Issue 87 - March - North American Brass Band Association
Issue 87 - March - North American Brass Band Association
-BrassBand Brid Olfcial Joumalof the NorthAmericanBrassBandAssociation,Inc. March2002lssue87 PRE-CONTEST ISSUE2OO2 Inside this issue . . . President's Podium BringingCoalsto Newcastle BrassBandNews TriangleCelebrate 15Years BrassBandPrograms On the RoadWithBlackDyke NABBAXX FinalDetails Smithand ChildsWow Floridians BrassBandRecordings }|q ',: lnerr ':,.,,,,,,1,',l' Colinw' Holman,Editor The BrassBand Bridge 31JosephLane Glendale Heights, lL 60139 (630)665-421 Telephone 3 E-mail [email protected] Fonald W. Holz New RecordinEBookFeviewer AsburyCollegeIVusicDepartment Wilmore,KY40390 (859)858-351 Telephone 1, Ext.2246 (859) Fax 858-3921 E-mail ronald.holz @asbury.eclu RalphP. Hotz Adv€rtlslngManager 8144SouthOakCreekDrive Sandy, UT 84093-6515 (801) 733-4439 Telephone [email protected] ChrlstlneM. Fowkes NABBAWeb Page 1505W. 3rdAvenue Apt.13 Columbus, Ohio43212 Telephone(614)487'8944 E-fiail [email protected] John W. de Salme NABBAContestController RoadNE 3718CottagePreserve Solon,lA52333-9225 (319)624-2845 Telephone [email protected] President'sPodium byAnitaCockerHunt. ............5 Bringing Coals to Newcastle byJerryChristensen . .............6 BHss BandNews s u b m i t t e d b y o u r r e a d e r s . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7. . . . . . . . . . . . . Brass Band Programs s u b m i t t ebdy o u r r e a d e r s . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . - . . . .8. - . . . . . . . . . . SmithandChildsWowFloridians byRobertQuigley...... . . . . . . . . . .1. .0. . On the Boad with Black Dyke b y M a rF kreeh............ 11 NABBAXX submitted by ourhostsandtheContestController .. 1 4 BrassBand Recordings r e v i e w ebdyR o n a lW d .H o | 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 Y a m a h a. , , . , , . . , . . , , ...,, . . , . Rivef Cily Brass Band ............,.............. Altrssrr'roRecordings Dillons Irusic N A B B AX X . . . . . . . . . . . . . K a n s t u l. . . . . . Eernel N4usic MrdlandCDs Solld Brass 2 10 18 20 22 24 The BrassBand Bridgei OfticialJournalof the NorthAmericanBrassBandAssociation Foundedby J. PerryWaisonin 1980. The views expressedby conlributorsare noi necessa lythoseoflhe North Amercan B'ass BarrdAssociatron,Inc. Copyight O 2002 by lhe NorthAmericanBrass Band Associalion,Inc. All rightsreserved. photographs(preferablyblackand white),new fhe Btass Band A dge welcomesnews,communications, scholarly arlicles on all aspects relating to, and for lhe benefilof brass bandsin North adverlisersand America. Scholarlyarticlesshouldincludefootnotesand bibliographywhere appropriate-Materialsmay be editedfor inclusion,and may be submittedin wriling,via e mail,facsimileor on 3.5" floppydiscs (lBlvl compatible,if possible,pleese). Publicalionand advertisingdeadlinesare the 1sth ol January,April,July and October. Band Bridge March 2002 TheBrass This issueillustratesthe conlinuingexchange (lhe Bridgel) between brass bands on eilher side of the Atlantic. RecentlyBlackDykewereonourshores andlheirvisalwas recordedlaithfullyand enthusiastically by Mark Freehfor you io enjoy. Congratuiations to lhe Atlanllc Bra$ Band for being able to host such a monumentalevenl. Also one ol England'slinest soloisls David Childs visitedSl Louis,Clevelandand Flo da and his improssivepertormancein Orlandoalongside thai ol PhilipSmithis sharedby FloberlQuigley, Incontrastto thal, the Lake Wobegon grass Band expe 6ncedihe lhrill of tlavelliflgto England and perlorminga concert tour, iheirswitha Royaltouchloit. larn sure lhat they were fine gmbassadorsilei's hop€th6y6nt6rlhscompelilivearenaas w€ll in lhe v€ry nearlulure. Congralulations lo lhe Trianglo Brass Band as lhey celebralea season-long seriesof concertsma*ing thehfitteenlh anniversarywith guesl arlists, soloisls and oiher specialevents. The tw€nliethyear ol NABBAcompetilions is aboulto be upon us, an exciling eventto be celebralingin the historyol ourorganization.To markthal,lherewill b€ lwentycompelingbrassbandsanda largehostol soloand ensemblecompelilionslo refl€ctlhe vibrancyol our movem€nt. In addiliontothat, the Lexjngton BrassEand willgivea Fridayevening concert wilh slunning soloist Vincenl DiMartino, andtheBrass BandolBattle Creek will lop off the weekend wilh a GalaConcertcerlainto entertaineveryone in the audience. lt will be anolher weekendnot to miss! For lhose bands competang, my besl wishes go lo you, lhal you may be ableto give yourfinest pedormancesand lhat you may enjoy lhe very best that lhe spiritof competition and brass band camaraderiecan produce. I look torwardlo seeing you lh€re! Happy readingand best wisheslor all your upcomingbrass band activiliEs. TheBrass Band Bridge March 2002 NORTHAMERICANBRASSBANDASSOCIATION P.O.BOX 2438,Cullowhee, NC 28723 APPLICATIONFORMEMBERSHIP pleasecompleteclearly and infull Namc (please Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr circleone) StreeYP.O.BOX City zip State Country Telephone Numbcr( *Regular OR OnlineMemb€rshlp t pleu.ecircleone) Membership Catcgory lnstrumcntPlayed BrndNlmc E-mril(where irppiicablc) 'FEGULAF/ONLINE CATEGORY Indlvldual. . .theregularmembership Du6si$ 35/30 Senior. . . (62andolder) Dues:$ 25120 Student. . . (21andunder) Dues:$ 20115 Family. . .reducedratefor families Dues:$ 45140 Bands... D u e s$: 6 0 Llfetlme. . . (39and under) Duesr$600 .. . (40-49) Dues:$500 . . . (50andover) Dues:$400 Colporate.. .company membership Dues:$100 Patron... Duesr$s0o Lead6r9hlp. .. Dues:91,000 Please rhake check oavable to the North Ameican BEss Eand Associatlon. (rcprcduceformas necessary) 'R€gularmembership includes lhe BrassBard B.idgemailedto you.address Onlinemembership includesaccesslo an eleclronic copyof the BrassBandBidae Thefinalcountdown is nowJorNABBA XX,2002in Cincinnati. Therearesome firstiimerbandsattending, anda record numberof solosand ensembles, I know tirsihandthatlheCincinnati hostshave beenworkingdiligenllyto coverevery detail.Thiswillbea greatweekendlor everyonelll Remember theconcedon Fridaynighl, 7:00'8:15, at the Princeton Highschool pfesentedby the fabulous auditorium, LEXINGTON BRASSBANDandtheincomparableVlNCENTDilVARTlNO. Aflerwards,from8:30to 9:45,willbe the readingbandat the highschool,preparedby Dr. RonaldHolz,and at the holel,the InteresiSessions,The sessionsandpresenters areas iollows: STARTING AYOUTHBAND(RalphHotz) FUNDRAISING(RobinWeatherall) (Colin ENTEFINGIHE COI\4PETITION Holman) RECFUITINGANDSTARTING A BRASS BAND(PaulDroste)and The dates are set for meetingsin the west, Las Vegas, February23rd week end. Thiswillbeanimporlanitimelorus to make future plans for our NABBA members,who are also an important part of this organizalion. lf you would like 1o attend the meetings, coniact Balph Hotz, [email protected]. I'm lookingforward10meeiingourwest- WEBSITE(Chisiine Fowkes). Plan to send some represeniatives,if Youare intetestedin lhese ateas, Eventhough,hostingis a lotof workand planning,lhere are bandscomingforlh ihat want lo be involvedin the future. This is a greai sign. At the OMEA convention,lspokewiihJimGrayotThe (Dwight Brass Band of Battle Creek, our Gala HOSTING A COMPETITION Wages, JohnWoody, LisaBarnes, Jelf Concerlband, The programlookstanLyons) tastic and lhe soloists are lhe tops. Donl miss this concertl!l Can'twail lo see allof you in Cincinnati forNABBAXX,2002l!l Anita CockerHunl, President MARKYOUR DIARIES!! NABBAXXI NABBAXXII Aprilll-12,2003 LittleRockAR Hostedby Solid Brass April16-17,2004 St LouisMO Hostedbv theSt Louis BrassBand bythe GalaConcert witha lncollaboration GrimethorpeCollieryBand GalaInternational BrassBandFestival Bridqe March 2002 TheBrass Band Sinceihe LakeWobegonBrassBand was formedin 1992,membershave concerttour talkedaboula "pilgrimage' to England,lhe homeolthe brassband. Throughlhe year-longetforlsol Dick Miller,LWBBChakmanand flugelhorn player,lhelourbecamerealatythis past summer2001.With lhe assislanceot Preferred Adventures KarcnJohnson's iravelagency,I\rr.Millerafiangedconcerisal saxvenues,lhree of whichwere wilh hostbrassbands-The complete lour schedul€ wasas lollows: ' Thursday, July19,GuildHall,Wina co-concert withlhe ch€ster,England; Bourn€mouth ConcerlErass' Salurdayafiernoon,July 21, Welsh NationalFolkI\ruseum, Carditl,Wales ' Saturday evening, July21,Bishop ol LlandollHighSchool,Cardiff,Wales;a co-concerl withlhe Tongwynlais Temperance SilverBand Band led by condLrctors CharlesOlson and MichaelHalslensonwas sel up on lhe slage.Dir€ctlyin {rontof the LWBB on the audiencelevellloor was the host ASDA Slockb dge Band(a brassband whichappearedin lhe movieFulll\ronty playinga rousingrenditionot 'The Stnpper' and, as ol September,2001. the currentSectionOne NationalChampion ot GreatBrilain).Bolhbandsperfofmed two sets. Highpointsol lhe eveningincludedASDA'sperformanceof Joaquin Aodtigo's En Aranjuez Con Tu Amora selectionteaturedin lhe movieBrassed Of-and lhe LWBB'Srenderingof conduclor/composerHalsl€nson'scomposilion: lh6 H/i Caled Vetujery. Ihe concerl conclud6dwith the combined bands pedormrngJan Van der Roosl's Cantehury Chorale and John Philip Sousa's The Slars and Stripes ForeveL Ihe concerllasteduntila bjl pasl 10:30 p.m. with the majorityol lhe audience membersremainingunlil the last note the organizersext6ndedlhe LWBB an bandmembersio invilalionforoneolthe be inlroducedtolhe QueenI\rother-then jusl a fewdaysshy ot her 101stbirlhday. The band selecledthe organizerol the tourandLWBBChairman,DickI\,4illertor this high honor. Since that day, band membersnow reler lo DickMilleras Sir Richardl The eighl day, six concerl tour would seemto have nol letl adequaletime lor sight'seeingand casualtime, but quite to lhe conlrary as there were two otf days: one was spent visiting/descendnearCardilf, ingintolhe8ig Pitcoalmine Wales,and lhe olherwas usedlo explore hisloricCambridgewith its Rivef llatCaft , punls(manuallypole'propelled bottomedboats)andCambridgeUniver sily,lhe 13thc€ntury'centerol learning' knownrcundthe world. JerryChdslensen LWBB Manager/Percussionist ' Sunday,July22, St. JamesChurch, Belore lhe band memberc began lhe Birstwilh, England task ot pulting instrumenlsaway and packingup, the two bands exchanged gilts: lhe LWBB members presented each ASDA memberwith a [,4innesola slickandihe ASDA m€mb6rspres6nted each LWAB member with a souvenrr ' Wednesday, July 25, Sandringham ASDAnecktie.The carnaraderie continFlowerShow,Sandringham Estaie, ued as bolhbands(andaudiencememKing'sLynn,England berswhoremained) enjoyedsandwiches, meats,cheesesand a seleclionol EnOn the eveningot July23rd,the fitth glishand lrish beer.Therewas lime lor perlormance on the LWBB'SEngland lalk amongst the players and many, andWales2001concertlour,theaudi- many pholoswere taken. ' Monday,July23, Stocksbridge Victory Club,Shettield,Englandico-concertwilhlheASDAStocksbridge Band. ence began arrivingearly at the Slocksbridge VicloryClub (Sheffield, England), withmanyol the adultspur chasinga pint of beer belorefinding emptychairs aroundthenumerous small lables.BytheslartoltheI p.m-concert, allthechairsweretaken.Theremaining audience members stoodatthebackol the hall. TheAnoka-bas€d Lak6Wobegon Brass The sixlhandlinalconcertwas by invitalion to perform at the 120th Annual FlowerShow,SandinghamEstate(one of lhe Royal Familys sumner residences).Thiswas,ind6ed,a highhonor, as the LWBB was lhe tirsl-everAmericanbandtopedormatthjsgrandevent. This flower show is a lavo te of the Qleen Motherwho makes an appearanceeachyear.on lhe dayollhe show, TheBrass Eend Bridge March 2002 FreeAd Space AvailablcfbTNABBA MemberBandsl The Brurr 8.n.i 8/i./sd offers trce QuaturPagcAd on a Iirsrcome,trrsr The ds s€rved basisto memberbands. \!ill only be usedif thereis unused spacedvxilnblein the B/i/8d nd the Edirorreserves th€rightto reviseftead ro fir rhcavailablcspacc. Thc ld spacccanbe usedto seuyour bandsnew recordingsor just to lell peopleyouteout therel Oncea bards lie€ ad appe,rrs, fillt bandwill go lo the endofthe line,"8i!ing all member sprce. bandsa chancelo useavailable Sendyour'crmeftready ads,noI'uger th,.i3 ll2' by 4 ll2 1()th€Advenising M.tnager Rllph Hotz. The Central Florida Band (Michael Garasi)recentlyhostedand accompaniedworld-renowned soloistsPhilSmilh and David Childsin a challengingconcertofmusic,pedormedloa nearcapacity audienceat lhe Universilyof Central Florida,Orlando.A{sorecenty in attendancefor a shortvisii and pedormance was Sandy Smith, solo horn with Grimelhorpewho was joined by Robin WealherallJromStLouisandFlalphHotz lromUlah-KevinCramerwritesthatlhey gavean "affesting"pedormance.cramer will be a teaturedsoloiston their lvlarch 17thconcertal a local relirementcommunity,bolhvocally,visLrallyand instru' mentallyas Dorothyin SomewhereOver beganwith DavidReed,the Eand'si rst directionolTony Granados.Thestartol direclor,who llew in lrom Ca ifomialo rehearsalswasdelayedsothai siudents conduct Farfare fat NABBA, lhe lisl would not have a conflicl with their prece ihe Band perfomed in its lirst schoolsmarchrngband programs,The concert.JackStamp,lhe directorofthe Band has movedtheir rehearsalstrom Band during lhe years of its Jirst two SundayafternoonstoTuesdayevenlngs, appearancesat lhe NABBAChampion- Thishasimproved the members'ability ships,came irom Pennsylvania to conto consistenllyatlend rehearsals.The ductConnotallors, whichtheyperlormed Band cuarenuyhas 46 memberswho in lhe HonorcDivislon in 1988. Forthe wererecommended bylhe rschoolband resl of the concerl, IVusicDirector directorsand/or pr vate lesson teachlvlchael Votla, Jr. chose a variety of ers. AlFDistriclaudilionswere heLdre' SalvationArmy works, marches,and cenlly,and 26 ol our membersqualilied conlesl pieces that have all been perlo parlicipatein the All-DistrictClinic. tormedbythe Eandduringtheirhistory. Hall of thosewill participatein AllState Dr. Volta conductedlhe Band in lhe Auditionsin March. The Band's first 'Adaglo" ltam Concefta de Aranjez w lh concerl ol lhe year was at Sande6on Bob Peckhamplayingthe llugelhorn HighSchoolonDecemberS. The first salo, Fanhsia Brilliante on the Ai Rule hali consisled ol classic brass band Duringlhe pastthreeyears,l4otor City Brilannialealu ng Et3Mallelon eupho- musicand a percussion ensembleatBrassBandiCraigStrain) hasproduced nium,theBands standardlhroughoutitsranged by two ol ihe band membefs. a numberof programswhich have feahislatyAmazingGrace,alongwlthother The second halt oJ the concert had a tured voiceswlh brass band. These works, BrianDoyle,BesidentConduc- holidayilavorandincludeda luba-euphocolaborative elforts have been made tor led lhe Bandin pertorming "12 Daysol William niumensemblepertorming possibleby band arrangementswrillen Himes' Fanlare and Denis Wright's Ho!selops.'TheBandisnowprepa ng by Cfa g Strain. MCBB has now comarrangemenlol Men af Ha ech. fhe forBrassDayonMarchL TerryEverson pjeledatotalol 13 programswilhTvocal Bandalsorecognized Mr.JimGoodmon, lrom Bosion lJnivercilyand Mike Kis ensernblesncludingthe MadrigalCho' Presidenland CEO ol Capitol Broad- trom ihe Universilyof North Carolinarale oi SoLrthlield,Cantata Academy casting Company. Th6 A.J. Fleicher ChapelHillwill lead masterclasses durChorale,'l\,4acombers' Foundalion, eslab sh6d ShowChoirand by ing the day. That eveningtheywill solo ihe ErazealDennardChorale.Charac- [,lr.Goodmon s grandfaiher, wasrespon- with the Youth Band at the Meymandi teisticallyarlisticandhigh-energy, these siblefor purchasing the orignal instfu- ConcertHallif Raleigh.Membersof the programshavebecomeverypopularwith rnenlslor lhe Band,and Capjto Broad' YoulhBandalsocommittedto atlending MCBBaudiences andmanychoradevocastingCompanyprovlded the funding their second NABBA Championships. tees afe now brass band lans, lor the iirsl three years oi the bands They are curently seleciingmusic lor exslence. The Triangle Brass Band this competilionand are excitedabout The TriangleBrass Band beganthefi perlormedon December7 at lhe North participalingin lhe solo and ensemble fallseasonbyperforming aiihegradua- Ralegh Churchof lhe Nazafene. This categoriesthrs year. tion ceremoniesfor lhe Weekend ExChrislmasconcerlwas sharedwiih the ecutive MBA programat Duke Un vercho r of the chLrrchand conduciedby sily. This ceremony was specia beBrian Doyle. The Band was well recauseWes Tilley,one ot lhe orginal cejvedby lhisnewcornmunity. ltwasa BandNews& mernbersof lhe band, was one ot lhe wonderfulend to their iall season and ConcertPrograms graduates. Wesiookaleaveoiabsence ihey look ioMard 1oconlin!ing our ce' Pleasesend yourconce whilehe was in school,bul TBB has ebrationol fiteen yearslhroughoulthe jnclLde programsandarticlesonrecent recentlyrelurned, On November3, the spring.Upcomng periormances Band celebratedour FifleenthAnniver- be ng featuredal the International Tuba activitiesto ZAEBRIDC, sary with a Gala Concerl in Durham, Euphonum Conlerence in June2002, We want to read NorlhCarolina, This concerlbecamea aboutyourband! familyreunionas musicwas selecledto TheTriangle YouthBrassBandbegan refect our {ifleen years. The concelt rehearcalson November6 !nder the SendYour l,4arch 2002 TheBrass Band Bridge BrassBandof CentralFlorida(Michael Garasi).January12,2002;University ol CenlralFlorida, O ando,FL,wilhPhilip Smith,'cornetand DavidChilds,+euphonium. TheNalionalAnthen \Key)', AIIegrcDeciso ftom The WaterMusic \Handel)tAhapsodyon BritishSeaShanles (Osgood);Conceipiecefor Comet' (Curnow); SoagsinlheHeart'(Leidzen); (Broughlon); Excurs,bns' Standingon lhe Promises' loou{)t Folk Festival (Shosrakovich); Bll/iante+(Graham); A Lrt e Prayer+(Glennie);VatiedMood+ (Woodf (Monli);Gabriel's ield);Czandas+ Oboer(Morricone)i Fr?htol the Bun ble aee+(Rimsky-Korsakov); IrishTunefrotn CountyDetry\GrdingetJiBamardCasIIe (Flichards);Ar€6e6qL,e'+(luffin) 6a€llolce'+(Graham), try TisOf Thee(an-Btoughton/Freeh);lan . Langlotd):TheHolylvel(G raham), TwoLyricPieceslctieglFrcehl;Benais- LeonVoslrez,euphonium soloist;Dies sance(Graham). Nata,s (Golland);Mary's Boy Child MotorCity BrassBand(CraigStrain). (Hairston/Dewhurst)i The Nutc@cker October 2S,2001;Southfield centrefor 'Sweel' (Tchaikovsky/Frcehl; Budolph the Arts,Soulhtield, NIl. "2001"from theRedNosedReindeer(Marks/Fernie). AIso Sprach Zarathustrc(Sltaussl Hoion)t Toccatain DMinor(Bach/Far); TriangleBrass gand. November3, "l\,,lars" trom Ihe P/anets(HolsvFlob- 2001;CarolinaTheatre,Durham,NC. ens);DemBoneslan. Lang{ord), Joe FanfareforN.A.B.B.A. l9urnow),David Grekin,FlichardPolk, Steve Fellner, Reed, Conductor;Festival Fanfate FarlvlikeCase,JohnMarlin,trombonesolo- (Himes),BrianDoyle,CondLrctor; isls;DisneySpectacular (arr.Richards); tasyonBritishSeaSongs(arr.Langford), "Adagio' Ptocessionof the Nobles(Bimsky' lvlichael VotlaJr.,Conductor; Korsakov/Cuhow); Heltet Skelter lrcm Concetlo de Ahnjuez lqodtigol (Lemon,/woodtield), flugelhorn 6oloLynnKoch,marimba Bolton),BobP€ckham, soloist;Cavsof th€yy,hds(PecldBonnielsl; YearoftheDagon(Spa*e);March Kline)Dar,seMacdble(SaintSaens/ Paraphrase: Menol Ha ech\Ge(man/ Hucktidge),ln TheHal Ol TheMountain Wight), BrianDoyle,Conduclor; Connolalions(Gregson), JackStamp,ConKlrg (Grieg/Shain), lmperlalBrass(PatrickBurns).Octoducto[ Farlas/a Billiante on the Ait (Mark ber28,2001 Sl PetersEpiscopal Church, Spokane Brlllsh Brass Band Rule Britannia(Hartman/Holtz),Ed ; Mofiistown, NJ,andNovember 18,2001; Williams). December 11,2001;SFCC Mallelt,€uphoniumsoloisl,Michael Fircl Presbyl€rian Spokane, WA.Arsenal Church,Fl€dBank, Auditorium, lVan Votta,Jr., ConducloriAnazingGEce NJ. The Star-Spangled Bannetlaft. derRoosi);OvedL//e h o minor(Handel/ (arr.Himes);FahousBrilishMarches Elgar/Langtord)iPavane (Faute/ (afi.Langlord). Leidzen); Heralds of Victory lqolz), 2001| NofihBal€ighChurch AmazingGrace (Hine6), Appalachian langtotd\:Hytune d'Adieu(Berlioz/Wil- Decembe.T, of lhe Nazaren€,Raleigh,NC. Brian Mounlain Folk Song Sull€ (Curnow); liams),Eug€neJohnson, lromboneso' Chislmas Trumpeter's Lullaby(Anderson), David loist; Ih6 Girl I Left BehindMe (a . Doylo,Fesid€ntConduc'lot. Dash,comelsoloistiMy Countryns Of Langfod);8€auSoll(Debussy/Langtord)iTriplych (cwnow)t Grcensleeves A ChistmasSuite Jerryolson, (Kerkorian/Guplill); Thee (Broughton/Freeh): Manhattan lnprcmptufotTubalBatry), (Bulla); (Grieg/Freeh); Ihe Chr6trras 5or9 (Toms & Lyric Pl6c€s tlba soloisl; Winler Wonde and lBar \Leidzen\ FourDancesfrom lhe Ameticathe Beautiful(Dtagon/Freeh); .ard &Smith/Langford)i l,Vanzing Malilda Wells/Spalke)i Nulcracke r (Tchaikovsky/Sparke); Libedy FanIarc (WilliamslFIeeh)',PrayeI (Cheyne)i AmazingGEce(aft. H:mesrtSleighBide Serenala(Andercon t Blaydon (Anderson/Tomlinson); OhConeAI Ye GeraldWells, euphoFaces(Langlord), Faithlullf 'ad.). niumsoloist;Feraissance(Graham). December 16, 2001;UnitedMethodist FOR SALE: TriangleYouth Brass Band (Tony Church,Woodbridge, NJ, and Bishop BrassQuintetLibrary r , 2001i G r a n a d o s ) .D e c e m b e 8 JanesUnitedlvlelhodist Church,Bask(18 seleclions), NC. High School, Flaleigh, Sanderson ing Fidge,NJ. Joy to the Worldlar. Gold platedConnHelleberg (SItaussl Sptach Zatathust@ Frceh\ TheCara ers (Holz\:Awayin a Also tuba mouthPiece Pearce\ Finlandia(Sibelius);PercusManger lBanks), Karen Shaftstall, Assortedadvancedhombone Spiritual(Miki/ sionEnsemble:Marla?ba flugelhornsoloist;Joy lo the Wo d solosand methodbooks. Dealh or GlorylqallJi (Ayma);Noe/(Bowes);The Chtislrnas Wood & Shelley)i Pleasecontact: Preludeon Armed Forces Salute Song(arr.Sparke);Ihe FestiveSeason lBulla)t DonKneeburg (Calvedr;Amei ca the BeautituI(DIagon Tunes Thrce Welsh Hymn lvaughan 264 SouthGlendoHwy, Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble: e( - Fteeh)',FarandolefromL'Arlesienne Williams); Glendo,WY 82213 (Bizet/Wright); O Holy Night \an. 12 Days of Housetopsl(ar. Canter); Irombone 76 @hotmaiLcom Wilkinson),GeraldWells,euphonium B ussianChristmasMusic(Reed/Fraser); (Anderson^vood). soloisl;S/eighBlde(Anderson)', MyCounA ChristnasFestival TheErass Band Bridge March 2002 RIVERCITYBRASSBAND SIGNATURE SERIES The River City Brass Band,the nation'spremierbrass band,is pleasedto announceits tirst publicationcatalog. Well-knowncomposershavewrittenmanyof thesearrangements for the RCBB. lt will also includean originalcompositionby RCBB'Sstaff arrangerDrew Fennellthat combines"TwasThe Night BeforeChristmas"with originalunderscoring.Also includedis Jenkin's"AmericanOverturelor Bandand an originalpieceentitled"GatewayWest"and many otherpieces. or [email protected] To obtain a catalogpleasecall 800-292-RCBB RiverCityBrassBand POBox 6436 Pittsburgh,PA 15212 2oo2 NABBA XXnorit12-18. OH Hostedby the CincinnatiBrass Band in Cincinnati, GalaConcert featuring theBrass Band of BattleCreek April13,2002,8;00p.m. Tri-CountyAssembly ofGod OH. 7350DixieHwy(Rt4),1/2mi.norlllot | 275. Fairfield, Membersol the BBBCwill be in attendanceat lhe post'Galareception al the Badissoniollowingthe conced. post-Gala This receplionwill cosl $7.50 and tickelsmusl be purchasedin advance and will not be availablethat weekend. Bandswlll havelhis informaiionsenl lo them for pre-ordering as part ol theiradvancemailingoJNABBAinfomationtrom the host band. Band Bridge March 2002 TheBrass hostedtwo TheBrassBandofCentralFlorida(MichaelGarasi) PhilipSmilh(NewYorkPhilhamonic), world-renowned soloisls, inaconcerton January 12, comet,andDavidChilds,euphonium, ol CenlralFlorida,O andowhichwas 2002,at lhe University a publicradioslation MC'dby DaveGlerumol 90.7WMFE-FM, in centralFlo da. Bermudaas a soloist. PhilipSmithdisplayedhis technicalmasteryof lhe cornetandlrumpet,togetherwithawam, singingslyle evidentintheva ety ofplaying. Hisartislry andskillwere of stylesof musiclhat he pertotmed.Concertpiecefol in double-tongudisplayed IVr.Smilh'svirtuosity Cor.nef passages, contrasted by ing and rapidsixleenth-note morelyricalseclions.Hisfalher,DerekSmith,directed gongsol theHean,a pieceoriginally writtenlor Derek Smith,cornetsoloist,in the 1950's, Excursiorswas a composerof manylilm writlenby BruceBroughlon, scor€s. In this piece,Mr. Smilh deftlyplayedlhe dfiving, tlfie signalures andpercussive, unconventional a latin-style ftythmicmoliJs.SlandingonthePrcmiseq gospelhymn,leatured arrangement of lhiswell-known and inthebeginning 6ection, [/r. Smilhontheflugelhom thenon lhekumpetin th€tiumphantlinalsection. PhlllpSmithis currently the P ncipalTrumpelol theNewYork as andhasbeena soloistwilhthe Philharmonic, Philhamonic, well as manyother orchestEsand bands. I\rr.Smilhhas theGdteborg BrassBand,Black appeared as Bandmasterwilh DvkeMills.HannafordSllverBand,and numerousSalvation Armybands.He is alsoa lormermemberof theNewYorkSlatf BandollheSalvation Army.DavldChilds,20yearsold,received 'lntenational Year2000'.At Euphonium Playerofthe theawad, 16yearsol ageD€vidbecamePincipalEuphonium ollheworld lamousBrighouse & RastrickBandin England.As a soloist, by wo d classensembles includDavidhasbeenaccompanied FlNcMSymphonyOrchesingtheBBC Philharmonicorch6slra, lra, NaiionalSwis6Army8and,andthe BlackDykeBand. He trom theaudience oavidChildshada closerapportwith hasalsolouredEurope,America,Canada,lheMiddleEasland cornments on his theslart,withhisclearandengaging music.He playedin a relaxedandconridenlmann€r, edch atterpedorming smilingwithjoy andenthusiasm pi6c€.Histechnical andyelhe abililywasunsurpassed, mainlained a verysensiliveandlyricalslyleof playing, witha la€e warmsoundwhich,ill6dlhe concenhall. lt wasamazinglo hoarsucha youngmusicianplaywith and in sucha completecommandol his Instrument, malurestylo.ln Billiante,a lanlasyoa 'RuloB tlania", overtheentkerange rapidtonguing Mr.Childsdisplay6d ,4 Liille of lhe euphonium.EvelynGlenni6composod P/ay€rin memoryof herlatelriend,whowaskilledin a lragicclimbingaccident.[rlr.Childsplay6dlhe sampl€ beaulilulmelodyin a delicat€andsonoroushymnlike slyle. Gabriel'sOboe,from lhe film "The Mission", playing, lyical andsensitive featured theexceplionally forwhichMr.Childsissolamous.ln VariedMood,David playeda varietyol ditlerent slylesmusic,startingwitha and cadenza, followed byanexlended lighljazzmelody, by a rapidlechnicalsection.Hisvirtuosity concluded olusEnsembles andChoruses was aptly demonstratedin Czardas& Flight of the and 8lmbleBee,inwhichheplayedthehighlytechnical Visitourwebsite andORDERONLINE passagesllawlessly, a standlng and received chromatic orordertoll-free ovationlromtheaudience. U.S.AirForceBand Band U.S.Army Band U.S.Marine Band U.S.Navy 800-999-01e 0 x1 t, .1 1 9 FBEECATALOG! I :lgssJm"oI 10 2002 TheBrass Band Bridge March lor overtwo hours,captiTheaudiencesatenlhralled virtuosity & lyricismofthesetwo vatedbythetechnical performers. experience Thisconcertwasamemorable butforallwhoattended, notonlyforbrassenlhusiasts, and was probablylhe bestconcertevergivenby the for a completelisting]. BBCF. [SeeBandPrograms Whata wonderfulopportunity to hear England s premierband inaction!Sponsor6dbytheAtlanticBrassBand,Black Dyke Band(no more'[/lills")madea lhree-daystopoverin New Jerseyon th€irwayto Bemuda. Alt6riheirarrivalfromthe Philadelphia Airport,a bus ride io the hoteland a quickmeal,BlackDykewenl direclly intoa rehearsal.I immediately teltlikeI was backin Englandas I sal backto drinkinlheamazingbrassbandsounds thal wouldfill the nextcoupleol days. The bandwas in greallorm. ll was a ditlerenl bandlhathadplayed inCarnegie Hallin 1993.Thisbandhad a veryrelax6dNick Childsal the helm which s€emedlo createa veryhappy'Dyke." Fromthebeginning shainsol ayoung19 yearoldlad,lheirnew player, 1slbadton€ playingNapoliwilh astoundingtechnaqueto ltesf S,ireSlory,lh€y romped lhroughlhe rehearsal.Afler a 'social time',as onlythe Englishknowhowto do,il wasofflo bedas theiel lagbegan to sel in. Altera shortrehearsal andsoundcheck, theyopenedthe doorslo enthusiastic stldenls and brassband loverswho lilledlhebeautilul recitalhall.Duringthe next2 y, humorJilledhours.lhe audiencewaslrealedto anotherdisplayot ElackDyke'swizardry. Howie. A gorgeous seclion sound. Varioustypesof'Vibratos'weredemonslraled by Brett Baker and No. 2 man, Chris Turner. Chris Turner illustrated this by bringingthe house down with a Mendeztype solo, Sparlsf' Eyes. Nick Childs,alsootthe ChildsBroth6rs'fame, joinedRogerWebsterand DavidThomton to talkaboul'Presentationand Nerves" olthesoloisi. This led into 'Tricksol the Trade' whichjinishedthe clinic. TheclinicopenedwithMldwest Marchal breakneck spe€dwilhdazzlingdouble tonguingin the trio section. Roger Websterand Ben Rapp(repiano)lollowedthiswitha discussion on 'Warm The awesome playing ol Bernslein's Up'techniqu€s. A lovelyperlormance ol SomewhercandAmeica inspiredmany lheQueenoftheNighlAria(Mozarl) was queslionstrom the audience.The last lhenhead by Michellelbbotsonon Eb exhilaralingnumber was Toccalain D sopranocornelwhich ledinto'BreathingMinorlgachlFar). Whata greatending andSound'.TheoldchestnulBugler's toaveryinfomaliveatternoon. Nolbeing Holidaycaughteveryone'sattenlion tooconcernedwithlhe SuperBowlwhich playedby the backrowcomets. Brett was in progress,"Dyke" went into anBakerlhen joined FlogerWebsterlo otherrehearsal,Anolherbusrid€,a stop speakaboul'Produclion.' lor dinneral lhe'Country Kilchen' and presented RoberlFlichardson a llawless rendilion of Nrpolionthebaritone. avery undeftaledandmisunderstood instrumenlin the brassband. 'Technique' wasthenexliopicandwasdisplayed by playerand Attera casualbreakfaslSundaymorn- thetlugelhofn bandstandup ing,lhe bandboarded a busiorajourney comic,JohnDoylewilhthehelpol David lo lhe lJniversity of Delaware lo playa Thornlon oneuphonium. Juslhowmuch clinic/demonstration. This clinicwas lechnique doiwoguysneed. . . ihiswas hostedbyTheChesapeake BrassBand, overwhelming. Achange otpacebrought The Universityol Delawareand lheir John Doylebackwaththe t€nor horn direclorEd Hockersmith and Rich seclionlo enlertainus wilh a ragtime piecearanged Fischer. bysolohomplayer, Leslie FORSALE:BessonSovereign BBb, laquer, withcase,about10yearsold, dentsin a bottombow(notlhelargebow), in goodshape. otherwise or makean offer. $2500.00 CallBob,SaitRiverBrass. (602)252-2509,or (602)340-8437; [email protected] more socialjzingbrcughtlhe day lo an end, On I\rondaymoming,afteranearlybreaktast.the banddepartedforwilliamstown HighSchoolwherelhey weregreetedby aboul500 younghighschoolmusicians frombandsfrcmalloverthearea-In no time Black Dyke had these kids in the palmof lheirhands.Again,a similarand verythoroughclinicwasontheway.The band againdelivereda tast movinghumorouspres€ntation.The altentiveyoun9 peoplerespond€dwilh intelligentquestionsas lhey linedlhe aisleto speakinlo the microphone.You could hear a pin drop as FlogerWebster demonstrated how sotthe couldproducea note.The 2 '/2hour sessionendedwith cheersaller lhe tinal number,by Peler Graham Gaelfarce, l\,4osl bandswouldhave restedatterlhat butnot Dyke-Theywentinloyetanother rehearsalto pul the linishingtoucheson continued on paqe 12 Mafch Brass Band Bridge 11 2002The conlinuedfrcm page 11 the evening'sperformance, Back on the bus, a wonderful llalian dinnerandthe bandwasheadedbacklo WilliamstownHigh School lo presenl lhe concertlhat everyonewas waiting lor. Dyke enthusiastscame oul of lhe woodworkandasfarasfromCali{orniato hear the reigning2001 BritishNational Champions.As the doors opened,the NABBA RENEWALDATE!! March1 Thisdateholdsforallmembersandmemberbands, ALL Registrations at NABBAwillbe basedon Ex6cutiv€ Administrator B6rt Wiley'sListing. Besureyouandyourband arerenewed.Youmaybe chargeda registration fee at NABBA you if are notregisleredby thattime. Newmembersregistering duringtheyearmaybe eligible for backissuesof The BrassBandBridge whereavailable Contact BertWileyat: P.O.Box2438 Cullowhee, NC28723 Telephone;(A2q 293-7469 [email protected] havebeenquileproudof his virtuosic Army studenl.Nextwasthe Salvation A1len, TheEter "gem"byBaySteadmanralOuesl Allhoughplayedimpeccably by slar trombonistBrett Baker,this w terfeltthatband'sinlerpretalion and temposwerenot quileon. For some reason,thatsomelimes happenswhen conlestingbandsplay SA music. JosephCook,a humorous twenty{ouryear playerwowed old Eb bass theaudience SlraightintoFuss/a, ard LudmiIa,Dyke in Flossini's with his tlare and virtuosaty didn'tlighten incredupJorasecondwith even singing Laryo Al Factotum and iblelechniq!e and only 3 solo comets. very f unny.... "Figaro"'Figaro" (FlogerWebsterwas waitingin thewings hallquicklyfilledlo nearcapacity,everyonescampe ng to geta goodseat. You couldfeelthe anlicipalionandelectriciiy in the air as BlackDyke filed into posilion. NickChildsgavethedownbeatand theyweteofl. Queensburymarch,Dyke's signaturetune, filledthe hall as smiles appearedon the laces of the exciled for the next item) They werc like a whi wind givingany orchestraa run for theirmoney.Nexlwas ComelCorcedo by Torstein Aargard Neilson. Floger Webslerdidn't miss a thing as h6 displayed true arlisiry in lhis fairly long, modern and taxing concerto. In one sectiontherewas a septetplayingfrom lhe backollhehallwhichcr€ateda greal eftect. Nextup was Gregsons Laudale Dominum, a Salvalion Army classic keonlyanticipaledby the SA bandsmen spinkl6d lhroughoutth6 hall. lt was an excellentperlormancewilh unbelievable Eb sopranocometwork by pelite[,4ich' elle lbbolsonwho pouredit on all night. SymphonicDanceslrcm WestSide SIory (8emst6in/Crees)endedlhe lircl halfol lhe programwilh class. The dynamic rangeofthe bandwasbreathtaking ighl up io ihe stiringpower{ulending. was a buzzin Duringthe Intervallhere people mobbedthe CDtablelo theairas maxe purcnases, Thesecondhallopenedwithcornetsand trombonessuroundingthe back of lhe band. John Williamswouldhave loved the soundandperformancealhisOlympic Fanlareand Theme,an apprcpiate choiceatthisiime.Twenly{ouryearold David Thorniontook center slage and roaredthrough PhilipSparke'sditficull euphoniumwork, Pantomime, Watch Mead ! ActuallyStevenwould out, I\,4r. TheBrass Band Bridge Mafch 2002 Thebandchangedpositions againlor a verysensiiive rendedng oftheeverpopu' latAirFrcmSuilein DbyJ.S.Bach(arr. Music Snell)withsuchcontrol.Cartoon was a "hooll" The bandlet oul all lhe siops on this Peter Grahamtour de hustyle,precision, lorce, Technique, mor ... it had it all. A veryveryclever pieceoi musicandplayodfanlasiically. Finallythelastnumber,andDykereally pouredil on wilh Procesgionto lhe Mlnsl€r Theaudience wasalreadyon A maglheirleetd!ing lh€finalchord. I nlficenlpedormance DidI saylastnurnber?Nota chanceI Thisaudience wouldneverl6avewithout perlormance hearing more,A maru6lous ol Gaelforce by PeletGtahamonlywhet everyone's appetilefor the lastencore, lhe Lucernesonghy ElgarHowarlh,a the bitleavingPhilGoodwin, humorous p ncipalEbbassplayeron siagealone himwilhaknockuntilthebandrejoined out ending. Althougheveryonewere again on their feel, Black Dyke had finallyfinishedwith noies still ringing lhe hall. throughoul It doesn'tgei anybetterthanlhis ll to AtlanticBrassBand Congratulations conthis unforgettable for sponsoring cert. i r i i' .-)Rr%cC - fnct"'Ll++e I I : I I I h -^J*, " vintagcandantklue) "*, I t ' i \ vFrr ouRoN LINEst ptn sroneiooavr Otrering the fastest, guamnteed, shipping seruicefrom Americo on oll your musicneeds Prr,lou Musrc rn". 325 FuhonStreet / Woodbrifge, N,07095 tet 722.634.2399 Fa\t 732.634.4922 Dillon Music oc.epts Viso ond Mostercold on our,eclj|jd seNet rneCincinnatiBrassBand is proudto host NABBAXX April12-13,2002 Please refer to the host's website for the linkage to the latest information on NABBAXX: cincin Directions Thecompetitlon willbe heldin Sharonville, OHwhichis 20 minuiesnorthof downtown Cincinnati, 45 minuiesnorthof creater Cincinnali Airporl(locatedin K€niuckyl) and40 minutessouthof DaytonOHairport. Performance/Competition Venues Thocompetitions willbe heldat the FadissonHoiel(ChesterFd.,Sharonville) andat Princeton HighSchool,whichis localed lessthana half-mile lroft the Radisson. FridavBandrehearsal limesareas follows:Timesgivenareset-uptimes- Rehearsals begin15minuteslater RadlssonHot6ll 5:15 Tiangl€YoulhBrassBandMarquisNorth,Fladisson 6:30 Tristate Bra66Band- P ncetonBallroom, Radisson; BrassBandof Columbls- MarquisNorlh,Fladisson 7145 lllinoisBrassBand Princeton Ballroom, Radissont St LouisBrassBand- MarquisNorth,Radisson 9:00 AllStarBlassandPercussionPrinceton Ballroom, RadissoniBrass Bandot CentralFlorida- l\4arquis North,Fladisson PrlncetonHlgh Schoot: - Princelon 2:30 CentralOhioBrassBand- PincetonHS Bandroom: Svracuse BrassEnsemble HS lvalthewsAuditoium SolidBras6ot LittleRock Prjnceton HSn€wchoirroom:Cuyahoga ValleyBrassBand- Princeton HSorchestra room 3:45 AtlanticBrassBand- P ncetonHS Bandroomt Commonwealth BrassBand- Princelon HS Matthews Auditorium All StarStatlBrass- Princelon HSnewchoirroom;JuniorVarsityAll Stars- P ncetonHS orchestra room 5:00 EaslernlowaBrassBand P/ncetonHS Bandroom; Sunshine BrassBand- P ncotonHS lratlhowsAuditoium MotorCity- BrassBand- P.incelonHS newchoirroom;VarsityAll - StarBB- Princeton HSorchestraroom - P ncetonHS Bandroom; 6:15 Lexington SpiresBrassBand- PincelonHSorchesharoom SalurdavComoelilions EandCompelilion timesareas follows: Wam-up- Prjnceton BallRoom- begins45 minutesaheadof performance timegiven: CompetitionGrandBallRoom-Radisson Hotel 8145 ExplorerBand1 9:30 YouthBand1 10:15 YouthBand2 11:00OpenBand1 BREAK 30 Min 12.15Challenge Band1 1.00 Challenge Band2 1:45 Challenge Band3 2.30 Challenge Band4 3.15 Challenge Band5 l{ TheBrass Band BridgeMarch 2002 Warm-up- Princeton - begins40 min.aheado{ perlormance timegiven CompetitionIvlafthews Auditoiurn- Princeton HiohSchooj 8:00 Honors Band1 8:40 HonorsBand2 9:20 HonorsBand3 BREAK 20 N,4iN '10120HonorsBand4 11:00 ChampBand1 11:40 ChampBand2 BREAK 40 Min 1r00 ChampBand3 1:40 ChampEand4 2:20 ChampBand5 BFEAK 20 [,lin 3:20 CharnpBand6 4:00 ChampBand7 4:40 ChanpBand8 Specilicinfomationon thesolo/ensemble wamlp andpertormanc€ limeswillbeavailable onihe hostwebsite(seeabove)by 3/3t02. Accommodations MainHotelrRadisson HotelCincinnati, 11320ChesterBd,Sharonville (513)772-1720'Fa* (513)772OH45246Telephone: (800)333-3333 6466" Reservaiionsr SpecialFoomRater$89(plustax).UsecodetNABBAto getihisrate.Thisincludes a lull holbreaktasl buftetandFreeParking.A ireeshutileto andlromPrinceton guesls.Therewillbe HSis available for Radisson NOshltlle servicelo ihe GalaConcert. EventsSchedule Fridav12 Aoril: 9.00 a.m. NABBA Board Meeting 11:30a.m. Solo and EnsembleCompetitions commence. Eachsoloisrensemble wilJhavea 15 minulereserued warrnupperjodwhichwill be 30 minutespriorto their pedormancelime. 7.00 p.m. Concert by the Lexington Brass Eand (RonaldW Holz)and guest sotoistVincentDil\rartino 8.45p.m.NABBA FeadingBand and InierestSessions. Specilictopicsfor the lnterestsessionsare: 1) Enteing a NABBACompetition(Holman),2) Hostinga NABBACompelition(Wages/Lyons/Barnes), 3)Starlinga Youlh Band (Aho/Kohring), 4)Fund Baising(Weatherall), s)Recruiling(Droste),6)WebSite Des'gn(Fowkes).The organizersot the lnterest sesssionswould like each band lo send an emailto Anita CockerHunti achuntband@aol,com to let her knowwhal sessionsyou will have someoneatlendtrom your band,and how many personnelwill be atlend ing- This will help greatlywith planningol logistics. Saturday13 April: Band Compelitions Geoflrey Brand, Frank Renton, James Curnow, Richard E. Holz, Bram cregson and Colin Holman, adiudicators 8.00 p.m. Gala Concerlwilh the Brass Band of Battle Creek. Tri,CountyAssemblyoI God,7350 Dixie Hwy (Rt 4), 1/2minorlh ot | 275. Fairfield,OH. [,4embers of the BBBCw'll be in attendanceat the post-cala receptionat the Badisson lollowingthe concert. This post-Galareceptionwillcost $7-50and licketsmusl be purchasedin advanceand wjll not be availablethat weekend. Bandswill havethis inlormationsentto them for pre-orde ng as part of theiradvance mailingoJ NABBAinformationfrom the host band. March 2002TheBrass Band Bridge 15 Ustedjn Alphabelical Orderby Tjtle Reviews by RonaldW. Holz LiveBrassBandConcertRecordinos BidgewaterHallLive:2001Geat Notthen B/assArE Festival. VariousBands and soloists,includingBlack Dyk€ 1i Foden3Courtois2i Sl, HelensYouth 3; Wllllans Fahey4; RoyalNorlh..n Colleg€ot MuslcBraaaBand5. Egon SFZ106.TT75:59.Progfam. OvetTure lo Ruslan und Ludmi a 1 lclinka/ Hatgteavesri ThePresident2(German); Tuba Solo._Sw66l Georyia grcwn 3 ((Richads),Soloisl,Sl€veSykes;Mf, Jums3 (Catherall); Bo6ge 3lHazell/ Baryl: Folk Festival4 (Shostakovich/ Snelf);Euphoniumsolo-Camival of yenice5 (Remington), SoloistDerek Kane;Euphonium Solc-A Lil e Prayers (Glenni6/Childs); SymphonicDances ftom West glde Story 1 (Bernstein/ Crees);Ovarons(Elieby);ComelSoloCapice lor Comelanc!Bard 2 {Himes), SoloislCadSaunders; Oveft!rcto Tha Force ol Destlny 4 (VerdiAvrighl)i Gaeltorce1 lc]ahamJ, Thehish Blessing 2 (BacaldBradnum ). Wo us€dlo hearcomplaints in th€ Britishbrasspres6aboulBridgewater Hall, a spotquicklyabandoned for theOpen Conteslbut still lsed for lhe popular GreatNorthernBrassArts Feslival,ot whichthislive-CDi6 a document ol 12 holrs of non-stoobrassmusicin Seotember.2001. Whateverthose mav havebeenprobloms, engitherecording neershavesolv€dany ditficulti€s lhey mavhavefacedandhavecom€uDw(h a splondid,brillianlprogramfealuring severaltopbands,a greatyouthband, andoulstanding musthave beenquitea challengeto choosewho andwhatgotfeatur€d.BlackDykegels the most play time, but Fodensand Faireydont tak6 a backseatin what they deliver. Muchof the mal€ial is familiar,yetat leastoneworkstoodout l6 to m€,BillHimes'CaprbefotConetand Irass Ban4givena warm,enlhuslastic interprctation by CadSaunders.We've heardilonotherrecordings, bullhisone leapsoutwithgrealveNe. Ther6ismuch 10commendthrolghoutthe disc.You won'tbedisaoDoinl€dl Epic BEss: Highlightsof the 2001 NationalFinalsGalaConcedpluswinning test piece perlormance. Black Dyke Band1 (NicholasChild6); Internatlonal Staff Band 2 (StephenCobb)iSymphonlcBrassof London3 {EricCr€es); BlackDykeand ISBMassedBand4. SP&SLtd. SPS 153 CD. TT 71:31. Ptogtarf': Toccatain D Minor1 lBach/ (G'a?Fan);EuphoniumSolo-Bilkntel ham),SoloistOavidTholnlon;Toccata homSuiteGothioue / lBoellmann/Ball); KnowThouArtMina2lBallantin€); F€ioice! Th6 Lotd /s K/rg 2 (Downie); Dance Episodeslrcm QaJhzlpva 3 (Benstein/Crees);Albion 1 lvan dol Ffoosl)iCom€tDuel-wordeiul words 4 {H€alon),SoloistsDavidDawsand BogerWebstortPinesol the Appian Waytrcn Ejnps_9lLl9np4 (Respighi/ Snell);The Lost Chord 4 (Sullivan/ Langford). givessolid Thisexcellent liverecording evidencethatlhe lamentedlossof the GalaConcert lollowing theNational Brass BandChampionshipsmaybe moreshortliv6dthanpredicted. Thelruestarsollhe recording areBlackDyke,whonolonly playthebrillaanl pertormance winning of Albion,butalsodeliverlhegoodsat the Gala Concertin grandstyle flhis is BlackDvke's17thNationalChamoionshipll. The ISBalsoshowitselta lopclassoutlil.Whata simplygorgeous. classicsoundand stylelhey otleron Ballanline's eleganlsefling'MyJesusL LoveThee",lhis beinga tuneby lsaac Unsworth.The cornetduet teafi of (BlackDyke)andDavid FlogerWebster Daws{lSB)addsa wonderlul bit of lun lhatyoucanlolloweventhoughyou were notthere.YoucannotseeWebsterand TheBrass Band Bridgelrarch 2002 Daws switchingband tunics but the lovelybrochurelikesleevejactel conlains photosto confirmthe antics,as well as containingPeterWilson'sfine romThe ovoruiewof theday,republishedf BrilishBandsman. You won'l wantto missRogelssinging themiddle debutin of HeatodsWondeiul WordslThe only for mewastheminimal disappointment involvement on the recording ot SymphonicBrassot London,jusl one shorl Bemsteinexcerpt.Forwhileth€yplay solidly,prolessionally. in contrast to the oth€rtwobands, I wasnotasimpressed; I exDected moreand better{theseare playersin th€ Lonlhe bestsymphonlc don ar6a),On€ has lo wonderal how puttheirprogramtogetherl quicklythey wo*s, lhe Ot the lwo new large-scale Oowniesymphonicvaiaiions on lhe Lod ls hymn-lune, Gopsal,(Flejoicethe King)eppearsto belhe betterwolkand last.b€comepartofthe onelhatshould regularrepedoire, nottatedasmanyl€sl piec€sare,to iust one day in th€ sun. Downi€speaksmuchmoreboldlyh6r€, imaginaandwithgomenewlwislslohis tive hamonicand scoringgitts. The climaxol lhework,justbeforeiherelurn of the mainlune, is 6ther star ingly dilferent andmuslhavesurorised ouitea lew who thought they kn€w thas composer's style. A/b/brtis a fascinatingwork,wilhallkindsol wonderlulcolor includingdistance-mancombinations, agedlanfares. ll you knowVan der workis a conFoost'sStoneherge,lhis ol a seriesexploingearlyBrit tinuation piece,it ishhislory.A veryatmosph€ric rccallsmanyetlectsfrom r€centtilm scores.I did not warmto ii; olhersno doubtwill- Th6r€is a grealsuccession onthedisc,even otprogram'chestnuls" fanfareto Flichard StraLrss io lheopening ZaralhustG,whichstartsmarvelously andtubaoclave withanincrediblsorgan pedal,onlyto be marredsomeralher openingnotesJrom a lewc€runluneful continued on pagc 17 continued from page 16 i i came under his pen's control, The Capiccio Espanol except is a tightly nets or trumpetsl Aiter that, it's whai compact summaryof the original,lastgreatmassedefforlsare allabout and it jusl aboui 5 minutes. The band is ing geis your brass band adrenalingets trulybrillianlhere. Threebandsoloists, flowing.This productionis one to savor includingihe direclor'sdaughter,are over and over again. May it serve as heardto goodadvantage,withexcellenl lurtherimpetusloriherevivalof the Gala presence.The finallwoculswil con, Concertin lhe Royal Albert Hall. The I nue to be specialtreats for me, two smartcombination ol twotop-flightbrass movemenls(2 & 4) from Sleadmanbands from lhe two greai lraditions, Allen's lhemes from the New World alongrepresenlaiivesof the symphonic SymphonylDvatak).Publishednearly scene, rs a great combinalion,espeyears ago, lhe Finalemvt is still a 40 ciallyif they keep the programmingbalgreatrepresenlative ofthe brassband's anced, as they certainly have in this approach to the classics, so olten in disc. Highlyrecommended. condensedlorm, but historically accuracyis someNABBAMembergand Recordinos times slrelched - like the final chord being held todissimo nstead of the Arcund the World. Cuyahoga Valley originald minuendo,in this contexltl BrassBand{KeithWilkinson). Marshall works.Why,levenremember the ISB ArtsProduclionsWBAS-1 823[VCBBCD underBernardAdamsinsertinganaddi0021. TT 70:31. P(ogtan: When the tronal,loudlrombonechord,justbefore ga/r,ls (Langtord);Amarican Civil Wal lhattina note(andfiany bandsimitaled Farlasy (BilildHiries);WalzingMatilda lhat sacrilegel).Ted l/|arshall'srecord(Langlotd)t Capicc io Espagnol(Rimskying wizardryreallylet'slhis aggressive Kor6akov^/l/ilkinson); EuphoniumSololeapoulotth6speakers. Allinall, Camival of Venice(Arban^Vilkinson); band produclion.Conthis is averysatrsfying Pines ol lhe Appian Way |rcfi Pines of graiulationslo Cuyahoga and Keith EgDe (Respighi/Snell)iGrcensleeves program ol (Snell); Famous British Marches Wilkinsonlor a fine new good, variedbrassband musicplayed (Langford);AitoHorn Solo-The Larkin wilh real razzle-dazzle! lhe ClearAit lLanglotd),SoloislDebbie Wilkinsont Trepakfrom Nulcracket Suite BrassBanclChrislmas.BrassBand of (Tchaikovsky/Wilkinson)i The Columbus{PaulDroste).8RC RecordShephetd's Song lRicf,atds): NoNe gian ings CD 1016. TT 70:47. Program: Darce#2(Grieg/1/vilkinson)i FlugeSololntradaan 'RegentSquare"(Downie)i -Korsakov/Barry); Songof India (Rimsky The Bells of Christmas lgula); Lo, How God and Counlry lHimes); Thenesfrom a Rose (l/ontgomery);Adesle Fidelis TheNew WorldSynphony, Mvls 2 and 4 ([rontgomery)iGa!dele (Norbury); (Dvorak/Steadman-Allen). TromboneSolo-An9e/6OrHlgh(Bulla), Soloist Jeff Kellet: Jingle Bells Cuyahoga'ssecond commercialcom(Ashmore);Calo/ of lhe Drum (Davis/ pacl disc recordingconlainsampleeviSusi)lwhlle Chlislmas(Berlin/Sparke); denceoftheir meteoricrisein jusl a few Tuba Solo-Froso,/lhe Snowman(Smith), yearsfrom Challenge10Championship Soloist Tony Zilincikt cod Rest Yau level band. Much of that credii goes to (N,4ontgomery); Three Kings Swing lheir dynamic music director,Keith Variationsan a German Carcl \Hines); Wilkinson, who is alsoon displayhere ([,4ontgomCaral of the Bel/s \Crnow); as a giftedarrangerand transcriberior ery); GoodKing Wenceslas(Montgomthe brassband.Onefourlhofthe pieces ery),CornetSolorstTony PhilipptChdsl- mas Rejoicingl6otdon); Winter WonderIand/Letlt Snow(Att. Susi),BassTrombone SoloistTodd Cunningham;Yerl, yeni(Galvjn);7he Flrsl Noel(lvlonlgomery); The Chistnas Song(ar. Sparke); Hallelujah Chatus (Handel/Wright); Seasor'sGreerl?gs(Anderson). Severalof our NABBA-memberbands have been coming out with Christmas CDs in recenlyears. The BBC'SBrass BandChristmasranksatlhe top ofthese etlorts,providing22 contraslingcaroland seasonalsongarangemenlsplayedwith care and classic restraint. The styles range from country Chrislmas lo IVlannheim Sleamroller'sversionof Veni Veni(arrangedby BBC'stinesolohornisl, Lisa Galvinwilh the permissionol Chip Davis). Over 10 years ago Paul Drosle gaveme avinylrecord oltheOSUBrass Choir playing,among other ilems, severalcarolarrang€menls by EdwardI\,4ontgomery. Six olthe6e are here included, as adapted tor British brass band by RogerCichy.This givesth6 albuma true (seeabove) Columbusvoice, Foursoloisls play in a wide rangeof slyles,fromTony Zilincik'stuba swing on Frosly to Jeff Kellers noblesoundon B!lla's neo-classic Angel's On High. The penultimate track is a live recordingof the band and three area church choirs on Handels Hallelujah Chorus,astranscribed byDenis Wight (witten in D fJatmajorlorobvious reasons), Paul Drosle receivedirom Wrighl's widow Wright's complele aF rangemento{ Messiah. How nice to includethiscommunity'lypeetlorlwhich so many of our NABBA bands are involvedln each year. The choir is never goodbalanceprevais. The overuhelmed, recordingofihe bandon the remainderof the albumis a bit dislantand al a sotler dynamicthan I expecled,thoughit certainlyavoidsihe close-mrcrophone efleci lhatmarssomebrassbandalbums.Yet the restraned styleofthe band'splaying continuecl on page 1I March 2002 TheBrass Band Bridge 17 continuedfrcm page 17 is thereioreenhanced. The BBC has never been a loud, brashygroup;they have always played with restrainland good slyle. That is no exceptionherein lhis fine Chistmas album.Anotherwinner by a ChampionshiplevelNABBA bandl BrassBandRecordings{Non-Salvation &try) Ambassadorsof 8rass. Goeteborg Brass Band (BengtEklund). Doyen. DOYCD117.TT61:54.Ptogtam. The Champions\Wllcox)t Overlute to The Forceof DestinylVetdiM ight);Piccolo TrumpotSolo-Trumpel Voluntaty (Bennett), SoloistViktorKisnitchenko; / KnowThau Atl Minel9allantine); Trombone Quadel-Round Midnight(Monk/ Hafiptonl; AtleborcughSulte(Arnold); Flug6lhorn Solo-P/eJesu(Faure/cay), SoloislUlrikaHolm:Euphonium SoloGlotiausLiberction\Bosanko), Soloisl PatrikRandetalk;PaganiniVarialions (Wilby). ll hasbeenqlile a lew yearssincethe lastCDby thisexcellent Swedishbrass bandlocaled nearthe borderol Sweden group andNorway. A championship-level lhatwowediheinternational brasscommuniiya few yearsago at ihe ITGSummilBrassConlerence. coeteborg usually'holdsils own"al suchprestigiousconieslsas the European,The PaganiniVa atiansperformance containedhereisaveryexciling, live secure, presentation fromthe2000European in Birmingham. Thebandsporlsexcellent playersin all the key spots. Their teadingoI TheForceof Desrnyoveriure isjuslnotanother'same-old, same-old' eventintheworldbrassbanddiscs.The ftumpet Voluntary is also noi lhe expectedClarketune,butby anotherBrilplayed ishcontemporary, JohnBennett, beautilullyon piccolokumpet by Kisnilchenko. Anotherunexpected cui istheexcellenltrombonequarletversion ol RoundMidnighl.lhe basslrombone, AndersHelman,I rememberas a line developingplayerback in 1989 when I was guestconductorofthe SA'sNorwegian NationalSchoolof [,4usic.He and his companionsreally can playl The album has ihe mark ot the classical aboutit, qualitymusicand perlormance at every turn. The Malcolm Arnold Attlebarough Suilewasnew and ol much inlerest to me, as was Bfam Gay's excellenl arrangementot lhe Faure's lovelyPle Jesu(nol to be conlusedwilh ihe Lloyd Webber Ple Jesu that pays homage1oit).Thei.excellentflugelhorn playerreallyshineson lhistuneand in the Paganini,a work you can not play unless you have lhe finesl ol flugelhorn sls. This is a classyCD. I hope we don't have to wait so long ior lheir next recording. Dove Descending:Music ot PhilipWilby. 'Fodens Courlols Band (Nicholas Childs), +Royal Northern Wlnd Orchestra (JamesGouflay)wiih Choir oi LincolnCollege,Oxlord. Doyen.DPY CD 106.TT 56:32. Program: +,4PassianFor Ou nmes,' DoveDescending. This "composer'schoice' disc conlains only two large-scaleworks by the acclairnedBritishcomposer,PhilipWilby. The seconditemmightbe lamiliarloour readers,as it has been used as a lest piecein the lasl few years. Here,however,thecomposeradds to perlormance the oplionalorgan part lhal would not havebeenheardon thedayofa contesl. Wilby is a deeplyreligiousman, whose faith comes lorth in his works, nearly everyoneol which for brass band has some level of meaning relatedto his beliels. ln lhis work he rellectson the mysteryof ihe Incamationol the Chrisl via the descentof the Holy Spiril,symbolized byadove.Inaprevious revjewol this work I mentionedhow the Nativity sectjonoithischallengingpiece,thetilth partot a seven-pa11 workdividedintolwo large seclions, is especiallybeautilul and may be played sepalalely,somethingI hopelodoone Chrislmasseason. NicholasChilds and Fodensprovidea con amorelive pedormance,and in the presenceof, and we m!sl imagine,the blessingof lhe composer. The other work is a 38-minuie sacred work, A PassionFor Our Times,which is really intendedlor liturgicaluse, wilh the sacred [,,lassto tollow it. However,the Passionhasbeengivenseveraltimesas a concertwork, and it would be in this conle)dthat mosl of us wou d experience il, lhoughwe wouldnot see lhe danceor visualartthal is a majorpartof the compleleexperience.Wilbycallslor windensemble,choir,organ,vocalsoloist,and spokennarralion,ll is a poweF f!1,modemwork.The recording, whichis live,is notasclearasI wouldlikeittobe, much ot the instrumonlalcolor and atticulalionbeing slightlyblurfed. Fortunately the narrationis very clear and distinci,li maybe avery ditlicultwo*lo recod, but I an not convincedI hav€ heardadelinilivereading of lhis Passion. Halsofllo Doyenlor makingtheeffort,lor thisislhekindofhomagetoalivingwf iler that so rarely happens in lhis day of profit-drivenrecordinginduslry. lmages fot Bftss' Wllllams Fairey Band (PhillipMccann)-AngloRecords AR 002-3. TT 74:23. Ptogram: Gala Fanfarc from Five Festive Fanfarcs lspatke\ Navigationlnn(Sparke)iCor nelsolo-Canzane and Cap ce lgulla), Soloist Brian faybt; Panis Angelicts (Francl?Sparke); Feel,ngyoong(Moen); Time Remembered lspatke)t Fanlarc Bilannica (Hosay); South Down Piclule9(Sparke); Sh,psto, Prcl udelgulla); Flying lhe Breeze (Spatke); Fanfarc and Jubiloso\Cv'now); EuphoniumSoloJoshua Fit lhe Baitle (Court), Soloist Steve Miles;lmages lot Brcss (gulla). cantinuedon page 21 March 2002 TheBrass Band Bridge 19 BERNELMUSICLTD TTIE PI,ACE FORAII YOTJRBRASS BAI{D NEEDS CATALOGSNOW ONLINE 4I NEW MUSIC: RTVER CITY BRASS BAND SIGNATURE SERIES Americau Eagle Waltz Anerican Overtue for Band Carol of the Bells Evemsong Fireman's Polka Gateway West Stars and Shipes Forever Thoughts oflove TheLizrvRag {Was theNight Before Cbrishas WARNER BROTIIERS/INTERITIATIONAL MUSIC Pearrut Vendor - arr.IYe€h Nutcracker'€weet" - ar. Fleeh Angels - arr. Slkes Serenata- arr. FYeeh When The Saints - an Fleeh Rhapsody in blue - an Sykes MANY MORT TO FOIIOW SOON!!! IVIanyofthe latest and newest CDs! CI) productiou - Great prices! Super sendce! Phone/Fax 82a293 7&9 e-mail [email protected] web site beme.husic.corr TheBrass Band Eridge March 2002 continued Ircmpage 19 worksverywelll.Thealbumonlyconlains one movemenlol DougCourl's Spitituel Fantasylot solo euphonium and band,bul lhis one sampleshould whettheappetileof manyplayers,and again,like lhe Bulla cornel solo, of moderate technical chall6nge. Perhaps lheonewolkthatmighlcatchlhe mosl attenlionis Jim Cunow'sFanlateand Jubloso,a sequelto his best-selling FanfareandFlourishes,Usinglhesame basicfomlla, Jlm selectsthis lime, inslead ol the Baroque masler (his Preludeto Te Deum Charp€nlior was lhe main tune in Flourishes), a granddancetuneby lhe Renaissance composerTilman susato,a melodythat yournayrecallirom DelloJoio's Scenes from Th6Louwe. Anotherbestseller seemsto be the resull!Thisdisccontains 16 line new piecesor arrangementsandFaireyBanddoesan excellenljobgivingyouperlormances lhalwill helpyoudecidewhatyouwantlo feais lurc.That'sa problem, becauselhere good so much maleialon thisdisc. Clack. a gitted organisl and musacal academic.Clackreliredas bandmaster last Spnng, bd nol belore completing Thisdisccontainsexcellent readingsof thisgoodrecording.EricBallhadaclose new musictrom PhilipSparke'snew association overlhe yearswilhlhiscorps publishing firm,AngloMusic,as wellas album band,including a memorialvinyl jna new fromhisAmerican counterparts with him conducting. There are lour MusicPress, collaborative eftorl,Curnow wonderlulEricBallpiecesrccordedhere, all recordedby DeHaskeSoundSeF includinghis medilativemaslerpiece vices.Philipis represented by a tine Sanctuary,a work based on his own shorltanfare,a grealnewmarch(Nayi' part-songIn the Secret ol Thy choral galior /rr) withsometraditional swagPresence.Ball'sConslarllrustisamong ger, and severalgood,shortconcert linesi examplesol the longerselection worksand affangemenls,His elegiac formin SAmusic.The readingol Jewels, Time Renembered,witten ,or NSKBall's chamber masierpiecelor 2 corBHP Band's60th anniversary, should nets, allo, and euphonium,is a joy to standlhelestot time,and SouthDown havenow in my colleclion.Two rousing Plclur€sjojns lhal wondsrlulgroupol marchestrom days past are unearthed Spa*e's moderate-level worksthat all and revived;theyare by two ol lhe linesl our bandsenjoy playing.Flemember brassband marchwriters,Gullidgeand CelticSuit4 well, hereis a porlraitot Coles, Two concerlworksroundoulthe lhe Sussexcounlryside thal all bands program.Ditm€/sJoMardlookingsuate willfindveryusetulandplayable.Flying Tiumphanl Faith lhat dates back to lhe Breeze,wrinenlor lhe professional 1950 and Peler Graham'svery recenl JapaneseBreezeBrassgand is a bit Benaissance,lhe sequel lo Shine As moreol a strelch.bulnol beyondmany th€ L/oh( bolh played solidly here by ol our NABBAbands. StephenBulla Chalk Farm. A pair ol good soloists appearsin thelwolongestworks, a line Salvation ArmvBrassBands round olt the program includingsolo newcornetsolool ert€ndedlenglh(12 euphoniumJonalhanEvans,who also minutes) andthsn€wlyrevised v6rsion of Emblem oltheAmy.Ch6lkFermBand plays second-chaireuphoniumin lhe /mages/n 8rass.Whilemostlyoiginal (MichaelClack).Doyen DOYCD 180. lSB. I understandEvansis now acting music,the Carzone ard Capdcedoes TT 73146.Programr Emblemof the bandmasieraiChalkFarm,solhere are uselhe Welshtune"SuoGan'in the Amy lcullidge); TheGreatestol Theso indicalionsthe bandwill slill be in good slow€rmid-portion. Thewholeempha- (Brighl)i lor Corn€tSolo-Iuck€r(L€idz€n), hands.Thisdiscis one padiculafly sis ol lhe worki6 on lhe lyricalsideol Eric Ball's music and SA Soloist Daniel Newell; studenls oi Sancluary\Ball)l cornetplaying,avoidinglechnicaldisEuphoniumSolo-Hatbour Lighls music/musichislory, play;thisisa tinenewoftering ol moderportrailo{the aleditliculty. Bulla'ssound Ballle ol lwo Jima, /mages,has attractedmuchatlention andSlephenhas madesom€subtlochangesin lhe publishedv€rsion(lhe linal measures, lor Inslance). Thisisinspired music.bands and audienceswarmingto it easily. Betterhavea goodpercussion sectionl Try Steve'sfovelyotfertory)ikeShipton P/e/ude,a four-verse seftingof an Englishhymnlune tirsl collectedand aF rangedby Vaughan Williams.I'veused Sleve'sorchestral versionof Shiplonlo goodetfectwilhmycollegeorchestra; il (Bearcrott),SoloislJonathanEvansi (GfaConsIant TrustlBall); Henalssanc€ ham)',SerenilylBalll',Unda.nled(Coles)i BrassOuarlel-Jewe/s(8all);Ti un phanl Faith(Ditme4. Sjuans Musikar. Stockhom Clladel Band (TorygynHasnon).FestivalFACO 0'f1.TT64:24.Pfogram:Fanlare.Hymn, and Thanksgiving lBigh't); Comet SoloHeavenly Gales (Langworlhy),Soloisl ChalkFarmBand,oneot themostillus- Ove Ericson; French losgood): Vadalriousin the historyol SA music,has tions on 'Teta Eeala'(Cumow);Slar recently wasonelimelhemosttraveled lake (Ball);EuphoniumSolo-The ConSoloislFlichbandinlheSA,rackingupanincredible queror(Steadman-Allen), recordof international Thismay ard Kenddcki Vallllickans dans lAll\tenl touring. be the band's'LastHufrah',a linal poignant memoryol a grealband,who wereledbacktotheheighlsof in recenl yearsbythekesteemed direclor, Michael coninued on Page 22 March 2002 TheBrass Band Eridge 21 contlnuedhompage2l Salvationisls, there are a numberof items with wider appeal,such as Hanson);Iake-Oyel 8/d (St€admanption, Hanson'schallengeAlfventransc Allenl:ln Peiect PeacelDownie); Sorgs lhe Hedsmaidan'sOance,a piec€lhal ol theMomin9lBallliXylophoneSolo-A evokesthe spiritot the Swedishlolk Victot'sPalm (Cu'no' 1,SoloistHen k yictolsPdlmlol liddler. JimCurnow'6A yictory Stahlberg; Palade(Downi€). soloxylophone andbrassbandis now published byCurnow MusicPressunder AsIamwritingthisreviewTo€ny Hanson gcheeotorXyloplpneandBand. lhelille is aboulthe gel on a plane,corneto It'sa charming worklhal datesbacklo USA,andlaunchIntoa serieso, gu€sl the late 1970s, wrilten JorJessica Swan conducting appearances with a widewhen Jim led lhe Brass Band SASF al rangool NABBAbands. Her6is eviAsburyCollege. Ball's otMoming Songs denceot his excellontworkwilh one willappealto allbrassbandenlhusiasls, Sweden's finestbrassbands,on€wilha Sallyor not.CheckyorJr localSATrade greatandlongtradition, Stockholm CllaDeparlmenttorlhis well-rounded recorddel,whichwastorm6 ycalledStockholm in9. Vll. Th€albumhasbeenoulforawhile, butlthoughtitdeseru€daquick mention SoloAlbums in the B dge. Whilemostof the music will bs ol more particularinl€r€sllo Songol Exubennce.'JosephAl6ssi, TromboneSoloist,wilh Metro Brass (Cha es Baker).DillonMusic.WRAS1779.Tf 71:21. Ptogram:Olympic Fanfare and Theme(Willaims/Graham); 'Song of Exubennce (Condon);Folk Fesfryal(Shotsakovitch/Cordn€4;'Let the Bedutyof Jesuslwm.Broughton); Parlita on 'St. Theodulph'(Notburyri ' TheElemalOu6sl lsteadman-Allen); Beaumort(Dickens)'A I Askol You (W€bber/Mowat);He ls Exalled looftnet);' Morceau symphonlque (GuilmanYSteadman-Allen);'Sll,ce Jesus(Ballantine); theDayThouGavest (Wilby)t,genatssarc€ (Graham). JosephAlessi,principaltrcmbon€ ot lhe N€wYo.kPhilharmonic, teamedupwith conlinuedon page23 MIDLAND CD CLUB MidlandCD Clubis a mail ordercompanyspecialising in Brass& Military BandCDs. Wearebasedin theUK andhavehundreds ofcustomersall overihe world, andhaveanespeciallyloyalcustomerbase in AmericaandCanada. Pleasevisit our website,andwe hopeto be ableto addyou to our customerlist. e-mail [email protected] 20I CallowbrookLane,Rubery,BirminghamB459TC, UK TelephoteOl2l -2M4605l4606Fax0l2l -680-9018 22 TheBrass BandBridge March 2002 continued frcm page 22 alalenledgroupoi youngerSalvationist playerslrom lhe grealerNew York City areatocollaborateon adynamic,engaging musical program that both show' casesAlessi'ssuperbsoloskillsandthe talents ot these rising musicians.The titlelune, Song ol Exuberance,is symbolic ot the enlire disc: great verve, vilality, energy. Condon's solo dales from the late 1960s and had slid inlo relativeobscurity;not any moreI Hereis lhe innovaliveCondon in limbre, har mony, and rhylhm. This is one of the earlieslSA wo*s lo r€llectjazz styles, especiallywith a Latin infleclion. The other gr6al paca-seltingsolo recorded hereis Steadman-Allen's Etenal Quest. Alessi'siniriguinginie|preiationallows us lo seethisworkin a newlight,notvia a proc€ssionol "oflicial' interpr€tations, starting with John Cobb back in lhe 1950s.He makeshisownpersonalstaiementofpilgrimage, andwehearthework ditferenlly.The powerofAl6ssi'ssound is whal captlred me, power nol just in volum€,but ot depth and slrength. Yet he iscapableto the mostsublle,elegant phrasesal the sottesldynamic.Thiswill becomea lreasuredalbumfor all brass playersior the solo playingalone.Then youtak€intoaccounlthislineband,led by an excellenlconduclor-prolessronal lromboneplayeroJno meanreputehimsell, Chaies Baker (no sirangerto NABBA)lTheirperformances on lhe two majorsworks by Nobury and Graham are riveling,wilh Renaissancecofiing otl wiih a sparkle I have rarely heard betore. What the band also captures well,however,is the old SA marchstyle in somewhatobscure,but good march, Beaumont,by GeorgeDickens,his one claim to compositionaltame, This an excellentdisc and special credit must go to Gordon Wa.d, DivisionalMusic DirectorforlheSA in GreaterNew York (and regularconductorof Metro Erass) andbandmanagerAaronVanderweele. lor havinglhe visionto see this projecl through lo complelion. While such a bandcan'lplayalllhetime,manyofthe membersbeing in the New York Stalt Band or area corps bands, I certainly hopetheykeepreachingmusicalheights likethisdiscdemonslrates.Availabieat lhe reducedcosl of $9 (US)by ordering from DillonMusic,325 FullonStreei, Woodbridge,NJ07095;TeOrders:732634-3399i Fax o'de'st 732-634-4932; Mail otdetst jay@ mail.dilonmudocom appealtolhose of our readerswho also lead wind bands and are in searchof somegood populararrangemenlsat an advancedlevel,and alsoforthoseinteF esling in calchinganotherfine trumpet playerwiihcornelrools - quitea combinalion- Wind Band and Brass EnsembleRecordings Ptofiles. Band ol lhe Coldstream Guards (lanMcElligot).DoyenDOYCD '124.If 59.24. Ptogtafit Cale Porter SymphonicPodni! lqabinson)i Manclnl Speclaculat luancini)t Trunpet Cance,'to (James/l\rcElligotl), Soloisi Fod FI ankstPolait in Time lBrubeck/Smith)i Flugelhorn Solo-RoundMlddghl(MonU Neslico),SoloistBod FrankstSinatrain Concet (Nowak)tSymphonicBeatles (Cacavas)tcefshr//, (Barker). Just reviewiheconlentsol the disc and you get the generalidea ol lhis EroadwayandPopoienledprog€m,a series of profil6sol eightot the lop Pop music icons oi the lwentieth centLrry. The hiddentreatshereare the solosby Rod Franks,co-principaltrumpel ol lhe LondonSymphonyOrchestrasince1990.A productof the brassband scen6(early slints in Hammonds,Brighouse,and BlackDyke),Frankshasa lovelysound, doesn'toverplayorlorce hissound,even ontheHarryJamesConcerlo, andcomes acrossas a consummateprolessional. TheJamesConcerto recordedhereis an exiendedversion,withan improvsection added 10 whal you normallyhear on brass band recordings,and not just by lhe trumpet soloist.Some oJ lhe long medleyssloweddown my inierest,bul the medleysare generallygood, lf lhe interpretationslag a bil (the Brubeck medleyjust didn1 make il - have they heardthoseoldalbums?). Thisdlscwill ADVERTISING ThroughanarangementwithBernel Mtlsic, advertiserscan now pay with credit cards. We preler lJ.S. adverliserslo conlinue to PaYbY check,but this new procedurewill hopefully make it easier tor our Canadianand overseasadvertisers. Contact BalphHolz (seerighl tor his address)lor more inlorma' lion, We need each and every memberloletour advedizercknow you saw their ad and lo suggesl adverlising in The Bridge Io olhel potentialadvertisersl CONTACT aalph P. Hoiz, Adverlising Manager 8144 SouthOak CreekDrive Sandy,UT 84093-6515 Phone(801) 733-4439 E MaiL tenorhornsalo BandBridge March 2002 TheBfass 23 NJHMusicof Bamsley,SoulhYo*shjre,publisher of worksfor brassbandby NigelHorneand others,is proudto announce thal solid BrassMusicConpanyof San Rafael,calilorniahas agrcedto stocktheirbrassbandarrangemenls, ettectiveimmedialety. SOLID BRA55 A,IUSICNOW STOCKS BRTTISHBRAS5BAND ,I{USIC Solid BrossMusichossuppliedsh".etnusic for bross insfruhehis in the U.S.for 16 yeors ond hosesioblishedqn envioblereputolionfor sup€riorserviceond persohololiention. We nowcorry she.t nrusicfroh these mojor suppliersof British BrossBohdrnusic: Chqndos il{usic EditionsA4orcReift GordonMusic Kirkl€esMusi. Rosehill Music R.Striih & Co. Visii our rvebsite or' contoct us for d free cololog, 'O* AIfuAIT ON YOIN EPST OPDEFI SOLID BRASS MUSIC COMPAIST 71 A t. RainierDrive,SonRofoel,CA94903 (800)[email protected] Non-Profi t Organization U.S,POSTAGEPAID Cullowhee, NC PermitNo. 30 The BrassBand Bridge Colin W. Holman,Editor 3l JosephLane GlendaleHeights,IL 60139 U.S.A