BOOT TALK - American Cowboy Supply
BOOT TALK - American Cowboy Supply
BOOT TALK Justinis unsurpassed in quality and pairmust workmanship. Every handcratted meetstrictrequirements before theJustin goeson.Here name arebuta fewspecial quality construction features thathaveearned Justina reputation forexcellence. 1.BEADING: Stitched between thelining andthe provides outer leathers, thisbeautiful boarder additional support andcontrast tothetopleathers. 2,SCALL0PS: Contoured tops thatemphasize decorative beading andaccommodate different leg sizes. Justin offers a number ofscallop designs. 3.PULL STRAPS: Alllockstitched forextra pullstrap strength. Sturdy stitching 0nevery further reinforces thetopandguards against quarters. separation offrontandback glove{anned 4.LINING: Soft leathers are cemented byhand tothebootpartsandstitched inside, linings arespecially tanned forsuppleness andmade toresist theeffects ofperspiration. 1 . B E ANDGI 2. SCALLO PS 3. PULL STRAPS 12. TOE BOX 13. COUNTER 14, GOODYEAR WELT n LINING 15. INSO LE 5. FRONT QUARTER 16. S H A N K 6, BACK QUARTER l. RANO 7, SIDEWELT 18. OUTSO LE 8. TOP STITCH 1S. OUTSOLE 9, VAMP FITTING STITCHING STITCH 20. HEEL BASE 10. VAMP 21. HEEL CAP 11, WRINKLE 22. HEEL PAD STITCH 5,FR()NT Upper frontoftheboots, QUARTER: quality which showcases leathers andbeautiful topstitching, 6.BACK Upper backoftheboots, QUARTER: reinforced fromtheinside byasewn back stay foradditional support. 11.WRINKLE STITCH: Decorative stitching onthefootoftheboot forattractive appearance andadditional strength. quarters 7.SIDE WELT: Seams arebeveled, arestitched fromtheinside, trimmed close, moistened andoressed flatformaximum comfort andattractive appearance. 12,13.T0EBOX & C0UNTER: Forperfect shape andprotection, thetoeandheel areas arecontoured totheshape ofthelast, 17.RAND; Alayerofmaterial between theinsole provides andtheoutsole which a clean edge for thebase oftheheel, 18.0UTSOLE: Justin's leather outsoles are pre{ormed forperfect fittothelast. Heat and pressure bond theoutsole totheboot, then the outsole is stitched on. '14. quality G00I)YEAR' WELT:A Goodyear'welt L T0PSTITCH: Aleader inbeautiful andintricate issewn tothevamp leather andflattened, thus 19.0UTS0LE STITCHING: Theoutsole isstitched patterns, providing stitch Justin hand-designs itsmany averystrong interlocking stitchtothe totheinsole viatheGoodyear'" welt, using a patterns. Themulti-row, color-coordinated stitchingoutsole. strong nylon braid, provides strength andbeauty totheboot tops. '15. INS0LE: Justin's insoles aremade ofstrong, 20.HEEL BASE: Layered leather heals arepositioned g,VAMP FITTING STITCH: high-quality material formaximum durability and ontheoutside sole andnailed fromtheinside, - vamps{o-tops - using Multi-row $itching sturdy comfort. thencarefully shaped andsanded toperfection. andattractive nylon threads forsuperior strength anddurability. quality 16.SHANK: Justinutilizes a strong shank shaped 2'1, HEEL CAP: Justin uses rubber heel provides caps fortheexact fit ofthearch.Thisshank forstrength, durability andsure{ooting, 10.VAMP: Thefrontfootofthebootthatcovers theimportant archsupport thatmakes a Justin thetoes andinstep. Lasting forperfect fitis padprotects boot socomfortable, 22.HEEL PAD: Afineleather the among Justin's traditions. padisdesigned wearer's heel inside theboot. This forcomfort andmoisture absorption,