Mar - Urantia Book - Los Angeles Society
Mar - Urantia Book - Los Angeles Society
TI{E MONITOR MARCH-APRIL 1993 NEriflStETl'Ell OF THE FIRSTSOCIE'IYOF tOS ANGELESfor Urantia Book readcrs SPECIALSPRINGISSUE! PHILCALABRESE TO SPEAK ON MAR 7 "KINGDOMOF GOD& COSMOLOGY OF UB.. Out of town speaker, Philip Calabrese, honors FSIA attendees with his presentation, "The Kingdom of God and Cosmology of The Urantia Book", Sunday, March 7,1993. tJ(/hatdoes the gospel of the "Kingdom of God" have in common with the cosmology of The Urantia Book? Answer: A totality a t t h e cen ter of each individuality. The Father is present as a spiritwithin the mind of each individual person and Paradiseis present atthe nucleus of each individual ultimaton. Thus, the universe is "fatherly" - a fact not yet.discovered by contemporary s c i e n ce n o r by mainstream religion. Philip is married to Cindy and t h e y ha ve fou r wonderful chilldren: their home is in San Diego. Philip Calabreseholds a PhD in Mathematics and a Minor in Physics. He has read the Urantia Book since 1969. Philip and Cindy co-host a Urantia Book study gro u p wit h Dic k a n d Cheryl P rin c e . P h ilip is t h e moderator at his church, UCC Commu n it y Co n g re g a t io n a l Church at Pacific Beach, he is also a me mb e r o f t h e c h o ir. Philip was born and raised in the Catholic faith. He is a Senior Research Associate of National Research Council, his present project is Ma t h e rn a t ic a l Research, in Conditional Information. We are very honored to have him speak to our membership. We will see evervone March 7. ROXYVENTOLATO PRESENT ,.FRUITS OF THESPIRIT"ON APRIL4th! The incomparable Roxy Ventola, long time active member of FSI/. and student of The Urantia Book, will be presenting a talk, "The Fruits of the Spirit" on April 4,1993 in Forbes Hall. Ro><yhas served in just about every capacity for FSIA since it beganand has been studyingThe Urantia Book for well over two decades. Her expertise and understanding of the teachings and 'spirit' of the Book will be shared with all who attend this fascinating meeting. In pastpresentations,Roxy has always made even the complex facetsof the Book easyand entertaining for her listeners. Her gift of humor and wit effectively prevents any lack of attention developing during her talks. ONL YNOT ICE! ,FRUITSOF THESPIRIT' presented by ROXYVENTOLA APRTL 4th, 1gg3 SUNDAY- 2:00PM (Forbes Hall) D ON' TMISSTHIS ONE! FSIA MEETING LOCATION FOR MAR 7th Unitarian Community Church - (Forbes Hall Entrance) - l72l Arizona, Santa Monica, CA! PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE "Teamwork" depettdent on, leadersltip. Tlte cu.ltural ciuilizations of tbe past aotd tbe presettt baue been. based upotl. tbe itttelligerxt cooperatiort, of tbe citizen ry uit lt u.tise a n d.progre ssiu e leaders: and until ntan euolues to biglser leuels, ciuiliza,tiorz utill cotltittue to be depettd.ent on uise antd uigorous leadersbip." (pS.lS) "Effictiue antd uise leadersbip. Itt, ciuilizatiort tttucb, uery ntucb, depends otl. arr. err,tltusiastic loadpullirtg spirit. Ten,rnerr. &re of little ntore ualue tban one in. liftittg a great load.u.nless tbey ffi togetber - all at tbe sa.n',.ettonr.ent. Artd such tea nntork -- socia.l cooperatiort. -- is taught byJesus, gives every freewill individual the sense of belonging amongst us. This strengthens our ability to support each other in our 'soul' purpose here on Urantia personal growth! It helps us in the dissemination of The Urantia Book and enables each person to be a living example of the teachings therein. Knowledge is increased and enhanced by "group study." FS[,A members are enthusiastic and effective. Our sharing the load and pulling together with an uplifting and welcoming spirit has amplified the feeling in others of fellowship, bringing about a desire to attend and share in our monthly meetings. 'We,as a group, are striving to successfully present leadership without politics, programs with quality and fellowship with meaning. Our evolving maturing, forgiveness and non-judgmental attitude "Wbile you ca.rxrxot obsente tlte dluine spirit at utork in your ntittds, tbere is a practical metbod of discouerhog tbe degree to ubiclt yotr baue yielded ...anr.dtbat is tbe degree of yotr loueforyourfellout 7r7.er7,. "' (Pg.1642) The best of everything to each of you and thankyou foryour support in extending The Urantia Book to the world. In your service, Marlette Cbicoine WHATWAS THATWORD? TOLERANCEis referenced many times in The Urantia Book. Jesus tried to impress upon his apostles the art of tolerance. As a young teen,Jesus mastered this art of tolerance over his conflictbetween honoring his parents and being loyal to his own religious convictions. Throughout our universe career, we will constantly be reminded of and tested for tolerance. Ve will encounter all sorts of different beings, with diversified experiences as well as dissimilar interpretations. The understanding of these differences overlaid by love will be the measure of our tolerance. Tolerance is not passive. It is an active adaptation to universe realities through the application of love preceded by the understanding of differences. Tolerance is essentially kindness and respect. The practice of tolerance does not begin in the next (morontial) life; it begins here and now. The degree of tolerance indicates spiritual growth. "TACIis thefulaunt of social leuerage, and. tolerance is tbe earynark of a great soltl." (Pg.L740) (Reprinted front. Tbe Fellot uship BULLETIN, winter 1992-93. ) The MONITOR is published bi-monthly at no charge to interested parties by the First Society of Los Angeles readers of the Urantia Book. If you wish to add a friend's nanre to our mailing list or just want to chat about the contents,.please contact the Editor - Doc Livingston at (774) 6J2-8177. If you would like to subnrit articles, letters, art or poerry, please send then, to: The MONITOR 286o E. Jackson Ave., Suite C, Anaheim, CA 92806 or FAX it to our 24-hour FAX line: (714) 666-882L Deadline: 1st of month prior to publication. FleaclBla-Bla: Doc Livingston Chief Political Advisor: Madene Chicoine Druclge Supervisor & Tlpist: Cheryl Snriley Postal Authority: Caligastia'sminions Staff Photosnappers: Milan Moyzes & Ianelle Balnicke Honorary Icon: Alfred E. Neuman All quotations within the MONrI'OR, unless otherwise indicated, are fiom The U&{NTLA Book, Copyright 1955 by the URANTIA Foundation, All Rights Reserved. Any opinions or interpretations contained herein, using quotations from The URANTIA Book or not, are solely the views and opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of any group or organization. page huo E DI TOR ' SC O R N E R and the UrantiaMovement" "Leadership Our leaclership must charnpiotr and stimtrlate all trtle f()rms of per' sottal spiritttal experiettce"l'o allow for thc indiviclual's owtt uuique soul expression of the llathcr's will, while it'tturlt, fostering thc pl'udent socialization of that exprcssicltr to allow for the n-ranifestation of brothcrhood among inclividuals. 'Ihose who clcvelop and Promotc a Our leaclers must Possess novel, closed-minded Path to humility. While disPlaYing the righteousness without taking into courage of a clivine level of cleclica- consideratiou thcir follower's it'ttion to the Father's will, they nlust diviclualvalues, contributions or iualso illustrate a life of lovir-rgservice terpretatiotrs are cloomed t<l towards their fellow rnan. 'fhose failure. Al[ true spiritual leaders who use the gifts of the spirit to ag- should provicle ftrr built-ir"r,sclf-corgtanclize their own ego or status as rcctivc avcnucs for thc cxprcssion spiritual leadels are not worthy of of constructive crit icism ancl the designation. analysisfiom their followcrs. It behooves us to inventotY what the characteristics woulcl bc for genuine leaclers of our Movculent so as to enable our identification of true leaclershippotential within our Movemcnt. We can do this with sorne accuracy by usir-rg the tcnrplatc or l)attct'rlJcsus utilizcd during his sojourn here: "Religion. does need tt'eu leaders, spiritualnten, antd taont'en'tubo uill dare to depend solely ottJesus ant'd bis ittcontparable teacbin'gs. If Cbristianity persists irt' neglectirt'g its spiritual nt'issiort' u.tbile it cort'tittues to brtsy itself uitb social ant'd ntaterial problenr.s, tlse spiritual renaissance ntttst anaait tbe cont' htg of tbese trcut teaclters of Jesus' religiotz utbo uill be exclusiuely deaoted to tbe spiritua.l regerxeratiort, of nten. Art'd tltert' uill tbese spirit-bonr, quickly supply tbe Ieadersbip antd htspiration' requisite for tbe socia'1, nt'orAI, econ.ontic, attd political reorganizatiort. of tbe Luorld." "LeadersbiP is deQettderl.t oIx n,atural ability, discretiort', tuill pouer, att d deternt,itt'atiott. Spiritual destitty is dependerlt orl' faitb, loue, and deuotiort' to trtdlt bmtger artd tltirst for rigltteousr?ess - tbe u.tbolebearted desire to fhtd' Godattdtobelikelthn " (Pg. 1739) 'Wbile religiort, is exchtsiuelY a' person al sPirituaI exPeriettce, kn.outittg God as a Fatlser, tbe corollary of tbis experience, knou'tittg ntant, as a brotlter, entails tbe adjushnent of tbe self to otber selues, antd tbat hwolues tlte social or group aspect of religious life. Our leaders personalitY must Religiort, is first ant' irut'er or per' manifest itself as an upliftirrg, ell- sonal adjustnten't, antd tbat it becouraging example of faith in the cotr?,esa rllatter of social ssruice or Father's will ancl inspire their fol- grol,p adjushnertt. Tbe fact of (Pg.2oB2) lowers to clo likewise by unselfish l't'ta.r'r.'sgregariottsll'es s perforce service to all their brothers and detennhrcs tbat religiotts Srouqs Inherent in the above quotation sisters. Those who clevelop, in any utill conte in'to existert'ce. Wbat is the fact that true religious leader- form, that'chosen' attitude anlong lrappetls to tbese religiotts groups ship will only come with those tl-reir bretl-rren iltust be reiected as depends uery m.ucb ott' intelligent pioneering individuals who are true spiritual lcaders. leadersbip." strictly "clevoted to the spiritual (l'g. 1090) "Religiort.lsas aluLays been' large' regeneration of men." Look around ly a, ntatter of rites, ritu.als, obser' with the open eyes of a "spirit-born Our leaders should encleavorto uarr,ces,ceretttotties, antd dognt'as. soul" and what do we sce in our the focus of thcir lcadcrship keep zuitlt overall Movement? Somcwhat dis- It ltas usually becorne tahfied the intcgration of facilitating on tbat persistently ttt'ischief-nt'aking concerting isn't it? personal intcrown follower's their elTor, t b e cb o sen-people de htsiott. " '\Yith the exception of less than a collectivc thc of pretatiolls (l'g. 1005) and ptrrtrtlc itlcals Movcrttcttt's "IJut as religiott. becortt'esittstittthanclfulof indivicluals(Julialrcttdcrof promotion thc than poscs rather son comes to mind, among sonle tionalized, its pouter for good is bclicf's. and opinions 'I'he own only their ctrrt a.iled, utbile t b epo ssibilities for others) in all these years since euil are greatly nntltiplied. Tlte The mastety of the alt of listening is Urantia Book was given us, one essential to a true leacler becausc, woulcl think that, among its stu- dang4ers...are... inclinatiott' of without l'nutual respect for thcir dents we would have achievecl leq.ders to becottte achrtittistrators itr,stead of nilnisters... and crea- suppol'tcr's personal spiritual cxsome dynamic leaders by now. Not ticvt. of tbe aristocratic "cltosen'- pcriclrcc, no lcader is worthy of tltc to say they are not now present but (I'g.7092) tirlc. should they be so hard to cliscern? peoltIe" attitude.." page tbree EDITOR'SCORNER(Con't) 'lust as certain,ly as nxerr.sbare tbeir religious beliefs, tbqt create a religious group of sonrc sort utbiclt euentua I Iy creat es corrr.rruorr. goa Is. Sotneday religiorzists uLill get togetber antd actually effect cooperatiort. on. tlte basis of uttity of ideals and purposes ratber tbant. atternptirxg to do so on, tlte basis of psycbological opirt,iort.s and tbeological beliefs. Goals ratber tban creeds sbould un,ify religiortists. Since true religion is a ,rxatter of person,al spiritual experiertce, it is ineuitable tltat eaclt irt.diuidual religionist ntust baue bis otan, and personal htterpretatiotr of tlte realizatiort of tbat spiritual experiertce." (Pg. 1091) 'Irue leaders must inspire unity rather than command it. They should creatively guide their adherents away from the dangerous waters of institutionalization and conscientiously pilot each indiviclual's personal spiritual experience towards the shores of unity among their brethren. One who commands unity will never achieveit. "Itt stittttiott al religiott. catutot afford inspiration, and prouide Ieadersbip itt tbis int.pendirtg uorld-utide social reconstructiort antd econotttic reorgandzation, because it bas unforturtately beconte ,rxore or less of ant.organfic part of tbe social order antd tbe ecottontic slstenl, tubicb is destined to urtdergo recorxstructiott. Ott,ljt tlse real religiott of personal spiritual experien ce can. futr.ction. belpfully and creatiuely ht tbe presetzt crisis of ciuilizatiort;' (Pg. 1087) Real leaders must.f/rol{/ tbefndts of spiritual htsigbt by unselfish service to their fellows. They must bear evidence of the realization of elevated meanings and values in their perforrnaltce as leaclers. They must set the Jesusonianexample of exalted icleals and a love of service in their day to clay living as well. 1'hey must unfailingly provide a worthy spiritual touchstone for their follower's guidance. Those spiritual leaders who do not reveal a living love for service by example to their brothers and sisters shall always fail. "By tbeirfrzdts slsallyou knou tbent,." "Social leadersbip is tratt.sin.sigbt; fornt.ed by spiritual religiott preaetxts all collectiue tlr.oaer,xetxtsfront losirtg sigltt of tlteir tnte objectiues." (Pg. 1089) These are but a few of thc qualities our leadership must possess. There are many more not listed here. When in doubt of a spiritual leader's effectiveness or sincerityithas always been useful to compare their words and acts with the superlative example Jesus left us. If they do not strive to measurc up to this ideal in thoughts ancl deeds, they are not genuine leaders. In our search for leadership in our Movementwe must neyer allow frustration or anxiety to rule our choices and cause us to compromise in the selection of our leadersl-rip. 'We must follow our own rules and have faith that, when we are ready, true leaders will be provided us. "Itt. ttty tntiuerse an,d itt. ntjt Fatber's uttiuerse of uniuerses, our bretbren-sorxs dealt utitb a,s ittdiuiduals in. all tlteir spiritual relatiorts, but in, all group relatiortprouide for sbips tue utfailittgly definite leadersbip. Our khtgdont. is a reahn. of order, and ubere tuto or ,n,ore utill creatltres act itt cooperatiott, tltere is alutays prouided tlte autltority of leadersbip." (Ps.1959) Editor An! comments? FAX me at (714) 666-e821. ''YOURVALUES- HOWDOYOULOOKAT YOURS" Proverb: 'Wbere tbere is no uisiort' tbe people perisb." Robert Burns talk 'Your Values - How You took At Yours" gave everyone a lot of positive information on how to setyour life's goals. "If you want to make major leaps of improvement and effectivenesswork on your paradigms - the concepts and ideals you choose to operate from. Putting principles into practice: Putting together a well thought out mission statement allows you to embrace fairness ancl kindness wl-rile rnaking better use of your personal talents ancl the talents of others. It also leads you to significant improvenrent in your personal and organizational effectiveness. Itobert pointecl out that a mission statement can be a suprenre guiding force in your life, it acts as your frame of reference for your existence both here and after. A mission statement can be used to enhance effective living and promote continuous improvement on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional/personal levels. It can help to resolve and dedicate talents and resources to noble purposes and to aid in providing selice to others. "Seekto urzderstantd, tbetr be und.erstood.,, We thank yott, Robert, for your presentation. If was inspiring and gave us great guidelines for the New year. page.four LETTERSTO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, During this past year of activity in FSIA, serving at meetings, on The MONITOR, behind the scenes on several conferences,on the Governing Board and in the study group, I have had the wonderful opportunity of worki n g w i t h m a n y d iverse personalities on various projects of differing intensity. I keep being re m i n d e d of th e angelic manipulation of ourpersonal environs to keep us learning our lessons in Cosmic Life 101, our pre-morontia cram-course. \(/e ,as a Urantia community, should be excited at the opportunity of contributing greatly to the advancement of our world, here and now, just by living each day to the fullest in doing our Father's business. However, if we keep insisting on isolating o u r s e l v es fr om differing opinions, cultures, experiences and individuals this will slowthe process. "Of all tbe problem.s in tbe uniuerse requiring...the tuisdom of experience and adaptability, no n e are nxore important tban tbose afisirtg out of tbe relationships and associations of intelligent beings. Wbetber in buman associations of corrlmerce and trade, friendsbip antd ntart'iage, or in tbe liaisons of the angelic bosts tlcerecontinue to afisepettyfrictiotts, minor misunderstandings too trtuial euerx to engage tbe attention of conciliators bttt sufficiently irritating and disturbing to ntar tbe sntooth tuorking of tbe uniuerse if... alIowed to tnultiply antd contintte. Tberefore do tbe Perfectors of Wisdont ntake auailable the tuise experience of tbeir order" as far-spreading bousehold of the "oil of reconciliation"for an faith?' e g.2oa1) entir"e supenmiuerse. In all tbis tuot"k tbese ruise rnen. of tbe suIt simply means that we must penntiuerses are ably seconcled bc open to change (the only ccrby tbeir reflectiue associates, tbe tainty in the universe) especially Unions of Souls, tubo ntake wit h in o u rs e lv e s a n d o u r auailable cunerxt infonnatiort paradigms. 'fhis is more easily regarding tbe status of tbe facilitated by grasping hold of a uniuerse and. concurren.tly long-range yiew of our cosmic portrqy the Paradise ideal of citizenship. Like the children we tbe best adjttstm.ent of tbese are, we need to be lifted up for a perplexing problems. Wben not more cosmic viewpoint of the specifically directionized else- p e rp le x it ie s and the need to uthere, tbese secorxapbim b e g in t h e s e " e d u c a t i o n a l rentain in reflectiue liaisott taith episodes"here and nowto evolve the interpreters of etbics on in t o t o le ra n c e o f d i f f e r i n g Paradise. These ar"e tbe artgels o p in io n s , v ie wp o in t s a n d a t who foster and. prom.ote the titudes. This life on Urantia is a teanuuork of all Oruorxtorl One great training ground for these of tbe most itnportant lessonsto 'tactical'maneuvers. be leanred. during yolt " ntortal career"is teantraork. The spberes All of this is so simply manifest of perfection. are manned by tbose tubo baue m.astet"ed this if we accept the Father's love for ourselvesand share it freelywith art of uork in g wit b o t h e r beings, Fetu are the dttties in tbe those q/e come into contactwith. uniuer"sefor tbe lone seruant. Tbe bigber you ascerxd, tbe nrore ".,.giue up your intolerance lonely )tou beconte tuben. tem- antd lean'n to loue t'rl.enas I haue porafily uitbout tbe associa- loued you. Deuote your W to tion. of your fellotu s." prouing tbat loue is tbe greatest (P g .3 1 1 ) tbing in tbe tuorld. It is tbe loue of God tbat impels nten to seek saluatiort. Loue is the ancestor -fhere are many uplifting, of all spiritual goodness, tbe esloving wa y s t o a c c o mp lis h serxce of tbe hue antd tbe beautiwhatever task is at hand and at (Pg.2047) whatever level it presents itself. ful;' One of our main obiectivesis that of cooperation or teamwork with Those of us who have had the g re a t p e rs o n a l e x p e ri e n c e t o others. 'You ar"e all tbe cbildren of h a v e k n o wn s o me o n e w h o s e hsbt; tberefore sttmtble not into paradigm is love, only love and tbe ndsttrtderstanding enta ngle- a lwa y s lo v e h a v e a l r e a d y ,lxerxtsof ntortal suspicion and evidenced this as rcaliw. btnnan intoler"antce. If you are ennobled, b), tbe grace rf fait/:, In fellowship, to loue unbelieuers, should yott Cbetyl Smiley not also eqtally loue those ubo an'eyour" fellotu belieuers in the page.fiue VIEW OF THE RESURRECTION A COMPARATIVE T'lteOrigirrs antd Meantirtg of Easter by Dr. J. Beltran, Protestant Chaplain. 'k*,F *,& ,F "Easter Day (there is no such term as 'Easter Sunday') signals the beginning of the festival of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Christian Year. f'he festival of the resurrection continues for forty days, corresponding to the period Jesus Christ was manifest upon earth before the Ascension. Easter is known as a "movable" feast, that is, its date varies from year to year ancl,what is rnore, it regulates the time and length of many other festivalsof the Christian Year." Passouer Message 'l'wersky "r.::l lT:t by Aaron "Passover is an eight day Jewish holiclay of Biblical origin, rnarking the birth of Jews as a people and their emergence as a unique nation in history devoted to God's will. It celebrates the liberation of the chilclren of Israel from slavcty in Egypt over 3000 years ago, under the leaclershipof Moses." ntulatiort. of a belief ubicb uas not tnte: t It e t eacbht g t It at t be rn at erial an.d ntortal body of Jesus utas raisedfront. tbe graue. Trzdb bauhtg to do uitb spiritual realities and etental uahtes cannot aluta,ys be built rp by a conrbination. of apparerxt facts. Altbougb indiuidual facts ntay be ntaterially true, it does not follout tbat tbe association. of a group offacts ntttst rtecesspiritual sartly lead to trutffitl cottclusiotxs." "Let us foreuer clarify tbe concept of the resurrectiort. ofJesus by m akhrg t It efo I louirxg st at enxerxts: "We shall usher in the glorious festival of Passover. Passover is a holiday which spells freeclom. Freeclom is the most cherishecl pos1. IIis m.aturtal or pl)J/sical body sessionof man. It is no wonder that Laas ,xot a. part of tbe resur-rected we celebrate Passover.the birth of p ersona lity. Wb enJ e sus ca nt efort It people, for the freeclom of rcsurrection of "'l'he Jewish Jesus Nazarethis the central tenant of the amidst abunclant foy and elaborate front tbe tontb, bis body of fleslt Christian faith. Christians believe ritual. It is our privilege by nteans rent.ain.ed un.disturbed in. tbe sepu.lcbre. He ernerged front. tbe that in the third day after he was of the traclitional observauce of our festival to keep the messageof Pas- burtal tonr.b uitbout ntouirtg tbe crucificcl,Jesus was raised from the sover alive. It is our destiny to keep stones before tbe entrattce and deacl by God. As St. Paul says, 'If utitltottt disturbhzg tbe seals of PiJesus Christ had not been raised, the hope for freedorn alive in the then our proclamation has been in worlcl, and everyone who par- late." vain and your faith has been in vain.' ticipates in the traclitional celebra2. IIe did ,xot er',xergefront. tbe (l C<rr.15:14\' tion of Passover becomes a tontb as a spirit nor as Micbael of of the messcn[ier, a symbol Nebadon.; be did rxot appear in. tbe "'l'hc clate of Easter was a conyet to which will come freedom troversial point between Eastern fonn. of tbe Creator Souereign, suclt a this Passover bring mankincl. May as be bad bad before bis ittcantaanclWcstern Christendom f<rrsonle tinre prior to the Council of Nicaea. renewal of faith, hope and courage. tiort. itt. tbe likeness of ntortalfleslt To resolve the dispute the issue was May it bring everlasting peace to all on Uranttia." given to a group of neutral experts mankind." 3. He did conte fortb fronr. tbis in Alexanclria, Egypt, who came up tontb ofJosepb ht. tlte uery likeness with the formula, later adopted at Resurre ctiorr. of J e sus of tbe ntorontia personalities of Nicaea,which set the celebration of tbose ulbo, as resur-rected ,'rr.orotl.frornrhettfl:tl the resurrection." tia as cen dantt b eht gs, ent ergefront. -":"u tlte resurrection balls of tlte first "llaster Day is calculateclto be the ntantsiort.utorld of tbis local systenr. "'l'be Cllsristiart.belief itt. tlte resurfirst Sunday following the first full m()on after the spring eclui- rectiort, ofJents bas been based on. of Sata nia. And. tlte presence of tbe nox,March 21st. 'fhe Grcek nanle tlte fact rf tbe 'entpty torrtb.' It utas Micltael nzentortal itt. tbe center of tbe uast court of tbe resutrectiort. for Easter is Pascha: thc ltalian. htdeed a fact tbat tbe tontb was balls of nt.antsottia ttuntber otte [name isl Pasqua; ancl the l]nglish enxptJ/,but tlsis is ttot tlte tnttb of lea.ds us to cottjecture tbat tlte tontb uas tlse resurrectiotx. I'be Inan-re]comes from Eostrc, the 'I'eutonic tnily entpty ultert, tbefirst belieuers Master's resurrection. on Uranttia gocklcss of name of the uas in sonxe utay fostered on, tltis, Spring. It is a season of ioy ancl tri- atriued, attd tltis fact, associated tbe first of the systent ntansiort. uitlt tltat of tlte undoubted resurumph; it marks the summit of thc (Ps.2023) tuorlds." rectiort of tbe Master, Ied to tbe forChristianYear." sir( "Tbefirst act ofJesus on. artshtg front. tbe tontb u)as to greet Gabriel antdhrtrttct ltittt, to cotttitttte itt executiue cltarge of urtiuerse affa.irs un,der Intnt.anu.el atzd tlten. be directed. tbe cbief of tlte Melcbizedeks to corxae)) bis brotberly greetings to Inr,ntanueL He tbere ttpon. ashed tbe Most Higlt of Edert- tia for tbe certifcatiort. of tbe Ancients ofDays as to bisntortaltrantsit; antd tu.nting to tbe assentbled nt oron tia groups of t be seuett.nlarr,siort. utorlds, bere gatltered togetlter to greet antd utelconte tbeir Creator as a. crea.txte of tbeir order, Jesus spoke tbe first utords of tlte postntortal career. Said tlte ntorontia Jesus: 'Ilauing finisbed. nr.y life ht. tbe flesb, I uould tarry bere for a sltort tinte in transition. fonn, tbat I rnay ntore fufut knou tbe li,fe of nty ascendar?t creatures antd ftrtber reueal tbe utill of nU Fatlter itt Paradise."' (Pg.2022) "TbeBrotberbood of Man isfounded on tbe Fatberbood of God. Tbefamily of God is deriued fro* tbe loue of God -- God is loue. God tbe Fatber diuinely louesIIis cbildren, aII of them. " (ps.r4s6) S TU D YGR OUPCO RNER- ANAHEI M 1978to L993Planetary ProgressStudy Group of Anaheim, Marlene and Pierre Chicoine host. Every Monday night at 8 PM we share our week: make announcements of interest and then we read a paper. This is the second time The Urantia Book has been read through - it took 8 years the first time through, currently we are at Paper 169. Our group has new readers visiting often and they are always welcome. Our group is very active in outreach. For years we had the Labor Day potluck at which Julia Fcnderson would enlighten groups of 5Oto (r0 people. Ve held a children's group 2 to 72 year olds until they grew up; now its Teen Talk or (pizza busts).'Wewrote a play on Jesus' childhood based on the 'falcs of Joshua that was performed by the children. Francyl Gawryn came and played, in person, sevcral of hcr songsthat we had written into the play and which the children sangbeautifully for Urantia Book readcrs. We as a group present specialtopical full-day studies of different parts of the book throughout the year. 'We are very involved with the First Society of Los Angeles (FSI-A),our group is very supportive of thc School of Meanings and Values and its advocateswho are doing an outstanding service. Marlene's office is always producing brochures and publications all supporting reader information, meetings,conferences,etc. for study group, the Society,Domestic Extension,The Fellowship and directs new readers to the Foundation for book purchases. The atmosphere is alwaysa learning experience.The Study Group family is so important and thc commitment of a person to hold or attend a group on a regular basis,is one of the most important decisions we as humans can make. Dedicatingtime to studythe book with a group is the true beginning of spiritual insight, and a group experience forces us to look at many viewpoints. The experience in a group also givesus the inspiration and material needed to build strong character.Our group size ranges from 18 t<r 25 persons.'Wehave on the average3 new readers join us each year. Pierre was introduced to the book by a man named Jacque. Pierre read the entire book from cover to cover in 3 months, he decided rightthen that he had receivedso much fiom its teachingsthat he wanted to do something in return. He immediately feltthatthe entire world should read this book NO\7! (Sound familiar?) This new mandate was presentedto Marlene by Pierre, "You've got to read this book! RIGHI' NO\f! Of course, as most people do when confronted with an extremely enthusiasticreader, Marlcnc told Pierre she would, "get around to it when she had time." tVhile this produced moderate frustration with Pierre for a season, Marlene kept overhearing conversationsPierre was having with just about anyone who came to his door and eventuallygrew curious enough to read'I'hc Urantia Book. Pierre then contacted the Foundation through the address in the book and they gave him scvcral phone numbers to contact other readers.After talking to some of the long time readcrs he was adviscd that the best way to assistothers in studying the book was a home study group. He started the following Monday night in 1978 and its been a Monday night happening in his home ever since. page seuerx YOURGOVERNINGBOARD tn the comingmonths,we will be includingbrief biography'sof the FirstSociety.ofLosAngeles' . governingboXrdmembersin order that yoi can getto knolw us. lnquiringminds want to know! Hospitality is a very big job in study group. They both attend our Socie$/; we do enjoy our the Malibu United Methodist food and social after our meet- Church where Lisa serves in the ing. Lisa works hard to see that capacity of Outreach Chairperson. her volu n t e e rs a re in f o rme d This Outreach effort involves each month as to what we will neecl to make a successof our work on a food program to 'We see the results of provide assistance to needy "Potluck." families in Los Angeles and a Day her efforts on the table as our meetings encl and the fun begins. Labor Exchange program. Lisa She hai spent several hours of sings in the choir, plays the flute, service on the phone and shop- is finalizing her master's degree ping to bring abo.rt these deli- in English Literature, and oh, yes - s h e lo v e s b ik in g , h i k i n g a n d o r. u y r o f f o o d e v e ry iio"r LISA NELSON camping. Aren't we glad she still month. (Hospitality Chairman) Lisa teachespart-time, and as- has time to serve our Society on our day of fellowship. We thank Ilere ute see Lisa busy plant'nin'g sists her loving and supportive you, Lisa, for your untiring and and cbecking ottt tbe next ntott'tlt's friend and husband, Lobo, in their business. They are mem- unselfish efforts on behalf of all list of ntentbers utbo signed up to bers of Duane & Lucile lraw's those who participate in FSLA! brtngfood or donations of casb. childhood contained much disillusionment like many born to that age of McCarthy. An unusual event occurrecl at age seven which was to change Doc forever. Adevotee of the Superman series,youl'lg Doc received a Superman outfit from his doting mother. Doc had never had doubts of his ability to fly. Now, given the proper accouterments to accomPlish his desires, he promptly set out for the large slide at his school's local playground. Arriving at the top, he uttered those immortal worcls, "If Superman can do it, so cau l!" and DOCLIVINGSTON proceeded to jump, arms out(Publication Chairman) stretched into space. Wbo is be? Wbere did be cor',te Soon after his dreams of flying (and had his broken collarbone) from? Ilout did be get bere? Wbat does be raa)tt a.nd utlsett, utill be recuperated, he decided to attend MI'l'and work towards a degree in leaue? 'I'here are many rumors circulating Gen-n 'Warfare. However. before this goal was realized, his family concerning the origins of l)oc suddenly moved to California and the more Among Livingston. somehow neglected to inform Doc. on was born that f)oc prevalent is plains Kansas in 1949 of Ever self-reliant, the young Doc tlre rustic Rosicrucian itinerant stfuck out ofl foot across our great and raised by 'fhis to account for is saicl raccoons. nation, meeting its people, forming the spiritual in keen interest unions and singing songs which inhis IIis fringe at an early agc. spirecl a generation of migrant eigbt workers to place strawin their teeth and win at checkers During his tour of the country he began writing and, some years later composed his first published work, \W'ith Polyester" "karning 'fo Live which was printed in an earlY edition of Field & Stream. Finally,on December24, L968, Doc passed away in a Haight-AshbutY tenement basement full of defective paddleball repair kits from an overdose of sweet basil. A few months later, refusing to let death stand in theway of a brilliant career in something, Doc was introduced to The Urantia Book by a friend that explained the Book had come from a group of itinerant Venusians who thought it would be fun to mess with Earth's culture. And the rest is history. To this day, Doc remainsyoung and alivewith a superb sense of hurnor, endearing as always and he grows ever more attractive each passing day. You can rest assured of the veracity of these accounts as he wrote this brief biography himself and has always been known for his honest objectivity. A CALL TO ALMS Dear Reader, Oh no! Another solicitation asking for money! As if you had any extra funds after taxes, recession, inflation, work layoffs, higher grocery prices, gasoline hikes, etc. Well, your pique is understood, sympathized with and cluly noted. All of us are going through the same thing to a greater or lesser extent. "Sucb a life on sucb a planet!' Flowever. since FSLAwas created over three decades ago, it has had difficulty in developing a consistanr financial base to insure the proper planning for its goals, let alone expansion. Due to the diversity of its membership, even FSLA's goals could not be agreed on. Well, it's 1993 and the organizarion is nearly four decades old. It is time to ask ourselves what we can do to establish and accomplish mutually agreed objectives in the future. We who are blessed with the light of a unique wisdom concen-ting our universe, its governntent, our planet's history and and a highly detailecl account of the life of Jesus, have an unique and undeniable responsibility to promulgate this knowledge to all who lack its illumination. Our Creator, Michael, gave us our task in no uncertain terms: "By faitlt baue you beconrc a God-knoutitzg kingdont sor1..Tbere is but one lana to obey - tbat is tbe cotrtntantd to go fortb proclainting tbe gospel of tlte kingdont,. Cease to fear nten; be unafraid to preacb tbe goodneus of etemalffito jtourfellotts utbo languisls in darkness and burtgerfor tlte ligltt of tnttb;' (Ps.2o49) If you observe other religious groups on Urantia, you would have to note that among the various faiths, financial support of outreach, social ap;endasand the nurturing of their congregations is carried out more effectively than ours. You migl-rt excuse this by noting that their groups are far more numerous than ours thus their support base is far greater. (Remember, Jesus accomplished His goals with iust twelve people!) But, we propose to eliminate some excuses by answering a few pertinent questiol"lsabout our Society, both past ancl present. SOMEQUESTIONS ANSWERED Vhat did I get for my money in 1992? rVhat was actually collected in FSI^,\dues in 1"992was $768. which accounts for or-rly32 paid members. So, members and non-lnembers essentially received well over five times what was paicl for'. 'I'he clifference was ntade up by several substantial clonations from a very small group of people. Currently, FSI-A'sexpenclitures are provicling the rnembership with: averynice place to meet (@ $3,000. per year), a newsletter publication greatly expanded over the last year with private donations to well beyond what is covered by present FSLAdues (@ $2,500. per year inc. bulk rate postage to nearly 300 people every other ntonth), refreshments for meetings (ave. cost: $450. peryear). This createsa total yearly requirement of 95,950. iust to maintain the currcnt moclest level of activity. How much mofe do you want? Your call folks! Some possible solutions are that ntembership in FSI-,\could be placeclat various participation degrees with clifferent page nine dues amounts. Along with this a waiving of annual dues paymcnts for bringing new members into thc Society. Further operations funcling proposals include: the increasing of dues (example: if Inactivc Members return in the amount of 150 persons, approxinrately $40. per member will be required); ancl more sophisticated fundraising carnpaigns and activities. FS\Arequires a minimum total of 150 Active Members annually in order to keep the dues at a reasonable level. In any case,all htactiue Mentbers utill be inuited to re- actiu at e t Ixeir nt.enr,bers ltip utitbout regard to past dues. Wc feel that this will help to bring par'ticipation to an all time high! V'hat are you going to do with all that money? All what money? lVith the increasecl level of participatioll, onc of the above membership progranrs should iust about covcr our cur't'ct-lt ovedreacl. Fundraisers ancl ckrnations are still neeclccl for any activities or expenditurcs beyoncl this, but hopefully everyone will try thcir best to bring in new mcmbers ancl our Sociery can cxpancl our functions beyoncl the present level. You have to walk before you run. "Ife [JesusJ told tbem tbqt could rtot stand still: tbry ntust go foruard in. rigbteoustt essor retrogres.s ittto euil anr.dsht. IIe adntonislted tbent to forget tltose tbings tubiclt are itt. tbe past ubile you pusb forutard to entbrace tlte grea.ter realities of tlte kbtgdont. IIe besougbt tbenr,rtot to be contertt uitlt tbeir cbildbood in. tlte gospel but to striuefor tlte attainnrcnt of tltefrll stature of diuine sonsbip itt. tbe corrnltttrtiort of tbe spirit and,irt tlte feltoutsltip of belieuerc." (nr. 171)0) "As fait b -ertligb t en'ed ant'dspirtt' tbe teacltings of T'be(Jrantia lJook. Okay! Just what is the PurPose of liberated sorzs of tbe kin'gdont' of Our Society's actiuities utill portray FSIA? beauen, youface a. double resPolxtbe loyalties of our faitb; ntagilfu "'l'he purposcs of ltirst Socicty of sibility of d'r.ttyto ,'txarxant'd duty to of trutls, beauty andgoodLos Angclcs arc the stucly ancl clis- tbe hres God utbile you uolurt'tarily assunte tbe attractiorl to scmination of the teachings of 'l'he ness; foster a tbird and sacred obligatiott; serlt s e lfis ne urt lue s; enb ant'ceznt lJrantia llook; the inculcation and sLtpre, uice to tbe brotberltood of Godattd felloutsbip; glorify cncouragement of the realization seruice knouing belieuers." (Pg. 1930) life; pront'ote spiritual anclapprcciation of thc Iratherhood fantily prouide uise counsel of God and the llrotherhoocl of echrcatiott4 l guidantce attd Jb st er, d spiritua "Did yott tlot un'derstant'd botu Man in ordcr to incrcase and en- a.n best to tbe support antd encourage grea.t LUastbe gospel of tbe kin'gdont' hance thc comfort, haPPinessand proliferatiort, of tbe a.bilities, our of tabiclt tbis ntan, [JentsJ deliueredto wcll-being of man as an individual Society's yott? Do Tbe sturbl quality Srolrps. You ttot Perceiue hou and as a member of societYthrough rf Tlte grea,t a saluatiott bas cotne upo'tx teacbings tbe itt' liuingfaitb thc medium of llaternal association, (Jrantia. Book sltall euer erxcoltr&ge yott?' (Pg.2035) cver obedicnt to the laws of this conserue nt'oralitY, country and to the regulations of fellousbiP, pronl,ote cottt'rtt'ttttity uelfare ant'd thc Fellowship." We all do whatever we can. Irt's ad.uancetlte spread of our esserttial all try to do our best, individuallY gospel, tbe Fatberltood of Gocl an'd Ijrot n' t lse ITSIA Cort'stittttiott' and as a group. Enough said. of Mert' and tbe llrotberbood That's a worthy Pufpose but a tad Worrl.en." Editor's Note: To all Mort'itor (Ref. pg. Io92) general. Can you Provide more readers and in'terested parties: If specific goals to assist in mY you baue arly colrxlllet?ts or su.ggesSounds good but I have other decision to ioin? tiotts cott'cent'ittg tbese r'txa'tters. "'I'bepurposes of tbe First Society responsibilities and I don't know Please u.ryite to: Tbe Mott'itor, c/o if I can find the time to reallYParof Los Angeles are tbe stucljt, dis' Editor or FAXit to (714) 566-8821. ticipate. \flrhat do I do then? senilnatiort antd socializatiort' of ..YOU R MORTALASCENSION'' Our "thank you" to Chick Montgomery for the quality talk, "The Ascender's Guide to the Master Universe:Your Mortal Ascension"Sunday, February 7.1993. The talk was excellent complimented by The Master Mural which was absolutely awesome' The real thrill came when Chick gave everyone permission to really get involved by taking responiinitity in creating a universe for which they would personally take charge of. Being only humans' we all stepped uP to create one! Chick is great, he is an artist, lecturer' composcr of mugic and plays several instruments. We were especially entertained by Chick, llllen and Monica Montgomery (Chick's sister) and Keg Johnson whrl lead us in a sing-a-longof a song Chick w'rote' Ve all sang..."Spiritresurrection, moving to perfection"'" 'We learned where we are and where we arc going' The claywasjoyful and uplifting for everyone' Again, we wisir to thank Chick and his wonderful family and fiiends who came and made the day so special for each of us. T'lseMorttgontery Fantily: L-R:Monica, Ellen', Ertca: Cen'ter:Fredericka. Mural by: Cbick Mort'tgont'ery page terx AREA MEETING INFO ANAHEIM CONTACT Mondays @ 8:00PM Mondays @ 7:30PM Pierre & Marlene Chicoine Debra Goaldman BURBANK Sundays @ 7:3OPM rVednesdays @ 7:00PM GOLETA Tuesdays @ 8:O0PM Jean Painter Brendi Poppel IRVINE Thursdays @ 7:30PM Tuesdays @ 8:00PM Kermit & Jackie Anderson Robert & Cindy Burns LOMPOC Wednesdays @ 7:00PM George Fledge MALIBU Tuesdays @ 7:30PM Duane & Lucile Faw ARCADIA BAKERSFIELD HUNTINGTON BEACH IIal & Lucille Kettell MARINA DEL REY (Intro group)Thursdays @ 7:30PM Richard Omura NORTHRIDGE 2nd&4th'Weds. @ 7:30PM Don Morton/Polly Friedman OJAI PALM DESERT PO\vAY SAN DIEGO Mondays @ 7:30Pru1 Catherine Hart/Richard Niles Mondays @ 7:00PM Ed Owen Mondays @ 8:00PM Bob & Mara Gallo Tuesdays @ 7:30PM Dick & Cheryl Prince Phil & Nancy Calabrese SANTA BARBARA (Potluck) lst Sundays @ 6:00PM (New Readers)2nd Sundays @ 7;00PM SANTA MONICA TORRANCE 3rd & 4th Sundays @ 7PM Wednesdays @ 5:0OPM rVednesdays @ 8:00PM \rISTA 2nd & 4th Thurs. @ 7PM Wednesdays @ 7:30PM WHITTIER Lst & 3rd Fri. @ 7:30PM SarnsaraDuex Barrie Bedell Don Briglia Stacey Hart John Mahaffey Dianne Bishop John &Jane Ploetz Stella Religa PHONE (7L4) 761-1565 (818) 447-r4o3 (8Ot 322-1135 (818) 84L-3282 (805) 967-9788 (714) 894-5417 (714)724-rO5O (805) 736-0\20 (310) 456-9708 (310) 306-8789 (818)769-2400 (805) 649-2448 (619) 346-5384 (619) 679-7160 (619) 270-6558 (619) 483-or35 (805) 967-0975 (805) 969-1565 (805) 962-0558 (805) 569-937o (3101829-2592 (310) 542-1673 (619) 727-5268 (3to) 698-2122 SPECIALANNOUNCEMENTS & ACTIVITIES March 20, 1993 - 50th Wedding Anniversary - Congratulations Lucile & Duane Faw from all of us! JUIY3l -AUGUST 5,1993; TOUCHTHEVOITLD INTERNATIONATURANTIAREADERSCONFERENCII .- THE'!$TORLD OF REA.DERSUNITES EVERY 3 YEARS -- THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST UPLIFTING GATHERINGS -- ONE YOU IUTILLNEVER MISS AGAIN, ONCE YOU GO IT AUTOMATICALI,Y BECOMES THE PIACE YOU WILL BE 3 YEARS IATER -- THE INTENSE FEELING OF FELLOIUTSI{IPIS TOO AWESOME TO PUT INTO WRITING. TO BE HELD IN ST. FIYACINTHE, PROVINCE OF QUtsBEC, CANADA. INFO: PHONE THE FELLO\TSFIIP1\T (3rz) 327-0424 oR FAX (3r2) 327-61.59. March 19,20,21, 1993: PasadenatVhole Life Ilxpo is One Of 2 Being Presented On T'he West Coast By The Domestic Extension Committee This Year. If You Can Serve - Please Contact llob Mc Gaughey At (213) 487-8384. March 2O, t)932Iradership Conference All Study Group Leaders Will Be Notified Of Details lly Mail. THE MONITOR NEEDS YOUR $UPPORT! Send $$$ to the Monitor (1O Latina Dr., Irvine, CA 9271,4), Make checks payable to: FSLA and write "for Monitorrr in the check memo section. page eleuen FORYOURAMUSEMENT "An'd so you uill en'joy tbe celestiat equiualents of your earthly bunror all tbe uay up tbrougb your long ntorontia, a nd tbett. increasingly spiritual, careers. Atld tbat part of God (tbe Adiuster) utbicb beconres a,n.etenta.l part of tbe personality of a.n,ascendant ntortal cototrtbutgs tbe ouertortes of diuirtity to tbe joyorts expressiorts, euen.spirttual laugbter, of tbe ascending creatxffes of tinte and space. (P g . 5 50 ) I seem to run into more and more readers of The Urantia Book who seem to think that their fusion is coming soon. This causedme to ponder regarding the various clues that could lead one to believe that translation to the-mansion worldiis imminent. The following list is the result of my cogirations. THETOPTENCLUESTO IMMINENT FUSION 10 987- Your bathwater is hotter after getting out than when you get in. You don't have need for a pilot light on your gas stove. You don't smoke, but you're alwayskicked out of 'No Smoking' sections. You don't hav.ematches or a lighter, but when smokers ask you for a light, 1'ou're always able to oblige. 6 - You begin to notice clouds of steamcoming offyour bodywhenwalkingin the rain. 5 - You notice all your friends wear lots of suntan oil when they're around you. loJSSueyou coverage. 3 - You are consta arshmal2 - Smoky the Bear,won that mur ow '1, 'ryr t'€ - FEB 18 " $ 2 ?EATmo' rllllffifrc 2860 EastJacls.g5rAv,erigg #*&MFErrruc Mar. 7th, 1992 @ 2:00PM Topic: "TheKingdom of God & TbeCosntologltof tbe UB" MAP TO MAR. FSLA MEETING *-i*' l8 O Santa Monica Blvd. 1O Freewav From 10 Freeway: W-bound, take Cloverfield N to W on Santa Monica then N on 18th. E-bound, take 20th N to V on Santa Monica, N on lgth page tuelue