Saint Aloysius Catholic Church
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church 21 Cherry Street, New Canaan, CT 06840 Handicap Accessible May 4, 2014 Third Sunday of Easter A special invitation to our adult and teen parishioners from Bishop Caggiano . . . The Preparatory Stage of the Synod is going on now and offers the opportunity for the entire Christian faithful (Clergy, Religious, Laity) to submit input pertaining to issues currently facing the church. Input can be submitted in various ways without, if preferred, leaving the comfort of one’s home. Questions may be mailed directly to the Diocesan Synod Office at 238 Jewett Ave. Bridgeport, CT. 06606. One may also choose to fill out the General Input Form at or elect to attend a Listening Session. Adult Listening Session in the St. Aloysius Gym on Friday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. Youth Listening Session at Notre Dame High School on Saturday, May 17 at 1:30 p.m. PARISH OFFICE 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 Phone: 203 966-0020 Fax: 203 972-7691 Richard Phelan - Business Manager [email protected] Marie Pelletier - Administrative Assistant Email - [email protected], [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Phone: 203 966-4555 Fax: 203 972-7691 Marie Pascale - Director Email - [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRY Phone: 203 652-1180 Fax: 203 972-3359 Thomas Marino - Director Email - [email protected] YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY Phone: 203 652-1154 Fax: 203 972-7691 Chris Otis - Director Email - [email protected] PRIESTS/CLERGY Rev. Msgr. William J. Scheyd, Pastor Rev. William G. Carey, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ian M. Jeremiah, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ralph Segura, Parochial Vicar Permanent Deacons Deacon Stephen W. Pond Deacon William A. Santulli TÇÇâtÄ VÉÅÅâÇ|ÉÇ UÜxt~ytáà Sponsored by The Catholic Daughters All are Invited! Bring the Family! fâÇwtç? `tç DKà{ 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Aloysius Breakfast at 10:00 a.m. Oak Hills Country Club in Norwalk Guest Speaker Msgr. Dariusz J. Zielonka Msgr. Dariusz looks forward to seeing all of his friends from St. Aloysius! Buffet Breakfast is $23.00 per person Half Price for Children under 12 RSVP by May 12th to Lea DiMuzio at 203-966-4401 or Helen McBrien at 203-966-7180 St. Aloysius, our parish patron helping a victim of the plague SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF THE PARISH SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil for Sunday 5:30 pm. Sunday 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am and 5:00 pm Teen Mass WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon., Wed., Fri.: 7, 9 am, 5:30 pm/ Tues. & Thurs.: 7:00 am, & 5:30 pm/ Sat.: 7:00 am & 5:30 pm BAPTISM Celebrated each Sunday at 12:45 pm. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism class, held the 2nd Monday of each month at 8 pm in the Maple Street Meeting Room. To schedule a Baptism and register for the class, call the Parish Office. RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00—5:00 pm and by appointment. Every First Friday one half hour before each Mass. MARRIAGE Call the Parish Office at least nine months prior to the wedding date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK If someone is ill at home or in the hospital, please call the parish office to arrange for Communion and administration of the Sacrament of the Sick. PLEASE PRAY FOR: PARISH WEBSITE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM July and August 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 2nd Saturday 9:00 AM -12:00 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HOURS Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 3:30; closed Friday July and August - closed PARISH STAFF Financial Office Rita Rainone, Financial Religious Education Annemarie Jardon, Confirmation Coordinator Kathleen Redman, Grade Level Coordinator Mary Karen Keneally, Administrative Coordinator Music Cidalia Alves, [email protected], Dir. of Youth Choir Angelo Natalie, StAY Choir/ Praise Band Maintenance Willie Roeder ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL 33 South Avenue; Phone: 203-966-0786 Principal, Dr. Donald Howard Secretary, Karen Iaco Gabriel Simon Aljalian Marie Bartolutti Gary Benway Gladys Borodich John Borodich Louise Borzumato Ellen Brakeley The Campano Family Tony Cantone Fr. William Carey Isabella Caruso Marie Castry Mallory Chila Rose Chopek Sheila Civale Anne Cleary, Teresa Costello Frank Cristello Patricia Dailey Julio Delatorre Louise DePalma Frank DiMuzio Jean DiPanni Eileen Dolan Kathleen Dooley Melissa Fagen Mario Fanone Susan Fay Ryan Fitzpatrick Janina Formencini Michael Fratina Scott Gordon Chris Griffin Angelo Gesualdi Joseph Haas, Sr. Corinne Harrison James Heffner Len Henriksson Gwen Howsie Danny Joosten Mary Katawa Ronnie Lazzaro Father Bernie Keefe Nancy Kelleher Kelly Krauser Knott Christopher Kotos Helen P. Kuzlik Alice Landry Thomas Lloyd Betty Lovastik Chip Lux Don Lynch Mary Maher Donald McQuid Jane Michon Linda Milazzo Jacqueline Minio Yvette Morena Howard Morrin Jon Morrison Anne Z. Murray Isabelle Nunez Alex Newton Gene O’Callaghan Domenick & Julia Palladino Virginia Parrella Lori Perkins Harold Petrus Walter Pojasek Mila Quini Carole Quinn Iracema Galvani Quinete Sherry Rafferty Jessina Rodriques Dean Rohrer Al Romano Jane Rowland Rita Stilton William P. Schupler Dominick Sciarretta John Smith Meghan Starson Donna Stempien Angela & Roderic Stock The Szenasi Family David Sullivan, Jr. Thomas Sullivan James Thoile Caiden Toores Joseph Toppin Anna Totaro Kerry Patrick Tracy Eileen Vetter Ryan Joseph Willen and the sick & suffering known only to God. We also wish to pray for our service men and women: SSG Thomas Aldrich; Cptn Robert F. Bisconti, SPC Andrzej Blazejczyk, Lance Corporal Daniel Carpino; Cptn. Elizabeth A. Condon; Sgt. Joseph Coppo Jr. ; Cptn. Michael Gonzalez; 1st Lt. Michael Howard; Lt. Col. Lon Karl; Lt. Todd J. Kniffen, U.S. Navy, Spec. 3rd CL Thomas Lally; LCPL Thomas Miller; Cptn. Christopher Morgan; CMDR Patrick A. Piercey; Lt. Col. Christopher Schilling; PFC Steven Vasko; Lt. Cmdr. Stefania Sigurdsson; Cptn. Kyle Weaver Parish Finance Council - - - David Molloy - Chairperson - Email: [email protected] Parish Advisory Council - - - -- Christine Ayoub - Chairperson - Email: [email protected] MISSION STATEMENT: We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ striving to proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed. Through worship, evangelization, formation and service we invite our brothers and sisters to know the Lord. St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan CT MASS INTENTIONS Monday, May 5 7:00 Lidia Valente 9:00 Edward Kelley 5:30 Val Buonaiuto WORDS FROM MSGR SCHEYD Thank You & Continue Your Priestly Service . . . Tuesday, May 6 7:00 Lidia Valente 5:30 Douglas/Pelletier Families, Living & Deceased Wednesday, May 7 7:00 Rex Stanton 9:00 Frank Mora 5:30 Rinaldo Mase This week, Father Ian Jeremiah began his new ministry as the Episcopal Vicar for Clergy and Religious ministering in the Diocese of Bridgeport. This means that he represents the Bishop in all matters pertaining to Priests, Deacons and the men and women of Religious Orders who work in the Diocese. This appointment by our new Bishop reflects the confidence which he has in Father Ian and the respect of his brother priests that he enjoys as well. How fortunate St. Aloysius parish has been to have had him as our Parochial Vicar the last six years. Not only the laity of St. Aloysius, but also the Clergy have enjoyed his presence and benefited from his good and generous spirit. We will all miss him. Thursday, May 8 7:00 Karen Aylward 5:30 Hilda Ramones Friday, May 9 7:00 Edward Kelly 9:00 William & Barbara Bresnan 5:30 James Cullen Saturday, May 10 7:00 Lydia Valente 5:30 Dorothy Gough Sunday, May 11 7:00 Eleanor Robustelli 8:30 Theresa Bohmer, Peggy Ward, Dolores Courtney 10:00 St. Aloysius Parishioners 11:30 Maria Barberio & Rosa Crocitto 5:00 Roberta Lynch SANCTUARY CANDLES burn Page Three from May 2-8 The Sacred Heart Sanctuary candle for Carmela & Mark Callahan The Holy Spirit is very much present in the life and ministry of priests. We must be open to the “wind” wherever it leads us, even if that movement is unexpected and challenging. Father Ian is a man of prayer who has said yes to God and to the request of his Bishop to undertake this new ministry. I encourage all of us to remember him in prayer each day. Continue to welcome him to your special celebrations. Priests always enjoy the friendships made in the course of their ministry. May God be with Father Ian and continue to use his many talents to contribute to the well being of His Church, the People of God. St. Aloysius – A Tithing Parish TITHING MEANS ONE-TENTH: FIVE % TO MY CHURCH + FIVE % TO CHARITY SUNDAY, April 27, 2014: $24,000 Online giving for the week: $2,138 TOTAL OFFERTORY: $26,138 The Mary Sanctuary candle for Carmella & Mark Callahan LAST YEAR: $25,056 The Chapel candle for Dale Kasper SECOND COLLECTION CATHOLIC HOME MISSION APPEAL & BLACK/INDIAN MISSIONS $5,204 WE WELCOME Our new parishioner: Katrina Stanton Thank you for your generosity! Our newly baptized parishioners: Madelyn Toscano, Brigid Nussbaum and Isabella Galgano Parish Financial Report Nine Months Ended March 31 Marriage Banns Banns II Paul Sorge, Jr. & Margaret Scheible Revenue Expenses Net 2014 $1,653,996 $1,623,621 $30,375 2013 $1,683,983 $1,493,257 $190,726 Page Four May 4, 2014 Religious Education HS TEENS NEEDED ON MAY 17 TO ATTEND NEXT YOUTH LISTENING SESSION WITH BISHOP CAGGIANO Registration Information All current grade 1-7 families should have received a letter via email which contains our new registration procedures. If you did not receive this letter, please contact Mary Karen Keneally at [email protected] or 203-652-1172. If your oldest child is in Kindergarten, please sign up through "text to join” by texting “ starccre" to 22828. We can then email you the registration material. Alternatively, the letters and forms will all be available through our parish’s website, on the Religious Education page. In preparation for the Synod, Bishop Caggiano is ready to hold the next Youth Listening Session on Saturday, May 17 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at Notre Dame High School in Fairfield. We can bring up to ten codelegates. We will plan to leave New Canaan at about 12:45 p.m. and return about 4:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending as a co-delegate from St. Aloysius, please sign up at You can find the sign up under [email protected]. We would like all new and returning families to consider having one of the parents be a catechist. Currently, we have fathers, mothers, grandmothers and high school teens all helping as catechists in our program. Classes are taught Sundays through Thursdays. Our program uses a team teaching approach, so no one will be alone and we pair new catechists with more experienced catechists. Our program would not be able to exist without a large, strong group of catechists. Currently, we need catechists for grades 1 –7. If you are interested or would like more info, please contact Marie Pascale at 203-652-1170 /[email protected]. Mothers Day Sunday, May 11th 5:00 Teen Mass All High School teens are invited to bring their mom or another special woman in their life as we thank them for giving the gift of their love! Grades 1-6 Those children who will be receiving First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 11 at 11:30 a.m. are reminded to attend rehearsals this week on Monday, May 5, Tuesday, May 6, Wednesday, May 7 and Thursday, May 8. Please meet in the church at 4:00p.m. Children may be picked up at 5:00 p.m. in the church. Parents are reminded that they must attend and stay for the rehearsal on Thursday, May 8 at 4 p.m. We appreciate your cooperation and all your efforts to be prompt. HS Teens needed to host our friends from Breakthrough Options on Sunday, May 18th from 2:30-4:45 p.m. Sign up under [email protected] at Confirmation Preparation Program All candidates and sponsors are reminded to follow the dress code guidelines which are available on the parish website. Confirmation takes place on Saturday, May 10 at St. Aloysius. Manzella/Riley, Galvan/Baker/Curiale, Volpe/Cottrell, Sloan/Jones, Bernard/Millette, Radzin, Guarnieri, Decker/Toth classes have been assigned to the AM Confirmation. Rehearsal for Candidate and Sponsor will take place in the church on Friday, May 9 starting at 6:30 p.m. sharp. PLEASE ARRIVE AT 6:15 P.M. to find your seat. It is possible that rehearsal will run longer than the hour originally planned since we need to rehearse the music and we have new Confirmation procedures this year. On Saturday, the 10th, Candidates and Sponsors only need to arrive in the school gym by 9:15 am. Mass will start at 10:00 am. For your planning purposes, Mass should conclude at approximately 11:30 a.m. and the bishop will stay for photos after Mass. Fitzpatrick/Wieber, Otis/ Sweeney, Gayer/Paglialunga, Joyce/Riley, Wagner/Callahan, Pascale/Bucci, Sparks, Kekedjian/Martino, Taylor classes have been assigned to the PM Confirmation. Rehearsal for Candidate and Sponsor will take place in the church on Friday, May 9 at 8:00 P.M. sharp. PLEASE ARRIVE AT 7:45 P.M. to find your seat. Rehearsal is likely to go longer than 9:00 p.m. due to the changes in procedures per the Bishop’s request. On Saturday, May 10, Candidates and sponsors only arrive in the gym no later than 12:45 p.m. Mass will start at 1:30 p.m. For your planning purposes, Mass should end approximately 3:00 p.m. and the bishop will stay for photos after Mass. Please tell your family members that photography is not permitted during the Mass, but that photos may be taken afterward. There will be a small amount of reserved seating for mobility-impaired guests. Please ask them to arrive early for Mass to be seated. We are a large group and we are expecting the church to be full. 3rd Sunday of Easter Page Five SAVE THE DATE ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Applications for college bound high school seniors are now being accepted for the Catholic Daughters and the Knights of Columbus Scholarships, including the KOC Kevin Johnson Scholarship. Applications are in the bulletin racks and on the parish website at ADULT EMMAUS RETREAT Applications are due no later than May 23. Saturday June 21, 2014 We urge you to apply! We would like to congratulate all of our children who will be receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion at the 11:30 am masses on May 4th and May 11th. We ask all of our parishioners to keep them in your prayers during this special time. THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Sun., May 4: Mon., May 5: Tues., May 6 Wed., May 7: Thurs., May 8: Fri., May 9: Sat., May 10: 9:30 AM: RCIA/Maple Street Mtg. Room 11:30 AM: First Holy Communion/Church 5:00 PM: May Crowning /Church 1:00 PM: Parish Partners/Maple Street 7:00 PM: Patriotic Rosary/Chapel 7:30 PM: St. A’s School Bd./Maple Street 7:45 PM: Cenacle/Church 8:00 PM: Knights of Columbus/Stapleton 9:30 AM : Moms & Tots/ Stapleton Hall Nothing Scheduled 10:00 AM: Bible Study/ Maple Street 4:00 PM: Youth Choir/Lower Music Room 7:00 PM: Emmaus Leadership Mtg./Maple St. 7:30 PM: Adult Choir Rehearsal/Church 6:15 PM: Confirmation Rehearsal AM Mass/ Church 7:45 PM: Confirmation Rehearsal PM Mass/ Church 10:00 AM: Confirmation Mass/Church 1:30 PM: Confirmation Mass/Church The Parish Office will be open from 9am—12 noon on Saturday, May 10th. All adult parishioners, friends and family who have not yet been an Emmaus candidate are invited to attend as a candidate, so mark your calendars to save the date. Applications are available on the and in the racks of the church. Organizational meetings for the team will begin in late May. All adults are invited to join the team including our new graduates!! If you have any questions please contact Chris Ayoub at 203-966-6882 or via email at [email protected]. Parish Partners will meet Monday, May 5 at 1:00 p.m. for their last meeting of the season. Planning for the fall will be discussed and new members interested in getting involved in the fall are urged to come check out this wonderful parish ministry! We need you! SAVE THE DATE FRIDAY, June 6th A fun evening of wine, food & friendship to benefit the Knights of Columbus Kevin Johnson Scholarship Fund Generously underwritten by Patriotic Rosary from 7:00-7:45pm Monday, May 5th in the Chapel The Knights of Columbus will hold their monthly members meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, May 5th in Stapleton Hall. Page six St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan, CT Save The Date! The First Saint Aloysius Parish Gala The evening of The Parish Office could use a few helpful hands during the Spring and Summer. Office hours are between 9 am and 4:30 pm. Please call the Office or stop by! Thank You!! March 14, 2015 ANNUAL CAR RAFFLE The Life is Love Committee invites the parish to attend a Mass in honor of St. Gerard at Sacred Heart Church in Stamford on Thursday, May 8 beginning at 6:45 p.m. with prayers. St. Gerard is the patron saint of expectant mothers. All expectant parents and those trying to conceive and their families, as well as all those who would like to pray for life are invited to attend this beautiful Mass. Malta House 17 Spring Gala Honoring Laure C. Aubuchon, DM Saturday, May 10,2014 6:30PM Woodway Country Club, Darien Join us for this fabulous evening with a mission! This year’s gala theme celebrates the courage of its residents as they take bold steps through education, employment, parenting skills training and community to work toward independence. In addition to Bishop Frank Caggiano giving the invocation, enjoy a spectacular live auction and our famous “Bubbles and Bling” raffle. To purchase tickets, sponsorship and ads: Malta House promotes the dignity of God-given life by providing a nurturing home environment, support services, and independent living skills to expectant mother of all faiths, and to their babies. 1st Prize— 2014 BMW 320i Sedan 2nd Prize— BMW Cruise Bike 3rd Prize— 4 Field Level seats to a Mets 2014 Home Game $100 per ticket. Tickets can be purchased at both the school and Parish Offices, after every Mass and at MacKenzies on the weekends. The drawing will be held during the Parish celebration of the feast of St. Aloysius on Saturday, June 14th. We need adult & teen representation from St. A’s! Launching Student Leaders: A New Canaan Commitment A Student Moderated Community Dialogue about Substance Free Living and Independent Thinking Wednesday, May 21, 2014 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. New Canaan High School Wagner Room SUGGESTED DONATION: Adults - $10.00/Students – Free Sign up to join our St. A’s contingent at under [email protected]. After this event, we will set a date to gather as a St. A’s group to discuss what we can do as Catholic parents to support this very important initiative which is sponsored by the Ram Council. 3rd Annual Match Point for Mikey: A Men’s & Women’s Doubles Tennis Tournament on Friday, June 6 at 12:30 p.m. at the Lake Club, 165 Thayer Pond Road, Wilton and the New Canaan Field Club, 164 Smith Ridge Road, New Canaan. Fee to participate is $175 per team (includes entry fee, light lunch and cocktail party). Register at and click on Events/ Registration. You can also support the event by just attending the COCKTAIL PARTY at 5:00 p.m. and watching the men’s and women's A finals. The cost is $40 per person (cocktail party only). RSVP By June 4th. Proceeds from this event will benefit The Mikey Czech Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to Pediatric Brain Tumor Research. Information Sheet CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 017700: St. Aloysius 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 PHONE 203-966-0020 CONTACT PERSON Marie Pelletier NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday, 12 Noon SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If for any reason our bulletins cannot leave your plant on Friday morning, please call us at the number listed above. Thank you.
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