radical2004 - Pittsburgh


radical2004 - Pittsburgh
Fitness News
For friends of Sonshine Fitness
About Us
Sonshine Fitness (SSF) is a
professional Personal Fitness Training
company servicing the Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania area. It is owned and
operated by Larry and Stasi Longo.
Larry and Stasi are certified by the
National Federation of Professional
Trainers (NFPT) and have over 20
years of experience designing
personalized fitness training programs
for every type of client, from
beginners to professional athletes.
We specialize in goal-oriented
exercise programs to meet all of our
clients’ needs, including:
Diet and Nutrition
General Conditioning
Weight Loss or Gain
Sports Specificity Training
If you are interested in signing up
for training sessions, e-mail Stasi at
[email protected] or call
Transformers ..............................2
More Radical Changes ...............3
In the News .................................3
A Soldier’s Story ........................4
Sonshine Champions..................5
Radical Transformer ..................6
Rays of Sonshine .........................7
Client Corner..............................8
Famous Folks ......................Insert
KETO Products Sale............Insert
Radical Change Issue 2004
Choose to Change!
toward the mark for the prize of the high
calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Can you hear the element of choice in
ealthy things grow and growing
Paul’s words? Change begins with a
things change. Change is good,
choice, and integral to choice is your attibut we don’t like change. Change
is necessary, but we still don’t like change. tude. Simply put, your attitude determines
your altitude. In order to advance to the
Healthy things grow and growing
next level, you can’t fear or resist change.
things change.
You must welcome and embrace it.
Do you get the point? If we are to
Think about it. What area of your life
achieve the goals that are so necessary for
to become healthy? That’s exactly
our success, it will mean making
where you must commit to
changes—perhaps radical ones.
change! And, before you make
Change is unavoidable, and as
that commitment, deal with the
long as it’s going to happen,
fact that it’s going to come
we need some say-so in the
with a price, a price that will
matter. We can be reactive and
involve some degree of pain.
change only when crises deNow, before you get scared
mand that we do, or we can be
by that “four letter word,”
proactive and choose the
remember that there are two
changes in our lives.
kinds of pain. One kind says
We all know someone
something is out of order and
who’s been blindsided by a
needs attention. That’s crisis
heart attack after years of poor
Gary Mitrik is the head
pain. The other kind says that
eating habits and lack of exerpastor at Greater Works
healing is on the way. That
cise. You know the story: a
Outreach in Monroeville.
kind of pain results from a
terrifying rush to the ER, a
positive choice that you have
heart catheterization and bypass surgery.
willingly made. (If I had my druthers, I’d
And then, and only then—a change in
“druther” choose the latter kind of pain.)
eating habits, visits to the gym, the purUltimately, the choice is yours. I know
chase of a treadmill (or SSF training sesyou will choose wisely. How can I make
sions), and new priorities.
such a bold statement? Desire. Desire is
Why do we wait until the cow has left
the catalyst to change, and if you didn’t
the barn to close the door? Is it just human
have desire, you wouldn’t be reading this.
nature that causes us to avoid change until
You’re on your way, my friend. Stirred
something or someone forces it upon us?
No, the truth is that all profitable decisions by a God-given desire to change, you
won’t regret the steps you take. It may
are met with great resistance. Any moverequire you to do a 180-degree turn, but
ment toward success is an uphill battle
requiring our perseverance, but it’s a battle you won’t regret it. Others will acknowledge the difference they see in you, and
worthy of our pursuit. As the apostle Paul
you will see it, too!
declares in the New Testament, “I press
By Pastor Gary Mitrik
Some transformers have the right idea. They just need
a little expert “coaching” to gain the victory. Just ask
“radical change transformer” RICK SANTA.
It all started last May when the hard-working real
estate closing agent took a long look in the mirror. In
his own words, “I weighed 225 pounds, was terribly
out of shape, and I was drinking too much alcohol to
cope with the stress of working two jobs.”
A self-starter, Rick vowed to make changes. He quit
one of his jobs, gave up drinking and started a walking
program. After months of determined effort, he lost an
impressive 55 pounds!
Next, Rick joined Wright’s Gym in Crafton to start
a weight lifting program. And while he
gets an “A” for effort, he repeatedly
hurt himself because he didn’t know
proper weight lifting technique. Realizing that he might suffer a serious injury,
ROSEMARIE SHUTY RUSH is a transformer with a
Rick wisely contacted Stasi.
The speech language pathologist has devoted
“She helped me tremendously,” he
to helping people overcome the psychological
says. “Stasi taught me proper form so I
trauma caused by speech impediments.
could lift without injuring myself. And I
helping others realize their dreams,
also learned the importance of eating
her self-esteem needed a boost
protein to build muscle and strength.”
by nagging injuries, and her
And the results? “I look better now at
So she turned to
age 58 than I did when I was 30!”
Sonshine Fitness.
In the two short months Rosemarie has trained with
Stasi, she began to reshape her physique in earnest.
She shed 22 pounds and pared nearly four inches
from her waist, while melting off 22% body fat!
Talk about a transformation!
Rosemarie gives much of the credit to Stasi. “I’m so
glad I met Stasi,” she says. “She has helped me so much.
She’s been very considerate about working through my
limitations, and I’m thrilled with the way I look and feel.
Now I can enjoy outdoor activities like skiing and skating, and with my increased energy, I’m better at my
job—and a better person, too. Thanks, Stasi!”
More Radical
ccording to a recent article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, there’s a
growing trend among American workers to shed the trappings and
structure of relatively high paying corporate jobs and seek more
simplicity and fulfillment in their work life. Among those joining this movement
are two of our very own—STASI LONGO and RICK BUKER.
After the Longos purchased a new home in 2002, Stasi decided to accept a
job offer as a salesperson for Met-Rx. Not only did the move make good
financial sense, but the job seemed like a natural fit, too. After all, selling
nutritional supplements was right up her alley and would allow Stasi to tap into
her vast knowledge of fitness nutrition. But as Stasi soon discovered, the frills
of life in “Corporate America” began to feel more like “velvet handcuffs.”
“I really missed helping people realize their goals and dreams,” she says.
“Not to mention the joy and deep-down satisfaction of doing something I truly
love to do.”
So on New Year’s Day of 2004, Stasi made a momentous decision. With
Larry’s full support, she decided to leave her job with Met-Rx and return to
training full-time. The broad smile on her face these days tells the whole story.
“I feel like I have my life back,” she
says. “It feels wonderful to be working in
a job that allows me to share my
knowledge with others and to help make
a difference in their lives.”
Likewise, Rick’s career has recently
We’re developing
come full circle. A long-time friend of the our very own web site! So very
Longos, Rick served as a personal trainer soon you’ll be able to tune into
with SSF in 2000 after losing his
all the latest SSF news and offercorporate job during a merger. While he
ings (including this newsletter)
loved personal training and the feeling of
with a click of the mouse!
helping people, Rick moved back into a
To visit our home page, go to
corporate job when an opportunity
presented itself. It was a decision he soon
came to regret.
“At the time it seemed like the smart, prudent thing to do,” he confesses.
“But I knew almost immediately that I’d made a misstep. While the pay and
people were great, I just didn’t feel like I fit in with the corporate structure or
the type of work I was doing. It was like trying to pound a square peg into a
round hole.”
So three-and-a-half years later, Rick did an about face and abandoned the
relative security of corporate life.
“It’s the best decision I ever made,” he says with a smile. “I feel like a 10-ton
weight has been lifted off my shoulders. And I’m so grateful to have the chance
to work with SSF again and to get back to what I really enjoy doing.”
tasi continues to be a darling of
the local talk show scene. On
March 27, she taped a fitness
segment for PCNC’s “Impact” with
host Stacia Erdos. Appropriately, the
theme was “Shaping Up for Spring.”
Stacia picked Stasi’s brain about
subjects near and dear to our hearts,
including cardio, diet and different
types of exercise.
“Cardio, diet and resistance exercise
are the keys to losing weight and shaping up,” Stasi began. “Any type of
cardio is good, including walking,
jogging and biking—anything that you
like to do that gets your heart rate up.
We need to do a minimum of 20 minutes of cardio a day to burn off what
we eat that day.”
When asked about low-impact
forms of exercise such as Pilates and
yoga, Stasi praised them for helping to
stretch and lengthen muscles, but cautioned that alone they probably would
not produce the desired results.
She also warned against giving the
scale too much power.
“Remember, when you firm up and
tone you’re building and strengthening
muscles, and muscle weighs more than
fat. You can lose body fat and clothes
sizes and actually gain weight. So
don’t let the scale rule.”
SSF client and Mattress Factory board
chairman Anuj Dhanda was featured
in the March 2004 issue of Pittsburgh
Magazine for his colorful collection of
installation art.
SSF client Kim Caughey taped a spot
for “The Closing Bell” on March 18,
discussing hot financial topics such as
the European Union decision.
The energetic equity research analyst also participated in the “Pittsburgh
Indoor Sprints” event at North Catholic High School on February 7. Altogether, she competed in nine races!
itting next to SSF trainer MIKE
“OB” O’BRIEN on the steps
outside of Platinum Gym in
Green Tree on a warm spring day, you
might think he’s just returned from a
vacation in Florida. Bronzed, fit and
relaxed, he’s as quick as ever with a
joke or his trademark mischievous grin.
But one look into his clear blue eyes
tells a different story. So does the black
t-shirt he wears, emblazoned in gold
with the solemn message, “Freedom
Isn’t Free.”
When Mike volunteered for the U.S.
Army Reserves, he knew deep down in
his heart that one day he might be called
upon to serve his country. And while he
had ample opportunity to end his commitment as the war with Iraq loomed,
Mike never wavered. He had sworn an
oath to defend his country and defend it
he would, no matter what personal hardships were in store. And when Mike’s
unit—the 444th Personal Services Battalion—got the call in early February
2003, he bid farewell to his family and
friends and prepared himself for lie
A short time later, the 444th was dispatched to a staging area in Fort Lee,
Virginia, where he and his fellow volunteers readied themselves for action. Although the 444th was classified as a noncombat unit, they had to be ready to
meet any situation. They were put
though a grueling and intensive training
program that included weapons and
chemical warfare training.
As his unit’s Nuclear Biological
Chemical (NBC) officer, Mike was responsible for overseeing the chemical
warfare training.
“We had to be ready for biological
warfare,” Mike says, “so we had to be
prepared to perform every task under
those conditions. Perhaps the worst part
of the training was spending time in the
gas chambers. It was pretty unnerving.”
On April 15, Mike’s unit was sent
overseas. After a brief five-day layover
at Camp Wolf in Kuwait, the 444th was
redeployed to Camp New York near the
Mike guards the camp perimeter in the Iraqi desert.
Iraqi border. It would be Mike’s “home
away from home” for the next five
“Camp New York was about 10 miles
from the Iraqi border,” he recalls. “It
was in the middle of a desert with nothing but sand all around. We weren’t in
too much danger, but you could see the
flash of artillery fire in the distance.”
Although his unit’s official duty was
to coordinate the movement of casualties, the role of the 444th quickly
changed. They were now responsible for
coordinating the deployment of troops
coming into and leaving the theater of
operations, as well as guarding the perimeter of the camp.
As the war escalated, Mike and his
mates received some disheartening news
when the U.S. government abruptly
extended their tour of duty from six
months to a year.
“We were all hoping to get home for
the holidays when we got wind of the
new policy,” he says. “It hit us like a ton
of bricks. To tell you the truth, I was
devastated. But I was the staff sergeant
and it was my job to make sure the 12
guys in my squad were okay.”
Barely halfway through his tour of
duty and faced with his stiffest challenge yet, Mike drew upon his personal
training expertise and devised a fitness
program to help boost morale.
“We got up every morning at 5 am to
do physical training,” Mike says. “We
had to exercise early in the morning
because sometimes the temperatures
reached 140 degrees during the day. I
tried to vary the activity so the guys
would have something different to look
forward to. On some days we’d go for a
run, on others we’d do calisthenics. The
camp also had a makeshift gym, and I
encouraged the guys to work out. Staying in shape was a way for us to keep
mind, body, and soul together.”
The stakes became even higher in
January when Mike and his unit were
transferred to Blad, Iraq.
“We were much closer to the fighting
and mortar shells were exploding
around the camp all the time,” he says.
“One day I was walking through camp
and a rocket hit about 100 yards in front
of me. It was the scariest moment of my
Perhaps the best moment of his life
occurred earlier this month, when Mike
boarded a jet in Kuwait bound for home.
“The feeling when that plane left the
runway was pure elation,” he says with
a broad smile. “And when we landed at
Langley Air Force Base in Virginia it
was the best feeling I’ve ever had. The
first thing I did when I got off the plane
was kiss the ground!”
It’s an understatement to say that
Mike’s a happy man these days.
“When I arrived in Pittsburgh and
saw my family waiting for me it was
great,” he says. “And every day I see
old friends who I haven’t seen in over a
year. We have a lot to talk about.”
It’s a credit to Mike that he prefers to
dwell on the pluses of his experience.
“Overall it’s been a very positive
thing and I’m glad I did it,” he says. “It
made me grow. I learned a lot about
tolerating and working with people in
difficult situations who I normally
wouldn’t have accepted or gotten along
with. But most of all, I’ve learned to
appreciate America and how much we
Spoken like a true hero. Welcome
home, OB!
Sonshine Champions
t SSF, we’ve been truly blessed to train so many
champion power lifters, bodybuilders, and fitness
and figure competitors. Each and every athlete
we’ve worked with possesses the spirit of excellence so
necessary to reach the pinnacle of success. And their
heart, character and willingness to make great sacrifices in
order to achieve their dreams is the hallmark of a true
champion. So please join us in congratulating JOHN,
their noteworthy achievements.
Clockwise from left: Coach Larry
Longo, John Casciato, Nancy
Schuchert, Tina King-Pemberton
John Casciato—2nd Place, 275 lb. Submaster’s Class
465 lb. Deadlift (first competition ever!)
Nancy Schuchert—1st Place, 132 lb. Grandmaster’s Class
275 lb. Deadlift (unsanctioned world record!)
Tina King-Pemberton—1st Place, 148 lb. Submaster’s & 2nd Place Open
300 lb. Deadlift
1st Place (Figure Novice Class)
2nd Place (Figure Open Class)
OCB Iron City Classic
5th Place (Figure Class)
NPC Upper Ohio Valley Competition
2nd Place (Fitness Short Class)
NPC Pittsburgh Competition
(Or SSF “Believe It Or Not!”)
here’s an old adage that says “a
picture is worth a thousand
words.” And perhaps that’s the
only way to describe 52-year-old CINDY
SWEITZER’S breathtaking transformation
—through pictures. Because words simply
don’t do justice to her eye-popping change
in appearance.
What makes her results all the more
astounding is that Cindy accomplished this
total reshaping in just 12 weeks! You
heard right.
Upon entering a 12-week body
transformation contest sponsored by
Royal Body Care, a nutritional supplement
company, Cindy hired Stasi for a crash
course in weight lifting, cardio and proper
nutrition. Stasi supplied the know-how,
and Cindy supplied the drive, focus, and a
willingness to learn and work hard. She
absorbed Stasi’s instruction like a sponge,
and it paid off beautifully! Cindy not only
won her contest in a landslide, but she
received a cash prize of $2,500!
Cindy humbly gives the glory to God for
her victory—with a big thanks to Stasi.
These photos are the real deal, folks.
There’s no airbrushing, touch up or other
gimmickry involved. Just proof positive of
what you can accomplish if you have a
dream and are willing to commit and
sacrifice for that dream.
Congratulations, Cindy, on your truly
spectacular transformation!
Rays of Sonshine
Here’s a sampling of fun Sonshine tidbits and
fitness odds and ends to keep you in the know!
Goin’ to the Chapel
Be ye transformed by the renewing
of your mind.
― Romans 12:2
Best wishes to Joady Bloomer, who
was engaged to Dale Cowher, Scott
Callender who was married in
January, and Melanie Gefert, who
was recently engaged.
“Pain is only weakness leaving the
We offer our deepest condolences to
Rick Buker, Janine Castellano, Eric
Close, Laura Fromm and Beth
Newbold, who recently lost loved
Get Well
We extend our heartfelt prayers and
best wishes for God’s healing and a
speedy recovery to Jeri Antonino,
Jerry Brandy, Rick Buker’s mom,
Mary Anne Concilus’s dad, Kellie
Kuhleman, Marty McCarthy,
Marion Mazzocco’s dad, Pastor
Gary Mitrik, Lisa Peligrini’s
grandmother and Walter Thomas.
We bid a fond farewell and God’s
blessings to long-time SSF client and
friend Pam Giannette, who has
moved to Connecticut.
A Worthy Cause
SSF client Emilio Cornacchione is
co-producing the first annual Moda
Della Molla spring fashion show at
Touch Nightclub on May 21. The
show will feature specialty wigs
designed by Emilio’s team at Izzazu
International Salon that will be
donated to the Pittsburgh Race for the
Cure. To purchase tickets call the
Izzazu Salon at 412-325-1600 or visit
Jerry Brandy’s
Fitness Fact
Studies show that
women are more
inclined to exercise
than men. You go girls!
Cancellation Reminder
If you need to cancel a training session
for any reason, please give us 24 hours
notice or you’ll be charged for the
Referral Rewards
Get a friend to sign-up for a 10session package and receive your
choice of a free box of bars or a free
training session.
Christmas Thank You
A belated thank you for all of the
many thoughtful, generous (and
meaningful) Christmas gifts we
Future Features
If you have any ideas or suggestions
for future feature articles, call Stasi at
$10 Off Massage Therapy
Even if you’re active and fit, chances are you need a little maintenance and tender
loving care now and then. And SSF client MARTI MCCARTHY can iron out the kinks.
Marti is a certified massage therapist with many years of experience. She’s
helped numerous SSF clients (and trainers) recover from injuries and keep their
bodies finely tuned through a wide range of massage therapy, from deep muscle
massage to soothing, tension-relieving massages.
So whether you need some relief for that achin’ back, or just some good old
fashioned pampering, Marti’s magical fingers can work wonders. To schedule an
appointment, call Marti at 412-388-1829 and present this coupon to receive $10
off your massage!
Client Corner
We’d like to extend warm (and in some
cases, belated) birthday wishes to clients
Athalia Anderson (3/6), Jeri Antonino
(3/23), Denise Augello (2/4), Michelle
Ayres (12/2), Robin Beckham (1/18),
Diane Benedict (12/13), Nablia Bey
(11/14), Vicki Bey (11/11), Bryan Boak
(1/26), Alice Boeser (3/1), Leah
Bonasorte (2/11), Wenby Bossart
(5/28), Katrina Brabham (2/17), Jerry
Brandy (4/11), Olivia Brandy (2/3),
Trina Brandy (2/19), Susan Brozek
(11/7), Ron Bruno (3/29), Rick Buker
(3/25), Jesse Butkovic (3/7), Scott
Callender (4/10), John Casciato (1/27),
Kim Caughey (11/14), Eric Close
(12/3), Kelly Close (1/18), Mary Anne
Concilus (5/29), Marnie Conley (12/21),
Emilio Cornacchione (11/18), Martin
Coyne (4/25), Nina Rose Crystol
(12/19), Gloria Daniel (1/12), Marianne
Dean (5/1), Kelly DeVoagd (5/8),
Aradhna Dhanda (1/25), Pamela
Edixon (11/25), Carol Elias (3/24), Fran
Esposito (2/3), Peggy Finnegan (2/14),
Matt Fisher (3/12), Laura Fromm
(3/30), Cindi Gefert (3/20), T.J. Gefert
(12/24), Jacqueline Gialloreto (1/11),
Robert Gialloreto (5/22), Nancy Gillette
(2/7), Rachel Gindele (12/26), Cliff
Goodrow (4/6), Carl Gorr (2/11), Elmer
Gray (5/3), Lauren Grosbeck (11/12),
Dana Hainsey (12/7), Joan Haley (1/18),
Sonshine Fitness
1214 Jerome Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Mike Hertrich (11/4), John Hiras
(5/11), Jack Holczer (12/22), Ed Kabala
(3/21), Marcia Klark (4/19), Lori
Kragnes (3/10), Jeremy Landen (2/19),
Barb Levenson (12/1), Larry Longo
(1/25), Stasi Longo (2/4), Tayler Longo
(2/26), Melanie Lorenzi (5/15), Kim
Maddox (3/13), Renee Margie (12/11),
Susan Mazzotti (3/4), Holly
McCullough (11/9), Rob McGeown
(5/5), Joan Mitchell (5/27), Gary Mitrik
(4/3), Ricky Mongiovi (1/14), Beth
Newbold (1/16), Denise Palmer (5/5),
Lisa Panazzi (3/6), Dede Papurello
(12/4), Michael Papurello (4/24),
Deanne Patchan (3/28), Donna
Pruszynski (4/9), Lynn Reynolds (5/4),
Tino Rionda (4/10), Ken Rozzell (2/5),
Joseph Ruglovsky (3/20), Cindy
Sadauskas (2/28), Ester Saghafi (4/19),
Veronica Sankey (5/19), Jodi Schneider
(4/22), Nancy Schuchert (12/3), Sue
Seibel (12/31), Allen Sherwood (11/25),
Mecca Smarr (12/22), Sarah Speaker
(5/17), Lori Stuart (4/7), Renee Swasey
(11/2), Bob Tenney (3/21), Debra
Thomas (2/10), Edna Thomas (5/14),
Roberta Thomas (3/3), Anna Thorpe
(1/17), Gerald Tierney (2/16), Jeff
Tobin (5/2), Lori Wade (12/1), Laura
Walker (3/13), Mary Wasko (1/4), Ben
Wechsler (1/9), Linda Wechsler (1/23),
Shelby Whaley (11/4), Evan Wimer
(2/5), Joe Willis (4/20) & Barb Yogan
Ask Barb
owner of Barb
Levenson Dog
Centers, how
she spends her
days, and
that’s the
answer you’re
likely to hear.
She runs with
the big dogs—
and the small
ones, too!
The energetic 58-year-old
entrepreneur has a rigorous schedule.
She teaches classes six days a week at
her new 12,000-square foot facility in
Oakmont, including fast-paced agility
drills with border collies and Australian
Shepherds. So she has to be quick on
her feet.
So what keeps Barb from going to
the dogs? That’s where Sonshine
Fitness comes in.
“Without SSF I couldn’t keep up
with these dogs in a million years,” she
confides. “But thanks to my training
and fitness regimen with Shelby, I can
keep pace with women half my age—
and my four-legged friends, too. Bless
you, Shelby, for pulling this ‘old beg’
Famous Folks
To say that Sonshine Fitness has made
quite an impression on the local fitness scene would
be an understatement. But did you know that your SSF
trainers have helped a number of famous folks get in tiptop shape over the years?
Here’s a little teaser to put your SSF knowledge to the
test. Correctly match all the celebrities with their SSF
trainers and win a free box of protein bars! The answers
are at the bottom of the page. No fair peekin’!
(Helpful hint—the celebs with an asterisk have been
trained by more than one SSF trainer.)
SSF Trainer
a. Larry
b. Stasi
c. Shelby
Dan Marino (pro football player)
Willie Stargell* (pro baseball player)
Peggy Finnegan* (TV news anchor)
Jack Ham (pro football player)
Liz Miles (TV news personality)
Gina Redmond (TV news anchor)
Lynn Swann (pro football player)
Dennis Miller (comedian)
Dave Collins (pro baseball player)
Darieth Chisolm (TV news anchor)
Kevin Orie (pro baseball player)
Jennifer Beals (actress)
Craig Bingham (pro football player)
Susan Brozek (TV talk show host)
Ray Knight (pro baseball player)
1-a; 2-a,b; 3-b,c; 4-b; 5-b; 6-a; 7-b; 8-b; 9-a; 10-b; 11-a; 12-b; 13-b; 14-b; 15-a
The KETO Good Nutrition!
We’ve all heard Stasi preach that carbs are the
enemy when it comes to building a lean, muscular
physique. Research has proven that even if you
follow your SSF trainer’s workout and cardio
program to the letter,
eating too many of the wrong kinds of
carbs will increase your body fat and
prevent you from getting that hard body
you desire. That’s why it’s important to
follow Stasi’s “diet prescription” and keep
your carb intake low.
However, the right kinds of carbs are
essential for good nutrition because they support many important bodily
functions, and that’s where KETO supplements can help. SSF is pleased
to offer a sale on a full line of high-protein, low-carb KETO products,
Cookie mix
Ice cream
Pancake mix
Bread mix
And more
These delicious-tasting products come in a variety of mouth-watering
flavors to tempt your taste buds, and will help keep your “engine”
running smoothly! For more information about KETO supplements or to
place an order, call Stasi at 412-922-2929 or talk to your SSF