6/1/1956 - Amazon Web Services
6/1/1956 - Amazon Web Services
REGUSE: Morning papers Friday, June 1 Southern Baptist Convention 1956 a t Kansas city, ~/fo. Office of Press Repreeentative - Albert McClellan FAITH SEF,KING UNDERSTANDING By: Duke K. McCall Ansehn said, "Theology i s faith seeking understanding." A theological seminary seeks t o r e l a t e a minister's faith t o the revelation of God i n the l i g h t of a l l human knowledge. I have anticipated youx reaction t o t h i s approach to discussing theological education with particulm a t t e n t i o n upon our five Southern Eaptist seminaries, You w i l l say, "Here i s a theologian living up to the description of the speaker who goes down deeper, stays down longer, and comes up drier than i s e i t h e r necessary or bearable. I t Let me then change my approach and. introduce you t o t h e problem of theological education with a story. Most of us know the story of Abou Ben Adhem who awoke one night f'rwm a deep dream of peace and saw in his room an angel writing i n a book of gold, That same angel, o r h i s twin, appeared recently t o one of our leading l o c a l citizens, a Mr. George W e Oddsock. Obviously h.Cddsock was bit startled, but having been conditioned by the outlandish claims of W commercials, he retained control of himself and, with commendable poise, inquired of the angel, "What are you writing?" The angel replied, "The names of those who love the Lord." "Oh, " said Mr. Oddsock, "another subscription list--Community Chest, Red Cross, Crippled Children, Heart Fund, Ca~cerFund? Well, put me down for the usual dollar. I t "I have not come f o r money," the angel responded. buy anything. " 11 Where I come from money doesn't With that Mr. Oddsock sat b o l t upright in h i s bed and with flashing eye declared, "The American dollar when produced in s u f f i c i e n t quantity will buy anything, anywhere, any tirne. It The angel was visibly impressed. "Mr. Oddsock," he said, "I can see t h a t you are a deeply religious man. You have a passionate devotion to your creed, a childlike faith. I t ,&I Oddsock was pleasantly surprised. He m s not used t o being called religious, Among h i s intimates he was quite candid.. "Some folks," he would say, "get a great kick out of going t o church, b u t I--I'm just not the religious type." He admitted, of course, that he was a good ---a than many of those regular church goers, l o t better, he sometimes intimated, 11 I have my. own f a i t h , my own religion," he would add. "1believe t h a t God should be worshippd in nature--under the trees, under the broad blue slcy," M r . Cddsock had never a c t u a l l y availed himself of the great out-of-doors f o r t h i s purpose, but never having encountered God indoors, it was n a t u r a l for him t o think of God as being somewhere out-of-doors. He intended t o look him up sometime--sometime wheq he had time. "Yes," he said t o the angel, "down underneath I am deeply religious although I do not worship God i n a church. I do not go i n for the hocuspocus of standing t o sing and bowing to pray and getting ducked in the water t o the amusement of a bunch of strangers. This time it was the angel who looked mildly astonished, worshipping God?" he asked. "I was speaMng of youx religion. remark t h a t if Christians could only be persuaded t o speak out voice with which you confess your faith in the American dollar (more) "Who s a i d ar3rt;hing about I was j u s t going to i n t h e firm confident , .. . 11 Faith Seeking Understanding - page 2 We m y now leave t h i s fable, concocted i n fts original form by Roy E. Somers, with the assumption t h a t the angel w i l l accurately and effectively apply the gospel af Jesus Christ to Mr, Oddsock, This assumption is based on the conviction t h a t angels m e created f o r a specific purpose and endowed with all that is needed, There is neither room for growth i n the angel's capacity nor the possibility of perversion of purpose and character. In other words, there i s no need for a school f o r angels as i n the case of prophets o r preachers, Eut the mini~tersI know a r e not angels. Rather, they are the raw material of saints, I might even go so far as t o describe them as s a i n t s i n the rough, but some of them w i l l need a l o t of polishing by the divine S p i r i t as we11 as by all human agencies available. Here then is the comparison and contrast of the fabler Mr. Oddsock represents the mind of our contempuraries~-tBnse, alert, active, frustrated, frightened--in a country described by Carl Sandburg as afflicted with "fat dripping prosperity." So much for the materialism and short-sighted, e a r t h b o d , and time-lWted goals of our generation whom God's ministers must be trained t o serve, The cal?t;raat is between the angel and those whom God c a l l s t o serve him today* They axe finite, sharing i n a11 of human weakness and frailty, by nature h v f n g more in comon with the pigsty than t h e stars, oPten unlearned and Ignorant men--. But do not despair--the church i s not helpless. The future of Christ's gospel is not in dangerThese are men called of God. For that thank God and take courage. This is t h e one fndispensible requirement of a minister. And how God has been calling our Southern Baptist young people into h i s service! Dean Gaines S. Dobbins of the Southern S e m i n a r y School of Religious Education attended a meeting of theological educators which was devoted t o the discussion of "recruiting students for t h e ministry." When asked t o report on the enrolment of the seminaries of the Southern k ~ ' ; i sConvention, t he gave the figures which today would be Southwesterp, 2,386; Southern, 1,598; New Orleans, 861; Southeastern, 460; and Golden G a b , 331. h e d i a t e l y there were murmurs of surprise and questions from the f l o o r t o discover whether these were college graduate schools o r Bible colleges o r Bible i n s t i t u t e s . Satisfied t h a t they were bona tide theological seminaries, the next question was, "How 60 you account f o r your enrolnlent? What, recruiting techniques do you use?" Dr* Dobbins paried. the question by asking, "Do you believe t h a t God calls yours ministers?" Dnmed i a t e l y they replied, "Of course. " "Then, " said Dr. Dobbins, "It f s apprzrent that God would just rather c a l l a Southern Baptist than anybody else." Unless you understand t h a t t o contain elements of a jest, you are s k i r t i n g the chasm of' pride and bigoty. There la, however, no mare accurate t e s t of t h e s p i r i t u a l v i t a l i t y of a church o r a denom!nation than the percentage of young people who hear and heed the call of God t o devote themselves t o his service as missionaries, pastors, ministers of education, ministers of music, administrators of denominational institutions, and, i n a l l cases, servants of the people of God, k t us pause t o take note of the faithful pastors, Sunday school teachers, and parents who seek t o articuhte the opportunities of Christian vocations t h a t t h e young people may respond t o the still, small voice of God within t h e i r consciences* Let me scold only i n one sentence. There is a tendency to interpret the call of God only in terms of missions and the pastox~Lewithout sufficient emphasis upon the minister of education and minister of music, with the r e s u l t that the churches simply cannot find enough trained men and women i n these areas. The result i n the form of the l a w of supply and demand is such a serious shortage that, before graduation t h i s year, one of the students In our School of Religious Education was serving part time i n a near-by Bclptist church on the basis of an agreement which called %r a salary larger than t h a t paid t o a f u l l professor of Southern Seminary. (seminary faculty members would want me to say t h a t the comparison used would not necessarily indicate t h a t he was overpaid.) We i n the seminaries never cease t o be grateful f o r the ministry of the Sunday school, the Training Union, t h e B,S.U,, and partScu1Bafly OUT Baptist colleges for the teaching, -tihe Influences, and the environment which mab our Southern Baptist yoU13g people sensitive to the c a l l of God. This c a l l of God t o his servants is tremendously important, for you see, God does not use angels to witness t o Mr. Oddsock, he uses redeemed men. (more) Faith Seeking understand in^ - page 3 Dare we meddle for a moment with our understanding of t h i s call of God? God's call is not entirely subjective, limited Lo the experience of the man called. When God c a l l s an individual i n t o h i s service, God also makes t h a t known to hia church, A church must recognize and approve the individuallsdeclaration of a divine call either in t h e form of recornendation, licensing, or ordination. We Southern Baptists are in grave danger of interpreting Cod's call as though God could speak only t o an individual and not to the body of Christ, his church. Thus many churches in our fellowship automatically endorse a;oy individual who will publicly declare that he is called of God to some spcialministxy. A s a result, too many spiritually immature, emotionally and morally unstable people are set aside for the Christian ministry by our churches. An unusual and dramatic a t o r y w 5 1 1 illustrate the paint, It was my difficult and sad duty to call the pastor of one of our churches over long distance about two years ago t o request him t o be in the home of one of the students in the Semiat a certain hour because I intended t o call the parents of that student at that time to tell them that I had had t h e i r son committed t o the psychiatric ward of the General Hospital in L~uisville. With proper notes of distress i n his voice the pastor responded, "1 am so Sorry to hear tbat. I knew t h a t John Doe was emotionally upset last summer but I hoped that the Seminary would help him." Y e t the pastar had led his church to certify that lad, t h a t unfortunate, stricken Lad, as a minister on two false grounds. First, that a theological professor might be able to do for t h e boy what his pastor could not do. Second, the pastor did not want to run the risk of thwarting the Spirit of God in the event the c a l l waa genuine. This assumes t h a t the church was so unspiritual that the Holy S p i r i t could not make known his will t o t h e church as weU as to the boy. NO pastor ox church genuinely caring for the promess of the gospel will avoid or evade the responsibility implicit in saying to t h e world through recommendation, licensing, or ordination, "we believe t h a t t h i s person 1s Godr s minister." Ever remember that minis-tzrs are not self-appointed. God's call and a church's confimaation of t b a t call s a f c p d the people from s p i r i t u a l quacks from mercenary Simons, and from misguided religious schizo-ceramics (crack pots). Recognizing the principle that the wheat and the taxes exist side by side even in the church of the living God, you must demand of your colleges and seminaries that they use every practical test possible and exercise courageous judgnent in eliminating from the c h s s i f i c a t i o n of ministers that small percentage who obviously are not qualified by character or minimum mental and emotional ability and stability to serve as ministers of the gospel. What *hen are the requirements, qualities, and qualifications which theological education must seek t o magnify i n o r give t o the minister who is to lead bk. Oddsock to h o w Jesus Christ in living f a i t h ? The minister must be prepared t o serve the church of our Lord Jesus Christ in all the way8 he continues to be incarnate i n the world through his church. Dr. H. Richard Niebuhr, after an extensive survey of theological seminaries, has said, "Neither ministers nor the schools that nurture them are guided today by a clear-cut, generally accepted conception of the office of the ministry. (p. 50). In other words, while it is simple to difine the purpose of the preparation of t h e minister in gen r a l terms, it is exceedingly difficult t o be specific. . . ." A t t h i s point we are getting a little closer home t o the current situation of the pastors of our churches than an abstract discussion of theological education. To be blunt, how do you define. our role as a minister? In the midue ages the minister was understood to be a priest performing sacerdotal rites. Gregory the Great formulated and disseminated the medieval theory of the minsiter as the pastoral ruler. The churches of $he Refomnation defined the minsiter as f b d a mentally the preacher of the Word, Later in the t h e of pietism and evangelicalism this RePorrnELtion definition was modified and restricted to the conceptton of the mintster as an evangelist. The most recent popular definition of a minister is t h a t of counsellor for the f'rustrated. This counselling 36 carried on not only in private conference but from the pulpit where common sense advice and sound psychological insights a r e thought of i n relation to preaching the Word. (more) Faith Seeking Understanding - page b The obvious way out of t h i s dilemma is t o resort to generalities and say that the minister i s t o be trained to do everything needf'ul. Alas, it is no wonder t h a t most pastors today fael lik the man who mounted h i s horse and rode off i n all directions. The concept of the ministry has been enlarged u n t i l we Southern Baptists have decided t o simplify matters by having more than one kind of minister, We have thereby created the office oP minister o f education and minister of music as over agakst pastoral minister. In so doing we have then added to the task o f the pastoral minister an executive function, administrative oversight, and promotional responsibility. No wonder the average pastor f e e l s l i k e a four-ulcer man on an eight-ulcer job, Dr. Samuel B l f zzard, conducting, " a study of the f'unctions of the parish minister" under the Russell Sage Fbundatian, has pointed up the conflict between the average minister's view of what h i s job aught t o be and what his job actually is: "Normatively, the preaching office is seen as most important, The organizational, adnhistrative, and teaching offices are thought to be least important. The pastor and priest roles are of middle range importance." This one, two, three order of importance of the functions of the minister i s upset and messed up by the actual demands on h i s time, The average minister spends his time first as administrator, second as pastor, third as preacher, fourth as p r i e s t l y intercessor, fifth as organizer, and s i x t h as teacher. FJe s t i l l use the title "preacher" in referring t o the pastoral minister thus ref l e c t i n g the Reformation definition of the ministert s role. k n come to the Seminary t o be prepared as preachers, but the situation i n the churches makes preaching the third-rate job. There are many ministers among us who deplore t h i a Functional shift of t h e definit i o n of t h e i r office. But i n our American society it is more than probable that the admlnistratox, organizer, promoter, counsellor functions ~511continue to require large glocks of the minister's time, This means two things fox theological education. The first i s Illustrated in the recurring demands from ministers on the f i e l d that theological education Include a l l sorts of techniques for doing the things required of them. They want courses in parliamentary law, f w d raising, staff adminf s t r a t i v e techniques, Sunday school, maining Union, Fkotherhood, and 1J.M.U. methods, along with how to baptize, how to give an evangelistic invitation, the role of the chaplaincy, and from missionaries, how to teach English as a foreign language. Actually you can find a l l of tbeee courses in a seminary curriculum today, but the end is not yet, In other words, there must be technique:- courses i n t h e seminary, But these can be added t o a three-year curriculum only by subtracting some of the t h e heretofore given to Hebrew and Greek and theologlr and church history. It is something l i k e comparfng the old fashioned grade school, which majored on reading, writing, and a r i t h e t i c , with the grade school your children attended where they learned everything except reading, mitfng, and arithmetic, If a theological seminary should attempt t o teach every course regarded as desirable by pastors, it would be necessary t o increase the three years now required f o r the h c h e l o r of Divinity degree t o seven and a half' years. But the second problem is not gust one of the curriculum in terms of adding courses, It is one of theology. A theological understanding of the new sole of the minister must be developed. In the absence of such a theological grounding the pastors of our churches are tempted t o substitute auccess as the reason and authority for their a c t i v i t i e s instead of referring t h e i r d a i l y duties t o a command of God. A t present the standards of success i n the ministry of Southern Baptist churches as determined by the way reports of achievments are phrased by denominational administrators and promoters, as well a$ by pastors i n the Monday morning pastors conference, are a t variance with what the average minister f e e l s he has been called of God to do. As a r e s u l t the greatest danger our denomination faces today i s that men who were called of God to be his ministers will be fashioned by many pressures into a successf'ul businessman. The only study of Baptist miniaters i n the United States is one undertaken several years ago of American Baptist ministers by Hugh Hartshorne and Milton C, Froyd. When asked to state whether a certain task was essential or not, the response i n order of importance was as follows: (more ) Faith Seeking Understanding - page 5 First, bringing persons t o Christ and t o a personal commitment to the w i l l of God as disclosed i n Christ, 98.6 per cent. Second, getting people t o support the world mission of the church, 97.3 per cent. Third, helping parents t o build Christian homes and t o provide Christian nurture f o r t h e i r children, 96.3 per cent. Fourth, providing education i n the beliefs and practices of the Christian faith, 96 per cent, Fifth, developing, renewing, and sustaining faith i n the goodness and power of Gad and the a v a i l a b i l i t y of the resources of h i s universe for meeting the needs of human beings, 95 per eent. Sixth, reaching unchurched children and adults with the ministeries of r e ligion, 95 per cent. Seventh, leading persons of a l l ages i n t o vital experience of worship, 94.4 per cent, Eighth, sanctifying basic human relations such as are involved i n marriage, baptism, and funeral ceremonies, 92.8 per cent. Ninth, counselling people on personal and social problems i n church office or i n t h e i r homes, 92.3 per cent. Tenth, training laymen f o r leadership i n the various a c t i v i t i e s of the church, 90.2 per cent. Theological Education- -Northern Baptists, p. 38. There has been much discussion recently of the shortage of engineers and s c i e n t i s t s i n the free world, It was double significant therefore t h a t on the ocassion of his address t o the centennial celebration of t h e Pennsylvania State University, Fre sident Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "The need for philosophers and theologians p a r a l l e l s the need for s c i e n t i s t s sad engineers," I am persuaded t h a t the Psesident of the United States was thinking not only of the theologian as the minister performing his church's routine functions but also, because he brackets the theologian with the philosopher, as the man who leads i n the thought l i f e of t h i s generation. One of the fallacies with which we do not always come t o grips i s the notion t h a t the message of God I s s t a t i c , God's message i s eternally t r u e but it has been and will be the task af prophets, apostles, and preachers t o understand the message of God as well as t o be able t o interpret it for the t h e in which they l i v e , 1 am told t h a t the world is hurtling through space a t 1%miles per second, o r 66,600 miles per hour. In other words, you have t o move t h a t fast t o stay where you are That, however, i s only a suggestion as t o the problem involved i n keeping up with the s h i f t i n g currents of the human mind. Many a minister has had the experience of repeating himself when he thought he was repeating God's message. The exploding atomic bomb destroyed an old condept of nature, The depression years of the 30's, followed by World War I1 In the 40's, has exploded the optimistic assumption of inevitable humztn progress. New opportunities for mass evangelism have been both the effect and cause of revival in our. time. World War I1 promated the i n d u s t r i a l shift i n t o the Southland, which made It both possible and necessary f o r Southern Baptists to enlarge their idea of what Gad Would have them do. Spinoza said, " Y B ~ f i g h t b e t t e r with ideas on the ends of their bayonets." We m i g h t parallel that of the minister by saying the gospel i s preached more effectively when tipped w i t h ideas that make it relevant to the needs of the present. Mind you, I am pleading for no cold i n t e l l e c t u a l approach to tbe gospel. 1 would remind you, however, t h a t the aloofness of uncommitted understanding is balanced on the opposite extreme by the possessiv~nessof unintelligent loyLlty. More, l e t me throw out the caution t h a t ideas a r e not necessarily good because they a r e new. It is for t h i s reason t h a t the minister as a theologian must have a conversing acquaintance with the holy men wha were moved by the S p i r i t of God and through whom God spoke t o t h e i r generation and a l l succeeding generations i n the Bible. But the conversation a t a. different level should a l s o include those great fathers af our f a i t h who have, with i n t e l l e c t u a l power and spiritual insight, related the gospel message t o the specific needs of t h e i r own tbe. It i s Just because of Southern Baptistst dominant and powerful place i n the r e l i gious l i f e of such a large area of our country t h a t we must be theologims. W e must not be caught i n the midst of caxeless or irresponsible statements. We must be world Christisns, not religious states-righters. That i s t o say, we must be so familiar with the Book t h a t the sectionalism which inevitable characterizes our political, economic, and social judgments does not dilute our religion. We must be the children of God and not the children of our day, We must be i n the world but not of it. (biographical data an next sheet) . * r r Faith Seeking Understanding - page 6 Duke K. McCa11, who is president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky,, was born Sept. 1, 1914. He is a native of Meridian Miss, He is a graduate sunrma cum laude of h m n University, Cireenville, N. C,, and later graduated from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Before becoming seminary president, McCaU was on the Southern Baptist Education Commission and was executive secretary of the Executive Committee of the Convention. He has been the pastor of Baptist churches in Kentucky and Tennessee and a speaker of the "Ehptist Hour," a radio productfon of Southern h p t i s t s . He also served as president of Baptist Bible I n s t i t u t e , New Orleans, La. (now known as New Orleans Baptist %e3logical seminary). CONVENTION BULLETIN - - - - Nineteen Fifty-Six PRINTED DAILY DURING SESSION BY ORDER OF THE CONVENTION For Free Distribution at Registration and Information Desks THIRTY-THIRD VOLUME Southern Baptist Convention THIRD DAY KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1956 ... SUGGESTED Order of Business PROCEEDINGS May 30 - June 2, 1956, Kansas City. Missouri Wednesday Night, M a y 30 39. With Vice-president John H.Haldeman presiding, W. Hines Sims led the Convention in singing "Send the Light" and "There Is Power in the Blood." 40. John W. Raley (Okla.) read Malachi 3: 1-12 and Luke 24:45-49 and led in prayer. 41. A. C. Miller (Term.) executive secretary, presented And discussed the report of the Christian Life Commission, then presented Congressman Brooks Hayes (Ark.),,chairman of the Commission, for an address. The report was adopted. 42. The Ouachita College Choir (Ark.), led by David Scott, sang "Jesus Our Lord, We Adore Thee," "The Beatitudes," and "Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet." 43. Executive Secretary Courts Red- ford brought the report of the Home Mission Board, which was adopted. After presenting Leonard Sanderson, new secretary of the Department of Evangelism, and Leland Waters, recently assigned to promotion of the Church Building Loan Fund, Dr. Bedford led in prayer, then introduced the program to follow, in which he participated. 44. Charles Wellborn (Texas), Harold Sanders (Fla.), and Alma Hunt (Ala.) presented the History, Strategy of Home Missions. C. C. Warren (N. C.), Roy Harris (Calif.), George Gaddie (Ohio), Richard Bryant (Ill.), Fred Hubbs (Mich.), and Frank Sutton (Ariz.), presented Church Extension. Dotson Nelson (S. C.) and Leonard Sanderson (Texas) presented Evangelism. Walter Ong (Ariz.), Mrs. Carlos Paredes (Texas), Sam Hider (Okla.), S. E. Grinstead (Tenn.), Thomas M. Wood (Mo.), Amelio Gianetta (Calif.), presented Missions, U.S.A. Among those participating were a number of Home Mission Board missionaries. 45. This period closed with an address, "America for Christ," by Billy Graham (N. C.). 46. President Warren expressed appreciation of Dr. Graham and his message. Chairman Harold G. Sanders announced the showing of one of Dr. GrahamYsfilms following adjournment, and J. B. Lawrence led the closing prayer. Thursday Morning, May 31 47. With Kyle M. Yates, vice-president,. -presiding, W. Hines Sims led in singing "All the Power of Jesus' Name," "I Love to Tell the Story," and 'IT0 God Be the 48. 5. B. Jackson, Jr. (Colo.), read Deuteronomy 31:12-13, 6:6-9; Romans 10:8-17, and led in prayer. 49. Norman W. Cox (Tenn.), executive secretary, presented the report of the Historical Commission, which was adopted after discussion. 50. Louie D. Newton (Ga.) presented the report of the Committee on Baptist Film, which was adopted, including the recommendation as printed on page 272 of the Book of Reports. Approval was also given to a request that Paul M. Stevens (Texas), Norman W. Cox (Tenn.), Albert McClellan (Tenn.), Earl Waldrup (Tenn.), Fon Scofield (Va.), L. 0. Griffith (Ga.) be added to the Committee; also that H. H. McGinty (Mo.) be substituted for David M. Gardner (Tex.), on the committee. 51. Frank Tripp (La.) presented the report of the Southern Baptist Hospital which was adopted after discussion by Dr. Tripp. At this point the gavel was returned to President Warren. 52. C. Roy Angel1 (Fla.), presented the following proposal for the establishment of a Baptist hospital or hospitals in Miami, Florida, to be under the sponsorship and management of the Southern Baptist Hospital and moved its adoption: (1) The Miami Baptist Association, with the assistance of friends, propose to furnish free of all incumbrances a suitable building site for a general hospital having a minimum capacity of 200 beds and other related facilities. (Continued on page 2) SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION May 30-June 2,1956 Kansas City, Missouri CABPER C. WARREN, President W. H X N W SIMS, Director of Music FRIDAY MORNING s:OO Worship in Song-W. Hines Sims a:lo Scripture ( 2 Cor. 6:l-18) and prayer -A. Douglas Aldrich, North Carolina 9:15 American Bible Society-Thomas T. Holloway, Texas, Field Secretary 9:30 Committee on Committees 9:40 Committee on Resolutions Miscellaneous Business Committee on Denominational Calendar - Albert McClellan, Tennessee, Chairman Combined Re ort of Special Committees on ~ a p t y s tPapers and Ba tist Papers Circulation ~ a ~ p a i g n - E ? J. Murrie. Illinois. and Louie D. Newton. Georgia, Chairmen Relief and Annuity Board Report-R. Alton Reed, Texas, Executive Secretary Chaplains' Commission of the S.B.C., "Southern Ba tists' Ministr to Military ~ersonneF'-~lfred M. ?&enter, Georgia. - . Director Committee on Boards - E. ' ~ i b s o n Davis, Tennessee, Chairman E. Southern Baptist Foundation-T. Holcomb, Tennessee, Executive Secretary Music-Baylor University Choir, Euell Porter, Director, Texas Address "Facing Our Fiercest Foe"-Millard 3. Berquist, Florida Adjourn FRIDAY AFTERNOON Worship in Song-W. Hines Sims Scripture (2 Cor. 3:l-18)and Prayer -Forest Lanier, Georgia Memorial Service - E. D. Solomon, Florida BROTHERHOOD COMMISSION-Geo. W. Schroeder, Tennessee, Executive S'ecretary Committee on Time, Place and Preacher Radio and Television Commission Report-Paul M. Stevens, Texas, Executive Secretary-Address: ROY 0. McClain, Georgia (Continued on page 4) Page Two CONVENTION BULLETIN PROCEEDINGS (Continued from page 1) (2) To raise a minimum of $3,000,- 000.00 to be used in constructing and equipping a modern hospital building. (3) In the event it should be decided to build two buildings in order to provide more adequately for the hospital needs of the people of the Miami area, the Miami Baptist Association with thc support of the citizens of Dade County will provide the necessary building sites and the funds for constructing and equipping both hospital buildings. ( 4 ) Since it has been definitely established that individuals, corporations, and foundations will not contribute substantial amounts of money toward building and equipping gcncral hospitals unless such hospitals are to be owned and operated by groups with dcrnonstrated ability to successfully operate such hospitals, we respectfully request the Southern Baptist Convention to authorize its Hospital Board to build and operate a hospital or hospitals in the Niami area when thc people of that area, under the leadership of the Miami Baptist Association, havc made available to the Hospital Board a suitable site or sitcs and sufficient funds with which to build and equip a modern hospital or hospitals with thc understanding that said building site or sites will be deeded in fee simple to the Southern Baptist Hospital, a Louisiana Corporation, free of all incumbrances and that funds for building and equipping the hospital or hospitals are made available to the Southern Baptist Hospital Board by the people of Miami through the Miami Baptist Association. (5) It is further proposed that if the Southern Baptist Convention authorizes its Hospital Board to accept the responsibility of ownership and management of a Baptist hospital or hospitals in the Miami area that the people of that area, under the leadership of the Miami Baptist Association, will provide adequate funds for buildings and equipment so that no indebtedness will be incurred by the Southern Baptist Convention or its Hospital Board in accepting such responsibilities. 6. This proposal is presented with the understanding that it is to be considered and acted upon by thc Convention within the framework of its Business and Financial Plan which requires Convention approval in two scssions. After discussion, extension of time, and unsuccessful efforts to refer and amend, the motion to accept the proposal was approved with the understanding that the matter would be presented for final decision at the next session of this Convention in keeping with Section XIV of the Business and Financial Plan. 52. A motion to postpone the election of officers at 4:30 this afternoon was approved. 53. James L. Sullivan (Tenn.), executive secretary, presented the report of the Sunday School Board, which included the showing of a color film setting forth the operations of the various departments of the Board. The report, together with Recommendation No. 1 (See page 159, Book of Reports), was adopted. After voting to extend time, Recommendation No. 2 (See page 159, Book of Reports) was, by vote, re- Third Day ferred to a Committee of seven to be 64. The seminaries reported with Allen appointed by the President, and to reW. Graves (Ky.), speaking for the port to thc 1957 session of the ConSouthern Baptist Theological Seminary. vention. 65. President Roland Q: Leave11 ( ~ a . j , 54. The following fraternal mcsscngers reported for the New Orleans Seminary were recognized: Frank Nelson, Ameriand introduced members of the faculty. can Baptist Convention; Walter 0. 66. President J. Howard Williams Lewis, Baptist World Alliance; Ilya (Tex.), reported for Southwestern SemiIvanov, Alexander Karev, Nikolai nary and requested Jesse J. Northcutt Levindanto, Klaudia Tyrtova, Jakov (Tex.), to introduce members of the Zhidkov, All Union Council of Evanfaculty. gelical Christian Ba~tists, U.S.S.R.: 67. President Sydnor L. Stealey Adolph Klaupiks, interpreter, ~ a ~ t i s t (N. C.), reported for Southeastern SemiWorld Alliance. Theodore F. Adams nary and introduced members of the (Va.), president of the Baptist World faculty. Alllance, introduced the Russian group, 68. President Harold K. Graves also Dean Goodwin of thc American (Calif.), reported for the Golden Gate Baptist Convention, conductor and counSeminary and introduced members of sellor of thc group. the faculty. 55. A telegram of greeting was read 69. Lee Gallman (Miss.), reported for from Robert Preston Taylor, staff chapthe Seminary Extension Department and lain, Unitcd Statcs Air Forcc; and from presented his associates. the administrator of the Baptist Me70. A motion to adopt thc reports of morial Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida, the seminaries prevailed. telling of the inability of E. D. Solomon to attend the Convcntion because of ill71. President Duke K. McCall (Ky.), ness. of Southern Seminary, after introducing members of the faculty, addressed the 56. Frank Boggs (Fla.), sang the spiritual, "He's Got the Whole World in Convention, speaking for the seminaries on theological education. At this point His Hands." the gavel was returned to President 57. Arnold T. Ohrn (D. C.), general Warren. secretary, presented the report of the Baptist World Alliance, which was re72. Claude Rhea (La.), sang "There ceived as information. Robert Denny, Is a Balm in Gilead." Alliance youth director, was present. 73. J. W. Storer (Okla.), reported for Jakov Zhidkov brought greetings from the special Committee on Theological, Russian Baptists. President Warrcn preReligious, and Missionary Education. sented Theodore F. Adams (Va.), who 74. Louie D. Newton (Ga.), presented addressed the Convention. Recommendation No. 1, which was 58. W. 0 . Vaught (Ark.), chairman of adopted. (See page 281, Book of Rethc Committee on Committees, presented ports.) the following recommendation for the 75. Louie D. Ncwton (Ga.), presented Committee on Time, Place, and Prcachcr, Recommendation No. 2, w h c h was which was adopted: adopted: COMMITTEEON TIME, PLACE, AND RECOMMENDATION NO. 2-That it be PREACHER: W. Morris Ford (Tex.) , chairthe policy of the Southern Baptist Conman, Clifton Malone (Ala.), Re1 Gray vention t h a t beginning now it will not (Ark.), Roy Matthcws (Ariz.), Byron F. undertake joint ownership, support, and Todd (Calif.), A. Linsoln Smith (D. C.), administration of any new theological J . H. Avery (Fla.), Paul Aiken (Ga.), institution with any other Baptist body. Lee Swope (Ill.), E. F. Estes (Ky.), 76. H. H. Hobbs (Okla.), presented Lewis White (La.), R. Lofton Hudson Recommendation No. 3, which was (Mo.), Vernon Richardson (Md.), John adopted. (See page 281, Book of ReL a n d r u m ( M i s s . ) , S. M. M o r g a n ports.) (N. M.), Claude Broach (N. C.), Roy McClung (Olrla.), John Huss (S. C.), 77. H. H. Hobbs (Okla.), presented Carl Giers (Tenn.), J . P. Gulley (Va.). Recommendation No. 4 (sections ( I ) , 59. A motion to provide 15 minutes ( 2 ) , and (3), as printed on page 281 of the Book of Reports, with the addition for miscellaneous business following the following the last word in Section (3) election of officers at the afternoon of thc following: "it being understood session was passed. that the President name the committee." 60. Wm. Harrison Williams (N. C.), Thc recommendation was adopted. led the closing prayer. 78. J. W. Storer (Okla.), presented Section (4) of Recommendation No. 4 Thursday afternoon, May 31 as a separate recommendation, to be 61. With Vice-president Haldeman Recommendation No. 5, which was presiding, Loren L. Williams (Tenn.), adopted. (See page 281, Book of Reled in singing "Forward Through the ports.) Ages," "Trust and !bey," "Jesus, I My 79. C. Roy Angel1 (Fla.), reported for Cross Have Taken, and "Praise Him, the special Committee to Study Policies Praise Him." and Procedures of the Committee on 62. Thomas W. Croxton (Mo.), read Time, Place, and Preacher, which was 1 Corinthians 4:l-21 and led in prayer. adopted. 63. L. S. Sedberry (Tenn.), secretaryOF COMMITTEE TO STUDY POLIREPORT treasurer, prescntcd thc report of the CIES AND PROCEDURES OF THE COMMITTEE American Baptist Theological Seminary ON TIME, PLACE, AND PREACHER: which was adopted. Victor Glass (Tenn.), After considerable discussion and acting president of the Seminary, was study of all the issues involved in the presented. Primrose Funches brought matter of selecting a Convention city, greetings from the National Baptist Conit was voted unanimously that the comvention, Incorporated, and I. H. Hendermittee on Time, Place, and Preacher son, Jr., an alumnus of the Seminary and should not be selected a year in advance. Kansas City pastor, and T. B. ,Maston (Continued on page 4) (Texas), spoke briefly. ... Report of Committee on Boards EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Charles C. Bowles. Alabama. term cxnirint' 1958; James L. Monroe, ~ l a b a m a tcrm , ixpirlilg 1959; C. Vaughn Rock Arlzona, terin expiring 1959; M. H. Mabry, klori(la, tcrm cxpjritlg 1969; John A. Joncs, Georgia, term explrinp 1959: J. C . Murnhv. Louisiarla. term exp i h i lk5c). J. D.- d;ey, Louisiana tern1 exl>irlng 1 ; ) h ~ . Purser Hewitt ~ i s s ' i s s i p ~ i , term expir:ing i95:); Conrad ~ i l ! ; r d Missouri, terrn cxlm-inp. 1959: J. Melvin hay, New M exirn t e r r d expiring 1959' Mrs., Gordon ~ a d d r d v North . Carolina. ten; exnil*lna 1959: Hcrschti H. Hobbs, ,OBlahoma, te?m expiri~?g !959; Haskell McClam, Oklahoma, term expiring 1959:. William McLln, South Carolina, term exnlrine 1959: h m s e v Pollartl. Tennessee, icl.ln' expiring 1959; Ralph Grant, r > lcxas, term expiring 19.79; R. J. Martin, n ~ Carl bIcCra\v, Texas. tern1 e x ~ l r ~ll)s!): North Carolina, ierr~i~bxpiriiig I:)fi9 FOREIGN MISSION BOARD ;xl)iryng expiring exr)irinr lina, t ~ 19?9:-~1.thurE. T r i \ . ~ i Texas, , term 1959; Seal \\I. Ellis, Virginia. tern1 1959: D. RI. Kelson. JI... Soutli ('arof expjring i 1957. Local J . E. Dogles Virginia term expiring l!)tR: Hermarl P. dom mas vii.ginia term expiring 1959; T. Kllpcrt ~ o i e m a n ~ i i g l n i a term expiring 1959. C. Railey ~ ; n e s ~ l r g i n i a ,term expiring ld5ll; Harold D. ~ { l l r n a n ,Virginia, term expiring 195:); Emmett Y. Robei3ts?n, Virginia, term exgirirlg 1959; J. Levering Kvans, Virginia, term expiring 1958. 1958: John Ashcraft. California. term exniring 1859. J . Ray Garrett District of Columbia term eGpiring 1959. A l l i n s Burhans Ken: tucky, term expirini 1959 W. E. B.' Lockrid&. 1,ouisiana. term exdirine 1959: Carev Cog, 'Mississippi; term cx~irir<$j,1059; Mack Goss North Carolina terln cxp rin 959, E. E. ~ d l v i nsouth ~arotlina term cxp&iAg 1559. R. Paul 'Caudill. ~ e n n e k s e e . tcrrn exnirin; 1959. Charles E. Myers, Texas, terin 'expi; Ing h 5 9 ; Judson Prlce, Texas, term expiring 1959; Chester O'Hryan, Texas, term explrlng 1958. Local .lop Wcldon Uailey, Tcxas, terni exl)irb1,. Berry, Texas tcrm explring 1959; Taylor Pickett ~ ' P x a s tcrrn expiring 1959; J. D. LanBress ?exas, t & n n expiring 1959. James Taylor, 'i';xas, term cxpiring 1959. Ben H. Woolen, Texas, term expiring 1659. ing 195:); (:us SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY John IIolt and William Scurlnck, District of Columbia term cxpiring 1961' 0. LaR. Cooper', Vlorida, b'ayette ~ a l k L anrl r term expiring 1961; Giffin Henderson and Warner Fussell Georgia term explrlng 3961. Varl II. ~ a r d i hand C!l;de Dryan Mississii~pi,term expiring l!l(il; Howard ~ . ' S g e l l mid James Sutherland Mississippi terin exS. M. piring 1961; J a c k , H: DeVore {r!d Morgan, New Mexlco tcrm expiring 1961. F. 0t:iotl Mixon anrl ,.'l. D. McCrcady, ~ o r t g Carnl~na term cxgiring 1901' H. W. Kicklighter And Ralph hlcLain, d o r t h Carolina, tern1 expiring 1901, L. L. Carpenter and Hobcrt Seymour (aqdltionai members), North Carolina, term explrrn !9Gl;, M. F'. Ewton and Sidney Madtlux, 0,lahomd term explring 1960; James b'. Hurrlss,and Jack Flanders, South Carolina term explrung 1961; Herbert Howard and ~ f o y dCloud, Texas, tcrm expiri ~ ? g1961. , J. P. Allen and Hay Rrowrl Virgima ter'm expiring l 9 ( ~ n; n v ~ ssander;, and Cort 'kt. Flint, South Carolina, term explrmg 1959. At Large Russell Proctor anrl b'ranklin P. Owen Kentucky, term expirlng 1981; W. G. viojett; and Edwin Perry, Kentrlcky, term cxyiriilg 19nl. HOME MISSION BOARD Henry L y o n ~ Alabama, , term e x p i r ~ n gl!)j>): Jullatl Pipkin, Geol'gla, term expll.ltla IO5t): Eugene T. Pratl. Illlr~ois.term c x v i r i n ~1959: Bradford Curry Kcnturky term expiring 1958. J. 8. H&l\ Kentuck$, tern1 cxpiring 19591 Irving M. firincc, Mississippi, term explrlng 1959. D. C. Strlngcr, New Mexlco, tcrm expiring 1659; Carleton Priokett North Carolina, term e x p ~ r i n g1959; Charle's Bond, Tennessee lcrin expirlng 1959; Hershel Ford ~ e x a s , ' t e r i nexpiring 1858. Charles wellborn: Tcxas, term expiring 195d. Local W. T . Hooth Georgia terrn expiring 1959; Clarence ~ e s s i h s , ~ e d r g i a , term expiring 1959; D. 11. Hall, .lr., Georgia, term expiring '1959; Guy W. Rutland s r . Georgia, term cxpirlng 1959. K. I?. kdwirds, dr., Georgia, term expiring 1959. Walter R. Thomas, Gcorgia term expiiing 1959: Thomas .J. ~ o l m e s , Chorgia, ' term expiring 1958. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD Howard M. R e a v e ~ ,Alabama, term expiring ,1959; Loyed R. Simmons, Arizona, term expiring 1959; James 0 . Duncan, District of Culumbia, term expping 1859. Herman ThJcy, Georgia, tcrm expir?ng 1858; 'kheron H. King, Illinois, tern1 exptrlng 1959; Harolrl T). Tallent Kentucky, term expiring 1959. Stanley .~ordan, T~ouisiana, term exgiring ,i959; H. Hansel Stembrid c Jr. North Carolina tcrm expiring 1958. ~ $ & l c s' A. T r e n t h a ~ n ,~ b n n e s see term exp'irin 1859; Charles L. Cockrell, ~ e $ a sterm expirTt1 * 1950. Charles McLaughlin, T ~ Sterm , ex$iig'i959. Local Jarncs F. Brewer Tennessee term expiring ' expiring 1959. R. T. arti in' ~ c n n e s s e e tcrm 1959: Hobart B. ~ d r d~ e n n e s i e eterm expiring i959; J. Carlton 'l,oscr, ~~~h~~~~~term expiring 1.959; Ernest J. Moenrh, 'L'enAessee, term expirlng 1839; H. Franklin Paschal, Tennessee, term explring 1969. RELIEF AND ANNUITY BOARD H o r a r ~G. Williams Alabama, term expiring 19.59; Jack ~ a b e n , ' ~ r i z o nterm a, expir~ng SOUTHWESTERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 0. 1,. Baylcss Arkansas term cxpiring 1 R R I ; Lyman smiih Allen ~ L n t u c k yterrn expirill$ 1901. W. D. ~ y a t t New , ~ e ; i c o , tcmm expiring 1:iFl; 5. B. Flowers, Vir inia tcrm expiring l>)Gl; n. A. McGriff % i s t ~ r tof Columbia, tcrm expiring 1959; his B. Evans, Alabama, term expiring 1 9 0 . A t Large Horncr Covey, Texas, terni expiring 19cil; J. H. Steger, Tcxas, tcrm expiring 19FX. NEW ORLEANS BAPTIST ,THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Karl P. Paris. Louisiana. tcrm exairine 1961' George E.' Hays, Jr., ' ~ c n t u c k y term ,~ expi+ing ,1961; F r a n r ~ s A. Davls, Maryland, term e x p l r ~ n g1961. James Harkney Missouri tcrm exairina 19Fi: Claude IJ. Eko'ach. tern; pirin 1961; W. Marshall Craig, Texas, term expirfng l e c i . Local Philip I,. Elliott North Carolina tcrm exPiring 1961; ~ a l p i iA. Herring, ~ b r t hCarolina, term expiring 1961. SOUTHERN BAPTIST HOSPITAL W. I. Pittman Alabama term cxpiri?lg 1959; Fratlk L. Sciuires, Distkicl of Columbm, term e x p i r i n ~ 1959. Charles C. Duncan, Georgia term x p i r i n k 1859' J. Curtit1 Martin ~lllnois,'terrn explring I?&; C. W. nuling: North Carnllna term expiring 1959; C. Earl Cooper South 'Carolina terrrl expirlng 1959. .lames ' ~ v l c r ~ e n n c s s e e ' tcrrn exgiring 1959: James A. itewart, Fldrida, term expirin$ 1958. Local-New Orleans Vartan N. Dolnbourian Louisiana, terln cxpiring 1969; Edwin Hhrtzman, 1,ouisiana terni expirlng 3959; Louls V. Tadlock, ~ o u i s i iana, term expiring 1959. Local-Jacksonville Jcwell A. Uavis Florida,, term cxpirirlp 1959. H. Terry ~ a i k e r ,F l o n ~ l a term expir!ng if159; Bert S . Keicl, lori id$ term expiring 1959: James DeLnach, Florida, tern1 expiring 1!)58. SOUTHERN BAPTIST FOUNDATION Roy A,, Greene (Brotherhood) Tennessee, term explrlng 1959. Porter W. d o u t h (Fxecutive Committee), 'Tennessee, term explrlng 1959; W. b'red Kendall (Foreign Mission Hoard) Tctinesscc, term expiring 19513,; Cccii F. ~ r a ; i s !Radio & Tclevislon), Mississippi tcrm expiring 1959; Robert ILL. Naylor (south: western Seminary), Tcxas, tcrm expiring 1959. A t Large - ex as: R. IIarwood Bagby Maryland terin expiring 1959; Harbold ~ m J s e y , term expiring 1959; Willlaril Gupton Tennessee, term exgiring 1959. Walton N. kmith, Tennessee te1.m expirind 1959; C. G. Cole (,Home MIS: sinn Boarrl). Georgia, tcrm exgiring 1957. EDUCATION COMMISSION C'. Sylvcster Grccn, North Carolina, term expiring 165!r Frctl Xeigct,, .\lissouri, tcrm expiring 19~!l;'i:. Earl i:,r~nn. Louisiana.. tern1 - - expiring 1951): Glen Eason. Arizona. term ~ a piring i959; George L. Jolinsotl l l l i h o i s ~ t e r m e x p l r ~ n g1969; George ~ h o r n t o h ,~ i a s i ~ s i ~ p i , term expiring 1969;. W. Forbes Yarborough Oklahoma, term expirlnK 1!)5R: J. A. nearden: Maryland, term cxpiring 195:). CHRISTIAN LIFE COMMISSION G. Avery t c c Louisiana, term expiring 1959. J. GUY SauAders Maryland, term cxpiring i959; Adiel J . ~ A n t ~ r i e Missouri, f term expiring 1959; ,Olin T. ~ i n k i c y ,North Carolina, term expiring 1959; Robert N. Nicholson. Oklahoma, tcrrn exnirins 1959: Robert McCan, Tennessee, tcrrn expiring 195R: W. M. Shamburger, Texas, term expiring 1959. Local ,,-. Local J, Rcthune Louisiana expirinR 19cil; Gerald C. C;ggins, Ala&ma, terln cxpirlng 1960. GOLDEN GATE BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 0. V. Dodson Missouri tcrm expiring 1 9 6 1 Floyd D. bolden, NGW Mexico term expiiiiig 1961: E. Gibson Davis ~ c n h e s s e e , term ex iring 1961; Elwin ~ G i l e s , Texas, term expyring 1961. Local Harold E. Dye, California term expiring 19fjl' Russell Trammell, California, term exp i r i i g 1901. SOUTHEASTERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 3. Puckett, Arizona, expiring 1961; Carl Jacobs, Tllinois, terrn expiring 1961: Lawrence T. Lowrey, Mississippi, term ex- IIoward P. Polsnn Tennessee torin expirlng 1959 Dewey K. ' ~ o a c h ~el;nessec, term expiring' 1959' R. K. ~ a l f o w a y Tenne!see, term e x p i r i n i 1999; Daniel K. ' ~ w n t , l e n nessee tcrrrl expiring 15159. W. L. Stagg, Jr., ~ i s s i s i i ~term ~ i , cxplring '1958. RADIO AND TELEVISION COMMISSION Gerald Trussell, Arkansas, term expiring ,939; nobprt wells california, term expiring 1959. E. Len d e s t o n , District of Columbia tcrm cxpiring 1959; J. R. Robinson ~ e h r ~ iterm a cxpirlng 19.59; L. 1). Rall, ~ e u ; Mcxico,'terrn expiring 1959; Robert C. Cannon, Tennessee, term explrlng 1959; Frank R . Hurress, Texas, tern1 expiring 1958. At Large James G. Harris, Arkansas, tcrm expiring ln59; Cecil F . Travis, Mississjppi, term exp ~ r i n g1959: W. J. Purdue, Illinois, t e r m expiring (Continued o n page 4) Page Four CONVENTION BULLETIN Suggested O r d e r f Business . .. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION (Continued from page I) 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:30 Special Music-Baptist Hour Choir, R. Paul Green, Director Miscellaneous Business Address: "Se aratlon and Spirituality" -Glenn L. &cher, District of Columbia, Executive Director, PAOU Adjourn FRIDAY NIGHT 7:00 Worship in Song-W. Hines Sims Scripture (James 1:12-22 Ephesians 630-20) and Prayer - IT. Edward Damer, Missouri 7% Youth Night S e r v i c d . Kearnie Keean Tennessee buiic-william Jewel1 College Choir, Henry L. Cady, Director, Missouri Address: Howard E. Butt, Jr., Texas 9:30 Adjourn 7:10 SATURDAY M O R N I N G 990 Worship in Song-W. Hines Sims B:10 Scripture (Psa. 127: Ephesians 595; 6:4) and Prayer-Bob Patterson, Kentuckv 9:15 Education Comrnisaion-R. Orin Cornett, Tennessee, Executive Secretary 9:35 Fublic Affairs Committee--C. Emanuel Carlson District of Columbia, Executive ~ i i e c t o r - ~ e a o r tby Walter Pope Binns. . Chairman -, Missouri. ----950 Music - Baylor University Choir Euell Porter, Director, Texas 10:OO Address: "Crusade for Christian Moralltst'-Clifton J. Allen, Tennessee presentation of New Officers of the - -- ~ ~ churches. Intervizw: "Christian Home Life in Russia Rev. Jacob Zhidkov Moscow ~ddreLs: Fidelity in the ~ainily,"H. Guy Moore, Texas 12:46 Adjournment COMMITTEE ON ORDER OF BUBINESB Harold G. Sanders, Florida Chairman. James E. Davidson, Alabama; $7. E. rind: staff Oklahoma. John E. Lawrence, North ~aroiina.Merle 'A. Mitchell Missouri* Henry J. stoke;, Georgia; S. A, W'hitlow, ~;kansas. PROCEEDINGS (Continued from page 2 ) Attention was called to the action of the Executive Committee in December, 1949, when it was voted: "Inasmuch as invitations for the annual Convention meetings are now made two years in advance and that investigations concerning auditorium availability, hotel rooms, and the like need to be checked before the Convention acts, we rccomrnend that the Committee on Convention Arrangements be instructed to investigate possible invitations for the 1952 Convention and succeeding Conventions and that a summary of findings of the investigation on each invitation be turned over to the C o m m i t : ~ e on T i m e , P l a c e , a n d Preacher. The committee felt unanimously that this procedure, as amended below, would meet the needs, and the Convention Procedure should be amended to provide a section on Convention Site, as follows: "The Committee on Convention Ar- rangements of the Executive Committee shalI investigate possible invitations for the Convention's annual meeting and bring a summary of findings, with recommendation or recommendations, to the Committee on Time, Place, and Preacher." The feeling was expressed that the Committee on Convention Arrangements should certify more than one city as meeting the Convention requirements, if ~ossible. and that the Committee on h e , piace, and Preacher might present the choice to the Convention, if it so desired. 80. With Vice-President Haldeman presiding, the Convention entered into the election of officers. 81. Casper C. Warren (N.C.) was reelected by acclamation. 82. With President Warren presiding, the following nominations for first VicePresident were made: Bill Lewis (Ark.) nominated W. 0. Vaught, Jr. (Ark.). BiII McIver (Rans.) nominated W. A. Criswell (Tex.). Oliver R. Shields (Mo.) and Dotson Nelson (S.C.) nominated Conrad Willard (Mo.). A standing vote resulted in the election of Conrad Willard (Mo.) as First Vice-President of the Convention. 82. The following were nominated for Second Vice-president: norninatcd Rov 0. Elrov Lamb IKv.) , ~ c c l a i n(Ga.). David 0. Byrd (Tenn.) nominated D. L. Stennis (Miss.). A standing vote rcsulted in the election of D. L. Stennis (Miss.) as Second Vice-President of the Convention. 83. John H. Haldeman (Fla.) nominated James W. Merritt (Ga.) for Senior Secretary and Joe W. Burton (Tenn.) for Secretary, and they were elected b y acclamation. 84. 0. R. Shields (Mo.) nominated Porter Routh for election as Treasurer, and the vote was unanimous. 85. Under the head of miscellaneous business James M. Bullman (N.C.) proposed the following amendment to the Convention's Constitution, to be ?cted on at the 1957 session: Amendment to Article IV: This Convention does not claim that affiliation with this Convention is in any way necessary for a church to be a Missionary Baptist Church; nor does this Convention cIaim that affiliation with any other Baptist body, whether district association or state convention, is in any way necessary for a church to be affiliated with this Convention; nor does this Convention claim that a church's affiliation with this Convention. as conceived by-this Convention, is in any degree of such a nature as would prevent a church that once has entered into affiliation with this Convention from discontinuing that affiliation, should that church for any reason whatsoever decided to discontinue that affiliation." 86. James M. Bullman (N.C.) presentcd a resolution which was automatically referred to the Committee on Resolutions. 87. On motion of J. D. Grey the Secretary was instructed to send telegrams - 7 Third Day ... R e p rt f Committee n B a r d s (Continued from page 3) HISTORICAL COMMISSION J. Alton Morris. North Carolina. term expiring 19.56-J. M. -~askinaklahomi,--term expiring 19$9; John ~ a m r i d k South , Carolina term e x p i r i n ~1959; Jamcs W. Cox, ~ e n n e s : see. term expiring 1959: Robert Baker. Texas. term expirlng 1959; E. V. Pcyton, Virginia term expiring 1959; J. ,Herrick Hall, ~ l s t r i c t of Columbia, term expiring 1957; Mrs. G. D. Crow, Arizona, term expiring 1957. A t Large H. B. Cross, Tennessee, tcrrri cxpiring 1959. AMERICAN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY R. W. Lashbrook Tennessee term expiring I95?; Harry M. hark 0kla6oma term expirln 1959. .T. 1 ' . ~pu'rlin ~enn6ssee tcrm explryng 1'.a. ~~ , J. 9 . Howard koung, ~cnhessee, term expiring 1959. Holding Board Lucius W. Hart, Tennessee, term expiring 1959; George W. I1ogan, Tenncssec, term explring 1959' Thomas V. Wclls, Tennessee, term expiriGg 1959. Harold Gregory, Tennessee, term expiring '1958. BROTHERHOOD COMMISSION Y. Hilliard Felton, Alabama, term expiring 1959: Playford Davis, Illinois, tcrm expiring, 1959; Eugene Siler Kentucky term explrlng 1958. S. B. ~r'ldtt ~ i s s i s s ipi, term expiring 195h; Grant avid ~ i s s o u r p term expiring 1951);F. 0.~ h a m p i h ~orth'carolina, , term expiring 1959; Bruce Carter Oklahoma, term expiring 1059; Doyle E. karlton, Jr., Florida, term expiring 1957. Local Robert L. Pearl Tennessee, tern1 expiring 1959; James pace: Tennessee, term expiring 1959; E. N. McCance, Tennessee, term cxpiring 1950. PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (Elected for one year only.) Walter Pope Binns, Chairman, Missouri. Ernest F. Campbell, Virginia; J. ~ a l t e ; Carpenter, Distrjct of Columbia; Raker J. Cauthen, Virginla; Ral h Cole District of Columbia; Edward H. 8 e ~ r o o t . Jr., ' District of Columbia* Eldon W. Koch. Maryland' Mrs. R. L. ath his Texas. WMU president' A. C Miller ~ e h e s s e e . 'Courts Redford ~ e o r i i a .R. Alton Reed Porter W: Routh 'kennessee ~ e o r W. ~ ; $c1;roeder Tennessee'; James L.' Sullivan, Tennessee. 'c. C. Warren, North Carolina, convention' Presldent. exa.as COMMITTEE ON ORDER OF BUSINESS (Elected for one year only.) Ira Peak Chairman Missouri* James Cole Louisiana; ' B!11, ~ y a & New , iViexico; wad; Bryant, Virginla; James Baldwin Illino!~; Fred Stumpp, Callfornia; Joe H. Music, Arizona. Information Availabl Descriptive information concerning the visitors from Russia to the Convention is available in Booth 28 of the Exhibit Hall. Cost is 5 cents each. to the two living former presidents of the Convention, F. F. Brown (Tenn.) and W. W. Hamilton (La.), and to the two living former secretaries, J. H. Burnett (N.C.) and Hight C Moore (N.C.), and to reply to the message received earlier on behalf of E. D. Solomon (Fla.). 88. Lewis Morgan (N.C.)offered a resolution which was automatically referred to the Resolutions Committee. 89. Conrad Willard (Mo.) led the closing prayer. ayq *h~)s!u!w s!q+ 6u!)otuo~d ~ o A3ua6w j par!loq$nw ulaq+no$ aq$ j o uo!)le h q sanlas SP U O ! ) U ~ A U O ~ ?s!)dwg +sau!+ eq) q)!m Iuapnqs )se~aq) qseal 04 s! UO!ES!UI ~ $ 1*(.a+e 'leuo!ssajo~d 'a)en!~d 'a)els) s100q3s )s!)deg-uou puw s a 6 a l l o ~ qs!qdwg l n o j o loqeu!wouap uowtuoa aq) s! $1 .sesndrue> j o sadh) 11s uo suo!$>unj uo!un $uapn)S )s!+d~g a q l 'ej!l ~ e 1 n 3 ! ~ ~ n a - e ~pue $ x a a!tuapsle r!ey) j o eel@ h ~ a n au! bu!sseu)!m U P ! + S ! J ~ ~W ~ W ! X P W 01 s1uapn)s +s!+d~g r a 6 e ~ n o l -ua w e ~ 6 o ~'n-j'g d s n d w e l e q l . e b e l l o ~ u! el!qm u o ! ) ~ d -!3!)~ed y 3 ~ n y l e m l U! )uapn)s h ~ e n e)s!lue o) sen!l)s )I .aj!l +s!+deg u1ay)noS j o eseyd hrene sez!seydwa puw re!j!u6ew uo!un +uapn)S )s!+deg e y l .d!yslepeel ue!)s!lq=) an!)oajja l o j sue!6a110> )s!+deg u!eq pue $s!lue o) peu6!sep s! U I P J ~ O Ja~ q l .uo!+e>npa Jayb!q jo E I O O ~ ~U!S stuapnas o) h~)s!u!w ~ ~ n ) ! l ! d s ,s)s!+deg u1aq)noS s! )ueweAour uo!un 1uapn)S +s!+deg a y l NOlNn l N 3 0 n l S l S l l d V a 3 H l .sea!nres a s e q uodn uaaq aneq p o g j o s6u!ssolq eyl .s~eyeeds~euo!) -e~!dsu! PUP 'sa!uow!+sa) 'quale) ~ea!snu u! +seu!j aq) e m l a s o+ a p e u uaaq seq + l o j j a Alan3 +abualley3 pup uo!)er!ds -u! j o ~ U ! U B A B s!q) j o a b ~ e ~ ianeq 3 04 pleog 100q3s hepuns ey) j o + u e u ) ~ e d a a)uapn)S eq+ pa+sanbal eney uo!$ueAuo3 eyq j o sea))!wwol w e ~ 6 o ~aq) d 'MOU s ~ e a hIPJeAes rod - u o 3 $s!)deg uJaq)noS ay) e l n p o q u ! o) e ) e l e d o - o ~hro)!l~a) Gu!puno~lns aqt u! saqslnql )s!)dwfl aq) Ile uaqm uo!sea -30 uw s! $1 ' ~ e e h y l e a U O ! $ U Q A U O ~ $s!)dea uJey+noS ey) + w e1n)eaj pa)ed!m+ue uw a w o l a q sey 1 ~ 9 H 1 ~~ ~ O A NOlNn l N 3 a n l S lSlldV9 3 H l CINV l H 9 1 N HlnOA Immediate Release Southern B a p t i s t Convention 1956 a t Kansas City, MO. Office of Press Representative Albert McClellan - Officers of the Woman's Misslonary Union iuxiliary to t h e SBC Presfdent---------------------------~s R , L. Mathis, Waco, Texas Vice-presidents----------------------Mr. A , M. Coltharp, Cullman, Ala. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Cecil M, Stewart, Phoenix, Ariz. J. R. Grant, L i t t l e Rock, Ark. E v e r e t t E. H i l l , Escondido, Calif. L . S . Casazza, Washington, D, C. George Q. Holland, Miami, F l a . John I. Alford, Covington, Ga. Paul Bays, Harrisburg, Ill. R . L. Braden, Baxter Springs, Kana. H, C , Randall, Columbia, Ky. F. D. Mabry, Ruston, La. J. Winston Pearce, Baltimore, Md. ALmarine Brown, Jackson, Miss. R. L . Crozier, W e ~ tP l a i n s , Mo, F, A. Green, Las Cruces, N. M. W. K. McGee, Winston-Salem, N, C. Gerald K. Ford, Wadsworth, Ohio C. A. Summers, Muskagee, Okla. Sylvia Wilson, Portland, Ore. James I?, B u r r i s s , Lancaster S. C, M. K. Cobble, Knoxville, Tenn. Clem D. Hardy, Waco, Texas 0 . C. Hanoock, Roanoke, Va. Recording Secretary-----------------------be. W. C, Tyler, Blue..Mountain, M l s s . Executive Secretary-----------------------Miss A l m a Hunt, Birmingham, Ala, Treasurar----------------------------------- Miss Lavenia Neal, Birmingham, Ala, T o t a l r e g i s t r a t i o n , ~ ~ - - 4 7 8 3Delegates--1201; , Visitors--3353; ~ i s s i o n a r i e s - - 1 8 5 ; officers--44, < . - -- - .- 0 Southern Bapt f s t Convent ion 1956- a t Kansas City, Ma. Office of Press Representative Albert McClellan Immediate Release New Officers J o i n t Meeting of the Southeastern, Western, Southwestern Religious E d ~ c a t ~ i oAssociation n President-------------I------I-----CI--I--J. M. Price, Sr., Southwestern Baptist Theolo3ical Seminary, F o r t Worth, Tex. Vice-Presidents-~----~-----I----------I-To be elected. The three regional assockitions w i l l e l e c t presidents this summer Their presidents w i l l automatically become vice-presidents of the Joint Association. Secretary-Tress.--------------------------Miss Gracie Knolton, Southwestern Baptist Theological Semfnary, Port Worth, Tex. The group voted t o hold another meeting before the 1957 Convention. such meeting. -30- This was the first Southern B a p t i s t convention 1956 - a t m~ansasc i t y ; im. O f f ice 05 Press Representative klberti9~lcCl e l l a n Immediate Release Regarding the Report 01 t h e C o r ~ ~ a i t t eon e T h e o l o g i c e l dducation Action taken by S. B. C. Thursday afternoon, Nay 31 The Southern Baptist Convention has voted t o e s t a b l i s h n s i x t h seblinary trith t h e s i t e and means or" p u y i n ~f o r it y e t t o be deter~riined. The committee on t h e t > l o ~ . i c a l education was extended f o r another y e a r t o continue its study of t h e c e matters. It a l s o has voted t o tulie over control and o p e r a t i o n ~ . Carver f School of f4issions and Social Work, Louisville Ky., as rec~tl~rnenued in the report of t h e committee on theological education. Please add t o the report of the committee, i n the s e c t i o n p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e s i x t h seminary, this i n f o r m t i o n : "Since the above (tuaterial contained i n t h e Book of Reports) was w r i t t e n , t h e need f o r t h e o l o g i c a l t r a i n i n g f o r Southern Baptists i n the illid-vest has become m r e acute. Should the Convention continue t h e committee, it will b e c a l l e d to meet i n Nashville on June 19 to consider this acd o t h e r matters." - JOAdditional note: ol the committee The r e ~ o i ~ ~ l ~ i e n d a t lof o n tsh e committee t o study policies and procedures on time, p l a c e , and p r e a c h e r have been adopted by t h e Canventim. -39- a Immediate Release Southern Baptist Convention 1956 a t Kansas City, &lo, Office of Press Representative Albert McOlellan - TT, 0. Vaught, L i t t l e Rock, Are James H. h t l e r , Birmingm, Rla, Paul Ti. Davis, Chandler, Arizona Elmer L. Gray, Santa Ana, Calif. Malcolm B. Knight, Jacksonville, Fla. Leslie S. :"/illiams, Statesboro, Ga. Viilliam J, PLzrdue, E. St. Lpuis, Illinois Fred T. Moffatt, E r a f o r t , Ky. Millard B. Box, Baton Rouge, la. Harry P. Clause, Baltimore, Md, G, Norman Price, Jackson, Miss. W. Ross Edwards, Kansas City, bbb. R. Knolan Benfield, Hickory, N. C, John B. Shelton, Fredrick, Okla. J. S. Day, Spartanburg, S, C. iil. Fred Kendall , Jackson, Tenn. T. A. Patterson, Beaumont, Tex. Cecil Cook, Bluefield, Va, S. L. Eliorgm, Jr, , dashington D. .. C, e Southern B a p t i s t Convention 1956 at Kansas C i t y , Mo. O f f ice of Press Representative Albert McClellan - Immediate Release COMMITTEE ON R E S ~ U T I O N S Louie D. Newton, Atlanta, Ga., Chairman Perry F . Webb, San Antonio, Tex. R . A. Herring, Winston-Salem, N. C . Walter P. Binns, Liberty, Mo. John H. Bucbanan, Birmingham, Ala. Southern B a p t i s t Convent ion 1956 - at Kansas City, MO. Office of Press Representative Release: Morning Papers Friday, June 1 Albert McClcllan Officers of Southern B a p t i s t P u b l i c Relations Association The following were elected Thursday afternoon, May 31, i n a meeting i n Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City: President-----Arthur Davenport, Oklahoma C i t y Program Vice-president----- Harold E. Ingraham, Nashville, Tenn. Membership Vice-Pres ident-----MarJorie Saunders, Dallas T e x . Secretary-Treasurer----- Thea Sommerkamp, Nashville, Tenn. Editor of Association's Newsletter-----I,. 0 . G r i f f i t h , Atlanta The Southern B a p t i s t Public Relations Association i s composed of persons employed by the denomination in news work, p r e s s r e l a t i o n s , p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s , radio and t e l e v i s i o n , a d v e r t isf ng, and similar p o s i t ions. Davenport succeeds Leonard L. Holloway, of alla as, Tex. RIELEASE! Morning papers - Southern B a p t i s t Convention Kansas City, Missouri May, 1956 Office of Press Representative Albert McClellan F'riday, June 1 The Executive Committee Promotion Report Merrill D. Moore, Director of Promotion Thursday, May 31 7:15-7:50 P. M. 1. P o r t e r Routh, Executive Secretary, Executive Committee, recognized by chair. 2, Presentation of Albert McClellan, Director of Publications and Merrill DO Moore, Director of Promotion. Presentation of Robert J. Hastings, A s s i s t a n t t o the Director of Promotion and Theo Sommerkamp, Ed. Asst., D i r . of Publications. 3. Recognition of J, Norris Palmer, f o r past six years chairmag Promotion Committee. 4. "How We Launched Preparation For World IAissions Year I n Knox Cowty Baptist Association, 11 E. Warren h s t , Tennessee. 5. 'IHow One Country Church Went ?Forward I n World Missions, Kentucky. 6. "ward1 1'' Valda H. Cooper, Upwardt I n World Missions,l~ Merrill D. Moore. HOW ONE COUNTIfl CHURCH WENT FORWARD IN WORLD MISSIONS Byo Valda H. Cooper Valda H. Cooper was barn April 14, 1921 i n flebbs Crossroads,Kentucky. He was converted a t the age of 2 1 a t M t . Calvary Baptist Church, Russell County Association. He has served as Sunday school teacher, Sunday school superintendent and deacon i n t h i s church, being also licensed t o preach t h e gospel i n 1950 by t h i s church. Brother Cooper was graduated from the Clear Creek Springs Mountain Preachers Bible School i n April, 1955, While attending this school he d i d supply work i n s e v e r a l c h u r c h e s , held r e v i v a l s and served as pastor f o r two missions sponsored by t h e Harlan B a p t i s t Church. He was ordained t o the ministry December 12, 1955 by the Campbellsville Baptist Church. A t present Brother Cooper is a student a t Campbellsville College and lmstor Xllisuurg S a p t i s t Church, C a e y Ct, Illti Associations ;Cclltclc ;y. Last f a l l the captain of t h e New York Giants made a d i f f e r e n t kind of headline. It all had t o do with a speech he made a t t h e Texas Baptist State Convention, "Every parent should teach his children to tithe." And he could back up h i s words w i t h livi n g proof. A s a l a d with a paper route bringing $2 .SO a week i n prof its, Alvin Dark began t o give the Lord's t i t h e i n t o h i s church. It w a s just n a t u r a l t o give a t e n t h of t h e World Series earnings $1,030 through h i s church i n Louisiana. - - Southern Baptists gave a n average of 73 cents each day t o Gad. I f they t i t h e d they wauld give 32 and two-thirds c e n t s each day! The Master said: "Go and teach a l l nations.. .Ye s h a l l be witnesses unto me both i n Jerusalem and i n all Judea, and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth.It How can we a l l go t o t h e f o r e i g n f i e l d ? The standards f o r f o r e i g n missionaries are so high t h a t many, though willing, cannot a t t a i n it. Is it possible f o r us a l l t o follow t h e command of our Lord? Yes, i t is.. .through the Cooperative Program. Some people a r e going t o say, "My income is so small I cannot give enough to mowt t o aqything.11 Thanks be t o God who asks the t i t h e , He doesn't ask any large amant from those who have small incomes. He asks only t h e t e n t h from those who cannot give more. That i s a standard we all can go by. We owe H i m our best, and surely less than the t i t h e would be far below our best. - more- 3,1C COINTRY U-IU2UI""2IJT F2R 13lJ IN ;2LD TbIISSIOJS 2. Let me give you an illustration of what 1 am saying. The Ellisburg Baptist Church in the Casey County Association in Kentucky had samewhat the same conception of giving as the Christian who says: "What little I can afford to give wouldn't help any, so I just won't give anything." When I received an invitation to supply there August 7, 1955, the church had no budget. The collection they took up in Sunday school averaged four or five dollars. That money was used for buying literature, paying light bills and probably a little upkeep on the building. At the time the church was in debt $75.00 for the painting of the ceiling. HQ The offering at t h e worship service averaged,+lessthan $15.00. Nothing was given to the Cooperative Program for God's world-wideprqgram or to any other mission cause. Birthday offerings were given to the Baptist Children's Homes. When the church called me as its pastor October, 1955, 1 suggested a budget. Their faces showed they had never heard of such a thing! Although I realized they would never consent to a large budget, I proceeded to read them a $50,000 budget. I wanted them to think in big terms! They gaped in awe, but I said,"You are not going to adopt a budget tonight, so discuss it among yourselves until next business meeting night." This was agreeable to them 15 I would write out some essentials to place in the budget. On the last Thursday night in November we adopted a small budget of approximately $1,300 besides $300 for repair on the building. At this time there were only two or three tithers In the church. You can imagine their fright when they realized that the eighteen earners in the church would have to shoulder a monthly gburch budget of $100.00! There was only one way t o reach it every member tithing! They said they would. And they did! - You can guess the result. On a monthly basis the budget approximately doubled. Some of them said: "Almost the impassible has been accomplished!" As their eyes opened to the world's need they expressed the opinion that if the individual is a steward, churches are stewards too. They first set the figure of ten dollars a month for the Cooperative Program, but as time went by they felt the need to increase that amount. Now in the spirit of moving upward and onward they are planning on the fourth Thursday of May to increase their offering t o the Cooperative Program to at least fifteen dollars a month. My people have realized that though their tithe may be small it is ~od'sway to finance His work. They are all happy t h e y have begun to t i t h e and by sending their small offering to the Cooperative Program each month they, too, can have a part in world missions. Many l i t t l e s put together make much. What those people at Ellisburg have realized is what many amall country and village churches can and will realize when properly taught and led, First, though, they must see a vision of the need not only a t home but around the world. They must see that two out of every three people in the world go t o bed hungry. They must see 89 peaple march by before they see one Christian! They must see that 94 out of every 100 ordained pastors in our world are ministering to nine per cent- the English speaking world, They must find out: that $96.00 out of every $100.00 laid on offering plates of all denominations within the United S t a t e s were spent in the United States. - The word of God is true: "Where there is no vision the people perishtt(~rov.29:18). But a congregation with vision and obedient to the Lord's command is able to exert an influence felt around the world. The smallest church among Southern Baptists is a great church, if it has a lost world at the heart of its program. "Your church can move the world through the Cooperative Program." Ellisburg is eight miles from the nearest railroad. It: is 80 miles from the nearcommercial airport, But it is in the center of the world so far as the task of world missions is concerned. est With a budget, with our people tithing, and giving a percentage of our total budget: t o world missions through the Cooperative Program, we have gone forward in world missions. This is only a beginning. We are determined t o go Onward! Upward! In World Missions. HO'J WE LAUNCHZD PREPARATION FOR .irCRI,D TJISSIONS YEAR ITJ RNOX COUNm BAPTIST ASSOCIATION By: E. Warren Rust E. Warren Rust, born September 2 9, 19sSCovington, Kentucky. Home church Latonia Baptist Church, Covington, Kentucky under t h e ministry of Dr. J. IV. Black and Dr. L. C. Ray. Graduated 1933 Holmes High School3 CarsonNewman College A. B. degree 1944, Southern B a p t i s t Theological Seminary Con1947 a d d i t i o n a l work through 1949. Work other than t h e minis*: t r a c t o r i n Cincinati, Ohio, Athletic coach i n high schools 19& through 1949. Ordained a t F i r s t Baptist Church, J e f f e r s o n City, Tennessee i n 1940. Pas t o r a t e s : Be aver Dam Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tenmssee; New Market BaptSst Church, J e f f e r s o n County, Tenmssee; Vine Grove B a p t i s t Church, Vine Grove, Kentucky; IIcCalla Avenue Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tennessee f o r the p a s t seven years. When I picked up my mail one morning l a s t October and received a l e t t e r from the moderator of our a s s o c i a t i o n s t a t i n g t h a t a committee had again been appointed f o r Stewardship and the Cooperative Program and t h a t I was t o serve as t h e chairman, I hmediately f i l e d t h a t l e t t e r f e e l i n g t h a t it would need no a c t i o n for another y e a r when t h e r e p o r t would be made t o the association. Yes, I f i l e d it but d i d not f o r g e t it! There passed through my mind the a c t i o n of the Southern B a p t i s t Convention i n St. Louis i n 1954. I remembered how my heart was warmed when we met on Foreign Mission night there, I was aware t h a t our Convention had appointed a committee on World Missions. I remembered the words 'Ispeeding up and expanding our present program of evangelism and missionary advance." I was aware t h a t i n Miami l a s t y e a r our Convention had designated the year 1957 as World Missions Ysar. I c a l l e d our Superintendent of City Missions, Brother Lawrence T r i v e t t e ard t a l k e d with him about it. Out of our conversation came t h e deep d e s i r e t o do something worthy of Knox County Baptists. I thank God fur the zeal of our missionary i n Kmxville. He puts first t h i n g s f i r s t . H i s words of v i s i o n t h r i l l e d my soul. I c a l l e d the committee together and together we dedicated ourselves t o t h e work of laying t h i s World Missions Year on t h e h e a r t s of our people. Idhere would we s t a r t ? What would we do t o impress upon our people t h e urgency, t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of t h i s Mission Year? We decided t h a t t h e immediate need for Knox County was Information, I n s p i r a t i o n and a Program. Brother P i v e t t e already had t h e VYorld Missions Day on t h e a s s o c i a t i o n a l calendar and we altered this day t o be t h e Kick-Off f o r our World lhissions Y e a P r o g r 9 . 1% asked r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of our Southern B a p t i s t Mission Boards t o be with us. They were glad t o give assistance. Dr. Robert Hastings, Dr. Courts Redford, D r . C. li, Pope our e f f i c i e n t S t a t e Secretary, Dr. George Sadler and Dr. Wallace Bassett were with us f o r morning, afternoon and evening sessions. The program was presented, t h e people were eager, t h e committee was challenged, We could not s t o p with i n s p i r a t i o n 1 There was informalion and a program t o be rounded into shape. We had some h u g problems! Some problems beyond t h e scope of t h e opinion of a committee. IVe had determined t h a t t h i s would not j u s t be another s t r u g g l i n g work, b u t a c o -o;~cl-:..tive' one .We agreed we would seek the opinion of same of our b e s t pastors and t h e i r best laymen. We wanted them to assist with their vast experiences, Our problem i s one of information and program, How g e t the p a r t i c i p a t i o n of the pastors and churches of our great a s s o c i a t i o n i n a worthy program i n World Missions? Since industqr has used the premise t h a t insures p a r t i c i p a t i o n we decided we could use the same principle, i n the Broadway Baptist Church the pastors and asked them t o i n v i t e the layman most l i k e l y t o be of g r e a t e s t a s s i s t a n c e t o them and t h e i r church i n their financial program. We divided the group i n t o committees of six each and presented t o them our problem and asked them t o meet p r i v a t e l y and p r a y e r f u l l y and give one solut i o n t o t h e problem. The problem of Knox County Baptists i s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of most any a s s o c i a t i o n i n our Convention. We found t h a t i n the l a s t five years while we were increasing t h e r e c e i p t s of a l l churches $845,000 t h a t i n t h e same period t h e g i f t s t o t h e Cooperativa Program had only increased $134,000 o r per capita increase on all r e c e i p t s was $8.85 compared t o $1.68 t o the Cooperative Program. We gathered together We found the r e c o r d of church giving as follows: 11 churches giving 15% o r more gave $255,101.00 15 churches giving 10 t o 1% gave $ 62,424.00 30 churches giving 5 t o 1%gave $ 43,575*00 33 churches giving 1 t o 5% gave $ 12,083.00 44 churches giving l$ or lass gave $ 886.00 26 churches gave nothing. HO .' Y LkvNffI,~ PZEPARJiTI?iJ F?Z I XLD I,ISSION$ YZ/Z IN CWNTY EMTIST 4 SSOCIi =CLC"PJ Gut of that meeting the brethfen proposed t h e following solution: 1, That we recognize the r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of the pastor i n presenting t h e b i b l i c a l message an Stewardship and Personalize t h e Cooperative Program. 2, That we see t h e whole Missions Program and t h a t the Cooperative f i o gram is missions and t h a t the churches s t r i k e a balance between what the church spends a t home and what it gives elsewhere. 3. That aur people be trained t o t h e needs of IiIissions through educat i o n a l prograrqsand t h a t emphasis be put upon s p e c i a l days and special programs . 4. That we have a Mission Revival or Stewardship Revival i n our churches, and t h a t there be an equitable divison of our money, 5. That t h e r e be an extensive campaign i n each church t o encourage percentage giving t o Missions. 6. That a selected group of individuals be t r a i n e d i n t h e needs of Missions and be i n v i t e d into t h e churches t o present Etissions; t h a t a goal of 5% increase per year i n percentage of t h e t o t a l budget t o World Missions through t h e Cooperative Program be encouraged f o r f i v e years, 7. That pastors, Sunday school workers, and church leaders be urged t o teach t i t h i n g i n Sunday school, and that c l a s s e s be offered i n stewardship. 8. That we not c u t our Mission giving while i n building program. 9. That we launch a program i n educating our people i n World Missions and t h a t we encourage a steady increase i n giving. It is amazing how God leads H i s people t o think together. Out of t h i s cross-sect i o n on group thinking we received i n s t r u c t i o n s as a committee t o p r o j e c t a program to include the above named o b j e c t s t o accomplish Godrs will i n World Missions Year i n 1957, We believe i n preparationl We a r e preparing i n prayer! Preparing i n s t a t i s t i c a l i n formation1 Preparing by group thinking! !Ye have t h e personnel! The pastors and people of our 128 churches are God's people! They w i l l do r i g h t a d rally t o an urgent need i n 19571 We have t h e will t o achieve! We determined under God to "do the f i r s t workstt of a missionary B a p t i s t people, Our preparation has l e d us t o t h e following a c t i v i t i e s through the f i f t e e n months, beginning October, 1956 through December, 1957% our people of the needs of a l o s t world. 1. de w i l l inform 2. d ' ye w i l l pray t h e Lord of t h e harvest t h a t He send l a b o r e r s 3, We w i l l plan and observe World Missi ons Week October 1956 and October 1957, 4. We will e n l i s t more churches i n g i v i n g t o World Missions through t h e Cooperat i v e Program. iie w i l l urge each church to j o i n a percentage of i t s t o t a l budget through t h e Cooperative Program. into the f i e l d s . 5 . We will r a i s e the percentage given t o World Missions, By t h e help of God we will! - moreOJY,JARDI UP:iARD! IN 1;iORLD 1.IISSIONS By: M e r r i l l D. Moore What can my church do t o go ttOnward! Upward! I n ;lJorld 1,issions ?It -- First, plan t o use next year (not t h i s year) the expanded Southern Baptist program of budget promotion and fund-raising. Authorized by the Southern Baptist Convent i o n i n Miami l a s t year and developed i n co-operation with t h e executive s e c r e t a r i e s of t h e state conventions, the heads of Southern Baptist Convention agencies and other Southern Baptist leaders, t h i s program w i l l be presented to t h e l e a d e r s h i p of t h e Con- ventian and t h e s t a t e s i n t h e f i r s t Convention-wide Church Finance Clinic within this month on t h e dates June 16-20. The program w i l l be used i n an association-uride c l i n i c and t e s t program i n Phoenix, Arizona, and i n Jackson, Mississippi, t h i s f a l l . It w i l l be used in a l i m i t e d number of t e s t pograms i n a few churches i n other s t a t e s this f a l l , which have alrea* been arranged by certain state s e c r e t a r i e s , I n 1957 t h e program will be presented in state-wide c l i n i c s i n each s t a t e , and i n numerous association+wi.de c l i n i c s . The program and m a t e r i a l s w i l l be available t o the churches generally i n the f a l l of 1957. They cannot be a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e churches g e n e r a l l y p r i o r t o t h a t time. For further information see page nine of your Convent i o n Book af Reports. This program of budget p r m o t i o n and fund-raising i s a n t i c i p a t e d as one of t h e r e a l farward s t e p s i n t h e program of Southern B a p t i s t church finance. Second, remember t h a t your church i s a base f o r world operations. The reason-f orbeing of a B a p t i s t church i s i t s missionary task. God did not c a l l us merely t o save us, or b l e s s us merely f o r our own blessing, Israel f o r g o t t h a t God said, "I w i l l b l e s s thee and i n thee shall a l l the nations of t h e e a r t h be blessed." Because I s r a e l f o r g o t t h i s fundamental f a c t , Israel failed. . Jesus said, IlCome unto me. .Go ye.. .As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you i n t o t h e world.lt Jesus did not say, "Build beautiful buildings. He did say, "Go ye into a l l t h e world." Third, know t h a t t h e expenditures of a church are weighed i n scales i n which t h e whole world i s balanced. A military base i n time of war i s not conducted for i t s own sake, but f o r what it can do in a world operation. So the l o c a l program of a church i s not f o r i t s awn sake but f o r what it can contribute t o Christfs program f o r winning a lost wmld. A church i s J u s t i f i e d i n making any l o c a l budget expenditure which makes an e s s e n t i a l contribution t o the world operation. Every church budget needs t o be examined c r i t i c a l l y . Is t h e r e any proposed expenditure which is not amply j u s t i f i e d i n t h e l i g h t of our world mission task? How can we do more f o r t h e world operation? Fourth, remember t h a t we must be missionary now. missionary ten years from now as it ic n y - A church w i l l be about as In a Tennessee church t h i s was said, IlWemust b u i l d and pay far a building now, then t e n years from now we can give worthily t o world r n i ~ s i o n s . ~One ~ member said, ItBrethren, I am a Christian, therefore I must be a world missioraary. My doctors tell me I w i l l n o t be here t e n years from now. I want t o give t o world missions nm. And I want our c h i l d r e n t o l e a r n t o give t o world missions now," The members of that church saw the point. I n s t e a d of about twelve per cent, they gave twenty-two per cent of t h e budget through the Cooperative Program while they were struggling t o pay for a much needed building. They learned t h a t t h e easiest building t o pay f o r i s one vh ich houses a m i s sionary-minded congregation. F i f t h , observe World Missions Week and World Missions Year. Before John F o s t e r Dulles became Secretary of S t a t e of t h e United States he saido 'We need t o put more emphasis on C h r i s t i a n i t y as a world religion, remembering t h a t God gave H i s son because He loved the world and not merely t h e western part of it.'! World Missions Week i n your church and your a s s o c i a t i o n t h i s f a l l will combine t h e features and b e n e f i t s of t h e customary Stewardship Revival w i t h sclns f e a t u r e s of a School ct Missions and a World Hissions Conference i n t h e individual churches, I n your hand i s a t r a c t which t e l l s how you may plan such a week. You w i l l use t h e World Missions Handbook, the June-July i s s u e of the Baptist Program as you prepfor it. - This World Missions Week can become one of t h e g r e a t e s t events i n t h e history of i n yaur association. I n an a s s o c i a t i o n where there were t h i r t y churches, only t e n had e v e r had a Baining Union* only e i g h t had ever had a Training Union study course and only e i g h t had ever conducted a Vacation Bible School* One summer a pastor l e d i n an association-wide program i n which every church had a P a i n i n g Union study course, and most of them organized Training E n s , many of which are still i n operation many years later. The next year the a s s o c i a t i o n had an association-wide Vacation Bible School program, with a Bible School i n every om of t h e ohurches, I n one small r u r a l church i n which a Vacation Bjble S c h o o l ~ h e l df o r t h e first time t h e r e wre f o r t y children who made professions of f a i t h i n Christ as Savlour. maw churches - more - Omardl Upwar dl In Norld h1is s i ons Your as s a c i a t i o n needs a simultaneous 'ivorld BEssions !,reek, with an observance i n every church this f a l l , October 28-Novenber 4 or nearest convenient week, You can be t h e person t o lead your church and your association i n a program which wil1'TSf-b t h e v i s i o n of thousands of B a p t i s t s in a score of churches, and l i t e r a l l y I1move the worldll in its influence, I& brother, I challenge you! Sixth, pray f o r the f i n e s t of our young men and women t o answer affirmatively God's c a l l t o t h e mission fields, and pray f o r the missionaries on t h e f i e l d . Seventh, increase t h e percentage of your church g i f t s t h r m g h t h e Cooperative Program, and g e t your people to tithe. Eighth, remmber t h a t going forward i n 'World A[issions i s not a matter of techniques and programs so much as personal surrender and correct perspective. We will go onward and upward in World Missions as B a p t i s t s achieve i n reality the ideal declared by J. G. Cncken. When asked llhow many Baptdsts i n your country,It and I1how many missionaries~~ he c i t e d e x a c t l y t h e same figure. Said he: ItEvery B a p t i s t i s a missi0nary.n Our churches do have g r e a t needs i n t h e i r l o c a l programs. iie will go forward i n World IKissions, however, when we achieve a s p i r i t of concern f o r others beyond ourselves. An American naval commander was u n d ~ r t a k i n gt o - g e t r e l i e f supplies to American service men i n prisoner-of-war camps i n Japan. Eighty p e r c e n t of those men were suffering from malnutrition. '&en our men i n t h e camp nearest the place of landing saw t h e S t a r s and Stripes they began cheering. So hungry were they ;that many of them plunged i n t o the s u r f t o g e t food and other needed supplies. The commanding officer asked if t h e r e were other camps nearby. prisoners replied t h a t t h e r e was another camp four miles away. They said, '!Take it t o them. !Ihey need Jesus said, "Other sheep I have Upwardl In IVorld l\Jissionsl - it worse. The famished Help them f i r s t . " . . .Them also I must bring." ht us go Onward1 Memo To News Editors A week of Southern Baptist Convention aotivi-+ ties is soheduled in Kansas City, Missouri, May 27-June 2. Several people from your area will be attending. In addition, Baptists and' other ohuroh people living in your area will want to read news stories of these autivities. We will be in oon- stant touoh with the wire servioes in Kansas City and w i l l be glad. to help them with your needs. Press Representative. B Southern B a p t i s t Conventio 1956 a t Kansas City, MO, Office of Press Representative - ~rnmgdiateRelease Albert McClellan FROPOSAL TO THl3 S0-N BAPTIST CONV3NTIOB IM SESSION I N KAl'JSflS CITY, MISSOURI Dear Brethren: For s e v e r a l y e a r s , t h e B a p t i s t s of Miami, Dade County, F10rid.a~ have been i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e establishment of a B a p t i s t h o s p i t a l i n t h i s area. The City of Miami has grown from a town of 5,500 i n 1910 t o approximately 710,000 i n 1956. A t the present rate of growth t h e permanent population of Dade County i s expected t o reach 1,000,000 by 1960. Based on the nationally accepted standard of minimum bed requirements of 3.2 beds per 1,000 population, t h e Miami a r e a will need approximately 1,000 a d d i t i o n a l beds by 1960. The p r o j e c t e d need by 1965 would be approximately 1,900 a d d i t i o n a l beds f o r s a f e h e a l t h requirements. The establishment of a B a p t i s t hospital i n t h e M i a m i area with a minimum capacity of 200 beds and o t h e r r e l a t e d f a c i l i t i e s w i l l h e l p meet t h e need f o r increased h o s p i t a l f a c i l i t i e s for t h e people of t h a t a r e a and can be made a g r e a t e v a n g e l i s t i c and missionary agency of t h e Convention because of i t s c l o s e proximity t o t h e people of t h e South American c o u n t r i e s , A group of physicians has financed a survey which was made under t h e sponsorship of t h e Miami B a p t i s t Association f o r t h e purpose of determining whether o r not a fundr a i s i n g campaign i n Dade County w i t h i n the next s i x t o twelve months would prove s u c c e s s f u l . The survey was conducted by a well known and r e l i a b l e n a t i o n a l organization, t h e r e s u l t s of which indicate t h a t a minimum of $3,000,000 could be r a i s e d provided t h e proposed h o s p i t a l would be under t h e sponsorship and management of a denomination experienced i n t h e b u i l d i n g and operation o f h o s p i t a l s . A well know c a p i t a l i s t living i n Dade County has indicated h i s w i l l i n g n e s s and d e s i r e t o c o n t r i b u t e $500,000.00 i n cash and t o provide a b u i l d i n g s i t e of 65 acres valued a t $250,000.00 provided t h e Southern B a p t i s t Convention through i t s H o s p i t a l Board w i l l accept t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of buf l d i n g and o p e r a t i n g t h e h o s p i t a l . I n t h e l i g h t of t h e g r e a t need f o r a d d i t i o n a l hospital beds and t h e expressed w i l l i n g ness of people with s u b s t a n t i a l means to finance t h e p r o j e c t , t h e Miami B a p t i s t Association voted t o undertake t o r a i s e a minimum of $3,000,000.00 f o r t h e b u i l d i n g and equipping of a general h o s p i t a l and t o r e q u e s t t h e Southern B a p t i s t Convention through i t s Hospital Board t o accept the ownership and management of the h o s p i t a l . The S t a t e Board of Missions of t h e F l o r i d a B a p t i s t Convention has voted e n t h u s i a s t i c a l l y t o concur i n that request. It i s assunled tM a minimum of t h r e e years w i l l be r e q u i r e d t o conduct a f u n d - r a i s i n g campaign and develop p l a n s for t h e h o s p i t a l building. A t t h e request of t h e Miami Baptist Association and with the approval of the State Board of Missions of t h e F l o r i d a B a p t i s t Convention, t h e following proposal is submitted for t h e c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e Southern B a p t i s t Convention i n s e s s i o n a t Kansas C i t y , Missouri: 1. The Miami B a p t i s t Association, with t h e assistance of f r i e n d s , propose t o furnish free of a l l incumbrances a s u i t a b l e b u i l d i n g s i t e f o r a g e n e r a l h o s p i t a l having a minimum c a p a c i t y of 200 beds and o t h e r r e l a t e d f a c i l i t i e s . 2. To r a i s e a minimum of $3,000,000.00 t o be used i n c o n s t r u c t i n g and equipping a modern h o s p i t a l building. 3. I n t h e event it should be decided t o b u i l d two buildings i n order t o provide more adequately f o r t h e h o s p i t a l needs of t h e people of t h e Miami area, t h e Miami B a p t i s t Association with t h e support of t h e c i t i z e n s of Dade County w i l l provide t h e necessary building sites and the funds f o r c o n s t r u c t i n g and equipping bath h o s p i t a l buildings. 4. Since it has been d e f i n i t e l y e s t a b l i s h e d t h a t i n d i v i d u a l s , corporations, and foundations w i l l not c o n t r i b u t e s u b s t a n t i a l amounts of money toward b u i l d i n g and equipping g e n e r a l hospitals unless such hospitals are t o be owned and operated by groups with demonstrated a b i l i t y t o successf'ully o p e r a t e such h o s p i t a l s , we respectfully r e q u e s t the Southern B a p t i s t Convention t o authorize i t s Hospital Board t o b u i l d and o p e r a t e a h o s p i t a l o r h o s p i t a l s i n t h e Miami area when the people of t h a t area, under t h e l e a d e r s h i p of t h e Miami B a p t i s t Association, have made available t o the Hospital Board a s u i t a b l e s i t e o r s i t e s and s u f f i c i e n t funds with which t o b u i l d and e q u i p a modern h o s p i t a l o r h o s p i t a l s with the understanding t h a t s a i d b u i l d i n g site o r s i t e s w i l l be deeded i n fee simple t o t h e Southern B a p t i s t Hospital, a Louisiana corporation, f r e e o f a l l incumbrances and t h a t funds for b u i l d i n g and equipping the hospital or hospitals are made available t o the Southern B a p t i s t (more) Hospital Board by the people of Miami through t h e Miami B a p t i s t Association, 5. It is f u r t h e r proposed t h a t i f t h e Southern B a p t i s t Convention a u t h o r i z e s i t s Hospital Board t o accept t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of ownership and management of a B a p t i s t h o s p i t a l or h o s p i t a l s in t h e Miami area t h a t t h e people of t h a t area, under the leadership of t h e Miami B a p t i s t Association, will provide adequate funds f o r build+ fngs and equipment s o t h a t no indebtedness will be incurred by the Southern Baptist Convention o r i t s Hospital Board i n accepting such r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s . 6 . This proposal is presented with t h e understanding t h a t it i s to be considered and a c t e d upon by t h e Convention within t h e framework of i t s Business and Financial Plan which requires Convention approval in two s e s s i o n s . R e s p e c t f u l l y submitted, . Southern Bapt f st Convent ion 1956 - at Kansas City, Missouri Office of Press Representative Albert McClellan CHANGES OF COMMITTEE ON BOARDS Arkansas-------------------------Omit James G. Harris D i s t r i c t of C~lumbia-------------Change spelling to E. A . McGriff Lousiana------------------------Add t o new members Clark C. Claire--------Executive Committee--59 920 Ockley Dr. Shreveport , La. Louisiana-------------------------Omit Joel C. Murphy North Correct spelling McCraw, G. Carl Oklahoma-------------------------Correct spelling Nicholson, Robert H. South Carolina----------------- Omit, Mclin, William R . South Carolina---------------"----Add to re-elected members--Adam, Horace G . 851 Kings Street Charleston, S . C. Executive Committee 59 Tennessee------------------------ Omit H. B. Cross Tennessee-------------------------Add to new members Gregg, James Lockeland Baptist Church Nashville, Tennessee Historical Commission--59 Texas----------------------------Add to re-elected membere, Harris, James G. Univ. Bapt. Church Fort Worth, Texas Radio and TV--59 Q C i l t l i n e s f o r Southern B a p t i s t Editors Convent i.on Press Room P h o t o p a p h Pool, 1956 --- Nr?. 88 Among the o l d e c t and youngest messengers t o the Southern B a p t i s t Convention were Mrs. W. J. Moody, 02, from F i r s t Church, L i t t l e Roc , and Johnny Upchurch, 5, whose f a t h e r i s p a s t o r of F i r s t Church, S t r a t f o r d , Tex. -U- --- The arena of the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City was No. 49 scene of Southern Ba2tist Convention sessions. Most of t h e crowd passed through t h i s entrance. - VNo. 89 --- Perhaps the youngest messenger t o the Souther B a p t i s t Convention t h i s year was Johnny Upchurch, 5, of F i r s t Church, S t r a t f o r d , Tex. He's shown with h i s mother, Iqrs. M. E . Upchurch, and h i s f a t h e r is p a s t o r of the church. -0- No. 87 --- Mrs. W. J. Moody, 82, from F i r s t Church, Little Rock, Ark., was one of t h e oldest messengers t o t h e 1956 Convention. -0- No. 2 --- The W.M.U., a u x i l i a r y t o t h e Convention, elected a new p r e s i d e n t f o r the f i r s t time i n 10 years. second from right. She was Mrs. R L. Mathis, of Waco, T e x . , Other o f f i c e r s are Mrs. Wilfred C. Tyler, recording s e c r e t a r y , Blue Mtn., Miss.; Miss A l m a Hunt, Birmingham, e x e c u t i v e s e c r e t a r y , and Miss Levenia Neal, Birmingham, t r e a s u r e r . -0- No. 59 --- The Russian Baptist visiting delegation a t t r a c t e d much a t t e n t i o n . With them a r e two of their U ~ i t e dS t a t e s h o s t s . Prom left, Miss Klaudia Tyrtova, Ruse i a n B a p t i s t youth worker ,: T h o d o r e F. A d ~ m , s ares ident 02 the B a p t i s t World No. 57 --- Alliance; The Convention P r e s i d e n t and First Lady---Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Warren, of C h a r l o t t e , N. C.---are seated while s t a n d i n g behind them is Conrad Willard, Kansas City, Mo., chosen f i r s t vice-president of the Convent ion. CUTLIN'XS FOR RX BAPTIST EDITORS, CONVENT10 ESS ROOM PHOTOGRAF'H POOL, No. 65 ---Convention Officers are seated, from l e f t , Conrad Willard, Kansas City, f i r s t vice-president; President C . C. Warren, Charlotte, N. C.; D. B. S t e n r i s , Meridian, Miss., second vice-president; standing, from l e f t , Secretary Joe W. Burton Nashville; Treasurer Porter Routh, Nashville, and Senior Secretary James W. hlerritt, Gainesville, Ga. - 0No, 69 --- Presidents ' Row: Seated, from l e f t , Theodore F . Adama, Richmond, Va., p r e s i d e n t of B a p t i e t World Alliance and Jakov Zhidkov, p r e s i d e n t , Russian Baptists; standing, Frank Nelson, Racine, Wisc., president, American B a p t i s t Convent ion, and C .C Warren, C h a r l o t t e , N. C . , SBC president. - 0No. 68 --- Roy 0 , McClain, pastcr, First Church, A t l a n t a , autographs book c o n t a i n i n g many of his addresses d e l i v e r e d over the Baptist Hour, production of the SBC Radio and Television Commission. A t right, J. T. Ford, chairman of t h e Commission, and p a s t o r of another Atlanta congregation, Wieuca Road Church. - 0No. 64 --- B a p t i s t s t a t e papers received a t t e n t i o n from Convention messengers who faund them on display i n t h e Convention exhibit area. Southern Baptists p u b l i s h more t h a n 20 s t a t e papers, most of them an a weekly schedule. -0 - Nu. 58 --- Participants In the opening session of t h e Convention Wednesday morning included W . 0 . Vaught, L i t t l e Rock, Ark,, chairman of committee; Secretary Joe W. Burton, Nashville; unidentified messenger; John Raley, p r e s i d e n t , Oklahoma Baptist University; S e c r e t a r y of Evangelism , Leonard Sanderson, Dallas, and Harold G. Sandera, Tallahassee, Fla., chairman, committee on order of business;. -0- No. 60 --- A Southern E a p t i s t greets the Russian B a p t i s t s . Bob Denny, right, youth secretary, B a p t i s t World Alliance, Washington, greets Nikolai Levindanto, vice-president of Russian group; Treasurer I l y a Ivanov, and Secretary Alexander Karev. 1956 a CIEJ,3NES FGR SOUTIIERI? BAFTIST EDTTOZS, COWETE'ION FFESS R9OM PHOTOGRAPH POOS 1956 No. 63 XO. 56 --- The Russian Eapt ist --- The three home miscionaries: delegat ion Indian maidens here are r e a l l y three Southern Baptist Mrs. Marvin Sorrclls, Mrs. William S. Wall, and Mrs. Melvina Roberts. -0- No. 54 ---Southern Baptist agency leaders include, from l e f t , Courts Redford, executive secretary, Home Mission Board; L. 0. Griffith, direc%or of promotion, Home Mission Board; L. S. Sedberry, secretary, Commission on American BapCist Seminary, and R . Alton Reed, executive secretary, Relief and Annuity Board. -(I- No. 4.---Several thousand Southern B a p t i e t ministers a t t e n d e d t h e 26th s e s s i o n of t h e Southern Baptist P a s t o r s ' Conference which preceded t h e annual SBC seaaion. Pastors met i n t h e Music Hall, only a few s t e p s from t h e Convention arena, where the main SBC s e s s i o n convened. -0- ND. 3 ---More than 8800 persons registered as Convention messengers on t h e first day of registration, setting a record, according t o S e c r e t a r y Joe W. Burton, Nashville. Mingling with those registering a r e o t h e r s who attended t h e Pastors' Conference and W.M.U, convention. -0- No. 67 ---"Congratulations !I' says Harold E. Ingraham, Nashville, B a p t i s t Sunday School Board o f f i c e r , a t left, t o James P. Wesberry, Atlanta minister, who was e l e c t e d president of t h e P a s t o r s ' Conference. Ingraham w i l l d i r e c t public relations conferences a t Ridgecrest and G l o r i e t a . -0- No. 62 --- Booth 28 in t h e e x h i b i t hall-where copies of W. M. U., Pastors' Conference, and Convention speeches sold like t h e p r o v e r b i a l hotcakes---was Jammed from morning t o evening with persons eager t o secure t h i s material. -0- More than 30,000 copies of speeches were sold. CL?I'LINES FOR SOUTHEXN BAPTIST EDITOES, CONVENTIO;?: P;IESS ROOM PBOTOGRAPH POOL, 3956 No. 53 --- The Southern Baptist Convention likes to sing and theae are men who l e d it in Kansas C i t y --- Loren Williams and W . Hines Sime, church music department, Baptist Sunday School Board, Nashville, and Organist H, Max Smith, Oklahoma City. -0- No. 55 --- Mr. and Mrs. David Ahn are evidences of our missionary work in Korea. -0- No. 96 --- "Your church cetn move the world through t h e Cooperative Prograxntt signified the missions theme prevalent throughout t h e e n t i r e Convention. The Cooperative Program i s t h e lifeline of missions as Southern Baptists enter 1957, World Missions Year. -0- No. 94 --- Southern Baptists serving as military chaplains meet a need for s p i r i t u a l guldance an t h e part of America's armed forces. Thcee chaplains took part in report of Alfred Carpenter, d i r e c t o r of Chaplains' Commission of SBC Home Mission Board. -0- Cincinnati o r Louisville for 1959 Convention?? These men had more than a passing i n t e r e s t . Duke K. McCal1, l e f t , president of Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, chats with Ray Roberts, Columbus, O . , Ohio s t a t e secretary. Louisville was chosen by the Convention. -0- No. B --- Some of Southern Baptists' finest-youngmen and women appeared on the platform Thursday night during the Foreign Mission Board hour. These are they who w i l l go o u t as missionary appointees around t h e world preaching t h e Gospel under the banner of t h e Convention, -0- No. 93 --- The Conventionts exhibit area, on the f l o o r l e v e l under the big arena, was a popular place with messengers. Many state conventions and agencies had. exhibite and the book store sold its products here. -0- -- * ""9"1,ME: ,,,,,, P;FTERNI;~~NPAPER SOUTHEXIN BAPTIST CONVEWTION 1956 AT KANSAS CITY, MO. OFFICE OF PRESS REPRESEIVI'ATIVE ALBERT MtCIJ2UAN - Facina Our Fiercest Foe Millard J. Berquist Pastor, F i r s t Baptist Church, Tampa, Fla. The maet apt description of the alcoholic beverage t r a f f i c , anywhere to be found, a r e these graphic words from the apostle Peter: "Your adversary, the devf 1, like a roaring lion, p r ~ w l e t habout, seeking whom he may devour," The liquor t r a f f i c i s t h e absolute peraonf i c i a t ion, the very embodiment of Satan himself. Our f i e r c e s t foe is Devilish and Satanic--from s t a r t t o f i n i s h devil-inspired, devil-sustained, and devil-perpetuated. It is devlieh i n its deception, i n its defilement, and i n its destruction, It portrays itself as something highly desirable for r i c h , f u l l , gracious and successPul l i v i n g , You know and I know t h a t it ie t h e very opposite. It serves no good purpose, It brings only disappointment, degradation, defeat, heartache, and heartbreak, It is the only legalized industry i n America t h a t does not portray its finished product. It would not dare t o do so. It would go out of business tomorrow. Moderate and s o c i a l drinkers who are by far i t s most numerous patrons and t h e mainstay of its continued support: would revolt in b i t t e r hatred and disgust. Impressi o n i a t i c children and youth, now being d a i l y brainwashed and exploited and conditioned as future customera, would turn and flee in f e a r and i n t e r r o r , Thfa industry knows this. $0 i n devilish deception it spends 325 million d o l l a r s annually, u t i l i z f ng the finest advertising t a l e n t s and materials, and a l l p o s s i b l e m d i a of communication t o misrepresent its r e a l self. It seek8 t o establish i t s e l f ae something highly respectable and e s s e n t i a l , a s belonging t o the American way of l i f e , as an indispensable industry on a par with any and a l l others, It is uaually the first t o go over its goal i n Community Chest, Y.M. and Y.W.C.A., o r other c i v i c and humanitarian drives, getting much $ought publicity f o r 60 doing and thus buying its way into r e s p e c t a b i l i t y and public acceptance. I n i t s multicolored advertising it presents i t s e l f as the companion and complement of beautff'ul roses, fine horses, feminine loveliness, of God's green earth, of waving f i e l d s of golden grain, of wholesome sports, of beautiful and handsome young people i n love with life-=-yes,even as molders and makers of s t a l w a r t men of d i s t i n c t Ion, ___I Of course it doesn't portray the real picture: It never shows the bedraggled alcohalic, reduced t o l i v i n g death, friendless and penniless, beating a path t o the office doors Of our churches and welfare organizations every day i n the week seeking Juat another dole t o satisfy h i s insatiable craving and to keep h i s poor body and Soul together. It doesn't show t h e unending stream of p i t i a b l e and pathetic humanity passing again and again through t h e municipal courts and c i t y j a i l s i n every wet c i t y i n America, No, it doesn't picture these 4,589,000 confirmed alcoholice, one-time d i s t i n c t i o n who i n varying degrees have became m a of dreadful exttnction. now cast aside by the liquor t r a f f i c , l e f t t o grovel i n t h e g u t t e r , t o p u b they can. They and their pauperized families are now the care of aociety, has transformed 1 men of They're up whatever "Drink " t h e i r s t e p i n t o a stagger, their clothes i n t o rags, their speech i n t o a d i t t y , t h e i r homes i n t o hovels and compels them t o make their grave in potter's field and t h e i r f i n a l rendezvous I n hell." They don't picture the famous Bowery of New York City, with its 70,000 inhabitants, 90 per cent pathetic pieces of human wreckage. I v i s i t e d there once. I n abort space of a few blocks, I saw thousands of men and women groaning and moaning, cursing and fighting, slashed, brui8sed, bludgeoned, bleeding, or passed out, dozing i n doorways, corners, gutters, with old newspapers Bdbr t h e i r bedding, Passersby stepped over them ae they l a y prone across the sidewalk. Police ignored th m. There were t o o many. That's t h e way they lived. When they gaep t h e i r l a s t breath, and l i e stiff and cold f o r a while, they are carried out t o the p o t t e r ' s Facing Our Fiercest Foe 0 f i e l d and there buried. No one cares. The famed Bowery of New York City i s never pictured, nor are smaller replicas of it, skidrows scattered throughout t h e wet clti s, towns, and v i l l a g e s of America. We a r e not t o l d t h a t 40 t o 50 per cent of the casualtiee and f a t a l i t i e s on the e are not t o l d t h a t 80 t o 90 per cent c ? the nation's highways a r e liquor induced. W men and women behind prison bars name liquor as the cause of t h e i r downfall. W e are not t o l d t h a t liquor is the great cause of divorce. But divorce-court Judgea have spoken through Judge Lawrence Speckman of Louisville, who declares: sp he t r u e reason f o r marital trouble is liquor, liquor, liquor. Nbt one case i n one hundred i s f i l e d with drunkenness a s the @ounds f o r divorce, but t h a t ' s the real reason i n 90 per cent of the cases f i l e d , " Is it any wonder we c a l l alcohol our f i e r c e s t foe? Everywhere it leaves i t s destructive b l i g h t , More sickness, suffering and Borrow, more poverty and want, more t h e f t , rape and murder, more insanity, suicides, broken homes, more Juvenile delinquency, illegitimacy, more p o l i t i c a l corruption of every degree, stem from alcohol and the alcohol industry than Fsom anything else. The liquor t r a f f i c is doing more t o hinder and hamper t h e work of our churches than a l l other e v i l s put together. Indeed it is the instrument and the a l l y of most of them. Mahatma Ghandi, the father of the prohibition movement i n India, described the r o l e of alcohol i n India and everywhere e l s e when he said: "India does not c a t e r to the vices of her people, I hold drink t o be more damnable than thieving, yes, even than prostitution. Is it not often t h e parent of both?" And our immediate answer must be "Yes, and of most every other evil t h a t can ever be named." To recognize the foe and t o perceive his fierceness i s one thingt TO do something about it i s another. It's high time we did something decisive about. it, and something disastrous t o it. Too long we have been engaged i n a cold war, and a losing one. Since &940 the number of Americans drinking has increased a t an alarming rate--from 45 million t o 65 million of those f i f t e e n years of age and over, a nearly 50 per cent increase, and representing 65 per cent of the adult population, And a s it was t o be expected, alcoholism has also shown a 50 per cent increase with 250,000 new alcoholics and problem drinkers every year. America has come t o be the alcoholic c a p i t o l of the world with France and Sweden following i n t h a t order. Dr. Andrew C. Ivy, Professor of Physiology and Vice-president of the Universfty of I l l i n o i s , and an outstanding authority on temperance, s t a t e s t h a t one out of nine a r e heavy problem drinkers, and that ~ h o u l dthe present r a t e of increased consumption continue t h a t within ten t o f i f t e e n years t h e r a t i o w i l l be one out of five. So frightening are the f a c t s t h a t other than dry forcea are taking note of it. Pageant magazine i n February carried a devastating a r t i c l e e n t i t l e d "The Big Lie About ~ o m Drinking." e Readers Digest i n April had a revealing a r t i c l e by Quentin Reynolds, "The Uphill Fight Against Alcoholism." But one of the most powerful indictments of alc0h:d and moderate drinking ever t o be penned has just come f'rom the hand of Upton S i n c l a i r , world renowned American author, It is e n t i t l e d "Cup of Fury," and is a vivid portrayal of t h e stark tragedy i n the l i v e s of some seventy-five of his relatives and intimate friends i n the writing profession. Twelve of them were internationally known, Theodore Dreiser, Jack London, S i n c l a i r Lewis, Scott Fitzgerald, O.Henry, Finley Peter Dunne, Eugene Debs, t o name a Pew. Others numbering nearly two score a r e known t o most Americans. Individuals whose lives were cut short; sensitive, creative souls, whose promising careers were blighted, whose premature end came i n delirium trernens, insanity, suicide, or other f r i g h t f u l f i n a l e a11 because of drpnk, I n Upton Sinclair's own words: " A l l of them destroying themselves! I put before the public t h i s tragic record of a half-century of genius twisted and tortured by alcohol, and f ask t h a t it be read with one fact always i n the back of t h e reader's mind--the f a c t t h a t three out o f & w of today's college students are drfnking. I want them t o know the story. I want them t o . see t h a t the chains of the despot a r e easy t o assume when young, but of unimaginable hardness t o break i n later years. I ask i f t h i s is what they want out of l i f e ? " *, Help i n t h i s conflict with the adversary i s coming from other directions, but what a r e we ourselves as Southern Baptists going t o do? Let us consider briefly a threef o l d program of t o t a l abstinence, t o t a l warfare, and t o t a l eradication, - C I I --- - I. TrnAL ABSTINENCE First, we ought unequivocably and unhesitatingly, and u m p a l o g e t ~ c a l l yreenunciate our time-honored and t r a d i t i o n a l position of t o t a l abqtinence. I ' v e had Southern s t a t e d r y leaders say t o me, "My work would be infinite4y e a s i e r , if several hundred thousand Baptist and Methodist and Presbyterian church m&bers would quit their social drinking." I've had dry leaders say t o me, the pastors i n the smaller towns and churches a r e 103 per cent co-operative, but too often the men and the churches i n -more- , - Facing; Our Fiercest Foe * t h e larger centers a r e silent and indifferent and shy off Prom the subject, saying: "We have t o go easy on this issue. We might offend sorueone." I've had laymen and laywomen from various denominational groups t o write me saying: "Please say something t h a t will stir up the pastors t o speak out on t h i s issue o f s o c i a l drinking." I read where Aubrey Hearn says i n h i s book "The Way t o ~obriety'l- he liquor problem is becoming more serious because of the f a c t t h a t many church people are drinking aocially, which often silences the pulpit and the Sunday School against the e v i l s of the l i q u o r t r a f f i c . " God forbid: God have mercy on our souls i f ever' such indictment can be levelled against us, How i n the world can we ever expect t o conquer t h i s t e r r i b l e adversary i f our own people consort with the enemy. And how can our peaple do so and remain a t eaae In Zion if the preacher i a true to h i s calling as a prophet of God, a r e l e n t l e s s foe of Satan, and a champion of t o t a l abstinence. Let Us lovingly, t a c t f u l l y , but decisively, r i d obr leadership r o s t e r of any hnd a l l who are unwilling t o subscribe t o the h i s t o t i d B a p t i s t covenant of t o t a l abstinence. How can t h e deacon and the teacher, the c h u ~ c hand classroom leadership be permitted t o qualify the pulpit, or how can t h e pulpit give an unceytain sound On t h i s most crllcial issue! Let us le4d ouf churchee t o declare, on b u l l e t i n boards, bulletins, i n our publieiLy ahd i n other ways, t h a t all the world may know--"This church teaches, preaches, practices and promotes--total abstinence. " Only God can measure t h e impact it can have upon the life of our community, s t a t e , and nation. Having d e f i n i t e l y positionized oureelvee a s churches and leaders, then l e t us show the logic of our position t o t h e oncoming generation and t o a l l who would give serious heed. Let us show them t h a t the beet friend t h e liquor traffic has i s the moderate, s o c i a l drinker. The way D r . Andrew Ivey has put t h i s cannot possibly be improved upon. Says he: "The use of alcohol beverages and t h e i r consequent e v i l s have been great i n a nation, comuunity and family only when Christian and churches, moat unfortunately, have exerted very l i t t l e influence on the conduct of church members and of the community. After all who is really the cause f o r the evil consequences of alcohol? The seven million o r more heavy, .addicted, chron icdrinkere? No, these miserable victims a r e the worst advertisement possible. Is it the 35 million adult abstainers? Obviously no! Then who could be t h e cause? Surely it must be the 58 million occasional or moderate drinkers who promote the ues of much beverages end mainly support t h e i r manufacture and sale. And half of these a t l e a s t a r e church members. If the increase i n the ravages of alcohol i n our country is t o be halted and revereed, t h e pulpit and the Sunday School must be reconsecrated t o a militant doctrine of t o t a l abstinence," TI, TOTAL WARFARE Yes, and more than that, consecrated t o a m i l i t a n t doctrine of t o t a l warfare. -_L_ -- We must wage unceasing warfare c l g f l r ~ ttte very tbcwkt of moderation. We W e must show t h a t it i s the moderate drinker who i s often invzved l u s t as seriously And furthera s the alcoholic i n tragic accidents, i n crime, i n s i n and iniquity, more we must show t h a t there is absolutely no guarantee t h a t t h e moderate drinker of today w i l l not become the exceseive drlnker of tomorrow. Ia spite of a11 the s t u d i e s t h a t have been made by Yale and others, the very l a t e s t answer as t o who w i l l become a compulsive drinker, and when and how and why is: "We just don't know," Just - three years ago, September 30, 1953, i n t h i s very c i t y one of the most dastardly crimes i n t h e h i s t o r y of our nation took place--the unspeakably cruel kidnapping and slaying of little Bobby Greenlease by CarlAustin Hall and Bonnie Heady. The crime was concocted and executed by liquor-soaked minds. When the sentence was prounced and Mrs. Heady was eent t o die i n gas chambers, U. S. District Attorney Edward L. Schufler said of Mrs. Heady: "Before she started her downhill s l i d e t o crime she was a respected housewife. Just a year ago she waa divorced, Her case should be a lesson t o society. Here we have a broken home and a broken life and what began i n social drinking ended i n tragedy," Should we not insist on people asking themselves t h i s searching question: "Has the drinking of alcoholic beverages contributed so much t o my happiness t h a t I want my child or other children t o take t h e one-in-nine change of becoming an alcoholic?" Is it any wonder t h a t Upton drinking. I w i l l not keep i n my nine people who stoop t o p e t it. harms just one of every 5, 9, o r S i n c l a i r says: "I cast my vote against s o c i a l house a dog t h a t b i t e s one out of every f i v e t o Nor w i l l I sanction alcohol because it dooms or 16 people who drink." W e must wage t o t a l warfare against the idea t h a t alcoholism i s a diaease. Nothing has pleased the liquor crowd more than t h a t sage That - pronouncement. completely absolvea alcohol. The cause then is somewhere else, and where it i a t h e wise one cannot o r w i l l not say. But we know where it is. It's i n t h a t first drink. Alcoholism is a disease. It's a h e l l i s h disease, The prowling lion has crept up and eiezed hold of the helpless victim. It's a different kind of disease (more ) - Facing Our Fiercest Foe * from heart disease, and cancer and tuberculosis with which three it ranks a close fourth as the four top k i l l e r s i n America today. Yes, I t ' s a different diaease. Instead of being b i t t e r l y fought with vaccines and s c a l p e l and potent drugs and s k i l l e d surgery, and unceasing fund d r i v e s as are the first three k i l l e r s , t h i s i a promoted by skillful advertising costing $32~,000,000.00 annually. Yes, it' 8 a different dieease--it f a self *induced, self -imposed, self-contracted, The victim needs a l l our loving compassion and help, but nevertheless God's word doesn't condone it but condemns it when it says: "Neither thieves, nor covetoue, nor drunkards, nor r e v i l e r s , nor extortioners, s h a l l i n h e r i t t h e kingdom of God" ( I Cor. 6:10). A 1 1 credit t o any and a l l individuale, and organizations, and chapkers, who in any way are offering help t o the alcoholic, We ought to encourage them to t h e f'ullest and u t i l i z e their assiFJGance when feasible. Nevertheless, we ought t o remember t h a t i n t h e regenerating power of t h e Lord Jesus Christ we have the only real and abiding and life-transforming cure, and that i n the Christian standard of t o t a l abstinence we have the only sure preventire. We ought to realize, too, t h a t by en aggressive program of evangelism and Christian Education, year I n and year out, we i n our churchee a r e not only salvaging many sick men and women a f f l i c t e d by t h i s dreadful and different disease, but we are aaving millions of f i n e young people from the risks, ravages, and ruinations t h a t a l i f e of drinking might otherwise present. In waging t o t a l warfare we do well t o back t o the utmost the valiant e f f o r t s of our state temperance organizations, and the National Temperance League, t h e l a t t e r so ably headed during the past five years by two of our own met distinguished leaders, f i r s t D r . R. G. Lee and now by Dr. Duke McCal1. These organizations, a t a t e and national, are i n the front line i n holding back the floodtides of alcohol, and they a r e doing it on shamefully limited budgets. They need and deserve much greater support t h a n most of them have received, - Southern Baptists need t o get behind these?, and behind our Christian Life Commission headed by D r . A. C. Miller, and press now for action on the b i l l s before Congrsse concerning li uor advertising and a i r l i n e liquor sales. There's a great 7%deal of "brainwashing t a k i n ~place i n t h e l i v i n g rooms 09 our homes, One l i t t l e girl of f i v e years of age would always say on passing a billboard with a whiskey or beer b o t t l e on it "we don't believe i n t h a t , do we, Daddy?" When t h i s same c h i l d had reached seven and had l i s t e n e d f'requently to appealing announcements on TV about bees--it being so smooth, so velvety, so pleading t o the t a s t e , she said: "Daddy, I think I ' d l i k e t o try I t sometime and see j u s t haw it dots taste." And many t a n-agera who otherwise wouldn't, are doing just t h a t thing. Yet the brewers i n their mast recent journal, deplore the f a c t t h a t they a r e not reaching t h e younger generation rapidly enough. For the first time they a r e r e a l l y afraid t h a t something i e going t o come of the anti-advertising b i l l s . And something will come of them if an aroused church membership i n America. w i l l but make itself heard in no uncertain terms, It is t r u e t h a t the alcohol industry b a l e g a l buainess, but it is alao true that it i s a different business--one that is destructive of much of the finest i n our s o c i a l l i f e , one that has always had an unsavory reputation, needing constant supervision, and one that does not deserve free and unlimited access t o the sacred Precincts of o u r homes. And it can be kept out i f church people take t h e trouble t o demand it now, 111. TOTAL rnAD1CATION - Total abstinence, t o t a l warfare, and f i n a l l y total eradication. If t h e alcohol t r a f f i c is as we have described it, our fiercest foe, and i f we a r e eager t o vote it out of our local communities and keep its false propaganda out of our homes, then there can be only one ultimate objective for us as Christians--total eradication. Dr. Robert Millkien, Nobel prize winner i n physics, once said t o some i n q u i r i n g students a t the California Institute of Technology: "If you want t o i n d i c t t h e intelligence of American public, you cannot do it b e t t e r than t o point out t h a t they spend annually 9 t o 10 billion d o l l a r s for l i q u o r , but only half as much f o r a l l forme of education, less than one-third as much for all kinds of religion , and that 80 f a r as the health and economic well-being of our country is concerned we would be better off if it was all pwred down the drain." - Many of our grandfathers and s p i r i t u a l forbears believed t h a t with all t h e i r soule. They d i d aomethfng about i t . They worked and prayed and fought on the local f'ront u n t i l by 1919 thirty-three s t a t e s had voted dry, and 63 percent of t h e population and 95 percent of the land area of the United S t a t e s had been dried up either by local o r e t a t e laws, An angry public, aroused over the debauching, defiling, del s t r u c t i v e influences of the liquor traffic then went on and made it nationwide i n 1920. We have bean t o l d t h a t it was "put over" on the American public by f a n a t i c a l extremists when the soldiers were overaeaa i n World War I. This is a bold l t e . The armistice was signed November 11, 1918, and t h e men s t a r t e d returning a t once. America was s i c k and t i r e d of booze, America wanted prohibition. America wae ready for it. But our forefathers thought the hard fought victory was won, They took a well-deserved but an (more) Facing Our Fiercest Foe untimely rest from t h e i r strenuous f i e h t , Enforcement of a federal law was strangely l e f t to local a u t h o r i t i e s and courts, The west started i n a t once with a hellish barrage of l i e s and f a l s e propaganda t h a t culmiuated in t h e ringingpresidential b a t t l e c r y of 1932, "the 18th Amendment fs doomed .'I And doomed it was the next Year, Despite the lax enforcement and the other mistakes made, drinking i n America had been reduced a t l e a s t 50 percent from what it hail been i n the ten years preceding prohibition, and by 1936 with repeal in full force it had only climbed t o 70 percent* Prohibition had been d e f i n i t e l y effective. Bwas repealed w i t h the promise t h a t the old-time saloon would never r e t u r n , that gangsters would b e unknown, and bootlW3giW a thing o f the past. Strangely enough a l l a r e back with us i n undiminished number and like the demon i n t h e parable of Jesus, they have returned with seven other demons worse than themselves. We started out by saying that alcohol was of Satan. We close by saying the same. If our t h e s i s is correct, then it must go, and go completely, and go it w i l l if God" people so decree. We are t o l d t h a t the i l l u s t r i o u s Robert E . Lee was approached after the War between the S t a t e s by the infamous promoters of the Louisiana Lottery. He s a t in his ald rocking chair d i t h his crutches at his side listening t o their unbelievable proposition, He asked them t o repeat it t o be sure he heard aright. They said they wanted no money from him, a l l they wanted waB t h e use of h i s name, and for that they would make him rich. General Lee straightened up i n h i s ch&, buttoned his old gray tunic about him and thundered: "Gentlemen, I lost my home in the war. 1 lost my fortune i n the war, I l o s t everything i n t h e war except my name. MY name is not for sale, and if you don't get out of here I'll break this crutch over your heads." The name of Southern Baptists is a t stake. God give to. ue a double measure of t h a t kind of righteousindignation as we crusade as never before, f o r t o t a l abstinence from total warfare against t o t a l eradication of our fiercest foe. A great Methodist dry leader i n one of our Southern S t a t e s recently wrote me saying: "Southern Baptists have the f i n e s t Sunday School and Training Union program i n America. I pray to God t h a t they may also take the lead i n t h e liquor f i g h t . They have the people and the strength t o dry up the whole Southland whenever they choose.'' Qod grant, that we may choose t a begin r i g h t now! Southern BEcptist Convention 1956 - at Kansas city, MO. Office of Press Representative A l b e r t McClellan , - LI RF;ZEASE: Morning papere fii,, June 1 .. OF DIVISION OF PROMOTION, SOUTHERN BAPTIST EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Y, H e , Nashville, ~B&czor of Promotion ana REmCTEb aec5etary Development of an enlarged program of church finance f o r use within the Southern Baptist Convention i s continuing, according t o Merrill D, Moore, director of promotion and associate secretary of the Southern Baptist Executive Committee, The program was approved i n 1955 when the Southern Baptist Convention held i t s annual session i n Miami, Fla. Moore said that a church finance workshop was held i n Nashville, Tennessee, Dec. 10-14, 1955, and t h a t a church finance c l i n i c will be held, a l s o i n Nashville, June 9-13. "Participants i n t h i s clinic," he declared, "will be the executive secretaries i n the t h e i r a s s i s t a n t s i n charge of promotion, the e d i t o r s of Eaptist state papers, heads of Southern Baptist boards and agencies, and members of the Promotion Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. I' states and P i l o t t e s t a of the church finance program w i l l be held this f a l l "in a f e w s e l e c t churches i n each s t a t e " i n the Southern Baptist Convention, he continued. These will be planned by the executive secretaries of the various s t a t e Baptist conventions. Coupled with pilot t e s t s will be c l i n i c s i n church finance i n each of the cities. These c l i n i c s w i l l be open t o a l l l o c a l pastors of Southern Paptist churches and to v i s i t ing ministers taking part i n stewardship revivals a t the same time. Waterials f o r the church finance program are being prepared under direction of the Executive Comittee and will be available t o churches generally i n 1957, according to Moore. Southern Baptists reached a Cooperative Program goal of $34 million during 1955, Moore reported. The goal was s e t i n 1954 but not reached t h a t year, In 1955, the goal was surpassed, with contributions through Cooperative Program reaching $35,705,996. This includes both the Cooperative Program money used t o support educational and missionary work of s t a t e Baptist conventions and that used t o support Southern Paptist Convention boards, agencies, and seminaries, The 1956 goal is $38 million. Moore t o l d the Convention t h a t 1957 will be "World Missions Year" i n the Southern Baptist Convention. Churches around the Convention t h i s f a l l w i l l observe a "world Missions Week. " Memill D. Moore i s director of promotion f o r the Executive Comittee of the SBC. A native of Senatobia, Miss., born Nov. 14, 1904, he m s educated a t Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss., and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky, He has pastored churches i n Missfssfppi, Indiana, Kentucky, Alabama,, and Tennessee. Moore a l s o was president of Tennessee College for Women. He has been a member of the Convention's Relief and Annuity Board, i t s Executive Committee, and its Social Service (now Christian ~ i f e )Commission, Residence and office: Nashville, Tenn. Southern Baptist Convention 1956 - a t Kansas City, MO, Office of B e e s Representative Albert McClellan RE&EASE: Morning ppers &i., June 1 REfGN MISSION BQARD. RICHMOND, V A ~ Sxecutive Secretary I1 Reaponse t o t h e c a l l for mission volunteers is more encouraging than ever before," Dr. Baker Jams Cauthen, executive secretary, said i n presenting the annual report of the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board. "Not only are young people dedicating themselves, but experienced pastors and other workers already established i n posts of service (other than as missionaries) are reconaidering t h e i r personal responsibility and volunteering f o r mission fields. "One hundred and four missionaries were appointed i n 1955. It i s our objective t o appoint a minimum of 125 i n 1.956 and succeeding years. That number should be steadily lncreased as the c a l l of world need i s heard," Cauthen continued. "God i s a t work i n the hearts of Southern Baptists moving toward a vastly enlarged world mission undertaking. The conviction t h a t Southern Baptists must enlarge t h e i r world ministry has continued to deepen during the past year. Money given through the Southers Baptist Convention's Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering f o r foreign missions brought more financial resources t o the Board than i n any previous year i n i t s history. "The resources from t h i s ourselves world mission enterprise can be expanded," he said, " j u s t a s rapidly a s additional i n p r s o n n e l and finances are available. May God grant t h a t we shall go away meeting of the Convention resolved t h a t through the help of t h e Lord we w i l l give t o a world task i n keeping with the expectations of our sovereign Lord:" Southern Baptists had 1,020 foreign missionaries i n active service i n 35 countries and t e r r i t o r i e s of t h e world at the close of 1955. Among them were 392 men, 402 married women, and 226 single women. O f f i c i a l reports from the overseas missions a t the end of 1955 reveal t h a t the 2,250 Baptiat churches related t o Southern Baptist work baptized 24,342 people Last year, bringing the t o t a l membership of the churches t o 236,494. (Hgures from China have not been available since 1949 and are not counted i n the reports.) These churchea were served by 1,541 national and 130 missionary pastors. A t o t a l of 4,677 nationals worked alongside Southern Baptist missionaries i n 1955. Fourteen hundred and twenty-four of the churches a r e self-supporting; a l l of them together contributed the equivalent of $1,582,388 during the year. There was a t o t a l of 3,880 outstations a t the end of the year, most of which w i l l become churches. The 3,209 Sunday schools on mission f i e l d s showed an enrolment of 263,532; the 3,401 youth groups, 101,740; and the 2,861 missionary societies, 62,973. Among the 791 Baptist schools on foreign f i e l d s were 22 theological seminaries with 896 enrolled and eight t r a i n i n a schools with 684 enrolled. Thirteen Baptist hospitals, 10 dispensaries, and 30 c l i n i c s were served by 35 missionary physicians, 54 national physicians, 42 missionary nurses, and LO7 national nurses, These medical u n i t s ministered to a t o t a l of 240,411 patients during 1955. Ten publication plants printed 195,000 Bibles; 483,435 copies of 155 books; 4,034,994 pieces of 307 t r a c t s , and 2,194,537 copies of 128 periodicals, Ten good-will centers enrolled 1,688 children and 797 adults. "Only a small portion of t h e story can be told," Dr. Cauthen said. "The remainder w i l l have to be visualized i n terms of love, devotion, and sacrifice, making possible what has been done .I1 The Foreign Mission Board's t o t a l income f o r 1955 reached an all-time high of $11,108,268, an increase of more than 9 per cent over 1954. Approximately 94 per cent of this t o t a l was used f o r support of missionaries and work conducted abroad, more Report--Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board--page 2 Balrer Jams Cauthen, now serving as executive secretary of the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board, had experience as a Baptist missionary on foreign fields prior t o taking t h a t position, A f t e r serving as a missionary from 1939-45, he became secretary f o r Foreign Mission Board work i n the Orient. In t h a t capacity, he served until 1953 when he became executive secretary. The Board has offices in Richmond, Va., also Cauthenfs home, He is a native of Hulltsville, Tex., born Dec, 20, 1909. He was educated a t Stephen F, Austin Teachers College, Nacogdoches, Tex., Baylor University, FJaco, Tex., and Southwestern Baptist ~heologicalSeminary, - Fort worth, Tex. He was ordained t o t h e Eaptist ministry in 1927 FOR RELEASE: k r n i n g papers Southern Baptist Convention 1956 at Kansas City, hb, Office of Bees Representative Albert l/lcClelhn - Ikiday, June 1 ~m ON THEOLOGICAL EDUCATIONIST ~nurch, Tulsa, Okla. The special committee on theological education recommended conditionally that the Southern Baptist Convention e s t a b l i s h i t s s i x t h seminary, Chaimnan J, W, Storer, who presented the report, said the conditions a r e (1) t h a t a suitable s i t e be found, and (2) t h a t the new seminary be Financed without impairing e x i s t ing activities of t h e Convention, The committee on theological education also recommended t h a t the Southern Baptist Convention take over control and operation of Carver School of Missions and Social Work, Louisville, Ky., or withdraw support, The school i s located next door t o Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and has been operated by the Conventiont s woments auxiliary, the Woman's Missionary Union. The Convent i o n has contributed support t o i t s operation but has not elected i t s directors, Under the committee recommendation, the WMU would get out of the i n s t i t u t i o n business by turning Carver over t o the Convention including the right t o e l e c t trustees, or the WMU would operate Carver without support from the Convention. The committee on theological education also recommended t h a t the Southern Betptist Convention not allocate a per centage of its annual budget t o any agency o r i n s t i t u t i o n f o r . which the Convention does not elect trustees o r directors, Stoxer reporta that the committee asks t o be continued for another year t o determine when the Southern Baptist Convention should establish i t s s i x t h seminary and where t h a t seminary should be located. The committee reported having met once during the year with trustees of Central Bapt i s t Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Kans a seminary a f f i l i a t e d with the American Baptist Convention. However, a large part o f the student body a t Central comes from t h Southern Baptist Convention and many of i t s trustees are Southern Baptists. ,, The discussions with Central trustees ended with the indication they m i @ t be resumed at a later date, The Central trustees were interested i n circlmstances under which the Southern Baptist Convention would give financial aid t o Central Seminary, according t o Storer . The coxmnittee recommended further that t h e Convention s e t a policy o f not undertaking joint ownership, support, and administration of any theological i n s t i t u t i o n with any other Baptist body, A t present the Southern Baptist Convention operates f i v e seminaries--Southern Baptist Theological Seuinary, h u i s v i l l e ; Southwestern Baptlst Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, %x.; Mew Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, La.; Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N. C , and Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Berkeley, Calif, The SBC also operates jointly with the National Baptlst Convention, U, S , A,, Inc., a Negro body, a seminary for Negro students a t Nashville known as the American Baptist Theological Seminary. . J. tJ. Storer, Immediate past president of t h e Southern Baptist Convention and chairman of i t s special cormnittee on theological education, i s pastor of F i r s t Baptiat Church, Tulsa, Okla, He has a wide experience i n service i n Baptist l i f e , pastoring churches also in temessee, Virginia, and Mississippi, Before becoming president of the SBC i n 1953, Storer was president of the Executive Cornittee of the Convention and was the first person ever elected t o both posts i n Convention history. He served on many convention. boards and trustee of many colleges. He i s a native 2 Burlington, Kans. born Dec. I, 1884. ," NOTE: Since Storer prepared the committee report, and since the time the connittee met with Central Seminary o f f i c i a l s , t h a t seminary has decided t o completely a l i g n itself wi$b the American Baptist Convention, Nine Southern Baptists serving as Central Seminary trustees resigned t h e i r positions as such. - 30- Southern Baptist Convention 1956 a t Kansas City, MO. Office of Press Representative - RELEASE: Mternoon gapers Ri., June 1 Albert McClellan REPORT OF SOU'EBIW BAPTIST FOUNDATIONI NASHVILU, TENN, wcretary, T. L, Holcomr, Executive Secretary T. L, Holcomb of the Southern Baptist Found&ion has announced h i s retirement from the Ebundation effective June 1, He reported he plans t o become associate pastor of Zahwood Baptist Church, &Was, Tex,, where his son, Luther Holcomb, i s pastor, Holcomb became executive secretary of the Foundation June 1, 1953, a f t e r r e t i r i n g as executive secretary of the Baptist Sunday School Board i n Nashville, Tenn. This i s h i s 21st am& report t o the Southern Baptist Convention f o r an agency of the Convention, He made reports for the Sunday School Board f o r 18 years and f o r the past three, made them for the Foundation, In addition, i n 1934, he preached the annual Convention sermon, This was the year before he went t o the Sunday School Board, "The year 1955, I' f o r which Holcomb is reporting, "was marked by the steady promess, I' he said, The Foundation entered its 10th anniversary ~ear--l956--with "a record. of accuracy, promptness, and Christian courtesy. I' The future, according t o Holcomb, "grows brighter and more promising." Nearly every other agency and i n s t i t u t i o n of the Southern Baptist Convention has placed t r u s t f'unds with the Foundation t o be invested, Total assets of the Foundation on Dec. 31, 195.5, were $1,873,069. There a l s o a r e many individual accounts. (since k c . 31, when the year ended on which t h i s report i s based, the Foundation has received additional t r u s t funds from SBC agencies and schools. This enabled it t o surpass i t s 10th anniversary goal of $2 million i n t o t a l assets. ) Holcomb said it was "fortunate" the 10-year growth of the Foundation has been gradual. "It takes time Por an organization handling the l i f e savings of people to prove i t s i n t e g r i t y of purpose and performance, \Je are glad t o report t h a t nothing has occurred since the Foundation was authorized by the Southern Baptist Convention ( i n 1946) t h a t would r e t l e c t unfavorably, " A "very successful" conference was held in Nashville last "The Ministry o f Baptist Foundations, " Holcomb declared. Many of h p t i s t foundations located i n state conventions affiliated then, The conference helped foundation o f f i c e r s f e e l they are Christian team, T o December under the theme of the executive secretaries with the SBC were present "members of a great L. Holcomb joined the Southern Baptist Foundation as i t s executive secretary June 1953. Prior t o %hathe was f o r 18 years the executive secretary of the Baptist Sunday School Bard, a l s o located i n Nashville, Tenn. Born h r v i s , Miss., Dec, 22, 1882, Holcomb 1, Miss., and a t Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Other denominational experience includes pastorates i n Mississippi, Kentucky, Texas, and Oklahoma; member of Executive Committee of the SBC, and secretary of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. He was ordained t o the Baptist mlnistry i n 1904 and has spoken on many occasions t o Baptist groups a t s m e r assemblies, was educated a t Mississippi College, Clinton, . FOR RELEASE: Afternoon papers fiiday, June 1 Southern Baptist Convention 1956 at ~ansascity, W. Office of Press Representative Albert McClelLan - An increase i n E a p t i s t growth goes hand in hand with increased circulation of Baptist state newspapers, according t o B, J o Murrie, chairman of the committee on Baptist s t a t e ppers r "Increase i n membership, baptisms, finance, and Baptist work was i n d i r e c t prop4rtion t o the circulation of these Baptist papers, " he said, "When the ctrculation declined or the pagers were discontinued, the denomhat ion 10s t i n baptisms, membership, and churches. " "Southern Baptists began t o have t h e i r greatest growth i n numbers, finance, and i n a11 areas of work a f t e r the Convention appointed a committee on Baptist state paper circulation and had the late George W. Truekt (pastor of F i r s t Baptist Church, Dallas, Tex.) t o speak for the papers a t the Baltimore Convention i n 1940,I' Mmrie declared. Circulation of a l l Baptist s t a t e newspapers then was 192,000; it is near 1,250,000 IloW, "The papers," Murrie stated, "do not claim t h a t these gains are solely responsible t o the increased circulation, The paprs have been the medium through which publicity i n evangelism, increased Sunday school enrolment, stewardship, and a11 Southern B p t i s t emphases has been carried." The papers operate on two principles generally--(l) t h a t a democracy pxogresaea in proportion t o its, Informed membership f o r arriving a t i n t e l l i g e n t conclusions, and (2) that the papers are the real voice and the recorded action of the denomination rather than the directive of a minority group speaking t o the majority, "Faith, as d i s t i n c t l y held i n Bible teachings and as h i s t o r i c a l l y believed and pract i c e d by Baptists a f f i l i a t e d w i t h the Southern Baptist Convention, i s t h e unifying force , .&ptist history through the ages shows t h a t when groups went i n of the state papers. sepwate directions they were led and influenced by some Baptist paper, State papers staying together on the f a i t h axe uniting Baptists i n facts which are revealed i n stat i s t i c a l records, If according t o h r r i e . . Management of the Baptist papers i n most states is similar, As a whole, they are the official organs of the various s t a t e Ehptist conventions, directed by a l i t e r a t u r e c m i t t e e or board of directors elected by and responsible t o the state conventions, "Every church and individual Baptist i s a shareholder i n the state paper," he said. The l o c a l papers meet needs within individual states and a t t h e same time alao spur the general life of t h e Southern Baptist Convention, There are two safeguards on the part oi these papers, The first, on the side of t h e i r editors, "is the freedom of the press and the r i g h t t o constructive criticism." For the people, it i s the right t o use the paper t o promote the particular phase of work they are interested in. "The freedom of thought and speech, with diversity of opinion, through the state papers, has brought Southern Baptists t o the greatest unity i n the history of any large democracy, " Mtxmie stated. The committee chairman declared t h a t the change i n promotion of the papers ?3mm an individual subscriber basis t o the wholesale church plan (whereby the church budgets t h e paper each year f o r every family i n its membership) was the beginning of the greatest advancement i n the history of the Southern Baptist Convention, he said. It was the changing point in 150 yeaxs of Baptist journalism i n the United States. Problems confronting the papers have to do with size of the Southern Baptist Convent i o n and the r i s i n g cost of newspaper production. The Convention is maring, yet at the time when state papers need t o grow with it, there i s the r i s i n g cost of putting out the papers . more page 2--Report of Committee on Baptist State Papers Murrie recommended t h a t the committee on Ehptist state papers be merged with that on Baptist state papers circulation camraign, of which Louie D. Hewton is chairman. (see report of committee on Baptist state papers circulation campsign, ) Such a combining of the committees will reduce duplication and t h e on the annual SBC promam and in the Conventionts Annual, its yearbook, Mwrie also reconmsended wider adoption of the every family plan under which churches budget the paper for every family in their membership. B. J. Murrie, who is chairman of the committee on Baptist state papers, is editor of the Illinois Baptist, weekly publication of Southern Baptists in Illinois. It is publiahed at Carbondale. Murrie was born Nov. 25, 1900 at Vienna, Ill., and educated at Ewing College and Southern Baptist Seminary. He came to the editorship of the Illinoia paper i n 1940 after being pastor in East St, Louis, 111, He a l s o held other pastorates in Illinois and Kentucb. He has been member and officer of a number of denominational boards. Southern Baptist Convention 1956 - at Kansas city, W. Office of Press Representative Albert McClellan - - REPORT OF SBC COWITTEE ON MIST FDR RELJWE: Afternoon papers Biday, June 1 SWTE PAPERS CIRCULATION C A M P A I G ~ u. Newton, Atlanta, Ga. The Southern h p t i s t Convention has been asked by the committee on Baptist state papers circulation campaign t o merge that connnittee with the SBC committee on Baptist state WPrs . Louie D o Newton, Atlanta, Ga,, minister who is chairman of the circulation committee, joined B, 5 . Murrie, who reported f o r the state papers committee, i n making t h i s recommendation. (See report of Baptist state papers committee. ) Newton described the work of the c i r c u l a t i o n committee as a "Thrilling undertaking" since it was created in 1940 to promote reading of t h e now more than 20 state Baptist papers published within the Southern Baptist Convention, most of them on a weekly basis. Newton urged the 30,377 churches in the Convention t o place the Baptist state papers in their annual budgets t o be delivered t o every family in the churches1 memberships. Many churches already follow this procedure, Louie D, Nefion, who was president of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1947 and 1948 and has served since as chairman of several Convention committees, was born in Screven County, Ga., April 27, 1892. He was educated at Mercer University, Macon, Ga., and a t Columbia University. E:cperience has included serving as professor of history a t Mercer, editor of the Christian fnde,:, state weekly Baptist newspaper for Georgia, and as member of numerous groups and committees. He served a term as associate secretary of the Baptist World Alliance. Since 1929, he has been pastor of h u i d Hills Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga. REZEASE: Af'ternwn papers h i d a y , June 1 Southern Baptist Convention 1956 a t Kansas City, MO. Office of Press Representative Albert McClellan - alla as, Tex., Field Secretary Some p a r t of the Bible has been published i n 1092 languages and dialects, Thomas T. Holloway, Dallas, f i e l d secretary of the American Bible Scoiety reported t o the annual Southern Baptist Convention. This i s eight more languages than were included i n the l a s t report of the American Bible Society, he said. The e n t i r e Bible has been published i n 207 languages and d i a l e c t s ; the e n t i r e New Teetament i n 265, and a t least one e n t i r e book of the Bible i n the remainder. During the l a s t year, the American Bible Society has provided t r a n s l a t i o n s f o r people in Northern Rhodesia, Belgian Congo, Angola, Sudan, Bum, Guatemala, Nigeria, Papua, ]French Equatorial Africa, Mexico, the Philippines, New Guinea, and Dahomey (west Africa). There are some 80 languages, according to Holloway, i n which short passages o r collections of passages have been published, but i n which no complete book of the Bible has appeared. A New Testament has been produced i n Portugese Rraille. I n seven large volumes, it A number of copies are being sent t o Fkazil f o r use among the blind there. The Society also has recorded a small volume of Scripture passages from both O l d and New Testaments on talking book records f o r those Portugese-speaking blind persons who are unable t o read with t h e i r f i n g e r t i p s . came off t h e press only recently. Scriptures for the blind have been made available i n 41 languages during the 120 years the American Bible Society has served t h i s handicapped group, the f i e l d secretary reported. For the 18th year, the Society i s engaging i n an annual d i s t r i b u t i o n of Bible reading seals. The seals t h i s year are i n blue and orange. They dramatize, according t o Holloway, the basic purpose of the Society which i s t o encourage a wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures, Among planned Bible-reading programs reported to the Society i s one which was announced by prisoners serving terns a t Western State Penitentiary, Pittsburgh, Pa. The pxfeoners planned the Bible-reading crusade themselves and d i s t r i b u t e d several hundred daily reading bookmarks furnished by the Society. Thomas T, Holloway, f i e l d secretary f o r the American Bible Society in Dallas, Tex., is a native of Dallas. He was born there July 30, 1904, He is a graduate of Southern Methodist University, Binceton Theological Seminary and Princeton University. He was ordrzined into the ministry a t F i r s t Ebptist Church, Dallas, i n 1933. I n Southern Baptist dellominational work, Holloway has been h p t i s t minister f o r college students i n Dallas and a d i r e c t o r of tours f o r Baptist students t o the student r e t r e a t a t Ridgecrest, N. C, Since 1942, he has been with the American Bible Society as a f i e l d secretary, FOR REUASE: Afternoon papers Friday, June 1 Southern Baptist Convention 1956 a t Kansas City, ~IO. Office of Press Representative Albert Mc Clellan - (FEPoI~ OF C&PIAIMS' COMMISSION OF SOUTHERN BAPTIST HOME MISSION BOARD/ By Alfred Carpenter, Director, Atlanta, a. 7 Southern Baptists have 430 ministers serving on active duty as chaplains i n various branches of the service and the veterans administration. This f i l l s the quota8 for activeduty Southern Baptist men i n a l l branches. Alfred Carpenter, d i r e c t o r - o f the Chaplains' Comission, reported there are openings f o r Southern Baptists t o serve in reserve capacities i n the army, navy, air force, V. A., and i n the c i v i l a i r patrol. Southern Baptist chaplains have organized Sunday schools and Baptist Training Unions, a s well as summer Vacation Bible schools, i n many cases, A booklet, The New Life, has been published t o aid chaplains i n teaching d i s t i n c t i v e Baptist beliefs. The denomination's chaplains also have taken p a r t i n evangelistic crusades, Chaplains i n a l l branches reported numbers of servicemen making professions of faith i n Christ. The Southern k p t i s t chaplains a l s o t r u e i n places where there i s no Baptist of men with him, are establishing a laan Fort Worth, Tex., t o educate ministerial organize B~ptistwork, have mission op~ortunities. This is especiaUy work, An Army chaplain i n Alaska, and a group f b d a t Southwestern h p t i s t Theological Seminary, students from Alaska who plan return there t o Another chaplain and group of men i n tlie A i r Force gave $4000 t o Southern Baptist mission ~rorkduring a year la time. An organization known as the chaplains and ministers on active Southern k p t i s t Convention. Its help Southern Baptists keep alert ministry. Southern Baptist Chaplains' Association includes former duty. It meets annually during the session of the purpose i s t o promote fellowship among chaplains and t o t o the s p i r i t u a l needs within t h i s s w c i a l type of During the year, the Chaplains' Comission employed George W. Cumins as associate director t o enlarge the scope and effectiveness of t h i s commissionls service t o the Southern Baptist chaplains. Director of the Chaplains Commission of the SBC Home Mission Board is ALfred Carpenter, a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Tex, In addition to pastorates i n Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma, he served f o r three years as superintendent of missions i n Panama and l a t e r was with the Home Msssion b a r d within the United States. I n 1945, Carpenter was on a special military mission, travelling around the world viewing work of chaplains. A s a r e s u l t of t h i s and other government missions, he was awarded, i n 1947, the Presidential citation, "Medal for k r i t I' The Chaplains Commission has off ices i n Atlanta, Ga, . FOR FWUAW,: Afternoon 'papers Biday, June 1 Southern Baptist Convention 1956 - a t Kansas City, W. Office of Press Representative Albert McClellan > G p o ~ i o mLIEF F AND By ~ x e v - mwIm mum OF sBc i ~ a a*~e , The year 1955 has been one of the most successful years of the Southern Elaptis* Relief and Annuity Board, the annual report af i t s executive secretary declared. R. Alton Reed said a s s e t s of the agency a t t h e close of 1955 were over $42 million. He expected a s s e t s t o increase another $8 million during the current year. 1955 marked the inaugurettioli of new retirement and annuity plans. These plans benefit, i n addition t o ministers, other persons i n denominational work. This especially p r t a i n s t o persons employed by various denominational boards and agencies. During the year, the Relief and Annuity Board also surveyed the need f o r a hospitalization insurance program f o r the more than 22,000 ministers of Southern Baptist churches. A samplin8 of 1500 ministers--including various salary levels, ages, and size churches-was taken. I n addition t o asking them about hospital insurance, the Board also asked their i n t e r e s t s i n a ministerst g o u p insurance plan and a systematic monthly savings plan. There were 1129 replies. 66 per cent already had hospitalization coverage, but 4-6 per cent said they would be interested i n a hospital plan sponsored by the R&A Board. 73* per cent were interested i n taking part in a group insurance plan and 53 per cent i n the systematic savings plan, ( ~ o t et o editors: A t the t h e thF! formal> printed report was prepared, Reed anticipated additional information to develop i n time t o be added t o h i s oral report t o the Convention.) The plan t o have group insurance was t o be considered by the Board's executive commit t e e prior t o t h e date of the Southern Baptist Convention but a f t e r the printed report had been prepared. fill effects of the government's offering social security coverage t o ministers has not been felt yet, Reed said. However, he reported that some Bapti~tministers camelled t h e i r denominational retirement participation a f t e r going on s o c i a l security coverage. The R&A Board takes the position that ~ o c i a lsecurity does not replace the denomination's program but supplements it. Reed said there i s a large number of people who a r e e l i g i b l e f o r participation i n Southern Baptist retirement plans who a r e not taking part. An e f f o r t i s being made t o i n t e r e s t these people i n the plans. Two associate secretaries joined the staff of t h e Board during 1955, They are L. Taylor Daniel, who is i n charge of g i f t annuities and r e l i e f , and F'loyd B. Chaffin, who is director of public relations. R. Alton Reed became executive secretary of t h e Relief and Annuity Board of the Southern Baptist Convention l a s t year. Before taking t h i s ~ o s i t i o n , he served the Board i n a public relations capacity. He i s a native of Henderson, Tex,, born June 4, 1906. Following education a t Baylor University, Waco, Tex., and a t Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., Reed became chief announcer and continuity sunervisor f o r 3-$ years f o r Station KRLD, Dallas, Tex. He a l s o has been pastor of several Texas churches. In 194.7 he became director of public relations and radio for the Baptist General Convention of Texas, serving u n t i l 1953 when he joined the R&A Board. He i s credited with an idea which resulted i n Voice of America broadcasts t e l l i n g about freedom of worship i n America, Southern Baptist Convention 1956 - at Kansas city, MO. Office of Press Representative Albert McCle l l a n REXZASl?,: Afternoon papers F Y I * , June 1 By ~ e o r ~W,e Schroeder, Memphis, Executive Secretary "The year just past was one of the most outstanding years of advance i n the history of the Brotherhood Commission,'' George W, Schroeder, Commission executive secretary, told the Southern Baptist Convention. He said there was a 5.8 per cent gain i n membership i n the Brotherhood organizations i n 9,625 churches i n the Southern Baptist Convention. Membership reached 289,307 in 1955. "During the past year the Brotherhood Commission reached a milestone i n the quarterly circulation of i t s major publication, The Brotherhood Journal, " he continued. Fbr the first time, i t s circulation went past 100,000 and had reached 110,000. Psogress is continuing i n transferring r e s w n s i b i l i t y f o r Royal Ambassasor work from This i s t o be completed by the end of 1957. the Woman's Missionary Union t o the Brotherhood Commission. The RA's a r e a boys' organization which has chapters i n individual churches. under the WMU, they w i l l be under the men's group a f t e r next year. 3brmerl.y "The future work of the Royal Ambassador endeavor among our men looks promising. The men (of the rot her hood) are assuming t h e i r responsibilities among the boys I n a most telling and effective way," Schroeder declared. He predicted a record increase and growth of the RA movement in the next decade. The layman's group is planning for a National Conference of Southern Baptiet Men t o meet i n Oklahoma City Sept. 18-20, 1957. From 8,000 t o 10,000 men a r e expected there, "The program f o r t h l s Conference," according t o Schroeder, "is b u i l t around our denomjnational work and dramatized i n such a way that these thousands of men w i l l be sent home with t h e i r hearts on f i r e f o r the work of the Lord as Southern Baptists are projecting it around the world. " 1957 i s the 50th anniversary year of the Brotherhood, During 1956, the Commission was t o sponsor two mission tours by laymen into Mexico. One was held i n the Spring and another w i l l go i n the Fall. They are in conjunction with the Foreign Mission Board, with the men paying t h e i r own ways and v i s i t i n g SBC mission work there. The Comission hopes 1956 w i l l mark the time when the first unit of its long-range building program will be completed. "We need t o enlarge the physical equipment of the Brotherhaod Commission o f f i c e s ( i n ~emphis)t o better enable the Commission t o discharge i t s obligations t o the Convention as well as t o the men belonging t o church Brotherhood organizations across the Co~vention,"Schroeder said, Staff increases are needed, too, he added. he future of the Brotherhood mrk i n the Southern Baptist Convention i s most encouraging and has enonnous p o ~ s i b i l i t i e s , ~he' said. The Comission said the Convention should consider giving it a "substantial a ~ ~ ~ ~ of unt" funds for capital expansion in forthcoming budgets "which will enable the Brotherhood Comission to solve its housing problem. l1 Executive Secretary of the Brotherhood Commission, Gforge W. Schroeder has office and residence a t Memphis, Tenn. He i s a native of Pfnckneyville, Ill., born Oct. 28, 1913. He received bachelor's and master's degrees from Southern I l l i n o i s University. Schroeder was Brotherhood secretary f o r I l l i n o i s Southern Ehptists and associate secretary of the SBC Brotherhood Comission before being promoted t o h i s present position. He is active Baptist layman and has served as teacher and superintendent o f Eaptist Sunday schools. FiELEAGE: Afternoon papers ~ i .June , 1 Southern Baptist Convention 1956 at m a s City, MO. Office of 'Press Representative Albert McClellan - ,. </REPORT OF SBC COMMJTTEX ON DENOMINATIONAL CALENDAR > By Chairman Albert~ 1 1 - The Southern Baptist Convention today approved a calendar for 1957 that had been submitted by the Convention's cornittee on denominational calendar. The calendar providee a special emphasis on world missions, since as 'World Missions Year" among Southern b p t i s t s . 1957 is to be known Albert McCleJJan, director of publications for the SBC Executive Comittee, and the Convention's press representative, served as c h a i m n of this committee, The calendar fallows: PROPOmD CALeNDAR mR 1957 A suggested Guide or Co-ordinated Denominational Activities and Emphasis (special emphasis fox a given month are printed first, followed by specific a c t i v i t i e s to be observed during that month, ) WORLP MISSIONS YEAR--1957 January Church Schoola of Missions ----Special Bible Study Week, January 7-11 (name of book to be added later) W.M.S. Focus Week, January 13-18 February The Theological Seminaries and Carver School of Missions and Social Work - " - w e hptist World Alliance Sunday, February 3 Y ,W ;A, Focus Week, February 10-16 March Home Missions ----.. Week of Rayer for Home Iassions and Annie Amnstmng Offering*, b r c h 4-8 Tkafning Union Study Courses (avoiding Week of prayer) Home and Foreign Missions Day in the Sunday School and Offering*, March W.M;U, 31 April Christian Education Chr5stian Literature and Church Libraries -*--- Youth Week, April 7-14 Jewish Fellowship Week, April 22-28 WY Hospital Miniskry and Nurse Recruit- ment ----- Christian Home Week, May 5-12 G.A. Focus Week, May 12-17 W.M.U. Annual Meeting, May 26-28 Southern Baptist Convention, May 29 to June I, Chicago, Illinois more Report of Committee on Denominatioml Calendar--mge 2 June Relief and Annuity Board (and Offering for the Relief and Aged Ministers*) - 9 - m - Life Commitment to Christian Service Day, June 16 Vacation Bible Schools Assemblies: Ridgecrest and Glorieta July Assemblies: Ridgecrest and Glorieta August Assemblies: Ridgecrest and Glorfeta Sunbeam Focus Week, August 11-17 Off-to-College Day September Church Music Foundations: State Southern Baptist and ""--- Associatiom1 Sunday School Planning Meetings, September 10 Training Union Planning Meetings (or fn October or November) W.M.U. Ssason of Prayer for State Miss ions and Offering (as promoted by the state W,MDU. "s) Student Join-the-Church Day (sunday following college opening) National Conference of Southern Baptist Men (sponsored by the Brotherhood Commission), Oklahoma City, September 18-20 Sunday School Preparation Week in the Churches, September 22-29 October Cooperative Program Assaciational Mission Rallies Sunday School Training Courses -I)--- Layman's Day, October 13 State Mission Day in the Sunday School and Offering, October 27 (as promoted by the states) World Missions Week, October 27 to November 3 (or nearest convenient date) November State Papers and Missionary Magazines ----- Enlistment Day and Every-Member Canvass, November 3 (or nearest convenient Sunday) R.A. Focus Week, November 3-9 Orphanage Day and Offering (as promoted by the states) more Report of Committee on Denominational Calendar--page 3 December Foreign Missions *""W". W.M.U. Week of Prayer for Foreign Missions and L o t t i e Moon Christmas Offering*, December 2-6 Waining Union "M" Night, December 2 Student N i g h t a t Christmas, December 29 YChe~ieofferings have been approved by the Southern Baptist Convention. NOTI?,--At some time during the year, emphasize the serviceto a l l types of Southern Eaptiat work, a t home and abroad, which the American Bible Society renders by supplying the Scriptures, without profit and usually below cost, and explain its need for contributions from the churches. Respectfully submitted, Albert McCleUan, Chairman Clifton 3. Allen Milo B. Arbuckle B. L. Bridges h k e r James Cauthen Wayne Dehoney Arthur A. Dulaney W, L, Howse Alma Hunt G. Kearnie Keegan John Maguire Merrill D. Moore Courts Redford R. Alton Reed James M. Sapp J. FJ. Storer h a n k Tripp C. C. Warren