- Community District Library
- Community District Library
h - • » • - • • • *r&3s One Dollar per Year. Corunna, Michigan, May 2,1895, ^ — ; • • . • • • • < • Volume XV, Number 21. —W. E. Braman, of Flint here Tues—Property in Corunna has advaneed day. 25 p>r r<9nt'*inee the fire. A second-hand road wag—Ezra Mason tbo caHers here —The. school boaAl has purchase Q0RSUCH <fe WELCH, Proprietors. Tuesday. on, by Geo. 0 . Mason. seven relief maps for the use of the Published every Thursday morniiwr, at Corschools. —Mason Cole has located bis feed store For sale: A four year old Jersey cow, MaVthetouatyy Seat or febtaw*8««County. w*8««Coy th KubUean neatly fall blood. D. R. Currier, Cor- in McCurdy building. the interests orr the KepubUean —James Burgess, of Pine'Lake, .and to of local and general tYUli&m, of Byron, at the county seat unna. ^ tf —Mrs. Geo. Tuttle Is able to ride out x s i O o e ye*r, ti.CC: six months, fifty Tuesday. As chief executive officer of tbe vij i _. •. ~"'~ FOR SALE: Sliver Laced Wyandotte occasionally these fine days. oentft; three montti, twenty-*ve eents. J Ni ht rir t i i n g rates jaiade known at the office. eggs, 5Octs per setting. of CoruniiA, it becorow my duiv, wtlnir * '* * —Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lemon are re—Mrs. R. J. Aagsbury, who HSJS been FirttxjUw* facuitfM for Job and commercial S. B. LYSJAN. ceiving congratulations from Corunna umler O»e solemn oath of office which I j quite ill, is slowly Improving. printing of all kind* on abort notice, friends this; week. took iiv entering upott the dutio* of thwj —Judge McCurdy ha* bis office with Prof. 3L E. Monwan scientific and A —Judge McCurdy got his safe out of office of Mayor, to sot-that the laws of j Friday mot*)**. a 3 Practical Optician, at 309 Comstock S t Jas. M. Goodell in the Agnew block. A Pteker -T^IBST tf ATIOSAX BAM* the State of Michijsaa. so far a*they|a-iU Editor Bradley, from Banerolt. the ruins Tuesday, and found everyOwo&so. Eyes examined and glasses —W. A. Knight A Co. bold, a large O*1 OORVNNA affect the peace and p«*«*>erity » d welj were returni^ from tbeM scientifically adjusted. Oculists pre- l<iad of furniture to parties in Saginaw thing in good condition. W D(lA1 Ifc l —Mr. Welr,/jf Detroit, state agent tor fare of our city, are enforced; » d I de- > of inrtructioi, al Owoaso. " ^re«M«it,| * VTto£p№*Went. scriptions filled and satisfaction guar- county Tuesday. sire to call the attention of the people {gmoke and gave the alarm JZi Cashier,W. A. BOSEKKRAKS raoteed. —Rev. and Mrs. Benson, of Byron, the Detroit Fire Marine, here Tuesday j and those engaged in the liquor traffic [ Tbe fire wa* in the seewd storv w.F. to adjust the Joss on the Wiicox build- ! Don't forget that you can buy Chase visited their daughter, Mrs. Bert Pratt, DIBBCTOBS. Ing, who had an insurance of 91000. ! within this city, to ibe fact that while basement of the north buildkw of H | J . DBISCOIX, A Sanbourn's coffee at M. A J. Garland's of this city, on Tuesday. J<0O the liquor business, while conducted in three^tory brick block k n J J ? * * |A.©ABMS, tba Anna Dickson, of Detroit, ad- j coQformity with the laws of tbe State is [ Phoe«ix Block. —W. J. Tanner will occupy rooms in j m—Miss I PATBICK tiACJ-AGH*» nil Consult Prof. Honreaq the specialist will r C • * *tratrix of the estate of Phillnda • L. entitled to aqual protection under tbe i Theuredepartene»trespoi«tednto«Dtmade and promptly remitted about your eye sight Home and office the Waverly bulldicg, as ' j Bagg, deceased, ia town this week look-; Rouse with his restaurant. law with every other hu*ines«, I shall j ly and l t Joofced a. tboaeh tJieiU curofttratesofBxefcaace. ,. 309 Comstock St., Owosso. _ ! ing after tbe insurance on the building! rwuT **viat*K«*to9 Deposit* insist upon a rtrict observance of the would be subdued, but the well at i cnement Hotise to rent, horses bought and sold, —The Lalagsburg ^ews is now made fof^eceag^ provisions of the liquor law in all Us river bank where tfee suetSou bos* _, * I^-Dcmfts sold to aay part of the wond. and buggies and harnesses for sale. In- up as afive-columnquarto—an improve-! various detail by those engaged ia the j dropped, was clogged, aad the he*» had T h e c h l l d r e n ment over the blanket sheet. L ~ « «M*»T»1 given Tues- b u a l a e s quire of Dr. Babiogton. ** (to be taken up and reiaid from O» CHAS. O. ST*WABT. —Miss Mamie Frain left on Tuesday ji enjoyable day and Wednesday evening was a very affair. Tbe little tofts exeI call attentioa expressly to the fol- at tiw * corner ef the court CO., ft. L. SWWAEt Prof. Monrean the Optician will fit evening to accept a position in a dresscuted the drills in a most pleasing and lowing provisions of the liquor law: This occasioned th* toss of Bw*en yon satisfactory with glasses hs here making establishment at Cleveland, 6 . accurate manner. the continent or '-All saloons, restaurants, bars, any tav- able time, and A m who hsd bees In Owosso, at 309 Cotostock Si. forei** h —Glen Young, son of Harvey B. —Tbe JOL'BXAL. has secured tempor- ern, or elsewhere, and all places except ing in faneied eeevitv saw that The best is none too good so b»y Young, of this city, has been engaged ary quarters in the office formerly occu- drug stores, where any of the liquors property was doomed. Chase & Sanbonrn's coffee, of tbclr sole as station agent for the D. & M. at this pied by Chas. Holmau, over the First mentioned in this aci is sold or kept for As tire wall* of the g agents, M. & J. Cariand, Corunna. P***** j National Bank, where all old and new sale, shall be closed on tbe first day of were beginning te. till and **nfifitgi oai^ Pbippfe, OWOBSO, Mich. ~Mrs.John Kightland, of this city j 'friends will bemade 'welcome visitors. the week, on ail election days and on all the opposite side of the street weretak-* Farms and city property bought, sold was called to Kent Ohio, last Friday on I '"^j^ Knights Templar bad a drill holidays, and that the Jaw1 requires that ingfire,the water in the task gave o ^ and exchanged. W. R. CHAPELL, Thera was a good all such places remain closed until six and It looked as if the town wovld eno^ Insurance and real estate Agt account of the death of her mother, Mrs. J ^ O o Wedoesday. e ^ ™ ^ AjteutawitoUer » J « » l estateJames Kelso. t th U always bringftfanfc Samuel W. Cooper, Gorans*. Mich. but the opportonUy attendance, and the Sir Knights execut- o'clock of the following morning, and b MoreanS Glasses cures headache. Conon all week-day nights that these places —A. W. Weeden, of this city, has $ tbe man. Frank Millard added to F M ed the difficult military movements, sttltatU^ and examination free 309 Combe closed from and after the hour of bens and l rooster, the combined weight much to the credit of the Captain Gen•Wwrfte*s-l\ L. Johnson, laurels as a ore-fighter by driving stock »l,0wo«so. typewriter, Coronni* Midi Catalogue*. 10 o'clock until 6 o'clock of the succeed- \ engine down the steep hank at of which is 73 lbs 2 oz^ or as average of eral, A. W. Green. ing morning. north side of Wood's blacksmith shop, —Fred Gould has purchased the Frain at law—Kewtoa & ©old, Flint, Have you got *em? Silver Dandruff O*e* ta Fenvm block. —Attorney Wbtoai, Lester Roberts, building and will put in a new front, Also that all places where liquors aic to the river, and the firemen w**e tin* Your W. E. Watson. Chas. Warren, C. E. raise the bulldingand improve It on the sold, or kept for sale, that all screens, ailed to save the weet side. Cure will fix tbera In o»« Word was sent to Owosso asking JOT tf. Godfrey and P. C. Carruthers. of Ban- iDftld?. J. A. Becker, onr merchant tai- cnrtalns, partitions and other things and counselor at law—3. S. Miner, druggist warrants i t Try i t lor, has leased it and will move into it that obstruct the view from the side- assistance, but their engine was oat of Can at Mrs. Amtden's for tbe latest j croft, In town Monday. walk, street alley or road In front of or repair and no hdp could be given «g—The following Is a list of tbe letters &8 tbe improvements are finished. novelties In tt at the side or end of any building, •cept by the men who came and reader* —Judge Wismer held court here Wedremaining uncalled for for the week Ofice m AgocT Mock, opposite the wort Sbapes and colors in mttttnery that wherein Is situated a bar or place where ed what assistance they could. ending April 27,1895: Miss Katie Wal- nesday and did some chancery business. will look good on you—at Mr*. Aoudtn't intoxicating Honors tare sold or kept for By pulling down one of W. S. C**The case of Frank Sheip and Edwin lace sad Harry Crawford. sale, shall be removed during the time, at law—Watson <1ry's buDdings the three bum teOtf. ^ Ttm SALE CHSAF: one 1 horsewmgon, —A. W. Hoislncton, uopety grand Case was also disposed of by finiageach OWtktl which under ti»e provisions of the law, ing* on the norta end of the btock Xfefc. on«-S hone wagon ;1 damp eart; 1 top- commander, at Jodtfi Comers Tuesday •80 OT thirty days In JaiL The fine was it requires saloons to be kept cloved. saved. •venlfeg, tnttrectiaf tho Msccabeeft la paid. Court adjourned until next IfOnI also call attention to the fact that Tto lone** were, n « » ; l double harneM; 1 cart b a ; ttie sscrti work of the order. day. G, Katgfct, Oonoma,»iotu the word dosed, as used in the liquor baikttnft, $4,000,1 also about 10 m. brick and t o r n good —Parties are already looklnc ovor tbe law, moans that the traffic shall be abso->X*rrtod. at the Baptist parsonage Son, two tftlootts and datM«* «• lumber. Will take some bay, grain or in Vfmon, April 94, by B*v, W. T. burst district with a parpoM of imiid- lutely swot off and stopped daring the barn, $1000, no iasvnmce; Fras* wood In part paytn«at X&qmiro of J. auoraev at Wowdhouso, Mr. Paul B u j n and Miss i»f» One gentleman from Detroit -In- time that saloons are required to be kept W tet M. n t c h A Son, Coroaaa, M k b . forpM as If he can secure the three WKttti closed; and that It mesas that the backttsock Bos* Geeck, both of Vonkr*. 000,ta«»»*awllibr*rv, __ If you don't want a n«w hat ptrbatM —Mr, Row*, of Lansing, aiato aflVet Jots he will erect a bandtom* brick door as well as the f rone-door or any »*, «s*0; Journal otto*, owned *y II turner w * eamwetor «t_law-Walter Me- your old one c u b * stad« over. Ask of th* National Insurance Company, Mock, t h e prospect is ihfit the whole others, shall he dosed; aad I call upon CHuiUi A Welch, $ftV»0 KM*, M B r M e , O o » J l K i t O*tou»«tate*two Anttdeo about I t m n Dutta off nor* Monday looking after tits loss** of block triU he reonUt before snow files. all good citizens to assist me In the en•Mrs. Charles Doan was called to forcement nf the liquor law, believing otc^ $1^00, no Insursaee; Odd Feliowa, FOR SALE OK EXCH AKG*—On* or four the company la toe recent ftfa. MMMon at law—Canals* Houses In Owosso; will exchange for Three River* UM Saturday to«*iitt la that the most effectual manner In which $000; D. B. Wilcox, baUdlng, '-Mist Dors Jacob* oommanosri a . . Gomiwa, Kick. OwVs* la Corunna real estate. Also two Lots In the c a n of her little graadaon, who was the liquor law can be enforced, Is for John DrUcoll, building, $4,000; term of scbool In the Bmery Lewis Asttewbtoc*^oppo«ttatto court booso. Corunna. Apply to GBOBGK D. Xouu.tr, district, in Haxeitou, on Monday. Miss badly burned about the head by over- Vtm interest of those who are engaged In 4 H ^ turning a cup of hot syrup. Mr, and UM bntnoss to sos to It that they con.8.Jonea.Corunna,Mlcfa. Spedel Coronas, Mich. $400, insvred for $J0O; 8. 8. Jacobs Is a very successful teacher. tiTen to atwo—aa « woaaeo and Mrs. Kliatoaaa have the syinpalfey of duct their testae** in strict compliance building, $lv»X>; J. X. Fitch, two hfriJsV C t e t t * Aaffctt'* itom. —The common council should submit their many friends here, who hope that New milch cow for sale. Inquire of with the provisions of the law. Ings, $ M » ; C. C. Rouse, restyumasasii the proposition of bonding the city for the accident will not be serious. B. H. Strshle, one-half mile west of *ar. now and tUroat «pee]aUat~-Dr. D. EKWTV EVKUETH, furniture, $1,000; M. EL Cole's feed £*«** $XM>00 for water works at once. Let us n. *ar. ! *no O Mid ataMetaoearate Caledonia towu Uall. —A division of the Knlghte of the $300; W. S. Cowdry, two balldlags » d O d 7 Mayor of the City of Corunna. lock the barn before the fire fiend comes Look at those new goods and new Loyal Guard, known as Corunna DiviOOkee, room 1, Tbowas bloek. content*, $2^)00, no insursne*; WSUISSM again. styles In 1*(U*»*finekid shoes at Collins' sion NO. 24, was lustitueed in thU city Tanner, harnessshop. $500; Louis JBttftiV for $1.00; men's shoe* for $1JOO. Good —Mrs. L. M. Tanner went to Detroit Wednesday evening of last week by W. if. C. mann, building and furniture stock, $ V unnm, Mic*. Ul«oe aour»,« w i p n s judgment in buying and discounting I tL S. Wood, with aboat 35 charter memHaHfenl, C*WL, W. 000, no insurance. Across the road U * kdaya. OOoeonjrroond floor. State fixtures, and they can now bers. The following officers were electfttstdoorwectof tdaoal bnudlnf my bills is what count*. Collins beats Bacon block, tbe Frain building, J. Cfind Tanner'* harness shop In OM old ed and duly installed: Captain-General, tbe world on footwear. The first adjuster of the lores of the Colllns, S. W. Cooper, Ed. Ross, Mr. Waverly block. W. A. Knight; senior captain, J. A, recent confiagration to appear on the Diabrow, K E. Shuttleworth, Wo. ft MASONIC. FOR SALE OK RENT: A 6 room two —Mason A Fox have been putting In Becker; junior captain, Frank L. John- scene was Mr. S. H. Row, ot Lansing, ler, Fred Kflboam, R. A. H story cottage at Bay View, located with- additional fire protection at their factoEU3TKA LODGE XO. 1 on or be. «, first in two blocks of auditorium, pofttofflo* ry. The new water tank has been filled son; recorder, Frank H.Rose; paymas- state agent of the National Fire Insur- Independent office, and the Hicks IISIIM, t o n the full of the laooa,Jn its suffered more or less severe loss from X B. StCKAKiw Sec F. H. Prrnaom, W. M and music halt A good bargain for with hose attachment for each floor. In ter, Rudolph Colby; chapbun, Geo. M. ance Companv of Hartford, Conn. Wismer; sr. ifeuU E. U. Gorsuch; jr. The JOUBXAL held a policy is ibis tbe breaking of glass and hasty lnnuml OQBVNHA CHAPTER, NO. 83, B. A M. someone. addition to wniefa barrels of water with Ueut^ J. M. Jameson; lstsergt, W. A. company for $1500 on presses, type, fur- of stock. v S««it)aT«oim>eatiox» l i n t Tfcnrtda/ tn eadi Address, W. 3, JONES, buckets supply each floor. WiMtti JtAU« Amtaauaf.aecretary. W. A. McMuUen; sentinel, William Leonard; niture, e t c The amount was paid in Corunna. —The Mason A Fox furniture factory board of auditors, J. E. CariandT Hud- full, the JOUKICAX. receiving a check for a.r. ».,. The JOUENAJ. is under great obUfe*. son Sheklon, G. M. Wismer. received last week orders from Bay ITEMS OP INTEREST. the same Wednesday. The company tions to Mr. Bradley, of tbe Bancroft H a 38. S. *S.M, mar Ctty, Lapeer, Detroit Imlay City and has the thanks** the JOUBKAL for the Commercial, for bis timely -rrTTtmin C M. F Baoo der 'BO. —To-morrow is Arbor day. Kalamazoo. They also received 7 carT.LM. prompt an2~ satisfactory settlement* during the fire, to Bro. Rose, of the Ii —Lawyer Chandler at Flint Tuesday. loads of logs from Byron this week. Mr. Chapell is the local agent, and any dependent White, of the Press, The factory is a booming. i t w * J.CiDaon. Middiebury..".".... —....:..» one wanting insurance would do well to Dewey, of the Times, for offers of assistCOMXANSBRT, NO. a , K. —W. R. Chapell at Lansing Tuesday. « H b BBODnfl \ESlBaVCBaJ U ... l Herbert B. Lemon, Coranua, .....as ance, without which this issue of tbe A . £ . fbCKAKlM, W. H. BUJMO —Our office has received tbe '95calen- j Btrdie M. Perry, Perry . . . . . . give him a call. —John Watson, of Bancroft ia town te Beeorder. S.C Wfll>a JOUEKAL would be an impossibility. Saturday. dar of the University of Michigan, com StMto Deal, ^ •*••*• O*»«° Owoeao. May they never meet with sueh misforTb* Groat . —Ivan Lowe is clerking at tbe store plbnents of President Angell. It is a Caartst E. Tbttea. Corunnatune. The recital oa the great Columbian „, so volume of over three hundred pages PearlFrt*ad, Corunna of I. V. Pyle. Albert B. Andrews, Vbrooa.... ...... *e organ, by Clarence Eddy, will be one ef —W. D. Garrison, of Vernou, called setting forth the advantages and de- A S M BtebarAtoo, W. Bfcy Cuy. . . . . . . S T the moat attractive features of the com* During tbe fire cinders new all over partment work of tbe Uolventlty. here Monday. ^ AND O Probst* Court. tbe west part of town, and bad it not ing May festival at Ann Arbor, May 17 —At a meetlug of the school board on NORTH MICHIGAN^ —Representative Westcott called on been for the watchfulness of volunteers Tuesday the position oi superintendent j Estate of Elijah E. Cbalker, deceased, and i9. This organ, it will be rememRAILWAY. friends here Saturday. many more fires would have resulted. was tendered to Prof. Sheldon at a Mrs. Jane White appointed administrat- bered, was built for the World's F»ir and —Daniel Clark, of Byron, secured his salary of $1,100, Miss Wood, assistant, or of said estate; Desmond, Merlin and •food in Fe*tival Hall during the expotl* This experience makes as more firmtion. After the fair was over it was shipred ticket on Tuesday. $400; Miss Granville, primary depart- Chas. King, appraisers. Estate of Mary C. McNamara, deceas- ped to Ann Arbor and tet up in Univer- ly believe that we should at once begin —E. B. Welch, of Byron, here Mon- ment $350; and the following at $900; tbe construction of a system of water day looking over the ruins. Miss Garland. Mtss Wiicox and Miss ed, Henry A, Spalding, executor; Loren sity Hall, as the gift of Alumni and works. friend* to the university. Mechanically C. Watkins and Lyman Be&nett ap—Charley Seeley, of Orion, Is visiting Young. it h the most perfect great organ in exisat Thos, Sheardy's this week. —Saturday afternoon a man driving praisers. During the fire Mrs. Bacon, who ha* tence. It contain* 3901 pipes, the largest —Jcnn Hathaway, of Ovid, here a double team attached to a double cov- Estate of Peter P. R. Delamater, de- of which i« 32 feet kmg. Connection be- been very 111, was removed from her ered buggy met tbe incoming street CUT ceased, license to sell real estate grant- tween the keys and pipes is made by elec- rooms in tne Bacon block to the resiTuesday on probate matters. ed. dence of Dr. Ball, and the excitement —Mrs. John Faurot of Greenville, is at Corunna in front of Judge McCtirdy's. Guardians appointed in the states of trical apparatus, so that the response of The horses were sober, but tbe driver visiting her sister here this week. the pipe to thefingersof the player is tm- teemed to do her no barm. bore about bis person tbe odoriferous Jobn M. McNamara, Clinton L. Chalker mediate, as in the case of a piano. Wind —Mr*. Joseph Cook, of Fowler, visitindications of a jag. Before tbe car and others, minors. The burning of three saloons was a ed Mrs. E. U. Gorsuch over Sunday. Estates of John Stewart and Delia M. is furnished bj immense bellows, to could be stopped be bad reined the team golden opportunity for Conuutm'* —Foreman Wilson,of tbe Durand Ex- up against the fence and one of the Dickinson, deceased, petitions for tbe which force is applied by means of two chronic "bums," and it was not neglect'electric motor*, one oi five, the other of press, viewed tbe burned district Satur- animals went straddle of tbe structure, appointment of administrators in each ed. They went all drunk inside of two, horse power. The organ has f*mr day afternoon. demolishing a whole length and break- of the said estates to be beard Monday, manuels and 116 stops. Professor Clar- twenty minutes. —Miss Carrie Anderson, of Saginaw, ing a thick post off at tbe ground.— May 20th. Eatate of Jacob Eonesteel, deceased, ence Eddr ia so weil known that further rhlted Mrs, F. C- Gale and other friends Daily Argus. The work of rebuilding the two bulk!* order of tbe court granting power to account of him seems unnecessary; he ings on tbe south end will probably h*:\ here this week. —Mr. D«tnU H. Gorsuch, who died at ranks among the great organists of the —U. W. Hurry, a farmer of Hazelton S t Johns, Monday, was born Aug. 11, compromise a claim prayed for by ad* world. Tbe Orgr.n Ricltal will be given commenced at once, and before long • township, this county, has moved with 1825, at Westminister, Ind., came to mlaisirator of said estate; bearing May Saturday morning, May iS. JOURXAX. will be doing bosine** s* tfctj 20th. his family to Seymour, Mo. old stand. Ohio about 184$, was married to Anna TIME TABLE. Estate of Win. S. Joelin. deceased, —Andrew LiUie, of Durand, in town M. Gorsuch, who died in 1867. In 1868 will of deceased filed by Flora L. Jos)in. —John gn»yle gathered 631 }£ doxeo April 7th, We do not believs is d s s s he was married to Mr*. Roxanna GoodTuesday. He says tot Owosso continTrttAS leave Oonmnt, wfco petitions for it* probate; bearing of egg* for Chase A Angell In two days patrons through tbe columns all, and shortly after moved to S t John*, gent makes very good neighbors. the past week. The men and bens are May 20th. paper, bat nnder the existing NORTH. SOUTH. are all doing their best. —George Leotcb, of Durand, in town where be has since resided and been in KATHKRIXE E. KELSKY, stances we think it permissible, *V9f A . M. to-sr A, M. Tuesday, on his way home from a visit businesv. He leaves a w!fe and three —Justice McBride tried hU maiden reader, you know whether you are Probate Register. children, Geo. O. Gorsucb, of Ithaca, M. with a brother in Clinton comity. 7:ls P. M. case Monday, tbe People vs. Wesley Mrs, Albert Sly, of Fayette, Ohio, and The Magic Cotton Red will color one Lawsou. for assault, and battery. The debtod to us or not Do as you —Landlord Feek, ef the Hotel Le B*?, E. C. Gorsuch, of Corunna, Three pound of cotton » beautiful turkey red like to be lone by. We saved our & A. SCULLY, W» if. BEMIf!T7> Laiugabnrjr, w»* in the city Tuesday, ehftfren died in infancy. and absolutely fast agaiost iua or wash- charge was preferred by Clark Rhodes, and prompt setUem*at* wwrid fet G.P1 ing -, 10 cents of Walks* A Seott Laweon was aoqtttttod. Ms llttfe rod card for next week. protested, THE CORUMM JOURNAL, POUTERS. PROaAMATM. ! WE WERE fifli 7 © .©: i ANNARBOlt »r vm JUOT MAXGLE& / mam* and stem! yovrfwwd and helmet corps**, and and shield, leaving yen to the jackal and they took away everything that snd the crow. valuable; and so it was with th« BMUlt Of the Burning of ft of th» Slain by tbn But tre world and Satan do not do people that followed after the armies Definition of the- Term by Cb!«f Lor/i»?fxxE, Ky., April ** —Senator Montreal Factory. Philistines. all their .work with the outcast and at Chancellorsville, and at Ju*tice Fuller. Joseph C. Blackburn has tnrown down abandoned. A respectable impenitent [leading, and at Stone River, and at the gauntlet to those who desire to of ^ j U t a r ^ Moatly Girl* contest his reelection to the United «# t l w Dead S*nl * * 4 B U man comes to die. He is flat on his Atlanta, stripping the slain; ba't the back, lie could not get up if the house northern and southern women—God from tfe^wnSlow* to tb» by the Worlds TC«States sesate;^ and iftiitty- invite* a Deetmwt from Lutd nod from af *>. w u on fire. Adroitest medical skill bless them—came on the field with Two KU1«4 and Thirty or EUwanU of « * canvass upon foe currency issue. KNM&4S a* Star* BwUjr Hart. and gentlest ncrsing have been a fail- basins, and pads, and towels, and atttnUoiut The senator's position on the ure, lie has come to his last hour. Hnt, and cordials, and Christian silver question baa been well MOXTBEAL, Can., April_30.—W. C. McWhat does Satan do for such a man? encouragement, and the poor felknown, but as he had refused to ex- Donald's _*. T. DeWitt Talmage delivered Why, he fetches up all the inapt, disa- lows that lay there lifted up their extensive tobacco factory ia.' April Mw—The text of following sermon in the Academy of greeable and harrowing things in hisarms and said: "Oh, how good that the opinion of Chief Justice Fuller in press his visws through the public Ontario street was partiahy destroyed m f e N e w York citj, on the subject.: life. He says; "Do you remember does feel since you dressed it!" and the income tax case which was deliv- press of the suite, the impression had by fire Thursday evening. Klancb and After the Battle," basing it on the those chances you had (ot leaveu, and others looked up and said: '*Oh, how ered April 9 was made public Wednes- gone forth that he was dodging the is- Victoria Thibeadeaa were killed and sue. In an interview here, however, missed them? Do you remember all you make me think of my mother!1* day. The opinion is preceded by an he emphatically expressed bis con-thirty-three other*, of whom most were It ew&e to PASS off tbe morrow, when those lapses in conduct? Do you re* and others said: "Tell the folks at elaboratereview ot the his- tinued devotion to the cause ot free girls, .vere badkf inJQred. Fifteen of uaes came to strip the slain, tbat those huvt, it is thought,'will. die. id the case. Tbe opinion coinage of silver. iaaul and bis three sons fritoa in member all tbo*e opprobrious words home I died thinking about them!** tory The loss will reach £500,000, on which with the and thought» and actions? Don't re- and another looked up and said: "Miss, proper is introduced L Samuel, xxxL, & CUICAOO, April 23. — The "Honest there is no inso ranee. There was not statement that "the constitution promember them, eh? D l make you re* won't you «ing me a verse of 'Home, of you wtr* at South MounHoney League of Illinois" was formed ,«rShiloh, or Ball's Bluff, or Get- member them." And then he takes all Sweet, Home,' before I die?" And vides that representatives aud direct at a meeting of citizens at tbe Pabner a tire-escape on the outside nor an}- ap, on northarr. or southern side, the past and empties it on tbat death- then the tattoo was soiicdei, then taxes shall be apportioned among the house Saturday afternoon in accord* pliances on the inside of ,-the building1 ask you if there is any sadder bed, as tbe mail bags are emptied on the hats were off, and the serv- several states according to numbers &nce with a resolution that such a for fighting- the fire. Even the wina battle-field after the guns the post-office floor. The man is sick. ice was read: "I am the resur- and that no direct tax shall be laid meeting be held, adopted by enemies dows were guarded by heavy iron rection and the life;" and in honor of except according to the enumeration ot free silver at the Great North* screens, presumably to prevent theft. (stopped firing? I walked across Be can not get away from them. Then the man says to Satan: "You the departed the muskets were loaded provided, and also that all duties, im- era hotel recently. The promoters The tire started at 5 o'clock iu the drylaid of Atttfotam just after the have deceived me. You told me that and the command given. "Present— ' posts and excises shall be uniform of the new organization are W. T. ing-room, and for awhile smoldered. ••*•** The scene was so sickening I Theii suddenly theflames,burst tfaroug-h all would be well. You said there fire!" And there was a shingle set up throughout the United States." •fcfiTt 1not describe it. Every valuable Baker, Adlai T. Ewing, A. F. See- and a panic ensued. would be no trouble at the last. Yon Thus in the matter of taxation the at the head of the grave, with the ep* had been taken from the bodies berger, J. W. Eich&rds. and John Mayo There1 ware 1)00 employes in the >, to the Four- constitution recognizes the two great Palmer. Henry S. Bobbins was elected • dead, for there are always vul- told me If I did so and so, you would itaph of "Lieut hovering over and around an do so and so. Now you corner me, and teenth Massachusetts Regulars," or classes of direct and indirect taxation, president, and . tbe platform of the building , which had no fife escapes aad > and they pick up the watches hedge me up, and submerge me in "Capt. -——, in the Fifteenth Regiment •• —— lays —.-- down - - , - - two -•-- rales V ^jy—-which — orgacization declared to be "unalter- only two stairca.-ics in the interior. All everything evil." "Hal ha!" says memorandum books, and the of South Carolina Volunteers." And j their imposition must be governed, ably in opposition to the unlimited the windows W«KV barred with heavy Satan. "I was only fooling you. It and the daguerreotypes, and so now, across tbe great field of moral I namely, the rales of apportionment as coinage of silver, without international iron lattice work, a precaution taken mirth for me to see you suffer.. I have : hats aod the coats, applying them rule of uni- cooperation, at the ratio of sixteen to to keop employes from throwing tobacand spiritual battle, the angels of God j to direct taxes and co to their frietsAs. Frantic with fear, own uses. The dead make no been for thirty years plotting to get come walking among the slain, and formity as to duties, imposts and exone. the women, of whom there were fully. So there are always camp- you just where you are. It is hard for there are voices of comfort, and voices cfc.es. The men who attended and took part you noT, it will be worse for you after 600 penned up on the top stairs, going- oa and after an army, By far the greater part of the opinion of hope, and voices of resurrection, and » the meeting are for the most part awhile. It pleases me. Lie still, sir. sereataed for help, half choked by the . Scott went down into Mexico, is devoted to the consideration of the voices of Heaven. prominent m local business and politiDon't flinch or shudder. Come, now, greasy black smoke. ' tf*poleon marched up toward One night I saw a tragedy on the question whether a tax on rents is a The dense crowd prayed and shouted i as when Vcn Moltke went to X will tear off from you the last rag of corner of Broadway and Houston direct tax within the meaning of the eal circles. Among- those present wore Postmaster Washington Hesing- and j as it swayed to amd fro in its exciteThere is a similar scene in my expectation. I will rend away from street A youag man, evidently doubt* constitution. ex-Corporation Counsel Adolph Kra.tus. | ment and horror, and relatives and your soul the last hope. I will leave ing as to which direction he had betThe opinion here reviews numerous There were about ISO at the meet- ! friends of the people made piteous apyou bare for the beating °f the storm. ter take, bis hat lifted high enough so decisions under the act of 1861, includ- ; ^ fmd his army had been horribly which was called to order I peals to save their loved ones. Some It ia my business to strip the slain, case, which was by Henry S. Bobbins. Mr. that you could see he had an intelli- ing the Springer to ; pieces. Mount Gilboa was 1 BobA man who had rejected Christianity gent forehead, stout chest; he had a largely relic * upon by counsel for the bins explained the object of the i of the girls managed to tear one of the with the dead. On the morrow j iron lattices from a window. Then the . came on to thefield,and and thought it all trash, came to die. robust development. Splendid young government in the present case to suscare to empbatain their contention. Chief Justice « s * lifted the L>tchet of the helmet lie was in the sweat of a great agony, matt. Cultured young man. Hon-! was a democratic { Blanche Thibeadeau, aged IS, crazed . ander the ;chic of the dead, and and his wife said: "We had better ored yoting man. Why did he stop I Fuller says: movement, pure and simple. I with fear, jumped first and was batpicked up the swords and bent hare some prayer." "Mary, not a there while so many were going up 1 ****l* conceded in nil these cases, from that * r « ^ , i i i . . A p r U a 3 . - I n a n iI^ | t e r w i i j | t o - s h a to j ^ mMS> A their knee to test the temper breath of that," he said. "The lightest and down? The fait is that everr! "*HJJ*w to that of Springer, that ery of S n tetal, and they opened the wal* word of prayer would roll back on me man has a good angel and a bad , ' ^ y J ? * °ZLS2«!S±: ^ went up^u. it was only bad j« ft determined tint taxes on rent. ^ y abeH<m counted the coin. Saul lay like rocka on a drowning man. I have angel contending for the mastery of his derived from land are not taxes on land." Before tender hand* ground, eight or nine come to the hour of test. I had a spirit, and there was a good angel and Summing ttp, the chief justice «aya> and I suppose the cow- chance, but I forfeited it. I believed a bad angel struggling with that eWty Philistines, to show their brav- in a liar, and he has left me in the young man's soul at the corner ol Tbe requirement of the eonstltixtfoA ** that Or ought to lraovJ tftat t*e money system taej- f o l l o w i n g t b e first l i k e frightened sheep. Oat they came, one after anF» leftped upon the trunk of his car- lurch. Mary, bring me Tom Paine, Broadway and Houston street. •'Come to <ttreet tsx shsU 1» laid otherwise than tqr sp- sdTocate to the most dishonest and The proMMtion ts not •falast di- that was ever Invented, beenn*e tt doubled to* jeered at the fallen slain, that book that I swore by and lived by, with me," said the good angel; "I ponwomeBt rect uxt* <m lattd. from waieb the impUcsWon bordenaof the entire prodaclnxclasses: it broke other, till twenty inanimate bodies I whittled through the mouth of and pitch it into the fire, and let it will take yon home; I will spread my ts*ooffbttobe d»<n that indirect taxes on down Ute tntrenaslnc power of the *orU and littered the sidewalk and were carried helmet Before night those cor> bnrn aod burn as I myself shall soon wings over your pillow; I will loving- Isad would be cosctttatVooatYrat It U antnst sU left the laborer without bread because there away to the various hospitals among ita had taken everything valaa- born." And then, with thefoam on his ly escort you all through life under 41t«et turn, aad it 1* admitted that • taxoa WM no market for hi* product* Theve gea* tbe lamentations of the crowd. Three estate is s direst tax. Untes*. therefore, Uemeaalso k n o w n oa«ht to know that thl* the field: "And it came to lips and his hands tossing wildly in supernatural protection; I will bles* real s t*x upon rents or Incomes tanlng out w u aooe at the fnvtance and tor tbe beaeflt priests, their soutanes trailing- in the ben the morrow, when tbe Phili- the air, he cried out: "Blackness of erery enp you driuk <mt off every ot laMs Is intrinsksUly so OttTerebt of the bondnoldi&g snd s»lst7-drawia? oinel*3a mad, were kneeling un the ground ef Europe aad u * eart. cotweqneatir the praying for the soola of tine unfori to strip the slain, that darkness! Oh, my God, too late!" And couch you rest on, every doorway l U i w t k t taod itself tbat It « vltotlr dUternt etaas of taxes, «Bcfc MUM 'Honest Money league' must have been tunates. Ambulances could not attend »fcey fcwad Saul and his three sons fall- the spirits of darkness whistled up from y»u enter,- I will consecrate your t* v u t Vt i««srdtd ss faUtsc vitals adopted because tt wa* calralated to deceive to then all and cabs were pro—tid into the depth, and wheeled around and tears when you weep, your sweat, tases en> In Mount (HIboa." the MM* oatecwy ss * tax oa real service. Six were conveyed to the Stefetwl get through to-day I will show around him, stripping-the slain. when you toil, and at the last i •eufste*. TheaaiMattfce tax is r, April 2X—A stronf and General, seven to the Notre Da*ae and > ikst the same process is going on While men are in robust health, and 1 will hand over yoar grave into the >tut. The real qswtkia is, Is then «agr which to •«•( U* Metentias tkat real es- ! wifforoas flffht against tbe free and nnithe world arer, and everyday, and their digestion is good, and their ttft»d of the bright angel of a Cnristii*« «p«e tate «*HM«* to « M or the t m ( m i CIUM* at , limited coinage of diver independent nine to the Boyal Victoria hiwiiiUil l when mea have fallen, Satan and nerves are strong, they think their resurrection. In answer toyottrtath- t u w u d tke nat. mjbwww. whteh is the Alphonsine Thibeadoan, n sister of far from pitying them or physical strength will get them safely er's^etition and yonr mother's prayer, fwetAeat of Its ewnenhfj^ beloactie the other? ' of international agreement is to be the girl who Jumped first, fcrok* her them, g o to work remorse- tbromrhtae last exigency. They say I have been sent of the Lord, out of we ste vaabte tv >ete*t»> aay prmad -«Md« by th* Mbninistratnn. With back snd died. Of tne othean wiM the sltoced tftotteMioa MM SMMMI tax ; that end in view officer* in tbe totake what little tnere ia lefty it is only cowardly women who are Heaven to be yoar guardian spirit, Cv from the foorth s4ery. AmvUa upm th* t u u l vateo or i i * t 1 w of »various executive departments ap- jvmped (•tripping the slain. Sorbine. Ida Fortin, Roaanna Be*o»9p**n to «• the — H ta w afraid at the last, and cry out for God. "Come with me," said the food angel ; pointed ander the present sdmlnfaarsr champ and uut aa re«l«stst«, wktck in a voice of unearthly symphony. It about ten others, the Aoc "Wait till I come to die, J will show i tens of thousands of yowajr ; tkn are beinfr nrg«d to organize tors >ay, are fatally injured. A score pear coming from the conn* yco. You wont hear me pray, nor call was m u i e like that which drops fives of otber* who jumped from lower win* to our great cities. They come for a minister, nor want a chapter read a lnt* of Utmven when a seraph orproftiteor UwtawL j dacting the contest along the lines i brave hearts and grand expecta- me from the Bible." But after the breathes on It "No, no," said the bad "N'othinf can be clearer than that what the I laid down in the president's a—image. dow* or were poshed down the stairThe country lads sit down in msa ha* been three weeks in a sick angel, "come with me; I have some- •ovUtntton Intended to (tt*rd a*alnat wme the j There are nearly 300,000 government ways were badly injured. In all abort i village grocery, with their feet on room hia nerves are not *o steady, and thing better to offer; the wines I pour enrelM by the j*»eral government of thej officer*, postmaster*, internal tvrvnna thirty-five girls, aU French Canadians* taxing person* and werv hart aud killed. rodarWnd the red-hot stove, his worldly companions are not any- are from chalices of bewitching power ot<Mrv«tfy I nfficnrs, enstoms ofncisrs, district »ttorany mtate through a msjevlay TlirvMt Un?m<iti were on the roof and L Me evening, talking over tbe pros- where near to cheer him up, and he is carousal: the dance I lead is over within tram the other states. ' : neyaand innnmerabic contractor* scatconld not g«t down. For fully twenty * i of the young man who has gone persuaded that he must quit life; bi* floor tessellated with un»truined j». "We arc of opinion that the law in tered throog-hotit the country, and initiates dulgences; there U no God to frown on no far aa U tevta* a tax on the rente or their lives were in Jeopardy i the city. Two or three of them physical courage is all gone. real e*tate. ?,* Io rloiatioa ot to* eeaatita* : ine«e will be expecUnl to do the ag-- and they prayed and yelled by turns to that perhaps he might get along lie jumps at this fail of a teaspoon In the temples of sin where I worship. of | gre««ive fighting in the tield. be isavod. Then sufilcient length of md *accced, but the most of them a saucer. Be shivers at the idea of go- The skies are Italian. The paths I lion and i* invalid." • Kearly all of the cabinet office*"* will ladders Comparatively brief spaeg%i dwvoted were secured to bring them, ty failure, for it Is very hard to ing away. He says: "Wife, 1 don't tread are through meadow*, daisied to the <qae»tion of * tax on the imtxHna ' take the atump lot one or more down. They were terribly baroed. tn that those whom we knew in think my infidelity is going to take primrcwed. Come with me." The | tbe meantise the firemen had managed %*ffcrtud will ever make any great auc- me through. For God's sake, don't young man k«ait&te<t at a time when ' derived from municipal bead*, Tk» «»ytw ; Ind.. April Ti.—In ex- to break some more lattices and were eess t« the worki. bring up the children to do as I have hesitation was ruin, and the bed aogvl : opinion - TUe ta* onffnirerncMDtstock is taowaht by Pre«ident Harrison's speech at La carrying crying women in long procesSot our yoimg man has a fine posi- done. If you feel like it, I wish you smote the good angel until it departed, this coart to be a tax on the contract, n tax on Janta, which is !>aid to outline his po- stonsdo-TD the ladders. Another firei In a dry goods store. The month would read averse or two out of Fau- spreading wing* through the starlight I the power io borrow money, on the credit or sition on lie gets his wages. He is not nie's Sabbath-bc^ool hymn-book, or upwardfeindaway until a <]<x>rflashed•the C'ttit«i1 State*, and eozw*^ueDtJ>- to be re* rlson said:the silver question, Gen. Har- man was still on the roof and the bo the cotaiitutlcn. Bciene with the flames around him, to have so much money be- New Testament" But Satan breaks in open in the sky and forever the j pmjttJiai *kj^nQ(yln2 th1^ l^iQKtkatfe to these "ntti^rinal ~?f»w. 1 e*r »o you to-day «bat IBBUI wb«i his hands raised in prayer, reto himself. Me is a little ex- aud says: "You have always thought wings vanished. That was tin* turn-j aecurtvie*. it U obrtous that taxation on tne- I WIM> pre^ideat and what 1 have alwnys be, and docs not know exactly what religion trash aod a lie; dou't give up ing point in th»t young man*» history; ) intereat themtrom would operate on the power lieved, that <i larger vie of stiver for nsoney minded one of the terrible disi with it, and he spends it in some at the last. Besides that, you can not, for, the good angel flown, he • to borrow be/ore it U exercised and wosM asd free roJnafe of silver npoa H bisl^ aater at the world's fair. Finally a sensible infi«ence on th« contract, and t* be afrreeti upon, t l m would maintJilto it* be was albo taken down, but he was i where he ought s o t Soon there in the hour you have to live, get off on hesitated no longer, b«t started I h^ve that the tax ia question U a tax on the pxver p»nt>- with fwkl. tri< good for tbe wftci* tbat truck. Die as you lived. With ttp new companions and acqnainton n pathway which is beautiful at ! of tbe *tate* «na their inatraitienuiUisa t* world I do not believe thru we ooutd rttn. terribly bnrned. His name was Max i from the bar rooms and the sa* my great black -wings I shut out that the opening, bat blasted at the la*U borrow money. an4 consequently ftne eolnacQ cmnteive* when tbe European. Borel. Another fireman, Pat Cronn, tfe>iemnw»nt» were puntuiug ine policy they fell from a ladder and had both legs the city. Soon that young light. Die in darkness. 1 rend away The bad an<>el, leading the way, •he eoastitsuon. nave been por*trta« wltb silver But. my broken. Two others also lost their i teffins to waver io the battle of from you that last vestige of hope. It opened gate after gate, snd at each and feu&w ctttaens. taere are ctear ladieatioo* fas fell, breaking several ribs. and soon his soul goes is my business to strip the slain." gate the road became rougher and the sow In EnyUnJ aud it G«fm&ny that they looting W m PLjuxa, Mo., April SfJ.—Is a The work of rescue took almost an In a few months, or few years, Sin is luxury now; it is exhilaration &ky more lurid, and what was peculiar, fight Tuesday night at Mountain the effect of a scarcity hour and several 6i the men and womMs* fallen. He is morally dead, now; it is victory now. But after as the gate slammed shot it came to View, a small town iu the northeast prostrating eSevu upon tbe en, if not burned, were suffocated by tri**" •fca mere corpse of what he once awhile it is collision; it is defeat; it ia with a jar tnat indicated that it would part the county, between Depaty The president is represented as be- the smoke. Th* harpies of sin snuff up the extermination; it is j&ckalism; it ia »e- er open. Passed each portal, there SheriffofSimmons and posse and J. B» img thoroughly in earnest i s the prooaa come on the field. Bis gar- robbing the dead; it is stripping the was a grinding of locks and a shoring Williams and a number At a late hour it is said at least six followers poned crusade against the free and ungradually give out. He hasslaip. Give it up to-day—give it upi of bolt*; and the seenery on either James Shepherd, one of theofbitter, giri* are missing and there is little wa* limited coinage of silver and will ie-»ve doubt their charred and crushed bodies this watch. His health is tali- Oh, how you have been cheated oa, my side of the road changed instantly killed. Simmons was wouwded no etune unturned to prevent the Iree His credit perishes. He is brother, from one txftng to another! from gardens to deserts; and the faee and Matt Smith was shot in silver sentiment from gaining' bead- are in the rnins. The hospitals and is* poor to stay io the city, and he is All these years you have been under the June air became a cutting ainnumber of places. An unknown, wom- way aod to crush it out if morgue are overran with people looktoo poor to pay his way home to thean evil mastery that you understood December blast, and tbe bright wings an w*s shot ing tor missing relatives and the surthe abdomen and. proV possible. itry. Down! down! Why do thenot. What have your companions of the bad nn^el turned to sackcloth, ably fatally inwounded. geob' are doing their work to the acWilliam*, for 1 LorwvuXK, Ky., April 26.—Congress- eonrp-anime/nt of tbe prayers of the fellows of the city now stick tc done for your health? Nearly ruined and the eyes of "light became hollow whom the deputy sheriff had a war>«dose!y? is it to help him back it by carousal What have they done with hopeless srief, aud the fountains, rant, was shot in the shoulder, bat es- man McOeary in as iatemew said he priests. unalterably opposed to the free tea moral and spiritual life? Ob.no! for your fortune? Almost scattered it that at the start had tossed with wine, caped. William*, was indicted by the W. C McDonald, who is well known g of silver. His declaration was. aa the Canadian tobacco king, is sevJwiU tell you why they stay; they are by spendthrift behavior. What have poured forth babbling tears and foam- present grand jury for selling liquor Yfcili&tines stripping the slain. they done for your reputation? Al- ing blood, and oa the right side of the unlawfully. A large number of shots evoked by the free silver stand eral times a millionaire and has do'oated There is another way, however, of most ruined it with good men. What road there was a serpent, and the man were exchanged between tbe twotakes by .Senator- Blackburn. The two magnificent buildings to the Mccongressman says in the uoor&» of Gill university. dung that same work. Here is a man have they donu for your immortal »oul? said to the barf angel: "Whatis that parties. Two years ago be a long prepared statement of his determined that his factory, which i& .serpeiot?" and the answer was: "That wtkOy through his sin, is prostrate He Almost insured its overthrow. position and vote in congress: "I favor an immense four-story block, couM Can't Act ta aefenowledges that he has done wrong. You are hastening ou toward the is the serpent of the stinging-remorse." an international a^reeaacnt. consistent not bam and he dropped all insurance. Los DOS, Arn-U ?<3.—A dispatch from Jtew is the time for you to go to that consummation of all that is sad. ToOn the left side the road there was a with sound business methods* but to During the fire McDonald rushed about man and say: "Thousands of people day you stop and think, but it is only lion, ami the man asked the bad angel: Vienna says that the Uussian governthrow open the mints of this country like a madman bewailing bis loss. ment has expelled Mme. Modjeska. the ne>ve been as far astray as yoc are and for a moment, snd then you will tramp "What is that Hou?" and the answer got back." Now is the time for you to on, and at the close of this service you was: "That is the lion of all-devour- well-known actress, from Warsaw. to the world is simply preposterous." There are rumors of his arrest for viogoto that man aod tell him of the om- will go out, and the question will be: ing despair." A vulture flew through February 27 an order was issued by The senatorial rac«i is jriven a new in- lating tbe building- ordinances ia not nipotent grace of God, that is sufficient "How did you like the sermon?" And the sky, and the man asked the bad the Russian government forbidding terest by the views of the aspirants for haviusr proper exits and escapes, and it it* aoy poor soul. Now is the time to one man will say: "1 liked it very angel: "What is that vulture?" and Mme. Modjcska to nil a& engagement and against silver. The tight will be is more than likely several building inoa those lines. • » Ceil him how swearing- John Bun- Well," and another man will say: ''I the answer was: "Thtt is the vulture at the Warsaw theater in consequence spectors will be discharged. Jan, through the grace of God, after- didn't like it at all;" but neither of waiting for the carcasses of the of a speech of severe criticism she riarry In A RICHTHAUL ward came to the celestial city. Now the answers will touch the tremendous slain." And then the man began she had delivered in Chicago during CHICAGO, April 0-i.—The advance in * t h e time to g-o to that man snd tell fact, that if impenitent, yon are go- to try to poll off him the folds of the world's fair. She hud said that it the price of wheat, which beg-an last Expert Safe blower* Seeore lam how profligate Newton came, at thirty knots an hour toward something that had wound him round was she, the Polish woman, "who had week, g-oing- higher each day with conversion, to be n. world-re* Yea. yon are in a battle and round, and he said to the bad an- preserved patriotism and honor in Pa., April 2&—Early and bounds, continued its sen- Thursday morning preacher of righteousness. where you will fall; aad while your gel: "What is it that twists me ia this spite of Siberia, and, what is worse, leaps thp store of Noah &3tioua* career Monday on the board HcrUler at Port Royal, is the time to tell that man that surviving relatives will take your re- awful convulsion?" and the answer the lash, to the everlasting disgrace oi of this county, trade. When trading beg-an th«;re was robbed of stocks, bonds who have been pounded maining estate, and the cemetery will was: "That is the worm that never the Russian government." was a wild scramble for wheat, July amounting to about 835,000. and cash . all the flails of sin and dragged take your body, the messengers of dies." And then the mao said to the beinj? the favorite option. In ten A K*hearinff. igh all the sewers of pollution, at darkness will take your soul, and come bad angel: "What <ioe* all this A liberal reward has been offered for minutes the price hart reached 03 cents, WASHINGTON, April 25.—If Justice have rise a to positive dominion of and go about you stripping- the slain. mean? I trusted in what yoa the arrest of the thieves. All apof the supreme court, is in wbich wa«» 2 cents over the closing proaches to the store were protected povrer. ^klany are crying o^t: ".( admit I tm suid at tlie corner of Broadway Jackson, Washington Slay 6 the court will va- price of Saturday. The action of the by burglar alarms, but the robbers iu Sow do act tell him that, do you? slain, I admit it!" On what battlefield, and Houston street; I trusted it all, cate income-tax decision handed bears in selling a lot at 63 cents had some way managed to gain an enCo. You say to him: "Loan you my brothers? By what weapon? "Pol- and why have you thus deceived down the the effect of checking the advance, April ey? No. You are do*m. You luted imagination," says one man; "In- me?" Then the last deception fell oft argrument. A and open the case for and there w as a reaction to 0\% cents. trance to the cellar and then cut way through tbe floor. , have to go to the dogs. Lend yon toxicating liquor," says another man; the charmer, and it said: "1 was sent Krpf*e)tlo» Jttodet* Bare. >lar? I would not iettd yon five "My own hard heart," says another from the pit to destroy your soul; I Iwwans l?t»eoiw Silver, Six Dnd SnUon PARIS, April 23. —A Ore in the School . to keep you from the gallows. man. Do you realize this? Then I watched uiy chance for many a long ttes MOIXKS, Ia,, April ^—DemoApril £6.—Six dead bodie* are debauched! Get t>c*. of my come to tell you tbat the omnipotent, year; when you hesitated that night of Atta and Industrie* at Ch»!ons-eur» cratic leaders of the state cumbering of sailors have come ashore near Ply»U aow! Down; you will have to Christ is reft-iy to walk across the bat- on Broadway I gained my triumph; Maroe destroyed the models and ma- 100 and the members of the state cen- mouth. An oar and a small boat down!" And thus those bruised tlefield and revive, and resuscitate now you are here. Ha! ha! You chines that had been or were being tral committee held a conference marked "Steamship Marie," wero battered men are sometimes ac- and resurrect your dead soul. Let Him are here. Come, now, let ns fill prepared for the exhibition to be held Wednesday. Quite • spirited debate found a hundred yards from The by those who ought to lift them take your hand %ml rub away the tlio&e two chalices of fire, and in Paris in 1900. The loss exceeds V took piace on the silver question. A Norwegian steamship Marie,them. 1,350 tons, drink together to darkness and woe declaration was finally adopted that 000,000 francs. TUuft t>ela*t vestige of hope is mimhness; your l»p*d, and bathe oil "it is the sense of this conference that plies between Copenhagen and Odessa, from them. Thus those who the aching; your heart and stop its. aad death. Uaii: H.-viir' Ohl young with Forgery. the two monetary metals should be She is the only steamship of thai name l<> <JC and lift and save them, wild throb. He brought Lazarus to man, will the good aujjvl sent forth by NBW YORK, April 22. — Alonso J, kept at a parity." The conference de- passing regularly through the English life: He brought Jalrus' daughter to Christ, or the bad uvgvl sent forth by of stripping the slain, Whtteman, ex-state senator from Duto Uold stnte convention Wedne*- channel. po.ut I want tom&keis this: Sin life; He brought the young roan of sin, get the victory over your soul? luth, Knn., is a prisoner at police j cided day, AuguVt 77*t Uut B*voi«u«aary Pension*: 1» ward, cruel aud iole»tl«*ft. Instead Krin to 1 lie, and these are three proofs Their wing* are interlock ed thi-s mo- headquarters. He was arrested on a [ a»«*»»»n ment above you, contending for your KSOXVTM.E, Tenn., April 2C—Mr*. e( J» living a, nuu up, it helps him anyhow that he can bring-you to Hfe. Wben the Philistines cttine down on destiny, as abore thu Apennines eagle teiegr^from Chief of Police Crowley, | A U U I T , K. Y ^ r ^ K Mor Mary Brown, aged 91 yo*ra, the last US.e and his aiul condor fight in tatd-sky. ThU of San Francisco. Whvteman is wanted ton Uas granted Dr. lacbaaan pensioner of the war of tit rcv field, it will. UM» field they steppe^ between the j haar maj decide you* oil th» i.« h «fon«week, fV 1 \ ::• i died in this city. f A PASTOH*» PEBIU AJLU4ON I* HEAAO. .X«rytoTa«ai §tra*« EfTartteW m l t a l BatlaJ «f tike •SUMIk av aTaVBdHaaSw^1 IMPIKWBBWVBV SAX FBAJSOSCO, April *«.—About the , Ia., Apiil only tangible evidence so far obtained ator Allison we* banqueted by the r, «« Taou my «ttM»l gainst Dorrant, the medical student Traveling Men's Bepubticaa d o b of i eaaaot see Ta«e midst f ff accused of having- killed. Minnie tiafc elty Friday night, and spoke at Whleh darkens round the opaa William*, . is that the prisoner Itagth upon the silver question, with >YAL BAKING POWDER was better acquainted with the dead special reference to statements made teach M T*y « v l girl than he will acknowledge. As to m "Coin's. Financial SchooL" The n'ahard to say: -Thy will be d«a«r* the matter of the positive identifica- banquet was held at the Pilgrim hotel. is the purest and strongest When Thoc hast oaU«d my only ooa, tion of Durrant as having- been seen President E. M. Went worth, of Uie fiowoaalptwyt about the church where the murders club, presided, and introduced the senbaking powder made. It has Vataer, then heed my cry! occurred during1 th<j evening when the ator, wbc said, among other things: And may this lowly grave be given deed was committed* that has sot so "I kAve so doubt that finance U * familiar To draw me nearer Tbee an* Heaven, received the highest award at the U. S. far been done. *otrte tc you. sad It certataly U t o n « . I have My home on high. •ess taore W)ts, received mere pampfeJeu, sad —Mm 8. Burfce Collins, In Magarine of Rev. John George Gibf on.the preacher read Gov't official investigation, and at all more upon this subject during- tbe last of the church, against whom suspicions rear tats ev«r before. You CAD all see that— • Ooy Cosnoth ia tlw Mentna> have Ixsen publicly expressed as being tc ««e a ramlUar expression—there is a Here* • driving raia on the window pan*, the Great International Expositions and • pall of night oa the ioaa, the guilty man, had a long siege in the loose i>otn«where, tor we have seen our country paes la two or two and a half years from a Vae wind's wild cry aa It htmiec by. witness box Wednesday, and Thursday condition of prosperity to one of panie and ditAad tae tigh of the bare tossed treoa, World's Fairs wherever exhibited in morcnatf Gen. Dickspn, attorney for the ttess. we are told we tare come to this »it- Aeold hearth's gloom la a lonely room, vanlzed p ttbtkm solely because of the condition cf oae defense, took the preacher over the Aad a llie that Is shrunk and grey; In n«stt of ten, S te i9 the precious metals, and I realize that then ' • aeari that mutt ache for a true love's safes, competition with others. whole coarw of his life, and every of hlgh and SO to M Inehaa is ao more Important question than that of the Aa* a tnw love far away t question seemed to Veil an insinuation. money we on," diamator, a« The minister answered promptly. It makes the finest, lightest, sweetest, «o Be added that gold and silver were precious Might wind sad rain, sad loafing aad pain* . The manner of the cross-examination tnetals because of their divisibility and their Tbi» hour 1* your owa to hold; wete to water* indicates that Dtm^/ivt's lawyers pro- aandcstrnctlbUlty. He referred to t t e feet fto»m6rrow {he sky will be blue on high. most wholesome bread, cake and pastry. M carret or ami 10oera cat bu And th* sun la the aky be gold.' pose to throw t'i.e preacher forward aa that irold and silver were for thousands of freeztne. the money of the world, and rapidly Vo-morrow the lark la the gray-paled park the center of rheir theoi y of the mar- jeare Sketched the al&tory of the xntain* of these More economical than any other leaven* Shall slog to the browsing deer, ders, for, of coim>cv when they contend precious metals and the effect of their output I Tc-moTTOw my heart and pain ahaU part that Durrant did c v commit the as lnfineaeed by wars upon the stock of gold Aad my trcw love be here. , ing agent —Pall Mali Budget. crimes, they must supply a passible sub- and silver in the world. He continued: "It ut »aJd that in 16» there was leas than stitute, and Rev. John George Gibson £1.000,000,00) o* gold ia the world. From understands just what they are about. 18U to 180S there was produced ia the Ky heart Is the abort whea the tide Is goa*. It is hard *f> conceive just how they world of fold wlthla about taoo.W.OCO of AM the argent feet of a lovely dawn will connect the preacher with the tae amount produced from 1493 to 18*a Walk tar aad near o'er the rocks and sand. the 900 j « a n prior to 1650 there was With atovelmespace twist the sea and land, murder, for he tra* at the party of the Dttiiaff produced about *7.0QO,000,U}O of silver, but durFor toon art gouwi M Y M . BAXMG POWDER CO, 10C WMLL t T ^ Emanuel church yotttig- people at Dr. inif the twanty-ftve years ending 18)3 there Voxel's house that night from T:30 wa» produced nearly three times as much void Mr heart Is the i&ors whan the tide has MUM Wtta veanlaf Up* and soaga. sad some o'clock until 11. when Durrant, who aa silver. -Itteclaimed (Hat in I8TS silver its begaa Have waked a son* ta tbe saore's htsa crass should have been there to act as secreNOTHZXO recalls to the mind of the marC B T E B people are not yet posted hi davaward eourae and that It was due to th» Where the wtia rose blooms and tae curlew* tary, did not appear until after 9:30. faring lingo. Thus, a Manchester «hip ried man tbe joys of his single life so vividmotion of tbe people by Uelr representatives canal hand was overheard shouting at the ly astofindthat the baby has been eatin&T For thou art cone! laeoagrea*. Itwaa believed by many that The defense believes that it has a this top of bis voice t o t captain: "Are yon crackers in bed.—Texas Sifting*. —Eugene Field, in Chicago Becord. enoamou* Increase in <rold would s o on bringing in the blunt end or tho sharp end case against Her. Gibaoa, and will, it from year to year. For fourteen years, doris said, try to show that he and not las; the HMoooas Influx of gold, toe gold COMPLETELY PAEALYZED of that shin r'—Tlt-JBtta, Tickets will be soli! at oae fare round trip paased through o«r country to thoue Durrant killed both Miss Williams and only THBB* &more Catarrh in this section of to points ia Tennessee, Kentucky. A i ^ f i ^ toads where gold and silver were tbe measMiss Laxnont. It was ia support of ure of vafoe. We bad then suspended specie the country than H allI owcr other U diseases nn c r a u v r HBUI CTL IUUJ puttopui> vv Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida, on the Are Aatormdod by ft gether. ana until the last few years was sup line of the Louisville & Ksshvflto, and this theory that Gifcsos* was asked t o ' payments, and for these fourteen years we Cfcattanoos» & St. Louis Bailposed to be Incurable, For a great many Kaahvffle, give Darrenf* counsel specimens of his were oa * paper basis, and therefore it was Peculiar Oaae, roads,on Januarys,February 5, MarchB, that It waa elaimed on account of the enoryean doctors pronounced tt a local disease, writing. George Honteith. a well- nwas production of gold tb*t gold and sQver 3 and 30,18S. Ask your ticket agent and prescribed local remedies, and by con- April It, and if be cannot sell you excursion known, attorney, discovered what led eoaU never a^ats be & measure of value, flow* stantly falling to cure with local treatment, about writetoC P. Atmore^General Pasto this line of tarostiffatkm. On the ever, Aoring thi« time silver and gold marched pronounced itmcurable. Science has proven tickets senger Agent, LouiaviUe, Ky.t Jackson aide *y side at a ratio of about 15H to L" catarrh to be a constitutional disease and z&orninjr after the Boding- of Minnie Smith, D. P. A., Cincinnati, O., or Goo. therefore reqraire* constitatioBal treatment. The spnAkier referred at great length to Williams* body the Call published me Tfanes.PMhsiwiph's, Pa.] Ball's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. L. Czoa^N. W. P. A., Chicago. XU. legislation tn European countries. Bea statement from Glbeoru, attached to money Stricken with I*adry*a. Paralyafa, and ye* Cheney at Co., Toledo, ObiOjfetbo only conto the cessation of free coinage of alland wiring go by which was 9 tae simile of his ferrlnir H veria the various mints of Europe, he said cured. That means but little to the avenge stiUiUonal cure on the market. It Is taken tig-nature. On the same morning the H waa the mSsston of both metal* through layman but it meaus a miracle to apby*i- internally in doses from ID drops to a tea- Bhakespeara cfeo. Such is the experience of O. BLDalH- spoonful. It act* directly on the blood and Examiner published fac similes of Europe that kept them at a parity. A m * phyalciaaa had given me up, I was surfaces of the system. They offer saved "It 1* said ia. ttm we demonetized attver. more now a xeaident of WaiHann, H. J^ mucous aved by Piso's Cure.—-B Cure.—-Bum*. E Eaoia, i WO WOnames written on the margin of the one hundred dollars for any case it fail* to U troe that at that tune we changed the andarareexperieacvHls. munsport, t P Pa^ K Kor.231 23,188a cum Send for circulars and testimonial*. paper sent around the rings returned It law* of our mint* and established gold aa a "Yea, It is true that I had La»dry*»Parv Ad&eM, F. J.CraatT ft Co., Toledo, O. to the dead girl's aunt, Mrs. Noble. standard of valve. I believe now that it was t y S c l d by Druggists, 95c d Mr. DaUtaoxv to a reporter, reporter sid Honteith is an expert on handwriting, a mistake tor Europe and for tu to have What an ordinary man eats Ball'* Family pms, X oanta, tbe mart eetohrated physidaM d of cfeangva these standards. But for twelve and says he discovered peculiarities in j e a n prior to IPtt we were on a paper basis and the way he eats it would W i n <to uuhappy husband)—"I woukm*t be enough to give dyspepsia u the writing which showed that both and it was not looked upon by our peopia aa worry, John; ttdoasutdo any Rood to borItwa«otttbel0thof , ^ y ^ to an ostrich—unless the oswere by the same hand. He reported his as Important feature. No actioa of our* ia heooattttued, "wbeu I ww m KewYerk rowtaJouWo.5*Hwbaad—"Bortow troubtol trich weiv'wise h to discovery to D*rraat*& counsel, and it ia ten affected the price of silver or affected the dtf, tint I first f«H the •ymptamsof my Qraat Ctesar, my <tear, nI start borrowing taouble; I nave it to lewL —Colorado Sun. ir •Jsthis •aid their investigation* have satisfied aettoe of Korope la dealing with silver. ig trouble* I +rti?*rW —* difficulty ia going "The eftoct of oar actloa Is chUm«d t» • s stairs, my legs fslBng to support me. \J them that fimut'a eaae haa received ! havebMB s So tsios to ndaoe the price of all comnt with an efficient a great deal of strength from It. Man- j modities sad appreciate gold i s the S*SB« eoaawtted aphymdan who informed mettM% combination of I had every symptom of LecomotorAtasisv teith <WM in court when Glbaon sub- awasur* taat auv«r was depreciated. I don't g i Paul railway w „__ vegetable exrlc iteftto^atoaB hoatod aad mitted his specimen* of writing and bsOtove U. SteM im swee prle«a a*v» »ut a« tbeHaswdevelovsjd h* sKunotmeriltt »1HM» HICH CMUaaat 1 tracts. Such a been reduced sad some advanced. O*W and a mm of bloc? stetsla. Wtth ttm ration la iys that the additional sped silvarmatU pot la shape of moocy wers comr. Pierce** make the eorrespoadenee between the modities aad sre governed by the tawi at tot-fay boa* «Uiaabto«* •ttpply and dmtaad; jhnd Jutt tnat thing h*vPclkta. pteacher'* writing and that o« work and < 1st for pea*4 to stiver «ad rold a* happened n d e r wa. Sleotrto They are the pin* Out. A paper wrapper more remarkable, caese lawa to otb*r comiaodtUea lB«vflry It BOsalWa to at excellence eoasuaed but I grew rapidly worse and eotmtry of Europe la Utt the mint wan open wtta the oil lamp a&a a tit* car p those w h o AprU7, terenU ALUANCA AFFAIR. to silver, and in 1877 not a (single mint la Eostors. Block stgnate have reduoad * • •oBTtthnet e a t rnpf w»* fttwuin ttlwr f « * i * far twm*t%am*\ fer O O I ^ M S to .tb* mbdmamW tfchapi aad too much. They r«Urf Ttostf aecwrt at m coins. We were Utea upon a paper basis, sad Informed me that l w a * at dealt'* door, *te" action In all of tbe digestive could exert no influence upon (tippiy and ; paving but three te ate days to live, «ttll I They itop eoor stotnacb, windy p ».—The Central News demand. Tram that time the supply of silver ! tiagecedoa, by this Mue completely panu is the matter with that maoliacreaised, aad with an i»cr««i>ed mippty and heartburn, flatulence and cure fried, my hands aitd feet being dead, j aaked UM inquisitive sutallgirl in tho theeorraspAndent in Madrid says, Admind DO demand in Europe it wu« the most fc*tfoet&oo, biliomnew, dyspepsia, inater. T h e taaa sitting m l£e front row H coost eauld hardly whisper my w a n * eatfoouli w Bent&ger, minister of marine, denies brai thin? In tho world that silver should deT«s*m. Tba one whoso hairtotoosmall headache and kindred aaly swallow liquids. Ob, the misery of 1 that he has ordered the commander of ftrhtav *—Waabiugtoa Star. laoee moments are beyond aU description the cruiser Conde de Venadito, which "The amount of silver In circulation ia UN aad death would n*Uy have been a weitired upon the Allianca, to be ecmrt- 1c Europ*.whcre a gold sundard haa takes the they «re nhrmyc Is favor* place of a double utandard, i» MJltt.009.iua. Sounds but a mockery to.ths dyapsptte. B* martlaled. , oomes the part that baa astounded haars it, of coprae. but his stomach does not and there are now in circulation l» the April 26.—The most Ukited States 9«S,009.000, while la WJ* tae physician*. Rev. Mr. Goody, a clergy* r«spond to the cau. He "goes tbroufh the p inquiry at the department we had not • cent. And sull they claim w* auu who visited me la my la*t boats, as he motions" aad suffers afterwards for the »Uvcr. How can we demonetise susposed, told me of the marvellous cures small1amount of victuals be partakes of. H^eof fttate fail* to verify the report* dfiroonetizeu Beechara's pills are for silver when we put it In circulation to that of paralTsis 1that had been performed by tetter * Stomach Bitter* alters his conditios SYNDICATE OOMMMEV ed receipt of advices from Minister extent in twenty-two years, and thU silver Pr. William* Plak Pills for Pale People. 1 into oae of ability to eat plentifully, digest ness, bilious headache, Taylor at Madrid to the effect passes eurreat with •»!*•" started to take the pills about April 28 awl heartilr, and assiaiimm thoroughly. Maa weak after that Wt «n improvetn«tit in laria, rhoumattoia, coustipation ami biliousthat the Spanish government had The senator continued that it waa condition. There was a «rarm titigUag ness are conquered by this world-famed heartburn, torpid liver, t made a suitable response to Secretary necessary to have both metals on a par my •enattoa ia the U ID be taat bad been entire medldttfw Graham's dispatch in regard to the Alii- with each other, and he predicted that Jy dead and I aoon begtm to move a y feet sick headache, bad taste far anca affair. The secretary's response an international agreement was surely and aaod*. the improvement continued un- A rATB may look pleasant aad yes be CHICA0O AMtHMtnUorTNifUU* t filled witls f~s|prist» :=ada by tha clevec til May 38 when I was taken ont of bed for a to repeated questioning was that he coating. hUnut, (ran U » i t * f*r i * № « » M | * t ^ H mouth, coated tongue, k*a drive and drove the hone mytelf. By the hoof.—Ram'a Horn. caata or oma dolUr per wrelt, pnjaM* w**kly or had no news Xo give out on the subject. KMathhr. »• him, ao iauratt, u i W ! fan oiwUlr beginning of Jnly I was able to walk upf»Ttyr*Stm t*na« oa Unrw fanaa. Xrtrf aaa okaappetite, sallow skin, It is quite evident, however, RUSSIA AND THE EAST. stairs sione and paid a visit to Niagara, iuerma BOOMp*U for iataam tfcjui two^wuv. totha production of tbe moat perthat the present status of the case, if Th« Garden Snot of trie World, "Slowly bat surely I gained my oMhealth gaaooHiT of thm Cblns-JmfMu P « M » T I — ty caused by constipation; and fect and popular laxative remedy known, not entirely satisfactory, is not caus- T t n u I>o tod strength leaving Ontario for New York Ttireo Crops a Year. have euabiea tbe California Fig Syrup Co. Not Mnt wltH Approval. s wiu grow uiUad* of tntt4 *a« I « M « ing uneasiness at the department, or On October 11 and be ginning-my worksgain acnieraagniatauooeum tbe reputation of stipatioo b the most l«lriV dM 4 btt^ Lo3rt»s, April 55.—The Standard'* oa October 36, 18K. Cnred of Landrr't to Impatience over the apparent delay on its remedy, Syrup of Figa, as i t £ conceded Berlin correspondent says: The RusParalyalsin eight months." To confirm Bis W b t t l v a r * a l l a i a t i v * . ForsaWbyall the part of Spain in responding would cause of all of them. sian minister at Peking has been in- story beyoad all doubt, Mr. Dalttmotvmadc have manifested before this time. lae following affldavtt. structed to negotiate a cession of Chi- Sworn ana subscribed before me DecemGo by tbe book- PUbxoc It ia quite possible that when the nese territory to balance the Japanese ber a. 18M. AMOS C R X T B B C ^ box. Book FREE at your sew Spanish minister Dnpuy de Lome acquisitions. China, not being- in a write B. F. Allen C c j6j Caaal arrives in Washington there may be position to reject the demands, hopes Dr. WaUame'Rnk Pffl* contaL all the necessary to give new life cad New York. some developtoc&ts made public, but to confine them to the session of part to the blood and restore shattered stitin*~^ •**** |iu«* thaa (uHaja9 bi the reticence of all departmental of Manchuria and an ioe-free port. They ace for sale by aU officials on the matter up to .this date, be had by mail from Dr. ST. PBTEBSBUKG, April 25.—The Svet ne Company, Bcbeaeetady, N. leads to the belief that the incident declares Bossia has concentrated in for a) eents per box, or six boxes ' " has not yet been finally closed. Japanese waters twenty-two warships, carrying 360 guns and a large A Cojrvrw.—Visitor (m Mame)—"It's As CURB IS KING; AUK* witt, ACHCS fa) STOPPED THE TRAlNS. body of men. This fleet, it Is added, acainstthslaw tc sell this stuff, isn'titf" Druf;Ck)ck-"\ei." Visitorn (Who hasjust B « * T T HtUatom to Texas Kills Cattle with the French squadron makes a had some)—"It ought to ba, —Smith, Gray and Dees OtlWT OMDaf*. total of thirty-seven warships, carry- * Co.'• Monthly. SAS Asxosno, Tex., April 26.—The inp 610 guns. Moreover, according to terrific hailstorm which swept through the Svet, a Russian army of 20,000 men if you don't use Pearline. Give la tfc* characteristic title of a profuselv Wilson, Bexssr and Medina coun- could occupy the island of Ye&so, the QlustraUd book contointng over one hunyour tired arms and aching back a ties Wednesday night did much northernmost of Japan, and take Japan dred pares of chanaingty written descrip* damage. The hailstones were the infiank>should trouble arise. Uoos of summer resorts in the country rest, somehow, when you're scrubbing size of goose egg* and covered the ST. PETERSBURG, April 25.—The gov- north and west of Chicago. Tho reading and cleaning. is new, tbe illustrations are new, ground to the depth of 2 feet The ernment has sent a note to Japan in- matter and tbe inform atioa thercda will be new to "An absurd idea?" Of course. towns of Lytle, Benton City and Cas- timating there are various conditions almost everyone. troville were greatly devastated by to the treaty of peace between Japan A copy of "Short Journeys oa a Long But when a person has cleaned the storm, the houses being riddled and China that Russia, cannot allow to Road" will be sent free to anyone who will CATALOGUE MAMJKO PflUS. enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to Gso. house with Pearline, year in like a sieve by the hailstones. The be put into execution. HL HcArroBn, General Passenger Agent and year out, and knows how much damage to residences and business Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. PwoT Railway, Chicago, I1L houses in Lytle alone amounts to about Me Bride work it saves, and time, and rubbing, nothing seems more £50,000. INDIANAPOMS. Ind., April 26.—The Miss OUJACHB (who has still got skittish absurti than to try to clean house without it. Pearline— Hundreds of head of live stock were executive council of the American Fed- waya)—"Isn't it sad, captain, when a worn* Baov«W« an perceives that she's grown older I" Tbe no soap with it—-just Pearline—makes house-cleaning easy. killed. The track of the Inter- eration of Labor finished its work here 1 la tlwew«trylir*ianiifsttiirlag t aalaa< Captain— *Yes; but It's more sad when she national & Great Northern rail- Wednesday afternoon and adjourned. doesn't perceive it,"—Judy. bar* surplus P n w aatf R«oca. W» road was blocaded with hail A motion was adopted exonerating or exebaof* stack for Ir Vha reader* of this paper will look for stones, and they had to be re- President MclJride on the charge of lock, they will find a secure wayof redoeO. M- WOODWARD. moved before trains could proceed. bribery in the settlement of the miners1 tbe btg their shoe bill*, by buying tbe Securitv The cotton and corn crops in the and Hocking Valley railroad strikes. Bchool Sboes, which are only sold for cash path of the storm were comat one price, tbe lowest ever made for so Patriarch good a shoe. Look for lock in this paper. pletely destroyed. Two hundred EAST ST. Loris, IlL, April 25.—Althousand dollars, it is estimated, COKPissATio*.— He—*Tbat*s Mrs. Grimwill hardly cover the amount of dam- bert Young, aged 08, grand patriarch •haw who lftctuxufc oa bimetallism. Pve age to crops aud other property. A of all the American gypsies, died at heard her. How exasperatwgiy clever she to be t" She—"Yes, but how uonsol* subscription w«u> st&i"W« here Thurs- East St Louis on Monday night, and teems mgly ugly I"—Panch. day for the relief of sufferers from the his body was tihipped to Saratoga, packages contain a list of novels by the most popular Authors. K. Y., lot Snal burial UraM storm. 1 ^BS^B ^S^^B^^BSSjSJ^S^^P ^P SSSSSjS* w WALTER BAKER & C«. „ THE CLARK HAMW1AN N1XLS5№&№\Sb FOR fllL THE ILLS THAT P / U N 6flN BRING •ST. JACOBS OIL J. I. CASE T. 1 . Better use them this way, WORKERS POPULAR NOVELS. ADAMS' PEPSIN TUTTI - FRUTTI "Linaey-Woolaey," Joseph Arthur's now play, began April nth. It is hlgtUv praised, 32.—The in-i aadtheIncid«Dtalmusica mow unportaai TOFEKA, K*n., April 26.—There is no fetu^ longer room for doubt as to where j vestigation of the accounts of the sci- ' feature^ For Fro* Coin***. I ID<1 a Big TACOMA, Wash., April Kansas republicans stand on the silver cide, Paul Schulze, who was general question. At a uMjeting of the Repub- western land ageat of the Northern lican league Thursday resolutions de- Pacific is slowly progressing and it ia claring for the free coinage of the en- J said that the shortage so for discovtire product of American silver mine* ; ered amounts to $100,002. were adopted by a practically unani- | Lat**t In Moslvnl mous vote. There were 1,100 delegates SPRINGFIF.LD, 0., April UV. •- Mrs. In attendance. Harry Frock «•»* perched on the top of a ;^iano that was attached by a cor stalA0 t o n Btpe OM ble and carried away through the LEWISTOX, I1L, April 26.—Mrs. Chris- j tin!* Bordner, a nativeotf Pennsylvania, ; streets here by four men. She took died w r e Thuraday morntag, aged this means to keep the piano, but had foalij to surrender. year*. A MAX may anile aud smite, bt^tif be do*«u'to.uUhe will see soak«a,~Teiaa Siftmga. • Brxnouons in and Juliet" aud other utaodard Hooley'* Theater, Chicago. A T»ti knl«t»t Is fuller of bravery hi tfce midst than in tbe beginning of d>nger.—SU Tamn is no blood to thepreacbing Malast wblch the devU never lift* a club.—Ram's Bom, _ FsrotuTT. is f oooded on the pttectala ttet •flxlMlMamtUttiMBuxks Five Cents in stamos will procure any oae of them delivered FE FREE. ADAMS & SONS CO , t THE POT INSULTED THE KETTLE BECAUSE THE COOK HAD NOT USED SAPOLIO GOOD COOKING DEMANDS CLEANLINESS. SAPCLIO SHOULD ^B USED IN EVERY KITCHEN* urn mm musmi WOMAN'S FREEDOM from •••^•if:-': and to member thereof, and that tbU resolution be spread upon the-record* of this council, ana that the city clerk cause COUNCIL ROOM, the tame to be printed in suitable form Il 39, »896. A*. under the corporate the council, by be presented (o each Prateut, cltv, Eveleth and Aldermeo Ford, Mumby, TrumDated April 29, i893. Ilk ami Thomas. Aid Mumby moved that the vote THe iottawivg account* were presented street commissioner be reconsidered; the aad referred to th« committee on claims motion prevailed, after which Aid. Trum « »«. ' • ., fWe moved that the wage* befixedat $1,50 5 and accounts; committee reported farora. . , . . * 1 Mr and the clerk was authorized to draw fda v f ^ ••^™**«#«ril-**V?r jJiera for the *ame: - «»r laborew and |«jk> for team, for „ v. ^ actual tine worked. Adopted F,nuik Rose, printing ....1050 ....•-, ,7 \,.,_ 1. Ald Gco. Serr, city engineer .......21.00 Vumble moved,that:the commit jtmes Wilson, work on culvert..... MS t e e O B printing be instructed to examine Ww.EJdridge. work on culvert... 3 75 the books of Justiee McBride and asi-er AarffewEldredgc, work on c u l m : 3.7* u l n w h a t books he needed. Adopted. EugeneHuntlngtoo, workou culvert 6.00 ._ t . . .sidewalks, . ' . presentand A4J dI< on streets Aadrtv Eldredge, sexton........ . 7.ba Out«her, chairman of the com A De&rfcb, night watch...... . . . Goo ed the following, and on motion it was T C Nicnol*. stationer/ i.9o w Sin»«*n, election 4.oo Gorsach & Welch, printing .loJio ent wards of this city are in a very bad Eageae Huattagtoa, election...... 2,oo state of repair, therefore be it ^SJhaS'i?1"?1*' '*" 1 ^ Reived: hf cit That the city martial of W Gra^e'ecSon.*!!.'."!! *.*.'.' .* *.' 2.oo * * T ** instructed by thU council to Ffft&k Peacock, election ~ serve a written notice upon the owner or John Hicks, flection . . . owners of all property upon which such ir .1 ; NOT, « WRY NOT? jr •i SUITABLE SPRING seeDS. i| Dimity, Duck, Ginghams, Percale*, and Wash Goods of all kinds. Perfect ar»v OUE HOSIEBY^DEPARTMENT. of Tt Interehangable Sd ust a few of the many desirable features of the F. L. JOHNSON, 4 Our Hosiery J^partment is full of good things. Ladies'Fast Black Seamier Rose at 12£ cents. Children's Fast Black Seamless Hose at 10 cents. We have the exclusive sale of Smith & AngelTs Fast Black Hosiery for this county. They are the best goods made. » HAMJ GEO&GE HILSEtfDEGEN, Local Agent, 310, Woodward Ave., - Coi-unna, Mich. Detroit, Mich Having purchased a new FUNERAL eo^nd! the stree street bdmimmaw№ oi eo^nd! order order the &thai ha i this tity to repair the sam'e.'' *h& , team o«,s^eet......... Jj,g Dili of the expense incurred thereby •^•^ be presented to the owners of such property, and that ii payment of same is re 1.60 Amwlen, nigii fused by each owner or owners, thit the Drake,city engineer same shall be levied as a tax against said TO M A S , ) I.C.TH property upon which said sidewalk has W.H. MUMBY, t Com. been repaired, and spread on the different R. B.FOR0. ) tax rolls of the respective wards of said O B motion the report was adopted. city *nd collected from sneja owner or AM* Hornby, chairman of the commit* owner* the same as « regular tax, a* pro tee on Finance,-submitted the following Tided in and by an ordinance of this city report of settlement wit* Treasurer Augsnow in full force an<? effect relative to b«ry aad of the approval of the bond of sidewalk*. Treasurer Maton. Aid. Thomas sUted that the register Your committee on finance would teof deeds would give us a place for filing •pectfallj report as follow*: cemetery deeds in the vault if we would "We hare examined the books ana Toucher* of the citj treasurer from tbe provide a suitable lock box for filing them ftCthdav of April, X894, t o t h a * 4 * **y ia. Oa motion t'i« committee, on ctmeAprS* iS95t ***** i»ela«i«t, and find tbem tery was Instructed to procure It Aid. Cornell offered the following rescomet, and that the eftj treamrer has on olution which was adopted: Ittatf «fc* s«m of seven hundred *ixtj-fiv« dofiars and sevnstytf-sfat cents. We re- Resolved: Tust we appreciate tbe ttmmtmi that the vouchers be destroyed kindly efforts of the Owosso fire departlathe presence of this cottucil, except ment in itt effort* to come to the rescue ^he bond* and eoupons and that they be ofottr e'.ty on the morning ot the 27th filed with the aew treasurer pursuant to and in the effort to timely assist In ex* fWtoSuUoa* of this coaacll April lottt, tine*i*htng the destructive fire of that date. W. H. Mtmnr, Retolved: That a copy of this resoluJ, C.THOMAS, R B FORD, tion be spread upon our record* and that the same be suitably printed and a copy Committee, Upon notion the report was Accepted Under the corporate *eal of this city be presented to the chief of the Owmto fire Ate* that we have examined the department wWt tUc thank* of this roun of Geo. Mason, city treasurer, with cil. G. T. M«4on and £xra Mason a« sureties Aid. Ford called the attention of the and find it in legal form and sureties **U council to thr propriety of getting a fire fleieat to corer the amount Used by thi» proof safe for the nse of th<* city, and on council on April 22d, 1895, and that the motion tbe following special committee oond be filed wjth the city clerk. was appointed: AM. Mumby, Trumble W. H. MVMBY, a.nd Thomas. J.C. THOMAS, A ditcv-st'on lelative to assessing cost R. B. FORD, of drains and sewers agaif.st the property Committee. benefited came up. and Aid. Tho/nae Alderman Jviumby presented the fol- moved that the matter be referred to the lowing, which was unanimously adopted: eity attorney and that he be requested to Resolved, that the committee pa fire examine th« laws re'ative to the mattci department be given the authority to andreportatthenextmeeting. Adoptedconstruct • suitable roadway running in Aid. Mumbv moved that the city atthe r*ar of John Wood's blacksmith torney be instructed to draw an ordinance •hop tor the use of the fire department relative to keeping the sid -walks ht propid er repair. Adopt, d. and that committee Is hereby Jft take the necessary steps to put the fire Upon mott<»4.council adjournel until engine in good runnhig condition. A KKi'OHt, th« liquor bonds of Carl Pickert as Clerk. principal and C D , Smith and Henry SWncy as sureties; Luke Cotter as principal and John Gibbons and H. U- Lir^sey as sarettes, the druggist bond of liicbael Rcidy as principal and C. J, Oak aad Thomas Agnew a« vureties •Were read »nd referred to the committee; For a Healthy Exiiteiw*.—Taats on licenses. Committee reported them Why the KidBen M Oftea Fail. In legal form a,nd recommended tbey be Nature has provided a certain amount accepted and approved. of work for every organ pf the Adopted. body; overtfa them and dtoeaee «ventu' Alderman C01W.I moved the commit- ally follows. There fa not o » por tion of our orgtabm that »6 ov^rwo tee 00 fire department be authorized to as the kidneys; on them p*»ed U»JUntake such steps as they deem proper to portant function of flfte № ihe blood of put the fire company in good working or- h i i t i « w h ^ * action of We and digestion. der, and that they be given the power to = are co**Jquently termed the sew act in the matter. ^ of tliQ System; clog up this sewer, Adopted. .»*v, the btaftd becomes tainted with poiaon^ Alderman Thomas, from the commit- crtts trrfc add, which bring* on disease tee on finance recommended that the sal- 1h taaivy forms. The back Is thefirstt o stio'xt this stoppage. From t h e n cettbea aries be fixed for the ensuing year as fol- «Kc warning note; it should be heeded, lows: City attorney, $5o per year; «ity 'nnd the kidneys receive prompt attention. marshal, $5o per year; city clerk, $75 Doan's Kidney Hil« will right the action per year; city engineer, * 1.00 pet day; of the kidneys quickly, tetiefettwback of pains and aches, and c u « all troubles of City fire warden, $10.00 per year; street kidneys and bladder* Head the following: eo*nn»listener, ti.25 per day when orderMr. *Wnv Keiaon is a well-known busied bf the committee on streets cr coun- ness man of Kalamtjoo, he resides at 822 Portage Street, w d his business is that of cil ; day laborers, $1.00, a grata buyer. He says: W. H. MUMttY, "For five yean I have suffered from ait J, C. THOMAS, inability to urinate, which resulted from what wA»wUitcbc£, stoppage of th« bladR. B. FORD, der. Dark* these years I have taken raiaCommittee. craS and electric baths and used other aeans Which on motion was adopted by the in expectancy of gettiag better, bot their following yea and nay vote: ;U proved m»TaiHng. Socaemoctlaa^o I Yeas, Aldermen Cornell, Dutcber, Ford, ' K'RAB naing Doan's Kidney PfUa> WMA X i:ul heard highly rocommesded^ and I«aa Utvm'by, Thomas, Trum trie, 6. >w say that Cod flaitolag rcportt w«re Nays, 0. u-)t greater, then thev deaeirved. I got Whereas: On the morning of April better right along, aad I am fttie from any 27th a fierce and destructive fire broke trouble BOW. I feel better than I have done for three yean past, K Doan's Kidoutfta the Phoenix block on the ea»t side ney Pffla were well known aM over ttay of Shiawassee Aye,, city of Corunna, wotdd do an Inttneose aawttat of *ood." and threatened the destruction of the enSold by aH dealers—peke, k cents. Maflfcd b r Fasser-Mabrot Co., BaSak, tire business ponton of the city, bat X. Y.. sold ajmrta tct «he TJ.ft.№tte«»* through the per*i?/ten*. and heroic work terthe MME*, I*a»\'mA ia&r aodber. of our fire department the destroying ccmsssd !? the block in r. color over To if. tt ori«4aated, therefore b* it of the latest styles in Corsets and Gloves. We °° different styles in Corsets. Among the best are L h e "Chkag» Waist, G. and D. Perfection^' Also Soh^'Jg Jfodel Forms No. 858. • 'Q '"-""«"«*« r We are now prepared to do next week. Do not fail to see tttem, OUB LINE OF UMBRELLAS. UNDERTAKING / EST ALL ITS BRANCHES. \ We >ho have a very fine line of, We are offering a good thing in a Lady's SHk ITm brella, Natural Stick, Paragon Frame, irell worth $2.50, to ran far S1.4^-only a fftw of then. FOR YOUB , . , Oar expenses are less than any other dry goods stow in the county, and we bay oar goods as cheaply as any house in the couoty. Call and see that tfiese are facts. We do not sell prints for 2£ canto and then charge 75 cents for goods that ere only irorth 50 cents. This is a great "catch" aad lots have been caught. FURNITURE, Which we are selling very chea^For cash. W.A. KNIGHT & Co I or Full line of Dress Goosfe, Trimmings and Lutings. . 6 5o I P**r the tame within thirty days from the •»~» I Hate ot the serving of said notice upon ::!& Spring is here again aad finds M, £ J. Carlacd'fl Dry Goods Store •jj Hart yoa MM* Oome where all are treated alike. We want your trade and are anxioaa to please you. Please give us a chance. . . . . . . . Yours for Trade, We bare a few M. <fe J. CARLANT A GBOCERIES whtch w« will sdl cheap, and i s object ti ao moa€j to us. we cordially invite o«ir friends to come In and get ear prices. We will sate yoa wonejr on bveiy till of atn>d« f on bny o! u&. W« mean what We aay, and we are. . . . ABE OFFERING TO BUILDERS SPECIAL LOW PRICES NOT "TALKING - THROUGH - OUR -HATS. HOUSE We naveG lb& raisins o r prunes, 10 bars feoap, . . . 2 % Iba. best tea, . . . 3 lbs. best Mocha and Java, 3 lbs. dust tea, 6 lbs.good butter crackers, l i b . g o o d R i o coffee, 2 caus baking powder, - .05 ROLL ARN CHASE & ANGELL ON * C T y « _* —. fWe guarantee to save yon mcoer. A V V l i G u11 stock of both plate Uaefc and gal. w w ~~- v _._._„ constantly onhand Disc Harrows, $22. Road Wagons 330 to $40. Top Carriages, $46 to $65. Two seated Buggies in different styles and prices. For a riding spring tooth Cultivator* we have The "Dandy," which has no eaual for an all-round tool. Superior'Grand Drills—the best in use. North Fairfield and South Bend Plows at bottom prices. In fact Our list of farming tools is complete in all lines. Call and see the best— the CHAMPION NEW BINDER for 1895. It leads them aU. \~+imt*m*mm.++~^**> Detroit White Lead Work's Paint—all' colors in stock. Also ojl* and brashes. Call »nd see us and get our prices, which we guarantee as low or lower thad our competitors. Watch for our Auction advertisement. t PETTIBONE. f '«SKS3rB753: The Evening News, f the estate ot Delis M. Dick- ; ; r e : T h » following story ia oi I A W«aUs* whose tove enabled her not only to live in the lamely Chicago iitfht"W*t_w»j to save h w husband at <fc* -T*e Great Dafiy of Mkhrgan,- which the it a pUe# called the Oib, fe <*rt ia the take, and sur—"«•••«• m*eraftesiTOmasonry at the entrance +<j tbe tunnel, which receives the water supply u$ the city. One day in the <er7^* winter, says the ft. G. ElCompanion, th\? deeper was « go on shore for fciupplies. \ 4 some ne., ettt? avenu among the ant of tt» Hatt, and A.*w. 8 rornjer have be**n ISS5, and are wldel Therewith, A. W lumberman and bao moved to Detroit, partner ia 189$. connection — reft«ntly re* .«*»„'BUSH, Jud*eof Probate. Saias Hod aad ShotWers Above ail Often. to Pftwii№S^^ftSLF-' H<№ THE EVENING NEWS, •*.»• ro*^ m&mtt mr acre* fats would be A«*fc^ms^wy»iiia<^immaBdeityfart.,gtii^^yw»^- MARY E. KELLOGG, L.^BUfc GuardlM of a»<mate o/ Attorney fat Sxetn WILUAMG1LMOHB. g l U M B. ALDR1CH. Kxecators of the estate » * '* A&&* be reached the and he was safe. As climbed into the room his wifm faint«w»y, mad he found her clothes worn through, where she had braced her knees against the stone wall; her wedding ring was gone; her left arm was ton ai the elbow. When§h««MMfe>herself, and they * * H **** fc***^. «he explain** that *" *"" sell her ring waa pulled from and her s m wounded* —r the hevouM) **yota know thaawas BO time to faint, aad *> 1 drew that rope up whh my right hand «b4 my teeth." BUILDING tew Added Bft of UH> ftn*. by actory WHS battt Is great commercial Ke mlat ooee. It ha AM M l ail throat* the few yMjrst a fact the fosds taried oat. Ready •*** is found for sit th* shoe* that are IMBHf«CtUr*<L At pTWeftt, U*. to th* tae- tory. and the a n roll esnhodles from that number to Us, the year round. All grades of rood*, front btfaats* cacfts to men's ttlsrlk drivta* toots, art turned out, at the rate of OS pairs per day, or 1S.Q0G per month. One Important specialty IB the manufacture of men's drive shoe*. for kxctftet pwrposes, which at* made to all Brade*. Tn* Arm also makes a specialty of men's oil grain*, from medium to cheap. The An*** of ladies', misses' •nti men's shoe* sre also manufactured in large quantltes. Among th* *p-cUltte* should also be mentioned H. 8. Kobtnson * Co.'s old reliable buskin, which has enjoyed almost unprecedented popularity *or many year*. Tn short, there Is nothing m the line of footwear which 1* not«turoed out by this enterprising firm, as tn* demand require*. They are strictly **up with the t!m*u." and make it a point to lead In the style and quality. of their products. The factory Is three stories and a ba«*~ meat In hlght, and ta of handsome architecture, to conform with tbe requirement* of tbe locality where It i» situated. Tills season the firm will have no lesa than IS travelers on tbe road, covering uu. Obio. Indiana, 1)1 tools, Minner W t a c o n s . IIowa, , Wisconsin. Texas.. OklaIndlan Territory and Nebraska. l a addition to the factory they carry a t their warehouse, 99 to 106 Jefferson ttvfeme. the moat complete Jobbing stock tm lUebiffaa, also a rubber department ar* special agents of the Robber Company, besides _ _ the Woonsocket. Rhode Island f&rvd rubbers, wfeics have a strong o* Che public Taken a s a whole, the extensive com* fBeretal enterprise conducted by H. S. Rebfnsoa * Co. is one of which, Detroit baa good reason to be proud, and fir every city or Tillage can be found one or more imminent dealers making a specialty «i their *ood*. A LOST DINNER Busted Walt* a. Visitor Was Talking. Wtede* When George P. JL Healey, the American portrait painter, was 1 in Paris, very poor and*quite unknown in his profession, he had the usual ops and downs of an artist's life. He and his wife had inexpensive rooms, neither of which was a kitchen, says a foreign exchange. But, he says, oar big- stove boasted oi something' which might pass for an oven, and this Mrs. Healy was determined to utilize. She bon#ht a goose, and we rejoiced at the thought of escaping' that day from the monotonous meal in an ill-ventilated room, overcrowded with famished mortals. Indue time the goose was shut up in the oven. The bell rang and a gentleman entered. He was an important personage, very rich, and a possible sitter, one to be well received by a struggling young artist I forgot all about the goose, and showwi my work to this amateur, who seemed to be interested in it. He was a prolix talket, and liked tbe sound of his own voice, 1 encouraged this weakness, and presently we were launched in an interminable discussion on art; art in general, art in the past, art in America, art everywhere. OUT conversation was soon accompanied by a low singing sound which became a sizzle, aad then a veritable spattering. The goose had burst tn upon the artistic talk. A strong odor pervaded the painting room, and a glance convinced me of say wife's utttur wretchedneta. But a wellprimed talker ia not to be stopped by trifles* Once or twice our visitor looked up, a little startled by the sputtering, and seemed astonished by the strong odor; but I suppose he concluded tbat the kitchen was inconveniently new, AndfcUefii«rni«r •** went on. When, at last, he took his ie*ve, wa boO* rushed to the stove. The singing hftdeeusdj tbe gootmwas little more STATl OF MICHIGAN, r comrrr o» SSOAWASSKB. (**- In her ftnterextins; letters to the S t James Quette Mr*. Bishop draws a StrlkSBf; picture of the manner in which tb*> &«ssmB jpovsnuneat is opening- up the fertile regions of eastern Siberia; NItotosfcoye la a place of flfteeathoa•ttad mhabttasta, the center of » hurg^ govenmMnt floormlU and elaborate barracks. Tor many mOea on either side the new Siberia* rsJlvoad passes thrcnjrh naat vSiltgea and ptustwuoms fanna. "From Spasskoje," says Jfv*. Bishop, "and east of the Hank* lake up to Ussuri, the magnllieent region is waiting to he peopled. Grass, timber, water, ooal* a so'I as rich as the prairiaa fjd QlinoU, and a climat* not only favorable to agricalture, bat to human health, all await the settler; axtd the broad, unoccupied and fertile lands which Bnssian Manchuria oilers are capable of mtpptmting a population of many millions. Here Eu&tla is laying solidly the foundations of a new empire, which she purposes to make a homogeneous one. 'No foreigner need apply!' One thousand families, assisted emigrants from Russia of the bost class, will come oat nest year, and tbe number is to increase progressively. Eaub head of an emigrating household has to deposit six hundred roubles with a government official on leaving Odessa, 'which he receives on l u r i n g m Siberia. g The emigrants, on reaching Vladivostock, are lodged in excellent emigrant barracks, and can buy the necessary agricultural implements at cost price from a government depot. Already along the railroad houses are springing up; and, if security can be obtained, there is nothing to prevent the country from being peopled up to the Chinese frontier, the rivers Sungacha and Ussuri, which form the boundary from the H""*** lake to KhabarofEka, on the Amur, giving a considerable protection from brigandage.rt SOUTH AFRICAN ENGLISH. Statements Contained to IJterary Ei»*y». R. Russell, superintendent of education, appears to delight—as well he may do—in publishing the funny little blunders that some of the candidates perpetrate at the w>llective examination. Here are a few "gwms" which were selected from some MSS. which were not sent in for the Natal Witness literary prise competition: "Her hand was cold, like that of a serpent." "The countess was about to reply when a door opened and closed her mouth." "'Ha! ha!' he exclaimed in Portn- Atfteassfoa of the Probate Court for said ootmty,heMattheFroteteosV *lot*e2lry of ~ " t h n * day of AjrtL ro« the< e of Probate. S >of M MaryB.8tew V* ceadta* and Was; the pettaun of WlWam ^T, vrajris* that adHMstratfcwof ssM estate aasy be«f*ited to the petldoceror eon* other sntsJbWwrsoB. Ulsorfeed, tha u e t r t i d a y of May next, attnoTetoek hi the for+aoon. at ssM probate acoeyofthls ortter be poUldwd t h n t snooeesive wseksine vioostosaiddayof hearioy, m tbeCoruooa Journal, a newspaper ptteted and drvuMMlos; In said coauty of Shtowwee-. MATTHEW BCRB, 4«tireof Prohate. ByKATBKRurxE. Kst»rr," P"S ty of S h t o t a e e t w Atasessienof the Ftofeate vown. for v oountv, held at me Probate oafee Ch the city of Conioaa,on8aturdayttbeeth day of April hi the veer one thousand, thjhl hundred and ntnetaMHre. Prweat, Matthew B o a , Jndm of Probate. lathe mat** of the estate of Maria Cbalker, for of Centos*, on •. «Mepccfl»itt;< th* HohensftU«ra« Fail? An old German prophecy relates that the Hohenzoilero dynasty will fall when an emperor has seven sons. Six are already down to the credit of Emperor IVfllism, *r*At a* the empress is about to become a mother again, there coasioerablw excitement among the « s Of the empire lest the may be fulfilled, In part at . AtheybatifrewosJa indicate thereat to *o*iow. | vfocw wad desire&ble IHiHerna, at prices to sait the times, at . . 1 ij; • ; ! i M., ORMSBYS, 00BTNKA, MICHIGAN. Sch«diil« of Examination*, aad Ittaotderedthetthesrhday of May. next, at ten e'esoek In thefomcfw. as a»taf>njtat# ofltoe, he Mstcned for hsartae; saM petition. As4 iv(« further otileredAat a cosy of this order be pubihawd three saaeuwve wesfes ^*™ ••• • • ^ B^BS^TW^ si a*m< *• i • P » T W •m-^^am^ pte^ftMWtesstddayaf heaiiaf,ln the Conmna Journal aamipajun prhwedaad ctrgatot iat to said eouaty of&alawassee. MArTHKWBUBH. Judi* of Probst*. Sy KslheHae «. Keleey. Probsts Bsmister. frf THIS IS A PROGRESSIVE AGE. N e w a n d S t a r t l i n g Dleooverlwe a r c M*d« Dally. The greatest discovery for autterer* of catarrfe, Bay r>v»r and Asthms., i« Mayew' Mmc aetlc Catarrh Cure. Its wonderful cures since Its discovery are known to thousands. Thta grand medicine will positively care all foi-sna of this terrible disease It aceompitibe* what no other remedy feat done. tfosuiiFleacbJidcan ute U. No curtno pay. Oae bottle wiii do the work and ;a«s tor a three ciontbs' treatment. Eutirely new, no other remedy made like- it, Tbi. ia wbat the emluenr. Dr. Henry Curritiffton Alexander D, D-, L. I- D., has to say <>f its mairelou cure. LOOK HERE wlUbewrt»cn;th«* writfei; the thlrdiiaif day and civil noTCCMMAt wtJl be ftrtt half day of the regular •nunlnsilons, ap» ptfcejMstoutohtfhsrarades will writs Al«e> braand ftiysfc*. Applicants fortrM a fads writ* noawtrr, leaersJ history and botany oo .Saturday. Ma bnwehes can be written except hi accordance with the abovegchedtile,and *p pUcaats who are not present at the proptr tiice autst watt itatll the tteJtt ejeaminstkm to oosaptete their work, K. D. DIMUND. 4<w4 CommiMtfoner. If you want good goods and want to get the fall worth of your moneyv you must go to a good place to do your business And if anybody should ask you STATE OF MtCKIGAN-Circtrit Court for tbeCodotyof l&iawM-ee, in Chancery.Altotra A. Post) V Isaac H. Post, f Suit pendtnir in tbe Circuit Court for the County of SaJawa«9ee in Chancery, nt tbe Court House In the city of Corunna, ^n the8»th 6*\ of March A. D, 1896. In this cause It appearing' from amdavit on file, that the defendant. Isaac H, Post, la not a THE J>IATKRS DRtCr Co . resident At thU« state, but resides at Kansas Oakland. M. D.. OKKTceMSN:—Bverftlcee I hare tried your City, in tbe state of Mlswurt on motion of A. famous catarrh remedy t havelniondedtogivc L. Chandler & A. E. Blcbards, complainant'* you a voluntary tesilmoolal of its efficiency. solicit ore, it is ordered that the said defendant, 4 I have t»e«n a sulfer* '' for year* from nasnl . Isaac H. Poat, cause his appf«ranc« to be earand poet uttatU ^rurxb. awi the bone ia my I tered herein, withinfivemonths from the date of this order, sod In c*e« of his appearance nose has been visibly cbangvu in its shape. After a trial of all manner of good and in- that he cause his answer to tbe complainant's different recipiee, I have no hesitation in pro- bill of complaint to be filed. And a copy thereof nouncing your Magnetic Catarrh Cure, the to be served on said complainant's solicitors, best, the speediest and moot effectual remedy within twenty day* after service on him of a 1 hare yet encountered. I wish and predict copy or said bUL, and notice of this order; and your 3ue«!*r in tbe effort to demonstrate the m default thereof, said bill be taken as convalue of yr.ur neat little device in tbe way of a fessed by said wra-residetit defends!! t truly scientific and meritorious iohalenu f ou , And it Is further ordered, tbat within tweuiy days the said complainant came a notice of have made me your everlasting debtor. i this order to be published in the Cr>rafctt& I am my dear sir?. I Journal, a »ews^»per printed, published and Yourn f aithfoliy. ; ctacufeting in daid county, and that such pubHENRY CASKINGTOS AIXXASDEB. j lication be continued there at least one? in Sept. Vith, 1833, each week lor six weeks in succession, or that ebe cause a copy of this order to be personally For sale by M. Reidy, Corunna. MTved on BSM non-resident, defendant at least twenty days before the time aboee pr*scrioedfor hi*appearance. .„„,_„ tinara Again&t toss A L <JHAM>LbJt CiiAS. H. WI9NER, and A. £ . B1CUA&OS. Circuit Judge. Or damage to property by keeping wel Complainant> Soiidiors. nsured in some first class company W. R. Chapell ia local agent for the DJmfISTKATOR'3 8ALB OF KEAL ESfollowing well known companys. TATE.—Stale of Michigan, County ot 3b> | The Commercial Union Assurance In tbe matter of tbe estate of Albert T» Company of London. 'Nichols, deceased. .! is hereby given that In pursuance and ] *he National Fire Insurance Com !i byNotice virtue of aa order (minted to the uoderpany of Hartford, Ct., I *lrned, a* admiaistrator of the estate of said Albert T. Nichols, by the Hon. Matthew Bush, The Niagara Fire Insurance Com- ;! Judge of Probate in and for said county, on the lpaoy of New York. ; l&thdayof April, A. D. 1895, there will be sold at public vendue, to the bi*ne*t bidder, at tbe The Orient Fire Insurance Com- |1 Court Bouse In the City ot Corunna, in said pany of Hartford Ct.. : county, on Monday, the 17th day of June, A. D. at ten o'clock in tbe forewx n at said day, Prompt attention given to business ! 1895, all the right, title and interest of :«ld Albert and the lowest rates at all times. i T. Nichols, deceased, in and to the following* where to get the best Wiues, Liquors, Cigars, or anything in the ^line of pure drugs, tell them to go to EIDY'S Coruima, OOOOCWOOOO^WJooOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOXiOOOOO A described lands and premise*, situated is the city of Corunoa, county of Sbiawsssee, Mate My husband hstd two cancers taken ! of Michigan, to-wit; Lot «1i (6) ,»ud wtstpart of lot five <*) in block eigbt (S), (the part of lot I>is face, and iinotfier was com- ji five hereby conveyed is till that part or Mid lot ! not heretofore sold and conveyed by S. 'i'itiu ing on his lip. He took two bottles of "The colonel paced backward and i Parsons and wife) accordion to ibe recorded forward with his hands behind his Burdock Blood Bitters mud it disap- i plat of the village (now ciiy) ot Uoruuna aforepeared. J'e is completely well." Mrs. Said. CHAKLES HOLM A*. back, reading the newspaper." ' Administrator of the estate of Albert T. Nlch"The man was dressed in a velvet Win. Kirby, Akron, Erie Co,, N. Y. ! ois, deceased. Dated Coninofl, April dOttx, A. D. jacket, with pants of the same color," All this seems very ridiculous, bnt similar blunders have been made by some of oar best novelists. For ini tance, Anthony 'i>ollope, In one of his works, speaks of a man "walking down the street whistling, with a cigar In his mouth." Some of the author's fricwds drew his attention to the absurdity, but Trollope stoutly maintained that it was possible to whistle with a cigar in one's mouth. However, he could not do It when challenged, and 2 have no more successful myself. Rolls m hJvdae of A s estate ef Md Mary A. 8aa«, minors, John L. Shaw »» caannanor eaMestate, eoaws hrte.epart and rcptewMtsthat he Is now prepared to vender atmnsl a s c e n t as fc>diaa I dayof Way pert, nt ten o X ^ u ^ ^ . ^ - . - — — ^ beasslsned for exsai&tes; aad aBowhaa, sush acennt, wwthajt the hetrs at law ct sajddc; abased aadsJI otfenr peraqosUileieWJBdte - - ^ ~ ^ - ^ . ^ - « ™ t o appear stssesslooc*ssJd court, then to be hoMtea at the pfobateoSee. In theofty of Conmna,ta said Opttotr, and shc-W came* if any there be> why tbe saW a e e o u t shouWnotDeattowed. ^ And ft Is furawrordered, that said guardian *ire aotMe to the pefetone Interested m said es* tate, of tbe pewflcacy of saM account, and the hearlos; thereof by csustae a copy of this oTdertobeptfbushed Is theOonaM JonnMU, a newspaper printed and circulated to said coanry of Shtewasscev for three soeeasslvft weeks to esid day of heartog. MATTTHEW BUSH, . of rrobate. &rKAt8KBtRE,KSL8SY, of Mn. l of OiiieadlapaadMlav the ^ M S i h t h M WALL l the T u •* i ^ffi№ emfAopet MAIL. venaue. of the r, at are ** itecd the test ^ of the of haada Ith A RJLL-GROWN M A N All tlia** creeping, crawling, stinging sensations th«t combine to make up the tortures of any itching disease of tlie .*kin Arc. instantly relieved and permanently cuted by Doan's Ointment. Doan^s never fail. are tbs Best in ite World. St-dSJ & CtUTTERHirCH:, Corun: OKDEE—State of Michigan, County of Sbiasrasse*, t?. PAtKOBATE a session of the Prob«te Court for tb© county of Sbiawa*sec. holden at the 1'robate oQice in Ihe < ity of Corunnn, OH Tuesday the Oth dav of April. In the year one thousand eig-ht hundred and nlnety-tive. f resent. Matthew Bush, Judge of rrobste. In the matter of the estate of Geonre Quell, deceased. On reading and nlinjr tbe petltkn, duly vertfled, of .lay D. №>yce.as administrator, praying that be bo granted Ucenw to sell real estate or sakidece«sedfor tse purpose of rtlstributioa. Thereupon It is ordered, that Monday, the 6th day of Mar. <*Tt. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bo a*£lyn«0 for tfce bedrttur of said petition, and tbat the heirs at Iww of said dcceawd, und nil oth^t persons Interested in said instate, are mjul»«d to appear at n session of SHUI Court, then to be taolden nt iho t^iwfcte office, in the city of Corunntu in *a1d county, and shim cause if any there he, why the prayer of ibe pertttotwr *hou!d not be r»»nted. A od it is further ordered, tbat *aid petitioner ffive notion to the pcrsoun tntorested in said estate, of the p*wlency of said petition, and tfcc beaHnx thereof, bycausio* nooprof this order to be publtebed in Tb&Corunn* Jounwl, a ne'rtpapcr printed and ^rcuhited in said emmty of ehiaww*ee, for three successive weeks previous to s*W day of aoarlnj-y MATTHKW BCSB, •Indue of Probate. By KATBXIWII B. KEJLtsr Frobate BefWer LADIES' CLOTH MERCHANT CAPES, JACKETS, TAILOR AND COATS, MEN'S AND CLOAKS MADE TO ORDER. FURNISHING HOUSE. OUE TERMS STRICTLY Suits made to order, 914 and up. Overcoat* made to order. 915 and up. Pant* made to order. 93,75 and up. Fancy-silk vests to order, $3 and up. TIES, LINEN AND CELLULOID COLLARS, UNDERWEAR ETC CASH, And tlist Is why we can sell at these prices. A call solicited and s&ti»factk»n guaranteed. J. A. BECKER, EENEWYOTJR SUBSCRIPTION FOB THE JOURN. FXAITK HowAJroPoom, L c r u Ifojraos POWER, editor DURRANT HELD, teae* lor forgaty •* a»d proprietor of £he lroa«Jad Age, the ham tdlen hair to about $16,000,000 only atheistic paper published in the through the death of Frank Howard, a country, died at her home in IndianapApril 12,—The Nevada mine»owii£r. olis, Ind. aaj"L*ttl» -I jury investigating gg the ease of CATUfixncK SCOTT, the oldest woman oner's jy «ff Haeif," B«t tfa* •prfnf, andfckia the only medicimel ttM i MICHIGAN. THE American Indnstnal union, a GOSUNKA. h murder d off Minnie M i i Williams, W one of f f c M sew labor organization, was born in in Brooklyn, N. Y., died at the age of the wife fa4e bond to risk Chicago. 103 years. She was born in Ireland the two young girls who were killed in health and strength IB this ssuuaai t h m g h the year. I s enables me to te i dnst and dirt. The con- mj hoore cleaning and farm work all THE dflcbkm of the supreme court in and went to Brooklyn seventy years Emannel Baptist church, returned a •eqaeaos of her feverish anxiety over through the summer. It helped m l verdict Friday charging Theodore Curthe income tax case necessitates a RgO. extra work is 4epi*tkxi of the Wood, very much for palpitation of the heart. rant with the murder. THE 8Cth birthday of Mrs. William change in the estimates of the governthe sooree of all hfe and strength, Doubt a* to the guilt of W. R. T. Important Intelligence From All Parts. ment for the fiscal ye*i ending Juue 30, McKinley, Sr., mother of th« governor, manifesto in thai weak, tired, nerwoiia I think Hood's SaraaparlUa k the medW and from the best data obtainable it was celebrated with a family reunion Durrant, the young medics.1 student condition too prevalent at this sraaon efatefc* ereryone and all who take SI who ie accused formally of g andTAZjdangcrons if allowed to coa- WD3 a*rer be without it, I have alao was believed that the deficit for theat Canton, O. DOMESTIC. Miss Williams and suspected of tinne. What ereey man and year would amount to ^40,000,00(1 Hox. GEOKGE NATHANIEL Ctrxzosr, M. A crcLOxi swept away twenty houses «aad Hood's PVia and they are the beat l In in the apring spring k ia Hood'i P., of Eng-land, and Miss Mazy VicCITIZENS of St. James, Mo., presented needs Hood's Sarsapa* r e v * * tried.r M M . F. H. at Matties Landing, Ala., and killed rOU. It keeps• the blood sixty iit'tim of land and a large build- toria Leiter, eldest daughter of the three persons. the hltxA rlt vitalir^ £Z\ & Woodstock, Ct : enriched, an s tm^^Vf the THBOUGH undervaluation of imported ing to the women's relief corps of the Chicago millionaire, Mr. L. Z. Letter, thttsjunction*. aod all A « bodily K. B. Eemember that were murried in Wasbinton. soldiers' home. , goods at the pc <• of New York it was FORRST fires w^re raging in the mounPSCF. EDWARD A. SPOTH died at •aid the government would lose over tains in the southern interior of West Roundout, X. Y., La Ms 75th year. He $100,000. Fiai! in the bcildinjj in Philadelphia Virginia, fully 2,000 a^res of timber was well known in the musical world as the composer of religious, classic oernpied by the'New York Biscuit com- land having been burned over. GEOKGE H. KICKER, 25 years old, and concert music. pany caused » 1Q* S of &300,000. THE Kentucky republican state cenUALDWIX Btto& & Co., brokers at editor of the itristpl (Conn.) Herald, Boston, with branch offices in over committed suicide during a fit of dis- tral committee has postponed the state convention from May 29toJune 5. fifty Kew England cities and in Kew pondency by cutting his throat. THE Wisconsin supreme court says JUNE 11 has been selected as the time York,, suspended with liabilities of over that a decision of the law which pro- for holding the populist state conven9500,0001 PATRIOTS' day, the anniversary of vides that life imprisonment works ab- tion at Des Moines, la. Prominently in the pnblk eye to-day. MRS. MABY Baowx, aged 91 years, the battle of Lexing-ton, was generally solute divorce without further proceedings is valid. the la&t pensioner of the war of the observed throughout New England. FOR THIS WILLIAM OTSTCX (colored) was hanged revolution, died at Knoxville, Tenn. THOKXTOX PABKKA (colored) was THE R at Varner, Ark., for braining his wife ALBEKT YOUNG, aired 68, grand paW. H. T. D C M U L B T . hanged at Westehester, Vs., for as1 triarch of all the American gypsies, sault on Mrs. Melton, and Frank with a hoe. having slain Miss Lamont, is free* LIVE STOCKHHiBt-.-i ^. N 50 £ c 1ft THE body of Edwin Forrest is to be died at East St. Louis, I1L Fuller (also colored) was hanged at Sheep....•*iAy» r ," 3 37V*& 6 Hi M . MRS. MARY TRUELOCK died at tiie ly expressed by many, and this doubt, Kew Orleans, La., for murdering Hen- removed to a mausoleum at the Edwin Hogs. JUw>~-'"-**•" * ** it ft 5 0 Forrest Home near Philadelphia. county poor farm at Salina, Kan., aged fostered by the friends of the prisoner rietta Gardner. O U B M i f c W 2 15 £ 3 40 and those who mistrust circumstantial AT San Jose, CaL, Albert Anderson 109 years. FIVE BPXI>KKI> jrarmentworkers went *oe © -its There has COL. FHANKLLX FAIRBANKS, president evidence, is spreading. «B a strike at St. Louis against the broke into the room of Mrs. Alice T. been an undercurrent of opinion ? am*. Blair at midnight and stabbed her to of the ivairbanks Scale company, died sweating system. among these which was expressed TSJa* ^. K%QM at St. Johnsbury, Vt. JOKK B. THOMAS, late editor of the death and then killed himself. Track Wh!*e Western.... 57 ^ « in a statement to the newspapers BYE M A M Mount Vernoft (ImL) Republican and a JAMES R. HOLLAND, cashier of the REV. DR. W. MITTESDOKF, 64 years of the mother of the accused man and POEK-lleiw. New 1*60 g n u o eripple, left Evansville to go round the Merchants' and Farmers' national bank age and for twenty years editor of Ger- by LABD^WteBtera.............. 7 is u 7 38 which has also been boldly stated in 12 A SO world in a wheel chair in two years. of Charlotte, N. C, was discovered man literature in the United Brethren anonymous letters to the coroner. BCTTEfi—West's Cre»m*rj. Western Dairy.... » tt « without a cent of money except what short in his accounts to the amount of publishing house, died in Dayton, O. CHICAGO he earns on his way.' 875,000. CATTLEr-Shlppioe St*ers... SilO ^ * APPROPRIATIONS FOREIGN. Stoekers utd Feeder*.... I 90 te i BLAKJC, Patrick Harvey and A TOLTTME issued at Washington Butelwm' S t e e w , . . . . . . . . . !K) A RUSSXAX general named Gregorieft A T o t a l Of • • • T . O O & T s * * Bardpke were killed and John shows that the total appropriations bv Cows , „ 1» Texas St*er» >#> ConlyandJ. JL- Hand were fatally in- the Fifty-third congress were «4J»7,008,- was sect to penal servitude in Siberia „ . 416 April 24.—The volume HOGS..... fmtrA by the collapse of houstinjr ma- a20, and that 1,773 new offices were for eight years for selling military SHEEP ......—~. S » © < 79 secrets to the Austrian government. BUTTER—Creamery....:.... 6 & 19 showing' the exact appropriations and chinery in the Chicago Ship Building D i 7ft MI T&K grand jury in London found a the new offices created has been precompany's y»r<?-> at South Chicago. the absence of Joe Robinson Stock............ $ & ? true bill Against Oscar Wilde, who is pared for the last session of the FiftyG h IlHit THE Faunas county bank at Beaver and his wife their house at Quincy, BROOM CORN (per t o n ) . . . . COOQfel?©CO third congress by Clerks Cleaves and POTATOES tfty, Neb., close*! tts df*>rs with liabil- Fls., was burned and three children charged with serious misdemeanors. (J«r bo> 58 ® & « 10 © It I7« ities of $77,000. were cremated. THE Nicaroguan government was ad~ Courts, of the senate and house appro- PORK—Me>»* «**%& 6 » Has. DELIA T. S. PAKXETX, 80 years IN the Xew York assembly the bill to vised of the arrival of the three British priations committees. The grand to- LARD—Steam FLOCR—Sprluff Patents..... S«0 &. 3 B0 Of age, mother of the late Charles Stu make Lincoln's birthday, February 13, warships at Corinto to enforce the tal of appropriations was $197,008,530. Spring Straights... X 10 ^ t » Winter Patents.... £80 fe t& The number of new offices specifically art FarnelL wss murderously assaulted a legal holiday was passed without a British ultimatum. WJater Straight* ^'» ©. sj So created is 1,773, at an annual cost of by highwaymen near Burden tenra, dissenting vote. THE execution of the famous bandit* GRAIN—WUe*t. No- t 6 e \ & W% t i l Wi- 1-25 * | l l - tJ7m Cora, No. * . , . C 4 a 4i% K.J. THK Dime savings bank at Willi- Feliciano Mariavos and Maurielo $1,313,334, and the number omitted is IF VCNI CUUTT OeT THEM nWM TOtM Oats.No. * JttoOK £TKKSTT, of the superior mantic, Conn., closed its door* vnth Rivera took place at Guadalajara, Mex- 400, at an annual cost of 8497,948, mak- , Uye...... DCALSR WBfTf T O &i<& OS ing a net increase of 1,334 in number ii Bsrlej court at Lafayette, Ind., in the case of $626,591 on deposit and ft surplus of ico. Included in GBATN—Wheat.MILWAUKEE. Helen M. Gougar, decided that women about $23,000, Ls a riot among soldiers In the north- and $815,376 in* amount. No '£Spring « Corn, No. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not entitled to the right of suf- THE national session of the com-ern portion of the island of Formosa this increase are the 1,090 addi* O»ts. No. 3 W h i t e . . . . . . . . . . In Indiana. mandery general of the iSons of Amer- twenty-eight persons, including two tional seamen authorized to be enlisted Bjre.Nal » n in the navy and 315 additional deputy officers, were killed and fifty were Barley, Na 2 fa %» b*u That National Union of Heavy Hard- ica convened at SlienAttdoah, Pa. POBK—Mm IS S O W t t l S collectors and revenue agents in the ware Dealers began its annual meetMRS- WILLIAM BARTLET, of Harts- wounded. LAKD—Steam...... « S?H® 6 93H faffin LoalsvUle, Ky. A DISPATCH from Odessa says thai internal revenue service to carry into Zt horn, O. T., took a dose of arsenic and of the Age. KANSAS CTTT. CATTLE—Texas tteen 13 00 @. 4 So TUB percentages of the baseball clubs forced her 7-year-old daughter to swal- many people were drowned and im- effect the income tax law. Stockere and Feeders.... 3 00 <A 4 «» b tfee Jiatiooal league for the week low a like quantity of the drug. Both mense damage to property done in (he The number cf salaries specifically HOGS 4 U & 4 80 SHKKP SXEP $ 4 4* governments of Keff and Tchernigoff increased is 119, at an annual cost of oo the 20th were: Boston, 1.000; are deadOMAHA. by high water in the Dnieper. 1.000; Pittsburgh, .OT7; Tax Minnesota legislature adjourned $19,506. cad the number of salsrifis spe- CATTLK—Steet*..... H S ft 5 7» Qtieago, .9S7; New Tork S<JO; Brook- sine die. TDR United States customs officials eiflcaUy reduced is w , at an annual Stoelnr* Mid Feeders..... ( 9 » 4 00 O & U 4 « «* 4«S .W0; Baltimore, .500; Philadelphia, THK total receipts from internal rev- at Montreal unearthed a gang* of cost of aiA,&?8, making-a net increase jy 4 6. Bt. LuoJs, .SSS; Louisville, .333; enue lor the nine months of the present smugglers who shipped Chinese across of SO in number and of tSi,177 in Hat dtocovfjed m opt of our < IS Waaaingtoo, .000: Cleveland, .000. fiscal year ended March 31 were flOO,- the border to Vancebord, Me., in per* amount, making a net total increase on pasture weeds a remedy that cures tvciM A TSAtx on the Philadelphia & &e«d- WKMrtS, the net increase being $1.M0,- forated coffins. account of saistiesog ogees, new aud kind of Humor, front the wont Scrofula downtoa common Pimple. railroad struck a wagon eoo tain- 163 wrer the preceding nine months. Tare Russian government sent a note old, of •l,«4*,Sfti> He Das tried it in over eleven htmdfaf Mr, and Mrs. Henry Frank, aged THE United States supreme court set to Japan intimating there were variooa cases, and never failed except in two case* i and 6» respectively, near Richlnnd, May 6 for hearing arguments on the conditions to the treaty of peace be* ENPCO IN DEATH. (both thunder humor.) He has now in hit ., and both were instantly killed. tween Japan ind China that Russia petition for a rehearing of the income possession over two hundred certificates feilAM M M C M M I M could not allow to be put into execuTaw Chicago T:tnen-Uerald and the tax question. of Its value, ail within twenty mile* «C • • «M* nt TACOOIM, WiMdi. Chicago Evening Pout were purchased In the Delaware conference of the A. tion. Boston. Send postal card for book. TACOMA, Wash., April S&—The exby Mf. H. VL Kohlasst. TUB Russian government has ex-perts twtinini cf M. E. church at Phibxdeiphia ttishop A benefit is always experienced from tha> who are examining the books of W THK forty-w?coo<i regular scwdon of Ruley decided that smoking is a «»in pelled Mine. Modjeska, the well-known Paul Schulse, late general land agent first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted $ d£S^s.u5 the Wisconsin legL&laturc adjourned to i s s <w won when the right quantity is taken. THK Missouri legislature convened actress, from Warsaw, owing to a vio- of the Northern Pacific railway, lent speech she made against Russia in have found that his defalcation When the lungs are affected it easts* in extra session at Jefferson City. nsutt to TUB first national bank of Ocala, shooting pains, Uke needles passing FIRE in the manufacturing and Chicago. amounts to over $500,000, instead through them; the same with the Uver or Fla., cloned it d<k>m. Six men were killed and several wholesale house of Lanpher, Finch & of a few thousand, as was at first sup* Bowels. This is caused by the ducts bt* LAKKSIUC, a summer resort on Pe- Skinner in HX. Paul resulted in a loss wounded at the village of Huatla, The shortage, it Is said, m«y Ing stopped, and always disappearstoft waokec lake, about twenty miles east of 8125,000. Mexico, by the collapse of an amphi- posed. the TaeatraUSbls ears, A even reach the enormous sum of 8700,of Milwaukee, was destroyed by fire. nifofwberc alt el«e B*II fattatf. week after taking It Read the label. IT was reported that seven Polandent theater. 000. The embezzler, who was one of If the stomach is foul or bilious It wi§ !f« attack o* Kercsrial DciOK* a storm at Fort Worth, Tex., who were clearing land at Wild Rose, vtiJsaV PKZ£I:?KNT COBDEIBO, of Ecuador, sad leas being nrollea cause squeamish feelings at first. the best known railroad men in the • portion of the roof of the tabernacle '\S'"i&., were cremated, by the burning ofhas resigned, the vice president taking country and an influential resident of to twta* tbeir Datorsl atw, No change of diet ever necessary. Eat •xcnwUttojfwtiaa, Iapc*tnti»dx«d«ofdoUon gave way and fell on part of an audi- their shanty. his place. without reUttf, but att«r taking s few bottle* of the best you can get, and enough of tL Tacoma, committed suicide a few days ance of 10,000 listening to Evangelist I improved rapidly sad a s Dose, one tablespoonful In water at bed* FIRE destroyed the entire business ago. LATER. now a wellroaa_complete* Dwight Moody, liftj' persona being in* portion of Chester, Neb. If cared. X can beuHlj time. Sold by aii Druceists. THK Japanese government, replying Disappointment in love is supposed Jared. ntXMiumad t% to any o n * Louis BUDEXWITCH and Senor An* MATTHEW CALLOWAV, a negro who tonio Ren, citizens of Argentina who to the note of the Russian government, to have had quite as much to do with I wtm qfHcted wttk «*murdered Jim Walters (colored) at are making an overland trip for thei? intimating that a change is necessary Schulze's suicide as fear of disgrace. Brooklyn Elected B.K. £anta Fe in July last, was executed at government from Buenos Ayres to Chi- in various conditions in the treaty of On h is person was found a fare-well torrtt \aH awnmm. Dmiof peace, says no change can be made. SWIFT STBCiriC CO. AtUata.< to Marie Wainwright, the disColombia, Tenn. # Otvumfktf October Ieotdd cago, arrived at Little Rock, Ark., hav- FORK5T fires were raging in the vicin- letter tinguished actress. JtxfX'S and Ernst Haefeliu and John ing walked the entire distance, 10,145 The Qr«at It will be recalled that when, two Miller were drowned in the Delaware miles. They left Buenos Ayres August ity of Phillips, Wis., doing immense damage. KIDNEY, years ago, she announced her intention liter at Philadelphia by the upsetting 7,1893. A XEGBO who assaulted Mrs. Thomas of retiring from the stag«, Miss Wainof a boat. LIVER A THE carpet aud plush mills of James A. SHIRLEY and James S. Azn- Dobson at Falls of SchuylkilL Pa,, were Gray was hunted down by a posse wrigbt was reported to be engaged to BLADDER JT.J. EnffUsh capitalist*, were closed indefinitely, throwing- 2,000 em- near Paeons, Tenn., and riddled with marry a prominent man in the west, CORE. bullets. rhe disastrous termination of her di1 south of Sao Antonio, Tex. ployes out of work. MBS. CHHISTISA Bordner. a^ed 105vorce proceedings put an end to this HmtT WILLIAMS, of Uillkboro, Tex., THE New York assembly adopted a killed his wife because she refused to resolution favoring the annexation of years and 6 months, died at Lewis- plan and she continued in her theatricBtaiaruunton. N.Y. ton, I1L al career. get up and make breakfast and then Canada to the United States. TKE safe of Noah Hertzler at Port poisoned himself. A POBE8T fire covering 6 square LYNCHED IN ALA8AMA. Axx persons using profane or vulgar miles and consuming valuable pine BtoyaL, Pa., was blown open and robbed language on the streets of .MeKeesport, timber was raging near Lakewood, N. J. of stocks, bonds and cash amountingwtta Xturter Pa., will be arrested by order of the INCOME tax returns in Alabama num- to about S35.000. tb« Bop«. THE failure of Louis Schintz, real atiayor. bered 370, and it was believed the tax Ala., April 23. InforEDDIK BALD, of Buffalo, rode a mile in the state would amount to butestate dealer at Appleton, Wis., made roation has been received {torn Bntler many old and helpless persons paupers. on a bicycle in San Jose, Cal., in 2:04, Spring* of the brutal murder of Watts reducing the world'* record a«f ull secTHE village of Perley, Wis., was A SCORE or more women and girl em- Murphy. He was a nephew of exployes were killed or fatally hurt and GOT. Watts, of Alabama, He was ond. nearly wiped out by fire. .«T>00.000 in property was lost in afirein murdered last Wednesday by five MAX ELSER, late city treasurer of A siTATEMEvr s-hows that the total Fort Worth, Tex., was charged with western packing for the winter season, W. C. McDonald's tobacco factory at negroes, who placed his body in embezzling $U4,7M. cr-.liing' March 1, was 7,191,000 hogs, an Montreal. brush and set fire to the entire heap, ZKB CALLSv, John Eattler, Mo*-;* ' acrease of 2,307,000 over the preceding OEOBGE CSKSCHWTLM, aged 32. wasthe body being' consumed. The younghanged at Columbus, O., for murdering man having* been missed from home, De&ne »ud Martha and Klioe O.eene year. (all colored) were lynched by a mob THE Methodist Episcopal bishops of hLs wif* on March 8, 1304. search was beg-an tofindout his wheieAT Charlotte, X. C, the immense abouts, when one of the murderers near Greenville, Ala., for the murder the entire world met in convention at brick warehou!»e of Sanders A Black- confessed, Of Watts Murphy. four other Carlisle, Pa. wood was burned, the loss being S100,- negToes, all ofimplicating* Tn* First national bank of Williwhom were arrested and Alloorsfioes are equally satisfactory. GEN. BALT.IXOTOX BOOTH, of the Sal000. inantic. Conn., closed its doors. heavily jru&rded. vation Armj*, has renounced Queen Ta*y gtv« the best val«« tor the s w e r . FIRE destroyed the business portion A-rrKB Berving- continuously in the Victoria and will become an American Thry equal cuttom shoes ta ftyle awl fit. MONTGOMERY, Ala., April 23.—A disof Minnewaukati, N. D.. the residence Their wearing- qualities art unsurpassed. Service of the United States for a period citizen. be had patch from Greenville has authentic in- The prices are vnlfortn,—stamped on sola. portion havinga narrow escape. of forty-three years, Maj. Gen. AlexCORA MCCAMLEY SMITH, who pleaded From $i to $3 taved over etber make*. RO formation of the lynching of the Hve 7 ROBKKT KOKD (colored), who shot and ander McDowell McCook retires from guilty to poisoning her stepfather, If your oeakr cannot supply yru we can. IMI TSttK negroe* arrested there. Three of them the army, the age of G4 years having Michael Smith, a year ago, was sen- killed Jerry Brown (colored), was were woaieo. been reached. tenced at Des Moines, la., to life im- hanged in the jailyard at Nashville, Tenn. TOM, visible supply of grain in the prisonment. BonN Is ttm South. United States on the 32d was: Wheat, THE First national bank of Plain- THE attorney general, in answer to ATLANTA, Gs,, April 24.—A deal has 68,G36,000 bufchelfc; corn, II,529,000 bush- field, N. J., was robbed of $22,765 by the secretary of the navy, has decided been closed for the purchase of 100,000 that nominations to the naval academv acres of land for settlement of memels; oats, 6,242,000 bushels; rye, 167,000 burglars. • Perhaps you may think that Scott's Emulsion is bushels; barley, Gl 1,000 bushels. JF Justice Jackson of the supreme made by the members of the last con- bers of Indiana soldiers1 colony that - only useful to fatten babies, to round up the angles and Tan Tennessee legislature adopted a court is in Washington May 6 the court gress after noon of March 4 last a*e of Gov. Korthen recently located in this resolution declaring in favor of the free will vacate the income tax decision no effectstate. The colony is the largest ever make comely and attractive, lean and angular women, coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1. handed down April S and open the ABOUT 3,000,000 feet of pine 1 ana ber in organised in this country, jonsisting- of and fill out the hollow cheeks and stop the wasting of the yard of F. 1J. Newton & Co. *t upward* of 40,000 persons. TH« '•Virginia Fat Midget," a mu- c *# for reargument. Cleveland was «le>;troj"ed by tire. the consumptive, and enrich and vitalize the blood of seum character, died at r*eru, Ind. Her Will Bloekxde Xifaraft-cia's Port*. BILL COOK, the notorious outlaw, and name was Mrs. William Taylor and she PERSONAL AND POLITICALLosr>ox, April 35.—At the foreign the scrofulous and anaemic persona. It will do all this was 3 feet tall and weighed over 400 JOHN K. STEARXS, who, next to Neal twelve companions were lodged iu the ofBce it is officially stated that the —but it will do more. It will cure a pounds. Dow, wan the most prominentfigurein Albany (X. Y.) penitentiary. three British warships in the harbor of ROBERT OWES shot and killed his wife ALMOST the entire business portion the temperance movement in the Corinto, JS'icaraRTi;*. are there for the and Dr. J. F. Simmons at Houston, tA Duquesne borough, opposite Mc- United States, died in New York, aged Tex., and th^n blew out his owopurpose of enforcing compliance with Keesport, Pa., was destroyed by fire. 66 years. the demands of Great Itritaia set forth when the ordinary cough syrups and specifics entirely IT was announced that a strong and JASIKSF. WILSON, ex-United States brains. in the Hritish ultimatmn. REPORTS indicated a widespread disvigorous fight against the free and un- senator, died at his home in Fair-Held, fail The cough that lingers after the Grip and Pneuposition on the part of farmers to move limited coinage of silver independent la., aged 65 years. Mr. Wilson was a French Victory In of international agreement is to be member of the Thirty-seventh, Thirty- to the south. PABI*. April ?~>.—Dispatches from monia will be softened and cured by the balsamic healTHB towns of Lytje, Ben ton City and atade by the administration at Wash- eigrhth, Thirty-ninth and Fortieth conMadajraAcar Miy that on April Z the ing and strengthening influences of this beneficent ington. gresses and was senator from Decem Castroville, Tex, were devastated by a Hova camp at Mi&dana wan captured food-mediciue, namely, Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver hailstorm, houses being riddled like a by the French. The native loss was SAM ?»OLA*, a ^-year-old boy at Fort ber 4. 1S83, to March 3, 1896. sieve, and the cotton and corn crops i00 killed and many more wounded. Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. Worth, Tex.f committed suicide by GEN. B. M. STKVENWN, ex-adjutant Viewing cat his brains with a shotgun general of Colorado and publisher of completely ruined. The loss was es- No Frenchmen were killed and only He/use substitutes. They art never as good. his mother teased him. tarec WAI'S wounded. the Pueblo Chieftain, died in Chicago* timated at &0Q.000. Scott a Bowae, New Yor£* A!! Drcsgma. 50c and #f9 npi THE JOURNAL" SPRING CLEANING The News CondeDsecL Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier LOCK! "•BESTSCHOOLSHOE^ '•to tsrn tUMILTOI-BRflWI SHE fit. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. wbui tanr, d mom, EBCUIML POISON RHEUMATISM CATARRH W.L. DOUGLAS Tk W«*»fil FwjtMf A^w Kt t W.L.Douglas$3&$4$lioe$ CHEAP A GREAT COUGH REMEDY. Hard, Stubborn Cough » averred tbat a l e * * term <rf yearsfee• military prison was the punishment he richly deserved. His words bore little weight, however, for the young lieutenant \itu\ become nvtst thoroughly disliked by every officer in the garrip •on. While there was no outward demonstration to establish the fact, there was not one of them but secretly rejoiced that he had been so promptly chastised for his unofficerl&e conduct. And what of Alice? That young lady acted in a most remarkable manner when the details of the affair reached her. ears through Mrs. Colby. She did not turn pale and weep and wring her hands in inconsolable anguish ia the conventional way. Not she. A p e a t smile of satisfaction spread over her pretty face, a glad look increased the usual brightness of her. eyes, and she poured out the pent-up fervor of her soul in giving emphasis to the one word: "Goodr She thought not then of rank or station nor of any punishment that her friend might be called upon to endure, but only saw a righteous blow struck at insolence and insult by the strong arm of manhood. It was not at all unusual for the commanding officer's daughter to send some of the surplus from her own* table to soldiers who might be confined in the guardhouse, and when the orderly from headquarters brought a platter of eatables to the sergeant of the guard and said it was for Private Brown of B troop, it was passed in to the prisoner without a questioning word. With the fOorrxiaa*. MM. mr van belief that some "sympathizing comSunshine, «U frothy bosh.* rade had sent the viands from the troop mestffoom be set it aside until he should C93APTXB V.—Covrcaxnax CHAPTER VIL feel hungry, and when he at last unLieut. Vandever was industrious in "Well, my child, yon must not for- acquiring a knowledge of horseman* A number of the stable attendants covered the contents of the dtah and get that yea have but his own unsup- ship, for a call to field duty might be who had witnessed the altercation ran noted that it contained pieces of pie ported evidence «a to the truth of his made at any moment in the then un- to the spot and assisted the officer to and cake and other dtdkmcie* not to be story. Were yon my daughter I would settled state of the Indians. In his dai- rise. His nose was bleeding profusely eertainly advise you. to not place too ly rides about the post and down from the blow, and in obedknet to his implicit confidence in the truth of what tiie river he frequently met Hiss command a guard was summoned and Ja* told yen. He may be, as your fa- Sanford and sometimes rode be- Brown was marched away to the guard ther hinted, a fugitive from Justice. side her. Her treatment of him was house The criminal element, you know, dear, always polite, yet she maintained toSeatedona bunk in a gloomy cell his Is not drawn entirely from the lower ward him B» air of modest reserve anger cooled and he awoke to a realatimtasof society. It is not wrong, I which warned him that any resump- izing sense of what he had done. In Shink, far you to manifest an interest tion of foppish gallantry would meet civil life he would have been applauded In U s artistic work, loving art as you with her disapproval. On several oc- far so promptly resenting an intendo, but you must not forget, my ehOd, casions he had passed by when herself tional insult, but in the army it was that yon do not know him, and that he and Private Brown were sitting to- different Violence offered by a pri9s but a soldier in the ranks sad far gether, bending over a sketch or quiet- vate soldier to an officer is a meet teneath you iz> social standing. Ton ly convening, and it shocked him to serious offense, and one whieh under Lad best tell your father all you know see the daughter of the commander on army rules demands severe punish* «f your new acquaintance, and I can terms of such tnming familiarity with ment While it is true that the officer's yon that moaid Brown's story a mim in. the ranks. In **** estimation, conduct toward him was highly repreto be true no one would move hensible and such as would lay hint ! promptly than CoL Sanford in en- the private soldiers were mere soulless liable to official investigation, that deavoring to sever the bond of enlist- machines, which moved only at the of- fact dM not in the kast mitigate his ment that he might be restored to hit ficial beck and cell, but puppets in ex- offense. Had he quietly submitted to alted hands, and a lump of indignant proper sphere of life," resentment stuck in his throat at the Vandever's abuse he would have been "But you forget, Mrs. Colby, that he thought that the maiden could grant to justified in seeking redress in the amtd he would not under any of-nsadera- a vulgar private the •sociability she de- proper official " quarter and Justice would have been done him, but he had nied him. ened on* single day." allowed his anger to override his better found In the eulm**y department of On one of his dsfly rides he overtook "Is tould be done wJthewt consulting her In the river bottom just as she had judgment, and now he was in for it the soldier quarters, a glad smile spread his wishes in the matter. If it should reined in her pony to make the ascent and must suffer the consequences. orer kk «rsUrhOe troubled face, far he tie brought to the notice of your rather of the steep hill leading to the fort. What would Alice think cf him? knew it must have eome from Alice, tfeat the young man Is not only Inflict' He politely saluted her by raising his Would she pass hasty judgment on his fiaiaing a slice of cake from the bottom Ing upon himself really unmerited pun* cap, and the acknowledged the salute* act before seeking the details? Would of the dish he discovered that it had Ishment for a mistake of hb youth, but tion with a bow and pleasant smfle. she not now regard him as a quarrel- been concealing a folded piece of paIs by his action depriving the business "It has been a beautiful afternoon some bully, and deem him unworthy per, and eagerly seizing H he ran to world of a talent which would eontrib* for riding, MUs Sanford," be said. of her friendship? The thought the dim light of the grated window ute to Its progress, he would scoff at "It has indeed, Mr. Vaudever. I troubled him, and as he paced beck and read these words: the man's exaggerated ideas of penance think the New Mexico climate cannot and forth in the forbidding gloom of ~Y<ra would astv twaa ten a ifisa la my «jrw aad lose no time in restoring him to his tie surpassed in loveliness in the whole the cell he was very miserable. His sad yon acted otherwise. I sdmJn rou for iwproper station. May I be frank with world." gratitude toward the girl for taking so aeaUnf as Insult fVMB «tt lacking la maaaooA. you, my child, and tell you that in my ••A. S." 'The climate is all right, but the kindly an interest In him hod ripened opinion Mr. Brown, or Mr. Thornton, society is open to severe criticism," he into a love which ceemed to consume HU heart throbbed with delight, and Is a very, very foolish young man. But, replied. "The native people are but him. Although no word indicative of he pressed tjKe precious missive to his my dear girL, you don't know how your half civilized and the Americans are his new feeling toward her had ever lips again and again. Alice approved Story has interest**! me. I wonder if it rough boors, and it doe* strike me as been breathed in her presence, he felt his action, and he did not now fear any can be true? And to think he is in being somewhat severe that the ladies that she must instinctively know that punishment that might be for his ofCapt, Colby's troop, too. May I tell the and gentlemen of the array are com- he loved her, and her eyes had on more fenae. His one overshadowing fear captain?" pelled to exist amid such uncongenial than one occasion told him that her had vanished through the Iron grates "Do you think it would oeright,Mrs. surroundings" friendship toward him was gaining an ef his prison window as he read the Colby? Mr. Thornton did not enjoin "O, you are too hard on the people of intensity which might some day devel- blessed words traced by her beloved secrecy—in fact, he said he had noth- the territory," she replied. "I have a op into a far more tender passion. In hand, and the sentinel at the door was ing to conceal from the world, yet were number of valued friends among the his dreamy moments he had even dared astonished to hear him whistling a his story known it might enforce upon good people of San Marcial, the town to picture a future wherein their mu- merry air. [to x aim a notoriety which would be dis- just above the fort, both native and tual love would light the path down tasteful to him." which they wandered hand in hand, American, and I have always found •That is true, my dear, but really I them to be congenial, whole-souled, and now by one rash act he may have THAT WICKED PARROT. feel that his captain should know it. courteous neighbors. You will modify blighted the bud of affection which That the Tflilh—«•<! The commanding officer of a company your views of them when you come to was swelling toward bunting in her It Saw/ at Once w » an Onion Tblef. can do many things to lighten the du- know them. Even were we cast away young heart—have blighted it so com"Baldhe&ded people are continually ties of one of his men, you know. I a thousand miles from civilization, I pletely that even the sun of future vinbeing made the butt of other people's dication might fail to warm it into life think I will tell him under a pledge of am sure we could be a happy comjokes,** remarked a Chicago man resecrecy. Even Brown must not know munity. We are a little world in our- again. cently, as he mopped the perspiration that his captain has heard of him.** selves, Mr. Vandever." In the midst of his gloomy reflections from his pate, which was as devoid of "Very well. You can tell Capt Cos"A rather insignificant world, "he re- the heavy cell door swung open, and hair as a billiard baU. "It is not often, by and I will tell papa all I know of plied. "You east minuet enumerate its Capt Colby entered. though, that you hear of a parrot takMr. Brown." population on your fingers. A dozen "Brown," he said, "what was the ing adv&ntage of our misfortune and "What a delicious secret we fourwill or so cheers, and half as many ladies. trouble between yourself and Lieut setting us up an object of ridicule. hav4 to. ditenss between ounelres, "And several hundred she Vandever?" Such a thing happened to me a few and how doubly delicious if it prove added. '•Captain, I have been guilty of a weeks ago, and I will tell you how it true that Private Brown is really Mr. "O, the soldiers cut no in our most serious offense, and in the light of was. An old college chum of mine reEdward Thornton aad a gentleman world, save as slaves to do Mddiog. calm reflection I do most deeply regret ceived a parrot as one of his wedding In every way our equal in life. But a The riff-ratf «A the land not be it. I was grossly insulted, sir, and in presents, and both he and his wife are word of motherly caotbnv, caDd. You my rage I lost sight of the officer and greatly attached to the bird. Hs is In must not permit your girlish enthusisaw only the man who was heaping in- the habit of getting out of his cage and asm to arouse in your young heart a dignities upon me. My position as a roaming over the house at his own feeling of aught but simple friendship soldier was forgotten, and I resented sweet wilL One day the cook caught aad sympathy for Private Brown." the insult as I would have done in civil Polly in the act of pulling some A slight bluish mantled the cheeks of life—as any gentleman would have pickled onions from a jar that stood on the young girl at these parting words. done, sir." the kitchen table; she was so angry After sha had gome Mrs, Colby sank "Will you tell me without any reser- that sha threw a dipper of hot water she into a chair and carefully weighed vation or palliating coloring jest what had in her hand at him, some of which every feature of the strange story, and occurred between you?" landed on top of his head, aad the re•was yet deeply engrossed in thought Brown related all the details in a salt was that a tuft of feathers came when the captain entered. truthful manner. While he felt that off and he was a baldheadcd parrot 'HJeorjre," she said to him, "do you in the eyes of anyone possessing a forevennore. Months after this occurknow anything of Private Brown of sense of justice his blow wocld went rence I called at the home of my friend your troop?" justifiable, he admitted that he had to spend the evening. The parrot's ••Bro-.vn? Yes. Ho has several been guilty of a serious infraction of cage hung up in the hall in such a positimes attracted my attention. lie is a army law, and averred that he would tion that he could command a view of splendid yoting soldier, 1 believe, alhumbly submit to any piiiishme nt a the front door. As I stepped inside the ways unusually neat in personal ap! court-martial might indict upon him. door and rensoved my hat, displaying pearance, and at times when he has "I am sorry this occurred, Brov/n, my extensive bald pate, Polly at once been on duty as orderly at my quarvery sorry. Your conduct ever since cried out in the plainest tones: ters I have noted his intelligent lanyou joined my troop has been mo&t ex" 'Ila, ha, so you have been at the guage and gentlemanly bearing. He emplary, <ia<l I hare hoped to scon be pickled onlon3, too, havt you?"—St. ZSTOURAXCS COULD STAXD mo distiDijtiishcd himself in a noticeable able to offer you promotion. I fear Louis Globe-Democrat. MODE. manner in several of our brushes with that this matter will go hard with you.. the Apaches last winter, and i have mentioned in the same breath with la- Col. San ford U a most severe disciColorado Cliff frhr. lusted for promotion when there is dles and geatlemen. I sometime* plinarian, and an assault by a private The most wonderful cliff dwellings • vacancy. Why do yon ask, my dear?" think it debases a gentleman to be soldier upon a comau-ssioncrl officer In the United States are those of the 1 will assume most grievous proportions Mancos, in a southern Colorado canyon. **I have a very remarkable story to obliged to com^uuid such fellows. ' Her face flushed with anger, and in his eyes. Ue will insist upon your Some of these caves are three to six tell yon.tieorge, if you will promise me that you will never divulge it with- •nmbif her clear blue eyes full upon trial by court-martial, and his views hundred feet from the bottom of the. on this question are so well kn>>wn to perpendicular sider of the canyon wall out my permiaav^o, not even to Brown his face she replied ia biting words: the officers of the post that those who and how theii-occupants gained ingress "Lieut. Vandever, clothes and rank himself." try you will, should you bo convicted, is a mystery. do not make the man. Indeed, In my "Well, it must be a start! injjly imfeel that severe punishment rnv^t folown experience, I have known the portant secret. Will such a pledge to low. I can only hope the palliating gaudy uniform of the officer to cover far A Great Effort. any manner conflict with my duty as circumstances may bear due weight less manly instincts and actions than I Mrs. Twickenham—I met your moth* an officer?" with both the commander and the erjust now, Willie. have noted beneath the plain garb of "Not in the least, my dear, or I would members of the court." the private soldier." Willie—Did she speak? not exact it ff you." 1 Thoy had reached the summit of the He passed out, leaving Brown again Mrs. Twickenham—Of covse. Why "Then I promise. I am all attention. ' tthculdn4t she? She told the story a* Alice had re- hill, an^ touching the rein she gal* alone with bis bitter thoughts. Lieut, Vandever lost no time In enWillie—She says that sovaetimes it*> lated it to her, and the captain's eyes loped unceremoniously away, leaving deavoring to poison the »lo«ls of his as much as she can do.—Brooklyn Life) him Mtittg his lips in confusion. opened vide with astonishment. "By Jove, wile, I am inclined to fee- Ho rode tn the stable and, dismount- brother oncers against hit assailant. T i t man who seeks happiness must Ueve the man has told the truth. I ing, threw ia rem to an attendant He pictured him a* a brew ny bally of have never aad oceadrai to give h t e and started to bis Quarters b: a far * pugnacious natsre, and loudly learn ^ take asort steps. j e t IK the t%Bt of tab tevefetiea 1 can t e w l l many of his actions whieh go to Tbat taj dread eta«on a httmaa sc«L 6 l j , *5 corroborate what yon have told me. t WteiMn must keep my eyes on him tn future." Or povs* dots fix tax stera cootaolf Alice went at once to her father and As fntali Is. the salvx set. related to him the story Brown had An fern* winxafht Into metal1* elaapt to told easnared ia tnm n*vtold her. The old man at first evinced So *i» *» bold within thyfiaapl eo&skierabie interest in the recital, but at its conclusion said: May we not do, snail we not dan. If thy command doth say us ssyf "iJJnonsense.Sunshine.allbosh. You Snail life sink aimless la despair, must not place any credence in the wild Waea tnoa dost moek the prayer* we pnf f cock and bull stories toe soldiers tell. Ait t*An relentless? Far beyond Look after the sick men in the hospital, Thy mftnaoe. rises dauntless will, child, aad let the well ones take care of Wfcteb dares to break thy mthlen DQBA, themselves." Aad nobler destiny fulfil! "Did I do wrong, papa-, in listening A craven he, who own* thy thrall. to him and showing my interest in his And yields nls life to thy dictate work?" Who hears and heeds diviner call, E« U the muMr of his fatet "My ..little Sunshine could not do wrong. If this man has interested you The sea that bars os from the shot* with his skill with the pencil X am Itself stall bear us acJtly there, glad of i t Your life ia cast amid very The winds, contentious, waft us o'«r Wild waters to a haven fair; sober surroundings, little one, and any* thing that affords yon pleasure and adverse And e'en from efaw helps you to while away the dull hours The earnest, fsit&fai soul may wrest True victory, and from her curse has my full approval. If a big, honestWin putkmco tost snailraalcahim blast! eyed Newfoundland dog should come —Zitella Cooka, la YoutVs Companion to you for recognition it would be no wrong for you to pat him on the shaggy head and call him pet names. U a private soldier interests you and possesses intelligence enough to treat you as becomes TOUT station in the world above him, amuse yourself with him all i SJ ^ W V yon desire. Even listen to their fairy stories if you wish. Soldiers love to I "* 7 ah* boast of what they might have been had they not been crowded into the army by some remarkable circumstances. Their romances are all bosh, ef mind. 4 » he hastily turned*corner of the stables he ran into Private Brown, who was hastening thither on some errand. The shock threw the lieutenant to the ground, and instantly recognizing in the soldier the man in whose company he had often seen Alice Sanford, his rage was great. Springing to his feet fee hoarsely shouted: "What do you mean, sir? How dare you run against me In that manner?" Brown respectfully saluted him and replied: "I beg your pardon, sir. You turned the corner to such haste that you ran into Mme before I could get out of your way. "You lie, sir, when you «*»y / ran into you. It was your damnable eare* l&ssness that caused the collision. I am not sure that you did not purpose* ly run against me." Brown's blood boiled at the epithet applied to him, and the expression ef anger on his face increased the omcer'B rage. "Lieutenant, your words are harsh ones even for a superior to use toward an inferior in rank. I am not a liar, sir, and my manhood revolts when such a term is applied to me when lam powerless to resent it." "Don't you dare talk back to me, you scoundreL! How dare you hint at resentment to y^or superior officer, you menial t*u r y n j Human eisKrance could stand no more. Brown's face paled with righteous rage, and, losing all control of his temper, he sent a well-directed blow into the lieutenant s face, knocking him fromh» feet MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE, Mich.. April MX-Tb* Jewell MH f the maximum rate or faro to be ehaaged t>? tae Mickifan Central Baiiway company to two ctaui per mite waa reported la too senate Friday without recommendation. Ta« bill maki&f U s mlademeatior to ftauduleatly aae union labels was paued by tae aeaT*A*«IJH). Idea., April M.—The waste os Tuesday passed s bill proridlaf for a state' iDAdieiti board, coafttola? of tour regular payalelaa*. two hacpeopalaic, two eclectic and eae payslo-medloal. to constitute a board pi registration for tke regulation of toe practice ofmedietse.. The Katon apportionment bill, the first of a aeries of measure* for dirldl&f tae state Into twelte coa«T«**icaal dUtricU, waa kilted ia tb« aectate. U i u a o , Mich., April A—The aenate Wednesday algfet by a anaaimoos TOte dis* po«ed of the IIQUOT tax question by pasting to* bill which r.isae.1 the house two w«eks ago, fixing the uaifona tax at W»- A determined effort was nude to make tae tax payable July 1 instead of May I, aad also to w cure coaee&aiotu which would permit saloons to be kept open on secular holidays, but they were unxueceasfuL LAK&raa. Mich., April 44—The senate on Thursday in committee of the whole agreed to the Bially health bill, repealing the present law and providing for the appointment of a new board of six members, of which the gov* ernor shall be a member ex officio. The committee also agreed to the Foote deer bill, making the open season from November 1 to 25 inclusive and limiting to lire the number of deer each hunter may Idli in one season. The senate agreed to a bill establishing the Mackizutc Island park commission aad making an appropriation of №,000 therefor; also to a blU for the erection or purchase of as executive mansion. The fSOO uniform liquor tax. which passed the senate Wednesday night, was signoC by the governor Thursday aad will become a law in May. Mich^ AprU m—The boose eomoa state affairs on Friday, made a favorable -report ea the Jamleson bill repeaufi? the law of 1847 which permits Roman Catholic Mshops to hoM real estate la trust Tae bill passed the Maaae tart week. I+AXsutG, Mien.. April 14-The boos* psaaed the senate municipal commission char* ter bill ior fourth-clara cities, under which about flfty-Shrec. -cities become incorporated by passive eooi.iat January t, 1&M, unless they previous!* decide to the contrary by vote. Tae Bedtern pore food bill was agreed to la committee of the whole after striking on* the moat imports** provision, which prohibited the coloring of oleomargarine ot buttertne. An amendment was adopwd earlyftathe tfwraMion to «h* effect practically that it cosld be colored with say substance not ia» jwrtoustoheatUL LAJWUKJ. auca.. April A—The boose oft Wednesday agreed to a joint rasoltrtfcn tubwittis* to tae people In November, tttt, the proposition requiring all elector* to be sola to write their names aad to read tltc coastttttOott ef the state la the Rsglfeh language. The •Ottmlttee os education reported favorably a hill for free text hooka U public seboeta LjkMtma, Mica., April a*-The fcmco oa Thsnday for «tw aeeowt t t m defeated the bill repealing the mortgage law cf MM oa On*l MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. .State Pabllc ttefcooL There are at present in the state public school at Coldwater m children, of whicn number SI are colored and 47 are gir's. Their ages range from 2% to 17 years. Daring the past three months 59 children have been placed in comfortable homes in different parts of the state. A notable feature just as present is a company of jubilee singers composed of sixteen of the colored lads, and -their singing ia pronounced wonderful There has been but-one death in about three years, which fact Is remarkable "when the number of children is considered. Cuitad State* J l s * B*raa*4. The Women's Belief Corps recently decided to rresent Amsriean flags to all public school rooms in Sagiaaw, and included the German Lutheran school of the Sacred Heart. Following the-presentation it- was arranged thc> school children should take a pledge to the flag, embracing the words: "One country, one language and one flag." B. EL Bichter, the superintendent of the German school, refused to accept the flag, owing* to the words "one language." Health ia Michigan, During the week ended April 14 reports sent in by fifty observers fax various portions of the state to the state board of health indicated that pleuritis increased and ^nfturamsH-fHi of the bowels decreased in area of prevalence. Consumption was reported at 148 places, typhoid fever at eleven, diphtheric at twenty-seven-^eariet fever at thirty-five, measles* at seven?* teen and smallpox at Detroit and Grand BapidsThe supreme court has denied a man* damns to compel State Treasurer WHkinson to return a 9400 franchise fee. paid last year under protest by the Moline Flow company of Koline t HL The court holds thai the franchise-fee act of 1891, as amended in 1908, Is not In contravention of the provision of the federal constitution conferring upon congress the power to regulate inter* state commerce. Fra>«r mm * Cwcw tor at. v n P. Tousaant, of Mesomiaec, an d d soldier who had had St. Vitus* dance for eight years, making him unable towalk or talk, and who waa pronounced , incurable, has been restored to< < plete health almost instantly, aadi wed aad tke MU tabled it ta not likely to pass, \ now talk and walk as well as befom Th« beoMslvo killed a MU for tt hk afekuess. He claims he aunt of a state normal scaooi a* M o w by the prayers of sisters of sat. . . ' Tl»e cure fa well vwsehed for. WORK OF TRAIN WRECKERS. Wlyar '-*' Vail wy JnMwwt CnasMSh NILE*, Mich., April Sa. — Two attempts were made Tuesday night near Benton Harbor to wreck the Big Four train known as the "Court House Flyer." The first attempt was made 5 miles south of Itontgm Harbor, where the train struek a dummy-car which had been placed on the track. The car was d«moli&hed and the front end of the engine damaged. Two miles further, while moving at a slow rate,, the train struck a pile of ties and was delayed two hoars. This hu<t accident occurred at what is known a» the Sod us curve, the most dangerous part of the road, and had the train been running at the regular speed, a frightful accident would have been toe result, with possibly a great loss of life. There is no clew to the perpetrators. CARLISLE'S PLANS. Tave Secretary Will Twav Fart In the Seatacky Ciu»p*l|m. WASHIXGTOX, April 26.—Various announcements have been made in Kentucky and elsewhere that Secretary Carlisle will participate in the Kentncky campaign. It is stated by Mr. Van Senden, the private secretary to Secretary Carlisle, that he will participate in the campaign, but not until after the state convention, which will be held the latter part of June, The secretary may, however, see fit to exercise his influence in a quiet way before the convention meets, and close friends are not at all convinced that the secretary may' not be induced to speak in the campaign before the meet* ing of the state convention. ELECTRIC RAILWAY PROJECT. Flan to Connect Chicago with lad but* and XichlfiM Folnts. LA POBTE, IndM April 23.—Chicago capitalists are interested ib a pigaatic project to connect Indiana and Michigan cities with Chicago by an electric railway. The road is projected to start from Elkhart and run to Valparaiso, where it will join the line to be built by Indiana capitalist* to bring Valparaiso, Hobart and Ham xnond into closer communication with Chicago, the terminal point. An electric line from South Bend vo ^iles is to be built this year, and another from South Bendto Mishawaka is now under construction. The power will be. obtained from the St. Joseph iiver. Madeline Pollard to (to Abroad. April 2ft.—Madeline Pollard, complainant ic the famous* breach of promise suit against ex -Congressman W. C P. lireckenridge, will sail for Europe Saturday on La Champagne, und for the nest four years will be the traveling companion of a wealthy and charitable woman who has taken an interest in her csaa. NEW YORK, GREAT MEN'S READING. COTTPEB read only his Bible and his pirryer Vtc'k. HALLAM said that Livy was the mod* el historian. Cnopix rarely read anything heavier than a French noveL AUBSR hated reading, and never r%ad save under compulsion. CJSIA* ROBOT A had a library of works relating mostly to art. TiTXAjr read his prayer book and the Metamorphoses of- Ovid, VOX.T*JKC*S favortt* classical author Juvcaa), Mrs. Eaniee WOUMne, sister of Haw than Douglas, whom George W. King and his aunt, Douglas'foensmer wife, ara accused of poisoning, began proceedings at Muskegou to regain p i r s iiom of the farm which Douglas had wttktd to his wife. The property was orifriaally willed to Mrs. William*, who was her brother's housekeeper previous t o his marriage. The official canvass of the vote at the recent special election in the Third congressional district to elect a successor to Congressman Burrows (rives Alfred Milnes, (rep.), a total of lti.167 vote&; Albert M. Todd, democrat, prohibition aad free silver, 14,851; Patrick H. Gilkcy, (dem,), 242. Milne's plurality was 1,316. Willie Bellamy, aged 10, son of George Bellamy, of Detroit, was reported to be missing from Toledo, O., where he was visiting. He was said to have been kidnaped. Will Macard wax sentenced at Grand Bapids to fifteen years for perjury. He gave false testimony iu the trial of his brother, Charles Macard, for murder in an effort to establish an alibi Bois Blanc Island has been made» township by itself instead of being attached to oae of the mainland townships. The supreme court granted a new trial to William C Liphardt, the exDetroit school inspector whose conviction for receiving & bribe and sentence to five years in state prison caused a sensation a few months ago. Rev. Isaac Butterfield, one of the oldest Baptist ministers in Michigan, died at the home of his son, Roger W. Butterfield, in Grand Bapids. More than 100 French Canadians, nearly all married men, have left Houghton for Verner, Can., where Father Paradis is founding a Catholic colony of French Canadians from the United States. The sawmill of N&deau Bros, at Nadeau was totally destroyed by fire Loss 320,000; partly insured. Charles Ulrieh, employed at the Hancock chemical works at Dollar Bay,was arrested charged with blowing np the works and causing- the death of Dorninick Christiana on March 15. At Hillsdale Mrs. Laura Barleson was given a judgment against the village of Reading for §1,(500 for injuries sustained by falling upon a defective walk. A thousand persons witnessed the launching of the monster steel freighter James J. Me Williams* of Buffalo, at Wlieeler's shipyard sn Bay City. The boat is ?.(*) feet long, all steel, and one of the finest at her class afloat The annual meeting of the Michigan Republican-Newspaper association ill be held at Hastings, May 16 and 17. GOT. Rich issued a proclamation n ing Friday, May 3, as Arbor day in Michigan. The Marquctte telephone exchange was VrnrneU out by a cross with a trolley wire. , Mrs. W. Brig?*, of Slielbyviile, was taken to the insane asylum. Tier mind was weakening, and recently she eluded her friends and walked $0 miles before being overtaken. Coldwater's Young Women'&Christiaa association baa 130 members. B, C Massman, of Milwaukee, Wia., has accepted the position of g e i w a i i«eret*ry of the Y. M. C A. atClum*t. iV# day on badness. ; Miss Lotta Moore, of Durand, was | the guest of Miss Mabel Snyder, Sunday, f Peter Persall and Dr. Shoemaker, have ea jb commenced the erection of a new dwelling house. Robert Garney, who has the contract for the stone work of the new Snyder & Jacobs block, commenced operations *.ionday, Eugene Huntington, of Corunna, will superintend the brick work. 36-inch all wool French Special Low prices on ail Byron. Sergea, tobacco brown, 2 our Boya' Snite (2 piece. Alfred Cocper and wife at Linden shades cardinal, 3 shades Abort panto, 4 to 15 yeara) over Sunday on account of the sick- bine, tans and black, 25c. Special price* on boy's Printed French FJan'J, 50c suits are for Saturday, ness of their neiee. Silk' * wool Eudora Cloth, May 4th only. Mr. Jane Martin is the guest of dost proof, black only, Hare you never heard of mad* by B. Priestley * E. B. Welch awl family this week. the Stein Bloch Co.'s good Co.—Our 81.74 quality at clothes? Why do yon pay Everything in the lioe of MEN'S aud Misa Myrtle Dean has returned to $L39; 91,50 at 81.19; SJ-25 your tailor 310 to 520 more at 98c. her home at Vassar. than we charge for garBOYS' SUITS. HATS, CAPS and GENT'S ments th&t are of the highRoger Havilaad spent Sunday at Cook! Not Sleep, Nervous est grade and guaranteed FURNISHING GOODS, at prices that are his home at this place. worth 31-75 at 81.39. in make, in finish and the Headaches. E, B. Welch at Coruaua on Mon- i One piecefiguredgrey silk other details by the makers the lowest. My line of TRUNKS, UMGentlemen:—I have been taking and onrselyes? If you don't ! and wool Marcellita Cloth your Restorative Nervine for the past know na you ought to; BRELLAS and VALISES is marked down worth SS.OO at 81.50. three months and I cannot say Your neighbor does and he •oougb. in its praise. It has Kev. Currey has resigned his po- One piece 23 inch bl'k Gros will tell you that our store to close out. Doii't forget to look at my is the favorite shopping sitioa as paator of the Baptist church <**&*Silk' !*** * 1S S> 8$>c Saved Hy Life, tte l place because we always i *^ P && -* inch bl'k GrOS tor I had almost given up hope of in thie nlft/u* line of suits a t $10. give the best values and rein tms place. Grain Silk, wth 81.50, $1.13 ever being well again. I was a turn yojr money if t h e ! Mrs. Stella Dibble of "Sheperd the j One piece $4 inch bl'k Gros ehronic sufferer from nervousness an J clothes ^ B u o t right. could not sleep. I was also troubled guest of her sister Mrs. J. D . Boyce. j ff»*in Silk wth^i.TS, 81.39 We havSfust received 50 with nervous headache, and had tried Mr. John Southard and family j F^an£5?, wth^Lso^Lis dozen Hen's white undoctors in vain, until I used your left for Harbor Springs, Tuesday ] One piece blk Aida, an elelaundered Shirts, made 2fferrine. MRS. M. WOOD, singwood, tu. morning where they expect to spend j g»nt Stik. wth *L75, »1.S4 from a splendid cotton, thesuinW i Jetted Collars and Garnifine linen fronts, and 2.00, 2.30, 3.00, 3.50, 3.75 wristbands, assorted bostne summer. { tares at Si.oo, 1.50, 1.75, oms (single lap, narrow and wide and 3.94. These goods are all new. Miss Carrie Fisher, of Chvosso, in inst received and are excellent value. double plait), French yoke, reinforced ryiBe t* sold on a potftiva town last Saturday. Venetian Point Collars at 75, 85 an 9Sc i front and back, patent continuous ^ 3 e a t h * t the first bottle will Iwoefit. Mr. Fred Close who has been con- We have just received a big- line of j facings, split neck band so that toe Lruglstssellitai,SU « bottles for tS,or If you want a flltemt prepaid, on receipt of prk» fined to the bouse for some time on Brussels Point, Applique, Guipure! collar button does not toavh the seek, ' Hedical Co,E&bsrtZad and Chantilly Guipure Laces in white, j made first class, a dollar shirt for 50c account of sickness is able to be ecra, cream and blaek. Also 25 pes j We also show a white unlaandereiS about again. Oriental Laces in white, ecru and j shirt-ifood . value a* the price—39c Povertie Partie at Mrs. Emma cream. 9 to 13 inches wide* worth Men's and boys' common str*w hats at Look this over. We ite OUT own work aod e*» lire Barnes' ResTerant, birob. may 3,} from 30 to 50c a yard, which we will! from 10 to ?5c. on the wages paid out by other dealers. Weemploy TAKING EFFECT Friday Xite. A prize will be given offer on Saturday afternooi\ May I Misses' and children's sailor bats a t no sgeat?, 15 per eent nared otir customer* by this 4th, from 3 to 5 o'clock, at 23c a jard from 13 to S5c. alone. Our designes are new. We have h*d thirty MAY 6. 1895. to the mau an woman haria the We offer all our ii and 50c Swivel Silks BCen's aud boys' white Can toe braids years1 expej^euce in the bRstaess aud know- h«w to worst lookin rig. The admisSioU is at 25c at 39c please our customers. We handle no inferior mar5 settee. The vittluls for etin will Barstaw spool cotton, as good as the Yeddo straws a t 50c. ble or graait. bat will seli you the best at r«aso«able sum price*. f ^ T . . » best, 3c per spool. (By sending 24 Canton and M&ckinac straw bats, plain be 3 sence; Eum and hav and fancy braidn. 50c Barstow labels to the manofaeturers phun. " of the Barstow thread you will r«s- Maekinac and Canton Htraw hata, plain *V Hawthorne^ aad fancy braids, 75c. ceive S solid sllTer tbJaable. 9m. COTWUBS Ave,. Fine Canton and Maekioac straw hats. Mr. Fred Brandt, has got a new Pear's toilet soap at 10c. plain and fancy braids* vemtilated Kirk's Florida water, 9-ot bottles 39c barn up, and Willis Baker is painttops and also open work top* at 91.00 Roberts' Baxor steel shears at just % ing it. "Thread Braid" Canton strww hats, regular prices. very fine braid, at SI.SO. Kayaer** patent "Finger Tipped silk Win. Saxton, of Clk>, visited relamhnukeeJet We bar* an immense stock of aea's, gloves) every pair warranted s o t to tives in this place last week. He boys', Ifisaes' and Children's new wear out at the finger ends, »» 50c fttrttae had not seen his two brothers, Fred Beady made g i s g t e n »proas at 19c caps »t frotoi 2Se to 9L40 esfib. and John Saxton, for nearly thirty We have 9 L*die« Jackete (emrrteA over One ea*e men's manual (ffiey) balbriggan UBtNtrwear at SSe. from last fexr) for faring wear; t h e j Vests; cost us from95 toflS. Prices t o c t o e SO down men's t*tt s a d black Mr. Joseph Monroe, of Owosso, 15e m pair or f ywb* for them cut iv,nge tnm 50c to 8J f0. called on his brother, Isaa*; on list Saturday evttAng, M*y 4, we wHl offer tS n* bUek aoek* at ft Tuesday. J. Lawcock and wife called at the county neat last Friday. Mr. Jobs Baxter caltod on his old iMperte lav Uaftsd State*. It H & Natiosal Atv«tttr-»ai*J«ifaaltl»m»l«MUaff neighbors last Tuesday, Beubeo Frasier has retained hoase from Oakley. Department ba» nonverMr in the country. Sep«««s»4epartiMBjta tortk* Mr. Ed. Davenport, of New Ha"Our ToancFolkc" Attd "Scienoe and MMatmW*." Its " B o n e ven, called on friends in this placelast Sunday. WE ABE NOW READY WITH OUR SPRING GOODS AXD CA3C It* general fMtUttosJ new*, edltortoi»an*<UwnisvliMM Miss Rosa Lawcock is learning the oomSHOW THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OFdressmaking trade near Darand. yreattniTv, brUltant and exbauctive. Will Harry and wife and Dick A special «*>ntr»ct enables us to offer this splendid paper and the JOVVSXAL far Baker aud wife called on Mr. Will f 312; 10 45 U iUUi l u n r i n n u i n w w iin HBUn 335 11 00 Moyses last Sunday. & Sons' Special Sale ONE WEEK ONLY Saturday, May i\h to Saturday, May lltb. NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES, NEW PRICES. AT Chronic Nervousness Dr. Miles' Nervine BO NOT BE BCGEIVCD. Cures. Monument, Marker or ablet, Great Value for little money. Weekly news ot the World for a trifle. Ie Solicit Y№ Pitronige-OSBOWi SOiS owosso. iejlew j York Tribune, GUBBIE & CLUTTEBBUCK. 400! 11 TRAINING A PARROT. APwt Alw*r« As a household pet the parrot vrith. Justice ranks a paramount favorite. Possessed of brilliant plumage, endowed with speech, he is gifted with Intel* ligence and understanding almost fanButtet Car, StoepUiff Car Service. man. The parrot, properly cared fm\. CM* •ays the New York Observer, lives from PuUnuut e a S ^ V y. »v I* * " X ! J f fifty to one hundred years, and tints, S S l r and buffet cuvGraod Haven to Detroit; with his increasing wisdom and reperJK». 18tawcawUre** attached. ISo. Si k*t steeper toOnukd Baplds toire of words, can be passed from Westward Ko. 11 has chajr « r , father to son as a valuable heirloom. That he dies young under the too JOTing care of his foolish masters, who in* siat upon overfeeding him, and exposB JTNO. W:L0UI>, Trav, P u s . Agt. ing him to draughts and sudden changes TraAc Manag«r. of atmosphere, is but another reminder J. M. J AMK9ON, Local Ajreat, Corunna that the care of pete demand* intelligence as well as affection. BMKsroft. The African gray parrot and the Bancroft masons returning from Mexican greeu are the two standard Owosso, were first ones to discover fayorites. They are excellent talkers the fire at Corunca on Saturday and whistlers, and learn to sing both morning. words and music of popular ballads. James Fellows returned from De- The proper time for the instruction of troit Saturday, where he has be*n parrots is the three hours immediately following sunrise and the three before taking a course iu vocal music. sunset. They must be taught with the F. M. VanTuyl has opened a gro- utmost patience by a constant repeticery store in his building recently j tion of the same phrase, and should be rewarded by a bit of apple or fruit from purchased from J. L. Babcock. the mouth. The best work is done Bancroft Lodge, F. & A. M. wasafter the bird's affection and confidence represented at the school of instruc- are gained. Occasionally a bird will tion at Owosso, Friday afternoon remain persistently dumb and stupid and evening by it» officers and 33 for eight or even ten months, and then, members—the largest delegation of to the surprise of its delighted teacher, any of the Shiawassee county lodges. break out into speech and song, chuckling- with vicious delight at the merry The K. of P. have accepted as ia- triik it has played. litatioa of Rev. A. Metcalf to attend Bleb, Bat Val£*r. a service at the Congregational What must be the training at home •harch, Sunday morning, April 12th. of a child who is so vulgar as to boast They will attend in a body. Monof her father's wealth? Yet the New day following is the 4th anniversary York Tribune publishes the following •f the institution of Bancroft Lodge. as a true story of a Newport happening last summer: Lothrop. "Xs your father a millionaire?"ftaida member of a child's dancing class to a Caleb Kribs aud wife, of VerDon, new pupiL wet* the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ca"I am sure I don't know," answered leb Lawson on Sunday. the newcomer, "but I do not believe i t " "Because," continued the first Mrs. Lucinda Shaw, nee Kribs, speaker, "if he is sot, you ought not to -visited friends in town Sunday. have joined the class; all of our lathers Mr. and Mrs. Park visited friends are millionaires!" in Flushing Sunday. Win. Petty made a business trip In Ledyfcrd, a small town in ConnecID Corunsa Monday. ticut, is a house built prior to 1T10 Miss .Clara Hawley, who has been which bears the title of ti* "DbviT* attending the state no>:nal stfnool, is house." A cars* is supposed to rest friends at New Lothropt his upon It, and *n proof it Is pointed out la the present eeotnry more than We undef»7t*%3 that she in- thai bnadred de&tics h*re ocean ed in to teach the Bliss school. tost of which, T7cx* tiatiat or BOPS W. L. Colby was «t Owowo lint7 4Oi 80 90B $25 If I 4 47 »37 6 90 70S LADIES'AND • I GENTS GOODS. n II II U 11 1UU> 1 -U-lUi- i II II II II 111! v " " ni "BTER OPENED UP IS THE CITY OB COnTTT. Cash in Advance. (The regular eubwription for the two papers i* $2.00.) in nn COXSIDEBINO Address *1) orders to The ^ THE CLOSE TIMES, WE AKE BOUND NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD B T WE CAN GIVE YOU STYLES OF SHOES TO B E ASXOSHL T O O f D ONLY IN LABGE CITIES, AND THE PBICES FAR BELOW Write your name ami address oo a postal card and send it to Geo. W« Best, Room 2, Tribune BuiMfug. New York City, and sample copy of tbe New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you. THOSE OF DEALERS WHOSE EXPENSES NECESSITATE LARGER atAEGINS. WE AIIE HAVING MAXUFACTUKED FOR OUK SELVES A NEWCALF SHOE IN ALL STYLES ANT> WIDTH, AND IS KNOWN A S THE- n n n n -1_XC 4UL Trinri n .JTI U T t IS. CURRIE I GLUTTERBUGK THREE DQLLflR SHOE. a U U U I II li ILII II It II H n i l li ii IIII.JtIIIIII \i i l i i J I a n a n n i; II ii II ii II » ! n i i i l i i THEY AKE THE BEST VALUE EVEB OFFERED IX THIS PABT OF THE STATE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THEM. THEY WILL SAVE YOU ONE DOLLAK AS THEY ABE GUA&JLNTEED TO HETUKX FOUR DOIXABS VALUE IS WEAK. — WE SOLICIT STORK, A CORDIAL WELCOME to all, to our opening of O>C> ALL TO VISIT OUR YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THE COMPLETNESS AND MAGNITUDE OF OUK STOCK AND TO PUBCHASE ;; n ii , m n u.n n I . mui Novelty and YOUR NEEDS IN FOOTWEAR. NQW ON. : * A VISIT WILL ALSO PLEASE YOU FOR I YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY SO DOING. REPAIRS PROMPTLY f i U C - H . O ItJI 111; KII fall U ILII h i t I:,i Also a fine line of AND NEATLY DONE. NEW! SPRING DRESS GOODS. CHINA, GLASSWARE RESPECTFULLY, OUBBIE & CLUTTEEBUCK AND BAZAAE GOODS. Come and see as. "WISKIE1R & CO. i