Whispers-20131016 - Overnewton Anglican Community College
Whispers-20131016 - Overnewton Anglican Community College
Volume 27.30 16th October 2013 MR JIM LAUSSEN, Principal [email protected] This week, we say farewell to our Year 12 students as they conclude formal classes and commence their final preparation for their exams. It is a time of mixed emotions for staff as we share in the excitement of watching young men and women ready to move onto the next stage of their lives whilst being sorry that we will not enjoy seeing them every day on that part of their journey. When this group started at the College in 2001, there were 150 Preps. 89 of those Preps graduate from Overnewton this week. This means that just over half of the Class of 2013 have been with us for the entirety of their schooling. Whilst that group of students should not be seen to be more important than the rest of their peers, it is a significant statistic for any school and one of which we can be immensely proud. Over the 13 years, the families of these students have each contributed a minimum of 886 hours of service. This equates to 23.6 weeks of full time work. Again, this is an amazing statistic and one that truly shows how incredible the support each Overnewton student has received from their parents in their time at the College. There is no other school in the country where parents have given so much time to support their child‟s education and it continues to be such a privilege to work in a community that has such a strong ethic as this. We say farewell to 97 families whose last child graduates from the College this year and I must thank those families for their contribution that has contributed to making Overnewton the College that it is today. We can be very proud of the achievements of this group of Year 12 students and for the manner in which they have carried themselves as their time with us has drawn to its conclusion. We look forward to welcoming them into the Old Collegians Association so that their connection to the College continues well beyond this year. I am sure that I speak on behalf of the entire community in wishing the Class of 2013 a successful coming few weeks of examinations and a meaningful and happy life in the next stage of their lives. PARENTS AFTERNOON TEA WITH THE PRINCIPAL Mr Laussen will again be holding informal opportunities for parents to meet with him over a cup of tea. Please feel free to call in should you wish to have a chat, ask a question, or share a good news story about your child. TERM 4 2013 Principal’s Office Keilor Campus Meeting Room Taylors Lakes Campus 21st October 7th and 21st November 5th December 18th November 2nd December Time: 2.30—3.30pm READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 1 COLLEGE DATES Wednesday 16th October Thursday 17th October Thursday 17th October 19th-20th October Monday 21st October Tuesday 22nd October Thursday 24th October Saturday 26th October Year 12 Closure Day Year 12 Final Assembly and Luncheon VCE Performing Arts Evening 7pm Year 9 Model Solar Vehicle Challenge Casual Clothes Day for Country Fair Keilor Film Festival-Keilor Campus Sports and Performing Arts Building, 7pm VCE Performing Arts Evening, 7pm Working Bee at Both Campuses MR ROB HUNTINGTON, Head of Keilor Campus [email protected] WHAT ARE THE SKILLS NEEDED BY STUDENTS FOR LIFE? During the term break, I attended the annual conference of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders in Canberra, which had the theme of “The Future is Now”. One of the presentations was by the Canadian designer, entrepreneur and author, Lee Crockett, on the topic “What are the skills needed by students for life?”. In his presentation, Lee Crockett listed the following as being some of the necessary skills for life: Global Digital Citizenship: showing online responsibility Solution fluency: being able to follow a process of problem solving. Media fluency: being able to absorb and make effective use of information General citizenship: including being responsible, providing altruistic service to the community and showing environmental stewardship. The first skill, Global Digital Citizenship, is significantly linked to part of the address by our Principal, Jim Laussen, at Presentation Night this week. We live in a country of over 22 million people, of which 18% are under 15 years of age, in which there are more mobile phones than people and 56% of students use social media to collaborate about homework. All of this is in a world in which 90% of global online information was created in the last two years. Lee Crockett discussed at some length the need for students to be responsible for their own digital footprint and behaviour in the online environment. This included the concept of a Digital Citizenship Agreements for schools, the need for online respect and protection for students, others in the community and for intellectual property. In relation to intellectual property, there is no difference between the traditional and the online world. Piracy of music, movies or photos is stealing and Lee suggested use of sites such as Creative Commons, where permission is provided for photo sharing. At Overnewton, an agreement exists in the form of our policy for the Responsible Use of ICT devices. We also know that when it comes to some aspects of technology, students are often more knowledgeable than older generations and a Digital Dialogues Committee has been working on a program in which students use their expertise to educate teachers and parents. The result is an interactive evening consisting of a hypothetical, role-plays and an online quiz which will take place soon. This evening provides one vehicle for students to demonstrate their digital citizenship and help another generation understand the real benefits of social media and resources when used well. In Mr Laussen‟s address this week, he made the strong point about the need for students to self manage their digital responsibilities, problem solve issues and generally show the iRespect that is the College‟s theme for 2013. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 2 JUNIOR SCHOOL - KEILOR CAMPUS COMING EVENTS TERM 4 , 2013 DATES Friday 18th October Friday 18th October Prep 2014 Transition Day 2 – 2.00pm – 3.00pm Chapel – Year 4, 1 and Prep– 1.40pm – 2.15pm Year 2 and 3, 2.45-3.20pm – Assembly Hall 3C Hosting Casual Clothes Day for Country Fair House Lunch Chapel – Prep – Year 2 – 1.40pm – 2.15pm Year 3 and 4, 2.45-3.20pm – Assembly Hall 2P Hosting Assembly 2.30pm – 3.15pm – Assembly Hall Year 3 Camp (Weekaway) Prep 2014 Transition Day 3 – 2.00pm – 3.00pm Chapel – Year 4 and Prep– 1.40pm – 2.15pm Year 2 and 1, 2.45-3.20pm – Assembly Hall 2MH Hosting Monday 21st October Thursday 24th October Friday 25th October Monday 28th October 30th October – 1st November Friday 1st November Friday 1st November TERM 4 Summer Uniform OR Winter Uniform from 7th October to 1 November Summer Uniform to be worn from Wednesday 6th November JUNIOR SCHOOL-KEILOR CAMPUS Head of Junior School, Keilor Campus, Ms Anne Mc Naughton [email protected] MR LAUSSEN MEETS WITH YEAR 4 In the last week of Term 3 Mr Laussen came to speak to the Year 4 students about decision making at Overnewton as part of their Inquiry Unit, Societies have different structures for making decisions. The students listened attentively as Mr Laussen explained the various structures we have at Overnewton for decision making. Mr Laussen discussed day to day and long term decision making: at class, school, campus and College levels. Highlighting that not all decisions are made by him or the board and making the point that in fact, the students themselves make numerous decisions all the time. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs The students were intrigued to learn about the various decision making processes at Overnewton. They prepared many questions and enjoyed the opportunity to ask these personally and to hear Mr Laussen‟s responses. UNITS OF INQUIRY The final units of Inquiry for 2013 see all students investigate an inquiry into the ways in which we: discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. Below are each year levels central idea, you will notice that the central idea is developed as the students progress through Junior School. Prep In a community people have roles and responsibilities Year 1 Systems in the community keep people safe Year 2 Celebrations and traditions are expressions of shared beliefs and values. Employment exists to enable society to function. Year 3 There are many systems involved in the production, supply and distribution of food. Year 4 A person’s behaviour and how they choose to present themselves project aspects of their identity TERM 4 CAMPS Students in Years 2, 3 and 4 are all abuzz as they begin to talk about cabin buddies and activities for their upcoming camps in Term 4. These camps offer opportunities for growth and development for the students. A wide range of activities offer a sense of adventure and team building, providing opportunities to develop leadership, initiative and problem solving skills as well as many essential personal and interpersonal skills. The camping experience also reinforces the five “You Can Do It!’’ keys of: Getting Along, Confidence, Resilience, Persistence and Organisation. (Continued on page 4) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 3 (Continued from page 3) Year 2 will head off to Mt. Evelyn Recreation Camp for two days/ one night while Year 3 will go to Lancefield Weekaway for three days/ two nights and Year 4 will head to Camp Manyung, Mt Eliza for three days/ two nights. All of these venues meet the strict requirements and OH&S regulations that Overnewton demands for its students. Parents often worry about what their children will eat whilst on camp. All of these venues provide a very generous nutritious menu which includes a variety of foods, whilst ensuring strict adherence to specific food allergy regulations. Students are only required to bring food for snack and lunch on the first day and are not permitted to bring lollies or food for midnight snacks or extra food in case they get hungry. There is always plenty of food for all children and nobody is ever hungry. There have been many instances where a new food is attempted and actually enjoyed! Camps are an amazing experience for our students. They will arrive back exhausted, full of stories of adventure, fun times, a sense of achievement and we mustn‟t forget the bag of dirty washing! Philippa Piper Year 3 – 4 Co-ordinator Keilor Campus JUNIOR SCHOOL-KEILOR CAMPUS, HOUSE PROGRAM Our final House event for the year will be held on Wednesday 20th November from the beginning of the day until lunchtime using all sports areas in the school. Staff will be involved in running some sports activities that have been planned for our students. Students will earn House points from the activities and the House Trophy for Term 4 will be presented at the conclusion of the event. Regular break times will remain for recess and lunch. Students will complete the activities in their House groups and parents are welcome to attend. Students will all wear sports uniform including a hat and bring a full drink bottle, which they will carry with them to each event. As per the Overnewton Sunsmart policy, students without hats will only be able to participate in activities that are undercover or indoors. Junior School House Leaders - Rachel Crandles, Rachel Crowther, Kersti Mowat and Liam Castellas JUNIOR SCHOOL-KEILOR CAMPUS STUDENTS OF THE WEEK The following students received a Student of the Week Certificate this week. Prep C Victoria Pearce for making excellent text to text connections and writing detailed responses to stories Prep MK Cooper Cahir for being resilient and a great role model for others Prep R Joel Anderssen for persisting with his reading and never giving up 1GK Alana Gorgiovski for her determination to solve mathematical problems and explain her thinking 1GK William Rubie-Jackson for being a kind and caring classmate who includes and accepts others 2MH Miya Matsuzaki-Baxter for displaying excellent time management and organisational skills 2MH Claudia Patsiouris for honouring our classroom values and being forgiving when someone makes a mistake 2ML Angela Bell for taking the initiative to solve a problem with her friends and achieving a positive outcome 2ML Jasmine Cantarella for persevering and displaying a positive attitude towards her Term 3 Post Maths Test 2P Joshua Addamo for „getting along‟ with all of his peers and being an honest and reliable member of the class 2P Dylan Blizzard for putting in his best handwriting effort and persisting with his presentation 2P Coco Beg for being caring and considerate of others 2P Tanay Toshniwal for being a friendly member of 2P and including others in discussions 2P Laura Brandt for challenging herself as a learner to reach her full potential 2T Elena Schaber for reading fluently and using inferring and prior knowledge to answer questions 2T Dakota Garito for always confidently sharing her knowledge and understandings with the class 2T Madison Wilson for confidently sharing in class discussions about her understanding of fact and opinion statements 3C Jada Mara for continuing to display „Getting Along‟ skills with the other students in our class 3C Lochlann Sacco for displaying enthusiasm in all class activities, always willing to be an active learner 3G Jessica Torey for working safely and cooperatively in pair and team work situations 3E Emma Donnellan for making better spelling choices when trying to spell new words 4L Lachlan van Rosmalen for his wonderful and insightful contributions during class discussions 4NK Maya Smith for loving being organised. Maya uses her school diary as a task list so as to stay goal orientated and is an example to her peers 4NK Hoang Le for demonstrating great confidence throughout the year. Hoang‟s optimistic attitude is present when he attempts any work task and it is quite contagious When you organise or contribute hours towards the Family Contribution Scheme ALWAYS ask the person who is allocating the task, “Where should I sign in my hours?”. PARENT EDUCATION EVENING On 28th OCTOBER At 7pm Make sure you WRITE YOUR NAME CLEARLY and include your child‟s name if it is different to your own. SPORTS AND PERFORMING ARTS BUILDING KEILOR CAMPUS Include your HOME TELEPHONE number also, to help us allocate your hours correctly. DIGITAL DIALOGUES Susan Bates Community Development (9334 0143) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers See page 15 of this edition for full details Page 4 MRS TRACY FIELDER, Head of Junior School, Taylors Lakes Campus [email protected] YEAR 1 AND 2 SWIMMING There was great excitement among Year 1 and 2 students on Tuesday as they boarded the bus for their first swimming lesson. They were eagerly anticipating the splash and smell of the pool. The Junior School Swimming program is a compulsory part of Overnewton curriculum. The students attend a nine day intensive swimming program at ‘Flippers Swim School’. Professional swimming instructors provided by Flippers teach small groups of our students at similar skill levels. Students who are not swimming must have a medical certificate prior to the day. The swimming program is a formal part of our curriculum and all students are expected to participate unless there is a medical reason. No doubt there will be some sore and tired students during the swimming program as they utilise muscles to jump, float, glide, dive and move around in the water. Swimming is a fun but valuable learning experience for students in the Junior School. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs PREP INQUIRY As part of their inquiry into roles and responsibilities of people in a community Prep students participated in an excursion to Keilor Village. Students visited a hairdresser, butcher, greengrocer and baker to investigate what jobs they do and the special equipment and materials they use in their day to day work. Students had lunch in the park and happily explored the playground before returning to school. "I loved it when we went to the park and had our Bakers Delight finger bun" Valentina Prep MA "The dough was so sticky" Jessica Prep ME "We saw a pig's legs hanging up in the butcher shop" Jerard Prep PT Mrs Fielder was invited along to the Prep centre to discuss with the students her roles and responsibilities as Head of the Junior School. Students heard Mrs Fielder talk about Images have been removed the ways she looks after students by helping them remain to meet privacy needs happy and safe and continue to learn. Prep students asked some quality questions to find out more information about the work that Mrs Fielder does. We look forward to Mrs Fielder visiting the Prep classrooms to read stories and talk about her favourite books to read. YEAR 2D VEGETABLE GARDEN 2D have been busy harvesting their crops which have grown rampantly over the past few months following lots of tender loving care. The vegetables were planted to deepen understandings of „Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves‟ following an inquiry into this central idea. The Year 2s continued to use this inquiry focus by playing the role of vender to sell the wonderful produce which assisted the students to see why „Employment exists to enable society to function.‟ Students have also been working cross- curricular using their numerical money calculating skills to work out costs and change for purchases. 2D raised a fantastic total of $66.65 which will be donated to Chibobo. They would like to thank all of their supporters throughout the experience, especially those who kindly donated plants, seedlings and Mr Desira for watering over the holidays and of course, the purchasers. The leftover vegetables will be used to make soup. Yum! Well done Year 2D. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs JUNIOR SCHOOL - TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS COMING EVENTS TERM 4, 2013 DATES 16th – 18th October Thursday 17th October 21st – 31st October Tuesday 22nd October 28th – 30th October Thursday 31st October Sonia Mediero Prep – Year 2 Co-ordinator Year 4 Camp Prep 2014 Transition 1 Assembly – 2D hosting Prep Swimming Prep 2014 Transition 2 Year 3 Camp Assembly – 2F hosting READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 5 MRS JAN JOLLEY, Head of Middle School, Keilor Campus [email protected] MR TIM MAHON, Head of Middle School, Taylors Lakes Campus [email protected] TERM 4 We would like to thank all students, parents and staff for the very smooth beginning to Term 4. Student have settled back quickly into the routines of Middle School, enabling immediate engagement and effective use of their learning time. HOME – SCHOOL COMMUNICATION If you would like to discuss any issues, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant staff via the student diary, email, or by phone, as we look forward to continuing to successfully work in partnership with all Middle School families. UNIFORM It is fantastic to see so many students wearing their uniform so well and we are very proud of the way they look. Parents, please remember that students are to wear full Overnewton school uniform in its correct form. An outline of the uniform requirements is to be found on pages 17 -20 of the student diary, but a few small things to note are: Hats are to be worn during breaks for Term 1 and Term 4. Blazers need to be worn to and from school.[except during Term 1 and Term 4 on days where the forecast temperature is 30c] Shiny black leather lace up shoes to be worn. Earrings must be studs or plain sleepers only. Only one earring per ear and in the lobe of the ear. A watch and small cross (worn under the uniform) are the only other jewellery to be worn. Make-up and nail polish should not be worn to school. Hair must be tidy at all times which supports the school policy of prohibiting extreme hairstyles. Hair which touches the uniform collar or longer must be (fully) tied back. For our sports uniform, it must be full Overnewton attire. MIDDLE SCHOOL – IMPORTANT DATES FOR TERM 4 14th October – 27th November 15th – 18th October 18th October 21st October 22nd October 23rd October 28th October 28th – 20th October Taylors Lakes Campus Year 8 Physical Education program – GoodLife Fitness Centre and Fitafex Boxing Gym Taylors Lakes Campus Year 7 Lake Dewar Camp Taylors Lakes Campus Year 8 - Visit by author and award winning journalist – Tim Pegler Casual Clothes Day for Country Fair Keilor Campus Year 5 Waxworks Presentation Year 8 Religious Studies Excursion Taylors Lakes Campus Year 7 Ancient Worlds Incursion Taylors Lakes Campus Year 5 Lady Northcote Camp IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OVERNEWTON FAMILIES Some vacancies still exist for Prep 2014 Parents who have a child attending Overnewton College and are interested in obtaining a position for other siblings in their family should contact the Registrar, Diane King on 9334 0141 and request an application form as soon as possible. As part of the “Conditions of Entry” to Overnewton Anglican Community College, signed by all families upon confirmation of enrolment “One full term’s written notice is required to withdraw a student from the College. If one full term’s notice is not given to the College, one full term’s fees will be charged.” If you have a child who will not be returning to Overnewton in or in 2014 please ensure that you notify the Registrar, Mrs Diane King in writing. Email: [email protected] READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 6 MR DEREK SUMMERTON, Head of Canowindra [email protected] STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Our Year 9 Debating Team of Erandi Banneyake, Freya Clemens, Natasha Anderson, Steven Lam and Marie Kantharidis entered the Quarter Finals of the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV) debating last term at Genazzano. They were very well prepared to debate against the challenging topic: “We should prefer direct action to a carbon tax to combat climate change.” Unfortunately they did not get through but lost by just one point out of an available 240 points! An amazing performance. PUBLIC SPEAKING Class winners of the House Be Heard Competition presented during the last Assembly of Term 3 are listed beliow. Their public speaking ability was quite outstanding. Well done to all and especially our place getters: 1st Jessie Cameron (Curie) 2nd Lachlan Stevenson (Pasteur) 3rd Erandathie Banneyake (Edison) And: Curie: Edison: Pasteur: Steven Lam, Marie Kantharidis and Michaela Bajraszewski Chantelle Dawoud Isabella Markovski and William Campbell MODEL SOLAR VEHICLE CHALLENGE Images have been removed to meet privacy needs Jay Critchley and Peta Skinner are taking our Model Solar Vehicle team to Scienceworks on Sunday 20th October for our first attempt at this annual challenge. We are looking forward to participating in this event and reporting how we perform. VISIBLE THINKING Our Open Learning Area has a new addition; the “Visible Thinking Blackboard”. Each week we add a question, challenge or a request for reflection or feedback, for students to respond to. The first challenge was palindromes. Within a day the board was covered in palindromes in the form of words and phrases. CANOWINDRA IMPORTANT DATES - TERM 4 DATES Sunday 20th October Model Solar Vehicle Challenge Monday 4th November Mid Term Holiday Tuesday 5th November Melbourne Cup Day Wednesday 13th November Report Writing Day (student free day) Monday 18th November Exams Tuesday 19th November Exams Thursday 21st November Racing for the Future camp leaves Sunday 24th November Racing for the Future camp returns Monday 25th November Focus Week 8 Thursday 5th December Year 9 Social Monday 9th December Step-up Program at Senior School Tuesday 10th December Digital Portfolio Presentations (all day) Wednesday 11th December Final Assembly Please consider the environment Register to receive Whispers via email Visit our website and record your email address to receive a colour version of Whispers weekly, via email. www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/email_registration_form.php READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 7 MR TIM JEZARD, Head of Student Services [email protected] UPCOMING EVENT: DIGITAL DIALOGUES (see flyer at the end of Whispers). We are looking forward to this upcoming event, aimed to inspire conversations between parents and children. The evening will be filled with interactive role plays and quizzes. Here is a sample to start those conversations….. What does ASL stand for? a. Assessment Services Limited b. Age, Sex, Location c. Awesome Super Life d. Active Server Language Which statement is false? a. It is illegal to play GTA5 if you are under 18 b. It is illegal to buy GTA5 if you are under 18 c. 14 year old are allowed to play R +18 games d. It is legal to buy 18+ games if you are 18 What does the Skype symbol look like? a. A blue background with a white bird b. A white S in a blue bubble c. A blue S in a white bubble d. A blue camera on a white background MS JANENE LOKAJ, Head of Sport Taylors Lakes Campus [email protected] MRS NIKKI LITTLE, Head of Sport Keilor Campus [email protected] SPORT RESULTS YEARS 5-9 YEAR 5/6 SPORT The first three weeks of Term 4 for the Year 5 students at both campuses will be devoted to the preparation of the teams for the upcoming interschool sporting program. The sports the students will be trailing in during this period are newcombe (version of volleyball whereby you can catch the ball), t-ball (something like softball but with no pitcher), basketball, European Handball and a new sport of speedball (a mixture of soccer and football). The students from the Taylors Lakes Campus were able to try speedball out on the last day of last term and from all reports enjoyed it immensely. The staff in charge said it was more soccer than football and they didn‟t apply all of the scoring options associated with the sport but the students gave it a good try and at least the staff members taking this sport have had a little practice also. The Year 6 students will be engaged in minor games during this time but as from Week 4 they will turn their attention to the preparation of the 2014 ACS teams. This program is in its third year and we have found it a very valuable process as it gives us time to fully prepare our teams for the following year. The Year 7 results have shown a significant improvement since the implementation of this program. YEAR 7 This round saw the recommencement of the summer season of ACS sport and it was a great come back from the boys‟ softball team after a disappointing start and trailing 12 runs – 4 that was one of the many highlights of the round. The boys did not lose their heads and improved their fielding and batting to overhaul the deficit. The third innings marked their comeback with 10 runs batted adding to their total of four from the previous two innings and in turn getting Thomas Carr all out without adding to their score. Hopefully in future games they will start off stronger but these were very encouraging signs for the remainder of the season. The girls too had a good win with some excellent pitching from Bonnie Holman and Dana Curcic displaying great batting skills. Aleesha Samuel, Lauren Puches, Chelsea Marchment and Georgia Lethlean all put in great efforts also. Great serving from Katrina Bajraszewski and Georgia Cooper enabled the volleyball A team to dominant the match. Jeanne Li demonstrated improvement in her match play and the team was much improved. Jacinth Kunapo and Molly Mc Crudden were named best on court from the girls‟ volleyball A match. It was a great win by the boys‟ cricket team this round by 41 runs. The highlight of the win was not their skill with the bat or the ball but their encouragement of each other throughout the game and their organisational ability that enabled the team to focus on the job at hand. Best with the bat were Jye Craggill (31 runs) and Alex Bentley (22 runs) and with the ball Jeremy Binu Varkey 1/3 off four overs. (Continued on page 9) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 8 (Continued from page 8) The boys from the hockey team had a good win this week with Joshua Velardo and John Santi controlling the middle area. Jake Kutlesovski and Alex Tran had a lot of pace up front and were instrumental in setting up the win. Best on ground were Joshua Velardo, Alex Tran and Lachlan Platt. To cap off a very good round for the Year 7 teams the girls from the soccer squad were able to bring home a six goal win. Matiese Viti scored four of the goals and was named one of the best players of the match. Other key players to the win were Mallory Vandeloo and Keeley Di Martino who both scored a goal a piece and were instrumental in many of the team‟s attacks. Winners: Boys‟ softball (14 runs -12); girls‟ volleyball A (3 sets – 1); girls‟ volleyball B (4 sets – 0); girls‟ softball (14 runs – 2); girls‟ soccer (6 goals – 0); boys‟ table tennis (9 sets – 7); girls‟ tennis (11 sets – 1); boys‟ hockey (3 goals – 0) YEAR 8 One win and one loss marked the resumption of the summer season for the girls‟ volleyball teams. The A team scored a convincing 4 sets – 0 victory while the B team went down 2 sets – 3 in a heartbreaking fifth set loss that gave Thomas Carr the win. April Ashcroft displayed consistent serving and demonstrated excellent team work skills from the A team. It was an entire team effort by the girls from the B team highlighted by by some fantastic serving just to miss out on the win. Jordan Tomkinson had his first game as captain of the softball team this round and did a superb job especially leading the way with his batting and pitching skills. James Konjarski played the role as catcher extremely well; however, the team was a little rusty in the field allowing several runs to be scored by the opposition. Generally there are good signs at this stage of the competition. The girls from the soccer team had a good first up win this round against a tough opponent in Thomas Carr. Rebecca Wrout led the way scoring three goals while Madison Krstevski scored another two and was named best on ground. Georgia Sneddon made it an even half dozen with one goal. Mehtaab Singh scored a game high 40 runs not out (retired) in the boys‟ cricket match this week. Daniel Guisti kept the scoring ticking over with another 19 runs along with Dillon Hewa who also scored 19. It was disappointing that too many wides and no balls were bowled which just added scores to the opposition. Improvement in this aspect of the game is necessary to complement their batting skills and then hopefully they can achieve the win. Key Players from the girls‟ tennis match were Olivia Panayiotidis, Emily Papageorge Courtney Stokes, Keilani Evans and Julia Esposito. Highlights from the games were the pairings of Megan Henderson / Greta Egan and Megan Mc Dermott / Julia Genis who each won their first set in doubles for the year. It‟s great that our developing players have been continuing to learn and improve their tennis during the mid-season break. The score from the boys‟ hockey match did not reflect the quality of the game and the effort made by the Overnewton side. It was a matter of the opposition shots at goal being accurate while unfortunately, the Overnewton team missed theirs. The players tired in the second half due to the lack of bench time; however, they did not give up. Ben Serrano scored the team‟s only goal with best on ground going to Andrew Metz, Rixon Wong and Andre Martinovici for their tireless effort on the pitch. One win and one loss were the results from the basketball matches at this level. The boys from the A team continued their undefeated season with a great win over Thomas Carr who were never beaten in the ACS competition in 2013. It was the lead established at the start of the game by James Savvidis who scored 10 of his 12 points in the 1 st half of the game. Richard Leenaars dominated in the second half with 16 points. The B team was not on their game this round and struggled throughout the match and suffered their first loss of the season. Two points were each scored by Evander Korras, Daniel Arceri and Callum Stephens. Winners: Girls‟ volleyball A (4 sets – 0); boys‟ softball (20 runs – 9); girls‟ soccer (6 goals – 1); girls‟ tennis (11 sets – 1); boys‟ basketball A (47 pts – 36); boys‟ table tennis (15 sets – 1) YEAR 9 The weather for the first round of the recommencement of the summer season was typical of a winter encounter rather than a summer one with two of the sports, cricket and tennis, both declared a draw due to the inclement weather and the unsuitability of the playing surface. All other matches were played and the results for most of them were very encouraging and kept teams high on the ladders. Leading the way is the girls‟ softball team who were unbeaten at the break and they have continued to show their brilliance at this stage of the season to keep a solid hold on the top of the ladder. Charlotte Lake and Steliani Constas were a great pitching and catching combination that kept the Tomas Carr team on the back foot for most of the game. Megan Lam took two great catches in the field and as the team was very strong, the umpires had to employ the mercy rule as the score blew out to a 15 run deficit. The boys‟ softball team played out an 8 run draw with a homerun and magnificent catch from James Koroneos one of the highlights from this match. Sam Tenni was great as the team‟s catcher and the entire team put in a strong effort to force the draw. It was an easy encounter for the girls‟ soccer team, this round; however, it gave them good practice for the tougher matches coming up later in the term. Goal scorers from this match were Minne Hudaverdi who scored three of the team‟s six goals, Emily Stipic (2 goals) and Sally Tan was able to score a goal while in turn, the team did not allow any opposition goals. The boys from the hockey team did an outstanding job this round applying the necessary pressure in attack to achieve many scoring opportunities. The final scores did not reflect the dominance of the team all over the field throughout the course of the match. The (Continued on page 10) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 9 (Continued from page 9) only area of improvement would be making the most of every scoring option that is created from the excellent play. Christopher Dawoud, Frank Cimone and Thomas Markey were named best on ground in this match. Both basketball teams brought home a win this round to keep their positions high on the ladder. It was a slow start for the A team, only leading by 2 points at the half time break. It was a much better start in the second half to keep the lead and extend it by 12 points by the final siren. Norman Dimitrijevic was the best on court scoring a game high 20 points. Other point scorers from this match were Andrew Bellinger (12 pts) and Harrison Bult (5 pts). The B team had a win by 4 points which secures their place as the team to beat in this competition. The game was dominated by Timothy Jordan as he scored 11 of the team‟s 14 points of the game. Highlights from other games: A six set win by the boys‟ from the table tennis team who sit in the number one position Winners: Boys‟ basketball A (43 pts – 29); boys‟ basketball B (19 pts – 10); boys‟ cricket (draw); boys‟ hockey (2 goals – 0); boys‟ softball (8 runs – 8 draw); girls‟ soccer (6 goals – 0); girls‟ softball (21 runs – 6); boys‟ table tennis (11 matches – 5); girls‟ tennis (draw) All players and parents are reminded that if they are still in possession of a uniform that was issued to them at the beginning of the winter season they are to be returned. Invoices will be issued shortly to those families that still have not returned uniforms to the Sport department. Players within the teams of basketball, soccer and hockey of the current season are reminded that you will need to return your uniforms at the end of your last match. Nikki Little and Janene Lokaj Heads of Sport CASUAL CLOTHES DAY Both Campuses 21st October, 2013 Here‟s a fun way to help us collect goods to sell at the Country Fair, which has been a great fundraiser for our College over the past years. All your kind donations are greatly appreciated and we are continuously overwhelmed with the generosity of goods supplied year after year. For the privilege of coming to school in casual clothes at both the Keilor Campus and Taylors Lakes Campus on Monday the 21st of October, you are asked to bring along donations for any of the following stalls. As a guide to show you what to bring, please scan the lists below. Please be careful of food use-by dates as we cannot sell out of date food items. Lucky Bottle Dip Stall Bubble bath Tomato ketchup Student Street Costume Jewellery Groceries Canned foods Paper Goods Toilet Paper Shampoo/Conditioner BBQ sauce Toiletries Spaghetti Tissues Moisturiser Honey Beans Serviettes Nail polish Vinegar Wrapped Sweets/ Lollies for prizes Football Beetroot Freezer Bags Make up/foundation Soft drink Cordial Tuna Foil Body lotion Sparking apple juices Sugar Salmon Cling Wrap Massage oil Cordials Corn Kernels Soups Straws Scented oils (as used for oil burners) Cake flavourings (vanilla etc.) Jaffa Lollies (Jaffa smashing machine) Cake Mix etc. Gift Cards Perfume Marinates Stationery Items Washing up detergent Salad dressing Music Shack Washing Liquid Deodorant Fabric softener Olive oil DVDs Candles Scribble Pads Bleach Herbs and spices CDs Disinfectant Fruit juice Videos Writing Pads Exercise Books For further information or clarification on the donation of items please feel free to contact Olga Forsythe – Student Street co-ordinator on 0402 035 428. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 10 JUNIOR SPORTS PROGRAM NETBALL RESULST UNDER 11 Overnewton Sapphires were defeated by Pinkettes 13 to 1 UNDER 13 Overnewton 1 were defeated by Pandas 15 to 13 UNDER 13 Overnewton 2 defeated Rising Meadows 14 to 8 BASKETBALL RESULTS UNDER 10 BOYS (Overnewton 1) Overnewton Team 1 had a good start to the summer season with a win over the Salvo Saints Team 2. Nice teamwork displayed, well done boys. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 14, Salvo Saints: 10 UNDER 10 BOYS (Overnewton 2) A great start to the new season. The boys put in a solid team effort with every player contributing. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 28, Avondale Raiders: 16 UNDER 12 BOYS (Overnewton 1) It was a difficult game with three new players on the team. Salvo Saints started strongly and went on to win. Result was our boys lost 8:16. We look forward to the next game. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 8, Salvo Saints: 16 UNDER 12 BOYS (Overnewton 2) What a fantastic start to the season! The boys played so well as a team considering it was their first time playing together. The OACC boys held up well to the good defence skills of Salvo Saints with great passing and fast running. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 21, Salvo Saints: 6 UNDER 12 GIRLS (Overnewton 1) What a fantastic start girls (Maya, Karissa, Emma, Tess, Olivia, Madi and Bella) for the new season. Keep up the great passing. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 22, Avondale Raiders 1: 4 UNDER 12 GIRLS (Overnewton 2) The girls had a great start to the season. Their teamwork paid off with a convincing win. An especially great result for new coach Campbell. Well done all. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 38, Aberfeldie Jets 6: 2 UNDER 12 GIRLS (Overnewton 3) We welcome Chloe, Kayla and Tara to the team; we hope you enjoy learning and playing basketball. After a brilliant effort for the first game of the season, the girls fought hard and came really close to a win. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 3: 15, Avondale Raiders 2: 18 UNDER 14 BOYS (Overnewton 1) Great start to the season, with a new team and new coach, our boys played a superb game, even though a few late goals from the opposing team closed the gap and made for a few tense moments, it was our excellent teamwork that bought it home. Well done boys. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 14, St Peter‟s 2: 12 UNDER 14 GIRLS (Overnewton 2) With a new team member this season the girls were off to a great start with a win. Everyone in the team managed to score some goals. Looking forward to a great season in U14‟s. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 42, C.S. Blue Devils: 4 UNDER 16 BOYS (Overnewton 1) It was a tough opening season game, as it was the first time the boys have played in the U16‟s. With only five players, they all had to work hard. Credit to the boys for putting in a great effort right to the very end and never giving up. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 19, St Christopher‟s 2: 31 UNDER 16 BOYS (Overnewton 2) This week‟s game was the beginning of the summer season for Overnewton 2. We have two new players joining the team – Hamish Lynn and Bailey Hunt. The boys played well together for their first game, struggling a little until half time. But then, they pulled out all stops to bring home our first win for the season. Every boy scored this week, well done!! Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 35, Avondale Raiders: 15 UNDER 16 BOYS (Overnewton 3) Great start to the season with a win for the team. In the first half of the game the boys played very well and were ahead by eight points and during the second half the other season started to catch up and scored a few goals bringing them too close for comfort. With all the parents on the edge of their seats watching the clock ticking with seconds to go, all with anticipation if their team could score another goal. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 3: 18, Taylors Lakes 9: 16 UNDER 16 GIRLS (Overnewton 1) The girls were on fire this week, winning their first game in the U16‟s. Welcome to „Grace‟ the newest member of our team. We hope the girls keep up their good work in their new division. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 29, Salvo Saints 1: 18 TIPS FOR COMPLETING YOUR FAMILY CONTRIBUTION SCHEME HOURS Take the initiative to contact workgroup co-ordinators? There is no need to wait for advertisements to appear. Feel free to call workgroup co-ordinators, especially if the activities are something that interest you, and see if they are in need of help. Susan Bates, Community Development (9334 0143) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 11 CLASSROOM ASSISTANCE Classroom Assistance positions for both Keilor and Taylors Lakes Campuses will be advertised through Whispers on a weekly basis. Most positions require a regular weekly commitment for the whole year, although in specific cases you may be able to alternate with another parent or join a roster. You are invited to apply for any position, even if your child is at another campus or different year level. Please note that the person you will be telephoning is a parent fulfilling their 18 hour commitment, so please do not phone before 7.15am or after 9.00pm. Younger siblings or sick children cannot accompany parents whilst on duty. A blue Classroom Assistance folder is kept at the front office at each campus to record your hours. Recording Hours A reminder to parents that it is your responsibility to record your own hours for classroom assistance and excursions in the folder at the front office labelled Classroom Assistance. Please ensure you write legibly and include details of your child, including the surname if you have a different name to your child, and your home telephone number. These hours are collated at the end of each term. Working with Children Check It is a Victorian Government requirement that all adults working with children have a current Working with Children Check with Overnewton College listed as a volunteer organisation. If you need to amend your details to include Overnewton College a „Change of Personal Details Form‟ can be downloaded from the Department of Justice website www.justice.vic.gov.au. Please ensure you have your card number or Post Office Receipt number when you phone to register your name. KEILOR CAMPUS If you have any concerns regarding the Classroom Assistance program at Keilor Campus please contact the relevant co-ordinator or Jennie McCullagh, Resource Officer on 9334 0086 Parent Co-ordinators Susie Gekas Jenny Ratcliff Tracy Wright Prep, Years 1 and 2, P.M.P. and Art Years 3 – 8, Senior School ACS/House Sport [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 9449 3419 0425 870 244 9336 7294 Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) Parent help is required for Perceptual Motor Program (PMP). All students in Prep and Year 1 participate in activities that develop coordination skills with Physical Education staff. Sessions will be each Tuesday from 8.45am – 10.45am and we require a regular weekly commitment. Susie Gekas 9449 3419 [email protected] Year 1 Classroom Assistance Parent help is required in 1CR on Tuesdays from 9.00am – 10.45am commencing Term 4. Susie Gekas 9449 3419 [email protected] Year 1 Excursion Parent help, including First Aid trained parent is required for a Year 1 Excursion to IMAX Theatre and National Gallery on Thursday 14th November from 9.00am – 2.30pm. Susie Gekas 9449 3419 [email protected] Junior School Art Class Prep R Thursdays 1.30pm – 3.20pm Week 2 1BK Thursdays 8.50am – 11.00am Week 1 1BK Thursdays 8.50am – 10.00am Week 2 1C Tuesdays 11.30am – 1.00pm Week 1 1GK Tuesdays 11.30am – 1.00pm Week 2 1S Thursdays 10.00am – 11.00am Week 2 2ML Tuesdays 11.00am – 12.15pm Week 2 2P Tuesdays 11.00am – 12.15pm Week 1 3G Wednesdays 11.00am – 12.30pm Weeks 1 and 2 3S Thursdays 2.00pm – 3.20pm Week 1 3S Thursdays 1.30pm – 3.20pm Week 2 Susie Gekas 9449 3419 [email protected] Junior School House Carnival Parent help is required to assist with a Junior School House Carnival on Wednesday 20 th November from 9.00am – 12.50pm. Jenny Ratcliff 0425 870 244 [email protected] Junior School Public Speaking Parent help is required in the Junior School to assist with “Speak Up” public speaking group on Wednesdays from 12.50pm – 1.20pm. Jenny Ratcliff 0425 870 244 [email protected] Year 5 Melbourne Zoo Excursion (Indonesian) Parent help, including First Aid trained is required for a Year 5 LOTE excursion to Melbourne Zoo on Wednesday 30 th October from 9.00am – 3.20pm. Jenny Ratcliff 0425 870 244 [email protected] READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 12 TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS If you have any concerns regarding the Classroom Assistance Program Resource Officer on 9334 0245. Parent Co-ordinators Melissa Lo-Iudice – Years Prep-2 0425 757 838 Michelle Schembri – Year 3 - 9 0414 907 337 Tracy Wright – ACS/House Sport 9336 7294 at Taylors Lakes Campus please contact Denise O‟Keefe, Junior School Art Room Assistance Parent help is needed to assist with the following Junior School Art classes: 1G Wednesdays 9.45am – 11am 2F Wednesdays 1.30pm – 3.30pm [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Week 2 Week 2 Melissa Lo-Iudice 0425 757 838 [email protected] Junior School Classroom Assistance Parent help is needed to assist with the following Junior School classes: 1M Wednesdays 12pm – 1pm 1M Mondays 9am – 11am 1M Tuesdays 9am – 11am 2F Mondays 9am – 10.30am 2F Fridays 9am – 10.30am 2E Mondays 9.30am – 10.30am 2E Tuesdays 9.30am – 10.30am 2E Wednesdays 9.30am – 10.30am 2E Thursdays 9.30am – 10.30am 2E Tuesdays 12pm – 1pm 2E Mondays 11am – 12.30am 2E Wednesdays 11am – 12.30am Week 1 & 2 Week 1 & 2 Week 1 & 2 Week 1 & 2 Week 2 Week 1 & 2 Week 1 & 2 Week 1 & 2 Week 1 & 2 Week 1 Week 1 & 2 Week 1 & 2 Melissa Lo-Iudice 0425 757 838 [email protected] 4NJ 4NJ Thursdays Wednesdays 9am – 11am 9am – 11am Week 1 Week 2 Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] Prep Swimming Program Parent help is needed to assist with the Prep swimming program being held from Monday 21st October to Thursday 31st October at the following times: Mon 21st, Tues 22nd, Wed 23rd PME/PP 11.15am – 12.40pm PMA 12.00pm – 1.20pm Thurs 24th, Fri 25th, Mon 28th PME/PMA 11.15am – 12.40pm PP 12.00pm – 1.20pm Tue 29th, Wed 30th, Fri 31st PP/PMA 11.15am – 12.40pm PME 12.00pm – 1.20pm Melissa Lo-Iudice 0425 757 838 [email protected] Year 5 LOTE Excursions Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 5 German and a Year 5 Indonesian excursion to the Melbourne Zoo being held on Wednesday 6th November from 9.00am – 3.20pm. Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] Year 4 Indonesian Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 4 Indonesian excursion to CERES being held on Friday 15th November from 9.00am – 3.20pm. Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] Prep Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Prep excursion to the Melbourne Zoo being held on Friday 15th November from 8.45am – 3.20pm. Melissa Lo-Iudice 0425 757 838 [email protected] Taylors Lakes Campus 2014 Year 8 Camping Program Parent help is required to assist with the Year 8 Camp to Canberra from Monday 31st March – Friday 4th April 2014. Expressions of interest should be sent by email to [email protected] or by mail, no later than Friday 22 November 2013. Please provide any relevant experience, your child‟s name and class, your postal address and a contact number. First Aiders will be required to hold a minimum Level 2 First Aid and current CPR and be prepared to do Anaphylaxis training. It is a Victorian Government requirement that all adults working with children have a current Working with Children Check with Overnewton College listed as a volunteer organisation. All email applications will receive a receipt of delivery. Hours will be credited at the conclusion of the camp. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 13 PARENT SUPPORT TEAM CANOWINDRA (Year 9) Meeting: Thursday 17th of October at Switch, Watergardens Town Centre. Taylors Lakes. Commencing at 7.30 pm. NEW PARENTS ARE WELCOME. EVERYONE WELCOME Come and join the Junior School-Taylors Lakes Campus Parent Support Team for coffee and cake ($10 per person) WEDNESDAY 23rdOCTOBER AT 7.15PM Sugar Gum Hotel (upstairs) Gourlay Road, Sydenham 3037 The Parent Support Team is a friend raising group who work closely with Year 9 staff to organise activities for the students. We are also there to help families in need during tough times. Hours will contribute to the Family Contribution Scheme. RSVP by 20th October, 2013 Please email: Junior School-Taylors Lakes Campus Parent Support Team Co ordinator [email protected] If you would like to help, come along to our meeting and join our friendly team or if you have any queries, please call Dianne Seiffert on 9307 0818 or Judy Simpfendorfer on 0431 154 589. COLLEGE SHOP OVERNEWTON PARENTS & FRIENDS BUSINESS & SERVICES DIRECTORY Support the Overnewton Community and always consult the Parents and Friends Business and Services Directory! Events on Paper custom make invitations for all occasions. For further information see page 41 of the 2013-2014 Parents & Friends Services Directory or call Karol Micallef for assistance. Special offer applies for members of the Overnewton Community This Parents & Friends Services Directory is available on line - Check it out by visiting www.overnewton.vic.edu.au. You can then download this directory or view other publications. Janine Hilton 9334 0104 The College Shop is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday every week and two Saturdays (the first and last Saturday each term) during term. Please note: the College Shop is not open during school holidays unless advertised in Whispers. TERM 3 2013 OPENING HOURS Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8.15am - 4.30pm 8.15am - 4.30pm 8.15am - 4.30pm The College Shop will be closed for lunch between the hours of 12 – 1pm _________________________________________________ SATURDAY OPENINGS 2013 Parent assistance is needed for the TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS Sausage Sizzle Group We need parents to assist with operating our Sausage Sizzle each Saturday Operating hours are 8:30am - 3:30pm (full day shift) OR the following shifts (half day) 8:30am - 12:30pm or 12:30pm - 3: 30pm All hours go towards the Family Contribution Scheme Parents from either campus can apply You will be required to serve or cook at the COVERED BBQ AREA located outside the Taylors Lakes Campus Gymnasium entrance If you are able to help, please contact us to discuss times HANAN DAWOUD - 0413 995 829 or MARY MOUTAFIS - 0400 137 716 Term 4 12th October 7th December 9 – 1 pm 9 – 1 pm EXCHANGE and REFUNDS While we are happy to exchange, you will need to keep your receipt to do so. All exchanges and refunds will only be accepted in the term of the original purchase. ZIP REPAIRS Bags requiring zip repairs can be dropped off at the College Shop the last Thursday of the term before 11am. A notice will be in Whispers with regards to the date for Term 4. We ask that you clearly mark your child‟s bag with their name and phone number contact and ensure the bags are clean. These bags are then ready for collection on the first Tuesday of the new term. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate contact Miranda Turner on 9334 0112. Note: Patches are now available from the College Shop for Junior School grey trousers and track pants Miranda Turner College Shop Manager, 9334 0112. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 14 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 15 HELPERS NEEDED!!!! OVERNEWTON COUNTRY FAIR 2013 Saturday 9thNovember All hours worked go towards the Family Contribution Scheme!! DEVONSHIRE TEAS Friday Night 8th November 5pm. – 9pm Minimum 4 hours We need parent to help bake scones at the new gymnasium at the Taylors Lakes Campus. Ingredients are supplied. Saturday 9th November 9am – 5pm Minimum 4 hours We need parents to help with serving scones, washing dishes, taking orders and money, etc. Please call after 5pm: Marijana Stipic 0429 040 069 Marianne Watson 0458 250 150 Taylors Lakes Campus BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS ! It's time to clear out your book shelves for the Country Fair Book Stall. Contact Kitty Beagley on 0404 394 954 or 9337 5586 Josephine Gusman 0410 627 403 TRASH N TREASURE DONATIONS CAN BE DROPPED OFF TO THE SHED AT TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS 19th OCTOBER 10.30am to 1pm ART AND CRAFT STALL We are looking for people to assist us in making craft items for the Fair. Newcomers Welcome!!! Please call after 5pm: Sharyn Murphy 0419 313 920 Keilor Campus SECURITY We are looking for parents who would like to assist with security during the day of the fete. Please contact: Scott Welsh 0438 550 180 HOME MADE CAKES AND SWEETS STALL The Overnewton Country Fair is rapidly approaching for another year and we would like to call on all the wonderful support we have had from our school community, to make it another successful cake stall. Cakes, biscuits, muffins, slices, savouries! Whatever your baking specialty may be, we would love to have some for our stall. Please contact: Kalli Lontos 0419-371-391 9390 8276 [email protected] or Rosie Smarrelli 9336 7256 0418-512-029 [email protected] TOYS AND SHOW BAGS STALL We are looking for parents who would like to assist during the day of the Country Fair. Please contact: Amanda 0408 127 444 or Marlean 0425 767 446 HELPERS ARE ALSO NEEDED FOR SET-UP AND CLEAN-UP Friday 8th November: Set-up from 9 am. Help is also needed on Friday night. Saturday 9th November: Assistance with stalls, car park attendants, food hall servers, golf competition, and helpers to pack-up after the Fair. Sunday 10th November: Clean-up (BYO gloves and tongs) from 9 am until finished. If you can spare any time over these three days please contact: Debbie Hinch on 0407 562 432 or [email protected] Every attempt will be made to find something to suit your available times and your preference of activity. If you are likely to have fulfilled your Term 4 commitment toward the Family Contribution Scheme prior to this, we can carry hours you contribute toward the Fair forward to Term 1 in 2014. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 16 Flick through the NEW Entertainment™ Book HERE "Each year I only need to use my Entertainment™ Book twice for it to pay for itself and I save all year long" — Audrey, Sydney Senior School Parents Support Team Purchase an Entertainment™ Book from us today. Book purchase goes towards OUR FUNDRAISING Buy your Book NOW to discover the many valuable offers in the NEW Greater Melbourne Entertainment™ Book! Books are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more! Selling for only $65, you'll receive $15,000 worth of valuable offers that you can use right away, up until 1 June 2014! The more Books we sell the more we raise so please tell your family and friends! Thank you for your continued support. Any questions please contact the Senior School Parents Support Team: Robyn Baddeley or Samantha Begg [email protected] Each Melbourne Entertainment™ Book contains over $15,000 in valuable and exclusive offers! Sunday 27th October All welcome to participate in the Senior School Parent Support Group fun day at the races . Come and enjoy a fund day at the Kilmore Harness Cup. Your day will include: Champagne, drinks and nibble upon arrival at Overnewton College-Keilor Campus Trackside table seating with the best indoor seating and views of the home straight. 3 Course Gourmet Luncheon. Admission and Race book inclusive. Bar and Tote facilities On the day there will also be fashions on the field so come dressed to impress! BOOK by 19th October - NOW only one bus Please email the [email protected] to request a booking. Payments will be made through the Keilor office by contacting Joanne Henderson 9334 0133. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 17 Country Fair 2013 STUFFED TOYS Are you sick of seeing those large oversized stuffed toys lying around your home? Here‟s your chance to get rid of them!! Whether it‟s Homer Simpson, The Red Devil or perhaps that large oversized puppy with the big brown eyes, we will be more than happy to take them off your hands – be assured that they will go to a good home!! We are bringing back to Student Street the “stomp a balloon” stall, and we are seeking your kind donations to be on display and won by the winning tickets found in the balloons Stuffed Toys with stains or tears will not be accepted Donations can be made by contacting Olga Forsythe to arrange for collection or pick up on 0402 035 428 or can be donated on the following collection dates at the Taylors Lakes Campus shed Saturday 26th October – 9am - 12noon STUDENT STREET – HELP NEEDED Come and visit “Student Street” at this year‟s Fair. It is jam packed with activities for the kids – face painting, nail art, tattoos, painting, fairy floss, popcorn, sno-kones, balloon stomping, jaffa smasha, handball footy, and so much more! Awesome prizes to be won! This is by far the coolest place for the young (and the young at heart) to be at the Fair. Grab yourself a bargain at the cosmetics/toiletries stand, there is something there for everyone! This year we have included a new activity, which will surely turn heads! This activity will be published in the up and coming Whispers and will most definitely draw a crowd. To ensure Student Street’s success, we require volunteers to help out on the day with running some of the activities. All hours worked will be allocated to your 18hr contribution in Term 4 (or Term 1, 2014). Please contact me ASAP if you are able to assist on the day and we hope to see you there! (there is also the setting up on the Friday night and packing up on the Saturday straight after the Fair – if you are able to also assist with this please let me know) Thank you. Olga Forsythe Student Street Co-ordinator Mobile: 0402 035 428 Email: [email protected] 25-27 ROBERTSONS ROAD, TAYLORS LAKES As part of the annual Country Fair, we will again be organising a Vehicle Exhibition which will consist of a variety of different exhibits. Such as... Boats Motor Bikes Race Cars Muscle Cars Date: Saturday 9th November, 2013 (weather permitting) Modified Cars Time: 10am - 2pm Concourse Vehicles Response to last year's vehicle exhibition was excellent, therefore it is happening again. We are now asking for interested persons to contact us. Members of the College Community have until Friday 18th October 2013 to prebook a spot . Any remaining spots will be allocated to persons outside the school community. Cost to enter vehicle, $10 (non-refundable); Please contact me for entry forms. Payment will be taken at gate entry. The objective of this exhibition is for people to share and talk to others about their passion for their vehicles. We expect this to create a lot of interest and it has the potential to contribute positively towards the Fair in future years. For further information please contact Gary Shackleton 0418 335 830 email [email protected] READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 18 Parent DROP-OFF/PICK-UP ZONE DUTY (formerly Yard Duty) Activities carried out by the Yard Duty parent workgroup have changed from the commencement of Term 4, 2013. Parents are now required for: Mornings from 8.30 – 9.00am Afternoons from 3.15 – 3.45pm Overnewton Country Fair 2013 COFFEE STALL The coffee stall is seeking any unopened bags of coffee beans. If you have upgraded your home coffee machine to a pod machine and have any bags of beans no longer needed, we will happily take them for this years coffee stall. Bags need to be unopened and within use by date. (Best before 9/11/13) for Yard Duty assistance at the drop-off and pick-up zones at both campuses. Please drop bags into either main administration office, clearly labelled “coffee stall”, for collection. The purpose of this duty is to assist students in safely crossing the car park at the zebra crossings. Your donation will be appreciated. If this sounds like you and you are interested please contact: OVERNEWTON COUNTRY FAIR 2013 IS CALLING FOR YOU!!!! Mary at [email protected] for Keilor Campus Andrea at [email protected] for Taylors Lakes Campus We look forward to having you on our team. DO YOU HAVE TALENT? If you love performing and would like to showcase your talent, musical, dance or singing, we would love for you to perform at the Overnewton Country Fair to be held at the Taylors Lakes Campus on Saturday 9th November. Please contact Leeane on 0401 141 406 or [email protected] to secure your time in lights!! FOOD HALL HELPERS NEEDED This year our Country Fair will be held on Saturday 9th November 2013 at the Taylors Lakes Campus. The annual Country Fair is one of our schools major fundraising events of the year and relies on the help and generosity of our community. We are calling for volunteers to assist us in the Food Hall to make this huge event possible. As is the same every year, helpers are needed throughout the weekend and in various roles. We require assistance: To set up stalls on the Friday night prior to the Fair To man stalls on Saturday and To clean up Sunday Hours will be allocated to Term 4 or can be carried forward to Term 1 2014 For more information please contact Joe Calleja 0419 008 127 MUSIC and MOVIE SHACK COUNTRY FAIR 2012 CHRISTMAS AND GIFT HAMPERS STALL DO YOU HAVE ANY OLD CD’S,DVD’S OR RECORDS?? CAN YOU SPARE AT LEAST ONE ITEM OR MORE FROM YOUR COLLECTION? We are looking for any type of Children‟s Music, Pop, Classical, Gospel, Country, New Age, Alternative, Jazz, Movies, Comedies, TV Series, Box Sets etc. What do you do with your donation? Please leave your donation marked “Music Shack” and leave it at the front office of your campus. Donations can be delivered to the shed at the Taylors Lakes Campus on Saturday 19th October, 10.30am to 1pm or If you have a larger donation and require collection please contact Nada Phillipou 0417 803 337 Are you employed full time and looking for ways to complete hours in your own time? Look no further, we have the answer! The Christmas and Gift Hamper Team, are looking for expressions of interest from anyone who would like to take advantage of a fantastic way to contribute their hours from home. Thank you for your generous support !!!! READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Newcomers welcome!! For all enquiries please call: Danielle 0425 854 028 or Maria 0412 679 194 between 6pm and 8 pm (Mon - Fri) Page 19 All Day Discounted Ride Wristbands for the Following Rides $30 – If purchased before 6th November 2013 Or $35 if purchased on the day OVERNEWTON FAIR RIDES 2013 Music Trip $6 Giant Slide 2 for $5 Sizzler (Cha Cha) $6 Cup and Saucer $5 The Claw $6 and The Tornado $6 Jurassic Inflatable $5 Note: Rides available may vary due to operational constraints __________________________________________________________________ Tear off and return to Reception at either Campus Name of Parent/Guardian ________________________________ Name of Child/Children __________________________________ No. of Wristbands _____ X $30 = $__________ (Payment by Cash (exact money please) or Credit Card only) VISA/MASTERCARD (Cross out whichever is not applicable) _______/_______/_______/_______ Expires __/__ Signature ________________________________ Note: Credit card details will be destroyed immediately this request has been processed Date __/__/__ Phone No. __________________ Note: NO CHEQUES ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT ON THE DAY, COLLECT WRISTBANDS AT STAND NEAR RIDES (ID REQUIRED) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 20
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