May 2016 - Church of the Redeemer
May 2016 - Church of the Redeemer
Good News Volume XL Number 5 May 2016 804-746-4911 Inside this issue: Thank You 2 Parish Council 3 R.E. Registration 5 New Ireland Trip Info 7 Parish Budget 8-9 Schedules Anniversaries Birthdays 10-15 JOIN THE FUN! Join us ‘down on the farm” - right here at Redeemer! BARNYARD ROUNDUP Vacation Bible School will be held Monday through Friday, June 27 – July 1, from 9:00 to noon. Enjoy a “farm-tastic” week where kids learn how Jesus cares, provides, leads, forgives, and is our Savior. He gathers us together now and forever, no matter what! We are now recruiting: - Farmhands - Youth and adult volunteers are needed to help at the many stations on our climb - games, drama, crafts, snack, preschool, etc., and as climbing crew guides. - Participants - Our farm adventure is for rising K-5th graders, and volunteers’ preschool children. (A limited number of preschool openings may be available once all volunteers’ preschoolers have been registered.) Details and registration for both participants and volunteers are available on the church website or at https:// THANK YOU to everyone who is supporting our adventure through our Chick-fil-A Spirit Day last month and by taking tags from the supply board. GOOD NEWS Page 2 Thank You to everyone who came out to Chick-Fil-A for our recent Spirit Day! With your support we raised almost $100 to help purchase supplies for our Barnyard Roundup Vacation Bible School. Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Stewardship Fair to learn about the many wonderful ministries Redeemer has to offer. If you have not yet turned in your time, talent, and treasure commitment form please do so as soon as possible. Changes in the good news schedule are coming! Beginning in June the good news will transition to scheduling one full month at a time for ministry schedules. This will hopefully allow for an easier way to plan your month. If you would like to have an article in the Good News please email it to Kate at [email protected] by the 10th of the month before you would like your article in the good news i.e. January 10 for the February Good News. Thank you for your flexibility in this transition. Good News Published for the people of Church of the Redeemer Thank you to the many parishioners who contribute to the contents of this publication. Editor: Kate Chittum We welcome your input. Please submit articles to [email protected] and ministry schedules to [email protected] by the 10th of each month. You may also drop either off at the Parish Office or mail to: Good News Church of the Redeemer 8275 Meadowbridge Road Mechanicsville, VA 23116 GOOD NEWS Page 3 MEET THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Over the next 12 months, the Good News will be featuring a member of the Redeemer Parish Pastoral Council. This is a welcome opportunity to introduce our newest members and to reintroduce current council members to the parish. Council members will be sharing their faith experience, why they are called to the Catholic Church, and their hopes and visions for our parish. My name is Peggy Anderton and this is my first year as a member of your Pastoral Council and it is a privilege and an honor serving on your behalf. My family and I joined Redeemer in 2003 and I cannot begin to tell you how very much I love our church…the staff and parishioners have been a huge part of my life and I have received the love and support of both many times in the past 13 years. I was born and raised in Richmond and was a member of Lebanon United Methodist Church; I converted to Catholicism in 1990 in Charlotte, NC and have found my faith grow over the years. In addition to serving on Pastoral Council, I have been a member of The Catholic Daughters, served as a catechist for pre-school, elementary, middle and high-schools and on the Confirmation Team. I worked very closely with the Knights of Columbus when my ex-husband was a member of the Knights. Being a part of the Redeemer community has brought great joy to my life and being a member feels like “home.” I truly appreciate your allowing me the opportunity of representing you on Pastoral Council. GOOD NEWS Page 4 DID YOU KNOW… … over one hundred youth and adults have volunteered with our preschool, elementary, FIRE, Generations of Faith, Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation programs this year? As we come to the end of another year, please say a prayer of thanksgiving for all those who have answered the call “to teach as Jesus did.” These generous volunteers have shared their time and talent, and most importantly, their faith. They make it possible for our young people to grow in their love of Jesus and knowledge of our Catholic faith. If your child is in a formation program, please take a moment to thank his or her catechist this week. … we need over 40 people willing to help once a month in order to offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word for our elementary children at each weekend liturgy? This year nearly three dozen youth and adults have faithfully helped our children hear and respond to God’s Word, but we have been unable to cover all the Masses due to a shortage of volunteers. If your children benefit from this experience, please express your appreciation to their leaders, and consider volunteering to help in the coming year. Training and materials are provided. The Prime Timer Ministry will be Tuesday, May 10. All are welcome; if you are home during the day, come and join us! Cost is $5 for lunch. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of the new families that have recently joined our church. Jason & Tara Burkhead James Crockett Daniel & Amanda Dickey Bobby Sommer Edward & Paula Swansey GOOD NEWS Page 5 THE EARLY BIRD GETS REGISTERED NOW! As we end this year’s Faith Formation classes it’s already time to start looking ahead to next year’s. Registration materials will be available by the end of the month, both online and on the R.E. table outside the office. Registration forms may be returned to the office at any time - no phone registrations will be taken. Enrollment in each session will be limited to available space, so it is important to register early to ensure your choice of day and time. To assist us in planning for next year, please register by June 30th. Registration will be closed September 1 - September 30 while class rolls are being finalized. Beginning Oct. 1st we will re-open registration to fill available openings. Preschool and kindergarten classes will continue to meet during 10:00 Mass. There will be two sessions for 1st - 5th grades on Monday: from 4:00-5:15 and 6:00-7:15. Elementary parents Several of our sessions include parent participation, so please register your child for a session that you will be able to attend with them when needed. Classes for Grades 6-12 will be offered on Sundays, 11:30-1:30 and 6:00-8:00. F.I.R.E. (Family-centered Intergenerational Religious Education) and Generations of Faith are options for families of all shapes and sizes (including those without children at home.) These are faith formation opportunities for children, youth and adults to learn together, usually in someone’s home. Typically, groups of 4 to 6 families meet throughout the school year to cover approximately 16 lessons. Meetings generally last 1 hour and include an icebreaker, an explanation of the topic, an activity or experience to drive the point home, and a conclusion with prayer (many communities also socialize for 30 minutes before their meeting and share snacks or an informal meal). If you’d like to learn more contact Terry Colville, [email protected]. A home-teaching option is available for those unable to attend the weekday sessions. Children in 2nd grade and older are invited to prepare for First Reconciliation and First Communion. These programs are largely home-based, with occasional Saturday afternoon meetings for children and parents. According to diocesan policy, anyone who will be aged 15 or older, and in either 10th, 11th, or 12th grade next fall, is eligible to prepare for Confirmation. Confirmation classes will meet on Sundays at 11:15, on separate dates from Youth R.E. Information sessions will be held this spring to explain the Confirmation process. For those who register promptly (before June 30th) the program fee for 2016-2017 will be $20 per family. After June 30th, the program fee will be $25 per family. The program fee applies to families registering for preschool, elementary, youth, Confirmation, FIRE, Generations of Faith, or home-teaching. In addition, there is a book fee of $15 per child for preschool and elementary students, $40 for 6th graders and new youth students, and $20 for F.I.R.E./Generations families. Grades 7-12 pay just the RE program fee, unless they are new to the program and need books. Sacramental fees are $15 each for First Reconciliation, and First Communion; these are in addition to the regular R.E program fees. There is also a $75 retreat fee for Confirmation candidates. Catechists and Youth RE Coaches receive a $10.00 discount. Fees are collected at the time of registration and will be waived upon request in cases of financial need. GOOD NEWS Page 6 Guess that Ministry This month we are featuring two more of the ministries here at Redeemer. Answers to the ministry clues are on the back page! Which ministry … 1. Allows home chefs to share their talent with the parish? 2. Is the perfect match if you like to throw a party? 3. Brings the Redeemer Community together each summer for the parish wide picnic? 4. In past years has provided adult fellowship and fun at Western Nights, St. Patrick’s Day and PrimeTimer gatherings? Which ministry … 1. … can have over 150 participants on a given weekend, learning and sharing about their faith? 2. … has volunteers that pay to demonstrated “compassionate service to each other and to the world beyond our doors” for more than 20 years? 3. … has sent its ministers to be liturgically trained at the “Holy Hill” in Indiana for 16 consecutive summers? 4. … throws a “ridiculous” outdoor party every May for the teens in our community? Getting to know you Who am I? Who are you? So, what do I do if I need to get in touch? First I look in the newest parish directory. Oops, not there, so I look in an older directory...We have them all. But when the parish started there were only about 120 families, now there are more than 1200 families! We are getting ready to create an update to Redeemer’s 2014 parish photo directory and we need you to help make it complete! By participating you will receive a free 8x10 Portrait and a printed parish directory. If you are a new parishioner since the end of 2013 or if you would like to update your current photo, please sign up right away for your professional photography session in three convenient ways: Redeemer is our church family. That's How can we be expected to know such a large family, especially those of us who have a problem remembering names? Father Jay admits that he is one of us, and certainly he needs to know us. That is one reason why he feels that parish directories are so important. Parish directories are most useful when as many of the parishioners as possible have their pictures included. It doesn't have to cost you anything but an extra hour at the time of your choosing. It is a wonderful opportunity to get great family portraits at a discounted price. And each will get a free parish directory of our own by participating...with no obligation to buy anything and you will receive a free 8 x 10 photo! You do need to sign up for your photo session. You can sign up online from your own computer (the link is on Redeemer's web site,) you can sign up at church on weekends or you can call the church office (746 -4911) to choose the day & time for your sitting. Dates include Thursday – Saturday, May 19, 20, 21 and Monday – Tuesday, May 23, 24 from 12 Noon until 7 pm. Currently we still are in need of volunteers to help with signing families in upon arriving to church. If you can help out in the following areas, please contact the parish office. Thursday, May 19 – Sat. May 21: 12 – 3:30 pm OR 3:30 – 7:00 pm Monday, May 23 – Tues. May 24: 12 – 3:30 pm OR 3:30 – 7:00 pm GOOD NEWS Page 7 From the desk of Father Jay: Parish Pilgrimage To Ireland September 18-27, 2016 I was asked to comment briefly on one of the exciting destinations on our parish pilgrimage to Ireland this coming September. I chose Downpatrick not just because it is the burial site of Saint Patrick, but because it captures Ireland in its historical and cultural roots. Downpatrick is located where the River Quoile’ broadens into its esturary in Strangford Lough (inlet of the sea). The town takes its name from Dun (fortress) and from its association with Saint Patrick. It is the Dun-da-leth-glas (Fortress of the Two Broken Fetters) of Irish chroniclers. Formerly a MacDunleary stronghold, it was seized in 1177 by the Anglo-Norman adventurer John de Courci amd served as his headquarters until 1203. At nearby Saul, Saint Patrick began his mission in Ireland in 432 and is reputedly buried in the grounds of the Church of Ireland Cathedral, which was built in 1790, and which we will visit on our pilgrimage tour. The town is a market centre and has the county administrative offices. The remains of the Roman Catholic Cistercian Inch Abbey, founded by Courci in 1180, are 2 miles (3km) north. The current population of the Downpatrick area is roughly 10,320. We will be visiting Downpatrick around the ninth day of our ten day journey. The beauty of the surrounding countryside with its rolling hills, charming little cottages, herds of sheep, and lush green terrain can not really be described in words, but only experienced with the naked eye. Since Saint Patrick had a profound influence on this part of Ireland, Downpatrick is a rather sacred and holy destination, and we look forward to a visit there. The town itself has charm with its pubs (like most Irish towns), shops, restaurants, and business district. This will be one of the many highlights of our Irish pilgrimage this coming September, and YOU can be a part of this unforgettable experience. Our Saint Patrick’s Ireland tour has been organized for the Church of the Redeemer and Church of the Transfiguration near Roanoke, VA in Fincastle, VA by The Catholic Tour Company under Jim and Pam Adair. They can be reached at 888-878-8187, or, [email protected]. You can also contact Fr. Jay at Redeemer with questions. The trip is open to Redeemer parishioners and their family and friends, plus anyone who is interested in going to Ireland with us from other churches or parishes. The trip will depart and return directly to Redeemer. Join us for a free webinar regarding this trip on May 9 at 6pm from the comfort of your own home. Just click or go to this LINK: partnerref=715345. GOOD NEWS Page 8 The Parish Budget July 2016-June 2017 Our Parish Budget for the upcoming fiscal year has been prepared by the Finance Council and approved by the Pastoral Council. The reverse side of this sheet has a printed copy for your review. Income Changes We are projecting to receive approximately $803,700 in income for our current fiscal year. We have increased next year’s offertory income by an additional $12,000. Your generosity to our Poor and Needy Collection has allowed that ministry to have a surplus of approximately $65,000 in checking which they will use this year for various ministries. They are also moving $20,000 to the Parishioner In Need account, which along with the surplus in funds collected for this ministry should cover requests for assistance. If needed, we will include an envelope for the Poor and Needy toward the end of the fiscal year. Under Special Funds, you will see that the Building Fund Income has been replaced by Major Repair & Maintenance. Since we were able to pay off the building loan this past fiscal year, thanks to all of you, we are asking that you consider continuing your contributions to this new fund so that we might have a contingency fund as major repairs and maintenance items start to become necessary. Believe it or not the church portion of our building is 19 years old already. We have already had to replace some of the HVAC units, with more that will need to be replaced over the next several years. The roof of the original space (Genesis Hall), classrooms and church are projected to need replacement within the next 5-10 years. And the list goes on, as any of you who own your own home are aware. Expense Changes Personnel costs will remain about the same even with a 3% increase in salary for the staff. Changes in personnel have made this possible. Non-personnel cost have increased by approximately $9,000 which is approximately a 3% increase overall. Our assessments from the Diocesan Offices have gone up due to increased costs for insurance, the Diocesan Tax (Cathedraticum) and particularly our increase for the assessment to help defray the cost of running the Diocesan Catholic grade schools. The total increase in this area is running about $18,000. We have made up for this increase by cutting costs as much as possible and by asking for the increase in offertory. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with any member of the Finance Council or call Sharon at the Parish Office. GOOD NEWS Page 9 Church of the Redeemer 2016-2017 Budget Building To- Operatal tions Ordinary Sunday envelopes Parish % allocations Poor & Needy J & P - Second Collection Diocesan School Other Other Young Adult Ministry Grocery Gift Cards Haiti Income Haiti/teacher/student Other Haiti Income Youth Income Other Income Trans (to) from savings Fund Raising Craft Bazaar/Casino/Other Special Funds Memorial Bricks Major Repair & Maintenance Living Our Mission share Annual Diocesan Appeal Contribution - designated purp Diocesan Collections Total Receipts Religious Personnel Lay Personnel Auto/Travel Utilities Rectory Worship Repairs & Maintenance General Expenses Bank Charges Justice & Peace Haiti Christian Care Parish Community Life Young Adult Ministry Religious Education Youth Ministry Fund Raising Capital Expenditures Funds to Diocese - assessments Funds to Diocese - pass-thru Memorial Bricks Total Expenditures Fund Inc (Dec) 815,700 815,700 5,000 2,500 500 2,500 J&P Contingency Haiti Youth YAM Dio. Coll. 5,000 500 700 15,000 12,200 12,000 31,000 12,850 17,550 700 15,000 12,200 12,000 31,000 12,850 17,550 7,000 24,000 24,000 2,000 25,270 35,000 15,000 2,000 - Ren. & Maint. 40,000 25,270 31,500 15,000 16200 3,500 30,500 1,056,770 68,339 444,402 3,690 49,400 10,220 16,300 36,400 24,560 6,453 40,200 71,400 5,250 6,800 1,150 24,871 17,940 4,300 868,750 71,770 49,000 - 71,400 27,850 30,500 700 30,500 68,339 444,402 3,690 49,400 10,220 16,300 36,400 24,560 6,453 40,200 71,400 5,250 6,800 1,150 23,871 1,000 17,940 4,300 - 171,143 171,143 30,500 2,000 2,000 1,037,318 867,878 19,452 872 30,500 45,450 71,770 3,550 71,400 18,940 0 8,910 1,150 30,500 -450 0 GOOD NEWS Lectors Mass Ushers Cross Page 10 Altar Servers Linen Coffee Bearers May 14 5:30 pm 1. Terry DelVecchio 2. Diane Byrnes 1. Mason Courter 2. Mark Borysewicz 1. Richard Godlewski 2. Tim McDermott 1. Monica Tino 2. Christy Evanko 1. Celie Thomas 2. Chip Free 1. Frank Porter 2. Paula Otto 1. Suzanne Thibault 2. Canova Peterson 1. Vicki Beahm 2. Tim Cook 1. Mike Petrizzi 2. Emmanuel Eugenio 1. June Quisenberry 2. Jesse Lopez 1. Randy Ferrance 2. Dan Martucci 1. Nan Payne 2. Tom Grasberger May 15 8:00 am 10:00 am May 21 5:30 pm May 22 8:00 am 10:00 am May 28 5:30 pm May 29 8:00 am 10:00 am June 4 5:30 pm June 5 8:00 am 10:00 am Tom Franco Jacob Franco David Dehetre Jake Dehetre (y) Al Kusmin Michael Carr George Squires Steve Donohue Rick Gillespie Ray Santucci Dennis Fiore Gabriel Worthington Connor McNulty Lorenzo Verdelotti Rich Rhoades Jesse Lopez Maria Ryan Frances Pohida Chip Free Emma Burch Dave Worland Dan Burke Jacob Cooney (y) Jonjon Carroll (y) Kay Berlin Jack Hayek Richard Prezioso* Robert Prezioso Robert Kemmler Tim Cook* Caleb Kulinowski (y) Michael Stank Mike Foley Allan Draper Zach Gonzales (y) Ryan Godlewski Don Hart Karin Latimer Bill Michie* Pat Quisenberry Marie Irmen Ellen Schmidt Cathy Sickinger Dave Worland Dan DelVecchio Barbara Gerloff Kathy DolanMarshall Meredith Harris (Mentor Emma Spain) Swierczewski Brook Puleo Carter Berry Amy Mike Bonelli Randy Ferrance* Nate Reisenweaver (y) Derek Reisenweaver (y) Gary Hall Emma Spain Curran Henry Mary Sue McLaughlin Gabriel Lopez (y) Noah Scheiber (y) Reid Eaton (y) Connor MCNulty Nan Payton Rich Rhoades Nancy Ashworth Rob Ashworth Tom Franco Jacob Franco Jack Hayek Kendall Wiles Marcy Cason David Allen Charles Toombs* Larry Seymour Kyle Martin Charlie Burch Ciara Kocik Ed Schmidt David Jackson Kyle Henry (y) Garret Plummer (y) Dave Worland Patty Stajduhar JoMarie Stank Fran Burch Barbara Flournoy Isabella Testermann (Mentor Mallory Schieber) TJ Fennelly GOOD NEWS Gift Card Sellers Mass May 14 5:30 pm Wanda DelVecchio* Sherrill Hefele Dan DelVecchio Shirley Husz May 15 8:00 am 10:00 am Mary Kemmler* Maureen Uerz Jean Whiteside Cathy Durvin Nina Henry* Nancy Sheliga Money Counters Ed Lucas Mary Deaner Jimmy Bunger Ursula Gebhardt Angelika Mader Brad Mason Page 11 Children’s Liturgy Children’s Litturgy 5-7 year olds 8-10-year-olds Greg Chew Sharon Seifert Brooke Puleo Dana Slatyon (Y) Lindsay Shea Mason Courter (Y) Christina Robertson Jennifer Biondi Molly Poisant Josephine Jones Mary Crawford (Y) Pamela Mulvaney (y) Pam Phipps* Bob/Roberta Hunt Cathy Rawls Kathy Sweet Mary Deaner Jim/Ashley Ebert Caroline Rawls (Y) Ashley Ebert (Y) Betsy/Mark Staver May 21 May 22 5:30 pm Amy Kusmin Cheryl Toombs Stan Pruemer Dennis Fiore Donald Berberich 8:00 am Fran Burch Barbara Flournoy Ellen/Ed Schmidt* 10:00 am Frank DeGaetani Rose Marie Berberich Dave/Teresa Worland 5:30 pm Volunteer Needed Dayton Petrus (Y) Memorial Day Weekend No Children’s Liturgy No Children’s Liturgy No Children’s Liturgy No Children’s Liturgy No Children’s Liturgy Jen Puleo Christy Evanko Kathy Mack Dot Chudoba Brooke Puleo (Y) Mikayla Mason (Y) Luis Garcia Jacki Ferrance Alex Kulinowski Allie Hopper (Y) Caleb Kulinowski (Y) Janet East Emily Elliott (H) Emma Crescentini (Y) Kelly Pace Terry DelVecchio Mary Rider May 29 8:00 am 10:00 am Cheryl Toombs* Jayne Martin Julie Myers Debbie Ward Dave Crowl* Mary Covey Pam Dougherty Melissa Lewis Walt Strobach Suzy Aunspach* Glady Seymour Molly Hopper (Y) Kate Duggan Jennifer Schrecengost May 28 Terry Ferrance Norm Graham Peggy Graham Patty Lung Joanne Diana Greg Chew Christina Bonjoc Robin Carroll June 4 June 5 5:30 pm Barbara Hayek* Cathy Rawls Sue Heim Carol Iacone Susan Darling* 8:00 am Judith Layton Eileen White 10:00 am Susan Blunt Norma Guenther LuAnn Orie* Sonia Garcia Teresa Fallon Dave Allen GOOD NEWS Page 12 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 5:30 8:00 10:00 May 14/15 B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Barbara Gross Rick Blair Robert Ashworth Nancy Ashworth Mary Deaner Tom Deaner Terry DelVecchio Stephen Evanko Gerald Hefele DEACON B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Julia Pillis Peggy Thinnes Gary Hall David Hopper Alex Kulinowski Donna Proffitt Christina Robertson JoMarie Stank Mike Stank DEACON B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Ellen Schmidt Robert McNulty Todd Kitten Dennis McLaughlin April McNulty Ellen Spain Katelyn Spain Mark Staver Janelynn Testerman DEACON May 21/22 B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Ed Lucas Alex Kusmin Joe Heim Sue Heim Vera Irmen Amy Kusmin Karin Latimer Patricia Lawlor Barbara Lucas Patrick Quisenberry B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Caroyln Brand Susan Darling Cheryl Toombs Charles Burch Robin Chandler Layne Courter Mason Courter Rob Courter Rosemarie Davis Cathy Durvin B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Dot Chudoba Robert Crawford Catherine Cary Bernie Chudoba Christina Colville Richard Godlewski Ryan Godlewski Nina Henry Susan Hunrath David Jackson May 28/29 B B B C C C C C C Prayer Minister Sally Riddell Robert Ashworth John Pohida Frances Pohida Gayle Spradlin James Spradlin Judy Saunders Gladys Seymour B B B C C C C C C Prayer Minister Donna Proffitt Alex Kulinowski Theresa Ferrance Dennis Fiore Gary Hall David Hopper Julia Pillis Christina Robertson B B B C C C C C C Prayer Minister Todd Kitten Mark Staver Dennis McLaughlin April McNulty Robert McNulty Ellen Schmidt Ellen Spain Katelyn Spain C C Nancy Ashworth DEACON C C Peggy Thinnes DEACON C Janelynn Testerman C DEACON B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Mary Deaner Wendy Whitaker Duane Taylor Margaret Twomey Mary Ashby Michael Ashby Susan Ashby Kay Berlin Rick Blair Tom Deaner B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister JoMarie Stank Mike Stank Cheryl Toombs Caroyln Brand Charles Burch Robin Chandler Layne Courter Mason Courter Rob Courter Susan Darling B B B C C C C C C C C June 4/5 Prayer Minister Nina Henry Bernie Chudoba Catherine Cary Dot Chudoba Christina Colville Robert Crawford Richard Godlewski Ryan Godlewski Susan Hunrath Todd Kitten GOOD NEWS Page 13 May Anniversaries 1 2 3 Ron & Lisa Rider— 1987 Bradley & Amy Carroll—1994 Michael & Elke Ryan—2003 Wayne & Mary McDowell—1965 Tony & Geri Fratoe—2009 4 Sean & Tracey Clevenger—1991 Dan & Shelby Yacobi—1991 Michael & Joanne Camp—2002 5 Rich & Laura Ganzert— 1984 David & Anne Balducci—1990 Scott & Chiara Bailey— 2002 Jeffrey & Melissa Gibson—2001 Charles & Susan Moore—2001 6 7 Ronald & Betty Lowry—1989 James & Jennifer Tuccillo—1994 Chris & Maria Kroll— 1994 Dominick & Michele Piccolomini—1998 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 William & Kellie Free—1999 Scott & Donna Bourne—1996 Vito & Josephine Amato—1987 Nick & Annette Kelley—1997 Paul & Shannon Healey—2008 Brian & Lori Bradley—1997 Anthony & Ratchada Suber— 1984 Andy & Stephanie Bradley—2002 Edward & Michelle Tully—1998 Jose & Courtney Fernandez—2002 David & Christine Sorokowski—1997 Tony & Gordon Grappone—1972 Francis & Mercedes Tarongoy—1996 Alex & Jaime Blanton— 2001 Denny & Susan Standridge—1972 Phillip & Anne Jacoby—1993 Fred & Frances Aloi—2000 15 Frank & Bonnie Eckert—1965 Anthony & Cecelia Peay—1982 Michael & Denise Lenzi—1999 16 17 Terry & Linda Gay— Thomas & Tammy 1980 Berberich—1992 Glenn & Lynn David & Jennifer Mackey—1987 Baker—2002 Anthony & Linda French—1998 Paul & Jodi Craig & Jo Brooks—2003 Colombo—1992 Ken & Susan Curtis & Valerie Brown—1998 Blair—1997 18 Robert & Lizanne Jones—1985 Kevin & Michelle Ellis—2012 Jason & Tara Burkhead—2012 Evaristo & Catia Capela—2000 22 23 24 David & Sheila Talley—1965 Thomas & Christi Rogers—1992 Michael & JoMarie Stank—1975 George & Jennifer Wood—1982 Mark & Catherine Baron—1991 Dale & Catherine McDonough—1986 Brian & Elizabeth Donegan—2009 29 Keith & Terry DelVecchio—1971 Michael & Jeanne Roberts—1982 Dan & Caren Trsic—1982 Andrew & Melissa Haskins—2004 Greg & Kate Chittum—2005 30 31 Matthew & Jennifer Tom & Patricia Pulisic—2004 Allen—1986 Michael & Kate Donald Hart & Chenault—1992 Monica Tino—1998 Bryan & Laura Ben & Dina Pully— Coleman—1992 1991 Paul & Tammy Michael & Kathy Boulden—1981 Mason—1986 25 Ed & Gilda Cadieux—1985 Pete & Karen Florey—1996 Randy & Loretta Knott—1974 Frank & Diane Kaestner—1979 Josh & Christina Robertson—2002 Wesley & Kim Walker—1996 Manny & Cheryl Tavares—1987 Jon & Katie Masinick—2002 Brian & Nicole Fuhrman—2002 Richard & Iris Michaelian—1995 19 20 Rick & Denise Long— 1984 Mark & Jennifer Martin & Freda Thomas— Kocik—1995 2001 Edward & MaryBeth Ray & Miky Reaux— Maino—1990 1995 Jim & Sherry McInerney— 1984 Tim & Karen Conway— Luis & Ann Andrade— 1989 1990 Chris & Margaret Thompson—2001 Edward & Norma Ken & Susan Brown— Guenther—1972 1998 David & Kristin Cobaugh— 2012 26 George & Terry Muessig—1990 Nathan & Jennifer DeGarmo—2002 Derrick & Jennifer Huther—2001 27 Ronald & Simonetta Weik—1978 David & Anne Engel— 1997 Eric & Kristin Konopka—2000 Robert & Mary Beth Baker—2006 Valdeci & Carla Marcos—1994 21 Alex & Jaime Blanton—2001 Terry Ray & Ashlee Parker—2011 28 William Rose & Pat Carlson—1983 Anthony & Jessica Luck—2004 Church of the Redeemer 8275 Meadowbridge Rd Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Church of the Redeemer Good News Answers to page 6 “Name that Ministry” Community Life Committee/Event Planning! Adults and Senior Youth are needed to plan one or more events. New event ideas are always welcome! For more information on the Community Life Committee, contact Nancy Crosby at [email protected] or 746-4911. Nancy summarizes her greatest reward working in this ministry as “Watching everyone have a good time in fellowship with one another.” Redeemer Youth Ministry! For more information on how to get involved, contact LeRoy Orie ([email protected] or 746.4911 ext. 2216) or visit our Redeemer website at
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