

13 31
Cover design by Fernando Palleri - Class 1933
As we neared the Dairy Building, again Alladin
rubbed his lamp and behold, from the clouds arose
the new building,
the.hope and dream of all who
love their Alma Mater, for with is comes Opportunity,
Education, Scientific Farming, Athletics, Cooperation,
Friendships, Loyality, Brotherhood, Good Citizenship,
and an even chance for the boys and girls of the
The new building which we have all talked and dreamed about
for so ions is to be a reality.
Plans are now being drawn by the
State Architect and we expect that construction will be started
by mid-summer.
Mr. Davidson has his Real Team of Horses much sooner than
either he or the Senior Class anticipated.
They are a real team.
Mr. Davidson is so proud of them that we have had to P^t b a c k
rests *n all the wagon seats to keep him from tipping off backward
while he is driving them.
The faculty have all been busy the last few weeks writing up
the new catalogue.
There are several new departments Jeinc m d e .
The size and shape will differ and new courses are being added.
One course not added this year, but which has been suggested
is "How to save $£5,000 in the first 25 years out of Ag. School.
TCien this course is added, M r . Evenden will probably teach it.
Prospective student lists are coming in. It begins to
look like a record class nest year. Send in the name of any boy
you think might be interested.
Mr. Thurston and Mr. Evenden each enjoyed a short vacation
The dairy and poultry are doing well under the care of
Ronald Meade and Fred Palleri.
Miss Brown enjoyed a week end trip recently to Dover, N . J.
to visit her sister, Miss Nellie Brown.
You should see the "Fidelitas".
If you haven't ordered one
get in touch with the Business Manager, Leo Tfolff.
Every other week end we see a car from Springville, Pa in
Delhi. We have come to believe that "Doc" is coming back to see
We must not forget Red Traver, Elmer and Ray.
If Grace
stays in Delhi over a weekend, we are pretty sure that the boys
from Poughkeepsie are making a flying trip to Delhi.
O c c a s i o n a l l y the girls out at South Kortright practicing
teaching see Gouldie on the ball diamond playing hall with the
school children.
Hazel - Dot, how would you make a coat last?
Dot - I don't know, how?
Hazel - Make the vest and trousers first.
Alùsmij Bcmqu^t atf St. John's parish Hou!
GradWtesy-^Wieir /wives, husbands, and i
«weetKeorts are welcome.
8:00 P.M.
Damping at the D.S.Building
$1.00 !
Conr&w's O ^ h e s x r a
Proceeds to\jo po the Alunni Fund started
by thje olass
1931 as its gift to/the
About 8:00 o'clock on Thursday morning, the 30th of April,
Miss Brown, Mr. Evenden and the Dairy Commercial Class started
on an all day trip. The chief object was to visit the laboratory
at Cortland.
Our first stop was at the Tarbell Certified Dairy Farms at
Smithville Flats. We made a hurried trip through the barns to
see the cattle. The milk is put up in half pint bottles and
retailed in New York City for nine cents a bottle.
We arrived in Cortland at. noon and had lunch at one of the
restaurants. After lunch we went directly to the Cortland hospital where we met Mr. Wall T s brother, Dr. Wall. He showed us his
laboratory and explained many things to us. He gave Mr. Evender
a sample of acidophilus milk to use as a starter. Mr. Evenden
succeeded in making some when he returned to school.
As we didn't know the exact location of the Borden's Milk
Plant, Dr. Well showed us the $ay. After introducing us to the
superintendent, he went back to his work. We appreciated
Br. Wall's kindness to us while we were in Cortland.
The superintendent took us into the laboratory, introduced
us to the women there, w h o showed us around and explained to us
how they carried on their work. This laboratory is supposed to
be the best equipped one in the state outside of New York City.
While we were there we also looked over the milk plant adjoining the laboratory.
In the late afternoon we started on our way home. We came
back by the way of Norwich and Oneonta. We stopped in Oneonta
for supper, and came directly to Delhi.
We had a very enjoyable trip.
the way.
We saw many good farms along
Miss Brown and Mr. Evenden took turns driving the car. We
enjoyed hearing Miss Brown call Mr. Evenden "an old maid," vihen 1
drove. Our instructors proved, to be good chaperons as well as
good chauffeurs. We agreed that the day was well spent, because
we gained some first class information that will remain with us.
F . B. M, '
Young man from the city:
Country girl:
"And how is the Milk Maid this morning'
"It isn't made, it comes right from the cow."
Customer: "I want a pair of spec-rimmed h o r n i c l e s — I mean
sporn-himmed rectacles—pshawj
I mean hick-remmed spornacles."
Clerk: "I Know what you mean, sir.
You mean a pair of rim-sporm
Springtime is a wonderful time to travel. Nature
her winter ugliness with a grogeous hue of green which
to the eye. Dirt roads become dry and passable again
hill, knoll, every creek and turn brings to your view
new and delightful.
is beauty
and every
My first trip into new and unknown territory led me beyond
Botfina to the farms of William parsons and Rae Kelly.
"Bill" and
Rae are taking up cow testing association work for their projects.
By the way the only and real Hank Schauers accompanied me on this
trip. -X am inclined to believe he really got his imporssion of
Bovina as a likely place to settle from that trip*
Bill and Rae
were enjoying their vacation and working hard.
The cow testing summer project work again led me toward East
Branch where I visited Howell Signor and collected samples. In
the evening Howell and I started for the big city (East Branch)
and behold John Wood inspecting the lights of Broadway. After a
good night»s sleep at Signors (Don't anyone ever throw down a
chance to stay there) I arrived at Delhi after visiting Downsville
and going over the hill toward Walton (What a hill17
The next day I started toward Laurens to get Kestor Bookhout
(the H.S. girls man) started on his cow testing project.
Bookhouts have a real show place. I arrived around supper time
(I can hear you all say "He souldl") and inspected the herd after
supper. Granville Dorothy Ormsby's heifer calf was one of the
fine heifer calves found in thebarn.
I also saw Mona's bull calf.
Kester bought these calves during Christmas vacation last year
and they surely have developed. Dorothy's heifer will make a bett
cow than her mother, straight as a die, wonderfully bodied and a
lovely head
A good share of the Bookhout farm is level, the homestead is
about in the middle of the farm and a railroad runs along the
State road so all they have to do to unlead lime or fertilizer is
to back the wagon up to the car and unload the wagon on the field.
Mrs. Bookhout is the poultry specialist. She was just taking off
hatch of about 500 baby chicks.
The next trip was.a real journey. I was accompanied by Mrs.
Taylor and drove the Ford. Going toward Roscoe wo passed John
Merrill driving his Dodge but John had both eyes glued to the road
trying to keep the car between the white posts, and did not see us
We visited George Tenney and gave his instructions concerning his
testing project. Ke lives toward Neversink and I thought we would
be sunk before we reached his place. George boasts a new relative
a baby sister. Three cheers, George, she should make a good
Training class project.
We went to Montice11« and found Horton Couch really warking,
The pullets which he obtained from the bargin buy he and Red Trave
obtained from Mr. Harvey, looked fine.
Try to find Harry Magarik.
I couldn't.
Going through Greenfield Park wo asked for Harold Birchall
and found him coning up the road af£ er trying to get some bait
to go fishing with. We went to Sllenville and then toward Kingston
and home having covered 227 miles with t h e Ford that day.
I visited "Arguing Dan Murphy"at Oneonta and saw his fine net.
team. They are dark dappled greys, weighing around 1900 lbs each.
Dan has a right to be proud of them.
L. 0. T.
The following have been back to eat at the Cafeteria since school
closed: Taylor, E. Traver, Gonklin, Pickens, Plankenhorn, Couch,
Wood, Coddington, Eartmann, D. Murphy, Dewey, Yoemans, Lathrop
Arnst, Wood, Jones and H. Traver
Bannie Comes of Age*
On Monday, May 18, about 2:30, Beatrice Cole was called t©
answer an imaginary telephone call and then she and Evelyn Boggs,
were seen hurrying to town. Upon their return the faculty were
summoned to Mr* Evenden's room. Miss Brown asked the D.C. Class
to go into Mr. Evenden's room as Mri Evenden was going to give
us a test. We went in and Fannie was astonished to see the
teachers all around the table on which was a large angel food
cake with green icing and violet trimming. We all expressed our
regrets at not being able to have Dave with us at such a
memorable event*
We enjoyed cake, ice cream and mints. Mr. Smith
entertained the gathering with Irish jokes. Then an informal
discussion followed as to when the next celebration should-be
held. It was decided to adjourn until next fall since all other
birthdays were either has-beens 6r yet-to-bes in the far distant
Another agetherin was held at 9:00 o'clock that evening
in honor of the birthdays of Grace Travis^ Margaret Schoonmaker
and Fannie Murphy*
This was a very informal affair for those
at the D. S. Building. Some of the D. S. Girls assisted Mother
Clinton in making this jxirty a success.
A large bus belonging to the State Dept of Health, containing
a well equipped dairy laboratory, is parked near the Dairy Building.
The Dept of Health is doing some work in connection with the cream
plants in this section.
Some of the instructors are interested in starting a
perennial garden here at the school but a difference of opinion
ha to its location has held up the matter. Some of those
interested are men, some women — " n u f sed57
If we have to do without things we need, wo just grin and
bear it;
it's doing without unnecessary things we want that
makes us downhearted. Kreolite News.
Most of the training class students have socurod schools
for next year. Others have schools in view.
Mr. Aubrey C. D t ì i ^ of Poughkeepsie |
of LaGrangeville spen\ a\weekend r e c e d i / ?rstSational Bank at
Mr. Davies is employed-assolier m the Fi.
-—.««ViWiAnaift. We
Wa all
nil kno
kn<m Howard. /
"u'li^and Frances Moat Sunday.
Leta Mead called on
One of the b r i g h t e s t ^ t u d % t s in D . T . C ^ i n c e n t Hoffman,
c r i m e s that New T o r ^ ^ \ B o ^ a r o l i k e ^ State of Ohio
as they are round on ^each\ e\d and^high in the riddle.
Things w e P ^ r m ^ . a X ^ o m i i the D.Ujjf^uilding «over
the week end. Most of the T. £ ^ £ i r l s spent f/ie weekend out of
t own.
We w o n d e r ' ^ ^ T ^ i W ^ T l s who teach a ^ k e Delaware
cone in at e l e v ^ o t t o f k e v e r y morning. M *
quidc- at the jailVorVtl^ h W s o i n e young g e n f p ^ n at the gas
t v
v e m o usy\ do i ng practice teaching,
The T. C. studfent/s
What/ a t h m g I s / P'^ndship
— o r Id wàrfchWÉ 'anr-erm-,
T'ho GO" who have it truly
Are those who care to lend.
for to have a loyal friend
You must first be one
Through either, gain or losing
And your friend is won.
We share our favored things
With those whom we most love
We try our very best
To follow Kim above.
A friend may be reckoned
The masterpiece of life
A true friend is ever helpful
'Through every ~ si orn'rfe' strife
v <V
Friendship above all this
Dost bind the light heart
We shall not forget those
From whom we now must part.
The third judging school will be held July 6th. and 7th,
This is an annual school for poultry keepers. This year with
the l®w price of eggs it does not take lone for a few loafers
to eat up the profits of the layers. It is, therefore, more
than usually important to get rid of the non-producers at the
earliest opportunity.
The culling factors which are indicated by physiological
changes will be°discussed the first day. The second day the
production characteristics as indicated by anatomical
characters will be studied. An examination will be held during the latter part of the second day. This may be in the
nature of a contest with prizes of chicks. The detailed plans
will be published later.
We plan to select a student to represent the school at
the State Fair Judging Contest at this time*
If you want to
try out be sure to attend the judging school.
The ruffled grouse or partridge have many nests broken
up by enemies each year. In order to find out what happens,
the Division of Fish and Game of our Conservation Department
are asking us to co-operate by informing them of any nests
that we can locate. They desire that the birds should remain
undisturbed after first finding the nest, until after the eggs
have hatched. But mark the place so that it can be readily
found later. If any of you find a nest it will be a favor if
you will send a card at once to R. N. Harvey, Delhi, N. Y.
state inspector will plan to visit the nest sometime in June,
Nests are frequently "found near the edge of clearings, along
wood roads, in slashings or by trails*
Common nesting places
are at basis of trees or stumps, beneath over-hanging logs,
at the edge of brush piles, or beneath small evergreens with
over-changing boughs*
We have a small flock of Rhode Island Reds that have been
added to our school flock this year. They will constitute a
farm flock for practice work during the coming winter.
new front is going on the poultry house at a fairly good rate
and will be a fine addition to our plant. The poultry course
has been completely revised and the scope will be broadened to
include practices that hitherto we have been unable to give.
The first course has been returned to its former schedule of
two double periods weekly instead of three. The other courses
have been enlarged to an equal amount. Also another course is
added which it is hoped, will improve the quality of the work
carried on by the department. Other improvements are being
planned which will give us a much better opportunity to enrich
the courses.
Happenings on the Farn
The State School has purchased a new team to replace Jim,
Major and Molly. They are four year olds, geldings, one a strawberry roan, the other an iron roan. They are western horses and
kave been in the East only four weeks. The strawberry roan weighs
1680, the iron roan 1700»
Old Jim and Major were purchased by
Henry Schauers who has done considerable plowing with them on his
new farm near Bovina.
Two new jersey cows have been purchased from George Ridh
of Hobart. Both are three years old. One is Sultan's Juanita's
Sue en 747266, the other Fern's Oxford Owl's Mabel 818848.
The dairy herd was turned out on pasture around the 30th of
May and have increased a little in production. Granville Dorothy,
Agnes, Jewel and Mona Ormsby are being milked twice a day and are
turned out with the regular herd. To the 20th of May Dorothy
had produced 13183 # of milk in 7 months; Mona 8633# in 6 months
i^nes 10,886 # in 7 months and Jewel 13087# in 8 months.
Mr. Taylor has added another Imported Southdown ewe to his
flock of sheep. This is a Goodwood ewe, bred and raised by the
Duke of Richmond and Gordon of England and imported to the U. S.
in 1928* She was purchased from W. B. Belknap of Goshen, Ky.
She sheared 9-jg- # of wool and weighs 165 lbs after shearing. The
entire flock was sheared before the middle of April and will be
dipped shortly. The lambs are doing w ell. The show flock will
be brought up to the barn and fitting started by the first of June
On May 16, 1931 the following members of the Stock Judging
team representing the State School reported for a trip: Wilson
Plankenhorn, Daniel MurpLy, John Wood, Clarence Coddington,
Ronald Meade, Edgar A l l a n / The team met with the State College
of Agriculture of Ithaca, N. Y.« Stock Judging team at Meridale
Farms about 9;30 A¿ M. Two rings of Jerseys were judged and the
crowd procee-ded to the State School where the four new cows
were exhibited to the Cornell boys. After lunch the crowd visited
Mr. C. G. Ward's Ayrshire Farm and judged two rings» Mr. Ward
told the boys how he had built up the herd and some of the
practices of management he used. The herd of W. T. G o M d , Donald'
father, was next visited. Mr. Gould is milking about 88 cows.
We then journ«ed to Hobart where the herd of Clarence Gould was
inspected. The State School boys will meet again at the Annual
Judging Contest held at the State School of Agriculture.
Kenneth Cornell is employed on the farm of Buell Mprse at
Jewett Heights in Greene County. From all reports we think he
is enjoying his summer in the Catskills. Well, he ought tol
Henry Schauer has picked a good scenic situation in North
Bovina. He aimed high and is working hard. He has close neighbor
too. We saw him in town with one the other day. Wo hope you
have a good season, Henry.
The last seen of Wilber Cornell he was employed on a farm in
Covert Hollow. Mogridge and Ribenburg were hard at it too. They
are working at hone,
Ed. Hartmann cones in to the school occassionally to report.
He is very diligent and energetic and we hope his two acres of
potatoes will net hin a good return
Donald Birdsall has carefully prepared an acre of 3a nd on the
side hill and planted his potato project. He always did have a
good head and wo can see that he is figuring on digging the crop
and shoveling it up at the bottom.
The last heard of Charles Grant he was headed toward a f a m
job in West Oneonta. Good work brings good luck, old chap!
Walter Cornwell has a job for the summer on an estate which
boasts an especially fine herd of cows.
Duane Hibbard is working on the farm of Arthur Morrison at
West Delhi. John Wood has just taken a job on the honey farm of
j. P, Evans at Skaneateles.
Arthur Arnst is at present working on a construction_job
at Springfield, Pa; Barrett is at a creamery in .Andes; Boice
i s working on a surveying j o b near Walton.The following are working at home this summer: Birchall,
Birdsall; Bookhout; Becht, Hall, Hartmann, Hewitt, Lippa, Magarik
Merrill, Mogridge,. Morley, Murphy, Parsons, Plankenhorn, Rivenbur
Signer, Tenney, Wakeman, Ward, Kelley, Conklin, Couch, Coulter,
Gould, Keller, Lathrop, Michael and Howard Traver.
Lewis McBwen has taken a position with the Dairymen's League
He expects to be employed eventually in the selling end. At.
present he is working in the plant at Harrison, N. Y .
Ralph Taylor has a position in the G.L,F. Feed store at
Walton. We often see Ralph on his way to Hobart. At least his
car is headed in that direction,.
Burton Dewey is working on a farm at Tacona, N. Y.
Elmer Traver is working on an estate noar LaGrangeville.
Dan Murphy has taken a potato project this summer.
expect the product will be well worthy of the name.
Director Smith: "How do you spend your income?-'
Mr. Evenden: "About 30 percent for shelter, 30 per cent for
clothing, 40 percent for food and BO percent for amusement."
Director Smith:
"But that adds up to 120 percent."
Mr. Evenden: "That*s right."
Why sulk and worry over your lot?
Why weakly sigh and fret?
Gheer up! the more you haven't got
The more there is to get.
K.N. .
A Trip to Afton
Wednesday April 22, the Dairy Commercial Class, with their
instructors, Mr. Evenden and Miss Brown visited the Dairymen's
League laboratory at Afton.
This laboratory i e
well equipped and two girls do the work
of plating milk and the counting of bacteria from the petri plate
and milk smears.
Visiting this laboratory was very instructive because we saw
how a well arranged laboratory should look, and while wo wore
there, the girls demonstrated for us the systematic way in which
they plated milk*
On our way home in the afternoon, we stopped at Bainbridge
to visit the laboratory of the Dry Milk Company.
At this laboratory research work is done to see what
vitamins are needed the most in foods to insure rapid growth and
good health. All of this experimental work is performed on
white rats,chickens and guinea pigs.
Next we wore taken in the plant where Dryco baby food is
made. Here we saw how the milk was made into the dried product,
packed and made ready for shipment.
About 4:30 P. M. wo arrived back at Delhi, tired but happy
and with a feeling that our day had been a profitableone.
Miss Williams: "What three words are used most by Training
Class students?"
Helen Runyon: "I don't know"
Miss Williams; "Correct"
Speaking to Bunny at dinner: Alice Clark,"Now, now child,
calm yourself. Go on and eat yourself."
C.C, (on the Cortland laboratory trip) "The horn on this car
is broken"
B* Cole: "Oh, not it's not, it's just indifferent."
C. C. "What do you mean.indifferent?"
B. Cole: "Why, it doesn't give a hoot"
Mae Sggler (reading a paper) "It says here that a girl singlehanded landed a fish at a Long Island resort weighing
145 lbs."
Julia King "What's his name?"
A night in June, a sliver moon;
A kiss, a glance that wins;
A question shy, an ansv/er spry,
And then the fight begins.