May 22, 2016 - Holy Family Parish
May 22, 2016 - Holy Family Parish
HOLY FAMILY PARISH A Catholic faith community called to serve God and others through Eucharist, prayer, education, and daily living of the Gospel values. PARISH OFFICE: 201 CLARK STREET, MIDDLETOWN, OH 45042 (513) 422-0602 WEEKEND MASSES ST. JOHN CHURCH HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 1405 FIRST AVENUE SATURDAY 4:30 PM SUNDAY 10:30 AM ADORATION HOLY TRINITY CHURCH MONDAY- FRIDAY 12:30 - 4:30 PM 201 CLARK STREET SUNDAY 9:00 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ST. JOHN CHURCH SATURDAY 3:30 PM May 22, 2016 Most Holy Trinity VBS Quilt Raffle Tickets on Sale This Weekend You won’t want to miss your chance at winning a beautiful Betty McGuire & Kay von der Embse VBS Quilt! Tickets will be on sale after all Masses this weekend! Tickets are 1/$1 or 6/$5 with all proceeds going to Sr. Sarah’s clinic ‐ our Guatemalan mission twin. Ushers Collecting “Special Fr. Civille Memory Notes” at all Weekend Masses The ushers will have special baskets available before and after all Masses this weekend to collect your special memory notes. We’ll compile all of these memories by mounting them in the pages of a special Memory Scrapbook. YO U’RE 50th INVITE Fr. Civille D! ’s ary Ce Annivers lebration ! ay 29 th M , y a d n Su r ounds Trinity G ly o H 6:30 PM ifts! say s n o g le il iv C y of . Fr e compan h t y jo n ! e e and te with him a r b Just com le e c and 2 ishioners 422- 060 other par ll a c e s a g, ple ! n attendin o n la om today p .c u n w o t If yo le midd holyfamily @ e e d il a or em COMING EVENTS St. John XXIII Graduation ………...………………. Thur May 26 SVDP Fifth Sunday Collection ...……… Sat/Sun May 28/29 Fr. Civille 50th Anniversary Party ………...……. Sun May 29 Memorial Day ………..…………….…..…………..… Mon May 30 HOLY FAMILY MASS SCHEDULE Daily Scripture Readings Saturday and Sunday ‐ May 21 and 22 4:30 PM Mass SJ Becky Kinsworthy ‐ Birthday Rem. 9:00 AM Mass HT Pat & Whitey Kropf ‐ Wed. Anniv. Rem. 10:30 AM Mass SJ Louis A. & Suzanne Rossi Mon: 1 Pt 1:3‐9 / Mk 10:17 ─27 Tues: 1 Pt 1:10‐16 / Mk 10:28‐31 Wed: 1 Pt 1:18‐25 / Mk 10:32‐45 Thurs: 1 Pt 2:2‐5,9‐12 / Mk 10:46‐52 Fri: 1 Pt 4:7‐13 / Mk 11:11‐26 Sat: Jude 17, 20b‐25 / Mk 11:27‐33 Sun: Gn 14:18‐20 / 1 Cor 11:23‐26 / Lk 9:11b‐17 Monday, May 23 12:10 PM Communion Service HT Tuesday, May 24 8:30 AM Mass J23 Mary Lou Schlotter ‐ Wed. Anniv. Rem. Wednesday, May 25 12:10 PM Mass HT Judy Walters Thursday, May 26 12:10 PM Mass HT Tony & Rina Rogers ‐ Anniv. Rem. Friday, May 27 8:00 AM Mass HT Mike Russell 12:10 PM Communion Service HT Saturday, May 28 8:00 AM Mass HT Dominga Agurcia 4:30 PM Mass SJ Keegan / Del Duca Family Sunday, May 29 Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 9:00 AM Mass HT June Toth ‐ Birthday Remembrance 10:30 AM Mass SJ Frank Lolli & Scott Bruggeman Weekly Collections Stewardship th $11,891.00 Sunday, May 15 Thank you for your generous stewardship! MINISTERS NEXT WEEK 4:30 PM SAT May 28/29 Eucharistic Vicki Hall 1B Ministers Kathi Mangus 2B Ellen Krause 3B John Lyons 1C Carolyn Kraft 2C Jennifer James 3C Cecilie Ricke 4C Darryl Boothe Lectors Frances Sack Dick Montgomery Servers Nicholas Hill Franka Cope D1 Greeters Linda Nickell D1 Fred Cranford Jim Stabler Don Schwab Mike Rossi 9:00 AM SUN Ginger Bruggeman 1B Kathy Farler 2B Sherry Corrill 3B Don Gillum 1C Alice Brown 2C Kathy Kraft 3C Barb VonderHaar 4C Laura Hafer Eric Hafer Erica Hafer Kate Hafer Al Heckler D1 Kay Faris D2 10:30 AM SUN Jane Romer 1B Roger Romer 2B Cari Hellmann 3B Rhonda Koenig 1C Marcia Egelston 2C Ken Allen 3C Lois Allen 4C Christy Hawkins Jon Cummins Nicholas Hawkins James Cromwell Jane Rome D1 Roger Romer D1 Ken Allen David Meiser John Mandzak Greg Praete Our Prayers and Sympathy are Extended to the family and friends of Dr. Al Niemer who died May 12th, Bill Joly who died May 12th, and Alan Nori who died May 17th. Rev. Robert Monnin also passed away May 12th at the age of 86 – He began his ministry from 1955‐1960 as Pastor at St. Peter Claver, Middletown and as teacher/principal/athletic director at Fenwick High School. In Your Prayers Remember Bill Ruwe at the Atrium. Health Ministry ‐ Osteoarthritis? Get Moving! Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease commonly involving the knees, hips, feet and hands. Once consid‐ ered a problem of old age, it has been showing up in the middle‐aged and young adults as a result of obesity and sports injuries. Old treatment: Take it easy to protect joints. New advice: Weight loss combined with exercise that builds up muscle to support the joints and keep joints from getting stiff. Here are some exercises which can help: * Aerobic activity ‐ walk, bike, swim, garden, yard work, vacuum * Strength exercise ‐ lift light hand weights, use elastic tubing * Range‐of‐Motion ‐ stretching to keep flexible Keep in mind to begin "movement program" slowly, balance exercise and rest, and always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. THE MOST DANGEROUS EXERCISE YOU CAN DO WHEN YOU HAVE OSTEOARTHRITIS IS NONE! WebMD/ Wall Street Journal Your Gift is the Celebration! Introductions to Sunday Readings “No gifts! …celebrate with him!” We all want Fr. Civille to really enjoy the special parish celebration of his 50th Anniversary and we want everyone involved! Please contact Event Coordinators Gail Clarey 425‐6805 or Steve Ifcic 425‐7113 or call the office 422‐0602 and sign up to prepare an appetizer, bake cupcakes, or join one of the party teams for serving, set up, decorations, etc. Celebration time! by Bishop Ken Untener, in collaboration with Catherine Haven and Fr. Bill Taylor First Reading ‐ Proverbs 8: 22‐31 The book of Proverbs is mostly a collection of wise sayings to help people live a good life. Today’s passage from Proverbs, however, is a hymn to Wisdom which in the Old Testament is sometimes symbolically described as a person coming from God. Second Reading ‐ Romans 5: 1‐5 Paul’s letter to the Romans is his most detailed and important theological work. The Church chose this brief passage to be read on Trinity Sunday because, in these five verses, all three persons of the Trinity are mentioned. Welcome Fr. Bob Obermeyer & Fr. Dan Dorsey Fr. Obermeyer will preside at the Saturday 4:30 PM Mass and Fr. Dorsey will preside at the 9:00 and 10:30 AM Sunday Masses. Congratulations to St. John XXIII 8th Graders! St. John XXIII 8th graders will celebrate graduation this Thursday, May 26th with a Mass at St. John Church followed by a reception in the St. John Undercroft. The Men’s Fellowship Group Men of the parish are invited to join for prayer and study every second and fourth Saturday of the month. The next meeting is this Saturday, May 28th at 7:00 a.m. ‐ St. John Rectory. Graduating from High School this Year? Parish families with graduating seniors are invited to send in a photo of their graduate for a Special Photo Spread set for the June 5th bulletin. Send a digital photo via email to monica@holyfamily or bring one by the parish office to be scanned ‐ it only takes a minute. Senior photos or a photograph from the graduation ceremony or with the grad in their cap and gown are appropriate. Please include the name of your graduate plus the high school they attended. The Graduation Congratulations photo spread deadline is 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 31st. SVDP Help Line Looking for Volunteers Are you looking for a way to get involved? Our St. Vincent de Paul Help Line could use some new volunteers! Its easy to do from your home and even one day a month would really help. Calls are taken from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Training is provided. If you’re interested please contact Judy Dixon 423‐5957 or [email protected]. Get involved! 11th Annual Mission Walk for Sr. Sarah’s Clinic Our Guatemalan Mission Twin Saturday, June 18th 9 AM Kestrel Point ‐ Winton Woods Enjoy fresh air, fellowship and the opportunity to make a difference. Our 11th annual Mission Walk for Mission Partners Guatemala is June 18th at Winton Woods Park. Registration is at 9:00 a.m. and the Walk starts at 10:00 a.m. There is no set registration fee and 100% of your donation goes to the Daniel Comboni Clinic in Mixco, Guatemala. The clinic provides health services and educational programs for children and adults in Guatemala. It’s an easy, refreshing walk around the lake and a reception follows with food, drink and many, many door prizes. It’s a really fun gathering, so please join us, rain or shine. For more information about the clinic, see www.guatemala For more information on the walk, see www.mission‐ Questions? Call Theresa Wagner 513‐674‐0109. See you at the Walk! Mark Your Calendar! Save These Dates! Saturday, August 13th Men's Day of Reflection St. John Undercroft Sunday, August 14th Holy Family Annual Golf Outing Wildwood Golf Course Watch for details in upcoming bulletins! Congratulations and welcome to these recently baptized children. Charlotte Elizabeth Fening daughter of Micah Fening and Jennifer McQuiston Fening Srya Abyrielle Crowe daughter of Christopher Crowe and Laura Mather Crowe and litter sister of Caydance & Haylee Emma June Dinh daughter of Joseph Dinh and Sarah Staffan Dinh Are you expecting your first baby or wish to have your first child baptized? We ask that you attend a baptismal preparation class. These classes are held quarterly in March, June, September and December. Watch future bulletins for the actual date, time and location and call the parish office 422‐0602 to register. People in Pain Need “the Right Words at the Right Time” CareNotes™ help you provide these words through simple, uplifting language that is grounded in faith. These popular “take‐one” booklets have been available at the doors of the churches for many years and they offer messages of hope and compassion to those in need on a variety of topics, including grief and loss, family and elder care, and personal healing and growth. Look for these titles: HOW TO HELP SOMEONE SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION OR ANXIETY PARENTING A TROUBLED TEEN FEELING OVERWHELMED BY THE REALITY OF A LOVED ONE’S CANCER THE SPIRITUALITY OF RECOVERY ACCEPTING THE REALITIES OF AGING WITH HOPE AND PURPOSE FACING THE FEAR OF CANCER WHAT’S REALLY “NORMAL” WHEN YOU’RE GRIEVING? THE SPIRITUALITY OF RECOVERY GROWING THROUGH FEELINGS OF DESPAIR DEALING WITH FINANCIAL STRESS MOVING THROUGH THE DARKNESS OF GRIEF OVERCOMING CAREGIVER DEPRESSION HOW FAITH CAN HELP WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN COPING WITH CHRONIC PAIN END‐OF‐LIFE CONCERNS: A GUIDE FOR FAMILIES LIVING LIFE AFTER A LOVED ONE DIES CareNotes™ Take One ‐ and Take Heart. Give One ‐ and Give Hope. How Much Do YOU Know About the Catholic Faith? Find the answers on the last page. 1. Between the Ascension and the day of Pentecost, the disciples and Mary prayed (a) in the upper room (b) at Mary’s house (c) in the Temple (d) in the cave at Bethlehem 2. Before Christ ascended into heaven, he promised to send _____. (a) money (b) the Holy Spirit (c) inspiration (d) angles 3. The day the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in the upper room is called (a) Ordinary Time (b) Advent (c) Pentecost (d) Christ the King 4. The Jewish people celebrated Pentecost ‐ a celebration of the first fruits of the harvest ‐ 50 days after (a) Passover (b) Yom Kippur (c) Rosh Hashanah (d) the first full moon of the summer 5. The Easter Season culminates with the celebrating of (a) the Ascension (b) Pentecost (c) the Assumption (d) Trinity Sunday Holy Family Athletics 2016 Fall Sports Sign‐Ups Monday, May 23rd & Wednesday, May 25th 6:30 ‐ 8 PM @ St. John XXIII School Girls Volleyball – Grades 3 – 8 $75 Boys / Girls Golf – Grades 4 – 8 $75 Boys / Girls Soccer – Grades 4 – 8 $75 Football Cheerleading – Grades 3 – 8 $50 Please call Ryan Mulligan (513) 236‐6305 or email [email protected] if you have questions. by Dawn Pickerill / Principal TRADITIONAL VALUES. EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION. St. John XXIII represents 150 years of Catholic Education dedicated to encouraging and developing well‐rounded, self‐confident and compassionate children and young adults who lead successful, mindful, service‐driven lives. Our school community is the foundation on which our core principles of faith and hard work bind us together as a family. If you are interested in a Catholic education that pro‐ vides a challenging, structured and thoughtful learning environment led by highly qualified and experienced teachers, please contact Principal Dawn Pickerill at 424‐1196 for a meeting and a tour of the school. SERVICE PROJECTS Our April service project with PAWS was very success‐ ful! In addition to many toys, bags of food, leashes, etc…, the students also collected $320.00 to donate to the organization to use as they see fit. PAWS was very grateful and showed this gratitude by making a personal visit with one of their “furry” friends to accept the donations. As always, we are very proud of our students and families who are always willing to help out others – even those with four legs! We will update you on our May school wide service project, Pantene Beautiful Lengths, as soon as the totals are in. ALUMNI IN THE SPOTLIGHT! Andrew Adam, St. John XXIII Class of 2015, has recently been selected to be a part of the Bands of America Honor Band and will march in the 2017 Rose Bowl Parade in January! Andrew plays the saxophone and is obviously very gifted. We are proud to see him using his God given talents to make our world a more musical place. SUMMER While the students and teachers leave for summer vacation, the maintenance and office staff do not. This is a busy time for us getting things caught up, cleaning, doing repairs, etc. I’ll continue to keep you updated throughout the summer months, and if you need anything from us, please know we are available. Middletown Lyric Theatre Presents Over the Tavern by Tom Dudzick 8 PM Fridays & Saturdays May 27th & 28th and June 3rd & 4th The show features performers from all over the greater Cincinnati area including Fenwick student Olivia Shamleffer. All seats are reserved and are $15. Tickets can be purchased by calling 425‐7140 or online at In that most idealized period of 20th‐century America, the Eisenhower years of the 1950s, the Pazinski family has a lot going on in their cramped Buffalo apartment. The youngest of the bunch, 12‐year‐old Rudy, is a smart, wise‐cracking kid who's starting to question family values and the Roman Catholic Church. When Rudy goes up against the ruler‐wielding Sister Clarissa and announces that instead of being confirmed he'd rather shop around for a more "fun" religion, all hell breaks loose. A warm and hilarious look at family, growing up, and God. Have an Old Wedding Gown? Parishioner Claire Esposito has been sewing burial gowns for stillborn infants for the past sixteen years, made of new satin fabric purchased for just this purpose. She’s discovered that there are organizations all over the US making burial gowns for infants from donated wedding gowns. The fabric from each wedding gown can make approximately ten of these special garments. If you have a wedding gown you’d like to donate to Claire’s “Beloved Baby Burial Gowns” call 422‐2549. Claire donates these gowns to Atrium or to bereaved families in need of such a precious little outfit. Broadway or Bust! Saturday, June 18th Arthur Murray Dance Center invites you to join us for our next stage production B. & T. H F What a Wonderful World on Saturday, June 18th at the Finkelman Auditorium, Miami University Campus, Middletown. Ticket proceeds will benefit the Humane Society. This is a Broadway Style Variety Show with dancing and singing. This is not a dance recital, it’s a Show! Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Call 937‐291‐2000 for reserved seating tickets. ALLER RANCHISEE Answers to the Faith Quiz 1. (a) After the Ascension the disciples didn’t know what was going to happen. They didn’t understand about the Holy Spirit. Sometimes the upper room is called the “cenacle,” which is its Latin name. 2. (b) The Holy Spirit guides both the Church and individual Christians. The Spirit is Jesus’ enduring presence on earth. 3. (c) Pentecost comes for the Greek word for “fifty.” Pentecost occurs 50 days after Easter (Acts 2:1‐41). Pentecost is often referred to as the “birthday of the church,” because this is when the Apostles began preaching and teaching and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world. 4. (a) The Jewish feast of Pentecost, also know as Shavu’ot, commemorated the time when the first fruits of the harvest were brought to the Temple. 5. (b) Pentecost, which marks the coming of the Holy Spirit, is celebrated 50 days after Easter. Holy Family Parish Pastor John Civille………………………………422-0602 Deacons Bill Krumm………………………………727-1522 John Lyons………………………………422-0999 Music Ministers Marilyn Ifcic.……………………………425-7113 Mike Kramer……………………………705-0478 Religious Education Dee Golembiewski..….....…………422-0602 Parish Maintenance Tom Griffith..……………………513-393-0389 Parish Office Staff.………………..422-0602 Fax.…………………………………………..424-7416 Dee Golembiewski [email protected] Theresa Hurlburt [email protected] Monica Cummins [email protected] Parish Council Members St. John XXIII Catholic School Beth Kast...………………………………424-6100 Mary Ellen Cole.………………………423-4216 Knights of Columbus…….937-684-2519 St. Vincent de Paul...…………...424-1985 3806 Manchester Road..………….424-1196 Dawn Pickerill, Principal [email protected] Don Accurso Dale Gerber Tim Griffith Dan Meibers Larry Nichols Jim Stabler Jeff Gephart Rick Gregosky John Lyons Matt Mulligan Dawn Pickerill Prayer Chain Baptism Preparation Class - These classes are held quarterly: March, June, September and December. The actual date, time and location will be announced in the weekly bulletin. Please call the parish office to register. Baptisms - Please call the parish office to schedule a baptism. Becoming Catholic - Please call the parish office to find out more about the RCIA process. Bulletin Deadline - Submit announcements in hard copy or to [email protected] by noon Tuesday. Hospitalization or Death in the Family - Please notify the pastor as soon as possible by calling the parish office. Marriages - Couples wishing to be married must set the date with the pastor at least six months in advance. Nursery - The Nursery is available in the St. John Center during the Sunday 10:30 AM Mass. CLOSED FOR THE SUMMER. Parish Religious Education Program - Preschool: Sundays 10:15 - 11:30 AM and K - 8th Grade: Mondays 6:30 - 7:30 PM. St. John XXIII Catholic School - Parish school for Preschool - 8th Grade - Refinance or Buy Now! Buy with as little as $500 down! This Ad Could Be Yours 422-0602 PAWS Your Neighborhood Animal Adoption Center 6302 Crossings Blvd. Monroe, Ohio 45050 513.539.7297 • 6025 Greentree Rd. • Middletown 45044 Thomas P. Mikula, Owner 210 South Main St. Middletown, OH 45044 funeral home 513-422-4545 Since 1905 THREAD BEAR DESIGNS Custom Embroidery & Gifts Shirts, Jackets, Hats, Blankets, etc. Kathy Farler 4505 St. Andrews Ct. • Middletown, OH PH (513) 420-1889 Email: [email protected] • De La Sierra Tree Service LLC Teresa Yanez/Delfino DeLaSierra (513) 254-2392/(513) 340-2158 PO Box 1148 Middletown, OH 45042 Insurance included • Free estimates • 25 yrs of experience [email protected] 130 North Breiel Boulevard • Middletown, Ohio 45042 Phone (513) 424-5349 • Fax (513) 424-4762 Email: [email protected] Siding • Roofing • Decks Windows/Doors • Drywall Room Additions • Kitchens Bathrooms • Basements Laminate Flooring 30 Years Experience • No Job too Big or Small Paul Haker • Cell: 513-594-3927 ResidentIal/CommerCIal Mowing • Leaf Removal • Shrub Trimming Redo Beds & Mulch Senior Discount • 28 Years of Service Fully Insured for Your Protection! 513-594-0432 Offering the Middletown Area Affordable Funeral Services Herr-Riggs “We do it right the first time!” Tom’s Lawn Service COMBS FAMILY EYECARE, LLC Blashock Plumbing Inc. 1015 Summit Drive 4883 Princeton Road Middletown, OH 45042 Liberty TWP, OH 45011 Phone 513-424-6267 Phone 513-895-2020 Fax 513-425-9235fax 513-895-1900 Call the man on the van! Commercial • Residential New Construction Water Heaters • Repairs ERIC T. COMBS, O.D. Alicia M. Combs, O.D. Doctor of Optometry Remodeling • Gas/Sewer Replacements Water Lines Inside & Out 6846 Michael Road • Middletown, OH 45042 513.424.8444 Tim Blashock, Owner 513-218-6644 Cell 513-423-2388 Fax 1505 S. Breiel Blvd. Middletown, OH [email protected] Dan Ward “Dan’s My Realtor!” 513/424-1296 • 20 S. Breiel Blvd. • Middletown 3909 Central Ave. • 513-424-2273 2939 Cinti-Dayton Rd. Middletown, Oh 45044 “The Best Deal for Curb Appeal” Mail Boxes & House Plaques Call Jon Dumford - 513.265.2614 ph. 513-217-4990 • fax. 513-217-4991 email: [email protected] Brian Skinner • Ryan Dobrozsi • Mark Skinner Gregg Sutter, Realtor® 422-9922 Keller Williams • 513.404.3920 Cell Italian & Beyond Serving Lunch & Dinner Tuesday – Saturday Saturday Special 5-6pm/$3 off any entrée Ohio Eagle Distributing 150 Lawton Ave. • Monroe, OH 45050 539-8483 Buy or Sell a Home with ME & I will personally donate $500, at the time of your closing to YOUR church in YOUR name! ATHLETICO Bohannon Physical Therapy Roofing Co., Inc. formerly Orthosport Proud Distributor of Anheiser-Busch Products Ronald Hoehn • Katie (Woodward) Malone COMPLIMENTARY INJURY SCREENING AVAILABLE 323 N. Breiel Blvd., Middletown, OH • 513-420-1700 This Ad Could Be Yours 422-0602 Judge Kathleen DOBROZSI Romans Jeff S. Ferguson Sales & Service Sales & Property Management • 513-423-4688 Garden Manor Retirement Village Excellence in Senior Living Since 1967 6898 Hamilton-Middletown Rd. Middletown, OH 45044 • 513.424.5321 Big Al’s AUTOMOTIVE Nathan Wilson •513.424.5424 Ed - Steve - Larry - Barb Life - Auto - Business - House 1820 First Avenue Dentistry for Infants, Children & Teens Dorothy "Dottie" Poplin REALTOR®/Broker LAWN FERTILIZATION TREE SPRAYING Office: 513/424-4663 • Toll Free 800/875-2891 & FEEDING • SEEDING Home: 513/422-5332 • Office Fax 513/424-3121 [email protected] • 513-422-7848 Cell: 513/594-4574 • [email protected] UC Health Otolaryngology—Middletown 1055 Summit Drive | (800) 272-4645 JOHN BARRORD, MD (Parishoner) JONATHAN MARK, MD Ear, Nose and Throat services for all ages, including allergy and hearing aids. Dr. W. Patrick Noonan Dr. Douglas J. Brockman Dr. Matthew P. Pollock 210 S. Breiel Blvd. • Middletown, OH 45044 513-423-9239 Total Therapy Solutions LLC Funeral Home • 423-9443 Baptismal Gowns Bridal Gown and First Communion Dresses Tuxedo Rentals Tuxedo Rental PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Dobrozsi Insurance 423-4696 Maintenance Contractor P.O. Box 442048 Middletown, OH 45044 Mark Schneider 937-743-2500 President Memories Bridal 2835 Cincinnati Dayton Rd Middletown, OH 513-727-8770 513/425-9711 988-6349 • 424-8033 RACHEL S. LEWITT, Broker/Owner, GRI, PMSD PO Box 42572 Middletown, OH 1500 Manchester Avenue • Middletown • 422-5404 Caring For Those You Care About Available 24 Hours A DAY (513) 424-1141 9009 Springboro Pike Fax (513) 424-0520 Miamisburg, OH 45342 1-800-543-4902 Commercial • Residential • Industrial Cotter Plumbing Co. 513-423-7685 Service & Repair Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Anthony Maritato, PT, Kathy Long Maritato, PT, Juanita Kreke PTA (513) 420-9999 Sutphin at Woodlawn 513-424-1661 “The area’s preferred florist since 1945” 513.424.5756 PHONE 513-422-4181 Western Hills Veterinary Clinic Stephanie A. Burk D.V.M. 5622 Mosiman Rd. • Middletown, OH Heating • Air Conditioning • Refrigeration Household Appliances • Residential & Commercial 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 937-746-6166 513-423-6166 1518 Central Ave. Middletown Phone 423-4431 or 423-4171 Wilson - Schramm Spaulding FUNERAL HOME 423-6516 PRINTING & MAILING SERVICES Family Medical Practice Inc. SUPPORT CATHOLIC EDUCATION O.C. Hurlburt, III, M.D. 3913 Roosevelt • 423-0141 Middletown Cincinnati 513-464-6984 Mowing • Trimming • Landscaping [email protected] 422-7611 4235100 4897727 Clinton Coldiron, Operations Please Patronize Our Advertisers