Sub Day! - Overnewton Anglican Community College
Volume 24.29 6 October 2010 Telephone: 9334 0000 From the Principal, Mr Jim Laussen [email protected] Welcome back to all families of the College for the last term of 2010 – I am sure that we are all asking where the year has gone. After a delightful time of long service leave it was good to be back at school at the end of last term and to catch up on the many exciting things that had occurred during my leave. For those with time on their hands, I can happily share many stories of our time overseas. From Cape Cod to London, Paris, Istanbul and Athens we touched the tip of the wonders that exist in so many parts of the world. Although we saw and shared some incredible experiences, by far the best part of the time away was spending the concentrated time with Bev and the girls, something that is not always possible in our busy daily routines. Without our jobs or the girls‟ sporting, study or performing arts activities to take up our time, we did enjoy some truly lovely moments with each other. I must say that it was good, upon our return to Australia with a couple of weeks of leave still up my sleeve, to enjoy some further centred time with the family and finishing some home projects. One newspaper article I read upon our return was about a family whose children are not expected to live to the age of eight; the two boys have become the face of „Very Special Kids‟ this year. It was impossible not to be moved as I read about what the Burnett family has experienced and the road ahead that will become progressively harder for them. One message that jumped out of the page at me was reading about several of the parents‟ high-flying friends who had placed a photograph of the two boys on their fridges as a reminder to spend time with their families. The message of the article really resonated with me as an important thing for all of us to remember and was of particular relevance having enjoyed such a selfishly, delightful time with my own family. 2010 INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS VICTORIA PARENT SATISFACTION SURVEY Once again, the College is participating in the 2010 Independent Schools Victoria Parent Satisfaction Survey. Families‟ opinions are valuable to us and we would like to invite you to participate in this survey. The aim of this survey is to gain valuable feedback from parents, and to understand your perception regarding the quality of your child‟s educational experience at Overnewton. The information obtained will be used for us to evaluate opinions of parents, in order to improve the quality of education for our children and students, and also enable benchmarking of the school against other independent schools. To complete the survey, (if on line) you can click on: sid=56575&lang=en The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by 29th October, 2010. Either parent may fill out the questionnaire or both parents may complete the survey together. We ask that you complete the survey for your ELDEST child at the school. However, you may also complete the survey for each child you have at the school, by clicking on the link again and redoing it for other children. As you work through the questionnaire, when you read „school‟, think of your child‟s school (ie Junior, Middle, Senior) and when you read „student‟, think about your eldest child. We would like to emphasise that the survey is completely anonymous. Independent Schools Victoria reports back the results to the school in aggregate only and we do not have access to individual responses nor the names of those who respond. We appreciate you taking the time to participate. I am extremely grateful to Rob Huntington, Gabe Alessandrini and Di Nunan for stepping up into various roles whilst I was on leave and to the College Board for supporting my request to take long service leave. College Mission Statement Overnewton Anglican Community College encourages and supports its students as individuals to achieve at optimum levels in a broad range of curricular and co-curricular activities and to prepare them for life as responsible members of the community with sound values based on Christian faith. The College will maintain a strong sense of community values and strive to ensure that its educational program is widely accessible and that parents, the community and the Anglican Church enjoy active roles in the life of the College. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 1 COLLEGE DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 15th October Friday 15th October Sunday 17th October Monday 18th October Parents & Friends Fair Casual Clothes Day at both campuses Leaving Parents Drinks - Atrium 6.00pm Senior School Support Group Winery Tour Presentation Night Mr Rob Huntington, Head of Keilor Campus [email protected] TERM 4 I welcome back all students to the start of term, especially the Year 12s that are only a few weeks away from their important final examinations. Practice examinations were held during the break and most other assessments are now complete. In a number of subjects, teachers held revision classes during the break to help prepare their students for the weeks ahead. Despite indifferent weather, the New Zealand and Japan tours were most successful and enjoyed by staff and students alike. The Senior School students involved certainly bring back great memories of these trips and these are lifetime experiences, particularly as they represent the first overseas experience for a number of participants. From a staff perspective, we welcome back Mr Saverio Ciccone after a term‟s long service leave. SATURDAY’S WORKING BEE A great range of work was completed on Saturday, including tree planting on the new garden development near the campus entrance, new stairs and path at reception, paved garden borders, reseeding of some patches in the central lawn, refilling the Junior School sand pit, and general cleaning, weeding and tidying necessary to ensure the campus was in terrific condition for the start of term. Thank you to all parents that attended, particularly those St Kilda and Collingwood fans that had another interest on the day. Mr Gabe Alessandrini, Head of Taylors Lakes Campus [email protected] WELCOME TO TERM 4 Welcome back everyone! I hope that you had a very relaxing and enjoyable break and that you are refreshed and ready for everything Term 4 will have to offer including warmer weather. Term breaks provide the College with the opportunity to complete many cyclic maintenance tasks as well as larger projects. Over the recent break, a significant amount of work was done on upgrading the Campus computer network enabling even better access to information and communication technology resources. WORKING BEE THANK YOU I would like to thank all of the parents who attended last Saturday‟s working bee. Although there was competition with the AFL Grand Final replay, as always, an enormous amount of work was done by the group of parents in attendance and the campus looked magnificent for the start of term. BABY NEWS We received the wonderful news over the holiday break that Mrs Felicity Woodlock and her husband Marcus welcomed into the world their son, Henry Richard (3.984 kg), on Thursday 23rd September at 9:53pm. All are doing well. SUMMER UNIFORM FOR TERM 4 Just a reminder that SUMMER UNIFORM is to be worn by Junior School and Middle School students during Term 4. The College Shop at the Keilor Campus will have all uniform items should you still require them. PRESENTATION NIGHT – MONDAY 18TH OCTOBER 2010 From the correspondence you have already received from the College, you will be aware that Presentation Night this year is being held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on Monday 18th October. This yearly event is a wonderful opportunity for the College community to celebrate the many achievements of our students for the year and is a compulsory College event for all students in Middle School, Canowindra and Senior School. Tickets can still be ordered on line at http:// Please note that tickets do not need to be ordered for students in Years 5 to 12 as they will receive theirs at school. Further correspondence regarding rehearsal schedules will be sent home to those students involved very soon. TRANSPORT BETWEEN TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS AND KEILOR CAMPUS For everyone‟s information and for the benefit of any new families that may have joined the College this term, the schedule for the intercampus bus service is as follows: MORNING BUS 1: Leaves Keilor Campus at 8:30 – 8:35am Arrives at Taylors Lakes Campus at 8:45 – 8:50am BUS 2: Leaves Keilor Campus at 8:40 – 8:45am Arrives at Taylors Lakes Campus at 8:55 – 9:00am NOTE: Bus 2 is traditionally known as the “Late Bus” because it waits for the connecting buses from Sunbury and Craigieburn before departing for Taylors Lakes Campus and depending on traffic conditions on the Calder Freeway and Old Calder Highway sometimes arrives late. (Continued on page 3) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 2 (Continued from page 2) AFTERNOON BUS 1 Leaves Taylors Lakes Campus at 3:25 – 3:30pm Arrives at Keilor Campus at 3:40 – 3:45pm BUS 2 Leaves Taylors Lakes Campus at 3:30 – 3:35pm Arrives at Overnewton Rd stop at 3:45 – 3:50pm BUS 3 Leaves Taylors Lakes Campus at 3:35 – 3:40pm Arrives at Overnewton Rd stop at 4:00pm A comprehensive bus schedule can be obtained by going to and clicking on the Moonee Ponds Hillside 476 link. Please respect the four disabled parking spaces and leave them for the members of our College community that have permits to park in those spots. Also, please do not use the staff car parking area to drop off and pick up students. In all of this, the safety of the students is of utmost importance. CAR PARK & DROP-OFF/PICK-UP ZONE PROCEDURES It is timely at the beginning of each term to remind families of the procedures for dropping off and picking up students at the beginning and end of the school day. (See Car Park Map below). As part of the “Conditions of Entry” to Overnewton Anglican Community College, signed by all families upon confirmation of enrolment “One full term’s written notice is required to withdraw a student from the College. If one full term’s notice is not given to the College, one full term’s fees will be charged.” For families that prefer to park their vehicles and accompany their children to their classrooms in the morning or wait for them at the end of the day, there are several car parking spaces in the main Campus car park or alternatively, across the road in the council car park at the soccer club. Families that prefer to drop off their children in the morning and pick them up at the end of the day without having to park their vehicles can use the drop-off/pick-up zone. This area is designed for vehicles to pull in for a short period of time (3 minutes max.) and either drop off or pick up children, and then pull out again into the main traffic flow through the car park. The drop-off/ pick-up zone is not meant to be an area for vehicles to park and wait for children to arrive. As we all know, children can sometimes take a while to get from their classroom to the dropoff/pick-up zone at the end of the day, so parking and waiting will only cause congestion within the car park which will spill out into Robertsons Road. If your child is not at the drop-off/pick-up zone when you arrive, simply do another circuit of the car park. This will keep traffic flowing. If you have a child who will not be returning to Overnewton in 2010, please ensure that you notify the Registrar, Mrs Diane King in writing at your earliest convenience. Email: [email protected] IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OVERNEWTON FAMILIES Parents who have a child attending Overnewton College and are interested in obtaining a position in Prep 2012 for other siblings in their family should contact the Registrar, Diane King on 9334 0141 and request an application form as soon as possible. 3 MINUTE DROP-OFF/ PICK-UP ZONE Vehicles CANNOT be left unattended If your child has not arrived whilst you are in the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone, please pull out and do a lap of the car park as indicated by the arrows on the map below. NO STOPPING along here 3 Staff Car Park STAFF CAR PARK For College Staff vehicles ONLY. Cannot be used to drop off or pick up students. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 3 4G Mr Ian Thompson, Head of Junior School, KC [email protected] Mrs Tracy Fielder, Head of Junior School, TLC [email protected] Welcome back to Term 4. It is hard to believe that we are now in the final term of the year already. We look forward to a busy term as the children and staff prepare for final assessment tasks, new units of inquiry, special performances and of course, camps in Year 2, 3 and 4. Term 4 is also the time that we begin to welcome in our new Preps, as well as celebrate the year that has been and begin to think about the next year level ahead for all students. There is certainly a lot to look forward to this term. I am grateful knowing that I will be a part of this exciting time at Overnewton. Towards the end of Term 3 I had the pleasure of visiting the combined campus „Challenge Day‟ at the Keilor Campus. This included selected students from Years 3 and 4 who participated in a day of problem solving activities. The children were given the task of creating a particular pair of jeans for a specific client. Their task was to design and create the product to meet their client‟s needs within a budget and a given time frame. There was certainly a great deal of thinking involved and I was very impressed with the co-operation and diligence of the children as they worked to meet their requirements. Congratulations to all students and staff involved in this event led by Mrs Silvie Myles and Mrs Lyndal Mihic. It is wonderful to see the many different opportunities our students are given at Overnewton. The staff and students also enjoyed a fabulous „Footy Day‟ on the last day of Term 4. As I wandered through the classrooms I was able to observe many different activities occurring in the classrooms that incorporated the variety of football and sporting teams that were represented. Congratulations went to the following students who won the Parents Support Team football colouring in competition. Luke Stevenson Presland Prep B Lauren Cuce Prep M Abbey Hatton 1E Jaskaran Singh 1M Alicia Kossivis 1N Dante Spataro 2L Elizabeth Bogve 2M Marcus Falzon 2TT Adrian Mascia 3AT Ebony Mountjoy 3AF Isabella Halil 3S Jaidyn Calleja 4G Madeline Cram 4M Mallory Vandeloo 4N Tracy Fielder JUNIOR SCHOOL-TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS STUDENT OF THE WEEK FINAL WEEK TERM 3 Prep M Darren Huynh for taking risks to try new things and do things in different ways 2L Catherine Honeyborne for fabulous teamwork and showing initiative during our 'Pet Shop' activity 3A Ella Petreski for working persistently to improve her writing and include capital letters and full stops 3AF Eric Huynh for a fantastic written letter from a gold digger to his family. A great achievement 3S Emma Jankulovski for displaying a thorough understanding of how to target an audience when designing a persuasive piece of writing and capture their attention Dylan Agius for his wonderful diorama and excellent speech about his heroes in Top Gear. Dylan also wrote an excellent reflection about what he is confident at and what he would like to become more confident with. AND CONGRATULATIONS TO Prep R Marco Siciliano for a beautiful presentation on spiders Prep B Maeve Petreski for being an eager student who works very hard 1M Denise Styliano for demonstrating that she could work in small groups on Maths „sharing‟ activities COMING EVENTS - TERM 4 JUNIOR SCHOOL - TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS 5th – 15th October Friday 15th October Year 1 & 2 swimming Parents & Friends Country Fair Casual Clothes Day 18th – 29th October Prep swimming 27th – 28th October Year 3 Camp Monday 1st November Mid Term Break Tuesday 2nd November Cup Day 3rd & 4th November Year 2 Camp Friday 5th November Year 4 LOTE Excursion Tuesday 9th November Prep 2011 Information Evening 10th – 12th November Year 4 Camp Thursday 11th November Prep 2011 Orientation Day Monday 29th November Junior School Carols Service Welcome back to our last term for 2010. Looking at my calendar the term is already packed with great events, camps and excursions. Coming up this month we have our Sports Carnival on Thursday 14th October. On November 29th the school will go in to St Paul‟s Cathedral for our Carols Service and on December 6th our Christmas Assembly - more information on those two events later in the term. Ian Thompson COMING EVENTS - TERM 4 JUNIOR SCHOOL - KEILOR CAMPUS Wednesday 6th October Friday 8th October Monday 11th October Thursday 14th October Friday 15th October Monday 18th October Friday 22nd October 25th - 27th October Thursday 28th October Letterland Dress Up Day – Preps. Prep 2011 Play Afternoon Assembly 2:30pm. Sports Carnival Prep 2011 Play Afternoon Jump Rope for Heart – Year 3 Prep 2011 Play Afternoon Year 3 Camp Jump Rope for Heart – Year 3. STUDENT BANKING Welcome back “Super Savers”. A reminder that banking day is Wednesday at both Campuses. Remember to bring your bank book. What are your saving for? If you would like information on student banking call Mrs Rosanna Huggett on 9390 3494. Irma Rice - Taylors Lakes Campus 0425 703 588 Student Banking Co-ordinators READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 4 Mrs Jan Jolley, Head of Middle School, KC [email protected] Mr Tim Mahon, Head of Middle School, TLC [email protected] Battle of the Houses is an annual event which showcases the students of Middle School (Keilor Campus) drama, dance and musical skills. The four Houses were separated into their randomly selected decades. Edison made the 60‟s come to life, Pasteur took a step back into time to the 70‟s, Curie helped us to relive the 80‟s and Newton reminded of everything that the 90‟s were about. All of the students in each House were split up further into their individual categories. The four categories were Open (where anything can happen), Lip Sync, Dance and Drama. The four Houses battled it out to impress the four Senior School judges along Ms Demandante, Reverend Kim and Ms McNamara. In the end, the winner of Open went to Curie House, where they did a great montage of the 80‟s. But it was Pasteur House who took the remaining accolades, taking out the top awards in Drama, Dance and Lip Sync - where they did a very clever impersonation of Bohemian Rhapsody, as well as Grease and Mamma Mia. To conclude the day, the results were announced as follows; Pasteur 1st, Curie 2nd, Edison 3rd and Newton 4th. Our annual Battle of the Houses is an event that everyone looks forward to and once again it was a great day! By Jonathan Reeves and Logan Rozankovic. Mr Derek Summerton, Head of Canowindra [email protected] TERM 4 Welcome back to the final term of Canowindra. The major events continue through Term 4: Hats are now required as part of the summer uniform Casual Clothes Day for College Fair donations Friday 15th October COMING EVENTS - TERM 4 CANOWINDRA Friday 15th October Friday 15th October Digital Design Excursion Casual Clothes Day for Country Fair Monday 18th October Focus Week 7 including the Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Camp Monday 18th October Presentation Night 3rd to 5th November Exam Week 18th to 21st November RACV Camp Monday 22nd November Focus Week 8 Tuesday 30th November Digital Portfolio Presentations Wednesday 1st December Respect Yourself Day Thursday 2nd December Canowindra Social Tuesday 7th December Step Up Day Wednesday 8th December Canowindra Awards Assembly Rev Kim Cruickshank, College Chaplain [email protected] Images have been removed for privacy needs The General Synod is a meeting of Anglican leadership (both ordained and lay) from around Australia which occurs once every three years. This was only the second time the gathering had been held in Melbourne and whilst all school heads were invited to attend, Overnewton Anglican Community College had the privilege of having three of our students represent us and the wider Anglican school community at the service. School captains, Megan Jarvis and Joshua Marmara were accompanied by Jona Villanueva. OVERNEWTON PARENTS & FRIENDS BUSINESS & SERVICES DIRECTORY Support the Overnewton Community and always consult the Parents and Friends Business and Services Directory! The Green Garden Centre can supply organic soils, mulches & composts for all families considering work in their gardens. Please call Michael Spillane on 9331 5300 for further advice and assistance or see pages 59 and 60 of the Parents & Friends Services Directory. (If you would like another copy of our directory, one for home and one for the office, please contact Shirley Seit on 9334 0140 who will be very pleased to assist.) Above: Jona Villanueva and Megan Jarvis with Australia's Governor General Ms Quentin Bryce at the 15th General Synod. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS ! It's time to clear out your book shelves for the Country Fair Book Stall. Contact Kitty Beagley 0404 394 954 or 9337 5586 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 5 Mr Mike Lampard, Head of Visual Arts, KC [email protected] Ms Karen Murphy, Head of Visual Arts. TLC [email protected] Overnewton Walks For Greatness 2010 ROYAL MELBOURNE SHOW RESULTS C=Commended, HC= Highly Commended, VHC= Very Highly Commended. ART - PRIMARY PAINTING OR DRAWING. Prep to Grade 1. VHC Thomas Bladon - Keilor Campus PAINTING AND DRAWING. Grade 4. 2nd Eleanor Bladon - Keilor Campus On Sunday the 10th October, the 2010 Student Executive will be running their new initiative ‘Overnewton Walks for Greatness.’ ART - SCULPTURE & 3D FORM This event will be held on the oval at Taylors Lakes Campus between 11am-3pm; students and families of the Overnewton Community will form teams and walk laps of the oval to raise money for the „Call To Greatness‟ Foundation; a charity that raises money for young Australians who are struggling. „Call To Greatness‟ also assists foundations such as „Reach Out‟ and „Father Riley‟s, Youth Off the Streets‟ program. SCULPTURE & 3D FORM. Year 10-12. 2nd Fleur Bain Participants are asked to form teams for this event (minimum of 4 people in a team required). The aim is to have at least one person from each team walking laps of the oval at all times. Apart from raising awareness of the plight of underprivileged young people, this is also a great way to promote the start of our Physical Education and Health week by highlighting and encouraging exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. BOOK BINDING The entrance cost per team is $20 ($5 per extra team member over 4 people) which is payable at the registration table on arrival on the day (this will be located inside the Canowindra building). Please register your teams by email before the event so we can cater adequately for the numbers (some team registrations on the day will be allowed). Entertainment will be provided all day. There will also be a sausage sizzle and a silent auction held during the day with all proceeds going to the cause. Participants are encouraged to bring along all other refreshments and snacks to keep them going for the day. If the weather is not favourable, the event will take place in the new Gymnasium at the Taylors Lakes Campus. SCULPTURE & 3D FORM. Year 7-9. VHC Stephanie Cvetkovs Taylors Lakes Campus: ART - SECONDARY DRAWING. Original. Year 9-10. 2nd Beth Turner HAND MADE BOOK. 1st Maddison Savvidis Taylors Lakes Campus 2nd Kristy Williams Taylors Lakes Campus 3rd Juanna Zhu Taylors Lakes Campus: HC Amy Mournellis Taylors Lakes Campus HC Sharon Huynh Taylors Lakes Campus VHC Daniel Morcos Taylors Lakes Campus FIBRE, YARN & FABRIC - TOY MAKING SOFT TOY. Year 7-10. C Ivana Rajic C Claudia Gacovski C Elena Neocleous C Lisa Nguyen C Elani Schmidt C Paige Williamson C Estelle Ziogos TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN - GLASS, WOOD, METAL PLASTIC - SECONDARY To register your teams or for assistance with any enquiries please email our College Captain Joshua Marmara; [email protected]. Please note that this event is only open to students and families of the Overnewton Community. WORKS IN WOOD, METAL, PLASTIC, GLASS OR COMBINATION. Year 7-8. 1st Ebony Jones Please note that this student initiative is being conducted with the support and assistance of College parents and staff. WORKS IN WOOD, METAL, PLASTIC, GLASS OR COMBINATION. Year 9-10. 3rd Luke Roberts Who knows, you might be helping someone you know. We hope to see you on the day! C Kelly Williams Taylors Lakes Campus C Steven Lam Taylors Lakes Campus: C Brittany Braszell (Continued on page 7) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 6 (Continued from page 6) WORKS IN WOOD, METAL, PLASTIC, GLASS OR COMBINATION. Year 11-12. 1st Alex Haber COLLEGE UNIFORM SHOP TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN - GLASS, WOOD, METAL, PLASTIC - PRIMARY The College Shop is open Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday every week during term. Please note: the College Shop is not open during school holidays unless advertised in Whispers. CREATE A STRUCTURE OR OBJECT. Grade 5-6. 1st Jessie Cameron 2nd Jack Phillips C Kelsey Kropf BEST EXHIBIT: WOOD, METAL, PLASTIC, GLASS PRIMARY. Jessie Cameron A REGISTER OF GREAT SPORTING ACHIEVERS Within the College community, past and present, there are a number of high achievers in a wide range of sports. The ACS maintains a sporting Hall of Fame that includes students from participant schools. There are a number of current and past Overnewton students whose achievements are worthy of being added to this list. We too maintain a list of such students, on the College register of achievements, with the view of adding our students to the ACS Hall of Fame. Hence, I would be pleased if any information of past or current students‟ notable sporting achievements were passed on by email, letter or fax, or by telephoning me at the College prior to Friday 5th November. Any student who has reached state level in their sport should be included in the College‟s own register, which was started in 2005. A celebration of the 2010 achievements will be recognised at our College Sports Awards evening on 24th November. Jodi Fitzgerald-Tate Head of Co-Curriculum Overnewton College Phone:9334-0195 Fax: 93361835 [email protected] With our Australian sporting heros competing at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, we believe it is the perfect time to get all Aussie kids more active at school and invest in our sporting champions of the future. Every $10 spent at Coles Supermarkets, Coles Online and BiLo from 2nd September to the 31st October 2010 will earn 1 Coles Sports for Schools voucher worth 1 point. Vouchers are provided with the receipt at point of purchase. It‟s simple: collect more vouchers, get more sports gear for their schools! Students can collect vouchers from family, friends and neighbours and drop them into the voucher collection box located at front reception at each Campus. Vouchers will be tallied during the first week of November. Please support this great initiative by sending your children to the front office with their vouchers! Jodi Fitzgerald-Tate Head of Co-curriculum OPENING HOURS Tuesday 8.15am - 4.30pm Wednesday 8.30am - 4.30pm Thursday 8.15am - 4.30pm SATURDAY TRADING FOR 2010 Term 4 9th October 9 – 1pm 4th December 9 – 1pm SECOND HAND SALES Please note when purchasing second hand uniforms, they must be paid for by Cash Only. Choose well as there is no exchange on second hand items. If you are wishing to drop off items for sale in the second hand section, these items must be handed to Miranda Turner. At no time are they to be left at reception or the front door of the College Shop. All items must be clearly marked with name, address and telephone number, otherwise goods will not be accepted. Blazers MUST be dry-cleaned with the dry cleaning tag displayed and all other items washed. We do not accept hats or any items of clothing with holes or stains of any kind (such as paint). We will hold items for sale for a period of 12 months only. At the end of that 12 month period, if they have not been sold, we ask that you collect your items from the College Shop. If not collected, your items of clothing are then donated to the orphanage in Zambia. EXCHANGE & REFUNDS While we are happy to exchange, you will need to keep your receipt to do so. All exchanges and refunds will only be accepted in the term of purchase. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate contact Miranda Turner on 9334 0112. Miranda Turner College Uniform Shop Direct to Shop 9334 0112 Taylors Lakes Campus Junior School Parent Support Team Meeting Our next Parent Support Team meeting will be on Friday 15th October, 2010 at 9am in The Meeting Room (opposite the canteen). EVERYONE WELCOME - come along for morning tea and help us plan exciting activities for the Junior students, please join us (young children welcome). Hours will contribute to the Family Contribution Scheme. If you cannot attend meetings due to other commitments, feel free to call Fiona or Vanessa to see how you can contribute to our Parent Support Team. If you have any queries please call: Fiona Zacharias 0411 141 280 Vanessa Georgopoulos 0417 591 804 Parent Support Team Junior School-Taylors Lakes Campus READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 7 CLASSROOM ASSISTANCE Classroom Assistance positions for both Keilor and Taylors Lakes Campuses will be advertised through the Whispers on a weekly basis. Most positions require a regular weekly commitment for the whole year, although in specific cases you may be able to alternate with another parent or join a roster. You are invited to apply for any position, even if your child is at another campus or different year level. Please note that the person you will be telephoning is a parent fulfilling their Family Contribution Scheme commitment, so please do not phone before 7.15am or after 9.00pm. Younger siblings or sick children cannot accompany parents whilst on duty. A blue Classroom Assistance folder is kept at the Front Office at each campus to record your hours. Recording Hours A reminder to parents that it is your responsibility to record your own hours for classroom assistance and excursions in the folder at the front office labelled Classroom Assistance. Please ensure you write legibly and include details of your child, including the surname if you have a different name to your child, and your home telephone number. These hours are collated at the end of each term. Working with Children Check It is a Victorian Government requirement that all adults working with children have a current Working with Children Check. Please ensure you have your card number or Post Office Receipt number when you phone to register your name. TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS KEILOR CAMPUS If you have any concerns regarding the Classroom Assistance program at Keilor Campus please contact Jennie McCullagh, Resource Officer on 9334 0086. Parent Co-ordinators Wendy Weeks – Years Prep, 1 & 2 9390 9113 [email protected] Nadine Azzi – Years 3 – 12 & ACS 9336 0071 [email protected] Mimma Beazley – Library & Art 9390 7516 [email protected] If you have any concerns regarding the Classroom Assistance Program at Taylors Lakes Campus please contact Denise O‟Keefe, Resource Officer on 9334 0245. Parent Co-ordinators Danni Mpadogiannis – Years Prep-2 0409 231 714 [email protected] Annette Haber – Year 3 - 8 0416 184 526 or 9366 6455 Michelle Digby – Canowindra 8746 9209 [email protected] Prep Excursion Parent help is required to assist with a Prep excursion to the Fairy Park, Anakie on Monday 15th November from 8.45am – 3.20pm. Wendy Weeks 9390 9113 [email protected] Year 1 Parent help is required in 1CO on Mondays 9.00am – 11.10am for Computers. Wendy Weeks 9390 9113 [email protected] Art Parents are required to assist the teachers with setting up, preparation, supervision and cleaning in Art classes Prep C Mondays 11.00am – 1.00pm Weeks 1 & 2 Prep S Thursdays 10.20am – 11.10am Week 2 & Thursdays 11.35am – 1.15pm Week 1 1R Tuesdays 11.00am – 1.00pm Weeks 1 & 2 1T Tuesdays 9.45am – 11.10pm Weeks 1 & 2 2G Tuesdays 2.00pm – 3.20pm Weeks 1 & 2 2MK Mondays 9.45am – 11.10am Weeks 1 & 2 3G Thursdays 9.00am – 10.30am Weeks 1 & 2 3C Thursdays 11.00am – 1.00pm Week 2 Mimma Beazley 9390 7516 [email protected] Year 4 Excursion Parent help is required to assist with a Year 4 excursion to Adventure Park, Geelong on Wednesday 1st December from 8.15am – 4.30pm. Nadine Azzi 9336 0071 [email protected] Year 6 Excursion Parent help is required to assist with a Year 6 excursion to Scienceworks on Tuesday 16th November from 9.00am – 3.00pm. Nadine Azzi 9336 0071 [email protected] Art Room Assistance Parent help is needed to assist with the following Junior School classes: 2L Wk 1 Wednesday 11.00am – 1.00pm 1M Wk 1 Wednesday 9.00am – 11.00am 1M Wk 2 Wednesday 12.00pm – 1.00pm 1E Wk 1 Tuesday 1.30pm – 3.20pm 1E Wk 2 Tuesday 1.30pm – 2.30pm Danni Mpadogiannis 0409 231 714 [email protected] General Art Room Assistance Parent help is needed to assist in the Art room on Friday afternoons. Times can be negotiated with the Art room staff. Danni Mpadogiannis 0409 231 714 [email protected] Year 1 & Year 2 Swimming Parent help is needed to assist with the Year 1 & 2, 9 day intensive swimming program being held from Tuesday 5th October – Friday 15th October at the following times: 2T & 1E 11.25am – 12.50pm 2L & 1M 12.10am – 1.35pm 2M & 1N 12.55pm – 2.20pm Danni Mpadogiannis 0409 231 714 [email protected] Prep Swimming Program Parent help is needed to assist with the Prep, 10 day intensive swimming program being held from Monday 18th October – Friday 29th October at the following times: Prep M & Prep R 11.25am – 12.50pm Prep B 12.10pm – 1.35pm Danni Mpadogiannis 0409 231 714 [email protected] Year 5 Indonesian Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 5 Indonesian excursion to the Melbourne Zoo on Thursday 14th October from 9.00am – 3.30pm. Annette Haber 0416 184 526/9366 6455 [email protected] READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 8 (Keilor Campus continued from page 8) (Taylors Lakes Campus continued from page 8) Year 7 Excursion Parent help is required to assist with a Year 7 excursion to IMAX Theatre on Wednesday 13th October from 9.00am – 12.00pm. Nadine Azzi 9336 0071 [email protected] Keilor Camp - Year 4, 2011 Parent help is required to assist with the Year 4 Keilor Junior School Camp in Term 1, 2011. Applications are to be emailed to [email protected] or by letter to Ian Thompson, Head of Junior School, Keilor Campus no later than Friday 22nd October. Please provide any relevant experience, a photocopy of any First Aid qualifications, your child‟s name and class, your postal address and a contact number. It is a Victorian Government requirement that all adults working with children have a current Working with Children Check with Overnewton College listed as a volunteer organisation. All email applications will receive a receipt of delivery. Hours will be credited at the conclusion of the camp Year 9 Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 9 Digital Design Excursion to the Melbourne Museum on Friday 15th October from 12.30pm – 3.30pm. Michelle Digby 8746 9209 [email protected] Year 2 Excursions Parent help is needed to assist with Year 2 excursions to local retirement villages on the following dates: 2M 19th October 10.30am - 1.00pm 2T 21st October 1.30pm – 3.20pm 2L 26th October 10.30am – 1.00pm Danni Mpadogiannis 0409 231 714 [email protected] Year 9 Assistance Parent help is needed to assist with Year 9 general administration during the first week of Term 4. Times and days are negotiable. Contact Janet Gangell, [email protected] for more information. Year 4: Phillip Island, Wednesday 6th April – Friday 8th April, 2011 (3 days/three terms of hours) Keilor Camps - Year 7 & Year 8, 2011 Parent help is required to assist with the Year 7 and Year 8 Keilor Middle School Camps in Term 1, 2011. Applications are to be emailed to [email protected] or by letter to Jan Jolley, Head of Middle School, Keilor Campus no later than Friday 22nd October. Please provide any relevant experience, a photocopy of any First Aid qualifications, your child‟s name and class, your postal address and a contact number. It is a Victorian Government requirement that all adults working with children have a current Working with Children Check with Overnewton College listed as a volunteer organisation. All email applications will receive a receipt of delivery. Hours will be credited at the conclusion of the camp Sub Day!!!! Wednesday 13th October Year 7: Paynesville, Monday 28th March – Friday 1st April, 2011 (5 days/four terms of hours) Sweet chilli chicken & cheese, BBQ meatball & cheese or Falafel & hommus Year 8: Canberra, Monday 4th April – Friday 8th April, 2011 (5 days/four terms of hours) Keilor Campus Junior School Term 4 Parent Support Team Meeting $5.00 Sub Only $6.00 meal deal (Sub & Drink*) *just squeezed juice 300ml Get your pre-order in early to get a Sub!! Pre-order forms available at the canteen from Wednesday 6th October Wellbeing it’s Vital - healthy menu choices to keep you looking good and feeling great. We are holding a meeting on Tuesday 12th October at the Keilor Hotel at 7.00pm to discuss events for the Junior School children for Term 4, 2010. All welcome. Time in meeting contributed towards the Family Contribution. Scheme. RSVP: Fiona Bacchin Jo Frewen 0400344411 or 0413 463 462 COMPLETE THE ORDER FORM ON PAGE 15 and return it to the Canteen at your respective Campus by Monday 11th October, 2010 to avoid disappointment. 2010 Keilor Campus Junior School Parent Support Team Co-ordinators. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 9 PARENT ROSTER TERM 4, 2010 RICHARDSON CAFÉ WE NEED PARENT ASSISTANCE FOR THE DAYS SHOWN BELOW AT THE Richardson Café If you can help PLEASE email Kate Martinussen at [email protected] Day Wednesday Monday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Thursday Friday Date 13/10/2010 18/10/2010 20/10/2010 21/10/2010 28/10/2010 01/11/2010 02/11/2010 03/11/2010 04/11/2010 08/11/2010 10/11/2010 16/11/2010 17/11/2010 19/11/2010 22/11/2010 23/11/2010 24/11/2010 25/11/2010 26/11/2010 29/11/2010 01/12/2010 03/12/2010 08/12/2010 09/12/2010 10/12/2010 CASUAL CLOTHES DAY Taylors Lakes Campus & Keilor Campus Friday 15th October Here‟s a fun way to help us collect goods to sell at the Country Fair, which is a great fund raiser for our College. For the privilege of coming to school in casual clothes on 15th October at Taylors Lakes and Keilor Campuses, you are asked to bring along donations for any of the following stalls. As a guide to show you what to bring, please scan the lists below. Please be careful of food use-by dates as we cannot sell out of date food items. Groceries and Paper Goods Stall: Long life juices/drinks, breakfast foods, biscuits/crackers, canned vegetables, pasta, rice, noodles, canned fruit, canned fish/tuna snacks/chips/popcorn, condiments/vinegar/oils/pickles/sauces, toiletries, shampoo/ conditioner/ beauty products paper goods/bags/wraps, foils, pet food, soups, baked beans, canned spaghetti, jams and spreads, cordials, toilet paper, tissues, serviettes, freezer bags, foil, cling wrap, straws, gift cards, stationery items, writing pads, scribble pads, and exercise books: Moisturiser, nail polish, make up/foundation, body lotion, massage oil, perfume, washing up detergent, fabric softener, bleach, disinfectant, tomato sauce, BBQ sauce honey, vinegar, soft drink, sparking apple juices, marinades, salad dressing, olive oil, cake flavourings (vanilla etc.), herbs and spices, fruit juice, long life milk (in the bottles as opposed to the tetra packs). Student Street: Costume jewellery, toiletries, wrapped sweets/ lollies for prizes, Jaffa lollies (for the Jaffa smashing machine), footballs, cordial, sugar, corn kernels, candles, scented oils (like those used for oil burners etc.), stuffed toys large/small, bubble bath. Music Shack: DVDs, CDs, and Videos etc. Overnewton Country Fair - Saturday November 6th 2010 DONATIONS NEEDED FOR SILENT AUCTION STALL !!! Do you or anyone you know, have goods or services they would like to donate to the Oovernewton Country Fair? Do you or anyone you know have unwanted “new” items that can be donated to our school rather than get thrown away? Then let the Silent Auction team take care of this for you! What New things are we looking for? Appliances - Product Vouchers - Holidays - Accessories - Promo Packs Services - Dinner Vouchers - Memorabilia - Sporting equipment Furniture - New bikes - Equipment - Footy Merchandise Your generosity will help support our College whilst at the same time inject some FUN at the Fair. Each donation made can be recognised with business cards/logos at the stall. All company support will feature throughout the day helping them market their business to the greater Overnewton community. 2011 Office/School Support Co-ordinators Keilor Campus This position is part of the Family Contribution Scheme and will commence 2011, with a handover in Term 4, 2010. The Co-ordinator’s duties include organising rosters & replacements, liaising with the Campus Office Manager, collating and reporting parent hours etc. Contact Parent and Friends Committee representative, Melissa Juzva for more information, a full role description or to apply. Mobile: 0408 554 994 or email applications to [email protected] To arrange for pick-up or drop-off of your items call: Ellen 0417 370 206 or Debbie 0411 610 184 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 10 Interested in completing your Family Contribution Scheme hours outside of working hours? JUNIOR SCHOOL CANTEEN VACANCIES AT KEILOR CAMPUS FOR TERM 4 ROSTER WE NEED YOUR HELP! With minimum groups of 4, you would be responsible for cleaning the Taylors Lakes Campus new Gymnasium. !!! Helpers Wanted !!! Floor Cleaning Working Group at new Taylors Lakes Campus Gym Cleaning is approx 2 hours rostered work to be completed on a weekly or fortnightly basis. All cleaning equipment provided. The Junior School canteen at Keilor Campus needs your help! We are looking for parents who could assist by working in the canteen in Term 4. We still have several vacancies available. If you are able to assist please give me a call. We are also always looking for new parents to join the canteen roster. The canteen is fun and great way of completing your hours towards the Family Contribution Scheme and meeting new parents. We'd love to see you there. Thank you! Nicole Bonomo canteen co-ordinator 9390 6613 Give it a go!! Enquiries to: Effie Pensa, Gymnasium Cleaning Co-ordinator 0414 566 382 (mobile) [email protected] (email) COUNTRY FAIR CHRISTMAS & GIFT HAMPERS STALL Are you employed full time and finding it hard to contribute your hours? Look no further, we have the answer! The Christmas & Gift Hamper Team, are looking for expressions of interest from anyone who would like to take advantage of a fantastic way to contribute their hours from home. Newcomers welcome!! For all enquiries please call: Patricia on 8390 8897 or Maria Cagalj 0412 416 715 between 6 and 8 pm (Monday - Friday) COUNTRY FAIR ART & CRAFT STALL The Art & Craft Stall is looking for volunteers to assist them in making craft items for the Country Fair. Newcomers Welcome!!! For more information This is a great way to contribute your hours from home. Please call after 5pm: Sharyn Murphy – 0419 313 920 - Keilor Campus Marianne Watson – 0458 250 150 – Taylors Lakes Campus A VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding the WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK MUSIC SHACK DO YOU HAVE ANY OLD CD’S, VIDEOS, RECORDS, AUDIO TAPES, DVD’S ?? All parent volunteers must now have completed the Working With Children Check (WWC Check). The WWC Check is required before any parent at Overnewton College is able to participate and fulfil their 18 Hour Family Contribution commitment and co-ordinators cannot allocate parents to a roster unless they have completed this check. Please note that there will be some minor exceptions to this e.g. parents working at Saturday Working Bees. CAN YOU SPARE AT LEAST ONE ITEM OR MORE FROM YOUR COLLECTION of Children‟s Music, Pop, Classical, Gospel, Country, New Age, Alternative, Jazz etc. The WWC Check is free for volunteers and will provide an ongoing monitoring of those who hold a WWC Check Card. Cards will be valid for a period of five years after which time you will need to reapply. What do you do with your donation? Please leave your donation marked “Music Shack” and leave it at the Front Office of your Campus. If you have a larger donation and require collection please contact Nada Phillipou 0407 234 707 Application forms are available at both Keilor and Taylors Lakes reception and also at Australia Post participating outlet (those that accept passport applications) Thank you for your generous support !!!! Please do not hesitate to contact me on 9334 0140 if you have any questions or alternatively you can contact the WWC Check Information Line on 1300 652 870. Shirley Seit, Head of Community Development. 9334 0140 / [email protected] READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 11 As a clinical psychologist, Andrew Fuller works with many schools and communities in Australia and internationally, specialising in the wellbeing of young people and their families. Our final parent education evening for the year promises to be a hands on evening of fun that will explore the active ingredients of emotional intelligence and how parents can develop these in children, friendship and self esteem development, dealing with anger and tricky kids and effective communication with boys and girls. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 12 GREAT AUSSIE BARBIE We require parents to assist with our GREAT AUSSIE BARBIE at the Overnewton Country Fair. If you are a great BBQ cook, or would like to help out behind the scenes we need your help. OACC COUNTRY FAIR 2010 Children’s Costume Stall in Student Street We urgently require your help with the donation of new and pre-loved children‟s costumes. Costumes with stains or holes will not be accepted. Dress-ups play a major part in children‟s active everyday life, as it enhances and broadens their minds through imaginary play. Your generous donations will put a smile on any child‟s face. Whether for an hour or two or the whole day we would love your support. Please call Shane Lalor on 0419 300 043. Country Fair 2010 STUFFED TOYS Are you sick of seeing those large oversized stuffed toys lying around your home? Here‟s your chance to get rid of them!! PLEASE NOTE: Due to hygiene reasons we cannot accept underwear, swimwear, hats or footwear Donations can be made at the following working bee between 9am-12noon: 30th October – Taylors Lakes Campus (shed) Or please call Olga Forsythe 0402 035 428 to arrange pick up or drop off Whether it‟s Homer Simpson, The Red Devil or perhaps that large oversized puppy with the big brown eyes, we will be more than happy to take them off your hands – be rest assured that they will go to a good home!! We urgently require your help with the donation of new and pre-loved children‟s Large and Small Stuffed toys, the kind you would find at Moomba or the show if you were lucky enough to have won one!! We are bringing back to Student Street the “stomp a balloon” stall, and we are seeking your kind donations to be on display and won by the winning tickets found in the balloons. Donations can be made by contacting Olga Forsythe to arrange for collection or pick up on 0402 035 428 or can be donated on the Casual Clothes Day on Friday the 15th of October 2010. PLEASE NOTE: Stuffed Toys with stains or tears will not be accepted Trash ‘n’ Treasure Collection Day Collection day for donations of goods for the Trash ‘n’ Treasure Stall for the Overnewton Country Fair will be held on: Saturday 30th October - 9:30am to 12pm Please bring any donations to the huge shed at the TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS (you can see it from the car park). STUDENT STREET – HELP NEEDED Come and visit “Student Street” at this years Country Fair. It is jam packed with activities for the kids – face painting, nail art, tattoos, beading, plant a seed, fairy floss, popcorn, sno-kones, balloon stomping, jaffa smasha, costumes, awesome prizes and so much more…………… For any queries, please contact: Claire Moore 0413 997 289 ** Unfortunately, we are unable to accept electrical items, mattresses, clothes or lounge suites ** This is by far the coolest place for the young (and the young at heart) to be at the Fair. To ensure Student Street‟s success, we require volunteers to help out on the day with running some of the activities. All hours worked will be allocated to your contribution towards the Family Contribution Scheme. Please contact me ASAP if you are able to assist on the day and we hope to see you there! (there is also the setting up on the Friday night and packing up on the Saturday straight after the Fair – if you are able to also assist with this please let me know) Thank you Olga Forsythe Student Street Co-ordinator Mobile: 0402 035 428 Email: [email protected] WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE WHISPERS VIA EMAIL? Families now have the opportunity to receive their copy of Whispers via email. If you would prefer to receive your Whispers via email please contact Susan Bates, Community Development Office on 9334 0143. Would all families who have asked to receive Whispers via email, please ensure that they advise our office of any changes to your current email address as they occur. Families who receive Whispers via email will no longer receive a paper copy through their student‟s class. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 13 OACC COUNTRY FAIR 2010 Saturday 6TH November HELPERS NEEDED!!!! All hours worked go towards your 18 hour commitment!! as part of the Family Contribution Scheme DEVONSHIRE TEAS ART & CRAFT STALL Friday Night 5th November 5pm. – 9pm Minimum 4 hours We need parent to help bake scones at the Richardsons Centre at Keilor. Ingredients are supplied. We are looking for parents/ volunteers to assist us in making craft items for the Country Fair. Newcomers Welcome!!! Please call after 5pm: Saturday 6th November 9am – 5pm Minimum 4 hours We need parents to help with serving scones, washing dishes, taking orders & money, etc. Please call after 5pm: Sharyn Murphy 0419 313 920 Keilor Campus HOME MADE CAKES & SWEETS STALL We need parents to bake cakes, biscuits, muffins, slices, savouries or whatever your baking specialty may be. Please contact: Mary Georgelos 0418 583 086 [email protected] Kalli Lontos 0419 371 391 [email protected] Marianne Watson 0458 250 150 Taylors Lakes Campus Rosie Smarrelli 0418 512 029 [email protected] Kristin Dix 9390 5937 Judy Garland 0419 574 663 SECURITY We are looking for parents who would like to assist with security during the day of the fete. Please contact: Scott Welsh 0438 550 180 HELPERS ARE ALSO NEEDED FOR SET UP AND CLEANING UP Friday 5th November: Set up from 9 am. Help is also needed on Friday night. Saturday 6th November: Assistance with stalls, car park attendants, food hall servers, golf competition, and helpers to pack up after the Fair. Sunday 7th November: Cleaning up (BYO gloves & tongs) from 9 am until finished. If you can spare any time over these three days please contact: Joy Johnson on 9336 3737 or 0413 007 105. Every attempt will be made to find something to suit your available times and your preference of activity. If you are likely to have fulfilled your 18 hours for Term 4 prior to this, we can ask permission of the Principal to carry any hours you contribute to the College Fair to Term 1 in 2011. INCLUDE HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER When recording hours contributed toward the Family Contribution Scheme please write your home telephone number (NOT mobile number)as this will assist us to ensure your hours are allocated correctly READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 14 Wellbeing it’s Vital - healthy menu choices to keep you looking good and feeling great. Sub Day! Wednesday 13th October Sweet chilli chicken & cheese, BBQ meatball & cheese or Falafel & hommus! $5.00 Sub Only $6.00 meal deal (Sub & drink*) *just squeezed juice 300ml Please note normal canteen lunch menu will be limited on this day Order form with money must be returned to Canteen by Monday 11 th October -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Day Order Form Name __________________________________________ Class _________ Amount $_______ Size: [ ] Sub Filling: (choose one only) [ ] Sweet chilli chicken & cheese [ ] BBQ meatballs & cheese [ ] Falafel & hommus Juice: [ ] orange [ ] apple [ ]apple & blackcurrant Please make selection by ticking boxes READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 15
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