Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade Unit: Anishnabeg and Europeans


Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade Unit: Anishnabeg and Europeans
Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade
Unit: Anishnabeg and Europeans
Michigan Historical Center Lesson Plan
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals
3_H3.0.1: Identify questions historians ask in examining the past in Michigan. (e.g.,What happened? When did it
happen? Who was involved? How and Why did it happen?)
3-H3.0.6: Use a variety of sources to describe interactions that occurred between American Indians and the first
European explorer and settlers in Michigan.
RI.3.7: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g. maps, photographs) and the words in the text to demonstrate
understanding of the text (e.g. where, when why and how key events occur)
W.3.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
Essential Questions:
Students will understand that:
1. Who was involved in trade between Anishnabeg
1. Trade was an important part of the relationship
and Europeans? (men, women, children, etc)
between Native peoples and Europeans in
2. What items were being traded?
3. What items held the greatest value?
2. Trade had many aspects to it, including who and
4. What can you conclude about trade between the
what was involved, what they did and why.
Anishnabeg and Europeans?
3. There are different representations of trade and
those change over time.
Students will know . . .
1. That there were different items and people involved in trade between Native tribes in Michigan and Europeans.
2. Trade is represented differently over time.
Students will be able to…
3. Compare and contrast in the pictures/painting of trade they look at, analyze which they think is a more accurate
representation of trade and write an opinion piece.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
1. Students will look at various sources to identify trade
relationships between Native peoples of Michigan
and European traders and the different
representations of trade over time.
2. Students will compare multiple examples of trade
shown through drawings/paintings and determine
which they believe to be the most accurate.
3. Student will write an opinion piece stating which
drawing/painting they believe is most accurate and
Other Evidence:
Students will discuss their writing piece with classmates
who have similar opinions to compare conclusions.
Students will discuss their writing piece with classmates
who have a different opinion to contrast conclusions.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Trade was an incredibly important part of life for the Anishnabeg people of Michigan and European traders who traveled
there. In addition to furs they wanted from the Anishnabeg people, European traders needed fish, berries, maple sugar,
canoes and snowshoes. In return, the Anishnabeg wanted European cloth, muskets, kettles and tools. This trade
relationship lasted for generations.
Students will look at the four drawing/paintings showing trade between the Anishnabeg and Europeans. They will fill in
the Image Analysis Sheet to help them organize their observations and thoughts. This sheet can be done in pairs or
individually in order to accommodate classes/students. Students then select which of the pictures they think is the best
representation of trade between the Anishnabeg and Europeans. This selection is turned into a short writing piece
expressing that opinion. While there is no best answer (each picture has aspects of accuracy to it), the important part is
that students are able to analyze the document, draw a conclusion about that document and write a well thought out
opinion piece.
Image Analysis Worksheet
Step 1: Observation (What do you see?)
Look at each of the images showing trade between the Natives tribes and
Europeans in Michigan. Fill in the charts with your observations
Image #1
Image #2
Image #3
Image #4
Step 2: Inference (What you think?)
Based on your observations of each of the pictures, choose the one that you think
best represents trade between the Anishnabeg and Europeans. Write a 3-4
sentence summary explaining:
-­‐ What image you chose.
-­‐ What is being shown in that picture (use your observation chart)
-­‐ Why you chose that picture (use your observation chart as well as what you
Step 3: Questions
Are there any questions that you still have about any of the pictures? If not, what
questions would you ask the people in the pictures if you could talk to them?
European and Native American Trader with a beaver pelt. Fish and furs were common trade items.
Items such as thread, needles and awls were also important trade items. Families were involved in trading goods together.