Attachment 182110
Attachment 182110
symphony Successful recording depends on careful design, improved switching operations and an appreciation of current studio trends and Features and capabilities. Ultra low levels of mixing and inherent noise. requirements. Successfulliaison LN Absolute minimum of leakage and cross talk throughout the console. between ourselves and studio peisonnel coupled with the latest technology has produced one of the finest sounding consoles available today.· Modern digital recording practice demands more exacting console performance whilst satisfying thè fieed for warmth and c1arity. These ideals; together with personal attention form the basis upon which our range of consoles are designed. Successful implementation is ours. Studios and engineers acc1aim our achievement of excellent sound Extremely wide bandwidth and stabie operation. Exceptional c1arity, minimum of phasing and absence of colouration. Flexibility of the console design via master or local status controls, listen and safety features. Sympathetic 5 band parametric and shelving equalization giving precise manipulation and subtie control of the whole audio range. Fully fitted ADC 19" Bantum patch bay, 624 jacks minimum on a 40 channel console. All final console inputs and outputs are electronically balanced. quality, extremely low noise and leakage without sacrifice to versatility. Separate fader modules allow fitting of VCA or moving fader modules. ~----------- A LN symphony Isymphonyl~ noise output ref range of exceptional sound quality In Line recording consoles for music, post production and mobile recording facilities which may include mono, LCRS, stereo and subgroup channels. analogu 24 track Itape machine Od BV. - 70 dB 24 to 96 channel. 32 group recording consoles for tracking and mixing. May include moving faders or VCA grouping and bargraph metering. - 80 dB - 90 dB Itv post A multi-tasking console providing stereo and LCRS facilities for recording and mixing with particular application to television post production. - 100 dB - 110 dB TYPICAL NOISE LEVELS Imobile SASCOVI M~KETING lJROUP Fax. Tel. (416) 420 0718 (416) 420 3946 Local contact r L I 24 to 72 channel, 48 group consoles with dual microphone channel modules. 2.5M (8') standard vehicles will accommodate a 48 channel console. A maximum of 96 microphone inputs and 96 monitor returns can be used simultaneously on a 48 channel console if the main channel path is split at the insertion point. Dual power supplies provide automatic backup without interruption to console performance . Distributed in North America by; 635 Weyburn Square PICKERING Ontario Canada. L 1V 3V3 I ..J RAINDIRK AUDIO BRIDGE STREET DOWNHAM MARKET NORFOLK PE33 9DW TEL. (44) 01366 382165 FACSIMILE (44) 01366388022 r RAINDIRK 1 I I o I 120dB J J I I I I I I I• CHANNEL INPUTS. 48v m 48v I' I I I I I I o PAD I I m STANDARD LN 3 IN LINE CHANNEL MODULE 10 : D : . "-:::;:::;;::;:.- ~llINE ~ dU " "__ 9 SET LVL lINE:.:.::::. :.:::":• ':'i{t::r . •__ ..::::::::::::" ' •.... .A. LEVEL ~~5 'lt:::::r:'1~2 dB ·_~i\-:):··. 1: •........ •• ::::::}!::::~ Q 100 •. 0 lINE 2 _3 0 3 6 .A. The /ïrsl and main line input has a gain range of +/- lSdB and ali input impcdancc of lOkQ. This line inpul may be replaccd by swilching in the second line inpul, lhis is conneclcd pre lhe line level gain eonlrol and has lhe same gain range al lhe fronl panel. An addilional fealure is lhe provision of a 0 - 14dB 15 lurn pre-sel variabie gain conlrol adjuslcd via a smal I hole in lhe panel allowing via the L2 switch the instant switching into circuil ol"any low output signal source. MON RE·' MIC GAIN ..::::' ":k. ....... :..... :.:.. ~200. 3O.1K6 ~500 FREQ Hz ..... 00 200 I.tiJx10 fBI] F 30t:::::.:::: 1K6 =rGITI FREQ M1 ·0 0-. Hz inpul and COMP TO 20_~t,;::;:} 5060 .. 70 o 6 3 signal inpul porl,> arc provided, al I balanccd, a microphone lwo line inpuls for mixing. M2 ::i!i:*:;;W : • _ •_ •..:.::.:::..' I . :.- A gain .range of () - 70d13 is givel1 la lhe mierophone input amplifier which has a nominal balanced inpul impcdance of 3.5kQ. When lhe allenualor PAD is in circuil lhis impcdance is increascd to 30KQ to accept synthesii'.ers elc. to bc connecled directly inta the mierophone input. (The 48v phanlom power would normally be switehcd off during this particular use of the microphone input) . PHASE REVERSAL operales IX)slthe microphone/line input amplil"iers. 5 BAND EQUALIZER AII conlrols are conlinuously variabie, +/- lSdB of gain is providcd along wilh a range of 0.5 lo 5 Q conlrol. Frcquency ranges are chosen lo provide powerl"ul and smooth conl'"OI of lhe audio field. The audio bandwidlh ol" lhc console is excellenl lhus allowing lhe full I"aeililies of lhe equalii'.er lo be heard. The equalizer is available lo lhe monitor path signal as describcd below. 0 .:~: ~::D~: o. - + (5: MlD 1 ;rM A wide ranging bass paramelric shelving response. C TREBLE ~+:--:,~.: BASS::,. :~: PK D 30 600 ,:~REQ ... I._ 200 FAEQ HZ '~T::5:! l 30~360 27, Hz T r-:- ~/ IIN L-lliJ r--Tl EQIN .:fI: p~~D Do~ 'AUX 1 - . ........ ...... .. AUX2 '---' 2!ITmO [lli1J 10 A seeond paramelric section wilh a more detailcd frequeney sweep con trol opcrating in conjunelion wilh a x I0 frequeney sealing switeh enabling preeise conlrol over lhe sensilive area of mid and high I"requency male rial. EQ '1'0 MONITOR PATH SWITCHING The paramelric or bass and lrcble seclions may bc swilchcd inuependentl y i nlo lhe moni lor palh. Selcction of EQ 1'0 MONITOR will nol afTccl lhe monilor palh signa! unlil lhe MONITOR EQ IN/OUT switch is used. A/B of EQ eomparison of the monitor palh EQ using lhe EQ in/out switch does nol affecl lhe ehannel palh signal. TREBLE This section ha.,>a shelving reslxmse. Because the Symphony console has an excellenl high I"requency resJXmse the performance of this seclion is nol curtailcd, a bell lype response al lhesc I"rcqueneies is nol produccd and lhe darily of lhis imporlanl area of lhe I"rcquency band remains unallecled by high f"requency loss. 1.:·:·"·:·:· 0 ' '. ';:-:' ~ ... FDR which may be switehcd MlD 2 lK6 - scelion I I I I I I I I I I · • ,.<:::::<:::;>:: • '."' ••/: /'-, 1 •::t::::::: 0 :~;:::::~:;:: . .. ..... ~"'i""". AlJX 2' BA SS ':;. ... U: .~':" \. 311] 2_00 The swept ba ..•s may bc set to bel! or shelving response. Wide band con trol may be obtained when uscd in eonjunctionwith the high pass /ïlter. The overall response of the eonsole extends to 61-lz, thcrcforc puri ty am.l ph~L ..•ing of the bass sounu is unaffccteu .:8!·· 0.. ~ •..... r:;··0 HIGH PASS FILTER A - 12uB/oclave filter is permanenlly in the ehannel path and unallccled by the EQ in/out switch. .-.. .~. A single lNSERTION POINT may be sc1eeted pre or postthe equalizer. The insertion point may be switcheu in or out of circuit to judge the performance or a device . .. .' 4.' 'AUX 3· ..···· PHE ..:.",,' • POST • ALJX 4 • fDROg p~~~D 0 8 MONO AUXILlARY SENDS 2 STEREO CUE SENDS '.e: DO :::::::,:::::: •~ AUX LO 5/6 IN&! 0 FDR 6/8 L )}):::; The auxiliary and cue sends may be switched pre/post either the short or long rader. Smal! ycllow and green led's indicate which fader source is bcing used. One switch route..,>auxiliarie..,> 5/6 simultaneously and another auxiliary 7/K Auxiliary 5/6 level control also sets the send level for auxiliary 7/8, in this manner the number or mOllo sends is i nere~,>ed to K ~9~~ '." · .e • ~ • 7/8.0 ...•............. 0 ·u:va . 1 2 •~:~::ON <.::::::::.-. - . :~")" .................• • ::;:tr~f' • ._:#ei:}~ • L' PAN •Re .. , .•:.'." ,'<::::::::::: • 2 , :~'<'>' • ~ LEVEL PRED POST CUE 1+2 FDRD L E Lc.;· V 40 ·0· E L ~ fM5NEI Two rurther switches allow the ehanncl to bc muted Vi;'lthe m~ter and M2 mute lines. ~o ISAFE~ ~O I M1 ~.. 1>~~v'l0 I M21ill.. IREGle ITAPElo \LI \tV 17\tIT\ (j) MI A reu illuminatcd switch provides 'SOLO IN PLACE', AFL or PFL as dictated via master switches at the centre of the console or individually on cach channel as describcd above. In the AFLlPFL mode the red lamp n~,>hes. A green/red LED has a dual rol! in providing visual indication of a signal levels. Greater than --40dBV the LED glows green and red for pcak levels ina preset range or + 12 to + 18u13V. A Penny and Giles fauer is I(x.:atcu in a separate fader baY. This may bc . replaced with one or the propriety automation systems. ~O ~O SOLO 5 LOCAL STATUS con trol switche..,> allow individualchanncls to bc separated from the master status contral or the console. The SAFE switch removes the channel rrom the solo in plaee system, a green led adjacent lo the swi lch i ndicatcs the sare condi tion whether this bc sc1ecled locally or globally when the whole console would bc in AFLlPFL safe moue. If a channcl is in either local or global safe, pre..,>singthe ehannel solo switch will prouuce an AFL or PFL output al the monj tors and cause the Solo lamp to l1ash. A white illuminatcd 'CHANNEL ON' switch mutes the channc1 al lhe fauer and indudes all aux/eue post rader oulputs. 50 PAN R 1 A short rader is provided which is used ror monitoring, the microphone fader or rOl' sub grouping. At any time the program material on the two faders nay be reversed \vithout alleeting any olher facility. The mute and solo switches remain with thcir respcctive monitor and input sections of the ehannel. SIG LN3 I I STANDARD LN3 IN LINE, ROUTING MODULE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .', (!) o0·····0· 45 46 41 42 .... ·... .. ..... .. .. 38 39 " 37 I 40 ç=J' ~. is . 29 30 I=:J . 33 .~ 0',' '~ ... ..•. · .. . ... HH oo IWRII o o 22 23 24 l-LJ IITI 17 18 19 20 13 14 ~ r;:r--) 15 16 l-LJ IITI 9 10 ~ r;:r--) 11 12 21 The channel PAN con trol is used to select the odd or cv en bus . ST 1 and 2 selects the master stereo busses direct, these nlixing busses are balanced . ... - DIRECT assigns thc channel post fader output direct to the multitrack input. The routing matrix may be used to send the channel signal to OTHER group outputs. GROUP MIX level adjusts the final overall bus/group output level to track between infinity and +5dB. A snlall ] 5 turn potentiometer is prov ided to set the group nlix to OdBm at the level control centre position. Access to this potentiometer is through the front panel. 0·'.0" p;J. P·· I 5 ... -, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 " - 8 . .... ... ',' · .... . .. .. '........ ... I 8T1 lill STEREO 1 8T2 I STEREO 2 ._~:" .. ".;.:.:-:.:.:.;.:.:.:.: •.............• •........ .....• L' •R DIRECT - CHAN PAN W.'.' •••••••••••• .;;{(;;;;;;?; •_".0 .;.,>;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; •• at ,TO TRACK '[11 l.tL-J .rl\ \L.J eMX " L VL :f)(1B GROUP MIX LEVEL I MATRIX 48 conventional bus/group outputs are provided. For smaller applications these may be presented as 32 groups or multiple sub groups. L-W r-m •• I ROUTING (!) (!) (!) R I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J - • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMPRESSOR GATE Comprehensive gate modules are available in either mono or ~ ° °.. .0 . O"U~ASE .' ·° 0"-:1 •.•. . '°0'. 01'01 GA~ stereo fmms for inclusion into thc console situation bctween thc channcl modules and thc mctcr panels. 2 f,.sT Sl'"" 17\ :~O···· . f~~~OW •• 0.. 10°0' .~ .:~. 10' G»j- •0 FAS' A group of 10 such modulcs maybc mountcd in a 19" rack mount housing. • SI f:1N 90 • u M AnAC>< "Ó•• 12:> M •• RAm'" 17\ \U "Q;' ~.... .~ "0 "0,. AncN ., .: ... • [=::J 180~O· 200' ~ ~~u 0'1 lURE.9tO..D GATE tHRE9ta.~4 D'f'NM«:S 0 COMP I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUAL ECHO RETURN MODULE ECHO RETURN A Lhreesection stereo line return input channel having cuntrols for input level, output balance, 3 section fixed frequel1l;y equalizer and ER to the 2 cue groups. Various switches provide for mono opcration, EQ in/out, AFL, ER on/off and routing to one of the two stereo groups. A three band equalizer offering bass, presence and treble at fixed frequencies of 80Hz, 2.8KHzand 8 KHz. The con trol range is +/-15d8 in each case. An EQ in/out switch is provided. A mono switch combines the left and right inputs. Outputs from Lhereturn signal are derived post EQ and route via the Cue 1 and 2 pots to the eue outputs. ST 112switch selects either of the stereo mixer output busses. AFL enables a return signal to bc monitored quickly and accurately. The signal source is post EQ. A combination of the level and balance controls allow the echo return signal to be precisely positioned in the stereo mix. An on/off switch is provided to disconnectthe signal being routed to the stereo busses. At the bottom of the modules are momenlary action switches to enable such functions as a global solo reset of al1 soloed channels, PFLlAFL select, global VU reverse ta change from meter Ll to LO and vice versa plus 2 spare switches for studio use. AUXILIARY / CUE MODULE I AUXILIARY MASTERS I Each of the 8 auxiliary outputs is provided with a master level con trol and an AFL pushbutlon for monitoring the signalleaving the console. The LED associatcd with the master AFUSAFE switch on the monitor module will flash whenever an auxiliary AFL facility is in use. The auxiliary output is rauted to both len and right AFL busses. I CUE MASTERS I I I I I I I I I I I Each Cue section is is provided with a master level con trol and an AFL pushbutton for monitoring the signalleaving the console. Thc LED associated with the master AFUSAFE switch on the monitor module will flash whenever a cue AFL facility is in use. The stereo image of thc cue output is reproduced by the stereo AFL system .. ************* TALKBACK/OSCILLA TOR MODULE OSCILLATOR A six frequency oscillator is provided having a trim con trol and on switch. Oscillator on is indicated byan LED. The stereo and multitrack tape machines may be slated to the output busses to check frequency response and calibration levels. The oscillator on switch and the two slate switches are fitted with flashing LED's. TALKBACK Talkback to the STUDIO and to prc'selected outpUL<;is made via two large pushbuttons. These may he used simultaneously. Linked to the COMMS switch arc several minor routing pushbutlons, only those that have been depressed will be in circuit when thc Comms switch is used. A spare output switch is providcd for a custom facility. A furthcr switch with an associated flashing LED enables the talkback to he held penTIanently on which allows for a hands free opcmtion of thc talkback systel11. Thc contral room monitoring is dimmed whencver the talkback is in use. The red 'RECORDI~G' light switch is convcnicntly placed immediately above the two talkback switches. The switch contacL<;arc provided for customer use for use in conjunction with an extemal'Recording in Progress' red light system. The currentthrough this switch should he limited to a few milliamperes and a low voltage source, ic. control port of a transistorised relay. These may he supplied as an option with the console. I MASTER STATUS I The operational status of thc console is set via these switches. Thc local switches repcatcd on the channc1s override the master setting and enable individual channc1s to be used for overdubbing, track jumping submixing etc. I Examples of status options arc available drawn in schematic fOnTIand illustrate clcarly thc arrangement of the circuiL<;for cach status setting . • --- ------------ MONITOR MODULE PFU AFL CONTROLS The PFUAFL signal may be routed to a set of external loudspeakers, the signal is automatically switched to these whenever this facilily is in use and lhe solo safe switch on. Monitor lo PFUAFL allows a portion of the monilor mix to be added to the PFUAFL enable a voice or instrument to be within the mix but more promient. mix to The monitor dim levc1 is variabIe in the range -25 to -10 dBVU. I I , , , , MONITOR SECTION THREE SETS OF MONITOR LOUDSPEAKERS may he independently selected. The individual levc1 controls allO\~ loudspeaker levc\s to be balanced so that the engineer may switch safc1y between loudspeake'f sets when making sound comparisons. Simuftaneous outputs may he used. A further pre-monitor level send is provided for recording the monilor mix etc., the feed to this potentiometer is taken to a pateh point in order to use lhe contral as abasic studio playback contro!. 8 MONITOR SOURCES ARE PROVIDED, stereo}, stereo 2 or one of six tape machine outputs. No damage is caused lo the signal if by desire or accident two or more switches are seleeted simuItaneously. The output of this source switchbank is metered by a pair monitor meters, these also automatically monilor the PFUAFL levc1s. Controls arc provided to MUTE either the left or right output, DIM lhe monitor level and to listen in MONO mode. An SOLO SAFE s\\'itch converts the channel and monitor solo systems to an AFL SAFE system. In this mode a solo button will automatically route a post fader signa} to the monitoring system WITHOUT muting input or monitor sections of the consolc and thus destroying the recording. A further switch mounted on an Echo Return module will change the AFL listen mode to PFL. I I STUDIO PLA YBACK As an option a studio playback monitor section may be added to this module, Refer also to the pre monitor control above. I I I 2 pushbullons and a fader arc provided. Stereo 2 group output may he used in three modes a) as a complctc1y sepamte stereo output b) switched as a SUBGROUP master inlo stereo group I mix c) fecding stereo group } output simultaneously wilh stereo} so that CROSS FADES between the two stereo mixes may be accomplished. I These illuminated pushbutlons con trol lhe mUling of a channcI or groups of channcIs which are connecled via lhe individual channcI mute bullons to the muting busses. I I MASTER STEREO 2 SWITCHES MUTE } A ND MUTE 2 l SYMPHONY STATUS MODES I I I I I I I I I I The circuit configuration of each channcl diagrams. These are the modes available master status switches or loacally at each may bc beneficial when setting up mixes module is describcd in the following schematic without patching and may be set globally via the module. Ocaisionally the use of a patch cord or submixes across separate area of the console. NOT ES THE MIX STATUS IS THE MOST DOMINANT. SECONDARY TO MIX. ALL OTHER SELECTIONS ARE FADER REVERSE, (FR) MA Y BE USED AT ANY TIME .. The signals on the short and long faders reverse their position without altering any other facility. The channel and monitor switch functions remain in place. Monitor mute at the channcls is automatically switched on if no status selection has been made. REC mode sets the channel to monitor Line input to the tape machine with the microphone signal passes Via the equalizer and upper pan pot to the rouring matrix. TAPE mode shifts the monitoring to the tape machine output whilst recording via the equalizer, upper pan pot and routing matrix. MIX mode sitches the multitrack tape output via the channelline input 10 the equalizer, large fader, lower pan pot into cither stereo bus. The SHORT FADER is connected post the large fader to produce ex tm effects sends via the routing matrix. I MIX + TAPE switches the short fader to the monitor return jacks of the patch bay in order to double the mixing inputs. (Note that the moni tor return points are half normalled to the tape machine outpts). I Mix + REC sets the channcl into a record mode allowing the channelline input signal to he recorded via the equalizer and the routing matrix The monitor is set to TAPE INPUT. I MIX + TAPE + REC sets the channcl into a record mode allowing the channelline input signal to be recorded via the equalizer and the routing matrix The monitor is set to TAPE OUTPUT. I I I I BROADCAST MODE. REC + TAPE status. The microphone signal passes via the equalizer to the large fader, lower pan pot to the stereo busses as sclected. A pre fader signal is paralleled via the short faer and uppcr routing matrix multitrack machine. I -./------- ~ I ~JQd ~ -./-./Growp oIp /li-Pass Filler T~U"~/fI I--16Th ;.d ~ 6Th 1 5 Band ~ I I • r" I: :__ I ~Sho" , '...: I - ~' :'0-------+ r·o! 1 I, ____________ POlt , ' ____________________ il- Smal/ Fader [)- AwclCue 1__ •..•.•.. "6 L~-O : I ---------- Cho1ll\ell Group output 10 tape Routing Malrix , Large Fader ,- - I .. _------------~ Tape Machine I_~ J I -./-./- equalizer I 1 1 Stereo / J ~ I I - - - -~--_/----: Stereo / Stereo 2 , Record Signal Routing ~ ..• ~, --I Stereo / Microphone Amplifier .5 Band equalizer Tape MadlÎlU' i "l ~I I I Routing Malrix MOII Jack Relum , , , Large Fader I I : -, Prf' : __-~Shon :________ L -~o ______ r'" ':: I _' I : AwclC"~ l.Dn r :i-/:sl 1 - ---------------------: i, , Smal/ Fader Stereo I ./..----Slereo 2 Signal Routing I sy m p h0 n ç~ I Tape I I I Group oIp Jack J_ J_ J_ J_ J_ SIer eo J ------- Large Fader Small Fader Slereo 2 Mix Signal Routing J_ ------J_ J_ J_ J_ Tape Machine "'011 Joek R~,IU" Slereo I I1 I J SIer eo 2 Mix + Tape SIgnal Routing Isymphony~ Slereo J 59 .. Group OIP Jod Tap' UM II _--- Top< DIP Cho.L I Jod _ Jack -.1------- I I I I I--~ I I Tape Machine I cL 5 Band Line ÁmplJi.Pass Filter I! I Stereo I -.I- I. Joci II J- J_ J_ Man Retum Jack Large Fader I I I I I , I r-L-- ~-------------- _._J I I I 1 1 I CJllJnnel I Group outputto tape Routing Matrix I l --1--- • Prr --0~Sho" I - -t--I __ -r---O J'-__ II ~' 1 I ~ ,.. Aux/Cue Sends - I : Lon g POJt Stereo I :-/ Stereo 2 Smml ,."" SignalRouting I IS y ~- [>Mix + Record m p h0 ~ J_ J_ J_ J_ J_ Stereo 1 ------- 5 Band Hi-Pass Filter equalizer rI I I Tape Machine 1 ----------'"\ 1- \ •• I fYJl ~ /"llrge Fader I I I •• : AUXlclE , , I I I Channell Group OUlput to tape • Aux/Cue \_-1 1 Mon Une In Rowing Matrix ••~ 1 ~_ j SWITCHING I I I I I I I 1- , , Small Fader o I Is y m p h0 n y ~ I Stereo 2 .1 REC+ Signal Routing J 1 Stereo 1 BROADCAST MODE I J TAPE J .1 • Standard 48 channel console with producer area and upright patch USING SHORT MASTER MODULES AND HAVING SMALL KEYBOARD SPACE 14" 356mm 9" 6" The central area could include the 2 extreme blank panels to give a 9 module width at the centre (361 mmo 14.2") Meters 37 to 48 may be replaced with Aux and Cue metering 2889mm N ~ SAMPLE OF 40 WAY LED BARGRAPH r:::::J 16 c=J12 r::::::J10 IZ:J 8 c;:]6 c=J 5 r::::::J4 r:::::J3 IZ:] 2 c::J1 r:::J0 r:::J1 c::::J2 r:::J3 c::::J4 r:::J5 c:J6 c:J7 c:J6 r:::J1O c:J 12 c:J 14 c:J 16 c:J18 c:J20 c:J 22 c:J 24 c:J 26 c:J 28 c:J 30 c:J 32 c:J 34 c:J 36 c:J 36 c:J 40 c::::J 42 c::::J 44 c:J 46 c::::J 46 c:J 50 r:::::J16 c=J12 r::::::J 10 r:::J8 r:::::J 6 1Z:]5 r::::::J4 r:::::J 3 1Z:]2 c::J1 ________ r:::J0 r:::J1 c::::J2 r:::J3 r:::J4 c:J5 c:J6 r=:J7 r:::J8 r:::J10 c:J 1~ c:J 14 c:J16 c:J 18 c:J 20 c:J 22 c:J 24 c:J 26 c:J 28 c:J 30 c:J 32 c:J 34 c:J 36 c:J 36 c::::J40 c::::J42 c:J 44 c:J 46 c:J 5046 CJ IAUX t:::J 16 [:::J 12 I:::J 16 1:ZJ10 EZJ 6 t:::J t:::J r:::J c::J t:::J EZ:] 7 r:::J 3 IZ::J 2 2 1 2 c::::J 3 CJ4 CJ5 CJ6 CJ CJ8 CJ10 c:J12 c:J14 CJ16 c:J18 CJ20 7 c:J 22 c:J 24 CJ26 c:J 28 CJ30 c::J 32 c::J 34 CJ36 c::J IZJ 5 5 3 1 36 c::J 40 CJ42 c::J 44 CJ46 c::J 48 CJ50 10 CZJ 6 r:::J 8 1:::1 7 6 -'E:! c:J 0 c:J c:J 1:::1 12 ________ 1:::1 c::::J 01 c:J c:J 1 2 c::::J 3 c::::J 4 5 8 c:J c:J c:J c:J 7 8 c:J10 c:J12 c:J14 c:J18 c:J18 8~ c:J 24 c::J 26 c:J28 c:J 30 c::J 32 c:J 34 c:J 36 c:J 36 c:J 40 c:J 42 c:J 44 c:J 46 c:J 48 c::::J 50 21 Each peak meter barg raph consists of 40 led's which illuminate as a continuous bar. The upper 10 led's are generally red, a choice between yellow and green is offered tor the remainder to distinguish between the various outputs trom the console. Pre-set potentiometers are titted tor alignment and setting the desired signallevel at the zero point. A jet black plastic overlay is fitted to the tront ot the bargraph having light grey characters and box outlines. The windows tor the led's are clear. .. JACKS 1 - 24 48 CHANNEL PATCH LAYOUT USING 7X 19" x 1U MODULES. 48 JACKS PER ROW. 003000 0 000 B 24 1011 16 22 12 20 14 18 645 89 123 17 13 21 77 22021 15 19 1A 0 SEND CHANNEllNSERT 2 12 16 14 18 6 89 1 17 13 21 70 24 20 22 19 35000 01011 00 00 045 023 0 1.-DC_.0 00 CHANNEl/GROUP 1E G 16 20 18 14 645 13 1 23 15 73 222 F 24 12 889 917 19 00 01011 00 03500 02\21 0 1199 CHANNEl TAPE 45 4R 6 4R 72l IR 2l 4l CUEIl 2AUXILIARY OUTPUTS 2R 5R 3R 3 6l 5l 02R 0 0AUXILIARY .4l 3l 00 00 0 Il HJ06R II MONITOR MACHINE 0 OUTPUTS RETURN OUTPUTS 0 INPUTS 0 ECHO RETURN MODULE lINES INPUTS DEVICE INPUTS OUTPUTS ECHO RETURN 1\ 8 I I8 20 2 12 6 89 18 14 23 13 15 121 573 22 16 417 19 00 00 05 0 01011 0 1Kl24 EXTERNAl 12 10" 8 16 20 22 14 49 20 1 13 23 5 7..3 18 19 21011 521 00 00 0689 017 0500 0 I1NM024 EXTERN •• ,.t... 1 __ •••• '~' ••• ' •••• f 1t:::O ,.. •.....,,.0 ~v+nm:)' ""'1"inrrH':)nt Al i~~ks EQUIPMENT INPUTS 0 EOUIPMENT INPUTS 0 0 JACKS 25 - 48 48 CHANNEL PATCH LAYOUT USING 7X 19" x 1U MODULES, 48 JACKS PEA AOW. 34 44 26 30 32 38 40 28 2 427 3 43 45 33 35 48 42 31 47 39 42. •A 46 36 33 B·0 0917327 000 00 0 0 25 C CHANNEL 2526 C 30 38 44 26 34 36 42 28 47 23 4 27 31 4S 45 33 37 39 35 9 1 70 30 D 48 46 40 ".0 00 032 00 0 25 44 47 36 40 4S 37 33 26 30 42 34 28 4 23 27 31 39 33 E F48 00 25 38 32 046 00 035193070 0 25 ILIR2L 44 Ggg 47 45 30 38 40 26 32 34 42 28 2 427 31 37 39 35 9 10 OUT IR2L 2R 3R 3L IL 46 36 33 30 3L 048 00 0 25 4R 5L 7R 6R 6L 08R 2R 3R JO· 2L l12L 9R lOR 12R IIR lOL 9L 8L IIL 4l 00 03L 0L0 00 lIL 0 7LSR0 TAPE 46 26 38 40 42 44 30 32 34 47 4 243 4S 31 33 27 35 1 9So 37 3 36 28 39 00 00 0 0 25NM048 10 OUTPUTS MACHINECHANNELIGROUP INPUTS TAPE MACHINE IR STEREO 0 0 0 I PH ASE .1 LINES INPUTS 0 STEREO I 0 ~.:._~_~ P II l,L -:'-:::~.:!.:~~_:~_~.~:==H ECHO MACHINE RETURN TAPE UIPR0 U T2~ U T ~R 0 OUTPUTS IREQUIPMENT EXTERNAL INPUTS OUTPUTS CONSOLE STEREO MONITOR RETURNS STEREO EQUIPMENT TAPE MACHINE I 0 00 OUTPUTS OUTPUTS IL IR 2L 2R IR 2L 2R IN CHANNEL OUT OUTPUT RETURN IN PHASE MONITOR 0 MONITORAMP liPIL INPUTS 3R I I ST ERE 0 IN S SEN D IS TER EO IN S RE T URN G,~ 4R 26 36 30 32 28 31 33 35 33 5L 2R 3L 2L 27 900 3R 00 4L 034 '0 026L 4l 00 0SR 0 25KL6R MACHINE SEND 0 INSERT TAPE ~! IL I EXTERNAL IL EQUIPMENT INPUTS 0 ,/ ,I UI -" 'j CROSS LlAXIUUU au SECTION VEIW OF INTEGRAL PRODUCER/PA FRONT PANEL OUTlINE PROOUCER TO THE DROP THROUGH BOT TOLt OF AND THE AREA Of PA TCH UODULE THIS SECTION IS A VOID OPEN BOTTO •••TO ALLOW TCH WORKTOP JO' LONC !HC. ARIIREST WITH AN PATCH CORDS HANG OUT Of CONSOLE SYMPHONY CON~OLE w ·w