18 April 2008 - Yellowstone Region
18 April 2008 - Yellowstone Region
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Does more in second gear than most cars do in fifth. What can we say that isn’t already obvious? A sleek arcing roofline and curving shoulders entice you into wanting more. Pressing the accelerator assures you it’s not a tease. 295 horses of road-grabbing power send you via the mid-mounted flat-six engine. It’s engineered with character as individual as yours. The new Cayman. It’s stirring things up. Porsche 195 East University Parkway Orem, Utah 84058 (801) 714–2300 www.kengarffporsche.com Old Faithful Porsche Orem PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Money-Saving Certificates Brought to you by Ken Garff Motors Porsche Tequipment 12% Savings Spring Conditioning 27-Point Inspection - $98.00 Porsche Tequipment, our race brand line of parts and accessories are works of art. They are sculpted from advanced materials and meticulously engineered to perform beyond the demands of everyday driving. At this time of year, your thoughts turn to the new driving season. Before you take your car out for a spring drive, allow our Porsche certified technicians to inspect your Porsche to ensure that it is in factory specified operating condition. Valid for Porsche Tequipment only. Not valid with other coupons, discounts or promotions. Coupon not redeemable for cash. Not valid with other coupons, discounts or promotions. Coupon not redeemable for cash. Good Only At: KEN GARFF PORSCHE 195 East University Prkwy, Orem UT Good Only At: KEN GARFF PORSCHE 195 East University Prkwy, Orem UT Genuine Porsche Parts Porsche Clothing, Accessories in stock - 15% off Genuine Porsche Parts are designed, tested and manufactured to exacting Porsche specifications. Your vehicle’s Genuine Porsche Parts are backed by a two-year limited warranty. For driving enthusiasts who insist on the very best, a word of advice when choosing replacement parts; visit our dealership. *2 year warranty does not apply to wear items such as break parts, wipper blades, etc. Not valid with other coupons, discounts or promotions. Coupon not redeemable for cash. Not valid with other coupons, discounts or promotions. Coupon not redeemable for cash. Good Only At: KEN GARFF PORSCHE 195 East University Prkwy, Orem UT Good Only At: KEN GARFF PORSCHE 195 East University Prkwy, Orem UT Porsche 195 East University Parkway Orem, Utah 84058 (801) 714–2300 www.kengarffporsche.com Old Faithful Porsche Orem PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Old Faithful Porsche is the official newsletter of the Porsche Club of America - Yellowstone Region. Club Directory 2007 Executive Board President & Editor Ken Koop (307) 733-8806 [email protected] Vice President Scot Anderson (307) 734-6006 [email protected] Secretary Anne Fish (307) 413-1159 [email protected] Director at Large Mike Faems (307) 690-2761 [email protected] Treasurer Robin Koop (307) 733-8806 Commitees Membership Tim Sullivan (307) 733-8885 [email protected] Webmeister Ked Nilsen [email protected] PCA Zone 6 Representative Linda Bein (541) 593-9105 [email protected] The views or comments expressed in the Old Faithful Porsche newsletter are not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America or the Yellowstone Region. Old Faithful Porsche is published expressly for the information and entertainment of the Porsche Club of America - Yellowstone Region, its members and supporters. Old Faithful Porsche assumes no responsibility for any submissions. All submissions become property of Old Faithful Porsche unless other arrangements are made with the editor and president. Send editorial submissions to: Ken Koop phone - (307) 733-8806 e-mail - [email protected] Visit the Yellowstone Region Web Site @ http://yel.pca.org/ Newsletter Contents President’s Message ......................................................... 5 Calendar of Events ........................................................... 6 Annual Rendezvous Banquet ......................................... 8 Ken’s Corner ...................................................................... 9 Porsches Wild - Poker Run .............................................. 13 Famous Ads ...................................................................... 14 Meet the Member ............................................................. 18 Autobahn Adventures - Germany Tour ....................... 20 Alternative Fuels .............................................................. 24 Jackson Hole Photo Shoot .............................................. 26 Sebring .............................................................................. 28 Winter in Yellowstone .................................................... 29 Porsche 911 GT3 wins Edmunds Award ..................... 30 January Get-Together at Sidewinder’s ......................... 31 New Members ................................................................. 32 Rolex - 24 Hours at Daytona ......................................... 32 Club News and Announcements .................................. 34 Advertising Policy Classified ads are free for PCA members, but are subject to available space in the newsletter. Business ad rates are specified below and are annual full color rates. Send your ad text and jpg photo (if available) to: Ken Koop ([email protected]) Back Cover (color) .....................$610 Inside Back Cover (color) ......... $560 Inside Front Cover (color) ........$610 Stapled Center Page (color) ..... $560 Full Page ..................................... $510 Half Page .................................... $340 Quarter Page .............................. $190 Business Card ............................ $140 Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION secretly uncovered, I can guarantee it will be an event you will not want to miss. Plan to join us on the drive and Bar-B-Q afterwards. The Becks, Clancy’s, Prugh’s and Scot Anderson have put together a wonderful afternoon. These events take a lot of behind the scenes work, so please join in the fun and support the club and our member’s efforts. Anne Fish is currently in the planning stages for a golf outing in July or August. As we get closer to this event, we will be providing more information to our members. Watch for more details. President’s Message April is here and another driving season is upon us. I hope everyone enjoyed their winter and you are now ready for the summer’s excitement behind the wheel. Track days are beginning this month at Miller Motorspots Park just outside of Salt Lake City. This means preparing our cars for their first adventures back on the road. Be sure everything is running correctly before taking any quick laps. The first big race of the sports car season has already taken place in Sebring, Florida. This trip was a good chance to experience warm weather for a change. Porsche’s were competing in two different classes. Please review the article in this issue for some of the exciting highlights or you can call Robin for a minute by minute recap. As you can see, our calendar is packed full of activities both inside and outside the club for this coming year. This is going to be our clubs most ambitious summer ever. Plan to join us on at least one, if not all of the club events. You won’t be disappointed and you will meet some of our terrific members and their cars in the process. Our next Sidewinder’s Pizza Get-Together will be held on April 30. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us. We would love to see you there. Until next time, Auf Wiedersehen Ken Our Annual Rendezvous Dinner at Teton Pines is coming up in early June. Please copy the registration form out of this newsletter and send it with a check to attend this enjoyable event. We will have some extra special prizes this year. Please RSVP as soon as possible to help us with the planning. You will notice that a Poker Run is scheduled for this coming June (posted on the web site, in the calendar section and on a flyer in this issue). The event will be held in the vicinity of Jackson but outside of the town. From the details I have Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION PCA Yellowstone Region Calendar of Events for 2008 April _____________________________ July ______________________________ 26 Sat 20 Sun Intermountain Porsche Club DE at Miller Motorsports 22 Tues Lapping Days Track Event at Miller Motorsports Wed 30 Intermountain Porsche Club DE at Miller Motorsports Club get together at Sidewinders 7:00 * May ______________________________ 18 Mon Lapping Days Track Event at Miller Motorsports Lapping Days Track Event at Miller Motorsports 21 Thur Ken Garff Track Day (East Track) Bogus Basin Bacchanalia at Bogus Basin, ID 6-7 Targhee Hill Climb 15-18 Thur - Sun American Le Mans Series race weekend * 19 Mon 24-26 Sat - Mon June ______________________________ 7 Sat Annual Rendezvous Dinner at Teton Pines * 9 Mon Ken Garff Track Day (Full Track) 21 Sat Intermountain Porsche Club DE at Miller Motorsports 23 Mon Lapping Days Track Event at Miller Motorsports 28 Sat Porsche’s Wild Poker Run * August ___________________________ September ________________________ Sat-Sun 26-28 Fri-Sat Fall tour to Park City, Utah * October ___________________________ 29 Wed Club get together at Sidewinders 7:00 * Additional SCCA events in southeast Idaho to show at http://www.eiscc.com/default.htm (no set schedule at this time). Contact Ken Koop for additional information and phone numbers regarding all events listed. * Yellowstone Region Club Event. Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Greg Prugh BROKER Prugh Real Estate LLC Jackson Hole, WYOMING 307.733.9888 307.413.2468 Old Faithful Porsche prughrealestate.com PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Yellowstone Region of The Porsche Club of America “Annual Rendezvous Banquet” Saturday June 7th Mark your calendar for our first big event of the 2008 driving season! Location: Teton Pines Country Club in beautiful Jackson Hole, Wyoming Time: 6:00 pm - No host bar in a private room at the club house. 7:15 pm - Dinner There will be a “Wheel of Fortune” prize wheel. Spins will take place during the cocktail hour. A Raffle will be held after dinner with some wonderful prizes (it will take much less time than the past few years). Menu:Buffet Dinner will include the following: CARVED MARINATED STEAK OR CHICKEN BREAST with artichokes, tomato, capers & mushrooms Garden Salad with choice of dressings - Garlic chive mashed potatoes Canadian Lake wild rice with pecans - Summer vegetable bouquet - Bread Basket Variety Brownie ala mode - Coffee Name/s: _______________________________________ Total Attendees___________ Total Price: $55.00 per person Check Amount____________ Deadline for reservations is May 20, 2008 Please RSVP and confirm your reservation by completing this form and a making check payable to Yellowstone Region of the Porsche Club. Mail form and check to Ken Koop, PO Box 1747, Wilson, WY 83014. Any questions, please call Ken @ 307-733-8806 Attire: Dressy Casual Please help your Yellowstone Region kick the 2008 season off to a great start by participating in our first event. Meet club members from Idaho and Wyoming at the “Annual Rendezvous Banquet” in Jackson Hole and join the festivities. Bring your Porsches to share with your fellow club members! Old Faithful Porsche Corner Ken’s PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION So is there actually an ideal position for all drivers? Well, there is something very close to a perfect position that allows for comfort (which leads to less fatigue), leverage, bracing and good control of the vehicle in all types of driving conditions. It was not until I attended my first driving school that I actually learned about the correct seating position. If you attend a Professional Sports Car Race, you will see almost every driver using this same set-up. The Correct Driving Position By: Ken Koop Have you ever been cruising down the highway and happened to notice the driving position of certain people in the car next to you? A few people drive with their seat set all the way back. Their arms are fully stretched out, having no bend at all in their elbows. Then some people are so close to the steering wheel that you could not slip a CD between the steering wheel and their chest. Well obviously, both of these positions are incorrect for a number of reasons. The first and foremost is safety. In both of these positions the driver does not have the leverage or the movement required in their arms to make emergency driving corrections. For a professional race car driver or people lucky enough to have their own dedicated race car, their seat and steering wheel is set to a specified position that never changes. They do this so that every time they get into their cars, the position is optimized to help them best perform their job. Go fast! They can’t do that without the correct seating set-up. Let’s look at how to adjust the seat and steering wheel to provide you with the proper set-up for both street and track driving conditions. We will start with the seating position since that is our first contact with the car and every other adjustment is predicated on the correct seat set-up. Adjust the seat to the lowest position that still allows you a good view of the road ahead. This not only helps to lower the car’s center of gravity for better cornering and performance, but it also places the driver’s body closer to the vehicle’s yaw, pitch and roll axis. This gives the driver a better feel for what the car is doing during any changes in speed or direction. Your derrière should be tucked firmly into the seat back, so that you can get feedback from the chassis, through the seat, up your spine and finally reaching the brain (where you can determine what the car is doing). You will get a better feel as to what the rear end of the car is doing if your body is firmly anchored to the seat. Position the seat forward enough so your knee still has some bend in it with the clutch pedal Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION being fully depressed. You do not want to be able to fully extend your leg or have to stretch while depressing the clutch. That will not provide you with adequate leverage while engaging the clutch or brake pedals. Also, you do not want the steering column interfering with the movement of your legs while you are operating the brake or clutch. Your right foot should be comfortably placed to allow you to pivot the foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal without lifting the heel off the floor. The left foot, when not operating the clutch, should be resting on the “dead pedal” (that’s what it is there for). This will provide you some additional bracing while cornering or during an emergency maneuver. Now that we have your feet and legs positioned correctly, let’s take a look at the arm position. The correct distance from the steering wheel is easily adjusted with some simple techniques. The proper distance can be achieved with your shoulders resting against the back of the seat, and then stretching your arms out straight (with no break in the elbows) so that the wrists are resting on the very top of the steering wheel. The wrists should be able to break so that your hands are able to droop over the far side of the wheel. If your wrists do not break at the top of the wheel, then you will need to adjust the seat (or adjust the angle of the seat-back) forward or backward to achieve this position. If your steering wheel has adjustability for reach (in and out) and height (up 10 and down), this will give you some additional help in fine tuning your optimal position. You will probably notice that the angle of your seat-back (when adjusted correctly) will be more upright than you are accustomed to. Being too close or too far away from the wheel will inhibit your ability to maneuver in tight corners; i.e., driving on mountain roads, swerving to avoid an animal that might run into the street or driving on a race track. An improper position may even require you to move your hands on the steering wheel while cornering, which is not only a terrible technique but can also be dangerous. Your hand position on the steering wheel should be in the 9 and 3 o’clock positions with the thumbs in contact with the 9 and 3 o’clock spokes of the wheel. This will give you more direct feedback from the front suspension in case of over or understeering conditions. Your right hand will also be in a better position for reaching the gear shift lever and allows for a more natural movement when grabbing for that next gear. Locating your hands this way allows for more steering input in tight corners, without your forearms crossing over each other. If you have front air bags, it is slightly safer in helping to prevent wrist or hand damage in case of an air bag deployment as well. Lastly, your elbows should be allowed to rest comfortably by your side. Now for a final check of your position. After you believe you have everything set correctly, see if you have between 90 and 130 degrees of bend in the elbows, with your hands in the 9 and 3 o’clock position. Then make sure all of the dials and dash lights on the instrument panel are clearly visible without the steering wheel impeding your view. All three mirrors should be set to provide you with adequate visibility in all directions. With these final checks completed, you have successfully achieved your correct position. If you are like most people, you will find that your original position was a little too far away from the pedals and the steering wheel. You were holding the wheel in the 10 and 2 positions and the seat-back was reclined Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION too much. This new position will probably feel uncomfortable and strange to you at first. With a little practice and care in your seating set-up (whether you are driving your Porsche or another car), you can develop a better driving position that leads not only to better car control, but also makes for safer driving as well. This will provide you with a quick set-up routine. You can carry this from one car to another and it only takes a minute to correctly set your position once you know what you are doing. After reading this article, my wife Robin, actually tried this new seating position. As predicted, she complained that she was too close to the wheel and felt very uncomfortable while driving. But with just a few weeks of practice, she has become accustomed to her new set-up. Now she thinks I am the most wunderbar husband for teaching her something new and useful (like I’ve never done that before), yada, yada, yada. If she was able to change and improve her driving habits after some 35 years behind the wheel, then anyone can (a mandated age disclaimer; FYI my wife politely told me to mention that she started driving when she was 2 years old)—yea right. Next to buckling your seat belt, this is probably the most important thing you can do to help ensure your driving safety. He has competed at the 12 Hours of Sebring, won the 24 Hours of Daytona and has been hired by Porsche as a Factory Driver. He is a tremendous supporter of the PCA and an all around nice guy. Randy is currently driving in the Speed GT World Challenge series with the K-PAX Porsche Racing Team. He and the K-PAX Team were very kind in cooperating with me to set up the car and driver so I could take these pictures for the article. Randy totally agrees with this seating position for the driver. Another thing that Randy felt was very important for the driver is the finger pressure on the steering wheel. Drivers should not have a death grip on the wheel. Rather, the steering wheel should be held with a light and relaxed finger grip. This will provide more road feedback as well as prevent excessive hand and forearm fatigue. While watching the Speed GT series on Speed Vision, keep an eye on Randy and the Porsche K-PAX Team. He won the drivers championship in 2007, and plans on having another successful season in 2008! The pictures in the article are taken courtesy of Randy Pobst. Randy is a professional race car driver and has driven Porsches for many years. Old Faithful Porsche 11 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION What is your room missing? Invest in your senses 140 EAST BROADWAY 1 12 / 2 block off the TOWN SQUARE 739- 8984 • OPEN DAILY 10 to 6. Complimentary shipping. Old knowledgeable Faithful Porsche Friendly, service. 133369 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION PORSCHES WILD poker run 28 June 2008 START 1:00 p.m. southeast corner of Smith’s Grocery parking lot FINISH BBQ at the home of Greg Prugh, 455 Ely Springs Road, Jackson* TIME Approximately three hours start to finish GAME Best five of seven cards, four checkpoints RULES No swapping cards. May buy one card, random draw, turn one in. Maximum of three cards. $5.00 per card. PRIZES The magnificent Augusta Green sports jacket + others TBA FEES $15.00 per person, including BBQ Please contact Nancy Clancy, event chairperson, at 307.690.8542 or at [email protected] for more information. We’ll provide a map to the BBQ*. Old Faithful Porsche 13 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Porsche has been known for producing a number of award winning ads and posters. Over the coming issues, we will reprint some of these famous ads. We hope you enjoy them! 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Porsche’s results at Lemans 1996. Result for you: winning technology. 1.1 million words in the English language and not one can describe the feeling. Introducing the new 911. It’s true eloquence can only be expressed on the open road. With a 296 horsepower water-cooled engine and 35 years worth of wisdom. Once again the 911 evades description, moving us to say; Porsche. There is no substitute. What’s the story of your life, starting now? Places you’ve always wanted to go. Things you’ve always meant to do. It’s never too late to make it right. The new Boxster. An elegantly re-sculpted exterior. A meatier 225-hp boxer engine. A more adventurous existence starts at $42,600. Contact us at 1-800-PORSCHE or porsche.com. The new Boxster 14 Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION If you could pick one chiropractor, which day would you come in? {Monday through Friday 8 AM - 6 PM. Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM. Lunch: when time permits.} Integrity Chiropractic Scot Thomas Anderson, DC 350 E. Broadway • (307) 734-6006 • www.integritychiropractic.us Meet my team at Sotheby’s www Women Working toWin Your Business Jackie Montgomery (307) 739-8123 Anne Fish (307) 413-1159 Athalea Strickland (307) 739-8125 Old Faithful Porsche Come visit us at our office in Teton Pines 3415 North Pines Way, Suite 101 15 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION 16 Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION ©2007 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. [Include your local and state required disclosures] You never just buy a Porsche. You buy a piece of every Porsche that came before it. Experience the pure, unrestrained thrill of what nearly 60 years of racing knowledge can provide. A true descendant of Porsche racing, the Boxster embraces its distinctive sense of purpose. This is no ordinary car. This is the stuff of legend. Visit us today for a test drive. The Boxster. Lease for $590 per month. Porsche of Boise 377-3900 1-800-621-1775 Boise Auto Mall www.lylepearson.com 2008 CAYENNE LEASE 590 $ / MONTH 36 MOS $5,185 due at lease signing Excludes destination charge, tax, title, and license fees. No security deposit required. Actual lease price determined by your Authorized Porsche Dealer, your payments may vary. Closed-end lease offered to qualified lessees with approved credit by Porsche Financial Services, Inc. through participating dealers through 10/31/2008. Estimated payments based upon MSRP of $47,790 for a Model Year 2008 Boxster with the following options: Preferred Package (which includes Wheel Caps with Colored Crest, Self-dim Mirrors and Rain Sensor, Sound Package Plus, Heated Seats, Floor Mats in Interior Color). Price excludes destination charge, title, taxes, registration, license fees, insurance, and maintenance. Lease payments of $590.19 for 36 months = $21,246.84 based on capitalized cost of $43,940.00. Total due at signing $5,185.19 (first month’s payment, acquisition fee of $745, and capitalized cost reduction of $3,850. At lease end, lessee pays excess wear, $.30/mile over 30,000 miles and $350 termination fee. Purchase option at lease end $31,063.50 plus taxes. Specific vehicles and options are subject to availability and your price may vary. See participating dealers for details. For your nearest dealer, call 1-800-Porsche or visit www.porscheusa.com. Old Faithful Porsche 17 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION MEET THE MEMBER A Special Mystery Roast Alberto and Paola This “meet the member” is special, if for no other reason than the member wouldn’t write it for himself. Since I am his best friend (technically, his only friend), I know about both his past and present life. At least by writing the article myself, I have full editorial control without any interference from this Ferrari fanatic. Another hint on who this mystery member is; his name in Europe is preceded by Dr. because he is a Doctor of Economics. I simply call him “The Windshield Dr.” because he somehow managed to crack seven windshields on his new cars in a span of 12 months. Anyone care to guess who this mystery person might be? This should be fun; at least for one of us! Alberto and Paola met in the small town of Biella in northern Italy where they grew up together. In their early years, Alberto must have either impressed Paola with his skiing abilities (which some say are pretty good, although I have never witnessed his expertise in person), OR MORE LIKELY, he was the only eligible male living in their village. Whatever the reason was, they soon fell in love. In 1967, Paola was somehow coerced into marrying Alberto, and this past summer they just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Congratulations, and we wish you another 40! Now I am convinced that pure luck does have something to do with being happily married. There were numerous relocations that allowed their family to live in many countries around the world. During that period, they still managed to raise three lovely children. With Paola’s nurturing and Alberto’s guidance, they have all turned out to be very successful adults in both their personal and professional lives. During this past year, there have been some major changes in the Cerruti family with the birth of three beautiful grandchildren. However this has just added more stress for Alberto. He has somehow managed to help raise his own three children without ever having learned how to change a diaper. Now he has to somehow avoid diaper duty for the next couple of years to keep his unblemished record intact. Good luck! When I first met Alberto he asked me what my ancestry was. I told him I was German/Swiss/ Austrian and he gasped. Obviously, coming from Italy he felt he was of superior breeding or something (an Italian thing). But little does he know that if he looked closely at his DNA, he would find that in Northern Italy there was a lot of cross pollination going on over the border. It’s my personal belief that Alberto gets his stunning good looks from his little known German ancestry! He is even adapting to eating dinner and going to bed at an earlier hour since he has been hanging around me. This is surely a sign of his true ancestral heritage! Soon after their marriage, Alberto took a job with a small American company called General Electric. Being the kick back-type B personality that Alberto is known for, he moved up the corporate ladder rather quickly. He started as an Auditor and retired from GE as the head of Mergers and Acquisitions with the title of Vice President (I continue to remind him that I now out rank him by holding the coveted position as President of the Yellowstone Region). During his years with GE, his positions and assignments changed many times. 18 Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Even though he claims to have Ferrari red blood running through his veins, deep down inside he really is a Porsche lover. He has owned seven Porsches over the years and currently drives a 997 Turbo that he uses as his all weather car. While his Ferraris are tucked under the covers for their long winter’s nap, his Turbo can be seen on the roads of Jackson all winter long. Truth be told, Alberto actually loves Porsches so much, that he has secretly asked--- no pleaded with me to trade my cars for his. My answer of course was; “no way--why would I want to trade a beautiful Porsche for just a Ferrari”. Well to be honest, that is the only slightly fictitious statement in this article. Not the “Porsche is better than Ferrari” part (that is obviously true), just “his asking part” has been slightly exaggerated. Alberto participates in the Targhee Hill Climb every year. This year he took first place in his class. He enjoys showing off his rally style of driving as he drifts his Ferrari through the corners. Next year he promises to join us and make a trip to Salt Lake to try his skill on the Miller Motorsports Track. Once he drives his cars on a race track, there will be no stopping him from becoming the next Mario Andretti (yea right). another misguided Italian whose true passion for cars actually comes directly from Stuttgart. As a result, we were able to finish the Ferrari tour and spend the night in the Little America Hotel, instead of the Utah State Penitentiary. Now didn’t I tell you that you should have written this article? Identity of author withheld, at their request. They both love to hike and bike in the Tetons. Paola works out almost every day at the gym and during the winter they spend many of their days alpine and cross-country skiing. When not participating in other activities, both Alberto and Paola can be found maintaining their homes beautiful garden. Both Alberto and Paola are some of the most wonderful and interesting people you will ever have a chance to meet. They have had some great life experiences and if you can keep Alberto out of the back-country (where his internal compass seems to go array every once in a while) you will enjoy them immensely. They are another two of our members that keep the club both varied and exciting. P.S.: The picture with the Highway Patrol and Alberto (about to be hand cuffed) was taken by me! Luckily the Highway Patrolman was a Porsche lover and I was able to convince him that Alberto was just 4804 So. Redwood Road Salt lake City, UT 84123 969-3434 FAX 967-7109 DAVID WERRETT President Wholesale Distributor: Oil ? Antifreeze ? Batteries ? Solvent Kerosene ? Grease ? Gear Oil ? Racing Fuel ? Racing Oil Old Faithful Porsche 19 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Autobahn Adventures--Germany Tour By Keith Verlaque (San Diego Region) I have been a Porsche fan since I was a teenager and have been fortunate enough to own three 911s. In the back of my mind, I have always wanted to get a chance to go to the factory in Stuttgart and see where these great machines are made. I had even got as far as looking into one of the most common trips to Germany that included a factory tour and was interested to see that you got to drive a Porsche in Germany for a couple of days. This piqued my interest, but the overall cost always seemed prohibitive. The thing that appealed to us most, was that with hotels, breakfasts and most evening meals taken care of, and each car having an onboard navigation system, you were free to visit what ever you wanted during each day, be it a castle, a museum, a particular town or the twisty mountain road of your choice. Having the navigation system eliminated any concerns about being lost in a foreign country where we were far from fluent in the language. The more we thought about it the more this appealed to us because this meant that although our itinerary was organized such that the group visited a few predetermined sights, for example, the Porsche factory, the RUF production facility, Neuschwanstein Castle (the one Disneyland is modeled on), for the rest of the trip we would go exploring and meet the group for dinner each evening. The team outside Porsche Zentrum - the factory dealership in Stuttgart. Two years ago at PCA Parade, I was talking to a couple I had met by the name of Mark and Tina Trewartha and they told me about a trip that they were putting together driving through Germany for ten days in rented Porsches. The destinations they described sounded really interesting and included a tour of the Porsche factory in Stuttgart. The thought of having a 997 for ten days and getting to tour the factory got me really interested and I was eager to find out more. I broached the subject with Martha, my significant other, and as she is also a Porsche fan with her own Porsche, she was interested in doing such a trip. In fact, she asked me why I had been dragging my feet in making the decision to go. We got a lot more information from Mark and Tina and they invited us to come to the last group’s post trip gettogether so we would get a better idea of what these trips were like. We decided to go and we got to see lots of pictures and videos of the trip and heard numerous stories about how much fun it had been. Needless to say, that night we signed up to go on the next tour. 20 Neuschwanstein castle with its commanding view over the lake and surrounding countryside With ten months to go, we decided we wanted to plan our trip. We started buying books on things to do and sights to see in Germany. We even plotted our scheduled hotel stays on a map and started researching what sights there are between hotel A & hotel B. Gradually, we got a good understanding of things we wanted to see each day and were able to add a little more meat to our itinerary. It was actually fun deciding, for example whether we wanted to take the cable car to the top of the Zugspitze – the highest mountain in the German Alps or to drive the Deutsche Alpen Strasse, which is the German Alpine road internationally acclaimed as being one of the best driver’s roads in Germany ….. after all, we would be in a 997 Carrera S which is all about the driving experience. Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Mark and Tina arranged a group get-together one month before we were due to leave, which gave us a chance to meet some of the group that we would be traveling with - including some who had been the year before and enjoyed it so much that they were going again. It was a great evening, we met some interesting people from different walks of life, all with enthusiasm for our upcoming trip as a common denominator. At the get-together, Mark and Tina gave each couple a personal trip binder with a more detailed itinerary including a day-by-day schedule with an approximate timeframe for each part of the trip. There were plenty of free days with nothing organized except cocktails and dinner at the hotel that evening which enabled us to work our plans in nicely. Finally, the date for departure arrived and, is often the case, there was a last minute rush to get everything taken care of before we left. We took Tina’s advice and packed light, as we knew that everything we took would have to fit in a 997 and we wanted to be comfortable while traveling. We had our maps and guidebooks and a list of useful phrases in German (which we never needed) … we were ready! The trip itself was everything we had hoped for and much more. I decided not to try and summarize all the things we did as a brief article couldn’t possibly do justice to the amount of enjoyment and fun that we had. Instead, I decided to list, in no particular order, ten memorable moments that remind me of some of the truly great experiences we had with Autobahn Adventures. • • • • • • • • • • Seeing 23 new black Porsches in the Hotel parking lot and being invited to select one Ten days driving a Porsche 997S on the autobahn, through the beautiful countryside of the Black Forest and on the twisty Swiss alpine passes Touring the RUF facility and seeing the first new RUF RK Coupe being prepared for road testing Listening to an orchestra in concert in the main hall of the amazing Neuschwanstein castle Riding the cable car to the top of the Zugspitze and viewing the alps from the observation deck Looking out over Lindau Harbor and seeing the sunrise over the mountains across Lake Constance Driving the Deutsche Alpen Strasse in a 997S on a beautiful clear sunny day Sitting down to dinner and finding out where everyone else had been that day, telling them where we’d been and then discussing all our ideas for the next day and planning to travel with others we met Going on a VIP tour of the Porsche factory with lunch in the Casino and then previewing the new 997 GT3RS Viewing the ancient walled city of Rothenburg from the top of the church tower in the market square The early morning view of Lindau harbor and Lake Constance from our hotel room Old Faithful Porsche 21 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Taking a break at the top of Susten pass in Switzerland In Conclusion If driving a new Porsche through some of the most beautiful countryside in Germany & Switzerland, staying in 5-star hotels, eating gourmet food and enjoying fine wines, being able to go wherever you chose on any given day and meeting up for dinner each evening, is your idea of a great vacation, then you owe it to yourself to experience a trip with Mark and Tina and Autobahn Adventures. Family is why WE DO IT ALL. We all feel the same commitment to care for our families. As your good neighbor agent, I can help you meet your insurance needs. Call me today. A small part of the panoramic view of Rothenburg from the top of the Church tower Gary D Bennett, Agent 1110 Maple Way, PO Box 1907 Jackson, WY 83001-1907 Bus: 307-733-4215 [email protected] For more info go to www.autobahn-adventures.com or call 714-964-0280 P02640 22 Old Faithful Porsche statefarm.com® State Farm Insurance Companies • Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois 11/04 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Old Faithful Porsche 23 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Alternative Fuels By: Chris Rotvik First published in the Anzeiger Newsletter: Oregon Region The idea of Porsche producing an SUV—the Cayenne—turned heads, not to mention a few stomachs, when introduced in early 2003. Further rankling purists was Porsche’s September 2005 announcement of a gasoline-electric hybrid variant, engineered in concert with Volkswagen and whose power-plant is expected to find a home in another divergence, the coming Panamera fourdoor sports coupe. Now owning a controlling interest in VW, Porsche clearly is responding in ways designed to secure its future. for oil and environmental goodness. However, big unresolved downsides remain, including how to scale up corn production, environmental damage from fertilization and deforestation, lesser air quality in some regions of the US (the LA basin in particular), increased food costs (as corn crops are shifted to energy production), and the need to rework the fuel distribution network—recently estimated at $1 billion—to handle the more corrosive ethanol. Currently it requires nearly one gallon of gasoline to produce 1.2 gallons of Ethanol (both of these quantities of fuel, equate to almost the same amount of energy released in BTU’s). What this is really saying, is that the amount of gasoline required to produce the Ethanol, is almost the same as the amount of Ethanol that the gasoline itself produces. So the net gain is zero. The mileage that a car will get with a gallon of Ethanol will also be less than that for a gallon of gasoline. So the overall gasoline and CO2 savings are at best, negligible. In the future, yields of Ethanol should increase with improved production technology. This hopefully will give Ethanol a more important role to play for automotive use. B Y H What will power future Porsche vehicles is not so clear. Many acknowledge the hybrid as only a waypoint on the path. And in some cases—the Lexus GS 450h being one example—hybrids offer more illusion than reality of being green. Why drag this conversation into a club magazine? As enthusiasts, we’re a target. As Porsche enthusiasts, we are doubly so. And as enthusiasts, we can be influential: it’s probably better that we speak knowledgeably than appear totally unaware. When it comes to environmental worst offenders, the ubiquitous Ford F-250 comes close to topping the list. Granted, Lamborghini’s Murciélago slightly outranks the lumbering Ford for lack of fuel mileage, but it’s rare that a sports car piles on 25,000 miles a year in his commuting to the jobsite. Sports cars may be icons of environmental irresponsibility to some, but real damage comes care of “America’s best selling vehicle” (the SUV or pick-up truck). By the way, within their class the Boxster and Cayman both receive superior “greenness” ratings (source: www.greenercars. com) and the 997 Turbo is the cleanest burning gasoline engine on the market. This being the home of amber waves of grain, ethanol in the form of E85 is offered up by some as a neat and tidy solution for both our thirst 24 Moving from ethanol to electric vehicles, we’re finally seeing some interesting EV’s such as the Tesla. A Lotus Elise in drag, the Tesla is expected to have a range of 220 to 250 miles, a top speed of 130-plus mph and a 0 – 60 time of about four seconds (ignore for the time being that it will cost nearly as much as a GT3, approximately $125,000). But here’s the dirty secret: roughly half of all US electricity production is from coal-fired power plants (perhaps our single biggest source of CO2), so if your car plugs in to the electric grid, emissions are simply shifted from the tailpipe to the smokestack. GM’s EV, the Volt, avoids this by utilizing hydrogen fuel cell technology to produce electricity. Promising but not quite ready for prime time, the approach, like E85, is also beset with significant fuel production (which requires a considerable amount of electricity to producederived from coal or gas) and distribution challenges. Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION D I R B Porsche’s neighbor BMW has studied hydrogen as a fuel for decades. They have a limited-production car on the road now—the Hydrogen 7. Stored as a liquid under intense pressure, the hydrogen is used for combustion rather than the production of electricity. The remaining hurdle with any hydrogen powered vehicle is again distribution. Another fuel CNG (compressed natural gas), fuels Honda’s Civic GX. Available nationwide by special order, the CNG-powered Civic loses a bit of power and range relative to its conventional brethren. However, it’s rated as the greenest car in America (again, www.greenercars.com). Good news, bad news: compressed natural gas is roughly 30 percent cheaper than gasoline but there are only about 750 CNG filling stations in the US. (Are you picking up on the common theme?) What about diesel? Audi’s R10, Peugeot’s 908 and BMW’s European-only turbo diesels have done a fair bit to help equate diesel with performance. Although more efficient than gasoline, diesel combustion is much dirtier. A number of technologies (urea injection and particulate filters, for example) are being developed to reduce these environmental negatives. In the future, these engines may prove to be a good substitute for gasoline. Where does all this leave us? In the near term, perhaps only with the evolution of what is available today. Porsche’s future innovations will be electricdriven water, oil and power steering pumps; electrically driven air conditioner compressors; alternators that decouple from the engine when not needed; the use of regenerative braking from all four wheels as a source of electricity to be stored in batteries; and direct injection. Porsche claims an increase in fuel economy of 23-36% as a result of these innovations. These concepts will appear on the new Hybrid Cayenne and Panamera models first, probably beginning in 2009. I find this exciting because Porsche, as a car and as a company, excels at evolution. The 911 and Porsche’s financial health are the ultimate testaments to that fact. And in that light, rather than being icons of environmental irresponsibility, our cars showcase the technological way forward. Postscript: Many experts predict that the costs for manufacturing, maintaining and recycling the hybrid vehicles (being produced today), will out weigh their claimed potential fuel and CO2 savings in the long run. Only time will tell. Old Faithful Porsche 25 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Jackson Hole Photo Shoot Christophorus Magazine (a Porsche Company publication) is including an article on “The Jackson Hole Hat Factory” in a future issue of the magazine. The author needed a few Porsche cars along with some human models for the photo shoot. Jim Moses provided his Boxster and I (Ken Koop) supplied the Cayenne, while Anne Fish and Nancy Clancy helped dress up the shots by posing as the lovely models. I happened to be available and added the “distinguished/elderly” look (in that order) to the photos. Everyone had a lot of fun while the photographs were being taken. Robin even had a chance to improve her photographic skills by taking some pictures for the newsletter. David J Swift, who lives in Jackson, is the author and photographer for this feature article. If you would like a copy with autographs from our fashion divas, I’m sure they will be more than willing to cooperate. That is, if their agents will permit it. David generously allowed us to publish some of his photos, including the beautiful cover photo in this article. 26 Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Old Faithful Porsche 27 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION The 56th Annual 12 Hours of Sebring - 2008 Sebring, 2008 exhibited one of the most diverse fields of car manufacturers in recent memory. More than 12 factory supported teams (Aston Martin, Mazda, Audi, Acura, Porsche, Peugeot, Ferrari, Corvette, Ford GT, Panoz, Radical and a Dodge Viper) were present to contest this grueling race. Sebring is second only to LeMans, as the most prestigious Sports Car Race in the world. The factory supported teams were there for one reason--A Victory! large tent set up to relax and socialize with other Porsche owners and provides refreshments with the TV’s tuned into the race. *Porsche Cars North America arranges for race teams to come by at various times to speak to Porsche Club members about their cars and drivers. *Many specialty vendors set up displays to sell unique car related items. *Other car corrals (Corvette, BMW, Mazda and Audi) and numerous other car manufacturers have displays that are enjoyable to stroll through. *Many older race cars are on display that participate in special historic races held throughout the week. *Exotic cars are located in the paddock area to be viewed at close range. So the week is full of things to do and see. Porsche owns all of the major manufacturer’s records at Sebring which includes 17 overall wins and over 50 class wins. But perhaps the most telling statistic is that at least one Porsche has competed at every Sebring Race since 1953. No other manufacturer comes close to Porsche’s record. Sebring is more than a race, it is an event! Over the four days, nearly 300,000 fans make the annual pilgrimage to the small town of Sebring, Florida to view this spectacle. They are never disappointed. There are many events held during race week which includes the following; *The Porscheplatz (with over 100 beautiful Porsches) brings back the kid in the candy store syndrome. PCA has a 28 Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION BUT the main reason everyone comes to Sebring, is to watch the best sports car race in North America. Porsche had five RS Spyders and five 911 GT3-RSR’s competing in the two most competitive classes (LMP2 and GT2) against other factory supported teams including Acura, Corvette, Ferrari, Panoz, Ford, Dodge, Radical and Aston Martin. A beautiful fireworks display signals the end of a hard fought but perfect finish for Porsche. Celebrations for the winners began as thousands of fans swarmed around the award stand to applaud their favorite team. This year, the OVERALL win went to Porsche (1st, 2nd and 4th place) to end Audi’s domination at Sebring. In the LMP2 class, Porsche took home 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th place. Porsche teams placed 1st and 2nd in the GT2 class. This was Porsche’s 18th overall win at the historic race (the next closest competitor is Ferrari with 12 wins). No one believed Porsche had a chance to beat the Audi, Peugeot or Ferrari’s more powerful teams, but the little giant slayer triumphed once again. The Porsche teams never gave up! No matter how our Porsche teams finish, Sebring is always an exciting race to be a spectator at. It is made even better with such a stunning outcome. Robin and I can’t wait to return next year! Winter in the Yellowstone Region Some members do drive their cars in the winter! Old Faithful Porsche 29 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Porsche 911 GT3 wins Edmunds “Most Wanted Award” rule: the editors must have tested the car or truck by December 1, 2007. There was no price cap or restrictive “new models only” requirement placed on the selection criteria. The editors were allowed to simply pick their personal favorite. Dan Edmunds (Edmunds Director of Vehicle Testing) said, “The GT3 provides world-class performance just a couple of short steps removed from that legendary racing icon, and it does so in a package accessible to mere mortals. This is the essence of the Porsche story, and it makes this car an unforgettable thrill”. Scott Oldham added, “The Porsche 911 GT3 is our favorite Porsche. It’s as if everything that Porsche has ever known about fast cars has been stuffed into this 911”. Edmunds’ Inside Line Editors call Porsche’s racebred 911 “an unforgettable thrill”. The auto editors at Edmunds’ Inside Line Automotive Magazine had a tough job in 2007 as they tested and reviewed 268 cars and trucks. They were then asked to select only the best for their “Editors’ Most Wanted Award”. In the end, the Porsche 911 GT3 endured their expert scrutiny, scoring a victory and driving off with this very prestigious and important award. Scott Oldham, Inside Line editor-in-chief, had only one 30 Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION January’s Get-Together at Sidewinder’s We had thirty two members who attended our club’s gettogether at Sidewinders in January. It was good to see everyone again who could make the wintry trek. Unfortunately, the weather for the entire week before (and after) the meeting was not cooperating and it kept twenty of our explorers from attending. That was one heck of a snow storm. The evening and food were great, as well as the socialization amongst our club members. The new board of directors was introduced for the first time, along with some of the future activities the board has planned for the coming summer. Mike Faems presented the Park City Tour, Anne Fish discussed the golf outing and Dick Beck covered the Poker Run in June. We need to thank all of them for their dedicated work with these events. Also I want to thank all the members for their comments on these activities. This will be a fun filled year for our club. Hope to see everyone in April for our next Pizza gettogether (surely there will be better weather by then). Old Faithful Porsche 31 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION “Please welcome our newest members” New Members Josh Beck---Jackson, WY Roy Kinsey---Jackson, WY Porsche’s Group Picture for the 2008 “Rolex 24 Hours at Daytona” race. 32 Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION #LASSIC#AR)NSURANCEFORTHE 7ORLDS-OST0ASSIONATE$RIVERS /BTAINQUOTESANDAPPLYONLINE LELANDWESTCOM ELAND EST )NSURANCE #OVERAGEFOR!LL-ODEL9EARS 0REMIUM3AVINGSOFORMORE 2ATEDh!v3UPERIORBY!-"EST &LAT"ED4OWING#OVERAGE)NCLUDED !GREED!MOUNT#OVERAGE)NCLUDED OFALL0OLICYHOLDERS2ENEWED AMTOPM-&0ACIlC4IME !- 9ELLOWSTONE0ORSCHEINDD THE MERRY PIGLETS MEXICAN GRILL JACKSON HOLE, WYOMING We never start cooking your meal without you. Everything is cooked to order. Our salsa and sauces are made fresh, right here, everyday. We grill over mesquite fire for an authentic Tex-Mex Flavor. Our tortilla chips are made fresh throughout the day. We mash real avocados to make our fresh guacamole. Our beans are soaked overnight and mashed daily. All of our produce is cut fresh each morning. We cook with 100% canola oil, recognized as the healthiest available. WE USE NO MSG OR LARD, PERIOD! Don’t tell us how good it is, JUST COME BACK!!! Sidewinders Tavern, located in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, brings together the atmoshere of a sports bar with a great tasting restaurant for the whole family. Sidewinders has the ideal atmosphere for relaxing with friends and meeting new people. Sidewinders is a non-smoking establishment, including the main bar. Sidewin Sidewinders Old Faithful Porsche Ta v e r n 33 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Club News and Announcements American Le Mans Series Club Weekend We are again planning a somewhat informal club weekend at the American Le Mans Series race in Salt Lake City. Our group usually has a dinner on Friday night at the Little America Hotel along with tours of some of the team garages if the group so desires. Race dates are May 15-18. This is totally informal with no planned activities planned to or from the track. If anyone is interested in attending, please contact Ken for more information at [email protected] or 307- 733-8806. 2008 Fall Tour to Park City, UT We are planning a tour to Park City in late September of 2008. Mark your calendars now to join the club for a wonderful two or three day fall drive. There will be plenty of time for shopping and chair lift rides or just to explore Old Town Park City. The dates will be announced in the next newsletter. A big thank you to our advertisers: - Dyno Services - Car & Tire Storage - Track Car Preparation - Private Driver Instruction - Track Day Support The Board of the Yellowstone Region of the Porsche Club wants to thank all of the companies who advertise in our Old Faithful Newsletter. As everyone knows, the biggest expense of our club is the newsletter (around $600 per issue). Without our advertisers support, the newsletter would not be possible. The newsletter binds the club together with news and club information and is an integral part of being a club. Every member can show his/her appreciation to these gracious companies by using their services when a need arises. The Board, as well as our sponsors would greatly appreciate the patronage. Also if you own a business and would like to help support the club by advertising, we would love to have your ad in the newsletter. You can contact Ken at 307 7338806 for more details. 34 Old Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION Not a tourist. Just a guy who knows how to stay out of the office. Family time, your favorite recreation or a jaw dropping landscape. When the weather cooperates, it can be tough to stay in the office when you live out here. But with First Interstate’s suite of online cash management services, we can help you save time and answer that beck and call. 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