- Lincolnshire Co
- Lincolnshire Co
ADVERTISEMENTS BUTCHERY DEPARTMENT T ge of sure gest only the p urch asi n p a ll your Quality by req ui remen ts at your own Shops Beef, Mutton ALL Lamb and FIRST GRADE Pork Sausage, Polony R Potted Meats FRESH MADE Be loyal and DAILY give your trade to your own Cafe and we Good in return Service wilt and give you Quality ADVERTISEMENTS FREE SCHOOL FISH LANK FRESH SUPPLIES OF Best North Sea Fish DAILY Local Game and Poultry ALL ORDERS RABBITS POULTRY PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Choice English, Empire FRESH SALADS Shop & VEGETABLES R Foreign Fruits SEEDS, BULBS & at EIORTICULTURAL The DAILY SUNDazas Co-op Fruit Shop Floral Work Wreaths, Crosses, our FREE SCHOOL LANE Speciality ALSO Deliveries BEDDING-OUT Bouquets, at shortest nottce PLANTS to all parts of City daily ADVERTISEMENTS ~gO pe CO-OP. %Vorks Dept. ~ FOR — S UPERIOR DECOR A TIXG Estimates and Advice Portland Street 10 from FREE— 1815 Ext. 16 'Phone ffyf'frfWpd ' ~ 0~ SCSR ' :;-: INElPE USE ~ atsncr eafj'pcjpst frAfsr fs NEW STONE ' ' WALLPAPER DEPT. i;jii 37 SILVER STREET Phone 1815 Ext 23 fi FOR modern Wallpaper 'Paints, Distempers, and euerything for the Home Decorator. .: Is We shall be happy to dfange your en- for the vironment better too. wonders Good works wallpaper at modest cost, and the latest pacterns are quite irresistible. iqay we show youl r ra r r f E ef e goPT FREE SHOE DEPT. SCHOOL LANE BRr6V CHES: 375 High Street, LINCOLN and Southgate, SLEAFOgQ Shoes for the LADIES for Sunny Days and Holidays CAMAS, SPORTS plain and coloured in all the latest styles from 2/11 per pair SHOES for Tennis, Dunlop make from 2/6~t per pair WALKING =in fashions' newest OUT SHOES models in Black, London Tan and Blue GENTS SPORTS FOOTWEAR FOR TENNIS from CRICKET 2/11$ „8/11 „16/11 GOLF SMART WALKING OUT OXFORD SHOES in Black Patent Also Black and with Grey insertion. Rust Tan Suede at 12/11 SEE OUR REPAIRS WlXDOWS collected and delivered daily to all our Town Branches Only the Best Mate~. , Used; - --:- THE LINCOLN CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY L. Telephone ~f''INZOLlIl:, :, No. 1815 (Five Lines). .:,fOllPEAATlVK' BOl:lETY I- Wragby Road Branch —Drug Dept. Repait & Cash Account From April 6th to July 6th, 1938. AO&ERT lSEMENTS DEP-. . OPTICAL FOR SPECTACLES CONSULT A L.C. S. OPTICIAN M. E. MUCKLOW, F.S.M. C., F.B.O.A. (Manager) A. B. BOLTON, F.B.O.A. J. D. SCHOFIELD, F.B.O. A. L. EDDISON, F.S.M. .C. (Sleaford Branch) Recognised by the Ophthalmic Beneftt Approved Committee for 'NATIONAL HEALTH ASSURANCE BENEFIT ~a- c Boolt on Apptn'nttnent Nota: Bank St. , Lincoln 'Phone 1815 Southgate, Sleaford 'Phone Slenford 101 ADVERTISEMENTS Department Hairdressing I .C.S. eugene from 21/- Special from 15/- The L.C. S. Special is a low Voltage Machine which Eliminates Shock and Burn. 3 ll -' Permanent W'aves are Guaranteed ' FREE SCHOOL LANE '- CONFECTIONERY LINCOLN We are making DEPT. efI'ort every to give you CONFECTIONERY QUALITY Richly. Fruited Dundee Cakes, Slab Cakes, Globe Ginger Cakes, Scotch Ginger Cakes, Plum Bread, Milk " Bread, Scones, Date and Walnut Cakes, Honey and ' Cakes, Cakes, Cherry . Almond Cakes, Madeira Farmhouse Cakes FRESH DAIRY CREAM SAXDV» ICHES .DDainp. and Assorted Fancies, Dairy Curd, Raspberry, Apricot, Blackcurrant Tarts HygieniMly f4'';;f&~j Baked on Card Plates. Assorted .';:i~~BOILED ,, ""', Obtainable with a at all. Variety . of SWEETS reputation for Quality Groc ry Branches, Centra Cafe and . ,2 re ADVERTISEMENTS / / /r / ~ i f/~ )4 h )r j I Holidays !g let the shower get you. Do not sudden Be prepared ' r they are the best Companion ) r 4, For with a MAX-0-LITE ! sr or AIR-0-MAC i' Get fullest satisfaction Plus the dividend. llm C W S. "Airs-Mac" (Read. ) D.B. myls with vane or pl sac. Hat an sacra-deep cloth-hemmed Rayon back lining, which ams ac all absorbent. Hand-wade chroughout, all seams rayed snd ~awn. Fitted wick a cticched Broadway collar: also skirt ttda )n appwrnrue. Vary distinmiva Lighc in weight. Swy string. Guaranteed wacsrproof. Site W. D.IL with vent Ig/4 Siss W, D.IL vrlth plemed ~sck ... ... ... ... ... IS/I I 05. snd )LOB. mare Each Garment is made under Trade Union "STROLA" (Retd. ) Thee W5 "Ms»t)-Lite" (Regd ) Supplied ia S.B. style with plain back, anti D.S. with vent or Ladies' Union Gabardine double breasted style, with back seam snd vest. Rsgha sleeves. stitched r»liar sad bek, lined check. Ia Fawns, Navy, Nigger, Grey snd Green. Lengths 44)n. , dale. , Sg)s. . . ... 34/... 31/4 ... ... 34/I I )c)co.s. ... 34/I I yea W. . WDC. O. S. X.O.S. ~ plowed back. Made Frow super Indiana. Fitted wlch a stitched Bramiway coliar, also skirt utb. A I I styles are iul I cut, hand-made, weu vendlaced, sad Rccad wich deeP Rayon back lining All ceams weed and sewn. Light in weight snd guaranwml wmerprool, Vms S.W. swl W. S.B. with plain bade I1/4 Shu S.W. aad W. D.S. wick vent . IS/I I Shu S.W. - and W. D.S. with pleated . E3/I I ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. back, . .. O.s. Extra Conditions of Labour. ESTABLISHED 1861 SOCIETY CO-OPERATIVE LINCOLN LIMITED REGISIERED UNDER Share Capital, Bnnhers: It sech« the Domesdc, Sochd, and InaalecenJ %1«080, 776 Business, ' .. 7 g~~"'+~'-::. l, " '.' „RIPON STREET, .— 375 . '. ' 16, CANWICK %22, 601/8/6 Reserve Fund, BANK LTD. SIREET, Sl; CIIZS. LINCOLN snd S~ HIGH STREET, 'LINCOLN. No. 17 Branch UNCOLN STREET, LINCOLN HAGIO RN WINN 19 20 2I „NEWPORT, 23 24 «MONKS STREET, SLEAFORD «HICH STREET, LINCOLN 29 30 UNION SIREET, MARKET BASSINCHAM 31 RASEN, . .. - ' 27, 28 " SOUTH 32 e AND QUIVERY LINCOLN ROAD, UNCOLN STREET, LINCOLN „TEALBY ~ 25 „~26 . —REEPKW 18 22 ROAD, LINCOLN BACCEHOINIE ROAD, LINCOLN GRESHAM STREEr uNCOLN BARDI!EY IS:-" .o,". I4! 15 Drapery and Boats „„. ' ac. 30,043 SILVER SIREET attn FREE SCHOOL LANE, LINCOLN. - .. l, 9 esw""+'10 ~, —. Drags, 6th to July 6th, 1938. —BRACEBRIDCE . ~ Fnrnitnre, Cash Account MOORLAND AVENUE, BURTON ROAD. 18 HIGH Branches. „4 3 - %286,020/3/10 «BURTON ROAD, LINCOLN „SHAKESPEARE STREET, LINCO LN 2 s";-'. Ct April Central Stores snd OHicce I Branch 1893 of its CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETY LTD. ; The MIDLAND From N«. ed~t of llembers, Number Loan Capital, The Report Drug Department ACT. Boots and Shoes, Batcher's Meat, Coals, Crockery, Hardware, SECOND %692,396/12/6. —The PROVIDEI!II' SOCIETIES' FIRST. it provides its Memhers with Bread, Flour, Croceries, Provisions, MRh, Drapery, Oodnng, THE SOCIETY Lnnual AND — 0F O BJ EOT8 INDUSTRIAL THE . ' COULSON ROAD, LINCDLN BRANSTON WASHINCBOROUCH SWANPOOL NORTH HYKEHAM WRACBY ROAD, UNCOLN AVENUE. BOULTHAM «MOORLAND TATTER SHALL BILLINGHAY „WADDINCIQN 6 Society, Limited. Co-operative Lincoln Quarter ended July 6th, 1998. Directors' Attendances, SUBCOMMITTEES. C. Group Possib Mr. H. Wtxta Peudmt Mr T. O Cmv»str, Trees Mr. H. Bm. Mr. F. J. Otnsasusw Mr. F. H. Tacswru. Miss A. E. Wnussu Ma. D. Cagssty Mr. G Marte»nsu Mr. W. Stsvm Mr. J. Gast»cnt Mr. A. Tucg Mr. J. E. Hsteno». Suveter Puhfic Anditors 24 24 17 17 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 ... Actual 24 — Messrs, Dairy, Farms, Crocery, Milk snd Bakery, snd Boots, Drapery, Drugs, Furnishing, Nurseries Tailoring Jewefiery, snd Outfitting, Office and Finance Works. Actual Possible Possilde Group D. Butchery, Cafe, Coal. Confectionery Hairdressing, Transport and Possible Actual Possible Actual Il 24 6 6 7 11 II ll 7 7 23 24 18 24 24 23 7 7 12 12 12 12 12 11 9 10 22 22 Deceased. c~. and S. Bsatnw, its~. , Mr. C. Mscgt»naa. Accomnant — A. Sravroan. ~n Street, Manchester. 24 Board Meeriugs have been held during the Quarter. nominated i Mr. Arthur Dorr, Mrs. Fanny Owen, Mi. Etecfion of Five Members of the Educational Committes~didatcs George Martm, Mr. Albert Edward Watum, Mise Annie Graves Wbittaker. ethrr nominations. mi'mbcrs no snd there are These sre, aB re6ring received: Mrs. F. Brown and Mr. J. O. Dixon. Seeing that Bgeafinga . Hacneeof Twn Nembento C%& in thee sru both Coaatry BisncbrepresennItnus the Directors have smmgcd for Mrs. Brown to attend the meeting to be held at Mr. Dixon vnll This will save the printing and ebc6on expenses. Jemary, 1939. as there were no remimmcm fram the Gty Mamba'ru 1938. therefore eamd the meeting in Ocioher, ~ D P % ~ ~ans STANDING ~~ b. ducuseon d to!be hbetun for at one 6m ~': (c) Tbe mayer of every resoltubm aod of every amendment ' on the same question, unlen pnreuion pmissiou be given for or. tlie incision cif the chair)e cslted 4. 1"nne Bunt of Mover of Reetutien be 10 minutes t de other speakes-not umra than firn ummteu. that the moticn belore the Meeting be net put. 'The me»stand 6. A vel ORDERS. Notice'of motion must be snhudt'te in writing no less than 21 days prior to the date of the meeting. Six days' ncrice is requircl of ery to a propoeYion appearin on the-Agenda. t'ban once on any motion st the Qaarterly, or sny other General Meeting of the Members 2. Tint no member be sfiowed dlowed to ' speak mare con for the purpose of tbe business of tbe Soricty except the inovers of resolution, motions and arne'ndments who shaB a repty; snd no member shsB speak after such reply 3, Wbeneve are made upon pmposifiousv' no second amendment shall be taken into consideration until the first a)a. fire smendmeat be vened 8 shall disptam the origmd questen and hecorae itsdf the quesriou; ~ *, ~ster ~ ' shell have a right to a point of order. L motion once carried shaB ma be resrinded at; anjy meeting vdtluug due mitice mece hs vmg been gown. qestions rdstiug to'de Bdanm Sheet wtuch are sent-to the bdore the General Meeti'ng, sbaB tudor Whse the Preddrm rise. to speak, members shsB telic their seats immediately. 9. Compbdum and sugges6ons must be made in ncconbmce with Rule 98. ' '-h MEETING The QUARTERLY On MONDAY AUGUST EVENING, AGENDA 1, Minutes of last Quarterly (e) Lincolnshire Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society, fbi 1 s. (f) Lincoln and District Allotnrent Holders' Association of New Members. 2. Admission 3. Report and Cash Account. 4. Appeals and Recommendations (d) Lincolnshire in the New Hall, OF BUSINESS. Meeting. gl ls. of the Directors. 5. The Directors propose to — implement Rule 87, para 2(d), re Treasurership. 6. Dedaration of the E)ection of Five Members of the Education Committee. (a) Lincoln County Hospital, g10 10s. in land. (b) Lincoln General Dispensary, g5 5s. (c) Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich, E3 3s. Diocesan Deaf and Dumb Association El ls. ~ be held will 15th, 1938, at half past Seven o' clock. 7. Declaration 8. Any other business. of the election of Members' C.W.S. Meetings to b Representatives held in October and January. to At the conclusion of the above as, ends the meeting will resolve itself into a Special Ceneral Meeting, for the purpose of considering the following "That members' representation at C.W.S Ordinary Business Delete lines 7-19 inclusive from page 29 and insert alteration to rule 84 Proposed by Mr. W. H. Dixon, Branston, and Meethrgs be equally divided between members residing in the City and Country Ames. Washingborough. O. Dixon, seeonded by Mr. J .— — DIRECTORS' " REPORT To rffE Mgtrtsztts. (a) We beg to submit to' you the Quarterly Report and Ca'sh Account. The total amount received for goods , being an increase of Qi, 730 8s. 5Jal. , compared with the corresponding sold during the quarter is %272,085 I la. period of last year, '630 persons have joined the Society during the quarter, 508 have withdrawn, and 32 forfeited as per irde, making the present number 30,013. We recommend an interim discount of 1/4 in the R on Members' purchases. 0'. P. has passed (fr) We regret to record that during the Quarter the Society's Treasurer, Mr. T. O. Gapham, J. , 'a away. His strict attention to the business of the Society was a m'arked feature of his life, and his passing loses To Mrs. Gapham and family we extend our heartfelt sympathy. fainiliar figure to many of our members. ~r, has (c) Mr. T. H. Watler, Dairy 'r *'. ', i,~'. He takes up this post with our best wishes for "'"'s';, '.=:appointed to succeed Mr. Watler, and we. appeal to make stili 'further progress. :fro Proposed New Central Prsuniaes . :; Io proceed with the reconstruction of the Central :. obtained an important appointment with a Dairy firm in London. his future success. Mr. C. D. Merrills, Dairy Foreman, hss been for a continuation of loyalty and support to enable this department —Following , vsi.::;i':, '- „the'vtecessafy — This Branch is nearmg completion ind 'it is hoped to have same open for business in will be made in due course as the time for-official opening approaches. =Since the opemn'g of this Empo'rium the sales have shown a marked mcrease. Emporium. P) Sleaford ~/~. g~Arytap'peal is made to uiembers in this area to take full advantage of the splendid facilities offered for shopping in the ery, Drapery Boots, Outfitting, Furnishing, and the Dis'pensing and Optical Sections of the Drug DeJrartment. September. ' -plans. (c) Newport Branch. lengthy and, careful deliberations it has been decided Premises, and the C.W.S. Architects have'been instructed to prepare ''"' Further announcements Branston, and there (g) B iong Sitea —, Suitible sites are available on the Lincoln and Heighington Roads, at Saxilby. Members desirous of having houses erected are requested to make their applications at one plot fl ' " obtained. tfs the Manager. , Works Department, 10 Portland Street, where full information may be '~"' year's was the crowning of Lincoln's first Cocelebrations of this feature new A fk) Co operators' Day. Society's operative Queen, and this, added to the more usual attractions, was adjudged by the National Press as Lincoln best effort. Loch Lomond and the Empire (i) Members O'ftting, The Members' Annual Outing to the Trossachs, bition at Glasgow' on 18th June" last, was a huge success, and thoroughly enjoyed by the record number of and frispttds who took. part in the trip. 1 members ~'-:, ' ~~&, — — For and on behalf of the Directors, JOHN E. HARRISON, Secret ary. f938 6th, gASH ACCQUfffT from Aprrf 6th fo JtrfV s d hand and Shop Tills To Cash in „Goods sold, ....................... Sure Capital Isran Capital. .., ..... . Special loan Capual Pnuiy Bank Capital . .... ... . .. . . .. . Club. . .. . .. . Trading Chk .. . .. ... — ., Expenses 649 „Transfer Fees Nombamcn Fees „Strong Room Fees „Cards, Pass Beoks, grc. ...... I 34 9 40, 732 2 5 10.049 13 7 39.557 5.638 9,966 4306 .— 4,219 2 6 Gnmt Life 123 5 Paymenta 127 7 11 5 13 374 Q 9 Assurance .................. ..... I 892 62 25 216,942 045 4. Payments. Com~ » Bank DeIumts %567,958 2 nne 'Phone 10 PGRTLAND 1815. Extension STREET LINcoLN. after Office Hours: CAvANAGH 375 High II 6 15 I I II WORKS DEPARTMENT Q J. I 3 2 I lk apply A1R. I 0 9 18 fig rat Arrang gntgnts For FUNERALS af 2 0 0 s Income Tax Wcckmrm II 2 2 0 1313 9 life „Superan. Fund 84 9 8 226.39S 12 10 -, hrrdlsnd Co-op. Convalescent Coaective Premium Collective Q 59,469 9 0$ 17386 12 6 ... .. . ... . . . . . . . .. .. ... „Non-Members' Discount ...... I I 16819 3 617 3 19 10 4 16 2 3 21 6, 182 12 6 Fund .. .. .. . .. . .. Church of England Temperance Socfety . . . . . .. Royal Nat. Lifeboat Inst. I 036 040 100 4813 2 „BankWithdrawals 211,339 12 11 219 13 0 3,999 9 6 Sr d 5 12,095 19 0 28,636 3 5 Horses Property Account , Subscriptions 972 „Dividend Insumnce hens. ... „Proposition Fees, Fixed Stk. A/c. Members' . 6 11 11/04 0 0 Fixed Rolling Stk. 9 3 3,102 . . .. . „Additions:— I 800 3.613 . Provident Gub. ... .. ..... Trading Gub .. . .... . 380 12 9 278 H 3 Accmun Life Assurance .— .. . 911 .. ... .......... .. Share Capital Loan Capital. .. ... .. .... Special Loan Capital .. Penny Bank Capital 13.703 14 4 439 I 0 Trading Chk Entrance Fees. „Cash over 41.019 15 2 ............ 208.237 I d 5 s .................... ....... „Withdrawals 911 800 45 0 0 .. .. .. „Cosottise Distributive 4,697 Imurance Prcms. (Members) Room Receipts ...... . . .. „Superannuation Fund . . ... „National Health Insurance Inmstments . ....... 4,665 IO I 11,626 13 3 4, 147 0 6 3,709 610 9,994 7 6 ... By Goods bought „Carriage . ... . „Wage~reductive Mcmbers' Property A/c. „Sick s d 6 0 of 2038011 4 „Safeof Live and Fixed Stack „Saleof Lmd „ 3~ 272, 085 ll . Repayrnenta 8 Cr. ACCOUNT CASH Street (corner of King Street), Lincoln. 'Phone 513. Night and Day. 16. , '~ada 9' 14 14 Mx. R. E, Bncttosx (T«oiuirr) (iii) eMs. G. Mstirrtc (Secretary) (ill) .. 6 MR. H. (President) Lsntow (Vice-President) ATTENDANCES. COMMITIEE EDUCATION ... ... ebh. A. E. Wstsotc vMR. A. ... Doss ... ... . 14 14 14 Ma. A. Msccrrotc Mss. C. Bsooxx Ms. C. Oxsv 14 . ... . . 14 Mas. L. Bsxxa ... ... 14 Mtss A. G. Wrtmsxxs eMss. F. OweN . ... 14 13 attended. Meetings number of names indicate The figures aher ~ l ~ 14 having been held. Denotes Retiring Members, eligible for re-election. SUB-COMMITTEES. LIBRARY. Miss A. Wurrrsxxa, Mm. F. Owxcc, Mss. L. Bsxxa. Ma. A. Doss, Ms. H. H. Lsntow, MR. A. Msssrotc. CHOIR scen ENTERTAINMENT, FURNISHING mn BILLIARDS. lych. BxMaosx, Mss. C. Baooxr. Ms. C. Oxsv. CINEMA SECRETARY. MR. H. H. Linmw. — — — — BttLrsans Gxtcxast. 59 611 in C.W.S. Bank 414 5 „Cash in Society 3418 4 , Cash in band (Tress. ) . Grant lrom Society .. 369 17 9 5 11 Cards and Fines 11 14 6 , Nmu snd Oethcok To Balance .. .. .. ~, . t „Cheer Suixxcit¹ians ...... „Omir Festivals ..... . .... Inteasst Dividend .... .. „Recta'yea from Tables ... „Members' Fees ...—....... Scde of Cigarettes ... .... id . . „ Side. of Minerals „Saleof Chalk „-. „ '~ ......—.- Intercc¹ (Loan) '.'i. '. Bank Intcss¹ ,„cinema 'Ibceipts .Receipts . ..... ... 517 6 I 276 517 6 „Weekmnd Schools. 250 I 6 2912 II 4 202 23 14 7 Q 23' 4 I 0 I „Oilicials Fees „Choir Expenses 3 „Health 312 0 2 5 0 I 6 0 I 4 2Z ., ... ............ „Goods ~ ~ Classes 15 I 9 5 5 0 2 15 4 6 5 11 I 0 SS 3 Zj 106 I 31 I 2414 0 1168 0111 ... II I 0 88 3 2$ ... ... 106 I 3$ 69 S Io 69 810 300O 3OOQ 786786 2619 2619 7 ... 5719 lol Z915 @ 24 5 8 61511 4 3 4 7 24 5 8 87 15 5 10 19 3 f705 6 61 17011 Ik 875 17 8 170 ll -'lI 875 17 8 ~ 90 7 I 1202 7013 3 4115 I 2610 0 1168........ 0111. „Mmerab EOUCATIOII 90 7 12 and igsretts , Bshmce in C;WB Bank Half-yearly 46 4 0 2414 0 Cash in hand Cash .in Society In iubidttbig tbe s d 79 6 0 5 5 0 „Miards Sabries 4 I E d 1202. 7013 3 4115 I 2610 0 Inswancc Stamps „Dancing Tables ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 46 4 0 Scc. Bank Charges. .....r....... snd Repiiirs .. Cburiing Cmema Expenses ......... Q s fi 79 6 0 „Literature „Propagcmds. Scc. 29 12 11 s d ...... „Grants Guilds 9 9 3IZ 0 — Librarians 1 216 1142 9 6 202 l4 7 By Salarie III Trite. Bu.ustos Gxccxmr. 611 816 5 165 114 2 22 TOTAL 511 1114 6 2 7 6 „. „' - -„' 420 1938. 6th April, ended 59 16 13 7$ 51 11 369 17 165 2 for six months ACCOUNT EDUCATION CO~ ~ ~ REPORT. ~ Report. ws dunk al(lnembiirs wbo have sssised, us. — by'~ Ccvepsssgfvo PrtbBcatbasa We urge sB Members to read 7'iic Co-epcretioc ¹cos, Reynolcb Ncces IVcusonis Occtfsoh Sfolgote and' International Pkoblemcc We remind all Mcnocers, thereby obtaining the Coccperstive vicwpomt on .a Reader of Rcynolcb Nisei, Increased. Society Asiau'auc'e. Benefit. wcmld he durji'itt past hcdf-year. bkmhers dessous of remmmen'ding bool« are ,@Zj~,"*,,',pp;-i-L(brary. New Library Bombs have been in &~@+~~ted to give full sstticubrs td Libmricm. with Country Branchu, and We, have aves'y rcsscm to bdieve the 24 Gnema Shows dwj have beys arranged in Films bsm been supphed by the GW. S. snd e our Gnema'bm h'een appbed foi', Mcmbcm aml friends have tiv'u Edueaum OIumttem ICb'ol'r''cc 'Senior snd Ju'riior Choiri have coinpeted at Musica& Festivsla, au'ne have crested an incrauud interest in bath Choira At Musical Progrsmmes arranged. snd Propaganda Meetings, Members snd friends have Billisnl HslL This Co-operative Recreative Centre continues to provide Members who play on thc Four First-dsss Tahim with enjoyable hours throughout the year. Tmtion Dancbrg Classesa In the New Co-operstive Hall, Adults and Members' Children receive tuition from a very capable, .m+;,",ftfrtighlyi — — a~ — — s~ ~ — or. Cbddxsst's Camtn~reliminsry arrangements are being made to have another Camp their names stad «dcheym st 4bnuy. during Os behalf of the ~ August. g. Children MARTIN, desirous of, ', Smr tmg. +gj&4~c-"+ Qcdww'XTrp 9dal'~~s~c, .cipvtlrtta'cavy ~!¹~cw', t ~~ ~ ~ 10 BASSINGHAM, on FRIDAY, August 12th, at 7 pan. P RANCH PREMISES, on tbc BRANCH Ma. F. H. TRUSWELLRcprcscntotior The Quarterly Mec6ng will be hchl Banner. Brant Broughton (Secretary) Bwcmgbem (Cheinaan); Mr. C. cW ' 'Mrs. Tindsff, High Street, E. Lincoln; Bcssrnuusst Basrceg Mr W Ad, Carlton lmMoorland, ' Mrn Mr. A. Bmekfcsby orgs Farm, Bcndnghsm; Mr. Wr Beckett, Brent Broughton; Wdkwer. Tmgste s. G Broughton: b Brant Rawding, Bcssiugfum t Mr. K Mr. G. Taylor, Plcsssot View, Bessiugbsm. METHERINGHAM, on FRIDAY, August 12th, at 7 p.rm will be held in the READING ROOM Mce Tbe Quarterly Mce6ng MR J E HARRISON Reprcwntottee C. Yatm, Fen Lane. Metheringhsrn Bdd L .Mmhmughcm !(Chairmen): Mr. W F ' Mgrnsm EBg,v Mr A Anom, Stsffon Road, Metheringtuun r Mr. J. Bradshaw, M WS' G (Secretary)rMr F. Hudey bam; Mr. & Hague, Dunston; Mr. C. Maddison, ~. ~ . — M~~ ™d Meth r ngtum. ~ . ~~ M~ WASHINGBOROUGH, on FRIDAY, Aug. 12th, at 7 pan. cr!v Mee6ng will be held in the METHODIST SCHOOLROOM, Tbe Quarter! MR. F. J. OLDERSHAW Rcprerentetioe ~~. — Wsshingborough W. Rsstsff. Wsshingberough (Chainuan): Mr. J. O. Dixon. Mrs F Johnson(Secretory) J. Birkett. Wcshmgborough Mrs. A Clark Weshingborough Wsshmgborou h Fleer Mrs A. augh Mrs. S. A. Gilbert. Wssbingborough. ~ W~ bomugh; Mrn H. Taylor Wesbrngbo ' on FRIDAY, Aug. 12th, at m tthcc CO-OPERA11VE INSTITUTE, NORTH HYKEHAM, Mee6n wall be held fn The QuarterlyI Mee6ng 7~ pau. " Rbonddc, " ' Hope House, Sts6on Road. North Hylrebam (Choirman); Mr. E Harley. W. Gsrke, York View, (Scercterc); Mr. J. H. Ramadan, Ncvin House, Moor Lane. Hykebsm t Mr. J. Hykebsm;~' Mr. G. H. Basis. Jolimetz, North Hvkebam; Mr. W. Whitney, 4 Lsngley Road, North Mr. C. M. Acott, The North Hykdcun; Road. Station House, Mrs. W. Creaser, Sation Road, Hykebam: Mr. G. Bemdge, Myrtle Hvxttust Basttcn Cucntrrrrn™. F. Brown. Newark Reed, North Hylocbam Newark Road. North Hyhebam; " " Nook. Sta6on Road, North Hykeham. FRIDAY, August 12th, at 7 txnu The Quarterly Meeting will be held in the SCHOOLROOM, BRANSTON, on Rcprcrcntuturs. — —Ma. H. BELL Mr, W. H. Dixon. Station Road. Branston (Chairmen) t Mr. C Gsydon, Lincoln Road. Brsnston Basnxron Basncn Cosncrrrn. (Sccrcrary): Me. H. Brown. High Street. Branston; Mrs. M. Blissett, Heighington Road, Brsnston; Mr. J. Johnson, Lincoln Roarb Arundel, Lincoln Brsnston; Mrs. A. A. Webb, Silver Stnnt, Brenston t Mrs. E. M. Freeston, Hall Lme, Branston; Mr. J. Taylor, Heighingcon. Road, Branston; Mr. G. H. Peach, "Eastlerg, Lincoln Road, Brsnston: Mm. A. Townsend. Mein Street, " " ~~. . Tbe Quarterly Meeting wiB be beld on the BRANCH PREMISES, SAXILBY, on FRIDAY. August 12th, at 7 pars. Mtsg A. F- WILLIAMS. Rpprcrcntatiee K Lindsey. High Street. Saxilby (Chrurman): Mr. C W. Oxby, West Bank Saxilby (Secretary): Ssxttnv Bastnut ' Mr. J. Whcaday, Cherry Tree House, Sardlb: Mr. H. Clarke, Co-operative Soaety, Saxi1by; Mr. J. W. VaBey, Mays Lme, Ssxilby t . Mr. L BeB, Council Cottages. SaxBhy; Mr, C Hill. Parish Cottages, Fenton: Mr. G. Gadsby, High Street, Ssxilby; Mr. J. Lingsnk Ssxilby. — . ~ Tbe Quarterly Meeting will be held on the BRANCH PREMISES, WELBOURN, on SATURDAY, August 13th, at 8M pan. MR. D. CREASEY. Rcpmsadotiue T. Taylor, Wdboum (Cheinaan); Mr. H. Franklin. Tbe Green, Wdbourn (Secretary) t Mr & Wcuxxurn Basnrxt - Pmcfo Fulbeck: Mr. Fx Ogden, WeBingorc; Mr. A. WiBows, Weffingore: Mr. A. Codd, Iaadenbem; Mr. J. T. Chambers, Navenby t Mr. Housbsm. Normantm: Mr. J. Lawsou, Juur. , ~~r. ~~. — The Qaarterly Meeting wiB be held on the BRANCH PREMISES, BARDNEY, on SATURDAY, August 13th, at 7 peru Mn. K WELLS. Representative Barm(car Bacttctt C H. Tindslk Fairffdd Farm Bsnlney (Chairman); Mr. W. W. Mesnwelk Abbey Road. Berdney (Secretary) r Mr. F. Psdley, Station Road, Bardney t Mr. J. Ctnupeff, Abbey Road, Bardney: Mr. J. E. Lintin. Queen Street. BarMy; Mr. W. Picker. Queea Street, Bsrdney r Mr. IL Kent, Stixweuld Road, Horsington; Mr. R. J. Seffsrs, Abbey Road, Bsrdney t ' Mr. H. Woodcock, Wragby Read. Bmdncy. E The Quarterly — Meeting wiB bc held on the BRANCH PREMISES, HORNCASTLE, on SATURDAY, August 13thc fbpruuntoticc-Ms. Hanccsxnz Basncxt Gnucrrrvv=Mr. C. Reed, 107 Foundry Street. Horncastle (Chainaan); Mr. C Aucfdaud. Hor cmd (Secretory); Mr. S. Ling, 19 Queen Street, Horncesde. at 7 tarn. F. CRAINGER. 44 Spffsby Rcmk The Quarterly Meeting wiB be held an the BRANCH PREMISES, SLEAFORD, on SATURDAY, August 13th, at 8-30 peru Ma. A. TUCK Rcprewatatfee Stxcrmm Baancu Cnscsnvrn. C Comer, Old Hace Ganlens, Sbsford (Chairman): Mr. C. Duffin, 67 West Banks. Shnfa (Scereterp): Mr. J. Ceuling Ewerby, Shsford; Mr. J. Edcnbrow, The Gatehouse, Sfcaford Moor; Mr. J. Ellis, 8 Afcxandm Road Sleaford; Mr. W. H. Picker, 12 Queen Street, Sbaford; Mr. K Wouon, priory Cottsgen Ruslungton t Mr. W. H. Blades, 84 Soutbgatn Sksford; Mr. J. Wiffum, Silver Strccb Ruslungton. ' ~. The Quarterly Mcc6ug will bc hdd oa the BRANCH PREMISES, MARKET RASEN, on SATURDAY, August 13th, at 7 Peru Rcprcsentatioe Mn. C. MACKINDER. Mcsxrr Rsscn Basncu W. Dowse, 46 King Street, Market Rssen (Chairmen); Mrs. G. A. James. l9 Linwred Rank Market Rsscu (Secretary); Mrs. W. Dowse. 46 King Street, Market Rasen; Mrs. G. Garner, Caistor Road. Ivhuket Rmcn: Mrs. Wdker, Waterloo Street, .Market Ranm t Mrs. L Sutbrdk 8 Gnpman Street, Market Rssen; Mr. T. R. Boardmem Wrm ~~r. Hill, Middle Racon. — , ;:,"; !'p$ ADVERTISEMENTS Travelling Requisites Jj SPORTS ~I, GOODS ( sp CYCLES, PRAMS and FOLDERS Always Purchase from your own Shops, our prices are competitive. JAO@g flA, Nll jill~ C.K S TRMEL CASES URNISHINQ and Branches DEPT. ADVERTISEMENTS HOLIDAYS —With SUNSH IN E DID YOU GOOD! the Continue AT EVERY MEAL Sunshine —EAT Habit AND ENJOY CO-OP "SUNSHINE " BREAD our Bread is subject to During the process of manufacture Process) of which we Powerful Ultra-Violet Rays (Vioroid hold sole rights ordinary white Bread Sunshine Bread is only the same price as DELIVERED To ALL PARTS OF 'THE CITY YOU? MAY WE CALL ON Montague Bakery Dept. St. HOLIDAY - TIME No need to miss trains or appointments C.W. S. Federal and Tymo Watches for Value 9 8 5 and Reliability POCKET WATCHES from 5/ WRIST WATCHES from 2/6 Every Watch Guaranteed and Serviced See them JEWELLERY Free School Lane at the DEPARTMENT Lincoln ADVERTISEMENTS DAIRY DEPARTMENT The Pass-u)ord "Soultham Setter Sutterof at our own dairy and carries the Hallmark Quality Produced for yourseIf to-day. l4 hy not try a pound BRANCHES AT ALL SQLD GROCERY & PROVISION DEPT. „„' DON'T LOSE YOUR DIYI FRUITS CANNED APRICOTS. PEACHES PEARS PINES Easy . ';;;, , '-":;„", to Pack SANDWICH. CHEESE - " ti"'::,-::;';-, tauulity - . Large Tells. ' „9'. Large Tins from IOQ. per per Ild. per 2g per ' Meats and Tongues —Always Spreads like ready always . . in . , I/- per glass. 4td From Butter BISCUITS, JAMS, vay'iety from Tin Tin Tin Tin to serve Ideal for Picnics E@H. and MEAT PASTES Also 4~.".'~:'. . .. Delicious GLASS TONGUES .. .. .. .. SUGGESTIONS HOLIDAY THESE AT ! from your When you go for your holidays get your requirements own Society and save your dividend LOOK f per Box 5'. and SId. per Glass JELLIES, Etc. stock at your Local Branch. You Get the Best et the co-op ADVERTISEMENTS BtJTGHERY DEPARTNIENT Purchase at your oton Shops and be sure of the BEST QUALIT V Lamb and Beef, Mutton We select the BEST ANIMALS from the in the County BEST FARMS Try our own MILD CURED GATERINt" HAMS & BACON DEPARTMENT SILVER STREET will be pleased to quote you for all kinds of Catering Special Tarif f for parties requiring special accommodation Inquiries to MAXAGERESS CAFE DEPARTMENT ADVERTISEMENTS SHOE DEPT. O' BOOT SCHOOL FREE 375 High BRANCHES: and Southgate, Street, LINCOLN E.ZE-ON Fine Three LANE Fittings in each SLEAFORD SHOES Footwear for Men Narrow, Shape. Medium, Nature Form BOX CALF OXFORD I2/I I, I4/I I, I6/I I, IS/I I, 2I/ditto TAN WILLOW CALF OXFORD WHEATSHEAF BRAND ASK FOR E-ZE-ON Mad'e TAILORING hy C. W. S. DEPARTMENT (UPSTAIRS) SILVER STREET CLQTHES — eith seruice not only sell clothes. We ' make. 'them. We- o6'er . personal service in your re juirements. We design the study and of -SUITS TQ MEASURE from z Gns. :-":;:--". ',:, ...=-: -:;Costumes Tailor-Made from 3 , Gns. '=;=-', —. -'-, :,-, We '::--'"-'""-"'-"':t~~"'"-~-""""'-""""' Give-' Value A ltvays Houses! Modern have Grates! Modern BUT OLD HOUSES NAY HAVE NEW GRATES AS WELL We have up-to-date Any WORKS Estimates Free saving Fireplaces of every kind of Grate can be supplied make l0 labour DEPARTMENT PORTLAND - STREET 'Phone l8I5 (Ext. i 6) THE LINCOLN CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY L. Telephone No. 1815 (Five Lines) SLEAFORD BRANCH. Report & Balance Sheet From April 6th to October 5th, 1938. DEFIANT. . . puts 7ips THE WORLD at your Finger HERE'S the world's the world' s song, The lilt of a South American tango, the roar of the crowd at the hig international race. Here's opera from Central Europe, p Cossack choirs from Russia, plays, talks and they' re all music from Canada, America RAMO laughter. C. RAMO — in to entertahi cmwding yon. As dearly as Q7 Q "@htn if the mike, as near yon as yon were alongside your Defiant. Here's the world at your finger tips The remarkable 'DEFIANT' PRESS BUTTON MODELS MODEL MSH. 9' st ~ fo ~ -p l. ' ~ODEL VSH. 938 8-valve (incud- ly stpk, Prew Button Receiver on a TlP'0 gsavebtmd- gupgrheta 4vedue fisdudirag Recurter). Seven sehwted:stations fiba medmm and tao hug teave) automaticaEly obtahred by presnng the btatcn. Illumittated station - named turn'ng scale. . yt. C, Mains ing Rectifier) FIVE geaveband, superhet Receiver arid motor aoith cathode ray turn'ng indicator drnren PRESS BUTTOPI tuning. Manual ( 200/50 voices 40/160 ' opei'ation is obtained by the shno-motion knob rcith fast running buttons on either side. s).C. Mains . p riCe Zooi50 Price 9$ Guineas ~y . tuning is Q nS FROM CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES EVERYWHERE %ITH F L'I. L DIVII3K&D — As)%.' for a Free Demonstration AT Silver Street, Lincoln c ADVERTISEMENTS BUTCHERY DEPARTMENT One Quality The VERY of Meat Only BEST GRADE Our Beast, Sheep are selected Pigs and from the Finest in the Country Herds Ask for HOME CURED BACON R HAMS Delictous Mi!d Cured DEPT. CONFECTIONERY Quality Confectionery at Popular Prices! We are continually Ask 'to see them adding new lines to our confections at your Grocery Branch. TRY THEIR DELICIOUS FLAVOUR. Only the finest Ingredients We maintain a splendid are used in all our productions reputafion for QUALITY BOILED SWEETS %WATERSIDE NORTH ADVERTISEMENTS DEPARTMENT DAgRy Balance The Daily We should all drink two pints Daily BE SURE YOU GET "Co.op Pastuerised Our Roundsman ASK is always " district in your TO CALL HIM Department Tailoring (UPSTAIRS) SILVER STREET Gents' Bespoke SUITS AND OVERCOATS The Best Value obtainable in Gents Made-to-Measure Clothes is offered by us. You can always be assured of a stylish cut and perfect knish. Only reliable Trimmings are used. We. are offering Special lines in Gents Suits at 45I-, 50I-, 52/6, 55I- and 63I-. ..-. 42I-, OVERCOATS TO MEASURE from 39/6 We are prepared- to supply-your needs ADVERTISEMENTS THE PRODUCTS MILL FLOUR OF OUR BAKERY AND ARE OF SUPREME QUALITY EAT AND ENJOY BREAD CO OP SUNSHINE The Bread that keeps you Fit Irradiated during Manufacture with Health giving Ultra Violet Rays (Viroid Process) for which we have the sole rights for Lincoln. 'CO-OPERATIVE' PRIDE FLOUR Ideal for Home Baking, Cakes and Pastries. The Cream of the Mill. FEEDING STUFFS or Prepared at our Provender Mill. Manufactured Give Results that Pay. Is Cheapest The Best GROCERY 4 PROVISION DEPT. DO NOT GO BEYOND YOUR OWN SHOPS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS REQUIRMENTS We stock everything your require for PUDDINGS, CAKES, PASTRIES, MINCEPIESs Etc. If you not wish to make your own, we can supply you with high-class PLUM 4-''' PUDDINGS -' For the Party, we can supply - a4' . FIGS, DATES, CRACKERS, SWEETS, NUTS, CRYSTALISED '.='-::::-, ':. . :=-:. '", - FRUITS, Etc. Have you tasted C.VF.S. CHOCOLATES. lately AN ., ' If 'not:try some nose, they are delieiotss. IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT. ~+:-:, i"-'~='.::::=-:& For, Quality, -'-'==:. Price and Service, we defy competition. ', s wwwJ ss ~R~PERY DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCE AN EXHIBITION OF ENTRIES IN THEIR EMBROIDERY KNITTING, and RUG MAKING COMP ET ITIONS Hall, Free School Lane NOVEMBER 22nd, 23rd, 24th New Have your entry completed in time. Rugs will Branch. be collected on application to nearest See special circulars for full particulars. BOWN QUILTS A special Display of the new Quilts will be made on the same days. See the fine values and styles. — Drapery Department 5 ESTABLISHED 1861 SOCIETY CO-OPERATIVE LINCOLN LIMITED C7 BJ EGTS lt provides its Members mtb Bread, Flour, Groceries, Provisions, Milk, Drapery, Clothing FIRST.— gic. OF Boots and Shoes, Butcher's Meat, Coals, Crockery, Hardware, Furniture, Drugs, It seeks tbe Domestic, Social, and Intellectual advancement of its Membera SECOND. Annual ', ; Business, — R I, I I 1,360 702, 968/17/3. The CO-OPERATIVE Bankers: — g Drug Depsrunent, Bnmches. No. 1 Branch MOORLAND AVENUE, BURTON ROAD, 18 HIGH STREET, 18 . . ' SAXILBY «BAGGEHOLME 18 19 20 21 LINCOLN, '. 12 13 !8 . -. — - -' UNCOLN BARDNEY NORTH SIREET, HORNCASTLE SOUTHGATE, SLEAFORD «HIGH STREET. LINCOLN UNION SIIIEET. MARKET RASEN BA%INGHAM " ". ' . . := - ROAD, LINCOLN „«CRESHAM FIEET, 11 13 16 No. 17 Branch WELBOURN - METHERINGHAM - CANWICK ROAD, ST, GILES, LINCOLN snd SLEAFORD 373 HIGH STREET, UNCOLN. 'RIPON STREET, LINCOLN .„-, 3 9 . ROAD, LINCOLN SHAKESPEARE STREET, LINCOLN 4 =+~:.-i-~l'::jg Drapery snd Boots —BRACEBRIDGE 3 BANK LTD SILVER STREET attn FREE SCHOOL LANE, UNCOLN. „«BURTON 2 &22, 951/8/6 5th, 1938. — Sub-Centrsh ", 7 Reserve Fund, 4f Balance Sheet 6th to October Central Stores and Offices. - 30, 162 WHOLESALE SOCIETY LTD. ; The MIDLAND April From R290i 552/9/7 Loan Capital, Share Capital, of Members, Number .The Report .,:-, SOCIETIES' ACI; 1893. PROVIDENT AND THE INDUSTRIAL REGISIERED UNDER . ' "'-""'"' ' —REEPHAM WINN STREET, LINCOLN HACKTHORN NEWPORT, LINCOLN 'MONKS ROAD, LINCOLN ' 'TEALBY STREET, LINCOLN . 22 „- . 23 24. . 23 26 27 28 'COULSON ROAD, LINCOLN. BRANSTON " „". WASHINGBOROUGH -. — 29 SWANPOOL NORTH HYKEHAM 'WRAGBY ROAD. LINCOLN «MOORLAND AVENUE. BOULTHAM TATIERSHALL 31 32, e AND BUTCHERY , BILLINCHAY WADDINGTON — . 6 Limited Society Co-operative Lincoln j Half-year ended 5th October, 1938 Directors' Attendances, SUB-COMMITTEES Boots. Drapery, Drugs, Furnishing, Dairy, Fauna, Grocery, Milk and Batery and Nurseries Jewellery, and Outhtring, Mr. T. O. Crass«rg, Tree« F. J. Ou&sasnaw )Mr. F. H. Tsuswgtt «Mr. Miss A. E. Wrtugtts D. Cagassv )Mr. C. IVhcnnnsa ~ 'Mr. W. Stsvm Mr. F. Ga«uucsa Coon. A. Tucg, Mr. J. F 46 17 17 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 )Mr. K. Bgu. Ma, 48 ... Ix. 6 6 18 17 18 18 Butchery, Csf«r Coal, Confectionery Hairdressing, Transpnt and Actual Possible 39 45 42 46 44 46 44 Office and Finance Works. Tailorin Possible Mr. H. Wsua, hestdmt Group C B Granp Possible Actual Actual " 15 15 15 15 12 14 17 24 46 Secrct 1 Decease«L Public Auditors ) Retiring —Messrs, v Members each ehgible for ncnunation; Retiring (age limitj. A. Srgygorm, csea. and S. B«unow, agan. , Corporation Street, Manchester. Accouatant Mr. C. MgcgtansL — 48 Boanl Meath«p have been hdd durmg tbe Half-pear. ~ ORDERS. STANDING I. 50-4. af mstion must be in wrhmg no less ths'n 21 days prior to the date of the meeting. notice is ie«pried of any anwndmeat to a myosiYim appearing an tbe Agenda. Roun ~„er Tint no member be afioued m spnk more ~ 6e Members tb«m on on any motion et the any otbm General Messina of for the purpese of tnmsectins tbe business of tbe'Society', :eucept the roose'gs'of reshhtuion„motions and enenncm«mts each be afiowed a reply; and no member sbsfi speak after sndr c«mv«med pr positions, no second () ft Fust amendment ~~~~kdlb ~h. d d mme «peahen. unbss permission be gunn for pennnel esplsnation, ~t rb Time limn of Mover of Res«dation hc III minutes; the 5. When any mothm or 7. That eell questiens estiens reiafing reia to the Balance Sheet which sre sent to the spmkers not mage tb«m. five minutes. ' Ceennla«ats smd abaR have %"k e ritdn - '-g'":;vg hss been made and tate ther seas 9, ~t. or the attention of'the chair be cafied to a point uf order. 4. ader ~~kalb who shaB bno conshfernrion until the fiisfg ' be negatived then the second msy be mov'ad ta'the original questian und«w'oenstfera he M 'ng iscussim at one tnne t (c) The mover of every remkuioa and ef every amenibnent y on shall be taken Six days' ~ ~iy. before the General Meeting, shall baits'~~„' « ~~%%' MEETING The QUARTERLY AGENDA 1. Minutes of last Quarterly will 3. Report snd (a) Slesford Christmas (b) YJVI.CA. gt/1/-. of the Dircctors — . ~. ~, g2/2/-, (s) Lincoln Diarist Nursiri'g this Quarterly Meeting wekomes the further campaign decided on by the C W.S. snd Comparative Union to assist the Spanish people" "That this Quarterly Meeting agrees to make s further contribution to our "Milli for Spain" Fund in order to keep this Society's support proportionate to others. The grant to be on the basis of one halfpenny per membership of tbe Society. To be moved by Mr. H. H. [adlow snd secon'dcd by Mrs. A. M. Cossey. 6. Bastion of Doorkeeper for General Meeting. 7. Bection of Snitinews for Voting at the Central snd SubCentral prembes on Saturday, prior to the Quarterly Meeting. 9. Becthm of Scrutineers for Voting an the day of the Quarterly Meeting. 9. Nouunstions fer Six Directors. Tbe lowest candidate at the election wilt serve for e period of one year. 10. for One Member of thc Ed'ucstion Committee. The sueeessf csnclidste wig serve for s period of one- " Fst Stock Show, gl/1/-. (c) Lincoln snd District Ambulance Society, X2/2/-, (d) St. John Ambuhmce Hall, 5. "That Bcdsnce Sheet. 4. Appeals snd Recommendations New OF BUSINESS. Meeting. of New Members. 2. Admission in the be held NOVEMBER 21st, 1938, at half past' Seven o' clock. EVENING, On MONDAY f/25. ('f) That, in view of the tensioa in world affairs which helcl us in bondige during the psst weeks was mi'rsculeusly rifiesad jest' before the mro hour act far' the outbreak . of unpcuaflcfed horr ors of wsr. and the fact that every goodwgf in tbe world tcsdsy, no msu'er. what inca or 'creed, ewes a debt-of gnaitude snd fcn the people of the'y liim .sccefxcd' that hurruurit y ~ovikia s grant be made to niou Fund m rcognnien of the g5(L debt wa owu to Cacohos)ova)da, va. — . ~1 ~s 11. 12. snila-half years'. Ncsninatfens for twe Ddegstes, one from City ares snd one from Ccsintry scca, to suend C.WX Quarterly Meetings in April a'nd bdyr 1939, Any other business, :::-::.'--'-:--:'--':.- -:::::::;, ':;-: '::, .::Merci'its', :, RQ. QRT-'- ':-~,j-'-.:': -;-, . -'";4=",~::",",To' ~u' . Mrthmcgjtg you the 154th Half-yearly Report and Balance Sheet. The total amount received for s sold during the half-year is f540,638 15s. 7g., being an increase of R5,650 18s. 10d. compared with the .=-'-'='j~rresponding period last year. The net surplus on the half-year's business, after allowing for nll andexpense's, Deficit dcpvrecntfion, and interest, amounts ta f44330*; Og. , and uftir d'educting the payments as per Surplus %20,000 Os. Od. as discount Av4munt leaves a balance of 'f24, 971 7s. 6d. which we propose to dispose of as follows: .on'Members' purchases at 1/4 in the Ji. &77 Os. 6d. for Educational purposes. RI,000 Os. Od. to Dividend 1/10 'Equalization Fund. R3,000 Os. Od. to Insurance Fund and $594 7s. Od. carried forward to next half-year. persons have joined the Society within the half-year, 912 have withdrawn, and 59 forfeited as per rule, making the present number 30, 162. (b) A SubCommittee has consideied the question of Voting and has made the following recommendations, +i!'';;: which have been accepted by the Board. (a) There is no "necessity 'for granting increased faciTities. "one™pound instead of "five" pounds. (b) Membership qualifications shall be (c) Voting will continue by the shewing of pass card, which must indicate that owner has not less than one pound capital standing to his or her credit. (c) JLRP. During the recent European crisis necessary precautions were taken to meet the requirements of ~~~. ;,'the Home Office. We are greatly indebted to Councillor Tuck, J.P., and n Sub-Committee of Departmental rs for having taken such a keen and lively interest in this worL Their assistance has helped very materially w. the preparations which have already been made. '. The progress made at this Branch since its opening a few weeks ago has been most , , (d) Nevypogt Ihttnch. p - *gnltffy'ing. The shopping facilities should he. much appreciated by, -members residing in the area and an appeal is made for a continuance of their practical support. A modern Hall has been erected over the Brand~sting capacity This Hall may be used for dancing, parties, etc. Applications for same should be made to the Secretary. at a, .', -:,. =:,(g)t,Wtsgeg. The majority of outstanding matters in connection with the recent wages award have now been (a) We beg to submit to — . . '. , " ~'-;:~'&-, '~~4~ .. .-:'. "-".-':-'=„-:;-:;-,s&s-. ss;.=„c;-';a~-';:;=;, ", . ":. sg-'=. -;:, :=-':";„:-. v, =, - — - -. For and on behalf of tbe Directors, ',JOHN E. HARRISON, :, —:- Secretary. 8 1. The Chairman MEMBERS. FOR INFORMATION OF Minutes. Meeting Extracts from last Quarterly Rule 87, para 2(d) re- Treasurership. moved "That the Directors implement " was how obsolete. Therefore' in plained .that the position of Treasurer ther during'his or hey term of office, together with one Director, sign nded. r n Chai ha ld he Board propo sed that the President future the fu cheques. This was agreed. Committee. Since the printing of the election of Five Members of the Education that of Mr. Martin. The following were duly elected to serve Balance Sheet one nomination had been withdrawn, Mr. A.E, Watson and Miss A. G. Whittaker. t was suggested Owen, F. Mrs. Dorr, Mr. A. for next two years', at the next Quarterly Meeting. This was agreed~ved by for asked be vacancy fifth the for that nomuuLtions Knowles. Mrs. seconded by and Mr. Scoffin 2. Dedaration of the ~.' :— ':, ~g~! . the C.W.S. Meetings to be held in October Dedaration of the election of Members' Representatives to rule the January Meeting was restricted to City to according although that, reported Chairman The and January. to attend this meeting. This course would cut out members, the Directors hsd asked Mrs. F. Brown of Hykeham he hoped the members would agree to this. The and election, an entailed be by would which expenses the heavy Scoflin, and duly agreed by the members. recommendation was moved by Mr, Oldershaw and seconded by Mr. Mr. J. O. Dixon was elected to attend the October meeting. 3. ';-'P ". - ";.~&"'i 4. A great deal of discussion arose out of the desire that productive workers be given two weeks holiday with which had been placed before the and connection this difliculties in the many exphuned Oldershaw fully Mr. pay. trade, the Trades Union deputations which had ntet the Board. . He pointed out that, partkxrlarly in the building "-'". -'*, 'nh holidays at all, . and it had already 'proved most difficult for the Society to compete. '", majority of employers gave tt. i& If, however, they would come into line and give one week the Board would be glad to consider the advisability of agreemeiiK' second week. Tlie other pmductive workers receive the amount of holiday stipulated in the vaiious with the Trade Unions concerned. There was also the' question of cost which would be in addition to that to be piid. The dividend would undoubtedly be affected and a certain to distributive workers under the new wage agreement. '."'i'. amount of consideration must be given to the' poorer member who did not share the many advantages already enjoye4, :;, He gave assurance that so soon as opportunity arose the matter would be reconsidered'. :;;:, .=;" by the Society's employees. declared the ordinary meeting dosed. The 5. The meeting then resolved itself into a Spgctat. Gzwam 1Vhzrtwu for the purpose of considering the-':-=' . -', Delete lines 7 1 9 indusive from page 29 and insert That members' representation following alteration to Rule 84 at C.WX Ordinary Business Meetings be equally divided between members residing in the City and Country Areas and carried Proposed by Mr. W. H. Dixon, Branston, and seconded by Mr. J. O. Dixon, Washingborough, : =. ". ~ , :;=', — . " — unanimously. CAFE DEPARTMENT COLD TABLE DELICACIES of every kind suitable for LUNCHES, TEAS, BRIDGE PARTIES . Delivered 8'eddi ng ready for the Table. Catering a Speciality APPLY MAN AGERES ", 1938. CASH ACCOUNT from Aprf'I 6th fo October 5th, Dg. s d and Shop Tills To Cash in hand „Goods sold ........................ . „Contiihutions to Share Capital . . Loan Capital. Specie! Loan Capital Penny Bank Capital ..... .. ..... ... Provident . Gub. .......... Tradkig Gub . Members' „Retraytmmts ' Ih282 7 ., 7,670 18 I 20, 1 17 14 4 Hndth In~ Life '='-";;='*j Accmmt Assurance ~ Insurance Premiums rrsurned ' o55tr "' :"~i' ". ' Proposition W-""":,=„;. do. 4 ';; Transfer Fees :v4, 7 „NOmmatian Feea de. „Strong Room Fees Cards, Pass Books, gsc. , I . Convalescent „Subscriptions Fund Midland International Coop. Allinace . . Hospital. County Lincoln Lincoln General . Seamans' Hospital Police Court Misnon Nat. Life Boat nssti uum. Lincoln Deaf and Dumb Ass. Prisoners' Aid. . „, .. . ... ........... ...... .. D~ 3 8 I,685 2 3 168 19 3 l387 10 0 7 0 5$ ~ — 4 IO 9 3 0 5 0 12 117255 8, 179 19 20,791 0 0 22979 19 15 000 i,u2 551 123 5 11 15 0 0 1010 0 550 330 220 200 I 0 I I I I I 0 0 164 8 11 10 13 7j „Non-Members Discount „Educational Grant „Collective Life Ass. Prenuum „Superan Fund I65 7 IO 411,041 2 6 Payments. 374 0 9 2587 5 4 1,635 2 3 ..... 1.805 13 7 213 17 5 „Workmen's Compensation Income Tax '„National Defence Contribution , Indcumity Fmd 140 17 8 333 12 0 „ 151 2 434,620 7 8 1,943 18 „ Bank De „Cash m Cd '. -"III,084,699 18 71 734 0 2 6,068 5 9 .„CoBcctfve Life Ass. Payments 96 18 „BankWiddrawals . . 78,605 9,084 20, 195 9,470 d ~ 385,890 2 I 82, 178 6 4 19,657 14 . ... 66 4 0 060 046 115 0 Horses ..... 518 7 3 5,406 gr Members Property A/c. Land and Buildings A/c. . 4 4 8816 6 572 I '2 ... ----- — „Divkhsd ......... Income Tax -„ ':„,, e Casli ......................., i';:.= Fees, Fixed Stk, A/c. Investmcnts CoBective Frxed Rolling Stock l~3610 9 ... . ... ....... ...—.....- Provident Gub. Trading Qub 5 6 Trading. Gub Erurance Fees g';:. .. . ".... 27,78812 5 144 184 — . Sharc Capital Loan Capital. . . ... Special Loan Capftld Penny Bank Capital 80,110 0 4 Prcms. (MImbers) Sick Room Recei . „Withdrawals 8,775 17 10 38 0 0 402 2 3 1,191 8 5 , Bank Agmcy Commission „Camagc ........................-. „Wages ........................... - I 22309 17 10 8, 129 0 ........... . ...... „Sde „Rents ... ........................ Insuranm By Goods bought 540,638 15 7$ 'fc ~ d II 380,236 11 9 5,653 10 4 d 2 3389 6 0 41388 15 2 Property A/c. Fmd Stock &de of Live anil af Land 8 Cr. ACCOUNT CASH fffdB4, 699 18 8 8 t" Cr. B — . l&;-"ri=.-'d Ti Bnhmce m Banks, Apnl 6, 1938 9epcidts Wholesale Socy. , Ltd. 378,891 7 I 55.729 0 7 Ltd. . . . ~p. . .. ... .... fi s d 209,766 I 6 — By Wftddsweab . Coep. WhdeseleSocy ?„13011 3 sd % Ltd. 360,274 6 9 M............. 50,766 15 9 Comnumon. ....................... „Balance in Banks . Coclp. Wbotsek Socy„Ltd. 2213715"9 3 8 6 IIBdland Bank Lub. ........... Midhud 434$20 7 8 sd Bank I, 4119S 2 i14 10 lp nevsTMmTs . INTEREST ADDrllONS s d 0 Co-op. Wholesale Soaety Ltd. 33 71,730 350 0 Wigston Magna Hasiers Ltd. 4 0 25 Co-ap. Printing Society Ltd. 5 0 3 Paisley Mfg. Society Ltd. 124 19 5 Nat. Coo . Pubfidung Soc. 0 Io Ltrb 5 Soc. Akcstcr ptcedfemakers 50 0 5 Lcck Silk Twist Society Ltd. LDL" 0 50 5 Sipt Society Io 0 Leiccstcr Carnage Builders Ltd. o 25 Midland Boot Mfg. Society Ltd. 5 40 5 Nordunts Productive Sac. Ltd. 4 — „. Sperapc Boot and Shoe Soc. , Ideal Clothiers Ltd. Kcttering Coop Oothing Soc. Makers LNL Shoe StaHord Swanpaol Hausing Society Mid. Cxoop. Laundries Ass. Ltd. Excel Hat and Cap Society LNL Lincoln Hide. Skin a Fst Gx. 4 5 5 5 5 .. — Ruston a Hornsby Ltd. (OrcL ~ Ruston 8 Harnsby Ltd. LOL CDd a Rmt Corpmanan Stock. . .. .. 7$ 5 ~y .. .. .... -- 3 4) ....... 5 ....-. 4) ....;..... 4) . . . .. 5 RobeyaCo Ltd. foka, ) RWy a C L d. IPNd. ). Rabey a Cks Ltd. (Oril), Midland Bank Ltd. ;. . Cocrp. Whalesale Society Ltd. do. Special Depmit Account do. vhx do. do. do. - Ihx Mid. Coop. Laundries Astro. War Stock Lincoln ~ l, I a 360 7 10 50 15 0 a 1~500 360 0 Q. 330 0 0 330 p 0 7830919 9 0 1.220 -, I lp 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 79530 4 5 114,047 12 0 2.108 13 4 '14,890 16 4 813 4 00. 18 6 8 273 . ,071 26 200 1,100 19 159 O 0 7 6 0 0 0 0 3 3 10 0 390 O 0 0 0 170 2,800 0 0 21 5 7 2,744 9-6 ,836 12 11 82,45 16: 5. 813 4 273 0 0 227 17 5 1,066 0 9 0 0 0 330 0 0 330 0 0 15 185,637 15 8 42, 790 5 4 ,766. 4 4 5 0 29 5 0 52 10 0 10 0 4 8 604 14 II 4 Q 40 19 7 50 0 0 10 0 0 3 700 29 5 0 0 ,960 7 I 1,680 I? 4 14,617 16 4 613 0 1,264 5 0 ghf 10 0 87342 .~~l's 0 P 53 1745 0 1,668 4 9 I 5 0 0 19 3 3 7 715 6 26 7 6 360 330 330 2,815 2, 744 9 6 Q 10 0 25 0 0 0 2.852 I 10 0 56 I 3 10 0 0 166 10 419 5 0-'=: I 0, 0 '.'.~" 6,7, —; 50 205 0 0 1.106 13 4 5210 0 2,800 0 0 0 50 00 I '.='-', s d 71,730 0 P '';:";3, 350 0 8 25 40 19 7 411 Ttug r 127 6 7 10 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 10 0 0 500 613 4 700 29 5 0 450 29 5 0 0 716 9 015 0 3216 9 53 0 6 10 7 10 127 014 4 110 2 3 0 0 2.100 0 1,047 14 E s d s d E 76396 8 2 4,666 8 2 Q 19 3 3 159 Io 0 390 0 0 170 309 506 BALANCE TOTALS 0 0 50 53 0 26 7 200 o lao 0 E s d 218 12 8 s d 771 216 3 015 0 276 a 182,677. 8 7 2$ 42, 185 IO. 5' 3 IL2366 14 8 . ... ....... 4, 8 DISCOUNT ON 1,447 10 6 0 0 10 0 0' 5 ..... ..... . 5 0 0 0 0 ACCDUNY 509 Ip 9 7 10 185 637 15 42 790 5 114,047 12 2, 100 0 14,617 16 84 0 0 4 I 439+1 17'II WORKS DEPARTMENT-::;, mnevet 'Phone rrangemenfs apply 10 PORTLAND 1815s Extension STREETS LtNcoLN. For FUNERALS after. Oace Hours MR. J. CAvANAGH 375 High Street (corner of King Street), Lin 'Phone 513. Night Ikncl Day. '"":;-. ":- =. :;:=";=P. kg„«"„'-'':='„"- - Dr. TRADE Esdfi 112,656 in hand, April 6, 1938 „Goods and Carriage . .... . 388286 0 10 43,456 14 III Productf35e Expenses 71,133 7 „Distrlllutive Expenses .. To Stock -'-I"': '3, i . . .... .""" „Milk Checks sd 44/30 I fi 9 8 fi 541,271 d By Goods sold „Discount „Stockin band, Oct. „. d To Share Interest Diiaou'ug at I/4. in tbe „Educational Grant Balance carried forward 4 8 229 14 8I II5,580 13 10 5. 1938 4 866V48 14 7 DEFICIT ACCOUNT. AND „. „. s d 8 s s d E 19255 8 3 d By Balance from last Report Share interest. .... .. . 12870 I I' I, —,-I?9115 12. 0.0 374 0. 9' 2,095 4 5 .. . ..... 14,000 Disoo9mt peranmetion ;~;.=,:-'::„''8u 2A7 5 4 at I/4 ia Fund . 17,090 2 8 1,17819 6 381 12 I0I ......., . ... 2,095 4 5 ......... 1387 10 0 , Balance from last balf-year 10 13 7$ 164 8 11 fafe Assurance CoBedfse terim ...... ~Tax returned „Balance from Trade 572 3300 LAND 9405% 0 BUILDINGS AND YoraL I cosy rnoySRIY ACCOUNT nsyngcxlyloN ygssloosLY OSYRNRSYION Itaty Ygag SLMegn B Branch . Stores and other BusinenPremises DwelBng-houses Agrixdtural land B s d B d ~ B s s d d ~ B d ~ 8 d Central ... ~ i ', 270,543 16 II, 852 0 0 7,605 0 0 7. ' i 0 114,13? 8 6 0 7 10394 6 I 278, 148 16 B2 4022 3 '.B?36 0 5 3?dtt5 2 8 -0 321.99019 3 ?f505 FPXD 00 AND 329.193 ROLLING 12~ 15 161.114 ? 6 0 2 24@8 0 3 ngyggnaymn 6, 1%8 f 2UR9 ~ d 5 2 ~ f s'd 0 2 B ad 24, 183 5 4 . 5. 19a sd R STOCK AND ~ ynes ann, B sdI 122124 2 9 9 3N? 3 0~ 140M 17 0, 67,112 0 ad 3~16 9 12 1880844 6 4 3 ACCOUNT HORSES satg tw nggn 8 s d 2,897 0 0 117,034 8 6 9618 0 10,491 4 I IROM ISRL —:. ;«ayIL 2 Account 94u91 0 aud~ I 7 0 2, 174 9 8 54.95 1 3 . 5 nco955e T&x 4 0 0 833255 8 3 !53355 0 3 -Members' Discount' 9 6 I2,040 13 4 8662348 14 7 SURPLUS s d 3 2I +26 on purchases „Transfer~s and Ser vices „MilkChecks Outstanding. ..... 504,876,3 2 285 17 Outstanding and Dehci5 „Balanceto Surplus Cr ACCOUNT wnrrxsn oss B ~ d l a~ ocl. 5, II88 i di d B 24210 15 I i 245183 5 4 e vr~r '-;. :4!'8 EXPENSES ACCOUNT 6;" To 22 3 0 51,965 8 6 t6 I 3661 .. . .,. ... ' ni ' Cas and CtcDric'city . . .... eectricul Power . . , ..,. . .. '„Tdcpbam ...................., ... . " ': 2 ' „Stamtn end I By lntemt — Intt. strnRmts Account Mmnbms' 82, 141 8 „ 133t6 1. 3726 6 2 I,l43 i6 % . 979 10 8 404 12 4 344 7~ I' '10 I 62 612 A/c. 8,434 8 9 2,926 4 9 „StrongRoom „Bank Interest 6222 5R 7 4,013 6 0, Fees 2, 130 11 ... ............ .... .. 3 3610 9 „BitntAgency Commission as per Investment . Accotmt Incur'ence Hesltb l4itbmtd Receipts', 11360 13 6 1,191 8 5 9618 4 14 4 4 93 210 115 0 Insurattce Prems. . (Members) do. Members' Proper'ty A/c. „Smt'Room ' ' s d ... „Pius Boo&, lbs. ID 4,573 13 0 795 4 4 2.161 I IIS .. ., I NR . . ...,. .,.. Statbtnesy aml ....;............. vmtnmg „Prining D '2 I „. .. . . „, . . .. . ......... . .., . ..,.. .., , . ..............., ......... Insurance .. N~ IIRR h , R . ..-. ....,.. ....... R „Rates,..... ......,.. ..,.. .. I t62 ~ — . ............ 24~ Ptuducum 506 8816 6 ...:..... 18 4 4 168 19 3 Dbtbbntd Insurance Prmniums 32145 11 6 ADL* Cbetttm Trsvellitlgi'~'";"~i' Bootee. ll 2 664 19 6 ',."NDDZ~':, .N. 165 16.11 I ji78 43,456 14 11k 73,133 7 t~ ... Laud and Bttldmgs Fixed Sect, Motors and - ............. Pbnt ......;..... .............,. Homes, Qairy , Sbare Capital. Estimated Interim Special Loans Penny Bank Reserve Funrb 6 Sttpecmnuatiou, ... ............ ............ ......... FuPrLNRuvvt, , 11851O 2' 4t"-, "= 3357 3 0 -1722 0 0 - 400 1,008 0 0 0 0 13Pl0 0 0 26 911 1,536 0 6 2,68316 1 1321 14 3$ 754 0 0 .tnt4067166, 6j, :. ', :, -'; ~'„.„:, -."~N,:"';~~' ':",:-:,;:;, .'Ri':;,. ";. , "-' — ' .' , ''"': '. ';., —, .;:, Ir8135~,-''"2r'~king„ 13 MILLING ACCOUNT PLANT RRPRRCIATION, RALANCR APRIL ucr. 5, 1938 6, 1938 8 s d 6.045 19 7 8 0 d s d 0 0 6.045 19 7 ~ ..................... Fixed Stock Account „Forfeits— To Withdra96nfs ~ Fbun sdBsd II 7910 4 33 5 5 ACCOUNT Interun 7,8718 6 I Discount ..... ........... Intereit „ 3 702,96817 „Balance Oct. 5, 1938 8 s d 6,045 19 7 8 ~ d 5,645 19 7 By Balance April 6, 1938 Disonmt 78.605 10 4 VALOR ocr. 5, 1938 s d 400 0 0 CAPITAL SHARE Dr. NNNNAL Interim Interest .. Contributions . .............. 6 8 s d 8. 12,870 11 I 26 911 15 2 41~ 89~1 iu951 d- ACCOUNT To „ ~ . 1938,.. ... . ...... Interest. ............................. Bidance April. 6, Cask advanced tfds balf year Insurance B d 6,068 ' 5 9 93 2 10 2,926 4 9 ~I B ....... By Balance, April6, 1938. ACCOUNT 8 d 9 Balance Oct. 5, 1938 4k775 17 10 142+34 17 3 9.$1119 6 8151,0IO 15 I SUPERANNUATION OcL9'5,01838 ....,;, s 8 s d .... 0151,010 15 IA, s d 86 450 '0 0 622.951 8 6 PROPERTY 's 141,923 I , . 0 6 MEMBERS' 'i 10 10 8781,687 3 4 RESERVE FUND ..Bxie d 17.915 12 0 17,090 2 8781,687 3 4 WSI '8 6 . 0 f692,395 12 6 di '.B. s 1,805 13 7 53,188 10 '4 FUND .. ...... ..... ......... By Balance April 6, 1938 . „Fenldo8sca ContribaCiem. „Socety' s Contribution „ 05cnl 9 u ACCOUNT Inteusst ~ d 13% 5 6 1,178 19 6. 8 e d 51368 2 5 ?„485 5 0 1,140 16 6 654,994 3 11 CAP ITAL LIABILITIES. ;1", '. ............ .---................."-- Share Catntal Share lntareet i"i- . -, 4 Capisd Penny Bank Capital Fund Superannuation Special Cbb. ....................... Provident ~ Trade Debts Owing Expenses Owing ..................... Pmvbian ba lncorno Milk Checks Reserves . tfrorbnen's t„'.1 , 13300 0 0 102,093 7 8 IN, 459 I 'll 79.415 7 7$ 53.188 10 4 ...... 1,139,625 4 9t 5,064 3 7k Daiiy Plant Investments ........................... Property Account 522, 007 13 6 142,234 17 3 40,435 . I .— and Loans Shares Members' 7 22,95.1 8 17 Qk 235361 7 9 1,943 18 & 3.988 8 0 Compemation, amt Trsdmg -'I& 460 13 0 '3: c 664.ovf2 IQ ';9.;, -:,-'.9~~ II,008 3;.'6=;';:;.=$gj 7 '5c';-',-':~-~, j'" 237305 6' 5be= 4 723 f 5: Revrr vs Fnad .tl -..~'Bv-k i':u~ 219,558 8 4 2300 0 0 2$ s 105,580 13 10 16,879 19 2 188,844 4 3 22310 15 I 5.645 19 7 2,857 9 5 Fixed Rof)fng Stock and Horses 37,736 I 7 2,699 0 0 fddfff Invesunents s d ASSETS. s d 's Accounts Owing Tas. ... .... Ftnal Insurance E e d 702,968 17 ACCOUNT 4L214 14 3 W,971 7 & ftU%5096 9 '5'k Elg$5, 096 9 ~,~~ AUDffORS'dbREPORT ~rtva — I'o dnr Msstesas m yss Ltttcout Sotsgyy Lsatttaa ladies end Gentlemen. Tbc un csigneck having had aecwn to all tbe Boobs Des ds. Documents, and having examined the foregoing Ceneral Statement snd vertTtsd tbe same with tbe'Boolw, Deedn thereto. now sign the same as found to be correct. duly vouched, snd in accordance with la w, . A. Syayytattt, of the Society and Vouchers ~'I c S, Basaow, a.s. PROPOSED . DISPOSAL ad~=. ..,„,. Public A. OF SURPLUS ,Q. ~,=j!.-. To Disoomn an fc30026ft't'gfw4 in the ft 1Ãtw' . .... w'w'ms". 20,0N 0 0 c R24, 971 bb. A. E. %'atsotr (President) (Vice. Prrstdent) lvls. A. Afassroa . Ms. H. H. Lmtow (Secretory) E. Bsueoss (Tnasurer) (ill) SIR. ... ... ... ... EDUCATIOlv 17 17 17 10 7 6 $24, 971 7 6 „. CO)tIMITTEE Ma. A. Doss . Mas. L Baxes . Mtss A. G %'arrraxxa ' Mas. F. Ow stt .. ... — ATTEND~. . ... ... ... ., . ... ... ... 7 16 16 16 Ma. C. Oxsy Ma. G. Matrrt UBRARY. Mes A. C %arryagaa. Mas. F. Ow'aw, Mas. L Baxstt AINMFNT. Ma. A. Doss, hfa. H. I 'HING mo BILLIARDS 1 E. Bateaoa, Mtea C Baooxta illa. C Oxay. . — ... N 15 15 ll I5 HYKEHAM B s d 2342 19 I ... Geode snd Pigs purchased ...... „Transfers from Departments ... Wages ................................. To Stack in hand Oct. 6, 1937 Interest ACCOUNT d 11$ s . . ... . . . . . ... . ......... ... ... ... ... ... .... ......... . . . . By Sales. .... . . .. .... . ... . . , .... Debts . ......... .. , ,. Tnmsfer to Deparnnents Loss . . .... . .. . .. Stock in. band Oct. 5. 1938 15 9 0 527 0 I 403 I 6 1,155 5 159 0 0 289 4 9 „Debts „ FARM 556 11 I 0 0 1,673 19 I I 932 0 0 1.718 17 7 I II4,891 19 84,891 19 e BRANSTON „. in band, Oct. 6, 1937 Goods 'and Cattle purchased „Tnmsfers from Departments To Stock II s 8,888 0 22156 4 1,003 4 2, 179 II 1,089 0 .... .... ............... ......... „Expenses ...... 423 13 ACCOUNT FARM d 7 4 By Srdes. s ..................................... 4 „Stackin 9 hand, Oct. 5, 1938 ..... 0 2 616.439 616,439 14 2 FARM WE LBOURN ' . ..................... ..................... eats. ....................... ,„';:FjStnckm'barid, Oct, 6, 1937 m Grsr'ds jmd Cai&e' purchase ="-~& s d 3,557 2 5 1345 4 0 629- 7' I 1,069 .I 9 14 2 ACCOUNT B 421 d 3, 145 0 11 3,997 8 7 1372 0 6 8.025 4 2 Transfers to Departments By Sales. B s d 740 19 7 14 I 3,626 ll 0 ...; ... ............................, 3' . , „Transfers to Depsrnncnts, .... '... „Stockin hand, Oct. 5, 1958 ...... 0 0 252 19 I I 365 9 6 -S7,640 87,640 4 8 4 8 k4QQNEY. ,PA@4 o Binds in bssd, -'=44, .:,e -.tI ",'Oet. -6 -1837 -'~;.-, '-:, ;;i,:::-',;,'Sr688:,:-frpf0 *. r .'. -'-SWf' ... ;:~;"y. . ~'r fnmsfefs fyostr'Defmstsnrtela;-' "'-, ";";-'.;.,'. ;". ..-;:;~~„; . „%rges '. ;:,rnd. . '.—, i :. , ... r~. 2~20 7 4 0 10 By'Std, . =' -';:-=.'.::; %16 10:6 "-.""".='+..'-. '.--':; ',:. '-:~o";r;. 3r 6. '967 '2' 7 .. .-. . ...... .. . .. ... ...'I;r,.', '..:... -"-'12149 '„' ' '-"-. . to:,'Dipa'ilmerds. :, '-r. r;. .„!Fnm'slam, . ' ',, -', Loss. . '. .'. '."". ,". ,. '. , , '. ' '' BUILDING 8~~39%., 8..ffx x o ....... . ;....... ~from T~ . . .,....'. .. ...... ;....;, ...;....... Ifrrtgm -'„„;. Detrartrnanta , , ,;. , g~~~. : 4:,4;r 6~68 10: 5 %'4 I% 6' 2~25 14. I 3MB, . 3 ~~f0 e.&i'r:::=::,.:=.'-;:-::;,:,'':-,".".-: ' '::::," -:=:-"i::,r::::".f782116 15 —:;;. DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT ,Bp, Bekm' -"-'o~-r-o r «r Tnuisfer Goads anal „Stackin '&k432 16 2 hstuk Oe't. e-d 8 14. -'-": r35237 .-'- .",. Serrfcm. ,', -''„"o„" "--' o-"o-'' ", "--", -, 4 BI . ; ,'2'fb8861 ;: l~j-'.":~;.'. 4rIBB:, $i '4I,.:-: 5th. 1%8', , ,rfgobroiaC~C, %78,816 15 -:, ' -~,: ' Gncsasc s d To Balance in GWS. Bank, 24 5 April 6, 1938 . . .. . 6 15 Cash in Society ., .. , 57 19 „Cash in hand 0 374 „Grant from Society . I 9 Cards and Fmes .. .. , 1(18 „Nues snd Oat/ask .... 3 8 „ChoirOuting snd Saba. .. „Danring Classes . ...., . 98 I . Recsiots froin Tables ... , Members' Fees .. . ... . Chocohtm snd of Sale . „. . ... .... .. . Sale of Minerals ......... Sale of Chalk ............ Interest and Divideed ... ........., .. Bank Interest „CbBdren's Gunp ......... Grant for Co-operators' Duy. ... ............... .. Torst. B s d Bttttstms K s d ... 9 I Ip 8 I pi 24 5 ... ... ... ... ... 374 0 9 9 I 0 71 16 0 10 4 0, „Weekend Schools. etc. 3 8 8 98 I I pi „Library 71 16 ... 0 4 0 2 I .3 9 17 6 0 0 „Children's Camp '„4'rB',. ."-10. ': 4;.Q';I5i 4,*;f$o :$, 6cf:. 2:.'6:-I' . 15 0 2 I ... ...... 0 2 I 0 4 0 ' I 1 ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 3 ... . 50 14 I 5 5$ 5 5 8 41 10 -'26 3 '0 6 15 78 5 p 52 4 p "ll 'll '. . .. . ... .. . . , =j 5 5 0 10 4 ' ', 3 5 p p 8 10 p 31 3 Ip 68 4 50 14 33 5 „5,:... 2 5 10 I L2 41 - '=" 26 3 0 --r':, 6 15 5 " '=;--')2, 5'IB 'k 5-ffg'::$r 9 5 Iif . wDancing Gasses ......... , I 9 0' „Miscepaneous Expenses .. .. 73 10 10 „BiBiisrds Sahries. ' 4B 8 3 „Repairs snd Table A/c. &!''-:. y .*. ' - . „Cigsrenes and Chooolates 6 0 I 7 I' bfmerab t. ....... ..... Goads .. . 3 6 2 119 I Cheques, . ..... 0 0 I 0 0 8 10 0 31 3 I 0 68 4 3 ..... .. +& 2 I 3 9 17 6 — 12 5 Torse ... ... 78 5 0 52 4 0 ......... 33 . . equisitm Health gi Unemp'nt Stamps 4:Com. OBicials Sabuies. .. . «iPropaganda (General) rr;Qmning and Repairs ... . Bttttslun GENERAL Choir I 10 18 10 '". I —Librarians ... „Gnmts to Guilds ......... „Literatum. .................... „Grant to Country Branches „Miscepsneous Grants ... „Propaganda ~noma ... 4 3 4 1938. 5th October, ended By Salaries 8 10 19 3 Ipf 29 15 6I 87 15 5 8 11 .... .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . for sbc months ACCOUNT EDUCATION . ; . 45 . f "W'' 5 5 3 2818 4 723 14 8 ~ KDUCATKKB COMBNTTBK REPORT. tbc Hrif-yearly Reyert. we thank sB members who have sewed us in our work. These is greeter uenl now thea assr in tfn pus for Coopemtors to be fuBy aware of the face our movement. To tbe concentrated ansrin the world aimed, at sstroymg aB hecdom and coBective. effort the Cooperative movement must present a cbslhnga by gsiag forwarct vrith m heinarivn We urge sB members m support our eBorts in his nwk. IBewa" goes from success to success, Cooperators sbauldbe proud of their own Sunrhy newspaper that stands head and shouMcrs moue sB tbe rest. . In tbc crirical times w'e are now our paper gives a dear convincing hnd to aB who have the welfam of 0» movcmern at heart. Tbss w couphri vdth gruit topkaI and popular spysal, a stdcndid appearance and a rmristered readers' scheme that increases Society buunum Bencbt. It is well supported hy Thc Cocgicrotgu/tfceu, IFomsn's Out/oo/t, and Ki//goto Montfdy, obtabsdde ln ~; fram aB Branches im request. should he made to the isla'erian for conaideratbm. AB cegidar ~ of the Left Boob Club are induded each month movemmt in Spain. qucial wm he showa at utch show so gain support aml sympathy fm the Spanish peopin psrricularly the women md children, snd so srimulste the sales of milk tokens. Shows already arranged ere Mmntg Reset, Oct. 20th. Fmgnx. Oct. 28ric Nov. 18th. Sayrttnns, Dec. 2nd. Hvgstouu. Oct. 21st. Sr. Gnus Gvan, Nov. 2m'L Mmgnnsm Wanotnunw. Oct. 27th. Scosvn Nov. R~. scription fe of 2/ ~ is ap that is neeeenry to be able to become a member. Tuition Dewing Ciomen 9sL Evary Friday throughout — ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The ChiÃbon's Camp was bigger sad bettw then ewe'this the season at tbe New Hall, Free School Lorm. d 'dcri ther I ed the The Cemminee is aifdiatcd to the Workers Association and the National Associa atom wn tbe driegate this tens fmm tbe wmdd lilac destroy tbe Tlus year a new fcatum hss been to asusa'. tha worid~ the~so A ~~-., 59 ~ci' . adm ysn ni tbe Council of Labour at whom Dbnrict. h also lms reprm 'gl'= The Quarterly Meeting will be held on the BRANCH PREMISES, BASSINGHAM, on FRIDAY, Nov. 18th, at 7 p.m. Rcp cwnteticc MR. J. E. HARRISON. — — Bsssrscsssr Basses Cossrtrsz. Mr. C. Blow, Water Lane, Bassinglsun (Chairman); Mt. C. Bonner, Brant Broughton (Secretary); Mr. A. Brockiesby, Minden House. Bassingham; Mr. W. Ash, Carlton-lo. Moorland, Lincoln; 'Mrs. E. Tindall, High Street, Bassinghsm; Mr. H. Rswding. Brsnt Broughton; Mrs. G. Walker, Torgate Farm, Bassingbsm; Mr. W. Beckett, Brsnt Broughton; Mr. G. Taylor, Pleasant View, Bassinghcm. Thc Quarterly Meetmg will be held in the READING ROOM, METHERINGHAM, on FRIDAY, Nov. 18th, at 7 p.m. Mx. F. J. OLDERSHAW. Rcpruuntatioc Matsxmscsss Busses Cossrtrw=Mr. F. W. Baldock, Metheringham l(Chairman); Mr. C. Ystes, Fen Lane, Metheringham i Mr. W. Greswell, Digby; Mr. A. Amies, Station Road, Metheringham; Mr. J. Bradshsw, (Secretory); Mr. F. Hutley. Mr. A. Hague, Dunstan; Mr. C. Maddison, Mill Lane, Metheringhsm; Mr. E: W. Aspland. Station Road, Metheringhsm; — M~ Methcriiuginm. 'js~~ on FRIDAY, Nov. 18th, at 7 p.m. The Quarterly Meeting wiB be held bs the METHODIST SCHOOLROOM, WASHINGBOROUGH, Rcprcrcntctee Mn. W. SLATER. (Chairman): Mr. J. O. Dixon, Washingborough (Secretary); Wastsscsoxoucs Basses Cossurttm. Mr. W. Rattail, WasbiagMr. H. Sumncr, Washingborougb; Mr. J. Birkett, Washingborough; Mrs. A. 'Clark, Wssbingbotough; Mrs. E. Johnson, Mrs. S. A. Cilbert, Washingborough i Mrs. A. Fleer, Wasbingborough, borough; Mrs. H. Taylor, Washingborough on FRIDAY, Nov. 18th, at 7-30 p.m. The Quarterly Meefing will be held in the CO-OPERATIVE INSTITUTE, NORTH HYKEHAM, Mn. H. BELL Rcptcrcntotlcc Mr. E. Harley, Rhondds, Hyggsss Basses Cossrttvx. Mr. F. Brown, Hope House, Station Road, North Hykeham (Chainnon); Mr. W. Cbrke, York View, Hykchsm; J. Newark Road, North Hykeham (Scn'story); Mr. J. H. Ramadan, Nevin House, Moor Lane. Road, North Hykcham; Newark'Road, North Hykdwm; Mr. C. I L Bools, Jofimetx, North Hykeham; Mr. W. Whitney, 4 Langley Mr. C. M. Acott, The North Hykeham; Road, Sation Hause, Myrtie Station Road, Hykeham t Mr. G. Bemdge, Mrs. W. Nook, Sta6an Road, North Hykehsm. ou FRIDAY, Nov. 18th, at 7 p.m. The Quarterly Meeting will be held in the SCHOOLROOM, BRANSTON, Mrss A. -E. WILLIAMS. fbptcwntatioe. Mr. C. Ciaydon, Lincoln Road, Branston (Chairman); Branston Road, Statian H. Dixon, Mr. W. Costtrrar. Bsssgms Basses Heighingtcn Road, Branstcn; Mr. J. Johnson, Lincoln Read, (Secretary) t Ms. H. Brown, Eigh Street, Branston; Mrs. M. Blissett, Branston; Mr. J. Taylor, Arundd„Lincoln Btsnstou; Mts. A. A. Webb, Silver Street, Branston; Mrs. F M. Frceston, Hall Lane, Townsend, Main Strrnt, Heighington. Branston; Mr. C H. Peach, "Eastbsgh, Lincoln Road. Branston: Mra A. — — Washin~ — — ~, " " " " — — " " Read, FRIDAY. Nov. 18th, at 7 p.m. The Quarterly Meeting will be held m thc VILLAGE HALL, SAXILBY, on —Mtc D. CREASEY. Rcprcrcntaticc — Mr. H. Lindsey, (Secretary) t High Street. Saxilby (Chmnnan); Mr. G W. Oxby, West Bank, Ssxilby Saxilby; Mr. J. W. Valley, Maya Lane, Ssxilby; Mr. J. Wbeatley, Cherty Tree House. Saxilby; Mr. H. Clarke, operative Soriety. Mr. J. Lingsrd, G. Gadsby, High Street, Ssxilby; Mr. Bell, Coupcil Cottages, Saxilby; Mr. G. Hilj Parish Cottages, Fmton; Mr. Sstutxv Busses Cocstttttm L on SATURDAY, Nov. 19th, at 6 M pan. i:-.„-"TheQuarterly Meeting will be held on the BRANCH PREMISES, WELBOURN, MR. H. WELLS. Rcptcscntatioe — — Mr. H. Ftankfin, The Green, Welbourn (Sccrctmy); Mr. S. Wztsouxs Busses Cosssrtrgr. Mr. T. Taylor, Welbourn (Chairman): Mr. A. Codd, ixndenbcm; Mr. J.T. Chambers, Nsvenby t Peach. Fulhcck: Mr. E. Ogden, Wellingorc; Mr. A. Willows, Wellingore; Mr. Housham, Nonnanton; Mr. J. Lavison, Junr. , Cndenham at 7 yarn . st ';f::Xba Quarterly Meeting wiB be held on the BRANCH PREMISES, BARDNEY, on SATURDAY, Nov. 19th, Ms. F. CRAINGER. fbptcsrntotioc — ~ — Mr. W. W. Mcsnwell, Abbey Road, Bardney Mt. C. H. Tmdall, Fsirfield Fstm Bardney (Chcinaaa): Abbey Road, Bardney; Mr. J. E. Lintin, Qucm Street, Bsrdncy r (Secretary); Mr. F. Padley, Sation Reed, Bardney; Mr. J. Chappell, Road, Horsington; Mr. R. J. Sellers, Abbey Road, Bardney; Mr. E. W. Picker, Queen Street, Bardrtcy; Mr. R Kent, Stixwould *%j. ~-i)hater Busses HORNCASTLE, on SATURDAY, Nov. 19th, at 7 p.m. Meeting will be held on the BRANCH PREMISES, Reprcnntot~ A. TUCK. Mr. C Auckland, 44 Spilsby Road. (Choirman); Horncsstle Street, Foundry 107 Reed Houscsstty Basses Cossrnn. Mr. C. Horncsstle. Horncsstle (Sccrctory); Mr. S. Ling, 19 Queen Street, SLEAFORD, on SATURDAY, Nov. 19th, at 6 W BRANCH Ihna Qunttctdy Meeting wiB be hebl an the fbptcscatatiue-44a. C MACKINDER =$:-'."-'-~e Quarterly — . c g P~, p~ Skaford (Chairman); Mr. C Duffin, 67 West Banks, Sknfotd Busses Coatstrttgg. Mr. G Gomer, Old Place Gardens, The Gatehouse. Slesford Moor; Mr. J. Efiis, 8 Alexsndts Road, Edcnbtow, Southgate, (Scnetary) t Mr. J. Couling Ewcrby, Slesford; Mr. J. Wotton, Priory Cottages, Ruslungton; MrW. H. Blades, 84 Slcsfonl; Mr. W. H.7Ftcksc. 12 Quean Street, Sleaford; Mr. I L — Sleaford:)Mr. J. Willson, Silver Str«ct, Ruskington. MARKET RASEN, on SATURDAY, Nov. 19th, at 7 tstrx Quarterly Maathsg wiB be haM on the BRANCH PREMISES, Ms. F. H. TRUSWELL Reprctcntcthu (Choirman); Mts. G. A James. 19 Linwood W. Dowse. 46 King Strmt. Market Racon Msttggr Rssgs Basttcs Caistor Road, Market Rasen t 46 King Street, Market Rssen; Mrs. C. Garner, Wort( Road, Market Rmm (Secretory) t Mrs. W. Dowse. R. Suthrelk 8 Chapman Street, Marlsst Rssen; Mr. T. L Mts. -Market Raven; Street, Mts. Wa!ker, Waterloo HBL Middfegagm. ~~. — ~ ADVER TlSEMENTS Well-Made Furniture Prices always Competitive DINING ROOM SETS from $8 19s. 6d. BEDROOM SUITES from $7 19s. 6d. ~~lailt'l BEDSTEADS from $1 15s. Od. t'„ Special Display of Toys, Dolls, Games etc. , during December FURNISHING FREE SCHOOL LANE; DEPARTMENTS HJGH STREET & SLEAFORD ADVERTISEMEN1 S BOOT SHOE DEPT. O' SCHOOL FREE BRANCHES 375 High Street, LINCOLN LANE I Southgate, and SLEAFORD Now is the time you mill require your SHOES EVENING and for Dances, Dinners Socials We have a very Choice Selection to choose from t LADIES GOLD & SILVER SHOES from 4/11. BLACK SATEEN Court & Bar fmm 2/11. Dyed to your own shade free. White ditto fmm 2/11. SHOES Black & Tan, from, 8/11 LADIES* WALKING GENTS' SHOES ' BOX CALF OXFORD &om 12/11 to 21/ . Tan ditto from 12/11. Don't Forget to ask for E-ZEWN Wheatsheaf Brand BOOT Repairs REPAIRING delivered coaected and daily DEPARTMENT. to aII our Tovm Branches. Best MaterialsUsetL Best Workmanship. 'LADIES' AND Prices reasonable. GENTS' Departments Hairdressing I .C.S. Specia 1 eugene from 211- '. .. The L.C.S. from 15/- Special is a low Voltage Machiiie which Elim'inates =::.Shock alld Bura. ALI. PERMANENT '-';.,". ;;-':, WAVES A Good Selection of Xmas Presents .. . . ., .%'gKK„,S4HQQQ LANE ARE GUARANTEED for Ladies' and "Gents'. . . LINCOLiN , L'fl ' :.-;4m!'., rs, . t TWO SEEKS OFF FAONt WORK 1S NO JOKE Zos~ogp ~Pic/g/ ~' 'vi. , t Cnueo !'I c4's COD LjVER all. EMULSION (OD llVER Oil& MAlTHHRACt tAIalt O'sgjpp Pyre ~~~glg /o~r HOW J 04$ ii I heNip~, ho i NH. SMITH HAVE yy I SaVED- In between sneezes. Mr. Smith is beginning to think there is some truth in the old proverb: "Penny Wise, Pound Foolish. A short course of C.W. S. Cod Liver Oil and Malt Extract or— C.W.S. Cod L'iver Oil Etnulsion would have maintained tus~ resistance at normal and saved him quite a bit in expenses, These two preparations are nature's own substitute for sun- ' shine, and' are an ideal form of extra nourishment for autumn and winter. Children especially will derive great benefit from them. They are just two of the splendid C.W.S. preparat&&&~ which you can obtain at your local Co.operative Store. Extract R Cod Liver Oil in jars Cod Liver Oil Emulsion Halibut Liver Oil Hot XVater Bottles (rubber) DRUG 'd„1/7, 3/-, 10-, 4/9 7d. , 1/-, 1/9 per bottle:: 1/3, 2/3 per bottle-:. 1/6, 1/11, 2/11 D EPT. .
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