301-994-9000 - Immaculate Heart of Mary
301-994-9000 - Immaculate Heart of Mary
Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church Our mission is to proclaim joyfully the Good News of Jesus Christ and to welcome all adults, youth and children, inviting them to deepen their relationship with Christ through the sacraments, prayer and discipleship. New Parishioners: Welcome! Please use the Parish Census forms available near the main exits or contact the Parish Office to register. This helps us minister to you more effectively. Parish Council: Advises the pastor on parish life and concerns. Usually meets the first Tuesday of every month (except January and July) at 7 pm in one of the classrooms. Open to all parishioners. Baptisms: Parents must speak in person with a parish priest or deacon before making any other arrangements. Call the parish office or e-mail the priest or deacon for an appointment. Baptisms in are usually on the second Saturday of the month at 10 am. Parents and godparents must attend a required baptismal preparation class at least one month before the baptism. Marriages: Engaged couples wishing to be married must contact a parish priest at least six months before their proposed wedding date. Pre-Cana course required, contact Ed and Anne Steiner at 301-994-1323. Natural Family Planning course also required, see below. Natural Family Planning: For NFP training, contact K.C. Schnitker at 240-256-0118, www.FamilyNFP.com. Ministry to the Sick: Contact the parish office for visits to the homebound and hospitalized. Children’s Faith Formation Website: ihmcff.weebly.com Levels K–5: Sunday from 9:30 to 11 am in English, Levels K–5: Sunday from 11:30 am to 1 pm in Spanish (Nivel 1–4) Levels 5–8 (Confirmation): Monday from 6:30 to 8 pm. Youth Group Middle School: Tuesdays, 5:30 to 7 pm (at IHM). High School: Alternate Saturdays, 7 to 9 pm (at St. Cecilia). Mass Schedule Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 9 am Tuesday & Thursday: 5:30 pm Saturday Vigil: 4 pm Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:15 am, 1 pm (Spanish) Devotions Mass/Exposition/Confessions: First Friday: 9 am & 5:30 pm First Saturday: 9 am Mass with Healing Service: Once a month at 7 pm, call office or check website for date Rosary: M, W, F & Sat 9:30 am; T & Th 5 pm Litany for Priests: Tue & Thu after 5:30 pm Mass Other days, 10 minutes before Mass Confessions Thursday after 5:30 pm Mass Saturday 2:30 pm– 3:45 pm Sunday after 1 pm Mass First Friday after 9 am and 5:30 pm Mass First Saturday after 9 am Mass Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8 am to 4 pm Staff Pastor: Parochial Vicar Deacon Director of Religious Education Secretary/ Bookkeeper Music Director Fr. Marco Schad, ext. 12 [email protected] Fr. Michal Sajnog, ext. 13 [email protected] Dcn. Michael Crowe [email protected] Janet Harmon, ext. 15 301-863-8793 [email protected] Cindy Thompson, ext. 14 [email protected] Mary Stevens, 240-434-8876 [email protected] Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Formation to enter the Catholic Church or to receive First Communion and Confirmation for adults baptized as Catholics. Contact Tess Crowe at [email protected] or call the parish office. Youth Minister Food Pantry and Financial Assistance: Handled by St. Vincent de Paul of IHM. For assistance, call 301-863-8193 from 8:30 to 11:30 am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, except holidays. Little Flower School Principal Caitlin Keeton 301-994-0404 Website www.littleflowercatholic.org Parish Cemetery: For information, call 301-475-5005 or 301-932-1766. 22375 Three Notch Rd. Lexington Park, MD 20653 Tel: 301-863-8144 Fax: 301-863-8180 Gregory DeStefano 301-542-2467 [email protected] www.ihmrcc.org Dear Friends in Christ, Events nationally this past week have been disturbing, in particular the shootings by police and of police. Without getting into a discussion of who might be to blame for what, I would like to make an observation. We seem to have entered into a cycle where violence leads to more violence. A shooting by law enforcement (rightly or wrongly) seen as unjustified angers large segments of the population. Among that population (as in every large group) are individuals who, for whatever reason, are psychological, emotionally or ideologically unbalanced. Some of those then commit violent acts no less heinous than those they are supposedly protesting. Enraged, over-the-top rhetoric by politicians, first responders, ministers, community activists, celebrities, or just people on social media, rarely (if ever) helps the situation. The violence against law enforcement officers then makes police wary and jittery, and more likely to interpret or misinterpret movements as potentially dangerous, and the cycle starts all over again. I’m not claiming to have a solution, but it strikes me that many of us see a similar cycle in our own lives, in a much more toned down version and without politicians chiming in (I hope). How often we go into a family or work situation, or begin a discussion, expecting the worst: the worst we can imagine about the other person(s) and the worst outcome possible. Our brains are then predisposed and on the lookout for every negative cue. We think it will turn out badly, and so our brains take a shortcut and filter out most or all information that says otherwise. Say you just hate meetings. They drag on and on, people just blather about their project or concern, and nothing is ever accomplished. If that’s your expectation, that’s what your brain will look for and that’s what you will experience, even if was actually fast-moving, informative and resulted in important consensus about a key step that needs to be taken. Someone else might some away from the same interaction thinking it resulted in a very different outcome, but because we expect the worst, we will experience the worst outcome. How do we then avoid this confirmation bias? It takes effort but it can be done. First, we need to check our assumptions, that is, consciously think about what past experience, prejudices, conflicts, etc. might be coloring our expectations. Make a conscious decision about what you will do if you encounter the issues you assume will be present. In the boring meeting example, one decision might be “if people are rambling on, I will try to summarize what they have said and that should give a nudge to move on”. During the encounter, it helps to consciously choose to notice what is going well. Before the event, though, it helps to envision the entire interaction in its best possible outcome. I don’t mean just hope for the best, but go through every step and think about how you would like each of them to occur, as well as set goals for what you would like the result to be. Try this at work and at home. I think you will start experiencing things very differently. I can’t do these ideas justice in a bulletin letter, but this is one of the issues addressed by Caroline Webb, in her book, How to Have a Good Day: Harnessing the Power of Behavioral Science to Transform Our Working Lives (a 50 minute video of the author discussing her book is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FSgBHGnSeR8). I’m only halfway through the book, but so far I recommend it. Although it is geared towards the work world (the author is a management consultant), much of it is easily applied to our personal lives and even our prayer. I’m happy to see that much of the advice I give about dealing with distraction in prayer and setting goals for our spiritual growth is supported by behavioral science (neuroscience, positive psychology and behavioral economics). You will probably read about that in future bulletins. Yours in Christ Jesus, Fr. Marco CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION Summer review catechism classes will begin meeting every Tuesday evening in July from 5pm to 6:30pm. There is no fee for these meetings, but some special supplies may be required. For more information on all our activities during the year, please contanct Mrs. Janet Harmon at (301) 863-8793, [email protected] or visit us at ihmcff.weebly.com. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) team is now taking registrations for the classes that will start ups again in September. For more info email us at [email protected] or call 301-863-8144. LITTLE FLOWER SCHOOL Little Flower School is looking for substitute teachers for the 2016-2017 school year. If you are interested in subbing, please stop by the office Tuesday -Friday between 8am and 1pm. Interested in learning more about Little Flower School? Call (301)994-0404 or email ([email protected]) the office today to schedule a tour! We’d love to talk more with you about how to make a Catholic education a possibility for your child! ALMOST IMMACULATE IHM THRIFT STORE Located in the Kerr House (white building at the street entrance). The thrift store is open Fridays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, and Saturdays from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Donations (no clothing) accepted during those hours. THEOLOGY ON TAP Theology on Tap summer series. Join PAXCatholic, a regional Catholic young adult ministry, on second Wednesdays at 6:30pm at Cheeseburger in Paradise for a fun and relaxing time with other Catholic young adults. Dates will be July 13, and August 10. Don't forget to like us on Facebook and join our email list by emailing [email protected]! TREASURE STEWARDSHIP Monday 9:00 am Tuesday 5:30 pm Is 1:10-17/Ps 50:8-9,16bc-17,21&23/ Mt 10:34-11:1 The Hedspeth Family Is 7:1-9/Ps 48:2-3a,3b-4,5-6,7-8/Mt 11:20-24 Wayne Reynolds † Wednesday Is 10:5-7,13b-16/Ps 94:5-6,7-8,9-10,14-15/ Mt 11:25-27 9:00 am Elmer & Marie Duff † Thursday 5:30 pm Friday 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am 4:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm Is 26:7-9,12,16-19/Ps 102:13-14ab&15,1618,19-21/Mt 11:28-30 George Walter Thompson Is 38:1-6,21-22,7-8/Is 38:10,11,12abcd,16/ Mt 12:1-8 Margaret Lee † Mic 2:1-5/Ps 10:1-2,3-4,7-8,14/Mt 12:14-21 For the sick of our parish Gn 18:1-10a/Ps 15:2-3,3-4,5/Col 1:24-28/ Lk 10:38-42 IHM Parishioners Gn 18:1-10a/Ps 15:2-3,3-4,5/Col 1:24-28/ Lk 10:38-42 Michael Schachterle Rose Adams IHM Parishioners BULLETIN GUIDELINES Please email your submission to [email protected] by Wednesday at 10:00 am prior to the Sunday of publication. All entries are subject to editing. ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to donate the Altar Flowers or Sanctuary Candles in memory or for special intentions of a loved one, please call the Parish Office or email at [email protected]. MASS WITH ASL INTERPRETATION FOR THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING Masses are at 5:00 pm at St. Aloysius Church in Leonardtown on the fourth Saturday of every month. LAST CHANCE MASS The last-chance 7:30 pm Mass at St. Mary's College is no longer available. It moves to IHM for the summer beginning June 5. SPECIAL CONCELEBRATED MASS AND HEALING SERVICE The monthly Mass with Eucharistic adoration and healing prayers will resume in September. For more info, please contact Catherine Schwartz at [email protected]. COULD YOU NOT KEEP WATCH FOR ONE HOUR? (Mk 14:37) “In the spiritual life we come upon certain artificial roads and crossroads which we are free to follow for some time and abandon later on. But our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is the unchanging way to holiness.” - St. Peter Julian Eymard. Contact the Parish Office to commit to your hour of Eucharistic Adoration. FY July 2015June 2016 Offertory July 3 Building Fund Envelopes On-line Giving $9,306.76 $3,368.00 $2,320.00 $50.00 Weekly Budget $12,442.31 $903.45 Collected YTD $12,674.76 $2,370.00 Budget YTD $12,442.31 $903.45 Thank you for faithfully sharing a portion of the gifts God has given to you! GOOD NEWS Happy Birthday to Eileen Waters & Ida Delmoro on July 9th! PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND THAT THEY MAY BE RESTORED TO FULL HEALTH Ron Sableski, Lucy Taylor, Beverline Mason, Phillis Mason, Mary Leigh Raley, Chris Wilson, Kerry Staats, Emily Triszczuk, Armond Proctor, Gary Davenport, Eileen Waters, Alice Pollock, Jerry Humphrey, Jim Trent, Estelle Thompson, Jeannie Judge, Peter Strang OUR MILITARY DEPLOYED OVERSEAS Air Force Major Edward J. Stapanon, III Sean Daigneau, USMC. Please note: names will remain on these lists for two months, unless otherwise notified. To keep a name on the list, please resubmit by contacting [email protected], or call the Parish Office. PAPAL AND PARISH INTENTIONS FOR JULY That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect. That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. That our parish may experience a renewed desire for unity and mission to evangelize. That our families and friends, remaining always in the presence of God, may be rejuvenated in this time of vacation. SHOPPING ON AMAZON? Be sure to go through our website ihmmrcc.org or amazon.ihmrcc.org for all your Amazon purchases. We receive a 6% referral fee at no additional cost to you. 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