06/28/1884 - Atlantic County Library System
06/28/1884 - Atlantic County Library System
¯ ". 7. 0 .... ¯ +~ ’ * . +: ¯ ., t ,, v :!, + Wm. Bernshouse, ’ Fromthe Capital. Camden &Atlantic Railrm WaSntNOTO~,D¯ 0., Juno Congressis as to an early adjournment,but this involves a dozenquestidnesof Stupor,ands.’ Aa ear!y adjournment meansnobaukruptcy law, no elect0vial countlaw*no.cries modifyingthe.~aternal ~venuelaw, and manyotber~ea~uresof interest tosomo country. Late udj0ummeut ,means th0 pmmage of at least someOf thc~.. " It i8 a haxd~Sa~iug~,,bhta true one ~e~ms..~l.O-5 ¯ ~Cranberryand :Peach If In the still green forest There wast~’t a wild song-b~.rd; If robin and thrash and wren Nobody ever heard;__ foralmplouse, Nothing for beauty or Joy-’--0h~how W~ry’;@ei:8"li?e- )dingo, ~OddSizes of Erult Crates ~d~-~--d~.. Commission Me/chants in ~;0 But their coot green palaces Are for the wild birds’ song~. trains leave both farrhm at 8 Tako to tby heart tho les~on, am, S;O0,5,’00 end 11;30 ~1" ann,end Randallof "Penn gressmen also ~ ,-Slocum~and-a longlist of0thers, had chances. In a few years d + I ; Lh;f~0.pm._Sun,$;$e pro. ]From Vine St. and 6haekemaxon ferries, 10;0O am. week.days. +from-Vine-&-Sh l~k &md|Xon HO+~D" ’---- ¯ ~ . Out Amongthe Neighbors. I ~’~d’~ BUy I ~ can fit, Bre ad and Cakes can ...... "° get StockweU’s, bargains +~I~.- ton Bakery. . .’tllat isa fact) that you can tell be~t~an-c~~eeicg you put-th-em~dSiv~before your &mi]y,~aying,,"There is somethingworth sailing strawberries." TheyWornall" of that. " Youcan tell, also, abnut "but’pus" someoilier tilde. I hope to say space:thing on that sub:~ct, but not nnw. , Call and Look at them. P. S, Triton + FruitsandConfections InstrumentalM usio______’= x.~. Itammonton, : N.J. g~ve inslruettou to lm|~il.~, e|lher at h~ Wm. D. PACKER. Willresidence, on Cet:tral AwmJc~or at the= . ., D~ --’.B ~, lq’A.~wrOSSi’TON, : : N, J’. youall I sawin the newstrawberry ; but I mhst tell you now , about:theso~i~etld~Ig in Mtapo of a cul~irater Of" Mr’..Brown’s own make (no Store, ’ ATLAHTic CITY,IL J+~~ Of ~el,e~ue 3/tlorton ¯ Ladies’andChildren’s~lerino "Vest~" NOTARYI~UBLIC~, )s, Wool,:nITos[cryrGloyes,La- ~,~D ’ ts. ¯ COi~I~ISSI~NER OF DEEDS,’ : -- DI~ESS GOODS. II ~[goldra ehanco is offered, thm !~’~.vaote,l forThs Ltv*m~’,f antim .~kl’r,,,Ide.ts of th,. U.S. Tho crying.witht,aiu ot cfftting teeth? If s~, send at. once and get a bottle of CASH. it will be wheuAmerican"qivilization sufficiently cooled to retam form the them. generality of mankind,ineludmglaw- aro~.nd with hammersand crack the. lUh’ht~-~ in the mass, having Prom.its’weigh~settled to the bottom, witl ruu out, and is thus saved¯ Tlic remainderis waste matter’. Of the lab several rods.in length and breadth+ its ........ ~--+~ : ,i as desp~.itories or-ill " " -~-mat~e~ug~tttAi~gsas thdy extremity being ~tbout thirty feet higher are1, this preiq,eet seemedsofa, r awayin tl~au ti~e l~o’ttomo-fthe m~:inTin-~’/’tch- ~ ~V-Hammonton, N..7 = -the-dim-future-that-it-was-like-a-dream -the ~aaterial-has+been of the mill,slum__ this we noticed several ~mokingpiles of . ’+°’ ’+’: +=.o+++.+. BIT’~ coal it, ..Son+ a~ Leadville. £L is one of the ma’m processis for £esdlphudzing (,re contains sulplmr, wh:ch hnstobe attractions o!thecity,:and doeshonor B read YO~ and Cakes Pies, Itlls, Buns, ~tactton, as ,,’ell asa muuumeut I~ mn+n,n +,od.,,re,,, ,o, ,,o,,.,. ~k ............. the Darting addecl Steam Power and o~her sonit is the homeof roans: millionaires-- ¯lso a’twhugepiles ot’ era sired ore, ltlttree ualitics mixed ’csAtlckin~e,and ’bouarm.~ kia[ .which havespent .l.argo sumsinorready tobemlxcd, I)1’eparat0ry donllkinds ofL’aundry w,,rk iaa :stlsf, et~ry after having buikling fine resides,,said bcautii)’in~ smeltin,z. Difibrdnt ores. or otx, s bearmasher. R,.te= raasooablo. of the Tonic, a s~ngle dose o f BUT~’S with the NATHAN~.LLI~, ~TABL~’AM1LY~-Wt~T b o~mf--Molest. helping to makethe city ~t centre ot precioushie[Iris, ns iroll, copper,l~ad, ltellevue ~ve,, llammonton. BUL~’S 9A~A]?ARIZ~A lathn ,+Id au~ attix~ion to peopl.e fromall quarters, etc., mus[~be thus mixed:is a m41ans of z~llable remedy for impurities of the blood ms4 Scrofulous affoofionn--tho King ot There are manyelegant reBidenceshere¢setting free the prcci:ulsmctahin Llle ~:]t:]~ MloodPurifiers.. . DR+;OHI~BUT~S ~EO~M~.~ WOR~ beside ehurchcsaud other puhlic ~Juild- pr(a~ss (,fsmcltiug. q’hcl’~ is someiaw CONTRACTORS.AND :II~I+ROYE~ is pr0parsdia the formof itlgs, ¯ someof whichwoulddo credit to of chemicalaction iuv,lved here, wh!ch FRUIT.. A:jK.~ G~S, Laws.n Hamm0nton, N:J. BiRS. WI NSl;()W ’S S00TIIINGSYRUI’ FOR ~[d’~tH$ iLP= an! r,e,.Iv, free,’a o,tly lmx. ,,v~ t,,tl, y,.u tqans, 8peciAcatirn~,aim ’Eatitnat~ ~JI’I1LDREN Tl,~E’rilINO. lts Valueis iu:~t~-a,-&t&g,l&sl~ff,;::il:~/iildi’ tO mornO.)t ey rJgllt 0W,tythan city xl~ g elet~ Ja th Calculltble.:1L.will relievethe poorlittle woth. A , ofoither wx, sucoeott Ira. llr~t o, r furnished. ~atibfa(.tton guaranteed.. br,,,d n)a~ to f, rtuno<,peu~b~f,)ra, tb,, worker~. sufferer immediately. Dependupon it ~11o ¯ at,olnt*ly *ere. "Atonceaddrt~ Teez & (Ju, Augur, Ordors ldt at Elan Stockwet ther~ iB no mistakeabout it. ta.l(-~.e : .;’ . . " .... ++ ¯ + + ..... promptntte outflll,etfr~ Iolho#o wll, wi,h 16rltg-a~ ’ ’ ltlon. ’ r~ lates the ~,cur41s ~ ~ SS IO the mo, t dra*an{,ml pl’t~filalp~e buMoe~ " " ~-----~ colic, soltvns the.gums,reducesinflam- ||~ known.1.:v.eythhJg t,.W. CapltM not re’ a "r~ ’]~d~’~’lTvnn . --. mation, and_gi~e ¯ud energyto ~k’+~r"t ~* ~.Pe ~1%d.~ J2 ~.VI.d~.JL] tr .lit" ]! qoln~l. W~will f, rni~ho you everything. ¯ |i| | |. ~10 a d~y and upward, Is e~tlty ~ ade without __ ¯ " .~ the wh01c--system. Mrs. Wi-slow’s ~ll~ staviegawayfrotah~l~eorer night. 1Norhtk A4~t.~ltp~.q.a at ~t’~4~ * /~.m.’: -o £ ~ attmet~vo to the tdSht au~+ fred Peach ~OddSizes <ff Fralt Crates mad~to order. D&R=Sv.-Z~N:C-’LE S= Specialty,- odd ’.~i:’,c.~ cut. to order. bYwkich thiseombimLtior~ the latter are the Cou~t IIouse, tLmTa- under.,hlutl, I, DR, JaX"~N 3SIULL’~ ]Oak and l’il:e Wood tbr Sale, ’ borGrand Opera Hous0,a~dthe ch.urch I ofdifferent metals act~ when filscd to- ¯ . HammSnton, [ . ’ . . . Ig. J. ~Mt~H’$TONI~SYRUP, en~ and @lit if(lc.¢ired. gother Lo rcic:tse tilept’ccums ine+++,+lt fr,na o:cupied by the First.Baptlst Society. -, BULL’S SARSAPAI~tU.A,, it~ 010s0 ’union witi~ bast.r inatcrial. andharmony ofproportions, BULL’SWt}~UDESTROY£B,In beauty t[’/’i Ahinge (~t’:tml I’hle. p.ttd (~tE Plans,Spe~i.q,’ations,a’ad]’:st Cuttings. fbrquanLily ~umn,..r kindling, th0 Court ~otme is unsurpassed. Its Limestone is ale0 put into the furnaces .T~o Pn~ulnr Remodlou of $4~o Ony. ) 1’ $2.5(} pr cord. CEDAIt t’LCXFTS ma’5~f rn’steL1~ Iu lu tti~ ’ " areample, containing several fivoanda-halfl~et long, forchickon ¯ [ with the ore as a necessary agent in the I~t~tl 0mcv, e ~tM~i a~t,, ~q~i~Vtt&Es t~ grounds " " ta~m. ~lm~tact 3ard fence. JOBBIS{G lax~ptlr atteAddsto, , f0tlataLuv~ whi~-~ro ornamentedwith ~m~lUng %. "~.~1 ,t ! , :- ........ t ~t + - L/ ¯ ’ -- . : ,’ ..... , / / .. q ¯ ,( . k*~.~ ~’:" +"" "~+:~+ , " +"" ~d’ "+~@ -- ’I ":11+= I-- ’ - ? fm &i~lov.lt mad tWieOollr [email protected] I~,,qcst selll,,g bookl,i Amertc+.Immensol,n,lJlsto t~g¢ot,. All]ntb)l!gt.tlt " __L.... ht smaller donee for awoek or:tW0 after "" --~l’~door. Tb~e who alwaya tak, ehaort~ JLUl making m~ueythat are offrred.i orally becomewealthy, whJlc tl wbe do lot improve¯wens% such chsnc~ rcmslnta ~ovcrty. We WlOt l~IOy men. 10oyl ned #rlm to WO:k SoothingSyrupfor ChildrenTeethingin for aa Hght io their ownIo~mlJtlw._Th. imtln~ will pleasant to th~ taste, and is thepmscrip-coos. Ma~y,ar~ mlkfag fortun~ at sh. htudom~J. ’~’...t-in ~’nh---!~ mere than teu Um~ordluary wsge~. ,Ye Iorolsh "~* " ry "’" ~’’: L~ll~ make aq much Um,., ~,d yo S ~ ~’ ~ ’1~ ¯ , . ~ an ezl~lvo euUlt and all that you need, free. Ne tips of one of tile oldest andbwtfemale ~trl~ m*l~eereat I~Y.. NOone whois willing to vark { t.~ommi~lone~ ni l~e,,ds. ~lln~,~w~m ’ oae who ~mgegml~lls to make mosey very rsl~dly nurseg audphysicigsm ¯ t’~.+ a’~^~t., t " -’--v’’’7" ¯ fall, to make¯more money overt day th*, CSU l~ e~de in the U. S. You~a d¢~o$#your whole time to the work,or only . . W*.NUAU ~.,ummUSaSl ol~er. In a w~k at any ordimw/emp[oym~t.Throe wha ml. y~arapure mem~mbl,--~Mtiloformsflen 8ndau Umt is for sale byall druggists ugegeateool wJ’l ", l~ortrm~tofollillllk dao rata. Wa|l:" ’ a.’l..,~,a4~ ,,~+--. ,l,P w the world, ~:ice 25 ct~. IL I141~+I~ Ii t~o,, Porlllm4IilI1~1, . w,,41 ~ . mm~,+}v~j,t,#j INd Mldnc. L &~jl,.~ "L for Wm. D. P&OKER. and in the mining couatry. ThercarelCharl°tt°Th°mps°uwa?phtyiugattim ] C O~t" ~ t O~ZR O~ ~SS~ S ’ ma~’,"wl ~o_alh~:_trying.life in_ Lh¢] sametime that .Mrs. Lan.try wasat the and other papers executed In a neat, e~refo+l mountains,iu the minesoron the plains, t 01Tom It+use. - T[ien. thole WerelecF- -Doda~,mnrtgages,~.greemeul".BlUsofSnle, asadeorrectman~er. gravitate to the city hopinfl to find a tures and concerts, the julibee singers, Wm. Bernsh0use, I Humans,on. 1V. J. S~~Tomc S~l+ ----morepayinghusiness,~elife is easier walkiugm:ttchtm,~t.c:Tetc_; so tat,re ts ~ abd pleases,or. .... The City iB crowdedno lack of amusement to gratify ~:; the1 |,, ’~’ FOR TiME CURE OF L.W. COt LEY, with restaurants and private boarding people. stay in the citywevisited ~l~-Nets,Dusters, H0ods,etc.[Of3:2)’eats’ Experieuce.] houses, wtfieh are greatly injuring ti~During,mr . tT~.]~MONTON, N. J. ofthehotels. Route arevcry th0Grantswelter¯ Mr.Grant formerly , Or CHILLS;and F£¥ER, business high,’aad itisanalm0st universal ,us:~arricd outhesmelting business ’atEverything itifltat linekeptforsale Steam Sawa~dPlaningMill ...... : ~:_ ItD ALL-:. MALAIRIAk DI$~ASt:$. t0~with-r~nters ofhouses to letrooms, l~advill~, buta yearor two+agohieincLudiu~ Trunks, Valises, etc. andthushelppay cxponses. On nearly workstherehumiddown,afterwhichSati~fitdtio’n ~Iveuin newworkor aey kind of repah’ing. dao+estly dalms nl~norl.~, over the sign-he commenced business in Denver. .mrem,~lee ewrforcan it te~¯ to tee puouo mr every other lmuse one sccs the I&Y~ 8FEEDT ~ PE~ "Furnished roomsto let. --% ~ks there Here we witnessed tile process of ex aremany transient residelits-in thecity_ +tr;tcting the~i[ver.bullioni~:t,ln -th’~~,r~. " aLdScroll-work. the s at all time%itis quite a payiug.busincss.Tile buildingis locatedou a side1 hill, ~I~5-~;P ,~r ktm testimony to Very many live in rdnted rooms aud so tliat the upper liner op41ns npon the Window-Glass~ t m that tu no ease ~to t~th of lq’A:M~ON~ON,: : N.J’. take their meals at rcstuarants. There ground on ono side, and od tbt~ other wlmtever will it~Ml to ,suxo if the direoOddsizes cut to order.. Mural m strictly followed’ m}d ~rt:led out. is hero a htrgo class of people which re- the lower floor. Oa the upper floor is a Office Days, -- Wednesday Thursday,Lime,CEIlleIIP s lad lit ¯ ~_at msuy sues a .mnste aOle a~. presents +the wealth and imterpriso’ of row’o!furnaces, al)out a dozenin nun- Frid’w, and Saturdayof each̄ wcdl~. ken iuflisieht for a" oat, e, dmd whole mint-" Calcined Plaster.+. have be,n Shred by a sin ~le bottle, wi~ ~lte city and state, and which places bcr. The~extend through tt~ the lower a IMrfeot ~dtoration of~e L~. ersl heum. fl~or, So, tlfc ore put in ttt~)ve comes <at iDenverin the front rankof cities lu the ~TEAl~X It ill, however, Fmaenh¯ emd~m. evm~. ea~. Manuf.~c:t nrcr o{~ melted and separated, the metal . more nertain to cure, if its tm ¯ IS eontmuen matt41r of woMth and all the elegance b411ow e~ ’ entle Aroyoudist,Lrbedat night*andbrokeni : .... :I--¯II:+ I--:d Lumbe-r-"Yard. St; HASvI~I()N’~O~T. -WinterGoods. Deeds. X[ortgage~:. AgrermenIs, Bills of Sale, ¯ ~VlC~ T can fit, can get .......... bargains -r FEVERt nd ACUE Ol~ce Days,--:Wednesday Thursday, paten~ ouitS.StIs. a goodtiring--me’yes and otherpaper,executedin a neat,.carefUl’ Also a large supplyof ’ 0or~eet m,n~or. . . :Friday,’ andSaturday ofeachweek. theground thoroug]ily, andleaves itin and ¯’ Christmas Goods and Chri~fe Hammonton. 1% J. its place smoothaa "before... Go and atAogusfn, bis bomc. Best. large.t, harldsome.~t eh£~pcal.. -By lho renownediIlistcrtan and bl we|l who~,) life 61 Car,held out~o d tweut -bo~k-ever=p ngent~ ere ~;61]tng fifty dally. msklcg fortunem +AJI ilew beginners nucc~,,~ful.Orand chay~cofor them. .Termsliberal. /’articular., fret,; Semi23. cents for pnstngeo etc.. on free outfit, new ready, |neludlng [argo prospectus book¯ and save valuable lin, e. ALLE~q& CO, AUgUStOMai~ e. 2tJ~=_whom---we C0NTRA0 0P &BUILDER ¯ put,i!’s rraidc~ee¯. , havebeen+ Piaem~d:Oak Wb0dfor Sale by -travel. Tl~osebeautiful eherries-Ll callReferences: _Policy holder, iz~ the dltla~tie Sgty the cord, at the mill. i themposics~ibr art in bc~luet.makiug is /lres. nowhere, in comparison. ,Richmonds" ,Wm BEItNSHOUSE. " __--go andsee-them-von~alf,-If-=you"wisl~ , ’~L. ~, S~XrJ~]~ ! a choice treat. Space is tot)short to ’ pl:lutation ¯ .¢.. DR,f0HN BULL’S of the aroundhisplace; The sight oul3: would..... SHIDLE, ;tel, .... = ". I To t,,+ m~+,+,r o~ +,,p +o,+,,+p+++, ~l,+~++~.: + auditoriumand stage ard gorgeous-"~_E~:c~k0ue inColorado wants toILves~iid byehose whoknowtobethefinest Established 1t~42. in Denver,,’--wae a remarkI hear’d the in the country. Patti, itis ~aid, pro"Old Reliable". Hammon1{.Cummi.s~.n W,Woodruff & Co., other day: Taken with a hundred nounced it the most elegaut room in Merehan*s in tonBakery. which she had eversung, which is surely "grains of allowancc,"this expression it a very lfigh compliment. -’k :FRUIT,VEGETABLES embodies a sentim0nt quite commonpaying " POULvRXI,Eto., P,~trouize homeiudustry,and eucourag~ of the buihliugis rentedto tllt~ outside of as wcll as within Colorado. purtton homeenterprise. By so doing you U.S. Governniet~for a Post Ol~ce. Wc 4~ ,t 44"Fulton Pier &43 Merchants R"wo +¢,’~Sl\¥uehingtun" Market,~’~W ~ork~ Leave vour oM,r a~ the Re- There are multitudes iu every couutry attendedthe theatre twice here, onceto for whom eity life nd thus dcserve your patronage. p,, prayedby t,y ~ ~. r.. l,zrrz.. 5t D..who says attraction, its pleasuresandexcitementsa NewYork company,aud next to sop of ,hi. fir,,: ",,r,,’~u,o t,, ,h~, "I .~t|ling (!~’;u’d~, moretothemthanmeataudd pref~rr, oetoavyo,t,cr l,,.u=c Which-most pt:ot,le-prcfer , madefresh " Langtry in "The Young Wife’s ~II~~:-~., Thusit happensthat. Denverhas. its t cv~r) day. fnil+ slmreof an unflxrifty attd shifting 7P~t:il-" A v~wofthe room V(e:[d]ll~ (ar IS, the tint fcesco paiutin,~ and othdr pr~ts¯_a.I:,d- Qn_m~ec_tions ]nv~a~.itm Cards. populatiol!, at all seasons, manybeing with of the wildaud dangerous_sort o{ char_-, ornamentation L GARDNER:-& SHINS:TOiLlll ~EOROE R, ~al-West. ’ T~s~ :o ~lose out at greatly_ reduced prices. - -,,0orowere, ked ’lacos tohimwiLod++igo++iLosa++; _. f+rn ro~ting hetum prepare----d ++-~P~m-m+x~t\-~t_m+t:+,:-= ~0.IV : ?IttH on its Bid~s, the "-wholelength of the :M~cnwith long handledladles wereat roomars oil paintings’ofhistoric ~cenes,eachfurnace-dipping. +it out i~om-£h~ese )ouringiti~ t-each-othe÷i-framed-in-pauets paintedIn fresco,¯ Theeffect is superb.These’pigs’ of bullion are of a size to b~ alphas’hoursof attendanceat the scssionwconvenientlyhnndlcd,and are laid iu of~Courtip~ this roomset meto moral- piles ready fro: removalto wherethe izin_~ iu this wis,, : If women wer’~the furtimr processis conductedof separat- . ouly attendants iu this graudtempleof ing-the silver ftx)m the lead. The reelJustice, the signs of the "weed"would ten slag is run out into large round not Li~ so CVClywhere apparent. What iron kettles, abouttwofcct acros~atthe a difl’crent asp41ctwouldbe prcs~ptcdby top audtaperingnearly to a point at the ehrpe.ts, the floors of the hallsand bottom. These are hung between Corridors, andthe stairs, throughout wheels, and whenfilled.are wheeled Busily totl in the wheat.held, mingled ore and wood, covered with a But gather thepopples, too. Tho Opera Houso is xiamcd for exlayer-0f-dirtvresemb!ing burning - r.aUe_~. Burr._. Governor Tabor, wlm built it out of the Letter _5__Pmlt~m~,~mmer will benefitme; audpg, id by the sight of whatI:lammonton san do in ~ud eucourage berrygrowing. ¯ home’enterprise, so doingyou I haveheard̄ somecroakingaboutthc but --L--Hammonton, N. ft. ing is believing, andI haveseen for Bal~er’s IAquidYeast myself. I alnnotgoing .totalkaboutWhich most people prefer’ made fresh Mt~s M, Le Lltel those fine strawberriea whichI noticed Dr, ..... of on To+ m,t+,[,,+a... P cke ,’s -I~- " Junta as the blrdk wbeu bulldlug: --Us t 0- t h~e i i"l Rb~r-c h iin t: The stress ofthy daily labor XT pr]ce~. : ~I~----~eujoy~l -~how i~muck myvisit..~F i I ~ ~ --: -:E~-~ ~ thought I could not spare the time; but BakedFresh EveryDay,. ¯ A WORDTO THE WISE.--Now I amwell. pleahedthat I did, havingan axe of myownto grind. But aside from that warmweather’is for it in the shape that, I wasrichly paid. Paid iu making, and be comfortable. Animmenseing acqnaintancewith myneighbors; "Old Reliable" Haremonassortmentof Summer Goodsat paid withthe-manythings I saw that - I ~ soeingme¯tMr, Z.U. Matt tWs’]~s e ¯ ’WOOD +++° +k °° q ..... a~Y reduced +o.-,-..+. YOUR , in NewYork,_ idea oflooking to~Vashingtou for polite’he Imople will go,over the~)Id-fashioned W.N.BANNARD,fsrrlss’ 3;00 am., 12;30 m,ae~dj. R.W00D4"~0 pro. ..... }I B quarries of the mounlaius,aud embol-woigh~dbefore it is put into the furnace lished with pillars andfine cornices,and withits due proportionof ore. )osmg Justice, as ~ver, blindfoldedand bea~i~gby the gaasesarizing fromthe seething her sealc_s.._T_hointerior is finely flu. metal, thoughthe room~as entirely ishbd,--The-District-Court-roomis~ open ou±vcryside./._.Here-the- furnaces modelof elegauce. The walls+andc41il= were pouring out the melted metal" ing are beautiinlly frescoed~aud adornedcombinedwithsilver and lead--separatwith thefinest paintings.. In the ceuter ed fromthe.’co.arser material or slag, -. --]~latlynn-innoeentJoy ............. of every other profession aud occupaBright in thy pathway Sloe., ,ion, shall knowtim use. of spitto~us Stilllottbydallylabor l~eauty and pleasure greet, usa before their faces iu ....... Just as tbe+tdle poppy place.s, audrealize that the car Brightens the fleldd of wheal Dil~i from. ¯the ¯ o I1;R0 pro. ’ Alway.~m morning glories " Cl|~gto thecottonplaut. ~Vbl/e over tho snowy harvc~t’Thrushes and black-bir~ chant~ The strength of the toreat trcea s the Cr/iic’~of+thiscity, last evening,I s;eo, n am,~d l=;se oaou,4;so, e;00pro., llnd not leas than five democratic states- Sundays, 8;00sin, 4;00"pro.Fromfoot of Market St, on week-days, 11;30 pro. ’ ’ mennamed as sure ofthehonor. The~c~or Hammonton from Vine and Shsekamaxon ’~ " ~ ’] But nature tektites us’ever A lesson that’s far more sweet. See how tho~rlmsoa’ poppies Follow the golden wheat I ~Vltcgt for the bread of the world, _ Popples forbeautyalone;:y .... :~. ~,Vl)eat and poppies together In every age aud zone, . o ............. Umbr’l]as NO1 ICE. next Democraticcandidatefor the ~ Two fiat-classtwo.home the presidency, buttheywould be ¯hie to tell wagons forsale. __W_lt~ n ca) Lease_s t_a!t_o~k OF week,andthat w¯~lately thoughttom 0amden &Atlantic Railroad FRUIT, VEGETABLES sure of passage.. + 0n a~d after Feb.28tb, 1884. CEDAR SHINGLES ¯ :POULTRY. :Etc.. I thinkI havealludedbefore to the Trains will leave aa’follows for ATLANTIC,-Vine and Shaekamaxen St Fetriea,--Ex4| £ 44 l~ItoePier & 43 MorehenUt Itow, A Speci~Ry,-oddsizes.~t to order; fastthat so long asCongr¢~mmen remain From - press on week-days, 3,30 p.m. Parlor Ca~s ¯ West Washington Mn~ket, New YOre8: on_Saturdays ..... "" -~d|~plfi~Curda aud Blauks, aud information " " OakandPineWoodforsale, inWashington theya_bletokcepbutilly Aeeommodaflon Train will leave above ferrteq aatop01Rical-affair8 throughout furnished by W~¯ B. Po’rrus, M.D., who layg ¯ Cut~.nd Splitifdo~icod. .... posted week days tt $,00 9m and 4.30 ~m. and Sun- -{ff-t~k-fltm:-~’ LsblpralVmyl~rudn~ to them, of Pine and .Codas the country. I don’t la prsf~roa~ to uy oth,r house in NowYork. ’ tings, ~-d~/i~h~t gathers ata country stemof ~oCAL TRA~ pr cord¯ a summerevening,’ " m any northern For Haddonfleld from Vine and f, bseksmaxon auda-hal£feetlong, for chicken’ State, san tell moreaccurately ~.han a ferries, 7:00.8:00. 10:00 and 11.0~ am., 1250 yard fence. " m., ~.00, 4:30, &OS,~:30p.m. ’ -these-differenl How. woutd it seem, I wonder, If the’meadows near and far Iliad never a buttercup, --:u severn asystarNever a sweat wild violet And never a primrose gag; Only the gr~sses needful. ,--::-Formakitlg the useful bay ?. / -- ¯ 8TATIONS. At~Ae,l,Mail 10~ :’5 10 1~ S If the passage "-e+3~ ofappropH~tibn~ills~ -~v-e~the Mexi--Atlsntt*-Ctty+...-~-.!--e4o +lOLq!--’6-1~ -lO-~J i~l .+ ¯~ -m -?T- S ~1 t2 26 DsOmtL ......... __ ...... ? U~21I@rS9 Exp |tl~. ~n.~e, I 72’21 116 -Oedar]~m~k ............... 4 ~Ol S ~} $ 80 +800 40~ Wlllkss~towaJeacUol~....I S~M public businessandanotheris watchingPhlhdelphi~........ .... .¯,...’,.1 s~s; 2 SO n1141 ................ : e4ol 810 340 8 12 4 IC 0akhml..,. the candidatethat’is andthe candidateOamden Osmden......... , ......~ "8 10 ~ 40 II P~’nna. R~RJunct!n ¯ ..... a ,,~ e bet 11, ~ ~ " ¯ ss~ 4 S~ ;._e_SL _ ~Hsddoneeld. ........ l, kihdol~t, la .......... that is to be. It is unfortuuatethatthcBetlla.:,..i;’.-;i~;,;. ~a-lSi~n~1 ---~ r’ -4s5~o:Ji~.’rhe.Expreas l~ve~ foot of ~l¯ut St, -¯-8-r~0oi AlGa ........ ;,; ........ 5251 8~ ~ e at 4:00 P. Me¯reaenesz-is.re, mort. S 331 9 0~ ’K~ 9 1( 5 1! rmmpelpnM, Wot*rford ............. ton &t ~.~, PleatatttvJlle eL 5:4?, AUantlo Cliff ................ 911 ..~, 6 ~ at e;:: Going up, leaves Atlantic at 7",,10 &,Md ¯ affair, occursat the timeof the Conven-Wlnslo t~ Ies 9 992~21 ti0ns, whichare purelyparty:allkirs. Hsmmoetoa :’~ ~ Plemmntvllle at 7:44, Etw~od 8:13, H~mmmo Da~ta............... 5 53 9 ~ ";.;, ton 8.’28. ima~huphlladelvhta at 9:30¯ S Ol’ 9 $~ 9 4~ 15 4! Theprobabilitynowis thatlitfle will be ~lwe<~....... ~ Berry PeW Yeaz~. Five Cents per Copy. +--+-+.,, June28, t884, Tel. XXILNo. 26. C~l¢ined Ph~ter. amto someextent .demoralizingCon- °FRUIT PACKA GES ¯. ~ r + ~eb, 9th~ 18~4. / "’ ManufaeS~rer of K ... .r ..... .-.-- - . , ’ : ,+ ¯ ’¢¯. + ¯i’... . . . . :* : "" . _ ¯4 . ............ _..J_ q ................... +~ " ...... ¯ pEABODY HOTEL, ForS le.: i Philadelphia. " + It l+.bu+.. at "a +,oI:fort 0 Fo=mof+utyoCWeda.day Auexcursion party frt,n Atlantic I"Ie ]k)er :, Ninth Streol, nne SATUROAY#J~’28, 1884,, Park on Friday next, ffnly 4th, ~ District.Attorney W¯ H. Jenklns~ thenewPoet.O~co, , .... quality wanted..~,era~,o,,,paynu,,,d~d to. l havea very fi~A.RM, wii ~( Is nowbeingentirely remodeledienlsrsed and, ~ to which .the publle gencrally is iuvlsed, of Camden,on Wednesday c~u~edJust!co . ¯ ’~’.~.M:,’40’51TO~, ATr.&NTrO Oo.,:N’.’1"aud’~t~’ChalrSrenovoted.reeeated’ ¯rid l~orsiturerewired bniidings, Will be founda GeneralLine of goodsto suit all pshties, al; Casstdyto issue a warrantfJr the arrest inculnpleto shapc, for .sale’or POST.OFFICES,"~" an~’It. R. DEE,:~OTS.~.refarnished,eo ss tol~ouseofthemost ~’+’i Following Is the programme: convenient, end ~dce hotels in ¯ exehm|ge _the lowest cash prices. Brass ~ai! ~Tprk kept .... 8tl0Paa EggHarbor IlnkJ, nexttoAhk,.n’~ will forHammonton . . I~ro)erty I ¯ iu t h o CE~NTREof the Town of IIam- It heavebe.r, endis Itrlotly a -~embersof+the G..A, R. will meet at of Alfred Glenn, the conductor, in conse8A.TURDA.Y. JUNE 28, 168.1. Cur,lags ].~otory, Hammonton. Theplace is near BassRiver...... ........ ~otico to all wanting coal. Theunder ’ monton¯ .v~hero,lndle" andgentlemen can +to furniskthebesl -Peat headquarters at nine o’olo0k z. ~.~ quence oi the verdict of, the coroner’s on hand or made to order Oustom~q~ork ancl +¯’ Price. Icea~0~iabie~Tei~ms ~’.agy: ~v+ryp~oko~+. jury, in ~hich it.is held that Glennis in gu¯ran l Pot! by a ;+ ............ ~ ’ ......... h0me;.a~’ly’t . _ he~rp of ;+ i~ .~. ..... " " ~worn"~Itldavtt-of --.J- havo.a f~w.~illage home.s~,d ..... Call on addressr CO~,st shortnotiee,dlreo~ from the mines Band. part responsible for the accident. Mr. J ............ Repmcmg done, as usual .... ’ fmms_ ’ or Ja~.atatzton|o;tl, ’ ~vrter, V. M. placed in my ],ands for URic, on the A.Ji SII|Tll. N. J° co’nve~lcnt -to MI paces .o~_ sdm ...................... .~:-:...... ’ ........... -. ...-- ..... ..................... " ..... in+e~,i:.l~a~-Icite;--at=-the-!owest/’possible hessantismashes. Conducted re. Flagraising atteno’clock, andmusic ~leiiii bein~~itill tooiih~e]l t~btmoved, ____~L.=.~+ American nod EuropeenPlan, co Ihattecl~ most reasonable tern|s. Jolt~ SCm~Lm, P.O. Box 2991 prices.. ¯ a.guanl wa~ placed over him until he Is For’President of theUnlted States, by,he Band (Star Spangled Banner). can be engaged with or without board, rl~#eg. Coal Dealer, Hammonton. ])11’:.’8¯ AgentsOnly. " "~V~ ~’~rT~’[’~" well enough to be taken to Camden. fromfi’ty centsto threedollars per day. , At t.$t.t~.t.J ~~ (’~! "[’} L3~ Called to order tn Park Hall. W. Simpler, %Vim,......... JAMES G. BLAINE. .~-Clergymen receivedat.half rites. Iasurn with Rul~herford. StrongPrayer. ............... W.pAINS,M. D., Owaw. Council meetingthis evening. ~Iprd’IIamm°n1"°n’ IS SELLI2~G eat companieson--earth:+Lowestrates.+ ....................... Slnglng by (~olr. IIatfflndnth~ N.J. " ......................... ~+1~" Spend the Fourth at-the.Lak~ :No+sinuousdealiu~ and no--black,mail-_:~ntoa-H]fll;. ~. ~ Wtll Burg~ss has another daughter Oration by Roy.Mr.Wapples, of Wins-Insurance placed onlyin thevet ...................... u’- .............. to be proud of,--born last Monday. companies--your ownchoice¯ Tlekets to low. i ~" There" are 142 dogs 6n the tlamand fromnit the principal ports of Eurppe Speaking is also expected of others, Mr. F. I~ Simpson and family nl(,nto{l asse.~soi’~’li~t, for this year. If :7/¯ ’ --first class, secondclass, intermediate, ¯ will leave for ILm~asIn a few weeks. .on!ytho.even_t ~vo~w,re .let .t-._-_ the.balaucs +_Musio(H_..ailCol_umb~). 3ira. EL~mStockwell is expecting After this’it Is expected that ove~Tone and kt~hi%~E$13 wTlI’T~--y0u-to-Livconvemcd.iuto fertilizer--the communi:y to -entertain her brother, Robert Ford, will do his best toenjoyhimstlf,.and have erpool on the fastest ocean steamers wouldmournbut little. afloat. The rates are out all to pieces. a pleasant and social time: mad~mily, noel: week. "’Z" :Di.t yon ~ver get so "hard up" for Refreshments, in the shape of ice Go to Europe now. Round trips sold. Hammonton P~st Office will be vnoney-+thttr.-yuu +felt .- like-hidingzov~ry cream, lemonade, sandwiches, etc.i can (~al!.on_Ruthorlord. opeu next-Friday-~the-Fourth--from 7~0 hadbn-ihe-gro~ia-d.................... =’-" ~.~ MosesOliverBrown~ a ~io-~-d ----= tO 10:30 A~4-and4h00to 6:80 P.~t~-+;sp, ju~ h:tv~+ mercy ona poor edlt,,r, and By order of Committee.15h-i]~i~l~li~-~ pt.eso~te~-Tdff-c-9.~Yfe-dc-x-relieve hmdt~tr...ss, by l’aymg up your t~" Joseph ~iidwoodha~ been appoint-cursion tickettoa lqarrow GaugeCon;5". J. aCCI)IIII~ ed mail agent on the C. &’A., in pla~e of To:morrowevening, at, the Prvs- ductor, l~t Friday, and the ensuing :Mr. Hiles. whowanIrdll~l on the 14th. byterian church, will be held the union controversy ended with Brownaccepting CONSTANTLYON EL&.WD. Insure in the "Grand Old~tna~" I~" Twoyoung eagleswere on exhibl- quarterly rsvlew of the SundaySchool a walking.ticket for home~Later, that the lc:fdiag Insurance Compauyof hmer. ALSO, VEGETABLES IN SEASON tion at the old road station, Tuesday. lessons. day,several attempts were madeto wreck iea. The rates are as low as by any first trains on the road, by piling ties, stumps, o r~___Wag0n :une t~;ugh YO+wnoye~y Wednesday&Sa~y, ............ chics company. Its business is ou the ~r. Things are lively at the UhlonDeThey were taken from ~e nest over near Inakip. square, every time. -lint. Twoconstrno¢iontrains--one nar- etc., on the track. Happily; the attempts __+ , . .. WM.I~UTH~RFORD, Agent~ Read Mr&King!~ dsseription of row gauge and ous broad--were gt work failed; Andtrack-men gave a description 0f this fellow, ~homthey had/icon acting the Denver Court House, and comparett there yesterday. Hammonton,N. J. with our "~emploof justice," at ~ay’s ~" Wor~derif the Temperance men suspiciously, and Constable Ben Jarvis Landing. think their workis ~lnishedwith a single arrested him; at ", E1woo~, on Saturday, day,whatwasleft,of a "Lawyer" apple EMBROIDERIES AND ZEPtIYRS. + Manueaetured by " -I. BLACK SILKS. 2 LADIES’ COATSAND WRAPS. I~" Next Friday being Independenes conviction? ~n aud boys who want and put him inthe-May’s Landi.-g jug.5. (hehadeatenmostofit).Youmayre. Onomam of SpringW~l~ta,with .Talm We hear that he acknowledges his guilt. Antoine Gu[aet mako,_sta~dard qualiflm, ~’om "memberthat that peripatot:o grafter patronsfor vacation work. Day, we shall l~rob~bly phint onr paper liquor seemte find itwithout anytrouble, Wcdne.~day’s New York auctlou sales. ]L~lc~ ha~e andClumine Fri~’% ~xo. 9n Thursday. The ofllco will be dosed and some of them talk freely of their raidthisvariety was :. : _ : : .’" f.dlea, semen-hat. Prlce~. 7Y. ~o, 9on., ~,, lhoS to . JERSEY DEPARTMENT. on o oar,-. * ~z.7~. Si~flcttoa in-~vear ~-aa~/ntL’.:d.color, sever ~aw more GOODS. ~ .--, - o of allcolore R~d;-~tid-tli~-en0my’~Tor tiff cations Roy. W. proper.ly e~Ited 2. COLOREDSILKS. andgrad~, at ~¯ Youget ¯ quality worthThr~ edagcnt to take charge of now station aook~, at ~o cents ; quarter under price. Dollam. will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit to- over the county linc. andl~okedgood.We believe theyare A splendid lot of CknmcleonStripes at $o~. ~"~A gentleman bordering on three- on the Philadelphia and Atlantic City morrow morning. Union Q~rter]y Rejust the apples for S,,uth Jersey, and the 3"* CLOTH: DEPARTMENT. 27. GENTLEMEN’S HATS. 3. nU~C~:GOODS. Wide double-width English Suiting Or ~ lot Suits or score.years, hale and heartyp wishes a Railroad, now nearly completed at ¯this d~i:tor kindly offers to donate scions to Light-Weight PcadandDarkDcrbysat ~.5o. view in the evening. Siik Velvet G~enadlne. for wm.ps and short dr~mes, at fi’om Strictly Pure Materials, told ~uperbquality+ worth ac~r~y doubl~.. ~m~ ~ ................ ~:t5o, that only af:w day,. ago could not b~ so~d.~ ~~. ..-Tonen_ot - ove~’.-for ty-yea r_~ 01 nlaco... _ t’~,~[r_C-a~rge_H, Bushnell, a mauu- helpmeet, d than ~3.75H. M. Jowett leaves to:day for ai~:028.. LADIES"HOSIERY. 54"The +WHITE SHIRTS. faeturer, of Worcester, Mass., spent last preferred. To ~uch a person, a loving Conqueror Dr~s Shl,t at $,,our own raakel New Mamlat!a..SMdc~ o+f_ ~+che’o S~r_b_Ma~_~ In husband and will be ._~2~__LADIES’ DRESSGOODS. weeks visit at his old homo -=-~H~l~e=price~ .................. 4:-inch .Mb,xtro~ Clou"~ in all shades at haft a dollar, Mr. Rutherford, the real estate agent, chusetts. Logan appears to- gr0wmore feehle, 29~ CHILDREN’S HOSIERY. Hoyt is in thin gentleman’s employ. a wlilc5 is one-thli~ Ices than’the proper price. 55"AlfredTOILET ARTICLES. day by day. The fact is, Mr. Blaine Wright’s Ddlcate Extracts. Scltmtlfi~lly conThe following officers were nominated Osgood& Co.’s shoe shop closedcan,oil applicants all about it. All mat. ek Span.Silk Hose,fur childre~$x.35for s~’~a has be.st it~ public life solong, and his .... 5" FLANNEL DEPARTME~NT. + _ . --~xuct.~ Tooth Bnah~¯ Odonti~e_(or 0mTc~h, e5 on Thursday, for a few days. The time ters strietl.v confidential. iu WlnslowLodge, No. 40, I. O. O. F., ~, up and down$ ce~-. Whi:eAll-wool Frmach Dross Flaunts at 45e. errors have been so few, that there is will lm iuliy occupied in taking account . ~ The ladies of the ~I. E. Church last Thursday evening : N. G., Elwood GENTLEMEN’S HOSIERY. 30. ¯6.+ D~JELERIN :,., "MUSLIN DEPARTMENT. 56. WATCHBAND JEWELRY. ofstock and making necessary repairs.. will give a dimefestival onFriday eve- Rub’art very little to be s:tid agaihs~ him, ex; V. G., Randal 3[..Benuett ; ExtraEngllsh blackandclock~l nt kal~"¯ dollar. Bleach*d She:,lug, o~ yards wide, at ¯ qsm~Ir of ¯ Very m~leratn pl’Ica~ and g~arautced qumlltim of , oept to repeat some old stories whose Treasd~Rat, and oue-ya:d wlde Cambri¢~ at to cram. ~ Boys, brlug yo~r fire-crackers to ningi July 4th, in UnionBall. Ico Ci.eam, Secretary, Cltarles P. Wescott; I~,~. Clmity~ox=, ssctuts to $~.5o. 31 : UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. the Park, ontheFourth, butdon’tfire cakes, c~nfcetionory,fruits, etc., etc, in urer,D.G. Bernard. / fiflsity was proven years ago. WoconFrour~ Buibrlggan Striped Shill ~ Dntwert at 85 SPECTACLE DEPARTMENT. 7as .sgHINTZ DEPARTMENT. ~ider him asath tnan for President, c~ats,usually heldat ~t .So. in theg_rove. It~:ould besoeasyabfit]ffane:, will be for salo~-The-young Itisgenerally understood atthisplace 57~n the sbat~ an~ ~, in the,X-, of ¢o:.~et~t .............them¯ It is daimedthat l~c" is too aggressive, to starta firethatwouldspread over pcople are preparing au entertainment thatthnWiuslow call, t,. glass works, aud’the wl~ich~ the~; will endeavorto makeinter- appurtenances 2o. owls SHOE acres aud acres. _~t~ha_near2¥.plunged- us-intoa forcigrr. ~. _ ’_D~ESS_L_!~.IN_GS,__ Ideao fDEPARTMENT. La~ii_~" Wauk~p}mam la ~ ~___qmli-_ thereto, havebeenleased --~8,~ILVER_DEPARTM ENT. _eating,ld ~_~dd~i~l~_n~ h~r ~_w_ilLl~_~i v thin of FrenchKid and Calf, ]15 lad I~Stqetlzt, ]K~e~, Hair ’Cloths, Ctmbrles, IAmms, war, while Secretary of State ..... ~who willtake-pea~[F’-~ha~_C_Stum’t- watrnVhome-l’ast]r.Nrmv~, Zriple-plated IcePitcher,$5. , Drillings, Due~ andall ekethag il~dong to-33~-=--- .= MEI~S CLO~G~---~!:: _by MiasEmmaPressey and readingby SUnday. ~ llo-has a-.store in one of the c~ r tain-A-merican-citizens-had--u-ctaim ;month.-Operafionsinthe dress-making. -~5~RUNi~S~XNDVAUS~~ .......... ¯ MissAndrewaand-poasibly-another-lad tl~-~ca~Good Bualno~ cult aa low as $~. aid fo~w.imtt~a Cut* uponvalnable propertyin S0uthAmerica, ar~r f 5o--ga=e~tb?Mg-~,N e w ~"or k Ar,ml good trunk,rulable foranysort of trav¢llog, will-b o--a~ s-~fitiffU~dfd~ away Suit-of the tamestCor ’kacrew worltsd mat~hLl A programmeiu detail will be published factories 9. NECKWF_,~,R AND SUSPENDERS. / and called upou this Governmentto de$~. A valhe fd $3.5O. city, carrying a etock ofall sorts of wood son the last of this month, and theworks C~!mt’s genuine FTeach Braces, 4di~J~ Lad saw ¯t$~¢ andcirculated oext week. w’orkl~g machinery. fend their’rights. Mr. Blaine ~atisfied ~adcs, imported by ouvsdvc% at 3S cent-. N~t 60. HORSE CLOTHING. will be revived by the newfirm in the ¯ ’<::.. Count this in ss one of your pleasures BOYS’ CLOTHING. himself that + their claim was good, and Loodoa slmI~an4 color~in Ncci’weagfrom Virgou, 34" H@meSheet% 5o ceat~. To.morrow,June ~Pth, there will in antic’ipsWich for the Fourth, and ),LL Norfolk P_,lotum Solo,$3.5o; Boys" Jermlm at ~.~. MtP..41ctoa &Co. andWelch, Margcttou &Co., Sz. was prepared to sustain them, when be no services at St. Mark’s Churcb, 6h RUBBER GOODS. Elias Russell, of Winslowtownship), . CI~TOM CLOTHING. , COME. . 35" .All shapesof Gossamc~ O,ergartacam. Timbat DRESS TRIMMINGS. ~udden death removed his Chief, he IO. excepting Suoday~chool, at 2:00 I’. ~t. Jesse Eddy’aCa~mere Suits mor&rat IhS,~utin is at the head of a family of fourteeu qatlIty of Ladlet’ Gettamcx ~Ch’cular at Ss.~. . _ rt Twa u~and’piec~ IAocn P,.Ick Rack l~Id, full to Wecalled at 3Jr. Bassett~s, Oh children, and his sister, Mrs. John Bogresigned, aud to tiffs day Englishmen The Rector, Roy. L. IC.Lewis, la away l~r.~t style and fit guarantmxL j:’:!... yard.t,r,*dao=d to 7 c~m. Tuesday, to see the Marlbor0 Raspberry and others smile when they reflect upon for a short vacation. Be wilireturuuext AND MATTING 36. STAT, IONERY DEPARTMENT. . 62. CARPET BUTTON DEPARTMENT. I I. DEPARTMENT. in fruiting. Webelieve thatno plants of or, has fifteen children, while Mr. R. week. . themannerin whichtheUnitedStates ¯ Wmannaker Beat, *~, z4, x6, :m, ~ccum l~r quire, ht Every makeof farh;onahlc butta~ extra,. 1~ All b~t makes of ~; Scamlcsa Matti~ Ihis variety have been offered for sale-- himself is one of a family of twenty-one "~Vanted,--somo’sort of a lock-up dropped the whole qu,mtion. We don’t still the popular writing paper. Ovcrland N0~, for Pc~! Euttom rr~:ived to-day, 5e. l~r doses. etyl~, lcaathanever~ffcrtd. children. formica corrcspocdcnce, to .ccata ~ qtm’~. desire war with auy nation, but we do in Harem,mien. We have two consta- Mr. Bassett having paid nearly a dollar FURNITURE. Andh~ proved to be exactly adapted FRINGE DEPARTMENT. ......... 1 2. each for the few he has in bearmg. Th~ ble%andtheyseldomhaveanything to wan~; tosee a man at the head whowill From Ou~ County Papers¯ All the n~ patterns that arc jtt~t golag into fiuhioa. AaAshSul~ of sl~’tL~y durablemake. for ~S, 37~OOK DEPARTMENT .... growth of cane made this ycar struck us to our soil, and it will bring in do;butthsymighttak~charge etadiedemonstrate to theworldthat thisGovColored Chenille Fringe at St per yard. ¯ )~F Eook got. a~ remarkable, being very lcng and ~tout, Fro,,, Ihe MIRI~OR. 64: M~TTRESS~S. more than 6vice as muchmoney orderly fellow, nowandthen,hadtheya ernment is ableto defendandprotect LINEN DEPARTMENT. 8. FAN DEPARTMENT. Made in ourownworkrnoms, of beatma~q’iah wh~re 13" 3 the foliage abundantand~ ot" go-d color. , "cooler" in which ¢o keep him; Mrs. Peobles has gone to Boston ou a -per acre as the Wilson. No itscitizens. German Table IAv~n.t~ yardJ ar.d heavy, fat" h~d[ a youreo:ivujmtwhatyoupu=ctut*e. Fro~ch andVlean~c Fa~,So ccntsto ~o. Theberries are very largo, color dark red, visit. -: dollarper~yard ~ That frost, on the morning of the .small-fruit growercanafford to -6~,----SCHOOL-STATIONERY--_ flav~)r decidedly raspberryish, tbe yield --3~r. Cochran is puttingup an awning 3~" LEATHER. GOOD DEPARTMENT, -~ " " ........ ~ir. B. F. Jones, of Pittsburgh, Pa., ] Gth, played havoc amongthe crauberry S 14. BLANKETS AND QUILTS. 7:~Japan,spa~h~ gay¢.ol0raot~deeoratlon ; *$. be without+it. Sendfor cireularY- ......... " about tl,o a-crag0 as to quantity. Like Alligator P0eket-books, with coin pocket, $:. infront ofhis store.’ has bceu choseu Chairman of the :NaCapltal Blanket for Cotmt’vy Hnusc~ at$4.So. lloltT."R=al te~oceutl. plantations. On some of them,youcao "Shopplag Bag=, 7~ c~tato ~n.~o. every other product worth producing, it ~ e~mbQ~ilmfi-om55 ~ts w $;o ~. ti.oual Republican Committee. IIe is find acres of vines that will not l,roducoa will yield yet) more,the moreyou feed it. The three ~Iisses White, of WashingARTISTS’ MATERIALS. "66. s L. 40. ALBUM DEPARTMENT. bushel of settles. In places, the huckle¯aid to be the ’right manfor th~ position. Portabl=~Oatfita forHolI4~yleg, $~.- Wh~or an& 15" HANDKERCHIEFS. ton D. C., urrived in town last 8~turday Alt~_gether, we were decidedly pleased Hammonton, N. J. photogral~h Albums in plush or LandiS.__. Tmdra s~ a~he’ at n5 r.4mts ~zch. --~’e~ten’a ¢el*n. ~mrrlowham~ufl~r~ttfrom-tho-samo-eansm-. ~%tmuelFcssenden, of Connecticut, is with thn ~larlboro. l~i~.~rbarmlay’a stormwasparticu~c-cretm 4I. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. father. Mr. Daniel Baker. |6. GLOVES. T. ¯ meeting ofAtlautic Fl~e French Mila~ Ham at ~, we~ $t.5o. hom~can be beautified ia that departs eat at tl~iht Nowmt J~e~ Li~le2"arcad Gk~, ate~,35,45, 6o, larly severe along thecoast, -AtAtlanticg~’-Thequarterly s~t. A large a~t~rLment al emgravi*~t /’u our port* City, vao could ~ti’cety stand on the Count)- TemperaueoAlli:meo was held at Avennoplatsurveyed’rod a strect run ~t~.~r’~ am tho B~ST E~ERMADEfor ¢ostlvennssb In~l~¢tlon, H~ao~e. The S,mthern Democrats will practi~, TRIMMED HATS. 4 fo~]Oe,f~nm75 C.~,tS to ~y~. v2~.~\W11~oancou~u~n~ao~oo.~°~°~.’¯~..mgc~ina~°.~. ’~°~°w°-a~ .°as ~beach, .+t, violent was the wind, which, Atlantic City last week~Vedne~day.Thc through it, and lotsstaked out.. A.vcry tally it:ave the choice of a prcsidcntial z7 LACE=DEPARTMENT. ThePari~iaeModels, Round l~ats umlBotmam only £.,~z~,:~ ~ :pUl everynight foraweex or two, ma~estneaum~m macnm~r~, nma~z’eg~ ¯ E~rial Laca, both real and imlmtlon+ m s~. 68. ii.~BY COACHES. " ninutcs were seat us over a week-late. m~r~l last wock,andat= n~ oushow, amongel.her items of damage,destroyed ing, Port Republic, Linw00d, Smith’s line residence will soon ]3o erected caudidato to the delegation fi’om New -" p.rol, V.~mablo, tl.r.t~nt.p,~+.l~+tnlule.+e~om~e~+2 + ^~y~n ,/.~yp~,~i~, ¯ The ~t of a~’tmen~,aji ~ha~and ~ Wehit the market, and ¢.an4o w*ll all th= way k~ma¯ . were-present from May’sLand; them. Soldby aLI~ta ann~ea~eme~cmatl~ ~*a, a ~x, :~ .~ ~. , the large pavillion ou (~l, Howard’snow Dclegates ~f~/.~’| |q~XI 3’ ork, NewJersey au, I Indiana. fah" qadityat 4s¢¢n’-upto~S. ¯ ¯RIBBON DEPARTMENT. from$7to $;~. TM thereon. " ~ ~ffl/~ ~ GTLND&RD CUR~ CO.,’ I%mprluhat~, 1~7 IPt~u4St.,N .... oeeaupie,’. rare andscarcoshadesSatinsandCema Grah~ 60. -k]g " Emo~’etime Oatharflo ammom thanis dalton: thcypmveto be t.ho TOYDEPARTMENT. Mrs. Deeper, who lives opposite ~h’. I8. .RUCHINGS. Landln~’, Ab~ccon, Atlantie_CiW, and "" ¯ always hen~. " ’ ~" bestPll~ove~lhere. Worthtwiootho.moncyasae.a.--W..W.I~. Gon~.: ~" The Journ,tl apparently starts in ll,m,vot~tou. Thc f-tlow;ng wa.~ fir.~t pttblishcd in ~t p~ect ~r~. 3,,, styles. ,~rlr ¢~*-t~d - . ~da of little o~dif.ea to t~.~ home ta the ck,~ ¯ . ~, : j _ Interesting attdencouragBa.~sett’s, ou Bellevue, had several arti. :Harmony Grove, G~----Emor’F~ LIHIoV~_.m~,o nmtee mos~.popuJ aep~at, ~[ ~- ][~noP. sa,a to ctmtomc~. By*making mosta]llwo~d----4.w-r:m~ =_~. d¢~itpa at s£~t~;.waa 3~¢~ts to cxplMnthe errors tnthe Aunual5tats- ingre,aarks tho Ca~c~--W Mills River, ~. ~.--,~Y ~.,~. memo.x, r~e~. on the Ithaca D~dly Jou#naI of June 21st, o ~-~ePA-R T-mm+~ ’ :::=:_sirdar tet.~OR~S ikrr’rMR w’oro made by various dole9 clcs of clothing, a tent, and some other ......~..,,~ p,ia.Sbox.~vim.woadet.~lrvsult&_N.W.B~xz~.Locu~Omvo, umo:--.yxr~_mmen~ .................... lag eedlmportiug our own li~t~, wn n~w odl a ptrsnout n bltt adds another, iustead. It .Co~.cl~eg Paraaoh; $3 for =4-1ach ; Taffeta Silk, W1~m, ¯ 70: SUMMER PORCH CHAIRS. ,. t~ora.-J ~, ¯ , ....... _-_.-=. fromwh!chwe copy it ¯ _ ..... - ............................ things stolen, a few mghts ago. .gates. The treasurer reported a balance re ~t..~,~m ~,~- e,.~.-~==~-=~ ~o~ ~ -- Cirdliml~Marlne andI~h]c~ b~(hc~-tbhio-folks-ti~-knoW h-0w=t h-o-Dr. oi"$15 15 on hand. -The following resolu- "--T’m~"lam~hi~a--’Beal;wo~-Chhir.Vwo~i~e~aY-I+tllA~’a, N. Y.. Juno .00. ’$4. " "* .t," " p~tty and streng~$a. ~oa~l o~Oth~¢~dn!~ its forms Im~iti¼ely C~ ~lth Ti~e undersignedl),~in~ personally aeWc hear that Profi 12. E Fowler has..... ~j[~,S~l~,Ipa~ oJl ....... 19.PJml Antique L~c¢,TIDIES. and Cr. bides t)f the account b:tlanced tions wcre passed : UMBRELLAS. ~,~-,~o,=~nu " *5 c~nm and ug ceat~. porchfrom $: up. ’ . with at lease sixt ydolhtrs paid out and n0 Wnmt~t~s,Iutempernnc~ Is the crying A,ewlot ofourcalibrated Plckwlck, $5. ~_~"-~.~dr~o~S~ -. ],.~,)d~t*.’~pt’tu.4-, :’~; 1"., tie, It’s Lo~c~til at his laboratory, discoveredthe scci.’ct ~,a~.-~,~.~m~+---’ . ~_ ,~c~m.. a 20. LADIES’ COLLARSANDCUFFS. I. GAMF_~. AND SPORTS¯ aceoun~ |llado of Jr. evil of die limes, and whereas the liquor 6 7 that we believe her t~ be. not deserving 4 . INFANTS’ OUTFITS. Sets, ]F~ahlag Tadde; a~alk, Tenah " A I~pecially dc$~rabklet st 7, 8, 9, ss~,"~ ,$, z6 ¢.~tts. of makingit rain at his Will. If it’r is so, -of the bktme uow publicly visits& upon Hambm’g Rafll~lColltnfor Children at ~$cesta. Frctl. 51ea.sley, Jr., left nsahasl:et TheN~port,~, 3o, 5%75, 9° coma. Cr~luet,9o c~nr, to Sic; Tcna~,~ to ~o;Fi~hlz~ South ler~cy farmomcan be made hapher in consequenceof the’recent disaster R~,e5 ccnmt ¯ $1. of llansell raspbcrrie% and one t~f the 2 I. UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. AT. MISSES’AND CHILDREN’SSUITS. py. [Pshaw!]. at the Homelbr Children established at ’l’urae~s, last Friday night. Thefirst 1~ 2. ASwipedEtamIM for C~:ah~,Io t~cl%-twM-,at Itammonton, N. J. Only apart of the J~ anltt at mint .medcrate prlc~l, 7 CHI NA DEPARTMENT. Fromthe JO UR~VAL. ssNe~m;aboutimlrpri¢.~ a large, g))od.selling variety, the second truth concerningtliiB aflidr h,s reffehed ¯ ¯ / Hammon~on; N. ft. LADIES’ UNDERW~U~. " & certified, copy of ~,Iiss Nivisou,s 48. of an uncommonly flee /lavor,--cho two .- , : i_ ~_" i _ TRAW BERRY PLANTS FOR SALE _ -. _ --New ~%rk Wilson’s Albany, Ct~S. he _Clerk’s with exa,..~er:tLions and falsbhoodsas to _4i01o_ ¯ ¯ "If~hata Cwmt~frem ~te ~; emchund~ produce an impres~iou in manyrespects office ’. last Friday .and the document ,;~kTI,ANTIC plants lets. ’ CORSETS. + to 114o. ¯ 49; ~rossly +wrtmg. A trustworthy state. "Thompson’s Glove.fit,log, Vedatilatl~£ Snmm~.Co~l~ D. L. POTTER, 23. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. ¯ sent will soon b, publ;sbed,, showing lrbmId~ck,akr blse, ~,crimo~, ecru~mbro/dared75cant*. 74. He, JSE FURNISHING GOODS. Hammon.ton, I~.ft. t~ .tha~ the |.ar=e numberof d~a~hs at the Joseph Ro_hinson, .of Elwood, who -Rafrl~_ a~u:% __c.~ _a~ d _011__Sto~,_Fr~:mm__m~l _.A ....... Scat-Mast,.at $~. -i: ........ 2.lose oceureedin spiteof,uedical skill;-~O;--HAIR-GOODS: Xltch~, Thlngl. Rofrlgerator*~ small aud large. ~36o CAPS, "LADIES’ AND.......... pleaded guilty at the Apt’il Term, of " : . %ostler nursing, healthful surroundiug, s, Mrl. C. ’rhompsun’| d~ut m~?~O Of wa1¢es, &e. te~S ; Ico Cheata, ~4 to $,S;.Ica Cream Fr.,~r% 24. LADIES" SUiT DEPARTb[ENT. keopiug a disorderly house, iu selling........... and the most a,nple’snpply of food Moat1~autffultailor.made SprlagChexk Silm.h~nd. "l~e Thompson Wave, s,~ inch, ~; 3 Inch, ~; 3~ $,.,$, to $,S ; Oil Stoves, single and douSle, ,,’,4 t,’~ ;;,.: lath, Stoi 4 inch, Sis. a,d clothittg.) ~fcanwhile we.ask all somdy trimmed, ~a. beerwithout a license, &ridfined$20To allwhoarnsuffering fromerrors G~Storm, ~ toss8. Gic)Oi)S. fair minded’pcopl~to suspend all judg¯ ’: .~ :rodcosts,andunableto paythe sameandindiscretions of youth,nervous m mentupon this case, aud not to join in. : Blank ani.! School Becks, f was released on Tuesday, having served weakness ear!v decay, loss of manhood, ¯ lh~present violeht. :rodcrueloutcry a ~/uflicient length of time to liquidate etc., I wiil se~da recipe tha.l~ will cu_re Stationery, ~’~ing:Machine lffeedl~ :tg.tlnst a Christian womau-ofgreat beyou, [r~ of dtarg¢.. This orcat remedy Sllket Coition, "~lotion%]~ancy ’ , nevolence, el h)ng experiencein the ears both fine’ uud costs. was discovcred by a missionary iu South Artick~ :Etc, of the ~ick, a~d now overwhelmed by ¯ ~ ................. America. Sen4 a self-addressed enosAt ,lye lowest Ca~h ~fl~. sorrow at a calamity which she did her . ""\ Iope to the REv. JOSltTIx T.. I~, After a prolonged dr.nght, .i0st when ple~lgothemour hi, arty no.operation. ~,...z.a be~t toavert. York Oil. , ~t it ~t ~. 1 $ U . ..-~ mon’t~f:tccs wet’e lenglitenlng with appro- ll~solved That.werecognizein l~lrs. J. I b~tt~0n, A.ndrc~v D White, orcsident of C0r~n:II University. au efficient tamperancoworker: an’d that drying nr, rain:£cll in abtmdauce. All. ,he bo invited into (htr churches to organ- DUROE--CHESLEY. F. D. Ihlntington,-Bishop of Central "On Mondayeve~ n~n. Improved land, on ¥¥~]~anaywurkatthtlrkum~,lm Iflty~p ~lew York. natured. ~tni[ed, ’thursday, ’and is now &venue, ~io~""t~Y’ e’nd ears~6 te $1~ Imr week’ tmdb’eolt*a for our ]?all sail Wintor trade. 8~ g’Jun0 z° l°°al t°mperauc°Uni°ns’and In every I, ’ofnlnEdward 2qrd, 1884, atHowland,, Esq.,the ~esidonoe I Lby theRoy. | "1Nlla ,,,us,_! E’X ~etl~ral" ...... J). ]$oardman, Justice oftheSupreme ~}euntinUewillltSrlnon,SUmmeraudWork.how ’’:’yshecan. promote, prep:,ri,,tiiow ther:tspherrios ’ .Ira e, £.r ,--~lo ana,uu~m. l ,L’,ance.’ thecauseof tern-~ Louis K. Low_is,_ }Ir._Daniol Daroe, of~ U JJ,Ul UU Hammonton, Mudsoa MtmuPI Co.. <ioldwin Smith, Toronto. sooh blackberries wUlfollow¯- themlnt~ l L: Adjourned.lff0Xt~ meeting" to be hcld t Land[soUls, lq. J.;and M,ss ~e 0hes- / l~or Bale Inquire at the ~otab J~rs~ ~01 Sixt~ Ave.t MswYst~ [ j~bl"t~ 0,~t, A.N. Prentiss andMosesColtT~ler, at~t.Paul’s M. E, 0httrCht Atllntlc. ’[ I¢~, ofHmzanol~Wtl, CamTmrr, TmR~zzNT~ XXD M^Rr, zr STI~E:rs market, ---= ~ I’~~!’cs~orl~in C’JrndlUniversity. m LOCAL MISCELIJtHY. Republic an’National Ticket. -Real Estate and ..... SUB6CR[i]E FORTHE8.J,R Curiosity often asks how+ manydepartments in. this big store. Here they are, and out of each of diema single article is mentionedworthknow-"---: ....... ing about, This s, is a capital book. of reference to advise buyer JOHN WANAMAKER. Use the"P inter’s @EOR E Delight" ELVINS ¯ Flou , "eed, :.tillze:’ t ra!JnP[e_ments, N. B.--Superior FamilyFlour a Specialty. f l. The Atlantic - S awbex’X7 Was originated here 63. 671 PIC RES AND .... L-’210RYSLITTLECAARg P LS HFCrowelihash dhisCentral 43&. Em0ffs Stantia i eveP,lls thron++h hisexperiments inPi,ilosophy JOHN A.SA:XToN m d_ A There probably no othe store in the Uniter States wheri: such assortment ofgoodscan be viewed. Those who come to look are not bothered andbeggedto buy, and those whofind it to their into-rest to buy, we find it our interest to serve as welt as we can; in order to ke ep themas customers. JOHN ..... )t] _ ==: : .................. : ................... =:~: ................ : ............. --...... : ....... :+: .......................... ..... C rd. .NTS’ FURNISHING . ANAM AKER, Phdade ¯ Iph" e +............. : .... 7 ..+ .., men, as the bread had been. During cad of one breaks t~enty-fivo acres a ~Then be sauntered over to the sum- beautiful young creature to be sent to ~z,e x~gu~ge-or Umb,enn~. ~nd after the ceremony there was much day. Breaking by the old method is an asyluv~?. ~, . . mar house and spoke to the lady. . . . There is a language of umbrellas as -km~mgand embracing, and ~fter the worth$3 an acre :rod it is held that the Would’she forget mm,.or--urea~ul To his consternation, she started, singing, praying and Speak- steam plow can afford to break at $1 an the whole reason of flov~ers. For instance, place your communion gave a quick gasping sob, and fainted. possibilityl--would ing was again resumed. acre. The main advantage of course in It was not a very long insensibility, give way if he deserted her? umbrella ina rack, and it will indicate this-is in-the-fact:that by:this-saving -a¯ ........... ... and-~u~l-~-~’fi~l’spr0mi~t-treatment,-Ho-7~c~l~-l~ew::howT._he _-reached- :that._it_wlll changosowners.--~To- o pen- .....¯ lamn~-a-.X~e~t~enoi~ .......~.’i~_~.. manymen. are .freed- from man.the large eyes opened, and she whis- home; but once there he satdown and it quickly inthe streetmeans that some= "What does it cost to make a lead great ual labor and sent into politics, while body’s eye is going.to be nut out; to looked the situation squarely iu the l~ered: ,¢ shut it. that a hater two Is to beknock- mncil?" said the manufacturer. "First two-thirds of the agriculturist’s capital Oh, I amso sorry to trouble youl But face. HiS ownshare of the affliction ho put ed.off. An umbrella carrled over a wo- et me tell you how we make a pencil. is left free for speculation I have been very ill, and you ~tartled ===m aside for the present. man, the .man getting nothing but the See this small black powder? That’s me¯" "A Jlrltl&l TOwe~." It costs 25 cents a pound. ul was very muchto blame," lie said He was’a man, and he cOuld bear his drippings of the raih, slgnifles courting. grapulte. ~his white mLbstance is German clay. penitently, "and I hope you will pardon trouble manfully. That he loved, w.here when a man has the umbrella aud the i~ comes across the oceanas hallast in ono of the steamers plying betweeen me. Are you well enough now for me his love must die, was, in a great msas-" womanthe drippings, Lt indicates mar- sailing vessels, and "all it costs us is Detroit and Cleveland ran over a sk~ riage. To punch your umbrella into, a .to run up" to. the house for a glass of ure, his ow~fault and folly; but that We mix this" clay and this cue night ¯ and drowned its occupant. he had won a pure sweet heart, only to person and then open it, means "I dis. freight. "wine?" powder together and grind them in a Whenhe had been identified, an agent "I am~ell enough but I do not need wound it: caused him bitter pain and like you." To swing your umbrella over your head eigntfles "’t am making mill, Mlu~ias muls~u~6 to bC added- ~t!ed upon h!~ w!fe te ~ee !£ ~ ~LL!e. it;:’ and she sat up again, and took up a regret. could be affected. She was not Long meditation brought him to one a nui~nce of myself., To trail .your during the process, until tho two are men~ piece of needle-work that had dropped a~mmilatedand are reduced in tears nor prostrate with grlef. On : from her bands. " Her fingers still trem- resolution: He must see Dr. Atkinson, umbrella along the footpath meansthat thoroughly ’~ to.a paste about the consistency of the contrary, she.was at the wasl~-tub \ ~bled, and a pretty flush camea moment ma~e a clear confession,and have h~ the manbehind yoUis thirsting for your and i~good.humor.When_the/matter .... into-her pale faceas she-said:.......... -opinion of-the-danger tobe auticipated.- blood.- Tocarryit at-right angles-un-~’~’hts paste we press into these dies, was broached, sho satd:’ "Are you one of the physicians here? "He knows where,the weaknes~ 1 .der your armsignifies that an ey0 is to each one of whichis the size of a penczl ~ "Well, now, my husband took home "Onlybycom-tesy, " he replied.. ’-’1 have to discover lies,, Fred thought, be lost by the man that-follows you. except in length. There are four the washings, brought in the coal, and have the run of the.place;but Dr. At- "and he can toll mewhether it is safest To open an umbrella qulekly~ it is said, lead, leads fh one of these. After. they are of u~o in several other different kinson is the physician. Old Dr. Hare to break off my vmlts suddenly or.gra- will frighten a mad bull Topuc.aco~- pressed we cut .them into the proper was ways, and his death is quite aless to ton umbrella by the Bide of a silk one is the head doctor, but he does very dually." It was not an easy matter to catch signifies "Exchange is no robbery." lengtll and bake ’themin an oven kept me." .little. v "About what sum do you feel would also I nave some faint idea that Mrs. not very fatiguing for a man, to pace up medicine: This subscription had al- attended with so muchdifficulty and ’the fire. and downa block for au h~-u~ud yeL ready risen to a p~ound sum, wlm~expense that the cost of a single drop i~. ,I win g~ve it to him to post," she Chester.will.give uI, round, daueing." whce that t/me has elapsed, BriauChe.~-. the Russian goyernment determined to almost fabulous ; but is so extremely Sibyl pauses abruptly, and moves out thinkz-,as she listlessly takes up the powerful that a vessel which has once ter’s face has grown oddly worn and make inquiry into the matter. of tho mrcle of waltzem., evening paper. Theresult of thin inquiry has recently cont~fined even the smallest portion of haggard.iookiug0 God pity us ali I We ,’Do not you mcau to be a pkilosophor ~or a second 0r.two she glanees m. beenpublished.in The 1%voje Vremya. .it,_~fll ~t~j_n the delicious odor..-many ~vor -it,and-then-~he-reads- .about---Mrs.-Chester2Y-eheas~,_so[tiy,_ hour, wiI0~’sixty minutes lleld au oter- -The-committue-offinquiryhasRiven-the- years after me l~-drophasdi~PP-e~ -~ -looking up at hi .with r~i~u_t :eyes aud oarnestly whllo-her-.-face-softens~-herm opmion-that-lt.is not only lnj u-- ed: -As the-poet beautifRlly-expr~-arty ot simpddo.~,-b~it--Idt thbsoOt us tied,den, eyes fill, and two heavytears fail outhe flushed oheeks. rious’to the population to close medical zt render thanksgzving all our days who *¯ "Do you thi~ that.I am always a ¯ . ... ....paper as she drops it inher lap.- Only against women,but that it is .... brea~:, feare~ in that hour only death, not schools yourosyshatterthe vase,, tf yea also impossibleto dispense with the set-. Youmay a oouplo of verses with no beauty or philosopher now?" wtll, Her oolor deepeus, her oyes turn from faithlessness, for our heart’s beloved. It vices of womenas doctors. - The supply Butthe scentof the Rose.will lmgec t~creStill power beyond their truth, andyet th?y is nearly six whenthe Van Eycks’ door ¯ oan.send her thoughts back over’eight his, and thee, with a little o~y, she puts opens and oleses again on Mr. Dave- of male doctom is Wholly inadequate to In Pharm~yit is used quite extenyears---euoh a .long, loDgtime o.t one’s hor hand on his arm, growing suddenly retut.wffo wallmquickly downthe street mestthe ~mts of the nation for medi- aively, whole’fields of Rosenbeing cutyouthl--and make her heart acuo with. white,, and gazing fxedly at somebody in an opposite direction from Cffester cal attendance. It is theeefora couclu- vats!! f_qr the ap~othecary’suse alone’, pith for tho di~crcneo botw~en tho behind him. He turns instinctively, ~nd but;the latter scareely glaoes at the szve that if the Russian. men will not .fron~ ~VI~ich he produces a variety of. womanof twe~ty-oight who is to marry seen a tall, very handsomaman staring becomedoctora~in sufficient numbers, compounds and extracts, among which Brian ,Chester and tho girl of twenty atSibyl with morefixity than politeness ~eedh~figure .as he springs up the recourse must be had to ethe women. are the. ointment of roses, soothing stops. That ~ ce.~_~_in ~umL~_r o_ the~ fem~!e ct Miss o Van n~yok -m -m the drawing- doctors-should be nihilist misstonaries iu ca~ u~. h~ilamma~i~- , vh~e~ar o£ " .’Take me away--out ot-the room-that ,,.fond,false morn," tho servant tolls him, and he is,. no doubt very anuoying to the Rus- roses, a pleasant and refreshing remedy ¯ lace can comebetween her and her fu- somewhere,,’ she murmnra for headache : conserve of roses, which " ’ ¯ Very muchbewildered, he obeys, and passe~in. ’ mang0verzmaent; sLill it is zmposs!hle was considered bythe ancients a sever. ture husband. --Outsided~was-ne~rly-dar-k,-aud--he~e~resantly .tmda~a-aast-foth~,-to-refrain--fromdomg-something--~ Sibyt-Vau-Eyek-~ng-womanit mquitoso, exoept when the fire check the rate of infant mortality, room. ,. usually very appreciative of the advan- ~Imoat deserted . of roses, b~side the manyi~erfumes ear "You. are tired," he says, tenderly. makes a blaze of light; but he seee her even at the rusk ot adding a few recruits the toilet, flavoring extracts and manytageot becomingsurroundings, but just at onee, crouohed, in the oorner of a to the forces. The Novels Vromya other campounds, all equally .popular nowshe ’is.~uito unconscious that her "Shall I got you a glaes of-wine?" "No. no; stay with me. It is" he," sofa by the chhnney, and weepiug-~-ah! seems to think that the prohibitive de- and pleasant. fair head and si:nder flgurn in its pale blue trailing dress makea plotuze very sh0 says, looking up piteously i~his weeping as even womang~wn to tears cree will be rescinded and the universi- . The green leaves of the sweet Brier pleasing toaman’s evesasshe liesbackface, which at thoso very enigmat~ical Weep’only onco br twice in their ]ive~. ;ies:.reopened to fgmalestudents. can be dried and used a~ a. sulmtituJ~. .&t the .mght of that .drooping figure; m a or,mean ohuxr in the soft warm words grow rather palc~ for tea ; "thd fraq~’a~ petals of the -, ~Wlntors In England, glow of the fire. Her thoughts have ¯ ,,Who?--the gh0st?" he asks, uustead. and tho sound of those strauRled sobs,¯ flower are reduced to a pa~tc and formthe strong hoart of BrLan Ohester turus gone so far aud so fast that she does not There have been.winters inEngland | _edAnto~amulets,.charms, and bea~;:the. " ilY’,Mr. Devereux, I~avonot-seen-ktm-faint and siok, foL,---he-knows-eo-welir mTd~-thTa~ -t-lxTs-’I~t:exbbpti6hal-~rosaries used by some tu devotional he~, the door open and olase, nor a "l~ ~,’~-~ :~-~i~an~s qulek step on tho thick oarpet, since I--smoe I-- Oh, whatwil] you with suoh.wonderfulodreary cony, orion, that has been. In 1282 so mild was the exercise: am supposed to have been. Just what Bho" has. done;:and what he season thatthe trees’were covered with madeoriginally in this way, aud re¢oiv~ ][~"~ ~h~" has forgotten that she ought to b0 think at me?" she-or, as, with a euddon, ~xpeoUngMr. Chester, until he seats burning b[ush at ~0 change end trouble’ must do now. He easts one farewoll leavesandbtulsbuiltthoirnestsand ed their nameacco14ingly," ~ ’,lnaeed, it is 0tfl the look about gho familiar room where he hinmolf beside her and takes calm pos- in his face. hatched tlieiryoungin themonthof I ~a F .has been so heppy, and thenhiseyes February. In .1535 the gardens were session of one of her hands. She comes flur~O," - ..... . Mo/,ass~ .Coom~zs,--Two .. too-,. back to tho present then with enoh a ."Of, .o~ur~, _n~ says, -po~itlvoly. ¯ etufl~ to the womanhe loves and anf- bright with flowers in January. 1%ither laas~ three:quarters cup qf.cups l~d, tWO-.start:that he langhs ..... "YOUwill not mind,, now that you fersl for. ,as only a man oaa to i~e xior ’snow was visible if11659~no teaspoon~oda~~ne.of gingur~aUd ’" one ..... ---~’You lock as ff 7oft t~ forgothmall know he is here~ .and when you are whomneither lays nor joalous-y’comes fli~s wer6’lit’in 1692, affd the softiiess of ~ait, halt ~ oup of water. Dimolvo easily. . of the weather in 1791, lg07 and 1822 a little xosted I shah steaieomebedy --_ about me," and__then gently kissing tho the soda’tn tho moisases; out ~he lard ¯ i:.,nd ho has taken, he Iets it go, and elac’s waltz instead of the ann we h~ve "’Sibyl [" he .says, abrupUy, .in an was phenomenal. In 1820 white blos- into ¯ ou~of flour; add the spice and ., . . odd, hoarse voice, wmon vaguely sursoms were to be seen onthe trees in leaui~g back in his chah~,.makos hlm., prises him, it is eo unlike Ida. "Don’t March and ou the vines in AprU. , ealt, and mix with’the molasses. Then ’ self oomfertable Idt~r. the fashion, put m the ~ater and add flour .enough ao terribly; there is no need., . . ....... more easy than. elesan~oLo~ genex~ to roll out. -. Out-witha biscuit-cutter -: TO hate eXcelIeuco reto-be--at-its ehlo silenc~ ~ up0n them, whloh she she-spfing~ ~ herfeet mad fe~oshlmopposite pole. tion. and bake in a quick oven. breaks by prepcelug to return_to the in tha Drc.li~ht. with a low ~ry. and a She eolo~ like a school girl, though .................. ? ........ , ¯ ,? .... . :- % -, . . , ¯ t¢ , . ,.t . : .’.. "-." . . . L . .... ’. ¯r . ¯ ¯ ¯ ... , ..:’¯ ,. ¯ , ..,-. " .I" ,o e THE Ilcport frSmMassaohmmttL=h0wthat the Rcpubllcau dlsa.ffcctloff ..... - for Cemeterl Loll ¯ A8p¢olulty’. l~orth HaTmmontOn, Camden I£|LINGN ]~tn, . p, 8.--l’rom~ att~nttou glv,u to arden b’y mall. ] .~ ), MILL¥ILLE t -M TUAIa Marine----o . "S~ " i t ,.h,:.,, .... ............... 5 ¯ ~m o i -- i#J da~nam~ " " J. S. TH ¥ER, Referenees:- Policy holder, i~ fhe dtlantio. City gres. OLmden ............... | 4401 e I l~maR.]=Jm~t’al ...... I......t ~ ..... ! i~l t~l Z=rUa ............ I ~lSl s~l W~-Tord ......... I ~31 ~0 wlmtow ...... -.-./ s 4 I e I Ham~onton ..... $41 Ot ~o~ ............ ..’......~l s~l NlwooLL s0/ 9Sl lktIIar~rClty-ell ~41 ¯ ’" ]OC 410 o~| . | / ~’~...... i~ .~! ~-.i i~ 4~ ~.~I~ t SIS. ~, / 9 21 SS~. 4./ O~ 5~ -.;-/ 0.= Se.--I ,~,~ 5d~ _4~./.~ 5~ soz~ nt dbdh S18 . __ ¯ "- .......................... i I -¯ S. ~urt ~rat~-L~ LLt 0 _ ..= ~ _______= _"_..._.. _" -- - _..,,,.,,,. gL’qD,~.2Dt~7~$S ~ ~2~t~-.. ~l&R,’~ .t2EP.~. ~DYCO,, ~q~gg~e~, ’ ¯ Ladms , r~l~TR~:,’~,’tt~r:g~4o~8;~-5.’-iMo~rtlS.-~ ¯ .’ ¯ s~m~t,ttmm~tt,Tt~o~ amrt~tmmn~t~m~a. ~W~t=ml~lt~mlbq~nit=~M~dtl~.M~ -- - ~ = " TO~’. ’ -’-__--2...... ~/ 11 sv ~AI #t lit ’ ] Phllnpotphl~, ~ ate6::: at 4:00 P. M,. r(mch*.s --G/~ink up, I~vt~ Atlantl~ to.. .e.oh. a, Also ~Tkisu~AvcrmTlyadeptedtobuth~xm, yoongtmd from f~ eent~ ta $5 everYThat t.~, were=k.thi, =,r-ra,,ledo~.r ; to .ll .~oarc Bt~(~Lwe_wal Jeed$11opay/or.the - ~" H~.mmnn- ~~--:m~_~.~:u~---- Iro~b- a r,__.~_, -~-’~i~’ _/._. __ . ~’Jt-S M~L~..~JaY ’a t~fr wholetlm~ to the w,rk. 0rent ,,needs : bookever publle~lcd In thin world: many ageuta are selling fifty daily¯ Astents are maklngrortune~.AIlnewbeglnner~ettcces~ful. Grandchancefor them. Termsliberal. ~’tolufeiyearn.Atouceaddrtn~Tot’s&~0.. Augul ~aMaJ.~ Partlculnr~ free. 8cad .~ cents for postage. ~...on free OUtfit, now ready, Inoludlng largu pro~pectusbook, andtmvuvalnabletlme. ~LLE’2ffA- CO.. AU~I~t~. ~aJlle. ’~r |m ...................................... ’1"211 e_ 1 IN;/TTI"n ¯"u-’i’m’Wdbei~l~ fl^----1,~l.^’ ’l~F .~Viee s:., p~ll. ¢l Xt|rstentlyrelievedsed positive cured me. One tpplt~stlon’ ...... pcrmnnen,ly eared me of Chreule Catarrbal |[e~d~chc A ~’ Potts~ Pblla. Popt 0~ee. - " " " ¯ IteuredmeofDlmnessef Vlslou" E 0 tr~ 1~ Tonr~lfby making tzF01~ey T -ie oger~d, the I I I ! d i I goldenchance LI U i Ualwey,keeplegpoTert~ from: i d il I. IF door. Tho~ewhoalws~fidt I I i i I i / vutogoof th, goodc.hanc~for &A ¯ Jkl JtJ £ =*~o~ m~eylat.,*o~ e~ Do~mo, ,ealtny, WJ who do not Improve such chanmm remelnia We want many tlt*n, womeo, boys end far us right fn their own Ioca/IUee. Th by ~ro than ten tfmc= ordlunry wege~. We furnish an~tp,mJdvs otttflt andallthat you n~l, free. NO ~owho engugoefelle .to.make mo~*y ver~ ral~dly Tou~d~votoyour wnoiottmeto taswora,oroely yourslmre moment,. YuIltnform~U#n andaU that k n~dedsent fr~ hUl4 ~ ~¢ ~ne Loudon L BUTTERTON~ NuFsory~ ~.~ Hmmonl~on,~’. J ~jr~awcekatheme. ~hteelyehr*. Norkk. ~VV]te~d.r,~lfyou~autb,, so~oletthoreex, young or eld, q trN. tal I ~at canmako ~r~ ~tnou ~ Co, ,Port= thet/~s theywork,wlthala~lute~rtaln ’ ~rt~t~r~to IL lla~rr* ¯ ~. i . - -- ofa d,’ep.~nt,,Ipain to bumen lifo are oordlally inrhedto oeosnl~me. I gu~snt~ to eure all cases I under. ¯ ’ take. _ x.c. TERRY, M.D., Omoe,~1~Nerik Si~th. ~|., eheTeVia0,~MladelphJn~ @t~eebourifrob 10a’ m ’tO S’= ’-- --~ ’ ’10 " ’a. m. to-"1~m. - ’ ..... to 9 p.m. 8undeys,from ¯ ............................................................................. " Xte.,’~te., ¯ . .~ .... Bn rj|lff % " . .: ...... . ................................. . ? father of her * Bread and.Cakes COGLEY, ~t-- daugh- - ~" " - :" ]-- -]e " .....Baked FreshEvery Day, P cker’s "Old Re]iable" tlammonton Bakery. ;= e’- " - ST K17L Laundry DR,JOHN Wm. D. PACKER¯ Jones Lawson BUILDERS Wm.]3ernshouse, CONTRACT01t& BUILDPat SteamSawa dPla ing Mill Berry Chests . ~ltShtan4 CEDAR SELI2HGLES £ttorney- at. Law ~|t o~.~., WJt~, Aas/~rt romlDrort,tnth "la:nw~’k"atauY’° rd~Y-"m~P~l~ent" Th°*ewh°’~ r 7 ,~.Ele ,_,~&t~..~Xs~.. I~ ’ i ~. .... who~ w|eh to aopge ",meto:make.mortmoney o..= ev~daytimeca ~ Imtuad~ e R VI, -- mt fYee to there -,,, =o~,=. ,~,te~.f~n,,,at ,~,~nnt~l’at ~, Pure Ground Bones, Pay In the mo~ pl .moot ned profitable beslfflt~, euown, e, Terymln¢ new. ¯ C*~pltnl not ~. quirea. : We will furuf.ho Yon everything. |f4~¢lnguweyfl°nlh¢’w~ovvrhiBhL w|le~.rer. ~[nny now w,rkor~ the YOUR Comer ofBelieve Horto lsm4.-my’tra~~ . Agricultural Chemicals, ~~ curet NovaScotiaLandPlaster, BU~ Ladies’ Store, naabI~t,,workrot four weeks; myphy,[elaTt CATAilRHV~’~’~’~;’~’~ Ammonia~dBone talledt,,trordmo,oyr, I;ef. 0,ooppU,~llo~ ’: -of Dr. Terry’s NewRemedy curedmointtaet,. QONSUMPTION’J~I mU ~ off~ -,,.w.. ~m... o,==.~.. ’ Superphosphate, ly. H. ¯H~rdegen, ~t$ Vine St. [’htle.]ocldcntnP .¯ TSose ~ufferlogfrom anydlscn~e ~nufltctured by Cos & ¯ Richmond, ]~J[Ul~:l~]Lt~r ~L’~:l~[~(i~S Mulberr~Tr’~,.es; for aUkfood,, five .best kinds, can be supplied to any ex~nl~ Together with a general as~ortand.of~Tariotm elzes, from hems.grown ’ meatof .’. .. this Fall direct from and ~lapan.- aud ...... ¯ .... reduced. . -prices ........ All whom we eanfit,canget hargains TOMLIN& SMITh’8 In myhip Joiot. J. Holt,1912.Cu(bbcrt. St., PAINE M:D. m0BLSlOR FERTILIZER, .b,la PHILADELPHIA .... AND ago, -propos~---~ Hammonton,N, 3. I AIbcrtl[.Ledner. MaghtratoCourt No. 11, ~ B~oond 6t.r Phlla. ’ ~ I~~: F~ndelxe#nt, Tor tm~fege, n I~mi~F~ I ¯ I~ a.d -,-eeI~’.fv,~, a e~,~tlyh.x ODeinch tl~)r "Tw. applieaLloos of Dr. To,r.,’, Xew nan°, dy eared me oF a ~rere atteek of rhenmatbm. ~cirsR - 7]; ~orn Ma~ure no~I,h.~Z~,.L,tperS~,Phil~. ’ Instrumental ’"’ tly oF a Csverenat ’ ot "CuredmeInIneta, Mume..% Pota6;~ Mrmure, NeurMgia the¯right kideey. IL C. == Gartithe cord~ at the ¯mill. I Hammonton, : N.J. Y’" :Fodder Corn ¯ .. ,-, ...Mra~w’a, ~on. Ex.,hetiff, Glou~st~r Countr, N. J. ¯ . Oneneplleetion ~arodme of Cbr-olo Headgive inetrt~t[ou to pupils, either at her WM.BEI--SH0--E.LN US Will =be,s.P. Worth, .4 Vices,., P~lia. ro~Jdenoc,0n CentrnlATenue, or at the Fruit and Vine Manure. " Curad me er-Sehulc~ W.J. Lee, 37.~ North poI, il ¯ resldeeoe. ¯ Published t~e time.ordinary wege~, nt Augusta, his home. Best, fl.~. NOone* who eng~tg~ falls to make money, rapIlL’ ’gear, hand,ernest, eheapMly, Yea caboevot~your whole time to the work, or ea . By the renowned hlstor~ly ynurtq~rem~m~uta. Fun lnformetton end.all la’l and biographer. Col. Con~ ~otw~ede~ntfr~. Addr~Tntm & r~o~ Part. well, whosoUfoolGarfleld, publlshed by us, Out~oht twenty other’s by fl0,0o0 Out.ella.¯ e¢~ry .!ami,::~ta~. ’ t.--~--¯ mobs cImeet Folamg For 8teamhoat~PiqUe x =- = tFEVERand ACUE Pineand OakWood_ f0-rsale ~dbv erect cheeco te make momey.~ who tlw~yattkeadvlmt~e of the good eJ~mem for msk’ng m~ hey that are offered, generally become wmlthy, while timer ~’ho do Dot i|n,proroeuch cbunoee nmalo fn poretty, We want m~ny men, gtrle to work for at rl~t In their An onq nan do the work pmlmrly ~.~-$S’f z-,.I, w|dch w~ll ’,,.Ip y-u t~more ,n,,n,,y Heht aW,y than ’at,,Ihlvg ~1,0 lit thJl world. &ll. of~lth*r e*% ~uce~ trom flttt hoar ~e l,r~u.1 t~ to fortun~olen, l~foro tile woekers . . S ’sT0meS p Tesllmonllls. III.UIUU~ UULLIUIUbU Wl~ll IlI’U~ *" " ,tnm,=aco.,Po.a~d..-,.,. ~o|m,e.buysaod ~m~ Io~ntlu. ~ Iq~JR ,G.t~.f~t Vvo __. "~/r._^~ ~ Don’tdelwv. Start now.Addrt~ lardy rare. AT t,-we and Confections nt 7:30 A,M." Is.exrernellynppBed. II’affo.d, le~tautrelief ¯ Christmas GoodsandChrist- ~hl,eTenleg.YOUCaOet,l’yeara ell-be wantwork m.yte, a theb~l Sl~-well :GOODS. large supply of [. J people. The wltter found in Everything iu that line kcpt for sale them is clear and healthy, while that intruding Trunks, Valises, etc. . ter Annie or Anntce. She had three Satisfaction ~ivcnin newworkor any from the Holly Water Works, taken children by this first marriage. Mr. kindofrepairing. R. married a second time, ll:=d one son fi’om the Platte, up in the canyon, is by this marringe, his seeondwifeleaving turbid and unhealthy. The well watei~ about two years after marriage and :~s ~arried around to those who do not 0braining a divorce¯ He married a have wells or access to them. The third wife, who proved his match ,in abundant rains are of great advantage W~ON~ON, : : N.ff. viciousness. Some years ago he became" to thafarmers in thi~ country, as they ~ublican Office if youwant . :Calling Cards, Business Cards, __ URn, ~mutal~ m~=~ igl*m nmm.~ t..ll Ne.r,tll[le, P.h~emetlc er O’~nty Pal~se ~...~.t.--.t.t,,.....t,~ ~.~.,.,m=a~" r,,*~ a..,~,,ori,.ta.rid,~TV’e pri121; an,thing yOUa C,al[iwanttoHaveafull line of FOR¯ . . ,4~thmn; Pleurisy, lhelerlee. I~c|allea, Head.. p--ate-- from ------rig Card ¯ ,,~,,=~=’-~==..t’~=~¯~="~’~"*’~ ~.e~..~=....~,.~...= I’1 -n ~ mT T T TT 11 Tt E~ t~be, Enlsrxed e~4 Paietai Jnl,,t,,Polo tnthe * Winter Goods. = I.= II II! I I ! II I." I I t’ r, xto.of the lteart,Loner. I. 8tomeeh. Liver, Iadies~andChildren’sb(ertooVests, .. ,’,’,., ¯ E. K ¯ tPi-FffsmtheShoulders,Tightoestof the 0he=t," I~III.IItorPo~age~Tt~f°r thew°rktng cla~" andwe wlllm~tl you free, Send 10eent~ / III I; II elMittens, Woolen Hosier~,Glovee~ La I’. I~. Ill ll-lI , ¢c. UU&IIJSa r~,al,*e’,,b~ebox or ~mplegood~ A &ll ’ J.t A A IJI A U u At. u] S,,eple,,~’,, dies’ Scarlet Wool.Vests.’ .l~twllllmtyoaln thewayofmakleg more money DR:ESS :Wehave on hand a lot of ......... par. lay ~ara.yze(, an-:- by de~rees lost homeenterprise, so doing you Friday, and Saturday of each weck. will the better enablc us to ~e__ry_o__ his facult:.es, becomingalmost imbecile, necessity tor irrigation in makingtheir ¯serve your patronage. his wife, meantime,- getting control of him and his affairs. His will made very pleaaant by flnding-somc old making some plcasant was made after he had thus become a acquaimance~and ¯ =~,,,~ Which most people prefer, made fresh "We’/d::l ,J ur~al"~s, chUrl under her control, and madein her ones. At our next visit thcro we shall feel-less "Atke-~trangers-than-a t-for[ngr _ .:_:. Invitation Cards.- favor, completely disinheriting llis-fonr added Steam Power and other con- ~ MANIA~. Kr~G. veniences,I ambetter Rrepnredthan ever to Children. The son by the second mar- ones. do all kindaof Lauodry w’.rk in a satisfactory riagc is an iuvalid almost exactly liko As usual. manner.Ratesrouser, able. Annie. All this and nmch more ap" S JudgeKellysailedfor EuropeWcdNATHAN ELLIS, peared from the. testimony. The jury nesday. "~ ¯ .... DelIovuQAva., Hammonton. ~ave a verdict for the heirs, aud there is Mr. Blaine was at Colby University no danger of any court reversing tim Wedne.,day, attd.iu tho course of his dccision, if the case shouldbe carried up, remarks said that what he had seen t ~OR I’HE CURE OF which ts not likely .to be." ’The law in I , CONTRACTORS AND had nearly made hiin an advocate ofeoColorado gives tho widowhalfthe-estato eduction. of her deceased husband. Thcre is said [0£ 32 years~ ~Experienee.] ¯ T.Ifounpaidemployecs of the New to bn $t0,000 or more involved in th0 ~ L Or CHILLSand FEVER, issue. So, we will all be glad that for- Jer~,.~ Central Railroad Rrc.reported ’ ~ dUIOALL MALARIAL DISfASES::’.,~ Hammonton,N. J. ripo.fer a strike. , " tUlle has favored Annie. We meL Mrs. ~ ’l’he.la’elrrtet~rofthiseeiskmte~ medi. I Th0 ~atioual Prohibition Convention ,~ ~*=qY’aalm f*rit=.wrterl~ovspI Sampsonin the City and visited several lecificati, 81 ’x~mo~e|~_o~o~0redto~lo~ltlillofot .| .placea.oLinterest_iu hcr-eompany-r,-andar~1~l,. - ............ ~,,_lml~_ AIl[~Jm~.-:1 -m~tes~fUr,fi~lie~_ ........................ a--l-~bd~im---gK~q P~q~ent Arthur vetoed the Fitz~ .tr~r, _wae~sr ot.~ort or tons .t~t. ’ / Rood, and her son-in-law, Dr. French, JOBBING promptly attended to. Johu.Porter bill, aud tho Hous0 passed Doors, Sastb Moldin~, 1~, ’. kl~ rff~l~1:to the sattro WSl~raLed i during-the prd~css of the trial. itovd’.~qfis veto; but in the Senate it J~tg ~OZ~.~tou~tr~,J~obo~ghlm gug~touygo | aud Scroll-work. ~t TItt/tolUte.Murflonthatianoelme We attended, memorial services o, / failer,, receivs the required vote. ~t ~alitr~tUtonrelft~mo. I Sunday, the 25tit ult., conducted at the W~ndow-Glass.. tim, ~ow~a ua ~,ut. / Tb~ aro 115 cholera patientsin the ~aa 8 ea~s a ~a~le ~=mlma , First Congregational Church, by. the Tou~.hosnitals. : Sevcral caseshave Oddsizes.cut to o.~l~. Tma= =at ~. ~a~ pastor, Roy, MyronReed. The G. A. Lime, Cement, and beeu ~red bY the- ioh~;lation of puro t alteration R. wereassembled iu.’the church, and oxy~’," Calcined PlasteL. the Roy.gentleman’s addressworth~ occasion--worthy the veteraos . ~ mazller’; ~kor two altar the HAM]~IONTON. Manufacturer of father ofthestolen glMue lamt assembled, andofthedcparte~l.heroes Im&l~0~t’, our country a £ull line of any aid son,i~.~hewasnot_rccoguized by the TaoaM beingcommemorated Decoration -Winter Goods. family’. Qe a ~atha:tte th,ree sr fear duly ob~rved.On Stmday,Jtlne1st Ladies, and Children,s Merino ~’ests, Se~ttor McPhcrson is havinga boom ~sei of 1 of BULL’| we attended at the First Baptist Church :Mittens, WoolenHosiery, Gloves, I L t. ~ETABLE E~. listeued to the Rcv. Mr. Jeffrey, th, fortl~Presidency. Cranberry and Peach dies’ Scarlet WoolVests. Wewere well pleased wLth the DULL"~L~B~&~17d~ l~ the old and ¯ pastor. J..’A. ~Ncwlin,0~ the Millville ’~epub. DEESS GOODS. mll~blemmedYf0~.Jm]~urttiu.of~ebloo{. :]sermon. IIo preachod a gospel that lican,.anuouncoshimselfasacandidateW 8OlrOfOlOgl IL~DlOttOl~i---t~te &Ang og I ........ Also a large supply of ll~’Odd Sizes of Frult Cl’at~a ~ke~l?mt~et~ ¯ ": I ~!noratmts can ent~orso, snowing that for the Republicau nominationfor Con~01~ B~’g ~E~L~I~ W01~. j Loveis the fulfilling of the La~v_,rind Christmas madeto order~ .-Irma-or-]~o obey it8 ~W~o,--~ bebcst~ in.... grc~in_the-Eirst~D!striet~of-this-Stat~ mas Cards,i dealing with otaora are are accepted ot’ Throu~h the special eflbrts.of Conto ~e~ the bill God--their good works are of~otne avai I gressmau pensj0n ofPhelps, ~50 a month lethegrantiug- al A-Spccia’l~-, - odd sizes cut to order. Zltl~t, drOl~[l~T ~O’LL’~ widow of ’S. D. HOFFMAN, to them. The text was-L"A new com1111"11’8 TONICSYRUP, I 0ak and l’ine Woodfor Sale, ~’~ mandment give Iuuto you, that yelove ofRop~scntatives.Gen°hd Kilpatriek ItPassedhad alreadyth° IIoUSOgono li ¯ BULL’S SARSAPARILLA, . CutIt ud Split if desired. BULU8WORMD£STROYER, one another ;" and the sermon was an through the Senate Alar~ quantity of Piuu aud Ced~ Ma~ter in C.haucary, :Notary Public, ! ql~ Popul~ of ~e n~. endorsement of theapostle James,idea t~uttmgs, for Summuraud kiudling, J t~ommi~stoner of Deeds, Supreme of religion. By theway,thiswestern ,. A~Now3.crecy manhas beau"put in I $2.50 pr cord. GEDARPICKETS CorersCommls~ioncr. ~Ri~d~94~|~J~Jl~dd~Kl~ five aud a-haLf tk~t long, for chicken ttl~ I~¢gUl tQ b0 f~Ve~bloto liberal Ideas. ~aiL nor n avmg_murteen Wivo~ .~IUat City Halls m a great ~o,sr to hlm. Atlantic CiW, 1W,ff ~a~d fence. ..~’,~.,L~,,.. "" : ..,j, ’~,~,’,,~.’¯ _. . . :>,~’.’;’i.::~.5’:;~.: ’ it lW .13 ,I,,,,,~r..d ~,i.,.a, ~,~,..,o. Sn.e. bison*as, b~ di~e.vered a New It~mcdy which . NOT|CEo can~ffi-ff-f~youa -: Boo-0~k Labelan inchsquare, or anya~-and-a-fuU Dr. GEORGE R. 8HIDLE, 1aM laerm mmet~te tl foarewdaysthaeToo~tertbought imatible at amy Iluslnem. Oapitalnot Te~lUlln~l, We wlll I~rtyou. Ton can work all the timber tu ,qmra um.e omy. ~ne ¯ ¯ o,,hy- ¢~...=,¢..~,o ~L[’Sc~LL~LLU£~ i- CASH. .; _Imople,.~vas3ar~y_ t he ~welght_ listened to such discources as I did there¯ _of_th e_haiLand_water_on_the_canvah.. i~eiir~_flgr~i~~eel~-befi~-d ih-tttin South - = Strauss to say, noons waskiUed Itis anexce -hurt, ~qa~o,~asen here.Itrained nearly every I must not omit to the afternoon-during the two ..... beof interest to-somein the citT.Themeltthe greatbody of snow in the ofcourt iu Denver while the suit was on mouutains is causing floods in some of trial brought by the hcirs of the ¯lute NormanL. Ro~d, to set aside the will the streams, and muchdamageis autic- "~ L.W. of the latter. This Ro’)d was the first ipated in some quarters. The artesian of M,rs. Sampson of Hnmmon- wgl!s,of whic!t there aro thirty or more years ] t’w. ThoExpr, nmleaveerootofWalnntSt., ~~-- III AT i ~~.....I ~ ~1~ ~1 o0ns o~ Irhtl=ldrl, I ........--t ,,*: , s~ em " ~ HortoSt.: ¯ II.....1 the m~mufacturers, _in New.Xork. =, [’~rld"----"" ..... ~ ¯¯ or-e9 Gon of Bd2e H =M: = ~,~_.,Ja~=.’~’&.~e~’~.~. ~.~,~, - ’ ~ == Americans are to be found. The people of Denver must be a church p~oph--at least manyof theth are, as I and from thc ~everal dmr’ches on the these works. On the aftcrnoon of our two Sundays I was there. And I am visit to the smelter there was a furious suro tha¢ an .intelligeut, sobcrminded _S t orm_of~vind,_hail_and_rain.-~Thcre- person may well love to at-~n-d-6h-drdhT was a large circus mtho vlciuity, and B 151 10 ~1 6 15! I0 I~ ...... ~ tb~ ~=~- e=l ~ ~a ¯ F=I ~ irou, lead, etc:, whereas, at the other ’ Five cents per Copy. .... : works tlae various metals am extracted AND Ace. M’x# Ace. S~ I~.x¯l,/. IS.= I zti.; 4 Tatm.~. ............ I s ~I n 4~| 4 4al" ( tit l~&ot~ ......... .-~1 ~ll~l~l Lr~l 441 .-, ~ --~4~- : 7 ~51 9 42! 5 471 S 4& ...... . F ::.......; lammont0n,: N. J,, Saturday,July 5. /884. = _. U br 71sI ~5t 54ol t~ rl~as, nwal. ..... s r~l IoIS!e ~1leta Atla~tlc~lty;Ar ¯ -Y at,, ........... "-" Tez’m-.$1.°-S_Pet ~t 9 5~1 ~ , trot .... Atlantlo City,1~2J ~co~............... 921i W~ / ~ ~ ~ " C°mmissi°ner’--~=--- City’Hall, ann ¯i D-~’~~-FF~, n SSZi t__t , --- .Attorney , at Law, ~’~’~ ¯ " ~Ac.~u.__ s~/¢ ~~~ "~#’~-.~,,*~.=’~" ~.~,.q#~Tl~e h e ¢ r’f u i ~," -t~,- " alwood ................ Maeter in Chancery, Notary Public, -~, ~ t~=,t~,o=~om~. Rg ¯ I~m a.~ Wl=tow. ~ a~% ~te"l’ ....... o,o.,o,t.a.,=a,~.~,m~7~Um~- t~.~.,,~m=mo=tot~ "T~,.,..-Ig~ 1TG~ Oakland, lJendny, October 2et, 1553. -DOWN.TnAIYS, M’x’d Are ,Ace. SnndPy £.i ¯ .ll P-S A*I. " .8001 dO01 8O0 4-4fii-~~1L--d~51 _$-~ ~ .... ..... 4 571 8 L~tl 4 ~21 S ~l~ .:.3 :rSUI Philadelphia &AtlanticCity ¯. ~ ---,---"’" ~ ,A..q~D ||ehl~Pt~ IIMIruI r,|lt~ , ~ ~tag ~ lmpertmaL.ttcta t~, " " ~ tlmusmml, aaa dNa tm tatatem~tmatumUmst*tamb =mle¢ elsie lml~ ¢¢ f~t, vtmlttt~. ¥ouml~leu sd. ITffl~rlt~ll~t~l~’ffl1111 n avert O guaranteed. ~nlegbeokIn Ame~ Immense profltt to agents. Orders left at ElamSLockwell’sstore, or All intell!gentpeoplewantIt. "Aoy oeecarbe rome in Post-0fllc~ box 320, will receive ¯ ’aeueetsm[ol anent. Terms frec. naLLltrl’ ~3OOK P.O.. t:mab~ Getour ~m~ITcuPortland, N.Moe. prompt attentiou. ¯ 7 Satisfaction , A. J. SI XT I 0smden_&_AOantio ........ ........ haed~omest, best book : br lea tl~u t’wlce our price. The fastest ......... R,W,Woodruff & 0o,, ¯ FRUIT, VEGETABLES not .1=4 C0 ract0r ... is nothing uarrow and contracted Established l~i~. in Nature as it m0ets the eye here ; and 1~’O. ~" it appears as though free-born minds --~-" Cohrlnission Merchants In ~Y~as. ~Z~fAzL~Lx~. are shaping themselves after this model. The boundless plains, the Folemn subDENV’BR. ]?_O.UL’2RY,Etc., ........ lime mountaln~,-and: the" wild breeZeS ~3 ¯ 4~ I~ulton Pier &A3.Merchante-l~aw, thatS@ee-p ]recly--o,Jer all~S0mehow, West Weshi0gtoo5larket, New~Or]r, ¯ <~onneeted~withthi~ smglter proper is :the SamplingHduso. where ore is tested seem to make their impress upou the ShippingCardsand Blet~ks, aud informalion by K Ix. B. Po~rTnn,M.D.[whosays ~._ spirit, and enlarge it to the conception ¯furnhhed or lhls firm: "I ship all myproduceto them as~oits quality. Oreis graded at the - i n -profer ~r.oodo-any-ot her-housrlu-N than are taught by thc crampedcreeds Of thr_~_grades, .;Each= gr~ ~-*i~ _J~ste~. at . the sampling hodse thus : after the ore IffOTARY PUBLIC B~ch cr~ s~l ~ g_and_a_Thomas,~an d AND . ........... p.r.:t.~l~r~ ~00p~tmtaken, f~omlt,.e.ach manyothers whopartako of their spirit, C.F........... scoop from¯ adifferent part’of tho pile; COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, this ore is then thoroughly mixed to- .at the cast, exhibits itself here without. Deeds, Mortgages, Agroemenls,Btlle of St~le, hindmnce,--sp~king from’ Baptist, ¯ rid other papere executed In a neat;carefulgether, an.da sin,Me scooptaken from it andcorreet man~er. - , ~n~,~iio~:~, and X~thodisi ~;ulpits.and assayed.. This assay i~ suppose to ,~rmmmonton, N. J. In fact, the spirit cannot be stifled ; and reveal the falr average value of the ore. .--± all=the-protests--and -trials-for: heresy, only serve to tim tho flame of fire and in. ¢, valuation thus decided. dependentthought on religious subjects, The Argo Smelting works, situated which is surging over the land like a flvs miles outside tim city, are much .:... =0v ¯ t-’~ - i-4 eel. XXII. N0. Onandalter Jane15tlr,-l"~K WNQUBSTIONABLE SEOU’RITY,but mueb Ledger Balding, John Kelly announce*his unalterable t, ip, uter probability-of immunityfrom tossesTrtlue will leave ~ follows for ATLANTIC,-the I~tter umt foryears to corn.o, than otherComputo~ Chestnut & SixthStreets, opposition to Gee. Cleveland,- becatmemh. Waterbury N~mm Vine and Shaekamax0n St Ferric--Exsfneet~aln surplus is large eneo~ato paya. et thn ~¯ presson w~k~dsys, 9:30earn,and~L~0~ F.mt against him Blaine can carry New York the mediLulde, th, e and9.0Co IErebablo-losees on the policies nowin for,m, "% Sundays, 713~ am. Ittil their expiration,without any-dep0ndenot" state. omce, is goamnteed to l~Te &eeommod¯tionnt 8.00 tm and 4.30 pro. Su~ la receiptsfromnewbusJness----a eonditionol ...... ghly ~ bT-Ll~e-msaoftctmmrl. d~yat 8¯00ama, nd4.00pro, An odd sight was pre~ented, in Jud~ likes.that eta bo showsby bet ver7few com. *: ...... ) a I~an tad ask himt2he X.O~LL TRAI[fftL "The WaJd~__elin the State. ThepreimntDlreetort Fell’s court room, Philadelphia, - Wed_ ll~Igs_t o.tho~llcy-Holder~ma ~6Kday~ h e-K~t r 0-B~-df th-cat~il mid--ror tS.~- The--ForHsddo~field-frem-Viae,tnd~lisokmmuoa forrlek,7:00.8:00.10:00andII.00am.~12~0 ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT ~ getsappeared as witnesses in a suit. m~ft.00, 4".30,&0$~ ~:3~p.m¯ an~ for 8 mo.thL From Vine8(:. eoly,7:30,9:00;l 0.~0p.m. i For $14.2~-Jrhe T,e Weekly for S months. trains leave both ferri~ at 8 and 9.00 ADVICE TO ~ffOTH~I.RS" for8 men’.h|.For Sunday ; ~wefulSupervisiono/.tl~ busintm am., 1.00 and4:00 pm S broken foot of will count n to twoWHkUt*.ForMarketS~ 7;88 am,$;e0, 5.’00 and11;30pm put, to act onthe principleof of Sundays, S _=_~_QMPT PAYMENT 8;00,U Lilt, Lad 0:pro........ ~-~ ........... : ...................... :- HONEST-LOSSF2calculable:It Willrelievi~ the poorlittle " Sample copiesof TheTribuneanddm¢ripttTe elm. For Hammoeto~. fromVine nod Rhsektmat0n sufferer immediately. Depend upon it lm.atrr~ TH~ TRIBUlq’g, q|4thout seeking to EVADE themon technical ferries,8;0o. II tm,4.00,4.$0,t;00 pro.Sam&lye New York. 8;00am,4;00pro.8~turdaya only,from’feet k, ounds. -~_~H mothers, there is no mistake about it. " of Market St., ll;.~ It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu]t~emfter,nonoteswill be sahjcct to assess, ~-~ntil they-~re-ayoar~old. lates thestomach and bowels,cures wind leavefeet of Market Sttett, reduces inflammation, and tone Medford onl y~.9_;$0m. dq~ tO ~TLOWRATES~d FAVORABLE~0P.M ) for Teething it ~ sin. w~ek,daya."’................... O]FJ~O][ff.~lmS ............................................... ~ For Willltmlt6w~,-hmm Vih-a &Sb~ltamszoa O........ :- - ;-L "AnyImormatlop c’~ecrfoIly giver byUte , ferries, 8;00sin. 12;~1.80 ¯ed Opro. )f oneof the bldest ~oort ~.t-obempany orIts/agents, phy-si~iaus-ln-the-U=-S,,--aud ---WTN=-BA2~I~, . -. - ¯ :’-; Supcriotendaot. Oan.Paaer.A|t. is for sale byall druggists throughout ¯¢ F. L, MULFORD, Pres, y ..... -theWorld._Price 25eta. per bottle. ---ATLANTi0 CITY,NoJ,, ~ -. ¯ ~. ¯ -- the line of the IL L HOWELL, Se©’y. ~.~. ................. .... m . ...... ID . ... Philadelphia. :y ~., . 7 ~ "~’ I "~1 ~__~ I.~’1 ’ York ar~ pledging themselves to vote ~une. x " for Blaine and Logan, YuleCompany bare disposedentirely ef Ill Lieutenant.G’o~ernorPingree, of ~rer. tbuu rozela, the right one far goal htmrty ell STOCK PLANBU8INE~S,and hnvin¢ moat, was Wednesday nominatedfPr they a~ tnvRod to take hold at once RE.OLtGA~IZEDj has decided to roiling¯ .-, governor bYtheRepublican Convention. ~. Wat*rbury Watchis thelal~t ....... It~efurore do¯ " .... S~io f~montfor el~k|.A fltetotT .............. Strictly Mu¯tual Home A WORDTO TIIE W~SE.--lq’ow No. 242 Fifth Avenue,New York ataco=tefbulra with a ererknowm Tiavlngt~uceo~de.IIn payingALLITS LIAI that warmweather is before us, p: ~par ~ has been selected as the head ty. accuracyandchmpnme. TherataU IlILITIES,and s~euriegnn for it in the Shapeof Thio, Light’ ~otb. watch le not a toy, but a eWongm An im hens ~ of th0 Republican National Committee. The tructe.It la a stemwinder;it tm~for ¯Actual~*et Available Surplus tag, and beofcomfortable. t~on. William. Calkius, at Summer Goods at member of Congress, hasbeeti nominatIt -t~e,b~:With-thewatcht ed by the It* Directors feel thattheycanofferto all wh~ fall tnetroctlo~, No man or boy "¯ : L.. : UPTIIal..NSt---- - ...... "_..’ fl’om Europe arrived in NewYork Men= Eight 3~onths f~rG6 Cents.’ .......... " S 20 ) B~I 5 cos I0 201 Phllade]phla ......... ~ 4u, to ]6,o ~, day enroute to Utah, orate. ................ 9 za ,, ~lt tel .o sn 1o]el ~ m A Good Watch is.......... s Premium. PeunL~tcJua~l~ ~ ot 9Lal .6~ It is reported at Ottawa that the.O~, ltaadmdlekL..... ..... S$II" ¯..... ~s, 9 ml S St ................ s *01...... 44 .~’~t nsdian Government is arranging a new’ until Nay1,18~4, orders will I~ roe*teedfor she nedln 62sws.~ S Atco.¯~.~ ............ S~ ....... .... i~ glr s16 S at reciprocity treaty w~thunited¯ States. ~ewYork Weekl~ 2Ylbt~s for S Smonths for 111.82, ~ ~t WaWrfonl for The Semi-Weekly ff~rlbwle, mOnth~ ......... wIR be e~mt w/th everyslabef ten. Wlntlow......... 8 ~fl s ~i4 t~l ah9 5 - ~-e0mktlssioner-~ :~-be-sent-l~m -:re, elo~.a-a,wnth,’-.~ ~o01 ¥ 16 ....~l_~t0l_eJ~ ¯ 211 a 48 _ins_ 4 Ss’Wetorbnw ~ttch in n D~Omta. ............... will Culmto this countryto learn If, In ca~ tadh~m~e mtm~tEallsH~orO/ty.., ............ S~S~~ ~" ~9~47[ s~4t .... "m’4~, Blaine’Is elected president; the United ~ l~ s o~l s ,~, s o9 A~u. ......... see :Utow~eld At~La=e0tt~. ....... V~ ~1 sam vr~ ~States will pay $500,000,000 to obtain ~’tbu~e toward n ,non dr The island. ]DOWN.RAIN8; ...... BuilderdIr0n WorL ! r . Camden &Atlanflogatlroad’:i’ NEWYORK TRIBUNE ¯ .... :Five hundred Mormonemigrants ¯ AND Is :very %, .¯ . . . . __:__: ........ ;/; ............................................. . f