Woodbridge/Bethany - Our Lady of the Assumption Church
Woodbridge/Bethany - Our Lady of the Assumption Church
CHURCH Of OUR LADY Of the ASSUMPTION Woodbridge/Bethany RECTORY: 81 Center Road 387-7119 Fax: 387-4281 Website: www.assumptionchurch.com PASTOR: Reverend Gene E. Gianelli VISITING PRIESTS: Reverend Robert J. Lord Reverend Stephen Krugel PERMANENT DEACON: Mr. William Sayles PERMANENT DEACON EMERITUS: Mr. John Conte PARISH SECRETARY Mrs. Denise Herbert 387-7119 DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS MUSIC: Dr. Keith Smolinski 389-1712 DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Dr. Keith Smolinski 389-1712 COORDINATOR, VIGIL ENSEMBLE: Mr. Stephen St. George DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sister Dorellen Sullivan, R.S.M. 389-9863 Center Rd. Classrooms 397-5250 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SECRETARY: Mrs. Christine Silvestri PARISH TRUSTEES: Mrs. Joyce Thomson Mr. Andrew Esposito PASTORAL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Mr. Carlos Alvarez FINANCE COUNCIL CONVENER: Mr. Bruce Marien YOUTH GROUP MINISTER: Jonathan Galo Weekend Liturgy Mother Church (Litchfield Tpke./Rte. 69) Sunday, 8:00 AM Church (75 Center Road) Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM Reconciliation: Saturday 9:00AM Celebration of Sacrament of Baptism: First & Third Sunday of the Month 12:30 PM Priesthood: Office of Vocations www.vocationshartford.org OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION WOODBRIDGE, CT Sanctuary Lamps. . . . SATURDAY, JUNE 2 (Saint Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs) 5:00PM ADELAIDE COZZI (DeNegre Family) SUNDAY, JUNE 3 (The Most Holy Trinity) 8:00 AM ELEANOR & WILLIAM SANDERS (Sheehy Family) 9:30 AM HAROLD JORDAN (Wife, Rita) 11:30 AM MARIA FERRANTE, SEBASTIANO CONCIATORI, CATARINA FERRANTE, SANTINA FERRANTE (Laura Ferrante-Fernandes) MONDAY, JUNE 4 9:00 AM ELISA & DANTE GAUDIO (Family) TUESDAY, JUNE 5 (Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr) 9:00 AM ALYCE & GUSTAR SODERSTROM (Saleh family) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 (Saint Norbert, Bishop) 9:00 AM MARY ZURAN (Bob Daly) THURSDAY, JUNE 7 9:00 AM NO MASS FRIDAY, JUNE 8 9:00AM ERIC, GLADYS & CHARLES LEBLANC (Brown Family) SATURDAY, JUNE 9 (Saint Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor of the Church) 8:30 AM 5:00PM SUNDAY, 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM VICENTE BATIANCILA (Wife, Thelma & family) DECEASED MEMBERS OF STINCER FAMILY (Sarita Docal & Family) JUNE 10 (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH LOUIS MALAFRONTE SR. (Malafronte family) PETER CARRANO (Diane & Vin Carrano) Prayers are asked for the sick of the parish: Allene Kelly, Jan Ciccarelli, Lisa Santoro, Dottie Malerba, DP Demilo. Raymond Gabrielle, Jill Ellis, Sarita Docal, Irene Yurczyk, Florian (Frank) Sellings, Donald & Kathleen Sorensen, Cornelious Smith, Anthony Panico, Kevin Healy, Shirley Varmette, Mary Ann Rizzuto, Chris Rish, Mary Pavlinko, Jesse Critelli, Dwight Munson, David Massey, Mary Borland Collins, Frank Martin, Rocco Campanelli, Lori Cleveland, Helen North, Lori Warner, Anthony Anastasio Sr., Robert Williams Jr., Danny Pagliaro, Mary Lyons, Wayne Teto, Michele Kaczur, John O’Connell, Anne & Anthony Anastasio Jr., Mary Tencza, Carole DaVia, Sandy Stone, Helen Havens, Barbara Kaczur, Linda Candella, Nicholas Philip Laudano, Kristin Marie D’Amico, Benedict Fraccola IV, John Mahor Sr., Sharon Mallico, Rebecca Rodriguez, Joe Carrano, Victor DeCarlo, Brett Bunnell, Suzette Bunnell, David Luciani, Margaret DeCarlo, John & Ruth Breslin, Andrew Mongillo, Theresa DeLucia, Patricia Hunt, Mary Ellen Martino, Brian Kelley, Ralph Monaco, Rosemary Festa, Pat DeLuca, Jeanette Musto. All are asked to pray for this faith community that we might with enthusiasm and goodness “grow from strength to strength.” FOR THE GREATER GLORY AND HONOR OF GOD THE SANCTUARY LAMP AT THE CENTER ROAD CHURCH burns this week In Memory of Alphonse Panico requested by Camille Mattie. FOR THE GREATER GLORY AND HONOR OF GOD THE SANCTUARY LAMP AT THE MOTHER CHURCH Burns this week in Memory of Dolores Pavlovitch requested by Ann & Dorothy. Readings for the Week of June 3, 2012 Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:1620 Monday: 2 Pt 1:2-7/Mk 12:1-12 Tuesday: 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18/Mk 12:13-17 Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12/Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: 2 Tm 2:8-15/Mk 12:28-34 Friday: 2 Tm 3:10-17/Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:1-8/Mk 12:38-44 Next Sunday: Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 IN LOVING MEMORY The Parish Family of Our Lady of the Assumption express sympathy, prayers and support to the family, friends and loved ones of John Longobardi, Roland Jeffrey Lizotte, Patricia K. Brozek in their recent loss. Let us remember in prayers our relatives and friends who are presently serving on active duty in our armed forces. Pfc. J. Adams, Rebecca Soufrine, Emily O’Hara, Jonathan Sanchez, Alice Mary & Eric Trivette, Meara O’ Hara, Brendan Tyma, Zachary Simpson, Richard L. Parcella, Daniel Ireland, Jack Bennett, Douglas G. Traumer, Jon Farwell, Sergeant Brian Streit, Ryan Rausch, Mary O’Connell. Parishioners are invited to add the names of any armed forces personnel on active duty. To include a name on this list call Denise in the rectory at 387-7119. ǨǨ The Choir will be singing at different masses in June. This is an effort to boost fall recruitment and to share their ministry with the Parish. The schedule is 5:00PM on June 10th. Any interest in joining, please contact Keith. Rehearsals for the Fall will be on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM. THE MOST HOLY TRINITY We welcome to God’s family through the Sacrament of Baptism MARCELLO MATTEO MASUCCI, son of Giovanni Masucci & Mena Bonazzoli. We rejoice with his parents and offer our prayers of support as they begin the awesome task of raising their son in the Catholic faith. Expectant parents who wish to have their child baptized are asked to call the rectory at 387-7119 to prepare properly for this joyous celebration. Attendance at the pre-baptismal program conducted by the parish staff is required. The Archdiocese of Hartford mandates this program prior to baptism. Deacon William Sayles will host these one-hour sessions held in the Gonzalo Docal Conference room at 7:15PM. Baptisms are held on the first and third Sundays of each month. Please call Denise at the rectory to register. The 2012 pre-baptismal schedule: Tuesday July 10 and Tuesday, October 10, 2012. Father Day Cards can be purchased after each Mass next weekend June 9-10, 2012. Donations $2.00 per card. Sponsored by the Ladies Guild. Cards are available in the Rectory Office. Defending Our Religious Liberty The Archdiocese of Hartford is supportive of the various Catholic institutions from across the country that have filed federal lawsuits opposing the federal health care mandate, which violates our First Amendment right of freedom of religion. These various organizations are in accord with our position, and we are grateful for the work they are doing. If you haven’t already, please contact the offices of your Congressional Representatives and United States Senators to express your opposition to the federal healthcare mandate. For addresses and phones numbers, please visit: www.ctcatholic.org or www.archdioceseofhartford.org. Calendar Activities for 2012-2013 Will be formulated in early July all chair people, ministries, organizations or sponsored activities must submit their dates of their events which will utilize the Parish Center, Church, or the Gonzalo Docal Conference Room by June 29. This will avoid conflicts. Summer Dress!! With the arrival of summer and warm weather we ask that proper Ǥ ǡ Dzdz . Third Annual Bishop Peter Rosazza Social Justice Conference Saturday’s 9:00AM at the Center Road Church. The opportunity for “confession/reconciliation” should be a primary objective of every follower of JESUS. All are urged to celebrate this sacrament. 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Strip Steak, Petto di Pollo Arrotolato, Stuffed Sole. Your dinner includes: Hors d’ oeuvres, Tossed Salad, Pasta, Dessert, coffee/tea I will attend the Annual Ladies Guild Dinner. Enclosed is my check for $_________ payable to “OLOA Ladies Guild” ̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴ ̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴ Name________________ Menu choice___________________ Name_________________Menu choice___________________ Mail to: Diane Ferretti 323B Spruce Hill Drive Oxford, CT 06478 BRIA REFUSE SERVICE Jill Ellis, ABR Realtor, 203-392-3305 Woodbridge, CT • Your Local Residential Trash Hauler • We Rent Dumpsters • Call for Clean-up Service John R. Bria (203) 393-0447 0 1583 80 1- Parishioner INCLUDED with every Purchase at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE: 1. Lifetime Oil Changes 2. Roadside Assistance 3. Extension of Warranties 4. Rentals & More S&F2012 389-1521 Center Road, take right onto Amity Road (Rte 63) CHRIS SORENSEN LLC For All Your Landscaping Needs 420 Amity Rd, Woodbridge Cell: 203-671-3355 COHEN & THOMAS ATTORNEYS Dominick Thomas, Jr., Parishioner [email protected] 315 Main St. ~ Derby ~ 203-735-9521 5132 English & Romanian Spoken Memory Loss/Aging Issues Consultations Only Geriatric Consultants of Greater New Haven Simina Ionescu, M.D. Phone: (203) 389-4111 687 Campbell Ave., New Haven, CT 06516 624-2983 THE LAMP SHOPPE FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AUTO REPAIR SPECIALISTS 2965 OF HAMDEN LAMP REPAIRS • LAMPS • CHANDELIERS • LAMPSHADES 993 Dixwell Ave., Hamden, CT 06514 Willows FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1961 203-389-4270 220 Amity Rd., Woodbridge, CT 06525 SCOTT ALTSCHULER Care and Rehabilitation Center 225 Amity Rd., Woodbridge, CT 06525 203-387-0076 • Fax 203-389-3953 WWW.SUNBRIDGEHEALTHCARE.COM Buddy DeGennaro Cell: 203.710.2548 • [email protected] M.A. SETTE CORPORATION Engineered Restoration Chimney & Mason Contractors May 30, 2012 10:50 AM LW2011 Chimney Repairs • Pointing Caulking Waterproofing Handicap Ramps Sidewalks • Brick & Stone Pavers Brick • Concrete Block • Stucco • Air Compressor Backhoe Loader • Bulldozer and Dump Truck Service We Cut and Patch Concrete Floors for Underground Mechanicals Foundation Underpinning Concrete Demolition • Snow Plowing 203-787-3838 Our Lady, Woodbridge, CT 03-0784 R DeFilippo Law Firm JP MOTORS 739 Carrington Road Bethany, CT 06524 MERCEDES BENZ • BMW • PORSCHE • AUDI 203-387-6894 18 LUCY ST., WOODBRIDGE, CT 06525 203-393-9651 VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.JPMOTORSLLC.COM General Practice, Real Estate (Buyers, Sellers, Refinance) Probate, Estate Administration, Wills, Power of Attorneys P1 204521 COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL Richard VanEtten Michael Dow, MSPT Porsche (203) 389-4593 Volvo Mercedes BMW 203-865-8961 1 Bradley Rd., Ste. 701 Woodbridge, CT 06525 www.iovanne.com APARTMENTS FOR RENT ELIZABETH APTS., LLC Spacious 1& 2 Bedrooms in New Haven Peter H. Torello & Son Robyn’s Nest Custom Gift Baskets 210 Amity Rd. Woodbridge 203 397-5332 1022 Dixwell Ave., Hamden, CT • 203-624-4959 Dr. Jonathan J. Key • 203.936.6677 “Suburban Residential Pest Specialists” Woodbridge, CT • 203-393-9608 www.ctfootandankleassociates.com 105 Sanford St., Hamden, CT 06514 (203) 288-5876 • 1-800-800-5176 1095 63 Grove St. New Haven 203 777-8214 203-799-0222 Dowling Flowers 203-734-0101 FUNERAL HOME, INC. AUTO BODY SHOP inc. – American and Foreign Specialists – Tom Hill SEPTIC SERVICE Serving The Community for Four Generations FOR THE FINEST IN DRY CLEANING Wo odbridge WHEN YOU WANT THE JOB DONE RIGHT Residential - Commercial - Industrial Lic. #181515 the 203-397-2909 Fax 389-4002 36 Lucy St. Woodbridge Free Estimate – Frame Machine – Professional Insurance Help Loaner Car Available State-of-the-art Spray Booths & Bake Ovens D.F. McDermott Company Electrical Contractor SERVICE, COMPUTER WIRING, PV SOLAR, GENERATORS • GUTTER ICE MELT 10% Senior Citizen Discount • 734-4259 4486 3862 IOVANNE FUNERAL HOME 11 Wooster Pl., New Haven Drive Thru 1957 Whitney Ave. North Haven 203 281-1414 S7 00385919 VanEtten PLUMBING & HEATING Rosemary K. DeFilippo, Parishioner Roger/Mary Ellen Simon Call 203-393-1288 LLC FOREIGN AUTO REPAIR SPECIALISTS Robyn C. Kalin, Owner www.dowlingflowers.com Ralph E. Hull Funeral Home Hull Memorials 161 West Church St., Seymour, just up from the Seymour Library Franklyn E. Hull CFSP & Jane M. Hull CFSP 203-888-2538 • Visit our website: wwwfuneralplan.com/hullfh Annunziata Law Firm 373 Humphrey St. New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 787-1102 John M. Aversa, M.D. Orthopaedic Surgery R. Pryor, PE, LS, 2408 Whitney Avenue LEED Professional Engineer & Land Surveyor CT License #19078 Surveys, • Septic Systems • Drainage Full Permitting Services GEORGE ELLIS COMPANY (203) 684-8430 • www.rpryorpe.com Since 1938, Leon’s Restaurant has been synonymous with exceptional Italian food and with New Haven, the premier destination for some of the best restaurants on the East Coast. Family owned and operated, Edward E. Varipapa Executive Chef and Owner, has brought Leon’s to Long Wharf. Senior Homecare By Angels® Sisk Brothers CRS2012 Up to 24 Hour Care • Hygiene Assistance Errands/Shopping • Meal Preparation Respite For Family Caregivers You Select Your Caregiver! 4994 4568 Funeral Home 3105 Whitney Ave., Hamden 203-288-7114 www.visitingangels.com/woodbridge 203.298.9700 Reg. # HCA 0000561 Hiring Experienced Caregivers © Liturgical Publications Inc. Family Owned and Operated Since 1870 May 30, 2012 10:50 AM www.siskbrothers.com 1168 For Ad Info. Call 1-800-888-4574 (203) 397-5060 • Catering By Judy 301 ORANGE AVE., WEST HAVEN • 203-934-6673 Leon’s offers a unique location and is the perfect setting for your next event. We offer spectacular waterfront views, ample secure private parking and easy access to both I-95 and I-91. p: 203-562-5366 f: 203-562-0552 www.CT-ORTHO.com 203-407-3505 Alan Rice Prepared Foods • Catering • Quality Meats 24 Lucy St., Woodbridge, CT AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL • HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS We will be happy to help you host your next: Cocktail Reception • Bridal Shower • Rehearsal Dinner Wedding Baby Shower • Birthday & Anniversary Celebrations • Baptism Testimonials • Reunions Bereavement Gatherings 501 Long Wharf Drive New Haven, CT 06510 AMITY MEAT CENTER & DELI of New Haven Incorporated Please check our website frequently for more details about: Sunday Brunch • Bar Menu • Live Music Complimentary Happy Hour www.leonsrestaurant.com Hamden, CT 06518 Our Lady, Woodbridge, CT 03-0784 R
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