bâÜ _twç Éy _ÉâÜwxá V{âÜv - Our Lady of Lourdes
bâÜ _twç Éy _ÉâÜwxá V{âÜv - Our Lady of Lourdes
bâÜ _twç Éy _ÉâÜwxá V{âÜv{ 4640 N. Ashland Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60640 Staff Rev. Michael Shanahan, Pastor Rev. Manuel Padilla, Associate Rev. Dan Jankowski, Resident Deacon Daniel Patiño Deacon Leo Restrepo Mrs. Maria Erazo, Relig. Ed. Coord. Mrs. Teódula Mondragon, Rel. Ed. Coord. Mr. James Masini, Business Manager Ms. Johanna Ortegon, Music Director Mrs. Elsa Aguirre, Secretary Ms. Hilda Correa, Receptionist Masses / Misas English: Mon. - Fri.: 8 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Español: Sábado: 6:30 p.m. Domingo: 9:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration - Grotto 24/7 New Parishioners / Nuevos Feligreses Welcome! You may Register at the Rectory or complete the form in the back of church Bienvenidos! Deben Registrarse en la Rectoría o llenando la forma atrás en la Iglesia Penance / Penitencia Eng: Sat. 4:30-5 p.m. or by Appointment Span: Sab. 6-6:30 p.m. o por Cita. Baptism / Bautizo English – 3rd Saturday, 10 a.m. Class - Wed. prior, 7:00 P.M. Español – 2 y 4 Sábado, 10 a.m. Clase - Jueves antes, 7:00 p.m. Matrimony / Matrimonio Meeting with Priest/Deacon at least 4 months prior to Wedding. Reunión con el Sacerdote / Diácono por lo menos 4 meses antes de la ceremonia. Quinceañeras Hablar con el Padre Manuel Padilla los Martes o Miércoles de 6 a 7 p.m. mínimo 4 meses antes de la Celebración. Directory Rectory: 773-561-2141; Fax: 773-561-9853 Religious Ed. Office: 773-275-2497 Website: www.ololchicago.org E-mail:[email protected] Rectory Hours: Mon.-Fri./Lun.-Vie. 9 a.m.-8p.m.; Sat./ Sab. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sun.-Dom. 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Office Closed: Mon.—Fri. from 12:30 p.m.– 1 p.m. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2015 SUNDAY / DOMINGO 10/25 Free cup of coffee after 9:30, 11:30 and 1:30 Masses 8—5 (H) Cristóforos 10:30 a.m. (P) Nazarenos 10:45 a.m. (B) Ujieres 12:30 p.m. (L) Guitar choir MONDAY /LUNES 10/26 7:00 p.m. (H) Taller Carismático 7:00 p.m. (L) Oración y Vida TUESDAY / MARTES 10/27 10:00 a.m. (O) Staff meeting 6-8 p.m. (C) Spanish choir WEDNESDAY / MIERCOLES 10/28 3-8 p.m. (H) Soup Kitchen 6:00 p.m. (C) English choir 7:00 p.m. (S) RICA 7-9 p.m. (S) Clases Bíblicas para Adultos THURSDAY / JUEVES 10/29 3-8 p.m. (O) Counseling 6-8 p.m. (P) SPRED 6-8 p.m. (A) Carismáticos Práctica 7-9 p.m. (S) Curso de la Palabra FRIDAY / VIERNES 10/30 7:00 p.m. (C) Carismáticos 7:00 p.m. (P) Charismatics SATURDAY / SABADO 10/31 9:00 a.m. (S) Religious Education classes 11:00 a.m. (L) Children Choir 4:00 p.m. (L) Youth choir 8:00 p.m. (C) Night of Light RESPECT LIFE MONTH MES DEL RESPETO A LA VIDA Baby Bottle Project during October Proyecto Mamila durante Octubre Return it end of October / Devolverla a fín de mes Saturday, Oct. 31 Night of Light - Church 8:00 pm For children and Families Monday, Nov. 2 All Souls Day Masses at 8 am, 5:15 pm - English 7:30 pm - Spanish. Sunday, Nov. 8 Desayuno Latinoamericano Hall 8am—4 pm Note: New Code A– Annex B– Club Room C-Church H-Hall L– Lounge P-Pine Room G- Grotto O - Other Stewardship of Treasure / Mayordomos del Tesoro Envelopes/Sobres: 185 Collection/Colecta www.GiveCentral.org Goal/Meta 2nd collection: World Mission Sunday Correction: San Lorenzo de Manila Oct. 18, 2015 $6,038 $6,307 -$269 Since July 1, 2015 $92,124 $9,947 $100,912 $1,159 $1,625 $2,505 Thank you for your generous support Gracias por su generoso apoyo. CHANGE CLOCKS Don’t forget to change your clock one hour back next Saturday before you go to sleep. Stewardship / Mayordomía “Above all, let your love for one another be constant, for love covers a multitude of sins. Be mutually hospitable without complaining. As generous distributors of God’s manifold grace, put your gifts at the service of one another, in the measure you have received.” (1 Peter 4:8-10) “Sobre todo, que su amor por otros sea constante porque el amor cubre una multitud de faltas. Sean mutualmente hospitalarios sin quejarse. Como generosos distribuidores de la gracia divina, pongan sus dones al servicio de otros, en la medida que ustedes recibieron.” (1 Pedro 4:8-10) CAMBIAR LA HORA No se olviden de atrasar su relojes una hora el próximo sábado antes de irse a dormir Page Three From Fr. Michael Shanahan, our pastor Del Padre Michael Shanahan, nuestro párroco The 2015 Synod on the Family in Rome is nearing its conclusion. It seems that everything is changing in the Roman Catholic Church. At the same time, there really are no major changes in basic doctrines. The change is that our bishops and cardinals have spoken more freely and openly on taboo issues that were rarely the subject of dialogue. This is progress. For example, questions were raised on how to show more compassion with Catholics who were divorced and re-married. Another example focuses on the topic of homosexual Catholics. We have witnessed the call for more sensitive language when we speak of homosexuality. For some years, the church has used language such as “intrinsically disordered” when discussing gays. There has been a call to replace this type of language with an understanding that shows more compassion and acceptance. It is very important to be aware of the impact of language when we are describing ourselves. After all, sexuality is not just a part of a person. It is a part of our whole being. We have to be careful about making broad generalizations when discussing these topics. In general, the church is moving toward an all-embracing, inclusive and understanding attitude when discussing marriage, family and sexuality. This is a new way of operating as church. El Sínodo sobre la Familia 2015 en Roma casi está terminando. Pareciera que todo está cambiando en la Iglesia Católica Romana. Al mismo tiempo no hay mayores cambios en las doctrinas básicas. El cambio es que nuestros obispos y cardenales han hablado con más libertad y abiertamente sobre tabús que raramente son tema de diálogo. Esto es progreso. Por ejemplo, hubo preguntas en cómo mostrar compasión con los católicos divorciados y vueltos a casar. Otros se centraron en el tema de los homosexuales católicos. Somos testigos del llamado a un lenguaje más sensitivo al hablar sobre homosexualidad. Por varios años la iglesia usó lenguaje como “intrínsicamente desordenado” al discutir sobre los homosexuales. Hay un llamado en reemplazar este tipo de lenguaje con el entendimiento de mostrar más compasión y aceptación. Es muy importante ser conciente del impacto del lenguaje cuando nos describimos a nosotros mismos. Después de todo la sexualidad no es solo una parte de la persona. Es parte de todo nuestro ser. Tenemos que ser cuidadosos en hacer generalizaciones al discutir estos temas. En general la iglesia se mueve hacia un abrazamiento, inclusivo y una actitud comprensiva al discutir el matrimonio, la familia y la homosexualidad. Es el nuevo modo de trabajar como iglesia. We have all been in substantive conversations in which we attempt to understand doctrinal and scriptural interpretations. It is also important to genuinely listen to the real life stories of those who feel marginalized in the church, in families, in culture. The Holy Spirit is truly guiding the church in a new way. Of course, it is awkward and there may be a feeling of uncertainty. The church has constantly been dedicated to the pursuit of truth and this has never been an easy task. Todos hemos estado en conversaciones sustantivas en las que tratamos de comprender las interpretaciones doctrinales y de escritura. Es también importante escuchar genuinamente las historias de vida real de los que se sienten marginados por la iglesia, en las familias y en la cultura. El Espíritu Santo está guiando verdaderamente la Iglesia de un modo nuevo. Por supuesto que es incómodo y puede haber un sentimiento de incertidumbre. La iglesia constantemente se ha dedicado a la búsqueda de verdad y eso nunca ha sido una tarea fácil. Un modo de mostrar un espíritu acogedor fue con la participación en el evento OPEN HOUSE CHICAGO la semana pasada. Fuimos uno de los 205 lugares que abrieron sus puertas a visitantes interesados. Casi 500 individuos visitaron nuestra iglesia entre el sábado y el domingo!!! Sentí un verdadero espíritu de admiración al observar a los visitantes. Algunos de los parroquianos hicieron el mini-tour de la iglesia y aprendieron nuevas cosas sobre nuestra propia iglesia. Muchos de los visitantes estuvieron también interesados en ver la Gruta. Esta es la capilla de adoración perpetua que se encuentra en el lado oeste de la iglesia, cerca a la sacristía principal. Nuestra capilla está abierta 24 horas al día desde 1992. No hay ninguna condición impuesta en los que vienen a rezar o por reflexión silenciosa. Vengan y pasen un tiempo tranquilo con Cristo. Durante el Open House hubo muchas preguntas en el hecho que nuestra iglesia fue movida del este al lado oeste de Ashland en 1929. Los invitamos a que vean la colección de fotos que muestras los detalles de esta mudanza. Las fotos están en la sala de espera de la rectoría. Pueden aprender más yendo a YouTube. Vayan a “Mega Movers - Incredible Church Move - Not a house move.” Agradezco a nuestros voluntarios que estuvieron disponibles durante el sábado y el domingo para dar la bienvenida a los visitantes. Un simple “hola” y una sonrisa pueden tener un impacto enorme en nuestro mundo en estos días. One way we have recently shown a welcoming spirit is by participating in OPEN HOUSE CHICAGO last weekend. We were one of 205 locations in Chicago with open doors to interested visitors. Nearly 500 individuals visited our church between Saturday and Sunday!!! I sensed a true spirit of awe as I observed our visitors. Several parishioners also took the minitour of the church and learned new things about our own parish church. Many of the visitors were also interested in seeing our “Grotto”. This is our Perpetual Adoration Chapel located on the west side of church near the main sacristy. Our chapel has been open 24 hours per day since 1992. There are no conditions placed on those who come for prayer and silent reflection. Come as you are and find some quiet time with Christ. During the Open House, many of the questions focused on the fact that our church was actually moved from the east to the west side of Ashland Ave. back in 1929. You are invited to view a collection of photographs showing some details of this move. These photographs are found in the waiting room of the rectory. You can also learn more by visiting YouTube. Go to “Mega Movers - Incredible Church Move - Not a house move.” Thank you to our volunteers who were available all day Saturday and Sunday to welcome our visitors. A simple “hello” and a welcoming smile can have a big impact in our world these days. Page Four THANK YOU / GRACIAS / SALAMAT PO To our volunteers for the successful OPEN HOUSE this past weekend: Marsha Bukala, Joel Madrigal, Jose, Alba, Aurora Olgado, Kasia Kaulius, Consuelo Sandoval, Teodora Garcia, Iris Brenk, JoAnne Festle, Ignacio Garcia, Alejandra Haselwood, Isabel Fernandez, Letty Garcia, Catherine Gudaitas, Emily Schwab, Stephanie Tolentino, Maria Cabrera, Bill Thome, Hannah Kirby, Mary Clark, Anthony Clark, Laurence Trayvilla, Trisha Teofilo Olave, and Lidia Bertha Aparicio We had 281 visitors on Saturday, 213 on Sunday. Total 494 visitors WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Couples who make Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends not only rediscover the joy, intimacy and romance in their relationships, but also become more active in their parishes. Together we are making marriages, families and our Church stronger and healthier. Do you live the beatitudes in your marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Dec. 11-13, 2015 or Feb. 12-14,2016 at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservation or information please call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact through http://wwme-chicagoland.org ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Las parejas que viven estos encuentros no solo redescubren alegría, intimidad y romance en su relación, sino también se hacen más visibles en sus parroquias. Juntos estamos haciendo los matrimonios, familias y nuestra Iglesia más fuerte y saludable. Para más información sobre los encuentros en español comunicarse en el área de Chicago con Oscar y Luz Delgado al 847-826-9525, via email al: [email protected] Recomendamos que se registren con anticipación ya que el cupo es limitado. En el área sur y noreste de Indiana llamar a Juan y Elia Zambrano al 708-8254099 o via email a [email protected] A Night of Light / Una Noche de Luz Saturday / Sábado October 31, 2015 Our Lady of Lourdes Church 8:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. (Después de la misa de 6:30 pm) During the event we will expose the Holy Sacrament, we will have kids sketch, candies and more ... Dads and moms please dress up your little ones with costumes of animals, saints or something pretty and nice. Please avoid costumes that may suggest fear or violence. We will have candy for your little ones. We hope to see you there!! En el evento habrá la Exposición del Santísimo, habrá sketch para niños, dulces y más ... Papás y mamás si pueden traigan a sus niños con disfraces de animalitos, santos o algo bonito. Por favor eviten vestirlos con disfraces que insinúen violencia o miedo. Habrá dulces para sus niños. ¡Los esperamos! Page Five Holy Hour Adorers—Witnesses Shall we not be like the one leper who returned to thank Christ for his healing? Because it is a great virtue to give public witness of graces received and prayers answered. You are invited to share your own commitment story of Holy Hour Adoration in the Grotto. Put that in writing, with or without your name and phone number and give it to the office or in the collection basket. These testimonies will be shared by you, or read by another, from the altar at some point in the future. Please share your “Glory Story.” Adoradores de Hora Santa—Testimonios ¿No seríamos como aquel leproso que regresó a agradecer a Cristo por su sanación? Porque es una gran virtud dar testimonio público de gracias recibidas y oraciones respondidas. Los invitamos a compartir su propia historia de compromiso de la Hora Santa de Adoración en la Gruta. Escríbanlo con o sin nombre y teléfono y tráiganla a la oficina o échenla en la canasta de la colecta. Estos testimonios serán leídos por usted o por otro, desde el altar en algún momento en el futuro. Por favor compartan su “Historia de Gloria.” CHILDREN CHOIR CORO DE NIÑOS The Youth Choir is about to begin rehearsals for Christmas. All children 6 years and older are welcome to join us on Saturdays at 11 am beginning Oct. 17th in the rectory. No experience needed. El Coro de Niños empezará los ensayos para Navidad. Todos los niños de 6 años y mayores están invitados los sábados a las 11 am comenzando el 17 de Octubre en la rectoría. No se necesita experiencia. Please contact Johanna Ortegon, Music Director at [email protected] or leave a message at 773-561-2141 Favor de comunicarse con Johanna Ortegon, Directora de Música a [email protected], o dejen un mensaje en 773-561-2141 BABY BOTTLE PROJECT PROYECTO MAMILA We are already collecting the Baby Bottles with your spare change. Please return them to the ushers or bring them to the rectory if you are not coming to Church. Ya estamos recogiendo las Botellas con su sencillo. Por favor tráiganlas a la iglesia para darla a los ujieres o a la oficina de la rectoría si no vienen a la iglesia. The Women’s Center thank you for your participation and support. El Centro de Mujeres les agradece por todo su apoyo y participación. PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING Psychotherapist Elsa Chinchilla comes from Catholic Charities to Lourdes Parish on Thursdays from 4 to 7 p.m. Please call 312-655-7725 to make an appointment. CONSEJERIA PROFESIONAL La Psicoterapista Elsa Chinchilla de Caridades Católicas viene a la parroquia de Lourdes los jueves de 4 a 7 pm. Para hacer una cita llamen al 312-655-7725. Your first time in the parish? Welcome! Have you moved recently? ¿Es tu primera vez en nuestra parroquia? ¡Bienvenidos! ¿Se mudaron recientemente? May God bless you in your new home! ¡Que Dios los bendiga en su nuevo hogar! To register or make changes in your registration please call the rectory, 773-561-2141; complete a registration card located on the radiators in the church and drop it in the collection basket or go online at: Regístrense o cambien sus datos llamando a la rectoría, 773-561-2141, o llenen la tarjeta de registración encima de los radiadores de la Iglesia y póngalo en la canasta de la colecta, o visítennos online en: www.ololchicago.org/ParishRegistration.aspx www.ololchicago.org/ParishRegistration.aspx Page Six Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2015 30mo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Octubre 25, 2015 The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad indeed. Estamos alegres porque grandes cosas hace el Señor por su pueblo. Psalm 126:3 Salmo 126:3 LECTURAS DE HOY READINGS OF TODAY First Reading — I will lead the people to brooks of water, on a level road (Jeremiah 31:7-9) Psalm — The Lord has done great things for us (Psalm 126) Second Reading— It was not Christ who glorified himself, but rather the one who said to him: You are my son. (Hebrews 5:1-6) Gospel— Immediately the blind man received his sight and followed Jesus on the way (Mark 10:46-52) MASSES FOR THIS WEEK MONDAY / LUNES Oct. 26 8:00 am † George Hawell Shamie Marrocki 5:15 pm For the healing of Loretta TUESDAY / MARTES Oct. 27 8:00 am To San Judas Tadeo 5:15 pm Chris Crop Special Intention WEDNESDAY / MIERCOLES Oct. 28 8:00 am † Maura Santos 5:15 pm † Maria Martinez THURSDAY / JUEVES Oct. 29 8:00 am To San Judas Tadeo 5:15 pm † Nonilon Urgel FRIDAY / VIERNES Oct. 30 8:00 am To San Judas Tadeo 5:15 pm Letty Garcia Birthday SATURDAY / SABADO Oct. 31 8:00 am † Amelita Donceras 5:00 pm Thanksgiving from the Esquivel Family Duel Santos Birthday 6:30 pm † Rafael Mata & Juanita Hernandez † Socorro Sandoval F. † Pedro Esquivel SUNDAY/DOMINGO Nov. 1 8:00 am Moussambote Family Special Intention 9:30 am † Eulalia Lopez & Fidencio Aguilar † Romualdo Grosso 11:30am † Isabel Ortiz † Maria Ybarra 1:30am † Enrique & Enriqueta Luna † Pastor Garcia Por la salud de Adan Garcia 1ra Lectura — Guiaré a la gente a torrentes de agua por caminos seguros (Jeremías 31:7-9) Salmo — El Señor hizo grandes maravillas por nosotros (Salmo 126) 2da Lectura — Cristo no se glorificó a sí mismo, sino El que le dijo: Tú eres mi Hijo, te he dado vida hoy mismo (Hebreos 5:1-6) Evangelio — Inmediatamente de recibir la vista el hombre ciego sigue a Jesús (Marcos 10:46-52) ASSIGNMENTS NEXT WEEK Oct. 31 & Nov. 1 Note: this is only a reminder. In case of discrepancy check your schedule. LECTORS 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm Melanie Oruga Olga Salazar, Maria Minaya Kasia Kaulius Bertha Gomez, Maria Erazo Stephanie Tolentino, Mike Matray Marina Contreras, Ruth Montes de Oca EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5:00 pm Corazon Marcelino, Maureen Kennedy, July Galang 6:30 pm Julio Rodriguez, Mercedes Sandoval, Aurora Padilla 8:00 am Felipe Sanchez, Bernie Walsh, Catherine Okolo 9:30 am Lina Aguilar, Jesse & Rebeca Espino, Mercedes Sandoval, Mercedes Manzo 11:30am C. Ruiz, G. Parayno, Letty Garcia, S. Raynaldo, Precious Deang, Maria Pardo, Virgilia Uy 1:30 pm Idania Hernandez, Candy Mueller, Alicia Bautista HOSPITAL MINISTERS Bethany - Catherine Okolo Brightview - Precious Deang PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Sam Tacderas, Jennifer Kline, Gen Gallery, Joseph Bukala, Floro Ramirez, Luis Dy, Michael Hanrahan, Edward Villagracia, Norma Suyosa, Sean Gibbons, Richard Marin, Tomas Aguirre, Karina Rojas, Anthony Canales, Patricia Wenzl, Julieta Paredes, Tina Martinez, Matilde de Narvaez and our parishioners who are ill or in nursing homes. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED: Susana Perez Avalos PRAY FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE IN SERVICE: Daniel & Ashley Baker, Adrian Cruz, Jonathan Muñoz, Luis Daniel Vazquez Page Seven Deseamos agradecer también a las siguientes compañías que generosamente donaron para este magnífico evento: We also want to thank the following business that generously donated to this wonderful event: Cermak Produce Supermarket 4232 N. Kedzie Ave — Chicago IL 60618 Brasa Roja Restaurant 3125 W. Montrose Ave — Chicago IL 60618 El Llano Restaurant 4011 N. Elston Ave — Chicago IL 60618 Grupo De Chicago Para Colombia Presidenta Maria Teresa Giraldo Page eight Saint Sebastian Players Theater NEW SEASON St Bonaventure 1641 W. Diversey Chicago IL 60614 Order tickets at saintsebastianplayers.org/35th_Anniversary_Season or at 773-704-7922 Directed by Steven Walanka Oct. 23—Nov. 15, 2015 In this beloved comedy, two charitable yet eccentric Victorian sisters in Brooklyn are secretly knocking off lonely old men with a glass of homemade elderberry wine splashed with arsenic. When the sisters’ nephew Mortimer visits, his aunts’ misdeeds and the schemes of his two insane brothers are uncovered. Adding to the chaos are a failed plastic surgeon and several cops making, frequent, unexpected stops at the house. Murder seems to be the family’s M.O., and the harassed Mortimer may drive himself crazy scrambling to cover up the crimes and keep all from serving time. Directed by Jim Masini Feb. 19—March 13, 2016 On a remote island, Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, plots to restore order to his universe by reassembling the pieces of his banishments using artifice and skillful manipulation. He conjures up a storm, the eponymous tempest, to lure the usurping brother Antonio and the complicit King Alonso of Naples to the island. There, Prospero’s machinations reveal the true nature of some characters, the redemption and resolution of others and a royal suitor for his daughter Miranda Director TBA April 29—May 22, 2016 Sidney Bruhl, a once powerful writer of Broadway thrillers, is struggling to overcome a pattern of failures and a shortage of funds. When he receives a script from one of his students, Sidney sees a future Broadway hit. With his wife, who is skittish at first, he devises a scheme to lure the playwright to their home, kill him and publish the script as his own. But when author Clifford arrives, it is clear things are not what they seem to be. With homicide and humor, the play turns into A deadly game of cat and mouse between Clifford and Sidney. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Low-priced subscriptions available for a limited time! $40 adults three shows for the price of two! $25 seniors nearly 20% savings Order tickets at saintsebastianplayers.org/35th_Anniversary_Season.html Or call 773-404-7922