newyear2008 - Sonshine Fitness


newyear2008 - Sonshine Fitness
Fitness News
For friends of Sonshine Fitness
Are You a Man
or a Mouse?
About SSF
Sonshine Fitness (SSF) is a
professional Personal Fitness Training
company servicing the Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania area. It is owned and
operated by Larry and Stasi Longo.
Larry and Stasi are certified by the
National Federation of Professional
Trainers (NFPT) and have over 20
years of experience designing
personalized fitness training programs
for every type of client, from
beginners and professional athletes to
businesses and groups.
Our staff features Certified
Professional SSF Trainers:
Amber Fingers
David Wright
Larry Longo
Rick Buker
Stasi Longo
Tina Dreshman
Contact Us
Phone: 412-922-2929
E-mail: [email protected]
Transformer Testimony ............ 2
Terrific Transformers ................ 3
Spotlight on Sonshine ................ 4
2007 Natural Steel Recap .......... 5
SSF Champions .......................... 6
Muscle-aneous............................. 8
Transformation Challenge ........ 9
Larry’s Race to Lose ................ 10
Rays of Sonshine ....................... 11
Client Corner............................ 12
New Years 2008
is that you don’t have to wait for that
stuff to happen. What are you – a man
here’s an old Scottish poem
with a brain and the gift of foresight or
about a tiny field mouse that
an unwitting field mouse at the mercy of
painstakingly prepared his nest
whatever suddenly comes plowing
before the winter season came. The
through your life? Tell me, are you a
little guy had planned well, but with one
man or a mouse?
swoop of the plow, a farmer unknowYes, you’re a man! (Ladies, you
ingly ruined the mouse’s
know what I mean.)
hopes and plans. The
You’re a strong human
plight of the mouse, and
being with the ability to
of many humans, is sumgo on the offensive and
marized in this famous
launch a preemptive
line from that poem:
strike before the stuff
“The best laid plans of
starts happening, and I’m
mice and men gang aft
here to help you launch
agley.” (That’s old Scotthat strike and to let you
tish for “often get all
know that the first thing
messed up.”)
you need to do is take
As you’re looking
hold of this promise from
forward to a successful
God: “No weapon
2008 and have hopefully
formed against you
set some goals for your
shall prosper!”
physical body and laid out
And make that promise
founder of Greater Works Outreach
a plan of action, you can
in Monroeville.
personal: “No weapon
pretty well assume that
formed against ME,
everything from a little garden shovel to
against MY goals for this year, against
a huge plow will show up in your corner
MY getting into good physical shape is
of the field to overturn your “best laid
going to prosper!” And then trust God
plans.” Whether the weapon formed
to back you up on it.
against you is unknowingly fashioned
Second, know your enemy and his
by another person, by your own self, or
devices. Unlike the innocent farmer
by spiritual forces set out to destroy you,
who upset the mouse’s plans, there’s a
stuff is going to happen.
spiritual “strong man,” as the Bible calls
That’s the bad news. The good news
him, purposely
By Pastor Gary Mitrik
(continued on page 5)
y transformation started slightly more than three
years ago when I luckily came upon a Sonshine
Fitness advertisement. After meeting with an
exuberant Stasi Longo, I decided to hire Sonshine Fitness
and began to train with them. Following their regimen I
quickly lost pounds and inches while gaining muscle. A
new me began to emerge. I was even featured as a
“transformer” in the Sonshine Fitness newsletter!
Since that time I must confess to not doing and/or utilizing everything I learned or was taught. Slowly I regressed
almost to the point I was before. (Wishing won’t do
it...planning will.)
Thanks to both
Stasi and my SonCHRIS’ 12-WEEK RESULTS
shine Fitness trainer,
From 4/10/07 to 7/30/07
Rick Buker, who
encouraged me to
Lean muscle—5.09 lbs.
enter “The 2007 OCB
Natural STEEL
Transformation Chal Upper Chest/Back—1-1/2”
lenge,” I again em Regular Chest/Back—1-1/2”
barked on my self(across breasts)
improvement cam Biceps/Triceps—3/4”
paign. (Wishing won’t
(each arm)
do will.)
It wasn’t easy. I
had my share of set Thigh—1-1/4” (each leg)
backs (arthritic knees
Calf—1/4” (each leg)
and spine). But Rick
Body fat—7.7%
worked with
Pounds of fat—15.09 lbs.
me, adjusted my
Total body weight—10 lbs.
workouts and I battled on. In twelve alltoo-short weeks, I managed to lose 12 pounds and regained some of the conditioning and lean muscle that I’d
I was awarded second place and I am so proud of where I
am today. (Wishing won’t do it...commitment will.) My
energy level, my stamina, my toned body and more importantly my self-esteem, have made me feel so good about
myself and what I’ve accomplished. At age 63, I never
thought I’d feel or look this great!
I’m ready to continue planning, to maximize my training and to committing to my next “transformation challenge.” Perhaps I’ll be the first 63-year-old female “senior
citizen” to advance to novice bodybuilder, figure or fitness
model…Stasi, Rick, what’s it to be?
ometimes even experienced weight lifters need a
helping hand. Such is the case with Joe Smith. A
long-time member of Wright’s Gym, Joe faithfully
trained three times a week for many years, including cardio
on the exercise bike. Yet despite his best efforts, he was
diagnosed with sugar diabetes about five years ago.
Joe made some adjustments to his diet and thought that
he had cleaned up his act. But in the spring of 2007 he received a shock when his doctor prescribed insulin and additional blood-pressure medications.
Inspired by the birth of his new granddaughter, Joe was
determined to stay off the meds. He began looking for alternatives and decided to meet with Stasi Longo for a diet
consult. His doctor gave Joe the green light to follow
Stasi’s plan—
increasing his
cardio and lean
From 4/2/07 to 6/25/07
proteins while cutting down on his
carbohydrates and
Lean muscle—55.77 lbs.
In just three
weeks he lost 10 Upper Chest/Back—3-1/4”
1/2 pounds! By his
Regular Chest/Back—2-1/4”
eight-week check
Biceps/Triceps—1” (each)
up with his doctor
he had lost 28
pounds! Joe’s
Calf—1/4” (each)
LDL (bad) choles Body fat—25.2%
terol went from
Pounds of fat—84.17 lbs.
178 to 105, a 40%
Total body weight—28.4 lbs.
decrease! His
HDL (good) cholesterol jumped from 30 to 36, a 20% increase! His
triglycerides dropped from 140 to 60, a 53% decrease!
His blood sugar decreased from 8.9 to 7.0. Not only does
Joe not have to take insulin, his doctor now says that he
doesn’t need blood pressure medication either!
Joe even had to buy a new lifting belt (XL instead of
XXL) to fit his newly svelte frame! Congratulations, Joe!
t used to be that when you received your AARP card in
the mail, you thought about trading in your treadmill for
a rocking chair. But like the famous Bob Dylan song
said, “the times they are a changin.” We’re seeing more and
more baby boomers who are in their fifties (and sixties!)
make stunning transformations. Count ReMax real estate
agent and SSF client Mary Lou Einloth among them.
Early in 2007 the hard-working 61-year-old discovered
that her size 10 wardrobe was fitting too snuggly. Refusing
to give in, Mary Lou turned to Sonshine Fitness to help her
win the battle of the bulge.
Within a few short weeks of training one to two times a
week with Larry Longo, she began to notice a difference in
the way she looked and felt.
“I’ve always
been active,”
Mary Lou exARY LOU BY
plained. “But
since I started
training with Larry
From 1/27/07 to 12/5/07
I just feel better. I
have more energy,
and I sleep much
12.6 lbs. of Lean Muscle
better. And, my
overall sense of
well-being has
2-1/4” Shoulders
2” Upper Chest
And that pesky
wardrobe prob 2-1/2” Regular Chest
1-1/4” Biceps/Triceps
“Now my size
3” Waist
eight’s are too
3-1/4” Hips
loose and have to
be taken in,” she
3” Thigh
laughs. “But that’s
15.2% Body Fat
a good problem to
24.6 lbs. of Fat
12 lbs. of Total body weight
Way to go,
Mary Lou!
n many ways 2007 was a banner year for Sonshine Fitness. In September Stasi and Larry sponsored their firstever competition—the 2007 OCB Natural Steel Championships. It drew rave reviews from the audience and contestants alike. And the local media just couldn’t get enough Sonshine! Indeed, the SSF message of good health and nutrition
filled the airways and local magazines throughout the year.
ran on Sunday, April 29. It focused on a novel partnership
struck by Sonshine Fitness and the Upper St. Clair Volunteer
Fire Department. Concerned about a nationwide study that
revealed that fifty percent of all firefighter deaths occur due
to heart attacks, USCVFD chief Mike Russell hired SSF to
help improve his group’s fitness.
Larry and Stasi developed a comprehensive program that
included fitness assessments, nutritional counseling and
Lights, Camera, Action!
training regimens designed to help the firefighters achieve
On August 14, Stasi was the featured guest on PCNC’s popu- departmental and individual fitness goals.
lar TV show “NightTalk.” She and host, Mike Pintak, disSonshine Fitness also was featured prominently in a folcussed a variety of health-related topics, ranging from the
low-up article in the Fall issue of Upper St. Clair Today,
rampant use of performance-enhancing drugs to female
titled “USCVFD is Fit to Fight.” In the article, Mike Russell
bodybuilding and fitness for kids.
thanked SSF for helping to whip his staff into firefighting
Throughout the hour-long segment, Stasi shared the Sonshape.
shine philosophy that everyone can enjoy good health and
fitness if they’re willing to work at it.
On Monday, August 27, a second SSF-related
“Our bodies are so willing to respond and do
article ran in the Tribune Review entitled
the right thing, if we do the right thing,” she
“Model Transformer.” The feature shared the
said. “That includes weight training, cardio to
incredible fitness journey of SSF trainer Amber
reveal the newly toned muscle, and a body comFingers.
position diet to feed muscle and starve fat.”
Amber’s story is truly an inspiration for anyStasi also debunked the popular myth that
one who thinks they can’t regain their fitness.
women will become too muscular if they lift
Just three years ago Amber weighed 342
weights. “I can tell you from personal experipounds. “I was tired of being me,” she said. “I
ence that it’s very difficult for women to build
didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. I didn’t like
muscle because we lack the testosterone,” the
what I felt like.”
former body-building champ said. “But we can
Through an unparalleled combination of grit,
achieve the ‘hard body’ that we want through a
heart and determination—not to mention a
combination of diet and exercise.”
healthy dose of training and nutritional advice
One of the hot topics was the alarming infrom Stasi—Amber shed over half her body
Larry teaches a USCVFD
firefighter proper form.
crease in childhood obesity. “We live in an
weight! The attractive redhead now carries a
electronic age,” Stasi sighed. “In the old days,
sculpted 160 pounds on her 5-foot 8-inch frame.
kids were outside playing. But today they’re spending too
“Amber’s the most extreme transformer I’ve ever seen in
much time playing video games and watching TV.”
my 27 years of training,” Stasi proudly said. “We call her
She encouraged parents to get their kids involved in an
Amber-our-inspiration. She has so much desire to help others
activity. “Help them choose something they like,” she said.
achieve what she has become. She’s truly our model trans“Don’t make it a punishment. And try to improve the foods
your kids eat. Parents need to learn what to buy and prepare.
We offer a diet seminar—either individually or for a group— Last but certainly not least, SSF was featured in the October
that can help parents make the right choices.”
issue of Allegheny West Magazine. The article was titled
Near the end of the show, Mike asked Stasi if it was nec“Body Building and Art Sculpt” and highlighted the 2007
essary to have a personal trainer. “Yes, if you’re not going to
OCB Natural STEEL Championships—Stasi and Larry’s
exercise on your own,” she said. “Having a set appointment
first-ever show—and the artwork of former SSF client
helps make people accountable and teaches them the proper
Dooner Sadauskas.
way to exercise.”
The show was a rousing success, as was Dooner’s art,
which was on display at the show. Dooner recently launched
In the News
his own company—Sinister Airbrush—and specializes in
In addition to the “NightTalk” segment, Sonshine Fitness
airbrush techniques on cars, trucks and motorcycles. He also
was prominently featured in several print publications
paints wall murals, portraits, and clothing items such as teethroughout the year. This included not one but two articles in
shirts, jackets and shoes.
the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, thanks to reporter (and SSF
For more about the USCVFD fire fighters and our amazclient) Mike Cronin.
ing Amber, check out the Summer STEEL 2007 issue of the
The first article—titled “Sounding the Fitness Alarm”—
“Sonshine Fitness News” at
By Mike Cronin
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Sometimes the clichés about commitment, persistence and
sacrifice just don’t help.
We cut carbs, pound protein and forgo fat. But we still
look nothing like those before-and-after photos of Stasi and
Larry Longo’s other clients.
Then Stasi says something simple that transforms our
Just ask Imperial’s Marion Klayko.
“I never thought of myself as an athlete,” said the 53year-old nurse. “But Stasi said, ‘But you are.’ ”
That tiny tweak of how Marion defined herself propelled
her to earn third in September’s Body Transformation
Challenge in the inaugural Pittsburgh Natural STEEL
Championships. The competition was the first put on by the
Longos, founders and owners of the personal training
company, Sonshine Fitness.
“Now I go to the gym twice a week; I watch what I eat for
lunch and my coworkers always make comments on how
good I look,” Marion said.
Stasi hopes Marion’s success – and that of her other
clients’, respective first- and second-place finishers Beth
Newbold and Christine Mehrenberg—shows everybody
can achieve their fitness goals.
Perhaps they’ll even be motivated to compete in the next
Body Transformation Challenge, about 10 months from now.
“When people think of bodybuilding competitions, they
think they’re only for the extreme, serious athlete,” said
Stasi, who has won many Natural Bodybuilding titles since
she began competing in 1988. “The Body Transformation
Challenge provides motivation for people who might never
have done anything athletic in their life.”
Next year’s competition also will include the Ms. Fitness
category. That will complement the Body Transformation
Challenge, Bodybuilding and Fitness Modeling categories.
Stasi and Larry give special shout-outs to the following for
their participation in the 2007 Championships:
Jamie Gilbert, a Sonshine Fitness client who
captured the Championships top overall prize, Ms.
Steel City. Jamie also seized the blue ribbon in
Fitness Female Modeling and Women’s Figure Open.
Blair Lawrence, who secured a Natural Steel trifecta.
Lawrence earned the title of Mr. Steel, best poser and
first place in the Men’s Open Lightweight Division.
Susan Brozek Scott, the longtime Sonshine Fitness
client and WPXI/PCNC talk show host and producer,
who served as the competition’s master of
Douglas Annibale, of S. Kaufman Jewelers, who
custom-designed the Mr. & Ms. STEEL City
Championships trophy rings.
All the competition’s sponsors.
Complete Championships results and other information
may be found at and
If checking out those Web sites doesn’t fire you up
enough to sign up for next year, maybe Chris Ippolito’s
experience will.
The 28-year-old Allison Park dental assistant dropped to
120 pounds from 180 pounds in about 18 months of training
with Sonshine Fitness.
“Lots of protein” is the key, she said.
Though Ippolito hadn’t competed before, watching similar
contests on TV attracted her to the possibility. She placed
second in the Female Fitness Model and fourth in the Figure
Novice categories.
“I loved the show,” Ippolito said of the Championships.
“It was fun and exciting. And everyone backstage was super
nice. They made me feel really relaxed.”
Are You a Man or a Mouse?
(continued from page 1)
assigned to defeat you, and he
knows exactly what he’s doing
and where your vulnerabilities are. He
wants to get you off course, weaken you, steal your health,
ruin your dream, and turn you into an ineffective “mouse.”
And, quite frankly, he’d love to destroy you altogether. As
the Bible says, “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy.”
The next thing you need to understand is that this enemy
will not show up wearing a red suit, carrying a pitchfork
and sporting a set of horns on his head. To the contrary, he
works subtly through people, starting with your own self.
He’ll do that by lying to you, and here’s his biggest lie of all
in the area of physical health: “You can start—tomorrow.”
It’s called procrastination, my friend. Your enemy won’t
come right out and say, “Forget the program.” He’ll simply
say, “Start the program—tomorrow,” and before you know
it, it’s December 31st.
The next thing you must be aware of is that people will
be used to hinder your plans. Oh, it won’t be the muscle
man at the beach who kicks sand in your face. Most likely,
it will be loved ones who waste your time, tell you that you
work too hard, and insist that you look fine just the way you
are and that you really deserve that second piece of cake.
Before going any further into 2008, look at the potential
garden shovels, hoes, plows, and even the huge combines
that may come to upset your “best laid plans.” Determine
that you are a “man” and not a “mouse.” Know your enemies and their devices, make your declaration of victory, and
trust God for the physical and spiritual strength you need!
SSF Champions
Here’s a look at the SSF Champions who flexed and posed their way to glory in the 2007 OCB Natural
STEEL Championships and other competitions throughout the summer and fall. Congratulations to all!
Photo by Rob Taggart
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
1st Place (Women’s Bodybuilding
Master’s 50+)
2nd Place (Women’s Open Bodybuild-
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
1st Place* (Body Transformation Challenge)
* Two placements!
2007 INBF Steel Valley Classic
1st Place (Open Figure)
Overall Figure Champion!
Photo by Rob Taggart
Photo by Rob Taggart
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
1st Place (Men’s Bodybuilding Master’s
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
2nd Place (Fitness Modeling)
4th Place (Novice Figure)
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
2nd Place (Body Transformation Challenge)
Photo by Rob Taggart
Photo by Rob Taggart
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
3rd Place (Master’s 45+ Figure)
3rd Place (Open Figure)
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
3rd Place (Fitness Modeling)
5th Place (Novice Figure)
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
3rd Place (Body Transformation Challenge)
2007 IFPA Arizona PRO Figure
Overall Champion—$2000 Prize!
2007 IFPA Yorton Cup PRO
4th Place (Pro Figure)—$200 Prize!
2007 IFPA Gaspari Nutrition PRO Classic
5th Place (Pro Figure)
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
1st Place (Fitness Modeling)
Overall Champion (Figure Open)
2007 OCB Battle for the Swords
1st Place (Figure Open Tall)
2007 IFPA Yorton Cup PRO
10th Place (Pro Figure)
Photo by Rob Taggart
Photo by Rob Taggart
2007 OCB Natural STEEL Championships
1st Place (Novice Figure)
2nd Place (Master’s 45+ Figure)
2007 OCB Battle for the Swords
4th Place (Figure Open Middle)
5th Place (Master’s 35+ Figure)
2007 OCB Battle for the Swords
3rd Place (Figure Open Tall)
6th Place (Figure Masters 35+)
2007 Yorton Cup Nationals
6th Place (Figure Masters 35+)
2007 WNBF PRO Natural International
9th Place (Pro Figure)
t was all work (and some play) as Larry and Stasi put SSF clients
through their paces at the second annual SSF SUMMER BOOTCAMP.
The weekly sessions—
designed to increase
overall fitness, health and
endurance—were held
outdoors and featured an
array of agility and fatburning drills developed
by master butt-kickers
Larry and Stasi. A great
way to enjoy the summer
sun and get in tip-top
There’s no rest for the weary as Lisa Bible, Lisa
Haddick and Peg Cimarolli pound out a set of crunches.
“Coach” Larry Longo puts “boots” Rick Santa, Lisa Bible and Lisa Haddick (l-r) through
a muscle-burning medicine ball drill.
By Stasi Longo
New Year’s. It’s the time of year when we all set new health
and fitness goals. And most of us will come out of the starting
gate quite well, too, sticking faithfully to our fitness and diet
regimens. Then something happens. We start snacking and
skipping workouts. Before you know it, we’re off the fitness
wagon and are sliding back into our bad old habits.
So why does this happen—especially since we start
out with such good intentions? The truth of the
matter is, most of us are extremists. When it comes
to setting goals, we tend to have an “all or nothing”
mindset. While this approach can lead to immediate
results, it usually ends up becoming a deterrent to
achieving our long-term fitness goals.
It’s important to remember that changing your
habits is more like a marathon than a fifty-yard dash.
Consistency is the key.
It’s just as important to realize that you will have good
days and bad days, better weeks and tougher weeks. Let’s
face it—life throws us a lot of curves. And the circumstances
we find ourselves in will interfere with our fitness goals from
time to time. It happens to all of us—even pro athletes (we
say they are in a slump). It will happen to us, too.
By J. Scott Colombo, PT, CSCS, PES
With the New Year just around the corner, it’s a great time to
start an exercise program. However, it’s important to be
aware of ailments that can trip you up, such as Planter Fasciitis.
Planter Fasciitis is a common diagnosis that is used for
pain in the heel. This pain is specifically located in the middle
of the heel where the origin of the plantar fascia attaches to
the inner aspect on the bottom of the heel bone. The planter
fascia surrounds the muscles that support and control the arch
in the foot. The pain in the foot occurs more so in women than
men; the pain is worse in the morning making it difficult to
walk and with transitioning from sitting to standing—
There can be many causes to planter fasciitis. The symptoms can occur for no apparent reason and when you treat the
pain you must look for the causes and just not treat the pain.
A little closer look at the foot whereas an individual has flat
feet is a major contributor. The muscles and supporting structures, planter fascia, are needed to work harder and cannot.
Being over weight can make it difficult as well. Being overweight and walking, climbing, carrying, stepping can require
overuse of the muscle and planter fascia causing a breakdown.
When the challenges come …and they will come … don’t
“throw the baby out with the bath water,” as my mother used
to say! Don’t let the old demon of defeat creep in and whisper
in your mind that you should quit altogether. What a lie!
When your car gets a flat tire, you certainly don’t get out,
flatten the other three and abandon your vehicle, do you? Of
course not! You change the flat tire, get back in your car and
keep driving to your desired destination!
Remember that something is always better than nothing.
For example, if life dictates that you can only train once or
twice a week instead of three times a week, then train
once or twice a week. You’ll feel a lot better about
yourself for sticking with it, and you’ll have less
ground to cover when the extra demands on your life
finally clear. My years of training people have
revealed to me that people who continue to train
during hard times—even if it’s minimal—almost
always achieve their goals. The folks who quit don’t.
At Sonshine Fitness, we’re excited about your New Year’s
fitness resolutions! We want you not only to reach your goals,
but to make them last a lifetime. So reconcile yourself to the
fact that your dreams are attainable if you’re willing to
persevere through the hard times. The storms of life will
come, but they’ll pass, too. Fix those flat tires, and keep
driving on your road to a brand-new you!
The first step in treatment is to decrease the inflammation
at the origin of the planter fascia. Taking a non-steroidal antiinflammatory medication, and use ice can break the Inflammatory Cycle. Adding arch supports can decrease the stress
and allow healing at the site of the injury. Stretching the fascia and the muscles around the ankle specifically the calf and
hamstring muscles will be essential.
Prevention can start by staying active and working on
weight management techniques. Being smart and knowing
your limitations can also help. Last but not least, working to
improve flexibility and strength in the lower leg, striking a
balance will be helpful.
As a physical therapist, I see this type of complaint often.
The best medicine is to treat the problem quickly by getting
good advice and a proper diagnosis. Any questions please
give me a call at the office at 412-787-8616.
J. Scott Colombo has been a physical therapist
specializing in Sports and Orthopedic Physical
Therapy for 18 years. His last 7 years at Robinson
Physical Therapy as a Director. He has been a
Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the National Strength and Conditioning Association for
fifteen years and a Performance Enhancement
2008 BODY
Need motivation to reach your goal in 2008? Start training and dieting for the OCB
Body Transformation Challenge anytime for a period of 12 total weeks! Document
your progress from start to finish. Prizes will be awarded at the:
Pro Qualifier Featuring Bodybuilding, Figure, Ms. Fitness, Fitness
Modeling and Body Transformation Challenge
Featuring Mr. and Ms. Natural Steel City
September 2008 date to be announced.
Contact Sonshine Fitness for details at 412-922-2929.
The Body Transformation Challenge is open to any drug-free participant who has never competed in a sanctioned or
non-sanctioned bodybuilding, figure or fitness modeling competition before.
Larry’s Race To
ack by popular demand, LARRY LONGO is once again
sponsoring his annual “Race to Lose”—as in inches,
pounds and body fat!
The race starts Saturday, February 2, 2008 and is open to all current
SSF clients. (If you’re not a current client, don’t let that stop you. You can
participate for an entry fee of $15.) Simply register with an SSF trainer and
receive your official “Cardio Time Completion Charts.”
To finish “in the money,” you must complete 50 hours of cardio faster
than your competition. You can use a wide variety of indoor equipment,
including treadmills, exercise bikes, stair steppers, elliptical machines,
Nordic Tracks and rowing machines. Outdoor activities such as running,
biking and cross-country skiing also count as “race worthy” cardio, and so
does jumping rope.
However, you can’t include any cardio you do during your SSF training
sessions. Only cardio completed on personal time will count towards the race.
All cardio must be charted on your Cardio Time Completion Charts and
initialed by a witness. No exceptions!
It’s important to remember that everyone who finishes the race is a
champion. Each finisher will receive a handsome Certificate of Completion
and a new t-shirt!
In addition, prizes will be awarded to the ten competitors who complete
their cardio the fastest. Each of our top ten finishers will get to choose his
or her prize in the order they finish. For example, the first person to
complete the race gets to pick first, the second place finisher gets to pick
from the remaining prizes, and so on.
“Race to Lose” prizes include free gym memberships, Pirate tickets, and
gift certificates for dinner for two, massage therapy, hair styling, tanning,
nutritional supplements, sports apparel and much more!
Rays of Sonshine
Here’s a sampling of fun SSF tidbits and
fitness odds ‘n’ ends to keep you in the know!
“… The people that do know their
God shall be strong, and do exploits.”
― Daniel 11:32b
Our prayers go out to Peter Fromm,
Nathan Barclay and all of the men and
women fighting for our country in Iraq.
“Your tongue is one of the greatest gifts
placed at your command by God. Use it
wisely and you will discover the golden
key to life.”
―Mike Murdock
We offer our deepest condolences to
Nabila Bey, Jeanine Campbell, Eric
and Kellie Close, Lisa Cooney,
Cathy Deluca, Kim Dunlap, Sarah
Gammiere, Jamie Gilbert, Kelly
Gray, Mary Greco, Nancy Jones, Ed
Medice, Janet Palumbo, Ken
Rozzell, Cindy Sadauskas, Shannon
Schoppe, and Dr. Mary Chester
Speedy Recovery
We extend our heartfelt prayers and
get well wishes for God’s healing to
Peg Cimarolli and Nancy
Schuchert’s mom, Ashley Close, Jan
Esterly, Amber Fingers, Dolores
Goldberg, Amber Jackson’s
godfather and uncle, Keith Kozicki’s
wife, Stasi Longo’s dad and aunt,
Judy Molli, Gary Ogg’s dad, Janet
Palumbo, Donna Pruzynski, Barb
Romano’s dad, Rosemarie Rush,
Kay Smith’s husband, Theresa
Smith, Janna Wells, and Kathleen
Thank You
A special thanks to those of you who
blessed us with so many wonderful
Christmas gifts. Your generosity and
thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated!
Helping Hands
Special recognition to Tayler Longo,
who will travel to Jamaica for a
missions trip in January; and Suzanne
Maslo, DMD, who recently completed
a missions trip to Ghana, Africa.
Congratulations to Lori Kragnes, who
made it to the final tryouts for the TV
show “Wheel of Fortune;” Rick
Mongiovi, whose company, Mongiovi
and Sons Plumbing and Excavating,
celebrated its’ 25th year anniversary;
Libby Savena, who recently opened
her own hair-styling salon; and Nikki
Waters (formerly Nikki Fromm), who
will graduate from Slippery Rock.
Movin’ Up
Athletic Feets
Congratulations to the Fromms, who
recently purchased a farm in Buffalo,
New York.
Congratulations to SSF clients, family
and friends on their recent athletic
achievements: Tayler Longo, whose
team won the 2007 Geneva College
intramural flag football championship;
Starlet Anderson, 2nd place at the
2007 WNBF Pro International
(lightweight division); Lisa Bible,
Turkey Trot Race; John Casciato,
power-lifting meet; Kristi Carter, who
set power-lifting records; Eric Close,
ranked among the top 30 CEO golfers in
Allegheny County; Mike Cronin,
triathlon and the Great Race; John
Doebler, 1st place in USC Fire
Department’s “Race to Lose;” Cliff
Goodrow, natural bodybuilder whose
photos will appear in a new book, “Men
Over 40 Fitness;” Kelly Gray, triathlon
and Turkey Trot Race; Lisa Haddick;
her first 5K race; Megan Kish, whose
softball team won the 2007 Pittsburgh
Amateur Softball League title; Lindsay
Schaffer, the Great Race; Nancy
Schuchert, 2nd place in her age group
in both the Great Race and Turkey Trot
Race; Bob Tenney; 7-day solo bike trip
from McKeesport to Washington, DC;
and Dave Wright, who won all three of
his matches at the 2007 Western PA
Grappling Championships.
Congratulations to Kim Dunlap and
Peter Fromm on their recent promotions.
Congratulations to SSF client Chris
Mehrenberg on her recent retirement.
Home, Hearth and Heart
Goin’ to the Chapel
Best wishes to Kristi Carter and her
husband Alex on their recent wedding.
Nine-Month Results
Congratulations to Amber Jackson,
who is pregnant. Special congratulations
to first-time grandparent Lisa Bible on
the birth of her granddaughter (Camila
Referral Rewards
Get a friend to sign-up for a 10-session
package and receive a free training session.
Cancellation Reminder
If you need to cancel a training session for
any reason, please give us 24 hours notice
or you’ll be charged for the session.
Check Us Out
Check out ALL past, present
and future newsletters at Don’t
forget—you can order your sports and
nutrition supplements through our web
site and have them delivered to your door!
Client Corner
We’d like to extend warm (and in some
cases, belated) birthday wishes to Rich
Antonino (9/14), Nabila Bey (11/14),
Susan Brozek-Scott (11/7), Jennifer
Burmeister (7/27), Bruce Buzza (9/14),
Josey Byrne (9/21), Jeanine Campbell
(9/14), Lisa Carey (9/3), Kim Caughey
(11/14), Tracy Clinton (10/4), Eric
Close (12/3), Christina Collins (7/24),
Ryan Connolly (7/10), Lisa Cooney
(12/7), Larra Daniels (9/5), Rachel
Davies (12/26), Noreen DeFerrari
(10/10), Tina Dreshman (11/7), Kim
Dunlap (7/6), Shirley Epperson (10/10),
Mark Fera (9/2), Amber Fingers
(12/4), Chip Fisher (12/7), Tony
Fontanesi (10/8), Lovetta Ford (9/9),
Gina Frantz (9/17), Rick Gammiere
(9/28), T.J. Gefert (12/24), Jamie
Gilbert (7/20), Mary Beth Gigler (9/2),
Cathy Gindele (9/4), Elaine Gorr
(10/3), Kelly Gray (10/16), Scott Gray
(9/27), Marion Gregor (8/19), Steve
Guest (11/29), Brett Hamilton (11/10),
Luke Harry (12/27), Alexis Hartman
(11/2), Patty Henderson (8/22),
Christina Ippolito (12/5), Darlene
Karaffa (7/21), Luane Kirsnes (8/5),
Marion Klayko (7/12), Annette Kowal
(10/4), Anupama Kytham (11/27),
Betty Lamb (12/8), Holly Lawson
(12/23), Kristin Lersch (10/27), Bob
Longo (10/5), Vincent Lorenzi (10/1),
Mary Love (9/5), Holly McCullough
(11/9), Rashida McKenzie (10/4), Chris
Mehrenberg (7/25), Sue Michalik
(7/11), Judy Molli (11/6), Caren
Mongiovi (10/19), Rachele Mongiovi
(9/9), Nancy Motz-Cosnotti (8/10),
Frank Namath (8/19), Marcy Niedbala
(7/8), Kathy Oberst (7/25), Gary Ogg
(7/1), Deb Oskin (7/16), Diana Painter
(12/20), Donna Panazzi (10/16), Lisa
Pellegrini (8/3), Sherri Perretta (10/19),
Khaalis Poston (7/13), Shawn Pratt
(10/3), Kristy Prunczik (9/11), Tracy
Pulizzi (9/6), Arlene Romilly (8/24),
Rosemarie Rush (9/6), Cynthia Russell
(8/17), Mike Russell (7/3), Alla
Safonova (12/21), Rick Santa (10/26),
Chris Savena (12/11), Shannon
Schoppe (12/30), Shayna Schramm
(10/30), Jane Schuchert (9/29), Nancy
Schuchert (12/3), Sue Seibel (12/31),
Lindsay Shafer (9/21), Lisa Simakas
(11/12), Joe Smith (9/11), Sandy Smith
(10/13), Jeff Sodargran (9/26), Holly
Stefanski (11/17), Carole Swope
(12/11), Tara Tippel (10/28), Linda
Trostle (8/23), Lori Wade (12/1),
Michelle Walters (12/2), Paul Walters
(10/14), Linda Wells (9/26), Katelyn
Welsh (3/31), Shelby Whaley (11/4),
Cher Wynkoop (7/23) Pat Yates
(11/15) & Steve Zager (7/10).
ou might say that SSF client Ed
Schmidt is a go-getter from the
get-go. Indeed, the handsome 58-yearold attacks life with a fire and passion
usually found in someone half his age.
To say that Ed’s a busy man would
be an understatement. He owns Avalar
Real Estate, with four offices in the
Greater Pittsburgh area. And, he serves
as a life coach for an Oregon-based
company and has clients in 14 states.
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
In his spare time, Ed loves to hike,
mountain climb and scuba dive. He
scaled Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2004 and
hiked the Tibetian foothills of Mt.
Everest the following year. Recently he
donned scuba gear and swam among 45
full-grown sharks (yikes) in an indoor
aquarium at the Mall of America.
His once-a-week workouts with
Stasi keep him in fighting trim. “She
helps me maintain the level of
performance I need to fully enjoy my
hobbies,” Ed said.
Next up? A summit attempt of Mt.
Everest in 2009!
Order Your Supplements Online!
Are you tired of making special trips to the nutrition
store? Well, now you don’t have to! You can order all
of your favorite sports and nutrition supplements
through our web site— Enjoy the
convenience of having your supplements delivered hassle-free
straight to your door!