Lumb`r - Atlantic County Library System
Lumb`r - Atlantic County Library System
JANUARY 20, LeonardTies.Post/hi MiIIv-ille~ consolidatedintooneorganizationunder the latter name. " "- ¯ ¯ - through ~hereseems to-have takes, connected : --:o:-..................... temostof ourspace+ this week+ to It up and will gtv9 the pleasure Of and c~owed~ , , : ding/and’ will pore J Over any longer,, said L hours+ The +~ood+ which he ~horter the fartheYwClook baCginto ¯ 1~ was once six hours Howmuch tt~rthcr can we go? Once .: recently become" fl~emanu£acverynecessaryh-O-~eJ~-6ld~drticlc, weare to offer to ourpatronsa. line of ’Soap -:: ma~erl~ls of the ....__-~+.----.-.___. Of Hammont0n.N[J, Onthe lookout for ........ o~bliadne~ see. that Congresseh: overthe" better knowssoaps (+such as’ _~sbbittrProoto~ & Gamble, antimany0there) -++~: ininsisting ~)Ut ~ispolicy to separate the :Cl-e-veland tariff bill be~.~,uee of theirfear Uhablo :that~ his Om ~..t~:- ~Sd_ e-beoath- lilac band,we cansafely guarantee them,to iuevery essential requirement; yiz+: Perfect the , a PeA~entcure.. +ire+bewithoutan equalfor ohilwith colds orcroup¯ Paid in, ~30,000. ~Surplns, $12000. ~ ~ter Bargainsm ., " ........... ,~ ice’Pres’t JAOK.s°N;V W.R. TrLTON, - Cashier =:+: : ...... ::+ call -"- at .DIREOTORS: not. _ . R. J’. Byrnes, Liliuokalanl is nowopento Ame~icav +.++eeoc, _ Elamst .Stou~ dHeent der :with antem-t°pr°dutm~t-ev-V-~Y-lm-r of6~-mituc% G.F.Saxto~, thecannibalistic stare whichwason her O.F. Osgood, face whenshe informed Minister Willis A.J. Smith. - .....P. Elephant,’ --a-l~rfectly white fUll.sized, soapmadeofabs/)lutely purematerials, urethefinest fabrics normostsensitive. price sells it,--.Scents. 1.00 the ismd ground ¯ S. ~ TOES+ .------ . ~’~,~ - " ": ......... ..... :-_ ..-_::-:+.~.::. Comfor~ab~~-i:-,(: +’ :+ "+: ". oftheprovisional government. --+~J’~-+ O~-&uderaon. --WoolDress youwishtO getup thedander of )fD_e.posit’i+saned+Jam~rlng ............. Dem0cr-atic Congressman,send him a numif held.six months, t-col and3 2 i~erper cent, ce;Gt peran. ff Prints, -cuckoo crock;- : ...............held one year. ’+ -~: =i~ President Dole’s compliment+tO the Flannels, the :day’Tuesday and- and a :: axe and choppingblock. Friday of eachweek. -An exchangesays "the Democratic good~’ariety of party is ontheroadto ruin.It would -seemthat!t hadalready arrived, and DrePs Trimmin" thatithaddraP.,god thecountry along_ , ~:..~ with it. SecretaryCarlisle said that if Con~re~ doesnothelp him sco~._he= must"do ~i.Roberts’ Oleine. ..... /i~.!’i.Th~s soap weclaim isat least ona parwiththe andfarsuperior to some, To those ~four customers who.useOIeine, we onlyaska fair ........ Lfeel confidentwill-convince a~d~h-at our-cl~ for "doing something,, too-lato to do almost any kind of ,:’-~ valid. any good. ++ ¯ _ ~ .... . ...... AWoodlmr~ gir~cal~hereat. S~nta=_.."i.: __Jo.bPrlnting_; )f--his-elaws~ ..................... ’W’e-]~ nowhow 5+::.Youwilli~xcuse us,we feelassured, whenwe thatthisSoapis unequaled, andstands without a peerforpurity andtheabsolute security_ fromin" either to thecomplexion whenusedas a. Toilet Soap,or to thefinest andmostdelicate :-:articles when-used-for -Laundry ~pu~hich ~e mmanysoaps on the market. It is 100 pr ~ cent pure, therefore perfect, -- is peH’ectlywhite,in the Belowyou Hemthe you of the homeare all ia the peoplethat thm~ Will the : and different of bezlde~ furn~hh~ Inters+ring gay, for the whole ~o.:,. Cam and that by the use ef Drug~? ¯ It ia an import. ant one. ’ aad In. [east~ ,~: .... p--rice islower thana,yother soapoflikecharacter - ~-.-stomach.... For this reason their action tk not direct. ’ fore, comes .eon~t with and into the blood. ...... ? -polsons~ act disturbance m : :+~,:: ~3fe just mentiona little drivein afall 36-inch ’:~ Mde¯.CenturyCloth. Wehave only a few pieces. ,:+;.=---"Whilethey last they are yomsat 8 c.--regular 10 c. composed of the elements of" the air, and’ acttn~ Ulmn the blood,is not opento this ohi~tlon ............ ............ :: DIP- ~.t, h+.e+e+-it --- ...... :....... -.+.... ithns_.o~m~nl+ easesof chronic +.,+.. writof flerl ~tcl~ : .... :,:5 .. free, W~- ~ ~om- of 18e. ¯ one ..... :. + +. ..... . - c--rE ’ *trusts In the County of W Jets©y:" at as~akest~n~lfqg ia themlddle ¯ imlnutes east .’ ¯ The South AND How is Democratsin Congressknow what they i~f~+_~+~al andm+aehinery, wanted.todo, and had thecoumg~to ---and-gtta~+ntee Satisfaction .... it. of promlhone~who.has spokenin favor of the Glevelandtariff bill has admitted t+hat the bill wouldredu and-thnt it Is lnt~h~d~ that very thing. If they had ouly been as lrank before tho last Presidential thatf~ andthatis nottheonethatMr Clevelandwascompelled to r-el~ abandon. The"gall,, el tho few Democratswho fi-de, theorieson theCleveland tariff bill, while iguoring thed~plorablo practical condition towhich thecountry hasbeenbrought by eventheprospect ofsucha billb~commg a law,hasnever t~alcd un-thh:-ltoorof suffering fromthe In leo, t, (~ ~ ...... ’/.:i .. : ! ....... + + + ~ I HARNESS. r " fallassortmento flha+n-d made,-~+for: work. ~, Valises, ; etc. L. w. -6a nr, For all kindso Window-glass,’ [rhnSport them in summer,and was quite as convincing. L igh~ Fire WoodsFor Summeruse. "Wemanufacture .............. Of~lll Also, Cedar Shingles. 4~ Wehave just reoeivedour Spring stook of goods, ..... ~ yo’u willing to work/orthe cause o! Proteetioninpisclng reHabro infer. + ,, , Road, :+?:; ....... South SecondSt+eeL. -- Lumbersawed to order. Orders receLvedby mail-pro ed muchmisery. .~ We.add to our Provision stock+this week+-:!:...o+Taylor’s PreparedHam.Youcan broil, fry, ¢~r boil it,--deli~ous any wayyou choose to cook it. ~! .~.+. ::::+++.... ~No bones, noskin, nosaJty taste..] ¯¯ ~ of ,Groceries;--Faticy-]M.ammoth ’ ~/:ii:Y’ +~:UaliforniaP-runes--30prunesto the pound-~+ at 120. ...._+Samegoods were 180. last season. , Ordera pound :::+:+:,, : fromthewagon--you will comeback/brmore. :+~#:+ " " BER~Y.CBATE~. Yourorders~,i~ited. Lumb’r mayinterest you. 36 ,+ Friday, Jan. 12th, 1894,_ : eufferem,. TO"all at twoo’el<)ck in the afternoon ’- Oanfurnieh very nice Hammgnton, N.J. ’ w~cmaf~r her vigor, ou reaching home, ho disoover0d the los~, Fall ot~ a 0hit .... furnace. But her of $800in cash, the partml .payment for J’rove~ m0r~l~tent than posen i a carload of his fninousf,ttc~ctle sold is ~,~ughteredisonthsheaSt,~ ~e Chicaga market. He ha~l ~lvesthe bloodn fresh star~ rome that evening after banking hours, .Andavigorousmotton~ ,-:.... . .. " and ’ ~w andwaathus obliged to retain themonoy~ ~’es, laugil and grow fatl the darkened aport hia person. "~aunt az,~l ~lisarraagvmehr ,,Phe liberal rowar4 offers:! for its, *’Care,"you know."killed the cat It wilt youif youlet it; aes~ious betokcoedi re~tora~ou ou to bo su~lcieat iudueo- L----’~-~ /’bare’end ~rer~’eilet for the floor t, .eL There cad bu no question that the For manya grief Thav~t° la’ugaaad-f°¢g°t b’ .Lv~s_:~: n~ornie~the’breas~ pocket of hi~ froc~ coat, nml ~es, laugh andgrowfall .... .]:~!rs.~.. i.~lytholc "r !ll!d ale ov~coat-,~,t~s :(tabott0aed; andthere l~hough~orne~a,ptichereat . .bsclt alter....~ nc doub~that it was found by some May#soft. wholesomolau,-Jhtcr .... the sunto offer me? at the tium0 or by some .)othbodyandaoul, -~. ,logical ,t~velet; in the ~Cit~tty v~ztuxa~he. ant- Mindandmorat~,contrc~;¯ ter w|~b th6~ai~i? Flrs~ Mytholol Theyare aUbetter after. eeedin~ twelve hours." Character-~Well--er--you kuowl The aggrieved .~[r. Marlo.~ was re. Then got8~OtS OnIf~ laugh andgrow fat! .v. ,~, memberin~,with growingirt’tt~ion, tun Don’tbe primand"a’ t~at;" ~ "’ -") ¯ " BnEhttzDlfferent. i~ dzseomfltm,, courtesy of the onlooker., Whyshouldfeatures be lengthened, I~llee Maglstrate--Ha~/o .... [aat-night,~vh0 restore~ to ~iai n’shat, Su~,miig"tii| you’ve heat.~. ........ i the fkagmentsof his st|stirred set el ~.ndI plc~goyou my word a~ud seen the prisonerat the b ness--Never, your honor; "Ialise t~eth, %sthe dtsaouesty of s3me ~u’dbe gladdened andetrongthene~, seenhlmwhen I strongly --2Yonkers StateemaR.. he’d beenat lt,--Tlt-Btts. ,all theInca,, . aVou~ _ _. IlUa[0R OP THE I)A~ehool hours by ’scarchin~ boys whoexended the radida of their explored terDast.proof~A ban k- nook. .4tory~ms. tlmepassed and thepocke~ and ." In at the death~Theheir~, )ookwaseditmiss£ug. " Into trio was filled with dismayat ~he A d0g star-~The prize sctter. . .... igtl~t~itmight involve-Toughcharacters ~Hicroglyphics.~ ,ix ’hours. Zer in some~cul zew and she was already soundedthe distant boll. so, abaudoning ] ,,.~ .... ~e~ultedin a strange and uncertain sound. .~uton~’ ¯ .’ she setzed Arc wa andJ~l~hes, her wraps ] .. ~o, , .~tauo :swue. ..’ near, ......Joan of llecord. aud dizzy, but she had no ~room y-L-----~-’u I not£~oun ~’niladelphxa n nurr~Ivleft tee cnurcn. ..... of g~vmgup. WeUY.we]IP’ reiterated Mr. ~Marlowin estate usually goes to the ia w3ers.~£roy Andnowa._,£ow.~U~steaxlypul~=th~--hallway-of hishouse, pa~l~lng Prd~s. " oat a tone more pov~erful and thoughtfully in hiscolloquy withthe The newspaperman is the ~rea. Parson Wrathers--Ds almost breathless Battle, who had "not writerof the pco.ule’s wrongs.--yGalvca dis chu’ch am a~ fooll ! "I hopeour frien? *--’-’~ is not wrn~tion--Pahsonl! Pabsonl!! ~-s. Burke stood must have been when I went back for I The nan enables a roanS, man to -iv~ ! man who dean’ know no moah beside the:rude sin- tag,’, meditated Parson Brownell, care- .my ru.bbers; the roomwa~dark, J.!m [ his gift’an inl~ffng of’his ’sentiment.7 leabe fly-papah where a~O,_ gla bed and w.dted ~ully placing his manmcriptin his breast mac xs---your naa me ngnulTexusSiftieus’ study window. ~nostoutwhenIzamer" r ~ ,._. 2="...., ..... : ........... i.for._th.~ a!,, and lhad:I. ..... ¯ --.:. ....... ~- -There m. some~hopethat.~he fa~hio~ dat an’me’too! - ~ug.up fherd,n~gha nantamenunung arouna rot my over., :n---a----;" .... ,r =. ,~ ,- a~u c¢,~ Wit, ~ave OLL L~O h’dO~-SKlrL% in’ned. ~Jndge. ter’s"moroing slum, t~’eparing s few pungent rmnark~upon shoes --Lowell Courier. ’. bare. the **shiftlessness" of a board that could "You know I always wedge my chah "Yourpe dldn’f i aPP°int Jan Burkea~sexton, these to be in that angle the bookcase makeswith To one traveling through the countr3 in a neighboring house a certain ordinary chair since my midnight, and.when onn broke dowl ~’e~:---Troy Press. attentionj &_~efironompany,SUl~.r-sensi.._ u~d6r me at Kitt#WiI~5~s~e-dding. Whenyou see a boy Unableto ,behave He l~robabl ~ve to alarms, threw downhis razor in "Easy enoughfor it to sLip out fronl himself you should lend a helping hand. woman was fool. ...... midst of his Sundaymorningshave,my pocket whenI was feeling ’round fm ~Cleveland Plain Dealer. he said that all Be,lie’s first onset. ..... and sitting up in bed. my overshoes, and for me to knock i~ Every doghashisday,butthe nightlow as gospel -=- "Yes," sighed Mrs. Burke, deapon-i But she soon begen to catch the time under there myseff. Ihadmightygcod beluug to the cats end thaclubm utters. --Boston ..... motion, and, save somecapricious-~~.~YmI~tt_-ha~ to..gO over and not-t’hfni~iag about losing.m Kate Field’s Washington. l her bell swungin fisual fashion, pocket-bookor anything else just theax get Ben Haynes to do the charch work The 8tout Ma~’ "Gee, that was a coldsnap," as th Then, after the other had ceased, =s Bat I tell you, Be,tie, I meant what l " ¢ d d and the ,~ ~a t’ Sgappm~ _ ~ ~_~__~I ..S_ a bu!!dog remarkedafter biting the. B0~ Chumly~You look asiC wore. - -KreRllmve-tobe madeearly~-~[ w~mm’v-peals forashowof independ* eaidlaU0ntgettingit~ack,"-and-etand; In-some gr~at-trouhl~--Mr.Ion gift.--Philadelphia Record. .... chure~- w&m ’ enough, so 7ou must .euce¢ and Baltic, dropping the rope~, lag his cane against the wall, Mr. 3fair --So1 am.,1 am g~ttlog fatter and* against the wall and duped her low counted out $100 from the cunt~mb An 0Me physicmn proposes to abat~ fatter every day¯ -,,Well, that’s no ]lurr_y..n Idsaing, but the average young maa pro, and blistered palnm tegether of the wallet and thrust the bills lute ’"S’Ye~, mother. Get me the keys. Pll misfortune. .... Yo~:forvet that I her forehead, Butit the Ptesby. poses with a wewto keeping it up. be downstMrs in a miunte." gleepianolessons fora living and thegirl’s hand, adding, heartily: "And wcrshipers failed to assemble, it L’]~ttie. ~ herself quickly and ’ tl:e oneto find it, Be,tin Is as touch’as I cando nowto rein I’ mglad you re want of summons. the key.~ ’~---Tcx,~. Hurrying down ¯ $ $ ¯ ¯ $ -billtothebill.. ~p~ster..--Washing~: ~: 7~ " . ............. ::Bet’tie-dad not bring-abouther father’t Young Lady--Haveyou bathing.......... ’==Ing meanwhilethe /’bird. 0’ bieakfast" -~rard the’fiervico:i~dmg in Cdstffm- mf 0 r ma_tion_a_t~qn_ces~__~jn The motherwhostarts to get a sleep, o_o3_~h e r.~ov e ! . _ :. that her.. me,lira, urged upon her, and kry order, while the atmosphereupstairs hopefuladmii6.~-p-~-pl/esl-ed--she-w--o~ld. bed these mornings rosy ~e sul~ here? Wate~man.~-Yes, mum. ’ ¯ onlyhalfheeding thodirection thateTinced no punyhandling of slmveland .time-or it.=Pliil~. servers? Waterman -- Yes~.i mum,! but at’such tunes Battle assumed delphia Times. ......... ::=" =:=: ’--]BeaHayn~eould-~not.beTound. Then,as friend greeted- friend.: aff~r:Service, 80 hnwit is that s y.ung city chaps, I s’pose, mun~--: that "Jim must have been Jzm’are-election to the position wascer. few womenstutter when they talk~" hood .News. " i:~i~ ~ Family Pr|do. I’: ~dter Sunday, The last- attendant~at.euu~lay~86hool : ,,Jim or Battle, one of ,’era will ge~ Brooklyn.Life. .,% -" ~i.’/ School, m~)ther, Don’t- worry about me. departed, andBet-tie==l~6cfre~l:~bedoor~ the work done, and done well enougt Little Georgle Crakkor (Pron, Mrs. :NewLee Wed--"Youarc a f~il i i~ .. rm going to do pa’s Workto-day; he’ll and hurried hometO~dinn~r whose di- for us," was the ruling sentiment of thl We uns ownssixteenboun’s. are~ John. You’ve never had an)" )uek.’ gestion was aidi~d by .a comforting sense .... -. .... Io~ the " find out he’s been ClayEel,r,Jr.,itrlumphantly and Bettie and. "her Suw ~r. :New Leo 3Yed~’.Ycs, once ~ Followln~ her determination of a wordofpr0tcst. our gran :~: :~: : by theclouds of dustthatfactswhenever theywereretold. earnings as laundress to someof the, at theswiftmotions "I don’t know," Brothcr Wentzuse~ " ¯more thrifty families of the" community! say whenever mattera was Standing against the back wall of to, "whether that the slip.of girlreferred would ceased. The losswas a serious matter, forsince Jim,asa daylaborer, wasnot the room was an old-tsshinned cupboard ~ i’i!i : into the ,ulptt or not, if any. donated to the u~es of t -[he rent of the met,in’, be~l ring[a mn demandedsuch a piece of furniture, : ..... fortunate drinking habit that and all, and did it just as well as Jim !twasdisturnednnlyonrarooecasions, ¯ ally causedhis ~relsnged was not a sourceel log raised but a few inches- from the ~ that matter."~Wqrthington’s Maga~ao " ) tinder it wasa matter Of the simple needsofthefamily and Didn’t Care WhoKnowIt .... "I-th~dk,~rmurmured the handcuffed exce~’-h-i~ ~come, the cier,forI have morebondson hand of cleanllness, andthe. spotwas often thetrain ata village statmn anda crowd thanI canmanage."~Baltimoro a persistent effort of whichpoor Ame~ ¯- ~imseemedincapable. neglected for weeks,butBet,is, impelled ofabouta hundre~ people sawthemoil by womanlymstiucts, included it in he: the groom was a strapping young fel.The family council held to perlods in ~ tow-with sunburned-face-and hands and Thetwomostexciting this unfavorable state of affairs was dirt-expelling rouud, ~oman’~ life are when she is iisteningto with vigor into the space. bear’s grea.*e onhis hair, whilethe brid~ : brief ouc. Mr.-Burt~e tersely herfirst proposal andbidding oaa b~s. Out rolled the c’olleeted lint ann with~ _______that~BstficYa~a-to__he~_ bt-6ke~cr6el~ery he ari~iiu~tI6i/- ~ leather lame ~farm, it a rounded, ’"" 7 " ~ ......... ~eat" thahhe pu~hisarmaround herand able solution of the difficulty; that ~ "Were you m p She picked it up, dreading the out- began to cares~ end of her hands. A voice fourteen Tears a girl to be ¯ ~’ :-/% .... at ech~ol until sholcogld men’sbooka for ’era’ a~ the fr~J~ indulgemce-which his own convincedhim was Inevitable in of an 0nly child. Matters might have gone decision, bad-Mrs.-Burko’s ¯ declined ~or hadthe side mado-herbroath comefast. ’ ~oon he pulled her head over oa hi~ Written in ink upunthe inside of thel ~houldorand there was a titter from the flap w~the nameand address of Ca~par’ :ear of the car. The head sta£d righl [ ~Isrlow. , there, ho~evor, and,Joshgotbothher The mystery began to cIear. The hands in his. nun paw. Three or fouz town had been agog for weeks over ~ho. voices cried out "0hi" and "&hi" but disappearanc~ of this moneyand the re- It was fully two minutes before he ten. wardoffered for its reoovery. ~ierly pushed her anctrose up and Rather-l~l neonS.’ tiff, "I wasa gooddeal .run yet? Brush ~ Yes. Mrs. Brush,., :/ . .... Boston CommercialBullctin. " Are they going to hang It? Brttsl~-.:.~: 3Ir~. Goodkind~"Thero’s only ~Dubious: I heard the chairman : trouble aboutpoorMr.Carcles~ He’J he thought hanging wa.~ too generous to a faultI" Mr. Gruff-- ft.--Exchange.. : *’HumphlIt’s a pity that he isn’t gen. The Real Problem. c r0us to his family.’--Black and WaRe. "1 have enoughto .supportY0V,. .’ ¯ In ’97:Mistress (to:her matd of all Ethel. ¯ WII’ youmustoxcus~ln~ / -~,=(.:=- ~lso-a metaphoricalpillar~of-the-Presby~ h~d.- It ~¢a~a css0 uv love, Wesparked: you be kind enough to~ If I am cautlous.. BLit you- ear jy6~ ...... Favored by circumstances, she SOdaterian Church, further fancied by aa ad- for ~eVeayears, t3he’smyl.dole/~andJ~-- to myxoomand bring methren ~i~ces i have enough- t0-Siii3-~6rt rod. Whold: her towerin’ pak. Wo’vogot180 mliel of coal item my jewel case.’~Etmir~l going to Support you?"---Harper’doh’in tie fac~nt miringmemberas *,the pilla-r supp6r~, of seztou in the Presbyterian the pu[pR ~a frequent supply ofarrears to ~o aud woare ~oiu’ to spoon everj Gazette. B azar, . : : in the p~tor’~r salary furnishing the an- ’rod o! it andif thor’s anycril ter here who Church. ¯ ~ Makingthe Best of It: "Good morn Unruly Member. " ’, " aiogy, thinks he ~an’t stand it hc can git ouJ ¯ The committee were won ov0r to his /ng, Uncle Charles. Did you sleep weLik experience ib was, The Weekly Iotolllgonesr, n publicalearn. and walk l"~Chicago Herald. the lack of other candidates, I’m afraid your bed was rather hard and mg to write! And how many .us.:.,; i.~ :’apparent readiness gave 1am tiou whosoprosperity sprung from the uncVcn;but--- " .."Oh, it was allright, am Ifibl¢ and unconsciously madeof faces. kno.wiedgo possessed by its editor of the , " .Ltght Social. " .... for hisfrdqaent bdast that thanks. I gotup nowaudthenduringover l~ For after we had learae~; kind of news its readers desired, had ’ A new. socke~ for incandescent thenightandrested a bit,youknow,"where to place eaCh:finger, and how:! "] .t!n fieof"the office, recently chronicled 9AnUnfortunate lamps has been brougl~t ouh which i~ --Punch. . . to movethe pen,. andhowto hold th0"i Accident"as follows: ’ " flexible ~n¢l will admit of the lam];. of favoritism moved "Our " follow townsman, t,Could you give mesomethingto ca~,, wrist, there was an unruly. ~r. Casper ’globe being turned in that d~reetion ,in thodischargo wasthevictim a painful as- ’or another. A sprin=r coil for’ms on~ ma’amS"humblyasked the tramp in the that Insisted uponhelping us sba i:i"!i:; concession toBottlo’s Marled’, ciden~Veduesday night’ofof last week, ofBoston of thestern visaged letter. t.h~. connections tothe’farad base~suburbs ’y-w~:ffhic2/W~att-ended with a:~erl~u~-]os~.- of thekltchcn doo;’~ purl-take~the platter the threadon womanwhoopeued~ "Yds,"said th-0-s-tem visaged woman,Smartis makln’ As he out from the ctlapol regular socket,Another nnvelty~ in-her school door Ofwas the p,~sing Presbyterian ehur0h at the ~tho kbout the spring Is a sharp point on as she eaerge’ti6aliy closed t1~e door i~ tn~ lesson. his/ace and locked it with a Teacher--Howdo the end which removin~, the-lameby S’s In tim copy,o-day,and he’s mak.’.u~....... openthe sprlng, aud allows i~thechurchthe zt.’y pavement. Ho wasseverely, :~ " Tho Pharos h he walkedthat night rely a person carrylng a cover for the. Alex~udrla L’fl. a de- t~m~e~ ~22-rn~o-c~~ ..... tight visible forty-twomilo~. Little "~hou’.: toldinso.~,’: come,¢6mXtng a ra~ x ¯ c:a~ting aboutfor her.words,’+that I cowmmed by th3~i lou lo;lPerfeetion; probably am OUt of !g but that do~t mnkeit tny the phmmuterto be tol~ so~ me a~mmunic~tionf sad~.erybody a. that the .world Youhave ¯been Tory expHclt. Youlenvo sonde w~nts10vs.!’ little to my lmaginaUon.I’think’I un.. banks ’+Do yoil know--don’t- you tMak derstund you now, Of toms6 when ] . tl~¢ro exists in ~very humanheart an in+ .h.Ope~tom~__et~onr.r~quhammat~.X_waa_ -- underthe Imlmmsinn thirstIbr~orfe~tI6v~-~--T that Yuma,Fort MO "I am not hero to generalize about hu- reasonable ones. You Arizona. helve told :snthu~as~u~-’: .... --~ -Winehester-.pauod_-her-.hxn& -/3he lifted an appealing hand, but l~a ~iii~Rly-a6F0s~’h-~--f6rel~e-ad~- as ~if + t.0 "I supposeI felled to appredMethe brush awaythe little frown that had eel.-fact that’-your ideate-do not " _fledthem. " ..... ’i.Other people have sometimestold me &girl’s ideal is not likely that they had found it," she went on |tout and perceptibly past thirty, and I steadily. "I maybe unjust, b~t it has suppose he never has the beginning of s on his head." scemecl tb me, that usually they were bald spot .. "r +~ .... She dlsc~ained to answer. . "~¢~’~ very easily satisfied; and yet there have been ~omo~oftheo~-I hay6. enviod---f/5m "And at dinner- he- ~robably ¢a r~ the bottom of myi/cart. Is it myfault V Whomhe takes b’ut th~ him. ,~I.admit that it that I havenot beenable to bo satisfied, ,~ no lon~erbefore the c.aso with too/. " YouknowI havo been- more--or I nn~-fakxh-g-y6u out," hc’cootil c~ admired, but infar it has always "Of course HE : ~uush~ne was dszz,mgthat after, noon, and in the .: gsrd-ea--- ~ mr hand you tasted at its b~t that keen- me[6o--:~g~t --~ stoutness; ¯ and they amply thing to be serious with. Can you ira. agile what¯ it meansto know--~rthint~ strata that I amof th~ is provedto yanr satisl youdo.--exactly what you wantS and tq otherwise.there_ -reaqy wish rot It, and never-to have il for comenear you, hut xustead to ha;to thd wh0nI have beau so fatuo-a as of it me over she said with su Mi~Winchester was breathing tether try hard to recognize now, b/~t she , around the corner of the avenue briskly southward, This: Glrl~o’m bub I can ~e¢,_- Ph¢~nix, It was decided to re I ................. . ..................... green appropriating moneyfor building " A Jut7 trial--Listening to the /aw.~ ~t irrigation ditch iu the desert, which ~ers. influence a woma~ whencompleted aud give the Indians n eatimpossible."~ Washington menwho is.both stron~ and fine; a man who~an methe nd’ornmentsof lifo Withrespec~ himself no went uP.a |ins nl manwho is not ashamed to have ideals 8 statement,.but he satd_:;n~thing/ +andandto strife towardthe/aT~ia: This 8dr-Denial! --AddisonFletcher Andrewa" espeviallyOf -w-atexvaelons am as +: Georgia ~urel 5 ..~.+m wasplainly visible in the ~: I a carefully dressed, slightly in,leman o! middle eizo and ~elves, burrow in tim ’ " a st~ pumpwhich torves the water up from the river to the dry packed but w0nderful rich soil, which! when ee CleanUness in N’rult Culture. , __. A Fearful Fate: Van Demitt--"Sg.._ he’B a cynic, eh~ " Been disappoihted iu ~,~£’" the treatment of fungus diseases in his cook."---Vogue. "? plants should be preventive rather Grocer.-"~’our sensaem~_t~ ring the plant -gr~." Customer--’,Y~; you know,ha’l - -"Thee,you suppose I like ". meat first as such a l~hllistine o to tel~ you that Tou~_~,~ not he/ You leavtng in the _vinery or the- orchard, .... ~cw York Journal. of plead-forths Itwfll-bersome time before-H~[Wati U " ...... : lylngon the ground or hangin~ on whocbme sone~,~ost_things~ timeu he had rmolved--~hat he apartoftheUaitedStatmcaa be gen~ Outside theswiftNovember twilight t he branches, the dead frults of tlm toY~/b-al~6 case. - .......... mriencod at the last house ==---’--..................... faint in the Llbrary Amoryturned by the fungi, may.workinflnlr, omls. --Washington Star. alX~;wu ushered into the [e there wurealI, ¯ carve ~[ paper-cutter" over and Overin ......... chlef~ as the dean fruits furnish to the ’ When the young ~ hum vecom~ on. IteXittatedthatre~aotestand puttingyourael£-oatfo~buta-comf0rt_, s-tronl;,Soft hand,-beading itthis gagedtoay~g_h~y~ht/.atablkhesat .... futlgl.whichatt~ck__them the-most [~ of the. more publin able- ~ ~d~- llttldjok~-2that- l way and that. ’ ~ favorable pessiffio soil for further and Pr6tec~---r/~"-7~Thewed~ugh- ~e:/a~ ........ % ~’.q~:.-~.mcheater house,he neverurea~eaynu were ’ ,,"to ............ ¯ goingto care Amerr-ah.~, completedevclopment~ In the next t~on.--Baltimoro a, x were tell nor that I am that ¯ anythingab6utnnyoneeo ditterontas Iman, what would she s~ v,ffi^.a ,,. |~oftenwnnderedbe.: spring thoairis fuller the speres of I Avinlinisttobesuecemfulmust keep ~glmmor Winchester am,.~ior ~at 7ou couldcare in- ---a th ....... er~ihat no I these fumri, whfclxflnd-lodgembnttn -up-with -J’ I ..... m0uglxt:--’+Ori my~0ul thini~ thetimesc-~=~TEtt:at/qm~fllould~ ~!.]hs~’Pe.moaallty eo strong, y0u-have." methe room Jeem~ alive . . no,am not far.fromin being it. If mylife the newIsleaves "In th~2-=~ ....... ¯ no, ,.~xmorycorrected] o£ametes~ my own...eyes, - el-itis trouble contlnand fruig and ~o the alwaya,have-~emeti~, g, new on- the " bar. -’1"o his nlind,at least, even tar Y .~tHng,_-rR~h~D~a~tr~t. ..~_._~in csretull " ...... would hardly be blamewurthy phrdy Say//to fruit-growers: a "If Jag~n sap is~h~ man evea in expect to make fruit-growing sue:.youzpartmeut, whoitbelieves that who theliv~ saying Y" you were too satmflod Hd:l Eh-g~i-u-th-d~h-al/s, the rugs -i, . . I thought even[ hers. Is tt nothing, to h-,,~ ~=~+..... bookcasesxefle~ted iomethingof Fo Ue interesting I admit the, ¯ ~-- I t.._a_ =__ .. ", " -:~ =~v ..... ..... and that" you are ..... several’ things I .... c.~ananu onesa man sore uustainedl ces~gardens you mustkeepyuurorchards i,,tbere+isnop/a~tikehome, %inter , spirituality combined L m-~mgen ] Does she think does that without and green houses clean.and :No ¢ontmdzoUon.--Elhdm Gaz.-tte.haaa i~h oft c whl~a was her own po one would ever dream you Were~[ ideais~ Does she really think I am under rubbish must be on tolerated which the fungi can breed " i There is not muchdifference between charm. Someonehad laid once [tings, I mean--andI admit that.{ any serious misapprehensions>g=~tauses ~Jss W~__n_glgstt~Luaited ¯ you~ery much/-but-~don’t-.y0~ 7~f-IIfe~?D0~ ehe~O,.Lord. - He-who 2~tn~t~=a-n-~-Dlantssh°ul~be+Te~Yed feais very ex~lldfi-ces that are less it wouldbe to try to makeher he first sits in as scrapulously as the sable ones are --me derstand;"carried out u benausee you come so near, and zurromzd~ ~ walt for th0_ehenge.~ He interrupted hh ownthoughts a~. will rcpay the extra trouble it in rnpfly.--ThOhands, andhePa~’er’knifVdropped theSnapp6di~h~frngmeuts will almostprecludethe necessityof musethere maybe somenewstyle be. ~ure itgetsback.’~--Inter.Ocean. ~~ - . wi_th_asofLgeatumofhis_~ qImclal, treatmqntJ’ and drew one long breath. Then he :~-’~-~nm nto come home, ~lhe ~d. "I ~ glad to h~tr: you say rose, esyiog with a newgravity that she -- ~O "Wish tO Intrude. ~ had never heard m his tones de.~r," he a uswered~"I thou.~Utyou ~t~way~- ~6-~6s-[t--~--You must forgive me il your " however, w~re long over. " ~[ow, fore; that IS.I suspected it. Weare not I seemed a trifle ; .er. A man does Hatter’s Cletk~.) getting on. Those objections of yours, not lose cheerfully all t-am-lusing~for be had¯recovered from the first of surprise at finding that he was, those deficiencies of mmo--Ibeg you to I did not ask to marry me to worse" hitt’l~aa he might specify them." qualit~ =-:.... ’( " . . ~.~.-L~;.:..; .-,......:¯ . ’Lq[~:~>" : :’[ butbecauseit-vras thebrln~anda Al~tlehlgherIn the maliciously, "Sou would not expect pinoss and such stimulus as you arc still crown?" visit, aithaughit wasthe ’get on.’" hmelisa’. Amoryhad seen Miss Win,y°ung enough, m to your get from many_things.. "Yes, sir. That’s "You aro not liko other women," he iIfindunly presence. I have toChlnamen." " the kind we sell since her rcturn to town the 8aid, simply, with a lover’s conviction, only one thing more to say. Please re. wasevidently-not of the "Youwillnotevad~orputmeoff." "Let me see some of them. please." member it.I am,-unfortunately formy "Yes,sir;butI don’tthinl of an ordinar~ a6 -writ:a-Suit rear it as such. She . _, _ _ma2~man-bu]s that---sort--v,--a-hal; 7ou in Juneit would_bo_aaacrLfic~ -and11~a~wyim think///e quite absurd_ now. l’ve sold ’era two dozen of - ne~-thv--wimlow -da--ad- ira. to- ~nariy-yo u l" ....... I shall not cease tolovo you us I inv~ that klnd In. the last month." . ,uffy aud comfortable chair. "What thane’ he urged. "Did yet ;you now.~ut a~/oryou,I knowyOUl "ThatstyleJ usesulfat i~em, had taken his seat opposite not also tell meorion that love could ~’’ -wortd-bettorth~n~f0Wk~fflt_--You’arecl-oso it. iight-ouher -deaionStfat6d-~hIy-b~sacrifice?,, -twenty.two, they .smvayed each is in ~y~ ho’s got one foot m the R~uve." -- " ........... I can.afford "It’s what they ask for when they retorted, hotly, you tea years out of mylite to Emily--,,Then, dear, that’~ all ho ever’ tAmorybentfurward and picking up a 2nine/n, Is it?" "I had forgotten that mom0ntarily," that ideal of yours. And. I shall think b.arved papcr.cunor from the table will get in, unless that particuisr grave "Every time.:’ murmured Amory, dejectedly. "But the time well wasted if at the end of it " ~ratinL~cdit’attcntively. "And you don’,try to sell them is considerablylarger .t~. n usuai."---Bo~ the objectio~ ~urely, I have n right you.can te]l me that no one has ever ton Herald ...... ~.~,;,,, :: _-_=-.k-"I believe-the time is up," he ob. any other kind, do you?" " tarred, ’+in ~hich you undertool¢ to *’Verywell, if you insist. But if you have never told’me that you could not formulate your objection~ to me.As do not like wont I say, rememberI did "Well, I guess I’ll go to some Store hired mount, who is Jn-difii~iti~)~. -~ love me, nevcr one%but 9nly+t~stLdid - +’" ~o old fellah, how.arp_Zoucp_n~. sine warned.- +’In notcom~, that mark. Andso I do ~ as "thev are to who can bo powers in tl~e world, bqoa fixed on the " .... Funny Folks. I do not meanthatyou are " u tothose." -- t~ ant.. ~’* he . e. ¯ oome nearer tt than i. k.ow yd. "You her I CapOn imrod%ity fried , "No. ’Because the formulation of Jl~hemis so hard.’, t "/do uot feel disposed to let you oft said Mr. Amorysmoothly, "I admirethe beautiful self pe.~semdonse~ toward him. not t~o Ionk. whioh you say hornbIy eruel "Zs that what you "I knew you would take it hadl~ ! [n her v0lce..which he never mean to be e.~el;-Im to-l~ve-ha~d-tharrImfo~o; = his pulles~and he wonder~l’dullywhat it in the blg chair; now only trylngxo be true." , ,’I wish," he said, fervently. "how mmmk her lltha figure enmt, ~led soulnf youmforflveminuL~t._!_wondur lieu with.whi~h-.be_had, vature~ the. ~Yes;and a~nostlcs lf~¢u-ha~b ~ny idea-how dear yo’u can I~otme, the~ courage with’: wh~leh he: had nf eyerythmg aud everybody; and be when ~ou are not trying to be son- ~egun the disousaion, had all evapora, have heard even worse than that oil selentious!" ted, He/ell tared ; he was conscious of you, Colonel~that Is, that youate a ,,As I wasasying, you care too muchttte nt~htt of the burden of his searaand scientiflo atheist~" for social success," resumed N2nWin- of the deadly aoburamaof life. "I believe lu eplgramm~ticanswer. nature ann wome’n," cheater, striving to q~ak with the calm. ~ "Than--then--I almost think you was the grave, n~ of a dislntereate-& critic, and fairing need not wait I" .............. mgnallyJ’ "Eimmorsdo you knowwlial you are " "&h, yes. What Phte~" Stra! ainR the Cold. saying|" "You care too much lor the things el., 8ha .turned her head away aud~faeed While fu the show business in the w0rld~the luxuries affd pleasures.of megarnering darkness. Pennsylvaula, Artemis Ward was it, You care about b#lng~comfortablefl ’ ; "Howcaa he be so. . stupid as to ask put to slcep in an at,in where the !he ~atd, disdainfully. ~:..,~ . mothatP ~ she demanded’ofthe frieudly sash had bten taken out for ventlla- was a look of tender s£mpathy in be~ "Whatelse|" .+. x,~:~-,.,,a~2~÷.(:: NovembertwilighL--.~, t~,- _tlom_ Lq tho--nlghtrt~--turned--T0107. ~yos--whiea-nr?usvd-him__~.~dW--~ffrI, ~e heeltated. "-,.,Whatrlghthavo l.totaketenyearsiorhimto understaudF’ Ar~.’~aus eelup,andwasbusyatthe~’lews. window. that.3oursds not n spiritual life~ And--Kate Field’s Washington. tt not l" -"What are btS~mpanion asked. up . ..... ~ ............... -- ......... .... lldTi~ot-oc~hr, to ms T~ burglar is not Inclined -to bt: was "2m~angtng so c-cold," UDsome he chattered; Of these hoop".!I theconeolationsofreligloo t,.~lkative, but he is a greab bore sklrt~ ’I tltought th’ey’d keep the so long as the cooking was excellent at qhen he 11 ads the ~afe log+kc~..coarsest-of ~he cold out," ¯ o, ,are | how mU~t ...................... T. .....- ...... ¯. ._. Mr. Hopping the war, married. Mrs. daughter of Deacon Bunko ~U~o~L It I~ neeor t~llntat hou~e~ In tows, tmd.never,.oeeupted..Inquire Seely~later, removedto Phlladelph!a, but returned to Hammonton several at this oflt~t0~(.~,r t!efllai~ yearsago. He was a gUted writer of Dr. I)~rby, Vtoe elect -poetry andpros~a devotedltudentin th-oOdd Fello~’Lodge, toplcs, a lover ofbookej an Weanssday evening, as be Is to leave eelentifio conversationalist, a:good the State, GeorgeBernshomm, an old entertaiulng ¯ ..... :~ ~ SJ.TUI~+tY,=JAN. 20, 1894. ..,’~ ..... ’::->Vm0"in wm. .......... N.., MILLINERY.: .. Samplesof Goodsof all kinds L.dies., . From Stmw~ridge-~ ClotMer B, ..... ............... can be eka~Sined herej and the ........... : .......good~ recoiveal.onshortnotiao,......... "1 "~"Y........+iserfect at Phi!adelphia prices. ll~"]~rrands correctly attendedto in the .... city~,-~very we~k. Egg Harbor Ro~nd~aple Street, HAMMONTOI~’. Bellevue Ave.. Ha,mouton. 7. BargMnS, ..... Up to Tuesdaynight, matters were deeldodlymixed, at Trenton. Neither Senate attemptedto do any business on ......... Plentyof-them:: Monday-evening ; the Republicanshold a coofereuceand prepared a statement will be given of their case, whichwas signed by all Some of the many Bargains public on Tuesday.. now 6ii Our c6iintieid ~itr6i;h( for the Ph onogrhpa. , eyening,Gover_uor .W’crts.~on+;. to the -r-ump,,Senatethe written 0pin- laiif~h-~ of Stobk-tha-t @d~n~t- Uni0n~+.~-ali , next-. ¯ iq io:cIoseout; the rest are which-th~-Democratieclaim that the result .of careful buying,~-alL =:: Inu~ua-~dy ls sustained; SO many people want-. but tbei~ right to excludenewmembersare way under proper values. is ddmed.¯~Thoattorney also decides ed to buy tickets, that we-~ Democratictemporary oigano have decided to sell a ~%-th6f0~it h01d........... Less"than a’dozen %~dies +- number. : The-. ns,werepresent, whichIs Leather Shopping and Chute15 c. each, and they fleas feature Of the laine Bags, former price 50 c. had at our store now. paper is i~ regard BargainPrice, 35 c. ~onsti. .... , The Programme, Senators-electshall adminprinted in this spacelast office to eachother,-- Ruching, p~RFoffcaufind M0i~tly-B a~k.---Fbi~e-rwilt consist ~xL-enpport-=eitherft~)m principle or p/ides, from5 c. t0 45c. yard. need-lr ~l- opimon etc., ~g and ’ ...... ~__t~+_o~., M, and beyond long and wresting illness sapped hie elefited_to+~.lJ, the _Ya~voy ............... -"vltallty, but his mmd was-eleat~t~-the J~’. I .deslre:;to -.tendermv.l~ml~tfcltlast;Ms faith firm; Onlya- low hours ~anks to mymanyfriends in Hammon. . Ilia death °to-h,-th6ladi~-of-the W/OfTi- Uii::and hand and said : "Goodt’e, old letters. c0namdes of P0st 68, t~. k. RT.,far their sympathy arid kindness iu my late O. R. Packard was in town it’s all bright affliction. " G~o: HYP~,r~m~s.onthe other shore.,, Funeral services ,ys. ar~-aeagth~alng+at~ Meeting/"for electionof "ofl!~rsfetp’.; in conducted by.th0 Roy,I.--R’. CapLJowett Is recovering from UnionHall, Saturday afternoon, 27th, Swett, of Vineland, a@isted at two o’clock. A nomtnatln will be held iu the basementof above InstrumSn~lm~ ks!!, Tu~y,~r0~~t 9<oor.m ) Post-Office 7:40 A. M. ¯ - ---. , In 2’xglantle¯ r~ ~ouo~y. ~;;;--~-7-. ~. i . ~.. J~’~. ~)llJlara, ) ~two0a ilavn chla"~,,aab .... ) .~.o..~. :M:.: STOCKWELL’S :....Go0ds-DeHvered. .To be suited. Butane_are sure you will- ......... Crockery.paperaXor~.hreo Bury N Wl/wHeah rs,: - cents regularly 79 cents. "During the epidemico-f -Is- giip~ Chamberlain’aCoughRemedytook the very like’l than other COugh medicine."--H. M. Ba.~os. druggist, Chelator,h, IlL Tbe grip is much the same as a severe-- cold _-...... :_ NewSplendid.:: .... - 95 c. ’~argainprice, B~t and effectual For sale Or Lansdale Range, ...... and will by 3.. prevent W. Cvchran, any ten- x 2.: druggist;. to t)e had at any p~ice when the lot is gone. -ZJ- Zma, be:tcr Back Rocker s,seither 2hancer~, [nsures in No. 1 companies, hght.:or New The50 c. Lenternsat 37 c. Savehalfyour[0neY Jersey, ;+¯- nameandpries on the .......... ~’blchg.~artmte.~l their va us. eaves thousandsof do, lure and at tbe _owgs~_rate~h~l+~t ton,ton-. ~o all business. , Hammonton, ad. other make. n4 uses them. For ~ale b~ $3 DOSHOE K..,. THE WORI.D. gt. W.L. are all gone, but come soon. tealer Catalatrue adv ......... l|catlork* Fruit Growers’ Union. . ByInsuringin the ................................. ---- : ...... . : -+---. ...... -+-.___..~ .... : : .. ........... Cumberland ]ffutuat ................. .... Weare now booki~orders for . -- ............ :_-_~........-:- Canada Ashes~ ........... from thewe had G, W. PRESSEY, directed # Sausage, and Agent, ~tammonton,N, J. PRACTICAL to the very favorable analysis of these Ashes, in the State Experimental Report, Page 42, Sample No. 5027, Cars will arrive fr0m au early but we wouldlike to have HOUSEPAINTER, order NOW. ~mmonton, i~. J’. Satis’ao~longuaranteedon all work. OrdersbYmall attended to Bowles & Mclntyre, 4? -- EggHarborXoxdand CherryStreet, Ha-mouton. . o +’~,¯- <’, C0m[pauywillassemble fordntlThepresefits’, ’+ RENT,~furnlshed or’nnfurvl~hed,--a F OR,~ven.roo~ hoeso or1 Bellevue Ave. next lb. S. Triton & ~. at our store. ...................... We hay, .-- In sixpound pt~#~rltgos~ ....... + .................. - canvass Plain and Decor~ttlve -~It --. . .... At C. E. .... ¯Hall’s............ new St _ m% -, Bellevue Ave, above the Post Office. stock of Paper........... ......... always on hamL -.5-’+~ .... " .... ZL--’.___ .~ _ --..+: .~ _ ++~" ’~:+~+:.... ]?uU line =-~ -~- ": .- SILVERWARE. -: _.--__ 3"- : : ¯ . ~)- Hammonton~N. ft. ..+ , -- received were numerous Programme.or Atlautic County Teachers’ Association meeting, to be held in the C~ntral School building, ltammonton,on Saturday Jan. 27th : but beforethe timetor his trial he walk. ed out of the court roomand escaped. He remainedawayfrom Atlantic,’ City several years, but returuedlast Summer. 9:4o A.~.Opening Exercises. ’County Prosecutor’ Perry was Peunlng9:~5. Methods In Tea0hlagMuslc, ton)s coansel .touyears ago, .............. ~l~OmW-,-Satl~uey. 10:t~. Paper on Botany, he heard of the prisoner’s pr~eencahe Miss 10:35. ,~. GrandArmyPostmeeting-thle : .....:........... -eeeuing. By the way, we were mists. 11:06. Wesb all also haveone or Imperial EggFood, morecare of GuaranteedU~ &fallllneof : . ---: , J. S. THAYER, - leached. Ashes,at a considerably-lower price than the General ] erehandi ~ Y:r" ~ + " J ~v-v"~ ntraetor &Builder ’~traight" Canada. These . .+ a+-~’z’.... Ashesare very highlyr.ecom. -Ha--ms-?at-2 :NewG0odsEvor Week ~Plans,Bpeoiiloatloes,andEstlmtttea mended, Come in and, see us furnished. Jobbing promptly ..... attended to. . aboutAsh~s. - ............ = P, S.-Yll{oa:_~-Oo, ................ Church. A.nlyto &0.Presbyterlau "’ ’ CAPT. D. (3. MOORE,Vine St. ,~-,_ _’_. .. :.., +~~-Er+~ryR:-K6+,-pt~e~-d fed at Mad .... Tuesday, aged ~. +’= (4)~ ¯+%’home, in Folsom)OU :years, after morethan a :year’s illness. Myers’EggFood, .... ......... , was-held-on -Thuradt ’High School Room, There will be a meeting of the .::~i. ter, Ma~s., is spendiug a few weeks children, sparedto an unusualage. County Board of Examiners of this her Y::~ ~: ’ wl Wm.A. Hood,recover- County,in the school-houseat Pleas- Rev. Asher Moore,her husband, came here with his family in 1859, was the pastor of Those whointend using Canadaday iu February, toexaminocandidates sali~t Chur_c __and died universally h, it-~t0-ti~eir i6~ t~(:hci’i’~’~rtifica~s.- :Thir4grade to th0 F. G.~j_Unjon ............ _g~)~_n_~u_t._9.~da~ ..ceewere held on~oduesday ...... -. -¢ in their adv. andsecond gradeon Saturday. Exam-at the familyresidence. inations begin at8:00 o’clock A.~t., and last ’ Jam12th, at the residenceof his close at 5:00p. M. "Boykof the Fair." Don’t mistake, t~epbew, Levi Horn, aged 87 years. Justice George F. Bredsr, Egg bthis is no."couponand ten cents’, pu ]Puneral servlces on Monday. Harbor City, was-marrled ou SundgVlicatlon~, l)utone oft-he finest worksof ~ " froma Mrs. W.B. Oliver and children, last to Miss Jessie G. Emdry,daughter artwe eversaw,produced ¯ ot Philadelphia, are visitln~ her par- of Charles L. Emery:formerly ot Ham- printing office. We-iV-lsKthat eacho! R~v. yon Bosse, pastor ot the ourreaders couldhavethecomplete spent montdn. i-.._ Woduesdayeven,ca in Hammooton. Lutheran Church, eNcYsted. The Au- work. Price. ~1 per part,--40 pages, rora Singing ’~_olety_wnd the_Trombone -12x -16- incbe~-,~%~rehl choir o, -the:ab0ve namedChureli ten- in all,--100(i pagos-ofhand-some engrav. -- Condition Powder,----"- : .... Get a circular let~ An adjourned mcetin~ ’ e Black s:G neratStore ..... -Nothing.on earth will.rusks hemt For s~deby _. .--+ angels’, when we ....... to all. for the past two years with always "entertain D. B.t)~(,BElfRY. Of the best OCulisLq of Boston+ will take in strangers. ~’.ILeyivalm_.eetjn~g~_are being_boldUO In H~|nlUOUIt}II 8n(l gla~,,es, or wishing t,o _in the-Pr~hyterian audAsherMoore+midnight, lastSaturday, aged85years,_ Wooltt~y’.-an- .~a’tffrOay--of- eneh wrllo bin, tt postMcard. and he ,,viii ea|l at A good, <31 success. faitl~ful Christian mother, beyonr house, xLlx,tr. . Solid Walnut Cribs, good size, let:down side~ub:/tah;:i .~. :.......... suppla i), ......................... :Bautist pu!I~It- )ected to-mbrrow)..morsi~gand be opento all residents o~ the Districl intended to buy out Dr. Derby, and to oecu whodesire to attend for the purpose patronege. He engaged board~veniog. Tl~c-~j:aud--Praatice, .......~ The._W_.__C. T. U.:-~lll_meet at of Education, and Methods. Theclaas remainedaboukfi_v0days, and ncglectec~ . _ :Mrs. Rutherford’s, Tuesdayafternoon will meetdaily, andwill be in chargeof to settle his boardbill or repay five -- ~ ,=+,. Tea-Triali::-~ . lt.3w ~ Mrs. Wm.Hopping and fatally work. The lectures will-probably be lyon on Frida desire to tendertheir sincere members ofthe G. A.R.Pot I~’ The.Musica~Messenger for Janu"=Anumbrella an ownerat League, and manypersonal frieuda ~.r)’ ia at hand, and worthy the.atten_ ftheh" sickn-ess-~n-~ -sifi~It~ firstmusical number--/ollowtt{g.... eighteen pages of appropriate readin~g ......... If you want ta invest a little husbandandf0,ther,- . _--. As eeglneer Woodopened the matter--is moneym. phbtographs, y9u can do so a grand organ "Prayer." Then come "Gems from. Friday morning, by some Verdi," "Louise Waltz," "Spanish . I~Born, in H~mmonton, on Friday, turn-table, derangement she started foreward in- March,, (a duet), and "Love’s GreetJan. 12tb, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry ste~d, nnd dashedtbrough the engine ing-(a s0ng),--totIttc~n pages of good ¯ IeIL Little, a daughter. house doors before hn could reverse. music. There is a portrait and sketch ¯ F Dark, damp,threatening weather, Cons~uonce, a haft hour’s delay in the of the lifo of P. P. Bliss, of blessed 0f the_week,with rain Thursday "d~inmy’~¯ start-out. - ...... memory;-Published by Fillmore Bros.; night ; thO morning. _f -~.-Frank Erriechotto,s horse ran Cincinnati and-NewYork. SL "Tlie7 P,~J~.hff:-l~--+agaia+ being a-_Way, Thursday 1" C: ADAM9FARbI, on Oak Road. Is for by__the 2kcmoClubeandwill ~ale. Forty acres, nearlyall cultivated. ..~nt of the post.once add makinggood t’~. Good house ~nd barn anti otherbulldlngs. be producedon :Feb. 22ndand 24th. cranberry bog Included. Terms qtLtte time until the driver turned him in Smal! l~qulre on the premises, or at t~" W. Wvand,o! Atlantic Cit~, hackof CharlieMonfort,slivery stable. reasonable, the Republican OIlice. ..fifes beenawardeda, patent for an Contents oi the wagonwere scattered Somefolks are "cheeky,,, and chemical fl_re extinguishor ..... alo~ the ~treet,- but no damagedotm;-0tlidrs--are i:bnffdifig~--Z£ -Ybu-fig-mao companion for an Invalid A Teachers’ Traieing Class wtll n, rddefitly, in[r6~uce~ ] t of rsfervuoes + canva~&-the" ll+-HighSchoo| svlf-as-~a+ cancer-doctor; =per-- weck,--Jlepubl~cun, l’rca~.. Tribune! , J:oot ball gamethis afternoon, same, and the immediateinduction into Special price for O. & office of the Senators pr~cnting such Wash Dress Buttons, regucredentials. Tea, in order that you ma~ larly 5 c.perer dozen, ,Second, ~hatth, ce ~ tiC, snarers price, twT-d~en on a card for elect as aboveproposed,shall immedi- 5 cents. Goodsized buttons, until Jan. 27th. ately_ proceed_to. cfl~ct a permanent organization,and elect, offiCerSinthe suitablefor shirts, children’s mannerestabllehed by universal custom dresses, etc., six dozen on a and precedent. c. cut’~ As these proposltiono are in accord card-for-o -. ...... " ’- -’i with the decision of the Attorhey-Gen-~’ther tot.eral, andwlth eatahlt~eff-:cU~lLihi~-+it ---And Co~OperativeSoe’y,l|m. =:=J was hoped that au agreementmight be Men’s Rubbers. reached. Anyconte~tudblectk~ff~/i~eff "S ~ln all ............... lot of first quahty CAUTIO:L--yr .~ de~ler o~er~ W. could b~ triedlater. The Democratic .~,hoes at a x"ednced prie~, or ~tys ~)au,IIa~ committee promised to consider the one-strap Sandals and low-cut ) has their| w|t.b~ttt zzstme 1~II]~[ OD. bottom, put Ill nt dew1, ttl ¯ f’t~ll.d~ . matter, and give their reply onMonday"Clogs," regltlarly 70 cents. ght. ........ ALWAYS GOTO -- ....... Thee. Rogers and family, and madeits rep0rt, au~ fur~ ~ The ¯ +~.andMrs. JohnBrownle~ other neighbors’ for kind attention thor time to during the-sickness and death~of- our "~-U-iiotiOYtha~=n~aHyeve-ryi~fi-Cle=.-Bb-fi~.SVH-aH:- "=,,",on to our populationis of MR.& MRS.L~.V~ good, sad another’meetingwill be held their position,r/roddotheir duty. .... :-The~-tw0-Senate~ met on Wednesday, " .... Holda Scarfor Tidyin just Thii~--cn~r~ih-m-ent onrned_untll.+Mp~l~ )osition and that -.fd2y ~tuM-to-man: noon, acommitteoo! three from eacl~ ou want it. Can be used on have paid 35 cts. or 50 body~het,and the Republicanssubmit- ~alrs, mantels, easels, etc. seat fi)r. price is l0 cents, as follows: + price, 3 fbr 20 c, a ~r~t, The acceptanceof the credentials of the ~vennewly-electedRe ........... MEN with Boys 012 per moaOat~lantting ng t~ , ~ I; gathering. ~t per draft ~l s time, Improve..~.t+ "+ Ghtes WorRs, Ola218ooro. Addross:C.R:-CHEW’..... P,t~. The expense-s of Ihmlllcs with to Glassboro wll be t, UOreasonable Offer will be ac’ce2sltry. a - - ..... a~ possible-- ,. between 12and1~yearsold. Men Raccoonswere never knownto be ’. ,j- - . I.$nguage Work. Mtu Kate Savage. Question Box. (Q, ueetlonsmnould ba mailed or handed to the President Recite,Son. Miss EmmaJ. Ward, Elect|on of omoers. Business Customs. Prof. Lsibffeed. el Pierce School of Buslness. Pmcttcal ArLthmetlo. Prof. H. T. Wlllams. Pleroe School. :,:?/%: YellowRutaBagaTurnilm,50 cts. per bushel. ’i:;+!:!+ . f Canned. Maine Blueberries, sometMng fancy, 10_9_ts.__l:~._ ’-’=’-~’We~gve very --Schumaeher’s About a-~year ago I took a violent at- "ken last week,-- it was Past Poet Com. 11:~0. tsek~f la grippe, I noughe’d day aud nlgl~’for about six weeks. Mywife then menderAlexanderAltken whoInstalled 11:30. 1:30. suggested that I try Chamberlaln’a Pmtofficers at last meeting. Cough Remedy. Atfirst I could tree no Westill havea g:30. difference, but still kept taking it, and ~" Wd"ere-informed b~,the manager eoou found that it wu what I needed. of the Uulo~Store ~hat they will sell A full at~ndance of teachers is de- If [ got no relief from one dos0 I took Uoketafor the Phoaograph.Concert at sired. Allintereetod cltlzons and it wmsonly a few days uetll willbe another, I was free from tbe cough. I thiuk 15o. each. The price la only nommai, welcomed. ple in general oughtto__kn9_W ~outte.- Farther " - of tMeremody.-aud I -~----ke-~lemsure in ............................................ ’, fouudiu their advertkemeut, " acknowledgingthe benefit I received Wm.ltuthertord, ~°5andl;0 ~ent bottles for sale b~.......... _I~l.~d_Inanran___ne,’_._ ammoaton, ~.J. - ............................................................................. &tlantioAv~ . -:. ,. Be~ .... ) .. ....................... :. ......... lot of desirableCalicoesat 5 c. ped:ytm~ -:: ...... ,, ~ ..... ~-+= ...... +. ff -- "," -: uuppu~e~ a penny ~lttda ca the s or th~ rot. suited from the conviction ~4er :thor morLsl exists tution- taro a I~modietlon to the humanr~o. hOwr~’ebu!d llfe lnJur~.,~e eom , But, atfla~ for thewldwp~d’lmpr0videane1 ’You am .now layour e ~avitiwt helpln~ toourpay for . degopghtted"~;~ ~ ~¢Btla|=:-|lfetr~uran~ fool if~: support U~’fa~dl[o~ of m¢~ who had mot~ harmed by that cont01en:~l" will wre~I~, ,,r income thtm T.ou nowhave, and you can dependonthe ]mprovlden~ of tmmy for the first ¯ hemispheric, ae~Jt~e,,, ’. or Ihst p~ank~.tehdd Blow" It out troth el my te~t iu all tlmtm and in all planetary o~ttaelrophe. cold’Mr., :.There are mtul Tear It "~o have the poor always with like a candle--the I , , dowBlike wornout u r~ne i~t sun. ring plaee~ that o ~,~c~her’t~’the~t drolLf~m_the .~uthorzt-a water .ttl, oeea~-!-’~0att0r t hom-]il~lhi’~t l~l 01 ¯ schoolboy’s breath--the world [ They will ; which has beeuumstale and find good not disturb the unmipot~m~oi~r-the eom~by use, - *~he-e-ai~i~-g-~~ t a SOrtof mixpoallr% or the’sxmpathy, .or~heJove of.that-moretbax-s~ve~-feet-h~j a~le. t~ support themselves and Christ wh0SMc’[tt ones on earth, and will too large a space needs to their h0n~eholds. They are a mystery to us g Msword of : ~la la heaven to all tho~e who have ~nd’we ~ay. ’~I donut know what leth~ to t~e theeows.- -A 9f"t~’~m-~ have thoq~s .tT"*ln~.~muoh~-y6-dld-ffi~ them, yo =. i~.... ~/o~.oa~ ~ 4go o All the como~to n Ion 1{~s |--wbe as true now--"Ye have the poor ’Wayswith .......... ~-~ttv~~,~-~q " "me~oop~’8~~dih~ up to ffoseph’e ¯ ¯ . soul by -~elxee tn ~ffypt. Wltno~the famine in 8amaria end Jm’u~.lem. Witue~ the7000 hunseemingly ~ry people for whomChris: multiplied the in their:, a¢oniged - feature~ ...... t~a~’w;- Witness t~o uoc0utitM mllliolx~ el mart~ !" cries the J~ ............... ...... Re, Experience."’~ ’.Bent Almost Double of ft," . mURDOCH, a fewd~ys. BeUev~c Avenue, ’ Eammouton, : : N. 3, . . .~..,. ¯ ..- ~,~: ....... .’, Every patrlotlc citizen should glee h~ ~pomonaloffor~ and influence to lncr~ ~u~tlon Vl his home palmr which t~aches the Americanpolicy of prut¢c. /]on. It |s his dub]to aid inlhlsrcspozt In every waypossible. After the homo taken care of~ why not Buh. =Ec~cam-~: get along without iL--I consider- it th~ One ~atcstandtruestpolitical teacher in Cure ’ the UnitedStales." ~ndpostal card.requests.___ forfree .;"mtmple ~opyr...Address Wil~u~F.W:ake ..................... man. General ~ecretary) I3~ 23d " ,; i; , ,,"~, . ................................................ - "s r c. of catarrhal M~myon’aDyspoPM~ teed t( forms of indigestion and stomach ~rounervous conditions due to a Da:ly, Sunday, Weekly, For 1893 al~d ~’9~, ~ Ettll maintainsIts position as Philadelphia’s Greatest Family ~ewspapor. r:,=-........ R Prints all the News, Andthl~ news fs c~r~fnlly ve,iflod’, fully P~I0~, .... at once r~...~ive, honest, and o ~eifare. lmpa .... ]El. ~STATION~. ~- JOHN ATKINSON, )or, haudindlcate. Tailor, ~en~ as such by.appealing a~hisg of au dtd~cfionat’l~ character in ~dther ns ne~’es literary, or advertising Second Street and Bellevue Ave., " Hammonton. ¢olmm~ FORTUNE. success In life; [dea~ to win it. Garments made in the best manner. mMl,po~eNz~free tn the U~ited States, Canada, and :MexicO. Ratea reasonable. ][}ally (except Suuda~L~!_year~ = ~6.00 ~ .... ,, 1 -n~on~t-h ,- --- .... .50 " including Sunday, 1 year, - 7.,’ " 1 month, ~mdsy, one year, = 1.00 "WeeklyPress. one year, ~)mfts, Checks, and uth,~x remittances should be ~nads pas~blo to the order of The PressC0mpa;ny, limited, Philadelphia, PaJ teed In every Satisfa~tLon case. ~ara~._ .......... GEe. W. PRESSEY, Oflloe. SecondandCherrySts. ~tr~ghi .... Items of interest fa~hion pa~es are perfect, about the m-any Compound ........ ¯ .... JIIF.~.-]L~..qrxE5 HAMMONTON .. WOgLD........ ~; generally -. -=--Drags, ~emg poisons, act by causing a 1. A l,wgo and handsome house on disturbance m the body. Plea~aut Street, onlya few rodsfr"mthe Compon~d Oxygen) being railroad, vcrTconvenient,-with heater, composed of the elements -ml12mg2x~1 .......... THE . ..... ~ ~ 90WI~RA~f$.._.._ BxP.I Zxp I$.F.x pa~.l p.m s.m M~’tll¢o0 Lm, a.m p.m, ~rlin ......... A~o ...... ~. Waterford....... ,...~ Wfnslow .¯,..¯~... Hamraoutoa .... DaOosta ..... " D~I0| d ~i -5"I0)--’.:.’;LI .... ~r_~j[~r~r~v~----, Sf~[ S041 ....... 9011 Zt091 ........ 9~t filet .... , 9 16 5 ~0J 9 24 5 8t 5"51 ~,~ S 8()15 88J .... ] ..... , S ]ggg Harbor Olt~.~ 01ty...*~. A~eoonAtlantlc ..... I ! l~l.e.[~o.~l~]8 ~q).J bm.[ ~ 1,.m, , , ooo _., ~ $~[-.Irlto) -" .~4~L~0~-~ 4~1 9]. 4571 8] 92~1 6161 9 351 5 2~)l 9 43[ 5 261 S 491 5 Sit __ MPHL .LET. , "H same-In theU. S. and ,Address, / OPP. pATENTOfFiCe:, WASelflnTON, D. C. 5 DOLLARS PER DAY ) 1010glll[ 6e I: - -- " r- sCA~xo.s. . ~,. ..... ~ .............. s ~) _ _---~lo ~ot...... ..... s ~t l ........ ........ ~d~nfl)l~..---~ o11 Berlin ............ ~ Easily Made. ...................... We want m~m X men, women, boys, end girls to l~rk for ~.~ n few hours dally, right in and around t~e~-~-wrn~h~-mes. Tll$ business l~ easy, pleasant, ~ly honorable, and p~ys better thnn any other ~ered agents. You have n clear field and no _ ~mpetltinn~ Experience and special ability un~sry. ~o c~pltal required. "We equip you everything that yon need, treat yon well, help you to earn tea t~es ordlnary wages. Womendo u well ~.~ men, and boys and ~plrls SMke good pay. Any one, ~a~here, can do the . work. A21 succored wha£ollo~’ our plain ~nd e!m~ dh’e~lon$.F.~raest work will surely bring a great deal of money. EYelTthing ~ new m~d in ~eat dem~L Write for our pamphlet ~, and receive full inform~t/o~,-No-harm _ _ : s so~ O~0 ~} -- ~. ~I 44 17! ~ s8 ~ :[ ~ 4~_ ~_Af yo~_~d:~_~t]to~i~, ca wlm- the (~EOR(:£ 8TINSON (~00., BOX 488. ....... ¯ : ; good Deede, Lesses,~ortgages, Eto. Oa~efuliydrsw~. cough. After US[", Gough Hemcdy, which have also a withoutan e~ ual Ifor chiland50 centbottles for The administration Willfindall 1 m "] " - -=-r ’ - | ___ hour. A AND ....... acres some others, at all times, A small quantity of White Clover Honey, in the comb. Weofihr it at the extremely low price of 10 cents per pound. Weanticipate a ready sale ot this ,:ii! ~ : .,,. ¯ i! , .... and BO~:~ , .... ....... ; O apples J~.For any desired.informs....................... ties in resard to the above) ......... ..... -,~rrom-~r~or~ro~. c~,- . call uponor address Ed. itor pondeneesolicited. Ad&~s all o~lersto of 8outh Jerse9,,.ReTubllz’an’ I~"Sends po.t~l ~.rd order for s tree .,,,=onto.. .ed t0either destroyitself or the# Discount days~Tuesday --It looksns though the freetradershad Friday of each week. gota good grip upoutheDemocratic ma}ority ot the House.A million " ~riCO. .- other - .. " 30 to the pound, at 12 c., all closed out. Weoffer for a few days only, same qualRy, 50 to the pound, at 9 c. These are newbright goods, eat just as well as the larger sizes. Nowthat we have. to use lamps at both ends of the day, Oil i~ i, demand. Wetill your 5-gal can wi(h 150 ~est Headlight for 37 c., and deliver at )ourdoorwithout extracharge. (~l s O keep constantly iu stock the very best W~ Of Gaioli~ie:5 gallons for 50 cents. ..... FOl~ - ;-’::.~ ve , ~( and hs / ’ " ~...-:~ : ~ I~:, ~ ~OO1 Dress Goods, ...... i Prints, Muslins. Flannels, and ands_ .... good variety of ¯ Dre~s Trin~mings. and the Democrats or the House offer dlff~renc0-tothem theCievelandeuffe~i~g, thistariff bill.discoants~or the’n" ~tone~lven,or breadaboutathousand ~l havethe facilities for almost an’ kind of treatment fromthoS~nate. 3ob Printing ; ---I~ se~o~’V--oS~l~-~-iif-hee-d~-e answe~ the SenateFinaueeCommittee per ct. The unemployed expect better W e ................... will receive to Lhe questions contained :Manufacturer and Dealer in FANOYSHINGLES FoIs0-mN.J. Lumbersawed to order. Orders received by_ma!l prompt]y.flllea~ A fullassortment of hand and machin~ ma de, ~ fo~ w 0~k_~dr~in g" ........ Wm.Bernshouse’s Riding Saddles, Nets, etc. Lumb’r Yard T.._Hammonton, w. N--S:. uor the , John Mill-work, Bric]/’, Lime, Cement~ P|aster, Hair, Lath, etc. are ; nor the lOZil: of our 1)ravers, how methodical they are~ but the divinity of ourprayers, ho:vheart- sprungtheyare. ~ot gift,,but graces) prevailin prayer. Ligh Fire Woods For Summer use. William Maserwas loading bassoin au aristocrati~ Atkinson ....... :--.. was a coachman, ¯ ......: ............... Ii~, the Ez~Lm*~. t~llevue Ave. & Main Road,-and S. 2nd St. (Tel~phone connection.) - Bellevue Ave. and Second St., HA~MONTON, " " : l~.J. ¯ All business placedin my.hands will be promptly attnnded to. &6"nests when hc was driven out. Somefolks arealtogethertoo-t~o to aiugin the heavenly choruswlthany but membersof the 400. About a yearagoI tooka violentat. tack-ofla grippe.I coughed dayaud night for about six weeks. My wife then suggestedthat I try Chamberlatu’s CoughRemedy.At firstI coulds0o no difference, but still kept taking it, and see. found that it waswhatI n~ded. If [ got no relieffrom one dose I took another, and it was only a few days uuti! I was free ft~)m the cough. I think peoplo in general ought to know ~he value acknowiedgLng the benefit fromi~. Commissioner of Deeds, Pension & Claim Agent..’ church choir in Bloom- --] OOE~:N TICKETS I received bIADISON ~t~USTARD, Otway, Ohio,25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Co, bran, druggist,. Of allkinds. Also, .... Cedar Shingles. Wehave just received our Spring stockof qoods. Can furnish very nloe Pennsylvania Hemlock v=. J: A.waas, D3NTIB , WA~MONTON, : : N.~ O~ Day~,--Every GAS ADMINISTERED. ~lO charge for extracting with gas) whe~ teeth are ordered. | ! At Bottom Prices. Manufacture our own Flooring. . Batistaetio~[ Guaranteed. Ouzspeei~Ity, thisSpring, be fullframeorders: Successor to G. F. Sexton, All domestic sizes constantly on hand. Satisf~ti~a -Ouanm~l~. Y0urp~t¢on~gmolloRed.-- llmmouon,N. k ....... o__ ¯ ’ .: _.:/ . Americans ask for work, I-- -p m. Y]~A]~- O r J. C. Anderson. the Plain Buckwheat,the price is so unsettled that we ot all the specieswitha deslgU" i refrain from ~lu0ting, but d~p~nd onuS be]n~ right ...... otherTW°-pcrs°nS;out to,e-each othe~’s-mutSa]-cSh~Srt ahd on the prices¯ ’T~viI1 p~y you to buy liberally of Caused’Poma, ..... entertainment, have, ]n that action) ~ -- .......... -bvund-thcm~eI~egtS-5~-g~da"li-umo~ed:" " i,~./{iH nsmg t~c~,,-as~th-e--m-aE~tl-/a~-h-dv-:~ifcS~,-’,~h~d affable, discreet, forgiving, pat,eat, and ’ joylul,with respect ¯ . forthe best pac4~s. Weclaim ours to be the finest to each other,sfrailties andpcrfect~io-aSl-tothe endof their :packed., Westill hold the price downto 10 cents, " ......... hvcs. which:-]s considerably belowwhattheyshouldbe; .... : :::underpresent conditions. ~-~o~i re--spects-n0t-t-bo arith~ ~ 20 v- Winter Bargains in Certiflcatssof Depositissued, bearing " t~uhlebond issue.|tcan Thathaudlewlnc°n a~.~oUUtof the ofthatDemo. Interest at the rate of 2 per neut. per ancratic party that’s tiuged withPopulist sum if hold six months, and 3 per centif ¯ ideas is flapping wildly, aua se~msde- herd oue year. many they are; o. 19. ty-fi ne D ollar and Twen Pric falr,--termstosuit.__ every convenience0 a sev~ price of Su~t 4~, RuM Estate & Insurance Agt l~uxlmcepl~,eedonlylnthemOStrelisblocompame~ elegantly finished, ~ " - "~:~ - ~" -"I~ ~Or~t~L l~Ith ¯ ,.. ’ : ............ ’ ...... llowr~. & ~o~ .... _Bureau (10 ~=~ The S uth Jersey I *-’, halls, autry, bath, h ot and old water, windmillp ; c two ceres, frutt. Fair terms. Commissioner of Deeds, ]7. A house and large lot on Egg NotaryPublic, ,arbor Road ; six rooms, halls, attLc ; heated. A bargain. Conveyancer, ¯ 18. Eight roomhouse and two lots on Third Street; very convenient ; heated throughout. HA~MONTON, N.J. XO I~ --" 1"~I, ’~J~U’--(~]tt~*- PORTLAND, MAINE. 1 16. Au attrantive and very comfortable hon,eonCentraIAvenue.--eevonrooms, , McGuire, of :Ohic~;’=says :- Lat~rlpp¢’l~I~-m~ becomesot his influence and example. ~r~ .......... TH$ PAPER ; nsnall cough W the l publicanOffice. -. ............ wln.low .......... ~,, ~/~ --- .......... :~ Ham~0~tos ,.... ~ ~:} ~~ :~ 4:,~ 7fi:l ¯ ~Oe, t.......... """"~ s~l 7,7 ! ’)~ ." ....... Ztweo~ ............ ’.~’.~.~~.~v 7 4¢ Egg Harbor OitYAh,econ .......... 4’~ _ ...... ).,_ ST]5’~i ..... ....... ~,,, ....... J~-~i 331100 77~’11c 6 ~1 :..’~[’"_[ j Atlsntie0ity.... & PALEN, Win, _ -;. ,LAC,I ExP¯IExpr-’ "P’I ~P’’ C~O.I1 ,.he.. ~llad ,] ~p S.ra. ta.m. I m- ! ),In. ] .m, t ,m, l m I o. what it 12.miles Farm on Pteasant Mills Road. [lve20 from Hammouton Imst-~ffice. nero,, partly in fruit Address, bargain. 14. A ~podhouseand lot on Pleasant Drs, gTARKBY Street. Easy terms 1529 Arch St., Philadelphia, on Middle Road " .... 50 lbs or more, at 10~ c., and we furnish the tub. i~ that circular letter, 60,0~0copies of materialandmachinery, whiet~ have been seut out, he will join a31d guaranteesatisfaction Send in your orders, ia killing the Cleveland tariff bilL .... Genuine Vermont Maple Syrup.the p r0~er . eyeful-reasonaSl~ patron. The starting of a few idle mills, with :’ ~I~i~g to-~ ~B~k-wh~eat--Ca~es. ¯ We-ha~’e ~: ..... :... " a reduction of forc~cud ~ . put up in very attractive shape, ~ full quart glass . Ofa 5;=.~su-r:order ~ ~-=_~_to: th~yCs~f-Dem~cia_t " jars,_-~and at 35 c. we-think-it eheap~ ~ as:~!xns r~sumption ofprosperity ; buttheyare ~ :~ .... . ...... We havealsoa fullstockof Buckwhe~-Fio~w, " not the kind O! signs the countr, has : ’ both prepared and the plain old-fashioned Mud. beengivenby R~publicau legislatmn, Hecker’spreparedat’ 16 c. , . Wequote __~hc ............. -(Grovds-prepared at:!c. _ ............ ~:~ " =........... ,_.:_ _~L.: ..... :~ ’- ~* " - ........... :....... ¯ ~" UP TRAINS. --- ENOE?aot~,has and, above all, accomplished; :: hesitat0lnchoosing of Gee: ~Va’Itd; who b’asm~tdo .Weguarantee-the-quatity,-e)~i-quote-at-12-c. pound~ ....... "~ ~; 1010 271~1fief6117| 2. A neat 7-room house on Second St., the blood, is not open to this. very eouvenient, beautifully finished, objection, it may. act, heated; one tot. " itBUt,has certainlyh°Wever cured mauy 3. Good houseand lot ou ~econdSt., The Bsmmonton Accom~od~tlonleaves lhb station st d:05 s. m., and ]2".30 p.m. L0~rea very desirable, cases of chronic disease, Pbtlndolphls at 10:50 s,m. cud6:00 p.m. .... In whichdrugshavefaildd. 8. Small farm on Chew Road, near ......... ~_.Thia--Is---thepoint TwelfthStreet; 3¼ acres,mostly of greatest interest to all .----. t~rms, =~-suchwe say : pages, ~ sent free. Read AvenneV Rood h~u~e, three large lots, for yourselves what Com- Will divide. A flrst-clas~ bu~Iness,~itc. Toronto, # ~ithng to-pay the differenc~a 10 e. l~erpound. " ~:-H~ve youtriedTaylor’s.. Prepared Hamv. Ifn 0 ~ lea’us haveyearorderforat leastonepound. Every body that has used -it speaks iu th~ highest terms of :- :;its suet, or-qualities_Rein’ember, there are rio bS~es~.... 15 o. per pound. no w~te~ailsolid :meat. . ¯ . . ¯.’ . 10C6I 548t 61[ 613 DIF- ~ODERAT£ FILES. ¯ .... We~vould’ like YoBrear a few moments, Onthe Butter~lUestion. We thinkthe qualityw~ are now offering wili please the most fastidious, beiug finest ¯ l~.l~in Creamerythat the market can furnish. We ask a trial. Our price ~t-present, 31 e. Compare " withothers, A--youwill fiud us on the right s~le ....... =:: :=:~::=:::/:=~Ri)::~W-e=wadt::~: :say th£t: =absolutely-: ¯ ! ........ ¯ i, purelard, at our prices as giveu below, is a good purchmse:"as there has beeu a sharp advance in prices ...... mcently,-and evoryprospocb--of-a’-still further nee. needns only.--Expre~leave~ Atiautlc 5:5,’, p.m.arr. ; llammonton 6:39;n.m. re,aches I"-L-~O’. Atlanflc t:00 y ....-.:~H~nv" ,,.....¯ Hnmmonton rum*. Phlla.On WedT:35._ ~enves" S OPFO~.U. -:---:O:--~--~ " The Co~orado.Le~l~]lat~’~e’ We have__just received direct fromtheimporter solne-of-th( . t . .~- ~ And Demorest’s Magazine." Sendsubscriptions to this office. intothe lungs,and, therefore, comesimmediatelyinto., T~ ¯ "~" . . The South Jer~y ReFublicarn Drugs are taken into the stomach. For this reason their action is no~ direct, RGREASE . STATION~, Ioveof,~plecdor:MARS, coura~,~;MOON, ima~lns" tlou: VENUS. loveO(plen~ure: andMKI{CURY~ intelll~nce.T~ke our add’Ice ~_abovn and yon will be ~exreto the last ~ud mo~t valua~t# q~l$1~ty. .... ’ l* .... in daugcr of being misL.~keufdr m( of theOleveland~ Gab,net.......... ..I ,4.. sho"Id, ~’h’ot . ..... ~ ’ The Michigan Adveutists are kept eo 1.The~l~cslstent that they ~re fell°we an att~k °f explanation’ . ~’~* ..... ’/ ’ . ............ %.%, ~~O~Off’ -=.~,~ v l~lq’, rem)~. .-~+EOONDJ’L’PITERbetokens the _ and Jennl~gs Dcmorest, 15 .Y.~t with If you are unaeqnaml Ma~aztne,~e.ndforaspeclm.en¢opy. Oxygen’Treatment of Dis. eases and that by the use of Drug,? It is an import- Pay for the Republicanfirst, emd1"e~d ~t-witWcomfert. .... ........ . matterbothg’~avesndgay, for the woolsramny ; - Between " -- ~.. h"~2luuhea, "I’m a D~/sy I*’ wh:tch le almost a.rv~ baby.and equal to the o~glaaloil painting wnJ~h cost $300:andyou ~dll h~VOa m a~fafme..ths.t _c~o, t be equaled by ~y tu the work~ for Ha oeaumm illustrationS and eubJe~ matter, that will ke.ep BHSlfllymg, are accepted same as cash. ~ _ 0]] .u.®l and Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Z~- - ¯ - _~:~’~". . ,.~ ¯ be subjectto exlreme~ of bifihsp~n’m or~es~neal~ its RATESfor Clas¢1fied A,ivertisements, (Prepaid). Wanted, half-cent a word. Hammonton, N. J. Help Wanted, one cent a word. ~l-Eaz~-o;-o ne-cen~-~r word: -- 7- .................................. BoardLp~a ~ word. ....... lug ..... : M.,.. aoksoo. ......... El amSto ekwett’s< ............ 10] ~u,st,,rIes toin)crest~acborne c~.rcle..~o~will fads. end different Plain and OrDamental 0~] 8101 C] 9 1~:.~1 me rever~ if OF HEALTIt _Jr.,,oohousehold, on..l besides the,o l, o,Iu~re~.ttng oy.all furnl~htn~ .reading pRESS%VAleTAD~give the greatest results. The people hellene iu them and use them. TheP cee~ prl,~ls a~ h t~h a~ 4,OI 1 wa~tatla In a ~dng;o l~m%and ha~ rcc~iVed 10/~7 replies ’For Sale and Business Opportunities, t~undays, two cents a zzordo I~oz Sale and Business Opportuuiticso week.days, one cent a word. A Magazine to rea~By subscribing to ~ fo~l~ Justme’of the Peaces ~,....~g~IIarbor _ ¯ ,no: ,, ,on,,,o,,, ..... A~ an Advertising Medium, The Press isamomr the Best in the in the United States. ------11 a crooked. A - L- family Is in cue. ; O .... s 49f__.. ~,......Dano~a. ................ 8 ~Bi..~.o ,: ........Elwood. ............ 7 4~ 6 8~1 Well-marked LI:NE OF clear LINE OF combined mean t~u~ras~l~t~ up with modern You will ~nd p~e~y tha~ tanned. It te LI.~’E OF HEART _ ,715 live. Each C~3*r l~mok..-. ..... 9 ( ) ...... 5’~t ~ 7 07 6 0~ I~wmamuSe ,~t-~ yo~ ,sill 9~ Laurel eprinip~. .... ~I ~ -j 3 10}~...,.*l 8 d ......... ,2 ,. .... ;,...O~smentoa..~.; .... I 3 ~} .... ~t 8 4 ...... ~ S~ I~ IN YOUR OWN IIAIqD. ¯ Palmistry a~umes .to tell whatthe lines in yore ms, i )0o.; .......D y:Goods ....... ,~¢ ]~ $~. ;- busy [~ :ran.druggist. "*ho-ser~cordshave proventheir people: in this Vicinity ’ undgoodsense. ~ :~ in some time. Very fat and white, no ru/t about " Sen~.tor quayso.vs of the them. All this season’s catch, and the ~ice.makes. ’ , People’s " " "" ’?The-administration has pr0duced ’ : " them quick Sellers~. ...... tion of affairs whichhas destroyed Wequote at 10 c. per poun~l. " " revenue, Authorize’dCapital, $-50,000 .~ fromcusto~. :/i a cannedfish, yet it is put up with great care, anal Paid in, $30,000. , ’~ whenproperly served, is excellent. If youhavenoi~ tried them~ weadvise ybuto invest ina.can~-~--which’.. ~4 ~:Jerry Simpson s~y_~, he has final!y o- ~=~_We~tl£~[l~~.p~--:--~-~ :~ :w’--Udn-gress a~a[b~ We trust that his R. J. B Y~N~S, President....... constitu~nts-wili by Nn~ember h~e M. J cKsoi - .... ....... Codfish Cakes, ready-for ihe .table-in-10:minut~. fully ma~e up their miuds to elect-Jerry when you use X. C. L. R; Shredded Codfish. No ¯ :,~ m ,Johnson)’although ~bWk-i~g, nob--oih-fig-~--ffd-5o~, CongressmauTom [¯. DIRECTORS: the house. Simply mix with potatoes,and’fry. " r" a professed fceetrader, ~ctsca thb chert ). " Large packa_ge ,rehen~i~’ p’t.~P~o~e). . z 10_2,,_::.."_=........ ~ .... George Elvtns, . ~a-y-li~t~st~;-nd-ve~ min.dthe rest. ==Ei~glishCured-Cdd;~We~have-:m-entio-fidd b~fSr~,,........ ....... -=.... Elam Stookwel] ¯ TheDemocratic partyhas bosses and G. F. Sexton, simply wish to remind you’that we have it constantC. F. Osgood, cub-bosses in profusion, butit has no ly in stock. Price a little :higher than the ordinary P. S. Tllton, UP ~RA1NS. I " -Nem~tgta, Asthma;nnd-nll FemaleComplaints quickly cured. . ¯ -" ..... : J’ ]" " > ......................... - ~ ..... leaflet, -~._:~WSyS ~OBE~T~ ~/ " " BODY Bank .............. ~cco Ezp ~c~o :xp 6 23 027 . FI~& ~~. / .... ’" DOWN TRAINS. new Ills, powers to weak and debili- .t~dJl3~.-- _ ~. ¯ ’ Atlantic "unyon’e Vitalizer imparts " clarified, ably ~lte~l, legild~ 9tinted, and madethe more Interesting by being well .... . ¯ :., =-..........: .....-:------: ........ I........ _ :Fruits and .Vegetables - ~Uny0n’a: H0mo~opathlo up : ......: ........... -=.,: . gists) mostly for 25 ors. a bottle. " .~. "T ,!. -" --- ) .;__ ,. i ..... .:!~i~ )/?/, lmblished by th0 AmericanProtective ~ariffI.~ague~ _.One of" its c0_ .rrcspon:_ Cure- to- Im rheumaat all. .... " " GOOD - o. ----~- ....... [ ............... ~. ............ ¯ :--:L ................... .i.- ¯ . . ¯ , -. I
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