pioneer newspaper op" ocean county. - New Jersey Courier


pioneer newspaper op" ocean county. - New Jersey Courier
p ^ ( iE .S
1 - 0
Ve t r
and New Prosecutor Begin Slou(GetoAnotherSuy
iWhoid«. Gi*. J.mUon
for Cl ayton, the Murderer
C m r lllr Bridge Contract
T h ree P a r i
hen the limes
utor Btown
II. In fact lbs
State. Uavtd Crater
nut take his tab Still
,, th ereeerea hundred
, m (ill out.
i iru k u a Court srhicb
,t Wednesday o f aach
I«. poetpi td, J udg#
«m s »worn in. This
Utile inconvenience to
,.u tc a to settle up.but i
cincnt ol t few days.
vu tor •ere both*
rk today. *
her. plaintiff ai
» Mai thews, de
to rt: R . T. S t*
si and
Cenia a Copy
V O L O I I Ög
N U M BER g ?
Legislature Winding Up Its Session
Few Bills Pasted Ditectly Affect*
fog U ccia County and lu People
A.bur y Perk, r e
a d s a s a tur- H.
•Ht in t i iy t M s iotffvit.
b s m bis RfgumfB! (of i
on th« ground that Polk#*
< 4 t*sa not io fulldischsrg«
wh#n, on th# night ol Dec.
wont to tho Clayton house
kh bo wsa p o rtly nlt#f*
ward wantonly shot to death by Clay*
ton. Mr. Stout'« contention is that the
killing ol the popular c ñ k t t sei» raanalaufhltt and not first degtee murder.
i th#
n lagt»
Tl i# n«t r«suh of tb#
I lati* n for Oc«an count W| the Changd fa
mg <i( tb# bo# bttsr# n l k gv«f • id litri» • and th# t
WfCSil Ugo
ago. Jamtaon and Thompson’»
r'r » Tuwoshtpa at N rth S ta Si hi Park.
j bid is $2735, or $160 lower than the
Despite a fina effort mssad* on Tbute! (ron an irregular, or diagonal Ilf*#, to
¡ hrai ti me and they were the low hidden*
day night, th* slew j«rw y Legislature
than Tunda)! Oscar Parket and Aah
did not tin* yea give her♦d to the re­
brook Craamer submitted a bid of $3100,
pseud message 4 th* Govvernos that the
wbét h war $ *$.73 fewer than their !brat
proposed . Federai taci is tax amendI bid.
msnt to the United Sta e Constitution
T l ie»e road billa wert paid t»ti lb« tvad
be muffed by thia S la t
thru ugh Jackson Township; John L.
LeCompte, $1090.40; F .tT . and L. W, ■
Arnoi g the last thing done by tbs
Holmao, $2170.94
' ¡senate on Thursday was the ord ring
I ' The abutment* on the Bay Head
into rumora that
of an mveaiignt
bridge giving a great deal of trouble, it
laa had tome
. Seoaior Fitahrrbi
e a t decided on a report from tbe bridge j
, USX-lion with iths proip -ned passai
the Morris Canal a
abut i nts and also i tak i tide; which wat not in keep ing with th * d
o f concrete similar to tho c laid
I titty and duly of a mol niter of th* S*
v Head bor augb.
j at*. The committee which will co
at HerbtriaAlien Os bor n brid
I duct the inveatigatK m ha* been givi
villi icrota tbe Manasquan river, part
j full power aa to ecseioi » , summoning
in Ocean and pan in Monmouth, ta alio
, wanes**« and other tri atters in connr
in nerd of repairs and the bridge com­
I non with ih * proceed! ngr, and wk
mute« will tackle the preposition with
' work it done, $lf it do- •mi such a i
the Monmouth county Board.
! necessary, can request the Governor to
>call the Senate in extraordinary srvtioo
; to lake euch action a t may be deemed
Question Power of Forestry Board
j proper (under tbe circumetaneen dreProaecutor Newman
to Construct Railroad Fire Lines
! cloasd.
Trenton, March 30.—That the Legis
lature cannot compel the cutting of tire the south line o f Fremont street; and
Signed By The Governor
lines through woodlands without com­ th* bill changing he name of Double
pensating! he owner for the damage
II. 342, revile* the marriage act, legAssembly Newman'a bill to incorpo­
sustained is the substance of an opinion
rate the Borough of Point Pleasant |al«e* cersmoniea performed by rabbis.
filed by Ja y Ten Eyck, as advisory
Heighis was defeated in [tbe houae. end taket'from justices of the peace th*
master, in the Court ol Chancery.
tame fate overtook the Bay Head right to perform the marriage cere
The decision ie in favor of Jam es R.
Vrecland. He applied to the court for Water Co. sweetening aut.
H. 444, allows a municipality having
in injunction restraining the Erie Rail­
no police patrol service to make a con­
road and th* Forest Park Reservation
tract fo r such service.
Commission from entering upon hit pointees, including Judge I. W. Car­
Continued on page 10
woodlands fo r tbe purpose of construct,
ing tire lines as authorized by tbe act Harry E, Newman of Lakewood.
-----ot 1909.
Papers Served in Suit to
vitto bridgi
tb* brulga
s. Irene Robmeun ot Waretown,
on Thureday of laat week at tbe
i of her daughter, Mr*. Wnt, H .K.
ty, a t Bellville. near Newatk. Mr»,
or tb# Aptil ierro
nson's maúlen ñame waa-Predwore
It will bel
ihe carne of a prominant ahora fani«rammr* of Judge
She mam ut Capí. Judiah Robínr Newman. ¡
long one of tha crack captaina of
(apt. Robin*.m died
iCtlCltll v in Demo­
the Clyde Lin
tome years ago. One son and two
irti tinne in fifteen
daughters era living: Clyde Robinson
Pro#« tutor and
of Waretown, Mr*. Anna Laird ol Free­
hold; Mrs. Loie Davy of Belleville.
Willard P. Voorheff* of the
She w i i 60 year» of age and bad many
'.e C ■.irt will charge the Grand
friends in the county.
She was sick
(It «ili sito Have to appoint a
Judge Carmichael
about live weeks.
ktlt to the Grand Ju ry.lh at ottica
Funeral services were held Monday
Let k,ld in this county ever since its
on about live yeaa ago. by W.
Mutual Auro Accesaoriea Company, afternoon of this week a t 1.30 p. m. at
rf Jeffrey, who waa alio Aasiat- body corporate, plaintiff and appellee, the M .E. church. Waretown, with bur­
fPruecumf under Mr. Brown. Mr. va. Lakewood Garage a n d Machine ial at the Waretown cemetery.
’»r Withdrew »»clerk of the Grand Company, body corporate, defendant
Frederick Kessler, aged 73, unmar­
when fits term waa out, in ln(j appellant, contract; William Howried,
died at the Kessler house ls»t
that tbe new proaecutor could ard Jeffrey, R IT. Stout
Sunday evening,March 3 1 ,from dropsy
ni«ii (oi the place.
Ameiican Poultry Journal rubliahing
»understood that Proaecutor New- (;omp>nyj plaintiff and appellee, va. and heart trouble, from which he had
iwill request the appointment of n owar(j l . Davia, defendant and ap- suffered a long time. He wan buried
,y Woodruff of Lakewood, who waa pellant, contract; David A. Veeder, Wednesday afternoon at Riverside
cemetery. Rev. Dr. C. B . Austin con­
ludintin his office and waa recently William Howard Jeffrey
ducting the funeral service! at tbe
nitted to the bar, as Clerk of the
International Milk ProductCo., plainKessler house. Some time ago he bad
|enod Jury.
I tiff and appellee, va. Henry Hoffman,
one leg amputated because of blood
defendant a n d appellant, contract;
poisoning, and had since been a cripple.
I Tbe court calender is as follows:
Wilfred H. Jayne, Jr ., Harry E . New­
He lived with bit sister, Miss Kessler
Morris Canal abandonment Was not
T b * purpose of the act under consider
Reopen Prospect Street
Supteme Court
ation is to protect woodlands from den. accomplished by the Legislature tb ii
Enoch Leming, plaintiff andapp*U«e,
Mr» Lulu R. Hslpin, wife of Mr. ger of fire from locomotive! operated year. The House refused to pass the
jthsiles Peterson, et al va. The Cen­
Paper* were served on Monday laat by
vs. James Leming, defendant and apJohn Hslpin, J r ., of New Egyptdisdat upon railroads adjacent to such lands.
iti Railroad Company of New Jersey,
Stickel bill and it* companion bills, and Lindabury, Depue and Faulkg of New­
“ In the present case ", continued Mr. instead a resolution was passed for an­ ark, counsel for Dover Township, in
4was in as good health as ususl when her
Ten Eyck, “ the necessity for the cutt­ other investigating committee to probe the suit to compel the reopening of
« « T; YWilfred
' i i Ci H.
i “ Jsyn
u ™ ,M'j
S S — defendant
•p H and
« . . husband left her to go to the barn to
e. JrT. y|i w
Jo jjniLa M.tfhewe,
ing of the trees and construction of the the whole subject and report later to[ pro*p *c t * tre, t , through the Oanmoor
look after tbe milking. Upon his return
the Legislature. The committee will j e lU te of John p. HaineSi from lW ash_
Clinton Sp,°der vs. Pennaylvania »PPeHant, contract; David A, Veeder, shortly alter woods he found her in an fire lines arises solely from the fact of
the proximity of the railroad and its consist of twelve members, and one will j tngton street to th river.
Harry E. Newman
unconecinns condiiion on the floor.
lilrotd Company, tort; Wilfred B.
operation. Fo r the incidental danger be chosen from each Congressional dis
Clarence H. Shinu, plaintiff and ap­
As was told in the Courier last weekA physician waa called but she did from fire resulting from such operation trict of the State. Jury reform bills
dcott, Alan H. Strong
pellant, vs. Louis Greico, defendant and
not regain consciousness, and died short­ and thus legalized, the owner has no met with the same fate, a committee of ordinancesi were passed at last session
koss \\ Hood vs. Pennsylvania Railappellee, contract; Wilfred H. Jayne,
ly after. The deceased was in her 25th remedy and no redress in case of actual investigation being decided upon instead of the Township Committee, accepting
idCompany, tort; Wilfred B . WolJr., Harry E. Newman
year. Funeral was held last Friday damage from fire except such as may of the passage into law of any or all of as township roads Prospect street and
4 Allan H. Strong
John Wesley Brower, plaintiff and
also the other streets as laid out on the
William Moor va. Henry G ravatt
with services in the M .E. Church and result from negligence.
the bills presented for consideration.
appellee, vs. Larew Clayton, defendant
map of Cranmoor Manor, back in the
tb. adms. of Robbin- DeBow, dec'd;
interment at Jacobstown.
But th * Legislature could not auth<and appellant, contract; Harry E New­
seventies, and filed in the Clerks office
•T. Stout, J. Clarence Conover
orize the railroad company, either for
Automobile reciprocity got through at that time. The m atter has been be­
man, Wilfred H. Jayne, Jr.
M r s Jane Gulick, sister to Mrs Ivins
fitood Johnson vs. The First Nathe purpose of construction or operation both houses, and is now signed by the fore the public eye for three years past,
Albert W. Shue, plaintiff and appel­
Chambers of New Egypt, died at the
“nal Bank •: Red Bank, N. J . ; R . T.
lee, vs. John Sherman, e t al, defendant home of her daughter, Mrs Harry K ret of its road, to take or injure any prop­ Governor, who gave a hearing upon since the road known as Prpspect street
Nt, Wilson & Smock
and appellant, contract; R . T. Stout, schmer of 760 Federal street, Camden, erty right of the adjoining owne/, it in his offices on Tuesday beforedecid- was closed up.
lesse Rhodes vs. The Pennsylvania
without compensation. This would be ing whether to give it his approval
Collins and Corbin of Jersey City are
March 24th, after a brief illness. Mrs,
tilroad Company, tort; Berry & Rig- Wilfred H. Jayne, Jr .
and make it a law,
Maurice Lenson, plaintiff and appel­ Gulick was 72 years of age and was a direct invasion of private property
counsel tor Mr. Haines. He (has also
si, Alan H. Strong
The bill was defeated last week, but retained Senator Low and W. H, Jeffrey
ksmuel R. C.nrey & Samuel M. Mal- lee, vs. John Huss, t t al, defendant and well known to all around New Egypt.
the vote was reconsidered In the sen­ oE Toms River, and A. E . Johnston pf
Allege Brakeman Keys, Held for
J*U, trading as Mallalieu & Conrey, appellant, contract; Maurice L. LerLCarrie Estell, contract; David A. son, Wilfred H. Jayne, Jr .
Barnegat Pier Wreck, Skipped ate. By the terms of the measure Asbury Park.
Cranberry Bog Dams 0 . K.
Minnie Gerken, plaintiff and appel­
automobllists from other states will
(seder, R, T , Stout
Trenton, March 3 0 .—A delegation of
Carles Sfausner vs, Rachel A. lant, vs. L ott’e T Bermin, defendant
It is told around town here that have free touring privileges in Hew J e r ­
School Teachers Meet Here
« . t o r i ; William L, Parker, Hal- nnd appellee, contract; William L. Par­ thirty cranberry growers from the brakeman Keys of the P. R . R ., who sey without restriction, but no greater
^ H. Wainright
southern sections of the S tate called at was held by the Coroner’s jury as privileges are to be extended than are
About one hundred of the school
Peycke Bros. Commission Company, the State Water Supply Commission responsible tor the accident at Barnegat given to jersey motorists by other
Circuit Court
teachers of the county attended the
a corporation, &c., plaintiff and appel­ offices to enter a protest against a in­ Pier, which resulted in two deaths, has states.
'Ms Mayers vs, Mary Constantinou,
The bill provides for 50 per cent ad­ spring meeting of the County Teachers
Rentr >Johnston & Conover, Halated lee, vs. David J . Clayton, defendant troduced by Mr. DeUnger and now in skipped tiie State. I t is said that Keys
and appellant, contract; Davis and the hands of Govenor Wilson.
dition to the cost of licenses, this being Association at the high school building
on Saturday last. G,A. Mirick and A.
Davis, David A. Veeder
The measure gives the W ater Supply the jury brought in its verdict, putting designed to make up for the loss of rev­
tana D. Gropengiesser vs. Charles
Peter Hernig, plaintiff and appellee, Commission jurisdiction to prohibit the the responsibility for the wreck of enue due to the decreased number of B. Meredith, two of the State Assistant
°*> fvplevin; William Howard
vs. John L. Matthews, defendant and building of any reservoir or constuct- March 21 on him. No effort to arrest foreign licenses. The license fees have Commissioners of Education, were pres­
*7, David A. V'eeder
appellant, contract; David A. Veeder, ion of any dam on of the streams of him was made, so fa r as known. It is been $3 up to ten horsepower, $5 from ent and held conferences with the
rthtirC. Ring vs. The Township of
teachers. A.N. Palmer of New York
Harry E. Newman
the State wh;ch would raise the waters likely that the grand ju ry next week 11 to 20, and $10 for thirty and oyer.
,er in the County, of Ocean, contalked upon a system of writing.
Sadie Harvey, plaintiff and appellee, of such stream more than five feet a- will take up the matter and consider the
T* William .Howard Jeffrey, I. W.
In the afternoon Prof. Livingston
vs. Margaret Nowlan, defendant and hove their,usual mean low water height. criminal responsibility for the deaths of
A railroad grade crossing abolishment Barbour of Rutgers College gave his
Ce r£c Kelley vs. William Henry
I t would also prohibit the repairing of firemen E . C. Jones and A. W. Apple- bill also got through under much the
monologue, “ David Garrick.’: The
frey, R. T. Stout
such structures without the consent of gate
dame circumstances, being the Pierce teachers were served dinner at theM .E.
“.replevin; I, W. Carmichael, Wm.
Nathan Jacobs, plaintiff and appel­ the commission.
§»ard Jeffrey
Senate bill, with numerous House church, and almost 100 of them sat
lant, vs. William D. Muller, defendant
A fter hearing the complaint of the Injured in W reck; Goes to Hospital amendments, and then some more
. Osbofnvs. Allen B. Osborn,
down at one time.
aud appellee, contract; R . T. Stout, delegation, the commission adopted a
changes in its final passage through the
®ayid A. Veeder, Harry E .
The association elected these officers
Wilfred H. Jayne, Jr.
resolution granting permission for the
Frank Applegate, of Toms River Senate. There was also an effort dur­
Simpson-Crawford Co., plaintiff and repair o f dams and reservoirs and the who was injured in the recent wreck of ing the last two or three days to revive for they ear; President, H.W. Sterner,
J nathan H. Blackwell, et als, tradappellee, vs. David Barrow, defendant building of new dams and reservoirs for a passenger and freight trr.ra near Bar­ other measures of importance, but they Barnegat; vice president, Miss Amelia
j,- Blackwell & Sons, vs. Liz and appellant, contract; P e r c e &
J . Peters, Lakewood; Secretary, F.G ,
purposes of flooding cranberry bogs.
negat Pier, was compelled to go to the did not come out. A lotof billsm etthe
. • iurns, contract; David A. VeedSteelman, Mannahawkin; treasurer, C.
Hoover, R. T. Stout
Monmouth Memorial Hospital at Long usual fate of death in committee. Some E . Downey, Burrsville.
¿ arfy E. Newman
T h e se S ta te Jobs are Open to A ll Branch last Friday evening to undergo of them were good, and some were not
L “ B: 0 * o rn vs. Charles W. OsJudge Lloyd will sit*in the circuit
an operation. Applegate, who was the so good, and there was a grumble all
■ ontfact; David A. Veeder, Har¡During Tuesday Night’s Shower
At Trenton on April 18 there will be baggage master on the Long Branch
court from April 22 to 26.
around on one or another of the things
a civil service exam ination for Fish express that ran into an open switch,
that failed to come to the top and get
Lightning struck the Fred Cornelius
and Game Wardens in Ocean county at sustained injury to his right arm. He
btr°a«.Ln ramg vs’ J amea Leeming,
through the legislative mill.
Gun Club Shoot
house a t Bayvilleon the road to Barne­
Veeder> Harry E .
was also hurt about the face. The arm
The monthly shootof the Toms River On the 29th of April there will be e x ­
gat Park, near the Mathis and Havens
became badly swollen, and symptoms
The Congressional redistricting plan
’ft canJ
Maxwe,L et als, co-part. Gun Club was held Tuesday, and Rus aminations for a fertilizer sampler at. o f blood poisoning developed. The op­ o f the Kepuubiicans was passed by cranberry bog. ¡It ripped off the
weatherboards, knocked off plaster iu
Wl’ijo - Slng '•be firm of John Max- Robinson won the cup, with a breakage the experiment station at New Bruns­ eration was to reduce the swelling and
both, houses in the last day, making
Id- DJ ’ VS- Antonio Cebrelli, con- record of 20 out of 2 5. The rest o wick at a salary of $60 a month and eliminate tbe poisoning.
every room in the house, split some of
twelve instead of ten districts in which
the timbers, and punched a hole through
rdJeffrey" ^ ^ee^ef’ William How- the score was: Owen Shut# 19; Fred expenses, and a green house assistant
Congressmen will hereafter be elected,
Applegate and Ed Schwarz each 17; J. at tbe experiment station a t a salary of
Orchestra fo r the next two Satur­ in keeping with the findings of the 1910 the leather seat o f a bicycle standing
R. Tilton 12; Wm. Haines J 1; Ralph $50 a month. The examination are
day. OnenEvenings. Steinbach Com- Federal census. There is no change in on the porch. The house was struck
Mract Cpm^,t0“ vs’ Ann M> Hyde,
open to all mate residents of tbe State papy, Asbury Park, New jersey
two separate times, and one bolt seems
Stout, A. E. Johnstqn Robinson 10
tbe third district, which is still comto have split and entered in two places^.
D" M
JL Jcii i i c g a i
Multar dar*, bad atari
■tuaib* uotWf Iba « m
FRED A, LUCAS, 301 Centre St,, C, TREMOR x
, u «dtpMoa kr a mat »bo. 1« bia
tor * W
la fleto •»«
lUggestions for Fixing
S 'S
iiM f fairly «»II.“ * w n n l " , n
w ,| h 1t>ul sqlriMM I M i t l l .
d I
«ofc« il» Ik* momlM *Hk
. , « m w m t •*•». »*«•• • **
, IM
I •••« M » » I * «WH • toM
M 4 *»» «ota kalb tod s l*iI*» mb »Hb
§ tniifll loR *1
«IMP »iKHitd b» t» *lr*m 'l»« MH ••
r t M ila i « a J iba MIowlM ih u a n
B w r >*nlh
«-»id rdffiaitu •
(of <M*
|U "blMIMM H h t iu m , 'H H M t ilm N lk l,. ritl ^ V
„ the Home
Jiu Jit*« Me Uw.
Do Prevent Skidding
Rabbet Traction Sariace Protected and Reinforced fa
Tough, Flexible, Sonpmnctanng Leather Tread, An In­
tegral Part o f the Tire and Aivl 4« Attachment. Firmly
Imbedded Hardened Steel Stair Da Prevent Skidding.
Delicious and Toothsome Confections
That Ara Easily Mads by Follow­
ing Simple Instructions .Latast Styl« In Cakes.
Taking No Chance.
“I *ee." »aid ibe hotel proprietor,
when the manaier of the l e Orande
i Uratnclk company had finished regie
V a r le u a M e th o d « o f K e e p in g D o w n t h e
terlng. "that you are to play Hamlet
D u al W h e n t h e V a c u u m C le a n e r
ta Pokevtlle tonight.“
la U n a v a ila b le .
'Y m . *lr. It la our Intention to give
a reprerentallon of Sbakeapeare'a Ini
Recently there has been developed mortal tragedy "
a great improvement In houaekeeptua
“Too «Ill kindly pay for youraelf
appliance«—(he vacuum cleaner. It ta and your company In advance.”
not yet perfect, but It contain« great
"What do you mean, »Ir? Why do
promlae. Thl* Innovation practically you nab me to pay In advancof”
"tata the dirt," aucklag It Into I n
“l.ocauee yqu Intend to play Hamlet
great tube of a throat, and depositing In Pokevllle tonight."
It In an alr-tigb't receptacle, which
may be emptied and cleaned out of
doom. If the cleaner la mechanically
well constructed and auaceptlble o f
easy manipulation. It la a valuable
household Invention.
Whenever these more effecllve
methods of removing dirt are, for any
reason, temporarily Impossible, a l­
ways remember that molalure makes
dust not only less harmful, but more
manageable. The old-faabloned cus­
tom of sprinkling wet ten lenvea over
the carpet before sweeping was not
done for hygienic reasons, but to
brighten the color«. It waa, however,
unintentionally sanitary. Newspapers
torn or cut Into bits, and thoroughly
wet. answer the tim e purpose and
are more easily obtained In the quan­
tity desired. In cases of Illness exist­
ing In the room to be cleaned, an ex­
cellent practice la to saturate these
bits of paper with a solution of Platt's
chlorides, Electrozone, or a 20 per
cent, carbolic solution. Dusting may
Mre. W ise-D id Dr. Thirdly preach
be accomplished In a sanitary mnnner by using an oily cloth, or, fo r a good sermon this morning?
Mr. Wise- No. He preached as
some purposes, one moistened with
though no one had invited him out to
water la better.
Oil Is becoming more and more one dinner.
of the weapons of the sanitarian. By
A Pleasant Prospect.
Its use the roads In some towns are
kept almost free from the dust nui­ 'TIs warm, but think of what’s to come
And let us not despair
sance. and stagnant nnd mosquito Ero
long will frost our frames benumb
breeding pools are prevented from
And snowflakes HU the air.
contaminating the atmosphere.—Wom­
an's Home Companion.
E m b arrassin g Effort.
"Good intentions ought to count for
Hon.ethtng," remarked the generous
Delicious Toast.
Cut rather thick slices of stale light
“But they don't,” replied Miss
"The most impolite ac­
bread and lay them in the oven till
dried through; then put them in a
quaintance I have Is one who lets you
toaster and bold over the coals until
sec what an effort she Is making to
a golden brown; have ready some
be polite."
scalded cream or new milk made only
as thick as cream with a tablespoon
Makes It Embarrassing.
of butter and flour rubbed together;
“Why were you so anxious to get
pop the hot toast into this a moment away from that man?”
and then pile it in a heated covered
"He's a Socialist.”
dish; make plenty of it. for it Is likely
"I know, but lie’s a very decent sort.
to be eaten, but nny that Is left will
Nothing at nil dangerous about him."
be better than at first, if a lit tie cream
“Oil, yes. but I always hate to have
is poured over it and it is set in tho
to rague with a man who seems to
oven until heated through.
know all about everything.
Chocolate Sponge Cake.—Cook to a
ayrup 1 ft cupfuls of sugar and Bve
tableipoonfuli of bolting water. Sep­
arate »lx eggs, beat whites ten min­
utes, then beat yolks very light, add
and beat together five minute». Add
syrup a little at the time and beat
all ten minutes. Add slowly two cup­
fuls of pastry' flour, pinch of salt, teaspoonful of vanilla, and two teaspoonfuls of baiting powder. Bake 46 min­
utes in moderate oven. Do not look
in oven for 20 minutes. Icing—Melt
over teakettle two squared of bitter
chocolate, add cupful of sugar and add
boiling water, one tablespoonful at a
time until dissolved, but do not add
more than three tablespoonfuls. Spread
on cake while icing is warm.
Orange Cake.— Cream half a cup
l utler with one cup sugar, add yolks
of two eggs, half cup milk, and half
cup of orange Juice, and a little of the
grated rind, two small teaspoons bak­
ing powder sifted with two scant cups
of flour, then the stiffly beaten whites
r t the two eggs. Bake in layers and
t pread with orange Icing made as fol­
lows: Boil one cup sugar with onequarter cup water unfit It threads,
then add gradually to Btiffly beaten
white of one egg and whip, slowly add­
ing one-qtiarter cup orange juice, one
teaspoonful of lemon juice and a little
of the grated orange rind. Beat until
thick and cream.
Ice Cream Cake.—One cup butter,
two cups sugar, one cup milk, 3%
cups flour, two teaspoonfuls baking
powder, whites of eight eggs, onequarter teaspoonful salt. Mix dry in
Kredients, cream, butter and sugar,
rdd milk, then flour, and beat. Add
whipped whites and beat again. F la ­
vor with almond extract. Bake in
three jelly tins in hot oven and when
cold put together with boiled icing
Corset Bag.
flavored with almond extract.
Take a strip of white or gray, linen
Devil’s Food Cake.—Butter, one
heaping teaspoon; sugar, one cup; one yard long and seven and one-half
boat to a good cream, then add yolk:; inches wide, allowing for seams. Em ­
r f two eggs. Cut up one-fourth of broider tmy ; mall flower you may
chocolate, put in saucepan, add one-' choose and outline the word “corset:
half cup of cold water, let come to with color to match,embroidery. Have
lining to match also. Leave bag open
1 nil, then pour over above. Next
two inches from top and buttonhole
outside and lining together neatly.
Make a casing to run ribbon through
for drawstrings. It may be made of
lawn with colored lining or figured
muslin with lining to match.
Oyster Patties.
Into frying pan put two tablespoons
When hot add one-quarier
medium sized onion cut in very Small
pieces. When well Browned add the
oysters, liquid of one pint of oysters
and one cup of cream. After It boils
up stir into the mixture two table­
spoons flour dissolved In. water enough
to thicken it sufficiently. Season with
sa lt and pepper. When well blended
and cooked add one pint large oys­
ters, cook until they carl, about two
minutes. Line gsm pans with rich
p iste, whch serves the purpose of
shells; fill with the cream oysters.
Sprinkle lightly with buttered bread
crumbs, brown in a very hot oven.
Cerve at once on platter surrounded
y, itb parsley.
me o f Ibe member» dating
>r tunnlka and an tneiructar
tged to taech Jiu Jlletl
m of the cricketer» turned
a battduged bead and »aid
d ibe injury
"W hat* exclaimed Iba Jlu Jtten to
»tractor “ Voti tocata ta aay yon tot a
Voutli knock yon about like U tili Wby
didn't you try Jiu-Jitsu?"
"I couldn't“
Som eone1 There » no concel»«bli*
•Muatlon to « b irb JluJIleu reo not be
aurcaaofUHy applied Hbow me «bore
ho gripped yon *
T » *orry to say be didn't grip ate
any » h e re lie dropped a brick on my
heed from a third Boor »Indo«.“—TH
Hubby Knew,
hat's the trouble, wife?”
i trouble whatever."
is there Is. What are you worrybout now; something that happetin; at home or something that happoned in a novel?"
A Sign.
"Is Harry sweet on Belle?”
"Well, when a man brings a. girl a
box of conserves every night, it may
b o token for granted that he is ex­
pressing his candied sentiment.
A d KM T
S T A N D A R D » S T A N L E Y . FLU
Boat Work of All Kinds
G . E. W A L L A C E
Forked River, N
Berkeley Garai
Established 1904.
F ire ?
1 hat s not strange at all!
Opposite C. R .R o í,YJ
Everything for Automobile, Motor Boat, Mill, at cut
Complete stock. Mail and telephone orders receive careful at:
Automobile tire repairing a specialty, work guarantee.
Equipped Machine Shop for repair work on Motor Boats, Anion
and Machinery by competent mechanics
W rite for our list o f second-hand machinery and tools. J
for Geiser Machinery and Stationary Gasoline Engines.
nights worrying il you are
[ f u r n i t u r e
Well Drilling, Pumps. Heating
and Sanitary Plumbing.,
Y o u r H e:
Farm. VilUj»"
Suburb*) j
Send for this Book.
It tells how our specially JesigncdJ
tight steel tank and pumping»PP»«
placed anywhere, with ordinary a;r¡1
sure, docs it. Nooverheadtankiwj
orfreexe. Plenty of running wale'H
where, also fire protection -Giat'sl
$ 6 0 0
$ 1 4 8 0
For the late.t 1912 Touring Car
n « i" S I
re the Authorized Agents for all thit’ Territory
Call and let ua tell you more about them.
Household Good«, Bicycle. :: Selling Agent«
M AXW ELL Automobile*
.JV M W W W W U W W ^ V V V V W W V W
S. P.
kTIzile Wiley who has acted under appointment of the Society in de-
nnd s" vlc®
, c .
o{ destroy;ng animals is not within the prescribed_ duties ol
That this exoensive work has been attended to in Lakewooc
Water Supply Systi
For country homes; JwUic bi
towns. Satisfaction guarantee free book—"H ow 1 Soh'- ■ ‘
Supply Problem ." Send fO-
Toms S
e“ t
Toms River Garage and
general of place and community.
o,-fV»nritips wherebv th<
destroying animals, it is by arrangement with the^ autliDniie«. whereby
Society is reimbursed financially for service rendered.
Uziie Wiley can be found by addressing card to huri at Lakewooc
postoffice, or in case of emergency, for t^e P^sent a^ u^tt such tune a.
this notice is well known, by application at Soctety s headquarters.
Policies in Safe
Don’t be bunkoed by the
man with “ cheap” policies
Fully Equipped M achine Shop
days. Great sasngerfeat* In which the
choral societies o f foreign countries
participate will tie held *pon the expo
sltlott grounds.
The Pnnamn-Paclflc International ex­
position will open with a pageant in
San Francisco harbor of the battle
ships of tbo navies of the world. The
--------- will first assemble , at ,
fo r e ig n vessels
Hampton Roads, where, Joined by ships
of the American navy, the entire fleet .
will lie reviewed by the president of
thp United Stntes and foreign dtgnl
turles. Thla fleet, the largest ever us
sembled, will then proceed through \befl
Panama canal to the harbor at San
Francisco, where it will participate lu^
the rnoBt spectacular naval demonstra
tion ever witnessed San Francisco in^
$ 1 5 Will see the flags of more nation^“
(ban have ever been brought together
In one place at any one time. From
unofficial assurances now received it Is |
anticipated that 100 foreign battleships
in addition to those of the United i
States navy will be gathered in San
Francisco harbor.
A huge commemorative edifice, iu ^
purport like Bartholdi’s statue of Lib- ¡
erty, will welcome vessels from afar, j
The structure, to be known as tbe St 4
Francis Memorial tower, will be 850
feet in height, with a base 220 feet
square. Tbe shaft will be eighty-five
feet square, with corners rounded, nnd j
of steel construction nnd terra cotta lj
veneering. The approximate cost of I
the tower will be $1.000.000. From its?
summit the sightseer will look alm ost!
straight down upon the waters of the
Golden Gate, 1,300 feet below.
J) I
| L E I M
whlcR are of no value to you. Highest prices
paid for Old Gold, Stiver, Old Watches, Bro­
ken Jewelry and Lrecloua Stones.
M o n e y S e n t b y R e t u r n M all,
md then fail you. Sabe?
Phila. Smelting & Refining Com.
hstaklishbd so years
L A D IE S ’
Drop us a postal when in
S a m
u e l
S c h w
The X’oet (with book of poems)—
These are the fierce wild fancies oi
my throbbing brain.
The Critic—I didn't know your writ­
ings were wild. I’d always heard them
called quite tame.
sod Will bo visible In detail to passen­
gers ou sbiiw entering the Golden Gate
The site ot the exposition lakes ev­
a more comprehensive scale than at
ery advantage of tbo combination of
any of the greatest of former world s
i harbor and bills that give San Fran
cisco Its chief clmrm. The main fea
The foreign nations will be repre­
tures of the exposition will be located
sented by the Quest assemblage of dis­ st Harbor View, on San Francisco bay
plays th at the world has seen. The midway between the ferry building
strange tribes nnd peoples o f Pacific
and the Golden Gate, and the [term#
ocean countries will participate in a
nent buildings to remain after the ex
wonderful week’s festival in which the
position is over will be erected in the
natious of the orleut will take part.
west end of Golden Gate park, which
The most marvelous parades ever wit­
fronts on the Pacific ocean. These
nessed will be seen on the streets of
1sites and Intermediate locations p ill be
Ban Francisco.
! connected by a marine boulevard that
The commonwealths of the T,niled
from Harbor View through the
States, eacli ot which ns n member of sweeps
Presidio to the Golden Gate and then
the Union has taken its part in the
(urns south to Golden Gate pack. A
building of the canal, will be repre­
trackless trolley will take vlsitorg over
sented by the most magnificent state
this magntflcenl scenic boulevard from
displays jv e r assembled, California has
«ofimVWW) to the narbor View
res^ ^ through
tbe gov.
dedicated more thun $20,000,000 to
nation’s fair, a ml the city of San Frau ,
eminent Is pitinning a wonderful mili­
cisco, the west and the nation are co­
tary display, to Golden Gate park, and
operating to render the exposition one
one admission will Include entrance to
tbat will express In every way the pride
both features. The site expresses the
and patriotism of the American people
The Panamtt-Paclflc International ex­ maritime character of the great cele­
bration. In harmony with the exposi­
position will be tbe greatest exposition
tion San Francisco Itself will be an
In tbe history of the world. A notable
exposition city in 1915. The parks
commission of architects of national
and water front of the city will be im­
reputation is engaged upon the plans,
proved at an expenditure of millions
and within a few weeks first construc­
of dollars, and the ferry building, the
tion work will begin, whoa grading of
the site and the building of a sea wall. ,
which will serve In part as the basis (
of a magnificent esplanade along Sau
Francisco harbor, commences.
Among tbe noted nrcliiteots who are
designing the wonder city which will
rise from the shores of San Francisco
Vice-Pres, N. J . S . P. C. A
the day you have a fire-—
Courier Building
Mr. Robert Froriep Wishes to
Announce that he Now has his
New Garage on the A tlan tic City
Boulevard Open for Eusiness ::
in . I L F is c h e r
t f l g
. M l « “ "“ !
e b o a r d
P r o te c te d bv
need of Protection.
f f l n
S i d
n '1
For » Runabout, to
Agent for
Aennotor Windmills.
Rider and Erricksoi
Hot Air Pampini?
n u
there i . their h ig h ... ( e r e ; e»d
it. il the very le i.o n ih le pnee « which they ire oner.
You ought to be.
But you needn’t lie awake
R ugs
o f
limitino» a»
nng I» upo«
A X W E L L Automobile» «re practically U»e ia*t
automobile conitnicUoo up to the
doesn't »ppeer one thing that one might cntici*
comfort, good »peed, disability, perfect « f in e -
J . Lester Yoder. Prop.
M» IMto.
S e ts
Ever notice h o « dost people man­
age to bear the thing! they shouldn't?
There's always something about a
wedding that doesn’t suit a woman
who was not invited.
Hlf MH I« Uto
a r e
cut G lass
Occasionally the only thing the foolkiller need do la to set the pace that
cm A4 (l*t§ jülK
«fa v iti to» i W t
t t o titiluHtip l i
up «IVI ««14 ítow
mtea» o f Ito« d fto
T o ilet S e t s
Even If you haven't a good opinion
of yourself, se» tbat others have.
Many a man's fallurde is due to the
fact that he bit off more than he
could chew.
IfxV-tt the |»a»*fk»ti l*«i
jrtrtH ity il t^M ftag
u t l e r y
p in n e r
When love changes to indifference
matrimony is on tbe verge of bank­
h i n a
S ilv e r w
Only a very rltl. man can afford to
bare thing« given to blm.
It len’t a msn'a love for flower» that
makes blm throw bouquets at him­
ttrÜtM .
A mleer doesn't aven enjoy a Joke
at bla own asponao.
erti from all
Merely a coincidence la what the
plaglarlit calla It.
The man «ho loses tba
never accused of cbeatlng.
A u t o m o b ile s
M A R IN E - M O T O R S
'hat are good only up till
Turbot a la Creme.
Roll a nice fresh fish, pick out the
bones and season wtli salt and pop­
per; mix one-quarter pound of flour
with one quart of milk; put in lour
sn ail onions, small bunch of parsley
and a sprig or two of thyme, salt, and
one -half teaspoon of white pepper.
Put over the fire and slir until it
forms a paste; take off and add onehalf pound of butter andyolks of two
Cream Horseradish Sauce.
?u t one-quarter cup of freshly
grated horseradish in a bowl, add onequarter level teaspoon of salt and four
tablespoons of cream beaten light.
Use at once, as the sauce separates
by standing.
This is an excellent
-auce to serve with roast beef and is
especially good with broiled steak.
-|l ta tb * inaitraaa and 'ba pill«*
that am m»aueeibl* (ar half iba i w
bu of lb« latuatalar Tb« liaal raaiti.| p|«m to Iba pm tkt, »Hb II« aal
u,«J ’. „ » » rii* «< toll «rata Tba aa»l
nxiat «M lw U b l* M la a «»«4 Boor
, , criald »ilh a atrfi carp** » ra*
Tba ytsIdUi* malitaaa d«aa 00« i*al
tba muatloa, «bleb remain all alcbl In
a .nndIlion et aHaroaim* ralaiallon
and tenulnu Whew the »It-spln* plana
la Atad and hard ih*>' adapl iham
ealraa to It and rraialn ijuiw aei.
Furtlieimota, tba aptaa and narr«
c a tv r » of the bad »leeper are «spots«
all wight to U a beat of ibe tnaiiraaa
«bleb la tba r u n * of the eenee of an
e rtatloa ao comnioaJr fall »ban owa
"Tba frill«» to »»an mor* anarral
lag iban tba nrallma« A «all stuffs*
«addle, «boa» cleft center permit» tb*
circularlo» of air. »oft. rat uajlald
log. to lb# Ideal bead met.
When Ibe dleromfort of the elperl
meat baa been overcome bp a far
wlgbta of peraaveranca, a »ooderfu
Improvement will be dtocerned In tb.
duality of »leap *—H arp-r* Weekly.
^IIK »bole *"#1.1 U tolereatni In
i l l m^diii g
tuli awl li» Ito |t«il U itftw
(tonai fate Al *l»i* I* (to l*iH ^
i «IU ftto to tl# Ito
Mb ,JI
l l l l , the* I^AWItlfâ-•I'tK'llto (fritti»*'
«kt|MMiiióft, id to toM to
‘titre» Itt |®15
Bound in *1111 clo th , illu stra ted , postpaid, ^ ] Q q
"The Hermit Natumli*t,” Science and Romance 5
The Whole World Is lo Participate lo the Great
San Francisco P anam a-P acific Exposition In 1915
a r t z
Suits Made to Order
pairing am >
15 Main Street TOMS RIVER, N. J
Both Phones:
o 1 ___ 1 n ^ I r fifa
P lu m b in g , T in n in g a n d
I,omba-fi 18-4S.
KEYSTONE, Main 17-9'
Household Goods, etc,
W ashington St,
Tom s River, N. J
The Courier Gives the Ne
Each week gives M O R E
dian can be found in all other papers
T o m s R iv e r
Cent-a-Words in the Courier
do what they are intended for
—Bring Results.
Th« J E W IL 'R S E Y C O U R IE R
Th« New Vtc«
V i
T ilt ! Il M U Y ¡Aftvram nf «P R « t
$ 2 , 018 , 499,340
YI “ I ...«ri:
k se t c o u r ie r
!* f
^4 f«4l
r i P f Aliff I
I I , I p f f i bHi II, Cs C h u ff Ii
#*•# •-••él i«4 I
•* •*
a M 4,1411
C a n d y N ew s
Life Insurance in F o r c e
January 1, 1912, shows the
commanding position in the
Life Insurance affairs of
this nation held by
H. W. Ma
Fin» tin« of Eiulcr Bum , 30c to 7Sc Ib.
A great variety of Easter Candies
Oranges, 12c, 20c and 40c cloa.
A n Easter Souvenir for every customer
T h e P ru d e n tia l
th V uiivi Fr
Founded by JOHN F, D R Y D E N ,
Th* I
liuti Ol Philadi iphia,
Pioneer of Industrial Insurance in America
trying to rtni I collage for tir
‘low n for tb * week i
Mr. and Mr« A. 8. W lek liai
f Wi
f c K . B.IM tlU >f Phi
Philadelphia, heavy on nera of
week m d ,vuoti
•»tal« h: r», arcmow getting ih n
Mr. sod Mm. Aittu r ll. (Naylor
tag«« in it il i » feir lummer
* Sunday vism ,r»
Hurlmgtun.£wi r*|Su ida y visito««
A. C. Haag ili renovating hi«
of Brooklyn was an
and le« cream piarlor
tur nt R . K . Pearce's
Dt. Cha»., L.
I M.
Mr«. G. A. Voi'gl ha« returned fi
lard of South Orange, N. J . .
Capt. S. Li intooo »pent Sunday with
having a «tag
Mag iiparty at th n
long V
' was
•t Toims Rlvtr
uiday visitor here, looking
hit family, >«turning to New York on
a flet
pbrous{ht tnanv v in to »a frutti
cottagi I tust pm chased from
Mr*. A. C. McClelland and
M.m II. R r«|
>hia and Germantown. Pa
William Co A and Miss Hannah Baldtelling the engineer of the Empire State
that Hon. Frank T.
. i* repitted
win of New j ork, were guests of Mrs.
Brooklyn, arc spending th« Es
boli- ;
LU yd «f Ih New Jer»ev I rcuit Con
that " A ll's clear" is the whole complex n
J. Martin fr< im Saturday until TuestUys at the McClelland tesidc
bei eh will i lar» hi» new ullage he
modern railroading, safeguarding life and
tbs bay
>4 laughter
Mr En
Mrs. Darby
i Slut» J*»*:« Carr o f
The Misics’ W ettcott of Phil«<l*l|:
Mie* Ealella Hewiit, whowaa injured
When you receive your
Olive of Kein a , are vidiing her par­ Manm
kin, and Percy Gaakill of
in the hcadon colllsioa at Uarncgai P in
eins, Mr. and J ir*. Putman P ,¡Ih. mu« j 1 uckerton, spent Thursday evening
two week» ago 1» now improved no that
Mr. and Mr». Richard Mr K el ve v vis- | with Misa Jessie Conklin
»he can aitrnd school at Toma River
S. E . Lim ing land wife returned on itnl her *i»i«r. Mr«. George Applegate
Mr. and Mr». W , S . Cranmei attendNelson B. Gaskill ( and Dr. Etsig of Saturday from a trip California and the of Ton-* R iver. Ia*t Thursday
|ed services in the .Methodist church at
issued by
Philadelphia were Iwlh here Sunday
Mr. and Mra. Parker of Lakewood, Wrat Creek Sunday morning. They
Mr. and Mr«. Roateen W alton have
H. N. Tuttle of Philadalphia « I I a were Sunday visitors a t'C . E . M cKel- report a tine »ertnon by th« new pastor
returned from a few dayr in Philadcl
Monday visitor
Miw Elsie Cook is In town for the
Mr. Rr»nk MrKelvey purchased a week
R. T-IPattenonJand firmly of MerMrs. G. R. P lait ia «pending a few
chantvills,|are occupying their cottage bone laat Tuesday of Clifford Horner
Kenneth Cranmer in still home on the
dayawith her parent«, Mr. and Mr«. A.
on the riverfront for the Esster holidays. of New Egypt
sick list but improving rapidly
S. Pitteoger at Tom« River
Improvement» are being made on the
Misa Be«*>e Conklin gavt a party cn
Dr. and Mr«. E. W. Tully of Philadel­
Mr. Flitrroft of Farmingdale who
roads here
Saturday evening at her home, and a
had a garage on Fifth avenue laat turn
Mrs. Liszie Newman of Belmar is vis­ good crowd waa present. All had a
on your property you know that you have i
mer, wai a Sunday viaitor, loookiog at Mr». S. J . Harris' cottage, N .E . cor­ iting relatives here
good time
after matters here
Mr. and Mr«, II. F. Fielder epentSuntrack— you can go ahead with confidence, wii
Mr. and Mm. C. VanVorst entertain*
Mrs.£H. H. Davis, Mrs. R. Lin and
Contractor Carberry, who built the
day with Mr. and Mr». Charles Brattled on Saturday evening Misa Nellie Giber, i
danger of possible loss through failure of &
Sumneri hotel at North Sea Side Park, Mrs. S. T . McCleary of Camden are at of Lakewood
son, Mist Lucy K xtl of Birnega», and
the Davis residencejoo Central avenue.
has another contract there
Mr. W alter Voorhces of Hyson w a n
back of the Guaranty is the Fidelity Trus
Merritt Price of Parkertowrn
Joseph Limson has returned home
Mr. [and Mrs. |E. C. Butterfield of Sunday visitor
Edna Sprague o f Brook ville was home
pany with the largest title plant in New Jener
from a few days at Mayetta
over Sunday
Wilson Bennett of the Sea Side Park
resources of twenty-seven millions of doliars
Jessie Conklin and Norman Taylor
fishery, made the first lift at the fish
were entertained at Mrs. A l b e r t
make that guarantee good.
pound on April 2
Darby's on Monday evening at Mannaj . Mathews was in PhiladelphiaTueshawkin
Mr«. Wiinam Cook of Beach llaveti, '
I t ia reported that W. K . Johnson,spent last week in town, ller daughter
«he builder, will build himself a new
Bertha accompanied her home on I
bungalow at Second and Central ave.
Palm Sunday was observed in our
line of E A S T E R goods ever shown in
Messrs. J . Milton Slim m of Camden,
church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. J .
Toms River, such as
and F . C. Goodwin of Germantown,
E. Simpson was in charge of the service
Pa., were here Tuesday. They are
Mr, and Mrs. W . S . Cranmer, Mrs.
interested in a real estate operation
Mr*. G. A. Crsnmer, Jessie Conklin,
Beulah Cranmer, Mrs Joseph Lamson,
Capt. Turner of Germantown, P a.,
Viola Cranmer, Stella Conklin, Nellie
has been spending a few day here
Giberson, Norman Taylor, Tony Allison
Mrs. A. C. Haag has returned from a
a tended service on Sunday evening at
Philadelphia hospital where she has
Mannahawkin. Mrs. Tinling o f Lon­
been under treatment, and is now much
don, had charge of the service
i nproved
Mrs. I. H. Cranmer has been quite
Sam Burrell, our local news agent,
sick for several days the past week
now has on sale all kinds of magazines
I. H. Cranmer and F . ¿.M artin spent
and papers
last week surveying at Cassville
N o in tere st allo w ed on th e s e a cco u n ts.
J . Hughes of Ocean Gate was a Sun­
Mrs. K ate VanVorst is spending a
But w e aim to g iv e satin facto ry service,
day visitor
few days in Forked River with her
ex ten d in g e v e r} favor th at th e a c c o u n t and
uncle, Lewis Sprague
J . Hass hns returned here after
Roscoe Conklin of Barnegat'spent
several weeks in Philadelphia
standing oi the d epositor w ill ju s tify .
Sunday with his parents here
The school board reorganizedMondav
Cedar Run lodge No. 127, I. O. O. F .
e.ening with Holmes VanNote as presi
celebrated its 5th anniversary in Crandent; G. R . P latt, vice president.
mer’s hall last Friday evening. Deputy ,
Frank Hewitt is district clek
Grand Master Shinn of Burlington,
J . and T. Ballantyne, who have an
represented ihe Grand Lodge. About j
i ;e cream parlor in the summ r at the
20 came from Ocean Lodge, No. .38 a t '
foot of Third avenue, are now starting
Tuckerton. The occasion w„s enjoyed
east from I.os Angeles, Cal., where they
by all
spent the winter
Our local merchant is serving us with
Hariy Tunian was here from Phila­
city bread and country milk. Next
delphia this week
will f ¡Bow ice cream and soft drinks
W. S. Cranmer is supplying the farm­ § « f g f g g g o o o o o o o °^^O^OOÖOOOc<>o O<><>0<><K><><K>0<><><K>OOOOOOT
!h.R m ttrr h r
*i U u r f
¡ut sun
rs. «b it* boys fly
N e w a r k , N. J .
Post Cards
l receive, subject to
check, the accounts
of firms and individuals.
F u l l lin e of F a s t e r C a n d i e s
The will of William Howard c f West
Point Pleasant was proved on March
28th. The whole estate goes to the
widow, Adriana W. Howard, who was
made executrix by the will
lames Erskine of Jersey City has
been appointed administrator o f the
estate of his wife, Catherine Erskine,
S u c c e s s o r
who died recently leaving some person­
al estate in Lakewood
B e r r i e n ’s
On April 2d Mary Krotz of Ridgway
was appointed administrator of her
C o r . M a in a n d W a t e r S t s .
• usband, Frederick Krotz
Harry Cornelius has been appointed
liuatdian of the person and property of
William Cornelius of Bayville
Frank W. Cummings of Berkeley
township has been appointed guardian
of Edna C. Cummings of Bayville
Application has been made by Isa­
R e m o d e lin g a S p e c ia lt y
T h e V A N N O T E Millinery Shop
bella Hartin of Barnegat fur letters of
administration !<n the ¡ state of her
now open w ith a I* ull L in e o f S p rin g
Hats Trimmed
husband, Samuel Hartin, who was
G oods
manager of the Childs grocery store at
John W. Etiggren ot Brooklyn- has
I- as made application for the probate of
the will of his father, Charles A. EngW a s h in g to n S t r e e t
g ren, who a as a well known Bayville
V a n N o te M illin e r y S h o p
ers with Great Id,istern and Fish F e rti­
lizer, seed etc
Jacob and William Penn left on Tues­
day for Irvington, N. J .
Mr. Chas. King spent a few days at
his home here last week
Wm. Truex and famil > have returned
after spending the winter a t Lakewood
Mrs. F . E . Clayton and grandson
Lyle spent a few days o f last week at
T. Johnson and p arty of Lakewood
were last week visitors
Ervin Townsend was a recent visitor
Mrs. Arthur Hale is suffering with a
severe cold
Mrs D. A. Clayton is visiting her
children at Red Bank
Mrs, Jesse Clayton returned to Man­
asquan Sunday
Johnny Irons and family of Lakewood
were Sunday visitors at Winfield Irons’
The (stork visited at Mr. and ,Mrs
Wm Applegate Saturday, March 30,
leaving a little boy
Mrs Charles King called on Mrs P R
Simmondsat Cedar G rove on Satu riay
R e a d th e C . A . W . ad vs.
The Satisfactory Way
to Pay Bills
is by Check— then you
know you get a receipt
for every payment, about
which there can be no
dispute. :: Have you a
Checking Account? Start
one now with us.
Ocean County Trust Company
Toms River, N. J .
jOOO<><><>0<><>OOCH>0<>0<r.>ú<>C«><>0<>0 ^ ^ <>0<>cH>CKi00<>c>OOOOCH>0<><>
Each week gives M O R E O C EA N COUiSTY
fhan can be found in all other papers combined.
•pending tb* s t s t t r in L lk ss tn d
move from th« C hart« The
on Doffer street to the n
bao house on Ma n »tree!
Pik« ki
left the Li
»rking for the
ram, with »uDSbint Cn mpnny si their bardwan
at », i
Lk ivd u n k » «nt to
rts g n dusty
rd. ib* o r i g i n » 1
David O. Parker is exhibiting st his
r Doitb for tb* tu oirestaurant this week an ovster that
came from lha bads o f Capt. John
sprinkler on wh«n
Grant near Cedar Creek, and that
of two or thret clear
weighed a pound and a half, measured
tight in ch « in length and five in width.
mp of gretn p»Ims w*r* given out
J . C McClenahao has laid hardwood
Ljw*ph<churrh l*st Sunday—Palm
floors in the house lie bought at Wash­
ington »nd Horner streets, and in re­
tool children snd teacher* too will building the piatsa, carrying it »round
iso holidays—Good Friday and on the es»t hide o f the house, beside
building a peak roof with dormer wind­
ir Monday
iliermen are selling herring at the
Fidelity Trust Co
Checking Accounts
1 into
>w oo Ills », «yon
Come in and talk it over
tar Par
e lot
th* no*i h fr m Wsltun Grover
sr* bkxrming out
n tl
nd, i
raduni 1
10 All til* eh
Bach of the Safety Signal
E a s te r A p ril 7
E l w e l l ’s
istreet bridge—Capt. Joe WainIis on hand as usual
The Fire Commissioners at ■ meeting
last night voted to assume the tele­
phone bill for the fire alarm, that has
heretofore been paid bv the Fire Com­
pany. The Commissioners have about
1400 in the treasury now And will not
ask for more money thi» year
«spring bonnets »nd gowns were
tidenrt last Sunday— they could
«ithstaoJ such h fine Sunday
itvy rain on Tuesday night, with
f lightning, thunder and gusts of
1. Itsss followed by »cold north■♦♦♦»♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
» » » •♦
Harry Roof, who formerly ran a res­
taurant on Main atreet, which was
burned out on the night of December
30, last, has moved to Asburv Park.
It i* expected that George Wissmach
will move from Measenget street to the
Robbins atreet house vacated by Roof.
Classified Advertisements
One Cent a W ord
NoAdv. inserted for less than ISc
The wind dest'oyed the wagon fhrd«,
too! h"u«e, and several other outbuild
ings during the shower on Tu-sday
night last on the farm o f Wm. H. Ellis
at the turn of Island Heights road.
The loss is several hundred dollars.
One of the bigger buildings had just
been roofed
LANDRKTH and Rice Garden Seeds
tslr at T. B. Irons’.
FOR SALE -seven and a half horse
“erFerru Engine, complete. Al con":«n, Address S.. C urier office. 22
[FOR SALE -lOOOCcdar Posts, seven
■long. Apply HENRY T. A PPLEATE, Cedar ilrt-ve.
The Dover Township School Board
organiz'd Mondav night by electing M.
H. Miller president and Clarence Birdsail v icj president These committees
were appointed: Teachers— Widmaier,
Hansen, Crabbe; supplies— Hansen,
Widmaier, Singleton; buildings—Birdsail, Crabbe, Ed Clayton
HORSE lor sale—good work and car­
le horse. JAMES L E E , Osbornule.
ORSALE—bay horse, good roader,
1travel twelve miles an hour on the
*i sound and gentle. Apoly G. L.
RKER, Forked River, N J.
FOR SALE—8150 Mason and Ham"Rn . ha'f ¡¡nei. Address Lock
r«x414, town.
W ANTED— A sound and trm all
around horse about eight vears old and
fifteen hands high. C. A. M EIN IKHEIM, Hooper avenue and Chestnut
street, Toms River, N. J .
FOR SALE i 4 cyl., 4 cycle, 28 h.
' Brennan motor, in good condition
suitable (or boat or
Y “- It .;
akewood (tarage and Machine Shop.
ow, first calf, fresh
of month '40. Addre s or inquire
are of Schmitt, Island
fight., X.
2 *
T H E K E SW IC K COLONY, n e a r
Whitings, would be grateful for any
cast off, men's shoes or clothing. Dis­
carded furniture or bedding wouli also
be acceptable, tlpon receipt of post
ard, wagon would gladly call
WANTED—second hand buffet, also
chairs and desks. State what you h ive.
Box J, Island Heights.
, ’ " rl- horse, wagon and har,
’ , 1 ; foi sale. Come look it
Livery Stable, Toms
STEN O G RA PH ER and typewriter
wishes work at hone. MISS CLARA
FOLSOM, 121 Water Street, Tom«
yachts for s a l e
'V j'
25 foot speed boat equipuni; 4 cylinder, 4 cycle, 25 h p.
miles per hour.
Qat jjgne. Speed
'T'-co 17
ii Hines
iVjH ,? enKine in first class condition.
tó v S í > P L GROVER,
\ J
SH IN G LER S wanted; must be quick
and give reference. J. HASS, Sea Side
Park, N. J.
Bay cat
f.K **•
V, 4ALE~
I Ï ftBarn«gat
. t___
r. boat
13 ft. H
6 Iin.
beam, n2 ft.
6* in.
¡"V n.rst clh?s condition. C a n
altert(1 '"to an auxiliary or
THERs t • "Jpp'v f a u n c e b r o L^KS, Toms River, N. J .
B E S T fertilizer known for this soil,
clean, dry pigeon manure, 35 cents per
bushel; 1 4 ton $5.00; 1-2 ton $9.50;
1 ton $18.00; 2 tons $32.00. Belter
book your ordtt now slating when
wauled—supplv limited. B. H. SPANGEN BERG , Dayton avenue, Toms
L IS T E R ’S fertilizers, cash prices
f nR
f r i“
o ‘ ‘ r 'ofsa'e—
sale zute
20 feet long,
«•»line 3 eP0n Motor' ,arRe copper
*dlike m.f"T' r* Rear, hull
hul finishosed U § d e c k s and coaming,|lv j i0\Vuo mon,b» bargain. ApR iv id i >" CHAMBERLAIN,
, X. j.
doublyp ; 1 ,'rhe),T>a for sale— 18 foot,
¡■»gin,. , " : ' i,x horsepower Roberts
SSTi a u
I “C
. - m„ 1 U..11
TU1I’1'v now
n«w,. metal
hull. For
or,. , ^1(1 thee. Owner has oought
A p p l y GÔUHLMAN,
USE J. E. Tygert’s ^ ¡ 5 * « for all
crops. For sale by T H O M AS I.
GOOD stable manure for sale cheap,
while it lasts. R. W. & G. H. IRONS,
Toms River, N. J .
«erUa, Ti , o r sate at. a bargain,
tns Riv
- •6' x 0S:; built
bui by Kirk’
g p .J u
N d ; ri,; U5 fi* P- Globe engine, 1907
t aft Fa eV ° P ; sprav hoods fore
; "Hll.rn,. i 1----‘ HO, kUiiuci iaiin ,
copper iar,k;
is, . i ' 1 Gght,
life pteservers,ere.
J « Sell Ù “ « ,n i,’n d Ì' ÌO n-
E X P E R T bicycle repairer at Grover
& Son's
S8 00! 1
arn^ c í n * 3Sa j . Address J -
1-Sáiiit. ä ä i ä l l
BIC YC LE repairs by an exp-rt work­
I man at Grover & Son's
uf We
lumy seal
of a t tbi
Dr. J. B. Wood ol Phi lailelphta a nd
hid* Park, « a * to town Monday
Mit. Blown ol Mao nahawktn hat
been vititiog bar aon» À. W. Brown Jr,
\|i « AfiiuM of t'oint Pleaeint was a
Monday viiltov at k. R irr .ffalff'i of?it‘t .
Henry Tboniaa ha* iff turni d from a
vielt witli hi% eon Jo**|> i inum ai at
Forked River
B ra. jo etp h H. Browt», who «pe nt
the win'er in Afbury Park, has return
ed h e '* this tsrerk
Capt. A t n i ' Hyera hs* 1»
ing turn« time at bom*.
•efioonrr it in port
Saunders Levy came here Saturday
from Iraonaue, Pa., and le ft Tu**day
for a few days in Philadelphia
Miss Stella Hyers of Belleville schools
has been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John A . Hyera on Dover street
Mr». Ralph G. Cummings of Sea
H aven,spent Wednesday at the Sunny,
side with her sister. Miss Lida Horner
O u r Own Make
—T h e B e s t
Ice Cream
V an illa, C h ocolate and
S traw berry.
Loose or B rick
Lawrence D. VanNoie ol Pom
Mis. Eton Chamberlain entertains Pleasant was in town Tuesday and b it
the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E.
msny friends herewere overjoyed to see
church at the parsonage this afternoon.
that he was able to get »round once
Mi»« Lids Irons o f ihe Mobiclair more
schools, spent the week end with her
Mr». J . B. Pharo, who spent the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tlumax B.
winter with her ooo, Birdsali Pharo,
lett this morning lo t DcMoincs, Iowa.
Mrs. Jam es B. Shewn of S t. Paul, She will spend the summer and fall in
Minn., is visiting her parents Mr. and the west
| Mrs. Georgs W. Holman, J r ., at the
Mr. aiid Mrs. A, J . Kcelcy, Miss Lena
Ocean home
Dulii'li and Mr. Charles E . Wallace ot
Uncle Robert Meyer of New York, Columbus, «pent the week end with
wasin town several days this tyeek, and M aifn Schwarz and family. Mr. Wal
says he will spend much of the summer lace and Miss DuBell are to be married
in Connecticut
next week
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levy with staff
of the big Liptchuetz store a» their Another Move by tke Aumack
guests, motored to Asbury Park on
Kin in S. S. Aumack Will Fight
Sunday and heard Pryor’sband
Rem L. Disbrowof Suffolk, Va., spent
Tuesday at Trenton, before Chancel,
the week with his father. Dr. Rem
lor Walker, Attorney General Edmund
Mr. Disbrow has s
Wilson and A. E . Johnmon, argued for
wholesale drug business in the south
the permission to reopen the contest for
W srren Seaman of Blair Academy, the estate of the late Selah S Aumack
Blairstown, h is been home for the of Toms River, which was won recently
Easter holidays, and was given a sur­ by W. S. Jackson, a brother to Mrs.
prise party by a number of his friends Aumack. Collins and Corbin of Jersey
on Monday evening
City and I. W. Carmichael represented
Mrs. Otto Luhrs returned Saturday (ackson. The reopeningof thccasewas
from a slay in New York and Hoboken a-ked for by the kin of S . S. Aumack
Mr. and Mrs. Luhis and Mr. and Mrs. on the ground of newly discovered evi­
Geurge C. VanHise lecently attended dence, tending to prove the existence
the 20th wedding anniversary celebra­ of a contract between S.S. Aumack and
tion of)Mr..and Mr».¿Adolph Keller in his wife, that when be left the estate to
her, she in turn agreed to leave it to
W. A. Crane, formerly a resident of his relatives.
As Vice Chancellor, Chancellor Wal­
Mannahawkin and once Clerk of the
county, was in town Tuesday on his ker heard the case the first time and tie
way from Jersey City to Mannahawkin. cided in favor o f the Aumack kin . but
Mr. Crane hns been connected with the was reversed by the Court of Errors.
U. S. Custom house in New York (or
many years
Edward Crabbe motored to New
York last Friday and returned Monday.
He says he found an
amount o f Roosevelt sentiment in
quarters where it would be least expec­
ted, and that everyone he met agreed
that the i ecent primaries in New York
city Were too crooked to reflect public
Laudate Di
M B, Su n d ay -S ch o o l Office
Main S t r e e t * Opp. P. O.
Glsdy« Brinks, H alite Will». Messrs.
Louis snd Emmet S . Hansen, Harvey
Lloyd Lillie,
bcbwsra, I.oui» filKra, Edgar Law­
Former Prosecutor T . J . K . Brown
w m down from New York on Monday.
Prof. Livingston Barbour of Kuigers
College »paQttho week end with County
Superintendent C, A. Morris
Mr*. Ephraim Robinson him moved
,out of her home on Broad si ret t. £he
exiwcts after awhile to go to Washing­
ton State to join her husband
O Salutari*
Tsolum E
Just About to Happen
Charity's Aunt
The Toma R iv e r ii. E . Sunday school
I at its annual meeting on Monday even
log, elected these officers:
Superintended. Charles <t. Morris
Assistants, J rase P, Evernham, S. N.
. Bunnell
Secretary, Citarle* B. Grover
« Assistant secretary, Lloyd Lillie
Treasurer. Wm. H. Fischer
Pianist. Miss Ella Anderson
Assistant pianist. Miss Beatrice Hunnsll
Librarians, George Irons, J r ., Cecil
Primary superintendent. Miss M. F,
Mr. and Mrs. 0 . A, Morris entertain­
ed the officers and teachers for the eve­
ning, and after the busioe** session a
delightful social hour was spent. Re­
fresh men 1« were served.
On Easter Monday, April l i b , th«
To a [River Dramatic Company will
produce ihe three act comedy "C har­
ley's A unt" under the auspices o f S t
Joseph’» K, C. Church,
A unt" is a very well known play, clean
■nd very lunny. The company is uner the direction of Harry Webber, the
veteran actor of Point Pleasant. Mr.
Webber also plays the title role of Char­
ley’s Aunt from Brasil, where the nuts
come from.
Foresters Elect Officers
The cast snd synopsis is aa follows:
Stephen Spetlique, Solicitor, Oxford,
There wns a big turnout at the
Lloyd Lillie
i Foreaters of America, Court Toms River,
Col. Sir Francis Chesney, late Indian I Inst Thuradayevening, when the followService, F . G. Bunnell.
ing officers were chosen:
Jack Chesney, Lord Fancourt BabChief Ranger, George W. Wissmach
berly, Charley Wykeham, undergrade
Sub chief ranger, Zscli Hankin«
S t. Old* C o l l e g e , Oxford. Walter
Recording secretary,Sam uel J . Spade
Wright, Harry Wilbur, Lewis Hansen.
Financial aecretary, \V. Hoaard I ffBrassett, College Scout, Emmet Han­ rey
Treasurer, L S. Haimen
Dona Lucia I)‘AI"adorez, from Bra­
Sr. woodward, Daniel Johnson
zil, Mrs F G. Bunnell.
Jr. woodward, Benjamin Zee
K ilty Verdum, Spettique's w a r d ,
Sr. Beadle, Fred Xvdina
Marv Prubet.
Jr. Beadle, tames Reynold»
Amy Spettique, Spettique's niece,
Trustee, 1. M. Hirshblond
Dorothy Probat.
Physician, Dr. J . Edgar Yodd
Ella Delahay, an Orphan, Birdy LipLecturer, Frank Tilton
Kepreaentatives to Grand Court, W.
Time— the present—Commemoration H. JefTiey, Harry Toner
week, Oxford.
Act I —Jack Chesney's rooms in col­
Wanting to Auto Drivers
lege, ' when pious frauds are dispensa­
tion s." Hudibrus.
Act I I —Garden outside Ja c k ’srooma,
Automobilists in this section have
“ While there’s lea iheie’s hope.” Pin­ asked the Courier to warn the drivers
of motor cars to beware the extreme
Act I I I — Drawing room at Spetti- right hand aide of the road between
que’s house, "D inner lubricates busi­ Toma R iver and Tuckerton, when
ness.” Bosuet.
southbound. Along this edge of the
Tuesday. April 9, the play will be re ­ road the gas pipes were laid late last
peated at Red Men’s hall, Lakehurst,to fall, and now that the frost has come
benefit S t. John’s R. C. church
out of the ground, the lose dirt in the
trench is a veritable trap for heavy
The display in the window of the five cars, r-everal were caught last week.
and ten rent store has been pronounced John Grover was bagged at|Quail Run
by most folks as the most seasonable in one day; and on Saturday a motorist
the village. The imitation flowers from up-State was caught ju t below
were the work of M s. John Sawyer
Forked River.
Take Advantage of these Low
'J . Ashley Brown of Toms River, son
ofCapt. Joseph A. Brown, has been
made one of the two assistant cashiers
of the Seacoast National Bank at As­
bury Park. Mr. Brown got his first
training in the banking business with
W. F . Simmons, a t the Ocean County
Trust Company. He has gone up rapid­
ly since going with the Asbury Park
A suprise parLy was given to Miss
Grace Irons last Friday evening at the
t ome of Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Me Kelvey
on Broad street, and a merry time was
had bv a group o f young people, inc'uding: Misses Esther Sculthorp, :
Edithand Elizah th Roberts, Ida Irons,' [
Gertrude and Alma McICelvey; Messrs j
Tilden K irk, Wallace IIavens, Harold i
McKaig, E m m e tS . Hansen, and Albert!
VV. Lillie.
Friday evening o f last week the young
friends of Miss Sarah Buckwalter gave j
her a jolly surprise at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Buckwaiter, on Washington i s t r e e t .
Those Who enjoyed the evening includ­
ed:! VIia;es Aim i VanH'se, Frances Bills,
Ruth Richtm eyer, Bernice Giberson,
Prices—“Money saved is money earned.5
Sugar, per lb. - - - 5 l-2 c
24 1-2 lb. sack Ceresota Flour 8 3 c
Per Barrel, Ceresota, - - - $ 6 . 5 0
Sugar Cured£Hams, per lb. 1 3 l - 4 c
3 cans Peerless Cream
Salt Pork, per lb. - - ,
3 lbs. Oatmeal
= = -
I «MI M M * M r MM • M I IM I « *
- ta M n a l * *— i
l h *d M t i my
; fcltffk *M 0 * ì | #«>UW>ai»
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mm• • d i M lo N r t ||<r^}#Biiil«f. Il II rtN fN i i (Un
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»HIMwed <»ofd a ffeftk
noir*#, N n o , pfM* *»«l ##lf f#< |n ü i N i Ib# i # # b N nK 7.
f l y U p v iu r f,
"No; lev* is life, tore p <
b in I n i l i p r« i# ffN [ Tira orai rtv#4 l i bl» raiid WhiN ev e* clad klMtelf la hm<-t «
"Notblfag,** M iti (Ini * utttiA.
ty C I W o r t R
V ound
1 n n N for Seid Moli U ral
|r«r#d, ot«m. b# «illim t «P and d o n of rlibteow atoe
ft* m
« y » » '* « .« » m
»y a *» •
! ilr ts iiN N e l M tarli, farina
» ntitf* b# N * d b#f. ib# n o n n io*Md bla l it u i ibooi b ili. Ira ito p to you mm, lo «erry ,,4 m
lY io n n
n#4 tra «r*# |tjr # fo h o o i im o (rad. bl»
cltraod« ha U r t a b ii poor wife, would be unfast
o tifo m u o f* * , Knld UNI* i N Bd i tip t o t i H Uod, b lf bmrt pfl#*! would not be that perfec>, <*
I4#. Nel
in tar Ib# uraib, ab# N t * tb#4 pui under Mi# liv tr itlo o i Nf tb# bla* a between in tbai n w i <*dsr>
I t# miran
# tifatili
■ ' ’ r r fi ?
«*b# finiti l 0t fi## l b ' a «m ai b#4 ] itifllt iml mimo tt No llaf#ttaAt of olii revelation. Yetir hem-.4
r , MNP IktH-lr
»v#f (r#ratilitf NiKMiitt lira l*1*4* U#b •elf reepeet and niltir
rar* «tth :
ra Ira utuN>f Ura spiritual pun
If I can’t have you » ia » ,.j
!!« m m ,t pimi tra miti lit 4 io #t ib# »rlentw, If you can't conte t„,,
MilHi Im ft
milit# iBotusiil Uiil tra lotdpda fa li*#.
wattle way, ww nr* b#t!»f
A n M tfV if jT
crai # iaenJi«
tf# grappi'i«! bUadlv for #oltui¡iras uf t booth It kill* me, eltbowgh |
N proliNca ii»mc would l#av« 1him «Uh out you seems nothinr I *e^
C H A ir r n
miAiBtib#i buttar and umiliiniUiishvd net live It, we are M « <
»elf re«|i»rl end Odellty. end yet
can’t be your wife until—"
iv i
b in this « iHimu, u j In vain. Us
*1 «ama b| « * t n
tlM U what nad until tb
into I
eira«* to find * » a y to is r e s r lls tb# mantled Newbold
!«#l aliti
I Ih* epp**l Ihui »uh ib * prrevni, rvallslag as ha
lid N tilt
c h a p t e r ir .. Ktrabr. ih«
”1 don't know," said the
ai« latti iti« atoo
« Boddnt, fallp f It fm n
b#r boari did a# lb * futility of aucb a proponi- 1 believe that aDim-miur» *
b# oiher tn»B «III
«fi «hlrh ti
t® (.»yM o t ■Ai
iljr and lotMlna *<*N la
___11 w#r#
____ . (loa. One
_ tbe other fruii be •#■ we shall Rod I way out of ,
>ad#d so HiwerfuUfMi N i
luift • SK»dr. iali
a itra n a # roto tali tufi af pHd#, ra­
i Kt k
rust N# bold would oat b# fala# priioo, b# ntu*( In rio fib ly hold to Wi eulfy. There I* a wxy “ A
a#n tt u ta t a id pdijr al (Ht hofé
ho obliga on of lb# other moman's Idea« aid blf Idoala. i r b# n u it la«#1» Uttl* IneatMlouwfy "I knew
it ion, Kild might tuia# *oi*#d lb# Itsbly u k * tb* wotuaa.
“Show tt t*> me.’’
CHAFnn» y-W h !W Ceto >■ bethlna w hat r o a n -, fBtlrtljr UBMlitifté ytt
p thè r i m In h « t M » m u . t , ■ M
haodfoiB# far# wl ch #••# o# wtl
ib#i In a moment
[ H o » frightful was lb* battl* that
“N© I rennet “
•m i M M n w th, beak a n i u nb-ùi d ro ff ot th# suor t pyrpaa# which
ceatver. Tb* raged wltbln bit boiosii! SotnedaHW
“What prevtuisT*
ll art# not to »impl«
j l J M f » M I (N *M tr lo fliuek Ih#
■tri wN b a liini H u * olii n «I ih# iä > i b i b id dlaplaytd
menu |q bll daapair he thaagbt (bat h*
that Now bald r boriati*«! (bios m#ra
Tbe »ante thing which
Mai li tUH«4 by * «tran#« ma a.
MA ad b tf# ,M aaid tb# mira otfw tu a |
r, ib * ia>>
fact (hat this other woman would base been glad If he and sb# honor, loyally."
CHATTEN W .-R(iia la cwo«*« ta a fb# o th e r a rtici# , **ta cotu tC blaa th a t
] fought ao desperately, bad tried had gnu* down together la tffe dark
•To a man?"
•botta which trip«« out hor party • rama, 0 0 human #jr# but D io * ta a t » # f !
1 to_glr*
— .way,
— entitled her , walera twdore all this raaw upon him.
*o gh a—“
rd 10
T o a woman."
ah* I# diihtd upon th« foriti —nd
M a~
lal«r»4L Th« itfBRg« man who hoi th« f##n tin c o th a t day. U la a l o t t a i j
in Ktilii Maitland * admiration and <t*- Th*
tu*. flood*
uumw of
«* wblcb
■ um,« the
,<■* beavena
m , ? » had
T do not undareiatii!"
M l-nj«
d carri«# 1 took from b er nock
V it ti y ota »
mended her blgb**t consideration a* -implied thorn »elves Into born* bar t o
“No. bu* you wlU
h«r to alralwr.
ca ra # ! w o ro It n # it to m y kaari**
well. CBanee. or Provident*, hsd put him. Ob If they had nely swept him smiled at him. “See.* i
* C H A P T E R VTT - Memb*rw of h# f i n n .
•'And atoe# tbooT*
her In possession of this woman’s se- oat of Ilf* with It* trouble. Us tris)*, “through my tenr* I o n »mil
laa P*tlr r«-aUting that Knt.J « toit fa
an Eaclamatten.
"S in e # th en I b ar# b##n u tw o rth y f
rrrt. It’» i s as If sb * had been caught |(s anxletle*. Ita obligations. Its Irapo# though my heart ll brcaktsg.
Ih# «torm Insili ut# a franti# • iirch for
Ut# mtnin# flrt.
her y
X an* unw orthy you* and C j
She sibilítica. It they bad gone together! that In God'a good time i*.« i
e b b all tb# coo ms# and darios with
could net In honor make use o t what And then ka knew that he wf* glad Itself out.”
C H A ir rn v h i . - n # tr«^« <f h#r 1# b a r# p u t li a#Id«."
aklcb s Uuddtwt might look upon a
foimd aad word !• ifl«iriph* I to h*r
‘ Do#* li c o n ta la a a o t b tr pN turw f* '
the had overheard, as It w ar*; she even for tb * torture, hoes use lie had
“I can’t wait - for God 1 i
man. "IfotbliiK hut my weakness and
f*th#r. datori Arnutronf t# a lim i th#
T w .could not blacken the other woman's seen her, because he had ¡oved bur, now,“ persisted tbe other.
fattwr for Erriti*» h»«*! wh«n th* M arn ai
yuir strength "
arriva# tv ormai nr th# bwllrf ___ thf
"O t h e r r
memory, she could not enlighten this and because she had luesd him.
“Hush, don’t any that." atm
"'Yea. tb a fa It. but do not count too
Itrt hi N d AfiMtrang «ijfi h* «rlll flnd
“A m » n '* fue«.”
man at the expense of hls dead wife's
}{• marveled at hltuself curiously, woman, for a moment Itflnf he
h«r. and Maltland agrw lo th«lr mar»rich uput »*., one or the other.
"Y o u rii?"
riaa* tf h« aucc««4a.
reptil at lea.
and In a detached way. There was a on hls lips. “But 1 fsrgirt
Client tied, bow can I keep away from
I lo shook his hesil.
Although abe longed for him as woman wh* loved him, who had con- know how you «offer.’’
C H A FT E K I X .-E n ld r*»aln#; life on the old terms U insup“IxMk
seo.'* ho e n w e iw â
n«*« In tff# hot of th# man who had
much as he longed for her. although ft-ssed It boldly and Innocently, there
Tbe man could say
.lu rtable I must go."
rrarurd h «r from th# bear,
hi " P r e s s th e s p rln * .“
her love for him amazed her by Its was none te a a y him nay. Tbe woman tug He stared, at her a aeon»
d im ari her foot whlch had bw n s«v#r#!j
S tth in g actio n to word, th e- nox£
depth and Intensity, even tn bring her who stood between had been dead five bis hand went to biz throat as t
"Anywhero, so ll be away."
second P a id .Vlaltlnnd found h e ra e it j
happiness, commensurate- with h«r years. Th# world knew nothing, cared were choking
"And when?"
' W
. l » l
u ro u , bo pictured ' N
u k t I
feeling, th e could not betray her dead nothing; they could go out together;
•Unworthy," bo said houtoj'
n««t room a restless ons u be Hess ovst | 0 f Mr. J a m e s A rm stro n «!
8U * * » l
The imposts of honor, how he could take her, she would come. On worthy of the past, suwor’hy <t
“It; would
be death In. the
to h u 'w V * ” * OB*‘ H *
‘ 0 m , * * ' " * ! u tte rly u n ib le to suppress no « c t s , |
hard they are to sustain when they the Impulse he turned and ran to the present, unworthy of the futara
mat Ion and a star, of surprise « Mm ;i «■ th . tonight. No. no
conflict with love and Ion ring.
door and beat upon It. Her volco bad* God forgive me. I never cos'
____ . . .__ _______ ______
I you
you can
n ot *go
Th« _
man ,¡
L. J VnUft ready
,t■- for
<n_ The
ika eubstantlel
astonlghlng reseiatiou.
lie will for liv e you. nstw
Enid Maitland was naturally not a him enter, and he cam# in.
oretkfast the man has prepared for her., looked at her curiously; he opened |
little thrown off her balance by the I Hto h e a t yearned to him. She was* answered Enid gently.
fair, I can't take you with me, but I
And you?” baked Aerlomr. Y:
sltuai sin and the power that was hers, shocked, ¡«railed at the tortur* sh®
CHAPTER X I! -H er rescuer goes !» hls raou,h t0
h' r Urt * * * k must go alone to tbe settlements, I
a««rrh of Eni’d*« party, but returns at I r#coT«red h«r«#tf In pnrt at l<*#at ;nul
What sb* could not do hersolf she saw upon bis face. Had he been laid: ruined your life.”
nightfall alone and
|gwlftly interrupted him In * panic
No, you have ennobiaf It
could not allow anyone elB# to do. upon the sack, and every Joint pulled
ab««nc« «h# discover« books which show
alive, well. I shall find uicn to como
him to b« a man of education.
of t«rror Nat th# should hotrmy *«r
The »bllgation upon her m u t h* ex- from Ita sockets, he could not hav* nothing ever make you lotpt
back and get you. What 1 cannot do
tended to others. Old’ K lrtby had no boen m or* white and agonized,
Wherever you are and
CHAPTER X III -EnM dnds that she
alone numbers together may effect.
‘And what ta the picture eg «neth­
must remain In the mountain# until h*«
right to the woman’s secret any more
" I give up," he cried. “What nrs do, and whatever you may haveThey can carry you over the worst of
foot la better and th# mountain trail* er man doing la your wife's locket'’"
than she; he must be silenced. Arm- honor andl self respect to me? I want I love you. and I ¿tall lo« you
passable, or permit h#r companion to ■be asked to gain time, for she «wry
the tr&ila you shall be restored to
leave ]i«r alon* for « w#ek whil# he P #
strong, the only other being who was you. 1 lucre put the past behind. You end. Now you mnst go, it i>
In search of help. She decide# to hav# well knew tie reply; knew It, in­
pi-iry to the truth, muat he stlenoed lov© me. and I, I am yours with every I can’t stand any? more. I fir
him remain with her.
deed, better than Nowbold hlnwetf?
-I fiber of my being. Treat God! üet self on yomr nieruy again« I t
CHAPTER XIV. — A whola montH Who as It happened, was edualTy In
One thing at least arose out of the us cast «aide these- foolish quixotic er pud weaker before yon; «»
man, “that I could ever forget you?”
pl»»e. before Enid's foot 1» thoroughly the dark both aa to th# man aisd ftb«
sea of trouble In is tangible way; she scruples, (hat have kept us apart If a man, as you are stranger, '
well and In the meantime »he discover»
“I don't know."
that she Is In love with ‘ {l*
was done with ,/rmatrong. Even If » ■»<*■''*' thought, declare h s guilt, I from myself. I f you were to
“And. wlU you forget me?"
silent man w ho Intrudes himself at
“I don’t know.* answered: tbe folkalready disloyal'to the other worn- again tn your arms," she tod
little as possible on her notice.
1 “Not so long as life throbs In my she had not so loved Nowbold that »ho ¡
steadily. “I kn«w not how l '* 0^
could scarcely give a thought to sny a«: deeply, en tire^
rH tP T K R X V . —The m en com es to a
DO you know
Know this
i Nis i«man?"
other human being, she was done with j trayedi her, ahamed her, abamtoned you hack. For God’s take. If J“»
realisation of hls love t o r h e r h u tn e tu r “And
“I never s«w him 'in
' tn my llf#|that
ally tn th at strange aolltude the ret»I her’ *»* me ha,w ■ome reWRn* tor
“So be ft. You won’t be afraid te> Armstrong
ttona of the girl and her rescuer b oom s I , can recall.'
That was «he hardest thing be
A singular situation.!’
Armstrong ; what 0 have g o n - through. You love
unnatural and atralned.
atay her* alone, now.”
'And have you—did you—■
ever done, to turn and go ou’- 4
C H A PTER X V X .-T h e stran g er tells ol
“Did I suspect my wire?“ ! he askel.
bold- and the latter had «ven married
answered the woman, and no room, out of her sight, anil !f4T*
s wife he had who la dend. an d anya ha “ Never. I had too many evidences, tbe noble auawer. "I suppose 1 must;
aaT sworn to ever cherish her memory
this other woman, yut ah* waa quite i taak ever laid upon her bad been hard- standing there with eyes afiintng.
there ts no other way, we could not
hv livlnpc In aolltude. He and Enid, bow- that she loved me and me alone for it
pulses throbbing, with breath i
lovo yQU* 1
aver confess their love f.>r each other.
go on as before. And you will cerne willing to forgive Nawbold, sha mado er
She learns th at ho Is the m an who killed ghost of suspicion to /enter my mind.
every excuse for him, she made none not deny It. Every part of me re- fast, with bosom psntlng Ones
hls wife In the mountain.
for Armstrong. She was an eminently «Punís to your appeal. I should be so andiat a touch she might Dave,
the others?"
father In hls youth."*
sane Just person, yet aa she thought happy that. I cannot even think of it If
“And why did yo« wear it?”
of the situation her anger against leo»M ,p u t no* band in your own, if I
“liecauBe I took, U from hec/dead
heart. Some day "1 shall find gift who
Thw Challenge o l the W
was a safety valve to her feelings, al- ,
the man is and when I shall; I know you tomorrow It shall be forever.”
Mr. James Armstrong sat «
“And I swear to you,” asserted the though she did not realize It. After
there will be nothing to herAllscredlt
desk before the west »’Into*
woman In quick desperation, "if you all, Armstrong’s actions rendered her '
in the knowledge.”
[private room in on« of t 9
Enid Maitland nodded her head. do not come back they shall have a certain sejvico; If she could get ;
buildings in Denver. His sail«
nothing to carry from here but my over the objection in her soul, If she j
She closed the locket, laid It on. the
flees was situated on one of
dead body. You do not alone know | could ever satisfy her sense of honor
table and pushed It away from her.
I floors, and from it he had a c
So this was the man the woman had
! unobstructed view of the
loved, who had begged her to go “and 1 will not let you go unless I tie the question at once. She had I
I range over the inlecvenlng
away with him, this handsome Armi and other buildings. The ea
strong who had come within an ace
! covered with snow. It had *a
of winning her own affection, to ing?”
lly through the night, but
“I can’t. But I will follow you on | not you, your wife loved,” and New- I
whom she. was In 'some measure
dawn the air lutd cleared m
my hands and knees in the snow uut.l bold would take her to his heart in-,
had come out brightly, although
How, strangely does fate work out I freeze and die unless I have your stsntiy.
very cold.
These thoughts were not without a j
its purposes.
Enin had come from promise."
Letters, papers, documents,
“You have batten me,” said the man certain comfort to her. All the com- j
the Atlantic seaboard to be the sec­
mands of a business extensn
ond woman that both these two men hopeleirly. “You always do. Honor, pensatton of self sacrifice is in its
led, were left unnoticed, [w
what is it? Pride, what Is It? Self- realization. That she could and did ;
bis elbow on the desk, hiein« “
If she ever saw Mr. James Armband, looking moodily at him. Even -women are alloyed with j
‘ strong again, and she had no doubt X am at your feet, I put the past be­
in the month that had *]9’ .
base metal.
In the powerful and
that she would, she would have some hind me."
he had received news o
“I don’t say the word,” answered the universal appeal of this man to her,
strange things to say to him.
land’s disappearance he-haa
woman bravely, white faced, pale she rejoiced at whatever wan of the
held in her hands flow all the threads
in that way, in that P,ace’ ’
of the mystery, she was master of lipped, but resolute. “To be yours, to soul, rather than of the body. To
the range, a prey to onos ,
possess power, to refrain from using
-the Had but to Show Him Those I fill the solut&ns,_and
reflections, heavy hearted
It In obedience to some higher law, is
was a nVioin
chain that,
that hound her.
solate indeed.
perhaps to pay oneself the most flat­
“My friend," she said at last with
Her mind told tier tnese tnings a deep sigh, “you must forget this self-respect—no not that way. Cour­ tering of compliments. There 'was a She Stood With Her Hand Still on Hla
(To B e Continued.)
were idle and foolish, but her soul night and go on as before/ You love age, my friend, God will show us the satisfaction to her soul in this which
would not hear of it. And in spite of me, thank God for that, but honor way, and meantime good night.”
Her action was quite different from could lay my head upon yout1 shoul­
her resolutions she felt that even­ and respect interpose between us.
"I shall start in the morning.”
“Yes,” she nodded reluctantly but his. She was putting away happiness der, if I could feel your heart beat
tually there would be some way. She And I love you, and I thank God for
would not have been a human wo­ that, too, but for me as well the
knowing It had to be, “but you won’t which she might have had in compli­ against mine, if I could give myself up
ance with a higher law than that to you, I would be so glad, so glad.
man if she had not hoped and prayed same barrier rises.
Whether we go without bidding me good bye.”
which bids humanity enjoy. It was But it cannot be, not now.”
that. She believed that God had cre­ shall ever surmount these barriers
“Why not?” pleaded the man.
ated them for each other, that he God alone knows.
He brought us
“Good night then,” she said extend­ flattering to her mind. In his case,
t o m s r iv e r
it was otherwise; he had no con­
He was by her side, his arm went
had thrown them together, She was together, he put that, love in our ing her hand.”
Jo D h ln u p ro m p tly
around her. She did not resist phy­
enough of a fatalist in this instance hearts, we will have to leave it to
"Good night,” he whispered hoarsat least to accept their intimacy as him to do as he will with us both. ley and refused it, backing away. “I misplaced trust, of misinterpreted ac­ sically, it would have been useless.
He thought the woman for She only laid her slender hand upon
the result of His ordination. There Meanwhile we must go on as be­ don't dare to take it. I don’t dare to tion.
whom he was putting away happiness his broad breast and threw her head
must he some way out of the dilem- fore."
touch you again. I love you so, my
was almost as worthy, if infinitely less back and looked at him.
“No,” cried the man, “you impose only salvation is to keep away.”
desirable, as the woman whom ho now
“See,” she said, “how heipless I am,
Yet she knew that he would be upon me tasks beyond my strength;
bow weak In your bands. Every voice
true to his belief and she felt that | you jdon’t
on’(- know what love is, you
Every sting of outrage, every feel­ in my heart bids me give way. If you
she would not be false to her obli­ don’t know the heart hunger, the aw­
ing of shame, every fear of disloyalty, insist I can deny you nothing. I am
gation. W hat of that? There would ful madness I feel. Think, I have been
The Strength of the Weak.
scourged him. She could glory in it;
be some way.
Perhaps somebody alone with a recollection for all these
Although Enid Maitland had spoken he was ashamed, humiliated, broken. helpless, alone, but it must not be.
I know you better than you know
else knew, and then there flashed years, a man in the dark, in the night.;
bravely enough while he was there,
She heard him savagely walking up yourself. You will not take advantage
Into .her mind the w riter of the let­ and the light comes, you are here.
when she was alone her heart sank and down the other room, restlessly
of affection so unbounded, of weak­
Who was he? W as be yet The first night I brought you here 1 into the depths as she contemplated
A R T H U R C. KINGimpelled by the same Erinyes which
alive? Had he any part to play' m walked that room on the other side of
the dreadful and unsolvable dilemma of old scourged Orestes; the violator ness so pitiable.”
Was it.the wisdom of calculation, or
this strange tragedy aside from that
in which these two lovers found them­ of the laws of moral being drove him
CIVIL en g in e e r
was It the wisdom of instinct by which
he had already assayed?
selves so unwittingly and inextricably on. These malign Eumenides held
she chose her course? Resistance
Sometimes an answer to a secret
involved. It was indeed a curious and him in their hands. He was bound and
would have been unavailing, In weak­
query is made openly. At this junc­ C o u r ie r A d s P a y ' Y o u — h a v e
Passionate helpless, rage as he might in one
ness was her strength.
ture Newbold came
adoration for the other rose In each moment, pray as he did in another, no
stopped^before^he^ tmsteadiljh hls face Vow triedit? Better begin now.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall
breast Uke the surging tide of a
now marked not only by .the fierce-
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“It give* me gfeai |4ti»ure 10
offer a word of recommendation
for Dr. Miiei* Aon* Pain P*H*.
at there are iliouaanda »offering
y g fiffrm rily ffotfi }***<*c|a* he
wi* affficted iairrtniHenity for
year» with headache aitd after
other remedtea failed. 1 tried
Dr. Mile»* A oil-Pain P»f!** For
the p o t ta* >«*'» I have <*rtjtd
them con.unilv with me. getting
in.uiii relief »y »‘ ins one or
two on the olh r.< l*ih r
The* are *l.o fffccüye foe neiu
I tig !., sivmg itnfneaUte relief *
C M . BROWN, Eethenrill*. I*.
tt It w y l4m«fOQf io
M orl
mnp<hi4 f t t t i f c torgliitSB w
inhomil Cfiftl. U Ihla l* 4 f
dry ln ai«i| Mwitont ind ihtn# crop#
h«»p h##n grown yiiffcr nninvoriht#
h l f b| A ll t X v g f i o * .
« Dm m . n C ento.
M I L * * M I O I C A L C O .. « I k h k r t . In*.
» 1 tom
i;i neo
• to
I* »«
S S S S rS F «
II-A llr U
i#Id p«r
'Tr^ „I U» unti »'<’11 »I thirty-litres
rrn »od one-n.If f««t <* *»<lB
S ' Â iïlür? iu.-u..rcof. Bmtnolojois
point id uio m i t r i ; » u * Qi i M i ^ i Æ n îh f ( 7 Ì )
n-l pimi Mimmenty-one .ml a»frteotli. (iii.o)
toft W irrlj trout Iho
LlK»tn A.
prepent now or f o t a t t l f owned r j *
E cSbI aid . Dionee » R t m a t ^ ^ » ¡ J J P 2 J*
«t Mfincm« io Ui« ,-oiiree Ho^h » U *«r“ ‘ * 0
JWtT-nx minute* Wont (M6* 4«» W ) trn^een nu»
<&W4!i<i flinctj <iasr»»> feet m o te or le»» to Tom a
AO.l where»», 11 I« DOW tM ito tlto Ot thto OjjtoJ
i f . i»
a, k h s s t ,
r s D o v e r Townaliip.
Cattle and other IWe (lock will d»
rive much good early fall an. winter
pnaturo on wheat ond they will not
damage the crop If tbe pasturing ia
done In dry weather or when tbe
ground 1» froaen.
o l tk l. toe in«.
TD«y ooo«Ml toowtly or bonM I t » w
t«a cw i. Yoon« «rnio.1 »nd woken, w •«
few ligkter <>»«. The» are 11» pr>n»r
kind, u d l o u w l l ikeui t i e to i n low«r
in to »o r m»n wko W i*. In toe tnorket
I no*« wl»ie<.of o »eryCHOlOK lot ol
her«*« coralog. Tbolr .>rl»«l will » » * «
u»«r IM m i of OoroM. W *o r*K N . i« .l
ACCUMATED, that 1 H.»o ImU Id 1
tf you would really know bow na
unblanketed horao foela after violent
exerclae In cold weather take a brlek
run of « mile or no and then etand
where the cold wind will strike you
for half an hour.
tb.B #T' wee«.
AB es.iB lD .tlon anil oomportMB or .t.x-li
»nd orbw. » ilcllo d .
n e - 3 F » TB« i"Ml will be r«luou«l fur
>oy one at»|..JMd of pro»io* eontr»ry lo roprowoullon
Owing to Ik« revent Br« l will .1*010
thorn ol the Amerluin Doom oubleo lo
Now Bgypt N. i .
The »Inter egg producers nre now
In the courie of development on thou­
sand* of farms, and It behoove» ev­
ery one to Bee to It that they lark
nothing a t thla period that would an
slst In their development.
'i t
Never buy a bores for family use
where the women folk are to drive
him without at least one week's trial
If he la put through all his paces and
sent up against steam engines and
other scarey things he will develop
his good or bad faith in that time.
A prili, 18, and Mky 9, I9 U U’hiR
thb Cleric»»
i utili I v ou JRtiuary IB* »8T9, 8
•untied *'Crftiitnoor Manor
Miuriukof Torus h ive r. Ocean
mmisi quently wakiuir convey! >it ion* ofnatd lauds «»y rofoi rni oilit*rwise have dedicated
an i im public highways the
it nie boandanea of
u un »aid nini«; and It la dow to accept »-ml open
w’Uvvaya to puoltc use; there
Including kotol occommodotlon.
and n e co iu ry o ij m iim . .
Tickets «n d full laform .iio n ot Ticke» Agents,
o r D . n . Bell, A G. P. « , Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia. Pa.
At the age of three score and ten n
man begins to realize that It’s up to
him to be his own best friend. Chi­
cago Daily News.
Pennsylvania!!. R.
l owustnp Ooiuiulttee of
V..H in me County uf ucean
: raéis of luuU Included w ithin
ni* several streets .shown on
■ i Manor ttloresa«d oe, and
'■> ut. re peed us ami lo r public
i - » .r sat«) Rtreots «hull t»6 tbe
nie H«ut nib|». « nue copy of
Wim III»* KWLftD'p unti nere. i»- towiialilp records coacuru-
a uf March. T í. 8 .
.1. i UotiLBMAIlAN*
i n v-r To wu i»f( id uunraUtce
«■( Dover Tow nship.
. Murjiii M BrookSi, E xecutrix of W lllUm
- ^fd,i>.ydirection of ifie Surrogate
“j “ - . "I ij,.'i:'jiü*h«r>dijf'"gtves notice to
; me » »m IV Oil «tu nrousou, t»
.icuiun.iB JU.I claims itgulusi
ol tue »«ni decedent under oath ur
iflmii 1 wiinjji dì ¡e monili» frolli l.lii» date,
flf the • • fnrevtr iiarred of auy action
tiifeur. - unsi thè salti Kxeoatnx.
^ te(l-
id illi E T M. 14H 0 0 É Ì ,
[ p r ’» féii, I ¡.»DJ
» «ili 12, A. D , 11)12.
«i. ,L»4ITàlS6
-«uiy io
your Dar«»©or,, au yont
. -ititi a tsy work.
H 0R,£sH 0EI!iG A S P E C IA L I*
liU’fiiueert i »y
”•m «owr «bun.
row s IIIV eh
Read the C. A. V/. acivs.
Insure,nee Policy from agency a
F ir e
Representing the 1e ad i i
American and Po reign C n.
The Greatest Security
Established 1874
Foreign Born Mothers Have the Larg­
est, the Poles Leading, Accord­
ing to Investigations.
Its value inestimable
»» mi *
e* »**f%f «aie d l l
If flee* i f *»fee»wti
The Immigration commission has
been Investigating the size of families
of various nationalities as to paren­
tage but born fn this country. The In­
vestigation covered the entire etate
of Rhode Island, Cleveland. Minneap­
olis, rural Ohio and rural Minnesota.
Only those married women were in­
cluded in the study ivho were under
4," years of age and bad been married
from ten to nineteen years, Accord­
ing to the Independent the results
show that for the total area tabulated
there were 2.7 children born to the na
t-fve white mothers of native paren­
tage and 4.4 children to the white
mothers of foreign parentage.
In Minneapolis the number of chil­
dren born t,o native mothers was 2,4
number of children to mothers of spe­
cified foreign parentage was as folllows: English, 3.4; English Cana­
dian, 3.5; Scotch, 3.6; German. 4.3;
French, 4.3; Irish, 4,4; Norwegian,
4.7; Italian. 4,9; Bohemian, $3; Rus­
sian, 5.4; French Canadian, 5.6, and
|Polish, 6.2.
Oh, Those, Headaches Ij
He Forgot to Krteel.
I A young, lady vvas acting tempprar1Hy as hostess, and lier titno.was much
i occupied. One of, fcer admirers, a
Those «on. ltc-iyr bea'tocBd. to«* «« ™anv ! m t’vpus and absent-miuded lover, perwomen «offer w an. J " f m- v I csAWy 1eeived that this would be the cape,
and to facilitate matters he deter“ S T . 'S ? X « e ”
c a u e r i bom defective
I mined to bring affairs to a paint lie
! «it nq <» ve yon aV-nrofu! exaraimitlon ire
! didn’t get a chance.
, f « . w * i / » e will tea yen tfyu u re ye a
| '‘Afterward,” says the object of his
are ibe cans? of t.»ie troui>!©.
j ill-starred devotion, ”1 found this
' nu-mora'ndum on the floor, where hti had dropped it in ids agitation. It
P hiladelphia Eye Specialists 1 read thus;
« 'Mention rise in salary. Sfentlun
„ , . T T T cr, i y
f. , loneliness; Mention pleasure in her
b A lU r tm ily
u j EOr.jcty. Mention prospects from Uncle
HODKS; 10.00 ».ni. tm 3 - 3 0 P-™’
j j m. Never lover before. Propose.’.’
— I-lfe.
FREE examination
Stiles & Co.,
at Cowperthwalt
i* » « t e A t t n
<B - A » » fee<* cwafe(«lA*
*e*4 **e i w» ivM ie a
iiifeitiAj of 1AM e|4lfe
i piu*n*i -’keep ei rt#A«
lu im te ppU Me »»>> Ate pm «AIM feww#F#«l
uw ifit f«#* gefefe'fepd tontiptittfiiif ey rtf
tm it ki«*t ....
AiftW. M t llft r tMÁ) fef F>
•*, U rn*
I g »list*.#
| 1%«*
•wi »H«** U trie wtoa hr meant.
t*fpt|<Hit 4 * 1 tal g*L 4 fePf) A. D, »
rtf it PIMI fef MM? PPWA, Pftet f t o r a ##
iii* C fe v iv 0 #k* pf T " » « lrtr*f,
(kfeM , Üikl4 « I a t v J* r»* y, Ip Haul Mu. «dt
«Wxtfp, Ml»» A* A# « «TPfelMl 4B<1 mat ¥*T*t Ufe
ilk«* MH* Aan fe N 4 iB If pfcii |jpt| pj i K i m
m»Al A«*a» (4kiutki in N .
u rnoi m i aal* ave «aaliB o ro K » T ila .
it#ilfr*t ft* Ife* ^fuftefiy of ffOMli gtoprik hs
tad Inprar«‘feN*fei A»*or«pu«e. # s>.
Tom a B lv n r. N ! L*i»«i
Irn Ulit V. kbit l«P*a
4 MJ WitJita (fio ««»,
ffeMUi. PMI I*
1 •
tfeltllsM A, EfcpffeMi.
TH EO J . K. B B O W X .
gofhrlUV fur r<M«MIMAI«,
' attorney et Law, aeUettor we Usatoti» Ohto
Mi**I, i pao««, H. J.
r*ry, Noury Tvouc.
opted Mkfrfe II, tilt.
(Pr*p r*P lis.pri
ootnui* atnLBiM . naia n u r
TONS t i v ù , * . J.
pfevf m f a e e e ie p M if i f A'ApPti«
a y vin o * or » w rit » i n r i , u m s i « a t n t.te *
c « » » < * r f ..f ib » * u i* u r » « e J i m i .
iiin rto d , I w ill M il u yehiio « r o d o « oa
(Wort of
osa lo
avTokbgy at u »w
a i toe (V ia ri .Vow«» is »B* elite«» or r u a » K lv e r
r> H D T 8 A F I S C H E R
D e v ic e
fo r
-------B A R B E R S ------to c. T. Bruteen
P la n t in g T r o e a
having on Inch bole bored through tbe
center near each ond. Lay down tbo
board with notch to the etske Insert
pegs through th* end holes Into tbo
soil. U ft one end of the board end
swing around. Now tbe hole ebould
be dug. When reuidy to recolre the
tree, swing back the board In place.
E s t a b l i s h * !» 1877
OrpoaiT* T u i Ooaaa H o n »
lo toe itiuoit rf (Oo*o »0.1 te l* of . . . r.
twi « . . . IB* boom of I« m OM * » . w , 10 wu at
» oe oViaek p m . ™ mia day, to. rotisela« am.
ended rol mtatoi
AU thaï <wn*ie u m or porral ot lud «od
premi*«« h*(*io*n»f imtik ou
abrir dmmiMd, ait.
nal* la toa -*(i*n*Btp or I n o « n**,*., u in o
t-u u o lr ol o r* M , .»<1 B U M o t <aw J t ñ t t . lo
¡ " m e r i t w « v e r i ! , e o e » o r i » S a m « B orea, se
ib* pptd
uld tL«a« Brmii, allori., irte« and Itolo«
in lorn tw iy I . « T o w t .b ip o f B Ù im w o w t. know n
a .d d M v o a itd oa • p i u of tot. o r Palar r* p p W U d » m u i b A. Prp p lo r Rimi, toy Koinml Ì
e»*Moe. * a r t e t or. a . l i , to o ta a d .o .p m m r a u
tbareto d u o « i m io too O a r k l sggoa o l to t
County or O rm o .form
»fo rmatti,
a i hoondoi
é u uu
.l m
rilitod u fullitw., IO
lo wut
( -- ¿ Y 8 S E H 8 . G R A N T ,
i I I
T o n o a ia L A n n sr,
1 sa tbb
| mw;atUmll uehsn«», Ha« itreet
tn P'»n,ln«. , p! r * lti h* .¡T ? , « o r i ! ' l * « « « T « U y ( . , o .» i, oaau )fr o - L t o . •
notch ao that It will brlrvg it exactly tof p
gutirdija. rroa • # .*. to itnldAt«»1
where the atake ttood.
1 ■ * —
--------------- as
ArroRirtY-aT- Law
T O H S R IV E R , N J
uomini BviUMNfee
P a r tic u la r ly
P o p u ltr
W ith
E fe ittrn
G ro w e rs o n A c c o u n t o f E a r ly
♦ M a t u r i t y « n d P lu m p n e fe t.
commlMMoner o f Deeds,
fend Left» Psper«
Prom ptly at teneteti to
a l l IBM re n a io lo» or toad « n iw n
S to ri
Numttot Bla (•) oo Uhl plan, romprlun« twainj.
two loto, simal* on th. NortBwuiwordlr aid.
ot A l l u n o U H M . ooot.lii 0 « IB frool „
iirr.d th Ito Uto m k i A ti.otki A v e n e iwo Bon*lf*«! N «* *»d r » ,a n d iti« N orlB w m tw w d ty >f
•«•* wldtk BatWMD peroiial Horn a i rigBt u g t m
to lb* u l d Allan U r Avenue fo u r hundred sad
to n y feel lo Ib* eou toeM w a rd lr .M a of Basch
Avaana. Booodad H m th w m iw u d ly by NteateanUi fitre rl, N nr’ h e u iw w d ly by T o c o n a l«
s u a « , NoriBweatwordly b r a u f Brach Avenue
to d houtoaoHwordiy hy u n i A i l u U o A r o * « ..
«•lot pen ol tt« ««aia rremtom wbich tot
North Baach Harro Land and Improvement
A uociaiioa by Icdaom re uttad i h . an d doy a l
November A. D„ l*oi, ond rr corde* In ine
cia rb '.o m o e in and t o r i o , m u n ir ol u o o u ,
u.< stato of New Jeroer. In Hook Nomino i l i
of Oer.l», page «SI d e., «m m rd and ronvayrd
unto toaorg. Neeley lo I te .
Sewed oe the property ol George Neele» , 5
»1, defendant., ond «ben tino emvtttlon «- >e„
null of Robert P. Broen, vompialoont, ho I 1«.
Plums of the Japanese variety are
•old by
popular with most growers, particu­
larly in the east, because they ore
William H Panini,
Hom-iior lor CompumatiW,
hardy and come on early. Many of
m Market street, ivmdeo, 1«. J,
theM varlìeries' are ths earliest In the 40 Petera Pisce
Red Bauk, N. J .
Doted March II, l»li.
[IV» Fee 15.75)
yellows, they sell readily and bring OfH«»T* ^ ;
^ t o prices,
g u
appointm .nl
They will grow well on almost any
kind of decent soli, and do not need THOS. E. VAX
to be particularly coddled, although
D Y K E , J>
Saddles, Harness,
Collars. H o n e n o th in * ,T o r f «o d nporno* Gnoo
Repairing N i-a lly Done
A pair of full grown Bull laiakea
will keep two or three acres of al alfn free from the encroachments of
the pocket gopher and the mole, and
they nre harmless with the exception
of the fact that they may catch small
chickens If they nre given a chance.
- p tln r « ertatn roads or panile
I ».viisiiip of D o ve r lu tue * ouuty
......... ..
H im *iliT l>l»t|4T.
m e e n ii • f o o d
m u r ii m o r e t it le
tf Ibe colt, are to come out eound.
Ilrely and rendy for work or market
next eprlng they n u it bave good feed,
plenty of exerclae In opan nJr a»»ry
fine day and warm quartern at night
all wlntar.
■me*« horew were ptireh««.! uy m> M
.UM ut buyer d ir«* of lb« l*rnwto ol tto
Under Person«! E»cort.
¡»i Tovu .Iiip ol Dover, in the County of Ocean
After the ground h t* hern laid <R>1
TV M * H i V k g . A,
fot the Anting of tree*, by menni <rf
ginkei ttftlg h i In nil dlrectlof^i. Iht AlMlMIlrt e»pl»**l lot fAltkM f luerlîr
leefh Ate» hi«*oa* c»ti«*e «*» tcmieiptei
device a* phown In th# cot wttf he a
greet http tn getting IM tre et #*Ach
W. f ^ H W t l H A K L
|y where th# it i he hat tlood.
Tak* R board about aeven fool to n a., 1 .
(' utkOfU'h aT L aw* aM
one aide In the middle.
n o t c h tt
M arran t * O i i w n i ,
In counting the proflia from your
floch do not fall to count tbe vena
of tbe fat Iambi killed during the
tw olrt month» for ibe family ua# and
the high value of all (ha manure
• ni with »a wp*ci.l »Mw to to« n««li
: That Ihr s.-M tract of lan,I ho, and tn r .»toe
tiiereiir »u-eiitvit a» auo lor a putiti« roan
I Thai the mine of salii toad or Highway .nail
teProipec: street.
Fined tills rid day of M»roh. 1D12.
.1 e. mcOLKNAHaN.
Oialriuan Unn-r TowurhlpComnuttee.
m * t e fff m m é * i * * *
t h
mee#» iluevi
Are, Aiffeyee A. I» me e#g
kbAi» gl» • Ml it wAe «I «te ( e f t e i i e
•eeêtf p4 i V i
9*w*w «ed lem m i ikd
[te vili
■poetai .tr e s n e >gtvoo to CWtleetto»» .*#•! B e « «
and after until diapoaed of.
JII.IO^Toms River
Be i
Tbla cry Is ae»er beard by tbe bird*
by her or anybody else ekcepl at tbe
tim et when they were actually wanted
and th» wny they came running waa a
airtklng lesaon tn training.
■nteeioin e|,i »11*1 open «»III rood or E1*“ v
Mto« pnniic u.e, therefor«
Be it onlttneil tty t,B* Town.hlp Coioinltt«« o
r v M n r O H r K T C liO O K
I )«
U E O ll* . K T . U I W *
C t iu r tth «!,
Tbe frnib lo the former» ol ibo
Iddi» weal are rol.lrtg better muiion
ibaa e»er before and people are leant*
In« thaï II la about ibe beet and rbeapeoi irtMM they ran buy.
Tuctdajr, March 26» 1912
or. It.
r weit mnturoff
ol Ooett «<l ¡siate of Now Je tm y, e
Off,,.. ,t
N u N
d Io Le drei red than meo>
Urti pfUri «i in« fuir
I ho»« another lot of h o n e» n o * on
tbe road which ihould Arrive and be
ready for tala and exchange on
•ut » ter o n o ri, thereof h » » «
Jim s
W*ca of *oard Abovf *•»•«
Long With Notch In « td d l. Will
A w 4 *ik h ppUff, i
m '~ ’
Ktolkto« il k n w (Am
Dr. Mile*’ Anti-Pain Pill*
To Head-Off
a Headache
*l Of amt
i* »« e*4 |*f»e»i*ee
meda M # m 1-4 «
1 1 1 1M< I t t H C
kMvieefie* eefWl.._
tom arm, a.
» »
rU IS D A Y , APKIL Ida I d l l
wIT M f A9**9
à Hk» CWI1 4 »a*#m »hf t
« I ( k * e *»* w
et * * « W e f .
»ei eee * u » 'i* a e e l i t m t a l t g a , m »«♦*ea
IJe emwt p. m •eg m*> #if. it# f ili «etili Am *
^kiaee f*«i *ei n*
C or. Main nod Washington H u , T O W « » I V K »
A lto tono-ltm Franktord A re . PbllBdelpbl.
Fy virine ol s wrlt o l F I Fa. Usood oat of thè
Court ni Ch.ocery of thè Piale ot New Jerror,
•nd to me directed. I wll »«1101 publlc tendo* on
At the Court hooae lo the village -f Toma Hirer
In the County of i-eeon and state ol New
Jenwy, net ween the hour» ot U m. «
to wit at 1.1» o’clock p. m.. on .aid dor. the followin? deaeri tied re»l eatote:
Ó co. G . W or«l al 1
J E W E L S It
No. S.Moln Street,
Four-Year-Old Tree.
they should have all the care that ,
any good fruit tree deserves.
These trees were planted four
years ago in soli from which pine
scrub had been grubbed only a few
weeks before. The trees are bearing All orders promptly attended to :: :: Jobbing
Furniture repaired and pplifhed. Door Keys
well and show fine color and great
Fitted and W indow, Lights replaced
The Japanese plum differs from the Dover St.,
domestic varieties in that Us leaves
are longer, thinner and smoother, and ;
it has a greater tendency to produce 1
lateral fruit buds on the annual!
growth. Us fruit is mostly short,
round and plump.
The Japanese plum is less liable to
Injury from ctircuiio and black-knot I
than the domestic variety. Mr. Fill-j
lerton says- that up tp this time his ,
trees have shown no signs of disease
j Anything in any kind of MO
or attack from Insects of any kind.
Woodrow Fielder
C a rp e n te r
Toms Hiver, ’S. J.
uv.m m uni
French Growers Cut Bunches In Such
Way That Part o f Vine Can Be
Placed in Water.
Residence, 30 Robbins SiYard, 18 Washington S' '
K l V F .K , V . J .
31. W I L L ! A 31 S
Dealer in
A ll that certain tract or parcel or land anil
pmulei-a Hereinafter particular!? d c c rln e d . ■
u ite In the Tcw orhtji o l o rg P e .ch, In the
County o l Ocean »m i stale or New Jernev in
form erly w'averiy now N 0r,n
saven on
u l d Long Beech Sllnate, lying end oeln* in fo r­
merly the lo w u .h lp of EagteHwooil, known anil
dealrnated on a p'nn of lots o f Peter Pepnler and
Aeennth A. Peppier made by Samuel M. Sheldon
Sureeyor A. 11 ,, -aim eupp|.-menr« therein
duly fle d In Urn Clerk'« o m -e of the C o u n t"< S
Ocean «roieaald,
Hounded and dearrlhod a« follows, to w|c— ait
t liste,-riaio part <t lo t or laud konw n a„ iiioi-k
” 4 on ««td p'an and de.crmed as fo llow «,'to w uBt’g ln n li.« at the point or Intersection or tnê
N o n n e a e iw .rfllr ente o f F lImento sirect w iih
the Snntni-astwa rd ir side of raid Arianne A ven ne, lhepe» PXfendlur ¡vo-ibe#stwar<lly along the
said Southwestwnrdly »Id « „ f A tlantic A len ile
**’» Fut rn me Soiithw esiw ariilr side of “ixteentli
■street; t henee extending southeast w ardlr alonir
the said sixteen h Street Tw o hundred and for V IIw feet to a point, them-« seu fliw o -iw a rdlv on a
line para-iti with -eaaldo A venu n ope hundred
feet to a point in the middle of «aid H i-ck ‘ -r,*
itience “ onthenatwardh ov a line ,, r«u,-i w r-I
ino «nut -ixte t-n 'h sirecr. Ih lrtv-h ve feet, ilien-e
Southwee'wnrdiv on a Pus parano! with the said
-caidde Avenue ono hundred foot to » ¡,„inr.
on the Northeast,w aroly «id,. ,, f rlfteenth
street, th e n «- uxtumUng f-’ orrhw e «tiVard|v long
the Nnrr-heastward y «¡de or said t'u in rn th street
«n d parsile' with the .aid Slat . nth street. T w o
lim rtred am! H uiity fe n 10 the t|r«t, m -„tloned
poter, p.ioi p aoe-or beeinrilng Poor,o r i 'SorutweRUvar.ily lu said Ari utlc A venue Voriheait.
» ’-trill» t.v s -l I sixteenrti st,rui t. s tm li- « « ; « u-.|.
;y t-y 1-tpd now oriate o f the .-h U! .Nur h
Huven L o rd a n d Im prov m.-i.t Aseictanoa,
southw iu llj I,y Ftfre-ri«h strepi afono«,Id./
Also nil tin t « (o-tfttn lot of land on asid plan
Slid ilCHi.Tlhi «I an fo l,.-. r> »-¡«: B -gin p lirg ot
m e iHi'Pt of Inu-rspi flou of me - «,r-ee«¡e w ird lv
«i m ot Fifteenth Stic«-« w utithe s,.|,«|„„is warfl.
!y : I ;- «-Î -«fa-lit - fveiet:-. :ho r‘n i-X'.'ndlng
(«nrtheestwiir ir along me ,-ioi s o n ip H u w a rd lv
able of Renani,, sverni two hurirtied f-,-t ,, «n i
SUUMh»S.tWS‘ tHJr - l o - e f , Id s x:,.pntb s reet.
tie i;«:e extend mg ............... tw ktdiy .diutgth«a'ald
slxleei.lh Mri-et r. . f i ¡ - 'o « ' « r ««,,«,k <«l -ho A l­
lan -|e « •ce.i.i, «H- «■■•son th-T-snvu -. tr on a imo
pur*),el w«t ft « he «apt S fu « de Aveiuto fwo hitnBjed fee« ««t u point on tha «irtt-eiist wttiiliv sido
- f t-tfte.enni --trect Itien«:,« e xi« ri-i e vortheastw ardir «'long the Northek* w a u liv able «-r said
F iite ip tli street and patall -1 w ith «lin «.-u«i s ix .
leeoni sm -er tn toe fl,.« tnérK o rn « point and'
p ace of '«i-tílnning, Hoinio««d
-r-liw esl ward Iv
r.' sol' 1 sftasi«!«- Avufius -- o-theastivunnr hv aaHt
.sixteen«!!-tieet. otithe««twar- I,y t.v Hlghwater
murk or tin- s ili \ «!a n r:c u u - a n 'a n d on the
-‘oufJiwesf I I t-ifieen h M revl » I.-r - vaut Heine
part, of tiles-m e prem ise, which lit - North Beach
aven u n id nu«i Im provem ent a s s -elation by
«-«luntiir.- «Lit«- « il«,- lie*« «««v of N.ivinaiier A U
und records 1 1 n tile eiefk’u ornee In end for
<Ollnfy Of ! COiin unii SfRlr» n f t\ «Jur i orne v. i..
WKi> 4 '7 &l' «trained »UKt«ony ->cfi i nto George Neeley in fee under and sub­
joe neverr 1ie|>\qq to certain coi,cHftoB8 ami re-
A clever French process by which
vine growers in France are able to
market fresh outdoor grapes all
Hepall-HiiT Neatly Doue at I-owt-et Frit-.-,
through the winter is thus described.
b e s t
o a k
l e a t h e r
Bunches of the finest grapes when ripe,
S in g le t o n B u ild in g
in autumn are cut in such a way that
M a in S t.
T o m s R iv e r , N .
to each hunch a piece of the vine five
or six inches long remains attached.
Fropi this piece the stems of the
hunch hp_pg, an ¡v" auger,lent vitally H A R D W A R E
suHTlnns n litui, Olli more fully appyár ïu tiw
necessary to the success of the opera­
former iadenuire.
selü id as Hit,, property or Oocrge N e e l»» et
A large number of the wide-moutb
efeïidOh, s..a nd taken itilo execution
at tne
too suit
execution at
" f llclicrt. 1*. Bi uw-, couiplhinhnt, and to be sola
N A IL S , P A IN T S , B O O K S
bottles, tilled with water, is ranged
in a cellar and in the open end of S A S H , B U N !>S, 3 1 0 1 ! . B I N O *
"■RANK T I L T O N . Sheriff,
each is inserted the pieces of vine
Wlldttn s. Darnell,
P O U L T B Y N1 5 T T I N O
Silk-p.iir for Oontplainant,
stem, the bunches of grapes hanging
4 « .»la rk«' t-troet, cam ilen. S . J .
W in d o w a rid D o o r S c r e e n s
outside. The grapes do not touch the
Da.ed March IS, 19 -i
fp r’t Tpo * 2 ».'-tit
water, but are thus supplied with U p p e r L e h ig h O t r i , C o k e ,W o o «
moisture through the vine stem, which
S liln g le s , L im e , C e m e n t
is immersed in water. By this process S e w e r i ’ lp e , F e r t i l i z e r , i-itc. E t c ,
choice varieties of table grapes are
The C O U R I E R —fo r a li the News
kept in rerfect condition for the
whole winter.
A* A» U Ä o f , AIImmI R itta « « a»*i K.
W , S itin g # V tH f
»I N» « V **fi,
t u t Witte
K ttiA fl
i t i t i f i *****
l a t í i U*A n ll.rtls
C* |«**l
m i l i t e # . v . f M»,tt* ï.t b i li
8 u « ■i «il t u 4 . M f l M |
Prêt. !•*. P.
"" — 1
ÎM n
" 1
¡P f ®
A. H
tk A p|
* 6 * w ilt'll » t u b « i r
The I-«eight E n g in e
T h « I ' t w n p t E ttetn r
Cha*. Lowery of N«« York i* apen l........................
og a few Jav a with hi* moi ht r
The B iru rg ai and Mannahawkin high
I I . BBl
teHool heaebell team * played the eroond
game of the eea*»n at the lla*ne#»t *i*rouin| • i t * *»•>■• with bis p irtu ti ¡
Motorboat regula ti otta «ont o at bv ami ta making otlm ,
t round» Thu i »day. and resulted in e in Ptitladtlptfi«
he* deeided not (to tiu k t Ih t change.
W. J. ihnigfttt ol B«rn#«at ittftd# « j Ih# »I#per inietti of commerce and labor which add* gn«lly |U,u (
v h-luiy for Mannahawkin, assure 6-1
Krv. Mr. H ough*'’, ol Harmony H u
I»« y
The f»r*t game played at Mannahawkin ihoft visit Im i «mk with tu« brvihtr, j »how (uhatantial <hange* for the cum» i C. A. Johnson ia build-,
, « tea I
beon iM igntd m il will brgitt bit dutiaa
ing etaion. Th« «ule* rrgerdmg lift on hi* prom ite*
March 11, retailed in a victory for the J C« Dougio, b*?#
can be
» ff and hum -team , 14 to 6. A teiurn gam»IIvory Hru» o( one o f the life aaver*, '
Edward Sime ol Nee y„
The following live m em bti* o f tbe j the new un» put un M e n a traína,
traget», where an many mot or­ the Mr*. S. A. Gam h
ill be played April 3 at Mannahawkin ha» tettirnrd afte» being absent for a
Boer«] of Education tendered beir reug- without ttuppu g n alli.
Tucken on and Manahaakin high scho»-' *•* h y t on account of th* illaraa of his
, f * *°m*t*ro»* u*ed for pataeogar school houw and wtill
D a tio n , on account of lack ol tuppott of
The Railroad also will put on a grav• team iplayai MannahaakinWeo.iaadav mother, Mr* Mery Brown, of Porkad I •‘i"* Tob# patted the*« bo t* mutt
W etlry Falk'obuigh u
their com m uent*. Monday. conwqurnt j (I train Irotn ihia piar* to rata« tnd i afternoon
! bava life preserver* »tamped by the wa* • week end vi»iu,f „ Uu
ly the Boatd dtd not organize Jno | gravel «he station platform», etc., ;
Fraak Maithew* wa* her* a few day* »^»m boat inspector!. Graoulatcdcotk
Winfield Gam ha* m ,,»} p 1
Manton. Jam e* Atkinson. B, ‘F . H art, along the beach
last we*k doing turn*work o o one of * B<* pweumatic life preservers will not
M. A. Piaher house lBU) p , |
man, Edward Brown and Samuel
Th- w. rk on the turnpike budge
the cottage*
,l* accepted, and the government will , Irons bouse near th* B*;,t m
Brown wete the one* returning
across i he bay ta progressing. Last I
Ulrich Muff left her*
last Saturday 001 Pa6**s»ubsUl«it«*for Ilf* p****fv*f», 1 Jam es Lo* hat font to SI
The Board ol Trade met at the Fnw j we, k a laig# amount uf lumber and pilThe Sunday -school 'a t lha M, K for a i h m visit to Bay l ead
planka. grating. Mooring, oar*, small the shad fishing btuinru
Tree Inn. Monday evening, with m a t 1 ing arrived and It ie piled up all around church ha* elected the*e officer* for the
Joshua ha* moved from the bu» '* ¡o t o * *nd the like
S. Worth wa* a Pout pj,
of the mem here prêtent. The Civic I the east end of the proposed bridge, year;Superintendent, Rev. N. D. At- Buie* cottage on 5th street lo t he;
Doe substitute wilt be allowed, floats roe day last week
committee reported on the Bate* prop­ | where the work w at begun
pin wall; au ittan t, Mia. G. L Parker, Whit* collage on Broadway
of wh t? pine or wood o f similar weight,
Capt. |ohn Hulto wu , u»iy i
etition, recommending that it be tabled
Stafford Lake it a thing o f beauty secretary. Mite Myrnlla Chamberlain.
Mr*. Howard Falklnburg of Uarnegat tot r f»et long.-foirteen inches in breadth |visitor on Saturday |*»i. £
until a «atiafactory bond watpresented. now, end the wide avenue on the toutb j ««»¡»Writ secretary, Vltn N’oha Britton; it visiting hero th»* w#*k
and two inches thick. The government j of Point Pleasant w»> » s«
The water and newer committee render­ j tide stiould tie a big attraction
I librarian, Mr*. Ivvelvn Holmes; organrequire* of a life presenter that it *h»l| or here
e d » report, thewing a map of water
A. W. Brow,i of Toma River and K |tat• Mr* Avpinwall. A com mittee of
«tw ain a downward pull of t went y'
i. H. Osbotn hat tnovul 1
The Survival of the Fittest
plant and giving an iiem ned etlim aie F . Larrabce of Lakehurst weir here j tix wa* appointed to the cattva«* the
F °und*
! L av.llette
of co tt of tame and recommending ih tt Sunday
] the town and visit the homes of child­
A mixture ol **nd and salt in suitable J William Halmouih arnlla
According to a newspaper directory quantities will be pa.»rd a* «mcisnt ex- |Monmouth and Gut Halm,
proper legal ttep t be taken towards tie j Rev. H. A. Buaecl, the Good Cheer ren who do not attend any Sundav
I recently issued, there are 2,459 daily tinguinhet ol gasoline fire*. New regu­
institution. Report accepted and ap­ Evangelist of Newark, ia aisisting Rev school.
■ily of Belford were over Sum
newspaper* in the United States now, lation make no change* a t to whittle*, ;
proved. George Pfeiffer, Con. E ng.,
W. E. Cornwell, pastor of the Baptist
Mr*. Angelin# Andenon of Ocean
at this place
of Camden, wat present tod ¡addretted church, in it aeries of special meeting
light*, bell* and sound signal. Each 1 Our other Sunday visitors *«n
Grove and Samuel Ivina of Schenocthe meeting giving detailod information
Mias Christine Tailing of London, radv, N. Y „ have been visiting Mr ago. Weeklies shew a decrease of 40, boat muti carry two copies of pilot Osborn of Atbury Park, «Va
in regard to the inttitution and main­ National Organizer of the National and Mr*. George Frazee and Mr. ami leaving 16,229; while aemwweeklies rules
land, William Gant and Eatit
number 60S as against 617 iast year.
tenance o f such a plant
Womens Christian Temperance Union, Randolph Phillip*
For the Island Height* Yacht Club of Bay Head, FrankCarpentrriM)
I The trend i* unmistakable. The ten­ the 62-foot seagoing cruiser Mione is
Six weekt ago the gave a very interesting and helpful lee
Mr*. Nelion Roger* and family art
T. Johnson of Lavallette
church was $376 in debt; on March 31 ture in tiie M. E. church on Sunday home again after a week on the beach dency ia toward consolidation and to­ being built for Charlra Gardner by Mor»
Mrs. Edward HalmoutkofI IPort*
ward suspensions bv newspapers that ton Johnson.
said debt w it eulirelv wiped out, night, under the auspices of the local
Randolph Phillip*, the lima bean
mouth has bought the MsiyA.
fail lo find adequate support. This :t |
i through entertainment», subteription* W. C. T. U.
man, who has been working at the
house and will move in noon
and a supper and bazaar, wbicb last
Owing to the increase in the work at Forked River hotel this winter.has quit a hrxlthv sign. One strong newspaper
Home from Florida
netted »170. This it doing good work. the ieiiroad station on account of mater, there to pul hi* farm in shape for the
Spring Catalogues Rectittdj
Nrw Egypt, April 2— Former Sena­
Joseph Croat of W »retow r, viaited tal for the new bridge and other im­ summer’s crop of lima beans. Phillip* three or (our weak ones, none of which
tor and Mrs, George L. Shinn returned
his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Cruser, Wed­ provements on Long Beach, Lewis At- ha* a big trade at Tom* River each tunt- can be credi able to it.
Steinbach Company are toda)
yesterday from a three month stay in
mus is assisting the agents outside of mer and fall
nesday ofiast weak
Flock* of robin* and bluebird* now
spring Catalogs. Write for on
Frank Curtis is having his house re­ school hours
Mr* Harvey Craft of Cedar Crest has
George Bennett and Stephen Johnson been sprnding a few davs here
The Ladies Aid of the M. E . chur»h have moved the small house from along
Charles A. Smith ia reported to be
held a cake sale at E .F . Larrabee't store side the stone store to the lot of E . A. quite lick in New York. We hope for
Saturday afternoon disposing of all the Shinn on Beach avenue. The bouse an early recovery
will be put in good »condition and occu­
Bird Parker is piping the R. R. Lane
pied by Mr. Shinn's father
home for|gas
Ira C. Lam bert and Dr. H. B. Milford
One of the employees of the General
E. A. Gerdy has gone horn* to Brook­
left Rock'edge, F la., for home in the Construction and Engineering Co., en­ lyn after a visit here. He has had his
At the Exhibition of
good ship Arietta on Monday of this gaged in driving piling on the new house here repapered and repainted, a
week. They will try to beat the record bridge, met with a serious accident on bathroom .installed and made other
Tueaday morning while at work. Supt. changes
trip made south
P rice allowed the local freight train to
Rev. J.W . Marshall, the new Diatr ct
stop for the injured man and bring him Superintendent, will preach at the M.E
to Mannahawkin where he was met by Church next Sunday morning. In the
Dr. Hilliard. Hepronounced theinan's evening, special Easier servict* will be
jaw fractured and a number of painful held by the children of the Sunday
lacerations about the head.
R. A. school.
Mrs. J .S . Bunnell and daughter have
Crane made the man as comfortable as
possible until the afternoon train when been quite sick.
he was able to be taken home to StapleSeveral carloads of Staffordville
It th eir new m am m oth in­
ton, S. I.
have been shipped here for the
cu b a to r. :: W e w ill rent
Astistant station agent Gto. F . Pharo county ro»d and «¡11 be spread under
co m p artm en ts h o l d i n g
and wife went to Philadelphia for a the care of Supervisor Joseph Parker.
1 5 0 eggs a t $ 3 .0 0 each .
short visit on Saturday. George re­
Capt. Lewis Sprague is entertaining
Don’t bother with the Setting Hen
turned on Monday night and spent his sister and his daughter
or the incubator at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Parker motored
Wednesday with the shell-drakes on
Bring your eggs at any time, and in
Mannahawkin bay.
W. B. Sprague to Sea Girt Sunday
sul stituted for him at the station
three weeks come for your chicks.
John and Joseph Holmes have about
Saturday afternoon and evening Warner’s orchestra will render a delightful program of popul»|
Miss Florence Johnson, one of our completed the big power boat they
school teachers who has had a severe have been working on this winter
melodies. Everybody is invited.
The new bungalow is all enclosed and
cold for some time, was taken suddenly
Tom s River, N. J.
worse on Monday night, being t i n e a ' eu- makes a handsome showing
ed with appendicitis, but is now report­
Surfman Charles A. Grant won the
ed as much better. Miss Viola Crati- barrel of flour put up by the K.of G. E.
mer of Cedar Run is taking her place in last Thursday
A d e c i d e d S a v i n g on everything you buy at Steinbach’s
the school room.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Reynolds have mov­
Miss Eva O'.iphant is teaching in the ed into the Ilallett mansion
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
place of Mrs. Jennie Cranmer, who is
in Camden where her brother, E W al­ Charles Grant on March 27
W o m e n ’s Paris style suits, dresses, hats, blouses, coats.
Frank Johnson and wife have m -ved
den, former station agent at Barnegat,
On and after
from the old Holmes farm, now the
is very sick with pneumonia
The members of the M. E S. S. class State Game Farm , to one of W. H.
M e n ’ * English Sack Suits, new derbys, soft hats, cravats, hosiery.
of Miss Eva Oliphant, met at the home Penn’s houses on Bay avenue
Boatmen are beginning to overhaul
of one of the number, Miss Marguerite
the price of milk will Jones on Friday night, and decided to for the summer. Flounders are taking
S h o e s for men on new English lasts; for women on slender lasts °nJ
be advanced to 9 cents organize as an Organized Adult Bible the hook and the first fishing parties
receding toes, copied exactly from $ 1 0 and $ 1 2 custom |
They adopted the name of have been down
a quart, on account of Class.
“ Careful Gleaners." The following
the high price of feed. officers were elected: President, Miss
The Philadelphia Record
H. A. Simpson; Vice president, Miss
The Philadelphia Record is the a c ­
Mary Carr; Secretary, MissMarguerite
Saturday, April 6th, will be SALE DAY in all Departments
Jones; Treasurer, Miss Marguerite Mick knowledged authority for marketplaces.
J . M O N R O E IR O N S
Mrs. M. Martin ¡has carpenters at Merchants in Philadelphia all base their
work making repairs to her Bay avenue prices of eggs, poultry, butter, grain,
and country produce generally, upon
The Board of Education of Stafford the figures quoted in The Record, and
township organized on Monday night if shipping goods to Philadelphia either
by electing Stephen Johnson as Presi­ directly or through an agent it is im­
dent and W. A. Simpson as Vice Presi­ portant for the farmer* of this vicin'tv
to know every day what The Record
Boy of Sixteen years or older dent
They can always get Record
as general helper on a yawl.
Mrs. Sami. Johnson’s sister, Mrs.
prices for their goods, and in some cases
W rite, stating experience and
can make contracts on a premium basis
their goods are exceptionally well
H. L. Lukens and friend of Potts- graded and show high quality. They
A d d re ss
town, Pa., are visiting N. M. Letts
will find that The Record will help
Adolphus Crane of New York spent them in the disposal of their’ products,
Amos Michael is confined to his bed for them if they will base their prices
—---Suffolk County
New York
------------ -from a sprain received while baling hay upon its quotations.
Spring W earing
For Men, Women and Children
A p ril 15
W a n te d
ÜTtmtliarij Company
Asburg park, Nrbi Jta rg
p A G
V O L U M I O S— H U M B E R 3 7
T O U B J V t m .l t . J . . T H U R SD A Y AFT I R K 0 0 * . A P R IL 4 . I S I S
i i l IS K S O l » » 0
Personal Mention with Local Flavor
D itti It ok T It<Wca«Oll<lO| l i * inlMwjt
tM flS illf |OiÖlW* i Of |l>* S M t l r i ( o ll t | t oo I h m
\ i if moi • J k»H' j
Th« kn« U t . Ho m i « Mod tot*
( 0 f (V O Vè f i O t ’
licit P-tc-h« * tuiontoWIt tloco * ifuveriM* «f T i i s w u t, "Utili“ Tapiar
? twfo i|%4fo too. » I ho ra m i a r i l K l t t l w U
o flM I « I d timi I uM aF i « « I a l’ia â iiftio o
to o o l «Staat* M 1
ftfroiuri hoy. a thorn ubile títere «U
■Iornili** A»** M i T l i ttoffc vM tid lilt buftx ot Mr in4 tiw» lu t O Hatry Atnisrli «4 Tova
Tl>* (U m *
U fi , F l u i i C è i p s in l i t t ! T îiu n d ii ; Rfrar» Afttr Taylar breamt
poi ta *h#p* I
I fttnc la tiii u to «u t«. Mr* Auwftíh
i b 4 tifi Mgirl bêf
*• repalt* * n * Caputa ÜiU Mort' * y telle*)
I ujMMt in t«tl talci o f i ha tu n th#y batl
diy Ur < w«tk, Th« |intii itp u m h«t •ttifcihtr a l ru u iii| toti
rill u«y«
5 C ents m Copy
WiUism ll< LtCM ni, th« ibm Iìuia «
( o atfifU i t J 1 4 * 1 * 4 Dorrt*
N i N ( « M f t work
Isti FinJ«y t»t*H A«| 4#d th
Ih« bottom «I ih# n r«r on th« O ««) tract fo r Ihr i ilhvinr o f 00 t»0*ng #od
Loch P ë o t m#s4««r*. »t th« T id* Po#d th# ffK llO b o M oi2 feet e4 ba#H«r«lk
Thp# Il Fon, |r.#o t th# U«f pApf» 1 Th« «Forkiog t# NgiRiBsg Io «Ito«? uf> f on ih# OCt i n triout at a tuUl «act o f
mès»«fa*:tuning b-«*# a l Th« T h r i W. ho« ly
Th« «#ll t|ttv#r •«r# rinvìi «I ftmtt 100
Hof*«# ft. K ai «hi Hi» (tff<
Ffw i Cn,, l’hiuW tphi* md • m#fnb«r
d »sp ecsf NOi#«) le canne»1 a atat •trottit at tb#
o# « v#l) km?*« B ir n f f i ' fimilv, i l
• tll r i « («Uttv« a l farro»? Gavtntor 1 .in to «tritt« « j oad Dow of I I# ««l«f* 1 bori9U(h ft nine#» for the1 v««f Pint in g
Th« Or««t Hs« #rn UuiMini Cor par*- J Der l i , *Th« r«tkift «hat*• that U»#l#
Fart, h it W«n *h*MM0 vitti ol Ih« Itf
1 (0
HU no|<IktlUlilBIlihliif tkjriar t o i i r , ).
delegate« (roto th« Ptlllidflpht« ti*B*
itim i y
iti tili#
« f«
m It# |l|# &f m r 1 ipHUv 4 11 If b
: IftfRi f I« th« (lIMNl) Coat*?«®«» of
Tt*# rtijjrftgfttfefttt&l Ilf ft« FlHil ÄlfiUW*
is sotirriv cover*4 by the de'ioqusnt
M< I , church. Jsro#§ 0 . F»«r»ci§ of 'mi
» tpetii M « l ol
duiAUi« K#IJ4 of ib telo u i Hi))« to Jobo
Mrs. Alfred Mar
sprayed a s the lot* J%ari set
taxes. The report shows briefly the
ifotl lutnt «pacta) ]
M H. St#««ft. Sé, h«« jttft t*##1» «ftlKNÉfMT* B#i • tn , F« # « #umro#f r##•<)«ni «t B ifdaughter, Mrs J »ba S ita « )
L ei im liofx O ut it will do the work
following eooditiuo. Receipts, k J2 ,7 SB.—
oagti City*««« c h a f f . n« m* th«
club houMi la ti j
G erm **to***, P*
«4. Thm
« ili pfoh»blr occur
Two rxcursioa* here on Sunday , 00* 19 , aewei receipts, |i t,0 2 V ,fij; born * 1 *
in ti
err a tsíkl fowl i A game «tardea introduced buntoll to
•t B iy H#«4 «h if« »h« i« « «tttfimtf
from Philadelphia 'and one lions New peodlturea. 122,904.91; sewer expaaT h ota a h o « f f * ? oa* of oar tax pay«» oat on the hay r#«»4«oi, **fljr io th« f«ll
Chat la* K. Hendueli m s Jr ., son of York. From fib e intent# enikuaiasni dilute*. 4472.12; balance, »«12.40
be ihrf«, pro- not tong tim e T »*o ty .fo u r dollar*
Suita will shortly be instituted by tb *
tb* f ir<n*r Supreme Coart J u .u ce C. «how*, that« are likely to be many new
wat lb * price
Govffoor T#r>#f of t*#no«ytv*m« and B . Hmdrtekaon erb« sat on Una circuì', resilient* gamed (or Ocean Gate thi* borough to recover license lees due
ps«c, O. E. «*• *•!*•
Biddy.Eoglebeit * Inah lernei.pulled family «r« fr«qu«8t vi«»ta n «t lU rv t t
Iroot delinquent team owners who (»'ltd
has anna m-appoantnd by Governor summer
•ifoary laat W rJn»*- a a m
pound opoatum from under
Among the visitors Sunday weie for. to meet the provision* of lb * ordinance
C#4ar« «ad w«r» lh#r« l««t * r tk Th#v Wil* .* as on* of th * S tate Board of
the Bryan cottage loci Sunday morn­ com# « f u#m cd th« R«intbkftft Stat«
A*sea*ora. Young Mr. Hnadrlckwo ia met G mintodor* S . T. Rainer, Com, governing th* licensing o f retailers.
» im Circi* of lb * B . ing. tad .here wat much growtsag and
Ch*trm»n of P«t»niylvai*ia, tltitry W. a fraquant visitor at Sna bid* Park la W.H. Newlin, Rear Commodore. Dr G. Marshal John P. Marker, in whoa*
» *\ try Wednesday * t cutting ia the opossum and dog lang*
Cliltoo Guest, all o f the Ocean Gate hands the m atter wat left by council
Wilion, «t th# N fiftib «, which h«« t be summer time.
movi of tit* ladle# *r * uag*.|Tb* gieen ribbon Biddy ha* been
#» « « » « « « ♦ # ♦ « »
»M ♦ .« » ..* * ♦ ♦ # ♦ ♦ * * * * * * * * * ♦ ♦ ♦
Yacht club
last week, will bring acti Gii « ( iia it
ulti leave tk t husbaoda wearing woe* tba a»v*nl**aib o f laat
The "G a t Acquainted" (estival of Warren VaaNote, an expressman, firtt.
bit*.“ T o abollah ibi* March was completely rui**d
tong, vaudtvilie, music and dancing The Atlantic and Pacific Tea company
!« **rvt dinner on that
T b* Sunday School of tb * Union
given last Thursday evening in th* of Aabury Park and the M. G. and A. P.
Mr*. D. A. Jam ** of Philadelphia
Mrs. J. B. Gould of New Y
rh, and *11 * b ° ccr* to church will hold tp ecu l **tvic*» Eaatet
Krueger Auditorium. Newark, by th# Wyckofl lead com.era of Manatquaa
t, will tiod » bountiful Sunday
ht* joined her husband m Barnegat City leased Alvah Strickland's arw cottage
Ocean G at* management,' for Ocean are also to be pn* ended against
K'd thing* t t moderai*
Richard Bloom ia alowly recovering |
j Gate property owners.was a big tucc***'
Bids were opened last Friday night
Anb ur Brow tr. who was tick or a i Among the Ocean Gala people in at
Edytht is with her Mr. Jam tah talo»*
(rum an operation for apptndEiti«
(or tba street lighting of Point PI. atrlt fiu ti tomoli U n
Mr. Bloom ha* received lb* contract lv improving after a strtoua dines* and month, has gone back to hla j h i th* |tendance were Supt. and Mrs. Harry W
ant but decision wat deferted until
Ç, V. D. Cooovar I to thing!* tb * Pitcher cottage on Rees* bopea soon to resume buamesa rnepoa - P. K R.
Ellis. Arthur W. Clarke, stage man. next week owing to the absence of two
Continuad on page 12
situ lilies
l'r e d m o r e * t
i h * avenue
agtr o( Proctor'»Newark Theatre, furn­
Imen. The Pt. Pleasant Electric
Al Kean and Rawley Cliff ul Lane. ncr ol Bay and
ished the talent for the "show,** and Light company agreed to place 7« todown. P a., spent Saturday and Sunday
thr orchestra wa* that o f Chariot Far­ andeactai lamps of 42 candle power
ni .pent t*v *r*l day* at th* Kean cottage on Philadelphia
rell, also of Proctor's. A 14 rIf* number each at th« rata of I t . 2 J per montn per
of people interested in Ocean Gate at
i dative» a tO d a r Run
light for the midnight service, « m ill »0
Mr. and Mr*. B art Oaborn and family
tended and hed a jolly evening. Mr. per light (or an all night service. On
mith and dough 1er are
have moved into their store and dwcl*
A. L. Beckhardt, the Newark manager arcs they only bid for an all night
ling. Mr. Otborn will make extensive
of the Great Eastern Building Corpora­ service at the rate of $6.40 per month.
lilberton hat been repairing the
alterations in anticipation ol th* coming
tion had the happy thought which re The company agreed to a discount o f 7
hit building, eorntr of Main and
among several who needed a little
suited in this affair, and attended to per cent provided the bill* were paid at
■ay itrct IS
Mrs. Thomas Cummings haa returned
stimulant. In battle brave, ser­ the details of the evening
the first meeting of each month. Out­
Chir bank i< prospering beyond ex- borne trom a visit to her sister, Mr*.
ious. eager, ready, and watchful
Walter Dennis, the butcher and gen­
|ei. O nacopiltl of *25.000 they Thomas Berry of Chester. Pa
By Col. S. C. Bailey, 14th N.J.Vol» that officers and men did their full eral store man, expects to open any day age will be allowed after some employ ee
of ihe company bat been advised of
ive nrarlv *200.000 deposits.
Mr*. Georg* A. Ovens of Mt. Vernon,
duty. I well remember him com­ now
ItsA ctnare very ccnservative and N. Y ., opened her cottage on the beech
Continued from last week
Several new homes are being built,
J . M. Mayer of the Coast Ga( com­
ing down the tine during the fight
carefully ofter the interrsta of the front last Saturday to entertain a
among which art Donald’s on Bay View
We were all marching down the
to where an officer was having a avenue; J . W. Sm ith’« on Point Pleas­ pany, was ready to install gasoline
number of the younger set of the sum­
Berryville Pike that runs from
lights which they will maintain until
Mri. A ."'. Kelly was a Philadelphia mer colony, all of whom are from Mt.
little trouble to keep his men in ant avanue; one for Mr. Scott of Wilm­
the placing of their gas mains for which
i; tor Saturday
position, to see if he could be of ington, Del., on Angles« avenue
a franchise was given by council two
' Joseph P. Storms of Jamaica, N. V., enjoying Mrs. Oven’s hospitality are: chester the whole length of the val­ any assistance. In describing his
Harry Sayres baa ihe contract (or a
week* ago. They wjll provide SO lights
Bessie Fawkner, Hslltn Wubbenhorst, ley. The army knew the rebels
larga bungalow on Newport avenue
is in loin Saturday
for $34 a ycsreach, on a one year basis.
Mildred Ovens, Earl Blakeman, Fred were between us and the town. characteristics, one need not be
Contractor Charles Throckmorton bas
Presiding Elder J . W. Marshall will
On a three year basis for »32 per light
fraid to use the superlatives.
Orvis, Courtney Crosier. Fred Ovens
-Id bit first quarterly conference here
The pace was a long swinging
per year. In th* event of 80 lamps
and Reynold Scheilinger
nMonday. April 8
How long we were supporting front (or a Philadelphia party
being in use a deduction of »1 on each
stride, without stop till wc came
Mrs. Ellis, wife of Deputy Sheriff
to the defile that Sheridan speaks these batteries I do not remember were here Tuesday to get their new cot. lamp. Each additional light erected
Ills, was a Saturday visitor here
for the summer season only, would coat
of as hindering or blocking the but it seemed to be a long while; tage on Aabury avenue, ready (or the
The regular quarterly communion
» 3.50 extra
march. This had been caused by
“ ice. sill be held in the Presbyterian
Mayor Clayton informed council last
Mr. and Mr*. Baker of the P. R. R.
The house on the Frank Morris prop­ rainwater washing the roadbed to most trying periods, I remember—
urch neat Sunday afternoon
Friday night that he and Councilman
erty, on South Green Street, now own­ a deep gully with steep banks on the air,the ground, the whole world
George MeCloakey had met w i t h
Mils Chriitine Tlnling spoke in the
occupy the M. P. Ellis cottage on the
ed by S. Welter Morrii, of New York,
Superintendent Lee W. Berry of the
. E. church las' Sunday morning on
each side. A11 the morning the in­ seemed to be full of grape and can­ riverfront
it being torn down and will be replaced
New York and Long Branch railroad
ister. solid shot and bursting shell,
Waif of the W. C. T . U. A large
by ■ modern bungalow to be u*ed for a
ludience hid the pleasure of listening
that as a result of the conference
have rented the bungalow of M.‘P. Elbe
fields on each side of the road, leav­
torn able tddress. The .inging by the summer home
the cleaning up of Railroad Square waa
With the first sign* of spiing boat­ ing it for the artillery and trains, screaming, howling, and roaring of on Bay View avenue
oir was excellent, and Mrs. M. W.
J. W. Fox, who is building a cottage assured. A. O .S Havens and Dr. H. S.
men are busy overhauling their boats Here the woods were right up to thousands of death-dealing missies;
ross rendered a solo called "V ictory”
at the corner of Wildwood and Long Kinmouth, the latter o f Aabury Park,
ihich was fully appreciated by the for the coming season. Several new the road on both sides, and as we the stones and gravel were thrown
the principal property owners in the
Branch avenues, spent the week end
against and over us by the balls here
square, agreed to place curbing and a
• Dora Lazoroff, who recently under
three foot gutterway along t h e i r
East Sunday evening Prof. Coleman went an operation for appendicitis in jam and one of the columns had to and shells that struck the ground
Mr. Smith pf Drexel’s, was a Sunday
properties. Street Superintendent John
presided at the organjin the Presby­
New York has returned home
wait while the other went through. in front, and some of them hurt so visitor
F. Harker was instucted to la y s 10 inch
terian church, the music was fine, and
Many house parties are expected to­
Mayor T . 1. Cowperthwaite is occu­ And all the while we were h a lt­ you thought jure you were killed or
pipe across Arnold avenue to relieve
eme excellent singing was done by the
day to spend the Easter holidays here
pying his new home on West Main
ed there a Lattle was going on not wounded. We were lying fiat on
the square of the water accumulation in
the ground as we could get and the down for the week in their Camp Oula time of rains
The Board of Education organized
The work of laying the cementculvert more than a half mile beyond.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul de Nyse Burrows
was more seeming than real,
infer the taw la s t Monday by re-elect­ under the mill dam is now largely done.
Our regiment, the 14th N .J .,
of Cornwall-on-the-HudBon,are visiting
’s !■ S . S to rm s president, and C. B. This was done by the Tuckerton Mfg.
belonging to the 1st Brigade, 3d
Mrs. Burrow’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
orliss vice p re s id e n t
Co., owner of the millpond (Pohatcong
Division, 6th Army Corps, was the a man while holding this position.
O. S. Havens
Hiram W ald en , formerlv
station Lake), the county contributing a share
It was the mental quality that
George Saunders isvisiting his grand­
Sent here on the Tuckerton Railroad, m cash toward the work, and being re­ first of the corps thiough the gorge,
Jones Bunnell has fenced his garden parents in Red Bank
I think, and we were moved to kept most of us us up to duty—
ow in Camden, is ly in g very ill at his lieved of the upkeep cf a bridge
R . A. Hatifield of this place will
plot in so he can let his chickens run
tone there
The high school boys and those inter­ the front at once, up to and in the physical was ready to go at any
George Ditton has gone in the Life manage the beach casino this season
ested in baseball and belonging to the support of a battery that was hav­
The Point Pleasant Bathing Pavilion
'Saving Service. He will be stationed
Athletic association, turned out in force ing a pretty hot time with some charge the enemy’s lines, and Ma­
will again be under the management of
at Townsend Inlet
Saturday at the old time bicycle park- rebel batteries. The officer in com­ jor Vredenburg, who had been on
We have some bread eaters in town Frederick Johnson this season, and wil
and armed with axes, grubbing hoes
Samuel Rogers, the grocer, sells be ready for business about the latter
I John W . H o lm a n ’ will move from and spades, proceeded to put that
forty to fifty loaves every other part of May
tafford Forge to the farm he recently piece of ground in partial shape at least back and forth, cutting the air into rode along the line toward the pike,
Edward Pierce and family who are
wueht in the north end of the village. for a baseball diamond. It looks now little bits with his sword. I and,using such words as he thought day to a number of Polacks who are
occupying the Russell cottage on Arnold
Al! the oyster markers were carried as if Tuckerton would have some base, thought it was because he was would steady and encourage the
Ben Vaughn has the contract for avenue, will move into the S. Silver- '
Awayby the ice this winter and oyster- ball this summer
afraid and was trying to keep his men, gave the command, “ Foward, building Mr. Hallock’s handsome new man cottage on Bav avenue
are cutting cedar poles with which
The Ocean County Gas Company will courage up like the whistling boy. guide left on the pike—charge.” bungalow. Mr. Hallock bought the
Russell Stanford who has been in the
P^ark ^eir oyster lots. Surveyor R.
put the service in this borough on high
'Ji'l t t e r W e his hands full for pressure, and to bring this about will
Immediately he added: “Guide property adjoining A. Bunnell to the employ of McCloskey’s dairy for the
As we were coming up the hill,
westward of the railroad
past two years, has gone to Newark
Be with this job. Oystermen are
have to install governors through the two or three yards in the rear of the on me, I will be on the pike ” « T h e Jones and Lacour peach farm has where he has a posh ion
J ’lnn'n8 t0 think of planting oyr.ters
battery, we saw a cavalryman go­
all the appearance of netting them a
‘be making contracts for seed
On Wednesday evening of next week
Former Mayor Frank Rl Austin re­ ing out, and he was using as much heard him utter. He rode on to good crop this coming season
the Junior High School class will pre­
omeofour people have been doing
Boat owners are commencing to give sent a three act comedy, "T h e Fresh­
a ^’’siness in catching and mar*
swear talk as he could, but I ex­ the position he had indicated, and
new one of the vice presidents and long
'-,Jg terrapin the past winter
the regiment moved foward. I their craft their general overhauling. man,” in Arnold hall
The severe winter has been pretty tough
‘ ax Commissioner ,C. D. Kelly was the head of the passenger department
The Pointers have arranged a game
glanced to the left and saw him as on some of them
been shot off.
church Ull
on GUUUa
SundayV of the Pennsylvania Railroad. MrQ.ken. seriously ill in Vliuitu
of baseball with the Manasquan high
Boyd with a party motored down from
The robin red breast and bluebird are
Our regiment was in command
school nine for nextSaturday afternoon
•tth'n^ '*St’ ^ we are g‘ad to state
of Major Peter C. Vredenburg. and turn his mare up the pike; but here in large numbers
Mr r Wr'*'ng he ‘ s somewhat better, Lakewood
at Manasquan at three o’clock
th: i.V
's trouhled with gall stones,
This officer had endeared him before I could turn my eyes away
The old Onward band have resumed
Lakewood, has taken charge of the
“J®being the second attack
the M. E . church, is a natiye of Bridgeself to all members of the organi­ — 0 horror of horrors— saw him Howard Williams farm, with the E x- practise in Arnold hall on Monday
\UL T \ v,;strict Sup i - D r- j w - ton, ’
zation by his uniform kindness, fall from his horse, his head almost Sheriff Howard Jeffrey as supervisor
' Held the first quarterly con- with the church in Florida as a pastor,
Jam es Petrie Chalmers, of New York
but fourteen years ago was transferred
J " te on ''"Psday evening last
good repairing, that isf replanked and City, who for the past few summers has
to the New Jersey Conference in his manly qualities.
»all „ l' eW pastor> Rev- R - N. Aspinspent his vacations here with friends,
two duieurospei
able Gospel sermons native state. He was pastor of the M. in many ways and constantly. I t been aware of it , for a |wail, loud ra sed somewhat higher and widened
E. church at Lower Bank, two years;
Mrs. Alfred Diggles is visiting her died Wednesday of last week, at D'ayand
enee D
*a S t tu a n a p p r e c i a t i v e a u d iwas a common thing to see some
mother Mis. C. Wainright atGoodluck. ton, Ohio, while attending the State
comes to
to our South River, four year»; Keansburg,
church lr°.
- Aspinwal!
!mwal! comes
lame or sick private or officer rid­ was heard above ail the confusion
Convention of Ohio m o v i n g pic­
btuthr! !ghly recommended by his
ture exhibitors. His death was the re­
utDer ministers
and Camden, two years. His family ing his horse while he walked, and and noise.
sult of ar.accident, h e dropped down a
But we had no time for grief
cd s,^*65 R°y Cox received the enter- consists of a wife and two daughters, he would have his servant dis­
Spring Catalogues Received
20 foot air shaft and fell heavily on his
ioglast r°l" ï de£ree on Tuesday even- Lola snd Inez, aged fourteen and seven­ mount and put his horse to the
Steinbach Company are sending out head. He fractured bis skull and died
Now there was more to fight, for
y e a r s , and a married daughter now
*nd a. | f Tuckenon Lodge, No. 4. F .
same use.
spring Catalogs. Write for one.
Continued on page 10
Continued on page 11
residing in Pedricktown
MBMÜMNN (It 4M»y in «il a l iMMMal tai*
p o tu te*.
JSfortee of fjk Cttnf TOar
TH# Rulli# of W im k e itfr
/ o r Cot
l* * - «u
w fem f(
/ M a rra
. . '
* p . UM
D u nn
halt. Lieut
Ihr N
IVJIMI I» U| IHUW1I I ■ nmtriiihiuuDiV
inincCilM uur* i” npi"rent rny
c»d* U 14» b« m»(|« IO
S. I0K. ftuiburu«« bom t û * of Irw jj veyerr or «tMftocrm for tvrmt of Uhm ; ln ihr fight at Honorary.
hoMffi la direct ibtrifii to iftin g i fat Vff«f«
If. Sf9, pfur»lw for th« ntctUtiQo ' cams down thr line of U tile
»No ihi ctiuilty iaittrinc« 1 th« «m|Hovm«c»t of cuunly pft.>Bffi on
dfh^kfiifv 'cmfihJitrH'W iojutid sod 1 public ruoduomiryctwd uod«i thr «op- ! ffuHil* *»l mifftacH lo lb« hurtiu Ihr right lo where 1 was. ata
__ 1a .. _ _ —__I... t f i n i ,.
mtl., 1
H. 4 3 h I i
•borough of
»ven. Mr
8 104, permit* the »dmurouoof svett tan »l.>ne In It,« Vtnelsnd Home if be
hat been M u ta te d fruiti bi« * il» lo,
mora liuti u ro yrar».
H. 16«, author tare town council« to
kt«««« property (or street improvement*
H. t 2 l , make* it tUtgal t >grant reh im for •mu rance premium«
1111 A i-iCAu nii
it kind are
vs fa u l.'*
lands I be school act of IV03
dd read the t tp rr Minn now—
relativ* to tbs issuing ol txmds lo*
s uncomplaining lubmittion.
school purp >*«*, and provide* that lbs
d with a goal sir ; sympathy
asm* may b t I rgi* «red or coupon
t. !..)•
$ payab * not Ires than thirty
<irceri, Green, ■reei I he
n thru late.
i t . 1 hope it's not to bad as you
author te l orphan*’ count lo
H .i
ad Ear
. You don't
c like a man
I received hit
th wound.''
I ha
>nd you will
nor 1
J. but
the elian­
and eoa
cuiors, tiu
ti ">y
H. 318, compel« trolley companies to
grant free transportation of uniformed
j olice officer* and detectives without
H. 3*0, s ilo e s towns of 20,000 or
more populstion to tlx the salary of the
chief of the lire department.
11.381, enables towns o f 20,000 or
more populstion to tix the eslary o f re­
H. 382, enables towns of 20,000 or
m ire populstion to fix the salary o f the
o.’erseer of the poor
H. 403, allows towns to Appropriate
nuney for the support of the public
s h o o ts
H 412, provides that the salary of
Common Pleas judges in counties of between 65,000 and 100,000 population
s tall be 34 500 per year
H. 450, requires overseers of the poor
td mak« snstinualveportto thegovernI#
4-i aLw • t t l l h i i ' i i i a i l t v
•ki^j body 0* »ash ........
H. 524, provides th at mattresses, bed
spring*, lounges and sofas must be label­
ed so as to show whether they are new
or second handed when sold
H. 540, requires sinking fund commis­
sioners to give a bond with twosureties
H. 629, for the Speaker, au th o rities
t ie Governor to appoint a commission
of five persons to ascertain whether or
not any benefit would be derived by
making the Passaic River navigable be
tween Paterson and Newark. Appro­
priates expenses.
S. 144, authorizes the use of armories
for exhibition purposes by poultry and
pigeon associations.
H. 73, provides for indigent suitors
bringing small actions in district courts
without payment of fees.
H. 92, limits the appointment of sten­
ographers to city district courts when
engaged in trials
H. 114, changes the title of Double
Creek, Ocean County, to Double River.
H. 133, exempts fish and game com­
missioners and wardens from doing jury
H. 230 amends the Orphan’s Court
a e tb y validating conveyance of real es­
tate made by substituted trust or trus.
H. 335, authorizes villages to make
certain street improvements and assess
the cost against properties thereby.
H . 436, amends|thepartition act a s t 0
procedure and practice where one de­
fendant r. ises an issue of title againsta
co defendant
H. 460, regulates the allowance offers
t i justices of the peace.
H. 478, amends the act concerning
c mveyances and officials who may take
acknowledgments out of the State.
H. 490, validates consents'previously
given for the incorporation of water
companies, subject to approval by the
State Water Supply Commission.
H. 583, authorizes township commit­
tees to improve streets and roads.
H. 595, validates elections heretofore
held in any borough fo r the adoption of
a proposition to issue bonds.
S .4, amends insurance act of April 3,
1602, enabling ten or more persons to
form a corporation for fire, life or acci
dent insurance.
s. 61, prohibits the employment of fe­
males in mercantile establishments,fac­
tories, bakeries, laundries or restaurants
more than ten hours per day or eight
hours at night. Penalty for first offense,
$25 to $50; second offense, $50 to $100.
S. 78, permits boards of freeholders to
. stablisb county hospitals for the care
and treatm ent of persons suit-ring from
S, 149, provides that thi term •com­
m ercial fe ding stuffs” shall be held to
318. enables |*eond-claas cities to
Cferttv by ordi lance the office ol treas­
urer and fixes salary at an amount not
to exceed $2,500 a year
U . 331, amends the district court act
relative to the salaries of judges and
clerks and authority to appoint assist­
ant clerks in judical districts where the
court is held at more than one place
H. 361, ¡authorizes the Governor to
confer the brevet rank of second lieu­
tenant upon any citizen who shall have
served the National Guard continuously
lor forty years as a non-commissioned
H .387, requiresconveyances taken in
forrign countries by proper officials to
have certificates of such officials attach ,
ed therto
H. 430, amends the pension act in the
fire departments of first-class cities by
providing that the widow entitled to
benefits shall be his lawful wife at the
time ol his retirement from the depart­
ment or at the time of the member’s
H. 439, makes it a misdemeanor to
make false statem ents in writing re­
specting financial condition o f any per­
son or use the same to obtain credit
H. 446, provides that no map, plan or
chart of lands, showing lots, streets,
avenues etc., shall be accepted for filing
in the county clerk’s office unless the
governing body ofjthemunicipality w ith­
in the limits in which the lands lie
shall approve the same.
H. 463, gives the State Water Supply
Commission supervision over the erec
tion, aHering and maintenance of dams
and resevoirs
H. 483, incorporates the borough of
Peapackand Gladstone, Somerset Coun­
H. 493, amends the act concerning
the County Board of Health relative to
the control of the appointment and sup­
ervision of all officers and employes
connected therewith
H. 509, provides for the collection of
arreages for water supplied by cities
having a water supply
H. 511, permits the use of armories
by State boards of agriculture, horti­
culture and State grange
H 516, a supplement to 1lie law of
1898 relative to the settlement and col­
lection of arreages of unpaid taxes and
water rents. Provides that sales under
taxes maybe disposed of by the tax col­
lector after the expiration of sixmonths
H. 538, a supplement to the law of
I898. and provides that suchcitie” mayhave the right to supply water to any
person living along the pipe line
H. 558, enables boards of freeholders
bv a two-thirds vote, to change the lo­
cation o f their insane hospitals to an­
other point within thefcounty or to re­
move them to another county
in Hr,-, I
n tl
tlunk, I got a he
II. 672, SIT
voice rang
mem cases
II. 673, am end* the pri iclice set rela- out in glad accents; "I'm all right
tiva 10 servie I o f proc
I'm all right. That was a spent
H.67 4. «mend, the prs-tire under the
mechanic's lien set relative to service
of subpoena.
iititir .ir i 3, authorises th*
bullet and it hurt SO I thought sure
¡, ..„ j
,, . ,
!* ^
,nS' ^ ’ Hu‘ ^
lcavmg you 1 th o u g h t perhaps you were
Governor to appoint two Republican fig h t, and as I could n o t feel or see
members of the Legislature, the com- any blood. I opened m y clo th es
miuioner cl ch srlti.s and corrections, ' a n j founj j was nQt k il|„d >t a ) | „
secretary of the State Bo ird of H ealth ,; s i,„
, , ...
commissioner of roads, keeper ol t h e ’ .
^ IS I> ate
State prison, and a New Jeu ey rspre in l " fc ‘*ne. nut at Winchester,
sentalive ol ihe Federation of Labor, a another bullet found the same spot
commission to formulate a plan for th? |on his stomach the spent ball had
initiation «nd use of the labor of a!| b it
cnnvii .s
S 269, authorizes cities to by
ordinance for the regulation of electrical wires and appliances.
H. 60, makes it unlawful in hunting
fowl or-.nim al. to u s e a pumpgun.
aide parts. GuarsnM«ruction and sW »ri(
, selves on th ls ro a d . a " d a * th e advancCCATO© to tile blu ff on th e o th
|e r side o f th e rav in e, m ure soldiers
obliqu ed to th e le ft to g et rid of
'clim b in g th e hill, until th ere were
judges to refer m atters of accoums to P ro bably fifty o f us or m ore on the
proper parties.
ro ad , and going up it on a run.
H. 468, authorizes two or more munW e were som e d istan ce ahead of
icipalities to jointly maintain and op- he men who had t0
t h e h ill.
erate garbage disposal plants.
S."57, Johnson, amends the act rciat-1 s ld e : and when
were fa r enough
ing to small Boards of Freeholders ex- up the hill to uee th e rebel b re a stcepting Bergen county.
H. 489, \w orks, the b o y s spread o u t like a
Holcombe, fixes a premium of 50 cents ^fan> every fellow try in g to be first
for each ground hog killed.
II. 496, |
at the works, where we could see
B.H . White, adjudges minor who, rep­
resents himself to be over 21 for the the cannon and tlie’gunners load­
purpose of securing intoxicating liquors ing and firing. Our boys were
to be a disorderly person.
shouting, cheering and firing as we
Senate joint resolution providing for advanced. We could seethe artil­
a Commission to report on the advisa
lerymen mount their horses and
billity of reororganizing the State
away as fast as they could go,
Department .
Seriate 255, changes the boundary applying whip and spur. It was
line between the townships of Dover an exhilirating sight, an exulting
and Berkelery.
Senate 289, pro- moment. We had those cannons
vjdes for a suitable representation of
that were left in the works— the
New jersey at the anniversary of the
battle of Gettysburg. Senate joint rebels had broken and run— some
resolution 12, authorizes a Commission of our men had got within fifty
investigate the best method of select­ yards of the works and closer, and
ing juries.
all the others were right at their
S. 19, changes the open season in D el­
aware River and Bay and the size of
Then a horse ran upon my right
mesh nets and seines for the taking of
and wheeling in front of me the ri­
all kinds of fish.
S. 65, allows the Civil Service Com­ der,Col Emerson of the 151st N.Y.,
mission to exercise necessary power for commander of the brigade, thun­
the enforcement of civil service law-s.
dered— "Bailey, why in the h— -—
S. 106, authorizes the
Fish and
Game Commission to appoint additional don’t you halt your men ?” I could
fish and game wardens where needed. only look at him and gasp, "W hy
S. 142, allows cities to issue tempo Colonel,.what’s wrong? what’s the
rary improvements certificates for lay­ matter? W e’ve got ’em whipped.”
ing water pipes.
Turning his horse and pointing
S. 344, authorizes boards of finance
with his sword to our right and
to fix salaries of department.
H. 171, regulates the use of moving rear,he Said,"Look there; the 19th
picture machines.
Corps is broken and in full re­
H. 285, allows improvement commis­
treat. Fall back with these men
sions of cities to issue floated indebt­
instantly, or you will all be captur­
edness lor matured bonds,
H. 447, allows railroad companies to ed,” and he rode. off.
I b ro u gh t th e m en off, obeying
issue free transportation to the chiefs
of police of various municipalities.
th e order, b u t i t w ent again st the
thrtr rated bone
T U k ä f f c o r t g o a l « .,
id it
m odw ai, p r ic J "
Tk»”Oi.4K".n.r i
UprereJ Msnrer,, , , ,
Pennsylvania Iron WorkT
jo h n !r Tkiri
Al i<
T o m s R i v e r , N. 1
mile, or more, we were again halt> «1 and
could not tell why wc
| should he. for there was no enemy
rv both. We couM
in our front except some artillery
affair. A long line of kor»
I that was masked in the yard of a
ing down the vallcv at a In
| house about 200 yards to our left
lop, across the field*, ih,
I front. Wc had to he there, expos
with drawn saber« fU«hwf
to the fire of that battery when we
sun Thi y rode over and i
could He no use of it. Wc could
the rebels, cutting and d j
have taken it in two minutes if we
all direction. We c<mld
I 1 .»d been allowed, but we were not. I
understand th* rehcU* «
A ball from one of these guns
they threw down th< ir gu
stuck the ground a little in front
raised their arms, asking lo
of one of the men of my company, j
er. and then getting out
and bursting his head open caught
rear, where they« were her
his rap and carried it up in the a i r !
gether until the battle »*«
a hundred feel or more. The bat.
The cavalry in that than
tery finally ceased firing and what J
lured 1200 prisoners and :r
became of it we coul I not tell, j
nons The fight was over, I
Our attention was now drawn to !
tic won. The dispatch SI
a movement over on our right fr o n t1
sent to Grant that nigi
and soon from our point of view
" Wc ve sent Early whirling reM
we were treated to the grandest j
and most inspiring sight possible j
Mr Gilbert G. Wood, our
to behold u charge of our cavalry '
townsman, was in that cavaj©
on the enemy's infantry and caval-1
charge in a New York regm»
tells me.
Ross had a short time before the
It. 138, kutbonses the uoveruor to . ,
appoint three persons, to be known as ' - h t been ,,,a d c a d ju ta n t, and a
United Spanish War Veterans’ Encamp horse he had arranged fo r, cam e
ment Commission, to represent the Gov- up while We were m ak in g th e charge,
ernor und State lit the ninth annuul cn*
m ounted tile h o rse, when
campment at Atlantic City next Sept­
someone said, “ Ross, I wouldn’t
ember. Appropriates $15,000 (or mill
j ride him in action.1' He dismount­
tary and other displays
II. 324, allows presidents of play ed and a.s lie struck the ground was
ground commissions to make appoint hit and instantly killed.
As soon as our forces on the right
H. 338, provides a method for obtain
in line with our brigade, we
ing title to cemetery plots
H, 366, provides far the registration con tin ued th e charge and d rove the
by affidavit ol any legal voter in the enem y from the o th e r side o f the
State who, because he is in the em ploy-1ravine. T h e r o a d
tu rn in g to
ment of the government, resides out of . fh e fig h t
bu n ch o f us {ound Qur.
1 ,
I and j
k ol
payable’ $300.000 each year (lor five
It. 240,tgive« title to certain land* in
tiergen County to John McClay
H. 251, th - new practice act, provid­
ing lor simplified (procedure as recom­
mended by the S ta te Hsr Association
It. 263, authorise* married women lo
sue in sny cause or be sued without
joining her husband, and provides that
huaband and wile may sue each other
in law ss they may in aquity
H. 2)4 , permits the transfer ol an
equity case (rom th« law court to the
equity court and vice vers i
H. 305, amends the art relative to the
spread ol tuberculosis among cattle by
providing that three-fourths of the valuation of eaeh'animnl destroyed shall
be.paid by the State, providing the sum
shall not cxcecd£$50
H. 316, enables second-class cities to
create by ordinance the office of comp­
troller and tofix the salary, not exceed­
ing $5,000 per year
tb c
id J
|tt,ilnl dec Irr
M et
n i re.
omr ■j
I .. *
I bad !
mg in the ro
!! right throw
H. 205, appro)« t*< * U s
lb s
S U I« I louas Comm «on (or tli purpo
of all billi
o l distributing copi
>y ol th * legresolutions, s ic ., nl
islntivs manual
1!. 225. «men di the
settlement inde oUectioi
of unpaid ttxce by pro*
which may b* st»ffirei un
that are being «ItMolvcd
H. 231. surhorite« th«
ng out and
ih - Delaware River
Tr« non to th* Xrw York
*1 bl
00 lor O
II. 195
Id me« requirent, anr type <4
daalfM thaï u ir ie ,
Every Fam iiy Should
Have a Telephone
Postmaster Parker now ha* is
and dwelling lighted bv gas
Harry Parker hits hisdweUh;!
with gas
I C. Rov l"ox i* a f'pquent eslle
M , Ki kt ride Parker
A telephone in the hom e is
a wonderlul convenience in
arranging the many little social N O T I C E TO CONTRACTOR
affairs that contribute so much
Tne Township« ommUte* of tn*
to happiness and make life
Uwg Hem-h. id ih« t’onnty nf <>•* inm, v*
Nr«’ l«r****y. » ill
anti' 18 uYH*«’
worth while.
of MorHUy. flw ih'h «1» •** Apr, a '•
tin1 oili, t* hi I
A telephone is a necessity
in the many household emer­
gencies which so frequently
A telephone assures a feel­
ing of confidence and security.
Have you a telephone in
your home?
Y ou can now send T ele­
gram s by Telephone.
New York Telephone
Com pany
J . A. Waterbury,
Local Agent
507 Bangs Ave., Asbury Park. N. J
( rulin '
T B ilT S E
d l j s t
A handful in a,
absorbs the dust,
b r i g h t e n s the
floor, and cleans
your carpet.
O ne w eek free trial-
Y ours for health.
E .. H . B E R R Y
Tom s
R iv e r ,
spiiietl uropoffa hfor bul.tll» g » (rr»fel fOMl*
rownshlp of Lon* Beat’ll. !><‘gitiniof Ml
nortneamr, Hue of the Borough of Heich r»
and extenillnflr northeafftwanl ro the iowg
Hoe of th« Borough ot Knrf city, a1"*'
34490 feet, or 0 68-KWmlleff.
Each bidder most accompany hln bl*M
eantftfd cneck, payable to tM C k in M
Township Committee of the Towmblp
Beach, for three hundred dol)*rs. aea
that If the Raid work iff awarded tohlm.MJ' J
ter into a contract with eaid To *nffhipton»^
for the ««me, together with e bond m » J
ceafffui bidder, in the penal sunt of in«
price, with t »o or more sureti«* ¡¡"JS
of the County of Ocean, or a Hurety °f
Joraptny authorised to transact btislnwi
State, to be approved by the »aid roeMBgw
mittee, conditioned ror the faithful P*r‘or“?
of said work In strict conformity tome1
cross sections and Hpeclflcatloriff for wTl
within fifteen days from the awarding i
Plans, proaies, cross sections anil
may be seen at tie olttce of 1. H. <
■,*“ '.¿1
H„n. N I., at the offic e of Bimer
Front, Rl„ Hnils-'elpliia, P«., or », J " ' I
Roland Uram, North Beach HsveD. P.
Proposals shnnld he endors'd
Until, ms s «ravel Itoad In the Township
Beach.” .
The right Is reserved to reject any
klmek I). WILT. I'hSlr»^
Dated, Spray Beach, N. J ., March re,lylil
N . J.
p n ie
Poultry Fanciers
s u ltr y
P £
[K ec p
in g
an * a ' | l Ml Inch lot
tlcrn S c ie n c e
1 0Í locii bai ion.
„ tl IUmo* t*»wt
Quality^ F air price
r r -----------------------------3---------i Mftm s. C Whiit |L*y»*a
I t i l i $1.00
In tiM ii»
■M *. $1.00 i« r 100.
il#*i I •«* ft.***.*« tii-jl
Columbio Poultry
Id Pr«M AWb
í’m^oo Im i b##ii
¿ «i*i ami My Um
ite r a i U»«*u#atul
• Im'U t|rVtp|i*|HHÌ
t*Mitin Uip W§W‘
» stetti IO ahlrli
«h]\ t-rttWHÌ. ÜM
Hjltrjr twoka put
fa* i ur»m ifid Iba
• poultry |M|ivra,
nut'i*»r( frutti to*
ita, ih# iN itril
m« lai tiuuUbUou
ciit u trr Ita* o lt
rung limn ta io
Tb» t i r * » I
a Uf«* »rat# »pen
• »»IK- h.L White
h ilc h la y , b ab y t h l c * » ot M o r ì.
W in* lor prie« bai.
Buff Orpingto n»
‘ * Ml» 1
i fo n ili
m ‘ pr©‘
«îv***r »«a #* ««g j 1. x i t u i*Jt *
IH#V IléV# tld
i* X* h«il v u »asci t hu irli# lei
— cg g » »twi AMBU* Sirtö« 0*1*
Rin# o©#. lOffl* ik® °
O rp èo ilo ftifiv t yott
litfii* f*o*n O » Prit# Wmnini il®j
p fk f f l io *
* '* #*‘
tftlrriita rgg# trpiaced !»•#.
Tom» Rive?, N. J .
io ww
til |*l Vi
I have the Dover Poultry
Y ard »train, bred by Owen
B. Shut»,
W . H O W A R D JE F F R E Y
Tom* Hlv#t, N. )
«d fUitonotv. Nothing
IMtfi poult!yotan quite
«r» h#i» iba) LAV *«4 Htm*
(hai PAT
lo» I d #|fi n t h
Wh»l » r h a t*
W t tan * you - i . . .
S. C. W hile Legh o rn j m
Com bination Stationery P ack et
N o te S h e e t * , R u l e d or U n r u le d
BUI H e e d *
E n v e lo p e * w ith R e t u r n C o r n e r
B u s in e s s C a r d s
or $6.5°
Barred BfetM°-Ll>*
Plym outh RocKs
Egg* for H atching
$ 1 .5 0 per Setting of IS
Fertility Guaranteed
Ii you like you may substitute 500 Shipping T a g s for
for the buiineu c«rd», or we will furniih the picket
C b iriti Hankif»# m
with all F IV E article« fot $ 7 . 5 0 .
T h e C o u rie r
T o m s R i v e r , N . J.
Ha v e n t
Ail Need Ru»t’»
Climax Powder
i#la* cmii
Il k**p# PMI
HAI*Hi* *•«! 1- 1»
¡i n w
try*» «a#» I" rrV>*
Iti! I KMRT »AC1 «* K
If fon doni il®# Mw#'** II*’ u* i ms»
' ' » cmIir i . Mintin C is a tj rouIlM HHo«R. Mf
j. a caronlet.y Miei
ul 'OOBiU1*11.» irjiB* VRIKW
i MU"IVi II «veli*
Uo##fn* I
ttIhMil« rUl*
('Ititi** |N»waM».M
StI,l# T K U
r fnr batching winter
kuln; i ; .i:ili iilnrly profitable.
g «,
' imiHjrtnnl advantage
M (nr i ' l>ators Is that of savgi..r nr. ii : iicr word», they oncat |
in hatch a much Inrger
|.t nf . Us than won III tie! i .
n f hens. This claim
islili'ratloD. It Is. In
tin l. f nMsnn why lncilbutors
*g»l ! Mu'll- present standing,
i in Hi. . . ri'entago of hatching
thev i mu of the chicks, the i-spei-ially In 111« bands
he ti.ivl.n will hardly equal the
Ml niHi "Is. The writer made an
nslvp study " f the results obtained
ilk ini'Oluitnrs by Kiinsus farmers,
srisiilis stunvi'd Hint about as many
in* failed with Incubators aa suefd mill iitem.
<• percentnge of eggs tliat batch
r In Inculmtnrs or with liens is
tamimly overestimated. Tht exlraor»rv lintrln s at poultry shows are
ty nrrumidi by setting two lneui»rs and testing out the live eggs
before hatching and putting them
the one mm bine. A 00 per cent,
itch o( all eggs set for the season Is
enough. .Many very large and
ffessful poultry farms have lower
wanns. The advisability of purehas>nIncubatorw 111 depend upon many
eumstanrps. ,\u those who breed
ighmuii will require incubators. With
Plymouth Itoeks, Wyandottes or
We Island Iteds I should favor
itching with liens until the poultry
’ork grows to such size that tills bewc1 Impractical.
Eggs For Hatching.
.Then* are many superstitious no*"* Prevalent regarding the relation
l( the shape of an egg to Its vitality
"kl the sex of ttle forthcoming chickSucli uoiloiis have no ground in
Kegs having weak shells that
i;ht become broken in (lie nest or
tonally small eggs should he disI'-llmd lf there are more eggs nvailapic til;iln tve wish for a sitting it will be
¡1"' to select the fresher eggs than
Ib I."
overparticular about shape and
IWearance. The eggs for hatching
I °n ^ |'e stored in a cool, dry location
I „lì shiftod or rolled about occaslon1%.
to ‘freezing
ih,,. ,R,,S exposed
" -“ “ iB temperaicmirei«[
‘ n°f actually frozen ntay still
I ma their vitality, but It is generally
I ni'Jf! ered best to keep them at a temiP'Mtnri! between 40 and TO degrees.
I.f hept to0
to° wari
1v:,1'tn eggs dry out rapidI v and —
J l l’a wm not hold their"vitality. A
itoli- ! "lp is I10t to set eggs over two
11,,. ,,s
The Idea that jarring, as
I nf 15!naer- lyiU injure the hatching
I ifisfwT iS wi,hom foundation; like!).«i,i...,lle. at>vlce to I « eggs rest after
*hlpping has befin proved to he ground; less
Tlil°mni0^afl0ns For Sitting Hens.
for sj H , e n i e n c e of the arrangement
with thl'*1 ,lens has n Stent deal to do
>11 vi.;; T ‘CMs " f the hatching, liy
bt iirn,..; 1 slioulij advise that a place
from th 11 f°r lile sitlil|F ilens «way
general poultry house. This
Wete^i--3 s®!)arate room or building,
testi tiers of boxes are used for the
low n e^ J.ieed’ water and dust waliwxes n'
*n t*le room- The nest
tide ar,r-e °Pen on the top, not on the
“ a a board Is laid loosely across
Hirr 4 H(l\ Tt»|IAl
aoui ‘j f eli »i#*UT*.or *«i>i H1»PAI I <»J u*
upoHrevell»* of
2Se, sta, *IO0. »150. enti liso
W M . R U S T & S C - '!>
. J.
liepl T,
BreRtw *
(Jft Hi»*!** * ° u tr j B jm®
Pit Games and
No <*ih#r fffonrer in
hat taken *o many ]_ naca
in . i i > i ju lu y »howl ia this »sc11 on— Bridget in, Burlington,
Camden. Red Hank, e tc .—n
have mv pens. They have been
prise winner*, not occasionally,
but right along, at every »how.
Egg» for Sate from this f»mou» »train
at $1.00 per le ttirg of Fifteen egg*.
GF.ORGK W. CA RR, Lakehurst, N. ].
Botri iu*l ©«I KMBR
Iheii: to coniine the hen. The hcti" nr»
set in groups, so that rhom
eggs wiileh are to hatch the stime
time tuny be given their liberty ut
oure. The uilwidnnt bus nly to rcmove the bunrd from the nest, lift off
the hells mid return In n hour to see
that there is n hen on eneli nest,
Another scheme, for the easy hnn- j
dllag of sitting hens, tin plans for
which have been largely so (I, consists
In . "listrutting n series of outdoor
nests and runways made by setting
foot wide boards oti edge about one
foot apart. The runways e re covered
with laths or netting except the one In
which the nest is constricted, this
being protected from the weather by
another wide hoard to form n roof.
Each lien thus has her Individual nest
and a runway, In which the lien may j
exercise anil dust herself to get rid of
lice. Old fruit cans are used to pro­
vide food mid water.
Such an arrangement for silting
hens reduces the work of
them to u minimum, and if
are well protected from the weather
and the ground where the nests ore
located thrown up so that the water
will not run in the results are usually
better than with hens set Irdoors. The
nests should be nrranged sa that hens
may be shut on them when the eggs
begin to hatch, or the restless hen will
frequently leave the nesi; with the
jlrst few chicks and allow the others to
die In the shell.
‘ from Daytona, Floridi
tlwy bava been *p*m
Mr R oger, will bava i
to hu Arnold avanu
addition will b , used
lorn* River, fl J.
h.-ut la got iroin the lamp to the eggs
by menur of a circulation of hot nir or
n tap!: of hot water. The hot nlr nm
eld-,os seem to linve proved most suece-.tful lu practice, ami the majority
of wot) known makes arc now of that
I;, ]io, it is ouster, however, to make
a cheap hoi water machine that will
rt'.alh the heat than It Is to make a
hot air machine. Tills Is because the
tank of hot water holds the heat
against sudden changes In outside tem­
poral ure.
Regulators composed of two metals,
as aluminium and steel, nre best. Wa­
fers filled with ether ure more sensi­
tive, lint weaker In action. Hard rub­
ber bars.nre frequently used. The In­
cubator n e e d s no arrangement for
turning eggs, ns this Is not as impor­
tant a part of the operation as Is fretjueuth stated, and the eggs can be
rolled around readily with the hand
5lr. Chalmer* was the owner and editor I
of the Moving Picture World.
Are You Going to
Build this Spring?
at the time the trays are taken out to
he turned end to end, a precaution
necessary to equalize any effects due
to different temperatures lu the vari­
ous parts of the machine. Cooling the
eggs, upon which many incubator
manufacturers lay considerable stress,
has never been proved to be of bene­
fit. A good thermometer is essential
in running an incubator and is best
laid face downward on top of the
eggs. Thermometers hung In a fixed
position above the eggs frequently fail
lo register the temperature of the eggs
The best location for an Incubator is
in the cellar. The more even In tem­
perature this cellar is kept the better.
The cellar should not be so damp as
to warp the Incubator, but. on the oth­
er hand, should not lie entirely dry.
If there is a furnace in the cellar or it
in any way heated open water
should be exposed In a warm place.
The ventilation of the cellar is not as
Important as is ordinarily Imagined,
for chicks need very little oxygen.
The Increased evaporation Induced by
too much ventilation Is a greater evil
than lack of fresh air.
(To Be Continued.
miner gives the New s
For less than 4 cents a week
— all it co sts — you can keep
up with all the county news.
i Ul
Mr. and Mr*. Frank H ar-ey o f Cedar
Dr. R. R. Jo n ** claim» that be b a » ( The remain« were brought to New Bridge, announce th* marriag* of th«ir
the record for February egg producing York on Friday and thefuneralservices ; daughter Sarah Jane, to Mr. B tsil Lee,
a fiock of 25 huff orpington, laying SOI were held Sunday afternoon. Inter- on Tueiday, March 26th. Mita Har­
merit wa» made at Kenalco Cemet -ry vey i* well known among the young
egg, in that month
near White Plains, N. Y . The deceas­ people here and if the neice of underC. N. Warner, of the Tom» Poultry
ed was unmarried and leave» » father taker J . Holme* Harvey of thi* place
farm, runs ihat esiabhshmen' on hu»i- ,
and mother, a brother and two »iatcr*.
Mr*. Georgia C. Dalch who ha* been
nra, line*. For instance if he want*
The Vitagr.-oh Co. of New York made spending the winter in Lo* Angeles,
chick», and eqgs are high, the farm buya
» special reel of moving picture* of hi* California, was here fo ra few dava this
it* chicks from other growei» when a
day old. I f eggs nre lu«r, th,- incuba­ funeral, in commemoration of this dis- , week visiting f'it-od*. She ha» gone to
tinguiihed editor and triend of the writ­ New York and will return here in June
tor, arc put to work and the Toma
er. He contolidated the three publica­
to »pend the summer
Farm sells day old chicks
tions, "Cameraand Darkroom,” "Photo i
Mr. and Mr». Ralph Pearce of Orange
Owen Shots has $75 worth of eggs in
Beacon,” and “ American Photogra- 1
visited Mrs. Pearce'* pirent», Mr. and
one incubator. The Retting- run in
cost from $1.50 a SMting, up to $10, j
Mr*. John Stevenson, over Sundav
Mbs Isabelle P. Warrender of New­
S i 5 and $25 a setting
Mr. and Mr». Barrett and »on Jack
ark, i, the guest of Elwood C. Jones
Otto C. Luhrg has been disposing o f
of Hoboken, spent Sunday here Mr.
and family for a week
B crreit expects to arrive hert for the
a goodly numbrr of bailed lock eggs
The euchre and dance to Le given in
season by May 15th
for hatching
Arnold Hall next Monday evening by
The local fanciers say they will have
the Ladies Guild of ^St. Peters Roman
a poultry sho.» sure next fall
Catholic church, promis-s to be one of
A. C. Clayton claims I to have the the most succes ful events of the sea­
champion Hock of pullets at Burisville son. There will he shout thirty pres- j
having collected 519 eggs in 2ft days ents distributed both to players and
Ward Holloway und Joseph Mason of
from 32 hyn.
non-plavers at cards and everyone will
VanNotesCamp were home over Sun­
have a chance to hold the lucky num­
ber in the door prize of afivodollar gold
Quite a number of our young people
M e ta la r d S :e d
piece. Lane's orchestra will render the
attended the lunch social at Brookvi'lc
White Lead and White Zinc made music
on Saturday night last
from the Metals Lead and Zinc are
The Senior class of the High School
Hankinson Corlis has returned home
pigments. Linseed Oil s pressrd out of
Flaxserd. A little Oil mix d with t hse will hold a dance in the school auditor- alter spending a few days a t New
pirments constitute th" L. iS: M. semi­ on Friday evening April 15th
paste Paint. I t ’s made s ' that by ad­
Mils Reba Pearce of New York spent
John L. Parker of Parkertuwn spent
ding 3 quarts of Linseed Oil to a gallon
of L. & M. semi paste I 3-4 gallons of a few days here with her mother on Sunday here
r’eadv lor use Paint is produced at a Bay avenue
Stacey Corlis. Vernon Corii, and John
cost of $1.57 per gallon. Anybody can
Robert L . Patterson of Elizabeth, Corlis w tre Sunday visitors at Brookmix the Oil with the L. & M. in five
was here over Sunday making arrang- ville
minu'es. It saves from $5. to $25
John Test was at Barnegat on Satur­
ments to have some work done on his
Call on A. A. Brant, Tonis R ivtr
Stanwood Brothers, Island Heights
river front cottage
E sse n tia l» of a Good Incubator.
In the case of artificial Incubation
we have a number of points to look
after that do not concern us when
hatching hens. The first to be observ­
ed Is uniform temperature--103 for all
eggs In the machine at all times, th e
second consideration anc one that
causes much more trouble in practice
is to provide ju st sufiiclen; circulation
of air of ju st sufficient dryness to
cause the eggs to lose water by evap­
oration nt tiie normal rate; otherwise
the body of the chick will contain too
much water or not enough and die in
the shell or shortly after hatching.
The novice can do no better, as far ns
this and other points of intubation are
concerned, than to follow the direc­
tions of the maker of bis machine.
The following discussion of the
points of a good incubator are given
to help the poultrynmu in selecting a
machine or in deciding w aether he is
capable of handling the problem of
artificial incubation successfully rath­
er than for the purpose of teaching
him to run any particular incubator;
The case of (lie incubator should be
built double or triple wall to with­
stand variation in the outside tempera­
ture The door should fit neatly and
“hmild be made of double glass. The
lamp, both bowl and chimney, should
he made of heavy metal material and
should have a wick sufficiently wide
to maintain the tempen bhe of the
Incubator with a low blaze. The lamp
is generally placed at the end of the
machine, though there are some good
incubators now made with the lamp
placed underneath the machine-. The
2to l
If y o u a r e , w e in v it e y o u to
c a ll o n
u s fo r tHe m a t e r ia l
r e q u ir e d .
fo r th e
w ill
b e g la d
to s u b m i t e s t im a t e s .
In a n t ic ip a t io n o f t b e s p r in g
lin e ,
c o n tr a r y to t b e g e n e r a l c u s ­
ru sh
th e
b u ild in g
to m , w e h a v e b e e n lo w e r in g
Lumber, Hardware, Cement,
p r i c e s , in s t e a d o f t a k in g a d ­
Lim e, Brick, Paints,
Varnishes, etc.
v a n t a g e of t b e in c r e a s e d d e ­
m a n d to b o o s t t h e m u p .
c. R. R. Depot
TO M S R I V E R , N E W J E R S E Y
........... -
Ro v a l
Baking Powder
We have •• ntoal at) experienced and tlriücd M&hacr. direct from on# o( ■ I
York City, who «Nil trim hat* at your »uggrtUoa, and in perfect ra m .
a n d p a> .ry
*kf I i*OüI '
hats Trimmed and Untrimmed
W it h m in im u m tro u b le 5n d co « t bis­
4tn ic» t o l U spring a( 1912 u
Now Ready
Makes Home Baking E*$y
cu it,
•ad U,>•«»• dai* Millinery ia al) u*
m a d e fresh ,
Oof Price* are the moil Reasonable and your wishes will re­
ceive the moit careful and courteous attention
d e a n an d g r e a tly su p e rio r to th e re a d y ­
m ad e, d ry , fb u n d -in -th e -sh o p v a rie ty ,
and d a n g e r o f a lu m food is avoid ed.
Mi«. L. Salmon* ha, bran riaUingha.
w 'l*°n *• **»•* b* “
• D" n°-
»•Ur at Msenabtwktn
« » » . • * * do** “ « kw>" h'*« u> > •
Mtaa Varna Cranmer of W u t C tu k Democrat. H» Democratic
it .«•
waaia town Saturday with Miw Beulah • ' * d
•"<* therafore aelw ard and
T b t local option la« « a * d ebated in j He «bom tbe foda » i.h to deaVoy,
the Seoata. t note that our Sen ato r'. “ >•» #»«
"»•<*• I>0* lh ** «IUM
vote «aa agamat it
Hon •l*P, Jr
*o m , o t »he T a ft aepToday (April 1*0 the March wind P“« * « and backer,
keepa blowm«. Friday last «• bad a
w * »r* l '* d “> * « Ml" hlaie Cook
big bio or. Pine weather come* alow j among ui for a thort time ogam
this spring .o tar
| The «toiling Roacoa Conkitng occatThe road acraper ha. made i t . a p - 1«‘"• » r »«<•
oM c f ping ground.
Cedar Run
paarance after a »inter'» real
i. M. Taylor i . out again after being
confined to tbe house, tiled to we him
cut again
■■■“ '
W. S . Cranmer and D. G. Conrad oj j a big new power lilebuat, with agasBarnegat »pent Saturday In Tuekerton I 0|ln# engine, w u recently received by
Auto, have made thing, hum the last j Keeper Jarv is Rider at station i s .
•couple days over the c unty road
The boat ia one of kind that Lieut. C
Frank Salm on, has returned to Phil- J j j t McLellan o f T om . River hai been
adelphia after attending hia m other', working on for i he past fifteen years or
i more
One of tbe pleasing events of the 1 Robert P. Engle is tressurer instead
season was the fifth anniversary of 0f p r, Willis, and Leon Cranmer is cnCedar Run Lodge No. 127, I. O. O. F., gi„e (u, emeu of the newly organised
held at Cranmer’s Hall on Friday Beach Haven Fire Company, instead of
evening last. One o f the best enter- |Carrol Stratton as formerly reported,
tainmenta aver held in tbe hall was fur- i The company hss one honorary memnished by the local minstrel troupe of ber—Capt. John T . Fox who, as one of
■II home talent. The jokes of Jim n is |the few survivors of the Beach Haven
Aker brought down the house. I would Fire Department, an association formthat he enter some troupe and follow i ed over 25 years ago, and long aince
up the profession. The singing bv the I patted out of existence, presented to
ladies and gentlemen was very enter- j the new company the cap worn by him
taining. Freeholder Cranmer was there at that time and the roll book of that
and he looked out for the ladies (of association. Thereupon the new organcourse) and saw that they were all fur- nation amended their by-laws and elecnisbed w i t h various refreshments. ied Capt. Fox unanimously to honorary
Dancing closed the evening’s enjoy- membership
m«nt. A number from Tuckerton and
I t was also decided to incorporate a
Parkertowo were present also
! Relief Association, and S. S. Andrews,
Jas. Aker is spending a few days Frank E. Walker, Darius Cranmer,
at horre and is busy planting his pota- J with the President and Chief constitute
toes. At the price of seed potatoes the board of representatives
his season, if the crop Is no better this
------------------------ “
year than last, our people here will j
Concerts at Steinbach’s
hardly get the price of seed out of them i Orchestra for the next two SaturWm Randolph Hearit of the New day. OpenEvenings. SteinbachComNew York American reads Governor ' pany, Asbury Park, New Jersey
w w
Main and
Toms River, N. J.
?Reels Show
Friday, April 5
Bump Hall
p»" v ••
follow. “ Th# »hot« trouble with Pro-
F. W. Sutton, J r .
Roy Tilton
George. H . Alsheimer
TheAlsheimer Shoe Store
For E V E R Y D A Y
Come in and look us over
I’biNp Remetine. • turoeasful farj mer, had a hog killing bee recently
slaughtering J ) bug» with an aggregate
weight of I J.SIft pounds, end sa aver1 age weight of i«S
W S . Chafey lest week picked eight
in bis office window. The) measured
" i from eight to ten inches around them
A number of our school teachers, In­
cluding Supervisor George \*. Ivina.
the county teachers mee «¡nf
Wednesday, April 24, at 4 p. nt. The * crc
Toms River last Saturday
bride is well known in Lakewood eontty snd has taken a prominent purl | Fred C. Torrey of Lakehuret, ia »till
|fire warden for this township as tbe
socially among the cottage set
■Township Committee has failed to name
a Pluinsted township man lor th* j«h
j ripe tomato#* from tbe plant
| Louis Ltrsen is the name of our new
barber, who comes flow Newark
Triplet» were born recently to Mr.
At the annual me eting of the New
and Mrs. John Burns, J r ., at Lawrence, Egypt Light, H eat, Power and Water
Long Island, Mr. Burns being formerly Company,last week, the following direc­
of Bay Head. Two, a boy and a girl, tors were elected' George L. Shinn, W.
C. Jones, William Chambers, William
The legislature failed to past the law
drawn to put the local W ater Company
which was organised under the genetal
corporation act. under the provisions of
the general water company act.O T be
bill wasdrawn by the Borough'Sobcitor,
judge Carmichael of Toms River; it
passed the Senate but was hung up in
the house, by Speaker McCran, who
thought he saw the tail of tbe Last
Jersey Water snake in it
Bay Head is growing more rapidly
and its real estate is more active than
that of any resort on the Ocean Countv
County beach. A number of tine new
cottages are to be built soon. Cottages
for the summer are rapidly renting
The county road is being patched up
through the north end of the village; al­
so between Wuretown and Barnegat
The gatherers of sphagnum moss have
made the most of the few warm days
in spite of the fact that the swamps are
full of water. The winter made It impossible for them to harvest moss
The fyke fishermen have taken all
their traps out of tbe bay. Flounders
are now taking the hook and a number
o f fishing parties have been down from
the city fur flounder fishing. It is
pretty cool work now
Capt. J, S. Penn was in Toms River
At least Ware town can boast of one
new house, now going up
Capt. J. H. Birdsall and family are
home from Old Point Comfort, where
they spent the winter
Deeds, Not Words
T o m a H lv e r P e o p le H a v e A bso lu te
P r o o f o f Deed» a t H om e
I t ’s not words but deeds that prove
true merit
The deeds of Doan’s Kidney pills,
For Toms River kidney sufferers,
Have made their local reputation
Proof lies in the testimony of Toms
River people who have been cured to
stay t ured
L . B. Gravatt,grocer,Main street, N.
J ., says: ‘ ‘I do not hesitate to recom­
mend Doan’s Kidney Plils. For some
time my heath was poor and I had no
ambition or energy. Knowing that
my trouble arose from disordered kid­
neys, I decided to try Doan's Kidney
Pills and procured a supply at Mathis
and Hainer’s Drug Store, I began their
use. They helped me at once and in a
short time effected a complete cure.” .
The above statement w a s given
February 1908 and on May 3, 1911
Mr. Gravatt said: “ The cure effected
by Doan’s Kidney Pills in my case
several years ago has been permanent.
I still hold a high opinion c£ this
remedy. ”
„ .
Jt’or Bale by all dealers. Price oO
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name—Doan a—and
take no other.
»■fUs, W . S. Chafey, John, W.
A. Parker, William T. Nash, Ivins J.
Da via. Jam«» R. Compton and Walter
C ttra U
Dr. J . W, Uichler baa bad hit auto
overhauled and repainted
A cl sal service eaammatiuo will be
held for fourth class Postmaster a t Col*
liert Mill», in New Egypt, on Saturday,
April Dth
Hens* Mantel o f near Lewwtown'and
Mist Carrie Marker of Pointville wrre
married on Tuesday of last week. Mr.
Mantel it a brother of George Mantelet
this place
Rev. John R. Meson of Millville, a
former pastor ol this place, hamgone to
Florida for a rest
Gum Johnson has moved on the J. W.
Van Horn fatm near Zion
Gus Ridgway of Columbua, now occu­
pies tbe Central Hotel propeity near
Jacobs town vacated by Gus Johnson
N. J .
Brunswiak, has s pjb .» Vtr,
lia riy C ra m e r
machine abup m Trenton
Clifford Horner and Um
F oulkt of New Eg»,,,
the J v o l » town M E pen
Rev. Henry Compton. o0 MutV)
Mr*. Charles P. l’oelt»o (
Lakrwxod from heart dueaiaXti
Her summer home wai to
town, Adrroudsck>.
: -¿ I
plnce in Bcdminster, N. J.
|¡Mrs. Powiiaon was »til
New York, helngthe ottgiaMor <
model Sunday-school class is I
university She was grsdusudl
Lake Erieaeminary in tbedaaa
Her hu|band, who is heidoibil
York Child Welfare — * ■
Charles Robbias has moved to his two children— Arthur Poulin*. <|
fatm near Cookstown
at school in Pottstown, Pi., i
William Woodrul! who recently grad­ dred Powlison. who attendi t
uated from Rutgers College st New Lakewood— survive her.
T he Lehighw ay
lo Buffalo
T h e parting of the way and the jo yfu l home-coming
— the farewells and the glad return, are brighter
and happier when the journey lies along safe and
pleasant paths. N o other route so near and so
quickly traversed furnishes the contrast from worka-day sights— the comforts and the charms of con­
stant change. Y o u are never disappointed with
your Lehigh Valley trip. T h e most interesting
train that leaves N ew York or Philadelphia is the
B l a c k D ia m o n d . E x p r e s s
High Noon on the Lehigh from New York
12.30 p. m. from Philadelphia
Connects at Buffalo over the Grand Trunk, giving you a
glimpse o f Canada— on a direct line and quick dme to De­
troit or Chicago. All those luxuries which have become daily
necessities— and many more. The world’s finest rock ballast
— every mile picketed by automatic safety block signals.
Four fast trains each way each day.
L e liig liY fd le y R a ilr o a d
“ T h e F ie ld -G la s s
R o u te”
New Y o rk T ick e t Offices t
N ew ark T ic k e t Office I
1460 Broad way,355 Broadway ,245 Broad­
way, 94 Broadway, Hudson Tube Sta­
tions at Cortiaudt and 33rd Streets,
225 Fifth Avenue. Ill W e .t 125th Street.
Pennsylvania Ferries.
Franklin 1601 or Jersey City 2000.
Telephone: 287 Market
211 Market Street
P h ila d e lp M e T lo k e t O f f i » * '
900Chestnut Street, 131S.ffinfjdph1*
Reading Terminal and ell P h i l i p * »
& Reading Officea*
iy ov
Telephone: Walnut230.