May/June 2012 - Northville Parks and Recreation
May/June 2012 - Northville Parks and Recreation
~INSPIRE~ May-June, 2012 Northville Senior Adult Services 303 W. Main St., Northville, MI 48167 phone: 248-349-4140 Table of Contents: General Information…..….2 Transportation ……...……3 What’s New at Northville Senior Adult Services? New Bus Artwork Replaces one of our worn-out buses A partnership with the Art House Senior Services…….….…4 Announcements………….5 Classes / Reflexology……6 Knitters & Rental Info..…..7 Friday Flicks………….…..8 Games & Cards……….....9 Calendar of Daily Activities …………….10-11 Name Change Only the name has changed— senior services and programs will continue to grow! Health & Fitness……..…12 Drop-in Activities…………….......13 Events…….………….14-15 Contracted Trips………..16 NCC News ….....…….....17 Casino & Day Trips...18-19 Bingo……….….…...……20 EVENT Senior Prom Greektown Casino “Flapper” & Lunch Senior Fest Indian Village Home Tour Firekeepers Casino Tiger Game Portofino Tiger Game DATE May 9 May 17 May 24 June 6 June 9 June 19 July 19 August 15 September 27 SIGN-UP DEADLINE May 1 May 10 April 25 June 1 May 17 June 12 SOLD OUT June 6 August 27 Northville Senior Adult Services (NCC) 303 West Main Street Northville, MI 48167 248-349-4140 I N F O R M A T I O N Transportation Office: 248-449-9934 Fax Number: 248-348-5275 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. We now offer participants the opportunity to register through the internet for most classes and activities. In the convenience of your home or office, you can save yourself time by registering online using our secure system with your own user name and password. The use of our online registration feature is FREE! If you are interested in using our online feature, you must set up an account. Email the department at [email protected] or call the office (248) 3490203. Names and birth dates of household members will be required. Please Note: The Northville Senior Adult Services Office, including all activities and programs, will be closed on Monday, May 28, 2012 for Memorial Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, May 29, 2012. Senior Advisory Commission Dick Brown, Chairperson Bob Lipmyer, Vice Chairperson Jerry Mittman, Secretary Lorraine Steimel, City of Northville Kathy O’Brien, City of Northville Symantha Heath, Northville Township Michele Fecht, Northville City Council Member Dick Henningsen, Northville Township Trustee Dottie Garrity, Board Member, Northville Public Schools Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. at the Northville Community Center, 303 W. Main and are open to the public. Applications for future openings on the Senior Advisory Commission can be found on the City and Township websites (see box on right) or on the Senior Center bulletin board. 2 Online Registrations Accepted. It’s EASY! The Senior Alliance: Funding for Northville Senior Services provided by: The Senior Alliance (Area Agency on Aging 1-C through Older Americans Act). Senior Alliance Contact Info: 734-722-2830. Frequently Requested Contacts Northville Parks & Recreation…...248-349-0203 City of Northville ………...............248-349-1300 Northville Township ……………...248-348-5800 Northville District Library………...248-349-3020 Northville Public Schools Administration………………….....248-349-3400 Allen Terrace................................248-349-8030 Civic Concern...............................248-344-1033 Meals on Wheels Wayne County…………………….800-851-1454 Oakland County............................810-632-2155 Northville Post Office………….....248-349-2062 Senior Alliance………………...….734-722-2830 Northville Community Senior Transportation Service Service is provided to Northville Township and the City of Northville residents age 60+ and residents who have a documented disability (physician certified). Funding for the transportation service is provided by SMART, Oakland and Wayne Counties, Northville Township and the City of Northville. The service provides bus transportation to medical appointments, shopping and other destinations. Our transportation scheduler, Heidi, will be happy to assist you. Reservations for transportation service must be made at least 2 business days in advance. Medical appointments receive priority scheduling. To schedule a ride, call 248-449-9934, between 9:00—11:30 a.m. Transportation users can purchase punch cards in $20, $30 or $40 increments to avoid paying cash for each trip. Please ask for punch card details when calling. We Offer Curb-to-Curb Bus Service Available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.* *Closed the first Wednesday of each month (May 2 and June 6, 2012) Transportation will be closed on Monday, May 28, for the Memorial Day holiday Destinations within Northville Township and the City of Northville - $3 one way fare Destinations within 4 miles of the city/township radius - $4 one way fare Destinations (medical only) within 8 miles of the city/township radius - $5 one way fare GROCERY SHOPPING Tuesdays: 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Meijer and Kohl’s (Haggerty / 8 Mile) $6 R/T Fridays: NEW TIME, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Kroger (Haggerty / 6 Mile) and Hiller’s Market (Haggerty 5 Mile) $6 R/T MAY / JUNE DISCOUNTED TRIPS $1.00 each way to the Northville Community Center — Join in all Senior Center Activities, including cards and special events $1.00 each way— Northville District Library T R A N S P O R T A T I O N MAY—SPECIAL TRIP—12 Oaks Mall, Novi Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 12:30 p.m.—2:30 p.m., $6 Round Trip, SAVE $2 JUNE—SPECIAL TRIP— Laurel Park, Livonia Wednesday, June 13, 2012, 12:30 p.m. —2:30 p.m., $6 Round Trip, SAVE $2 Call 248-449-9934 - Reservations must be made at least two business days in advance. 3 Medical Equipment Loans Telecare (Telephone Reassurance) Do you need to borrow a wheelchair, walker, cane or other medical equipment? If so, it’s easy to do and it’s FREE. Just return it to us when it is no longer needed so that it’s available for others. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, senior residents can receive a telephone call to check on their wellbeing or to just hear a friendly voice. This program is run entirely by volunteers and there is no charge to those who sign up for this service. To register call 248-349-4140. ______________________________________ Congregate Nutrition Program Do you knit, crochet or craft? Hot, nutritious meals are provided Monday through Friday at 11:45 a.m. at Allen Terrace, 401 High Street, for a donation of $2.25. NOTE: Please call 248-231-9950 at least a day ahead so that a sufficient number of meals can be available. Homebound residents can receive a meal delivered to their home through the Meals on Wheels program. The phone numbers for this service are: Oakland County: 248-473-1812 Wayne Country: 800-851-1454 We are seeking volunteers to make caps for newborns. The caps will be donated to local hospitals and available to the newborns without charge. Patterns are available to volunteers at the front desk. NEW! Blankets of Hope 2012– fleece no-sew blankets are needed for comfort & hope for recovery to our Wounded Heroes. Stop by our desk for additional information, or visit ______________________________________ To reserve equipment, please call 248-349-4140 S E N I O R S E R V I C E S __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Liquid Nutrition (Ensure) Pick up times at the NCC are from 9:30 12:30 p.m. Upcoming pick up dates: May 25 & June 22 To apply contact Wayne County Senior Services 734-727-7357. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Caregiver Support Group (Alzheimer’s Association 734-776-4466, toll free 800-272-3900) A representative from Congressman McCotter’s will be in our lobby May 1 and June 5 to chat and answer your questions. Please stop by. Comforting Solutions for In-Home Care _ To provide emotional support & coping skills to families and caregivers relating to Alzheimer’s disease. (2nd Tuesday of each month) May 8 and June 12 6:30—7:30 p.m. ______________________________________ Blood Pressure & Glucose Testing (2nd Tuesday of each month) May 8 and June 12 11:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Heartland Plymouth Court graciously provides blood pressure & blood sugar testing at NCC. 4 Congressman McCotter Office Hours Our Caregivers “Bridges the Gap” from hospital discharge to home (248) 349-2111 Personal Care Med Reminders Laundry/Linen Change Light Housekeeping Meal Prep Errands/Transportation Respite Care Free Consultation and Assessment 1 hour visits to 24 hours & Live-in. Our employees are compassionate & caring Screened Bonded Insured Trained Email: [email protected] You Will Be Missed! Travels to northern Michigan, Germany and/or Egypt, taking a Zumba class, volunteering at church and spending more time with family are just a few plans that Chris has after she retires from the Senior Adult Services Transportation Department this April. Chris has been with the Northville Parks and Recreation since 2002 and the Transportation Department for 2 years. Along with her office and people skills, she also can boast that she was a top model for the Community Center fashion show in 2011! Chris Haas “I’ll miss my co-workers. They are the best, and the many seniors that visit the center everyday. And I will miss being greeted each morning by the seniors who walk in the gym. They are always a lot of fun and can tell pretty good jokes,” comments Chris. Chris has been an inspiration to all of us. Her ability to adapt to every environment where she works, her leadership skills and friendly personality will be missed. “Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to.” ~Harry Emerson Fosdick FREE ONE HOUR CONSULTATION & ASSESSMENT. WHEN YOU SIGN UP FIRST 2 HOURS OF A N N O U N C E M E N T S SERVICES ARE FREE. NO OBLIGATION AND YOU CAN WWW.PLEDGEPRIVATEDUTY.COM 5 AARP Driver Safety Class C L A S S E S Cars have changed and so have traffic rules, driving conditions and the roads we drive on every day. These classes will cover topics such as: how to avoid driving hazards, how aging affects your driving, physical limitations, current driving laws and defensive skills. Course participants may be eligible to receive an insurance discount. Consult your insurance agent for further details. Pre-registration is required. Lunch is on your own. Activity # 395303.04 Day Monday & Tuesday Date June 6 & 7 Time 10am—2:30pm & Foot Reflexology R E F L E X O L O G Y 6 Fee $12 (AARP) Member $14 (Non AARP Member) Landscape Painting Next visit— May 9 & 30 June 13 & 27 Appointment Times: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Fee: $35 per hour Clarence Brown, reflexologist, offers this wonderful, alternative healing. These appointments go fast so book early. Call 248349-4140 for your appointment. There is a $15 fee for any “no show” without 24-hour notice. Activity # 345418.24 May 15 Picture: Old Farm on the Hill Activity # 345418.25 June 19 Picture: Rocky Point Lighthouse Location: Northville Community Center Russell Room Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Fee: $21 Join in the award-winning, television art methods and techniques for achieving successful painting. Steve Wood has taught over 1,400 students from 9 to 96 years of age how to paint. Classes are designed for beginning and intermediate levels of painting experience. All you need to bring to class is a paper plate, small bowl, and the desire to paint. Pre -registration is required. WANTED! THANK YOU! Renters—Located right in the heart of Downtown Northville – The Northville Community Center has space for your spe- Many thanks to ……………. cial event and/or meeting. Our facility is Northrop—Sassaman perfect for graduation parties, bridal/baby Funeral Home showers, weddings, receptions, birthday parties and meetings. Stop by our facility for providing the center with magazines and check out our banquet room (seats up for our reading pleasure. Better Homes to 105), living room, 4 meeting rooms and & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Ladies a gymnasium. For more availability and Home Journal. Golf Digest, Discover, rates contact Josie at Good Old Days, Diabetic Cooking, [email protected] ers Digest (large print), Sporting News and Woman’s Day are available on the Tai-Chi—Interested in learning Tai Chi? coffee table. Please grab a cup of coffee, See ad on page 8 for additional informatea or water and relax at our beautiful tion. Please let the front desk know if center and enjoy a magazine or two. you’re interested and we’ll bring it back to the Community Center. Northville Hearing Center Ask your Hearing Specialist By Lin McNair, BC-HIS, ACA Call Us Today! 248-349-0657 Question Can hearing loss affect my balance? Answer Yes, hearing loss can affect your balance. A recent study led by Northville Hearing Center Johns Hopkins researcher, Frank Lin, MD, PhD found that hearing loss can triple the risk of falling down for people aged 40 and older. Lin McNair, BC- The study findings show that people with a 25-decibel hearing loss—classified as a ‘mild hearing loss’ were nearly three times more likely to have a history of falling. Every additional 10-decibels of hearing loss increases the chances of falling by 1.4 fold. 18600 Northville Rd. Explanation: People with impaired hearing lack awareness of their overall environment, which makes them more likely to trip and fall said study author Dr. Frank Lin, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the university’s Bloomberg School of Public Health. Northville Hearing Center is offering free hearing screenings and product demonstrations during the month of May. Call 248-349-0657 today to make an appointment. There is NO COST for these services. HIS, ACA Suite 700 Northville, MI 48168 K N I T T E R S & R E N T A L S Located between 6 & 7 Mile Rd. Next to the Deadwood Bar and Grill 7 May Friday Flicks 1:00p.m. May 4 – War Horse, PG-13 (2011) Adapted from a novel by Michael Morpurgo, this majestic World War I drama centers on Devon lad Albert and his steadfast horse, Joey, whose faithful bond cannot be shaken -- even when Joey is sold to the cavalry and sent off to France. M O V I E S May 11 – The Descendants, R (2011). When his wife is killed in a Waikiki boating accident, distant father Matt King (George Clooney) begins an iffy journey to repair his fractured relationship with his two daughters. But he's also trying to decide whether to let go of some valuable family real estate. Judy Greer, Beau Bridges and Matthew Lillard co-star in this tragic-comic tale of legacy and unexpected loss based on the novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings. June Fee: $1.00 June 8 – The Adventures of Tintin, PG (2011) Blockbuster filmmakers Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson team up for this 3-D motion capture adaptation of Georges Remi's classic comic strip, centered around the adventures of fearless young journalist Tintin (Jamie Bell) and his trusty dog, Snowy. Daniel Craig, Simon Pegg, Andy Serkis, Nick Frost, Toby Jones, Mackenzie Crook and Cary Elwes also lend their talents to this action-packed family adventure. June 15 – We Bought a Zoo, PG (2011) In this adaptation of Benjamin Mee's memoir about buying and saving a run-down zoo, the locale shifts from Britain to southern California. However, the wacky spirit of the original is retained, complete with escaped tigers and a zoo crew of misfits. May 18 – The Iron Lady, PG-13 (2011) Meryl Streep provides a subtle and nuanced portrait of Margaret Thatcher, the first female prime minister of Britain, whose political career and determination changed the rules that had limited women's opportunities for leadership. June 22 – Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, R (2011) John Le Carré's classic thriller of Cold War espionage follows an English spy as he returns to MI6 under a cloud of suspicion. In the years since he was sacked by the agency, some suspect he's become an operative for the Soviet Union. May 26– Seven Days in Utopia, G (2011) Talent can only get you so far. For golfer Luke Chisholm, that turns out to be Utopia, Texas -- where he's left stranded after blowing his pro debut. Luckily for Luke, a cagey old rancher enters his life there to change it -- and him -- forever. June 29 – One Day, PG-13 (2011) After a romantic tryst on college graduation night, Emma and Dexter pursue separate dreams. This romantic drama based on a novel of the same name checks in with them each year on the same date, tracking their personal and professional progress. June 1 – Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, PG13 (2011) Believing that his father left him a message before dying in the September 11 attacks, young Oskar Schell embarks on an emotional odyssey through New York City to find the lock that matches a key he found among his father's belongings. Movies are subject to change without notice, based on availability. 8 Please note: Some PG-13 movies may contain inappropriate material. R Rated movies will definitely contain adult material - bad language, violence, sex, drug usage, or will have an adult theme. WAYNE COUNTY SPELLING BEE FOR SENIORS Games & Cards Drop-in fee $1 Mah-Jongg Monday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Euchre Monday, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. Pinochle Tuesday, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. (single deck) Bridge Wednesday, 12:00 - 3:00 p.m., no partner required, and 6:15-10:00 p.m., duplicate style, bidding boxes, bring your partner, friendly game. Double-Deck Pinochle Thursdays, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. Reminder: Last hand is played at 4:00 p.m. Poker Friday, 11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Northville’s 3rd place Wayne County Spelling Bee winner—Jane Smiley (middle). Congratulations Jane! G A M E S & C A R D S To make your card playing experience pleasurable, we ask that you have the knowledge of how to play the card game scheduled unless it is stated as a “beginner” class. 9 May 2012– Monthly Calendar Daily Activities Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Mah–Jongg 9:00am Silver Yoga 10:15am Open Pickleball 9:30—12:15 pm + 1:00—4:00 pm Massage Therapy 9:00 am-3:00 pm Mah-Jongg 9 am (beginner) Line Dancing 10:00am –12:15 pm M O N T H L Y C A L E N D A R Pinochle 12:30 pm Silver Strength 10:15 am Bus to Grocery Shopping 12:30 pm Euchre 12:30 pm Open Pickleball 1:00pm-3:00 pm Open Pickleball 1:00pm-4:00 pm Silver Strength 10:15 am Bridge 12:00 pm & 6:15 pm Line Dancing 7:009:00 pm Friday Open Pickleball Bus to Grocery Shop9:30 am-12:15 pm + ping 12:30 1:00—3:00 pm Open Pickleball 9:30am-12:15 pm + Zumba Gold 9:30 1:00—4:00 pm am Double Deck Pinochle 12:30 pm Open Basketball Men’s 40+ 7:00-9:30 pm Silver Yoga 10:15 am Poker 11:00 am Friday Flicks 1:00 pm All times are subject to change. Current schedules are available at Hillside & Northville Community Senior Center. AAAllA 1. 3. 2. Transportation Closed 7. 8. Alzheimer’s Support group 6:30 pm 14. 15. Anyone Can Paint 10:00am 9. SENIOR PROM “War Horse” Friday Flick 1 pm 10. 11. Bingo 1:00 pm “The Descendants” Friday Flick 1 pm 17. 18. Greektown Casino “The Iron Lady” Friday Flick 1 pm 24. 25. Liquid Nutrition 9:30am Foot Reflexology 9:00am –2:00 pm 16. 4. Blood Pressure 11am—1 pm 21. 22. 23. “Seven Days in Utopia” Friday Flick 1 pm 28 Building CLOSEDMemorial Day 10 29. 30.Foot Reflexology 9:00 am – 2:00 pm 31. June 2012– Monthly Calendar Daily Activities Monday Tuesday Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Mah–Jongg 9:00 am Silver Yoga 10:15 am Line Dancing 10:00am –12:15 pm Pinochle 12:30 pm Silver Strength 10:15 am Euchre 12:30 pm Wednesday Thursday Friday Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Walking 8-9:30 am Open Pickleball 9:30—12:15 pm + 1:00—4:00 pm Massage Therapy 9:00 am-3:00 pm Mah-Jongg 9 am (beginner) Open Pickleball 9:30 am-12:15 pm + 1:00—3:00 pm Bus to Grocery Shopping 12:30 Bus to Grocery Shopping 12:30 pm Silver Strength 10:15 am Open Pickleball 1:00-3:00 pm Bridge 12:00 pm & 6:15 pm Zumba Gold 9:30 am Line Dancing 7:009:00 pm Double Deck Pinochle 12:30 pm Open Pickleball 1:00pm-4:00 pm Open Basketball Men’s 40+ 7:00-9:30 pm Open Pickleball 9:30 am-12:15 pm + 1:00—4:00 pm Silver Yoga 10:15 am Poker 11:00 am Friday Flicks 1:00 pm M O N T H L Y All times are subject to change. Current schedules are available at Hillside & Northville Community Senior Center. 1. “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” Friday Flick 1 pm 4. 5. 6. Senior Fest 7. “The Adventures of Tintin” Friday Flick 1 pm Transportation Closed 11. 12.Blood Pressure 11am—1 pm 13. 14. Foot Reflexology 9:00 am –2:00 pm Bingo 1:00 pm 19. Anyone Can Paint 10:00 am 20. 21. 26. 22.Liquid Nutrition 9:30 am “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” Friday Flick 1 pm Firekeepers Casino 25. 15. “We Bought a Zoo” Friday Flick 1 pm Alzheimer’s Support group 6:30-7:30 pm 18. 8. C A L E N D A R 27. Foot Reflexology 28. 9:00 am –2:00 pm 29. “One Day” Friday Flick 1 pm 11 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S 12 Walking Group Fitness Classes Walking hours in the gym are as follows: Monday through Friday These year-round adult group fitness classes will give you the results you want! Enjoy exercising with friends without the commitment of a gym membership. Get into shape, stay fit and have fun while doing it! Pick up a monthly schedule or download the calendar online at 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Fee: FREE Come and meet new friends and have some fun walking in the gym. Walking is great for your health and the benefits are endless. NOTE: Hours may vary if classes are scheduled in the gym. Please sign in at the front desk before you start walking. Line Dancing Monday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., $4 per class (beginners at 9:30 a.m.) & Wednesdays, 7:00—9:00 p.m., $5 per class Kick up your heels with well known line dance teacher Rosemary Krest. Not only is line dancing fun, it is considered low impact while having the ability to increase your heart rate. Instruction in Cha Cha, Rumba, Mambo, Merengue and Salsa will be included. You will also learn the traditional ballroom steps with East & West Coast Swing, Foxtrot and Waltz. A partner is not required. • Drop-in: $8 for 1-hour classes• Monthly resident pass for unlimited classes $50, nonresident fees apply. • All equipment is provided. Our experienced staff motivates you while making sure you are performing safe, fun exercises. Staff carries current certification/CPR/AED. Fun, energetic workouts specifically designed for our "silver" exercisers! Class focuses on toning muscles to prevent injury and improve bone density. Yoga is a core conditioning class that enhances range of motion, improves balance and keeps us both mentally and physically fit. Fee: $5.00 Sweat the calories away while enjoying the party environment of one of the latest workout crazes to hit the fitness scene! Zumba comes packed with dance moves inspired by Latin rhythms to add fun to your fitness. Zumba Gold uses low to no-impact moves tailored to aging bodies. Enjoy your new workout! Fee: $5.00 Drop-In Activities Pick up a monthly calendar or go to the website Click on Activities & Classes and then click “Open Activities” for days, times, and location. All times are subject to change. Location: Community Center Open 40+ Basketball Wednesday 7:00-9:30 p.m. Fee: $3/player Fees payable to Aquatics Staff. Please bring correct change. Lap Swim Training for a triathlon, or just like to swim for exercise? Come work out during lap swim at the Recreation Center at Hillside pool. Swimming limited to lap lane only. Fee: $2/person ___________________________________ Water Aerobics Open Pickleball Mon., Wed., Fri. 1:00-4:00 p.m. Tues., Thurs., 1:00-3:00 p.m. Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Fee: $2/player Open Family Basketball Sunday - 4:00-6:00 p.m. Fee: $2/player Open Adult Basketball Sunday—6:00-9:00 p.m. Fee: $3/Player ——————————————————— Location: Rec Ctr. at Hillside Open Badminton Tuesday & Friday - 7:00-9:30 p.m. Fee: $9/player Open Table Tennis Saturday - 12:00-4:00 p.m. Fee: $5/player Open Pickleball Wednesday - 12:00-3:00 p.m. Saturday - 6:00-8:00 p.m. Sunday - 1:00-3:00 p.m. Location: Recreation Center at Hillside Pool A low-impact, cross-training, cardiovascular workout designed to leave participants feeling invigorated and refreshed. Water aerobics benefits your body by providing 12 times the resistance of land-based fitness classes, yet only places 10% of the stress and strain on your body. Water aerobics is great for improving posture and strengthening your core. Classes are designed for all adults of any swimming ability, even non-swimmers, and floatation noodles and barbells are used for deep water work. Enjoy the warm pool temperature of the Recreation Center at Hillside pool. Fee: $8/person ___________________________________ Deep End Water Walking Leave your gym shoes in the closet and hit the Recreation Center at Hillside pool for an energizing deep water walk. The water’s buoyancy supports the body’s weight, which reduces stress on the joints and minimizes impact, while giving you a great workout that participants do at their own pace. Walking will be offered in the deep water only using a flotation device such as a noodle or barbell. Fee: $2/person D R O P I N A C T I V I T I E S Fee:$3 Fee:$4 Fee:$3 Senior Open Volleyball Mon., Wed. & Fri. - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Fee: $1/player 13 Michigan Opera Theatre Join us for a morning filled with music, as two vocalists and an accompanist from the Michigan Opera Theatre perform an “American Songbook”. Delicious treats will be provided. Registration deadline is May 9. Thank you to our sponsor American House. ACTIVITY # 675313.01 DAY Monday DATE May 14 TIME 10:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. FEE Free Virtual Orchestra Concert E V You’re invited to a Patriotic Party celebrating our veterans!! Finger foods and drinks provided. Our sponsor, Evola Music of Canton, will entertain us with a concert including patriotic songs. Registration deadline is Friday, May 18. E ACTIVITY # 675314.01 N Smaller Space—Perfect Fit T S DAY Wednesday DATE May 23 TIME 1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. FEE Free Professional Interior Designer, Marilyn Slatin Wick of Northville and Nancy Kott , BFA in Design from U of M, have teamed together to share their expertise in decorating and accessorizing. The “Smaller Space—Perfect Fit” lecture presents creative design strategies such as: value over quantity; comfort over volume; and repurposing what you own. If you are looking for a change-please join us. A lunch will be provided. Registration deadline is June 14. ACTIVITY # 175315.01 DAY Wednesday DATE June 20 TIME 11:30 a.m. FEE Free Western Wayne County SENIOR OLYMPICS Information and applications will be available at the Community Center front desk by the end of May. Registration deadline is Friday, July 6, 2012. August 13-17, 2012 Hosted by Garden City City of Inkster & City of Wayne 14 Visit the Senior Olympic website at Senior Prom 2012 Wednesday, May 9 4:00– 6:30 p.m. Hillside Middle School 775 N. Center St., Northville ! FREE Spend the afternoon dining and dancing to the sounds from the award winning Northville High School Jazz Band and choirs. Hillside Middle School Student Council puts together this annual FREE event that takes you back to your high school prom days! RSVP: Hillside Middle School at 248-344-8493 SENIOR FEST 2012 Join us for a wonderful picnic lunch, fabulous entertainment, dancing, prizes and promotions by local businesses. Wednesday, June 6, 2012 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. C O M M U N I T Y E V E N T S Northville Community Center Gymnasium 303 W. Main Street, Northville Fee: $8.00. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Ticket sales end June 1, 2012. No refunds. 15 The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. PLEASE NOTE: When paying for contracted trips, checks MUST be made payable and submitted to the host travel agency. Flyers are available at the Community Center for additional information on trips. C O N T R A C T E D T R I P S Above & Beyond Tours, LLC, 180 Annison, Commerce Twp, MI 48382 248-360-4606 Brookside Travel, 1045 Novi Rd., Northville, MI 48167 248-344-4747 Ed & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, 117 State St., Hillsdale, MI 49242 877-377-0779 Escapades Travel, P.O. Box 574, Walled Lake, MI 48390 248-672-8335 Silver & Gold (sponsored by Harry J. Will Funeral Home) P.O. Box 734, Novi, MI 48376 734-564-3938 Step on Bus Tours, 215 W. Troy St., Ste. 2046, Ferndale, MI 48220 248-619-6692 HOST: ABOVE & BEYOND TOURS Port Huron to Mackinac Yacht Race—”Race Day” A Unique Annual Event. Cruise to the starting point aboard the Huron Lady II. Includes dinner at the River Crab in St. Clair. July 14, 2012, Fee: $129 per person. Walk the “Mighty Mac” - 55th Annual Bridge Walk. Includes 1 night lodging at the Kewadin Casino—The Shores and gaming time at St. Ignace & Sault Ste. Marie, September 2-3, 2012, Fee: $229 double, $279 single. HOST: ED & TED’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE A Mystery Trip—”Where in the world are we going?” Includes bus transportation, 2 nights accommodations, admission to attractions and meals. July 17-19, 2012, Fee: $469 double, $599 single, $439 triple Natures Best: Alaska & Alaska Cruise—from Anchorage to Fairbanks, August 7—19, 2012 (13 days / 12 nights) Fee: $4,876 double, $5,606 single, $4,756 triple. HOST: ESCAPADES TRAVEL Chicago Blues Weekend—”29th Annual Chicago Blues Festival.” Includes 2 nights at Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza and assorted meals / events. June 8-10, 2012. Fee: $422 double, $616 single. $398 triple. New York City—including the original Greenwich Village food & cultural walking tour. 3 nights at the Novotel Hotel in Midtown, assorted meals / events. June 15—20, 2012, Fee: $1,299 double, $2,099 single, $1,129 triple. The “War Horse” on stage in Toronto. Includes round trip train Via Rail, 2 nights at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, assorted meals / events. July 27-29, 2012, Fee: $681 double, $839 single, $653 triple. Passport required. HOST: SILVER & GOLD CLUB / DIAMOND MEMORABLE TOURS / HARRY J. WILL FUNERAL HOME “9 to 5” the Musical—Huron Country Playhouse, Grand Bend, Ontario. Includes lunch at Hessenlands Country Inn. Fee: $85 per person. Passport required. HOST: STEP ON BUS TOURS The Elegant Edsel & Eleanor Ford Mansion. Includes motor coach, docentled mansion tour, Belle Isle tour & lunch at a private Yacht Club. June 13, 2012, Fee: $65 per person. Shrines, Basilicas and Hallowed Ground—Washington DC and Baltimore. Includes motor coach, lodging, meals / events, snacks and goodie bags. July 11-14, 2012, Fee: $599 per person 16 Northville Community Center + Northville Art House = Artwork for Sale! Northville Senior Advisory Commission member, Kathy O’Brien and Northville Art House Director, Joan Thomas have partnered to bring original art work to the center. “Looking around our lovely Northville Community Center, my friends and I thought it might be time to update the pictures on the walls,” commented Kathy. Kathy brought her idea to the Senior Advisory Commission, which put procedures in place to create a win-win situation. Kathy explained, “the artists and their work get more exposure, and admirers can purchase the works to enhance their homes.” All artwork will be on display for three months and then changed out to new talent. Please contact the front desk if you are interested in purchasing one of the works of art or stop by the Northville Art House for a larger selection of paintings, sculptures, jewelry, etc. C O M M U U Kathy O’Brien displaying works from two of the Northville Art House members. “Sunset in the Country” is currently on display and for sale in the center’s living room. N I T Y N E W S 17 Greektown Casino With more than 2,500 of the most exciting slots and video poker machines, action-packed table games and a live poker room, Greektown Casino in Detroit is 100,000 square feet of pure gaming thrills! Trip includes round trip motor-coach transportation, 5 hrs of gaming and receive $20 in incentives. Bus will depart at 9:00 a.m. from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office and return at 3:30 p.m. Registration deadline, May 10. The minimum for this trip is 25. There are no refunds. C A S I N O ACTIVITY # 295503.11 DAY Thursday DATE May 17 TIME 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. FEE $25 Firekeepers Casino This Firekeepers Casino offers a Las Vegas style gaming floor with over 2,680 of the latest slot and video poker games, 78 table games including blackjack, craps, roulette, a live poker room and exclusive high limit area. Trip includes round trip motor-coach transportation and 4 hours of gaming, $20 players cards and a $5 food voucher. Bus will depart at 9:00 a.m. from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office and return at 4:00 p.m. Registration deadline, June 12. The minimum for this trip is 25. There are no refunds. ACTIVITY # 295503.12 DAY Tuesday DATE June 19 TIME 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. FEE $30 Soaring Eagle Casino T R I P S Join us for this enjoyable trip to one of Michigan’s premiere casinos with over 4,000 slots that pay out over $140 million a month! You’re sure to find your favorite game including blackjack, craps, mini-baccarat and many more. Trip includes round trip motor coach transportation, 4 hours of gaming and receive back a $20 Player’s card & $5 food voucher! Bus will depart at 9:00 a.m. and return at 6:00 p.m. from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office. Please register no later than July 10, 2012. The minimum for this trip is 25. There are no refunds. ACTIVITY 295503.13 DAY Tuesday DATE July 17 TIME 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. FEE $30 Greektown Casino Get $20.00 back per person in casino incentives. Registration deadline, August 14. The minimum for this trip is 25. There are no refunds. ACTIVITY 295503.14 18 DAY Tuesday DATE August 21 TIME 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. FEE $25 Historic Indian Village Home & Garden Walking Tour Join us for the 39th annual Historic Indian Village Home & Garden Walking Tour. This tour will include both houses and churches in the beautiful Indian Village neighborhood of Detroit. The historic homes feature a variety of architectural details that can best be described as eclectic. A box lunch, including sandwich, chips, small salad, fruit, dessert bar and beverage will be included. The hop-on, hop-off shuttle will be available at various spots along the route, but the tour is designed as a walking tour. The bus departs from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office at 9:00 a.m.. Due to the era of the homes’ construction, with narrow hallways and stairs, they will not be wheelchair or walker accessible. Please register by May 17. The minimum for this trip is 10. There are no refunds. Activity # 295509.27 Day Saturday Date June 6 Time 9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Fee $42 D Ernie Inspired by the life of legendary Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell, Albom’s two-man play features “Harwell” and “the boy” — a mysterious figure who sparks Harwell’s memories during the night of his farewell speech at Comerica Park. Three video screens back the two actors, with actual Harwell calls and Major League Baseball highlights used to complement the on-stage action. Lunch will be on your own at Hockeytown Café. The bus departs from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office at 11:00 a.m. Please register by June 20. Minimum of 10 required. No refunds. Activity # 175404.02 Day Thursday Date July 26 Time 11:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Fee $35 Come relax on a scenic cruise along the Detroit River! Enjoy lunch (included in price) at the classic Portofino restaurant, and then set sail aboard the Coast Guard Certified Portofino Friendship. The bus departs from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office at 10:00 a.m. Please register by June 6. Minimum of 10 required. No refunds. Day Wednesday Date August 15 Time 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Y T R I Portofino on the River Activity # 196534.04 A P S Fee $45 Detroit Tigers Games Take me out to the ballgame …….. Bring your friends and cheer on the Tigers at Comerica Park! Trip includes transportation, ticket, soft drink and hot dog. The bus departs from the parking lot across from the Northville Post Office at 11:30 a.m. Registration deadline is August 27 for the September 27 game. No refunds. Activity # Day Date Time Fee 396530.10 Thursday July 19 (Los Angeles) SOLD OUT $40 396530.11 Thursday September 27 (Kansas City) 11:30 a.m. – 6:00p.m. $40 19 BINGO Thursday, May 10 & Thursday, June 14 Sponsored by: Oakmont Senior Living Prizes & refreshments provided. Pre-registration is required by calling 248-349-4140 Northville Community Center 303 W. Main Street Northville, MI 48167 Do you enjoy this publication? Now is the time to think about purchasing the new 2012 bi-monthly subscription, renewing an existing subscription or giving a subscription as a gift! The cost for the January thru December mailing is only $12! Call 248-349-4140 to inquire.
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