April 24, 2016 - St. Raphael Catholic Church
April 24, 2016 - St. Raphael Catholic Church
Saint Raphael Catholic Church 5444 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara, CA, 93111 Phone (805) 967-5641 Fax (805) 964-2988 Website: www.straphaelsb.org Fifth Sunday of Easter — April 24, 2016 Pastor Msgr. Jon Majarucon Associate Pastor Rev. Lucio Juarez Retired Priest Rev. Frank Colborn Deacons Dcn. Wayne Rascati Dcn. Stephen Montross Pastoral Associate M. Noël Fuentes Confession Saturdays: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Masses Monday through Friday: 8:00 am Wednesday and Friday: 12:05 pm Saturday: 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday: (English) 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 5:30 pm Life Teen Mass (Español) 12:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration First Friday of every month for 24 hours, concluding with Benediction St. Raphael School 160 St. Joseph St. Santa Barbara, CA 93111-2367 Michelle Limb, Principal (805) 967-2115 www.straphaelschoolsb.org Page Two Saint Raphael Church Mass Intentions Pastor’s Corner Last Friday, April 15th, we were celebrating the Mass of the Resurrection for Theresa Olds when two of God’s creatures flew into the church for a visit. They did not come in through the windows, but the doors. They did not fly around in a panic. They sang in harmony with Dorothy (our cantor) during the hymns. They delighted many with their presence and their song. They continued to visit on the weekend and throughout the week. It was apparent they were doing something very important: they were looking for a place to nest and eventually raise their young. I was impressed by that. I was impressed by their single-mindedness, their persistence, their courage, and yes, their joy. They sang, they swooped, and they did not fear their surroundings or the people present. Their instinct to create and celebration of life is something from which we could all learn. Jesus’ words in the Gospel are powerful if truly put into practice: “As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” How wonderful our lives would be if all of us could be so single-minded in carrying out this command: To not fear what others think; To not balk at others opinions or critiques; To take joy in giving and sharing and helping. (And, to extend these efforts to people who have hurt us, hate us or who we do not even like nor know). In these upcoming days leading to Pentecost, strive to truly be Jesus’ disciples. “This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Msgr. Jon I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you. Jn. 13:34 April 24, 2016 April 23 - 29, 2016 Apr 23 Sat Vigil 5:30 pm Louis De Dios (D) Apr 24 Sun 7:30 am Our Parish Community 9:30 am Betty Blinde (D) 11:00 am Fredelito Igarta (D) 12:30 pm Mauricio Arce (D) 5:30 pm Dulcemaria Lopez (L) Apr 25 Mon 8:00 am Maria A. Martinez & Family (L & D) Apr 26 Tues 8:00 am Antonio Ruiz (D) Apr 27 Wed 8:00 am Mia & Dominic Romero (L) 12:05 pm George Hopping (D) Apr 28 Thurs 8:00 am Kayrene Anderson (D) Apr 29 Fri 8:00 am Nathan Hagon (L) 12:05 pm Cay Yuncker (D) — 2016 Parish Pastoral Council Election — Are you Interested? Are you a registered parishioner who would you like to be involved and make a difference with helping to improve our Church's Community and Physical Plant? We have a 3-5 year Parish Plan to help make these areas even better than they are today and are looking for energetic, willing, and prayerful people to make this happen. If you are interested in running for the Parish Pastoral Council (a three-year term), please stop by the Parish Office after Mass or call 967-5641. “Running on Empty” — Catholic Charities is calling out for all donations of food. The cupboards are BARE! They provide supplemental food all year long to those in need. You can help by donating non-perishable items that will provide “healthy staple foods”: Canned peas, corn, string beans, canned mixed vegetables, fruit cocktail, peaches, rice, dried pinto beans, canned pinto beans, boxed macaroni and cheese, bran cereal, bran flake cereal, oatmeal, low-sugar juices i.e. apple, cranberry etc., peanut butter (creamy), light tuna (in water), Top Ramen™, Cup O’ Noodles™, pasta, pasta sauce. Please drop off donations at the Parish Office or in the donation box by the right side entrance of the church. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. On The Cover: The Exhortation to the Apostles. James Tissot, circa 1886. Public domain art courtesy of Wikimedia.org. Fifth Sunday of Easter ~ Calendar Highlights This Week ~ Monday, April 25 St. Vincent de Paul, 2:00 pm, Conf. Rm. Tuesday, April 26 Escuela de Evangelizacion, 7:00 pm, PC, MP Room Wednesday, April 27 Adult Bible Study, 10:00 am, PC, Rm. A/B Friday, April 29 Grupo de Oracíon, 7:00 pm, Conference Rm. Sunday, May 1 Guadalupanos BBQ Fundraiser, 8:30 am to 2:00 pm, Parish Hall PC=Parish Center Parish Community News Master Calendar — It is time to pick up your Master Calendar planning packet from the Parish Office. All Ministries and groups which need to reserve rooms for the 2016/2017 year must complete this packet. Deadline to return your request is Friday, April 29. Hungry For Some Amazing BBQ? — The Guadalupanos will be having their chicken and tri-tip BBQ fundraiser on Sunday, May 1 from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Eat here or take it home! Cost is only $10 for adults and $8 for children. Proceeds help the Guadalupanos in their mission to spread devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and to help our Parish. Life Line Screening — Affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings are scheduled for June 16 at Saint Raphael Church. Five screenings will be offered: blocked arteries; abdominal aortic aneurysms; hardening of the arteries in the leg; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat; and a bone density screening for men and women. 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. 1-888-653-6441 or www.lifelinescreening.com/community-partners. Info (and a link to the Life Line website) at the St. Raphael website: straphaelsb.org (click on “news/events”). Adult Bible Study — Wednesdays, 10:00 am, Room A/B, Parish Center. All are welcome! For more information, call Melissa (afternoons), 964-4570. Page Three Together In Mission 2016 The theme of this year’s campaign is, “Though we are many, we are one . . .”. Together in Mission provides an opportunity to show our concern for tens of thousands of fellow sisters and brothers within our own Archdiocese that need our financial support so that they may continue to provide education, ministry and a Catholic presence in their communities. Please be assured that contributions to the Together in Mission campaign are not used for any other purpose. All funds received in excess of our goal are returned in full to the Parish. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and please continue to fulfill your pledges. Parish Goal: $78,600 Amount Paid as of 3/28: $47,731 Remaining balance: $30,869 Parish Giving — Sign up for electronic giving! Safe and secure! Visit our website: straphaelsb.org or call Shanelle Turcios in the Parish Office, 967-5641 x101. Property Improvements — If you would like to make an extra donation to help us pay for parish projects, please make the check payable to St. Raphael Church and on the memo line put “Property Improvements”. Thank you for helping us keep our property in good working order. Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick — If someone is at Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital, a nursing home, or homebound, and needs Eucharist brought to them, please call the Parish Office at (805) 967-5641. Funeral Ministry — St. Raphael Parish Staff is here to serve you, your family, and friends during this time of planning. Contact the Parish Office at (805) 967-5641. Anointing of the Sick — This is a sacrament offered to those who may be seriously ill or dying. Call the Parish Office at (805) 967-5641 and one of the priests on duty will arrange a time to visit you in your home, nursing home, or hospital. Sponsor a Teen — Please consider sponsoring teens for our “100% Catholic” summer programs: Summer Day Camp (July 5-9) and our weekend “Steubenville San Diego” Conference (July 29-31). Many of our teens cannot afford the fees (Camp is $295 and Steubenville is $250). Please make checks payable to St. Raphael Youth Ministry and note "Summer Programs". Thank you so much for your support, and God bless you! Page Four Saint Raphael Church Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Judith Aguirre Lee Alfano Deb Altomare Nick Altomare Sandra Alvares Steve Armitage Stan Baran Theresa Baran Donald Benn Concepcion Macias Blanco Jessica Blanco Christine Bohlig Al Borgaro Bert Bradley Fritz Cahill Carolyn Calandro Sam Capra Concha Lucero Carrillo Ester Castaneda Joe Cate Juan Cervantes Ana Cobian Fr. Frank Colborn Michael Contreras Milagros Crisostomo Marge Dana Gary Davila Josefina Diaz Kelly Diebold Theresa DiRusso Irene Dorado Pat Dzierski Connie Every Juan M. Figueroa Gracie Fisher Christian Franzen Magdalena Graciano Jose Guillen Maria Elena Gutierrez Joe Herring Rocky Honer Mary Hopping Mell Hueston Maria Teresa Ibarra Alfonso Jimenez Austin Joseph Keefe John Kelley June Kelley Dolores Lomeli Mrs. Charles Lundfelt Sean Magee Ann Magenheimer Kristin Mahon Maria Martinez Laurie May Carol Montejano Adam Montross Byron Montross Catherine Morris Camille Moynihan Estella Narvaez Ana Nungaray Jose Nungaray Teo Nungaray Mike Orozco Helen Owen Guadalupe Paz George Pinedo Jess Placencia Lucy Placencia Patricia Polzin Tom Puerling, Sr. Theresa Pugh Carl Quinn Lydia Ramirez Socorro Rivera Alicia Rodriguez Delia Rodriguez Salvador Roman Maria Rosas Barbara Santos Donna Saar Molly Shawl John Shellabarger Bill Shinn Ruth Stark Dennis Tokumaru Esther Tolis Mark Vidakovich Bruce Wilroy If you need to add or remove immediate family from this list, please contact the Parish Office: 967-5641. Wider Catholic Community Worldwide Marriage Encounter — Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends: June 25-26 at St. Jude Parish in Westlake Village and July 30-31 at St. Rose of Lima in Simi Valley. For more information, call Jeanine and Russ Walker at (805) 648-4244 or visit www.twocanlove.org. Magnificat Quarterly Prayer Breakfast — Saturday, April 30, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Santa Maria Inn. $25 per person. Reservations: Dolly Van Horn, 878-0420 (or 934-1857 after 5:00 pm). Vatican Splendors: A Journey Through Faith and Art March 6 through August 28. Reagan Library, Simi Valley. Over 200 paintings and artifacts from the Vatican. Website: ReaganLibrary.com/VaticanSplendors. $5 off if you enter “Parish” when ordering tickets at the website, or mention “Parish” at the Admission Desk. Discount tickets will only be available until August 20. April 24, 2016 Sociable Seniors For info about Sociable Seniors, call Eleanor Keller, 967-8296. The Senior Travelers PCPA — In the Heights, Broadway's Tony® Awardwinning Best Musical (2008). “This exhilarating musical tells the universal story of a vibrant community in New York's Washington Heights neighborhood – a place where the coffee from the corner coffee shop is light and sweet, the windows are always open and the breeze carries the rhythm of three generations of music”. Matinee, Wednesday, August 17, 1:30 pm. $60 per person includes ticket and bus. You will need to pay for your buffet meal. Send check made out to St. Raphael with "In the Heights" on memo line. October: Santa Anita Park. Questions: call M. Keller at 967-8296. Spirituality & Fellowship Divine Mercy: Martha Avila 964-4945. Meets monthly (usually 3rd Tuesday of the month) at 7:00 pm, in the church. Eucharistic Adoration/Exposition: Margaret Priest 967-7391 Healing of Families: Dcn. Stephen Montross 964-9152 Intercessory Prayer: Cecilia Marks 968-6008 (English), meets Tuesday, 7:00 pm, in the church “crying room”. Marina Rodriguez 722-8933 (Spanish), meets Monday, 6:45 pm, in the church “crying room”. Operation Outreach: Beth Fairfield 964-7919 Praise and Worship: Barbara Flynn. Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, in the Conference Rm. Rosary & Divine Mercy Prayer Group: Meets Thursdays, 8:30 am, in the church “crying room”. Rosary Makers: Janet Fanucci 886-9723 St. Joseph Men’s Prayer Group: Bob Marks 968-6008. Meets Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, in the church. St. Raphael Bowling League: Joanne Anderson, 967-8645 or Eleanor Paulazzo, 968-5240 Sociable Seniors: Eleanor Palazzo 968-5240, Paul Robillard 967-8860 The Gathering: Marie Mlodzik 967-4330 Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Five St. Raphael School Saint Raphael Youth Ministry From the Principal’s Desk Leading Teens Closer to Christ Dear St. Raphael School Families and Friends, Congratulations to the Knights of Columbus Essay Contest winners! Our students were asked to write an essay on the importance of religious freedom. Congratulations to Emilio Almazan for winning this contest. He received a check for $50 from Council 5300. Nicole Barron and Morgan Jensen were runner-ups, both receiving a check for $25. Congratulations to all three students and thank you to the Knights of Columbus! High School Life Night: 5:30 pm Teen Mass and then Life Night. For information on any of the teen programs, contact: John 964-3466 x1 or Shanelle 964-3466 x2. For Teens Interested in Getting Baptized and/or Making First Communion: We have a special sacrament class just for teens. This is for all teens in 7th grade and older. Call John at 964-3466 x1 for more information or with questions. ♦ Important Dates: April 29: In-Service Day. No School. Father/Daughter Dance from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. May 4: Teacher Luncheon May 13: Jog-a-Thon May 16: Jeans for Jesus In Mary’s Love, Ms. Michelle Limb, Principal Protecting Our Children In recognition of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is participating in the Prevent Child Abuse American Pinwheel for Prevention campaign. The pinwheel is an uplifting symbol of childhood and represents every child’s right for a life filled with hope, health and happiness. Through this Campaign we are provided another opportunity to transform awareness into action. For more information on how to have your parish, school or family be a part of this important campaign, please email: [email protected]. College-age Ministry (ages 18-24). All college-age are welcome. Call 964-3466 x2 and ask for Christie. LIFETEEN® and Confirmation News → Confirmation Year 1 and 2 meets on Monday Nights from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. → Confirmation will be April 30. There will be two Masses: one at 10:00 am and one at 2:00 pm. → Edge Junior High Ministry meets two times a month on Thursdays from 7:00 pm to 8:45 pm. → “Men of God” and “Daughters of the King” both meet every other Wednesday, 7:00 to 9:00 pm. → Full Circle, a support group for teenagers, meets every other Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. → Dos Pueblos Catholic Club meets Wednesdays at lunch in room Q-13; pizza is one dollar per slice. → San Marcos Catholic Club meets Tuesdays at lunch in room C-3; pizza is one dollar per slice. → Breakfast Club meets every other Thursday on late start from 7:45 to 8:45 am at Cody's restaurant (for San Marcos students). For any additional information, contact John Vasellina, Youth Minister, at 964-3466x1. Angie Toyama/Terry Strickler Fund — Provides financial assistance to teens for costs of camps and conferences. Donations can be made to St. Raphael Youth Ministry with “Angie Toyama” or “Terry Strickler” on the memo line. Drop off donations at the Parish Office, or mail to St. Raphael Church. Thank you! Pilgrimage Churches for the Jubilee Year of Mercy Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara Pastoral Region: St. Louis De Montfort, Santa Maria; St. Raphael, Goleta; Santa Clara, Oxnard. Page Six Saint Raphael Church Parish Staff and Office Hours Monday thru Thursday: 8:30 am-7:30 pm, Fri: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (closed for lunch on weekdays from 11:30 am-12:30 pm). Saturday 9:00 am-2:00 pm; Sunday 8:30 am-2:00 pm. After hours emergency number: (424) 219-3747. Bulletin Submissions — Please submit items no later than Friday, at Noon, nine days prior to the intended Sunday bulletin. Parish organizations have priority. Items must be emailed or typed clearly on paper. No phonein announcements please. Announcements may be edited for space. Email: [email protected]. Bulletin: Deborah Correio, [email protected] Business Manager: Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Finance/Accounting: Shanelle Turcios, 967-5641 x101 Finance Council: John Hoenigman—Chairman 967-2114, Robert Zaida, Joe Salcedo, Andrew Ochsner, John Hoenigman, Ann Burns, Norma Demonteverde Online Giving: Shanelle Turcios, 967-5641 x101; internet: https://www.myowngiving.com/Default.aspx?cid=1434 Parish Council: Pat Pigatti—Chairman 685-8794, Lee Alfano, Susana Almazon, Kelly Almeroth, Jeff Barkhorn, Stephanie Carlyle, Mario Coronado, Maureen Dougherty, Cindy Hagon, Jesus Lopez, Christie Rojo, Bruce Schumikowski, Linda Varesio, Craig Wines Reception: Maria Romero 967-5641 x100 Website: Deborah Correio, [email protected] Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation (Holy Communion, Confirmation): Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Bible Study: Melissa Colborn, 964-4570 Confirmation, Youth: John Vasellina, 964-3466 x1 Early Childhood Education: Cecilia Marks, 968-6008 Preschool: Jo Bittner, 967-4435 Religious Education (CCD): English Coordinator: Karen Froelicher, 967-1641 x3 Bilingual Coordinator: Ana Cervantes, 967-1641 x4 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 School: Principal, Michelle Limb, 967-2115 website: www.straphaelschoolsb.org. Youth Ministry/LifeTeen: John Vasellina, 964-3466 x1, [email protected] Vocations, Parish Rep: John Switzer 967-8049 Altar Servers: Bruce Schumikowski, 964-4456 & Karen Froelicher, 967-1641 x3 Bereavement: Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Nancy Panizzon, 964-5462 End of Life: Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 April 24, 2016 Service & Outreach Visiting Nurse and Hospice: 965-5555 St. Vincent de Paul: 683-8535 Martha’s Ministry: Mary Penza 967-9609 Mary’s Meals: www.marysmealsusa.org Parish Festival: Ed Leicht 681-0969, Glenn Schiferl 964-6013 Respect for Life: Rita Duley, 964-0121 Safeguard the Children: Msgr. Jon Majarucon 967-5641 Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213) 637-7650 Liturgical Ministries Environment: Mary & James Lac 964-3592, Sharon Marshall 968-3420, Maria Cabrera 964-9485 Eucharistic Ministers : Mass: Marcia Greiten, 705-8924 To the Sick/Homebound: Vicky Jacobson, 895-1499 Lectors: Charles Kriech, 967-8886 Music: Dorothy Turner 968-0683, Bob & Patty Burnham 569-5858, John Vasellina, 964-3466 x1 Sacristans: Marie Lundfelt 687-4313 Ushers: Parish Office In Our Community 24-Hour Help Line/Crisis Intervention: 692-4011 or (800) 400-1572 Always Our Children: Support group for parents of LGBTQ children, Joe & Kathie Schneider 687-4338 Catholic Charities Santa Barbara: 965-7045 Community Counseling Center: 962-3363 Engaged Encounter: http://www.ceeofla.org Hospice of Santa Barbara: 563-8820 Jail Ministry (Restorative Justice): Michael Ledisa (213) 705-5510 Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: John Kirk 967-5996 4th Degree: Ed Barrier 886-0190 Marriage Encounter: Jeanine and Russ Walker 648-4244 Medical Network: Supporting unplanned preganancies, 967-9096 Rachael’s Vineyard: Post-abortion support for women and men (866) 272-2435 Rescue Mission: 966-1316 St. Vincent de Paul Society: 683-8535 Santa Barbara Pastoral Region Office: Bishop Robert Barron, 682-0442 Scouting: Boy Scouts: Glenn Schiferl, 964-6013, www.goleta105.com Cub Scouts: Ryan Eardley, 651-9629 Girl Scouts: Stephanie Carlyle 968-6505, Jame Flint 962-6395 Venture Crew: Joe Bauer, 967-2211 In Need of Help? Call St. Vincent de Paul 683-8535. Quinto Domingo de Pascua La Iglesia de San Rafael Pagina Siete Noticias de la Parroquia Unidos en Misión 2016 — El tema de la campaña de este año es: " Aunque somos muchos, somos uno. . .”. Unidos en misión ofrece una oportunidad para mostrar nuestra preocupación por las 80 parroquias y 62 escuelas de la Arquidiócesis que necesitan nuestro apoyo financiero para que puedan continuar proporcionando la educación, el ministerio y una presencia católica para decenas de miles de personas. Puede estar seguro de que las contribuciones a la campaña Unidos en Misión no se utilizan para ningún otro propósito. Todos los fondos recibidos por encima de nuestro objetivo se devuelven en su totalidad a la Parroquia . Gracias por su consideración en oración y por favor seguir cumpliendo sus promesas. Meta Parroquia: $78,600 Cantidad pagada: $47,731 El saldo restante: $30,869 Calendario Principal — Es el momento de obtener su paquete de planificación para el Calendario Principal, en la Oficina Parroquial. Todos los Ministerios y grupos que necesitan reservar salones para el año 2016/2017 deben completar este paquete. La fecha límite para devolver su solicitud es el viernes, 29 de abril. ¡Barbacoa! — Los Guadalupanos de San Rafael te invitan a su Barbacoa de Tri-Tip y Pollo Asado el 1 de mayo de la 8:30 am hasta las 2:00 pm. Lugar: Salón de la Parroquia de San Rafael para disfrutarla en el salón con amigos o para llevar a sus casas. Donación: $10 por adulto y $8 niño. Lo que se recaude sera usado para la devoción de Nuestra señora de Guadalupe y para ayudar a la Iglesia de San Rafael. ¡Muchas gracias! Protegiendo a Los Niños — En reconocimiento del Mes Nacional para la Prevención del Abuso Infantil, la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles está participando en la campaña para la Prevención de Abuso Infantil de América “Remolino de Prevención”. El remolino es un símbolo de la infancia y representa el derecho de cada niño a vivir una vida llena de esperanza, salud y felicidad. A través de la campaña tenemos la oportunidad a transformar la concientización en acción. Para más información de cómo lograr que su parroquia, escuela o familia sean parte de esta importante campaña, contacte a [email protected]. Información Parroquial Escuela de Evangelización (EDE): Sergio Lopez, 569-8726, Andres Flores, 683-0389 Guadalupanos: Carlos Sanchez, 570-1838 and Jesus Lopez, 895-4099 Comite de Liderazgo Hispano: Jesus Lopez, 895-4099 Ministros de la Eucaristía: Misa: Carlos Sanchez, 570-1838, y Estela Santos, 683-6542 Para Los Enfermos: Carlos Sanchez, 570-1838 y Ana Lopez, 689-5087 Liturgia Dominical Para Niños: Ester Lopez, 895-4099 Ujieres/Hospitalidad: Bernardo Lule, 964-9194 Grupo de Oración: Jesús Lopez, 895-4099 Horas de Oficina lunes, martes, miércoles y jueves: 8:30 am a 11:30 am y 12:30 pm a 7:30 pm viernes: 8:30 am a 11:30 am y 12:30 pm a 5:00 pm sábado: 9:00 am a 2:00 pm domingo: 8:30 am a 2:00 pm Formación en la Fe — La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles a través del Instituto de Pastoral y Evangelización (IPE), un programa de formación en la fe de tres años, ofrece clases mensuales de un fin de semana al mes en el área de espiritualidad, teología, pastoral y formación humana. La sede de reuniones es en la Parroquia de San Rafael. Para más información: Sergio López (805) 689-5087 ([email protected]) y Ana López (805) 895-2027 ([email protected]). El Retiro Viñedo de Raquel — Para sanación después del aborto. El Retiro Viñedo de Raquel ofrece retiros para mujeres y hombres que sufren el dolor emocional y espiritual del aborto. Este retiro esta diseñado para ayudar a los participantes en que puedan trabajar sobre el duelo y el coraje reprimido en un ambiente seguro y sin juzgamiento para poder llegar a la aceptación, sanación y esperanza para el futuro. Diseñado en la tradición Católica Romana donde se utilice ejercicios espirituales y dinámicas para ayudar en el proceso del duelo sobre la perdida de los bebes nonatos y así también poder aceptar el perdón de Dios. Para más información llame al: 866-2-RACHEL o Raquel 626-290-8333 www.elvinedoderaquel.org ¿Necesita Ayuda? Recuerde llamar al 683-8535, San Vicente de Paul
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August 14, 2016 - St. Raphael Catholic Church
Robert Zaida, Joe Salcedo, Andrew Ochsner, John Hoenigman, Ann Burns, Norma Demonteverde Online Giving: Shanelle Turcios, 967-5641 x101; internet: https://www.myowngiving.com/Default.aspx?cid=1434 ...
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