LUMEN CHRISTI CATH OLIC CHURCH CATHOLIC Our Parish Feast Day - January 3, 2016 CELEBRATE THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD IN GRATITUDE We are most grateful to all the people who have worked hard to make our church environments lovely throughout the Christmas season. We thank Diane Baylerian for her work in Thiensville and Bob Yearling, Bob Gosewehr, Deb Sommer and Betty Rubner for their work in Mequon. These parishioners, along with many liturgy volunteers, work year round on our church environments and put in countless hours during special feasts of the Church. Epiphany means “an appearance or a showing.” Jesus was shown to the world on this day, when the Magi found him in Bethlehem. This day is the Feast Day for our parish, Lumen Christi “Light Of Christ”. EPIPHANY DOOR BLESSING Pray the following prayer, and then write 20 C M B 16 in chalk over your front door (representing the names of the Magi-Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar which are inscribed between the numbers of the year). We also thank parishioner, Jim Walczak for the donation of Christmas trees and the beautiful outdoor decorations which he has provided in Thiensville for many years. We are grateful to Jim Brown for the outdoor decorations in Mequon, in particular for his donation of the cemetery decorations in memory of his sister, Sharon Brown. Blessed are you, God of all creation: By the guidance of a star, you led Seekers to your Son, and by the light of faith, you bring us to know Christ as our Redeemer, The Messiah you have sent. At this time, we acknowledge all our musicians and other liturgical ministers who make the Christmas Masses special. We especially thank Ron Anzia and Margarete Gielow for their extraordinary service as Sacristans, as well as our many other Sacristans. We are blessed to have so many parishioners willing to participate in our liturgies. We ask that this home be a dwelling place of goodness, humility, self-control, mutual respect for one another, and hospitality to strangers. By the light of your star, protect our home and guide all who walk through this door. We ask this through Christ our Redeemer. Amen. CHRISTMAS ANGEL TREE NOTE OF APPRECIATION Thank you to all who spread Christmas joy this Advent season by participating in the Christmas Angel Tree program. By your generous giving many blessings were received and tangible signs of God’s love for all became visible. The gifts which were so lovingly chosen by you were gratefully received by over 350 children from the families served by the Riverwest Food Pantry. The families receiving gifts expressed their gratitude with notes of appreciation, which are hanging on the trees in the church foyers. Gifts were also given to St Hyacinth’s and to Meta House. Thank you to all the parishioners of Lumen Christi Parish who so lovingly made angel tags, gave Christmas gifts, made Christmas cards, knit slippers and hats, baked cookies, sorted gifts or volunteered their time for this project. The tremendous outpouring of love to our neighbors through your generous giving is heartwarming and inspiring. Thank you so much! Outreach Grants OUTREACH GRANTS AWARDED Just as we ask our parishioners to share their blessings, so too does our parish share its blessings. Our Outreach Grant Committee recently approved grants totaling $6,000. The grant recipients are below. St Ben’s Community Meal Program St Ben’s House of Peace Casa Guadalupe COPE Services Dismas Ministries My Home, Your Home The purpose of these grants is to support organizations outside the parish which minister to those in need of material and spiritual assistance. By sharing the parish’s abundance with the local and global community, we seek to carry out the mission of Christ the servant. 2 11300 N St James Lane, Mequon WI 53092 262-242-7967 FAX 262-242-7970 Website Thiensville Mequon 138 W Buntrock Ave, Thiensville WI 53092 11300 N St James Lane, Mequon WI 53092 Eucharistic Celebrations Eucharistic Celebrations Mass on Wednesday at 8:30 am Mass on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:30 am Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am and 11:00 am MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY January 4 Born to eternal rest on December 20, 2015 Barbara Schlosser December 21, 2015 Patricia Churchville Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious (Mequon ) 7:15 am Communion Service TUESDAY January 5 Saint John Neumann, Bishop (Mequon ) 7:15 am Communion Service (Mequon) 8:30 am Mass † Jeanne Brossard WEDNESDAY We also remember in our prayers... Thomas Van Antwerpen II January 6 Christmas Weekday (Mequon) 7:15 am (Thiensville) 8:30 am Son of parishioner, Gina Spahn Communion Service Mass † David Burkhardt THURSDAY Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. January 7 Christmas Weekday (Mequon) 7:15 am (Mequon) 8:30 am Communion Service Mass † Helen “Happy” Popalisky FRIDAY January 8 Christmas Weekday (Mequon) 7:15 am Communion Service (Mequon) 8:30 am Mass † Kenneth Pelant (Sacrament of the Sick-administered after Mass) COLUMBARIA WERE INSTALLED IN OUR CEMETERY SATURDAY January 9 Christmas Weekday (Mequon) 8:30 am Communion Service Vigil: The Baptism Of The Lord (Mequon) 5:00 pm † Lee & Marian Goetter SUNDAY January 10 The Baptism Of The Lord (Mequon) 8:00 am (Thiensville) 9:00 am (Mequon) 9:30 am (Mequon) 11:00 am For the parishioners of Lumen Christi † Joyce Von Roenn † Victoria Carruth † Sandra Massick Please Pray For... Charlotte Lombness Jan Krueger Georgia Franzen Dennis Bersch Carl Farah Cathy Schultz Vincent Jones Maynard Kosmal After much research and planning, we are pleased that our two columbaria were installed. These two structures are a beautiful addition to our cemetery! A columbarium is a structure that contains uniform spaces called niches where cremation urns are stored. Each columbarium consists of 42 niches and have been placed along the north fence (on Mequon Road) of the cemetery. One structure has an etching of The Good Shepherd and the other has the Blessed Mother etched on it. Etchings include a beautiful inscription at the bottom. If you are interested in purchasing a niche or would like more information, please contact Jane Bartlett, Director of Finance at 262-242-7967. !! In the spirit of Vatican Council II, the practice of cremation was restored in 1963. The revised Code of Canon Law (1983) states: The Church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burial be retained; but it does not forbid cremation, unless this is chosen for reasons which are contrary to Church teaching (Canon 1176, paragraph 3). Parish Office Hours - 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday; Catholic Formation Office Hours - 9:30 am-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday Sacrament of Reconciliation - Thursdays in Mequon from 4:00-5:00 pm and Saturdays in Thiensville from 9:00-10:00 am or by appointment. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound - Holy Communion is brought to homebound parishioners on Fridays. Please call the Parish Office at 242-7967 to coordinate arrangements. Anointing of the Sick is offered each Friday morning after the 8:30 am Mass. Baptism - Preparation is required. Arrangements can be made through the Baptism Coordinator, Kathy Shields at 512-8981. Matrimony - By appointment only. Please make arrangements at least six months to one year in advance by calling the Parish Office at 242-7967. FAMILY PROMISE OZAUKEE THE WEEK AHEAD During this Year of Mercy, Catholics in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee are encouraged to practice the Works of Mercy. The January focus is “Shelter the Homeless”. Lumen Christi is hosting our first guests from Family Promise Ozaukee during the week of January 3-10. Thank you to those who have supported this project through prayers, encouragement, and by volunteering to help with meals, hospitality, or staying overnight. For more information on this program or to volunteer, please contact Tina Rindt at [email protected]. M 7:00 pm Monday Night Bible Study ....Sts Mark/Matthew 1:00 pm Lectio/Centering Prayer...........Thiensville Chapel T 1:30 pm Age Of Wisdom Mtg ........................ St James Hall 7:00 pm CRHP Men’s Mtg ............................................. St John 7:00 pm Tuesday Evening Book Circle ......... Dominiak Hall W 6:30 am LC Business Wake Up.................................... St John 7:30 am LC Employment Network ................. Parish Library READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 3, 2016 6:15 pm Adult Bible Study ............................... Dominiak Hall Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/ Mt 2:1-12 Monday: 1 Jn 3:22--4:6/Ps 2:7-8, 10-12/ Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10/Ps 72:1-4, 7-8/Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18/Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13/ Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19--5:4/Ps 72:1-2, 14-15, 17/ Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13/Ps 147:12-15, 19-20/Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21/Ps 149:1-6, 9/Jn 3:22-30 Next Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/ Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7 or Acts 10:34-38/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 6:15 pm Child Ministry Classes Grades 1-6.......Thiensville 7:00 pm Way Of Perfection Gatherings ................. St John Th F Eucharistic Adoration.............. 9:15 am-8:00 pm 6:00 am That Man Is You Mtg.......................... St James Hall Sun 9:00 am Children’s Liturgy Of The Word.... Dominiak Hall 9:30 am Middle School CF Classes .......................... Mequon 9:30 am RCIA......................................................... Upper Room 10:15 am Child Ministry Classes K4-Grade 5......Thiensville 11:00 am Children’s Liturgy Of The Word..... St James Hall 6:00 pm 9th/10th Grade Formation Class .........................Mequon PARISH LIBRARY open after all Masses this weekend. SCHOOL ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN PARISH LIFE NIGHT Feed the hungry, cloth the poor, educate our children, provide the sacraments… Lumen Christi is a vibrant parish. Are you looking to learn more and do more? Come join other active and engaged parishioners for our next Parish Night Life on January 12, 6:30 pm at our Mequon church. Our school's Annual Fund campaign is underway! Letters were mailed and include the school's Annual Report. Every gift of every size matters, and all donations go towards supporting our school's operating budget. We'll be keeping track of our progress over the next month. Thank you in advance for supporting the Annual Fund! R e c e n t ly Baptized NEW ALTAR SERVER TRAINING We invite all students, fifth grade and older who are interested in learning to be altar servers for weekend Masses in Mequon to attend a training session. We will have 3 opportunities for training, January 9 at 9:00 am and January 18 at either 3:15 or 4:30 pm. Please RSVP to Liz Stuckslager at [email protected] to let her know which session your child will attend. This is for new servers only. The following individual recently received the Sacrament of Baptism. Samuel James Clendening, son of Brian and Sarah AGE OF WISDOM MEETING Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 1:30 pm Fr Jacob Strand, from St Eugene and St Monica Parishes, will present “Making the Mass Matter.” He will explain a few concepts to help enter into the mystery of the Mass while also focusing on some specific parts of the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 4 The Common Ground of Grief program includes monthly presentations by Patrick Dean, grief counselor for Catholic Cemeteries, on the first Tuesday of the month from 11:00 am-12:30 pm and repeated at 5:30-7:00 pm at San Camillo, 10200 W Bluemound Road in Milwaukee. Please join us. PASTORAL STAFF STEWARDSHIP CORNER For information, call the Parish Office at 242-7967. EPIPHANY The three kings in today’s Gospel traveled a great distance at considerable cost to offer their richest gifts to the Infant Jesus. How far will I go and what will I offer to do homage to this newborn King and Savior? A wonderful way to pay tribute to your friends and loved one(s) is by making a gift in their name to the Lumen Christi Catholic Church Memorial Fund, the Lumen Christi Helping Hand Fund, the Jennifer Bush Scholarship Fund, the Lumen Christi School Endowment Fund and/or the Lumen Christi Parish Endowment Fund. Simply give us a call in the Stewardship Office today at 512-8994 if you are interested in making a contribution to honor or remember your loved one. Have you considered including a memorial to Lumen Christi Church or School in your will or estate plan? REFRIGERATORS WANTED Family Promise Day Center and St Vincent de Paul are looking for full-size working refrigerators. If you have one to donate, please contact Linda Weber at 262-241-4386, [email protected] or Ray Schneider at 262-242-6368, [email protected]. WOULD YOU CONSIDER BECOMING A PART OF THIS IMPORTANT MINISTRY? Many of us are saddened when a member of our parish passes away. If you would like to help these families in a tangible way, please consider being a part of the Funeral Hospitality Team. Help is needed to serve at funeral receptions in Dominiak Hall or St James Hall. Families provide the food, usually from a local caterer, so no cooking is involved. The time commitment is usually two hours and the days are flexible. You would be notified of a death in the parish via email and asked to call the parish office if you are able to help. Please contact parish secretaries, Cherie or Juliene at 242-7967, for more information. Thank you for considering this important ministry. THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTION FOR JANUARY That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. 5 Pastor Fr Dan Sanders ............................................................. 242-7967 ...................................................... [email protected] Associate Pastor ............................................................................ Help-out Priest Fr Steven Avella ........................................................... 242-7967 Deacons Anthony E Monfre......................................... [email protected] ......................................................................................... 241-4719 Joseph P Wenzler (May-December) .... [email protected] ................................................................................262-894-3842 David Grambow ............................... [email protected] ................................................................................414-690-4600 Director of Administrative Services ....................... 512-8994 Lisa Bales ................................... [email protected] Director of Finance ..................................................... 512-8991 Jane Bartlett........................... [email protected] Director of Catholic Formation ................................ 512-8985 Jon Metz ...................................... [email protected] Director of Child Ministry ......................................... 512-8984 Joan Kress................................... [email protected] Youth Minister-High School ..................................... 512-8989 Michael Mueller ................... [email protected] Outreach Coordinator ................................................ 242-7963 Tina Rindt ..................................... [email protected] Youth Minister-Middle School ................................. 242-7963 Andrea Dolsky ....................... [email protected] Directors of Music & Liturgy ....................................................... Peggy Hughes............................................................... 242-7968 .......................................................... [email protected] Margaret Caldwell ...................................................... 512-8982 .............................................. [email protected] Baptism Coordinator .................................................. 512-8981 Kathy Shields .......................... [email protected] Communications Coordinator ................................. 242-7967 Bonnie Reineking ............... [email protected] Administrative Assistant .......................................... 242-7967 Fran Blaubach ....................... [email protected] General Assistant for Catholic Formation............ 512-8983 Julie Russell ................................ [email protected] Parish Secretary........................................................... 242-7967 Juliene Seifert .................. [email protected] Parish Secretary........................................................... 242-7967 Cherie Claussen ............... [email protected] Maintenance/Mequon ............................................... 242-7967 James Sabec [email protected] Maintenance/Thiensville .......................................... 242-7967 Charlie Daub............................ [email protected] Pastoral Council Contacts Chair Doug Borys ......................................................... 236-9099 Trustee Secretary John Clark .................................... 241-9363 Trustee Treasurer George Hoff ............................... 377-6544 School School Principal Kelly Fyfe .................................... [email protected] Assistant Principal Mary Hauke ............................ [email protected] Mequon Campus......................................................... 242-7960 Thiensville Campus.................................................... 242-7965 Director of School Recruitment ................................ 512-8996 Laura Rowe ................................. [email protected] CONFIRMATION RETREAT This year’s Confirmation Retreat will be January 29-31, 2016. All Junior parents should have received an email with information and a link to register for retreat. You can also go to the website and register there under “Sacraments” then “Confirmation.” Contact Michael Mueller in CF with any questions. Also please keep these students in your prayers! CHILD!Ministry Grades K - 8th CATECHIST TRAINING Anyone wishing to participate in the following, please contact CF for scholarship help. GIGS, GEEKS AND GOD Technology for the new Evangelization Thursday, January 14, 2016 10:00 am – 5:00 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 3722 S 58th Street, Milwaukee $20 for the whole day - includes lunch This conference on technology features three rounds of workshops, exhibitors, keynote address and Quick-fire sessions for sharing ideas with experts and colleagues. For information, call Joan Kress at 512-8984 EPIPHANY DOOR BLESSINGS This weekend, in celebration of our parish Feast Day, we will be distributing “Epiphany Door Blessing” kits after all Masses for all parishioners to take home and use for a special Epiphany blessing of your home. This kit includes a special blessing prayer and a piece of chalk to mark your doorway, a popular tradition since the Middle Ages. The day offers topics for anyone in parish ministry or helping equip your parish for effective ministry in the future: parish business managers and finance councils, faith formation leaders and youth ministers, for parish communicators and catechists, priests and deacons and more. For program details and to registration go to SCHOOL NEWS HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM LUMEN CHRISTI CATHOLIC SCHOOL! The students and staff of Lumen Christi Catholic School, wish our parishioners a very Happy New Year! The school offices will be closed until January 4 for Christmas break. Classes will resume on January 4 at 8:00am. Email messages and phone calls will be returned at that time. We hope the blessings of the season are upon you and your family. We feel very fortunate to have prepared for the Christmas season in our classrooms as well as our homes. It is a wonderful time to be a part of a Catholic school!! RE-REGISTRATION FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR LUMEN CHRISTI CATHOLIC SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Save the Date! The New Year welcomes the planning for the next school year already. And how exciting it will be, as we will all be unified at the Mequon campus! Re-registration for the 2016-17 school year will be delivered to all current school families on January 11. Please return your forms as soon as possible so we can accurately plan for the next school year. Thank you!! Come see for yourself! Lumen Christi Catholic School’s Open House for current and prospective families will be held on Sunday, January 31 from 10:00 am-12:30 pm at the Thiensville campus. Mark your calendars for this opportunity to meet the teachers, see the plans for all the new classrooms, and discover the awesome advantages of a Catholic education! This also marks the beginning of OPEN REGISTRATION for families NEW to Lumen Christi Catholic School. For further information, contact Laura Rowe at [email protected]. 4K AT LUMEN CHRISTI CATHOLIC SCHOOL Lumen Christi Catholic School has offered a 4K program for many, many years. In light of the option of 4K in the Mequon/Thiensville public schools, we would like to highlight the aspects of our comprehensive 4K programs: • 5 days per week, half-day (8:00-11:30 am) and full-day (8:00am-3:00pm) options, with drop-off beginning at 7:40 am • Half-day has optional “Lunch Bunch” every day until 12:20 pm, which includes lunch & recess • After care is available until 6:00pm ON SITE for fullday students • Faith-based program, including Mass one time per month • Specials” with separate teachers – art, music, PE, guidance, library • Technology integrated into “centers” with Google Apps for Education on iPads • Learning support teachers for reading and math are consistently available for enrichment and special assistance • Service project 2-3 times per year – visits to the residents of Meadowmere Assisted Living • Excellent kindergarten-readiness program, while still incorporating play each day For more information or the opportunity to see our 4K programs in action, contact Laura Rowe at [email protected] or 262-512-8996. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK “Like” our page on Facebook to follow the exciting and inspirational activities of Lumen Christi Catholic School! BIBLE STORY TIME January 11 at the Thiensville campus We invite you and your child to a Bible Story Time that offers an inspirational short story, craft and a snack. It will be held on Monday, January 11 from 9:30-10:30 am in the 3K room at the Thiensville campus. This event is sponsored by the Newcomers committee and is open to ALL parents and children (4 years old and younger). It is led by our 3K teacher, Mrs Kocab, and is a wonderful opportunity to meet other families in our parish while sharing our faith with your young children. For more information, call Laura at 512-8996. Hope to see you there! 7 Bridge Marathon: We play on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 12:30 pm in St Luke and are always looking for subs - both men and women. Please call Barbara Hagan at 262-242-0283 for more information. WCOF Walking Group: We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month. For details, please contact Nancy Carlson at [email protected], 262-242-0285 OR Jean Stewart at 262-241-5145. Prayer Shawls: Bring comfort to others by providing a tangible reminder of God's Caring. Knitted or crocheted shawls as well as pocket prayer shawls are given to people who are homebound or ill, to bring them physical and emotional warmth. These can be made alone or with a group and are available through the parish office. Please contact Gina Spahn at 241-3565 or [email protected] for details. IMPORTANT! PLEASE call or email her when dropping off the shawls in the ushers’ room in the back of church. She takes them to Father to be blessed. Tuesday Evening Book Circle: We meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in Dominiak Hall. Our book selection for January 5 is At Home In Mitford, by Jan Karon. All are welcome to join us. Contact Judy Gilroy at 242!4278 or [email protected] for more information. Thursday Morning Book Circle: We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 9:30 am in the St John room, lower level of Mequon church. All are welcome to join the discussions. Our January 21 book is Nightingale, by Kristin Hannah Please contact Linda Bergemann at [email protected], if you have any questions. St Hyacinth Food Pantry: Help is needed every Wednesday from 3:30-6:00 pm at 1414 W Becher St. Call Kathy Saiia at 262-242-1644 or Joyce Kochan at 262-241-9206. The greatest needs are winter items for all ages, blankets, sheets, towels and new underwear for all ages. Also needed are toothpaste, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper and travel size hygiene items. We need egg cartons that are the 12 count size only. Paper and plastic bags with handles are always needed. We kindly ask that no expired food be donated. Mom’s in Prayer International: Mothers of school-aged children meet weekly to pray for our children & schools as well as support and encourage each other. There are two groups and each meet for one hour starting and ending promptly. The elementary through high school moms meet on Wednesdays from 9:00-10:00 am. Contact Joyce Brown at 262-424-1527 or [email protected] for more detail. The college and adult children moms will meet on Mondays from 7:00-8:00 pm. Contact Debbie Vredenbregt at 262-389-5301 or [email protected] for more detail. Ladies of Charity: The Ladies of Charity are happy to accept donations of new and gently used clothing for school age children, K-4 through high school. Volunteer work continues throughout each school year (Thursday's mornings, 9:00 amnoon); the facility is located at 4th and Brown. Volunteers to staff the site are always welcome. For details, please contact Cathy Liska at 414-688-4455. Lumen Christi Moms Group: All women of the parish are invited to join other moms for friendship and support at a variety of events. Simply come and make new friends. Watch your email for upcoming events! We communicate primarily via email, so email us if you’re not receiving our emails please contact Tina Rindt at [email protected] or 414-5597892. (Continued in next column) WCOF Information and Staff Support: For information about our circles, please contact Kathy Shields at 512-8981, [email protected] or the Parish Office at 242!7967. To get listed in the WCOF bulletin, contact Lucy Nagl at [email protected] or 242-2364. Submit items tens days in advance. Please include your email address if you want confirmation. If you would like to be on the WCOF email list, contact Cindy Bock at [email protected]. Activities are open to all women of the parish! Join us! LECTORS in Mequon for January 9 & 10 5:00 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am McDevitt Eyers Szerbat 11:00 am Crivello LECTOR in Thiensville for January 10 9:00 am Frinzi CENTERING PRAYER Encounter the silence. Join us for Centering Prayer each Tuesday in the Thiensville Chapel at 1:00 pm. “Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.” -Mother Teresa PRAYER NETWORKS Pray Always (Luke 21:36). Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17). Lumen Christi Parish has two confidential Prayer Networks, made up of parishioners who have offered to pray for your needs. If you are in need of prayers or would like to become involved in either Prayer Network, please contact (1) Georgia at 242-2567 or [email protected], or (2) Helen at 242-4657. “LIKE US” us on Facebook Be sure to “LIKE US” on Facebook for parish news, photos, updates and fun! Our Facebook page is Parish Council minutes are available on the parish website at 8 Mequon Auto Tech. Inc GOEBEL Est. 1950 WOODWORK, INC. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee Automotive Maintenance & Repair Jeff Kenny Make a Big Difference. 11155 N. Cedarburg Rd. Mequon, WI 53092 Ph. 262-242-9664 (414) 258-4778 $3.00 OFF Any Pizza - Any Size 1330 W. Mequon Rd. (next to Panera Bread) 262-241-5700 Custom Home H & Commercial Cabinetry Design & Installation • Cabinet Refacing Formica, Corian and Stone Counters (262) 284-2183 • 1-800-728-7117 2563 Hwy. 32 Port Washington Elizabeth Residence Luxurious Senior Apartments Specialized Services Available 9279 N. Port Washington Rd. Bayside, WI Please Call For Tour (414) 351-1213 (414) 276-4970 Frank Crivello, Parish Member Family Owned and Operated Community Beef Pork Lamb Veal Poultry “Quality Since 1910” Parish Members HOLTON BROS. INC. Building Restoration Contractors Tuckpointing • Chimney Repair Caulking • Waterproofing Perry Kallas, Parish Member Knights of Columbus for Catholics Discover the Catholic difference for your financial needs. (262) 377-7887 Tom Holton, Parish Member 4900 W. Bradley Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414) 354-5330 Family Owned & Operated for 5 Generations - Parish Member 3329 N. 35th St. 442-9898 Find an agent at or by calling 1-800-345-5632 Golf Tickets on Sale Now: Purchase Rounds of Golf for the 2016 season at Our Lowest Pre-Paid Pricing Medical Equipment Supply New and Used - Sales and Rentals Saukville, Wisconsin • 262.284.7075 Wheelchairs-Power and Manual • Scooters Bath Safety • Walking Aids • Kneewalkers Patient Lifts • Hospital Beds • Lift Chairs Local - Located in Mequon, WI *Open to the Public *Hot Tee Time Specials *Golf Outings & Charity Events *Banquets for all occasions: Weddings, Anniversaries, Reunions, Fundraisers Treat you & your guests to the Best, Choose The Bog! 262-238-1000 (Mention this ad a $1.00 discount from a Banquet Room Charge) Treetops Landscape Design, Inc. Flessas Law Firm SUBARU • BUICK GMC Attorneys and Counselors at Law Lumen Christi Parish Member WISCONSIN’S LARGEST SUBARU & BUICK DEALER! 2601 W. Mequon Road, Mequon, WI 53092 • Landscape Architecture • Landscape Contracting Registered Landscape Architects ASLA, WLCA Office: 262-375-0050 Fax: 262-375-8779 [email protected] 2069 N. Port Washington Rd. (Hwy. 32) • Grafton, WI 53024 (262) 514-5400 7211 West Mequon Rd. 262-242-0100 Julie J. Flessas Schmidt & Bartelt [email protected] Guardalabene & Amato Funeral & Cremation Service “Providing Affordable Services at Your Church or Any One of Our Locations.” 262-242-3120 10280 N. Port Washington Rd. 241-8085 A Catholic Family Tradition Since 1892 Parish Member 262.242.4453 11040 Range Line Road | Mequon MEQUON’S Finest CASUAL DINING EXPERIENCE! Chill out on our patio Great Burgers • Fish Frys • Salads • Pastas Now Serving Brunch every Sunday 10a.m. to 2p.m. GLUTEN FREE MEALS & DESSERTS AVAILABLE Lunch & Dinner Seven Days a Week • Private Room Available for Special Occasions or Business Luncheons 5616 W. Donges Bay Rd., Mequon • 262.242.2232 !"#$%&'($)*&+*($,&-./, Private Wealth Management Susie Knuth Miller MS LPC-IT, SAC-IT 10040 N Port Washington Rd. 24-hour Emergency Care Mental Health Counseling Co ling ADOLESCENTS & ADULTS Anxiety • Depression 13111 N. Port Washington Road Mequon (262) 241-5604 Initial Intake $75 | Hourly $50 Substance Abuse 262-243-7300 QUALITY FOODS & FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE PAUL & KAREN GODIN 6111 W. MEQUON RD., MEQUON WI, 53092 262-242-2180 Cancer Information Service Serving seniors for 100 years 1913-2013 262-240-3500 1-800-422-6237 Trained staff member or volunteer gives confidential answers to caller questions on a variety of subjects from cancer detection and treatment to coping with this disease. 414-464-4640 Robert W. Baird & Co. FOR AD INFO CALL JIM BRAUN 1-800-950-9952 Continuing Care Community 414-224-9700 WWW.4LPi.COM LUMEN CHRISTI MEQUON, WI C 4C 01-0170 262-377-1906 W63 N127 Washington Ave. Cedarburg, WI. We’re here to help! Free Pregnancy Testing • Free Ultrasounds Completely Confidential (414) 223-2610 WHERE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Now Open! Hours: Mon & Fri 9-8; Tues - Thurs 9-6; Sat 9-4; Sun 11-4 (414) 351-2540 4230 W. Good Hope Road Milwaukee, WI 53209 Open Everyday Lunch & Dinner (except Mon.-no lunch) * Tues. - Taco Bar *Friday - Fish Fry *Sat. - Prime Rib (262) 238-2697 130 S. Main St., Thiensville CLIFF BERGIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6300 W. DONGES BAY RD. MEQUON, WI 53092 Your Parish Carpet Cleaner Call Jim at: 414-254-4210 920-994-4003 Parish Member • We Deliver • 262-241-0700 262-242-2456 Plumbing, Well Pumps & Water Conditioning Heat Heating, Air Conditioning & Indoor Air Quality Service and Sales 24 HR. Emergency Service “Were Always Here to Serve You” Parishioner For A Free Quote Call: 414-406-7706 P.O. BOX 12683 Milwaukee, WI 53212 [email protected] 414-374-2076 FAX: 414-374-8860 Joe Schwalbach Parish Member [email protected] “Not Your Average Joe!” 11525 N. Port Washington Rd. Center For Working Families Representing the Working Boys Center of Quito, Ecuador Residential Work 640 S. 70th St. Jim & Pat Parks 262-797-8988 414-471-8565 1500 W. Mequon Road, Mequon 262.366.1153 DUBLIN CONTRACTORS, INC. Painting Specialists/Est 1972 Competitve Quotes • Complete Specifications 4675 N 124 BUTLER, WIS 53007 SERVING MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN & THE MIDWEST 781-3350 FOREIGN LANGUAGE IMMERSION Maintenance • Design • Construction 262-242-4884 Contact Jim Braun to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2446 GA R D E N C E N T E R Quality Landscape Materials Cedarburg Rd., Mequon - 242-5323 TEACHING / TUTORING TRANSLATIONS SMALL GROUPS / INDIVIDUALS in your home or mutually convenient place For details call 262-241-5759 Eric von Schledorn Chevrolet Buick Cadillac 866.263.7795 FOR AD INFO CALL JIM BRAUN 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM LUMEN CHRISTI MEQUON, WI B 4C 01-0170 GOLDEN OAK DENTAL CARE STEPHAN W. KLUG, DDS MENA E. GHALY, DDS CALL US NOW: 414.963.9696 JJohn R. Jankowski, R.Ph., Owner Compounding Pharmacy Medical Equipment 11345 N. PORT WASHINGTON ROAD, MEQUON FAMILY DENTISTRY 262-241-4440 PARISH MEMBER Parish Member Free Delivery 375-0010 N54 W6135 Mill St., Cedarburg Visit us on the web at 175 S. Main St. Thiensville, WI 52092 MICHAEL I. KIM, D.D.S. For A Healthy Beautiful Smile 262-241-1246 With Smiles For Life Ask Us How You Can Whiten Your Teeth And Help A Child LADIES & GENTLEMEN’S QUARTERS SALON & SPA Parish Member Mequon Pizza Company 414-962-8383 Family Owned & Operated Since 1896 New Name, Same Owners, Same Great Food 10033 N. Port Washington Road Suite 150, Mequon, WI 53092 Open Daily • Dine In Or Carry Out 262- 241-5558 12020 North River Road 262-242-5917 Kathy Bohn Parish Member Parish Member 121 N. Main St., Thiensville 262-242-1100 Patrick, Kyle & William Feerick Robert E. Holtz, Attorney/CPA Five Generations of Comfort & Integrity 1001 W. Glen Oaks Lane, Mequon (262) 241-1616 Parish Member MEQUON LAW OFFICES Parish Family • Wills • Probate • Real Estate • Living Trusts • Business • Litigation • Taxes 414-378-8482 Ye Olde Pharmacy and Wellness Center Patrick Feerick, Parish Member PETER J. SHORE, D.D.S. Family Dental Care 238-1500 250 South Main Street Thiensville !"#$%&'()*+#),%-&$(./%-)0,(1%&(( Frank Wiencek Partner [email protected] Phone 414-444-6604 Fertilizer/Weed control program since 1959 Tuesday $1.50 Tacos. $6 Taco Salad Wednesdays Pasta Night $13.95 Kids $6.95 Friday Fish Fry Baked or Battered $13.95 Meg Wright Call/Text Specializing in the treatment of neck and back pain, sports injuries, headaches and TMJ pain, pre and postnatal pain syndromes, and all other orthopedic diagnoses 414.915.1080 Located in the Mequon Town Center 6028 W. Mequon Road, Suite 100 • Mequon Voted “Best in Client Services” 262-236-0176 Parish Member Congratulations and best wishes to Lumen Christi from these fine contractors and businesses participating in the building project. Joe DeBelak® Plbg. & Htg., Inc. Saturday Prime Rib Special Sunday Brunch Includes a Free Mimosa Call Parish Member HEALTH IN BALANCE PHYSICAL THERAPY Kaite Van Laanen, PT, DPT Good things. Good times. nines. Parish Members: John Wirth [email protected]|414-727-6276 Mike McDonagh [email protected]|414-727-6266 Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning Sewer Construction 6451 Industrial Loop Greendale, WI 53129 !"#$%&'()(*&++),(-). HEITMAN, INC. Excavating Exca & Grading Earth Eart Moving & Trucking 262-251-2630 414-358-3100 $5.00 off when you spend $25.00 W143 N9358 Henry Stark Rd. Menomonee Falls MP 246187 414-354-1196 [email protected] with this coupon (262) 790-4750 Church • School • Business Design • Install • Service (262) 518-0129 262.784.6060 262-549-6111 • • General Contracting • 4750 North 132nd Street Butler, WI 53007 • Construction Management • Leif Nesheim - Parish Member • Design Build Construction • Structural Steel, Steel Joist, Metal Deck, Handrailings, and Ornamental Iron Phone: (414) 744-9700 Fax (414) 744-5450 24HR/7Day Emergency Service Mechanical Inc Dean Stenshaug President Industrial • Commercial • Residential Ph (262) 242-8982 Fax (262) 242-8985 Email [email protected] 262.691.3964 FOR AD INFO CALL JIM BRAUN 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM LUMEN CHRISTI MEQUON, WI A 4C 01-0170