MR GABE ALESSANDRINI, Head of Taylors Lakes Campus gabe
MR GABE ALESSANDRINI, Head of Taylors Lakes Campus gabe
Volume 27.32 30th October 2013 MR GABE ALESSANDRINI, Head of Taylors Lakes Campus [email protected] DIGITAL DIALOGUES Digital Dialogues, this term‘s parent education evening, was a very insightful and successful evening. The range of discussions and activities gave parents, students and staff in attendance a tremendous opportunity to examine the current thoughts about social media and living in a digital world. The interactive activities gave everyone the opportunity to make choices, give answers and opinions and get a better understanding of the digital world in which we live. To have in excess of 100 mobile devices connecting into the interactive exercise not only showed what a great attendance the evening had but just how readily accessible mobile technology is. Our student volunteers involved in the evening did a tremendous job as roving questioners and in playing the various characters they depicted and their various opinions regarding the use of social media. The importance of an evening such as this is to enable open and informed dialogue to take place across all age groups. As technology continues to develop, it enables us to become more connected with more people, not just locally, but globally. This far reaching ability to connect makes it even more important for conversations to take place at a family level and at a school level to ensure that the connections made are done in a safe and informed manner for the benefit of all involved. Technology and social media in particular, can be fun and entertaining but more importantly, can be very powerful learning tools when used for this purpose. As one of the presenters said, the values and practices that we have always had when interacting with people face to face shouldn‘t change just because the advances in technology now enable us to communicate to a broader audience more readily via a digital medium. Courtesy and respect are always important in all interactions. Digital Dialogues was a very successful evening. It was interactive, engaging and informative. Congratulations to Tim Jezard, Melissa Juzva, and the team of staff parents and students involved in the planning and delivery of the evening. Thank you also to all of the families who attended and supported this College event. Let‘s keep this dialogue going! WORKING BEE THANK YOU When meeting colleagues from other schools and comparing notes about each others‘ schools, the one element that makes Overnewton stand out amongst all of the schools represented is our parent involvement. We are truly blessed as a College to have parents who are willing to commit themselves to giving time and effort to the College each term. It is always appropriate to remember the value of this commitment and this involvement as it is a key element that shapes the culture of our College. There are numerous examples of the wonderful things our parent do every week. One such example is the Working Bee. The enthusiasm with which parents undertake the tasks that need to be completed demonstrates a level of pride and commitment that I believe is truly unique to Overnewton. Also, the willingness to suggest things that could be done or projects that can be undertaken to improve the campus, further demonstrates this commitment to the College and its environment. Ultimately the students are the ones that benefit from this commitment to improving their environment. This involvement from parents gives the students a sense of ownership. There is a level of pride they feel knowing that their parents made significant contributions to maintaining and, in some instances, creating the outdoor environment in which they play and learn. The students certainly show their appreciation for their parents‘ efforts by looking after their environment and keeping it clean. I would like to thank all of the parents that attended the most recent working bee last Saturday. As always, much work was done and the campus looks magnificent as a result of the efforts of all of the parents that attended and the working bee co-ordinators that oversaw all of the activities. Our level of parent involvement makes us a very unique and a very special school community and for that, we are all very thankful. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 1 PARENTS AFTERNOON TEA WITH THE PRINCIPAL COLLEGE DATES Wednesday 30th October VCE Exams commence Thursday 31st October VCE Performing Arts Evening - 7pm Monday 4th November Mid term holiday except for Year 12s with exams Tuesday 5th November Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday Wednesday 6th November Summer Uniform must be worn from this day Friday 8th November Girls‘ Night In 4pm to 8pm Saturday 9th November College Country Fair Sunday 10th November Working Bee—Half day after the Fair at Taylors Lakes Campus Mr Laussen will again be holding informal opportunities for parents to meet with him over a cup of tea. Please feel free to call in should you wish to have a chat, ask a question, or share a good news story about your child. TERM 4 2013 Principal’s Office Keilor Campus 7th and 21st November 5th December Meeting Room Taylors Lakes Campus 18th November 2nd December Time: 2.30—3.30pm MR PETER ADAMS, Deputy Head of Junior School, Keilor Campus [email protected] CROSS AGE LEARNING There are many learning experiences that occur in Junior School but one of the most powerful, simple, and proven means available for stimulating children to grow, both academically and socially is cross age learning. Students in Junior School engage in many activities that promote this practice. Apart from connections made between older and younger classes our Transition and House programs are excellent examples in which this type of learning occurs. Last week, students from 3E visited Prep R to share the narratives they had written during their literacy program. From all reports the students of 3E thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Prep R and apart from getting the opportunity to read their stories to the younger students they were able to make insightful reflections about their experience during their circle time. Effective use of cross age learning has many benefits. The younger students love the attention the older students give them, the one to one learning that occurs and the friendships they develop. The older students benefit socially and academically during these exchanges but most importantly they develop their sense of responsibility, mutual respect for others and their understanding of community. Below are two examples of student reflections. It was fun reading my book to some Preps because they gave me good comments like „your book was cool‟ and that one little comment made my life change. I would love to meet Prep R again because they were very kind. Katherine Koroneos My experiences with Prep R were really interesting because I learnt a lot about being a Prep. They told me that they couldn‟t read small fonts but they could read bigger fonts. I asked them what was their favourite picture and Rory answered, “The front cover.” My time in Prep R was amazing. I had lots of enjoyment. Harley Brown ―Students should graduate from Overnewton Anglican Community College as young adults confident in their own abilities and attributes, conscious of the needs of others, accepting of diversity. ― An excerpt from the Overnewton 2020 Vision booklet. Peter Adams PHYSICAL EDUCATION WEEK IN JUNIOR SCHOOL The week beginning Monday 14th October marked PE Week – a week in which students were able to reflect upon the importance of health and physical education in their everyday lives. As part of the celebrations, the Physical Education Faculty organised a variety of activities for students to be involved in outside of regular classes where the focus was on activity and participation. Over 50 students contested a ‗longest throw‘ competition, over 100 students had fun at the first ever ‗Jump Rope Disco‘, 50 Year 4 students played lunchtime House Sport and 53 students (and parents!) came to school at 8am to be involved in a cricket clinic. Some classroom teachers also followed this learning through in the classroom, recording laps that students ran around the soccer field and tracking class results – ―how far have we run?‖ The week was a big success - congratulations to all who joined in the celebrations. Liam Castellas Edison House Co-ordinator Images have been removed to meet privacy needs READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 2 (Continued from page 2) YEAR 4 INQUIRY LEARNING On Monday the 21st of October the Year 4 students gathered in the open learning space for a quick rehearsal for the up and coming celebration evening when they were surprised by the arrival of prominent Overnewton staff dressed in clothes that represented another aspect of their identity. This was the provocation for the final unit of inquiry; A person‘s behaviour and how they choose to present themselves project aspects of their identity. The students were intrigued and fascinated to see these people in a way they would never have imagined, as they were different to their school identity. Some of the staff that visited were: · Mr Laussen as a gardener - gardening attire, · Mr Huntington the science teacher in his lab coat, · Mr Fielding the handy man, · Rev. Kim in hiking attire, · Ms McNaughton showed that she loves to bake, · Mr Adams – golfer, · Mrs Zalakos the fitness fanatic, and · Rani in her very colourful sari. This provocation definitely got the students thinking and questioning the notion that everyone has many facets to who they are. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs Philippa Piper 3 – 4 Coordinator Keilor Campus JUNIOR SCHOOL - KEILOR CAMPUS COMING EVENTS TERM 4 , 2013 DATES 30th October – 1st November Friday 1st November Friday 1st November 4th – 5th November Wednesday 6th November Wednesday 6th November 7th - 8th November Monday 11th November Tuesday 12th November Wednesday 13th November Thursday 14th November Thursday 14th November Friday 15th November Friday 15th November Year 3 Camp (Weekaway) Prep 2014 Transition Day 3 – 2.00pm – 3.00pm Chapel – Year 4 and Prep– 1.40pm – 2.15pm Year 2 and 1, 2.45-3.20pm – Assembly Hall 2MH Hosting MID TERM BREAK (Melbourne Cup weekend) Year 4 LOTE excursion to CERES, Brunswick Year 2 Camp – Mt Evelyn Chapel – Prep – Year 2 – 1.40pm – 2.15pm Year 3 and 4 2.45-3.20pm – Assembly Hall 3E Hosting Assembly 2.30pm – 3.15pm KC Prep 2014 Information Evening – 7.00pm Assembly Hall Report Writing Day – Student Free Day Prep – Year 9) Keilor Campus Prep 2014 Orientation Day and Prep Parent 2014 Morning Tea Year 1 Excursion to IMAX and NGV House Lunch Chapel – Prep – Year 2 – 1.40pm – 2.15pm Year 3 and 4 2.45-3.20pm – Assembly Hall 2T Hosting READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 3 JUNIOR SCHOOL-KEILOR CAMPUS, STUDENTS OF THE WEEK Congratulations to the following students who received a Student of the Week Certificate this week. Prep C Jesse Di Pasquale for writing interesting and detailed responses and for beginning to self edit and correct his work Prep MK Aaron Goyal for being persistent when learning how to make an array Prep PK Henry Nguyen for organising his belongings and workspace effectively at the beginning of the day Prep R Abigail Zammit for having confidence when reading and working hard to achieve her reading goal Prep R Christyana Dimitrijevic for persisting with her reading goal and working hard to achieve it 1BK Mason Dagher for trying to make improvements to his writing and demonstrating a consistency with language 1BK Zach Armfield for trying hard to stay focused during independent reading 1GK Nicholas Falla for his excellent mental computation skills 2ML Olivia Evans for trying her very best with her school work at all times, and being a thoughtful, caring and loyal friend 2ML Charlie Wilson for being a thoughtful and supportive friend, and making ‗good choices‘ with his friendship groups 2P Samantha Sikavitsas for always being considerate of others and offering assistance when needed 2P Stephen Condello for reflecting on himself as a learner and striving for success 3C Brendan Tang for using the College theme ‗iRespect‘ when interacting with students and teachers 3G Miah Setiawan for asking relevant questions and offering thoughtful ideas during class discussions 3S Alexander Tasevski for using ‗Green Light Thinking‘ to encourage others to use positive thoughts when preparing for our Year 3 camp to Weekaway 4NK Alessia Cremasco for using ‗mindfulness‘ strategies to become a better listener 4P Claudia Bozinovski for being happy, cheerful and approaching her learning with a positive attitude JUNIOR SCHOOL-TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS Head of Junior School, Taylors Lakes Campus, Mrs Tracy Fielder [email protected] JUNIOR SCHOOL-TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS The Year 3 and 4 staff and students have shared the excitement of camp in recent weeks. The Outdoor Education Camping Program at Overnewton offers unique opportunities for growth and the development of personal and practical skills. The program encourages the students to develop an understanding of the outdoor environment and provides them with opportunities to develop essential personal and interpersonal skills through experiencing natural environments in a range of venues throughout the years. The students participate in activities that offer a sense of adventure, challenge and team building, while developing leadership, initiative and problem solving skills. Year 4 recently visited Mount Eliza‘s Camp Manyung, where students engaged in exciting activities including the giant swing, flying fox, tree climbing, a low ropes course, gardening and bike education. Although the weather wasn‘t entirely friendly, an indoor team building program was also implemented, where students were able to participate in a range of indoor games. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs This week Year 3 attended Weekaway Camp in Lancefield. This camping experience offered students such activities as canoeing, flying fox, Go Go Golf, archery and Photo Regaining. Weekaway fosters the development of positive relationships, resilience, self-esteem and team-building skills through its programs. Camps are a wonderful way for the students to display independence. It is an opportunity to remove themselves from their comfort zones, to try new things and partake in activities otherwise often unavailable to them. It is also a valuable way for students, staff and parents alike to develop relationships amongst the entire year level community. The support and encouragement that the students show each other is truly heart warming! We certainly appreciate the support of our tireless parent helpers that make our camps possible also. Our students are to be commended for their outstanding behaviour and conduct whilst representing the College off campus. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs As the end of the year draws closer all too quickly, it is important to encourage students to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Plenty of sleep, a healthy lunch and fresh water to drink throughout the day are essential in helping to keep students performing at their best during this busy time. Please be reminded that after the mid term break and Melbourne Cup Day next week, it is compulsory for students to wear the full Summer uniform from Wednesday 6th November. Please also note the student free day on Wednesday 13th November which has been set aside for Report Writing Day. We hope you enjoy the extra long weekend and we look forward to a bustling end of year, with many exciting upcoming events. Shana Najdovski Year 3/4 Co-ordinator, Taylors Lakes Campus (Continued on page 5) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 4 (Continued from page 4) JUNIOR SCHOOL –TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS ART SALE The children in the Junior School at Taylors Lakes Campus will hold their annual Art Sale to raise money to buy Christmas gifts for those less fortunate than themselves this November. Each year level will have a special piece of unique artwork for sale on the allocated days. A donation of as little or as much as you like will go towards purchasing the Christmas gifts. The Junior School Student Representative Council will go to Watergardens to purchase the gifts. These very special gifts from our generous Overnewton community will be presented to Anglicare during the Cathedral service later this term. The Art Sale will take place in the Multipurpose Hall on the following dates and times. JUNIOR SCHOOL - TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS COMING EVENTS TERM 4, 2013 DATES Thursday 21st of November 8am – 9:15am and 3:00 pm – 4:15pm Friday 22nd of November 8am – 9:15am and 3:00 pm – 4: 15pm Monday 25th of November 8am – 9:15am Overnewton House t-shirts will not need to be worn on the day of the Art Sale. We hope to see you all there! Thursday 31st October Monday 4th November Tuesday 5th November 7th – 8th November Saturday 9th November Monday 11th November Wednesday 13th November Thursday 14th November Friday 15th November Assembly – 2F hosting Mid Term Break Cup Day Year 2 Camp College Fair Prep 2014 Information Evening Report Writing Day (student free) Assembly – 1G hosting Year 4 LOTE Excursion Prep Excursion CHICKEN POX We have had cases of chicken pox reported in the Junior School at the Taylors Lakes Campus. Could parents please keep a look out for the tell-tale blisters, general fatigue, and fever. Karen Potter, School Nurse, Taylors Lakes Campus MRS JAN JOLLEY, Head of Middle School, Keilor Campus [email protected] MR TIM MAHON, Head of Middle School, Taylors Lakes Campus [email protected] RELIGIOUS STUDIES EXCURSION The Year 8s from both campuses visited the Sunshine Mosque and the Temple Beth Israel Synagogue as part of the recent Religious Studies unit. It was a wonderful opportunity to visit these places of worship and hear from speakers firsthand about beliefs, practices and traditions. The students engaged in the discussions, asked excellent questions, compared the similarities as well as differences and enjoyed the experiences of being in these holy places. YEAR 7 CAMP TO LAKE DEWAR Recently the Taylors Lakes Year 7 students attended the YMCA Lake Dewar Lodge Camp in Myrniong for four days. The activities the students participated in included mountain bike riding, the dual flying fox, the amazing race, geocaching, cannoning, the survival challenge, stand up paddle boarding, archery and ‗camp out‘. The highlight was the ‗camp out‘ which included the students sleeping in a tent and preparing and cooking their own meals on a trangia. All of the activities promoted teamwork and built the confidence of students through engaging them in the variety of challenging experiences. Images have been removed to meet privacy needs MIDDLE SCHOOL – IMPORTANT DATES FOR TERM 4 28th – 30th October 4th November 5th November 6th November 9th November 13th November 14th November Taylors Lakes Campus Year 5 Lady Northcote Camp Mid Term Break Melbourne Cup Public Holiday Taylors Lakes Campus Year 5 LOTE/ESS excursions Country Fair Report Writing Day (Student Free) Year 7 LOTE/ESS Excursions READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 5 MS LAUREN OLD, Head of Senior School [email protected] UNIT 3/4 EXAMINATIONS All of our Year 12 students completed their Exam Revision Week last week where they attended lectures and revision sessions for each of the subjects that they are studying. This week, on Wednesday 30th October, sees the start of the Unit 3/4 examinations commencing with English. The Unit 3/4 examinations run through until Thursday 21st November. Students are reminded that they need to be in correct school uniform for these examinations, have photo ID and they must read their timetables carefully to ensure that they are at school as least 15 minutes before reading time begins. If there are any issues on the day of an examination (for example, illness) students need to contact the VCE Co-ordinator Ms Claudia Graham or Head of Senior School, Ms Lauren Old to inform them of any concerns. We wish all our students the very best as they prepare and undertake their final examinations. LAST DAY OF ASSESSMENT FOR YEAR 10 AND UNIT 2 SUBJECTS Thursday 7th November is the last day of assessment for Year 10 and Year 11 students. This means that all assessment tasks must be submitted and completed by this day to ensure that students satisfactorily complete all of their subjects. If there are any concerns from students about completing their work, they should be having timely communication with their subject teachers and mentors. YEAR 10 AND YEAR 11 EXAMINATIONS The examination period for Year 10 and 11 students runs from Wednesday 14th – Friday 22nd November. During this time, students only attend school when they have an examination scheduled. They may remain at home to study if they do not have an examination on a particular day. All students are reminded that they need to be in correct summer uniform and have photo ID for all examinations. Any student not in correct uniform will be sent home and their examination rescheduled for another day. Students are also reminded to read over the examination rules and guidelines as stated in the Senior School Handbook to familiarise themselves once again with these. MR CLAYTON MARTIN, Head of PE Keilor Campus (P-12) [email protected] PHYSICAL EDUCATION WEEK Middle School - Keilor Campus The students in Middle School and Senior School had the opportunity to participate in some extra non classroom based physical activity sessions to celebrate Physical Education (PE) week. These included a class based soccer competition, a horizontal bungee run, a cricket clinic and basketball free throw competition for Middle School students and a futsal competition, a staff v students volleyball game (the staff won) and a mixed martial arts fitness class for Senior School students Thank you to the students that participated in these activities. Clayton Martin Head of Physical Education, Keilor Campus ATTENTION YEAR 9 AND SENIOR SCHOOL STUDENTS AND PARENTS! The Senior School second hand book sale will be held on WEDNESDAY 27th NOVEMBER 2013, 6pm to 8pm In the Penman Centre You need to bring your books on the night and sell them yourself at the prices listed on the second hand booklist handout. The list of books which can be sold will be sent out with the 2014 booklists or emailed to Year 12 students. PLEASE DO NOT BRING BOOKS THAT ARE NOT LISTED OR OLDER EDITIONS. As a buyer it is your responsibility to check that you are buying the correct book and edition. Please bring the exact money-cash only Doors open at 6.00pm sharp Assistance is required to help set-up, supervise and clear-up, (3 hours) Contact Faye Colaco - 9390 4313/0434 020 111 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 6 Girl’s Night In The annual ‗Girl‘s night in‘ evening will be held on Friday 8th November at Canowindra. 2013 will be the fourth year that Overnewton will participate in this event to raise awareness and funds for women‘s cancers. Our Girl‘s Night In committee, made up of Year 9 students, has been working hard to organise this event, including; guest speakers, goods donations, advertising and activities. All on the committee would appreciate the support of staff, students and families and the wider College community in providing donation‘s to help support this cause. (Any donation over $2 is tax deductable!) Mr Michael Atkinson and some Year 9 boys have promised that they will shave their heads at an assembly, if we can raise over $1000. If there is anyone else who would like to provide a similar incentive, please don‘t hesitate to contact us! The following are the instructions for making a donation: Go to Click on the link at the top right ―Donate‖ Select ‗Donate to someone you know‘ Select ‗VIC‘ ‗Halide Huseyin‘ into the participants name area Click on the link ‗Sponsor me‘ to donate You can also leave a message on the message board If you do not want to donate via the website, please contact Nicole Snellecksz at the Canowindra office for a donation form. Cash donations can also be made to Nicole Snellecksz. A REGISTER OF GREAT SPORTING ACHIEVERS Within the College community, past and present, there are a number of high achievers in a wide range of sports. The ACS maintains a sporting Hall of Fame that includes students from participant schools. There are a number of current and past Overnewton students whose achievements are worthy of being added to this list. We too maintain a list of such students, on the College register of achievements, with the view of adding our students to the ACS Hall of Fame. Hence, I would be pleased if any information of past or current students‘ notable sporting achievements were passed on by email, letter or FAX, or by telephoning me at the College by Monday 11th November. Certainly, any student who has reached state level in their sport should be included in the College‘s own register, which was started in 2005. A celebration of the 2013 achievements will be recognised at our College Sports Awards Evening on 28th November 2013. Tracy Wright Sport Administrative Assistant, Overnewton College Phone:9334-0186 Fax: 93361835 [email protected] Thank you all in advance for your support of this very worthy event! Girl’s Night In Committee CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR NEEDY FAMILIES The Junior Schools Carols Service is coming up soon. (December 3, 2013 at St Paul‘s Cathedral). At this service, we will present to Anglicare the gifts that our families have brought in for families and individuals in need. After the service we deliver the gifts to the Anglicare offices. All students and their families are invited to bring gifts to place under the Christmas trees in each Campus administration foyer before Friday 29th November. Guidelines from Anglicare: Gifts must be new, and not wrapped. Gifts for teenagers are especially needed. Toys/gifts for 13-16 year olds: CDs, DVDs, posters, wallets, cameras, personal game and music players, watches, handbags, backpacks, beach towels, beach games, diaries, calendars, gift vouchers, sporting goods, T-shirts, sneakers, scarves, clothing and hair accessories, jewellery, make-up sets. Toys/gifts for 9-12 year olds: books, games, CDs, DVDs, caps, hats, sneakers, T-shirts, windcheaters, netballs, footballs, basketballs, swimming goggles, scooters, card sets, craft activities, textas and pencils, jigsaws, marbles, carpentry sets, cooking sets, cricket sets, gift vouchers, board games, beach towels. Toys/gifts for 5-8 year olds: lego, board games, balls, bats, paints, pencils, textas, crayons, art equipment. Musical instruments, DVDs, beach toys, toy trucks, toy cars, dolls, jigsaws, socks, cut and paste activities, prams, slippers. Pre-schoolers, toddlers and babies: lego, building blocks, games, books, shapes, pull along toys, play-dough, beach toys, socks, rattles, mobiles, baby blankets, pillows, bibs, DVDs. Food: non-perishables such as tinned ham, tinned salmon, canned vegetables, rice/pasta, canned fruit, Christmas cakes/ puddings, jams/jellies, shortbread/biscuits, chocolates/lollies, coffee/tea/milo. Rev Kim Cruikshank and Rev Dr Pene Brook READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 7 MS JANENE LOKAJ, Head of Sport Taylors Lakes Campus [email protected] MRS NIKKI LITTLE, Head of Sport Keilor Campus [email protected] STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT We are always wanting to hear exciting results from our students beyond the boundaries of Overnewton, so we would like to congratulate two students who have excelled in the sporting arena of two vastly different sports. Images have been Firstly congratulations to Lauren Murphy (Year 7 Taylors Lakes Campus) for her wonderful efforts over the removed to meet privacy needs weekend of 19th and 20th October at the Australian Bowhunters Association 2013 Victorian State Titles. Lauren won the gold medal in the Freestyle Limited Compound Cub Division in Archery. Secondly congratulations to Erin Kypreos (Year 6 Taylors Lakes Campus) who finished 6th in the finals of the 200m at the recent State Primary Athletics Championships. Erin was only one second behind the winner of the event. Overnewton is very proud of these young achievers and these two girls and other students from across the College will be recognised for their achievements at the upcoming 9th Annual Sports Awards evening conducted in the Sports and Performing Arts Building on Thursday 28th November. SPORT RESULTS YEARS 5 - 9 YEAR 5/6 Year 5 teams from both campuses undertook the first round of the interschool competition for Term 4. The Taylors Lakes Campus teams hosted teams from the Taylors Lakes Primary School and the Keilor Campus hosted St Mary McKillop Primary School. Teams from both campuses experienced success across the morning‘s competition. The focus of this competition is to enjoy competitive sport, improve skills and work co-operatively within a team environment. The Sydenham District are trialing a new online scoring system, so scores will be taken; however, they are only recorded for the online system not to determine ladder positions. Both of the Keilor based teams had convincing wins at European Handball and all players worked confidently as a team. Jye Tranquillo was a stand-out goalie for his team while Ethan Ratcliff scored 9 individual goals and passed off many others including a clever one to Daniel Vijayasingam. Meilahn Nguyen was a stand-out player and has a signature move called ‗the Meilahn‘ named after her as she powerfully uses two hands to bounce the ball into goal on an angle. Other highlights included a goal scored from half pitch by Joel Dinatale, Reuben Watkin‘s defensive work and a miraculous save from Matthew Paris. Well done to all players! Most of the Taylors Lakes Campus teams were competitive in their matches with the most dominant displays coming from the basketball teams lead by Dante Spartaro and Amelia Velardo and both of the Newcombe teams. The players of the Newcombe squads were able to serve the ball well, catch the oppositions‘ volleys, pass the ball confidently between each other and then return it over the net effectively. Dante and Amelia used their experience to coordinate their teams on the court to provide an impressive force against an inexperience opposition. Year 7 It was an even match for the first five minutes in the boys‘ basketball A match this round. The game was broken open with some good defence that led to some easy lay-ups. Oliver Paolozza (31 pts) was the beneficiary of some excellent, unselfish team play that resulted in the easy win. Like the A game, the B game started off slowly but after a few easy lay-ups they built a comfortable lead. It was a very even team performance which was indicative of the even spread of scorers. Another great team effort! An excellent batting display set up the convincing victory by the boys from the softball team. James McAllister was strong with the bat along with Michael Huynh. James was also strong as the team‘s pitcher and kept the opposition on their heels. Georgia Lethlean displayed great pitching skills in the girls‘ softball match. An opening partnership of 41 runs between Jye Craggill and Naoki Woolcock was the highlight of the rain affected cricket match. The team batted on to achieved 92 runs with only the loss of five wickets and a very good total to defend. The innings of the opposition only five overs and the team were showing positive signs for a win, only allowing 11 runs in those overs. This was not the case with rain halting any further action in this match. Highlights from other games: Emilia Montero scored her first goal in the soccer match. Katrina Bajraszewski served 15 points in a row in the girls‘ volleyball A match Winners: Boys‘ basketball A(59 pts – 28); boys‘ basketball B (34 pts – 8); boys‘ softball (18 runs – 2); girls‘ soccer (3 goals – 0); boys‘ table tennis (12 matches – 4); girls‘ tennis (6 sets – 5); girls‘ volleyball B (4 sets – 0); boys‘ cricket (draw) (Continued on page 9) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 8 (Continued from page 8) Year 8 Lachlan Webb from the boys‘ softball team played his best match of the season in this game. He was able to hit a home run in very wet conditions to assist his team to a very impressive win. The entire team was disciplined in the field and was strong when at bat. It was a very good result in very trying conditions. It was a much better effort from the girls‘ team this round. Olivia Winton (pitcher) and Kate Loncar (catcher) worked well together while there was improvement in the fielding skills of all players. It was the consistent serving from all team members from the girls‘ volleyball B side that secured the win for them today. Najwa Rachmani, Julia Tran and Melissa Lam were all key players in this win. Key players from the girls‘ tennis match today were Madison Metaxas, Joyce Makhlouta, Monica Mikhail and Julia Esposito. Every player on the team displayed their resilience and showed their commitment to the team. They all continued to play, without complaint, in wet conditions. The attitude that we needed to get as many games as possible no matter the weather, helped us to get the win. The boys from the cricket team were on their way to a big win when nature intervened and stopped play in the 2nd innings with only five overs played. Mehtaab Singh batted in a game high 41 runs and took two wickets off eleven balls. Jaydin Ibrahim was 37 runs (not out) and Nicholas Piper batted in 28 runs (not out), There was a 100 run partnership for the fourth wicket to enable the team to record their highest result of the season of 149 runs with only the loss of three wickets. Defence by the boys from the hockey team was solid all game. William Chester would have saved at least 10 goals and Andrew Metz had a good game. Nelson Lizama played his best game but improvement is still required when the team has the ball in the midfield, so they can capitalize on all opportunities. Highlights from other matches: Rebecca Wrout was named best on ground in the girls‘ soccer match and she scored the team‘s only goal The boys from the table tennis squad won 6/8 singles and 5/8 doubles to win the encounter. Richard Leenaars led all scorers with 22 points from the basketball A team in their win. Winners: Boys‘ basketball A 948 pts – 38); boys‘ basketball B(38 pts – 11); boys‘ softball (15 runs – 5); boys‘ table tennis (11 matches – 5); girls‘ tennis (9 sets – 3); girls‘ volleyball B (3 sets – 1); boys‘ cricket (draw) Year 9 With only nine players, the boys‘ cricket team ventured to Albert Park to play St Michaels. Their aim was for each player to get on the scoreboard with the bat and to improve their total number of wickets taken with the ball. In very trying conditions and against an opposition who were looking for valuable percentage points, the entire team, led by their captain William Connor, gave 110% and managed to nearly achieve these goals. Christopher Bull made his first runs of the season in the fourteen overs the team was in to bat, more than in previous games. Juandy Zhu and Christopher Ioannou both took their first wickets of the season of the team‘s three and again more than in previous games. After a hard training session last week, the results were shown this week in their determination and improved fielding skills to give them their best result of the season. It was a fabulous effort by the boys from the table tennis team to take a win against St Michaels. The game was filled with close singles matches that had both schools even before entering the doubles part of the competition. James Flores, Jiries Hijazin and Stephen Lam all won their singles 4 – 3. It was in the doubles that gave the ascendancy to the Overnewton team, as they won comfortably 6 matches – 2 to give them the overall win and remain top of the ladder. It was a great effort by the girls from the soccer team in spite of key players being absent this round. Replacement goalie Alexandra McKellar did a great job while Carla Romeo and Isabella Markovski lead a great defensive effort. Zoe Sadler and Shannan Welsh worked extremely hard in the midfield to repel many of the opposition‘s attacks. Both softball teams came home with a win this round with the more impressive score going to the boys‘ team with a massive 26 run victory. The girls were not too far behind with their own 14 run win. In the third innings of the girls‘ match Emily Slocombe achieved a home run and Charlotte Lake was very impressive on 3rd base. Marcus Raciti from the boys‘ team achieved a home run, an impressive outfield catch by James Koroneos and scoring 10 runs per innings were the highlights of this game. It was a great team performance by the boys from the hockey squad who dominated every aspect on the hockey pitch. They were able to follow the team structure laid out by their coach Tim Shovelton and were rewarded for their constant pressure. It was the best game so far in the season and hopefully this might see them in finals later this term. Best on ground was given to Thomas Markey, Daniel Venables, Hamish Lane, Benjamin Trad, Frank Cimone and Adrian Cannatelli. Highlights from other games: Ashley Antovski and Natasha McMahon were named best on court in the girls‘ volleyball A match Harrison Bult top scored with 11 pts and Norman Dimitrijevic 6 pts in the boys‘ basketball A match Timothy Jordan was the best scorer with 3 points from the boys‘ basketball B game Winners: Boys‘ basketball A (30 pts – 22); boys‘ hockey (6 goals – 0); boys‘ softball (30 runs – 4); girls‘ softball (17 runs – 3); boys‘ table tennis (10 matches – 6) All players and parents are reminded that if they are still in possession of a uniform that was issued to them at the beginning of the winter season they are to be returned. Invoices will be issued shortly to those families that still have not returned uniforms to the sport department. Players within the teams of basketball, soccer and hockey of the current season are reminded that you will need to return your uniforms at the end of your last match. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 9 JUNIOR SPORTS PROGRAM NETBALL RESULTS UNDER 11 Overnewton Sapphires were defeated by Redbacks 12 to 1 UNDER 13 Overnewton 1 defeated Sydenham Vixens 13 to 7 UNDER 13 Overnewton 2 were defeated by Panthers 8 to 7 BASKETBALL RESULTS UNDER 10 BOYS (Overnewton 2) It was a tough game this week with the opposition matching up well. It was a low scoring affair with both teams fighting hard for control. They boys showed great poise to come away with a win. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 14, Aberfeldie Jets 6: 4 UNDER 10 GIRLS (Overnewton 1) Not a great week for the Under 10 girls losing to Keilor Village 1. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 0, Keilor Village 1: 19 UNDER 12 BOYS (Overnewton 1) Great team work against Blue Devils which meant a great victory. Well done U12 Boys! Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 33, Blue Devils: 1 UNDER 12 BOYS (Overnewton 2) The boys only played with five, leaving no-one on the bench. A big test to their fitness, but they held up well. Their passing to each other reinforcing their ‗team skills‘ once again. They walked away with smiles and another win under their belts. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 26, CS Blue Devils: 6 UNDER 12 GIRLS (Overnewton 1) Despite playing against a much bigger opposition – our girls performed at their peak but fell just short of winning. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 10, Aberfeldie Jets 3: 15 UNDER 12 GIRLS (Overnewton 2) It was a thrilling game this week! The girls worked extremely hard and showed tremendous improvement with some excellent passing and use of the court. A truly fantastic team effort and a close game until the final seconds. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 7, St Peters 1: 8 UNDER 14 BOYS (Overnewton 1) A fast paced game that kept us on the edge of our seats. All players displayed great skills and teamwork. Scoring was level for most of the game with each goal scored being matched. A goal in the closing minutes sealed the win for the opposing team. Well done boys. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 15, St Christopher‘s 6: 17 UNDER 14 GIRLS (Overnewton 1) The girls played a great match putting in an inspiring effort! Their rebound contesting was very well done. Great work girls. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 20, CS Blue Devils 2: 14 UNDER 14 GIRLS (Overnewton 2) An easier game for the girls this week, they kept up the pressure on the other team and were able to come away with a good win. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 48, Aberfeldie Jets 6: 4 UNDER 16 BOYS (Overnewton 1) This week the boys came up against an older and taller side. They found it difficult to match their skill level but get full marks for trying and not giving up. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 18, Keilor Village 3: 54 UNDER 16 BOYS (Overnewton 2) This week‘s game was the boy‘s first loss this season. They played a hard game up against a larger and much taller team. The boys never gave up and fought hard to the end, playing well as a team. A disappointing result, but will hopefully pull our team together and make them even stronger. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 2: 15, Aberfeldie Jets 10: 45 UNDER 16 BOYS (Overnewton 3) The boys were back in form this week. They were defending throughout the game and it was achieving the desired result and making a few goals with a few 3 pointer shots. A few of the boys had injuries this week and with two younger players stepping in to substitute to help the ones that were injured and still played this week. It was a great team effort. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 3: 31, St Bernard‘s 8: 15 UNDER 16 GIRLS (Overnewton 1) The girls must have thought that they were in the ‗Land of the Giants‘ with the opposition team almost twice their size. This did not deter them and they played with determination when attacking and skillfully passing the ball around to their team mates. Although the score was even at one stage they did not finish with the win, however, their effort and fighting spirit was fantastic. Final scores: Overnewton Fire 1: 22, Aberfeldie Jets: 31 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 10 CLASSROOM ASSISTANCE Classroom Assistance positions for both Keilor and Taylors Lakes Campuses will be advertised through Whispers on a weekly basis. Most positions require a regular weekly commitment for the whole year, although in specific cases you may be able to alternate with another parent or join a roster. You are invited to apply for any position, even if your child is at another campus or different year level. Please note that the person you will be telephoning is a parent fulfilling their 18 hour commitment, so please do not phone before 7.15am or after 9.00pm. Younger siblings or sick children cannot accompany parents whilst on duty. A blue Classroom Assistance folder is kept at the front office at each campus to record your hours. Recording Hours A reminder to parents that it is your responsibility to record your own hours for classroom assistance and excursions in the folder at the front office labelled Classroom Assistance. Please ensure you write legibly and include details of your child, including the surname if you have a different name to your child, and your home telephone number. These hours are collated at the end of each term. Working with Children Check It is a Victorian Government requirement that all adults working with children have a current Working with Children Check with Overnewton College listed as a volunteer organisation. . If you need to amend your details to include Overnewton College please go to the website click on Update My Details, click again on Update My Details, and then register for My Check which allows you to update Organisation immediately on line. You will then receive an email detailing the change which you can then forward to the school or relevant Parent Co-ordinator. Please ensure you have your card number or Post Office Receipt number and expiry date when you phone to register your name. KEILOR CAMPUS If you have any concerns regarding the Classroom Assistance program at Keilor Campus please contact the relevant co-ordinator or Jennie McCullagh, Resource Officer on 9334 0086 Parent Co-ordinators Susie Gekas Jenny Ratcliff Tracy Wright Prep, Years 1 and 2, P.M.P. and Art Years 3 – 8, Senior School ACS/House Sport [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 9449 3419 0425 870 244 9336 7294 Junior School House Carnival Parent help is required to assist with a Junior School House Carnival on Wednesday 20th November from 8.45am – 12.50pm. Jenny Ratcliff 0425 870 244 [email protected] Keilor Middle School Camps - Year 7 and Year 8, 2014 Parent help is required to assist with the Year 7 and Year 8 Keilor Middle School camps in Term 1, 2014. Applications are to be emailed to [email protected] no later than Monday 11th November. Please provide: your name, child‘s name and class your postal address and a contact phone number any relevant experience and a photocopy of any First Aid qualifications current Working with Children Check It is a Victorian Government requirement that all adults working with children have a current Working with Children Check with Overnewton College listed as a volunteer organisation. All email applications will receive a receipt of delivery. Hours will be credited at the conclusion of the camp and must be taken consecutively. Year 7: Monday 24th March – Friday 28th March (five days/four terms of hours) to Paynesville. Year 8: Monday 24th March – Friday 28th March (five days/four terms of hours) to Canberra. As part of the ―Conditions of Entry‖ to Overnewton Anglican Community College, signed by all families upon confirmation of enrolment ―One full term’s written notice is required to withdraw As part of athestudent ―Conditions from of theEntry‖ College. to Overnewton If one fullAnglican term’s notice is notCollege, Community given signed to the by College, all families one upon full term’s confirmation fees will of be charged.‖ enrolment ―One full term’s written notice is required to withdraw a student from the College. If one full term’s If you have a child will College, not be returning Overnewton in notice is not givenwho to the one fulltoterm’s fees will 2014 please ensure that you notify the Registrar, Mrs Diane be charged.‖ King in writing. Email: [email protected] If you have a child who will not be returning to Overnewton in 2015 please ensure that you notify the Registrar, Mrs Diane King in writing. Email: [email protected] IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OVERNEWTON FAMILIES Some vacancies still exist for Prep 2014 Parents who have a child attending Overnewton College and are interested in obtaining a position for other siblings in their family should contact the Registrar, Diane King on 9334 0141 and request an application form as soon as possible. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 11 TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS If you have any concerns regarding the Classroom Assistance Program Resource Officer on 9334 0245. Parent Co-ordinators Melissa Lo-Iudice – Years Prep-2 0425 757 838 Michelle Schembri – Year 3 - 9 0414 907 337 Tracy Wright – ACS/House Sport 9336 7294 at Taylors Lakes Campus please contact Denise O‘Keefe, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Junior School Art Room Assistance Parent help is needed to assist with the following Junior School Art classes: 1G Wednesdays 9.45am – 11am Week 2 2F Wednesdays 1.30pm – 3.30pm Week 2 Melissa Lo-Iudice 0425 757 838 [email protected] Junior School Classroom Assistance Parent help is needed to assist with the following Junior School classes: 1M Wednesdays 12pm – 1pm 1M Mondays 9am – 11am 1M Tuesdays 9am – 11am 2F Mondays 9am – 10.30am 2F Fridays 9am – 10.30am 2E Mondays 9.30am – 10.30am 2E Tuesdays 9.30am – 10.30am 2E Wednesdays 9.30am – 10.30am 2E Thursdays 9.30am – 10.30am 2E Tuesdays 12pm – 1pm 2E Mondays 11am – 12.30am 2E Wednesdays 11am – 12.30am 4NJ 4NJ Thursdays Wednesdays 9am – 11am 9am – 11am Week 1 and 2 Week 1 and 2 Week 1 and 2 Week 1 and 2 Week 2 Week 1 and 2 Week 1 and 2 Week 1 and 2 Week 1 and 2 Week 1 Week 1 and 2 Week 1 and 2 Melissa Lo-Iudice 0425 757 838 [email protected] Week 1 Week 2 Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] Year 5 German Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 5 German excursion to the Melbourne Zoo being held on Wednesday 6th November from 9.00am – 3.20pm. Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] Year 4 Indonesian Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 4 Indonesian excursion to CERES being held on Friday 15th November from 9.00am – 3.20pm. Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] Year 4 SRC Excursion Parent help is needed to assist with a Year 4 SRC excursion to Watergardens being held on Tuesday 26th November from 9.00am – 1.30pm. Michelle Schembri 0414 907 337 [email protected] Taylors Lakes Campus 2014 Year 8 Camping Program Parent help is required to assist with the Year 8 Camp to Canberra from Monday 31st March – Friday 4th April 2014. Expressions of interest should be sent by email to [email protected] or by mail, no later than Friday 22nd November 2013. Please provide any relevant experience, your child‘s name and class, your postal address and a contact number. First Aiders will be required to hold a minimum Level 2 First Aid and current CPR and be prepared to do Anaphylaxis training. It is a Victorian Government requirement that all adults working with children have a current Working with Children Check with Overnewton College listed as a volunteer organisation. All email applications will receive a receipt of delivery. Hours will be credited at the conclusion of the camp. URGENT HELP NEEDED We are urgently seeking a parent with a tractor and grass slasher to assist in cutting grass area at Taylors Lakes Campus to prepare the car park for the Fair. Hours will be allocated toward the Family Contribution Scheme. Ideal for someone to do over Melbourne Cup Long Weekend. Contact Shane Lalor on 0419 300 043 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 12 HELPERS NEEDED!!!! OVERNEWTON COUNTRY FAIR 2013 Saturday 9thNovember All hours worked go towards the Family Contribution Scheme!! DEVONSHIRE TEAS ART AND CRAFT STALL Friday Night 8th November 5pm. – 9pm We are looking for parents to assist us in making craft items for the Country Fair. Minimum 4 hours We need parent to help bake scones in the kitchen located at the Gymnasium of the Taylors Lakes Campus. Ingredients are supplied. Saturday 9th November 9am – 5pm Minimum 4 hours We need parents to help with serving scones, washing dishes, taking orders and money, etc. Please call after 5pm: Marijana Stipic 0429 040 069 Josephine Gusman 0410 627 403 Newcomers Welcome!!! Please call after 5pm: Sharyn Murphy 0419 313 920 Keilor Campus Marianne Watson 0458 250 150 Taylors Lakes Campus GROCERIES STALL We are looking for parents who would like to assist with setting up the stall on Friday night and help sell on the day of the Fair. Please contact: Kellie 0421 468 822 HOME MADE CAKES AND SWEETS STALL We need parents to bake cakes, biscuits, muffins, slices, savouries or whatever your baking specialty may be. Please contact: Kalli Lontos 0419-371-391 [email protected] Rosie Smarrelli 0418-512-029 [email protected] TOYS AND SHOW BAGS STALL We are looking for parents who would like to assist during the day of the Country Fair. Please contact: Amanda 0408 127 444 Or Marlean 0425 767 446 HELPERS ARE ALSO NEEDED FOR SET-UP AND CLEANING UP Friday 8th November: Set-up from 9 am. Help is also needed on Friday night. Saturday 9h November: Assistance with stalls, car park attendants, food hall servers, golf competition, and helpers to pack-up after the Fair. Sunday 10th November: Cleaning up (BYO gloves ad tongs) from 9am until finished. If you can spare any time over these three days please contact: Debbie Hinch on 0407 562 432 or [email protected] Every attempt will be made to find something to suit your available times and your preference of activity. If you are likely to have fulfilled your Term 4 commitment toward the Family Contribution Scheme prior to this, we can carry hours you contribute toward the Fair forward to Term 1 in 2014. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 13 Office Assistance The Registrar‘s Office is looking for reliable people who are willing to do their hours on a regular roster basis. If you are interested and would like further information please contact email Jane Sneddon, [email protected] BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS ! OVERNEWTON PARENTS & FRIENDS BUSINESS & SERVICES DIRECTORY Support the Overnewton Community and always consult the Parents and Friends Business and Services Directory! Dr Traffic teaches people to drive cars and forklifts and get their licence. For further information see pages 34 and 35 of the 2013-2014 Parents & Friends Services Directory. Contact Sam or Trudy Tranquillo on 0408 557 783 or call the booking hotline on 9310 2088 for assistance. Special offer applies. The Parents & Friends Services Directory is available on line - Check it out by visiting It's time to clear out your book shelves for the Country Fair Book Stall. Contact Kitty Beagley on 0404 394 954 or 9337 5586 Janine Hilton 9334 0104 COLLEGE SHOP The College Shop is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday every week and two Saturdays (the first and last Saturday each term) during term. Please note: the College Shop is not open during school holidays unless advertised in Whispers. TERM 4 2013 OPENING HOURS Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8.15am - 4.30pm 8.15am - 4.30pm 8.15am - 4.30pm Uniform items can be purchased at any time the College Shop is open for normal trading, please note all our stock will be arriving first week of November, 2013. Tuesday 8.15am – 4.30pm Wednesday 8.15am – 4.30pm Thursday 8.15am – 4.30pm We will be having special late night fittings on the following dates, from 5.30pm – 7.00pm for those parents who are unable to get to the College Shop during normal trading hours: The College Shop will be closed for lunch between the hours of 12 – 1pm _________________________________________________ SATURDAY OPENINGS 2013 Term 4 7th December YEAR 9(CANOWINDRA) UNIFORM FITTINGS FOR 2014 9 – 1 pm EXCHANGE and REFUNDS While we are happy to exchange, you will need to keep your receipt to do so. All exchanges and refunds will only be accepted in the term of the original purchase. ZIP REPAIRS Bags requiring zip repairs can be dropped off at the College Shop the last Thursday of the term before 11am. A notice will be in Whispers with regards to the date for Term 4. We ask that you clearly mark your child‘s bag with their name and phone number contact and ensure the bags are clean. These bags are then ready for collection on the first Tuesday of the new term. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate contact Miranda Turner on 9334 0112. Note: Patches are now available from the College Shop for Junior School grey trousers and track pants Miranda Turner College Shop Manager, 9334 0112. Tuesday 12th November 2013 Wednesday 13th November 2013 Thursday 14th November 2013 Alternatively you are able to come in when the shop is open on a Saturday 7th December, 2013 between the hours of 9 – 1 pm. Please note no appointments are necessary for Year 9 fittings. It will take approximately 5 minutes. The Year 9 uniform comprises of: 2 x White Polo Tops 1 x Navy Blue Pants 1 x Navy Blue Zip-up Polar Fleece Jacket Black lace-up school shoes with white socks Sports Uniform (current) Approximate Cost for the above - $150.00 Navy Blue Shorts (optional) - $35.00 Our annual supply of the Year 9 uniforms has arrived. To ensure you have your preferred choice of sizing, it is essential to purchase prior to the end of the 2013 academic school year. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Miranda Turner on 9334 0112. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Miranda Turner College Uniform Shop Manager Page 14 PARENT HELPER REQUIRED FOR VISUAL ARTS EXHIBITION The Visual Arts department will be setting up their annual Visual Arts Exhibition held during the College Fair. We are looking for parent helpers who can assist on the following days and times for general preparation, cleaning, hanging and display organisation. Wednesday 6th November between 9.00am -3.30pm for set-up Saturday 9th November between 4.00 – 5.00pm for pack-up Please contact Janinka Eva in the Taylors Lakes Campus Visual Arts department on 93340274 or [email protected] Country Fair Working Bee Taylors Lakes Campus When you organise or contribute hours towards the Family Contribution Scheme ALWAYS ask the person who is allocating the task, ―Where should I sign in my hours?‖. Make sure you WRITE YOUR NAME CLEARLY and include your child‘s name if it is different to your own. Sunday 10th November Include your HOME TELEPHONE number also, to help us allocate your hours correctly. A special Working Bee will be held on Sunday 10th November 2013. Please note that this working bee commences at 9:00am and not before. Hours will only be credited from 9:00am. The day will finish at 12.00 pm. Please stay as long as possible so that the tasks organised for the day can be completed. The day will cover a general clean up after the Fair. Please bring along your own gloves should you feel this necessary. Please note there will be no morning tea available on this day. IMPORTANT NOTE: Families who have given 10 years of continuous service to the College through the Family Contribution Scheme, only need to complete a minimum of 14 hours per term from their eleventh year. Please note that children are permitted to attend working bees. not Contact: Debbie Hinch on 0407 562 432. (Working Bee dates are also listed on the College website) Susan Bates Community Development (9334 0143) TIPS FOR ORGANISING AND RECORDING YOUR FAMILY CONTRIBUTION SCHEME HOURS Watch Whispers! Parents are able to help in any area of the College, regardless of which campus their children attend and what year level they may be in. Many and varied activities where assistance is needed are advertised every week in Whispers. Some examples of workgroups currently in need of assistance are: Working Bees Second Hand Booksale Country Fair Senior School Parents Support Team Purchase an Entertainment™ Book from us today. Book purchase goes towards OUR FUNDRAISING Parent DROP-OFF/PICK-UP ZONE DUTY (formerly Yard Duty) Buy your Book NOW to discover the many valuable offers in the NEW Greater Melbourne Entertainment™ Book! Activities carried out by the Yard Duty parent workgroup have changed from the commencement of Term 4, 2013. Books are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more! Parents are now required for: Selling for only $65, you'll receive $15,000 worth of valuable offers that you can use right away, up until 1 June 2014! The more Books we sell the more we raise, so please tell your family and friends! Thank you for your continued support. Mornings from 8.30 – 9.00am Afternoons from 3.15 – 3.45pm for Yard Duty assistance at the drop-off and pick-up zones at both campuses. The purpose of this duty is to assist students in safely crossing the car park at the zebra crossings. If this sounds like you and you are interested please contact: Any questions please contact the Senior School Parents Support Team: Robyn Baddeley or Samantha Begg [email protected] Each Melbourne Entertainment™ Book contains over $15,000 in valuable and exclusive offers! Mary at [email protected] for Keilor Campus Andrea at [email protected] for Taylors Lakes Campus We look forward to having you on our team. READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 15 Parent Assistance Library 2014 Taylors Lakes Campus Parent assistance is required for full days in the Library at Taylors Lakes Campus for 2014. Duties include: shelving, book covering, laminating and other duties as required. One to three days per term will be offered depending on availability. Please fill in the information below and return it to Reception marked to the attention of Marilyn Healy I wish to apply for parent assistance in Taylors Lakes Campus Library for 2014. Name: ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ Child‘s name and class: _______________________________ Number of days required: _____________________________ My days of availability are:______________________________ STUDENT STREET – HELP NEEDED Come and visit ―Student Street‖ at this year‘s Fair. It is jam packed with activities for the kids – face painting, nail art, tattoos, painting, fairy floss, popcorn, sno-kones, balloon stomping, jaffa smasha, handball footy, and so much more! Awesome prizes to be won! This is by far the coolest place for the young (and the young at heart) to be at the Fair. Grab yourself a bargain at the cosmetics/toiletries stand, there is something there for everyone! This year we have included a new activity, which will surely turn heads! This activity will be published in the up and coming Whispers and will most definitely draw a crowd. To ensure Student Street’s success, we require volunteers to help out on the day with running some of the activities. All hours worked will be allocated to your Term 4 Family Contribution Scheme commitment. Please contact me ASAP if you are able to assist on the day and we hope to see you there! (there is also the setting up on the Friday night and packing up on the Saturday straight after the Fair – if you are able to also assist with this please let me know) Thank you. Olga Forsythe Student Street Co-ordinator Mobile: 0402 035 428 Email: [email protected] __________________________________________________ ______________________________ Apply to Marilyn Healy Library Technician Taylors Lakes Campus Library 39-57 Robertsons Road Taylors Lakes 3038 Ph: 9334 0227 Parent assistance is needed for the TAYLORS LAKES CAMPUS Sausage Sizzle Group We need parents to assist with operating our Sausage Sizzle each Saturday Operating hours are 8:30am - 3:30pm (full day shift) OR the following shifts (half day) 8:30am - 12:30pm or 12:30pm - 3: 30pm All hours go towards the Family Contribution Scheme Parents from either campus can apply You will be required to serve or cook at the COVERED BBQ AREA located outside the Taylors Lakes Campus Gymnasium entrance If you are able to help, please contact us to discuss times HANAN DAWOUD - 0413 995 829 or MARY MOUTAFIS - 0400 137 716 25-27 ROBERTSONS ROAD, TAYLORS LAKES As part of the annual Country Fair, we will again be organising a Vehicle Exhibition which will consist of a variety of different exhibits. Such as... Boats Motor Bikes Race Cars Muscle Cars Modified Cars Concourse Vehicles Response to last year's vehicle exhibition was excellent, therefore it is happening again. Entry Fee to be paid a the gate. Date: Saturday 9th November, 2013 (weather permitting) Time: 10am - 2pm The objective of this exhibition is for people to share and talk to others about their passion for their vehicles. We expect this to create a lot of interest and it has the potential to contribute positively towards the Fair in future years. For further information please contact Gary Shackleton 0418 335 830 email [email protected] READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 16 All Day Discounted Ride Wristbands for the Following Rides $30 – If purchased before 6th November 2013 Or $35 if purchased on the day OVERNEWTON FAIR RIDES 2013 Music Trip $6 Giant Slide 2 for $5 Sizzler (Cha Cha) $6 Cup and Saucer $5 The Claw $6 and The Tornado $6 Jurassic Inflatable $5 Note: Rides available may vary due to operational constraints __________________________________________________________________ Tear off and return to Reception at either Campus Name of Parent/Guardian ________________________________ Name of Child/Children __________________________________ No. of Wristbands _____ X $30 = $__________ (Payment by Cash (exact money please) or Credit Card only) VISA/MASTERCARD (Cross out whichever is not applicable) _______/_______/_______/_______ Expires __/__ Signature ________________________________ Note: Credit card details will be destroyed immediately this request has been processed Date __/__/__ Phone No. __________________ Note: NO CHEQUES ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT ON THE DAY, COLLECT WRISTBANDS AT STAND NEAR RIDES (ID REQUIRED) READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 17 Overnewton Country Fair 2013 COFFEE STALL The coffee stall is seeking any unopened bags of coffee beans. If you have upgraded your home coffee machine to a pod machine and have any bags of beans no longer needed, we will happily take them for this years coffee stall. Bags need to be unopened and within use by date. (Best before 9/11/13) Please drop bags into either main administration office, clearly labelled ―coffee stall‖, for collection. Your donation will be appreciated. OVERNEWTON COUNTRY FAIR 2013 IS CALLING FOR YOU!!!! FOOD HALL HELPERS NEEDED This year our Country Fair will be held on Saturday 9th November 2013 at the Taylors Lakes Campus. The annual Country Fair is one of our schools major fundraising events of the year and relies on the help and generosity of our community. We are calling for volunteers to assist us in the Food Hall to make this huge event possible. As is the same every year, helpers are needed throughout the weekend and in various roles. We require assistance: To set up stalls on the Friday night prior to the Fair To man stalls on Saturday and To clean up Sunday Hours will be allocated to Term 4 or can be carried forward to Term 1 2014 For more information please contact Joe Calleja 0419 008 127 DO YOU HAVE TALENT? If you love performing and would like to showcase your talent, musical, dance or singing, we would love for you to perform at the Overnewton Country Fair to be held at the Taylors Lakes Campus on Saturday 9th November. Please contact Leeane on 0401 141 406 or [email protected] to secure your time in lights!! COUNTRY FAIR 2013 CHRISTMAS AND GIFT HAMPERS STALL Are you employed full time and looking for ways to complete hours in your own time? Look no further, we have the answer! The Christmas and Gift Hamper Team, are looking for expressions of interest from anyone who would like to take advantage of a fantastic way to contribute their hours from home. Newcomers welcome!! For all enquiries please call: Danielle 0425 854 028 or Maria 0412 679 194 between 6pm and 8 pm (Mon - Fri) MUSIC and MOVIE SHACK Country Fair 2013 DO YOU HAVE ANY OLD CD’S,DVD’S OR RECORDS?? CAN YOU SPARE AT LEAST ONE ITEM OR MORE FROM YOUR COLLECTION? We are looking for any type of Children‘s Music, Pop, Classical, Gospel, Country, New Age, Alternative, Jazz, Movies, Comedies, TV Series, Box Sets etc. What do you do with your donation? Please leave your donation marked ―Music Shack‖ and leave it at the front office of your campus. Donations can be delivered to the shed at the Taylors Lakes Campus on Saturday 19th October, 10.30am to 1pm or If you have a larger donation and require collection please contact Nada Phillipou 0417 803 337 Thank you for your generous support !!!! STUFFED TOYS Are you sick of seeing those large oversized stuffed toys lying around your home? Here‘s your chance to get rid of them!! Whether it‘s Homer Simpson, The Red Devil or perhaps that large oversized puppy with the big brown eyes, we will be more than happy to take them off your hands – be assured that they will go to a good home!! We are bringing back to Student Street the ―stomp a balloon‖ stall, and we are seeking your kind donations to be on display and won by the winning tickets found in the balloons Stuffed Toys with stains or tears will not be accepted Donations can be made by contacting Olga Forsythe to arrange for collection or pick up on 0402 035 428 READ WHISPERS ONLINE AT: Page 18
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