Regional News Regional News
Regional News Regional News
B S e c t ion • Thur sd ay, Fe b. 28, 2 013 FEATURES CRIME SOCIALS OBITUARIES EDITORIAL Regional News News from Bradford County, Union County and the Lake Region Lost WWII canteen finds its way back to Starke’s Ricks BY CLIFF SMELLEY Regional News/Sports Editor With the encouragement of the gathering of friends and family at Starke’s American Legion Post 56, Jesse Ricks of Starke tipped the canteen to his lips as if to drink—something he last did with that particular canteen more than 60 years ago. The canteen belonged to Ricks when he served in the Army’s 941st Field Artillery Battalion during World War II. He lost it near Santenay, France. Thanks to the passion of Glyn Nightingale of Stourbridge, England, the 92-year-old Ricks and the canteen were reunited. “I didn’t think I’d ever see it (again),” Ricks said. Nightingale, who scours the land near his vacation home in France for World War II items, said he believed servicemen were supposed to put the first letter of their last name only, accompanied by their four-digit serial number, on their personal belongings. Yet carved into the canteen was “JJ Ricks.” That helped Nightingale discover who the owner was. Mike Ricks, the son of Jesse, said his father, who was a carpenter, made a habit of carving his name into the tools he owned. “When (Nightingale) told me it had his name on it, it was no surprise to me because he put his name on everything,” Mike Ricks said. Nightingale traveled more than 4,500 miles with his family—wife, Elaine, and sons Ben and Sam—to give the canteen to Jesse Ricks. “It means a lot to me,” Jesse Ricks said. Nightingale’s vacation Sam Nightingale, one of Glyn Nightingale’s sons, gives Jesse Ricks a hug. Sam Nightingale was the one who actually found the canteen in a barn, using his iPhone and a flashlight application. LEFT: Glyn Nightingale presents the canteen to Jesse Ricks at a gathering of friends and family at American Legion Post 56 in Starke. BELOW: Jesse Ricks, his wife, Lucille, and son Mike look at Jesse’s pictures from World War II. Jesse Ricks shows off the side of the canteen with his name carved into it. home is actually situated on a battlefield on which the 83rd Division fought. He became interested in finding objects specifically belonging to the division and its 329th, 330th and 331st regiments. As Nightingale West Gadsden defeats Tigers 76-51 in state semifinals BY CLIFF SMELLEY Regional News/Sports Editor Union County High School head boys’ basketball coach Rufus Jefferson said his team did the little things well in its Class 1A-Region 4 championship win over Baldwin, but the Tigers committed 19 turnovers and struggled to make field goals and free throws in a 76-51 loss to West Gadsden in a state semifinal game on Feb. 26 in Lakeland. West Gadsden, which played Holmes County—a 51-48 winner over Hawthorne—for the state title on Feb. 27, hurt the Tigers inside and out, with Brandon Shingles making six 3-pointers and Marquis Brown scoring a game-high 25 points around the basket. Brown grabbed 14 rebounds. The Panthers (25-8) also scored more than 20 points off of 19 turnovers. Union (17-13) made 17-of-48 field-goal attempts, including going 5-of-21 from beyond the arc. At the foul line, the Tigers were 12-of-27. Both teams struggled from the field in the first quarter, though West Gadsden had three 3-pointers from Shingles in taking a 13-7 lead into the second quarter. Prince Alexander gave the Tigers a spark with three 3-pointers. His second pulled them to within 15-10. Then, after he rebounded a West Gadsden miss at the other end, Alexander knocked down a second straight shot from long distance. Daquin Edwards’ foul-line See STATE, 3B Mark You Calendar!r 19th Annual BOAT SHOW & OPEN HOUSE March 8-9-10 Boston Whaler • Hurricane • Mercury • Rinker • Sundance • K2 Marine Yamaha • Sweetwater • G3 • Triumph • Bentley • Honda • Stealth 4x4 100 NE 23rd Ave., Gainesville, FL 32609 352-372-4900 • put it, he wanted to let people know there was more to America’s involvement in World War II than the 101st Airborne Division, which was profiled in the book and subsequent HBO miniseries “Band of Brothers.” The location of every item he finds is mapped, creating a more vivid picture of the battlefield. Nightingale researches each item and tries to determine who the owner was. He keeps the items in a room at his home. “When people visit my house, they can learn there are more divisions of the American Army in World War II than the 101st Airborne,” Nightingale said. “Everybody’s heard of the 101st Airborne. “I had never heard of the 83rd, but because my house is there, I wanted people to learn about the infantry foot soldier.” Nightingale has found items such as shell casings, round clips, inert grenades, shaving and other personal-care items and even false teeth. He recalled lying in a stream of water in a ditch in sub-zero temperature one time trying to dig up an item buried in mud and muck. An M1 Grand rifle was found by a family that lives in See CANTEEN, 2B 2B Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section • Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 24. (Livestock and exhibit areas are open Tuesday, March 19, through Saturday, March 23.) For more information, please call the fair office at 904-9645252, or visit the fair’s Facebook page at bradfordcounty.fair. performs throughout the year in the Southeast. Tickets for the family-friendly show are $10 for adults and $5 for students. They may be purchased at the door beginning at 6 p.m. the night of the show or at numerous area churches. Andrew Crosby family reunion set Emersyn Sophia Brooks Birth: Emersyn for Saturday The Andrew Crosby family Sophia Brooks reunion will be held Saturday, Chris and Michelle Brooks of Starke announce the birth of their daughter, Emersyn Sophia Brooks. She was born on Feb. 6, 2013, in Gainesville, weighing 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and measuring 20 inches in length. She joins siblings Darsyn, Kyle and Bree. Maternal grandparents are Hilton and Nancy Coleman of Starke. Paternal grandparents are Don and Marilyn Brooks, also of Starke. Time to plan for BC Fair participation If you are interested in participating in this year’s Bradford County Fair, now is the time to start preparing. The fair opens under the theme “Down on the Farm” on Friday, March 15, and runs through Sunday, March March 2, at 10:30 a.m. in Building 3 of the Bradford County Fairgrounds. Bring enough food for family and a little extra, as well as tea. Lunch will be served at approximately noon. Jesse Ricks acts as if he’s going to drink from the lost canteen with some assistance from Glyn Nightingale. CANTEEN Continued from 1B a farmhouse near Nightingale’s home in France. Nightingale said he asked if he could buy the rifle for his collection, but the man he asked said his father wouldn’t sell it. Nightingale, though, talked to the man’s father and explained how he was collecting and preserving the items with no intent to sell them. Nightingale got his rifle and was invited to the family’s home to look around. It was while looking through one of the family’s barns that Nightingale’s Relay for Life fundraising sock hop is Saturday Samuel Markham James Rogers’ concert to help Archer Funeral welcomes Food Pantry back Markham is Saturday Entertainer James Rogers returns to Starke Saturday, March 2, for a 7 p.m. performance at the Bradford High School auditorium to benefit the Bradford Food Pantry. Rogers will play and sing your favorite songs for the 25th time since the Food Pantry has been assisting the needy. He has been a lead for the Dolly Parton show in Tennessee for a long time and son Sam, using a flashlight application on his iPhone, discovered Ricks’ canteen. “It was covered in dust,” Nightingale said. “I never saw it.” After washing the item, Nightingale took a picture of it with his phone and emailed it to his son Ben. Ben and his mother began researching Ricks’ name on the Internet. They discovered there was a J.J. Ricks in New York and one in Florida. Nightingale reached out to people on Facebook, hoping he could gain more information. That led to the information that the J.J. Ricks in New York was FAY’S Funeral Service, receiving an associate of science degree in the field of funeral services. While in college, he was a member of the Pi Sigma Eta fraternity of morticians. He will be serving his funeral director and embalmer internship at Archer Funeral Home in Lake Butler. Team Pink’d, a fundraising team for the Bradford-Union Relay for Life, is hosting a sock hop on Saturday, March 2, from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. at the Starke Golf and Country Club. Music of the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s will entertain guests. There will also be refreshments, contests and prizes. For advance tickets, which are $8, please call 904-964-9324. Tickets purchased at the door are $10. BC Extension to host food preservation class March 8 Archer Funeral Home is pleased to welcome back Samuel Wesley “Wes” Markham. Markham was born and raised in Lake City, graduated from Columbia High School in 2010 and is a member of First Advent Christian Church in Lake City. Markham worked as an Do you have a pressure canner embalmer apprentice for Archer at home? Do you have any idea Funeral Home for two years how to use it, or are you just before attending mortuary school plain afraid of it? in Atlanta. He is a 2013 Graduate There is no need to worry of Gupton-Jones College of any longer. The Bradford deceased, but the one in Florida was still alive. The end result was that Mike Ricks, who saw a photo of the canteen, said it was indeed his father’s. Something, though, was bugging Nightingale. “I wasn’t 100-percent happy because I had never heard of the 941st,” he said, referring to the unit Jesse Ricks served in. “Where was the link to the 83rd Division?” Nightingale’s wife, Elaine, solved the mystery through more research. “The 941st, at the start of July 1944, was supporting the 83rd Division north of Santenay,” Nightingale said. “That was it. It dropped into place.” Jesse Ricks said he must have lost the canteen when he was helping some men butcher a cow in a barn. He said prior to helping, he took his belt off and laid it to the side. His canteen was on the belt. “Now that’s as far as I can tell you,” Jesse Ricks told the gathering at the American Legion post. Nightingale provided the rest of the story. Mike Ricks couldn’t say enough about the effort Nightingale and his family made on returning the canteen, especially at a time when his father has come full circle in regard to the war. Mike Ricks said his father more readily talks about the experience and has shown an interest in finding out if others he served with are still alive. It has been part of a healing process for his father, Mike Ricks said, and the Nightingale family has been a part of that. “I think it’s wonderful,” Mike Ricks said. “I think we’re going to be friends for the rest of our lives. I think his children are going to be friends with my children for the rest of their lives.” As Jesse Ricks acted as if he would take a drink from his old canteen, someone asked him if he wanted to fill it with something good. “No,” he said, which brought laughter to the room. “It’s been too long.” County Extension Service will be offering a class on food preservation Friday, March 8, from 9:30 a.m.–2 p.m. at the Extension office, located at 2266 N. Temple Ave. in Starke. The program will emphasize how to safely can fresh produce. Come and learn the newest rules and techniques for keeping your family safe while preserving foods. The cost of the program is $7 per person. Participants will receive the newest food preservation information along with freshly made jam or jelly. The latest edition of “So Easy To Preserve” will also be available for purchase for an additional $15 if interested. Stop by the Bradford Extension office to register and pay by Tuesday, March 5, before 4:30 p.m., or call 904-966-6224 for more information. ‘Murphy’s Law’ fundraising fishing tourney is March 9 The Bradford-Union Relay for Life fundraising team Murphy’s Law is hosting a bass tournament Saturday, March 9, which will launch from the Little Lake Santa Fe boat ramp. The tournament—in honor of Stephen Murphy—is scheduled for safelight until 3 p.m. The entry fee is $70, plus there is an optional big fish pot for an additional $10. A first-place prize of at least $750 will be awarded. There will also be food, 50-50 drawings and prize drawings. Please call Brooks Morrel at 719-491-8476 for more information. Leverette receives Admiral Eugene J. Peltier Award Navy Seaman Apprentice Sean T. Leverette, son of Ottis D. Leverette, of Keystone Heights, along with other sailors attached to the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB11) recently received the Rear Admiral Eugene J. Peltier Award for fiscal year 2012. Units selected for this prestigious award are recognized leaders in the Naval construction force in safety, overall performance, readiness, construction accomplishment, equipment management, logistics programs, retention and training. NMCB-11 completed an eight-month deployment in Afghanistan during 2012 in which the battalion set the stage for the surge drawdown of U.S. and coalition forces and eventual transfer of mission to the Afghan forces. NMCB-11 is a Seabee battalion specializing in contingency construction, disaster response, and humanitarian assistance. The battalion is homeported in Gulfport, Miss. Leverette joined the Navy in May 2011. Jesse Ricks gets a hug from Elaine Nightingale, who is Glyn Nightingale’s wife. Earn $100 easy! Aesthetics & Hair 904-964-7579 $399 Enjoys doing Weddings & other Special Events including Up-do’s, Long Hair, Braiding & More! Complete Bedroom Sets Nightstand, Mirror, Headboard, Chest or Dresser & Frame “FREE CONSULTATION FOR YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION” TWINS FULLS QUEENS KINGS $119 $159 $179 $249 TWINS FULLS QUEENS KINGS ESTATE MATTRESS SETS TWINS $69 FULL $79 QUEEN $89 KING $129 Sealy Serta Simmons FREE $199 $279 $299 $399 DELIVERY $ BUNK BEDS $329 W/MATTRESS 441 East Brownlee St. • Starke (Just East of Hwy 301 on SR-16) Gainesville • 4390 SW 20th Ave • (352) 376-0953 Jacksonville • 6033 Beach Blvd. (Corner of University) • (904) 721-5081 No minimum purchase Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/1/13 MP-RS 25 OFF Super Pillowtop or Memory Foam Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/1/13 MP-RS (904) 964-3888 Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 • Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section 3B Union boys earn 2nd straight regional championship BY CLIFF SMELLEY Regional News/Sports Editor Strong second-half performances by Keldric Bradley and Shaimea Maeweather helped lead the Union County High School boys’ basketball team to a 50-38 win over Baldwin in the Class 1A-Region 4 championship game on Feb. 23 in Baldwin. Prior to 2012, the Tigers had only made it to the Final Four once, but they’ve now done it two years in a row. “I’m very elated to be in this position,” Union head coach Rufus Jefferson said. “First, I want to give all praise and glory to God for giving us the opportunity.” This year, though, Union, which was the District 7 runnerup, did so without playing either of its two regional games at home. “This year, we had to win two straight away games (to get back),” Maeweather said. “We had to overcome so much adversity, but we stuck through it as a team. Our fans were behind us, God was behind us and we just made it through. We’re going back. We’re going back.” Maeweather and Bradley scored nine and 12 points, respectively, in the second half as Union erased a four-point deficit. The Tigers led by four entering the fourth quarter, and even though they made only three field goals in that quarter, they were 3-pointers by Bradley and Maeweather. Carl Alexander (left) falls to the court after receiving an offensive foul from Baldwin’s Matt Gunter. Baldwin went 4-of-16 from the field in the fourth quarter and turned the ball over four times. Plus, the Indians missed the front ends of two one-andone opportunities at the foul line and went 0-4 from the line overall in the final quarter. That was one of the main differences between the regional championship game and the District 7 championship game. Baldwin made 12-of-14 free Daquin Edwards lets out an exuberant yell as the Tigers captured their second straight regional championship by avenging their district championship loss to Baldwin. STATE Continued from 1B jumper on an assist from Keldric Bradley tied the score at 15-all. It was part of an 11-0 run that also featured a free throw by Alexander and a floater in the lane by Shaimea Maeweather. The Panthers, though, responded with a 17-0 run and never relinquished the lead. Brown had three straight baskets to start the run, including consecutive dunks off of turnovers. Archie Albritton and Shingles followed Brown’s second dunk with consecutive 3-pointers. Union scored the first five points of the third quarter, getting a 3-pointer from Carl Alexander and a basket in transition from Bradley to pull the Tigers to within 36-27. West Gadsden, though, maintained a double-digit lead for most of the quarter and entered the fourth on a 10-0 run that featured consecutive layups by Shingles following turnovers. Shingles finished the game with 24 points. Bradley scored nine points in the fourth quarter and finished with a team-high 14 points. Prince Alexander had 11 points, while Maeweather and Carl Alexander had 10 and eight, throws in the fourth quarter alone in defeating the Tigers 6662 to win the district, whereas Union was 13-of-25 for the game. In the Region 4 title game, the Tigers were 14-of-20 overall and 8-of-10 in the fourth quarter. “The difference was we had more hustle and hit free throws,” Jefferson said. “We did the little things we needed to do to take care of business tonight.” Bradley, who struggled in the district championship loss, scoring only seven points, went 4-of-4 from the foul line in the fourth quarter and finished with a team-high 19 points. “I was real motivated,” said Bradley, who also had 11 rebounds. “My coaches told me I had to have a big game today.” It was a slow start for the Tigers, who didn’t make their first field goal until 1:22 remained in the first quarter. Baldwin, though, had only seven points at that point, so the basket—a 3-pointer by Maeweather—pulled Union to respectively. Carl Alexander and Edwards had eight and seven rebounds, respectively. Score by Quarter WGHS: 13231822—76 UCHS: 7151316—51 Union scoring (51): Authorized DIXON Dealer LAKE AREA SMALL ENGINE 7333 Kyle Street Keystone Heights, FL 32656 352-473-1212 A Night of Celebration Praise and Worship Sunday, March 10, 2013 at 6 pm C. within three. Another basket by Maeweather off of an inbounds pass from Prince Alexander, made it a 7-6 game going into the second quarter. Bradley had yet to score at that point, but he had seven of the Tigers’ 11 secondquarter points. His 3-pointer gave the Tigers their first lead of the game at 12-11, but the Indians, in between two missed 3-pointers by Union, got two straight baskets from Heseny Arreguin and Matt Gunter. Gunter had three field goals in the quarter, the thid giving Baldwin a 19-15 lead. The Tigers missed eight of their final nine field-goal attempts of the quarter, but Daquin Edwards’ rebound putback sent Union into the half trailing 19-17. Maeweather, Carl Alexander and Geordyn Green each had a 3-pointer in the third quarter as the Tigers outscored Baldwin 16-10. It was a tie game late in the quarter when a 3-pointer by Maeweather and a baseline drive by Bradley gave Union the lead for good. Baldwin’s Terry Stripling pulled the Indians to within 3331 with a basket, but Maeweather answered with a 3-point basket. Maeweather finished the game with four baskets from beyond the arc. “My teammates fed me the ball,” Maeweather said. “They had their trust in me. When they gave me the ball, I knew what I had to do. I had to knock them down.” Bradley later added another 3-pointer to give the Tigers a six-point lead with approximately four minutes left in the game. “It feels good,” Bradley said after the game when asked about earning a return trip to state. “I knew we could do it.” The Tigers’ Keldric Bradley (foreground) drives to the basket. Bradley posted a double-double and made four free throws as part of Union’s 8-of-12 performance in the fourth quarter. Alexander, Green, Bradley 2, Maeweather 4. Free throws: 14-20. 4 score in double figures in regional semifinal win Maeweather, who made 5-of6 3-point attempts, led four players in double figures with 24 points as the Tigers defeated The Villages 86-68 in a regional semifinal game on Feb. 19. Bradley, who dished out seven assists, scored 17 points, while Carl Alexander and Prince Alexander scored 12 and 10 points, respectively. Carl Alexander also had seven Score by Quarter UCHS: 26 92922—86 Villages: 9 42332—68 Union scoring (86): C. Alexander 12, P. Alexander 10, Bradley 17, Edwards 5, Green 4, Jackson 8, Keller 2, Maeweather 24, Paige 2, Spitze 2. 3-pointers: Edwards, P. Alexander 2, Maeweather 5. Free throws: 10-15. Score by Quarter UCHS: 6111617—50 BHS: 71210 9—38 Union scoring (50): C. Alexander 5, Bradley 19, Dukes 1, Edwards 6, Green 5, Maeweather 14. 3-pointers: Alexander 8, P. Alexander 8, Bradley 14, Dukes 2, Edwards 4, Green 2, Maeweather 10. 3-pointers: C. Alexander 2, P. Alexander 3. Free throws: 1227. free It’s still a great deal. Capital City Bank still offers Absolutely Free Checking* and free value-added services. Stop by or OPEN Featuring rebounds, while Edwards grabbed six. Khliel Jackson finished with eight points. your account Online today. Open a checking account and receive a free debit card, free online banking with e-statements, Bill Pay and Mobile Banking^, and free money+ for your old checks and debit cards! 350 North Temple Ave. | Starke | 904.964.7050 500 Green Way | Keystone Heights | 352.473.4952 Rev. Justin Kirksey, Senior Pastor Rev. Charles Warren, Worship Pastor 900 W. Madison St. Starke, FL 32091 MEMBER FDIC * Client purchases checks. Bank rules and restrictions apply. Account subject to fees if overdrawn. ^Fees charged by mobile service provider are the responsibility of the user. +Limitations apply. Ask a banker for complete details. 4B Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section • Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 BHS, UCHS compete in annual invitational Bradford’s Samantha Cook competes in the shot put. She won the event as well sa the discus. The skies were cloudy throughout the day, but the weather cooperated with the annual Bradford High School Track and Field Invitational on Feb. 23 in Starke. Athletes from Bradford and Union com- peted against schools such as Suwannee, which placed first among both boys and girls, Santa Fe and Newberry. Union results were unknown at press time, but Bradford’s results can be found on page 8B. RIGHT: Tiana Sheffield runs the 100m hurdles for Bradford. BELOW: Competing in the 400m run are Bradford’s Thomas Hales (left) and Union’s Nate Bridges. LEFT: Bradford’s Deantre Burch gets airborne in the long jump. BELOW: Jessica Brown competes in the shot put for Union County. (All photos are by Cliff Smelley.) Kristen Cook, who is the sister of Samantha Cook, placed second in the shot put and third in the discus. Union’s Anthony Hendrieth is stride for stride with an opponent at the start of the 100m dash. ABOVE LEFT: Union’s Kyle Chaffin runs the 1600m. ABOVE: Nancy Slocum of Union competes in the 100m. LEFT: Bradford’s Kenny Dinkins sprints around a curve in the 400m run. He won the event. LEFT: Chris Barron runs the final leg of the 4x800m relay for the Tornadoes. Rachel Ricker was the lead runner for Bradford in the 4x800m relay. Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 • Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section 5B Crime Recent arrests in Bradford, Clay or Union The following individuals were arrested recently by local law enforcement officers in Bradford, Union or Clay (Keystone Heights area) counties: Chasity Barwick, 37, of Melrose was arrested Feb. 25 by Bradford deputies for possession of drugs without a prescription. Bond was set at $1,000 and she was released Feb. 26. Patricia Denise Bradley, 29, of Lawtey was arrested Feb. 20 by Starke police for a probation violation. Bond was set at $1,000 and she was released Feb. 20. Justin Taylor Clem, 21, of Starke was arrested Feb. 25 by Starke police for shoplifting. Bond was set at $500 and he was released Feb. 25. Donald Jermaine Daniels, 26, of Gainesville was arrested Feb. 21 by Bradford deputies for a probation violation. He remained in jail at press time. James Barney Dowdy Jr., 48, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 19 by Union deputies for disorderly intoxication. Elizabeth Ann Foster, 40, of Brooker was arrested Feb. 23 by Bradford deputies for DUI. She remained in jail at press time. Eric Shane Geiger, 42, of Starke was arrested Feb. 23 by Starke police for two counts of resisting an officer and counts of battery. Bond was set at $70,000 and he remained in jail at press time. Earl Bernard Greene, 40, of Starke was arrested Feb. 25 by Starke police for driving with a suspended, revoked or expired license. Bond was set at $5,000 and he remained in jail at press time. Joseph Hampton, 60, of Jacksonville was arrested Feb. 24 by Bradford deputies for DUI. He was released Feb. 24. Joel Benjamin Hayes, 29, of Starke was arrested Feb. 25 by Bradford deputies for dealing in stolen property and larceny. He was released Feb. 25. Bruce Lee Hernandez, 38, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 23 by Union deputies for disturbing the peace. Dustin Lee Hotson, 44, of Atlantic Beach was arrested Feb. 24 by Bradford deputies for possession of drugs and possession of marijuana. He was released Feb. 24. Brandon Reese Howard, 39, of Melrose was arrested Feb. 24 by Bradford deputies for resisting an officer. Bond was set at $5,000 and he remained in jail at press time. Ashley Jamal Jordan, 25, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 20 by Union deputies for possession of marijuana, producing marijuana, distributing cocaine, possession of narcotics equipment and a felony probation violation. Troy Maurice Kearse, 28, of Starke was arrested Feb. 20 by Bradford deputies for two probation violations. He remained in jail at press time. Justen Kelley, 23, of Keystone Heights was arrested Feb. 20 by Clay deputies for burglary and grand theft. Eric Scott Knight, 24, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 22 by Starke police for 10 counts of possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. Bond was set at $15,000 and he was released Feb. 22 Kelly Michael Lee, 38, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 23 by Union deputies for hit and run and disorderly conduct. Christopher James Mallonee, 40, of Keystone Heights was arrested Feb. 22 by Starke police for a probation violation. He remained in jail at press time. Shannon Britton Miley, 26, of Worthington Springs was arrested by Union deputies for battery. Bond was set at $5,000 and she was released Feb. 20. Zachery Tristian Miller, 27, of Wilmington, N.C., was arrested Feb. 21 by Bradford deputies for driving with a suspended, revoked or expired license. Bond was set at $500 and he was released Feb. 21. Bettie JoAnne Mitchell, 26, of Interlachen was arrested Feb. 24 by Bradford deputies for larceny. Bond was set at $20,000 and she remained in jail at press time. Andrew Blake Moore, 26, of Starke was arrested Feb. 22 by Bradford deputies for resisting an officer and DUI. Bond was set at $15,000 and he was released February 23. Angela Gene Mosley, 33, of Starke was arrested Feb. 24 by Bradford deputies for battery. Bond was set at $20,000 and she was released Feb. 25. Greg Stuart Oranski, 24, of Gainesville was arrested Feb. 23 by Starke police for two counts of possession of marijuana, carrying a concealed weapon, unlawful use of a two-way communications device and possession of a weapon while committing a felony. Bond was set at $16,000 and he was released Feb. 24. Trevor Wes Parrish, 43, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 20 by Union deputies for an outof-county-warrant. Cheyenne Potvin, 18, of Jacksonville was arrested Feb. 21 by Bradford deputies for possession of marijuana and possession of drug equipment. Bond was set at $2,000 and she was released Feb. 22. Willy Robinson Jr., 40, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 26 by Union deputies for possession of drugs, possession of marijuana and possession of narcotics equipment. Damien Melton Sheffield, 22, of Lawtey was arrested Feb. 22 by Starke police for a probation violation. He remained in jail at press time. Isaac David Simmons, 43, of Lawtey was arrested Feb. 21 by Starke police for driving with a suspended, revoked or expired license. Bond was set at $500 and he was released Feb. 21. Christopher Sherouse, 25, of Keystone Heights was arrested Feb. 23 by Clay deputies for battery. Marie Ann Sova, 32, of Starke was arrested Feb. 25 by Starke police for three counts of possession of drugs and one count of possession of marijuana. Bond was set at $16,000 and she remained in jail at press time. Lessly George Spates, 70, of Starke was arrested Feb. 24 by Starke police for battery. He was released Feb. 24. Joshua David Sutherland, 28, of Jacksonville Beach was arrested Feb. 21 by Bradford deputies for a probation violation. He remained in jail at press time. Ulis Phillip Taylor, 42, of Lake City was arrested Feb. 25 by Bradford deputies for possession of drugs, possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana and possession of drug equipment. Bond was set at $17,000 and he was released Feb. 26. James Olen Thomas, 31, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 22 by Starke police for larceny. Bond was set at $1,000 and he was released Feb. 22. Jessica Thomas, 23, of Lake City was arrested Feb. 25 by Bradford deputies for possession of marijuana, possession of drug equipment and possession of cocaine. Bond was set at $17,000 and she remained in jail at press time. Nathan Alonso Thomas, 31, of Lawtey was arrested Feb. 25 by Bradford deputies for three probation violations. He remained in jail at press time. David Trosper, 30, of Keystone Heights was arrested Feb. 22 by Clay deputies for burglary of an automobile. Cricket Varnum, 26, of Lake City was arrested Feb. 25 by Branford deputies for possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana and possession of drug equipment. Bond was set at $17,000 and she remained in jail at press time. Andrea S Walsh, 47, Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 21 by Union deputies for battery. She was released Feb. 21. James P. Walsh, 47, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 20 by Union deputies for battery. William E. Wells, 38, of Lake Butler was arrested Feb. 24 by Union deputies for disorderly conduct and battery. 6B Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section • Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 33 Bradford students place in top 5 at HOSA conference Seven students in the Bradford County chapter of Health Occupations Students of America-Future Health Professionals took first place, while 26 others placed second, third, fourth or fifth in various events at the Jan. 19 Region 2 Winter Conference in Gainesville. Bradford students competed with students from Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Levy, Suwannee and Union counties. “It was a wonderful life experience,” senior Juanita Carter said. The number of Bradford students who competed at this year’s contest was more than double the number that participated last year. Of the 49 who competed, 33 placed in their respective events, while 24 are eligible to compete at the state conference in Orlando in April. Placing first for Bradford were sophomore Kristie Yates in Growth and Development, freshman Dylan Whittemore in Nurtrition, sophomore Kristen Hoffer in Prepared Speaking and the HOSA bowl team of junior Jarraid Forsyth and freshmen Savannah Cooper, Dawson Watson and Karsen Whitehead. Carter was one of six students who earned second-place finishes. She, junior Austin Willingham and seniors Nicole Kristapher James (left) and Dakota Goodge made up the secondplace CERT (Community Emergency Response)Team. Jenkins and Shamear Jenkins did so in Creative Problem Solving, while freshman Kristapher James and junior Dakota Goodge did so in CERT (Community Emergency Response Team). James and Goodge talked of the importance of the competition and the HOSA organization to their futures. “Competition is a great way to improve your abilities as a health care worker,” Goodge said, while James said, “HOSA is a great experience and helps you prepare for a beginning career in health services.” Bradford students who placed third were freshman Cody Tillman in Medical Photography, freshmen Jaida Turgeon and Elijah Smith in CERT, and freshman Matt Stanwix-Hay and juniors Caleb Blankenship, Isaac Smith and Stacey Toms in Creative Problem Solving. Eight students earned fourthplace finishes: freshman Thomas Allen in Job-Seeking Skills, sophomore Jadeja Chandler in Medical Reading and junior Austin Norman and sophomores Taylor Barnes, Taylor Crawford, Katy Morris, Chelsey Thomas and Sabina Watson with their public-service announcement about preventing hypertension. Freshman Jake Johnson placed fifth in Sports Medicine. Bradford HOSA members wished to thank the BradfordUnion Technical Center’s practical nursing students Melissa Barfield, Kristen Dobbs, Josh Elkins, Cheryl Hayes, Sherry Rogers and Tracey Toms for accompanying the chapter and serving as judges at the conference for the nursing assisting and clinical nursing events. Members are also grateful for the Bradford County Education HOSA members pictured with Julie Moore: (front, l-r) Aleia Hetler, Kristen Hoffer, (back, l-r) Cody Tillman, Rylee McClellan, Sierra McClellan, Preston Strickland and Thomas Allen. Keystone’s Kayla Walker slides safely back into first, avoiding the tag of Bradford’s Lindsey Wiggins in the Tornadoes’ 5-2 win on Feb. 21. Cruce homer helpls lead BHS to district win over KHHS BY CLIFF SMELLEY Regional News/Sports Editor A two-run home run by Taylor Cruce broke a 2-all tie in the bottom of the fifth and helped the Bradford High School softball team earn a 5-2 District 5-4A win over visiting Keystone Heights on Feb. 21. The Tornadoes, who improved to 2-0 in the district, got only three hits against pitcher Kelsey Waters, but they drew five walks against her, one of which forced in a run with the bases loaded in the first. Walks played a part in Bradford’s half of the fifth. Jordan Davis drew a walk to lead off the inning. Then, with one out, Cruce drove the ball over the fence in left field to put the Tornadoes up 4-2. Two walks helped Bradford load the bases after Cruce’s homer. Mackenzie Gault’s ground ball allowed Lainie Rodgers to score the game’s final run. Keystone (3-3, 2-1 prior to Feb. 26) scored the first run of the game when Ashley Maynard hit a one-out, solo home run in the top of the first, but Bradford answered with two runs in the bottom of the inning. Davis drew a walk to lead things off, while Megan Farmer followed with a single. Farmer was later put out at second as Rodgers reached on a fielder’s choice. With two runners on, Annie Luke was hit by a pitch to load the bases. Adkins then drew a walk to force Davis home and tie the game. A dropped third strike allowed another run to score. The Indians tied the game in the third. Waters hit a double into left field with two outs. After stealing third, she scored on Kayla Walker’s single. Waters was the game’s only multiple-hit batter, going 2-for3. Bradford pitcher Adkins gave up five hits and no walks. She had six strikeouts. The Tornadoes followed the game with a 9-2 win over University Christian on Feb. 22. (See related story for details and Bradford’s upcoming schedule.) Keystone was scheduled to play P.K. Yonge this past Tuesday and will host district opponent Santa Fe on Thursday, Feb. 28, at 7 p.m. The Indians and the Tornadoes then play again on Tuesday, March 5, in Keystone at 7 p.m. Tornadoes improve to 7-0 BY CLIFF SMELLEY Regional News/Sports Editor Pitcher Ashton Adkins gave up three hits, while three players hit home runs in the Bradford High School softball team’s HOSA members (front, l-r) Sierra Greenwell, Lindsey Tucker, (back, l-r) Kristie Yates, Bailey Creighton, Kelsey Yates, Chelsey Thomas, Katy Morris, Rylee McClellan and Savannah Cooper. HOSA members (front, l-r) Shamear Jenkins, Koriana Taylor, Dawson Watson, Savannah Cooper, Karsen Whitehead (back, l-r) Rima Fares, Bailey Creighton, Heather Johnson, Nicole Jenkins, Dylan Whittemore and Jake Johnson. Foundation, which helped provide funds through a minigrant for resource materials that aided in preparing for the event. Currently, Bradford HOSA members are working to raise additional money to help offset the costs of attending the state conference. If you would like to volunteer and help the students prepare for competition of with fundraising, please call HOSA 9-2 win over visiting University Christian on Feb. 22. Adkins struck out seven batters and issued just three walks as she and Bradford improved to 7-0 on the season. Taylor Cruce, who was 2-for4 with a double, and Annie Luke each hit solo home runs in the first and second innings, respectively. It was the fourth straight game in which Cruce has homered. With a 4-2 lead going into the bottom of the sixth, the Tornadoes scored five runs, three of which came on a home run by Jordan Davis. Bradford played District 5-4A opponent Interlachen this past Tuesday and will host district opponent Fort White on Thursday, Feb. 28, at 6 p.m. On Tuesday, March 5, the Tornadoes will travel to play district opponent Keystone Heights at 7 p.m. adviser Teresa Jackson at the Bradford-Union Technical Center (904-966-6764). Accepting Major Credit Cards 5%-10% OFF FOR NEW PATIENTS! We will meet all competitor prices!
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