Polar E Premium
Polar E Premium
Polar E Premium Automatic winder 1 Polar E Premium A big step forward It is indeed recognized that the maximum level of automation on the winding process, is achieved by a direct link of the ring spinning frames to the winder. The advantages, already well known, through the continuous automatic transfer of the ring bobbins from one machine to the other are: • yarn quality of the wound package which is preserved being the bobbins prepared and automatically doffed on the ring frames, without any operator handling or loading into separate boxes; • higher efficiency on winder; • production output flow consistency and timed, as a single machine; • minimization of winding room personnel. Most of customers select the link system solution whenever a new mill has to be set, or in alternative, whenever old ring spinning frames must be substituted. As a consequence, the real focus of Savio has been dedicated to propose an alternative solution, for all other mills where mainly existing ring frames are without automatic doffing, with the same winding efficiency of the link solution. Polar E Premium, has been designed to evenly process those yarn bobbins, whose formation is not originally “favourable” to reach that efficiency, keeping also the minimum number of operators. 2 3 Polar E Premium Hopper The capacity has been increased thanks to the “double alternate” bobbin loading system on the peg. To achieve the full efficient peg loading rate, bobbins are mechanically spaced, bobbin shape identified by the“profile reader sensor” and properly oriented by the “cross shaped” rotating device. 4 The “profile reader sensor” detects also the empty tube and diverts it into a separate dedicated collecting box. The enhanced hopper capacity and efficiency, allows a loading rate to cover the winding heads up to 72 spindles. 5 Polar E Premium Peg feeding system An efficient loading system requires that: • the oriented bobbins before be loaded on the relevant peg, are cleaned from any flying attached yarn by an air suction located in each of the two coupling sleeves. 6 7 Polar E Premium End finder station Particularly designed to handle bobbins with yarn reserve at the bottom of the tube (ring frames without automatic doffing), the end finder station is provided with a “knife bunch remover” in combination with an air suction blow for the cleaning; contemporaneously the yarn tail is introduced into 8 the tube upper hole to get the bobbin prepared to the winding head. All above described features of the Hopper/Peg feeding system/End finder station, transform the original “manual doffed” bobbin into a similar one used in the link system. 9 Polar E Premium End finder station layout The machine design has been focused on the lay out of the end finder station as follow: • the end finder stations, are distributed along the machine frame and consequently allow the proper balanced distribution feeding capability to the whole machine. The machine can be regarded as a coupling of 2 o 3 single machines; the “centralized end finder system” cannot permit same even balancing. 10 With this “balanced” solution, Polar E Premium can have up to max. n° 72 winding heads. Their positions being placed separately from the main bobbin/pegs belts flow, do not affect at all the efficiency of the system. Being front-side located, allow an easy intervention of the operator. 11 Polar E Premium Back up station A great help to ensure the highest efficiency of the winding process is given by the “Back up station” which shall take care of all bobbins rejected by the winding heads for different reasons: • Bad shaped bobbins. • Bobbin with yarn remnants. • Bobbins with technological alarms (off-standard quality yarn values). 12 The station is able to prepare again the bobbin, with an high efficiency rate, because of the slow moving speed, and or to remove the faulty yarn portion, in case of a technological alarm. The diversified and specific movements are possible thanks to the “identification system” embedded on the machine and peg. The end result is also significant in terms of operator reduction, since no intervention is requested to the personnel. 13 Polar E Premium Intelligent bobbin distribution Fresh bobbins BOBBIN LOADER 1 A traffic regulation is necessary for long machines; at this purpose identification tags placed in the peg trays allow: • automatic balancing of feeding flow rate to yarn end finders: all the machine section and winding heads are equally fed and avoid idle spindles; • traffic jams are also avoided; • technological alarms are automatically removed; • reduction of operator intervention. 14 2 2 3 Bobbins prepared for winding process Tube with remnant yarns Empty tubes WINDING SPINDLES 4 5 Unrecoverable bobbin Yarn finders rejected bobbins Spindles rejected bobbins Technological alarm HEADSTOCK 5 1Hopper 2 Bobbing loading system (L stations) 3 Tube clean station 4 Back up station 5 End finder station (YF) • Fresh bobbin are loaded on L stations and conveyed to YF1, YF2, YF3. • Rejected bobbins, tubes, technological alarms are discharged on the return belt. • Tube with remnant yarns are cleaned by the tube cleaner and reinserted in the circuit. • Rejected bobbins and technological alarms are conveyed to Back up station and reinserted in the circuit. • Unrecoverable bobbins are parked on standby belt. • Empty tubes are collected in a dedicated box. Also remnant bobbins and unrecoverable bobbin can be conveyed in separated boxes. 15 Polar E Premium 16 17 Polar E Premium Flexible cycle 1 2 1 3 2 PC 4 5 4 3 1 Independent movement of the package yarn suction nozzle 2 Independent movement of the splicer 3 Independent movement of the bobbin yarn suction nozze 4 Independent movement of the yarn tensioner device Flexible cycle Thanks to the individual motors and PC, the splicing cycle is automatically made, as per the actual requests of the splicing steps, improving, as consequence, the efficiency and production of the winder. Consequently: • Greater productivity • Consistent package quality (no presence of double yarns or yarn scrambling) • Power and compressed air savings because unnecessary splicing cycle are avoided • Minimum wear of the parts • Minimum yarn waste 18 1Drum 2Traverse 3 Tension sensor TENSOR 4 Waxing device 5 Yarn tensioner Computer Aided Tension The winding tension is detected continuously by the Tensor, which interacts with the yarn tensioner device, through the machine PC, in order to adjust the load on the yarn as required. The Tensor, being positioned just before the drum detects on line the real winding tension. The sensor does not have any movable parts and performs as “antiwrap system”. Tensorflex (standard) In presence of elastomeric yarn blended with wool/cotton the tension values must be diversified during the package formation to ensure a perfect shape. 19 Polar E Premium Anti patterning system 1 1 4 2 2 4 3 3 20 1 Drum speed 2 Package holder position 3 Ratio between package/drum diameter drive in actual time 4 Ribboning zone 1 Drum speed 2 Package holder position 3 Ratio between package/drum diameter drive in actual time 4 Ribboning zone Electronic anti patterning system On/Off modulation operates at critical diameters only. In the On/Off system, all the critical rates between package and drum diameters are memorized by the computer and consequently the drum is accelerated and decelerated, according to variable ramps, when there are possibility of ribboning formation. The system operates also during the acceleration after the splicing cycle. Computer Aided Package® (optional) It gives a perfect package, without ribboning and without changing the drum’s speed. The computer checks the distance between two consecutive layers and modify the ratio between package and drum diameters by micrometric variation in the inclination of the package holder and consequently in the driving point. 21 Polar E Premium Controlling the winding process All parameters of the winding process are controlled by the Computer: • yarn quality • package quality • production quality • control of all peripheral units • energy consumption. The Computer has a large touch screen and printer. The data are displayed in a descriptive and graphical form. Ethernet interface for connection to higher level information systems. The peripherals’ programme can be updated directly on the PC (also with remote loading). 1 2 3 1 Yarn count alarm Different count 2 Package off standard Max n° of splicers in the package 3 Bobbin off standard Max n° of cleares cut in the bobbin 4 Yarn quality off standard (basic clearer) Max n° of neps - thin - thick places 22 Spindle Monitoring System Each winding head is equipped with an alarm monitoring system. The operator is notified in real time of the ongoing alarm. Each spindle indicates technological as well as functional alarm. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5-8 Examples of red ligths due to suction package/bobbin/clearer splicer Yarn quality off standard 9 Foreign fiber 10 Count variation 11 Moire 12 Pearl chain 23 Polar E Premium Doffer trolley • The doffer trolley is electronically integrated with the winding heads and the machine PC. • All the moving parts are driven by individual independent motors so to reduce the doffing cycle time to 13,5 seconds. • The universal clamp is able to handle a certain different range of embty tubes conicity simultaneously without parts change. 24 Energy saving • A new designed basket geometry to store different tubes conicity with no parts change, and to allow the easy tube colour recognition when different yarns are processed on same machine. • The reserve yarn length is adjustable by the machine PC in order to meet any end user request. • A fast patrolling speed up to 60 mt/min. in order to increase the doffing efficiency. • The laser technology ensures the precise positioning of the doffer with the winding heads. Particular attention has been given to the suction system which represents the highest portion of the energy in the winding process. A special fan, with high performances aerodynamic blades in addition to the direct motor drive requests a minimum consumption of electric power. The motor fan, controlled by the machine PC through an inverter, adjusts its speed automatically in accordance with the actual working conditions and parameters. The yarn waste is collected in a separate filter box located in the machine headstock. The same fan provides also the vacuum to unload the travelling blower waste, once the blower reaches the proper discharge pipe also located in the headstock. The travelling blower waste is collected in a second separate filter box. In case of the “Dust collection system” device, the waste is unloaded in a third separated filter box. 1 Yarn waste filter box 2 Dust removal system filter box 3 Travelling blower filter box Dust collection system (optional) A single suction unit for each head, located at the height of the balloon breaker, captures fibrils and dust produced when the bobbin is being unwound. Suction is created by a fan that serves two sections of heads. The impurities and dust are collected by a filter. 2 1 PC 3 25 Polar E Premium Total splicing system Air splicer: settings by machine PC Air splicer settings are completely centralised and consequently extremely quick and simple furthermore consistent uniformity of the yarn splicers on different winding heads is guaranteed. Main application range: • Cotton 100% and blends • Cotton Compact yarns • Fancy yarns • Core yarns • Synthetic and artificial yarns • Wool 100% an blends •Silk 26 Water splicer Duo Stage (optional) To increase the joint strength even with the compact yarns, mercerized and singed yarns, the splicing operation is made under vacuum while the water is injected (Duo-Stage). All the splicer parts are located in a “water proof” housing to avoid dangerous spray of water outside. Main application range: • Cotton 100% coarse counts (flat and fancy yarns) • Cotton 100% compact yarns • Mercerized/singed yarns • Elastomeric yarns • Two ply yarns • Open End yarns • Synthetic yarns • Linen yarns Heat-Splicer (optional) The consolidated experience on the splicer air technology in combination with the use of the heat, guarantees a final joint with excellent appearance, high and consistent strength even with, difficult yarn structures, different blended materials and high twisted yarns. Main application range: • Carded wool coarse counts • Mule spun yarn • High twist yarns • Wool 100% and blends Twinsplicer (optional) The way the splice is prepared and made, ranks the Twinsplicer at the top among all other splicing devices. The splicer strength is always above 95% and the appearance same as the parent yarn. The splicer on compact yarns, beside the strength, needs an extremely good appearance not to create a visible defect on the finest fabrics. The Twinsplicer for core yarns preserves the elastomeric filament entirely inside the joints. Main application range: • Cotton 100% • Cotton 100% Effect yarns • Compact Yarns • Elastomeric yarns • Cotton and blends 27 Polar E Premium Computer Aided Density - Computer Aided Metering PC 2 1 3 1 2 PC 28 1Piston 2 Electronic/p neumatic valve 3Cradle 1 Package and drum speed sensor 2 Laser detector signal Computer Aided Density (optional) • Control of the package load on the drum. • The package weight increase is detected by the length metering and consequently the “electronic/pneumatic valve” is activated. • Customized package load curve. • The relevant parameters are programmable and stored in the machine PC. The system is especially studied to process compact yarn producing soft packages for Dyeing (0.32 / 0.35 g/cm3). Computer Aided Metering (optional) • The combination of the laser detector beam with the package and drum speed sensor, is elaborated by the machine PC software. • The system allow a metering high precision repetitiveness. ± 0,5%. 29 Polar E Premium 30 3195 (SM) - 3150 (SBB) 2684 H 35 1135 B 2932 2278 1810 2660 (8T) 2020 (6T) 1600 620 620 1275 MACHINE LENGTH SM = Savio Magitex - SBB = Savio Belt Blower - E = Electrojet 24 26 28 30 32 34 34 36 38 38 40 42 44 46 48 6T 3 2 1 3 2 6 1 4 3 2 1 3 8T 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 4 mm 15530 16170 16810 17450 18190 18830 18930 19470 20110 20210 20850 21490 22130 22770 23510 24 26 28 30 32 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 48 50 52 60 64 70 72 6T 2 1 3 2 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 6 5 4 6 3 2 8T 2 3 4 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 2 3 4 8 4 7 8 mm 16170 16810 17450 18190 18830 18930 19570 20210 20850 21490 22130 22770 23510 24150 24250 24890 25530 28090 29570 31490 32130 30 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 46 48 50 52 60 64 70 72 6T 6 4 3 2 1 3 2 6 1 4 7 3 1 6 9 Bobbin case Length Sections N. heads With 3 end finder station Length Sections N. heads With 2 end finder station Length Sections With 1 end finder station N. heads Automatic independent head winding machine, equipped with motors with individual speed adjustment and a flexible operating cycle. Models: POLAR E PREMIUM - independent winding machine. Headstock: right or left with respect to the working front. Frame: modular frame consisting of 6 or 8 head sections. Number of heads/machine: from a minimum of 24 to a maximum of 72 (see installation layout). Materials: natural, synthetic and blended staple yarns. Count range: from tex 286 to tex 4, from Ne 2 to Ne 147, from Nm 3.5 to Nm 250. Bobbin size: tube length: from 180 to 280 mm with a bobbin diameter of 32 to 72 mm. Length 350 mm upon request. Take-up: cross-wound packages: winding traverse 110, 152 mm, taper 0° ÷ 5°57’, maximum diameter 320 mm. Take-up speed: 400 ÷ 2200 m/min with continuous adjustment. Winding unit Grooved drums: in special, treated cast iron, directly controlled by the motor in axis. Electronic anti patterning system (standard). C.A.P.: electronic type with computerized control of the drum-package diameter ratio (optional). Package taper increase: 0°÷5°, mechanical type, electronic only with C.A.P. (optional). Axial displacement: with individual motor (optional). Electronic clearers: Uster, Loepfe with global and continuous yarn and splice control. Other manufacturers on request. Splicer: air type. Water, Twinsplicer, Heat-Splicer, knotters (optional). Yarn tensioner: a tension section, controlled by a single drive. Pre-clearer: Variable width. Tensor Waxing unit (optional) deflection type. Wax finished detection probe (optional). Booster: tension reducer. Meterage: standard or precision device (optional) Counterweight: standard pneumatic device or self-adjusting (optional) Machine body Package conveyor belt: single lot towards the headstock. Belt cleaning system: for the belts of the machine body and bobbin loading station. Lighting along the machine (optional). Travelling blower/suction unit: programmable control frequency and unloading at machine headstock or centralized (optional). Dust removal system in the unwinding area consisting of single suction nozzles with a centralized dust collection box in the headstock (optional). Computer (located in the section next to the bobbin loading station) Centralized electronic adjustments: machine data, processing parameters, air splicer working parameters, yarn tensioner pressure, V.S.S., electronic modulation. Setting, collecting and displaying production data: of winding units, bobbin loading station, doffing trolley, display of the peripherals’ alarms. Headstock Centralized pneumatic adjustments: package cradle counterweight, splicer air pressure. Machine control panel Package unloading system Doffing trolley: automatic package doffing, insertion of the cone on the spindle head, cycle time: 13,5 seconds. Double doffing trolley (optional). Cones feeding: individual cradle on each winding unit. Centralized cone magazine (optional). Double centralized magazine (optional). Bobbin loading station Bobbin tail pick-up station: modular up to 3 stations, capacity per station 1,440 cycles/hour. Tube cleaner: capacity 240 tubes/hour (optional). Bobbin feeding Loading: tipper located along the machine’s axis and vibration system to thin out bobbins. Maximum capacity 3,000 cycles/hour. Overall dimensions and installation layout 2925 (SM) - 2885 (SBB) - 2860 (E) Technical summary 8T 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 2 6 4 2 6 8 5 3 mm 18930 20210 20850 21490 22130 22770 23510 24150 24250 24790 25530 26270 28830 30110 32230 32970 (L) max. 1330 min. 550 max. 840 min. 700 max. 1240 max. 260 kg L 1020 1100 1200 1330 B 660 720 790 890 H 2990 3060 3150 3260 We reserve the right to modify the characteristics of the machines described herein without prior notice. The data given in this brochure are not intended as a guarantee. Savio machines are equipped with safety devices in compliance with existing regulations. 31 Savio Macchine Tessili S.p.A. 33170 PORDENONE (Italy) Via Udine, 105 Tel. +39 0434 3971 Fax +39 0434 397599 E-mail: [email protected] www.saviospa.com 32 SAVIO (Shandong) Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. No.6 Torch Industry Park, No. 2166 Chongwen Dadao, High&New Tech Industry Development Zone, Jining, Shandong, P.R. China 272000 Tel. +86 0537 2395206/101 Fax +86 0537 2395216 E-mail: [email protected] SAVIO INDIA LTD. Nallattipalayam, Tamaraikulam - Post Pollachi, Coimbatore - 642109 Tamil Nadu, India Tel. +91 4259 304555 Fax +91 4259304567 E-mail: [email protected] Savio Advertising Dpt. - Foto: Riccardo Maria Moretti - PN - Edizione 06/2013 - inglese-cinese Polar E Premium
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