October 12 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Church of The Holy Name of Jesus The Franciscan Friars 207 West 96th Street New York, New York 10025 www.holynamenyc.org Our Mission Statement The Parish of the Holy Name of Jesus is a vibrant urban ministry in the Roman Catholic Church within the Franciscan tradition. In our rich diversity of cultures and languages, we seek to be open to God’s spirit so that we might grow in the faith that makes us one and give witness to the presence of Christ in our daily lives. As instruments of God’s peace, we reach out to and welcome all people with a special concern for the poor, the alienated, and the immigrant. We do this through worship, education, and outreach in fulfilling our dream that all might be served in the spirit of St. Francis. La paroisse de Holy Name est une vibrante communauté urbaine et catholique, animée par la Congrégation Franciscaine. Sa grande diversité culturelle et linguistique lui permet de toucher différents groupes ethniques, et de leur dispenser la foi divine et Chrétienne qui se réflete dans leur vie quotidienne. Et comme instruments de la paix préconisée par Dieu, les paroissiens de Holy Name cherchent et accueillent tous les frères et particulièrement les pauvres, les inadaptés les laissés pour compte et les immigrants. Nous accomplissons cette tâche par le culte, la prière, l’ éducation, et par là nous réalisons notre rêve de servir tous les enfants de Dieu, selon l’esprit de Saint François d’ Assise. La parroquia del Santo Nombre de Jesús es un ministerio Franciscano urbano dinámico de la Iglesia Católica Romana. En la diversidad y riqueza de culturas e idiomas, tratamos de mantenernos abiertos al espíritu de Dios para así crecer en la fe que nos une y dar testimonio de la presencia de Cristo en nuestra vida diaria. Como artesanos de la paz de Dios, aceptamos y acogemos a todos especialmente a los pobres, los alienados y los inmigrantes a través de nuestros servicios litúrgicos, educación religiosa y programas de ayuda comunitaria. De esta forma hacemos realidad nuestro deseo de servir a todos en el espíritu de San Francisco. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12, 2014 STEWARDSHIP AT HOLY NAME: Christian stewards are generous out of love as well as duty. STAYING IN TOUCH Church of the Holy Name of Jesus 207 West 96th Street New York, New York 10025 Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Parish Website: 212-749-0276 212-749-2045 [email protected] www.holynamenyc.org Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Parish Office closed on Saturdays and Federal Holidays OUR PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Lawrence D. Ford, O.F.M. Fr. Kevin Tortorelli, O.F.M. Fr. Lawrence Hayes, O.F.M. Fr. Michael McDonnell, O.F.M. Fr. Evariste Ouedraogo, Parochial Vicar Reverend Mr. Andre Alexandre, Deacon Sr. Maria-Teresa de los Rios, F.M.M., Pastoral Associate Sr. Mary Petrosky, F.M.M., Spiritual Director Sr. Liliane Alam, F.M.M. Director of Finance and Administration Peter Adamczyk, Director of Music Veronica Soto, Coordinator of Faith Formation Jacqueline Espinal, Assistant to the Pastor Friars in Residence: Fr. Matthew Pravetz, O.F.M. Fr. John Coughlin, O.F.M. Franciscan Community Center Rosemarie Stoffo Director of Franciscan Community Center Mildred Morency Chief Programming and Operations Officer CELEBRATING THE EUCHARIST Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil: 5:30 P.M., Sunday: 9:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M.(Spanish), 12:00 P.M., 1:30 P.M. (French), 5:30 P.M. Weekday Masses Monday-Friday: 7:00 A.M., 12:00 P.M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 A.M. (Spanish) Friday: 6:30 P.M. (French) Saturday: 9:00 A.M. Reconciliation: Tuesday & Thursday 11:30am-12:00pm Saturday 4pm-5pm (English and Spanish) Mass Schedule for Columbus Day: Monday, October 13th is Columbus Day, a federal holiday. There will be only one Mass at 9:00am (English). The Church will close at the conclusion of the Mass and the Parish Office and Franciscan Community Center will be closed. Adult Education Opportunities 2014 Franciscan Forum Presentations Holy Name School English Presentations Sunday, 10/19-10:30am Fr. Kevin Tortorelli, OFM “The Church at Vatican II” Sunday, 11/16-10:30am Fr. Kevin Tortorelli, OFM “The Church and the World at Vatican II” Spanish Presentations Sunday, 10/26-9:30am Fr. Larry Hayes, OFM ¿Cómo entienden la Biblia los Católicos? Sunday, 11/23-9:30am Fr. Larry Hayes, OFM ¿Cómo leer la Biblia? Secular Franciscan Order Presents: “The Virgin Mary as an Advent Character” November 12, 2014 7:00PM St. Mary of the Angels Chapel Guest Speaker: Fr. Paul Lostritto, OFM Liturgical Ministry: Each of our Masses has a team that is responsible for ministering at the liturgy. Included on the team are Lectors, Ministers of Hospitality, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Altar Servers. These ministries are open to all and provide an opportunity of sharing some of your time and talent with the community. Training is provided. If you would like more information, please contact the Parish Office. Correction: Welcome to Holy Name If you are new to Holy Name the Parish would like to formally welcome you on Sunday, October 19th at the 12 noon Mass. Our welcoming committee will host an information session and luncheon following the Mass. If you are able to join us please call the Parish Office at 212-7490276 ext. 12 as soon as possible to register. Please Pray for the Sick of our Parish Ana Tesoro Alison Hoffman Diego Suarez Josefina Suarez Margaret Mosunic Alex Torres Connie Christopher Rosemary Fuentes Francisco Gonzalez Carmen Solis Carmen Rivera Francisco Marquez Frederique Hornyak Bill Gordon Maureen Wolfe Sonia Santiago Victoria Angelo Rosauar Jara James H. Christopher Jr. Yolanda Johnson Victor Rivera Alvaro Lopez Maria Gonzalez Juan Guillermo Lopez Carmen Montalvo Yolanda Johnson Julie Scherer Salomon Solis Victoria Traba Joann Poue Raquel Ramirez Edith Diaz Concepcion Pavón Guillermo Henao C Ann Marie Plociennick Robert Pridgen III Margarita Rocha Aracelio Sanchez Barbara Roberts Marilyn Brenes Angelo Ortiz Idalia Navarro Rosa Hernandez Joseph Schwartz Katie Guiterrez Maria de Guzman Joseph Hornyak Violet Bennett Paulo Pajares Gina Medina Maribel Gonzalez ILeonardo Garcia John Gerosimo Paolo Manzoli Carmen Thomas Lyna Isaza Gaudioso Purisima Alba Nidia Holguin Nancy Milan Petrona Guity Howard Alexander Jesus N. Carranco Eva Roman Michelle Martell Edmund Isler Lannim Cruz Mary Greez Gladys Arroyabe If you would like to add someone you know who is ill please call the Parish Office at 212-749-0276, x 10. † Pray for the deceased members of Holy Name † Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of Carmen Iglesias and Miriam Luciano who died this past week. Please join us in praying that their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, may rest in peace now and forever. Pastoral Care to the Homebound and Infirm This ministry reaches out to parishioners who are homebound, hospitalized or in health care facilities. The comfort of receiving the Eucharist is offered weekly and the Sacrament of the Sick is provided when necessary. If you or a loved one are homebound, in a hospital or another health care facility and would like to be visited by a member of our pastoral staff, please call the Parish Office at 212-749-0276 ext.14. Weekly Collection.$9,822.00. The second collection for the weekend of October 19 will be for Mission Sunday. MINISTRIES AT HOLY NAME CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS Baptism: Arrangements for Baptism should be made one month in advance. To schedule, please visit the Parish Office or call 212-749-0276, x10 for more information. Baptisms are celebrated in French on the first Sunday of the month, English on the second and Spanish on the third. Parents and Godparents are asked to participate in a Baptism Preparation Program prior to their child’s Baptism. The next English Baptism will be on Sunday, November 9, 2014. Marriage: To schedule your wedding and/or register for our Marriage Preparation Program, please call the Parish Office at least six months prior to your anticipated date. Reconciliation: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M, Saturday 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. in English and Spanish or anytime by appointment through the Parish Office. Sacrament of the Sick.: If you or a loved one is ill or hospitalized, please contact the Parish Office to arrange for home, convalescent or hospital visitation and celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick. Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of the month from 12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M. Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation: This committee provides educational programs and service opportunities for the members of the parish. The committee works closely with our neighboring churches and the Franciscan Province of the Holy Name in exploring the wide range of issues of peace, social justice and the environment. To become involved in this important ministry or to receive more information, please contact Janet Curley at 646-591-4022. RECYCLE ELECTRONICS and PROTECT THE EARTH: On Saturday, October 25th, working and non-working computers, monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, will be accepted for recycling in front of the church from 10 am to 4pm. Bring your old phones, cell phones, chargers, cables, TV's, DVD players, audio visual equipment, etc for recycling in an environmentally-friendly manner. For more information, please call the parish office at 212-749 -0276, ext. 10 PARISH PAY AT HOLY NAME: We thank everyone who has signed up with Parish Pay. For those who have not yet found the time, it is simple and quick. You can sign up to use this automatic giving program through t h e P a r i s h P a y w e b s i t e , www.parishpay.com or by telephone, by dialing 1-866-Parish-1 or by filling in an enrollment card (available in the rear of the Church) and mailing the card to the Parish Office. We are grateful for your support in this effort. Thank you, one and all, for your support and your stewardship. High School Open House FRANCISCAN COMMUNITY CENTER The Dominican Academy All Girls HS (44 East 68th Street) open house for all 6th, 7th and 8th graders on Saturday, October 18th from 10:30am-1:00pm. For more information call 212-744-0195. Franciscan Community Center Xavier Boys HS (30 West 16th Street) open house on Saturday, October 18th from 1:00pm 4:00pm. For more information call 212-924-7900 ext.1442. St. John’s Preparatory School (21-21 Crescent Street, Astoria) open house Saturday, October 18th from 11:00am-3:00pm. More information call 718-721-7200. La Salle Academy All Boys High School (215 East 6th Street) open house on Saturday, October 25th from 10am to 1pm. Call 212-475-8940 for more information. Notre Dame All Girls HS (327 West 13th Street) open house Sunday, October 26th from 2:30pm-5:00pm for 7th and 8th grade girls and their parents. For further information, please call the school at 212-620-5575. The New York University College of Dentistry presents An Oral Health workshop on Thursday, October 16, 2014 from 12:30 to 2:30pm. Free dental and oral cancer screening will also be available. For more information and attendance please call 212-932-8040 ext. 32. Centering Prayer Group: The next gathering of the Centering Prayer group is Thursday, October 16th from 7:00PM-9:00PM in the chapel. All are welcome to join us in this quiet prayer. *PLEASE NOTE THE CENTERING PRAYER GROUP WILL NOW MEET ON THURSDAYS. MOTHER CHURCH Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth “BEAUTIFUL TO SAY” In this sense the Church is truly mother, our Mother church—it is beautiful to say it this way: our Mother Church—a mother who gives us life in Christ and who lets us live with all the other brothers and sisters in the communion of the Holy Spirit. One of the premier ministries of Holy Name Parish is the Franciscan Community Center. The Center exists to serve the people of Manhattan’s Upper West Side as an instrument of God’s peace. In the spirit of St. Francis, we reach out to all, in particular the poor, the alienated and immigrant communities. We develop, manage and support educational, recreational and outreach programs that create positive change in the lives of those we serve. Volunteers are always needed for assistance with our programs, and to help with our services to the neighborhood such as our food pantry, sandwich line, thrift store, etc. The Center is located at 214 West 97th Street. Phone: 212 -932-8040, Email: [email protected], or visit the web: [email protected] One Stop Senior Services returns to West 97th Street & Amsterdam Avenue. In collaboration with Franciscan Community Center, One Stop at JASA will once again provide services to seniors in Bloomingdale. One Stop Services will be at the center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 3pm. Services provided: Entitlements/benefits, housing issues, SCRIE, legal assistance with recertification and applications of Section 8. For more information, please call 212-932-8040 ext. 31 Senior Services Program Monday through Thursday 10:00 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. Hot Lunch served everyday at 12:30 P.M. Exercise, Arts and Crafts, Bi-Monthly Birthday Parties, Bingo, Health Care Workshops, Referrals. To become a member or for more information, please call 212-9328040, ext. 32. SOCIAL SERVICE CONSULTANT: Questions about Medicaid, Food Stamps, Public Assistance, Child Care. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 12pm-Lower LevelFranciscan Community Center. First come first served, no appointments necessary More info: (212) 932-8040,ext. 36. Thrift Store Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church 96th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Presentation Ministries, 3230 McHenry Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 10:00 A.M.to 5:00 P.M. Tuesday through Sunday Find great deals on Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry, Accessories, Books, Art, Small Electronic Items and Knick-Knacks. Proceeds from all sales directly benefit the programs and services of the Franciscan Community Center. XXVIII Domingo Ordinario 12 de Octubre 2014 Horario de Misas para “Columbus Day” El lunes, 13 de octubre se celebra el Día de la Raza, es una fiesta federal. Habrá misa en inglés a la 9:00am. La iglesia estará cerrada después de esta misa. La oficina parroquial y el Centro Franciscano estarán cerrados también. Oportunidad de Educación para Adultos 2014 Presentación en Español Escuela de Holy Name Domingo, 10/26-9:30am Samedi 11 et dimanche 12 octobre 2014 28eme dimanche du Temps Ordinaire HORAIRE DES MESSES POUR LUNDI 13 OCTOBRE: Columbus Day, jour férié Il y aura une seule messe à 9h en anglais. L’Eglise sera fermée tout de suite après la messe. Le Bureau Paroissial et le Centre Communautaire Franciscain seront fermés toute la journée. BAPTEMES : Les préparations doivent commencer un mois à l’avance. Venez au bureau paroissial ou téléphonez au 212-749-0276. Baptêmes en Français 1er dimanche du mois, en Anglais 2ème dimanche, et en Espagnol 3ème dimanche. Auparavant, parents, parrains et marraines doivent participer à une préparation au sacrement du Baptême. ¿Cómo entienden la Biblia los Católicos? Domingo, 11/23-9:30am ¿Cómo leer la Biblia? Presentado por Fr. Lorenzo Hayes, OFM Bautismos: Si desean programar un bautismo, por favor visiten la oficina parroquial o llamen al 212-749-0276. Todos los meses hay bautismos, en francés el primer domingo, en inglés el segundo domingo y en español el tercer domingo. El proximo sera 16 de noviembre. La Universidad de Nueva York de Odontología presenta un taller de salud oral el jueves, 16 de octubre de 12:30 hasta 2:30 de la tarde. Tambien tendran examen para el cancer dental y oral GRATIS. Para mas informacion y asistencia favor de llamar al 212-932-8040 ext. 32 One Stop Servicios para Personas Mayores vuelve a la calle West 97 y Amsterdam Avenue En colaboración con Franciscan Community Center, One Stop en JASA proporcionará de nuevo sus servicios a las personas mayores en Bloomingdale. Los martes y jueves de 9am hasta 3pm. Servicios disponibles: Derechos legales/beneficios – Cuestiones de Viviendas – SCRIE - Asistencia Legal con la recertificación y aplicaciones de la Sección 8. Los servicios están disponibles en Inglés y Español. 214 West 97th Street New York, New York 10025 212 932-8040 ext 31 INFORMATIONS CONCERNANT LES SERVICES SOCIAUX: Si vous avez des questions concernant les programmes tels que Medicaid, Food Stamps, Public Assistance, Child Care, vous pouvez venir les mardis, et jeudis, de 10h à Midi au Centre Communautaire Franciscain, au sous-sol, pour y rencontrer des agents de ces services. Les rendez-vous ne sont pas nécessaires mais les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis. Téléphonez au: 212-932-8040 ext. 35 pour plus d’informations Samedi 25 Octobre, 2014 RECYCLAGE DE MATERIEL ELECTRONIQUE : PROTECTION DE NOTRE ENVIRONNEMENT Samedi 25 octobre, les objets usagés électroniques seront acceptés devant l’église, entre 10h et 4h. Amenez vos vieux téléphones, cellulaires, chargeurs, cables, ordinateurs, télévisions, DVD players, et matériel audio-visuel. Ces objets seront recyclés par un procédé qui ne nuit pas à l’environnement. Téléphonez au bureau paroissial : 212 -749-0276 pour avoir plus d’informations. BIENVENUE A HOLY NAME: Si vous venez d’arriver dans la Paroisse de Holy Name sachez que nous aimerions vous souhaiter la bienvenue dimanche 19 octobre à la messe de Midi. Notre Comité d’Accueil vous convie ce jour-là à une session d’informations suivie d’un déjeuner après la messe. Si vous êtes en mesure de vous joindre à nous, veuillez téléphoner au Bureau Paroissial 212-7490276 ext. 12 le plus tôt possible pour vous inscrire. †Nuestro Mas sentido pésame a la familias de Carmen Iglesias y Miriam Luciano,que fallecieron esta semana pasada. Oremos por sus eterno descanso y por todos los difuntos. SINCERES CONDOLEANCES A LA FAMILLE DE : Carmen Iglesias décédée cette semaine. Unissons-nous en prières pour que son âme et celle des fidèles décédés, par la miséricorde de Dieu, reposent en paix maintenant et pour toujours . COLECTA SEMANAL: $9,822.00. La segunda colecta para la proxima semana sera para Domingo de Misiones. Gracias por su generosidad. QUETES DE LA SEMAINE : $9,822.00. Dimanche 19 octobre deuxième quête pour les Missions du Dimanche. Nous vous remercions d’avance pour votre fidèle générosité OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVOLVEMENT ADMINISTRATION Finance Council Fr. Larry Ford Collection Counters Pat Friel Volunteer Receptionists Sharon Mack Website Sr. Liliane Alam Welcoming Committee Nancy Seklir SPIRITUAL & PASTORAL CARE 212-749-0276 x11 Spiritual Direction Sr. Mary Petrosky 646-761-2336 212-662-9459 Ministry to the Homebound Sr. Maria-Teresa 212-749-0276 x10 212-749-0276 x10 ORGANIZATIONS / GROUPS / SOCITIES 212-749-0276 x13 212-662-2120 FAITH FORMATION Rito de Iniciacion Cristiano para Adultos 212-749-0276 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Mary Widhalm 212-866-6797 Rite of Christian Initiation of Children Veronica Soto 212-749-0276 x16 Children’s Faith Formation Veronica Soto 212-749-0276 x16 Adult Faith Formation Anne Mc Cormick 212-724-1885 Baptism Preparation Team Fr. Larry Ford 212-749-0276 x11 Marriage Preparation Team Fr. Larry Ford 212-749-0276 x11 Stewardship Mike Archer 212-579-7868 Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation Janet Curley 646-591-4022 Contemporary Adults Colette Prophet 917-744-7254 Secular Franciscans (English) Peggy Ledger 212-535-2432 Providencia Victoria Velazquez 212-662-7505 Altagracia Mercedes Gonzalez 212-662-9908 Sacred Heart Iris Real 212-666-3040 Guadalupe Irene Chavez 212-678-5080 Grupo Guadalupano Cathy Martinez 973-392-3892 Maman Marie Mimi Simon 212-932-7653 Lady of Perpetual Help (Filipino) Veronica Rosario 212-865-1623 French Prayer Group Fr. Evariste Ouedraogo 212-749-0276 Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group Hilda Barral 212-749-3534 Centering Prayer Group Georgetta Richards 212-222-5729 FRANCISCAN COMMUNITY CENTER LITURGICAL MINISTRY Music Ministry Peter Adamczyk 212-749-0276 x18 Eucharistic Minister Coordinators 5:30 Marianne Devirgiliis 212-280-2671 9:00 Frances Tome 212-865-8538 10:30 Sr. Maria-Teresa 212-749-0276 x14 12:00 Anne McCormick 212-724-1885 1:30 Andre Alexandre 212-749-0276 5:30 David Steinberg 212-873-8988 Lectors/Altar Servers/Ushers Liturgy Committee Church Environment Fr. Kevin 212-749-0276 x20 Executive Director Rosemarie Stoffo 212-932-8040 x40 Chief Programming and Operations Mildred Morency 212-932-8040 x39 Senior Services Carmen Iris Cruz 212-932-8040 x32 Youth Services Kenny Marrero 212-932-8040 x33 Food Pantry Nathanial Davis 212-932-8040 x15 Thrift Store Brian Futterman 212-932-8040 x30 Tutorial Program Brad Lewis 212-932-8040 x38 Performing Arts Laurie Gamache 212-932-8040 x29 Sandwich Line 212-932-8040 x39 Church of the Holy Name of Jesus 207 West 96th Street New York, New York 10025 212—749— 0276 Welcome Bienvenido Bienvenue We are pleased that you have chosen to become a part of our faith community. Please provide the following information that we might better serve your needs. Once completed you may place this form in the collection basket, mail it to us or drop it off at the Parish Office. Date: ____________________ First Name/ Nombre/ Prenom: __________________________________ Birthday: ____________________ Spouse’s Name/ Esposo-a: ___________________________________ Birthday: ____________________ Last Name / Apellido / Nom: ___________________________________ Wedding Anniversary: Children’s Names/ Hijos-as/ Enfant(s): _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Street Address / Dirección/ Adresse: ______________________________________________ Apt # ________ City/ Cuidad / Ville: Age / Edad: ______ Age / Edad: ______ Age / Edad: ______ ___________ ____________ State / Estado/ Etat __________ Birthday: __________ Birthday: __________ Birthday: __________ Zip Code / Codico: ________ Telephone / Teléfono: __________________________ Cell: _____________________________ Email / Correo Electronico: ____________________________________________________________ Occupation / Ocupación: ____________________________________________________________ Employer / Empleado / Employeur: ____________________________________________________________ Previous Parish / Parroquia Anterior: ____________________________________________________________ Previous Parish Involvements: ____________________________________________________________ Participación Anterior en Parroquia: ____________________________________________________________ Engagements Paroissiaux Anterieurs: ____________________________________________________________ Please circle one or more of the following: How did you find out about Holy Name? Website Recommendation of Friend In Neighborhood Other____________ Am interested in knowing more about: Opportunities for Involvement Liturgical Ministries Children’s Religious Education Adult Religious Education Young Adult Activities Financial Support of Parish Other ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ I prefer to stay in touch with Holy Name by: Telephone Cell Phone Email / Text Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Welcoming Session 2014: October 19 Visit us on-line www.holynamenyc.org Regular Mail Church Bulletin Website