Whispers-20101020 - Overnewton Anglican Community College
Volume 24.31 20 October 2010 From the Principal, Mr Jim Laussen [email protected] This week, we say farewell to our Class of 2010 as they take their last classes prior to the commencement of VCE exams next week. This is a week full of many emotions ranging from the joy and excitement of finishing school and moving onto the next stage in their lives to the realisation that the finishing of school brings with it an end to the routines, familiar places and, more importantly, familiar faces that have been so much a part of their lives for the past 13 years. On Friday, students will arrive at school in fancy dress and parade through both campuses to the delight of students and staff in other year levels. By midday, some four to five hundred people will gather in the Richardson Centre as students and their families enjoy lunch together. The day will culminate in an assembly that is always full of laughter, celebration and fond reminiscing along with many tears as the realisation dawns that this is the last time that all students will be together in the same place. Once again, this year I have been disappointed to hear the media continue to promote the concept of „muck up‟ days; perpetuating the use of this negative name for Year 12 students‟ last school day whilst on the other hand delighting in criticising student activities on such days. Overnewton has long enjoyed having a final day of celebration rather than „muck up‟ and I do ask parents to continue to support staff efforts in this regard. I am sure that all members of the community would join with me in wishing our students well as they carry out their final preparations for the coming exams, thank them for their wonderful contributions over many years at the College and say farewell to the 83 families that also leave us this year as their last child graduates from Overnewton. I trust that the students and families will remain connected to the College through the Old Collegians Association and through the ongoing friendships that we delight in hearing, continue long beyond the formal years of schooling. Telephone: 9334 0000 YEAR 5 TRIP TO THE ZOO The following email was sent to me, following the Year 5 excursion to the Zoo last week. The writer is someone not connected to the College who was so taken with the behaviour of our students that she felt compelled to write to us. In our year of „walking in another‟s shoes‟, it is lovely to read such a testament about how our students were doing this on their excursion. This is an email of which we can all be proud. I am writing to congratulate your students on their exemplary behaviour during an outing to Melbourne Zoo today (11/10/2010). My son (22 months), my daughter (8 weeks) and I are members of Melbourne Zoo (Fotz) and visit regularly during the week. In the last seven days we have been three times! During todays visit we had occasion to have interaction three times with students from your college. Upon entering the butterfly house a polite young man waited and then held the entry door open for us. Upon leaving the Butterfly House another of your students again waited and held the door open for my son and myself with a pram. At the elephant viewing area my young and enthusiastic son was wandering off and I was calling him back. A nice young man from your college gently took his hand and steered him back toward me. Unfortunately the behaviour of your students stands out because such politeness and manners are never seen on our regular outings! During the week at the zoo there are many many school groups of all ages and today was the first time in twelve months I have had positive interaction with any secondary students. There are many many toddlers at the zoo so it was a great joy to see a group of older children walking with care, not running ridiculously, being polite and well behaved and being very aware of other members of the public. Living in Richmond I doubt I could justify sending my son to Overnewton but I hope I find a school of a similar calibre in our area and would not hesitate to recommend anyone to send their children to your school based on what I have seen today. Congratulations on the behaviour of your students and thankyou for giving me hope that old fashioned manners and politeness have not been forgotten. May your college, students and teachers keep up the great work! College Mission Statement Overnewton Anglican Community College encourages and supports its students as individuals to achieve at optimum levels in a broad range of curricular and co-curricular activities and to prepare them for life as responsible members of the community with sound values based on Christian faith. The College will maintain a strong sense of community values and strive to ensure that its educational program is widely accessible and that parents, the community and the Anglican Church enjoy active roles in the life of the College. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 1 COLLEGE DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Wednesday 20th October Last day of Year 12 classes Thursday 21st October Year 12 Closure Day Friday 22nd October Year 12 Celebration Morning & Final Assembly Saturday 23rd October Working Bee - Keilor Campus Monday 25-27 October Year 5/6 Musical Tuesday 26th October School Alive Tours Thursday 28th October Year 12 exams start Saturday 30th October Working Bee-Taylors Lakes Campus Mr Ian Thompson, Head of Junior School, KC [email protected] Mrs Tracy Fielder, Head of Junior School, TLC [email protected] JUNIOR SCHOOL - TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS Last week proved to be one of great activity as the children and Images have been staff participated in many activities removed to meet privacy to celebrate Health and PE week. needs Skipping with both long and short skipping ropes was encouraged on Monday and it was lovely to see so many children involved in this activity. There was lots of laughter and different skipping chants being sung. Mrs Curmi held a fitness circuit on Tuesday where many children took part in a variety of activities using unusual activities, this included using skills such as balancing, running, twisting and catching. Unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worse on Wednesday and outdoor activities were not able to be held, however, many students continued to be involved in fitness activities in the Gym. Our thanks go to Mr Simon Bowyer and his team of Physical Education staff for all of their work in organising this week of fitness. We hope that this promotion has a long standing impact on our children and encourages continued health and fitness opportunities for them each day. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs My time with Year 4 was a highlight for me this week. They kindly invited me to view various activities they had been working on. I was proudly shown computer animations in 4G which totally impressed me. The children had used many areas of the curriculum to create an animated show representing something of interest to them. A great deal of reading, spelling, grammar, thinking skills, ICT, problem solving and co-operative learning had clearly taken place to produce these animations. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing these with each member of the class. 4M also proudly shared their mathematical learning with me as they set up a shop where they used concepts related to fractions and percentages to show quantities, sales and pricing. It is very satisfying for the children to use their knowledge to apply to real life situations. Congratulations go to all Year 1 and 2 students and staff on the completion of their nine day swimming program. It is a huge effort for all involved to take part in such an intensive program. I‟m sure there were some very tired children, and teachers, this weekend. I was very pleased to hear that the children worked hard during their swimming lessons and a great deal of progress was made. Thank you also to the parents who were able to offer their assistance during the program. Prep children begin their swimming program this week. I was very pleased to see so many parents at the Junior School assembly last week. We awarded Term 4 class captains at this assembly and I know that there were some very proud parents in the audience. As many of you would have realised we also awarded Student of the Week certificates at this assembly. Please note that Student of the Week will be awarded on a fortnightly basis from now on at each Junior School assembly. We do hope to see you there when you are available. ARE THE CHILDREN IN 3S PRACTISING GOOD HEALTH ? The children in 3S have begun to investigate weather the choices we make in our daily lives contribute to our physical and mental health. They have been working in teams and discovered: • • • • • • • Images have been removed to meet privacy needs Half of 3S drinks water at home Less than a quarter of the children in 3S drink milk each day 19 people in 3S brush their teeth twice a day Half of 3S play a sport after school Two people have a lunch order more than once a week Less than a quarter of people drink cordial at home. Two people in 3S eat out or have take- away more than twice a week. SPIRITUAL WELLBEING The Role of House in the Junior School at Taylors Lakes Campus in Term 4 I would like to acknowledge the parents who were so supportive of „Nude Food Day‟ last week which was also a part of Health and PE week. The children were very proud to show me their lunch boxes without any wrappers. It was terrific to see the efforts parents had used in ensuring their children would have a rubbish free lunch. This made such a difference to the rubbish that was collected in the school on that particular day. Of course, it is not always practical to send along lunches and snacks without wrappings, but it is certainly something we encourage and support throughout the College. Please consider continuing to send along „Nude Food‟ whenever possible. Images have been The Junior School House removed to meet privacy Program will focus on spiritual needs wellbeing in Term 4. Due to the overwhelming success of our „Coin Caterpillar‟ drive last year where we raised an amazing $1700.00, the children in the Junior School at Taylors Lakes Campus will hold an art sale to raise money to buy Christmas READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers (Continued on page 3) Page 2 (Continued from page 2) gifts for those children who are less fortunate than us this Christmas. This year our goal is to reach $2200.00 Each of the Houses will use the money raised to buy gifts to be presented to Anglicare via our Cathedral service later this term. Parents will have a wonderful opportunity to donate to this wonderful cause via the sale of their child‟s canvas artworks. Our art sale will take place in the Multipurpose Hall on the following dates and times. Junior School House Art Sale in the Multipurpose Hall Tuesday 16th November Wednesday 17th November Friday 19th November 8:15am – 9:30am and 3:00pm – 4:15pm 8:15am – 9:30am and 3:00pm – 4:15pm 8:15am – 9:30am and 3:00pm – 4:15pm Overnewton House t-shirts will not need to be worn on the day of our art sale. More information will be provided. COMING EVENTS - TERM 4 JUNIOR SCHOOL - TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS Thursday 21st October 2T Excursion Monday 25th October Assembly – 3A hosting Tuesday 26th October 2L Excursion 27th – 29th October Year 3 Camp 18th – 29th October Prep Swimming 27th – 28th October Year 3 Camp Monday 1st November Mid Term Break Tuesday 2nd November Cup Day 3rd & 4th November Year 2 Camp Friday 5th November Year 4 LOTE Excursion Tuesday 9th November Prep 2011 Information Evening Wednesday 10th November Report Writing Day – Student Free 10th – 12th November Year 4 Camp Thursday 11th November Prep 2011 Orientation Day Monday 15th November Assembly – 3AF hosting 16, 17 &19th November Art Sale in the Multi Purpose Hall Friday 26th November Year 1 Excursion Monday 29th November Junior School Carols Service Monday 6th December Final Assembly JUNIOR SCHOOL - KEILOR CAMPUS SCIENCE TALENT SEARCH 2010 Science Talent Search is an annual competition run by the Science Teachers Association of Victoria. It has been running for over 50 years and is open to students from Prep to Year 12. The theme for this year was Australian Biodiversity and there were over 3000 entrants from around the state. We had 24 students from across all five year levels of the Keilor Campus Junior School undertake and complete the challenge this year. Entries submitted ranged from scientific posters and games to creative writing pieces, models and inventions. We were fortunate enough to have three students receive acknowledgement certificates, eleven students receive merit certificates and ten students receive a bursary award, with three major and seven minor to be presented on Wednesday the 3rd of November at La Trobe University. The names of the award recipients are listed below. I would like to thank the parents and the staff who supported the students through this valuable learning experience. In particular I would like to thank Rosalyn Muir and Rachel Crowther for giving their time on a Saturday morning to help judge Science Talent Search entries at MLC, and Lyndal Mihic for her guidance and encouragement. Acknowledgement Recipients: Anthony Comande – 3B Ryan Sortino – 2F Georgie Richardson – 2F Major Bursary Recipients: Liam Perumal - Prep W Kieran Tan - Prep W Liam Newton - 4C Images have been removed to meet privacy needs Acknowledgement Certificate Recipients Credit Recipients: Zander Kountouris – 1CR Ethan Cassar – 1T Phoebe Chan – 2G Alexander Ciccone – 2M Jordan Osbon – 2M Sienna Porter – 2G Akshat Chopra – 3B Jamie Papworth-Dent – 3B Sean Griffiths – 4C Mackenzie Heard – 4K Alicya Sherry – 4K Minor Bursary Recipients: Kaetlyn Hughes – 1R Jonathan Ciccone – 2F Olivia Cleaver – 2F Myah Newton – 2M Jared Tan – 2M Ben Merakis – 2T Harry Osumi – 2T Well done all on a great effort. As part of the “Conditions of Entry” to Overnewton Anglican Community College, signed by all families upon confirmation of enrolment “One full term’s written notice is required to withdraw a student from the College. If one full term’s notice is not given to the College, one full term’s fees will be charged.” If you have a child who will not be returning to Overnewton in 2010, please ensure that you notify the Registrar, Mrs Diane King in writing at your earliest convenience. Email: [email protected] Michelle Bonvino Images have been removed to meet privacy needs Bursary Certificate Recipients Images have been removed to meet privacy needs Credit Certificate Recipients READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 3 ANOTHER FAMILY RETURNS TO OVERNEWTON I often describe our College as a true „community school‟ and to show that, I would like to welcome back, after an absence of 2 years, our duck family – twelve ducklings and mum and dad. Please take care when driving to and from school as they cross Overnewton Road near the drop-off roundabout. Ian Thompson COMING EVENTS - TERM 4 JUNIOR SCHOOL - KEILOR CAMPUS Friday 22nd October Mon 25-Wed 27 October Thursday 28th October Mon 1-Tues 2 November Thurs 4-Fri 5 November Monday 8th November Tuesday 9th November Wednesday 10th November Thursday 11th November Thursday 11th November Monday 15th November Wednesday 24th November Friday 26th November Monday 29th November Monday 6th December Tuesday 7th December Tuesday 7th December Wednesday 8th December Prep 2011 Play Afternoon Year 3 Camp Jump Rope for Heart – Year 3 Mid Term break Year 2 Camp Assembly Prep 2011 Information Night Report Writing Day (Student Free) Prep 2011 Orientation Day Jump Rope for Heart (Year 3). Prep excursion to Fairy Park Celebration of Learning Day (Student Portfolios) 9:15-10:15am Carols at St Paul‟s Cathedral ( Rehearsal) Carols at St Paul‟s Cathedral 10:30 -11:30am Christmas Assembly 2:15pm Step Up Morning 9:15 – 11:00 Year 4 Celebration Evening 7:00pm Pizza Day and End of Term. JUNIOR SCHOOL - KEILOR CAMPUS STUDENT OF THE WEEK - KEILOR CAMPUS Prep W Xavier Collier Year 1 to Year 4 Students of the Week As part of the „You Can Do It!‟ program the following students received their certificates for showing one of the following foundations - Persistence, Getting Along, Organisation, Resilience, Confidence- in either the classroom or in the playground. 1CO Isabella Pelligana – Confidence 1CO Emma Durrant – Confidence 1R Hayley Curwood – Persistence 1R Alexander Paraskevopoulos – Persistence 1T Sam Rachmani – Resilience 1T Amber Mai – Resilience 1T Jade Cilione – Resilience 1T Amber Nguyen - Organisation 2G Phoebe Chan –Organisation 2G Jarrod Champness – Confidence 3C Chelsee Larmer - Confidence 3C Peter Marinkovic - Confidence 3C Lily Costanzo - Confidence 3C Catherine Ioannidis- Confidence 3C Robbie Smarrelli - Confidence 3C Merryn O‟Keefe - Confidence 3C Dhruv Ramanujapuram - Confidence 3C Marcus Saunders - Confidence 3C Benjamin Klobas - Confidence 3C Taylor Sweeney - Confidence 3C Layla Elbob - Confidence 3C Poojitha Ravikumar - Confidence 3C Courtney Farrugia - Confidence 3C Nicola Ranking - Confidence 3C Daniel Murra - Confidence 3C Mia Thorley - Confidence 3G Elizabeth Fernandes – Organisation 3G Matthew Sofianos – Resilience 3P Nicholas Collett – Confidence 3P Simon Borzillo – Confidence 3P Genevieve Tan – Confidence 3P Monique Cukavac – Confidence 4C James Ratcliff – Getting Along 4C Matiese Viti - Persistence 4N Semhal Hagos – Persistence Mrs Jan Jolley, Head of Middle School, KC [email protected] Mr Tim Mahon, Head of Middle School, TLC [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS During our Middle School Assembly on October 14th we were very lucky to have The Honourable Mr Brendan O'Connor MP the local federal member of the seat of Images have been removed to Gorton attend. He came to meet privacy needs see the wonderful Overnewton Gymnasium that the College built for the students and community with the financial help provided to us by the National Government. COMBINED TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS AND KEILOR CAMPUS SOCIAL FOR YEAR 7 & 8 STUDENTS. Date: Thursday, 11 November 2010 Time: 7.00 pm until 9.00 pm Venue: Canowindra The cost of a ticket is $6.00 and students will be fully supervised at all times. Refreshments will be available for sale on the night. Students must return the correct money for their ticket together with the permission slip in a sealed envelope to their Home Group teacher by Friday 5th November as we need to have confirmation of at least 80 students attending for the function to take place. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers (Continued on page 5) Page 4 (Continued from page 4) MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT University of New South Wales Mathematics Tests University of New South Wales English Tests Credit Year 6 Jackson Mournellis Jenny Truong Credit Year 8 Pumal Alahakoon Bradley Dacruz Hellen Ho Joshua Kimpton Hashan Kumara Jeetandra Navani Jessica Wijnen Distinction Year 6 Kevin Vu Distinction Year 8 Laura Ashroft Devon Le Marcus Pensa Jackson Warner High Distinction Year 8 Samuel Tu Credit Year 6 Natasha Mc Mahon Oktem Ozmal Rebecca Abeysiri Credit Year 8 Perri Lalor Isabella Karolewicz Eilyssa Carlos Laura Ashcroft Distinction Year 8 Samuel Tu Julia Dicconson Mr Derek Summerton, Head of Canowindra [email protected] LEARNING BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Classics and Culture Students should be working through the pink and blue sheets entitled „Nature of Love‟ and „Motivations of Characters‟ in preparation for their exam. They should also be revising the play and writing practice paragraphs. RACV Energy Breakthrough Students, parents and staff had a very wet but very valuable training session at the Keilor Campus carpark on Tuesday evening last week. Wet track and night riding are important experiences for students to have before the big event in late November. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs MIDDLE SCHOOL COMING EVENTS TERM 4 EVENTS TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS MIDDLE SCHOOL Assembly dates October 14th & 28th, November 11th & 25th KEILOR CAMPUS MDIDDLE SCHOOL Assembly dates October 21st, November 4th ,19th and December 2nd October 25 – 28 November 1 & 2 November 6th November 11th November 15-17 November 17-19 November 29th November 30th to December 3 December 6th December 6th December 7th December 8th 5/6 Musical Alice in Wonderland Mid Term Holiday/Melbourne Cup Day Country Fair 7/8 Disco at Canowindra Keilor Campus Yr 5 Camp to Anglesea Taylors Lakes Campus Yr 5 Camp to Anglesea Keilor Campus Yr 8 Celebration Evening Keilor Campus Year 6 Camp Valley Homestead Ovens Taylors Lakes Campus House Day Taylors Lakes Campus Yr 8 Celebration Evening Step Up Day Awards Ceremony COMING EVENTS - TERM 4 CANOWINDRA 18th to 22nd October IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OVERNEWTON FAMILIES Parents who have a child attending Overnewton College and are interested in obtaining a position in Prep 2012 for other siblings in their family should contact the Registrar, Diane King on 9334 0141 and request an application form as soon as possible. Focus Week 7 including the Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Camp 3rd to 5th November Exam Week 18th to 21st November RACV Camp Monday 22nd November Focus Week 8 Tuesday 30th November Digital Portfolio Presentations Wednesday 1st December Respect Yourself Day Thursday 2nd December Canowindra Social Tuesday 7th December Step Up Day Wednesday 8th December Canowindra Awards Assembly READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 5 Mr Clayton Martin, Head of PE Keilor Campus (P-12) [email protected] Mrs Nikki Little, Head of Sport Keilor Campus [email protected] PE AND HEALTH WEEK AT KEILOR CAMPUS October 11 to October 15th was PE and Health Week throughout Victorian Schools. At the Keilor Campus we celebrated this week through the following activities YEAR 4/5/6 ZONE AND REGIONAL ATHLETICS 800M HEATS Congratulations to Dylan Pierias Year 4, Rebecca Wrout Year 5 and Zoe Sadler Year 6 who represented the College in the Zone 800m heats at the Zone / Regional Athletics Championships on the 6th October. Dylan confidently won his heat and will progress to the regional final. Rebecca placed 4th and Zoe placed 5th in their respective heats, running in challenging conditions. The regional finals will take place on Tuesday 19th October where a group of 20 athletes from Keilor and Taylors Lakes Campuses will represent our College. We wish all competitors the best of luck! Prep - Year 4 Sports Carnival - re-scheduled for next week due to the weather conditions Prep - Year 4 poster competition on being healthy and active Year 5 and 6 soccer competition - re-scheduled for next week due to the wet conditions Year 7 baseball throw competition - won by Matthew Bell and Sarah White Year 8 basketball free throw competition - won by Dylan Vowles and Charmaine Cauchi Year 4 - 8 Overnewton Gift handicap running race The results were: Girls 1st Madeleine Christou Year 4C 2nd Alana Daalmeyer Year 7J 3rd Keeley Dimartino Year 4S ACS GIRLS FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Congratulations to the members of the Girls Football Team who placed 2nd the ACS Girls Football Round Robin. Loyola College, the reigning premiers, won the competition, with Overnewton placing 2nd after a convincing win over Thomas Carr College in their final match. This is a terrific result from this cohort of players who have improved steadily over the past few years in this competition. Thank you to coach Rebecca Campbell, who experienced her first win with the team and kept them motivated in rainy and challenging conditions. Thanks also to Luke Farmer who drew on his AFL experience to umpire the matches and coordinate boundary and goal umpires. It was great to see the girls were supported by additional College staff and parents, with the competition taking place at Taylors Lakes Campus. It was the first time Overnewton hosted the competition, which despite the poor weather, proved to be a great success. Boys 1st Jonathon Reeves Year 8C 2nd Sean Ferguson Year 7K 3rd Johnathan Trinh Year 6W Options in the Senior School included • • • • A tennis competition (winner yet to be decided) A Year 11 European handball competition A Year 12 volleyball competition A student vs staff volleyball competition It has been a great week. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs Mr Tim Jezard, Head of Student Services [email protected] TALKING TO CHILDREN ABOUT SEXUALITY Parents and carers play a vital role in communicating with children about sexuality, however, we know that many parents have doubts about how to talk to their children about sexuality, and what is appropriate for children of different ages. A research project currently underway at the Parenting and Family Support Centre at the University of Queensland and Family Planning Queensland is looking at how parents communicate with their child about sexuality, and what support they would like in teaching their child about sexuality. We are seeking parents of 3 to 10-year-old children to share their thoughts in an online survey, which takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please visit the website to find out more and take part in the survey. For more information [email protected] about the project email: Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge A special, 40-page liftout featuring the names of students who successfully completed this year's Reading Challenge will be published in The Sunday Age on 31st October. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 6 Mrs Nikki Little, Head of Sport KC [email protected] and scoring an acceptable 77 runs with Shaun Prasaad top scoring with 27 runs. Ms Janene Lokaj, Head of Sport TLC [email protected] The boys from the table tennis team had a fantastic start to the season outscoring their opponents ten matches. Despite a comfortable winning score, some of the matches went the distance of seven sets to decide the eventual winner. As a team they lost only two singles games and one doubles match, so well done to retain the consistency showed earlier in the year. YEAR 7 Bhavya Kaur and Natasha Marinkovic were 3 games to 1 down in their second set during the tennis matches this week. They rallied and came back to win the next 5 games to win the set 6 games - 3. They gave each other plenty of encouragement, stayed positive and never gave up, so these girls were named best on court this week. The cricket team kept their unbeaten record complete with a comfortable win this week. Jacob Hazeldine was best with the bat with 43 runs and had to retire from the game. He also took three wickets when it was his turn to bowl. Other good performances were James Porto (26 not out), Liam Kurzemnieks (14 not out) and Adam Pisani (24 not out) and bowling was Daniel Raniolo taking 3 wickets. Winners: Girls‟ tennis (8 sets - 0); girls‟ volleyball B (3 sets - 2); boys‟ cricket (139 runs - 76); boys‟ basketball A (40 pts - 25); boys‟ basketball B (23 pts - 17); boys‟ hockey (2 goals - 0) YEAR 8 It was a great match by the girls from the tennis team dominating most of the sets. A special mention needs to go to Melissa Hinch and Jessica Wijnen who had the most convincing statistics of the afternoon, dropping only one game in two sets of tennis. Leading scorers from the boys‟ basketball games were Justin Borzillo (14 pts); Jack Hojnik (12 pts), Jay White 10 pts, Callum Bellinger (8 pts) and Bryce Davies (6 pts). It was great win by the boys from the table tennis team. After the singles it was four sets apiece with the scores from all of these matches very even. All of the players in each of the doubles encounters combined well to take the match. The girls from both of the volleyball teams tried hard throughout their encounter with St Michaels; however, they were very strong and dominated the match. The B team was able to take one set off their opponents which pleased them immensely. The girls from the soccer team put in a much improved effort winning the game comfortably in the end. They played the game with a different format that allowed them to be more aggressive in attack and solid in defence. Sarah Gonsalves scored all 4 goals but they capped a great defensive effort by the girls that turned into attack and enable Sarah to score. This win was made even more impressive when we find out that their opposition was sitting second on the ladder. This win keeps the final hopes of the team alive. Winners: Girls‟ soccer (4 goals - 1); boys‟ basketball A (30 pts 28); boys‟ table tennis (10 games - 6); girls‟ tennis (6 matches - 2) YEAR 9 The focus for the boys‟ cricket team is to be able to field a team each week, support one another and show improvement as individuals and as a team. We have supported the boys in this second half of the season by giving them an experience coach as well as an Overnewton staff member in Ms Johnson to coordinate the team. This has paid dividends in their first game for this part of the season with the batting for the entire 20 overs Liam Summerhill was outstanding in goals in the hockey match this week. The opposition peppered the goals but Liam stood tall and only one of them penetrated the back of the net. Thomas Beagley and Daniel Morcos created most of the attacking drives for the team that gave them many opportunities to score. Jesse Amato was named „most improved‟ as selected by the coach. Both of the boys‟ basketball teams had impressive victories this week with the leading scorers from these matches being John Van Der Rest (23 pts), Jarryd Senior (17 pts), Nikolaas Dimitrijevic (13 pts), Jake Wunhym (9 pts), Russell Dannock and Matthew Guilieri (7 pts apiece). The boys from the softball team combined together well to score another massive win during this season. Royston Bout, Steven Lam, James Tran all scored 4 runs each. Dilen Ibrahim score 3 runs himself and he was also the pitcher who kept the run rate of the opposition low. He was well supported by the players in the field and the team was led extremely well by James Tran. Winners: Girls‟ soccer (1 - 1 draw); girls‟ softball (13 runs - 8); boys‟ basketball A (36 pts -24), boys‟ basketball B (57 pts - 14); boys‟ softball (24 runs - 7) and boys‟ table tennis (13 matches 3) For information regarding departure and return times of the ACS teams during the week, call the College’s Sports Information Line on 9 331 5980. A REGISTER OF GREAT SPORTING ACHIEVERS Within the College community, past and present, there are a number of high achievers in a wide range of sports. The ACS maintains a sporting Hall of Fame that includes students from participant schools. There are a number of current and past Overnewton students whose achievements are worthy of being added to this list. We too maintain a list of such students, on the College register of achievements, with the view of adding our students to the ACS Hall of Fame. Hence, I would be pleased if any information of past or current students‟ notable sporting achievements were passed on by email, letter or fax, or by telephoning me at the College prior to Friday 5th November. Any student who has reached state level in their sport should be included in the College‟s own register, which was started in 2005. A celebration of the 2010 achievements will be recognised at our College Sports Awards evening on 24th November. Jodi Fitzgerald-Tate Head of Co-Curriculum Overnewton College Phone:9334-0195 Fax: 93361835 [email protected] READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 7 JUNIOR SPORTS PROGRAM On the 9th October the Basketball Summer season got underway, and it was fantastic to see six Overnewton teams take to the court. Five of those teams had the chance to play on the schools new basketball courts at Taylors Lakes Campus, which look great! It‟s been a big effort by the Junior Sports Program committee, coaches & team managers to get their teams on the court, so a big THANKS to them all and I wish you all the best for the coming season. The following are the results from rounds 1 & 2. Under 10 Boys Team Rd 1 Final Score: Overnewton,26 – Aberfeldie Jets, 6 Rd 2 Final Score: Overnewton, 12 – Keilor Village 1, 14 Under 10 Girls Team Rd 1 Final Score: Overnewton, 0 – Keilor Village, 26 Rd 2 Final Score: Overnewton, 00 – Avondale Raiders 1, 16 2011 Office/School Support Co-ordinators Keilor Campus This position is part of the Family Contribution Scheme and will commence 2011, with a handover in Term 4, 2010. The Co-ordinator’s duties include organising rosters & replacements, liaising with the Campus Office Manager, collating and reporting parent hours etc. Contact Parent and Friends Committee representative, Melissa Juzva for more information, a full role description or to apply. Mobile: 0408 554 994 or email applications to [email protected] Under 12 Boys 1 Team Rd 1 Final Score: Overnewton, 22 – Taylors Lakes 3, 7 Rd 2 Final Score: Overnewton, 38 – Keilor Village 2, 6 Under 12 Boys 2 Team Final Score: Overnewton, 4 – Taylors Lakes 4, 21 Rd 2 Final Score: Overnewtonm, 13 – Aberfeldie Jets 5, 14 Under 12 Girls Team Rd 1 Final Score: Overnewton, 37 – St Christopher‟s, 0 Rd 2 Final Score: Overnewton, 10 – Avondale Raiders 2, 22 Under 16 Girls Team Rd 1 Final Score: Overnewton Fire, 10 – Salvo Saints, 40 Rd 2 Final Score: Bye OVERNEWTON PARENTS & FRIENDS BUSINESS & SERVICES DIRECTORY Support the Overnewton Community and always consult the Parents and Friends Business and Services Directory! Are you considering purchasing a computer? Contact Greymouse PC for sales, repairs, upgrades. See Page 64 of the Parents & Friends Services Directory for full details of services available and Special Offer details. Contact Graham Pearson on 0430 172 752 for assistance and advice. (If you would like another copy of our directory, one for home and one for the office, please contact Shirley Seit on 9334 0140 who will be very pleased to assist.) STUDENT BANKING Welcome back “Super Savers”. A reminder that banking day is Wednesday at both Campuses. Remember to bring your bank book. What are your saving for? If you would like information on student banking call Mrs Rosanna Huggett on 9390 3494. Irma Rice - Taylors Lakes Campus 0425 703 588 Student Banking Co-ordinators Parent help is required to assist with light duties tidying up the staffroom kitchen at Taylors Lakes Campus. When: Every Tuesday or Wednesday Anytime that suits during school hours Middle School staffroom & meeting room Approx. 1.5 – 2.0 hours per week Please contact: Lisa Gouder Office Assistance Co-ordinator Taylors Lakes Campus Mobile: 0418 511 687 2011 Yard Duty Co-ordinator Taylors Lakes Campus Position to commence 2011, with a handover in Term 4, 2010. We are seeking a parent to co-ordinate the Yard Duty workgroup at Taylors Lakes Campus as part of the Family Contribution Scheme. Contact Parents and Friends Committee representative, Melissa Juzva for more information on 0408 554 994 or your interest to [email protected] READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 8 CLASSROOM ASSISTANCE Classroom Assistance positions for both Keilor and Taylors Lakes Campuses will be advertised through the Whispers on a weekly basis. Most positions require a regular weekly commitment for the whole year, although in specific cases you may be able to alternate with another parent or join a roster. You are invited to apply for any position, even if your child is at another campus or different year level. Please note that the person you will be telephoning is a parent fulfilling their Family Contribution Scheme commitment, so please do not phone before 7.15am or after 9.00pm. Younger siblings or sick children cannot accompany parents whilst on duty. A blue Classroom Assistance folder is kept at the Front Office at each campus to record your hours. Recording Hours A reminder to parents that it is your responsibility to record your own hours for classroom assistance and excursions in the folder at the front office labelled Classroom Assistance. Please ensure you write legibly and include details of your child, including the surname if you have a different name to your child, and your home telephone number. These hours are collated at the end of each term. Working with Children Check It is a Victorian Government requirement that all adults working with children have a current Working with Children Check. Please ensure you have your card number or Post Office Receipt number when you phone to register your name. TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS KEILOR CAMPUS If you have any concerns regarding the Classroom Assistance program at Keilor Campus please contact Jennie McCullagh, Resource Officer on 9334 0086. Parent Co-ordinators Wendy Weeks – Years Prep, 1 & 2 9331 7750 [email protected] Nadine Azzi – Years 3 – 12 & ACS 9336 0071 [email protected] Mimma Beazley – Library & Art 9390 7516 [email protected] If you have any concerns regarding the Classroom Assistance Program at Taylors Lakes Campus please contact Denise O‟Keefe, Resource Officer on 9334 0245. Parent Co-ordinators Danni Mpadogiannis – Years Prep-2 0409 231 714 [email protected] Annette Haber – Year 3 - 8 0416 184 526 or 9366 6455 Michelle Digby – Canowindra 8746 9209 [email protected] Year 1 Parent help is required in 1CO on Mondays 9.00am – 11.10am for Computers. Wendy Weeks 9331 7750 [email protected] Art Parents are required to assist the teachers with setting up, preparation, supervision and cleaning in Art classes Prep C Mondays 11.00am – 1.00pm Weeks 1 & 2 Prep S Thursdays 10.20am – 11.10am Week 2 & Thursdays 11.35am – 1.15pm Week 1 1R Tuesdays 11.00am – 1.00pm Weeks 1 & 2 1T Tuesdays 9.45am – 11.10pm Weeks 1 & 2 2MK Mondays 9.45am – 11.10am Weeks 1 & 2 3G Thursdays 9.00am – 10.30am Weeks 1 & 2 3C Thursdays 11.00am – 1.00pm Week 2 Mimma Beazley 9390 7516 [email protected] Year 9 Excursion - URGENT Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 9 Digital Design excursion to the Melbourne Museum on Friday 29th October from 12.30pm – 3.30pm. Michelle Digby 8746 9209 [email protected] Year 4 Indonesian Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 4 Indonesian excursion to CERES on Friday 5th November from 9.00am – 3.30pm. Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] Junior School House Art Sale at Taylors Lakes Campus Parent help is required for the Taylors Lakes Junior School Art Sale. Parents will assist Ms Joann Sheldon with the sale and selection of the children in the Junior School‟s art work. This will be a large Junior School event that will require plenty of parent support. Parents will be required on these dates. Tuesday 16th November 7:45am – 9:30am and 2:30pm – 4:15pm Wednesday 17th November 7:45am – 9:30am and 2:30pm – 4:15pm Friday 19th November 7:45am – 9:30am and 2:30pm – 4:15pm Melissa Lo-Iudice 0425 757 838 [email protected] Year 3 Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 3 excursion to AJ Davis Reserve in Airport West for a Junior Rugby Clinic on Monday 22 November from 9.30am – 3.20pm. Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] PARENT HELP NEEDED ART SHOW 2010 2010 – COMBINED TAYLOR’S LAKES AND KEILOR CAMPUS ARTSHOW HELD AT TAYLOR’S LAKES CAMPUS VISUAL ARTS BUILDING Parent helpers are needed by the Visual Arts Faculty for art show display set-up and pack-up days. Times and dates: Set-up day Wednesday 3rd November, any time between 9.00am to 4.00pm Pack-up day Saturday 6th November (Fete Day) from 4.00pm to 6.00pm Tasks include cleaning rooms, preparing displays, hanging works, labelling work, etc. Please contact Ms Eva on 9334 0274 or [email protected] READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers (Continued on page 10) Page 9 KEILOR CAMPUS MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT SUPPORT TEAM MEETING Dear Parents, The Keilor Campus Middle School Parent Support Team will be holding a meeting on Friday 22nd October. We will be meeting for coffee/cake at Slices on Old Calder Hwy at 2.00 to discuss what‟s on for the children in Term 4. Anyone who would like to attend the meeting is most welcome. The Parent Support Team (PST) run various functions during the year such as Boost juice and Subway days, socials, parent get togethers, etc and in order to run successfully, we need your support. All hours will be allocated towards the Family Contribution Scheme for meetings and functions and younger children are welcome at meetings. We look forward to seeing you on Friday and if anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: Rosemary 0403 499 043 or Anthea 0402 311 897. (Continued from page 9) Junior School House Captains – Watergardens Shopping Trip Parents are needed to assist Miss Joann Sheldon in taking 8 Year 4 students to Watergardens Shopping Centre on Thursday 25th November from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Parents will assist the children in purchasing Christmas gifts for underprivileged children. Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] Year 1 Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 1 excursion to Buzykidz in Mill Park on Friday 26th November from 9.00am to 3.20pm. Melissa Lo-Iudice 0425 757 838 [email protected] JUNIOR SCHOOL CANTEEN VACANCIES AT KEILOR CAMPUS FOR TERM 4 ROSTER WE NEED YOUR HELP! PARENT ROSTER TERM 4, 2010 RICHARDSON CAFÉ WE NEED PARENT ASSISTANCE FOR THE DAYS SHOWN BELOW AT THE Richardson Café If you can help PLEASE email Kate Martinussen at [email protected] Day Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Thursday Friday Date 28/10/2010 01/11/2010 02/11/2010 03/11/2010 04/11/2010 08/11/2010 10/11/2010 16/11/2010 17/11/2010 19/11/2010 22/11/2010 23/11/2010 24/11/2010 25/11/2010 26/11/2010 29/11/2010 01/12/2010 03/12/2010 08/12/2010 09/12/2010 10/12/2010 GREAT AUSSIE BARBIE We require parents to assist with our GREAT AUSSIE BARBIE at the Overnewton Country Fair. If you are a great BBQ cook, or would like to help out behind the scenes we need your help. Whether for an hour or two or the whole day we would love your support. Please call Shane Lalor on 0419 300 043. The Junior School canteen at Keilor Campus needs your help! We are looking for parents who could assist by working in the canteen in Term 4. We still have several vacancies available. If you are able to assist please give me a call. We are also always looking for new parents to join the canteen roster. The canteen is fun and great way of completing your hours towards the Family Contribution Scheme and meeting new parents. We'd love to see you there. Thank you! Nicole Bonomo canteen co-ordinator 9390 6613 Working Bee Keilor Campus Saturday 23rd October The next Working Bee will be held on Saturday 23rd October 2010. Please note that the working bee commences at 8:30am and not before. Hours will only be credited after 8:30am. The day will finish at 4.30 pm. Please stay as long as possible so that the tasks organised for the day can be completed. The day will cover projects and general clean up. Please bring along your own gloves and any gardening tools you may require, including lawn mowers. Lunch: $4.00 Please note that children are not permitted to attend working bees. Co-ordinators: Andrew Daalmeyer Paul Pino Keilor Campus 0411 269 331 0405 770 228 (Working Bee dates are also listed on the College website, www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/Parents and Friends/ Working Bee Dates and Information) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 10 Interested in completing your Family Contribution Scheme hours outside of working hours? CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR NEEDY FAMILIES With minimum groups of 4, you would be responsible for cleaning the Taylors Lakes Campus new Gymnasium. !!! Helpers Wanted !!! Floor Cleaning Working Group at new Taylors Lakes Campus Gym The Junior Schools Carol Service will take place at St Paul‟s Cathedral, on Monday November 29 2010 at 10.30am. All are welcome to join us in celebration there. Cleaning is approx 2 hours rostered work to be completed on a weekly or fortnightly basis. All cleaning equipment provided. At this service, we will present to Anglicare, gifts from our families in support of needy and struggling families, to share in the joy of Christmas. Give it a go!! Enquiries to: Effie Pensa, Gymnasium Cleaning Co-ordinator 0414 566 382 (mobile) [email protected] (email) COLLEGE UNIFORM SHOP The College Shop is open Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday every week during term. Please note: the College Shop is not open during school holidays unless advertised in Whispers. OPENING HOURS Tuesday 8.15am - 4.30pm Wednesday 8.30am - 4.30pm Thursday 8.15am - 4.30pm Our fine Overnewton support staff then deliver these many gifts to the Anglicare warehouse, all in good time to spread joy and relief. I look forward to sharing in this great event this year, and thank you for your wonderful generosity. Reverend Kim Cruickshank All students and their families are invited to bring gifts to place under the Christmas trees in each campus administration foyer before 20th November. GUIDELINES FROM ANGLICARE: Thank you for your contribution of Gifts which are new, and not wrapped. Toys/gifts for 13-16 yr olds: CDs, DVDs, posters, wallets, cameras, personal radios, watches, handbags, back packs, beach towels, beach games, diaries, calendars, gift vouchers, sporting goods, T-shirts, sneakers, scarves, clothing and hair accessories, jewellery, make-up sets. SATURDAY TRADING FOR 2010 Term 4 4th December 9 – 1pm SECOND HAND SALES Please note when purchasing second hand uniforms, they must be paid for by Cash Only. Choose well as there is no exchange on second hand items. If you are wishing to drop off items for sale in the second hand section, these items must be handed to Miranda Turner. At no time are they to be left at reception or the front door of the College Shop. All items must be clearly marked with name, address and telephone number, otherwise goods will not be accepted. Blazers MUST be dry-cleaned with the dry cleaning tag displayed and all other items washed. We do not accept hats or any items of clothing with holes or stains of any kind (such as paint). We will hold items for sale for a period of 12 months only. At the end of that 12 month period, if they have not been sold, we ask that you collect your items from the College Shop. If not collected, your items of clothing are then donated to the orphanage in Zambia. EXCHANGE & REFUNDS While we are happy to exchange, you will need to keep your receipt to do so. All exchanges and refunds will only be accepted in the term of purchase. Toys/gifts for 9-12 yr olds: books, games, CDs, DVDs, caps, hats, sneakers, T-shirts, windcheaters, netballs, footballs, basketballs, swimming goggles, scooters, card sets, craft activities, textas and pencils, jigsaws, marbles, carpentry sets, cooking sets, cricket sets, gift vouchers, board games, beach towels. Toys/gifts for 5-8 yr olds: lego, board games, balls, bats, paints, pencils, textas, crayons, art equipment. Musical instruments, DVDs, beach toys, toy trucks, toy cars, dolls, jigsaws, socks, cut and paste activities, prams, slippers. Pre-schools, toddlers and babies: lego, building blocks, games, books, shapes, pullalong toys, play-dough, beach toys, socks, rattles, mobiles, baby blankets, pillows, bibs, DVDs. Food: non-perishables such as tinned ham, tinned salmon, canned vegetables, rice/pasta, canned fruit, Christmas cakes/ puddings, jams/jellies, shortbread/biscuits, chocolates/lollies, coffee/tea/milo. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate contact Miranda Turner on 9334 0112. Miranda Turner College Uniform Shop Direct to Shop 9334 0112 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 11 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 12 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 13 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 14 KRISPY KREME IS BACK AT THE OACC COUNTRY FAIR!! This year to avoid disappointment please pre order your doughnuts and we will even keep your order until you are ready to go home on the day. Simply complete this form and return with payment by cash or cheque to either the Keilor Campus or Taylors Lakes Campus office. Please have correct money as no change can be given. Customer Name Address Quantity Original Glazed $16 per/doz OR Assorted Dozen* $20 per/doz Amount Paid INCLUDE HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER When recording hours contributed toward the Family Contribution Scheme please write your home telephone number (NOT mobile number)as this will assist us to ensure your hours are allocated correctly Country Fair 2010 STUFFED TOYS STUDENT STREET – HELP NEEDED Come and visit “Student Street” at this years Country Fair. It is jam packed with activities for the kids – face painting, nail art, tattoos, beading, plant a seed, fairy floss, popcorn, sno-kones, balloon stomping, jaffa smasha, costumes, awesome prizes and so much more…………… Are you sick of seeing those large oversized stuffed toys lying around your home? Here‟s your chance to get rid of them!! This is by far the coolest place for the young (and the young at heart) to be at the Fair. Whether it‟s Homer Simpson, The Red Devil or perhaps that large oversized puppy with the big brown eyes, we will be more than happy to take them off your hands – be rest assured that they will go to a good home!! To ensure Student Street‟s success, we require volunteers to help out on the day with running some of the activities. All hours worked will be allocated to your contribution towards the Family Contribution Scheme. We urgently require your help with the donation of new and pre-loved children‟s Large and Small Stuffed toys, the kind you would find at Moomba or the show if you were lucky enough to have won one!! Please contact me ASAP if you are able to assist on the day and we hope to see you there! There is also the setting up on the Friday night and packing up on the Saturday straight after the Fair – if you are able to also assist with this please let me know. We are bringing back to Student Street the “stomp a balloon” stall, and we are seeking your kind donations to be on display and won by the winning tickets found in the balloons. Thank you Olga Forsythe Student Street Co-ordinator Mobile: 0402 035 428 Email: [email protected] Donations can be made by contacting Olga Forsythe to arrange for collection or pick up on 0402 035 428 or can be donated on the Casual Clothes Day on Friday the 15th of October 2010. PLEASE NOTE: Stuffed Toys with stains or tears will not be accepted READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 15 OACC COUNTRY FAIR 2010 Children’s Costume Stall in Student Street Overnewton Country Fair - Saturday November 6th 2010 DONATIONS NEEDED FOR SILENT AUCTION STALL !!! We urgently require your help with the donation of new and pre-loved children‟s costumes. Costumes with stains or holes will not be accepted. Dress-ups play a major part in children‟s active everyday life, as it enhances and broadens their minds through imaginary play. Your generous donations will put a smile on any child‟s face. Do you or anyone you know, have goods or services they would like to donate to the Overnewton Country Fair? Do you or anyone you know have unwanted “new” items that can be donated to our school rather than get thrown away? Then let the Silent Auction team take care of this for you! What NEW things are we looking for? Appliances - Product Vouchers - Holidays - Accessories - Promo Packs Services - Dinner Vouchers - Memorabilia - Sporting equipment Furniture - New bikes - Equipment - Footy Merchandise PLEASE NOTE: Due to hygiene reasons we cannot accept underwear, swimwear, hats or footwear Donations can be made at the following working bee between 9am-12noon: 30th October – Taylors Lakes Campus (shed) Or please call Olga Forsythe 0402 035 428 to arrange pick up or drop off Your generosity will help support our College whilst at the same time inject some FUN at the Fair. Each donation made can be recognised with business cards/logos at the stall. All company support will feature throughout the day helping them market their business to the greater Overnewton community. MUSIC SHACK To arrange for pick-up or drop-off of your items call: Ellen 0417 370 206 or Debbie 0411 610 184 BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS ! It's time to clear out your book shelves for the Country Fair Book Stall. Contact Kitty Beagley 0404 394 954 or 9337 5586 DO YOU HAVE ANY OLD CD’S, VIDEOS, RECORDS, AUDIO TAPES, DVD’S ?? CAN YOU SPARE AT LEAST ONE ITEM OR MORE FROM YOUR COLLECTION of Children‟s Music, Pop, Classical, Gospel, Country, New Age, Alternative, Jazz etc. What do you do with your donation? Please leave your donation marked “Music Shack” and leave it at the Front Office of your Campus. If you have a larger donation and require collection please contact Nada Phillipou 0407 234 707 Trash ‘n’ Treasure Collection Day Collection day for donations of goods for the Trash ‘n’ Treasure Stall for the Overnewton Country Fair will be held on: Thank you for your generous support !!!! COUNTRY FAIR CHRISTMAS & GIFT HAMPERS STALL Saturday 30th October - 9:30am to 12pm Please bring any donations to the huge shed at the TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS (you can see it from the car park). For any queries, please contact: Claire Moore 0413 997 289 ** Unfortunately, we are unable to accept electrical items, mattresses, clothes or lounge suites ** Are you employed full time and finding it hard to contribute your hours? Look no further, we have the answer! The Christmas & Gift Hamper Team, are looking for expressions of interest from anyone who would like to take advantage of a fantastic way to contribute their hours from home. Newcomers welcome!! For all enquiries please call: Patricia on 8390 8897 or Maria Cagalj 0412 416 715 between 6 and 8 pm (Monday - Friday) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 16 OACC COUNTRY FAIR 2010 Saturday 6th November HELPERS NEEDED!!!! All hours worked go towards your 18 hour commitment!! as part of the Family Contribution Scheme DEVONSHIRE TEAS ART & CRAFT STALL Friday Night 5th November 5pm. – 9pm Minimum 4 hours We need parents to help bake scones in the Parent & Friends kitchen in the Gymnasium at the Taylors Lakes Campus. Ingredients are supplied. We are looking for parents/ volunteers to assist us in making craft items for the Country Fair. Newcomers Welcome!!! Please call after 5pm: Saturday 6th November 9am – 5pm Minimum 4 hours We need parents to help with serving scones, washing dishes, taking orders & money, etc. Please call after 5pm: Kristin Dix 9390 5937 HOME MADE CAKES & SWEETS STALL We need parents to bake cakes, biscuits, muffins, slices, savouries or whatever your baking specialty may be. Please contact: Sharyn Murphy 0419 313 920 Keilor Campus Mary Georgelos 0418 583 086 [email protected] Marianne Watson 0458 250 150 Taylors Lakes Campus Kalli Lontos 0419 371 391 [email protected] Rosie Smarrelli 0418 512 029 [email protected] SECURITY We are looking for parents who would like to assist with security during the day of the Country Fair. All hours worked count towards your commitment to the Family Contribution Scheme. Please contact: Scott Welsh 0438 550 180 HELPERS ARE ALSO NEEDED FOR SET UP AND CLEANING UP Friday 5th November: Set up from 9 am. Help is also needed on Friday night. Saturday 6th November: Assistance with stalls, car park attendants, food hall servers, golf competition, and helpers to pack up after the Fair. Sunday 7th November: Cleaning up (BYO gloves & tongs) from 9 am until finished. If you can spare any time over these three days please contact: Joy Johnson on 9336 3737 or 0413 007 105. Every attempt will be made to find something to suit your available times and your preference of activity. If you are likely to have fulfilled your 18 hours for Term 4 prior to this, we can ask permission of the Principal to carry any hours you contribute to the College Fair to Term 1 in 2011. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 17 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: www.overnewton.vic.edu.au/whispers Page 18
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