more than 500 vote at annual aa elections
more than 500 vote at annual aa elections
H.ii- »l. GOOD EVENING—For the benefit of alumni who arc probably interested Rags is still living, in good health, and as scrappy a s ever. He sends his love, especially to those kind friends who delivered him from the dog-catcher. T H I S IS T H E SEASON of banquets, dinners, and dances. Since our Alumni issue goes to press the morning after the night before, w e think of the immortal words: Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die. VOL. 53, NO. 28. LAFAYETTE TAKES FIRST GAME FROM LEHIGH BY 3 TO 0 t Yeisley Allows Only 2 Hits As Maroon Gain Lead On Hesse's Wildness. Chimenti W i t h 2 Hits Is Leading Stickman. RAIN HALTS PLAY I-aifavelte gained u llviiii; start on Ix'higb in the animal thre'c f;uiiic series when the .Muiiion nine slopjicd tbe Brown b.v n 3-0 eneiil at Itelhlchem la^t Satunluy aflernnnn. (hi We'dnesduy the I.afa.vette team chalked iiji an inijircssivi' 10-2 triumph over N. V. A. C. in Hie only game of lhe New Vork triji that Hie weather jierniitli'd. To "Iliek" Vei-ley. the -Maroon's siiutlijiaw ace', go niosl of lhe Iiiitrels for Hie viclory. Kain caii-e'il the calling nf Hie yiinie at the start of the seventh and iiji to that time niily Cajitain lliiyi'.''. nf Le'high. had been able to falliiiiii Yeisley s twisters. The Brown ami While cajitain -jmilcil a no-hit. iin-run game fnr the I.afa.vette clunker by eiiishing mil the onlv two hits that Lehigh eniild get. Despite a wel ball "Ilick" Hashed brilliant contreil, walking but two Imtters and fanning nine', ("^jijio^ing Veisle.y was I.ebigh's ni'e'. Hesse. The Bellilebein riglithunder held tbe MariHin to six hiis bill il was bis lilicrality that sent him down to defeat ns he handed out seven free tickets to lir>t Maroon P l a y s Smart Ball l.afayelle jilaveil lieads-iiji liaseliall, taking advantage nf every njiiinrliin i l y l o seme. The .Marnnn eliili aNn tielded ill jierfecl fnrm. nnt an errnr U'ing ree'.uded against tlu'iii, while the Lehigh nine umussi-d live. Both liurlers ilnminuled the situation unlil the third when the .Maioon tallied two eounlers. lle-^sc walkeil Griilic wilb one down. Tlininjison the'ii singled In right. Griils' inking tliirel nil Hie hit. Tlie .Muinnn leaele-r se-ore'il on Kirk's i-inglc. iinl Tlionijisnii ailvuiieeil to seeoud. Ihitli runners iiiovcel iiji on . S u m i s gnmiiilcr to llesse-. lle^se Insl the Ini'atioii ot tbe jilale. walking ( h i m e i i t i and MeGarve'V. tlius forcing in one nm. He then juilleil himself InL-elher und retired llie side willioul a furllier score. After Roscuson fanneel, Hayes came throii;;li wilh l.eliigb's lirst bit in the fourlli. Nevins foreed bim at bccoml, and ^ e i « l i v was ont of a hole. In Hie liflh and si.xth Yeisley shi|ived llie Itetlileliem nine nothing but bad bulls und strikes, retiring the side ill order in bolli iniiings. The last Lafa.vetle run wus munufaetiired in the seventh. Tbomiwin walked and scnie'd on -ue'ti'-sive singh.-s by Sarni and Chimenti, afler Kirk liad >trui'k out. Yeisley In Rare Form lA'bigli's lust hojie eanie in the seventh. Hayes got bis seeond hit to start the inning. Veisli'y tightend uji und faiinesl Nevins. O'Callughnn fiiiee'd llu.vcs ul •seeond and Talbcrl ended Hie canto with a lly whieb Knuh gatiiered iu. With two men nn base uml nnne out, al Hie sturt nf the ei;;litli, .liijie Pluvius Innk 11 band in allairs. .After u liulfheiiir wail Hie gunie wii^, calle^el. Rain jueveilted the jilaying nf g a m e s with Selmi llall and .Muiiliultaii on Hie New Vork Iriji dnring lhe Hrst three duy.i of the week. (Jn Wt'diu'siliiv llie weiitlier inijirnviil HUll'icieully fnr the Murnnn nine In triiiiiiee llic N. V. .\. ('. niittit by Ihc score of 10-2 mi Siaten Island. Due t o the bud weather and long lay-oil, three- jiile-liers toe-d the slab for Ciuigliliirs crew. Morrison siarled the game and went along until the fnurlli, i c l i r i n g with a 2-1 li'ud. Yeisley then worked four innings uml llililiard linislied Hie game-. Hitters Crash Through (^aptuin (jriila- with two iloubles led tlie Marnon balling ullaek. Kiieli UIMI lasheil nut twei safe blows. Ve-i'sli'y licljieil his own cause with a long trijib'. The Marnnn ili.ili Innk tbe b'uil in the fourlli inning und w a s never beaded. Two runs were scoiiil ill Ibis ses-iou, Iml .\. V. .\. C. slruiig along wheu they lallieil ii single murker. The Kustoiiiuiis eounled once in llie sixlli to inireuse their lead. In the seventh the .Muronii waieliibs brnke nut ill u ru-li nf basehil-. and seven runs mlle-d acrnss tbe jdute, putting the gume sufely awuy. Tlie box scnres: Lebigli Alt. I!. II. I). A. E. F l y n n , rf 2 0 0 0 0 ll Rosenson, If 3 U U 3 U II H a y e s , cf 3 0 2 1 i» (i Nevins, e 2 I) 0 l 1 ii O'Cullaghun, 3b , . 3 0 II 1 1) 2 TullH'rl, l b 3 0 II 7 0 1 Bramble, HS 2 0 0 .1 0 1 Coiitiniie-el on jiage 3 PRICE TEN CENTS. Class of 1930 Is Given Privileges Of Walking On Grass and .At Hie unniial juiiinr-freshmnn -iiinker held in lltrainerd Hall last •|"liur.sda.v evening t.hc men nf '.10 weru j;iven the privilege of walking on Ibe pi'.iss and smoking corn cob jiijies on the eamjius for the remainder of tlie leriii. The frosli were jiresented with enrn cob jiijies. smnking tobaeeo and an aliiiniluiiie nf eigarcttC''. Manv frosh smoked their I'orii cobs and turned white ill l.he atleinjit. I'rwin .S. Adaiii.s jiresideil ul the smoker and kejit tilings moving. X o jiiiiior-fro.«li smoker would be coiiijilele withiuil Dr. Francis .A. Mare'li in alteiiibinee. Dr. March gave ;'. short tulk nn I.afaveite Iraililinns and famniis teams ill the jiast. The next sjieaker was a i l i n g jircsiilent. Dean Dniialil B. Prentice, who read e.\cerjits from a histniy of Lafayette in tbe early ebivs. whii'li was amusing us well as intere-tiiig. I'rnf. D. -Arthiir Hatch gave the la.-t of the faculty ?,Jieeclies. He enmuu ueled the good start of the ela-s of '30 and wishe'd them all suceess in finisliiiig uji their work here ami suecevs in the future. Paul Koeli. '2.S, ill beliulf of the Knights nf the llniind Table, then gave the fin-'i grass jirivile'ges and Smoking jiermissiiiii tu sniuke their jiijics nn cani]iiis. Aeeording to custom, elections were iicNt ill oilier for the best looking man in the class, the one who tliinks he is the bc-t Innkiiig. the iiiiist jinjiiilar. the IM-SI dressed, .Ine cnllege. jiisl Hie sninolh bill, the one who ,<ias the smallest laundry bill, and the one who best ujiholds the eiglileetilli amendnient. Norman G. Miirlieig was voted the best lonkiiig IIIUII in the class. Harr.v Peek was \oIeil the one wlin tliink'S he is Hie best Innkiiig. Nnniian Murberg ami Williani .'^lierwiieid lii'il fnr being l.he iiinsl jinjiiilur in the class. .Inhn G. .•\dams wus elee'tcd .Ine cnllege. jnst the siuooUi lad. Konrad linliiiisky was viitcil the best iliessi'd man in the class. Genrge l.uiiibaril was voted the one whn best ujihnlds the I'ighleenth uniendmcnt and liu-s t.he smullest laimiliv bill nf unvoiic in the el.iss. Eucll nu'iiilier of the elass who was billion ll by being so elected was given the jirivile'ge of inuking a sjieeeli. The liunil furnislieel jilcnt.v of noise and snme miisie for the singing ut freijuent intervals tlinniL'.h the evening. Ill elnsing the -Mma Mater W.IS • ' l i n g . K.R.T. BANQUETS; LAFAYETTE FBOSH SELECTS OFFICERS WIN 2 MORE GAMES Atkinson, McGuire Cothran, And Murberg Holds Muhlenberg To 3 Hits Koch Are Chosen Officers. Pledges And Fans 12 Batsmen. Clouser Initiated In Chapel Today. Holds Rutgers Safely. Win. M. .Atkinsnn. '2.S, Rochester. Pa., was e l i i t e d jiresident nf the Knights nf lhe Rniind Table. hoiioTary jiinior-seiiior socicly. at Uu- anIIIMI meeting and baiiijuci nt the Pennsylvaniu Restaurant Mnnilav night. .Atkinsnn played on the fresliman baseball team last yeur and on the varsity football team for two ve'ars as end. Cnruelins AlnysiiH MeGuire, .fr., '2S. nf Itrnoklyn. N". V.. was eleeted viecjiresiileiil mil Harnid D, Cnl.hran, '28, nf Vniiiigstmvn. N. Y.. was ilinsen secreiary. I'aul K. Koch. '2.S, of Seliiiylkill Haven, was made treasurer. .Milliiire is cujituin of the golf team, ('otliran wus re'ceiillv elected lajitaiii nf the fnotball team und has jilavi'd witli the varsity fnr tliiee years. He is also jiresident of the .\tlilelie A-sneialion. Koeli is regular varsily short stoji on the baseball team. .lames C. MeGurve.v acted as toast master nf the liaiie|iiel iu ubsence ot President Kirkleski, who was ill. .After the dinner tbe jdedgees maile sjieeelies .mil l o l l i g c songs were sung. New bn-iiiess wus then brought llji and the elections held. The meeting ndjniinied with the singing of the .Mmu .Mater. The liftieii jiledges eif t,h'.: organization were initialed lo-elay as a jiart of the eliujiel e.xeriises. Past President I'ruiik W. Kirkleski presided over the cereniouv. ENGINEERING S T O D E N T S HEAR PROMINENT S P E A K E R S The eil|;iniering students of lhe enllege. jiartieiilurl.v thnse nf the miniiig' eiiiiiiieering elepartnient, were given all niijinrlnnit.v to lii'ar llirie very e.veellciit spe'akers on I'riday, Ajiril 27. .\lr. (idwalluiler Evans, gene'ral niaiiai;i'r of llie Hudson Coul Co.. of Serunlnii adilres-ii-d lhe senior mining engineering students in l.he interest of tl'.e two year training course for griiiluate stuilents which his comjiuny offers. Mr. L. F. .Stone, who is in charge of the iiiiuiiig se-elinil ot the Generul Kle'clric Conijiany nf Se-henectady. N. v.. sjinke to the senior mining eiigiiieeriii^ and electrical ciigiiieerilil sludenls nil llic siili.ject nf "Ele-e'tric Mine Hoisting." .Mr. .lames .M. Kiiiiude, E. M.. Ijifa y c l t e . 'I)."i. now divi-ion engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad ut Treiitnii. N. .1.. talked with the senior inining engineering and civil eugineeriiig stiideiits about njijinrt unit ies fnr njicniii'is with the Pennsylvania Hitting ill the jiinehes gained a brilliant 7-lt vietnry for the flush liaseball teaiii over the .MulileiilR'ig yearlinjis in the #giiiiie jilaved on .March Field la-t, Saliiribi.v' afleriiiioli. It Wiis the seeond i-nmjiiesl nf the wei'k for the 11130 ugyregiilinn us nil Weilnesilay tlie'V Inimjied the Kiilyeis fieshinen 3-2 ut New Briinswiek. Clnuser twirled the gume again-l Hie Si'.irlel unil was in nn jiarlieiilar diinger at an.v time. The Lafayeile eiibs Innk all earl.v le'ud and allliougli the -New Itl iiii.swiek mil lit lla-lieil some elassy baseball and rallied strniigly al tbe liiiisr. Clnuser jiiuhed II -te'aily gunie and tiirned li.nk the I'lilgers yearlings when tlii'V Ihre'uteiii'd til senre. 'ilie eniiibiiiutinii nf Miirls'ig nil Ihe llllllillli and .\Iliiiily in Hie butter's liiix was Inn niiieli for the .\Ileiitnwii gan;; nil Saturday. Miirhcrg Iwirleil ill iiujircssivo fushimi, ullnwiiig the iliihlenlK'rg nine but tliie-e hits, t w o ' o f which were singles, and 'llie gnnil wulloji. n tiijilc. In addition l o Ibis he fanned twelve liatlerwitli Ilis fircliall and only jiassed lliiei-. ll was IIS line un e.\liiliilinn nf jiiti'hiiig as has laeii seen on .Muieh I'icld this year. The .Murnnn yearlings lost no lime in g e l l i n g - t a i l e d . Willi two nii'ii on the jiiilhs in the lirst inning. .Mliiiily lined oul u trijile. -eoriiig two mils. With Diiiinierling nn bu-e in the lir-t inning. .Mundy lined mil a trijile. sinring two runs. With Diniiiii'rling nn liuse ill the liftli. .Miinilv a^iiiin eniiiie'i'U'il snlidlv fnr a home run. tlius jiersninilly aeeminling for four nf Hie seven finsli runs. Contiiine'd on jiage 3 SHAKESPEREAN REHEARSALS BEGIN IN OLD GYMNASIUM Inteiisive relieursing for Miukesjieiiie's "Twelfth Niglit", wliieh bus lieen clinscn us this year's Coiunienecment jilay. begun .yesterduy iifteriionu at fnur o'clock ill the old gymiiu^iiim, Hehiui-als will eonliniic daily, bnlli ill the old gyinnusium and nn the i'uiii|iiis in front of Pardee Hall, where the jihi.v will be giveii on Friduy, .lime 10, miller the munugemeiit nf I'rnfessnr Ivobcrt S, Illiiigwiirth. -A large orebeslru of tliirty jiieecs will feature ut the iiroiliietiiiii. Both Inial and eamjius luleiit will eomjiose the nrelieslru, which is being eondiieted by .Mrs. lllin^-vvorlli. The nunilu-rs cbiisen for the entre-uets ure eniiipnsitions from Uie beautiful "Twelfth Night" music. Baker and VanEps Le Cercle Francais Head Musical Clubs To Present 2 Plays .Arthur L. Ituker. '28. wus elii-ti'd bead nf the Glee Club, and William I'. VaiiKps, ,lr.. '28. was ehn-eii as leader nf Hie liislnniienlal Club ut the aiimial ele-ctions ot eonibiiicd mii-ieul iliibs held in Itruineid Ilull vi-lcrday ufterliiHiu at fmir o'e-lock. . \ f l e r a vcnr as manuger of the eoliibiiieil ;;i'niijis, I r w i n S. .\dttms. '28, was r e e l i e t e d to the olfice. Ituker is jiii'sidi'iit of Kajijia Phi Kujipu. und u iiieiiilicr of the Itejs'rtniy I'lavi-rs. Un- (ileV Clnb. and the enllejii- i|iiurlel. VaiiKji- bus be'en » i t l i tbe Ijifuvette llund tirii'e ye'urs. unit bus served in tbe Inslrumeiitul .Vilanis is a Beta ('hajitcr of Kujijia I'bi Kujijui, Club fnr twn yeurs. nationul bonorurv jM-dugo-,<ieal fra- ineinla'r nf the ItejM-rtniy Player-, u ternit.v, held its annual bainjiiet last Inrnier nienilM-r nf Culumet, und wus eveiiing, Tue-dav. .Muv 17. in llie I liairniiin of tbe ree-eiit frn.-li siuoker, Pe-niisylvaiiia Grill. .VIHUII forty of ;,'iveu bv the junior class. • • • the nieiiilH-rs were in allenilanee uml the cliujiter jire'sideiit, .\. l-elioy FURNITURE BUREAU WILL Baker, '2H, acte-d us tiHi-ilmaslcr. MAKE CANVASS OF DOKMS The list of sja-ukers include-d R. It. Goltsball. '27, who gave a riinning The Druinenl Furniture Bureau will ae.-e<uuiil ot Ibc vi-ur's uctivities. Pro- IM- maiiage-d again. Ibis ve-ar bv H. C. fessor (i. II. Kickes. who made a Wliillle»ey, '28, and .1. O. .1. Shellenfew remurkx ou U-liulf of the re-cent berger. '•i.'i. The Bureau a i l s under faculty initiates, \ \ . F. Hart. '27, the nujiervisiun of the Uraiuerd .'•^owho g a v e u rejairt ot the Kniirlli eiety und gives t.he sludenls the eijiGeneral .A-»einbly ot the fraternity jMirtunitv uf bnUi selling t.heir old held reit-ntly at Gellysbiirg Cnlle-ge. furniture in the fall und buyiiiy seeProfessnr \ \ . I >. .Allen sjKike brielly nnd band furniture in the fall. -Ajiaa faculty udvis<-r and iulriHliiei-d Jirai-suU viill l>e ;:ladl.v made it detbe sjM-aker i»f the e*vening. l>r. Kob- sired and the maii.igirs ean la- re-uehert Brown, nf the Sirouelsburg. Pa., i-d eilher al the .Aljdni Chi Uhn bniine Jiublie se-hfMiN. or by calling 9122. .A e-umplete e-aiiI>iiring the evening iir. Brown was vass of the dnriiiitories will be uuide Initiated i n l o the fraternity aa an iu the near future. Educational Society Holds Annual Dinner honurary member. riUiliM 42 ARE CHOSEN FOB STAFFS OF 1928 'MELANGE' Editor-in-Chief McGeary And Business Manager Messinger Name Board For Yearbook. Work Begins This Week. TO MEET MONDAY Korty-nne seniors and one junior have lieen cliosen by M. Nelson McGeary und A. Messinger, iditor und liusiness niiinager re-tsjieitively. for the two staffs ot the 102S Melunge. George H. A. Parkman was iiunied assistunt editor and Duviil .1. Brunn ussoeiate editor, .lames 1'. Miller wu" sele'i'ted as assistant bii'^iness manuger. Wnrk on next .ve-ar's bneik will liej;iii this wee'k with bhe tuking of iu 111 Jills scenes und of severul giouji jiieliires. The lirsl meel ing nf the newly e k e t e d bnaid will be held nn .Mnniluy ut 5.15 Ji. iii. in Bruincrd Hall. Seven nllier men were giveii jilacei on lhe business stulV: "U. S. WeislieUl, I,. E. Yerkes. 11. P. Flunk, l!. T. Roberts, J. G. Wood. J, P. McCord and A. L. Baker. The men elinsen for the editorial tuff are: H. C. Whittlesey, jiliotojrajiliie e-elitor; .1, S, Naylor. Iininor eilitnr; -A. J. Kiijijiersberg. '29. arl editnr; C. A. Mi'Giiire, sjiorts edilor; S. H. Cisne.v. fuenlt.v editor; W. K. Thygesnn, draniaties cdilnr; D. I.. Terwillifjer. dejiarlmeiil editnr; U. S. Adams. R. W. Adduiiis. F, C. Elmes. .M. A. Fil'-on. A. It. Fitz-Gerald. J. V. Gnlilsmit.h. B. M. Gnniliiian. H. K. Hurris. S. R. Heller. E. W. Kiljiutriek. W. L. Kuebler. R. G. .MeLaiiuhnn. L. W. Mnndv. C. -A. Niehoff. 1!. L., J. Sulinl'. W. K. Selinetle. S. T. Sehwurtz. H. F. Sluter. E. S. Smith. II. M. Tavlor. T. C. W a l k i r . F. J. Wullis. P. 'F. WeiuK and W. R. Wollf. F. W. Kirkleski, '27, Is Class Marshal Frank V»'. Kirkli-uki, '27. was eleeted cluss mursliul ut a senior cluss meeting held ufter eliapel last Wednesda.y. The vacancy was cailseel by the resigiiatinn nf \V. R. Fnulkcs. '27. vice-jircsiilent fnr u live yeur jii-rind. To till tlie v i u a i u y all llii.- other offieers were moved iiji one offiee, the eluss marshal Jin-itinii being left. The nffieers nioving uji ure II. K. Smith, '27. secretary to vice juesident. I\. B. H i i l m a n . '27. Ire-usurer to set': retary, ami .J. 0. Boyd, '27. niarslial to tre-asMrer. Kirkleski, t.he new marshal, besides being the eujitain and star lialfbaek nf the fnntlmll te.iiii, and seconil baseman of the baseball team, is jui sident of K. R. T., a meniber of the "L" club, Calumet club, and Studcnl Council. Al the sume nie-etiiig. Allen J. X o ble was cliorcn as eluss du.y orator to till the vaeunev left bv Foulkes. NOBLE A N D McGEARY W I N PRIZES IN E S S A Y CONTEST Allen .1. Noble. "27. and M. Nelson Mi'Gearv. '28. were awarded the lirst und seeond jirizes of fifteen and ten dollars iu tlie Brainenl K- ay Cniilest wjiieli closed Suiiday, Xlay l.'i. riie judges also awarded liouorable n u n l i i m In H. C. Yahraes. '27. C. D. Durling. '211. Gus Vogel. '28, W, K. Bailey. '30. und C. E. Kidiier. '27, lieeuiise of the ('onstrnetive iiuture of their eritieisnis. 'I'he (Brainenl Society njijueii ites the inleiesi sliown in the enntest and feels that the eriticisUM nlfcred cun be incorpiiniteil In gnoel udvanlage in next year's jirngrams. .All uiiiver-al ajijie'ul wus made fnr mnre niilstaiidiiig sjiiiikers and there WIS cnnsiderable demaiiel fnr lilerury nien. journalists und jioets. The suggestion wus mude lo fore'mi meilioere sjieakers in the intervuls wliiii guuraiileeel ullruetions eould not be bad and tn subsMlnle fnr l.liein mnre jimgruiiis nf a mu-ieal nutiire. Tlie sealing urrangement and the lighting systi 111 uroused a great de'al of complaint. MINING ENGINEERS VISIT N E W MUSCONETCONG T U N N E L I'lie niining iii^'ineering htinlenls nf Ihe seninr. iiininr und snjilinmnre I'lu-scs ueeonijiaiiieil by Priifessor W. It. I'lank. Head i i f ' l b e Dejiarllueiit. insjie'eteil the jiingiess of the new .Mn-iniieleong tunnel of the IA'hi^-li N'alley Raihouil ul West Portal, N. .1.. on .Mnnday. Muv Hi. The jiurly mntnre-d In Wc-t I'lirlill when- lliey bad liiiiebenii. Cnndncle-d liy .Mr. .1. I'". Dniinvaii. division engiiii-e-r. und .Mr. \\. II. Uunise-y, risiib-nl engineer ill cburjje of the work for tlie lailrnuil. the -liideiitH iiisjM'ileil tbe tunnel at bnlli the e'a-t and west ends. .Xssistunt Prnfessnr ('. W'. .MueDniigull of the mining eiigiiiiH'riii;' ilejiuitment. und Dr. Fieeiiniii Ward, bead of the dcjiurtiueiit of gisilogy, and .Mr. Karry .A. Itter, in-lriielnr. were al-o in the jiurty. T h e work on the tunnel has lii'cii ill jiiiiiiress fnr iibnut a year and it atrniibil all eMi'llent ii|ijHirliinity fnr the iiiiiiiii^' eii;:iiieeriiig students to oliM-l\e the llji-lo-diile IIII'IIIIMIS of exi'uvalion U'ing I'liijilove'el by the eonlraetor. Itale-s 4 lingers CnUslriiclinn Cniiijiuny nf Cbieagn. The tiiiiiirl wben llni-lied will bave a dniible track und il will IH' jiurullel with tbe jirc-eiil tunnel whii'li driven in 187.% und which will ennlinui- in use eve-ii after tbe new une is lini'-lieel. »• • Le Cercle Francais will jirescnt iHii jibiys sjinki'ii is I'reiicb nn Wedne-day evening. .May 2.'i. in Itraiiieril llall. The iiriHliiiUnn is under the jK-r-niiul s n j i e n i s i n n nf I'rnfessnr .laiiie-s II, llnjikins, heud nf the rniiiaiiie liiii;,>iuige dejiarlinent. Kntli Jilays iniitain the bnmnrniis ebiiienl. "L'Habit V e i l . " nr "The (iiee'ii Cnul" is a liclil I'iinieily dealing, as Hie l i l l e iiiijilies, w i l h a ;;iei'n enal Ihut bus Is'e-U jiiirehused finiii 11 ni;{iiiaii IH-IUIISC nf the innli'iiijilale'd m i n e nf u wuteli that bus IMS II lefl by iiii-lake in one of the jMiekels. The riglilfiil nwiier nf lhe •nal atli'iiijils In ri'giiiii the yuriiieiit unit u ;:enerul ejiiunilury lukes jilui'C. lu till' e'lid, the I'oul and waleh are ri'»tore-d to Hnir lawful owners and e\'eryb(xly smile-s us the eiirlain tails. "Pur un .lour ele I'luic". or. "On ii Kuiiiv Day" is a light love story jinrlruying the elernul trianijle. One of the men declines to iiie-et tlie wniiiiin tn wliniii he is to la- IM-IroUicd. The ntlier man, his friend, meels the cburiniiig .voung lud.v um. wins her over. I'no late, the lir-t ;:eiitle'iiian realizes his faux j u s and tries In muke umenils. .V stirring e'lililux takes jilue-e* as he slri'.'cs l o woo (be woman ill Hie ca-e. The falling eiiilaiii shows one dejected lover MELANGE PICTURES staring indelinite celibae'y iu the tue-e and the edher joyously eitlbraeiii;,' the The varsity batcbull. truck, tennis coudesee-ndin glieroine. und lacrosse teams will be jdiotu• • • grspheil toniorrow afternoou fAr the 19-28 Melange. Last Step singing Friday mim BANQUET AND BROW.SE TO BE HELD T H I S WEEK In keejiiiig with time honored eii-tnm the .iiiiiiial 'seninr lUiiiiijiiet uml lln aiiiiiial .liininr Brnw--e ,will be held on Weilnesiluv ami Tliursdu.y eveiiin;;s nf this week. \ 'rniii'.'lil ut seven n'elnik llie seniors will liaiii|iiet ut the Hnlel Kai^ldnn. Dean D.imild B. Preiitiee. I'lofesynrs I). A. Il.i'eh and .1. W. Tiijijier wilt'^^lie the sjienkers. J. L. Grim is clia/.riiMii of llhe banijuet eiimmitte'e. A Tnmnrrnw' night ut seven ll'l'loel^ the jiininrs will browse ul Hie same lintei. The lisl nf sjieakers iiiiliides Dean I'li'iitiee. I'nifessnrs D. A, Ilateli. F. A. M a n l i and Cnueli Itill Cmtghlin nf the liaseball team. .1. B. O'Ki illy heads the committee iu churge of the brnwse. MAROON TRACKMEN BEAT LEHIGH TEAM Down Strong Brown And White Aggregation 71-54. Ability To Garner Seconds And Thirds Wins. Getting onl.v un even bre'ak in lirst jdaecs the L a f a v c t t e varsity track and field team dnwiii-il the stronj; l.ehigh Cnllege cinilernieii 71-.'i4 ni( .March Field Saturda.v urteriioiiii. bv their ability l o cajitiirc seconds and thirds from their nlilest rivals. Each of the teams ran off with seven tirst Jilaies. but the strong .Marnnn t e n n tnnk ten -eeonds uud six thirds. T.he Maronn tield men were Hie oiilstunding men of the team, Sanford being the only rniiner tn lajiliire a first in Hie races, when he ernssed the line ill Hie niiei mile run in 4 min. 41 see. Claytnil and Gisriel nf Lebigli wcro the ilniilile winners nf the meet. Cluyliin taking lirsls in the 101) und 220 yanl diisbes. und Gisriel rejieutiiig tbis jierfnrmance in the discus uud shut, nillmeyer nf I.ehigli beat Cajit. Hrown tn lhe tape in the 440 yard dash and Cliiekeriiig nf Lehigh ilid the -ame tn Kekel iu tile H80. In Hie lield evi nt .Maurer and Treweek tied fnr first in the high jiliiiji. Ze.v.'ier took the jiolevault with a vault of 10 feet 4 inches. Sheriff wnii the javelin, and Tueker nf Lafa.vetle left the liiiard for a 21 fnot 4 inch lirst in the jiiniji. The varsit.V .lias nne mnre iliiiil meet next Wednesda.y afternoon when tlu'v enenunler Hie Muhlenlierg Cnlle;je team nn Mareli Field to elnse tlieir seheiliiled sea-nii. The siinimaries nf the l.eliigh meet: 100-y lid dash—Wnn by Cluylnii. l.ehigh: I'ureill. l.afayette. si'i'niid; Haiiil. la'liigh. lliinl. Time, iO.4 see. 2 2 0 y a r d ilasli—Wnn by Cluyton. Lehigh; I'nreell. Lufayette. seennd; Gyiisnin, I-atuyelte, third. Tiiiu'. 23.5 see. 440-yard dash—Wnn by Billmeyer. Ix'liigh; Itrnwii. Lafii.vette. se'cond; .Sheriff, Lufnyette. tliiVd. Time 51.0 see. .S.'^n-yunl run—Wnn by ('bickering. I.ehigli; Ei'kel. L a f a y e t l e . seeoiiil; lUrown. L i f u y c l t e , ijiinl. Time, 2 mill. 2 2-10 see'. One-mile run—Won by Sanford, Lufa.vctte; Hiimina. Lafayette, second; Kiseiis. Lehigh, third. Time, 4 min. 41 sec. Two-mile < un—Won by .Aiken. Lehigh: Mil-grave. Lafayette, seennil; Weinstein. l.i high, third. Time, 10 mill. 7 5-10 sec. l-JO-yurd high hurdles—Won by Sliirmer. L u f u v e l t e ; I'liillijis, Lufaye l l e . second. Time. III.4 see. 220-yanl Inw .hnnllcs—Wnn bv Phillijis, Lufu.yette; Hand. Lebigli, seeond; Wagner, Lehigh, third. Time. 211.0 see. High jiiiiiji—Tie for first between .Maurer. Lufuyelle. und Treweek. Uifiiyette; lie'ck, Ix.-liigh. und Y'ouiig, Lebigli, tie for third. Height, 5 feet 5 iiii'lies. Pole vuult—Won by Zeyher. Lafuye l t e : l'ick>lay. Lehigh, seeond; Bee'k. Lehigh, third. Height, 10 feet 0 inches. Discus—Won by Gisriel. Lehigh; Cot IIIUII. Lafuyette. -e'coiid: Johnston. Lufayelle, third. Distunee, 117 feet 2 iiiehes. Shot,—Won by Gisriel. Lehigh; Levitz. Lehigh, hCcoiKl; Ceitlirun, Lafuyelte, third. Distauee. 38 feet 7 inches, .Taviliii—Won by Sheriff. Lafaye t t e ; Levitz. Iji'liigh. second; Johnston, L i f a y e t t e , third. Distaiuc, 135 feet 2 iiie-hcs. Broad jiiiiiji—Wnn by Tucker, l.afuyette; I'linell, l.ufuyette, seennd; Straiib. Ij'liigh. third. Distaiie'C. 21 feet 4 inclies. :4 HARRIS APPOINTS BBAINEBD CABINET FOB COMING YEAB MORE THAN 500 VOTE AT ANNUAL A. A. ELECTIONS Choo uuuses Men Prominent In Campus Activities For Chairmen Of Important Committees. Speaks To Men On New Policies. I. D. Cothran, '28, Is Elected President And Athletic Association And C. R. Gochnaur, '2%, Is Chosen Head Cheer Leader. \ TO HAVE CONFERENCES T h e euliiiiet of the Bruinerd Soeiety for\tlie eomin;; year has be-en apjKiiiile-d b y President Henry E. Hurri-i. 'oR. T h e ^ i e w caliinel is enmjiosed nf the ihairikien of the various committees, wliii are': W'illiu^n L. ScaUcs. '28. aluinni advisory aind eivie work: Tliendon' G. Weeks.' 'J}0. boy»' wnrk; Frank .1. Wallis. '28, eamjius service- Willis D. Ellintt, (28: Arthur L. Buker, '28. I'liijilnymeiit^ Willium K. Betts, '28, liminee; H a r i c y E. liitilnrf, '28. entertiiiiimelit ; Lewis H. Iniiarrne, '20, juiblieity; Charjes D..Darling. '2ll. religiniis; .Insejih '<^,. IBell. '2S, vesjier*; uud I'alwurd M. Tierney, '28, voeulion al giiiilane'e. \ President Ilarris \ i s insuring co-op eratinii by Jiersnnurk emifereiiees with the members nf h i \ cabinet within the next few days. We siinke In l,!nj eabinct e'oncerning UiA jinliey for the new year. PnisjieetivV memliers nf the v.irimis <'niiiiiiitteis%vere ilisiii-seil. seleetinii nf H%OIII will be made al u fuliire dule. .'•^curies is on lhe b u s i n g s stall' nf THE LAFAYETTE, t h i i l luerosse team, the lullrfruteriiit.v Cn*ieil. ami viie-jiresiileul nf the -A. S ^ . M . K Wallis is iilsn nn the busini'lL slalf nf T H E LA FAY I'-. TTE. and is J ber nf the Jliirnnii Key Club a K I'i Delta Kjisilnii. mil is viee-jii'esiil^il •liet of the liiterfrateriiilv C o u l i l Baker is jiresident of Ka|i|iu i V i Kajijiu. nalimial eiliieatimiul fralcrn ly. and sings in the Glee Club a college i|iiar|i'l. Itetts is eliairiiiun o -tiideiit enimeil. liusiiicss munuger nf THK L A F A Y E T T E , cijitaiii-ebet nf einss eouiitr.v, ex-lreusurer of t.he Hruiiierd .Society, nnd ex-swiniming manager. Batdorf is iiresidcnt of Iiiterfralernity Council, munuger of the II13I Fnisli" Itible. s e e n tary of the .'•^iliiare anil Comjiass Club, and is in the Glee Club nnd college i|iiarlel. Conarrne is a miiiilier nf the editorial lioiril of T H E LAFAYETTK. Darling sings in the Glee Club ami (Quartet, Itell is a niember of the var-itv baseball team. K. R. T.. L Club, ami exinesident nf Calumet. Aeu; Haven Pastor Delivers Sermon ••Tbcre is a ijue'stion which coiifrniits us every we-ek, and almost every duy of nur lives: Is Hierc ii Gnil'; ami if tliere is One. what is Uis Iialure':" 'This was the inlrndiietnry stuteme'iit ill llic serninn delivered by the liev. Osear Edward .Maurer. D . D . . of Hie First Cmigregalimial ( l i n r e h . Xew Haven. Cnun.. ill Collmi CliajK'l. last .Sunday morning. Dr. Maurer said Ibat in the ijuesl for a jM'rsmiul (Ind we slimild nnt hold ourselves iiloiif nml demund III IM' given a Jiroof for e-very rmilejil nf religion. l i e ndded liial be dill mil wi-h it to be thoughl that the tlicme of bis seriuon in any wuy ilisi'oiiru^e'd rcuson; it merely ui'gued Ihal the iiriici>sse'S eit logic sliould not be too rigorously ujijilie-d l o religious belief-. "I frei|iieully enliie across Jicnjile. und jiiirtieiibirly eiilleye men." besuid. ••wbo eiimjiliiiu Hint thev are losiii;; faith be'cause the existence of a God has never la-en jirovi-d, und tbey lliereliiic ure iiiiiible In believe ill (Ine, Why is it when there are -n iiiuiiy other thing- in life tbat are nol governed bv a serie-s of ralional slejis lliut we insist in ajijilying llie-e same laws nf eaii-<' and ctleel In ii'liginnl: . W h e n it cnmes In Hie ijiie-linn nf religinli we slimild lean Inward Gisl and lel mirselves ^-n. When we have I'erlain jircnimiitiniis froni' God we slioiild IIIN'V these I'liii-einii- cullings and nnt reu-nii nut wbelher God aetimllv eoniniunded F R E S H M E N N I N E ELECTS DIMMERLING A S CAPTAIN George Dimmerling, '30. of Pottsville. i'a.. was reeent l.v eleeted cujituin of the freslinnin buseball leuni. Dimmerling is the stur lirsl liascmaii nf lhe elub, being a line tielder and a ilejieiiiliilile hitter. Ite fore e-omin;; In l.afayetle Diiiimerliiig wus u biuebull Pnif. Biii;;lium, W, Skinner. ''27 and and bisketbull star ut Pottsville. He -A. .'•'awlelle. '20. nienibers of lhe Luf- was the center of the ye-arling live u.yette College Outing Club, were the during the jiast winter. onl.v rejirescntutives of u College biking orguni/.atiim tn be jirescnt al the Pennsylvania Trial Cnnferenee held YERGER A N D COLLEGE CHOIR P R E S E N T MUSICAL PROGRAM ut 11 irrisliurg. la-t Friday uml Satiirduv. The eiiiifi rence was ultendi-d Thomas E, Yerger, eollege organist, by similar hiking clubs in the state, the Pennsylvania .Alpine Club aet ing assisted bv the choir, jiresented a as host. The l.afayelte di-leg.ites ve-jiers and iniisieal jirii;:raiii In a were entertained at the hnme of lurge loni.'regution nf Easlon jieojile Ilislinji Darliii«tnii. Grand Cliuiilain nf at Zinn Liitherin Church, last Sunday. 'The ordi r of vesjiers w.hieli was the Aljiiue Club. Dr, Jnsejkh Illick, Si ite F o n s l e r of ob.-erved wa* I'ealureil by eongri'gaI'enna., who is u Lufavette alnniniis tinnal singing und b.v the nrgaii siiof the class of '07, wus unmng the los of Mr. Yerger. Lafayette Outers Attend Conference Jiromineiit nun to give -pe'c hos ul Ibe meeting in the Senule Cliamber. Sulurday night. tnivernnr -lobn S. Kisher. Dr. .Folin H. Finley. Kditor of the Xew York Times, and Prnf. Euliene C. Tliiiglium, of the Climiistry De'pt. also gave sjii-ee.hes at this time. Due to tbe rain mi Siturduy ufteriinoii, tbe mountaiii climb Hiul hud lieen M'lie'duled liud to IH' ealli'd off. The time however, jiroveel very \ a l u alile since some imjHirtaut jilaiis were made and uelinn tuken. The Iruil which leads from the Di-laware Water Gap to .Muryland line, it was deeideil. is to IM- known us The Blue Miuiilain Si-etiiin of the AjijiuUi'liiuii Tr.iil. Plans were turther made for the inuintenanee of the Blue Muuutain Club iu Pennsvlvania. — "COLLEGIATE BILL" FLATTERS N E W JERSEY -« * • INGERSOLL-RAND DIRECTOR A D D R E S S E S COSMOPOLITANS "Stiiilent 'Tr.liuill;,' Cmirses in Indii-try" was lhe subject ot un address giveii at lhe tinal nieeling of the Ciisniojiolilan Club la-t night by .1. C. Miller, js'rsnnnel diree-tor of the Inversoll-Kund Co. Mr. Milhr stressed the cniirse.^ cnniluetcd Hi the Ingersnll-H.ind Co. under bis sujiervisinn. He sjsike of two kind- of eilueational wnrk: a man i-niiUl be given u ileHiiile task und learn by lining thut tUsk : he iiiuld he taught for a bmg jicriiNl of time tlie geiirral tlieiry nf a spe'eial tyjn- of wnrk. In tbe Atat caise he wuuld ti-ucli himself. In the second, be would be taught by others. N E W OFFICERS ARE PROMINENT Cambridge. Mass.. May 18— (IP) —I'm wearing dark gbls^es Inday at the center nf the world. I aske'd a Hurvard freshmun if be still lielievid iu Hell. He suiel y e s , it is ilnwn ill Xew .lersey. The other dav lhe Cunibridge Jioliee dressed iiji like I'rineeloii fnotball nien, and the Harvard bovs caiiie out with severul lines and one or two jail seiitences. The Harvard Imys have asked Gnvernnr Fuller to let t.'.iem liuve Saeeo and Van/etti for exiiiliils in their law school uiuseum. Yours, Collegiate Bill With the jmlls shnwiiig u tola] of over .-||I0 votes east. Hanild D. Cotliniii. -28. of Youngstown, X. Y., was eleeted President of llie .Athlelie Assneialinii bi'-t iiiglil in Brainenl Hall by defeating ,|iisi jili E. Bell. '28. of I'liiUiileljihia. Cluirles K. Gnehmiur, '28. of I.ewi.nown, Pa., defealed Henry E. Hurris. '28, of Germantown, I'a., for the nUiee of Cheerleader, silc^ i l l llill;; (liistuve G. Klein. '27. of riiinii. X. .1. CoHiran succee'ds Rubo v. .Marsh, '27. of Greensburg. in iho oiriee of Pre.-ideiiev. RESOLUTION PASSED ON LOSS OF LEWIS George Washington University Chapter Of Pi Delta Epsilon Regrets Leaving Ot President. Ginige Wasliiii:;lnii l'niversity Chajiter nf I'i Delta Ejisiloii rceenlly jiassid a resoliitinii cxjircssing ils re;;iet on the loss nf Dr. John Mather l.ewis as jiresideiil of Unit inslilutinll. I'i Delta Kji-ilon, national honorary jnurnalislie frateniity .also bus n hiijiter at Lafayette.' The resniutiniis fnllnw: 1II':HKAS, lhe resi-iiatinn nf Dr. W ium .Mather l.ewis us Pn sident of l l rge Washiiigtnu riiiver-il.y hus ieeii\iieeejiled by the Boarel of Trustees. Ijiiil WfllvlUCAS'. Dr. Lewis will soon leuve t«( ussuine the I'resiileiiey of l.ufuyettk; Colle,ge ut Euston, Penn'-ylvaiiia. \ 111') IT Ra':''!OLVI'U) that the Genrge Washinglony r n i v e r s i t y ehajiter of Pi Dell.i l-'psiltin, Xaruniul Hniuiiary Colli'giule Joinrnulisiii Fruti m i t y . exJiresses its deepest regret at the loss of Dr. l>e-wis tnroiigb his resignulioii. und BE IT RKSOl^VED that the best iu-d"'s of , •Ji'i'^ ('ieorge W'u-i|iingtnii I'liiversit.v chajiter jihall go with him in his work, anel ' BE IT Fl'RTHEK -RESOLVED that eojiies nf this resolui'jon be sent to The r n i v e r s i t y Ilatelu{t. to the Ej>silng. iiiilioiiiil jiiililiialii'tii of I'i Delta Ejisilnn. uud to the Lul\iyetle Cliujiii r of Pi Delta Ejisilon. \^ Milton I.. Dennis. CliujilcA Pre-ident. K. Camjibell Star. C h a p t e r V e e r e l a r v . .Mav 7. 1327 \ • • • \ \ Delta Upsilon and. Elms Lead League \ Delta l'psilon h-uds lhe first division ot the Ciiinjius liaseball l.<eagiic; with four wins and one loss, with Della 'Tail Della only a fe-w jioints bebiiiil. Klnis and Tarms, with the Sll nir jM'reeiilafje as the former, li-ads the seeniid divisiiin with Kajijia Sigma aud .'^igiiia .Aljilia Kjisilmi lied fnr se'innil wilh Iwn game's won and mil- lnst. In the third si'etinn sn few t i l t s have been jdayed that uo dt'tinite standing is assured. 'The aveiuges follow: Fimt Oii^inioii Won. Ijist. Per. Delia Ijisilon 4 1 .8110 Deltu Tail Ik'lla :t 1 .750 Si;;iiia .Nu 2 I .007 Delta Sigma .'t 2 .000 Cbi I'bi 2 2 ..-lOO Ih'lla Kajijia E p s i l o n . 2 2 .500 Itlair Hall 1 2 .-IM 'ToHcr II 5 .000 Snoiid Dirinimt Elms 4 1 .800 Turms 4 1 .800 Kujijia I'^ignia 2 I .007 Sigma Aljihu Ejisilnii . 2 1 .007 Thetu Delta Chi 2 :! .400 Ka-l l l a l l I 2 .:t.l:i I'hi Didlu Theta 1 :t .•2.'iO Sigma Chi 0 2 .000 Third Uiv'ixion Zela I'-i 1 11 1.000 Aljiha Cbi Kho 1 0 l.tMlO I'nVM'll llall I 0 1.000 I'bi Kupjiu I'si 0 I .imo Sjibinx 0 2 .000 HAROLD D. (OTHR.AX A. A. President 1927 Football Captain Of the two Olher .A. A. office , Hurry L. Honser. '2I», of Suleni, Ohi v was eleeted Vice-President and U i c r urd P. Gnesl. '20. of Riverside. H I , wus elei'led .'seeretary. Houser elefeated Rielianl W. " Miller. '28. of Chambersburg, Pa., and William M. .Atkinson. '28. of lioeliister. X. V. Guest, ilefeuli'd Henry B. Brown. "'iS. of X'nrristown. I'a.. anil .Inhn S. Xiiv Inr. '28. of Wheeling! W. Vu. Fruiik 'T. Grube and .luiiies C. MeGurvey e n resjiectively Hie retiring V i c c - P n .dent und .Sei'retary. Junior Cheerleaders Four nf the eight laiiiliilate- for lid jinsitinii of .Iniiinr (In erleailer- wei .• elecl ed. These men are .lames E. Blown. 2tf. of Greensburg. Kobert 8 . Dudgeon. '20, of Brooklyn. N . Y., .lames .1. Rose. '20. of Paterson. N. J.. and Rnliert T. Vail. '20. nf Munasijiian. X. .1, 'The m m eleili-d ure ull jirnniinen! in extra-eiirrieiiliim iictivilies, t'nllirav wus a member nf lhe undefeated lili fnntliall team and wus reeently elec I'll eujituin nf the ti-uiii fnr the 102711128 .seasmi, Ile was nientiniied fr .All-.Aiiieriean hniinrs by several of tl leading dailies. He is Sceretar.v . the Kiiighls of the Runnel Table ar . is a member of llu- Var-ity L Cli Goehniur was a lueiuber nf the Si. dent Council. Houser was u menib.i of Ille fonlbull team and also Hutraik si|nad. He i- a member of tua Vursity L Clnb and was reeently cle'i'ted lo K. It, T, Guest was a. nienilier of lhe fontball team and was one of the ontslanding si.irs nf thn se^uson. He jiluyi'd nn lhe FrosV baseball leain and wa- reeentl.v eleeted *o l.he K. R. 'T. He is a menibcr ot the Varailv L. Club. " F A C 0 L T Y NUMBER" OF LYRE W I L L BE OUT NEXT W E E K \W Enjoy y luugh ul the exjicnse of .vour fuviM-itc jirofessor by reuding ••'The Fuciilty Xiimlier" of the Lyre, l o go on s\iile uboul -May 2.8. 'The jiiiblieution will be I he lir-t In be eonijilelel.v eilite'dNliy lln- new board und will be the l a s l number for thia school yeur. .^ohn Xuylor. edilorele'ct. is landing \tlie exji.iiisive humor cajiucilies of the Iiiembers of his ntulT and claims lliut tlr^' enllege wils havo handed ed a w i t t y siVbjeet ill a w i t t y ma nnel ler. 'This finuiyditinn will enntain iiiiiiierniis jiietuVes nf nienibers nf the faeulty and V-.",e:'.\l leatiira storie>8. ' \ YOUNO GIVES S A M E I'ALK A T HOXY A S I N PARDEE ' 1 Arthur H. Y'nniig. bow-Und-urroiv exjilnrcr and well-kiinvvn leetnier. addies.-ed an uiidieiiee 61 seven hiinilre'd in Pardee Hall, FebruXry '22, 10-211, enjnye'el a six day eiigu;;»tiient the Jiust week with the' -uiiie le+tiir;' at the new Rnx.v 'Theater, iu \ e v PLANK HAS SUCCESSFUL Vork Cit.v, Xew York. Mr. VoiiiV': YEAR AS ROTARY HEAD services for the Lafayette k'etirt;e. were obtained Ihrougii the Bruiiicr't I'nifessiir Willium B. Plunk, head nf eiilertuinmcnt e-oinmiltee. as jiurt .li. the mining engiiiei-ring dejiarlinent. the year's jirngrain of the Braincrl deliveriHl his vubdielnrv address as Sixiet.y. Iiresideiil nf Hie E i s i n n Rnlary Club .\rlliur H. Young, with h'w co al their weekly liiiielieiin in the Karl- jiunion, Stewart Kdwanl W''iitc, h.. diiii Hntel. Thursday. May 12. Iravelid the wilds of .VlrieaVind I'rnfessor I'lank .had a jiarlieiilarly .Ala-ku. limning with the li'*v a i i d \ l .iieeessfiil term of nlfiee enlniinatiiig rnw exclusively. Frmii lime to tiirVin the .'lOth Distrii't Cnnventinn held bis ariii'les buve ujijicared in sUcd in l':u.-tnii. .May 2 und ;i. With the jierindie-als us '-The Sulurday Kveen-njierutinn ot the college ailthoritii'.- ning Post." In bis li-i'lures the \>. I'rnfi'ssor I'lank was able to use the Wick al X e w York. Mr. Young ir . i .Aliimni Miiiinrial Gymnasium In eii- lhe same reels that Ile showed ut I..lertuiniiig lhe ileli'gates on their lir-l fuvelte over u year ago. 'It will ! nigbl in Easlon. Cniieerls b.v the rememben-d thai during his vi<>it ai enllege band, the nimliiiu'el musical l-ufayetle he showe-d the keenness i ! elulis und the jirescntut ion nf Gilbirt Ilis skill anel the jiower of the arr<MV and Siillivuii's "'Triul b.v Jury" lielji- by jiiereing an ineli-tliiik jilaiik witli d l tn intrndine aiintjier side nf I.«if- a liUliit sliafl. a v c l l e Cnlle-ge In the public. Tnurs of the city urranged for the giii-sts on DR. HERTY TO SPEAK the follnwing duv ineludi-d ti visit lo the L i f a y e t t e cainpus and a- a resnlt Dr. Churles 11. Herty. adviser of t!j. the many visitors carried a w a y favorable iiiipre--ioiii. of the iii-titutinn. Chemieal Fouiidalinn. will sjie-ak li< fnre ll i'lint imelini; nf the Ga\ ivy • m . t liemieHl Sexiety and the Lehigh \ ' j i DEPUTATION TEAM M A K E S TRIP lev Sivtion of the .Anieriean Ci,. ' Sth-ifl \ Ht eight n'rlnek ill I. The linul ilepiitalinn triji* of the Hall Fridav evening. Mav 20year was made last wi-ek-end t o Frenohtown, N. J. Buy a Melange •^ i 5 ^ ". i tir-atyira Page Two TUE LAFAYETTB X K e Lafayette Founded iu ISTii. M. N. McOeary . . 'ManaKlnB J. 'W. Bortnlct . A."<st. Man'K J. BbcllcnherBcr. Asst. Man'K A. B. KltzGcrulil News O. H. A. P a r k m a n Sports H. U . Gesner, Jr. . . . Alunini rdilor Kilitor Killtor l-ilitnr Kditnr Kditor Aaaodate K«l«ora W. B. Scott D. J. Rrunn A. J. NeaHe D. K. Armstiongr R C. I'nttcr IJ, II. e'niiarrne B. I'owell. Jr. K. Selieeliner C. H. Scliove II. 11. K o n n . J r . H. R. WbltenaeTc 11. C. L a m o n t J o h n D. MnrKiin Uonalil I,. TerwIlliKor ni'SIXK.SS M.VN.AGKn •WILLIAM E D W A R D B E T T S P h o n e 1112 II. n. lAinfc . , . . Aast. B u a i n e s s Msr A. M. T o m n k l n s , . \ s s t . BiL-siness Mirr J. K. l l n u c k . . Advortlslnff MiiiiiiKei .1. e;. A\'nn(l . . . e ' i r e l l l a l i n n DuHlnrHii StnlT F. J. W a l l i s K. W. Tlelierlon H. W. /Vililums r . 1{. Siiiiiiiier\ilic !•;. S. Sniitli \V. li. Sisl.'V D. S. Plillllpa -W. 11. I'ilBrlm W. U S o a r k a O. C. Arii.i.l Clrculndon Statt D. S. V a l k e r K. U Evo.v M. D a v i s PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION: $2.."iO | | Single Cnjiy (29 Issues) M;lli;i--;el- 11. W. illniiian, -\sst. (•Ireiilatinn Mur. IS. \V. Stuiitnii. . \ s s t . t'irL'Ulatlnn JlRr. Ten Cents Entered a s Second Clnss Matter, September 27, l l t l l , a t the I'ost Gtliee • t E a s t o n , Pcnna., under the A c t of March 5, ISit". I ' I N O T SO F I N N Y CONGRATULATIONS I T H E L . M ' W Y E T T E conRrattilatcs Ilafokl D. Cotliran b n his recent elections as Captain of next season's football ' t e a m and a s President of the Athletic .Xssociation. and , Charles K. Gochnaur on his selection as Head Cheer leader for the ensuing season. If Cothran's brilliant display of ability and coura,i;e oit I t h e gridiron in seasons past show the qualities that go to the m a k i n g of a proficient and inspiring Icaeler for Lafay' ette's football warriors. His very leadership it.-^elf will be an imposing problem in the eyes of all opponents. / -t T o Gochnaur will fall t h e task of preielucing from t h e • g r a n d s t a n d s the encouragement tiiat is so essential tei I t e a m s . H i s work during the past year gives cause to ; believe that he will fulfill his role well. DECORUM No one will deny tiiat it is the duty of those in charge t o secure the best chapel s|)eakers available t o t h e college ' community. If tliru iniliffert-iicc or inefficiency that prac-, tice is not adhered to, sUiilcnt comiilaiiit should be m a e ^ b y means of the authorized channels of t h e college nev/s' paper or Student Council. It is neither [ireipcr nor elTeetive, however, to register '• student disapproval of chapel p r o g r a m s by means a>i iinj friendly undertones, sighs, artificial coughs, c,Acaping i pennies, or falling textbooks. Such conduct on t h e jiart of a few, w h o wouhl probably b e indignant if tHicy were referred to as somewhat immature, can create ^ very unfavorable opinion of Lafayette culture in th.e minds of • visitors and can jiroduce within the s t u d e n t , b o d y itself a '. destructive attitude. / T h e recent disturbances on the whole ^lave seemed t o "^ issue from the sophomore and freshman sections of the ' chapel. Since t h e guardianship of college trailitions is entrusted to K. R. T . it would be altog.fcther fitting if that • organization wouhl remind t h e olTcnders that one of the \ most cherished tradilions a t Lafayette is t h a t of respect t o visiting speakers. ^. I Chapel pro.granis may n o t b e the most interesting r form of avocation to some perssons, and those persons ' m a y not be present at t h e services on their own volition. Nevertheless they do come to college of their own free • will, and since the rules of tlut college prescribe attendance a t such functions, there is n o proper course but to adhere t o t h e conventions of dece«cy anel propriety. \ Reverence for the college and its worthy traditions, respect for the high calRng of the mini-^ters w h o come to ' speak, anel general sta;Adards of mannerly and dignified ' d e p o r t m e n t arc a n i o n ^ the eiuulities that make a gentlem a n . There is no ro^im at L a f i y c t t e for men who are not gentlemen. / / • FUNCTIONS I I It is unforAui>ate that prices charged fur adniission to f t h e Senior .Assembly, J u n i o r Browse, a n d Sophomore Cotillion a r t / somewhat in excess of a m o u n t s consitlercd b y the grei/t majorily of men on the canipus as proper. T h e i m m d a i a t e elTect of this situation is t h a t of a falling off of student attendance, and t h e general effect is a ilisintegratioUjOf desiralile college customs. Rather than sacrifice the customs to a commercialization that benefits t h e few at thv expense eif the many, a definite action next year on t h e i{>art of Student Council, an action limiling prices to be chjA-ged, is urgently needed. W i t h such a plan in mind, anel elcspite the tibjection to present difficulties, it is to be hoped t h a t t h e stuelent body will not suffer these customs t o die away in the meantime. ' | « i» ff V %.%%_ ^ T h e Junior Browse, in particular, is in need of supr port, -\fter all it is one of the few get-togethers in college life t h a t a class may enjoy without the detracting effects of ]; t h e maddening feminae, ami every one h a s a corking good Utime. <^tf^l<iSil FACULTY HOLD DANCE The faculty ,held their annual .Miy dame lasil Monday eveiiin;.- at Draineld Hull fiom ei');ht in eleven. Kc• L a f o Graphic," t.he a r s t aheet of freshnienU were served afler the I l kind to bis published by stuilents dance. The I-afayette Oeneralii furof L a f a y e l t e College, will (.'<> on iiews- liishe-il the nini-ic. atand sale next week. The "Lufo'' •will be a n eixht page "seiandal" pajier, ENGLISH INSTRUCTOR edited by tlie members of Pi Delta IS STILL IN HOSPITAL Epsilon, honorary journalistic IraterR. C. Gill, inatruetor in tlie Kiii;liali tnity. dc[>urtnient, was Bubjee-led to a «eH" Shocks and surprises are promiseil ond operation at Dr. (letH' Iloiipital t o t h e buyers of the publication. It on Monday, May lit. for an infe-elion 'will contain a number of (embarra'j!!- in lliis font. l-a»t Wedneselay Dr. T. ing) pictures of members of t h e fac- C. ZulU'k serajH-d the bone in the inu l t y , Desides numerous "cracks" about feH'leel font but i U condition nei-cssitated a second oixration. It in nat t h e "big" men of Lafayette. Pledges of the I^ Delta Epsilon will probable that Mr. Gill will be back : \ti formally initiated ^arly next week. to his classea this week. PI DELTA EPSILON PAPER TO GO ON SALE NEXT WEEK AS li siiorid) IIK S.X.MK Ol.l) .lOKKS IS' K\'KKV NI'.MIiKl! STOP 1)11) 'TIIK :MK I.A NIU'. PAY TIIIS VI'. A I! STOP IIKAK LYliK ll.VVING A I . L SOITTS OK KINANflAI. Dl'KKICl'l.TIKS WHICH IS ONLV ANOTIIKI! THING AH01T I''V1!K WHICH ISN''T S O K l N V i STOP LVllK MOUK l i r M O U O ^ S TIIAN .MK l.ANtIK AT T I I A T .s'TOI' l l o l ' K v o l ' AUKNT UI'^I.VING ON DltA.M M1-:U C o r i l S l ' ^ 'TO G U A D I A T K IF SO v o l C.AN I'i;OI!AI'.I.V IIKI.l' MCGK.MfV ifDlT NK.-^T YKAHS MKI.ANGK AVIMCII WOULD BK 'TO! ( i l l Of; I'UK.SKN'T .ICXIOII CLASS S'trH' AM SKNDING TIIIS ( 01 LKf'p AS .ir.ST liOl'GIIT MKI.ANGK A N D l!i;o\V,SK IS T U U U S D.AV N / O U T KDITOU IN CIIIKF T l l K LAKAVLTTK Sl^YOUK NV 12P .MAY 17 1927 l^l^lN S NAY LOU )TTOU IN CIIIKF LYUl': KAll LYUK A l t O l T 'TO liK IS• i l K D I'UKGNAN'T WITH ItlDIc n . K OK TIIK LAKAYKITK S'TOI' Wll.VT DO VOC T H I N K WK.VSKKD v o l TO Till'. LAKAYKITK I5AN(JIKT KOU S'TOI' KOU MANY YKAUS TIIK I.AKAM'TTK H A S GIVKN LYUK KUKK ADVKUTIS ING I'.IT IK TIIIS IvKKl'S I P YOU WILL IIAVK TO I'AV SAMK AS ANY. OTIIKU AI)\'KI!TISKU S'TOI' . l l ' S T SKNT KDITOU MKLANGK A WlUK IN WHICH I'UAISKD LYUK VKUV HIGHLY STOP UY THK WA'I WII.\T DO VOL T H I N K OK TIIIS YKAUS MKLANGK S'TOI' 01 U I'.OOK UK\ IKU KDITOUS AUK A T I'UKSKNT KNGAGKD IN A VKUV INTKNSK EXAMINATION OF SA.MK A N D TIIKN' WILL l i l ' N i,H;:viKW s'lDi' s o I'AU THKY UKl'OUT HAVING K o l N l ) N o III MOU STOP MKLANGK A N D TIIK L A F A Y K T I K CI UIOl S TO KNl>W IF LYUK IS .MAKING A N V MONKV S'TOP W O l ' L D UATK TO SKK 1U;M0U01'S — ' • P I U L I C A T I O N GO IN A IIOI.K S'TOI* WILL UK GLAD 'TO O U ' K U A N Y ADVICK ON TIIAT S l l U K C T T H A T YOU MAV 1)KSIUK STOP O l ' l l MK.TllOl) IS 'TO CCT DOWN TYI'K Sl'KKAl) A N D ISI'; KXTUA SPACK F o i l A D S W IIICII \ \ K Ul N . \ T INCUKASKU UATKS STOP .MKI.ANGI'.S AIKTIIOl) IS 'TO SOAK K\ KUVIIODY A N D TIIKN WHO CAN KIND V A I . I K UKI KIVKD STOP YOl'US KOU I'.IGGKU A N I ) IlK'TTKU A N I ) IIUIGITTKK A N I ) IllGGKU A N D IIKITKU VKAlt KOU LYUK STOP AM SKNDING T H I S COLLKCT A S AM IN NKW YOUK v o r CAN C D I . L K l T KUO.M .MKLANGK TUKASI I!Y KDITOU IN CIIIKF T l l K LAFAYKl'TK (STOP) lliarileler. Ille J .-I'llllli; 1« .>linuil .>linHll 111 111 is lU.iCK .il'/tll,. '.ly .Iiilia I'etcikin, all i l s wild, t-cenie be-aiit.v, aiul nl' iiittlior of GnH-ii 'Tbuisday anil nt lis liniliniie. lypieal iii;lini'ss. 'Tinntlu'i-. I'nblia-->'errill Cnnipany. liiiriicteis lis pnitriiyeil iin- leiil anil liiiliiinaT-iljs. natural )iaiiiled willi nn llniirisli nr Mliii'k .\|ii'il' is an c\trnnidiiiarv falsely I'levnleil in llieir l'a|l:leilil-^ tinvel deiliiif; eliielly with t h e I'livi- lll'l |K'iei'ptiniin. 'These fi-aliiie-s. si iniiiiu'iil lind eliiinii-leristies of 11 ably liiinilli'il cliaii^ie t h e nnvel frimi '-'iniili nf nei;io slaves living on nn I dull dis-crln'lion on Hie pn.siiie i-nbilcil iijiiiiliitinn. Vn author ha- eveiyibiy life nf n slave In a vivid. ever ilepicleil sn l e a l i - t i e 1' pieliiie Iiiiiiiaiiistii' slnry. nf Ivpieixl iiCL-rn Ufe as .Tiiliii Peter'Tlic sii|K'islilinns and religiniis be kin Ills dnnc in Ibis Imnk. 'Tin- stnrv lid'.s nf llic iie^-in are iiilinialely nnd is eiiti,Tely win'eii iiliniit the trnr.liles. iiiiiisiii^ly iiiiliiiliil ill tlie - m i y . 'Tlie love- ' b;iies. Iini'-.'s, fears and iiii- •ie';iines' I lailit innal piii|ieiisity fmiiini'ii/'iilii's nf illiteriili- slaves, dnnii- Miii'sliippiii^' I'Vi-iylhin;;. real nr iln iiiile'il by ;i iinweifiil eliaracler in llie it;iiiaiy, llial atli'its tbeir nienlal and IH-l^snll n f t h e enliiri-d f n l e i l l i i n nf jiliy.'i'ieal lraiii|iiilily, plays an iiii(be iiliiiitiitinn. N o white eliiiracleri- • inilaiit rule in I'laek .\pril. eliaii^:i,'ie bi'nin;lil intn Ibc stnrv and nnly iii;,' li'iiyie si'i-nes inin e'liiiiie iiiies niul .--.rijibl I'efei'i'iiee is iiiniIe tn llie fjiiii- iiifeelin;; llie e n l i i e linnk with spii'.\ ily tlutt lives in the "bi;; linuse'^ liiiiiini'. 'Till' je'iilniisies and bat reds • liiriiii; Uie' uiiilei'. i-\istiii;,' lietwi'i'ii Ibe elinniilers deAllbniiub Ibc niiUiiir nei,'li-eteil l e velnji inin eiunliniial i-liinaNcs. npenili-vi-lnp !i |i|nl ill the nnvel, the stniy 111;; llie Ill-arts e.iul •.iiiiiils of tlic-iis nnt witluuit its beriH-s, lieinines. simple folk for the inspect inn of llie villains nml dniniiiU,-elinmxes. It ii- wnrlil. I'S-eiiliiilly a liiink nf titiiios|diei'c ami IIHK COLIEGE PADUATES CONVENTION HELD ARE STAMPED SNOBS AT NORTHWESTERN Mother Of Student Of Eastern Uni- Five Of The Big Ten Universities Are versity Writes Article For W o Represented A t Western Editorial man's Home Companion. Conference. .\ typiciil cnlh-gc (iriKluale nf the apnrnni'.liiii^; cniiinu neenieiit seasiin is attacked a s a siinb, a Iiiafer and a waster, in an arliele jinblisliiyl in lhe .Innc WOIII.IU'H Home Companion. The arliele. written by lhe nioUicr of a senior in one of llu- largest and oldest Kastern universities, is .1 considered iiiilictment of "Uie wenknes'.. littleness ami iiiistnken viewpoint'' wliieli .\iiieiiran colliges are accnsed of iiiipnitiii^ to their product. The writei sa.vs: "Cnllepe has liirned m y son from •I poiKl deinocial into a bit nf a siinb. Ills present nientil attitude is an.vtliiiig but deeently denineratie. .And a>ide from llu- mnral i-liiainiess of siiiibliery, 1 feel Ibat it is a lliiii;; .Un mnst oulgrnw if he iseeks biisincsa success. '•He has an eipially inflated notion nf Ilis )iieseiit eennoiiiic value. l i e is 11 elawiller and shrinks frnin 'bustle'. I caniint iiiia^iiie liis pliiiiLriii^ intn a jnb and wnrkini- bis lu ad nlT In make sinnd, yet Hint is llie aveniyo enipln.ver's acid test for an ambit inns young man. He has a conliriiieil habit eif aeadiiiiie Ici-sure. "Ue lias a ri^'id nnd'i staiiilaid nf dress. He thinks ,!ic muat I'lintiiuie In elntlie liiniself ill the style t o which e-ollege lias made hini iieeustnme-d. '' "Cnllepc lias taiiyht my snn ^ • trava;;aiit and wasteful ideas of hosliitiilily, Wlicn lie t.ikes liis flrst jifli, lie nii'.-t lenru Hint he can't ielii*i«; boreeloiii b.v spending from $;iO to ijljO on (Uie girl for one parly. ••College has taught him absiind ideas about wonien. He is ivitlioiit Uu- faintest eoneeplion of sex qiialit.y, Ile believes in tlic double Rtandard nnt only nf morality but nf prnpricty. l i e lias nntiiiiis wliieh have be-en iinlinsfil nil liim by fnnr ye-ars of living in a 111:111-niaele I'liIIege world, a worlel of. by nnd for men. "College h a s given him many fine tilings. I am sure. Iiut it seems a liily l.Iiat it ha-s also given him these liandieaps. T H E RETORT OF YOUTH Representatives of fourteen college III wspapers met at Amherst on Siitiirdav l o diseii-s lhe alleged lii^^li crimes and mi-elenieaiinr* nf iiiiilergrailti lies. Wihile nnt denying that snnie evils exist, even in the eMlIegc I d e n . the eniiveiilinn llircw tlnbbime boldly baek nn the very elders who most lind fault with peccant youth. Take the eomnlaiiits about drinking ill college. 'The stnilents assembled at -Ainlierst aeknowleilgi-d that tlieir niiglit be too niiieli of il, bnt it 'Tho Yalc-Priiieelnii Inseball ••anie is nnly a minor social problem. Ihey wilb its a l l e n d a n t almuni parade, tlie coiiteudeil. Get t.'ie fntlui's In stn'p ili'diialion of the new e-arillnii and tlie drinking, and llieii tbeir liny* and Patnii Mcinnrial, and the hoplinniore '.-iris ma.v leave it otf. Hut until t i n t pionienadc will be the outside fi-a- genernl and llliijnr prnblein is Hiilved, turei. nf tlie nne biiinlnd anil ei-ihlietli tlu- ininnr nne in the colleges wHl reeniiiiiieiueinent exercises tn be held innin. .It I'lineetou University be-ginnin^' Another snbje-ct t a k e n up w a s the June 17. tremendous overemphasis on college .\ei-ordiiig to the preliminary ntliletics. especially fontball. lint a-.raii;;eineiit(i ni.iile by the university here again the fault w a s laid at tlie • eeictar.v. V. Liiisiiii; (.'nlliiis. the pro- dniirs of the older ueneratinn. Oviriiraiii will open with tlu ieiini,iii.s nf enipbisis nn fnnllmll is mostly due the Illll {{rndimles nn Friday, .lune 17. l o "over-enlhiisiaslic alumni." 'TluOn --^aliiiil.iy ninrning- t.'ie i.liliiiiii will cnllege sludenls t.'u-inselves arc the dedieate " iiieinolial tablet tn Dr. ••saiii:-t faetnr" ill the whole ijuestion. David S. Patnn, '71. whn was for T h e y wnuld refnrm fnntball by cutmany head of tlie dipartment liii;j dnwii till- niiniber of giinu-s and of aii.'iaenlogy at Piineeton. Dr. reiluciii; mueh of the 'brgiasiie disT'aliin w a s an K^jyptolnuist of nnle pla.v. if only the alnniiii wmild let aiid iiian.v of his cnntiibiitions came them. lis the re-iilt nf stinly and research 'This is certainly a new version of in llie Piineeton library where the Hauling ynutli. It appe-ars to bc iiieninrial is In be hun^'. The Yale niuinly nflaiiie with iinligii ition at the l.iseball )i! llie will be played on f i i i - unrensoiiableness and e\eitaliility and versity Field in the afternoon ;it plea-iiii'-loving nature of Ou- older wbieli tiniu t h e aluinni will |iarade men wlm egi; the boys on. Wbel.'ier ill cnstunie. sound in all respects or not. this is at President John Grier Hibben will least n pretty cirective retort.—N'cw preai'h the b.ieealiinreate hcrninn Sun- Vnik 'Times. day morninj; in .\le\aiiiler Hall. In t.'ie '.ifternoon the National Alumni .\!isniialiuii will linM a iiia...s ine-etiiig 1927 MELANGE NOW ON DISTRIBUTION A T DEKE HOUSE and the carillon yiveii b.v tlu- clas-? of isn2 will be dedienled in tlie ttusSubscr'ibers t o tlie 1027 "Melange" sell .S.ine Tcrper of Holder IlalJ. 'Tile Class Day exercises will com- e m gel their eopien at l.he Delta iiienie .Monday inumini; and will end Kappa Kpblloii Iloiisi. by presenting with l h e soplmiiiore nnnnunade wlihli their receipts. 'Tlie books liave la-en i> In be held in Brnka* Gyinnasiuni on distribution since Monday. Stuthat evening'. On Tueselay innrning al dents who wish to o w n a eiip.y anel eleven n'cliak the fnur hundred nieni- who ilid not siibKcrilic e-arlier in tlu? bers of t h e yradualin;? claw will re- year i-an oblain one at the regular price of #4.30. eeixe t l u i r diphiniiis on the lawn in l i o n t of N a s s j u Hall. YOUNG LECTURES I N H E W YORK COACH McCRACKEN TO M E E T C A N D I D A T E S FOR FOOTBALL A year ago last February, tl|C Rrjincrd Societ.v sponsored a leeture Coaeh Herbert McCracken will re- given by Arthur Young, illihtralcd t u i n to eolb-t'c on Saturday or Sun- with motion pietures on "SluKiling day, aud will at time cull a Iiig Game in .Africa with Bow and meetilii; of all candidates fi r ilex* Arrnw". The Itoxy Theatre in X e w ye-ar'» foeitball team. 'The place and York City )irebeiited t|iis identical time of the me-eting will be aii- program l o their iiutrons all last noiine-ed a s BIMIII at arran^L-nients a i c we-ek. -Arthur Ynulig appeared In |K-rson as he did ill Pardee Hall aud iiiade. made cninnieuls on the views taken I duriug bis expetlitiou. Buy a Melange Princeton Makes Graduation Plans Glass — — J K M A I S I'A 1I:.-.!>P MAY 17 11127 'IKOHCK (• WII.I.I.VMS KDITOU l.v CIIIKF MKL.^.VGK Mi:i..\NGK IIKCKIVKI) .VNO IS VOW I'NDKl! CI.OSK S C I U T I W HV D t i ; ST.M'K OKK.XI'KIIT I'.lMtK UKVIKW WIMTKKS S'Tdl' VOC MAV A.'^ WKI.I, r.K I'UKI'-UIKI) vn K X r i ' . I T W V T I I I M . IN NAT i n i - : OK UI'.X IKW HK( . V r S K O l l ! I'AI'KI! CAI.I.S A Sl'ADK A SI'.VDK A N D DOK.SNT I S K SOI'T SOAP KITIIKi; STOP WK l l . W K HKKN A( ( 1 SKI) o K KISSING HIT TIIOSK IN •TOIt'11 WITH I'llKS|':NT S I I T A ' T I O N DO N O T I.IMIK K O I ! \ \ . \ l ; i ) 'TO A N V r i l l N G LIKK KISSING BKG.MIPING I'llKSKNT .\IKI. \NGK STOP W A S I N W I S K !)K v o l ' 'TO IIIDK 'THK I.AFAV^ KTTK liKC.VrsK V o l ' I'l/T Ol '.li' ONI.V OAK NIMI'.Kl! A VK.v.l! I'.I'T Till': l..\K.\VKI"rK GOKS fTO I'llKSS TWKNTV NINK TiMKS IIKSIDKS IIKINO I'UKSSKI) KOI! s i ' A l K r.KST OK TIMK ^'TOI' GLAD TO SKK V o l ' U I I ) K / I . ^ I ! K IlKCAl SK I.VIIK A L W A Y S ItlDING I S STOP .MA'TTKI! OK KACT I.VIIK he Alunmi and Students of L a f a y e t t e College. i„ EDITOn-IN-CHIEP ri JOHN F R A N C I S GOLDSMITH Phone 3S0-n ^^»*« ^^^ Reading «- Published by The l . a f a y e t t e I'ress, Inc. D e v o t e d t o tliu interest of One year The Trysting Place .- W E D X l ' S n . W , M . W iR. 1927. Kvanston. 111.—(IP)—Five nf tlie r.ig Ten universities were Tepresented nt the -eventli annual eniiventinii nf the AVcstern Confer,nee E:|itiirial .Assneialinn. held at X n r t l i w o t e r n iiiiiversitv here last week Friday' and Saliirda.v. 'The fealiirp of the cnnventinn was a bniupirt held on Fridav evening at wliich t.lie elelegites wei'Q entertained by proniinent newspuper men from Cliicngo. The ilclegntes alsn were given tnurs of the ininpus und of Chicago newspaper plants. During llu- lirst nfternoon the ediInrs and business iiianagers nf the live |iapei's—the Dail.v Inwaii, the M'linesnla Daily, the Xnrtliwestcrn Daily, tlie Piirdne l-'.xpnnent and the Wi^mn.-iii Daily Cardinal—met in separate disiiission groups. 'Tlie suggestion of Philip D. .lordiiii. seei'e tar.y of t.lie .Assneiatioii nnd eelitnr of the Xortliwesterii Daily, that llu- liig 'Ten papers resolve .a cniii]i.'iigii against over-einpliasis on footlKill and protest ngainst coiiiiiiereiali'<iii, met willi oppiisition from tlie n'llier jiiipers nn the gruiinds lliat .siiih a canipaign would be useless .so long a s simlenls and aluinni are 3O inleresli'il in the sport. .At Uie liaiiijuct Frielay night Mr. .Allen 1). .Albert, editnr and owner nf t1u Kvaiislnii Xews-lndex. advised tlie delegales that tjie day of llie seii.-atimial ncw.s item is going, and lliat llinse who gn into jrinriialisin in tlie fiitiM'e wiJl lie fiii'ei'il to return to the eouservutive type nf news .stnry. He laid the [nineipic blame fnr the present leiuleney on the Hearst paiars. Albert de-claie<l t h a t the art work of the college bniiior magazine-.'' w a s tlie least e-reditable thing about undergraduale jnurnalisni. RARE BOOKS ON D I S P L A Y A T YALE U N I V E R S I T Y LIBRARY 1 Under the auspices of a group of the slmlents nf 'Yale University, appniiited by tlu- Lilirariaii Prof. .Andrew Kcogb. an e.xliiliilioii of rare bonks and iiiiiiiiiseri|ils nf iiiiiisiial valiir is being ilisplnyed ill the I'liiversitv !ilinir.v. 'Tlie ilispla.v will eontain '^li; items. 'The e-nllectinn 1111 display is divided inlo s i \ sei'tinns, ineliiding illiimiHilled nianuscripts. ineiiiialiiila. earlv jirinlings, English literature, Aiiierieina and iniseellane-a. In t.'ie eolleetion of early mauuseripU speciineiis nf lhe foiirtecnlli, lifleeiitli, and sixtccntli leiituries. consisting chielly of Inlin niiinuseripts ine en elisplay.'Under the spi-e'imens of early printing are to IHI found oriental inanii-cripts. iiieluding a llfti-eiitli e-entur.v Dervisli Uink of poelry and a page of the Giitenbeig Uible printed ill ll.'il). Oiie nf tbe larL'i'st and Tliicst cnpies nf Ibiiucr's "Kdilin I'rinei ps" priiile-d in Frame in 1IHM and mlsii llie faniniix N'lirembiirg Chronicles printed in H!l,". ate nil display. A Prayer Unnk bearing llu- I'ont of iirniB nf Chnrles II nf Knglnnd und espe-eially linunil fnr liini is incliiileil in the section. ITiiere are alsn editiiins frniii fhe Caxtnii Prean on di.spla.v. Work of tbe lirst of miMlern fimpriiils, .loliii Haskeville is represeiileil liv nuineroiis line iliiiis 'Three items from the Kclinsi'ntt I'ress. in tile nioderii printing dlvisbni. will incluiie the faniniis Kelin-cntt "Cliaiit e r ' . eonsidered the finest book of iii'idern t.vpogr ijiliy. — •'• • EDITORS' CONVENTION CONDEMNS D R U N K E N N E S S Anilierst, Mass.—(IP)—College editors from 14 eastern l o l l e g w and universities gathered here at lhe aiiniia'. cnnveiitiou nf llu- Eastern Intercnllegiate Xewspaper .Assex'iation. went mi recnrd Hnaniiiinusly a^< coudeainiiig dMiiikenin'ss among enllege men as conduct uiibeeoiiiiiig a geiitlenian. CORNELL U. COUNCIL E X P O S E S POLITICIANS Illuea. K. Y . — ( I P l — T h e Student Ciiiiiiell at Cnrnell uuiversily has ilcI'lared Uie rt-e*ent ile-etinn fnr t.'u- seninr and juninr repreoentatives tn liK'al udent Couneil invaliil beeuu-e nf well supjiorted rumors of corruption during tlu- cliHtion. 'The e-oiiiiciTs aniinuiicement read: "The ole-etiniis recently held for the eitrieers, senior and junior represenlalives for the 1027-28 Student Cnineil are de-e-lared invalid. 'The present Student Council has lakeii lliii. action in view of the nupporled charges o[ cnrruiitioii eluring the ele<-lion». . . . ".A new syiilem nf voting will biustiluted eluring' the fiirtlicniiiiii'; ell et ion, t.he details of which will b,Le.xplaineel at a later date. • T H E S T U D E N TCOUSCII..' Last Step-singing Friday ^-A., Me and the joy-friend... Prince A l b e r t WHEN my father was in college, "Put that in your pipe and smoke itl" was considered snappy conversation. I'm ready to take this old iine literally when the talk centers around Prince Albert. Because P. A. makes two of what I like in a pipe. All wise-cracking aside, P. A. is the money when it comes to deep-down satisfaction in a smoke. It's got everything! Cool as the trail of the ice-man across the kitchen. Sweet as vacation. Fragrant as a pine forest. Think up your own similes. You'll write them all in the column headed "Superlative Degree'* when you learn the joys of a jimmy-pipe and Prince Albert. If you don't know this grand old smoke, come around to my room and I'll give you a load. P. A . h toti ertrywhert ht tidy red HHB, pound mnd hatf^ pound lin humidort^ and pound cry$lal'gttft humidort wilh sponK«-mof J l r n r r lop^ And mlways wilh erery bit 0 / bile and parch rtmoved hy tht Prime Albert procttt. )>RINEE ALBERT " ^ ^ —-no other Q 1927, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Winston-Salem. N. C. tobacco is like it! ** .y \ Ph.D. \i \Wi ScD. C.E. M.S. BA. B.S. E.E. When it's 18,000 degrees—m June .»^ B. A., B. S., E. E., C. E; and many others soon to be awarded to thousands of students throughout the land. Degrees representing a wide variety of work, and all of them qualifying the graduate to enter the broud field of electrical communication. For men of technical training, of course, and for many others besides—salesmen, accountants, purchasing men, potential executives— here is an industry in which America leads the world, but which is only on the threshold of greater things. 'estem Electric Company Makers of the Nation's Telephones Nami*r 70 0/» Striti / y XVEDNESDAY. M . W 18, 1927. FROSH TRACKMEN DOWN LEHIGH CUBS Boettcher's Men W i n B y 70-56 Score Although Brown And White Captures Seven First Places. Coaeh Doettelier's yearling licld nnd track team iiiaiiitained a eleau reeord for the-easiiii hv e i s i l y defeating their ancient rival l.i high liy a "il •"•li score (111 Manli Field, last Saturday nfternotin. -Mtlioiigli the Brnwn nnd Wliite eiilis had a slight advantage in winning seven of tlie finiileen lirst places, one event lu ing a tie, t.'ic Maroon einderincii sli(iwe<l a well h i l aiiced team and caiiR' tliiniigh with most of tlie SCCOIKIS and tliirds tu down t h e Lehigli yearlings. THE LAFAYETTE $10,000 Given For Yale Scholarship .•\t a meeting of the Yale Corporation held on .\lciinlav it w a s maile known that a gifl o'f .$10,000.00 h i s liecn ilonated t o Y'ale I'liiveTsity by Dr. William V. \ ' i r d l . prnfessnr ot eliniial surgery in the Y'ale school of niciliiiiic. T.lie fund ii- for the pur|Kiso nf e^stahlisliing a Mholurship in the .'^ehool <if Medicine in memory of Dr. \cidi"s ninther. Mrs. Ruse Verdi. Dr. N'lrdi served witli the A. E . F. during the war with the rank of iiuijnr and was decorated with the Order nf the frow 11 nf Italy and later w a s lliil lie t'nniniandcr of" the Order. He alsn received t.lic Distiiigiiishid Serviee .MIHIUI. During liis college days. Dr. Verdi, who w a s of only liioderate iiieaii- had to eall upon his friends fnr linaneial assislaiiec. Despite these liandieaps of poverty he w is graduated from the Seliool of Medicine in 1S04 and t w e n t y yenrs luter Y'ale, in lreenj.Miitinn of his <'ontriliiitinns in the iield of siirgiry honoreil bim with the degree of .Master of .\rts. GOLF TEAM TIES WITH WESLEYAN Rothenberg P l a y s Golf To W i n 3 U p And 2 T o Go Against Wesleyan. The Lafayette golf t e a m tied with Wisleyiin lust Suturduy by the score of 3 3 on Wi-'-leyan's home greens. RotlieiibcTg, playing nt nuniber three, defeated Lee 4 2 uml turned in the hist sciirc of the day with a lirilliant 7."i—just 2 alinvc |iar. He tonk only •TO strokes for tlic lirst nine holes wliieh was an even pur for t.'ie course. Captain McGuire lost t o Cooper 2 np nnd Smith defeated KIdridge of W e s h y a n by u similar .seore. Ijockwoml defeated Kngart of Lafuyette .'12. JIcGiiire and Smith lost t o Cnopcr and KIdridge 3-2. RotlicnbcTg and Kngurt by defeating Lee and Lockwood 3-"2. tied the match up <it 3-3 JUKI handed in tho low scoro of 71—two under pnr. The team is t o Jilny State College at State College next'Saturiliiy. The fnlhnviiig Thlirsday t h e team will meet Lehigh at the Suneoii Vallry Country Club ut Betlileheni. The tinul match of the season wiil be bold at Huntington. Long Inland to play nlf the tie witli Wcslevan. Page Three l i p s : Officials—1!. Tuyl,,,-, K. Cypiot. I'rineeton g a i i i e ^ t ) l i v , i fnr Perlman. Kllicott for Phillips, Nofal fnr Kllicntl. Sehwarlz for Xoful. liryan Htill Av<^nuc> Boot Sliop for Nofal; Penulties—Princeton o I)ctween47lb and'ISdl Slre«u. New York l'la.\ing the last two contests of Lafavetle :!. the seasmi. t h e Ijifavelte LaCrosse Ieam w a s defeuted during the last 1 M A N SELECTED TO PICK week by Army, lli-l). and bv PrinceFOOTBALL GAME OFFICIALS ton, 8-0. Hotil gullies were pluycd' One man will select the otfichils oi iiwa.w all the big footbull games to be idu}-Honker. I.<ifnyette goal, w a s t h e cd in t h e Kust next senson, uccording niit>.taiidiiig star of the defeated to a recent unnniincemcnl made b y AT VARSITY S H O P twelve, mill stopped lifty of t h e Tiid .loncs. coaoh at Yale, in the New tilt.v-eiglit tries fnr the goal made York Herald. May 22th This plan, vponsmiil liy the I'rineeton team. Captain Det- bv .loncs, w a s adopted by ripresentii\ i . wiler. Drake nnd .lewett ulso played lives frnin t e n of t h e leading colleges lirilliant ly und made the Tigers ii»e in the Kust nt u meeting held ut the all theiv re-.crve strength t o defeat Y'ale Club. The name of the ollii-ial the wellgniomi'il Muroon and W h i l e has been held from publication for team. the present. "TriHiiuil Drake. '-2^. of Xew Vork Ilcprc-enlativcs frnm Princctnn.' City, w a s elected caiitain of t h e Yule. Harvard. Dnrtmouth. lirown, The Family Laundry, HIi.S sipiud at a mocling held iiniiie- Cornell. Columhia. Pennsylvania, t h e also gocid work on shirts diiitcly after Ille gniiic. Drake lias Cnited S l a t e s Military Academy ami and collairs. Our service plaved well in every game this year the I'nitiHl S t a t e s Naval Academy a t und HUS u memlier of l a s t year's ti iided the Jiiectiiig. is econoroical to you. Most of them sipiad. are coin uiit led t o the plan but there In the . \ r m y game. .lewett. Det- arc a f e w ratifications t o be made at wiler. Wolliert, and Honker pla.\ed atblctii' boards. T h e plan, it is Imped, Liifayette I'osition .\rm.v Princeton will largely eliminate dissentiona ovi r c.\ce]iliiinullv well for Lufavette. clfieials between t h e largo institu•lewett Diit' Home O'Donn'ell Pnrker tions. It is nlso believed that other 451 CHURCH iSTREET Perlman In Home fSuundeis Thiilin colleges will follow this e.\uniplc. Boyd 1 -\ttiick . \ y i c Ouvtner lilleil :2-\ttack Siiiionton 8tinsiiii Petrecca ;t-\ttack Solein -Nies Detwiler Center Ilolley 'niompsoii Phillips :i Defense llarbold Miles Drake 2 Di-fensc Horn Schenck .*<eiirles I Defense Seeniiui Willauer WollM'rt Point .\iiilerson Hnlentino Wolls Center Point Daly .lohnson Hooker lioal lycwis yessa r'lili-titiitions: .\rni.v gume—N'ofal for Wolls, Seliolield for P e i l m a n , Seliwnrt/. fnr Phil- Lafayette Stickmen Drop 2 More Games fRAJMK BROTHERS Our Specialty The outstanding star of thi Lafaye t t e team was Lisciikiuisky who emiipete<l in lioth t h e <ine and t w o mile m i w and crossed the tiipe ahead o l the Lcliigh runner, l.aird. in what jiTovecl t o lie one of llic must thrilling • » • races of t.'ie afterniiini. Ijihigh also produced three dmililc winners, Jlany in tho 440 and SSO. fiuodlove in tliV IOO and hroad jniii|i. anil Sliipley in both hurdle events. Another thrilling race of the d a y WAS the S8Ci yard run in which Lewis of Lafayette, who lias won every race until Saturday, t h e Held only to be heatcn out Iiy « few feet in the Drop On Consecutive Days To Lehigh, Pittsburgh, And Stevens Tech WIVES OF FACULTY MEN final sprint hy .Many. Tennis Teams. This vietnry gives t h e Maroon ARE ON ROAD TO RECOVERY yearling an undefeated reason, in T h e condition of Mrs. R. C. Gill, The Lafuyette tennis team dropped which they have w o n meets from three niutclies oil coiifceutive d a y s — who is coiillueil t o the Kaston HospiBlair Academy. Muhlenlierg. Euston the tirst l o L;'liigli on the home courts tal, is iiiucli improved and it is e.xHigh, nnd Leiiigh. In all uf these on 'I'liursilay liy the seore of 4-5. the peetctl thut she vmi leave tihe hospicontests the Lnfayctte team tliowcd seeond tn Pittsiiiirgh nn the following tal this week. i l r s . Robert Illingthe results of a good coach nnd a well day by the seore nf 3-(i at Laf.iyette worth. who siibinittcd to an opirabalanced team. and the third on Saturday at IIo- tinii at t h e I'.aiitoii Ilnspital last The sunini.iiies of Saturday's meet linkcn to .Stevens Tech by the score week, is ennipletcly reiovcred und is assisting in t h e prtMliietinn" of "Trial are ns follows: nf Mi. 100-yard dash—Won by Clootllove, Moore nnd Lumbard were the out- by .Iury". and "Creatures of Impulse" Lehigh; Moore, Lufavette. sec()n<l; standing <loubles Jilayers in t h e Le- ut Brniiienl Hull. Monday. T n i s d a y Solt, Lnf.iyctte, third. Time, 10.8 high match and Wendt played best and Wednesilay of this week. T h e presrntution of the productions w a s sec. for till' Marnnn ill the singles. Jiost poned because of the illiii»s3 of 120-yard dnsh—Won by Solt. LaLehigh Maieli—Sullivan, Lehig.h. Jlrs. lllingworlli nnd Mrs. (iill, the f a y e t t e ; Goodlove, Lt lligli. second; defeateil Mnnre. L a f a y e t t e , fi-l, 0 4 ; Moore, L a f a y e t t e , tliird. Time, 24.4 U'endl, I.iifaycttc. defeated Tniniliall, lutter of whom w a s the nccniiipaiiist for "Trial bv Jiirv." «ec. Lehigh. li-.3, 8-li; Lumliurd, Lafavctte, 440-ynrd da&h—Won b y Many, Le- defeated MuUnry, Lehigh, G-4, 8-«: higli; Sherwood, l.afnyette, second; Lung, Lafavctte. lost t o Dntv. Le1920 Smith, Lehigh, tliird. Time. 54.1 sec. high. 7!), 8-10; (lillcspi,., U f i y c t t c , A . 1!. Leininger is n o w residing ut Stop in if you a r e Interested 880-ynrd run—Won by Many, Le- lost tn I'shcr. Lehigli, 0-7, 5-7; Hnvt. high; Ltwi^s. Lafayette, second: Uifayette, defeated F r y , U'higli, 4-li, .14 Pondlleld Road W e s t , Bronxville. .V. Y. Stephens, Lafayelte, third. Time, 2 0-4. ii-4. min. 7.3 sec. William C. Ducklrani. wholesale Duubles—Mnore and Lumburd. LaOne-mile run—Won b y Liscnkou- fuvette, defeutwl Sullivan and Mal- fl irist nf niickliiim Picrson Co., Madis k y , Lufayette; liecd, L a f a y e t t e , sec- lory. Lehig.'i. 0-4, 0-2; Wendt und son. X. .1.. w a s eh'cted t o borough ond; Klliiit. Lehigh, third. Time, '> Balch. Lafayette, lost t o IXity und Cniincil fnr u term of three vcurs, jnin. 7.8 see. rrumbiill. Lehigli. 2-0. 4 0 ; Ixing und l!)2iilt)2S. Two-inilc-run—Won by Lisenkou- \'reeland. Lafavctte, lost to Hayward aky. Lafayette; Laird, Lehigh, sec- and L'slier. Leiiigh. 1(1. 8-10. o n d ; Eceii, Lafuyette, Uiird. Time, Pittsburgh H a t c h 11 min. 3 sec. The seeond niatch waa featured by 120-yard hurdles—Won by Shipley, the sterling playing of Moore, who Iichigh; W( Iler, Lafuyette. secund; after dropjiing t h e lirst s e t 1-11, ralAnderson, Lufuyette, third. Time, lied and defented Baur, Pittsburgli's 19.6 sec. Xo. 1 man, by t h e score of 0-3, U-2. S-iO-yard hurdles—Won b y Shipley, Mnnre alsn starred ill t.he doublc>s Lehigh; Weller, Lafayette, seeond; with Lumliard. w h o proved a lit runSilverman, Lehigh, third. Time, 28.8 ning mate fnr the tall Quuker, and ace. again cnmc up from behind t o hand Discus—Won by Sherwood, Ijifay- B.iur and Bnwaiis t h e short end of u ette; Silverinan, Lcliigh, second; 2-1 score. Hanlon, Lnfayctte, third. Distance, It was Cuptain Wenilt who proved 102 feet 7 inches. the sensation in t h e Stevens jnutch Pole vault—Won b y Wright. Le- after playing decidedly oll-fonn durh i g h ; W o n e l l , Lafuvette and Manv, ing the early jiurt of the season, Lehigh, tied for third. Height, 10 arose to his true form nnd defeated l e e t tl inches. Kerr in two straight sets, 8-3, 0-2. Shot—Won by Bobinski, L a f a y e t t e ; This w a s Lnfavctte'tf lone tallv in a Seller, Lufuyette, second; S<-lindcll. li-l setback. The Needa Of L a f a y e t t e , third. U i s t n m c . 3.1 feet. The sunimarics:—Moore, Lafavetto High jiiiii|i—Tie fnr lirst hitwccn N'n. 1, defeated Haur, Pittslmrgh", l-t), Dinkel, Lafavctte. and Newark, Le- li-3, (i-2; O'Laughlin. Pittsburgh, deFor 67 Years h i g h ; Oiler, • Lcliigh, Llrird. Height, feated Wendt. Lafuyette, 0 0 , 0 1 ; 5 feet .T inches. l.iiiiilmrd, Lafavctte, lost to Bowaus, Javelin—Won b y Taylor. Lafay- I'ittsbuigli, «-.S. 0-8; lender, P i t t s e l t e ; Seller, Iiiifayctte. second; Woll. lmrgh, deflated, Lufayette, 11-3, Lehigh, third. U'istante, 110 feet 4 li-2; Gordon, Pittsburgh, defeate<l inches. Long, Lafayette. 0-0. 7-5; WestcrBroad .juin)i—Won by Goodlove, velt, Pittslnirgli, lost to Hoyt, LufuyL e h i g h ; Lanza. Lafuyette, second; ette. 3-«, 3 0 . T h e m o d e m art a n d s c i e n c e Hanlon, Lufavette, tiiird. Distance, In the doubles Moore nnd Lumbard, o f h e a l i n g disease. D o y o u 10 feet I P / , inches. Lafavctte. dcfiateil Baur and B o w realize t h e o p p o r t u n i t i e a aii.s Pittshurgli, 3 0 , 0-3, 7-5; Laughoffered i n t h i s p r o f e s s i o n I lin and Lauler, Pittsburgh, defeuted LAFAYETTE TAKES FIRST GAME FROM LEHIGH, 3-0 W'cnilt and Vreeland. Lafuyette. 0-2, (il); (iordon and Westervelt, P i t t s E n t r a n c e Requirements t liurgli, dcfcutid H o y t and Long, LafApproved four-year h i g h f'linlimied from I'age 1 school course ( o n e college P i t t s , 21i 2 It I) 2 .1 (t ayette. 3-U, 7-5, 0-2, year o f the sciencei, physics, Uesse, ] 2 0 I) tl li 1 Stevens Match:—Mook, Stevens, c h e m i s t r y , a n d b i o l o g y is a n defeated Moore, L a f a y e t t e , 0-3, 4-0, 328-30 Northampton St. additional requirement in Totals 2 2 0 2*21 10 .'» •'1-3; Wendt, Lafuyette, defeated EASTON Kerr, Stevens. 0-3. 0-2; Kiddle, Stecertain state*). Lafuyette A l l . K. II. O. A. K. Koch, ss 4 0 1 I'I 2 0 vens, defeateil Lumbard, Lufuyette, Bell, l b .1 0 0 3 1 0 0-2, 3(1, 15-13; MacDonald, Stevens, L e n g t h of C o u r s c i QruU>, c .1 1 O 1) 1 0 deflated Long, L a f a y e t t e , 0-1, 7 - 5 ; F o u r years o f n i n e m o n t h a Thompson, cf ;i 2 1 1 t» (» .Xldricli, Stevens, defeated H o y t , Lucadi. Kirkleski, 2I> :i o 1 2 1 o fayette. U-3, U-l. Sarni, If 4 0 1 1 ll U Dniihlcs:—Mook ami Kerr, Stevens, IntenulU|>: Chimenti, :ili :t ll 2 0 I li defeated Mooro and LumbuTil. Lafuy Osteopathic Hospitals. M e t i u n e y , rf 2 0 o 0 ll () ette, (1-4. 4-(i, U-4; Khldle unil .Mcy e i s l e y , "p 4 (I 0 »l 3 O IXinald. Stevens, defeateil Wendt und WIUTE POR CATALOG— The Graduating Seniors Hoyt, Lafayette, U-3, 1 0 , 0-4. . '• • » • Totals 31 3 ti 21 0 0 P h i l a d e l p h i a CoUege Are facing the question •-Nnne out when game w a s called LAFAYETTE FRESHMEN of O s t e o p a t h y i n Nth. WIN 2 MORE CONTESTS 1 9 t h a n d Spring G a r d e n Sts., lafayelte 0 0 2 OIK) 1—3 Philadelphia, Pa. Lehigh 000 0 0 0 0 - 0 Conlinued from Page 1 The box scure: Kurned runs: Ivufayetle 3 . T w o iBtfifUTtti uiiilnkt Board ol Rtgemu Latavette. A B . l i . H. O A. 1' base h i t : Kmli. Struck o u t : by of N e w Vurk) 3 5 1 Yeisley !l; by Hesse 4. Hase ou .\lc(initb, 2b 1 4 0 balls: by Yeisley 2 ; by lles-e 7. Ailani^. 3b 0 Somt of you are lecll fixed: y o u De Turck, cf 3 1 U m p i r e s : Wusiier und IJactzel. have a family butineu to work llanhiii. e 4 1 0 10 1 with,_ It will be to your interest Lafavetle AH. It. 11. O. A. K. Dimmerling, Hi . . 2 2 1 12 1 to think about the new develop4 1 2 2 I Kotdi, ss .-> 1 2 0 2 0 .Miiiidv. rf 0 inent, Group Insurance, which will 4 1 1 0 Hell, l b 2 1 1 2 0 1 KiunkJin, If be a factor of increasing imporWilson, lb 3 1 1 10 0 0 .\rmstrong, ss . . . 4 0 1 1 tance in the rclationa of your 3 0 0 2 4 (Jrube, c 4 2 2 0 4 0 -Murberg, p busineM to its employees. TliompHon, cf rt 1 1 2 0 0 Some oji^u httct a JcclJeJ itnl, Totals 33 7 11 13 Kirkleski, 2b 4 0 1 1 .5 0 and arc going to follow it. One AH. Ii. II. (>. A. K MuhlenlM'rg Sarni, If 4 1 1 2 0 U way of making sure that you will (.'himenti, ;ib 3 I 1 1 3 0 Uorrelli, ef . . . . . . 3 0 0 2 0 0 finish the course of life you have :i 0 McUurvev, rf 2 1 0 1 0 0 I'orriea. ss . . . . . . 3 0 0 chosen ia to take advantage of 2 1 Morrison, p 2 0 0 2 1 0 Steinhauser, 2b . . . 4 0 0 Annuity. Endowment, and Straight 0 0 0 II Yeislcv, p 2 1 1 0 0 0 .Adams, Jb . , . . Life Insurance. 0 1 Hibbard, p 0 O 0 0 O 0 Fegley, lib 0 1 11 .Smith, e Some oJ you hace uorktj for U O (I your education and must earn aa Totals 3 0 10 11 27 15 1 Pcnnell, If much money as you can, as q uickly Stefuna, rf . . . .2 0 0 0 0 N. Y. A. f . A B . K. II. O. A. E u pouible. The selling of Life Fursman, s s 3 0 1 4 3 0 Kselienliach, p . .:i 0 I 0 3 Insurance givea the most and Friseh, 2b 3 0 0 3 2 0 quickest return for hard work; it Totals ao 0 :i '24 8 :t (liird.m, cf 4 1 1 2 o U alio offers the greatest freedom for :100 0:{0 lOx—7 Miller, If 4 0 0 1 O 0 Lafuvette original enterprise. It is not > 000 000 OOO—0 Alexander, rf 3 O 1 1 0 0 .MnhienU-rg push-button job. The John HanSacriliiv h i t s : .\ilanis, l>'Turck. Kinnev, 3b 3 1 I 2 1 0 cock is looking for men like you bases: Mcliruth, Hunlon, Ktark,' Ib 3 ll 0 10 3 0 Stideii •nd would like to hear from you. Hartman, e 3 O 0 4 I U Kianklin, Fegley. Tliriv base h i t s : Home r u n : i l i i n Write to ua in regard to any of Schaclfer, p 2 O 0 0 5 0 -Munil.x. Fegley. these points. We shall answer Leonardi, i 0 O 0 0 O 0 dy. Doulile pluys: Murberg and Diinyour inquiries without any obBrown, p I O 0 0 O U nicrling; .Mundy, Dinimerling und ligation to you. Addrcu the Struck out : bv Murberg •Norton 0 0 1 0 0 0 Murln-rg. INQUIRY BUREAU. 12, liy Kschenbach 10. Huses on Total 2!t 2 5 27 15 0 bulls: by MurJM-rg ;t; by Esclieubuch ; Ii«fayetle (KM} 2»'l 070—1» 2. I'lnpire: Ikivluii. Fraternity Bands ^ ^ i . V. A. (' OIM) 100 0 0 1 — 2 ^ ^ K ' B a t t e d for Alexander in ninth. W^f T w o bate hits—Kirkleski, (Iriibe 2. FRANK B. DAVENPORT P ^ ^ T h r e e base hit—Yeisley. SacriHce— 1 9 7 Clarendon St., Boaton, Maaa. Consulting I Kirkleaki. Stolen base—L'hiiufnti. I Double jiluv—Krisfh, Stark and Kin Mining and Mechanical U your policy bears the name ' ney. Slru'ck o u t — B y Sihaelfcr I. John Hancock, it is safe and Engineer BroHTI 1, Morrison 2 . Yeisley 1. llilisecure in every way. (Where a Home Run means bard 1. nam; on balls—off Scliaffer SCRANTON, PA. 4, IjiOUAidi 1, Murrisun 4, Y e i a k y 2, a New Straw) LAFAYETTE NETMEN LOSE HARDMATGHES \ ROUGH DRY LAUNDRY WM. LAUBACH &SONS An Established Department Store Satisfying Lafayette Men OSTEOPATHY Newest styles, weaves and colorsreasonably priced at only $30. $35. $40. These fine Suits are outstanding values at our unusually low prices. You *ll lihe the nobby tailoring, the excellent mater, ials, the smart colors and weaves. YOU Woodring's 235 Northampton St. iUbUira 1. rw~irJT^—TB BEC^.^ ... JiJ 8I6A MARCH ST.. EASTON.RI. HOTEL LAFAYETTE F O U R T H AND NORTHAMPTON STREETS, The colors arc cool, the cloth itself is cool and the suits arc half lined for further comfort. Being serges they arc among the best wearing suits purchasable. Being our serges they are purchasable at extremely reasonable prices with no diminution of R. P . values in fit or workmanship. See 'em at the Varsity Shop ALL DAY N E X T MONDAY "•^Registered Trademark ROGERS P E B T C O M . A N Y Bfaadwaf Broadwaj •t Wanaa Breadwaf at Uth 81 • JVaarrar* Fifth A?ik IbnldS^ MUtkSi Citr •> 4»< *^ Tramopt at BrenAaM ** Walk-over Florsheim Nettleton The Three Beat Beta In Men*a Shoea HEIBERGER'S 239 Northampton St. Bill Heibergrer, College R e p r e s e n t a t i v e A tip. . . ladies like [DOBBS HATS Offered In SAILORS PANAMAS LEGHORNS WICK Distinction We are now displaying bathing suits which wil] be seen at the smart summer resorts during the coming season. One-piece suits are obtainable in solid colors, and two-piece suits with harmoniously striped jerseys include "The Lafayette", a white jersey bearing a diagonal maroon stripe. Cooling as a shower—a blue or gray serge! of "WHAT TO DO NEXT'* DOBB'S STRAWS of EASTON, P A . EUROPEAN PLAN $2.00 U P Bell Phone 1106 B. I, LOVE, Mgr. A. W . FRANKFORT, Prop. "Wear Ever" Training Class For Summer Work Every Tuesday 7 P. M. BRAINERD Bathing Suits the aroma of Edgeworth TH<f C^THSS, H^'B£"RJ^<^SHe'Ry. H^TS. SHoes, t^n^ STOK^WSIATI VEVELOPED BY FINCHLEY FOR COLLEGIAN USAGE FOR SPRING WILL BE EXHIBITED BY A REPRESENTATIVE FROM NEW YORK AT USED CAR SALE $25. to $50. VARSITY SHOP Tues. and Wed.. May 24th-25th BOB GRAY, Rep. lOBOl Star Sedan Ford Coupe Ford Roadster Oldsmobile Touring Nash Touring Ford Sedan FORTY-FIVE DOLLARS AND MORE TAILOKED TO MEASUKS losaoi Bushkill Motor Car Co. 343-355 N. T H I R D ST, Easton, Pa. Easton Phone 3810 35 S. MAIN ST., Phillipsburg, N. J. Phillipsburg Phone 3812 ^...rjsmtt':^ 'JJkJIh^JM aviNvi AT rotTY-uxTH tmnr mn'^'.,:: j » ; 73imiLt..r,^f.s^: SEIDER, '02, IS SUCCESSFUL ENGINEER ALUMNI REV. MICHLER, '07, DIES ON 7 OF MAY Was Prominent Man In Lutheran Church Having Filled Several Pastoratea. Thp Rovcriml .\itlinr T. Michler, '07. former ri'sidont of Kailon. tlicii at hiH homi! in rhilml'.-lpliin. ou May 7. He was forty-six years of ajie. Ilis dealh comes as a shi)tk to iiis many friends an<l reh\tive8 iu both Kaslcin aud I'hihidilphia. Deceased was born in Kaaton. a ecm of the late Jlr. aud Mrs. Wwiu Miehler. He' attended tlic liiston Academy and graduated from t.'.iul inftitntion with lionovs. He spent ^vvo years at l.afayette and eouililifod hia eourse at Muldenber); from wliich plaeo he also graduated with honor.s. .\fteT hi.s jiriidiiation from MuhleiilK>rg he entered Mt. Airy Seminary. Philadelphia, where he w.ia ordaiijed a minister. Following .'lis graduation from the seminary, the Rev. Michler boeanie tor of a Lutheran church at Leliajia* whcrc he remained four years. non He then acee|>ted the ])astoi'ate of the Lutheran Church uf the Incarnation, Phihidelnhia. where he preached fnr two years after which lie was called to the l.iitlierau Church of the Redtenier, Philadelphia. He was pastor of the latter church at the time of ihis death. The lievcreiid Michler i.s survived by his wife who was Miss Carrie Kilter of ,\llentown; ii daughter. Miss Gertrude Michler of Philadelphia; two sisters, Xln-;, Louis C. Uice. und Mr». Kdward 11. Thomas, of Wilson Borouuh; and a brother, AV. Henry Miehler of Ivistoii. il is of g r e a t i n t i r e s t to Icirii from " T h e .\iiierlcan A r c h i t e c t " and "TinKiigiiieering X e w s Kecord" t h a t t h e steel s l r i i i t i i i e for (he new Roxy TheLAFAYETTE LUNCHEONS a t r e in Nl IV Vork City, the largest in Xewark—1'J:;M), Xewark .\tblhe world, was designed, fabriciited letic Club, last Wednesday ot and erected u n d e r the supervision of O t t o F. Sieder. '02. each month. The Ro.vy T h e a t r e h a s m a n y uiiPhiladelphia—12:00 to 2:00, ii-iial f e a t i i r i s and presented some Arcadia Hestaurant, every (lilViciilt engineering problems. N o t a Wednesday. single column was p c n i i i t t e d l o b e ' placetl ill t h e interior of the biiilditij'. Pittsburgh—12:15 to 1:,10, T h i s r u l i n g necessit.ited t h e siippiyi'tGrey lioom, :McCreery'g Resiiig ot l.lll balconies from ciioriynoiis taurant, every Wednesday. t r u s s e s . One of these t r u s s e s «iloiie Scranton - - 12:15 Scrnnton weighs 210 tons and i» t h e longest Chamber of Cimimerce last t r u s s ever used in building c y n s t r u c Friday of each inuiith. tiou. Wilkes Barre —12:15 Hotel Sieder is one of t h e lea<,1ing iiigiliecrs in llie steel iii<liiatvy a n d has Pedington private dining room, played an i i n p o i l a n l par',: in developiiKmth. , ing' the sky line of N'lnv Y o r k City. NtJTK: Philadelpihia LunchHe is chief engineer lyinl vice prenieons will be continued all suui•ilcnt of Levering anil •4»arr}gnes Comnier. .-Vll undergraduates are pan.v. one of the l e n d i n g tiriiis of I'oncordially invited to attend. i r a c t o r s and ciigine'eiVi iu X e w Y o r k City ttitli several . I n a n c h e s in various e a s t e r n cit its. / Xot c o n t e n t w i t h limiting t h e si-opr of his H-ork l/o t h i s c o u n t r y . Siedi r 1893 had the sati.s/faction of e r e c t i n g the Tfl\' Reverend (ieorge Scuihlcr Mott lirsl sk.v-scwlier in t.'ie city of Uueiios Dorcmn? has ri signed as pastor of Aires, A i g / i n i n a , in 1908. while reprethe Fi-i'st Presbyterian Cliurch at s e n t i n g ^ / i l l i k e n Brot.liers j u t h e forRockawa.v. X. J., and luih accepted <-'ign iielij. Alumni "THE FACULTY DON'T GO" THIRD STREET 1 / «.« liny a Melange Clive Brook, Jocelyn Lee 'AFRAID TO LOVE' Boys, We Appreciate your patronage May 26 - 27 - 28 Eddie Cantor Jobyna Ralston, Mary Carr, Wm. Powell 'Special Deliveiy" Victrola Records and Musical Mdse. r STRAND MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Biuch, Ontario, Canada. 1917 C. Marvin P a r d e e is now associated w i t h Pislell, Deans & Co,, Investment Securities, a l 1J4 PearV St.. Bulfalo. X. V. liilosophy of iJliih work t o w a r d » <ioct 1918 itity(ie a proh degree. He hopes to eontiti/ie P a u l W e r n e r has nioveil from Borlem in biology .. whic'i / e has beeu d e n t o w n . N. J., t o R u t g e r s P r e p . w o r k i n g for : ine t i m e / u t Muhlen- School, N i w Bruii'^wick. X. .1. Wrg. / Robert K. P a r k , .fr,, is developuient Supplementing his /teseaich work engineer for t h e W e s t e r n Klectric Co,, with wiek-end trips ufirongli the slate H a w t h o r n e Still lo-i. Chicago, HI. He of Culifornia, vi-^iylng the famous resides at 31) N o r t h 'Stone . \ v i . , Lalandmarks of tliit >ilate, and studying tJruiige, 111. nature iu its inanvr asoects. Dr. Bailey will add much t / his" interesting lec1921 tures. A trip t«> Mexico will also be Frederick .1 Waltzinger. of Median made. / and Waltzingi r, announces the removal First AJbsence In 18 Years This lea/e of absi inc. the lirst of his law ilVice lo the Acailimy which Dr.ylhiiley .'las had in liix eigli- i Riiilding. 17 .•\cademy St.. Xewark, teeii yeai^ of service for .Muhlenberg, X . J . is the yfesnlt of a decisimi of the Buy a -Melange lioard / f trustees of that institution | to gryiil sabbatical kave to members , of tllfi' faeulty. Xfc. Bailev "was a promilieut biology siyldent of the class of 1904. He is a » / n of Mrs. Sophia and the late Hor/ c e Builey, 7;W Centre St.. Eaiton. ALUMNI OFFERED LIMITED NUMBER OF 1927 MELANGES A limited number uf the 1027 Melanges are available to alunini who make first application for them. This history serves as a contact between eollege and after-life, and in its spirit is invaluable to the true Lafayette uluuinU'i. It is a record of progress to bupplenient his own college days. .\pplication should be made to •lames R. tiibson, busines.. manager of the Melange, and the book will be sent C. O. D. at once. Co-operation is urged nf those w'lO wish to obtain copies before the eomniencement rush. » » S TATE EASTON, Thur., Fri., PA. Sat, • • GRACE EDLER & CO. "Dancers Unique" Williams Shaving Cream Cornell University Summer Session in LAW First Term, June 20 to July 27 t'O.N TK.VCT. l'rofe^sor Whitcaiile i)f t h e ( o r n e l l l.iiw .School. I ' l i O l ' K K T V . Dean K i r k H o o i l o f t h e .Slanfolcl I'niverHitv l.iiw Sehool. C O N F L I C T OK L.\W.S, I'rofehBor lx>renzi'n of t h e Vale I ' n i v e r tiity Sihool of L a w . (O.Ml'.Alt.ATINK L . \ W , Profesbor lx>ren/fn. N K ( ; O T l . \ U l , K I'.M'KU. Professor Muore of t h e I olunihia L'niver»ity I j i w Sehool. I N S l k . V N f i ; . A»Hi»tant Professor I ' a r n h a m of ' t h e t ' o r n e l l I.jiw W i l l i a m E. Ilutchiscm, "H;!. h a s been appoiiite<l a supreiiie c o n n j u - t i c e of KuiiHUs t o till the vacancy caused by the d e a t h of -lustiee Hcnrv F. Mason. He will a c t in t h i s capaeity u n t i l he is elected, for a full term next y e a r or u n t i l u successor is elected. .ludgc Hiitchiaoii has la-en practieing law since ISSti. U'ing h i l d in lligli esteem ifl legal circles, and is one o l the iM'.at k n o w n und respected n e m V r s of t h e Kuiisas bar. His app o i r t n i e i i t wai* therefore no surjirise a n d was receivi-d with pleasure by the m e m b e r s of t.he supreme eourt." Hi^ v a r i e d Px|K'rieiice in the ililfereiit Melds of law c o m b i i m l with his outatandiiig repiitalion as being one of t h e most courageous a l l o r n e y o in western K a n s a s , made t h e choice for t h e a p p o i n t m e n t hy the governor inevitable. SIIHMI. !)().\1KSTIC U i : i . . \ T I O \ ' S , Asbihta n t Profex-iir l''arnh«ni. Second T e r m , J u l y 28 t o Sept. 2 CON'Tl!.\t r . .\™»i»tant Professor liM'iH of t h e Cornell L a w S i h o o l . -XCTIOXS, I'rofvssor W i U o u of tlu' Cornell I41W Sehool. C U X S T I T I T I O X A L L A W I. P r o ftHwor Powell of tlu* I JHW Sehool of H a r v a r i l I ' n i v e r s i l v . CO.N'HTITCTIOXAL L A W I I , P r o fensor Portell. PKIVATK CtlKl'OIi.VriOXS. Profeniior S t e v e u b of t h e Cornell L a w Svhool. gl ASICO.NTIt.UTS, Professor Clu'atlmiu of t h e Cornell Luw Sihool. P l l l L I C S K U V I C E A N D CARItlKlt.S. Proffshur Thompson of t h e Cornell I.jiw Sehoul. The world's finest cigarette tobaccos—and every bit of natural tobacco character retained and brought out to full natural perfection! CLASS OF '02 CHANGES KEUNION HEADQUARTERS Chesterfield S t m l e n t * m a y lie){iii (he s t u d y of law in t h e auininer BCcsiuu. For catalog, address the CORNELL LAW SCHOOL, Ithaca. N. Y. liGCETT & M Y E » S T O B A C C O C O . Brainard Hall Tuesday, May 17 4-5.30 p . m. m . . EASTON EASTON, PENNA. WILLIAMS BROS., Operator* T A I L 0 T? CLEANING, iPRESSING, and REPAIRING 201 N . T H I R D S T . . E A S T O N Work Called For and Delivered Stotz Brothers STOVES, RANGES, STEAM AND HOT W A T E R PARIS BROS. Cigars & Tobacco 46 N. Third Street H E A T I N G AND PLUMBING STOTZ BROS. 154 and 156 NORTHAMPTON ST. EASTON. PA. D. M. Hatuke Welcome Men of Lafayette Our Stock Is Now Complete, Including New and Second Hand Books C(jnfcctioiiery Fraternity & College Station'y College Novelties College and Class Pipes Atliletie Supplies College Jewelry Fraternity Hat Bands Drawing Instruments and Memory Books Equipment Leather & Felt Pillows Pennants and Banners Toilet Articles College Postal Cards Gym and Tennis Shoes Photograph Albums, Etc. Weatherford's Pharmacy Third and Spring Garden Sts, Cigars, Cigarettes, Soda Full Line of Parker Fountain Pens THK THE « A r^ A t r r ^ n m r r ^ STORB STORB To? LAFAYETTE i^''"'" Patronize KLEINHANS Florist North Third St. ihe College Store The VARSITY SHOP Creveling Electrical Appliances Bulbs a Specialty Electrical Contractor FOUNTAIN SERVICE—LUNCHEONETTB CIGARS—CIGARETTES—TOBACCO PIPES—SUNDRIES 225 C A T T E L L S T R E E T Easton, Pa. C. A. NUSS. Prop. IF The Most Complete Men's Furnishing Store In Easton BUSH & BULL CLOTHES ~ Ready-mad* And Cut te Order ESTABLISHED ENGLISH UNiVCRSITV S T Y L E S , T A I L O R E D OVER YOUTHFUL C H A R T S SOLELY FOR D I S T I N O U i 8 H E I > SERVICE IN T H E UNITED STATES. Established 1906 "Always Reliable" [®ttwtetl|ous;e. BASSETT'S Suits and Topoeats DRY CLEANING and PRESSING 127 C A T T E L L S T R E E T Easton, Pa. •40, MS, 'SO Weavers Phaimaey HUYLER'S BONBONS and F . BV SPECIAL APPOtNTmENT J=% OUR STORE IS THE ^ CHOCOLATES Always Fresh 45 CENTRE SQUARE THATCHER'S SANITARY FOODS CIRCLE ARCADE DeUey's Markets Bell Phone 3269 f\ • HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN 200 ROOMS 175 BATHS The Only Modern and Absolutely Fire Proof Hotel in Easton ROOM WITH TOILET AND RUNNING WATER, $2.50 ROOM WITH BATH, $3.00 UP EMBASSY THE ENTIRE WEEK The Greatest Laugh Show Ever Made "McFADDEN'S FLATS" With The Funniest Thing On Four Feet I CHARLIE MURRAY And CHESTER CONKLIN IT'S THE HOUSE THAT LAUGHS BUILT! BETTER COME EARLY! HUTCHINSON, '83, IS MADE S U P R E M E COURT J U S T I C E Since last u c e k ' a issue t h e rluss of Vmsfl have chaiigid t h e place uf their class hejdi|uarter< for .Mumni Dny from d o w n t o w n t o t h e canipuii. T h e y will reune in Itt'l Pardee. T h e clasn of 1925 in having a tpeeial r e u n h m tliit y e a r and iril! h a \ e tlieir h t a d q u u r t e r t ill 177 S o u t h College. All eluii< reuiiiomt w i t h t h e eM-eiitiou of oue will be uu t h e caurpUd thii> year. AT WILMER & VINCENT'S THEATRES • • On The Screen VIOLA DANA In A Triumph Of Action "BRED IN OLD KENTUCKY" • L W. Shave, Haircut, Manicuring First Class Service Reasonable Prices LEVAN AND BOLLES In "MERE NONSENSE" "TELL TALES" A Novel Comedy Offering N o question about If—for thoroughgoing smoke-enjoyment natural tobacco taste has 'em all stopped! Easton's Leading Hotel A Thriller "The Brute" The right of way— ^ NOW OPEN SEE HOTEL EASTON BARBER SHOP -IN- H E N you lather up with Williams Shaving Cream you do a real j o b o f bcard-softcning. For Williams lather is saturated with moisture — moisture which soaks the stubble so soft t h a t razors just^//</(?///ro«^A. T h a t ' s why there's no razor"puU" with Williams, why all razors seem sharper. In 35c and 50c tubes at all dealers, 460 Northampton St. SUMMER WORK Finger Prints Monte Blue h y Razors Seem Sharper with Williams W J. M. KIEFER'S Phone 1254 -IN- THURS.—FRI.—SAT. w Special Discount for Lafayette Students DENTIST NORTHAMPTON BANK BUILDING Louise Fazenda 1911 A T T E N T I O N , FROS.H The place to obtain all of your sporting and athletie goodS) •weaters, sport coats, athletic shois,football outfits, e t c W A D E H. F I T Z H U G H —in— Xicholas V. Hui^ter Hiiater is .supervisor of Pennsylvania I,\. R. at Xewjiort. Peny County. Pa,.', and Roliert WoodMuhlenberg Professor Will Spend cock, 'II, i? biipei; visor at Lewiston, Pa. Year Doing Research Work At 1912 University Of California. Fifteenth Retinion-Alumni Day, / J u n e 11 W . W . / J l c C o i i i l i is now located in l<o8 Anrfeles, Cal.—010 V a n Xuys Uldg. f I / 1913 C'airl B. Cooper is service m a u a g e r f o r / t i o i x l y e a r T i r e & Rubber Co.. New ironto. O n t a r i o . C a n a d a . He is reRiding at 44 Hillside Ave., Miuiico I Where Hospitality Is Extended To Parents And Friends Of L«f«7'-\%. *"^ Students Restaurant A la Carte—Fraternity Banquets And OanOM Barber Shop Featuring Student Work Woolworth Building New York CO-FDUCATIONAL CASE SYSTEM THREE-YEAR COURSE Two Yeara of College Work Required for Admission Morning, Afternoon and Evening Classes Wl!ITK Fill! ( ATAI.OCUK CHARLES P. DAVIS, Registrar Room 2850 —-in— 1910 Frederick S. Miirliii is ei>1inected wit.'i the Colonial Life Insui/inice Co. a t .Mlentown. Pa., and haj)/ been advanced to A s s i s t a n t S u p o r i i i t e n d i n t . l i e m a y be addressed 1*. U. Bo.v -Jl:;, Allentown, Pa. TIT. H a r r y !>. Bailey •04, of the seience d e p a r t m e n t at Mnhlenberg ill spend next year iu the Colic g r a d u a t e lepartment of the University of California. " Leaving Allentown in August, immediately nfter the close of the Muhlenberg summer session, Dr. Balky nnd .'lis family will make the trip to California, parsing through Yellowatone N'ational Park and many other jiointa of interest enroute. Followiiia the completion of his work at CaUifornia. he will take a sonthirn roiyte. passing through Xew Mexico, AriyiJiia and Color.ido. / Wliile at the Cniversity of c/ilifor•>••• Dr. Bailey will engage ill •fesearch i Florence Vidor 1908 RuyinoniP L, Gebhardt lias been transferred from h'tyre to Wilkii--, Bane, He is division aiiperintcudcijt of the Lihigh Valley Railroad t^"o,, Wilkes-Barre. DR.BMLEY,'04, GIVEN SABBATICAL THEATRE May 23 - 24 - 25 Notes a eall to JJeaver I'alls. I'enna. The RevA-eiid Fldred Kirfzenga. fm-merly of Alouiitville, X. il.. has been installed as jiastor of the Itockuway church. HOTEL KARLDON FORDHAM U W SCHOOL A m h e r s t , M.iss., .May 18— (11')—Thk^y've a clever "faculty up here a t .\nilierst college. Afte.' t h e s t u d e n t s kicked fur t w o y e a r s a g a i n s t being cuinpelled t o go l o church on Sunday morning, professors cli-anged it so Ihey had t o go t o churcli oil S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n . T h e a d v a n t a g e is t h a t y o u can walk with a S m i t h girl on ."^iiiidav niornliig iii'Stead of tjunduy a f t e r n o o n . Students always get what they w a n t if t h e y a s k the facu l t y for it. Yours, Collegiate Bill. \ mr. .-'^*«H>ir''.3aEr';«''^"£iaK ,i. 1 EASTON, PA. The character of the suits and topcoats tailored by Charter Houso will earn your most sincere likhg. M t Hackett's, Inc. 2
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