mob, but a disciplined "Captain of Salvation," so-called in anThe animal climbed up into the choir ences to them. It may interest tbe exdonian phalanx As when Han* host, and they know their rank. Cher- other place. King of kings. Lord of loft, perched upon the railing- rind cellent vicar to know that in a country WESTWARD. nibal invaded Italy. Battle ubim, seraphim, thrones, principali- lords. Conqueror of conquerors. H is looked down upon the congregation. church of which I have hesrd a '; a = iS of Hastings! Battle of Valmyl ties and powers! And the leader of eye omniscient His arm omnipo- After a time several members of the figures in a »tamed glftss window. ;*"£ Battle of Pultowa! Battle of Ar*x.laJ Wse regiments is Michael toe Arch- t e n t He will take tbe lead. Be will choir arrived and the cat scampered Battle of Tours! Battle of Borodtao! angel. David sow jast oae group of draw the sword. He will give the away, finally climbing down one of the In 8w«4*sv Battle of Lucknow! Battle of Solfe- angels sweep past, and they were 22.- command. And when He plant* His wooden pillars which supported the Sweden has tbe oldest and IU P. M r It. m a. ino. i> "V .inol Battle of Foutenoy, where 100,- fO0 charioted. Peal, who in the Ga- foot for the combat the foundations cf choir loft and walked down into the match factory in the world. Matches JJ 15 4 g 00 •Hr*4t Lv 9C0 were slainl Battle of Chalons* tnalian college had his faculties so won- the earth will quake, and when He aisle. were made there long before the old, MtlwsukeeJet 7 15 ll dl 4 25 it IX 11 № where 300,000 were massacred] Battle derfully developed, confesses hi* inca- shall give the battle-shout, all tho \ p.m. A.M. Several of the congregation endeav- roughly trimmed splinter of wood PontUc 12 i; 5 07 g IS IS of Herat, where Genghis Khan de- pacity to count them by saying: "Ye gates of hell will tremble. on tipped with BuJphur was discarded with & hi 8 41 i 02 ored to cottx the oat into thei^pews, Holly 1U stroyed I,6n0vooo lives: Battls of XeU- are come to Mount Zion mud an tnnotn^ 1 40 • 50 10 15 f 1* the tinder boxes for which they were Durand but tbe provd pusey Ignored them and 9 ss t 17 7 10 1*7 But do not let us shout until after har, where 1,747,000 went down to erable company of angola" If each used. In 25 years tbe export trade of OOTUTIQS J5 •*35 i death 1 One million and eight hun* soul on earth has a guardian angal, we have seen tbe t w o armies clash in with stately dignity climbed up into Sweden In modern matches increased OwuA3O Junct'n 10 h'f, 11 40 No sot dred and sixteen thousa&d slain s t then there must be 1,600,000,000 angels the last straggle. Oh, my soul I The the pulpit and sat on the Bible. When to 1,000,000 boxes a year. Some of the P. tn. ... ... IF '24 the pastor came in a moment later be 12 It 28 Lowell « set battle of nil time and all eternity Troy I And American battfee, too on earth to-day. Beside that. Heaven machincsfor making the matches which Grsnd Raptdi p.m. 1 «J 4 W found the cat hi possession of the pulopens, "ForwardP " F o r w a r d " U the near us now to allow us to appreciate must be full of angels, those who stay -••-'i 5^ h 10 it \ 49 7 V we use in these days make 200 revolu- O. M . t I,Jct 06 ' a 1» it f(j 7 43 I t t their awfnl grandeur and aignifi- there; not only the 1? angels who, we command on both sides given. The pit, bat the animal took kindly to I he tions a minute eiMrh and turn out about Ferrjiburtr 4» 2 V 05 HitVCD <tatic«, except you who where are told, guard the It gates, but those long Hues of both armies waver, and preacher and began to purr and arch 2,500,000 boxes annually. Altogether \ Grand 00 • 4ft CTblcium !St'r Ar nfw back at the latter's approach. II 16 there, facing the north or facing angels who help in the worship, and s w i n g to and fra Swords of truth there are in Europe about 50,000 foe- Milwaukee StV BlackThe pastor took the cat by the beck the southl hut all the battles I have go on mission from mansion to man- against engines infernal. , and they yearly produce matches 1 named put together will not equal in sion aod help to buiid the hosanna* horse cavalry of perdition against of the neck and h&iided it down to aa ot ?v numbers enlisted, or flereeneass, or *ad enthrono the halleiejfcbs and roll, white-hors* cavalry of Heaven. The usher, who carried puss out of the gra»denr, i»r triumph, or rout, tbe the doiologies of the srrvic« that redemption of this world and the . coming Armageddon contest. Wheth- never ends. But they si!, if required, honor of the throne of God to vindier it shall lie fought with printer*' will be in the last fight between cate, how tremendous is tbe battle! 8TAT1OXS. e type or keen ftteeL, whether by brain holiness aod »in. Heaven could af- The army of righteousness seems givK ing way; but no! I t is only a part of «r muscle, whether by pea ur carbine, ford to adjourn just one day, and K zltt whetherhv booming cannon or thun- empty all its temples, and mansions, the maneuver of tbe infinite flgUt It V- n. <4 (HI y could object to the Milwaukee S*t'r ders of Christian eloquence, I do no* and palaces, and boulevards into that i* a deploy of the host celestial. What t :*i • Chtoajro St'r r. it know; an«i you may tak« what Isay SA one battle. I Think all the angels of a meeting In this neld of splendor and meat from the^e frlbm's—and III tv. • n. o» p. !B . — ',i •figurative or literal, but take as c*r- God wlH join in it. The one that stood wrath, of the angelic and tbe diabolic, Mini'n 1,'v £ — f- i> :o •$ OS nolxnly iiiu.ls fault with the tnent O'd *> U 9 * it, • 04 Fcrrjclmrir tain what .St. John, in his vibion on the with nword of dame at the gate of par- of hosanna and blasphemy, of song I .*ell Ijocuuse it's always iiktt G. K. * I. let £ (irt;oiun archipelago, i.s please*! tu call adiee. The one that pointed iiag-ar to and curse, of the divine and the ssn 77 s 10 № ft 10 4* 0i . It A 11 M tanic. The thunderbolts of the Althis—yoimir, tender, juicy and ' t. the fountain iu tbe wilderness. The 4 mighty burst and blr *e upou the foe. t clean> AH butchers <l*n't soil one that halted Balaam on the high£ My serrtiou will first mention the way. The one that warned Ix>t to flee Boom! Boom! By the torches of ^o 11 33 ; 12 * lonls this kind. It's gvnemlly toii^li, IU. til A.M rttfiruenls tiiat will »M» engaged in the the doomed city. The one that took part lightning that illuminate tbe sceno H fir J 15 f M 3 06 Ow<>f$nJot l,irtmy oi ••something of tbat ?rt>rt i:orutJi:a conflict, then will any somethiuif of with Joshua against the Canaanitej 1 see that the crisis ot the Ar9 « is 3 JO 1 .ii ( the commaudcrs en both sides, and The one that informed Mary of the ap- mageddon has come. It is tho turnfh:it isift the kind vou want. 30 1 3 53 « 47 M Ehirnnd s then speak of the battle itself and tho proach of the Nativity. The one that ing-point of this last buttle. Tl>e Yoii want ' k the Meut Setzw Holly 5 •WJ 5(1 I' i 'i St) w 4 47 ii <i.r> 10 5-5 tremendous issues. Ueginniug with wrestled with Jacob at the brook Jab- next moment will decide all. Ayel ih.e 3 05 , }*nntirt<' o 5 'it st'Iis." I'll do the U^t bv vou. % i5 MihvaukceJct 1 25 J? i:l <K> those who wiil fight on the wronjf bok. The one that swung open the forces of Apoliyon are breaking j»uka. Retrrtit AT 7 45 11 50 4 OS 9 7 •* side, I f,rst mention the regiments pate for the incarcerated Apostle Peter. Sec! See! They fly. Some on foot, 1 CbalrCar, KiiTTet 0:ir, Sit^epiOK CAT Sort-lee. diabolic. In this v«ry chapter from The one that strengthened Christ in some on wing ; they fly. Back over tha Eastward So. !i.b;is PuiliUdii Sl»K;p*r, Chl• whveh'Tiuiy teat i* taken we art tokl His last paroxysm. All, 1 think, wili battlements of perdition they go down cftgo to Uetrrit, Mtuiy. No. 14 bus Wajmer <-bttir anrt buffer car, Grand Haven to Detroit; •that the spirits of devils will be there. be there—their velocities ineonceiv- with infinite crash, all the regiments No. 18 has ch.iir our ftcta^bed. How many millions of thetu no one tible, so that when Daniel was in diabolic Back U> the mountains and No. SI has sleeiw teGrand Rapids. Westward Xo. li tjas cisalr t w , attached. can tell, for the statistics of the sa- prayer, Gabriel, we are told, came from caves the armed nosts oi earth, crying !Co, IS has Wajrccr parlor buffet car, Detroit tauio dominions have uerer been re- Heaven to speak to him, and if Heaven as they retreat to the rocks and Grand Havim No 17 has JiuXctCar, Jte! to ported and the roll of that host has be at the center of the universe, that mountains: " f a l l on us and hide us irf)it to Chk-Bjro. Duily. NV>. 81 hrt* ul^per 1>*trolt to Grand tta»tfa> never on earth been called; but angel must have traveled thousands from the face of Him that sitteth up•Daily except Ssiiiirday. from the direful and i conti- ji millions of miles in an instant. on the throne, and from, the wrath of E. H. HUGHES, BUS FtirrcHKR. nental and planetary work they Talk of earthly regiments on double- the Lamb, for the great day of Ilia A. G. !\ & Mniiffer, Trav. Pass. Aft., have already done, and the quick march! What will, be the speed wrath hat* come, and who shal! b- able Chie<ijr«. I ill I)t-troit, Mich D. TOlTXft, f$Ct that every man and woman and if. the regiments ang-elic whea, at the to stand." child on earth lias a tempter, there command of the archangel. "Down to And while Apollyoc, the prisoner of must be at least l,eo0,o<>0,000 of evil Jarthl Forward into the battle!" TOLF.DO A spiiits familiar with our world. Per- those regiments an^e-lic, li^htnin^- w&r, Is being dragged in el. tins to hi* haps as many more are eogaged on tvinffed, rainbow-girled, n'r^-fJoted, dungeon, and our Conqueror is reespecial enterprises of abomination ihall sweep into the great Annayed- mounting His throne, I look oft upon the battlefield, and amoug the slain I among the nations and empires of the ion! CHIGAN) *T , l a d the carcasses of Mohammedan ism, earth. Beside that there most be an of November 3 is already and paganism, and HtrieJKm. and ininconceivable number of inhabitants The next regiment that 1 see marchwell under way. A new in realms pandemoniac, staying- there ing- into the fight will be the Regiment fidelity, and dissipation, and fraud, to keep the great capitals of sin ROing- Gcclesiastic. According to the Last ttc- and multitudinous wrong, strewPresident of the United from age to &ge. Many of them once jount, and practically only in the be- ing the plain, and I hear the 1 angel that standeth in the sun lived in Heaven, but engag-ing iu con* jintnug of the grv&t gospel Ktovement States is to be elected and spiracy to put Safan on the throne, cvhich proposes to take the whole earth crying, in the words of Revelation, they were hurled out and down, and tor God, there are 4,600,000 Methodists, to all the fowls that fly in tbe midst of they are now among the worst thugs 3,725,000 Baptists, 3,2M),3.J3 Presbyte- heaven—the eagles, and the vultures, of the universe. Having been in three rians, 1,330,000 Lutherans, and <UO,000 and the hawks, and the albatrosses— worlds— Heaven, earth and bell—they Episcopalians. But the present sta- "Come and gather yourselves together have all the advantages of great expe- tistic* of the churches will unto the supper of the great God, that rience. Their power, their speed, be utterly swamped when af- ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the their conning, tbesr hostility, wonder- ter all the great denominations flesh of captains, and the flesh of ful beyond ail statement! In the Ar- have done their best work, the slow- mighty men, and the flesh of horses, znageddon th*,y will, 1 doubt not, be est of all the sects will have more num- and of them that sit on them.'' present in full array. They will have bers than the present enrollment of The prophesied Armageddon of the uo reserve corps, t>ut ill will be st the all denominations throughout Chris- text has been fought, and Christ and will, as always, l>e found in thickest .of the fight, battling front. There will not ouly be sol- tendom. You see by that time an His followers hare won the day. The vigorously for sound business principles, which wilt bring diers in that battle who can be seen atheist or an infidel will be a curios- kingdoms of this world have become prosperity to the nation. The New York Weekly Tribune and aimed at, bat ti oops intangible ity, and he will be looked at an we the kingdoms of our Lord and His and without corporiety, and weapons look at a man with long hair reach- Christ All the Christian workers of is not only the leading Republican paper of the country but may strike clear through them ing below his shoulders, and long our time, you,, my hearer*, and you, is pre-eminently :i notional family newspaper. Its camwithout giving them hurt. With finger nails t' at are never cat-, and my readers, and all the Christian paign news and discussions will interest every American what shout of de6*nc2 will they a stare in the eyes indicated incipient workers of all the ages, have citizen. All the news of the day, foreign correspondence, climb up the ladders of am lunacy—not to be argued with, helped on the magnificent reHDd leap frbzn the battlements of but to be pitied; while it will not be sult *nd tbe victory is ours as agricultural department, market reports, short stones com* asbestos into the last campaign of any unusual thing to see men as much much M theirs. Th.^ momentinviting plete in each number, comic pictures, fashion plates and hell! Paul, \lit bravest of men, was devoted to their religion as Francis all outsiders, through the ransomed TIMETABLE. elaborate descriptions and a variety of items of household impressed with their might for evil Xavier was devoted to his religion, blood of the everlasting Covenant, to Ix*ff«ct April interest, make up an ideal family newspeper when he said; "We wrestle not against when he went through the streets get into the ranks of the conquerors, flesh and blood, but againet princi- asking all to come and hear his faith and nuuiif the banner of our Leader, k Trains leave Cdruwm, palities, *nd against power*, and expounded, in ten years planting the shal) aot close the service with prayer, NOftTK. SOUTH. agaiast the rulers of the darkness In Gospel In 50 nations and baptizing as we usually do, but immediately We furnish tbe JOURNAL and the Tribune (both i»:rtT A. U. this world, against spiritual wivked- over a ot 111 ion sou la. And tbe great give oat the Moravian Hymn, by 13 56 A. X. 3 10 A . M . ne&s in high places.*1 Oh, what an hosts of- believers who fill the earth, James Montgomery, Appropriate when ?:la I*. M. M . papers) one year for only $1.00, cash ia advance. agile ting moment, when the ranks making the 2,317,000 combatants that written in 1819, but more appropriate diabolic move up and take their places Xerxes reviewed a corporal's guard in 1896, and ask you, with full voices, S. A, SCULLY, W.H.SENNETt, for conflict in the A rmageddonl sa well ait with grateful hearts, to in comparison. I see them, the regi6. P A. Aqcnt Toledo. Otber regiments who will march into ments ecclesiastic, moving into that chant i t tbefig-b'vwill be made up of the brew* last oacue. The Lutherans, headed by See Jebovftb,a bacner furJ'd, Foa S A L * AT A UAMGAVW: A. «r»' companies, rtistilie-ry owaors, aod tome great Martin Lather yet to be Sheathed HU sworn.- He speak*—'tt* dooe, bat111 boia. The Methodists, h**ded bysoua «a.ler»' associations, and the Write you name ami aiMre's on » posKa) C*TX) »D<1 s*nd it to G«o. W, Bett, Tri*-h»o»l>i«n m s w w **i\ bindw. Intad tL« kingdom* of ttlt world of uiiJhons of their patrons* U«orge Whifcefleld /«t to coma. TTm buae Bulltlicg, Xevr York City, and a sample of tiie Tribune will b« msiled you. quire cf Frjuik-Millar.l, C •re tas ktattioau of HU &*&. Grand Trunk Railway System Time Tafcle, »«* EASTWARD. Hi -81 Beauties, Aren't They? 4 p. k George Setzer, Corutma. The Great Battle The New York Weekly Address all orders to tbe Jonnul, Comma. 4 THE CORIINXA JOURNAL/ COfiUNNA, MIGHIGAN. OCT. 22, 18%. nji t o hji'. iUOI*' Ol iiiC ul GORSUCH & WELCH, PUBLISHERS. HELD UP A TOWN. Six Eandits Plunder the O. T. WHEAT vSOARING. Price* Coatiima to Advaui-e with Qre»S Our Kitchen Chicugo, OcU 19.*--Such a wild opeuir.g of I he vi-h(J^T market «<> took ;. "i.:;1. i OW'.'S.SO I'l.MKS; U i l t t o f ti::. 1 t i i i p « > i ' t baturday o.uruing has not baen witj ii!)t oHU'fS of tin* county am! OIK; wtiu-ti No kitchen is kept cleaner than the premises devoted to the lias most to do will) the properly iuti- Storr, tloU', Fwit Ortirf »tid Shop* Itobbwl jiestted in tuuuy uiotiihs' trade in the I manufacture of NONE SUCH Mlnco i w t No houseot Th«lr VH1UU$>U"K->-TrU'iiJjuue \V»r«i active apei-ultttive option—December— rests of our people, i* t!i:it of n-^istfrr ot AU Cm to l*r«vfot IHl^cin^ over a half cent range and at an wife can be more fastidious in the matter of preparing food vleuris. A careful, i'om:cl record of tb<* advance of from 1% to 1% of a cent than we are in the selection and preparation of the materials of luml transactions of thu county is'irrdisover Friday's clo»e. It was quite eviwhich it is made. The cleaning of the currants (for one thing) ami absolutely nt'et^sary. T h e Guthrie, <G. 1\ Oct. 19. — Saturday deut that the market was a self-assertive one, depi-fj<Jii>g on no individual :ti)|iioii)f noe,..!. l'». IJoycc, i« »in|K night at ten o'clock the tov. u of Ciruey, ! is more thoroughly done by means of perfected appliances, !y (jtrilitieif to Ml' thojpositioii o< on pied SO miles ufst of here, was u.Uiu-ktu by ox clitjue iur help, aud going be.voad than it would be possible to do it by hand. tbe c-outrok «f iuanipulattoa, if euy Liy Messrs, Holman, Kind) ant.] IHgHow band it is, all heavily ariutsl, masked aiiJ there ha» been. Foreign influence* Its cleanliness, purity, wholesomeness and deliciousnes*' well uufiuUfrd. The robb*r)» entered so satisfuctorlaly to the people of the with a flourish of arnm and oath* and and crop denciencie* rule the si tun. are good reasons for using NONE SUCH Min«e Meat. ..•uuiity. T h e T i m e s lias evrry c^uli- at once attacked the 6tore of «I. K tiou. i>uriug ine last half hour U\4 The best reason is itssavlng-of time, of hard work, of dt'iit-e thfit Mr, 'JJoyro will prov« to IK; routs, the largest intrcUaut ic iLe city. rn;trk*»t U»enme o runaway affair, just the man iliat the people want for Before entering tU« towu tbe Uiudit* everybody buying »od bidding for money. A tea cent package affords you two large pies, withj tsiis office, l i e an affable, iotr-lii^enf cut the tr*lej>hone wire* between Carney wheat,l and n;>hmg prices up from 74% out trouble to you be> ond the making of the crust. Makes u itiul well worthy I lie .suit'rag** f.rul CJiauiiler in order to present-iuuef* to 7& /4 for December. Thv frenzy l&xled uutil the close, which was at a rejust as good fruit cake and fruit pudding as it does m! fereuoe with their evidently prej of the voters of the county. . from the outside, but with a arranged ulan». Carney it A town ol pie. Sold everywhere. Be sure and get the genuine. gain tor tbe day of 3%c The total 3U0 people aud contains a gzuerui a»er* Send your wu&e «JM1 *4dr<m, and mention this pup*, m d « • W01 L.\ry<;sei;n<; Xsiws: 11, 11. Pulver, chandiM store, hotel, post odic«, UlAck- advance in wheat since the preoenfc For President, ' M a , FopklM' TbmoHattTtar'-fty out of aw mam fcjiw» ttaacw boom was inaugurated early in Septem* •Hiith shop, atubie* «cd dwelling | the candidate for proseculinx attorney WILLIAM M MCHRELt-SOULC COH «YRACl№C N. V. | on the republican ticket hi this county, bouwa. Only Fouta acd bit tun were l-er has beeu upwards of £0 cents per For Vice-President, busbeL in the i tore wbeu the robbers rusted A.'.HOBART. i U an old resident of our village, having Chicago, Oct. 20.—In the midst of a in aud threw their #uti* ou them. Th« j lived bere and practiced law for tbe chief of tbe outlaws cbmniMnd«<J Kouu scene of wild excitement, such as vetDistrict, j past twenty years. Aud while tbe News ror to open hit »afe. He quickly complied eras traders recall in war time*, DecemWlf.UAM S. LlS'TON. ! is neutral in politics, and while we dif* and handed over *800 in c**b to the ber wheat opened on the Chicago board State Ticket. S fer with Mr.Pulver an the pall tical ques- bandit*. Two of the robber* then bound of trade Monday anywhere from 7B% to tions of thebour, it always pleases tb« and gagged Fouu and hUaou and car- T9% <*»**. after closing officially SatCommon Council, Continued. Fwr Govrruor, HA2KN ?. PIXOREE. Xewa to speak well of a worthy fellow ried them two mile* out of town. Mesa* urday at 75% cent*. It waa an arerag* while tbe other robbers attacked tb« three cent jump to begin the furore THOXAS B. DUNSTAN. townsman. Mr. Pulver, as we have statWe want hotel and post office, but got nothing ta with, and in tin ata riling raddennesa For Swtvtary of Ktat**, ed, has lived in our midst for tbe paat tne latter place. 1* tbe hotel three ind effect It caine like a bomb in tbe your . . . u mrshull t25 00 WASHINGTON GARDNER. twenty years, and h&4 a warm place in drummers and two citUens were re- pit. Eighty-cent wheat waa missed by A. Detterich. nlgfattrateh... 10 W For TwfcHarer. GKOROE A. tSTBSL. tbe hearts of our people, for be is a good lieved is alt of 9500 h» mosey, watcne* • quarter of a cent only, the top notch Geo. Serr, city engineer 33 33 For Auditor ti<n*fml, ROSCOK D DIX. of this sensational •cation being 7ft% and jewelry. At the Cnited Suites marj lawyer, ao upright citizen aud an a]) For Attoruvy <**nrra!, FKBD A. XAYKARD. Report accepted and adopted. cent*. Bat tbe Market w u not all upWOT Cuttim ;:vJoi!«^r *>f £*%%%** tJUKl Offlc** ' around good fellow. As an attorney it sfaari office tbe optnioa preraila tkat The street commissioner reported the the gang is headed by "Dynamite DfcA." trarda. It oMOlated betweea 8attirday*» WXU.IAX A. FBKNCH. 1 | is in his power to stir up strife and In* stteet car company * tr^ck tn % dangerekwtng price *sd tbe top, rawted to paJ ol tbe late Dalton and Dootiaw Fur Supri isit^Hidf oi of P^Wic Instruction, JA3OV * HAMMOXD. | crea*« litigation, but he always counsels cents, thea went to TV% o n t o and ous condition n**r the D. St M. Ry. He For X«nbt>r s t a t e Bonrd of £4ncal)<m. > peace. Wben be does try a buit be tries hed a!! srp&sd this polst with a be- wai> directed to notify tbe cotnpsoy to SCHNAUBELT 6CAD. JAXK8 W. SIMMONS. wfldering assortment of chaagea. Tb* at once repair tbe street. | it hard and usually wins. He is a man Judicial Ticket* Dc«ember future broke toward* tbe I of whom our people may be proud to Aid. Cornell offered tbe following F o r C t r r i i i ' . J u i l j j v , I M u J m l S t f l A l C — .... close, the fat official prtee hiing Tt% STKABN8 r. 9XTTH. ! say **ne is oar fellow townsman and be Cat, Oct. ML—Bu- cents, but that was 1% wrnto above BmM»reaotations: Besolved tbai tb« city clerk be and in | should receive here a very large majorLegislative Ticket. p Sohaaobelt, the fierce viaaged nrday"* closing^. . / bereby Instructed to certify to the sup* ity of the votes polled in November." anarchist who threw »ne Bajmarkel For S«?nr»:.>r. IHii District. crriM>rg of the several v a d« of whi&city WILLIAM M. KiLPATRirK, bomb In Chicago and for whoa« appr«»CUBA TO /3ET HELP. tbefollowiug muouot*U> b»spnad upbeaswn the police machinery of the For Reprr^rhtM! re, FRANCIS M. SBEPARD. Cure For Headache. on the tax rolls o< their r««ipet*tive world bas bren lu motion ever since. U t7nlow tne War Roon Uarte vrartU f:s sidewalk tux for the year 1S93 ; County Ticket. X*. a remedy for all forms of dead. The end of bis long flight and S 2-o of lot 3 anC n I i ft lot e 0k 12$ 9 20 ! at market pric<>. » re F->r.Tu<V_'«-</Pr>»5•:•«". MATTHEW RT'SH. Electric Bitters has j>rovp<! K» IMJ the years of hiding end«d Monday in this Washlngtoo, Oct. 17.—If Spain dcea S 1-5 lot 10 »nd o 1-5 lot It bk 12. HJW i very l>e*L It effevj* a periuunent i;«re Jjttfc town ID sontbem California. Con- oot end tbe war .to Cuba within three For SUerirT, MdNKdK LSCftVOALf. ready to take all you may 4.70; aud*'the ino$tdreaded habitual sick bead- KQioption, a better trailer acd worse foe month* the in "urgent* will reeeive N 16 ft. oflot 10. bk 12 For t'ltrk. Dl' .A N K t.\ COOPER. Lota 9 and 1 J> bk 5<) 12.74 I bilng. We are paying aches vieid to its influence. We urge Fnr Rapist, r of EWds. JAY D. KOYCE. from the United Statea vtrttjal recognt- I^ot- 5"and B. bk 32., than the authorities for law and order, l-»/8 at! who are afflicted to procure a bottle, For TIW«ITVT. RVDOLPH 3. COLBY. for fowles 5^c: 19.30 found him out. \ \ tion of independence. It eao be stated Lot 12 bk -tt... •:: Fo: Prtwwuti'.si Attorney, HKNRY H. PCLVER and jfiyethi? remedy a fair tria'. In I on authority that the president does cot I/>te> 2 a id 3 & «f 1>. ot M. Ry 14.24 ^ to 6^c; ducks. 7e. and rSkbnaubelt vaa 4ti« of the flmt men w/cases of habitiiHl constipation Electric For Circuit. Oonrt CoromiswioiwrH, rmted with Lingsr, Spies and Schwab, May ! expect that Spate will end the war with Low 1 and 2. bk tX .'. 2 41 JOSEPH H. COLLINS. Bitter? cures by giving the ueeded tone 6.1S96, *1 to8<;. Bring after the great riot In Chicago. For | tbe tactics now employed daring tbe Lot4bfc U . . . . WAKEBN' PIERPONT. 1.50 to the bowels, and few vast* Jon« resbt ten hoars the police kept him in the sweat For Survey ar. EZRA M.\iK»V 40 them with orop« empty. t he use of this medicine. 'J'ry it once. boss, but hi* btrves »tood the test and they present year, and tbat be is fully con* I>ot4 b k l l . . For Coroiw r*. •; 14.82 Fifty cents and €>1.00at M. Kelly's Drug let Him to. He took immediate advantage •rfneed that the grave duty wilJ devorve L o t l 2 b k 24 HIRAM MOXRO'E, A iot 50 f t u and s by 140 ft e A. T. HOLOOMB. of this, for he disappeared a* completely upon him of talcing a rigorotts stand hi Store. and w 4;9inmeacinK 100 ft h of Inas If he had dropped into the lake. In this matter. A high official of the ad* REPUSLICAN MEETINGS. ten hours more the police wanted bin* ministration said tbat action by (be tersection of Olivet sad Cooi<tock The Discovery Saved His Life. b&dly, but could not trace htm. tie was St. tbeace e 140 ft n 50 f t w 140 ft, Mr. G. OailQuette, Drujyfifet. Beavers- reported In Central America and all over president may be looked for by tbe first 9 to pl«oe of begliicinc, McArthur Hon. W. X. Westmorland, Oct 22. vllle. 111. wiyi; "To Dr. Kinjf's New tbe world, bat was never captured There f tbe year. He will Intervene te a m*a- and <nmminV aiid, to Cvnintm.. 1.11 *• *• Bancroft 0*T, H, has been any doubt la CMcavo po- aer thai will be equivalent to a reecy* | Discovery I owe my life. Was taken never uv Lot 14. bk. 54 19JX> *• IWnnlngton, Oct. 2-J, j with La Grippe and triH sll ofthepby- lice circles that It w*s Schnaubelt who threw the bomb. Ail the evtdenc* pointed aition of tbe independence of tbe iatawL \jots » and 14, bk 44 1,50 II«n. H. 11. .Pulver. l»ttt«burg, Oct. li. «llcians for mile* about, but of no avail to htm as the chief tool of the leading LotSbk 44.. 100 HOTEL, BURNED. Hon. John I'auiMi, Shaft&burg. Oct. iX ami *a» given up and told I cnnld not conspirators, and it has never been conl^ot 13bk 2 4 . . . . . . . 19.19 troverted or Btro&ciy denied. The te*tlHon. F.IT. YVti'Tson smd Van R. Pond. live.. Havinic Dr. Klnc'« New I>iwove- mony on the trtal, wuomed up, went to M O w « r Lot B MvArthur A Cummius add 3 02 ry in my store I Mnt for a bottle and be- nbow that tir.tt , Oct. 23. made the bomb, that adapted. jfxn itn nw and from the first (lowbegun Spies lighted the fuse with a match while S t Loals, Oct. 30.—Tbe Farmyard s. II., Ckt. ^ , I'll*i the «lltT vl*rk I* and to get better, and after unlng three bot- standing in th* alley opening on the May- Hotel, a roadhouee halting place bei«heie«y Imttrm-ttd to certify to ibe Hun. Wiu. .s. LiiiUMi anil Hon. Win. N. tle* wa« upsiid about again. 1t i» worth market square, and that Schnaubvlt threw tween the ctty aad country, at Ueycr «Mpervi«»m ol the i-ev»*ral waitcl* of thin toe bomb Into the rank* of the poUc*.] Ki(patlick. Vernoit^ Oot ti. lt« wt-igM in KOld. We wont Kwep *tore avenue and Broadway, was burned Mon- city, th*> f<iitowin?*mo4ints to be (tprend i. l,»»w WallHce. Uwos^o. CM. 2.1. «r hrtti^e without IC* liet a fj-ee bolllu T*rfc«y YI«14» to tntlm DM. day morning, together with five horse*, upon tbe Utx roll? of their re*pei?tive at M. Keidy'« Oruj; Store. Wachiugtun, OcL J7.—Secretary Ot- u lot of wagoos aud bugifiea and a large w*r<lc as a utuitary CAX for the }ejr , < Jet. 2 * . er. Bey Is in receipt of a telegraphic dia> amonnt of feed. Premises .adjoining- ISfhJ: ('mttlnjr Weeds. Dropping in Your Throat. patch from the United Stales mittUtei were damaged to the sum of 44,000. TUe 8 30 ft of n i-')tha lot 7 bk 1 2 . . . . . 25 TIIK jinniest ph^ent ne*.*! of tfiecouu* Hawking and *tpittlii£ '* <»"* •«' the at Coustsatiuople to the effect thai he total loes is $17,000. Three servants JS 2-Tiths lot 7 bk 12 25 try is not more money, but more of the nioi»t dlwjjjrveable part of raturrb, We has, at last, obtained telegraphic orders were injured by jumping from win- S 18 ft of n 3-3ths lot <i bk It 25 from the Turkish government to perJi> credit iiini conrtilfiit-c tbat puts money )i»\e ptttitMit* urini; Mayer?' Mn£iwtic mit, the departure for tLe United State* dows. A wagon once pwned by Gen. N* i-o <if lot 7 s 2~» lot ii bk U < nt»rrb r n r e In rejn>rt c o m p i l e " relief I Grant and lately used for advertising X 111 K of lot 10, bk 12 25 in chvuinTirtii aud ur.tkec chances to ob- from thio within Jen day* of u-*\ with safe conduct to the aeaperts of ail i purpofica, w u burned. Frank Schwab, S !-.'» of lot 10 n l-."i lot 11 l>k 12 . . . 25 tain it in exchange lur labor mid comthe DHtive Arroeniao women and chil- ! owner of the hot^l, has beeu arrested Ix>t 12 bk 24, cleaning |>rivy.. I».o0 Catarrh o f L o n g Standing. dren whose husband* and futhers are to on a charge of firing the place. Lots U .and 12 bk -li, <lleauln>: pvy 1.50 will \H> ^ I M ! by the use of Mayer** Ca- the United States of America. Tbe milv Lot 8 hk 44 '• IJM Our knowledge of tarrh < lire. Deatn Of a MtUlon»lrt>. Lot V2 hk 24. sewer from vault... 1!Uf> j.v.x is out thai has been before the ii mciy I * well califsi ;t ^r«*st New London, Conn., Oct. 10,-— lien. what U be^t suitfed to t'opji? Drain. T I I K f:*nu«'i's ••an sit r e l y b e tnistt'il n o t for a long time. > in Hi's country, nearly every Jonathan Newton Harris, aged SI aud City of Coruuna at lar)?e your nee<ls, coupled t o dejiri *•<• tlic(i!^ci\ t-.s of t h e a d v a n h i i j c Threw tVlur on the Plamr*. btt* it in H greater «>r Ic-sdi highway U.xf> una of the best-known men in Nt;w Kng1* towu 7 rau*;e 3 with our jcrcat buyol \lu- ii-iiii,- ji, i r e >.f w h e a t by v o t i n y t o Uusu, Cal., OcU 17.—Korbel's •' " " health. , 12.±T, , died Sumtay of heart disease. a c r c p t |i'ii\ iiH-nt in m o n e y w o r t h o n l y iiJ cure thi* t«'<*i'ilt!c di." ing facilities, mukes big winery, at Korbel's Station, a few ! Harris was a millionaire, haviug made & VV :}r> & of e 50 a of ne ^ ?ec 2 0 . . . $:?>'A N o cure no pay. lt:tlt HS m u c h us l h a i w h i c h t h e y * r e n o w miles from GuerievUle, was badly dam* ; fortune by a patent medicine. In l&Zl W y? of center 100 a of ne % sec 20 30.U2 it j)o^il)Ie for tia to l'or a co'*l in the head ;uvum a.ijed by fire Wednesday night. Ooe ol he formed a copartnership with J. L. >V u;i 88-100 a of ne i£ lyiu^f b«^f>ffer you liet tor by froiit.il headache, cun he i i i r n l l»y| the lurge wine presses was destroyed < tween the Ui^bway and tbe Shla. Harris & Co^ of Ciuciuuati, O., couone o r t w o jip'dit-ulioiis. Keniisuber i acd about 150.000 gallons of new wine trolliug the »alt of certain patent meiii* was^i.' liver except l"» acres on l l A i i i M s u s uiiiy j i r o p v r l y • v o i u l w i t h west side sold io Jo*» Kelly and, to i*life or u o i i c v Jefusjded by f turned loose. Water being scarce, ! ernes west of the Allegheny mountains. wife is SS-lOOths acres sec 2 0 . . . . 24.50 i>ii*!o lo trie [net t h a t w h e n lie WHS P r e s pumps were applied to the wine casks, jAfr. Harris has given Inrge sums to ?C 1") a oil' w \%li rods of w pt of ident ihe'cmiiitry was more prosperous tbe wine being thrown on the Same* i churches and for educfttionaJ purposes, ne frl L | sec 20 what :i o r e lime s«fl'<:r«*r from 12.25 t h a n it ( i n ! ^ver V o i i b e f o r e : ;ifal t h e r e catarrh ha? to say of (Mr lrnrvelou* cure; I with good effect. Tke cellars in which including $100,000 to found a school of Resolution adopted. o o u i i l (M»T (>' a fntttt-r a r g u m e n t in f a v o r OuklMiiii. LU'.. Match 2-!. 1SWX|300,000 gallons of old wine were stored science at Kioto, Japan. Resolved: That I he sum of two hunTin* Mayei.* \h>— Co.. O.;Ul:t?i<l Md. j were saved. Tbe fire raged for three of t h e n \ - ! o r : l t i o i i ,,f dred and titty dollars be raised by t is County !i*»t yuent(on S*ttl«<L OtMitleinen •—1 have I*?eu a sufferer hours. than others who have l»;iny to p o w e r . from catarrh for years am! wus recumBloomiagton, 111., Oct. |7.—-The Illi- for the sprinkling in ad of tbe city of not had the large exSailor* Drow niew o l to use a ..ottle a. Mayers' .Vn^nois supreme court decided to grant ao ConmiiA, for the ensuing year. *.n<\ rhat the ?u|HH-visors of tAie first and secc^>* Seattle, Wash., Oct. 20.—The sealing perience we have. n e f i c < '.;t&i .i ' .ite. a?!it iu les*. itmu V>x It' Mr. l . i u J o n u- r e e l o c t e d t o ^ rehearing in the case regarding the reschooner St. Lawrence, which arrived i mo'val of tbe county offices aud records wards !.»e and are hereby ordered to WiVk.* 1 w a s c o m p l e t e l y c d i e d :i>u (u-c.in \ W wwnt to sec you lii* \'o\r y\ ii: -\>r :-f-O!\lf(t at. ::!1 r i u n s spiead't.he same OJI the tar. rolls oi 1SL*(J. o n e en i l i e l.iO; m o i i i c ' n c s on Uu- uis'-kct Monuay after n Dine months'cruise oil ! of Woodford couuty from regarding your winf o r in:;iii!;tiqiiii' jfu' p a r i t y of eve'ry •\\\<] v'tVOivmif'.Ki' i t s • " \I<M) of t ;'V'-.;t',n^:it The co:i*T of Japan, m which she eeon s*M The jenl and ]>ersonal property "twabie'iis !i$<i?*s<^l by the board of re <]i! L»r !•':,-• !>r<>|iVs u t o i i e y . f o r pri-- t o :i!iy » u r i c i c r fvouj tin- nvvful m u l a - i y . curei] s.OOO seaiiskjes, report* that on j to Kureka. This ends tli< ter -hut. . and Kureka will become the county;seat view, situated >\ ititin the following d<:t e v t i o n ;iii ( | r e c i j n ' o c i f y . f o r s i : n i u i ^ t!io Aii'i-i'st * three members of the crew, • RS soon as the removal of tiie oriieeseeo MTibed l;<nii«: lnvne lirst ward on alt PK.JM'V H / Y K V T C I I . Jlliiis :l»hi ':> i-r.'i-jc-1. John thi:in, of Seattle; James McNutt^ | be effected. Kureka is wild witb eatbu- ri':i5 and porsonal taxable property on A t l o n i c v :U L a w . of Jurn»;ui, and Fred Williams,,ot Sitka, f!*bi;iwat.$<*j avemie couiui^neinjc at the I si asm. Alaska, were washed overboard and .« line of lot 12 bk '24 and running north It s-trii.-', rtttciifioi) l o t h o d u l i o * of t h e IWnoia Mine on Fir*. drowecd. to slid including last 100 feet of bk 4; CLAIMS PART OF DETROIT. Otl!c>\ :i c a - a - \ ^.Cl•ii5;iU•ly k e p t *et Oi Gillespie, 111., Oct. 1». — Fire broke in the scroiid ward, commencing at tbe The Artistic Bead I'upil S»urs Two out near th<! airsh?,ft in the CousoliUiil- s lino of lot 11 bk 2">. and running north Ii.ioks. ai; i c M i r r c o u s t r e a t m e n c of e v e r y Suit by Heb*H-<-» ^Vbite, of ritt»l>ursti, for Decorators. Hillsboro, Hi., Oct. 17.—Frenk P. !ed Coal company'* mine at this place to n Hue of w :y,0 ft of lot 2. blk 12, V»lu»bl« Property. fallt'.- co»::>t for : u i y t l i i i i ^ . K i t d o l p h < o!1 I'it;.il>wrg-h, Pa., Oct. Is.—Mrs. J{e- Nirnuis, of Nokotnis, ba« Hied iD the j Friday night aud is doing great d&mby i s m i i t i c i l ii> :in\ .sliouid r e c e i v e un ; Resolution adof ted. Mcutgo;.nery couuty circuit court here Au attempt is being made to tf!t<U)rsc:iit':if ;ir tilt* jsolls. S e e tl:ar y o u r ' Lvcca While, through Attorney K. F. a suit for $2,000 against lJrof. M. L. McKo-olved: That the report of the sp^eit by s«Uing the mice. Th« Duffy, of Pittsburgh-, has etucivd suit i:»l committee on ?treet lighting made v o ' c is (-,»>: fi'j- h i m . lntyre and Miss Eva HCH»S, teachers in all escaped, L>UT 12 muJes periihed. to this council. Oct. 5th. LSiifi. with a ii> the Wayne (Mich.) COIUIS against her fiiihc-r, Edmund Keursley. iinci o;l.- the JS'ok'>mis public schoois, clamiiug The top works are probably t»afe, but copy of the contract which it bad en- /"\HAN'CEK Y SAT.EI;; )«rsii.iin:c mu| l,y vir/ tae <if :i ilecret1 oi tli;' *--ir*-i»it rutirt of t ^ reeoriiof W. crs, for property aggregating • long1 sbut-down will be ueets>sary. about that thev punished him excessively. tered into on behalf of said cit\ ^•OUDJV of Shi;»wa#se<'. stiite »>f Mer«h.i»nts' Dank of Atlanta IIM. ?'.)rtO,C'O0 in ^•al^Je. The property wus of C o m m a iti pursuance with Quarrel End* in M order. Si. i \ ! i | i t t r h ' k is 11u- IK'.M r c o o r u i n e i i ' l a - : Atlautw, <JjiM UcL 17.—The MertbaoU' r«*olutioii heretofore pa«.se<l. \Jwv, i ^ . , in a certain e*us* ihet^iu pifisdinp, formerly owned by Jonathan J. KeiirsHuntsvilie, Tex.. Oct. 17.—A pjtchwi a reiii tht M«cbauk-8 Bank of EMroii, Mii-liilion he can have, for a re-election :i.< state ley, of Michigan, wno died in 185t acd bank, 22 years old, assigned Fiiday. with the O'edonia K'ectric Light and , is complainAttt, and Wm. C. Towsiey A»U battle occurred a few miies wej*t of seii;iiur. ii is i>ot to much to say that left the lond to his son tMnumd for Two hundred and eeventy-tire tbou- town Thursday afternoon betwe«a ne- Power Co.. referred to in said report, l e unt's To»--,ie.v Hre def^n<Jaals: Xolice is" herey >riveu that I shall sell at public aucTion \o be u:*ji the lender- in the Isst senate and use during the latter's life. At bis eand dollars is due depositors but it groes. Shotguns and pistols were used. accepted STKI adopted by $aid council. tl»i? hijrh^st birtt^r, at the frcmt <Jc»or of th« That the resolution accepting and ad* Shiawass<j« t'CUnty t-ovirt hon.**, in the oit,v of will easily take M commanding j>lace. in death it was to go to his children, the claims it w ill j * y out. Other banks are |\vo BODS of Hemp Lact;y and Keddick opt injc said report and contract be re- Corurina, iv.ui.i.v of Shiaw»ss«*e j»nd state of Sot a fleeted. Heary withdrawals is grandchild:en of the tesiator. Abou/t St«phen*OQ were killed, 'i'ht ^euior p:is»eti, aud tbe said committee be dis- Michigan (thul beicp th«r YmiUMnp in vhiota the t\\c sessioii of 1S<H!. 'i'here should be i;o the cause. court for the county of ShSawa^r**^- U Lacey and two men who aided S'epiieE- chaixt'd from further consideration of oirruit doubt vf his vlectiou.—The Time*. i 70 «cres of tbe land lies in what ii'» kttlti) on Friday, vh« 27ih <1*,v of Nor*3Db<>r, ]*& now the city of JV^roit, and was d.'To Kan the War Department, fon escaped unhurt. Tbe trouble waa the nutter. DGitvkhi-t&nding the veto, »i rlereo o'clock in the foivmxm of s*ul ,Uv, following Ai's^ri'be'l prop*rtv. r i i : all tb* Tiii^c poor fanner* you are feeling vidt-d and solv! some years ago. In lt.o" Wash ing tou, Oct. li>.—Svcxeiary LA- over family matters. objei »;un* and rcaaous uf the Honorable tbp land*, premiMw *nd proiwrtv *ii^«l<Hl in ib< Mrs. White cJaim* her father secured Mayor of said city. mont will Jo-day transmit to the secretownship of Woodhull, count;- of Shia****** so sorry for Mr. Bryan, you voted in Stroek by » Past Trmla. ~~ her signature to papers signing away and »tat«; of Michigan. ati<l (!r«criNe<3 a s fwiiow* Resolution adopted. congress to cripple their homo markets her interest in t b e property, teilmj» tary of the treasury bis estimates of Elgin, I11M Oct. 20.—Charles Hill, aa t o w i t : thi^ nortli one-balf'.%] ol the ^luihw^st appropriations required by the war de- eld engineer on the Chicago, Milwaukee Tbe following persons were chosen in- quarter [\, of section tbirty-five. in township and rol> them of labor's just reward. : her that she W M signing ^>ai>e.r» of tive [5] north, of r » o ; c o t e [1] east, partment tor the next fiscal yt*r. J'Ue & St. Paul railway, while oiliug hi* en* l spectors of election: l*t ward. R. J. to th« I". S. surrey ta#r««f, an^J You voted to JVLJJ foreign wool aud other d i n o r Importance. aggregate is $i3,675«63*, sine av Spaldmg Monday morning, was An^burv; second ward. O. D. Eggles- eiffht.v «•№* more or l«*s. foreign farm products on the free list so! Dated, Corunna, October l>ih, li***. CHIUMII a t . « » of SiOO.OOO. ntxnek by <i fast train and inataatiy ton; third ward, John Jarvis. MICHTGATT Y. M. C. A. JONATHAN G. KN'IOHT. that foreign producer* could come into ! Clevelaud, O^ Oct. iy.—Twenty-flvt killed. The body was thrown 100 feet C i i C Aid. Cornell offered the following our market.* and sell their products at Effort* to B* MM** to GMtfcer In th« O»rt» freight car« with their content* were and terribly mangled. County. BOWBV, resolution: the expense of our own farmers. Tbat'8 ' destroyed ID. a wreck on the Big TJUX for Complainant, Qaita th* field. JLaasicg, Oct. 18.—It was stated In 'railroad near Wellington, O^ Saturday Resolved: Tbat the following place* tbe kind of a fanner's friend you are, ! 82 Moffat Block, Octroit, Mich. St. Louis, Oct. 20.—Mr. O. D. Jonee, the meeting* of the Stftt* Young Wnm- night. The IOSS will reach 1100,000. populist candidate for governor of Mis- be and axe bereby designated M places CIJ'S Cbriatiao «j»oclatioa here SaturCMMw 1\ 1S7;J. :U the t-jnei he alleged' crime" day that les* than 4,000 of the .i M>uri* btiDde<l his resignation as acwaidj- for holding the polls at the general Bucklen'i, Arnica Salve. Port Royal, S. C, Oct. »».—Cashkr J . Jate io the populist state committee election of Nor. 3.181*3, in the several WHS committed. Shlawnssee count j' was young wopien of Michigan, Ii. Walker, of the Pert Royal bank, h«* The Best Salve in the world tot Cute, and it wa« accepted, end Lon Stevens, wards ot this city; 1st ward, brick store 1 ^.."(iOAKK) and now after suf- tbe ages of It anil 3u, are bA«ociation absconded witu $10,000 in c**h. Hi* Bruise*. Sore*. Ulcers. Salt Rbeuio, girla. There a w 63,(XK) girls in tb* south of Waverly building, formerly fot i . Ioi>^ ^vcary year*, from tbe book* *bow tbat he is ahert in hi* acFever Sores. Tettei. Chappeti Hand.s occupied by Chas. Peacock ; 2nd ward. ChilblHins. Conis. and all Skin Erupruinous cileot? of that Terrible crime, we : »t«te who are •elf-auppoi-iicg. M s s Sa » Wreck. $30,000. Troston, of Detroit, i j alluding TO this , Lisbon, Oct. 19.—Tbe i'ortu^uese bark City Hall; 3d ward, Cheese factory. tions, and positively cure Piles, or no find th.'l :he Siaie U^ard ms equalized fact, declared tbat the state was a r-.ch ! T> n»n S*iU for A pay required. It is guaranteed to give Veuu*, Capt Pino, hailing from this j the couniy at SU;.7-V.lXH\ In other field for th« work of the association, f Cherbourg, Oct, 10.—P, J. Tynan, the Resolution adopted. Perfect ^ti^fflction or tuouey refunded. port, wh»ch sailed from Cardiff on Octowords *lie has inerv-ased its valuation £iu) ui^-c? upon its Tuoaibi'i;- the need a l l i e d Thereupon the winci! a Monrricd. IrSsh-Amrrican dynamiter, j b«r I for Li?!«>n, fouuiier^d in a gaie PrU-e i.*> corit* per IH>\. For .---^le hv of .•iiu-rirtciujf effort. Sunday for Xew York on til* i on October U off Sknwer isluud. Twenty ! W. A. KNK.IIT. Citv i ;c-r!». rSualc ! persona wtrt Is As Clean As Yours Chickens, Docks & Turkeys C.'N Millinery Goods i -tell-.. . . . . . i A h * THE CORUXM JOURNAL, OCT. 22,1896. STATE NEWS. THOMAS W. FERRY. MAKES CONFESSION, The Ex-Senator DIM at Grand U»ren «f Apoplexy—Hb Curecr. . Missing Wisconsin Banker (iVdnd llnven, Oct. 15. — Ex-L'mtsd report Wrltas 'a Letter. j (Stales Senator Tiiuiuus \V. Ferry dk*d suuall y if Ai ol poliuoes. Tlitf -tiipmeittsi of jrtiiobes from Jhe h«»re very suddenly Wednesday morn- In It He AcUnowl djr«» HU SUxUlags iour Iwkeshore townships of Allegau ing- of puralyfii&v He bad been in splenand latinxatn* btticide—N«W A*t* of county this year are estimated at 5,000,- did health, excepting attacks of sudden (W/YAIWW), until three days ag-o, *K)0 baskets. Every D»y. 1 •when he took to his bed. Tuesday Ohio merchant* are buying apples in Dtouoiulttle for 40 to 50 cents per bar- evening he was given a hypodermic Juneau, \\">*~, Oct. 16.—All doubt aa Jrel. Immense quantities have already injection. The family sat'up with him to tbe character of W. X, liutnbusch, H short time, when be seemed to b« lx*eu shipped. asleep. Wednesday morning he waa whose ili*upp«arauce last week led to <irorg W. Smith, a farmer of Clio, was an investigation which disclosed bufiifound tiefid iu bed. thrown in iVont of a afreet oar by 6 runneas transactions that are, to say tbe away horse at Sagiiiaw, and was in* Grand Woven, Oct. 19.—The funeral ' least, ijuest'-yliable, Were removed of £x-SfU«tor Thomas W. Ferry took •tantly killed. place Sunday afternoon with sjxnple I Thursday morning when a letter was reThe. wuiMlenware factory at Siundis>h, but impressive services: S{>ecial ! eeived from him making a confession I which fully substantiates the a four-months shut-down, has rr.* from all parts of tne stale brought tensions of those who feu red o]H?ratrnns and 125 men are tbus The Setter was dated at Philadelphia employment. friends U» pay their last tribute of re- and was addressed to bis wife. In it. Capt. James Davidson, of Bay City, ftpeot to the distinguished statesman. i a s bought 3(00A,000 of Norway pine The services were held in the ••Presby- Kambusch makes a full coafe«»ioo,ft*j log* from tbe Holland Emery compacy, terian church and were conducted !>y complete in detail as the limits of an i ordinary letter will permit. The mo*t • Consideration, $22,085. flev. David Cooper, of Detroit, thee-arly startling information was the *sser-i Diphtheria is epidemic at Miltb»trg, pastor of the deceased, assisted by Rev. tion tint Mr. Bambuscb contemplated i •ix miles east of Ben too Harbor. There J. A. Kennedy, pantor of the church, taking his own life. It is impossible have be*n several deaths and the £ev. Cooper's funeral address was a tv toll just how much Eambusch's steal* vchocta have been clotted. eulogy on the life of the deceased. Tha ings amount to. At present they are A farmer named Krowl, of Bnln- remains were interred in the Lake For* estimated at fSOG.OOO. but additional bridge, Urrrien county, lost one of his est cemetery. eases are constantly lielng found, and luu>ds by tike accidental discharge of [Thorn** TTb!t« Ferry was born In Mack* tb« figures will no "doubt bt grc«tl/ lntw, Jtifi* I, 1HT. and received hl» educa- •welled b j later developments. Junesm his gun white out hunting. tion iu tbe public ftcbool*. Id th* MichiBotu James Shearer, one of Bay gan legislature h* was a reprs**nta.Uv« la filled with attorneys, who are here to City's moat pronJaent business men, U In 1850, and a senator to 1367-fi, was on* ot look after the interests of tsriooa dead, aged 73 years. £ e was a resident the rice presidents of the Chicago national e&ent*, SDd iong litigation will DO cottvtnttoa hi IMP: was appointed a mem- doubt follow* «f Detroit from 184Sto1862. ber of th* board of managers ot the GettysBattle Creek has the largest enroll- burg" national cemetery in MM, and reapit in the {mblfe school* in tbe his- pointed In J8S7; was a reprea«bta,ttva Telegrams deseribfaff th« of tbe Thirty-ninth. Fortieth and Fortytory of tbe city. The enrollment la flrst congresses and m i reel*cU4 to have been sent all «**r the country, bat tne Fortysecoad, but was arterward than is ttttla doubt exp****td that h* M U i abcat 400 more than last year. elected United State* senator, to sue- is now dthe* dead ta l*taJlad«lphia or Quartermaster tieoeral Kidder has c*ed Jacob M. Howard. While In MM forwarded to the various companies of house he W M chairman of i s * mb* aailiag acre** the Atlantic for a foreign tb* Mtcbiga* nattotisl guard tbe bsJ- commute* on tbe New York post offlcs port. His wife a&d child are eoospteteand the erection of that magnlfr- ry ovareome, and tha l»t«nw exdtemeot due them on aecount of service* buildingceet structure is largely due io his ex- • im the town still continues, Tbe mudat she recent Annual encamp* erttons. He took ats seat In the senats March A. 1&71; w u elected preaideat pra dh> grow* woraa every mtorte, Peopi* March i and JO, and December, 1*75; are coining to tows by the score to see Fishing toga and sail boats from 3V tern became acting vice president upon tb« what they have lost and new steals are James, Beaver Island, report the past death of Vl<* President Wilson, serving being discovered every hour. It la now aeason as being a very good one. More as such unttl March 4, 1877. la the ab- known bejond doubt that Bambttsch of the president he presided and fish nave bees shipped out of St. James sence delivered »n address at the c«M«nntal ex- drew absolutely fraudulent mortgagea, this year than any other port on the position, July 4, 1*7*. R*elect»d senator signed the names of the holder* of tha January 17, 1677, he w u mlso reelected pres- land and filed ^tbe mortgages. lakes. ident pro tern., March S. 1877. February 8S, A live coal from a pail of ashe* set oat M7S, Another Bantwtitxi. April 17. and March I "18T»» *o that to cool is supposed to have caused the but two of the 51 president* pro tern, Juneau, Wi*, OcU l».—Another »<nloss of three buildings on the farm of of the senate have nerved longer than sation fell Saturday with the discovery ne. In tne senate he was for many yean John Sweet in Cotfax township, Me- chairman at the committee on rul«s and of the fluid with which itaubusch made coMa county. The property was valued post offlcfta and powi roads and a member erasures from the county records, and of the committee on finance. His ability the further discovery that he had tamat $3,000, with insurance of only $500. as presiding officer was tested in <he imThe largest log jam ever w o in tbe peachment trial ot Secretary of .War !**•!• pered with the records of the court aa Ifanis^ee H*er extends for 13 miles up knap, and at tne Joint convention on the well as those of the register of deeds, tt wan supposed that B&mbuscb had from the Ortinj gap. It is estimated: electoral count ot 18T7. that there are 30.000,000 feet of logs in 1583 Mr. Ferry was a candidate for confined his tinkering of the reports to waiting to be sorted. Tbe mills will reelection, X,nt niter a long and heated the office of register of deeds, but it contest his name was withdrawn. This hare plenty of material *o begin wcrk was tbe memcr&ble battle which resulted has now be*n discovered that be made on in tbe spring. ' in a victory for TSj&JtWt* W. Palmer and use of a duplicate key to the clerk of sent aim io UM setiat* in Mr. Ferry's the court's office and changed the recplace. MR. BRYAN'S VISIT. ords there. There ia no telling what The last honor conferred upon ex-£«n* mischief he may have done. Mmkmm ator Perry was hi* appolatmeat as a mem* ber of the state park commission having Day's T B H ef ta* fliat*. of Macklnac Island, of which board REMOVED. Detroit, Oct. IS.—William J. Bryan, charge be was unanimously elected president. democratic candidate for president of Mr. Ferry wma president of. tne United AeUvKy the Cnitcd Btatea, ended a four days' 0ta.t*« ttv a UtUi mo.-* tha,n one hour. It ****** USSffteL tour of Michigan by making three occurred 4n 1*T7 owing to the memorable Washington, Oct. 19.—Henry W- Usjr contest b*lw«wn Hm/«sandTildeli which speeches in thia city Saturday nigKt, w** ton, United tttates district attorney for Mttled by meaas of an el«ctvril turnh i h traveled l d neariy i Jhirtag that time he the middle district of Alabama* b s i been A short h Intervall occurred d beb 1,400 mile* through tLe state and nuuM tweeu the expiratios of Pr»«i<l«nt Grant'i summarily removed from ofltae by tbe sod the swearinc in of Hayes, and About TO sp#«>cbem He wa* greeted *>y terra it w*» u l d that for ti.at in terra! Mr. president. Mr. Clay too waa a delegate big audience* everywhere, ranging in Kerry, b«ni( the pre«)diiig officer of tha to th« Chicago coav«ution, and is now n j caodiuai« for tuugresB ttota theiiecor size from 500 i o »0,GG0. XIU artrtrcssrs district of Alabama. Karly this month •wave devoid of any new features, following cloaely the lines o* those mad* SAYS HE VIOLATED A TRUST. AttorneyCicneimi Harwoo informed mil through tbe campaign. Orri* Vfrttw, o» HoUmmO, Arrested fee Clayton that bis candidacy was interferiug wHh his dfticii'J duties, in reply, Eoteriug the state W«Ine*day mornMr. C lay toil declined to admit bis runing eax)y he begun his njK^chmakJcg l!oUi:»id, Oct. iW.—Urrib Verlee, a a.t lruDwood. During the day he made respected citizen, is under arrest. He ning for congress was inconsistent with »p*eche» at Bessemer, \Vatersme*?t, hub bteu foreman of the hide depart- his office. The correspondence viras laid Iron Jiiver, Iron Mouiktain, Noi*w«y, ment iu the Cnppon <& Ikrtsch tannery before the president. Saturday AttorPowers, Escacaba, Ishpeming, Negnu- 15 years, it being hits <Iuty to weigh the ney-Ci^neral Harmon 'telegraphed•Clayttec and Marquette, and bis irti'ib u»rie luiicK und au-Jit noeountw. It is charged ton notice of hi* reinovaJ from office by britf stops at a few other smaller that he and others checked up ttie the president. places. hides to many pounds tuore than they SATOLLI SAYS ADIEU. Thursfiay morning he be^a« his day's iictually vteitrhtt'l and afterward diluixjr jur^t after breakfti«( ^'itba s|K.*«.-oh vided the extru amount with the farmthe C*rtHo*l ofl. ot St. Itf'jace. Cvotising the Struits of ers who sold them. He has confessed - York, Oct. 19.—After a long soMackinaw, he spoke in succession at his tfuilt ami h*;et! Ixmnf! over to the in this country as apostolic deleiliickinuu City, Petoskey, Charlevoisj, circuit court. Tbe amount of the from the see of JRozne, Cardinal Jieiiajre, Trarerse City, C«dil!uc, Reed swindle ruimot be estimated. gate bade adieu to America Saturday. Ciiy, Ll'ig I£a»ids, Howard .City, Greenl He was a passeuger, sailing fortieses, DEAD IN THE FOREST. ville, Ik'ldiug. Ionia," Walton, Man ton and Lowell. He finished tbe day with Huuh-n Discover tbe K«nn»liw of *n Ca- on the steamer Kaiser Wiibelm LL A large party of eminent churchmen and Three addresses to enormous audiences known Suicide. laymen, distinguished in every walk of at Uranii ifepids. Menotuinee, Oct. 20.—The remains ot Friday's journey incjuded addresses an unknowr man were found in the Jife, including Archbishop Cortigas at •Muskfg'on, Holland, Ftnnviiie, Ban- woods about four miles north of the and the Suffargac bishops of the provger, Hartford, Ann, Arbor, .Nile*, city by ai hunting party Sunday. TJpon ince; 100 Catholic clergymen of the city Dowag'iao, iAeoatur, Lawton, Kalcu.ii* investigation it waa discovered that it j and vicinity; Rev. Brother Justin, preszoo, Battle Creek, Marshal!, Albion, was a cate of suicide and that the man ident of Manhattan college; the col- j Jacksou (two), liiver Junction, Lealie, had hanyed himself from the. limb of lege faculty, and over 1,000 of tbe lead- i Alasou and Lausiny. in the iatter caty I a tree by means of twisting a gTape vine ing Catholic citizens of New York an- j c'ompanicd his eminence down the bay three aJJr-esscs wei>e cic;;<vreii. At j as far as the Narrows on the 'steaiaef Jacksou tLe crov.da wero .s:> large that been there five or six years. There wag Valley Girl, Air. Bryan couhi not lorco hi* wfty nothing' to be found by which the reB. F. Foster Dead. throuijU them to the stands prepan-'d mains could be identified. The head Indianapolis, lad., Oct. 20. — B. F. for him and was forced to speak fi'cm was severed from the body. Foster, grand secretary of the grand h\n carriage. fturns. lodge of odd fello'v*. died at his home Saturday was devoted to the eastern Holland, Oct. 17.—The West Miehi- in this city Monday morning. Benjapart of the state, along Lake Huron, Furniture company's factory. min J. Foster was born January .28, between St, John's, a town ne;ir owned principally by George P.'Hum- 1320, and had held the office of grand Ijinsing, to this city. He made mer, drrnocrat-«inion silver camn&ite f secretary for 25 years. He was state 15 speeches and had big- audiences [t librarian during Morton's term o Gov. Morton's everywhere. Among the towns in burned to the gTOund Friday nifrht and j personal friend of the ftnd w a g a v v a n u which he spoke were Saginaw, Owosf=o, is a total lot'sThe Jos*, v-hich is total, | war governor. Dropsy ot foe heart was Ovid, J)M,V Citj-, Tort Jluron, Flint, \v\il amount to about $125,000, with cause of death. Uurund, \"a*isar, La Pere. Juilay City, ond Mount Clemens, winding up wilh $100,000 insurance. The factory waa Kxcit*ment In London. one of the largest in western Michigan three spetches in this city. ' London.'Out. 19.—A rumor was in and pave employment to about 400 men circulation Saturday afternoon that Lumber Finn Fall*. nnd had l>**n running full tinje. Many I,ord Salisbury had suddenly beeu Houjjhton, O^t. 17.—The Siurgeon of the men lost their tool*. taJi^n seriously ill. The report caused ttlver Lu',r.lj»er compacy, the J arrest and great excitement, which rapidly sub-' Burled All re. oldest Jumbering concern in the copNegaunee, Oct. 17.—About three tons aided, however, when the rumor was deper district, has been plated in charge ! of E. L. Wright, as trustee for ithe - of earth fell upon Joseph Kowe while nied upon authority. The story arose mortgaff<-es. Tne difficulties of the he was employed in the Jackson mine from the death of one bf Lord SaHacompany .".re due exclusively to th« Friday mornJng, Inflicting injuries fcury's clerks at the Hn^field house. depression in the lumber trode and from which he died about three hour* Iteath ot m Pioneer inability to collect outstending JVC- later. It was fully 20 minutes before Bloomington, III., Oct. IS. — Be*. he woa extricated from beceatb the counts. George Stevens, former presiding elder of earth, bis body being terri In Memory of AlpeiM Vlotlm*. of the Jacksonville and Bloomington In My bly mangled. He was 28 years of age districts of the Methodist church, died St. Joseph, Oct. 17—The steamer Al- and J eaves n young widow and child. Saturday, aged 82. He was a brotherpeoia foimdered with all on board 16 Burned to D«ath. in-law of Gea. John M. Palmer and wan years ago between this port and Chica•Willow, Oct. 37-—i.li». A. Clxaffin, an one of the few remaining pioneers of go and tbe day has been Mmmcnior- old lady and resident of Sumpter town- Methodism \n the west. Ated nearly every year. Sen ices were ehrp, was burned to death. While near held Friday in memory of the miny the stove ilumes aet her drefis no tire Chicago, Oct. 19.—Benjamin A. Criswho lost their tires on the steamer. nnd abe was unable toextinguish them. ICT, 81 years old, while walking in his 7iomlo*t«d for Congrmm. The poor woman ws» burned to a crisp (sleep Sunday morning fell from a thirdDetroit, Oct. 17.—EUvdn Henderson. died a sbort time after. *':cry window, lie died £ ttvr hours fi young lawyer, has been choeen by the Hater. Frequently during 20 year* be Ulli«d by the Cain, pilver doiriocnatR to contest with .lohn R. Itenton Hartjor, Oct. J6.—Alva White, had walked in his sleep, but bad never Corliss, republican, for the seat in * fanner, w«s ruirttver and killed by before met with m accident. -congress from the First district, ft train while eroding the Vandhlia Snow In Northern Wlwtonaln. l>«trolt'ft railway tracks near Galiin Thursday •Milwaukee,.,Oct. l7.—*North«ffa Vfls Detroii, Oct. 15.—Tin- tot:il registraniglit. Me was about 30 j-ejirs old and experienced the first snowolihe tion ni tliis city tl-.vs VL-rtr ft.-Ms up 54,unmarrUv!. The to*i£n be was I m i u g Friday. Hay ward report! two 368, which is a gain over four years i>tfo unhurt. of wet snow. Bita of N«n fro* JLoe»Utl««. pmitisiUlM f.u-;Litii'Si Of 4,500. Boots, Boots! Shoes, We arc now ready with our fall stock of Boots, Shws and \)er Goods of every description and of a)ino»t every grade. We have also a large stock of LunibernHfn's Heavy Socks from 50c to *1.25 per pair. Our lines of Felts and Overs is very complete—and from 25c per pair up. We have goods and we want to sell, and will, if prices arc what you are looking for. Don't buy until yoe look us over. Currie Clutterbuck . .GREAT.. TOWEL SALE M. & J. Carland's. A Beautiful Linen Towel worth 25c to go at 19 c. Don't fail to get some of this. HOSIERY SALE NEXT WEEK. '"Just Tell Them That- You Saw Me 35 Getting my printing done at the Corunna Journal office. Then they will know that I always use the best" Are you using Noteheads and Envelopes on which Mr. Somebody's baking powder ad is the most prominent feature? '/hat's awful poor business. I t doesn't look enterprising at all. A neatly printed letterhead with your own card looks betterCan't we taRe your order? . . . . . 3= ^ THE AND Coitiui'i Sti'tvH! K<ini«* i'lulu Truth* ill JOUUSAL, CORUXSi,. MICHIGAN, COT. 22, 18S6. C!C::ONOF| TRUE DEMOCRATIC OOCTRINE. J e f f m o n , Javkton »nd Bentoo W«r* for A Gold Standard. JeiT; r^cii, ia. 1783, w r o t e : "Just [-:-:rci"iM will lead naw, !ii<?:i ••• .?;-ir<i Ui'<\\ A i' CHANG'S LIBERAL VIEWS, F*«U the Ne«(i of Foreign 4iU ao«l Would Welcome It. CHASING A GOVERNMtNT. Difficulty Thit Chiuo*« la Kraucc. DELICATE The It i* claimed ;hat notwithstanding voyage of Li U\u:g t nper currev.o.'1* •:*xeiT<>m«in't of .1*77 ^•^, LI IIuf.£' O!"IUL.£ hi;:.-, show;, novui: /;!;;•••„•• h of Kui. Kobert 0 J^gcrseil a t lievrrher 'Jelivered a famous sermon ou proportiou' pJrogethcr, to inquire into ity of views, toward tiio;!eru iiu^rove- Chang How, once Chiuc;;e ambassador liii-n^o on October 8: ThiiuU.sgivuig of that year on the nerila the market price of jrok! in the several inent and education, he is at heart a to FiiUjce, In 1S70, s;»vs the Nev\ York' Money i:rmt is money I'KMJ«':*» RO giair- of the day. In it he usit'd this lunguugt: eoujatrie-3 with which we shall pKaici- Luter of foreigners and has an abid- Times, he went to Kurup: to Kettle the tviits no backer;.it 5s always "Whenever in any cation there is pjiiiy I*; connt'cied in coinmtrroe ar.*i to ing faith in Chinese institutions and couteutions which Lmi nriseu follt/ivjfootl. Xo jnflt tcr how many mi t ions go such Jin attempt to tamper with stand- takf an avt-rage from tilu*iu. 1 very methods of government, says Cen- ing tbe taassnere of Tien-Tsin. When down t o i l e r . ifCkxl nioiiey remains for- ards tbitt the moral sense of niau is be- much doubt a riftht n::w to c-honge tlse tury, lie is, it is true, a groat adxuirer Chang How left China the Tionch em- I IT IS ft SUPERB TOKIC ever the s;um\ We have a :vui:i running1 wilderetl cud iit.erty is given to unprin- VKJIK?, iind fsqit'ciaJly t.<> ieii&<?n it." cf Confucian philosophy, and renjen>. pirr! still existed; when he lauded in ! exerts a wonderful influence in for the pir^A'iU'.v on threo pla.tforms, cipled tneu at iar^e to ch«;atv to be. unThe house cciuinittfo iu l£2lv.report-' bering'the enduring history of his peo- France the eiupive hud been over- I strengthening her system by. wit!1, i v. o vice presidents, that says faithful to obligatioua, to reiuae the ^i\: "'h is sui'ticifiit to.know, by uu- ple we can hardly wonder at his dcvoi tiirown, anii hr did not luiov\ io v-'joat j driving through tiie proper chana creature, ot law. If the payment of honest debts—wiieucver liajipy experience, that, it* (j-a^io of fif- tion to the institutions which have he should vdilress Limself. At Marseilles i ;u. can make'money by law, that takrs place, it is ali the worse if teen t<.» ov.< ) tejidoncy i^ to rid as of a made that history possible. they told Liui thai u ^ovf-rr.uit'nt had I oel all impurities. Health and .%v;hv .«!vn:;M tho. government- collect done with the permission of Uic Iv.w. £e;Ul c-tirrciK-y und leave us uothing but been instn.llo:l ;it Tqui?. Ch'i:!" P.nw When we oal! to mind the experience ' strenqih are Guaranteed to result •ax'es'v Accroi-ding to Mr. Hryau, oui- I hate the. devil riding ou A law worse, China has had with certain western went there us soon us |.cr.-i!)it-. t,ut I Iroffl its use. falhtr> \ve;v"(he frieiTuls of silver, and than I do the devil riding without a Tlio house eonuuiuee in i nations, it might not be considered foi'ii)J t.liut M.\l. My wiJe w^s twrtriddon for eighteen months, -yei our <!«»r old fritthers in all their law under him. Whoever tampers with «1: "'I'IK- '.it-.-ixit.riitHI:I \\\ \\\z ir.on**tury strange if his .attachment to foreigners Bnzoin. who 1h^n | g bilAlJFIKLDi F^itlALU KKliU* lives mintM only S.000,000 of these >:a- established standards tampers witJi the system is a standard of U^it'orm vainc. was not very ardent; but in^all his pub- ernment, bin! p-one to FJorrlfjiux. "Let afar.uxl&s LATOR for two uintittis. in gettiEfc' well.— J. M.-JOli^N"SOJS\ Maiveru, Ark. erw! dolkirsj. .Vow. see what the eae- veiy ciarrbw and vitality of public ^Vf• rarnmt iix.-ert«in that botii rne.tfils lic life his conduct shows that he feels us go to fJordeaux,"1 «ai<! C!!;u;fr r'nw. UEGUUT0U CO., ATLiMl, til. Uiies of silver have done. Since 1S73 faMh. * * * The danger into which hiive ever cixvul-dted simultaneously, the need of foreign aid and is disposed philosophically, but svhon' In- nrri^pd t t *i.00 pw kotti*. -the e.n**:sisie$ of silver have coined over we'are running ia hidden under the concurrently ami indiscriminately in to give it proper welcome, and of ell the old diuk-ulty. arost*'—ro whom • 430,OO0,0(:0 of these dollars, and ye*mystery of finance and ihe currency. any country wiw-Tfe there- *re bui.ks or Chinese statesmen he is the most liber- should he present Iiiuself,CreuieitMix or silver !:ept goitvjr down. We, are ooia*- All money is but a representative of money dealers, and we entertain th*. al-minded and free from prejudice, Admiral Fourichoir? No one could rf 11 ing now over S^.ooo.ooo a mouth, actl property. As now, by facility of inter- couvJciion that the neures* approach to lie is far from claiming that the pres- him. Gambetta was coming in a balcourse, all the. world is one o|>en mar- an invaa-iable star.dAnl i« its esUblish- ent system of. government is perfect. loon, but it was impossible to reach him. itr-rr Jonft, of Nevada, in 1873, ket, the need of one and the same stand- rat-nt in cne metal, which rrsetal sba»J He Las, in fact; urged upon the author- Then Chang How went tfi see Jtilet for the law of 1873. lie said, ard of money, uniform, universal and iTCUipcs** exclusively the' currency for ities nt Peking two important changes Favre. H^ was told tha* the nssenibly f:-orn hUspwoh in the srrflte, thatCoU unalterably becomes imperious. which look to a reform of the most had gone to Ver*nHles. "Very well.** lartre j~.ayn»ntii.rt Ian1 u.culf gold Tbe standard. Hft «akl Aiwlrew Jackson, i» 1S36, vfrote: serious defects in the system, to-wit, he said, "let us go to Versailles." Sfl "Gold ?s the world's standard. Gold How to Attain It/' t h a t gald vias the mother of civiliza- is the universal measure of value. Oth*r •There is no fraud la gold. I t i* un- th« withdrawal from the viceroys of the entire embassy left for tint city. tion. Whether he ho* heard from GoU kinds of money there are—silver, Clip- changeable ar>1 will do it* office every- provinces of powers which should be At last M. Thier* had been ap|>ointed A "Wonderful New JHOC* or not I <i<> cot ki\ow. But. now he per, paper—but they all must conform w.here and «t all times. Labor imparW exercised only by the imperial govern- head of the government, and Chaoj Medical Book.wiittea for i^en Only. One ment and such a change ic the method How would be able to «peak t o him. is or. t!if oth* T sfde. Senator Stewart, of to gold acd be measured by it and be au Invariable value to it." copy may be ha<1 ftt«. N'ot a t a Ik They demanded the ambasof admission to the public service as J««"vai!;j, was rJieTvatthc time, but^oted interchangeable with it, in fixed and sealed, in plntneavel* Bt'ntaa, in 18^4, said in debate: **lt ope, on application. -for the act of l^TU. and said that gold definite proportions. Gold a kinjr in (gt>ld) has ait intrinsic value, wnich will liberalize the examinations and sador's errdentials for the new goTerumeat. lie had none. "In that case it inake fitneai rather than scholarship wile tL*.*or;lv stwndarH. He ha*chaEgwJ commere*. AH other money must rep- gives it currency ail pv«r.the wcrW to ERIE MEDICAL CO., bi» Eri: <!. No cnvf-rn-nwut catoaiioru to w»s*nt g»Id. No TOI* of legislature can the full amount of that vaJue without the test. There are other change* is impossible to present yon. Go tc which he would gladly bring about il PeJdng-, get yoor papers made ont io t n t d ' ; pT on coin*. change the nature of commerce, tbe regerd to law ofr circma**tAn«es, It haft' be bad the power; but, M he confessed due form, returtJ. and you will be preBUFFALO, N. Y. A crvLt rejvublie cannot afford to nature of property, the nature cf#ts a uniformity of value which makes it sented to M. Thiera.** So Chaag Bow *L !•<» on silver or gold or paper, representative In money or the relative the saiiisi standard of vaiue of property to Marquis Ito: "China i» hampered by A New Combination. rev for *n honest people, »a- Buperiovfty or inferiority of different which tbe wisdom of man has yet dis- antiquated customs which prevent, de- took his departure. bv as honest zmtioa. You cannot rurrencies. Gold came to it1; supremacy covered, rts superiority over nil other sirable reform*." can now furnish THE COLLECTING FADS. a. paper dollar without taking a as a representative of property by the gives ita possessor tiie choice JOURNAL and the Twice-a-Week l>etroit RELICS UNEARTHED. foliar'* worth of paper. We most bare 1ong*e«tab2i&hf<l coaeeot of mankind. of all other n*oo*y.**v Free P»e?s with Farm, Garden, ant) TJiat n, j r«»«*ut#s money, I want it Congress cannot chxmgc it for the this dc£»t#th« act called C*»* Honsehold Suppleraeot. 156, paper* and A fwreigu paper Is responsible for the by : ^ t poveriuxjetit, aod I want world, nor even for,this nation, except the "admincstratkia gtrfd bill,** in1«C* Ground*. statement that the late Lord Randolph 52 supplements one year for only 61.50. e\*r\ ooo of theee paper dolla** ft*P ft p p f trinsactioEs. It may give tended to put the country on a _ Students of antiquity at Harvard colChurchill bad a choice private collec* The TwIce-a-Week Free Press is the rit^er « doiiiw in gold or a ail\-er finptmity to men to choet confiding gold etacdard, was paraed, 145 to 36 in lege and many everyday philosopher* tton of teeth of noted crimtnals W bwt possible substitute fora daily paper. r y t h ICO cttjtis, eo tiiat every '.he he use acd 35 to ? in the senate, saui are interested in a. find unearthed withit cannot rule the value of tiD^er tbeflagrcan lift up ita signed by A mirew Jackson^ preeident. in a few days on the college grounds, which be was constantly adding- up to It Is published on Tuesday and Friy in oil fiftnre- transact ions. a short time before hi* death, says Temk! sv.rar: "I kaow that my re* The house conunit-tee, in 1853, reportold Cambridge, says the Boston Globe. day mornings in time to catch tbe early **Tbe crime of paying a debt in a enrliveth." Thar- * M where I was On the site of some of the old build- ple Bar. Tbe competition for the Deem- trains, and bas all the latest news and y inferior in value to that >n which ed: "Gold is the only standard vi veJue LD year* ac'caiu! that is where I am to- it was coctracted, bas* nt all times nnJ by which all property is now measured. ings, being removed to widen the ing relics a t the Antipodes is too recent and too revolting t o be enlarged upon, market report* up to the tittle of going aoyvhepe. ha* 3 deeper guilt and a It is virtually the1 ondy currency of tbe square/newspapers of the year 1800 and but it may be mentioned that the ax and topres?. For nations arad individuals, a t aJI baser infamy ic our case. When in our OOUD t ry. We desk *, to have the standard copper coins have been found. One of All who cannot get a daily paper fwry where and forever, hotvesty mortal struggle capitalists were solicit- VMirTeLcy to coneiet of gotd only. ftE<s the tattered newspapers bears date of knife with which this unmitigated vil* lain murdered his victim fetched £ 4 should subscribe for this ideal newspaJuly 8, IS00, and the word "Telegrophfe" in rlie IK'UI j.ciicy. I$ctt«r be a^i henest ed to lend their money to us on the faith that these silver coins shall be entirely 15s, and the spade with which he dug on the title page. Another paper bears per. In no other way can you get so bank rtjpt rhan a rich thief. Poverty can j of the nation, we were too glad. m<fst eubsejvient to it, end th*t they shall be her grave brought a guinea. £1 is clothdate of Augnst 11, 1800, and the word hckl in tt.s Iwind the jovel ho«!or—-ft grateful, for thHr asd. Then they were u»e<l rather as tokens than as stunduxtl much for g« little money. Write for a "Constitution" 4>r "Constitutional** at ing was eagerly competed for, even eaiDpk oo^y. M>end your subscriptions t'mt outwlun^s atl otlv>r gems. A | not grasping and swollen usurers. Oh, coir^s." the top of the first page. The papers down to half a dozen pairs of patched ito ttiTX--" l.otttT lx* poor arwl nObie i no! They were* beneffirtors. TV> reT H E • ORISXA J o t I STEWART'S ARGUMENTS. are badly discolored from age and ex- socks. Indeed, tbe collectors of •'crimrich ai:O'fraudulent-' NOIXHTV can Joicetl in their bounty nnd gave thauk3 inal** curios are extremely numerous ail be helj*1*! hy free coinajre except the few for their confiding faith In our national for' tbe CTorktasman U> Con- posure. sider. Some belieTe that the paper bearing over the world, and tbeco mementoes fjeople who «>uld pa\" their debts if they honesty. Now. our dangers past, we 1 The question will uever be settled the word TelegTaphe was an early issue range from Tyburn halters to pipe* vere "illn:^ . So«ie &iiy that it would revile them, finding no epithets too violielp tlw n,in<* owners. It would iw4, lent, and strive to pay them, not gold, until you determine the simple qties- of the Boston Daily Telegraph, which which murderers hare smoked and pots Coinix-ig1 this 1 nUkm tatodollcnrwould for the gi)ld they lent our misery, bat Iron whether the laboring nian is en- is preserved in the Harvard college which famous thieve* have tosaed io incrrase it.s \o juc, bera4i»e you could in a dishonest measnre of «n inferior titled toftgold dollar if he earns it, or library as far back as 1S24. The typo- honor of past and future triumph*. It has remained forftNebraska colwhether you are going to cheat him graphy of the papers is in tbe'style the bullion of tJ* whole world and metal. lector to gather locks of bair shaved tbe supply would be (.-renter tbfin the court of the commercial with>omething-elac. That Is the upshot of the period of their publication, and from the heads of noted criminals when IJ a \ e free coi na^f bf> convift- of The whole thingr. * • " • "There.have quite representative in tb« matter of C. C. CHAPMAN Prop., then." is rot n silver mine o>yn<*r ed of endrovoring1 to cheat the men who been a great many bettJe fought ftjrn-jjst advertisements of the early business they puter the jwnitentiary nnd th*»»« «fin'<) riiiike a Oolliir—not nnt'—by came fTrTfTur re*«Mi« in the dark day. go!t!, and g"old haswon every time. 1 life and conditions in Boston. Politics he label* aod Indexes with p-ent rnr*. Super>titijo .•oimtimes account* for mm it iuro Atnrri<t»n coin. It Thin con^rehu vvouM not have , do not care how much you discuss it or are discussed with almost as much en- the. fancy prter* o^ered for such ghastly SATlSFACTrOK bow n.any resolutioi.^ you pass, they do ergy us the prrsont day. As an inwould l:<- v.crih <iniy what ^he bullion nor u\\y jfovenjou'iii of the United I relics. Frenchcxn obtain them M not tii.'ila' iisy diffrrvnee, 1 You must. OUARAMTCED. stance, reference Is made to ITcmllton in \\t:ri!i in T!M o[ «*n'niarkvt, ^tntcs, but for the *tr»*is;.rth >^iv*>ii to our \X*> v. :itit ifryw! uionoy—ifwul, honest 'rrmtf«« by foreign c-apitaiisfs, uvi<\ Wnvtuuit* io Uii; Fanw conclusion tliat all and Jefferson, the former being re- charms against ill-luck. A piece of • At Spragwe't Drug Store, Owosso. At;*} there w;i.s IKVIT uny rral to return tli*»ir Hid by a bo*e trrarhcry otherl p'-^i le "ha\<:-—tliat pold is H'COfc- ferred to Jn such el?gant terms as ".\ hangman'-* rope is considered • }oteni F]№il against ev;l in some parts ol r!Jzvd'':iK t!i»* universal sTaii'.iartl uf value. notorious Jacobin,alias Democrat^ alias v tor u nut ion or u:i individual \% to deserve an infamy us <ier>p an France. As criminals are there guillo It is the'zneai'urir by wliicjj your weullh HepubMcan." !>i\w«'st depths of hi»»l, liu! win; to tia 1 'must l.'i tested. Tt hii.-s.beeu and ahvays The eight copper* found have found tined^uch ropes are difficult to get and it i s uiii* i! !.* v t o [>r\M rvt-tile rt i;Ut;itiv;n • i:Hn, bull-headi'd, tvithtmt vyr*. w'no 1 By Dr. Mile*' Heart Cure. v. ill lit tin! t<»iii')i.ston<' <>f iiieaMircntcut, a place with the other relics of the. PO fetch' high prices. They are some iA' t h e UTVIU to Httpmptin^- to iindentiinc tJi times mo'inted in gold aud worn in i'.iul when yot> <i<' j >art from that nt:d try Harvard college library. find simplicity of The riiitioti.** lockets, f.'nbtt'A D t t M - o u r ^ f r t « t - K s j n rimmt. i;j li^ure up tiny other inensiire which Fainting, Weak or Hungry Spoils, Inregu* Whr»t, CitUm :tn<! K'tvcr. PRIMITIVE WOMAN WAS NEW. l u i i u i s f ur n i t h i i ! ? vi l u - n r b y i . i x u n i p l e tiir \vur!<l (!o»ti not rvcojrni^y you get lar or Intermittent Pulse, Fluttsrint: or PalA ROYAL DAIRY. vf i ! n ' 1 f i i ' . i l i i - s ol" ^ u x e n n n e i i t r e j » u l a ] pitation, ChoUiug Sensation, Sliortut-ss of Kcltf* t'rove Thai ( b e Hr*t Tot- Bow th« MUk. Butter mod Cftemift of a l i u i ) u f : hi '. . d m - o f u s o i i f v o n t h e ttryuu Rrcath, Swelllu? of Ff.^ct aod Ankles, are Y o r k . I « . u r u : i l T.h;tt " 1 l i e (;'•"'" ter WIM ik Houian. • them, it is idle totiiik ul;uut. It is idle (lot'.ir ms of a diseased or Weak Heart. I/Ian. C . j . t . l U ' i u W e y l i r h;u! a U e l i c i e t i t i ; i r i k c « a ( l i v i i v r r l o l l f . r , a <ii-ii io t:'.ik iil'tmt "('•'hinproirii.siii^f cr> any The discovery near Maurice river, in The dairy'of the princess of Wwies is. ^ u i i p l y .'il' <-:«:-!i. a m i WJ h e h a r i t h e . U;.i<<.-o u^f-riiu'i f n l l i r . t r p r i i ^ s , i i ' n i l ! ' : i i l i t i ^ l i r i i v . s other i!:fa:-"ure of \aluo. The world will the neighboring state of New Jersey, according to the Gentlewoman, » hatiui l " . s p ; i i ; i , , . •:• ;>ut a l o t v! i.iij.i-'.r i : : O i n \ v i . i i - a n l u j r d t i a n s , " t h ; 1 [it u - - s o f v , i ) i » j ( N iiot ueccjiT it. Wo have the experience of large 11 uinters of stone iruplcim-uts to dream of on a warm .summiT's day j»!ai i.-:-':..>. ii .-11'iisi'vnt e d i c t t i i ; i l e \ e i " y , - t - i i r n J i n d c o t t o n a r « r i ^ o i i i f . ; I J ; I . a i i i i t h e of every rutioii that has tried it, ?»n«l it used by Indian or other tribes in the Like her sister, the empress of Austria '»•;."! ^ s . , ' '.;;;i i : t U r i t i i t a j : i r w i t h ^ o k i . p r i i / e o f s i h o r , t h e s u j i j f c - i l biti-oiin:!<»r tiiis U-ep. tried ir. almost every eivili^od ioiijf-gune centuries brings into notice the princess positively revtls in A dairj* A:-. i ! n - !••; ; ^ i ! i s j j r a c i i c a . l ' l y UIM1» r i i i . i r <;f jiriet'.s of f;iri!i ;>n«liu';-s, is y<:^irff nation. • * * Do not Ift us try to de- the. primitive woman, suys tho IV'ew And the prince once, during her ab:.:.] h i , . , i h i i < - \vai« g u v t i i i i t i e i i t t o u * down. ' ' ceive the American people. Do not let York,.Tribune. sence from home, wishing to prewar* ;rol of ilit- t-tareney vit its V>cst. If you In New Jersey, as everywhtre else in a little surprise, for her, had the*ka!U try to make then: believe by .soite •didn't Uike vne hariK l)5ll^ sit i>ai, you (15 y.cjciis of leg-islation t b;it vvt; ei!» the world;" she appears to have been deeoruted with tiles which he haJ v e r e liable to be shot,. Even llryan jfive th^iii rioryiethiiig of rertl viilue—-we industrious aud energetic and ingen- brought home with him from Bombay »:onlt!n't >]:'i :v:r)r*' for silver than thai, <:iu\ g\x<thein a moa.sure of valu- that ious. Among* the implements discov- tiles of dark blue, ornamented with s ttut <ii(! \l-:- '-OK-I k<:\-\> '*"' !>;snk uotrs 1 i* bent r than the universal .-tanditnl of ered which she employed in prehistoric design of roses, shamrock and thistle ii'X piti ? No: tor :i (i:-;.v. Aln.astin^tiUitmankind. Do isot deceive them i« thai New Jersey were flint knives, with and the motto, "Teh bien."* A long ly 1 hov •--...; • - a ».JifJ.-;sjt::;t, which *«w->n l/?t them know the f:»ets now. which she cut-meat and probably veg- milkpan painted with the same desigu r.mounii-d *o '.'() per f.-etit. Kven w it It • that it would be highly injuri- it able;-; flint ^Tapers, with, which sue by Princess Louise of Lome is here io -nulls tucl bayonets y o u eanuot make ous tivtliis couuiry to ngraiu inflate the ok-anrd the skins of deer and bear, w ild- a corner and in another corner you set SO L^ODTS n>\iul «t dollar. Wtyler lias bat! curreccy. * •* * I need ;iiot..enlarge | cut ;UK1 other auimaJs. preliminary to the head of tbe princess' favorite Al•to give n;. u-yinif. He has finally alispou the evils of a depreciated cur- drying and stroking them for use as (lerney, with an inscribed silver plaw l o w e d t!)'.- Havana stock e x c h a n g e to, rency. This country hp.s felt that too wearing apparel; clay pots and pans, telling of her virtue and renown. -<\uot<» the viiine of the bank bills in g'old. severely to require that I should men- pipkins and dishes, which she made in >\e v.-e.n- t,^:;^ to say xliat t h i s proves As for the treasures which lie scattioii them. It matters not what kind primeval potteries, at'first the sun dry- tered about on shelf and bracket, they '.the jiowerit'ssness <>t" law to estrti>lish r>f n ripprecifirrri currency jou have, it ing them and thereafter burning them are too many to ccv.:ct. A silver churn. llic iali!< oi uioncy. Inn. we ri'meMiKRS. K C MU -LEJt necessarily entails many evils. • * * in hot wood iirivs. The pottery fciiows often used by the princess herself; VKT in tir.ic that Cuba has icss than 2,Wsjne, lad., writes on Nov.». 1S&4: here and there artistic jearnings on the models of cows and cc.!ies in silver, ala- Ol"IFort • COO.OOO 'j-iopuliitjon t o our 70,000,000; was afflicted for forty years with heart -Tb*» Crime of '73." part of tbe unknown makers, more, unthat she nw^r put down the greatest The following; explanations why the couth and rudimenttiry than those of baster, porcelain and terra eotta—all trouble and suffered nntold apony. I had rebellion 01" modern tiimvf: but her hungry spclb, and my heart *ould silver dollar should no longer be coined the ancient cliff-dwellers* hut never- gifts to the princess—and other knick- weak, inhabiTunts ;;re not the richest, proudpalpitata so hard, the paia would be so acute knacks too numerous to mention. Bryan n:\ist demodify his iarui prod- were, made in the house of representa- theless they disclose the artistic senti- When the prince and princess are at and toMoring, that I became so weak and •e?it, n;ost intelligent pirople on earth, ac-trciii I could sot slse". I wsi t?*j*t*<i ^>y ments and confirm the long list cf exarid si> we art> not so sure. Her case is uct speeches or be will have to face tives April 0, 1872: It hai> become impossible to retain amples collected by Prof. Mason, of Marlboroug'h house a number of tiuy tcver.il pbysicianjj without riHcf and gave onJy a ]>:irt of universal experience, such hard questions as: "What about pats of butter are sent up daHy from ever being well apain. About two years but we have changed ail that.—N. Y. wheat and cotton"? Are their prices go- an American dollar in this country ex- Washington, showing that the first pot- Sandring-ham for their use. The pritic« up a^o I commeaced asiag Dr. Miles' Remedies. cept in collections of curiosities.— ing up in sympathy with silver or beJ'o&t ter, the first modeler, the first sculptor is "faddy" about his butter, and likes it One bottle of tbe Heart Cure-stopped all Judge Kclley. cause of a shortage of foreign crops? and carver and the first artift was a to be just perfection. heart troubles and the Restorative Nervine The silver dollar "has long since What connection is there, anyway, bewomen. did the r«st,and BOW I sleep soundly and atof I'roperty. : ceased to be a coin of circulation. * * tend to my household and social duties with* Two L*ke« DUtoo\ A fanuiT who had his crop of whear, tween the. prices of farm products and * The gold dollar should be declared Life Is ike Pol»r ITerren Sara sin have recently ex- out any trov.blestored in i)io gT.inary or a manufacturer of silver?" the money unit."—Mr. Hooper. Some curious details of life in the po- plored the southeastern arm of the Of course Bryan enn answer all »tieh SoidbydiusiTtst*. Book sent free. Address who ha*l his \\ urtlK>u>*- filled with the The principal chang-e proposed by lar region have been obtained from island of Celebes in the Moluccas, and Dr. MUes MeUical Co., Eikhuxt, lad. questions. In fact they are "dead easy" products of his factory would think it tbe bill was in "more clearly specify- members of the Nansen expedition. an cm rage if The ^overnniont sJiould for a powerful man who can lift the. ing the gold dollar as the unitcf value. They all dwell on the feelings of delight have discovered there two larg'e lakes, 1 price of all the, silver in the worW to insist ujion oonnscating oi.c-half of his • * * The time has come in this which they experienced iu once more Mataana and Towuti, a t a height of 4(X! vrhs-iU of )r..< 'roods. What belter is it twice its present height, but it is just country when the gold dollar should meeting other human beings. So tired aud 350 meters respectively above sea HAVE TOU GOT,aft well to avoid aJl unnecessary embar. b y the adoption of free silver coinage to rassment. be distinctly declared to be the eoiu did they become of seeing the same level. In the former a sounding of 4S0 confiscate one-half of the watfe of the •representative of the money unit."— faces and hearing the same voices day meters was made without finding- botA F*w fact*. Jaborer or one-half of his accumulated after day in the course of the slow drift tom, emaina of a prehistoric village, Mr. StougTtton. In 1678 form products weTe lower jsavinffs, or one-holf of the dower of the northward that in the end a feeling of I built on piles but now submerged, were • Restore ttxe Z«n> Freezing Point. widow, or one-half of the pension of the than ever before since the civil war, and irritation was produced. At times this ! discovered, the bronze and pottery the "greenbackers" were arguing that In the haste in which jhe democrats irritability became well-nigh insup-1 found being very like that obtained in soldier?—Philadelphia Record. If *•, it can be the preparation for resumption on Jan- at Chicago prepared their platform portable. Finding it almost impossible 1 similar villages in Europe. W:«nt the IVrat Tool*, uary 1, 1879, ha*l produced, tbe hard they forgot to include the plank de- to endure the sightof anorberday, they | B a m u H»tur*. The farujer and the mechanic must times, and their advocates tried to post* claring in favor of restoring the nat- would set off on long walks over the A new and handsom? Apartment JD« free to use the very best tools and pcp.e the elate for resumption. But re- ural freezing point of zero. Mankind ice, each man by himself. I t was r.n house on tbe upper west side remained implements, and the merchant aod sumption came January 1, 1S70, ax has suffered and shivered tremendously Rstonmling1 thing, one mar; said, to see unoccupied for several months because banker must )>e free to use the very 2 cash wheat sold fit Sl%; by May it because u£ thiti inhuman standard of his conirndes striding awny over the And without any detentieu from of the high rental demanded for flats. l>f«t money iind instruments of credit. np to $1.01%, and by December, 1870, it temperature, adopted undoubtedly a t Ice from the ship, each in z. different diyour busiues?. up to $1.33%. Corn was 29% in the instigation of coal barons aud quack jection, and carefully avo'ding his fei> At length, says the Xew York Press, . An honest and stable measure of value, the shrewd agent bung out this sign: S 1879, but in December, 1879, it doctors. Without waiting for the aid, lows. • is just as necessary to both as are honest "Elegant flats of eight and nine rooms, was 43%. or consent of any other nation, let us and stable measures of weights HDC! with beautifully decorated butler's pan<)uantitie?, and it requires ao argTiroent Such facts need to be borne in mind proceed to lower the freezing point and It Would II* g try." In less than two weeks every to show that without these it would be at this time, when -.» many ialie to reform our climate in the interest*of An eminent queen's counsel one* flat was taken! I t isn't given to every the masses. impossible to transact the ordinary theories are ailoai* the following recommendation to occupant of a flat to hare a butler's "business of the country —Hon. John ft gentleman who proposed to swear an aantry. No R«HMk ... .If a xnerch&n t ruarkx up his pric*« <J. Carlisle. affidavit after having already sworn an Even though the farmers m*y be and people refuse to buy. he still has his arftd&vit in exactly a contrary sense in REFERENCE: . . . .There ha* been no time sioce the goods. If n workingroan undertakes to right in thinking that they are not as the course of the suit. "Nerer," reAccordingto the rabbis Solomon had Wn». Sohrabacher, Byron, Mich,, had n of specie payments in 1879 mark up his wa#es ami employers de- prosperous as they ought to be, it by DO marked the queen's counsel, ''awear an * beard three fe*t long. Among the cline to pay, where is he? What intelli- means follows that free coinage will affidavit when your previous affidavit the donoxitors in suv!lip's ancient Jews the beard VTR% considered Hernia between thirtT-fire and forty <:ould not t^fi l>ack as good money as gent wape-earner can vote for the improve their condition. Because a man to the contrary effect is ia possession synonymous with wisdom, the longer years. they earned and put in. Do they want higher price* of cheaper money and has rheumatism is no reason «\vhy he af the court. Because, my friend," be the benrd tiie greater the profundity John Kiteon, Byrtn Mica., had Her«ven to "cljwnoe it" nn fretting 51-«nt trust to luck to increase his wages pro- ihould take (he advice of a quack doc- added, "that wouiri be lyicg." 0? intellect. nia between ten and twelra years. tor who prescribe* a- big do«e of portionately ? or *Tea 75-eeut silver doilar*? FEMALE r e Owosso City B 00KB1RDERY, 107 N. Wash. St. Heart Disease Cured S! LVEIHr COTTON №. Miles' Reeedks Restore lealtk « 1 or RUPTURE? Cured without Kaife or Surgical Operation, A Perfect Core Guaranteed or no pay. i TIIE CORUSNA JOURNAL, OCT. 22, 1896. M !• Y •H-E-SC0TT. ^Copyright, by A. N. ) N#w«p*T"M wtiz surromulrrt, and they pot CHAPTER XIII. 'They wirx'tciies hcr.ij) next Fri"LET ME SAIL VND1CK A NEW XAME," SAti» lessen weffft. them houp'lit ;;m' tlu>n Till: CAVTAIN OP THE RASGEK. svMin* tirr;! nf slioro. l":;i skeereJ It "\vill be remembered tiisit it was 1he TV, fret Tin' «nsjii<.MOtio(l In1 re, It \vn.s r» morning of the 3stof Jum1 that I'ilo* t!;iy for us when th«* N'swy fleynnl'iver, of Smithville, stated that the but what kind of ii'-o'iaff have? yon Clara Be]\e,bearing Acgus I3ruo\}Kiss»:'il out the inlet at break of day, and nofo "\\ nvoroast schooner, OIK* a withstanding" the regard that Lothrop is. too-, with a fair svind sli*-can offered * for the ayjmtlwiiskiu of Brucf, end the further fact that moo;? officer* were searching for him on land axtd sea no trace of the Ctrra lielte, or of hear captain had been found. It was now conceded that they bad Mv the C*r> j lisa coast. j On tbe evening1 of the 13th of August > there passed into tbe mouth of tbe ' Ashley river, and anchored off Charles* ! ton, a two^roa*t№jK»on«?r, of apparently J tbe suxoe to&iuxge as the Clara Belle, and j tbe seemed to ride the w&tervaw she lay I at anchor there, as lightly. Tt»ere -was I evidently a small oaigv, tfaay, aboard. \ The Clara Bell*, when last seen plying" tbe waters of <Jvpo Fear wore a coat of white paint, and her master took pride in seeing that it should be kept j sc clean that her sides should glisten in I the wmligbt. ' This (tehooner was {jointed * dark | green, sad her name «s pointed in bold letters on her «t*rn -was **Th« Warty 4RMA VKB^IffSkttt^^- I • ,_ . < • , , « want of you? Quick I be quicx; or you'll be loo late." TU(> \\vo dnr-kirs <3e3<vr<l;-«1 into thi* bout, and teu nijuutes later they v.cre lately locked in ihe. hold oi lir-' i'a:.^;T with the 40 San Domingo iK^ruts, wheso (hey could net uiuler£tor.d, whil? J?cnvil, u-!io, if not sU-'-cp oi tlie, just, was ?.lt Tbo next r-Aorv.hig al! waf-: b«st!e on V.oavd 1 he VV.v.ijrer; the two \ av.Is v.cro lowerexl into the' river and the hatt-h wtt.s lifted from ihe deck. Xejit tlie rcitives of Suu Dorulii^ro, wbo Kail lj<K:n j)lentifully supplied with fruit, food ;im] rum on their voyage, \vereo'he by one marched..on deck, g"iven a parting swi;* of rum and loaxied. into the yawls, wheiv they were handeufTed two and two together. Ilalf of the crew had bm?n lar.ded to receive thetn, and three trips r.f the. yawl landwl the 40. Only the two negroes picked up on the wharf the iiifrht befor<rwere r.ow in the hold oi the Rang«r. and to them the mate pave a bottle of mm and lowered a basket of the oranjre.s, banana* and coooAiiutfl with which the vessel was loaded. At the eaptaiii's will the Kan^er could easily appear merely a fruiter. The negTOea ashore were speedily marched to the slave pen, and at 12 o'clock the last one had been converted into cash, and something over $30,000 had been realized from the sale. As Elack Beard presented his cheeks to the Bank of Charleston* he remarked: "I Will reduce your ready-cash somewhat." The cashier smiled, as he «aid.: **Xot much, captain." Black Beard t-botight; "Good, then, I will to-ni^ht-" That evening the schooner passed t»p opposite the planing1 mill, and that night the entire crew, with the exception of five men, wer* sitting on benches and framework in the old mill. Douri, Batson and Bill Wat** were there. "Just. 20 men," said Black Beard. "Now, mate, yoo take nine men; fire each roan half a dozen of tbe dirty oratijjes in that bagr, let each man take a different street, and when you meet a likely nigger, hire him to ga aboard and wipe oraftg**. You are ground 1r> meet some; remember each one tefrom $S(«) to 81.W0: take nchher boys nor •women; promise then 50 cents a thoosand. or 50 cente a hundred, for that matter, and jfvt alf you can. Pot thsui belwv as fast ar you get them aboard, but don't carry too many aboard at one*. Now. {fo, but singly, one at a time; two best remain with tltebotfte. I've work for the other ten. w As the town clock gave the stogie rtrokc of on«", six men entered tlw* gate of a residence r»n laurel strwt; one kutfcKiti loud'y on t\& door, while th>j oth«r ihe hucprd the wall of the how*?. A window fn«n t!v» floor abor* wa« The Ranger then had ridden at anchor any craft in your port a clean pair something' llLeatt hour, end it was possibly eight o'clock, when a man of juore. of heels—but action! you know 1 was than ordinary stature and of athletic always fuT action. Can you get loose build, stepped from the cabin, lie wore from your gin mill, and do you want o pair ot darkbhie trousers, which were to take a hiujfl fn a freebooter's lifc E«stained around tbe waist by a heavy leathern belt, and within two pockets ', "Oh, I can g*t shut of the grog--leastof the belt, on either side, protruded the ) w!s* 1*11 kare rt with Moll—and, as fot stocks of pistols, while within it* ! j*5nitig-, what's yoor terms, San Do•heath at the back rested tbe sheath- ' knife. j 'Here. -Bill, never frpeak that name Dotniirfro » supposed to be dead, Hi» blue woolett shirt was open at j the neck, and a soft felt hat WM on : w let him rest. Why, man, you\l have* hi* he*d. IIis features it waa hard to * Snndred detectives trying to trace o»it rn rt*"fhr>e; let me sail undrt .i judge of, as au imm^r!*?** bkwfc H^nrd his fwfe Mmost entirely, ox* "What FhaH W fully 12 inches be low lite ehitu "Why, crill iro' n-hfit you di<1 v,hcn TTC Ilia Inrjje, *xpres*ive cy<w wore of » •flrank The prrip, TMack T^rar'i; an<l a s for n«t, mvl his pv. vr>« k n o w I'm not o v r H ^ s r ; t!t? to «p«?ak of preat , ill l»e t!ie old an»-v--T,'>r<*»' s.hr.rtj| "Whist i* ii?** :\*-la-\\ a void*. As be stepped out of the «.ul»io, h* l)Jafk Ward with.; for t»ir captnTTi. five fr»r t!r- *-«»lio<.;.n>r, was v "Aif ycii Mr. White. «i*hior of Thy as thourh b^ li:n! j u s t ' fv.-o for t*i<* Tnsit*-, HTIC! •.•(;!!.J shnrrs for C i i a i !t» inn lriink V* priid t h r ir.ajJ ^Hl!o^^•. a- rvd "Yets; what in it?*' ii of IIIH ^veiling ineul. "How many men have you aboard "The bar.k has VWTTI roMvd.*' "Mate," he sang out, "lower a yawl, "WLat'» that? what's that? Hank and seed Iieudrieks and Bullion a*faorc now?" "Twenty, amd they arr> all srood m<»n; robU^ii? tirrat heavetis, wait wad Tli With me," "Aye. ayt% #lrl hut who's BuJ- half of the™ hnvc followed the trad* join yo'J-" before—theVe iijfhtrra to a num. I Ilayniotid Whit4f spwdily drewwd and o[^m"<l it, in "Why, he UiateaissoQiuohhOiip. One would ship five more iooti—Dotid. Bat- di"»eoiul«<l to the door-, 1 himwtf clutch*1*! by \hr throntby of tlu mm we shipped at I'ort ou umi, Plunkf*tt.v .('obli nod yourself. I don't want too bitf a crt-w; U M : ) ^ ! numt:iiin. wiiile the revolver* of several Prinw." ber of resolute men will ueromplreh more, wi-re leveletl at his head. The yawl was soon VowrwJ. and the v captain, who luwl donned his <<Htt, ae- much, l>es!dr*, you Kriovv, I never place "Al^solute qtiiM, Mr. White," said ^ d J the 1i\«*» of my rrew in -jeopardy by ri:»ck Jlcani. **i* the priw of your life, fighting, if it can be avoided. Now have you the bank and Vault keys on into it. .\ what do you s'lip;*** I've got between your person 7" A few niinutf«' pull at the oars, and j tlie df*cks of the •whootier?** "What jueaii* ail tUiv has the bank they drew up ut tlMs wharf. j ".Vow, icy lads," said the captain, | "Why, y«u •«!•« liable to have goli been roblx1*!?", "go aboarti «cd wait my sifrnaJ—tue j there, &m—I mean. Black Beard." "Not ye<, .Mr. Wnite, not j e t . but be Whistle thr^e times; rensrinber now, j **No, Hr* M t gold, but I have what rasy, it soon »vill be. Here, let me rebear an ear, and doa't both gtrt foggy will bring .gold." lieve you of your keys^—what,you carry ••What M it?** at one*—tuere may be action before a pistol too? Well I'll take that also." T v e 40 jrood-stout ni^rpws, and they "I know JiMi,** said tbe cashier, **you the yaw! dis- should bring in ttuu market $40,000 in are the man for whom X tut&bed the -Aye, iiye. eir! appeared in tbe gathering darkness,; good, cteaa g*i& thnt cargo was placed checks to-day.** i while the captain passed from the j ibo&rd by my preaentscrew, ao you can •"You had better target me wrbetiwe. wharf to tfee opposite side ot the street, i we that I bavegoodi&ieti." part to-night. Those who remember "Wbm did jrwroiiip tAe tue, with rare excespiiona, do m>t tare Here he tamed to the left and prowell—now for King1 strwt acd theburk "San DomingaT; at Samana bay. Rome ceeded sooth along: the quay. lie entered several saloons, and along were foolish and .cajoled aboard, some of Ooarleston. Here White, lock arms here nearly every building- was a marched aboard « t tbe muzzle of or.r with me, but maxraber, ons wt»rt! *A no ^MMb»snt a» .women, bat all alarm, and you ore a- dead man, y saloon. pood, strong' «n*m. 1 nhall sell them wife a widow and your childre» In each place he «tepped to the bar ttittu be ready tor phacs. MarcbJ" and took a drink or a cigar, and threw 1 o-*t to-sruxrrosE, down z silver <Joliax,:and while waiting | new ventures. H there be a haul to A half hour later. Clack Ik-ard fitted for his chr.r.gv scar-jved every face and, make here. weH aod p-ood, we'll mak^ it H key U.> ll»e baiik door; it i«\vuiig * —then open the prwqm doors and take and five tuen eutejvO. the other without remark, took his departure* He was evidently 'looking for some our two bird* «ut» Mi& *kip to other guarding the acenne of »pproa«hoft outside. one. lie Lad traTeraed fully three fields." **To San DcanitageV blocks, when he entered a saloon midWhite was firmly bound to a chair, M Xo, not there; after losing 40 -men the vaults opened, axui the cash speedily way of tbe biock, *nd besxriag on the T sign above tlie door the words: **&ul- they will be on the outiook.' tratujferred to hags; th**u ffaffffing th* *'\VUy not ' ! » « tLe amah, froru the cash«ejp sufficiently to render it imposor*s' Rest; Jim Ilolfcukl, Proprietor." sible for him to ouik£ UiinseJf heard, the "This should be tbe place; old Jim bank at Charletitan ?" "Well, you understand how that roust piuudere-j-s left the bank. won't know m t " They were joined on the oatside b / lie entered the door. A pock-marked be worked; stay Ashore and pet ail the man of middle age was standiog behind points, ajud whfji I've sold the earjro tnree of the men wbo ha<l held watchthe bar; he "vras blind of the left eye, w« will not iowe tone; but a place to "Where's Toombs and ifinkeyT" and had a long', deep scar on bis left rendezvous the men on «bore, where asked VAock Bt>anL chwk, which even his. sttfbby beani they will t* ready tea action, i* first to "Figbtin' round yon corner," said the tie thought of.** failed to conceal. addressed, "to attract the aitenof the. luosifers." The captain walked up *o the bar, | "iteuUt^vous, tuaX'A A big word for v "We'll go that way aud get them, leaned over it, and gazed intently at j tw, Cap." the other's features, whick «eemed to : "Why, & place where the men can they mi<jht be run, in." j come ashore at night ant! be nnobAs they roondwl rbe corner, there annoy Lim. were the two sailors, punmeling each "Well, Black Beard, when you're j served." **0h, I have Jt; when your cargo's other lustily, while two policemen were joc^k«1 your fill, order your drinks." 'Then give us two straight whiskies i out, up arwhor, and on a rising- tide, trying to separate them. —here! hold here your head, TTatt-s? j drop up the river about half a mile, and "Hey!" yelled .Rlaek Beard, "is that T,ill Watts! two stiff ones, do you hear?" ; you'll be abreast an old deserted plan- what I let you ashore for? Avast there! The other's hand dropped to his hip inp-mill; tbcre you am ]and the men you righting' blackguards, bothering tbe officers of this peaceful town." pocket on the instant. aiul they will not be seen for hours." "Easy, pard! Easy, Ran DomiDjro!" The two sailors were subdued in an "Good, Bill, good; aiv.l now a bumper "Thunder! I had never knovred you; and good-night, I'll have my cargr> instant. I thought you'd croaked lonj? airo. around at the. skive market at nine "Aboard, ye lubbers! Aboard!'! Where did you cultivate that heard?" "Here, officers, here'* a couple- of o'clock to-morrow. Come round and "That's one, shipmate, that 1 culti- you'll see some pood stock," and pounds for keeping rny frteky sailors vated in an hour." hurried back to the wharf, aad from eating each other up. I'll «ee "I thought as much; but where do placing a small silver whistle to his that they bother yon no mow.** you hail from, Tom?" "Thanks, captain, we'll drink your lips gave three Ktvarp blasts. As he did "From everywhere; my schooner lies ro he observed something moving on health. Lucky you came along, or at anchor in tbe river." the wharf a few foet to hi« right. He you'd have found them jugged in the "Oh, lio'. then you're equipped again? stepped towards the object. It was two morning." What is It, tbe samooSd lay?" "I'll ing *he buggeni when I get them negroes seated on the dock fishing—he "Well, rather, rather. Any old ship- kept his eye on them until the, yawl tnai^'s around?" But r.lat.k B?ard and his men didn't flivw np to t-h«! vhnrf. " Y e s , 1 > O \ H ! a:;;', l'.;:i.vji\ a r e i i o r o , u s in "U^rt1-! Hero! you two blael< men, go directly aboard; they first visited JMiinkctt nmi Cob\>; but they're in jail, pet aboard! fjuiftk! be lively now!" the county jail, ajnd 1)1 ack Itoml arowed Plunkett and Cobb are." "What for, maASa; what you givine do the jailer, and informed him that he "For what?" had two drunkei5 sailors that he deffhl wo?" "Why, I believe they called it murder «IT (Hi locked up till morning. "D« wl f h you ? Why, take you to freehere. T*hf*y v,"iz relievin1 a planter of dom; come, be quick." Five pounds wa* sufficient to conhis roll orte nipht anrl he resisted, and vince the jailer that they should b"Is you, sho' nuif, roas8a>?" o a d e cuch » fuss that Plunkett and "Jure! yes, certain; what cl«e do I locked up, cJQil. he produced hi* keys r.ud unlocked tbe jail door. As he turned, he four.'.l thf revolvers.that sv short . titr.e l:cfore 1::i;T 1:O<MI leveifd at the c^^ier's Lcul, K'velt;] at his. Whai could he do but .weaken? 'ivlie door of tltc cc-11 of Plunkott- aui\ Co1.,!; was unlocked; tlie fetter? fakon frai". their liiiiijs; the jailer was lot'k?d ill their ceit, and J^iaek I.'cjird and his conmides hasteii<-v] to tLe planiiig niill, ^vl-:<••re tlicy found t've two.Vior-.ti" in wailiii^', Unu they were rowed ;:iK):iii3. "What luck, (-aptaiu?" asl-^-d tlie mate, us the Iikick-Seurd rnouiitod tlie vessel's rail. "Immense!'immense. n::ite! Plunkett and Cob]) are htre; they will not stretch hemp, at'least-not. oiv J-Yklay next, find there's gold, silver ami l«iijk noteii more tluin we will count Uv nig-ht. T?sit. what luck had yon? How Oiany ora::£fe cleaners did you hire'?" •'Sixteen strapping men. They nil below, and by this time in a kei) stupor." " 'Tis well; wind and tide are with us, so up anchor-ond away." "For where?" : "l7or the Altaiuaha river first, and then for the island." TO TOBACCO IN WILLS. t>lr«etioiu Left hy tU« King • ! Elaes, the luerchao-t of Rotterdam, was called the king of the smokers, from bis devotion to the gentle weed. end he had a rigixt regai funeral. By the terms of his wilL every emoker wlto chose to attend it was presented with tefe pounds of tobacco and two Dutch pipes, osx .wtiieh '«*?*. engraved the Daaae, arms aod date of the decease of the testator. AH his guests were ?n•vited to be careful to keep their pipes alight durrag the funeral ceremonies, and to empty their ashes into hi*grave. His oak coffin was lined with the cedar tyf h » old Havana cigar boxes, and a packet of old Dutch tobacco was placed a t the foot of his coffin. Hi» farorite pipe was laid by his arid© along with a box of matches, as well'as flint and' «teel and some tinder, as he had expressed an opinion that "there was no knowing what niiirht happen." Sofia; antMobacconrists of the period seem to iiave wickedly remarked that these pr>rautfons about procuring « light would be found superfluous. The courts recently se<t mtfd* a cTauae in the will of nn anti-tobacco lecgner 1n Ireland. This grntletnan. had a prejudice against smoking, perhaps because It made him sick, and inserted this paragraph in hi* laM t«?«tament: "I have told my son*. John, Rirhard, nnd Sa.tnuel, thnt If they indufsre rn fhe hahit they would forfeit £5<X) e*ch, to be divided amontr their »l»tr.rR, and chmUd they at ufiy T itrie begin this haWt, thrir fiisttrs may xue tbem cuds for 4'500." " '.. * V *•* u k_ mmm wa s Sorts ©I Msciislna, bsS Bono Somewhat Discouraged but with Faint He was led to try a M®<? S Read what He now Says. From thr QctKtti, Qolena, lUinoit. T h e r * is prnbaMy n o ma Judy t<> which i b ''«f Peiirisylvaiijii, itinny of them residents «# human IKKIV is ]inbl<? ao {litinfill or n-.'^rritvut. •tlie vicinity since pioMet-r (nuts, ing a> ri,t-iiiaiitj.<t«. Th»" prr»CM w u/sJ'orru- 1 This uorthy miiiisier informed the reporter uatt a* tv> !ir -.itMU'ted with tiiU »n»iili'>us dis- j thut lor fifteen yo;irs,he was the victim of that ease h;t5 iiu-ontward iticlientioMOf iCMT.rJ tor- Mlrewl (twase, riietimaiisiii, and smlered-. m«>rtu Unlike mher di-^opUTs ir !!<)«« not 1 neurly all th*- tor?"«!its ii!)ove _dej-cri!>«cL often aflwt ttie appetite taor does it iu ruosl Tim- pre.scriptions furnished by skillful physicians f n v only t«'mjio,*:iry relief. The-1 instances rwiucf '\ie ilesli. • Often u A'^rtaia 3«»h in thefileramm^ various advertised reuie^iies which wera panies the ailment KU<1 !fails th«- frifuii* of rw <>iiiijj»-iiiif<! (o hiia were alike i>o\veri«tiftthe patifiir to eou^'ratulate him on Li» tn luiii^'ate his. suderiugs. The j>;nii WHS so ht-altny appenrAuo* with tlie fumiliur ex- ia*«?r»se that heconteniplated abatuloiiirig Liipr«-siioii, •' huw.vell you look," while h«> is cuiliiip bwaiii* the aiM'ase interfered »i'-.. •ufftriug the most acute torment- Not ©lieu nm«b with tbe becessary prep&rauon for the being the d i m t eaut* of fatality, th* patient duties of hi* ottice. does not generally mvive the tympitby of Rrjraewha. discouraged, btrt with a faint; friends as in tlie CM* of oib*r roaipliiintK. hop* of rwoy^ry, he was led to try Dr. WilOften during the day there is a murkeii MI)H liams' Pink 'i iils for fair People. It took siJ^uee of the jtatn SD*1 the idek man is a Me to (fet arouod with considerable comfort only in a markeii allevialiou of his t^rribfeto fe*l the raott txeruriitttng «*ooy on rrtirAfter threj> mnnths he was comparaini? aa<i the ui^ht is sp**nt in th* mo«t pain* tively frf* from pain. He continued sh«- use ful jfrepiwsnesFi. Sonetimet th« di*e»*r »s- of the remwly at lontjpr intervals mid at the iinwx a miirrutorv ch*rmtt«* movinjt from end of m imintlis h* ftlt tlutt thrdi?«a.v limb to Huh. This it the № 4 aJanninff entir*ly eradicatt^d. A&other great to him at th» time. ^ W(tU\A\i{ve } w n »terriblehieh Vl ]{ m feat for thf over^hftdcwiiip <m* r h « M i » » . In tbe effon to «Kct«d with tl»e di*e«« abort but ft*)* snm^whai •HtBdent nhosi* <k>ine i fat a rommunity trben- hi*, word is t u a with«»«t qnwRjon. Ifr. SwhJt-r # ca«e waw m mtawkabie tbmt it a srabwqarnr jut*rr»w the prt-» reprosfntative inqnired if he was aware of an*? other remarkable eo№> Wteeted bv f)r. W i l liams' Pink Pill*. O« replied ih&t be T U if n o more h«- raiehl in<iair<» of Jo»+.r>h Hutmaober, E»iq.. »n r>fS<*iaI HK-rnfter of Rf v. Strain's o«>Dgresrarion,'wtiko rwi(iCT a short df«tHH<T north of thf ch'tireh ref<.Tr*>dto af»oT«» Mr. Hntmachpr is a prorain^nt farmer of thV tovn of ffarletn who*>* ambition nevt-r extended beyond his own town, bux h* ba* fiH«l n«*rly all the town office*1 ap tc sa»«»rvisor and w well-known in th* ecmnty. ' I f c was enthnsia«tic in hin prniM- of th*- piit*. He stated that fot three y<-an> he was an inten*** Mjfferer with kidn«'v fronlilco i.n^f i , DV to dropsy bn» a!way^ tMT-nrupftniffi rhcomatifDi. Th*- most «kf!!fui tnwiin* (ui>flw'irah]yy -urr ••'i.-i ^ i : h th«' t-.vo f.TU)<T hut t!i<^ Ja' ; *r fi-fi.il t l i r i y *|]un*i- N o i i n i i ' l i t thitl In- wa- '•"'*•:ii'^iis? L RKV. .IOSEFH FJWHT.FR t ' i r r !aM-d h i s *•:<) • Ji»- r<n..-ilv Mini l l l i r, '* of pills f! i r»-• :*t-v a!jr»*'-f • rwwirtlr r«iuYrt*ih«r with K#v, J«iw hg fi*tu Iff who i '•'irn in bed him with soinwinf invnrinliiv * ' ; • • • : • ' ' i ' . ii'ir-i. •••' natives o f tin- Si'uith h 1 Vf r. S**'i»l«-if iy a cj. r^ywian >tf the iiiCuruini tin- wood of a trep trxvtrli ft>h. It 1 and hai> b«-D s jmrniiiifnt miiiistir th* pilla iu fb<: hi>ii«.»* in '•»»•(' (lien- ?• s only to Y*> put in th<* water an<J in Church of th£t bady for OT«T Uiirty veant ; atnl In* i n ^ r n t i o M of a r v t n m o( tlie < n short thnc t*)<> ti^*i pome toth**»nrface nearly all I bat tttse rririJ<-d HI I AHA, S h o u l d any ufllii-tett ot;f wii«h jtrawa County, i 111. Hr » « ;urtiv«- in Tfjpir<JiriB thfr a b o v f minted ^Piitlenci! a !n a stt^u'f'.oil critiditian. n liria^ th*» Nwth« 'liri Illisui» Onllc^i* «f telf adifrt^ss^l U< t h t bunker* of L?ri;t c c br caught hy in tli:it niunty, ami wo* fur eiu-h'. Kre«'ix.irt,.Ill.. nr Auy ot UH- public nun o f ,, rrvtarv at thai iuatHtttiuu nmi for Aip\>hvfifif>ri County, wl!l pnK'iire t h e i>eo#*a rtstiiij. <* two yean its fnuwri*l ugeut, *hk'b [«»iti<.ti «ary iitfnrinatiois. Ot cou'rsc THE ANTS TALKED. ; tir had l<< fkli.tnflon fW)in f*u«r^ hcrf«ftt«r canl j»iiouul l«- itirUnu^i. Bow • ?ifttDr»ltit Provci Tht J Coqtrr»«l {tt*"iti<taed, 5-iin.o wtiirh limf bt* has t:iketi I)r. Willjimis Pink l'j]]* for PuUivjarirt' of a i>incr«-i^alii>fi of bl* <»reibr*-fi in iff »• sp»Hfi<' fur tri'iihli with G*ch Otber. f}jc tovn «i Hari^m a few ntVm from hid WK'b i№ MJj»t'»r»^sio()s. i It is becoming the gesseral btiief i, j^\a*j»«*,\v Through hJs effortu the Salem torD»i*of * e a k n e w . Tbf-y luill-l u p t h e }i)o<xi aiuong' naturalists that all liviiisr creak tures have some communieatioti \vit i rrvii npprf»prja,t«* r-o»jntry ch.rjn^i*-* in Illi- i (Bjllli'.V clil•^•k^. ] ti m e n i h e y fir«Tt it noit. wa* buihttiree ^ a r s (*tfo. flap Interior : cvrv i n H.11 t-(i.-«-j. urfaim* frr>tn m e n t a l M-.ir? each otht-r, 'it least to the extent of is finislicil in nftdern jrtyie and th* fWsooim:, ct*rw<irk or t'xccss^> of w h a t e v e r ii»itw. making Ihevr wiuts. fear«, ete., kiiovk^ al'hi.uirb itut so »?lal>craie is in ta^t*- n<>r *<e- Tht'V" a r e iriunufjiofim-d by t h e D r . to others of their species. A writer on hind ihe weaJtfcy citj Minors. Mr. Sn-hler Dams' M n i i o i n e OompAny, Sk'i>i'ncc|:««l lncliidcv in hu««ugr< jwtion a lar^e mmsher Y., an<l are *>ld !.>y all ilruf. ants recently investigrsted the msttt-r of well to do fcrsMim) :J»ieflj from tbe it*** | a box or *u boxes lor HU**. as far as those interesting1 little insects are concerned. He saw a drove of ants of a small blaek variety, which were apparently moving1 to new quar; »*vrti nbrtli ters, those going in a certain direction d« lar f«r a bottle \ Itrfnre aouilKTly nil>n^ tje ct-iitrv oi i 1 all carrying egg* or siclt and helpless • ssssmsssasamsssm of patent medicine ei7oui;li «o th»,t a jine ruiuiinp- north $4 " H* liuks. lU'iu-e nvitlli ti* <ieprrc» relatives, while those tnoving in th« I when ro" t»a ff« yreouwly that Mine west »tid tbeiu*e. south 'j <!<•£«« wrt-t tc inter-M thing-«f y#ur Aratwt*l for rr*» IS t* .* opposite direction appeared to have cent*. AddreM tbe ^etentifle F»mu!a j »*i-t Ht vbe oenter of saiii : one a.-re *f lard off the northeast rorniT . just deposited their hardens and to h« and rnt-mipUma O.. BaaeMft. Mfc*,. awl §ei a free ii»t of mor* Hum iOO chok» prwertp-! «old to Samnel Xu-hols by Ira Men i:1. returning: for another load of **hoo«*- tiotui f»r tbe nure #f tatkny *f tbe wort>t di»- Dat«-<3 August Z\-i\. ]£&№«•««• taut nffiici th» buaan rac*. Ibii is ta* JONATHAN G. KNIGHT, bold effect*,'* . lu-lt-yl Circuit fourt c&niinUsi»ncr in and for They were probably pretty well beat tbin# y*u caa d*. county of Staiawa^see. VfcKNON U. SMITH, Solicitor for i-oaiuiain*jfil.r along* with their work, judging by oThe alxjvfc *a!e is adjocrneii untjl s'atijrd»j , BAXCEEY SALfc—St*te of Miyliijtan, the Ihe leisurely way In which they ;;, A. D. ISStt'-, al th'«* «amf honi.- a u t circuit • <niri for tae <-OUD!J of .Sbi»«•»?.*<•*•, JONATHAN G. would frequently pat tbeir heads »u f aaot-ery. Circuit Court' Th« Firwt Nation*! Baok of Ioci», together, as though chatting abont (••mplitiiuuit, TK. .Tfrorae W- Turner and ly, Michijrrn. ihnr new quarters, or some other F. Turner, df frniiants. VERN'OX H. S1UTH. In ptirMtuine« ADU b.v Tirtueof a decree of MtUi interesting1 subject It being n f-oiin Solicitor for traOe iu tlir «h«ve fDtitl«d oai;se *a the in the naturalist's roitnl tig-bterntb d»Tof May, A. D. lsft*.notite is hirr*.-ivfn tbat I shall wil Ml public auctioii or they were really talking or by vfinlue, to ibe hi^he^t bidder, ui ibe from door Register. he hit on tbe expedient of murder- *f the court house, in ihe city •f.Corumm. Miohijr»n, (that t>«iD>ctt>e builiiitijr in which tbe <-irImr one of their number to see if the i-uU court fur the. county of Shi^waK^e* i^ b«U1) others would run and tell what had on Si»turilay. ihe l*th dxf of October, .4. D.I Kvery voter shoul<l reme«nber that iu !SS4. at sic^tu f'.'vlst-kiu the foreucwu ui H^i-.i cilies lie is required to re-register. I t ir&pp*ne«J. Ue says: "Tor cy"c-\v5in«.»- dsi.v, the 'ollowiu; dei*rribed l*ttd» aod preutis«s of the mitrder hastened away anil esto-wii: »i! that oe:t»'.n piece »r pan-el of ; make* no (KftVrerire how lou^ you have situated hi tbecitj of OwotiAO, (•(•itoty of i been on tbf« reeififerv, \-\\K\ laid "their heads together with everyant l«r-<} bi l f XiUi diiV they met, wherenpoo all would 'nrn r<! us fo!iow>>: <-oaiiiiein"iugat tbe center of tbe I hter or los^e your vote. Tin' you can JitnU scamper away. . , . No isora bi^bwa.T on tne e»M line of tbv west bulf of ife« i do on Ocr. PX'M)and :^i. sfi.:he».-.t ijua-rter of M«c£ion tweaty-four, town «nta passed along that path during the day.** C OP-TO-OAT-i BURGLAR. w i t h «f«ehln«rr Bre»k« f n t o The modern burglar is adopting modem ippHance*. The jimmy bids fair to become « rtlie of the past befure long. A recent burglary in France illustrates this fact, says the Xew York Journal. A gang <>f ingenious cracksmen eutered a banker's office armed with a steel saw of the newest construction and a handy HttJe gas engine. Th*re was no need for the exercise of rmrsele, nor was there any necessity for a-good j strong wrist at the saw as there was I atone time in the annals of famous robberies. The littlo engine wa» started, the saw put in the proper place, and the connections made. Seating themselves serenely upon a couple of chairs near at hand, the.se mod«rn burglars watched Ihe true and rapid work of their nppliacces. Tbe big safe might have resisted for hours tlie force of human hands, but tbe saw, impelled by the engine, it oould not st&Tid against. It promptly j yieided up its contents of over 53,000 worth of gold and bonds, and in a quarter of the time it would have taken to have committed the rul>bery under the old conditioi.s the burglars were we'i oat of tbe bcikJiogf with their booty. MY nRUGS are the purest and test the world affords^ I am the best equipped for giving yot» the best service there is to be had. Tve got the necessary drugs in my store t o fill any prescription you erer saw. I've got firugs in my store that most other druggists never thought of keeping, and wouldn't know how te handle them if theyCdid keep them. I know how t o my drugs. I am an old hand at business. Most physicians will tell you to* have your prescription filled at my place. If they forget to tell you where to go, you just remember anywa> that'll Rejdydoes your work it will be DONE. M. Reidv C0RUNNA. THE COKUMA JOURML, OCT. 22, 1896. Highest of all ia Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Ovid. The populist nominee for president, Via. J. Brynn anil his wife were here last Saturday mornir.g. His train stopped live minutes. One of our citizens as id that Dr. Campbell was the smartest looking mau on the platform. Quite a complement surely, when candidates Bryan and Brucker were on the platform. About 500 came out to see the nominee and tear him speak. A rousing nieetliiRwas held here Oa afternoon and evening. Hon. John Patton, of Grand Kruptds, addressed the afternoon meetius and gave a good clear exposition of the issues before the pep' pie. The evening meeting W&* addressed by Chas. Merrill, our presenteffieient Judge of Prolate and lion. Victor Gore of Bentoa Harbor. It WAS by far the largest meeetfftg yet held here. The *pedaltr*fc brought MeKfnley Clubs from St. Johns. Coruana and Owosso. The parade of 500 in Hoe and tbe grand display of fire works was far abtad of any previous demonstration. Judge JMattbew Bush and wife, of Corona*, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. PiunketL Tkoe« who best know- ihe situation have no fears of hia re-election. Keep good men in office. Mr. Ezeklel De Camp has just returned from a business trip to England. is president, atul II. B. McLaugliHn secretary and treasurer. Mr. Frank Aikin.of Duran:.t, in Vernon Monday. It is said there isati attraction which draws Dim quite regularly to this place of late. Kov. Daniels and wife, of Conning, were in town last Sunday. Mr. Daniels occupied tbe pulpit of the Congregational church In the evening.—Argus. Shafttburg in the northern putt of the state last week. Word has been received of the death of Flora Kt'lley (nee Clement*) at her home in iW northern part of the state. Cargo Stevens and family are enteitainiug & newly wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Proctor, of Stockbriiige. Mr.-. Sarah Mar^h is visiting her daughters atChesauiug. Miss Alu Colby was in Owosso Saturday, saw and heard the famous Bryat). J. llaskins Is suffering with a felon wliiieOrsel Ilillaker 1$ uursing two of Jobs comforters, Milton Shaft'lid uot move to Perry ut has bought tbe J. Tyler farm aud is moving there. Miss Alzora Achcr and Mrs. Geo. II. Dutton are visiting friends atloscoaud tockhridge. You will all find it, out if you will only come and look. It don1t cost axr>'thing. I am •always glad to show you and am never mad if you don1t buy. Now is the time to look for your winter goods and I know you want your money to go :is far as possible. 2>ty lines of Men's and Boys' COMMON COUNCIL. •COMMON* COUNCIL ROOM { John C. Corcoran has been quite sick Corunna Mich., Oct 19, '96. ) for several days but is reported better. A regular session of the common About 150 people took the train here , Mayor Marshall presiding. Aid Friday for Lau&ing to see Mr. Bryan. J. M. Pulver and Cbas*. McAllister, of Coioeli, Dutcuer, Eveleth and Wilcox Lansing, visited friend? here and vicin- were present. The record of Oct. 5 and 13 read and ity Thursday and Friday. approved. The Republcans raised a very nice Mayor Marshall offered the following: pole here last Saturday. They had a To the Common Council of the City of very enthmiastic crowd plenty of good Corunna, and Win. A. Kulghi,cierk. EKTLEXEX : I have the bouor heremusic, good speakers and a high old with of lodging with tbe clerk of this time generally, Some unprlnicpled city IBV reasons why a certain contract person removed the Republican flag approved by the Common Council of from the town halt, one night last week. tbi* city on th« 5th day of Oct^ 1890, between the city of Coruaoa and and the Hundreds of presctous little ones owe Caledonia Electric Light and Power Co. tbelr liven to Dr. TbomiV Eclectric Of Jv should not go into operation, and why tbe sovereign cure for croup and all oth- the same should not he effect ire and operative against said city of Cornnoa. er throat or fang diseases. Tbe constitution of tbe state of Mich* igan contains this language. **rhe legDurand islature bball provide for tbe incorporand organization of Cities and | Herb Stewart was in Venson Sunday. ation villages, and shall restrict their powers J. P. Gerardy was at Lansing Sunday. of taxation, borrowiog money, contractMiss Nellie Marshall is on the sick ing debtb and loaulng (heir credit." Do you scratch and scratch, and wonArt. 15, Sec 13. list. der what's the matter? Doan's OintActing with this conntitationaJ pro* Mrs. M. Kenney has removed to Mnir. vision ment will instantly relieve and permabefore th^m, tbe legislature at its Miss Jennie Lcland visited at Coruu- session io 1895, parsed a general incornently cure any itcby disease of the skin, ua Monday. poration bill ander which the city of no matter of how long &t&idiug. Corunna was by said act re-incorporatMiss Nettle Stock, of 3ft. Pleasant, is ed and the powers and functions of tbe the guest of Miss Myrtle Boawnl. city are limited and controlrd by this Laingsburg Mrs. Elder Mudsce. of Maple Rapids avU Under tbe act It is the duty of tbe council to divide the revenu«s Mrs. Win. Simpson and Mr?. Charles was the guest of friends here this week. common raised by taxation npon the property in Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Smith, New Haven Weeks are at Saginaw and will attend tbe city or from loans into tbe proper and necessary funds, specified in the act the WCTU convention there this week. made us a pleasant call Monday. Miss Ella Caldwell, of Henderson, is as "cohtiiigeat fund.--fire department Mr. and Mrs, J.E. UUey visited at fund, geucral street fund, sewer furysl. visiting her sister, Miss .Sarah Caldwell Vm. Simpson'p over Sunday. bridge fund, water fund, public building Miss Kote Sehaar, of Corunna. spent The Misses Mable Frr.tn and Myrtle fund, police fund, cemetery fund, sinkKing, of Detroit, «ivea six weeks school Sunday at the home of Mies Kena Ger- ing fund, park fund, and light fiitid.and »ue.h other funds us tbe council may pt Elocution. l>el«arte etc. here begin- ardy. i from lime to time. «*»n^rti-\j*:i !" J. E. Davis, of CursOn <'ity, formerly ning next week. See. 10 of Chap. 30 makes It Politic* >un higb here that is alwui of t>urand. I* visiiini; friends hese till* U|XKI i?ic tOuluU iu the month of tember to caui>e the neA*«i**si the only thln# of interest; every thing week. Mrs. A. II. KM<*:uid Mr*. Hiiy Kill* to be made for the next Jiso«i )ear, and els? is of minor importance and will be other piirpotes for wliiclt any moneys of Venice, visited at •*. P. Geranly" until after eWlUM when we hope to MI* *}y,iU be retjnireil to be p:iid from ;uiv of livKiuley elected b-j; » big majority." the ^<-n«jiiil funds during the ti^-al year Carland. «hall !^e j-i^'citied *n<\ distinctly stated The Order of the Intern .Star was orin tbe estimate*. ganized here on the .Sth ir>»r, with 21 See. la, of Chapter 30 provides, that Mr. and Mr*. Vene White.of Rathborie, charter members. Tbe following otli"in the month of September the counoer« were elected, vix: Jlrs. J. Seoutten, spent Sunday with Hr. and Mrr. Cyrus cil shall pass an ordinance, to be termW. M.; W. P., Geo. • hilds; A. M., Mrs. White. ed tbe annual appropriation bill, in Mamie Wilte. is very ill with aetbuia, which they shall make provision for X . X . Phillip*; I-vec., Mr*. Cbn». Clood; ami appropriate tbe several amounts reTrea*. Mrc. Fred I-ee; Chaplain, Mrs. .'. at Klsic. to defray the expenditures and Fretl linker, of Dowagiac, it* visiting quired <X Kubia. liabilities of the corporation for the hi* brother. Frank Ben ton. next fiscal year, payable from tbe sever1 "J wis troubled with ibat dreadful The LAS will tneet with Mrs. Frank al generni funds,' etc. "The council shall s>l«;cify in ?iu.*h ordinance the obdisea.se called dropsy ;swol)eii from lit ad Raymond. Thursdy. ject «nd purpose for which such apto foot. Ilunlock Wood Hitters lias School ('JoSf« Saturday for a propriation* are nitule, and the amount completely cured me. It is a most won- vacation. appropriated fof «•»«.•» object or purderful medicine." Joseph Herrick. I,i pot»e, and to each of the general funds juid street district funds." wosd, Out, Woodhull Sec. 14 of tbe same Chapter, among other things, provides: ttiHt, "after the Last Saturday w** Republican day in passage uf ihe annual appropriation bill Bancroft Woodbull. At half |>ast two o'clock a »o further sum shall be t>e usetl, rai^d tamarack pole, 11G fe«t in length, was or appropriattd: nor shall any further T. M. Euler and H. P. Shane in Coninraised, from tbe top of which floated a liability be Incurred for any purpose, to be paid from aoy general fuiid or na Tuesday. McKinley & llobaat streamer 30 feet in street district fund, during the fiscal Vern Bliss, of Detroit, is visiting length. Hon. Geo. A. Farr gave a rousyear for which tbe appropriation was friends in town this week. ing speech at the ball. We taw tbe made, unless the proposition to make Dr. F. McDauiela, of Port Sanilac in genial faces of our county candidates. the appropriation shall be futuctiooed by a two-thirds vote of tbe electors.*1 town this week calling on friends. Sec. J<i of the same Chapter, among G. W. Warren, of Ann Arbort was Messrs. Bush, Scougale, Pulver. Royee, Cooper, Colby and jolly Will B i l l o w . other thit'gs, provides: "No improvetbe guest of >ra. H. A. Hart last Saturment, work, repairs or expense, to be Fireworks in tbe evening after which day. paid for out of any general fund, or Hugh Nichols and wife, of CoruDna, fine addresses were made by Judge Smith street district fund, excepting as herevisited with Mr. and Mrs. Fowler, this and Prof. Simmons, of Owosso. We can in otherwise provided, shall be ordered, truthfully say that it was a day long to commenced or contracted for, or iuenrweek. red in anyfli»calyear unless in purgubf. remembered, Mrs. Charles Heath and children lert aude of an appropriation specially made II. H. Pulver addressed a meeting at thereforin tbe last preceding Hunual Tuesday morning for Willow city. N. the Graham school house Saturday eve- appropriation bill, nor shall any expenDakota, where she will join her husband. ning. diture be mad© or liability be incurred, Miss Stella Potter, superintendent of Mrs. Cbas. Arnold visited her mother iu any euch year for any such work, imtbe M. E. Sunday school, attended tbe provement, repairs, or for any purpose, exceeding the appropriation rnade therecounty convention at Sbsltsburg iasi for: nor shall any expenditure be u.ade. week. or any money paid out of any general or Mrs. Wo*. FiUingbam. of Daviaburg, *-treet district fund, for anv purpow.tiuis expected here Saturday for a few le«s appropriated for that purpose in &«i<J bill.'1 day* vUit with her sister, Mrs, A. BradTliis' contract carried with if a liabiltey. ity extending over a period of live year? ¥ m . Kern left Wednesday morning which in my judgment is beyond the for Teledo where he has the job of buildpowers of the comiuou council to make any such contract It will be *een by ing an addition to the Ann Arbor R. k. an examination of tbe records of tbe round hou?e.—Commercial. common council that the estimates made by the council and the ordinance pusaTbe soothing, lung-healing virtues of etl, which k- terinetf the general approptbe newly cut pine are all embodied in riation bill, neither contains any estimates for the expense of lighting the Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, the city by electricity, or in any other way, sovereign remedy for coughs and colds. and tbe »m>ual appropriation bill carand iu.ig troubles of all sort*. ried with it no appropriation lor tbe payment for electric lights. Vernon Again, this contract entered into by the council, ou the ftth day of Oct. is a liability which the council squarely and Floyd Jewell is working for Perry distinctly created after tbe passage of Brown. the annual appropriation bill; this MaHenry Grote and family have moved bi.ic.v created by this contract i« disto Owo**o. tiucily and dearly illegal wtien wei(jh«<l b)'-section 14, where it is said, "After Mls.*e« Anna McCanKhna and Ktbel the passage of tbe annual appropriaPutnam, of Durand, called on Mi*« Deltion bill no further suran shall be used ia Marks la-4 Saturday. raided or appropriated, nor shall any further liability be incurred for any Albert Kear and family visited Mrr* purpose." Kear'B paretits near Chesaning the latter For these reason* I believe the conpart of last week. tract to be absolutely void as against Mrs. J. H. Patterson aud son, Harry, the city. Yours respectfully. nre visiting her, daughter, Mrs. E. I,. A. i.;. MAKSHAI.:,,"Mayor. Dated, Corunna, Mich., Oct. 7th, 18%. Severance, at DansviMp, Mich. The < ominiUe on claims and accounts Mr. and Mrs. W\ K. Crawford attenclrecommended the allowance of the foltrd thu wctiding of Miss Aiimk Brown lowing claims aiul account*: and .John CJilmore Wednesday. The McKinley Club of this place now CONTIXUKJ* OS ViVTU f.UJK. rs 154 members. Charles >Vhelau are very fine for the low prices asked for them. My £10 Suits and Overcoats are world beaters—just as good as other dealers ask $14 for. My S8 Suit is as good as any $10 Suit at any other place iu the county. Don't forget my elegant large line of FALL AND WINTER UMDERWEAR. The prices range from 50c a suit to $5. I can suit you in this line and the goods arc guaranteed. I give special attention to my lines of HATS, GAPS, GLOVES and MITTENS, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS and VALISES, and guarantee lowest prices. W. A. IWcWULLEN. 11 The Corunna Dental Parlors—as1ST—Drs. Maynard & Earle. OF TEETH a Specialty. Dr. Earle ha* more than a local reputation In tbis branch of the profession. Dr. Mayiiaid. lute of Grand Rapids do?* all kind* of Ptote and Bridge Work and Give them a call. Commercial Hotiee Parlors, Corutiua. Painless Extraction Filling and guarantees Dorif Buy ^unferfeib- A fUU AND COMPLtlL UNE POft AIL KINDS OF FUEL AT PRICES FROM *IQ.OO 70 * 75.00 OENEPAL novst fuuwsnmc GOODS ETC IS HOST COMPLCTe AND 5OU> AT L0WSR Pft N O/Sft GREEN & PETTiBONE, Corunna, Mich. i lnstead_of Selling on Credit BETTER READ IT. and asking the same old high prices for groceries, provisions, etc., and buying them likewise, we're doing the reverse. That is, buy for cash, get cash discounts and discounts on large orders, itud then sell f 3r cash at lowest prices ever askod. We do not keep any lKX>k-keepcr. Yonr money back if you want it. JOHN C. QUAYLE, The Spot Cash Grocer, Corutitia.