Violets Birth Story


Violets Birth Story
Violets Birth Story I felt my first strong contraction just as I had laid down to go to sleep. My husband and I laid there for about 40 min trying to figure out what to do-­‐ should I shower now or do I follow my plan of taking tylenol and gravol and try to sleep through early labour… We were also so excited at the though of labour starting! Even though I had been having tightening sensations, This was finally the real deal! I was in bed about to sleep by 12 am. This lasted for about 45 min since the surges were getting stronger and waking me up. So I got out of bed, woke up Erik and called my Mom and doula to come join me. By this time contractions were still about 10 min apart and I was managing well just puttering around and relaxing. I found I was very uncomfortable if I was standing so every time a contraction would come I would have to sit down. The birth ball was preferable because I could move my hips and moan-­‐ I was a big fan of the low moaning. At one point all I wanted to do was lay down-­‐ but sitting at least allowed my husband, doula and mother to rub my back which again I thought I would want a lot more of… but touch was getting more and more annoying because things starting getting a little more intense... I can remember sitting on the birth ball in front of Erik who was sitting on the couch holding my hand surge after surge as they got more and more intense… my doula was behind me providing counter pressure and in between contractions as she started suggesting that I call my midwife and birth photographer. I didn’t think that I was that far along. The surges were intense and strong but I allowed my body to do the work and I gave in to it-­‐ they didn’t seem that long and I felt great in the time in between! It also felt like the time in between the surges lasted FOREVER! So in my mind I wasn’t really that progressed through labour. I was a little annoyed though that I couldn’t lay down and relax because I was tired since contractions started right as I was going to bed-­‐ but I was having fun… the excitement knowing my baby was finally coming to me and the satisfaction of knowing I was allowing my body to do what it was meant to do naturally was worth it to me. The rest of the birth went really fast and was very blurry… My hypno-­‐
birthing CD played in the background as all members of my support team showed up-­‐ waiting patiently until they were needed. Eventually, both my midwife and doulas were suggesting that I should get into the birth tub. They did have to suggest it a few times because I still didn’t think I was that close. It was as if time had stood still and each contraction just seemed to pass and blend into the next one… The time in between surges felt amazing and made up for the work my body was doing. Finally I Written by Nina Baker Photographs by Straight Thru Photography gave in-­‐ I threw off the dress I was wearing and got into the tub… The water was amazing! The second I was submerged into the water there was about an eight minute break in between contractions… It felt so nice. Then contractions started coming again and I was able to hold on to both of my doulas while my husband was at my back pouring water over me and massaging. The sound of the water and being in the tub was so relaxing. I could hear that I was starting to moan louder-­‐ and sometimes when the contractions lasted a little longer than I would have liked, I was amazed with my body because the next surges that flooded over were almost too easy. It was as if my body said ”whoa that one was a little too strong-­‐ lets dial it back!” and my body listened! At one point mid contraction I can remember feeling a pop inside of me and then feeling Violet’s head lower about an inch and a half. It was a very strange and amazing feeling and it caused me to reach between my legs to feel if she was about to fall out! It occurred to me that this was my water breaking-­‐ although at this point I was so focused inward that I could not form words to speak. Eventually I could feel her head start to emerge. When her head was out I could hear the midwife telling me to try and hold off on pushing which felt almost impossible because I knew I was so close and wanted to hold my baby in my arms… It also felt like I had no choice but to push since that’s what my body had decided to do. I could feel her entire head outside of my body and I could feel her beautiful hair waiving in the water. At the next contraction I could hear my midwife say “now grab your baby” so I reached under the water and grabbed my baby while simultaneously leaning back on to my husband. I had never been so relieved and happy in my life. I was finally holding this adorable baby in my arms. The same one that I had felt inside for 39 weeks. Erik was able to cut the cord once it had fully stopped pulsing. Since we were waiting for the placenta we thought it would be best to do while waiting on the couch. My baby right away started showing the signs of baby lead latching! She was looking around, opening her mouth, licking her lips, then started rooting towards my breast. Since I am rather top heavy I did have to help her out a little and she latched and nursed perfectly! The birth was over and everyone helped me settle into bed with my baby. Erik was racing around cleaning up the house and the birth tub with one of the doulas and calling everyone on the list while I was upstairs skin to skin with Violet. Each day I look back on how much easier this birth was since it was at home-­‐ there was no bag packing or transporting to and from the hospital. My support team made sure that the house was cleaned up, I was fed and tucked in with my baby and even that the laundry was done! I trusted that my body knew what to do and had a beautiful, relaxing home water birth. Written by Nina Baker Photographs by Straight Thru Photography