08/26/1899 - Atlantic County Library System


08/26/1899 - Atlantic County Library System
or THE
Town of Hammoutou
any street, alley, or other public place in this
Town: and any violation of this section shall
be punishable by a fine of Ten Dollars.
Sec. 11. That the pollution of any well,
stream, spring, or reservoir of water used for
drinking purposes, is hereby prohibited; and
any person or persons who shall cause such
pollution, or who shall aid therein, shall be
liable to a penalty of Ten Dollars.
Sac. 12. That if any well or spring in this
Town.or any water used for drinking purposes,
is found to ho polluted, or to be tho cause of
any sickness, the Board of Health may order
tho same not to be used, or cloaoa until thoroughly cleansed and repaired in a manner satisfactory to the Board of Health; and every
person who.thall violate this section shall for.
leit and pay u penalty of Ten Dolhus for every
such offence.
'Adopted Aug.3,1899. .
EAPTIBT. Hev.T. H.Athoy, pastor; Son- The Local Board of Health of the .Town of
<B»y isrvices: Preaching 10 80, Sunday-wheel
llammonton, County of Atlantic, by virtue
E1X5, Junior 0. E. 3.00p.m., Christian Enbf the provisions of tho act ol the LegisU1Ss»vorfl.OO, Preaching 7.00. Weekday prayer
lure of New Jersoy, entitled "An Act to
mooting Thursday evening 7.30. Boya Brf.
establish in ibis State Boards of Health and
a Bureau of Vital Statistics, and to define
gtdo; meotg Wednesday ore, ID 8. of y. Hall.
their respective powers and duties," ap->
proved March -31,1887, and of other ac's,
irotor. Sunday mafia 10.39 a. m., vespers a
Section 1. That wbatover is dangerous to
EfiacopAi, ST. MARK'S. ROT. Edwin C human health, or whatever renders tho ground,
•dleorn, rector. Celebration of Holy Euohaiifl tho water, the air, or food, a hnz'ird or an inltt and 3rd Sundays at 16:31) a.m. Other Ban- jury to human health, is hereby declared to bo
days, J:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany, and a nuisance, aud any person or persons creating
Sermon, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.80 a.m or maintaining, or aiding in tho creation or
Sec. 13. That no pipe, drain, or othor conE»en«ong 7:00 p. m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m maintenance of any sucb nuisance, shall be duit, convoying waste, dirty, or foul water, or
Friday Evensong, 7.80. Saints Day Colebra- liable to a penalty of Ten Dollars.
other waste material, { (hall at any timo bo
6an, 7:SO a.m. Special services in Advent and
Sec. 2. That any person who shall careless. allowed to become clogged or obstructed so as
ly, negligently, or wilfully aid in or contribute to prevent tho free passage of liquid therein;
MITBODIST EMSCOFAL. Rev. W.N.Ogborn. to tho doing of any act dangerous t,o life or and the construction, of any drain or sewer, or
pastor. Sunday services: class 9.30, a. m detrimental to the health of any human being, tho pouring out of foul liquids on the surface
preaching 10.SO, Sunday-school 12.00 noon except for justifiable motives und for adequate of 'bo ground in such manner as to become the
Bpworth League' 9.00 p. m., preaching 7.30 reasons, or who shall omit any precaution source from which offensive odors shall emiClass Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.30 reasonable and proper to prevent or remove Date, or in each manner as to pollute tho
danger or detriment to life or health of any ground, air, or water, ta the risk or detriment
Prayer mooting Thursday 7.80 p. m.
human being, shall be liable to a penalty of of the health of persons living or passing in
' Mission at Pine Road.
tho vicinity thereof, is hereby declared to be a
PttESBYTitBiAit. Rev.O.B.VanDtke pastor. Ten Dollars. '
Sec. 3. That tho sale of any meat or vegeta- nuisance; and any person r or persons who
Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 a.m.,Sunshall cause or maintain, or who shall aid in
day-nehool 12.00 noon, preaching 7.00 p. m. ble food or drink that is unwholesome or unfit causing or maintaining any such nuisance,
C.E. prayer meeting Wednesday 7,30 p.m. for food is hereby prohibited; any person or shall be liable to a penalty of Ten Dollars.
persons making any such sale as aforesaid,
C&nreh prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m.
shall be liable to o penalty of Ten Dollars.
Missions at Folsom and Magnolia.
Italian Evangelical. Rev. Thomas Fragale.
Sec. 14. That tho storage of animal refuse
Pastor. Sunday School at9 a.m. Preaching at
Sec. 4. That any physician, midwife, nurse, or dcoayable or putrcBoible matter in liquid or
mS8 a.m. Jr. 0. E., 3:30 p.m. 0. E. Soo'y
clergyman, magistrate, or other person who solid form in any vault, cesspool or other rest3"30.
shall officiate at any birth, death or mo, rlnge ceptacle in such manner as to endanger health,
OHITOBSAIIST. Rev, 6t. Ethelkert Sates in the Town of llammonton, and who shall or in such manner that the same shall, by
Fsator. Sunday services: preaching 10.30 a.m neglect to make return thereof to the proper reason of offensive odors emanating there1
Sunday school, 12.00 noon, preaching 7-00 officer, according to law, and any physician fronij become^ source of discomfort toperp-m, Sociable alternate Thursday evenings, who shall neglect or refuse to report in writing sons living or passing in the vicinity thereof,
WOBAH'S CBBISTIAII TEUPEBASOB Union, within 24 bonrs to tho Local Board of Health is Lo-eby declared to be a nuisance; and any
Mrs. Charles Smith, president. Mrs. W. N. any caso of contagious or infectious disease "person or persons causing Or maintaining any
Ogbom cor teoietarr, Mrs 8 E Brown sec.
which said physician has prescribed for or such nuisance, or tiding therein, shall be liable
attended for the first time since having such to a penalty of Twenty-five Dollars.
Sec. 15. That tho overflow of any foul liquids
disease during the preceding 24 hours, and
CtiBK. J.L. O'Donncll.
shall state in such report the specific name of or gases into any place where they may boCOLLECTOR t TBEABURBB. A. B. Davis.
injurioua to health, or th.e keeping or
the disease, (he full name, race, age, and sex
MiBBHAL. Ohas. E. Roberts
of the patient, his or her residence as precisely forming such sunken places or excavations
JUSTICES. -S. W. Pressey, .T. B. Ryan, Jos as possible, tho name of the school which the upon any lot or land as accumulate foul water
patent attends, or the factory or workshop at or offensive animal or vegetable matter, is
H Garton
COBBTABIES. Geo BerQshonao, E Shackle?
which he or shi> is employed, if any, the source hereby declared to be a nuisance, and any perOTOBSBBB HIGHWAYS. Roscoe Bickford
of contagion or inieetion if it can be ascer- son or persons who shall cause or maintain
OVBBSEEH OF THE POOB. Geo. Bernshouse. tained, and such other facts as may be deemed any such nuisance, or who shall aid in causing
of importance for the information of the or maintaining the same, shall bo liable to a
VntK CHIEF. 8 E Brown. H M Phillips
Board. And eve'y pbyaician shall report, in penalty of Twenty-five Dollars.
VOLUBTEBR Finn Co. D. S. Cunningham, writing, to the Board of Health, the death of
Sec. 16. That any owner or occupier of any
president; Ohas. W. Austin, secretary. Meets nny of his patients who shall have died in the premises within this Town shall oleanse every
Sid Monday evening of each month.
Town of Hammonton, of any contagious or in- cesspool belonging to such premises, and reIndependent Fire Co. Meets first Wednes- fectious disease, within 24 hours thereafter, move the contents therefrom, upon general
and shall state in such report the specific notice in writing to that effect froq this
day evening in each month.
TOWH Oou'nou. Alex. H. Snttcn, Chairman name and type of the disease. And every Board, or whenever required to do so by ordihouseholder/
and every keeper of iny board- nance or special notice; and every such occu•E WBatohelor, M E Boyer, Way land DePuy,
ing house, lodging house, inn or hotel, shall, pier or owner who shall neglect or refuse to
Henry Leibfrid J E Watkis.
in ruse there ot no physician being in attend- cleanse any such cesspool for two days after
. Blaeta last Saturday eve each month.
report to the Board of Health tho same such notice shall forfeit aud pay a penalty of
BOAKD op EDDOATIOS. C. F, Osgood, presi- ance,
particulars in the same manner as is required Twenty-five Dollars for every such offence.
dent; D. S. Cunningham,clerk; Edwin Adams, of physicians during any period when said
JTIiO'Donnell, Mrs J H Ransom, Miss Anna Board bbsll require notice of such eases to be
Pressey, Mrs E A Joslyn, Thomas C Elvins, given, shall for each and every failure to make
of any tenement
0r J A Waas.
Meets 2nd Tneeday evening such return or report be liable to a penalty of house, or other hensokeeping
or building, or any part
each month.
Twenty-five dollars.
thereof, In suoh a state of unoleanlinos;, or
Sec. 6. That the keeping ef any dwelling the crowding of persons in any tenement house
houao in which there is or has been any pollut In such a manner as to endanger the health of
or communicable disease without thorough the persons dwelling^berein, is hereby declarD S Cunningham, M A ; A B Davis, Soo'y.
cleansing and disinfection, is hereby ed to be a nuisance; and any person or perKmta first Tuesday evening in eaeh month in airing,
prohibited. Whenever the Board of Health in sons through whose act or neglect cneh a state
this town shall knew of a perso i sick with any of ancleanliness shall be caused, and any per
WrsBiow LODGE, 1.0.0. F. Jos H Garton contagions or infectious disease in a house, son or persons by whom luoh crowding shall
B. Q.; Chas W Austin, Financial Secretary. building or locality, from which the interests he caused, shall bo liable to a penalty of Ten
Oraille E Hoyt, Reo &eo. Meets every Wed- of publia health require bis removal, It may Dollars.
nesday evening, in Odd Follows Hall.
direct the removal of said person to a suitable
Sec. IS, That any penalty incurred under
girAWMDjiKiH TRIBE I. 0. R. M. Charles place, when said removal can bo made without the provisions of these ordinances, or any ex
C Combe, Sachem ; ChasW Ansiln,Chief of undue.risk to the person sick, and may cause penees incurred in tho abatement of any nuisBacorda. Meet every Tuesday's sleep la Red the premises where such person has been sick ance by tho. Board, stall be collected In the
to be disinfected; and every person who shall manner proscribed by the act cited m the pre
violate this section shall forfeit and pay a amble hereof, or, in lieu thereof, tho Local
M. B. TAYLOR LODGE, F. A A. M. Robert penalty
Bteel, W Master ; Alonzo B. Davis, Sec'y. offence. of Twonty-fivo Dollars for every such Board of Health may file a bill in the Court ot
Chancery for an injunction pursuant to the
2nd and 4tb Friday nights in Masonic Hall.
provision of sa'.d act. M. L. JACKS )N,
president Local Board of Health.
Eco. 6, That there shall not be a public or
N. V. Hinehman, Coun.; Harry Murphy, R.S.;
J. L. 0'DoniiELL, Clerk.
A, T. Lobloy, F. 8.
Meets every Friday church funeral of any person who baa died of
small pox, diphtheria, aoirlot fever, ' typhus
evening in Mechanics' Hall.
or Asiatic cholera, but the funeral of
G»«. D. A'. RUSSELL i'osr, 0. A. R. E L fever,person
A N ln
ORDINANCE to suppress tramps
shall be private; and It shall not
Cauffman, Commander; W. H. H. Bradbury, such
the Town of Hammonton.
to invite cr permit at the funeral, or
Adjutant; H. V. Kdnoll, Q. M. Meets let and at any services
Introduced July 20,1809.
connected therewith, of any
3rd Saturday nights In Mechanics Hall.
August 6,1809.
p'oreon who has ditd of any of the diseases
WOKAR'S RELIEF CORPS. President, Miss ibove mentioned, or of any contagious, postiSection 1. Be it ordained, That all persona
Nora Mont'ort; Secretary, Miss Nellie DePuy. Jontlal, or infectious disease, any person whose »ho shall coma from any place without this
Alternate Friday eves, Mechanics Hall.
attendance Is not necessary, or to whom there state, or from any city, county, township,
QBH. D. A. KIIBBELL CAMP SONS OF VETHR- is danger of contagion thereby; and any vio- borough or place within this state, and nave
A»a, No. 11. Cape., Harry 0 Leonard ; First lation of this section - shall bo punishable by a no legal settlement within the Town of llnuiinoncon, and live idly and without employment
Sergt., Charliia 0 Combe. Meets every Friday Una of Fifty Dollars.
and refuse to work for the usual and common
ere, AiUien'a Hall.
wages given to other persons for like work I'l
BOARD OP HEALTH, M. L. Jackson, PresiSec. 1. That no human body of any adult the Town of Hammonton, or shall bo found
dent ; John T. French, J. C. Anderson, Wui. person
going about from door to door, or plnoln.r
Cunningham, Geo. Uorneboua'o, Jos. U,box or oofiln containing it shall bo nearer than lieuiselvas In the streets, highways or reads
(tartan, Drl Uha's. Cuanlnghuin.
[our feet to the surface of the ground, or In the :o bag or gather alms, and can give IIP renjon* .
Hinlerhood Branch, No. 60, 0. Iron Hall of nine of any person, deceased, under fourteen able aoconut of theirjiwlvoj or their business In
Baltimore. Sarah A. Hood, I'ree't. C u r r l u A . fours of ago, rtvt l«s» than three and one half
ig.bpla.ao5, shall bo deeuiud to bo tramps
King, Beo'/. MwtS In Muoiinnlce 1 Hull (Itot f'.'«<; nndno dltjntermont of any body shall within the meaning of (his ordinance.
and third \Yodoosilfty ovc'», B o'clock.
Boo. 2. That II any person described In the
tube jiluco between tho first day of April and
tittle K a l l a Council, No. 27, D. of P. the first day of November of any year, nor foregoing section of this ordlnanoa shall be
Mrs Luoy Whltmore, Pooahontne; Carrie A shall any tllsintermont tuke place at any other ound oOondlnK agalnit this ordinance In tho
Kin;.-, K. of R. Meets Monday evening In Hod time without a permit from the Cleric of the said Town of llammonton, It shall be lawful
Board of Health of this Town ; and every per- for any conetablo or police offloor of said town,
Mun'a Hull.
son who ebull violate this section shall forfeit aud bo Is hereby enjoined and required, on
Easiness Organizations.
and pny a ponoliy ol Twenty- flvo Dollars for notice given him by any of tho Inhabitants
thereof, l« apprehend and convoy such person
Fruit Growers' Association, J. 11. Abbott sec- every suoli olTonoe.
to a Justice of the 1'uacu In said town, who
rotary, shippers of fruit and produce.
such portion, and may commit
Sen. 8, That any plumber or other person him orexamine
Hammonton Loan and Building Association,
her, being thereof logiilly convicted be*
W. R. Tllton secretary. Meets every 1st who shull aonnoet by pipe any building with fora him by the oath or affirmation of one or
»ny"o<:«3|iool or other reo.iptoolo In which suld nioro credible witnesses, oilier than tho officer
Thursday lu Firemen's Hall.
Workingmen's Loan and Building Ansoolutlon, pipe omiitlo*, without piking a suitable trap malting tho arrest, to labor upon the streets,
W. II. Bernshpate, secretary. Moots every In suld |)i|m betwoou euoh receptacle aud roadj, highways, or other public works of said
building f and uuy person who shall have li town, for a term not loo than thirty days nor
lit Monday In Firemen's Hull.
btillillng In till* Town from which shall go
nix mouths; untl Ahull forthwith
People's Honk, W. R. Tllton cashier.
pipes or ilrnlna in uuoli u uiuiuinr, or In suoh it exceeding
commit him or her to tint custody of the Overpetition
of Highways t<> carry out the provisions
outside surface, or with nny scour, privy,cess- seor
tho sentence Imposed.
Harry Little, hardware unJ furniture.
pool, or other receptacle, so as to OUUHU a nui- of Boo.
!l. That the Ovuri'eor of Highways shall
A L. Fatten, bloyolus.
sance, or to endanger tliu health anil cumliirt lie, anu
Is hereby empowered to incur any
C'ronoll'e I'liarmacy.
of tho occupants of suoh liouoa and nf tliuue iioocHUurylie
oiponne tor Ilio Hoard mid lodging
K. A. Cordory, bloynlos.
living or punning In the vluinlty thereof, nlmll, of Ilia otloodor or offenders under the terms of
K. I). Arllti. inlllinery, etc.
on notice from tills Board, rumovo und prevent tblu ordinance, subjout la thu d'reetlou of the
Orvllle K. Iloyt, publlihor, printer.
any nuisance caused thoroby, imd shall |iro Uounoll of tlio eald Town of Iluimnoiiton.
B 18 Brown A OH, hardware, grooorion
vlua a suitable trnii vr voniilutlnu opening lio4. Tluit I lie Oviimuer of Highways may,
K U White, Beo-hlva store
tvroou suiil IIOUBU and any outalilo rocoptuolo In ut Hco.
dlBorctlon, dinehiirge suoli persons at
Itll 11. CluiTullor, attoruoy.
which «u)d pipe emptied; uud ovory person my |I)N
tluio within tho term of cctumitinunt, upon
O V JTjonfl, burbor
who (hall violate tills Huotlon shall forfeit uiul not !'-•»»
than ten iliiyu good behavior, or upon
Valout'nu X lluoo, undertiilior*.
[my a penalty of Tan IMlurs fur every unuh sutiftfuotory
M'curiiy tliat they ilia!! not become
V A Lohiimit, black'uiltli and wheelwright.
upon tlio ntiliUo within ouu your from
JoliD V, Hull, oli'Ctdchn.
tbu ilatu of niiid (llftohur^u.
John 1'rauoh, Jr.. un'iorliikor.
Hoo. U. Thttl tlio acoiiimiliitloi) of any doniiyHuti. tt. Tnat (Mi ordlaiiiioo uluill lulco effect
Win. Unkur, tliiniultli.
BUlmUnIniiiiudlatuly nl'ior tlio ilaiu of tlio final piijiange
Robert Hteel, jeweler,
H. Ifloiller, toli'icno mid clours.
rubbl-h, gurbagu, or ofl'ul, In or upon iiny lot,
Olmlrmiui of Town Oouiml'.
M. I.. J.uilcHun. mutt iiud|iroiluoo.
J. L. O'DoHNKi.i,, Town Olurk.
L. W, (Jugloy, liur irsa.
jirlvula pltiou, mid allowing tlio Santa loruuiiiln
O. W. rroBimy.JuiUloo.
W. H. lloriinlioufl", I u mh or, coal, blcyolen.
Ho or private plaoo, until tlio sumo ahull boOTIUIS TO OKKIUTOKU.
Dr.J. A. Wiuin, ileiulnt.
come ItaKnrilous to honltti, or until the siiwo
John Murdoch, ulioos.
Katu Altl«ui, uxocnlrlx o f Alf xuii'lor
llenrjr K rauier, (Volsom), cad a r lumber.
mmroo of discomfort to parsons living or AllIcoM.floaoUBoJ, by direction of tbti ttumigula
(loar^r Klvind, dry goudi, ((rooorlon, elo.
ol Ailuntin, liurohy g i v t n noilo-i
passing In tlio vicinity thereof, Is hereby do
Jaeub ISokliarilt, ui^at mill proiluoo,
olured to bp n nutniuiue, aud uny purson or to tl:a orodltura of tlio suld A l u x u n d n r Altkim
flliBO. Ounuluglinin,pliyol(il»n and nurgeou.
jioroons wlioihaH oaufto any auoh accumulation to bring in iliolr dublfl, iloiniiiiilH anU olulmo
J.II.Bioall, baker uud ooufooltoner.
K old therein sliill bo llablo to a pooulty of ugulnut tho cstiitu or* tlia uuld tU'eoduut, unilur
B. It. Molntyre, njcut untl produce.
'i, w i t h i n nlnu niontlia from tb.n uuiu, or
Ton Dollars.
Al'«. Altken, Ilirery aud boarding oubloa.
Hon. IU. That no person removing garbage, they will ho forcvor barred of any notion
Win. L. J)!«ok, dry KouJn, grooorloj, «to.
nffnl, swill, or Any otfoiifllvo or decaying snb- tborefor agulnot tho nniil executrix.
D. I>. Jao, uneoaronl, voruiocolH.
Uutod Augutt aril, A.I) I BUD.
aluiioo, iliill tuffor It to leak or drop iroiu uny
V. Itaaore, w«oo«ronl, voruiaoolll.
KATIS A1TKICN, Hxeeutilx.
vehicle by lilu owned or driven Into or unoii
Manufacturer and Dealer in
The modern standard Family Medicine s Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Posts, Pickets, etc.
Folsom, N. J.
E3SU Lumber sawed to order .
Orders received by mail promptly
Prices Low.
VOL. 37.
60 YEARS' ,
• .i
A. H. Phillips Co.
. .. . -
Anyone sending a sketch anil description mar
ulckly ascertain our opinion frco whctber an.
iTentlon la probably patentaMo. Communications Btrlctlyconflrtcntlal. Handbook on Patents
eont freo. Oldest agency for Becurlnffpate&tfl.
Patents taken through llonn & Co. recelra
•ttctoi. notice, without charge. In the
Mortgage Loans.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly, tamest circulation of any aclentlflo journal. Terms, 93 a
;ear: four raontns, tl. Sold by oil newsdealers.
Correspondence Solicited,
1815 Atlantic Avenue,
Atlantic City,, N. J.
Branch Office, C2S F Bt, Washington, D. C.
Schedule in effect July 1,1899
Ace. Ace. Ex. Ace. Ex Ex, Ace. Acc.
Acc. Acc. E*p. Acc Ace. Ace Ac*
p. m. a m p.ro. p.m. p.m. p.m p.m. a. m. 0.10.
a.m. p.m
430 630 8M)
3 00 1050 6 45
740 8~40 10 15 W) G SO 950 ale
188 •638 008
437 ...... 300 10 68 0 52
..CaDiden »
782 8 80 1007 42 6 22 940 022
4 48 650 620 >»••« i 47
11 10 702 .......Colllngswood
719 810 ......* 80 600 9 2<1 60S>
4 55 659 628
45* »•... .*.... 11 10 7 12
23 U 00 9 IS 800
7 10 8 11
505 7 10 638
...... 11 20 723
064 801
12 548 907 641
5 16 721 663 , 522
1188 7 87
(HI 585 854 537
041 7 48
5 22 736 659
1144 7 K
A too
1255 A 29 •< 48 5 SI
„ t 11 63 761
S 3 ' 748 709
1247 520 841 5 IS
62! 725
•584 •751 715 ...... *643
•1157 •7 6*
0 IS •715
1242 6 14 *838 •507
6 38 7 16 721 ...... 547
1202 8 CO ...Winslow Jc. (l'T«). .. OKJ 7 11
1237 5 10 8 S-2 508
645 803 730
3 « 1208 SOS
605 705 "fl'so 1280 503 8-20 465
5 66 •818
.««... 611
8 10
4 52 8 10 441
G 55
803 830
tt 48 9"l6
4 45 8 09 4 IS
:..Eug Harbor........
8 23 849
.....i 6 '10
8 4S ........ »Absecon.. ........
1 27 761 4 17
6 35 900
ft 51
8 Oil . Atlantic Olty
n ?o "s'Si ....... < If) 7 40 i nii
* Stops only on notice to conductor or agent, or on
J B HDTCHIN8ON. Oen'l Manager.
JR WOOD.Gen'l Pnss'r AgtHno.
Heavy White Clipped
Oats, old, 38 c. per bush.
. •
A Great
Reading Special Bicycles,
No. 1 Timothy Hay, old,
$22.50, ;
90 cents per hundred.
Ladies' and Gents'
Flour, Cracked Corn,
Hamilton Bicycles—
and Meal, are all
Ladies'only, ^18.50
quite a little lower
this week.
At A. L. Patten's
Best quality dark
Jar Rubbers
4 cents per doz.
And Sporting Goods Store.
• •<«•
• ••M
Sand lSund Snnd,
p. m.]|i. m. a. m.|p.m. p.m p.m p.m
4 45
4 68
6 15
6 201
6 80
5 47
0 08
0 15
G 80
6 40
Saturday, July 1,1890
800 6 80 5 80 5 80 3 00 1245 (t 15
!B 258 in'10 15 10 Si
0 10 0 42 5 42 5 40 3 10 1255 9 25 ........... Cumden .......... 0 18 7 59|10 00 10 18
(i 80 5 51
1 01 8 32 ... West Colllngiwood.. . H06
0 58 (1 (10
1 09 0 ..... Ifnddon Uclgliti.., .,558
7 12 6 14
1 23 0 ....... Laurel Spring".. .. . 643
» :\v\
U 80
7 10 « 18
1 27 0 60 . ....... Clementon. ....... '589
fc at,
7 20 6 20
1 30 7 05 ...AVIIIIonutown Jane. . 5 SO
7 81 0 !!5
1 41 7 09 ........Cedar Brook ........ 524
7 40 t44 8 07
1 50 7 17 ..Wlinlow June, (I've).. 5 10
8 44 u :IH
8 4 1 7 57 6 40 0 12 3 41 2 02 7 24 ......... llanunonton.......|5. 107
8 40]
8 02
„... 7 29........... DaOrata ...........
8 ,'ii
8 08 8 68 .1
Q... 7 37 ............. Klwood ........... soo
H 281 U Si.
ffsa 8 14 7 05
7 4, ......... Egg Ilarbor ........ 4 53
8 I'd! ii in!
8 21 7 11 8 80
7 58] ...... BrlKuntlne Jnuc .....
8 3H 7 21
4 05
8 IM ...... ...rieuantilllr ........
4 851.... 8 III! ii
92<i' 8 43 7 31 8 4S 4 15
8 16 ......... AtltntlcOltjr ........4 25 7 I 8 to; 9 ID;
8 65 « B5IO 26 0~5S
H !« U lOiO 14 0 40
3 ill 6 <»'» m II 31
8 23 5 ^Ri8 68 0 23
« 08 5 40|8 4,'l 8 I*
5 04 & .% 8 30 6 OS261 6 a7J827557
2 n 5 SII.'B 21 S 69
2 a? 6 KilH 12 6 40
2 80 4 88 8 015 IS'
. . -lailb 59 5 18
. . 4 at 7 61 5 06
. - I III 7 14 4 60
4 10 7 35 4 50
. . 3 (ill 7 25 4 3»
. . II 50 7 16 4 3»
Exproea leaves Atlniitio at 11:00 a m, Ilainmontou 11;30, Plilla.lcliilihi l'-';I5
Eiprees loavoAtlantln 11:10 p ni.Eng Harbor 9:52. Hnm 10:07,1'lilla l»:')(i
Sunday Exp. All City 7:15a,m.OrSOsnd9:30 pm,K«s Harbor0:52nncll):«i) p m, Hnm
8:04 a m. 7:08 and fO:04 p m. Pblla!«) n m,7;5'' nnd 10:50 p m
DOWN Exj> leaven I'hllunt 10;45am, Winlow 11:21, Ham 11;2D, 10 U 11:12, All 12:05
Hundny, Phllft U:I5iim, Hnm 7:21. Atlnntlo8:15
EDSON J. WKKKK, Oi n. PaM,.nK,.r A|:<-nt
J. A. SWEIOAItD, Gen. 8upt.
Hammonton Electric light and Power Co.
Commercial Electric Lights.
10 0. P.
Klrflt 5 l.lalitu Sl.OUpr month
Next 6 Liu lit a IS o. cacti pr mo
xt 10
10 o
Next 10
:.... 80
A.11 luiaitloiml.... Go
32 G. P.
.91.75 liriuo.
25 o. each.
17 c.
12 o.
5nlglitHto8:30, 1 nlicht i i > in.... ;uic. ivicli.....65 O
6nl|[litBtolO, I n k l i t loll.......Ilii:. .;iu:li....78<S
820 ft year for nll.'C. I', cvi ry i i l r l i i t^ 12
<IOa year for » Kll.'. I1, i . vi>ry iilis'il tn 12
©00 a year for a 2000 0. P. Arc ovory uiglit exoopt Biuxliiy lo JO o'lilonk.
Meter Hates, 10 o. per 1000 Wultfl.
We do all kinds of Electrical Work, mich n.s Telephone*,
Annunciator, and Bell work, tit lowest, ponftiblo ratos.
Dodg(•ers, «-ail sizes,
Fifty-Eight Years Old.
It'« a long lite, but. <)uvc>Uon to Ilia
liitovoutniincl [iroiiporlty nf lln< Amoricun pcoIilo liiiH won for It mnv I'.liMKlii mi tlio yonto
rolldd by and the orl(flii;Miniuiilii)rii o|' Itii family pitHHod to their rrovitiiwiuul MICK- .idinlruru
lite loyal aud Htomlfmit, tu-duy, with lultb lu
Itn ImiohliigH, [mil ooiilliloiino in llin Itil'orraa-*
Lion wliloli It lirlii«B td lioiiitiii mill (UuiildDfl.
Au u until nil (Hni«ei|iirii(\i, II (.H'JH,YH In Hw
old ngo ivll HID vltulll.y uml vljfiu'<<l' I I M youth,
iiti«ii|{tlii)iii)(l anil rlpuiuiil l>y the AX))uilnuo«it.
of ovor hnlf H century.
It him llvml on ltd merit" and (in tho cordlnl
ini]i))ort of i>rii{{i'i"iulvii Aini-i'lriiiiii.
It In "Tlio New York Woelily Tilbnno,"
liiKiivloiliIi'il tint Odiinti'v oyur nil tlio loudlllff
Joniil Family Nuvvu|iii|ii)r.
itn vivlun to thono who doHlro all tlio nfiwH of tlio Hmln nm'l >fut.lon,,
the inibllnlmr of the KICI-IDIUUAN huu unturod Into uu alliance with "Tlio Mow York
Weekly Tribune 1 ' which mmlilim lilni to dmiltili you both pa)iorii lit Lho trillingcost ol $1.'<!5 per your
Kvury .'unnnr unit overy vllliiKiir owuu to lilmnolf, to hln family, anil lit l.he community, u cordial Atiiijuirt of hi ii lociil imwujiftjitii', iiu It win Itn coiiHtniilly u m l iintlrInx'y '<»' ''In Intortxttn In every way, hrlii^H to lila homo all tho IHIWM inn 1 lin[ijinnlngtt
of bin iiulgliliorhood, tbo doliin» of II!H 1'rlomln, tho nondltlonn uml jiii'iijicctii for
din'orunt OVOIIH, und In u weakly vlxltor which nliould bo found In every homo,
.hint. tbliiK of It ! lloth of UH>III> liupora for only S!.".'! n yonr.
Send all Bubflcriptionu to tho RKPUIIMCAN, Hnminonton.
Always a Good Stock
• H. Serasliouse;
Only f he Best!
Eeal Estate and
Insurance Agent
Shoes made to Order is my
Specialty, and full
satisfaction is guaranteed.
Notary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds,
Erantz A. Lehman
Printed promptly, nt tlio ]1v.v
Office* 101 Railroad Ave,
Sjtoro ISi
House li
Dairy Brand
Condensed Milk
A Hew Wagon Shop
is excellent.
I heve taken tbe Jno.Walther
It is cheap at
shop, on Third St., and -will do
work in the wheelwright
8 cents per can.
andflbkcksmith line.
Best Black Pepper,
Horse-shoeing a specialty.
5 cents quarter pound.
p. m; p.nra m p.u
Second St., near Pleasant,
Wear Uenihouao'a Mill
Valentine & Hood
•Funeral Directors.
All biiBiriCHBJn their lino
liromptly nnd carefully
attended to.
The aggregate of the world's gold
production last year falls short only
about five million dollars of being an
even three hundred million, which ia
more than double tho amount produced
in 1802.
A fool may prefer man's age of reason
to God's eternity of wisdom.
Biemark's Iron Nerve ' :
"Was the result of bis splendid bealtb.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where Stomach, Liyer,
Kidney's and Bowels are ont of order.
If you want these qualities audathe
success they bribg, nee Dr. King's "New
Life Pills. They develope every power
of brain and body. Only 25 cents, at
Crowell's drug store.
Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111.,
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician,. but grew worse. He told her
she was a hopeless victim of consumption
and that no medicine conld cure her. Her
draggist suggested Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption ; she bought
a bottle and to her delight'found herself
benefited from first dose. She continued
its use and alter taking six bottles, found
herself sound and well; now does her
own housework, and is as well as she
ever was. Free trial bottles of this
Great Discovery at Crowell's Drag Store.
Only 50 cents and $1.00. Every bottle
JN CHANCERY of New Jersey.
Marlon J. Bacon, Complainant,
Thorntcn TV. Fay, en ols., Bofondnnts.
On Bill, &o.
Notice to defendant? to plead.
To Kate Fay, Gladys M. Fey Fillcbrown,
Chirles Dnlton Fillebrown, Louise Fay,
and Buy Alton Fay :
B; virtue of an order of the Court of Chancory of New Jersey, made on tbo 16th day of
this Anguet, 1809, in a caueo wherein Marion
J. Eicon in complainant and yon and others
are defendant), yon are required to appear,
plead, answer, or demur 10 the bill of said
complainant on or before the sixteenth day of
Oetober next, or the (mid bill wi.l be taken us
oonfetsed against >eu.
Tho bill in filed to obtain a deeroe of sale
and partition of tbe proceeds of the sale thereof among the heirs of Cyrus J. Fay, deceased,
who have equitable interest unsatisfied in a
ccrtoin lot of lund in the Tows of llamiiiouton, Count; of Atlantic, in this State.
Soliollor tor Complainant,
312 Market St., Oaadon, N.,J.
Repairing done.
. Bollovup Avenue,
Saramonton. : : N. J.
The People's Bank
Of Hammonton. N. J,
Authorized Capital, $60,000
Paid in, $30,000.
Surplus, $17,000.
K. J. BYIINES, President.
M. L. JACKSON, Vice-Pree't
W. E. TIVTON, Caehie»
(1. J. Byrnes,
M. L. Jnckuou,
Oeurat KlviiiB,
lUuui Btookwoll
O. F. Huxton,
0. V. Oagood,
W. R. Tlltot.
J. C. AixlorHOt.
W. J. Bmltli.
W. L.
OoitlllantOHof iioi>«uitiin<nod, bo&rlng
Intoront at tho rnto ol 3 por oont. per anDiiiit 1 f hold «lx inontUa, and U perqoutK
U«lil olio year.
Diucouut JUJB — Tuesday nnd
Fridav ol each wook.
J35T y»f<< DojiOHil; ItoxoH for rent,— J3
p.'l.tH), (5, ntiil f i l l .MII your.
A fullaiisortinciitor luvtiiland muolilc
madn, — for work or driving.
Embalming a Specialty Trunks, Valiaes, Whips,
Hiding Saddles, Noto, oto.
Oflico und Rooidcrico,
208 Penoh Stroct,
llanunonton. N. J.
For Taxes of 1897
Town of Hammonton
Notice Is hereby plvcn tlmt byvirtuoofa
warrant issued by Q. W. I'romoy, Esq.; to
muke tho taxes laid upon unimproved nnd
untrnantcd lands, and upon lands tenanted
by jiorpona not the lawful proprietors, who
are urmblo to imy their tax in the Tonn of
Huuiuiouton, Count; ol' Atlantic, State of Now
Joftuy, tho Collector of aatd town will, on
Monday, Sept. 18,18])]).
at tho hour of ono o'clock p. in., at tbo Town
Council Room, sell tho timber, wood, herbage
and other voniliNo property found on tho
preuuous taxed to the under named porftons,
to inako tbo tuxes and conts annexed to their
respective nnmofl, with Interest at tho rule of
twulvo jior cent per uiinuiu from Doc 20th,
1897 to tliadate ol talc.
Tlio cotftti la each cimo wll lio 80 cents.
llloolc Lot Aora Tux
AtUhiKoii. Iluinuili Kat II
(I jo H8
!1 lit 5ft fi<$ 1 II'J
N ORDINANCE to amend an OrdiBy Tirtuo of a writ of fieri facias, to mo di
nance entitled "An Ordinance to
reoted, issued ont of the New Jersoy Court of
a Supply of Waterfor the-Towa
Chancery, in a cause wherein Tho J*ooplo'a
Bank of Hammonton. N. J.', Is complainant of Hammonton;
Introduced July 29,1899.
and The Fruit Growers' Union and Co-OperaPassed August 5,1899.
tive Society, Limited and nls., are defendants,
Section 1. Be U enacted, That Section 12 of
I will expose to sale at pnblio vendno, on
tho ordinance entitled "An ordinance topro*
Saturday, Sept. 16,1899,
vide a enpsly of water for tho Town of llamat two o'clock in iho afternoon of earn day, at monton," passed June 24,1899, bo and tho
tbe hotel of Mrs. Alexander Aitkon, in* tho same is hereby amended to read as follows.
Town of Hammonton. In the County of Allan
That this ordinance shall not bo constraeol
tin and State of Now Jersey, all those traola aa effective unices the said water works plant.
or parcels of land and promises, hereinafter shall be BO constructed as to sccnre to the
particularly described, situate, lying and being property owners of the Town of Hammonton
in tne Town of Hammonton, io tho County of all the rebates and allowances given by the ,
Atlantic and State of New Jeriey,—
Board of Fire Underwriters and Adjusters to
1. Dwelling and stable at the corner of property owners in towns havlng_a_ water supRailroad Avenue and Thirteenth Street, hav- ply of a similar character.
ing a frontage on Railroad Avonno of one
Sec. 2. That all ordinances . nnd parts of or»
hundred and twenty-nine foot, and on Thir- dinances in conflict with this ordinance are.
eonth Street of one hundred and fifty feet.
hereby repealed.
2. Beginning at the/ intersection of the
Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall take effect
centre line of Washington Street with the from the date of the final passage thereof.
easterly line of tbe thirty feet .right of way
;: '
described in tho agreement mentioned in the
Chairman of Town Council.
ttaohed advertisement: thence south-eastL. O'DoNNELL, Town Clerk.
erly along tbe centre of Washington Street
about one hundred and thirteen feet to a
corner; thence northeast to tbe northeasts
irly tide of Washington Street j tbonce south*
latterly along the same fifty feet to a corner;
ihence nonheasterly three hundred and forty
feet to the southerly line of Railroad Avenue;
:h«nce northwesterly along the said Railroad
Official Town Attorney,
Avenue fitly feet to a corner; thence aorthArlitz Building, Hammonton,
lasterly to the line, of the Camden & Atlantic
Railroad Company; thence along the said rail Room 37 Real Estate & Law Building,'
road northwesterly two hundred and twenty
Atlantic City.
feet and nine inches; thence southwesterly on
a line parallel with Thirteenth Street about
,wo hundred • feet to a eomer of lot one;
thence along lot one northwesterly one hundred and twenty-nine feet to the easterly side
Practice In all Courts of the State.
of Thirteenth Street, thence southwesterly
along the said side of Thirteenth Street one
hundred and eighty-seven feet to the northerly side of Washington Street; thence northwesterly to the middle of Thirteenth Street;
hence southwesterly along the middle of said
Thirteenth Street about two hundred nnd five
'oet to a corner; thence to a corner in tho
right of way of the Philadelphia and Atlantic
City Railway ; thence northeasterly along tbe
aao to the easterly line of tbe thirty feet
right of \ray described in an agreement mentioned in tho annexed advertisement; then'co
along the aaid easterly Bide northeasterly to
ho place of beginning.
Subject to such rights as the Philadelphia
and Atlantic City Railroad Company and its
successors may have in the right of wuy, not
exceeding thirty feet, mentioned in an agreement between Fruit Qrowers' Union and CoOperative Society, Limited, and ibe Philadelphia and Atlantic•Ciiy Railroad Company dated April 23,1884, and recorded at May's
Landing, in Book No. 3 of Miueollanoous
Records page 311, Ac.
2. Beginning at the intersection of tbo easterlv side of tho thirty feet right of way described in an agreement mentioned In the
annexed advertisement with the-northerly side
ef tbe Philadelphia und Atlantic City Railroad
Company'; extending tbenco northeasterly
ilong tho said easterly side of tbe said thirty
feet right of way to tho middle of Washington
Street; thence along the middle of Washington Street northeasterly eighty feet to a corner ; thence south forty-seven degrees and
fifty minutes west one hundred and seventytwo feet to the northerly line of right of way
of the Philadelphia and Atlantic Cliy Railroad
Company | thence along tho eamo northwesterly about two hundred and eighty feet to the
place ot beginning.
Subject to.the right of the Philadelphia and
Atlantic City Railroad Company and ite euafioro to break tho awitoh connections and
take up and remove all materials fuanisbed by
It in the coal aiding and troeale, under the
agreeu.ent of August 4,1880.
H.iHUEL KIHBY, Shonlff.
Bated August II), 1899.
Tueui'HON A C'OLK, Solicitors.
1311 H. ©handles?*
In Hammonton
every Thtirsday
Money for first mortgage loans
Oil Stoves
No. 25 Third Street,
Only the choicest.
& C/akesJ
Always the best.
By virtue of a writ of fieri ftolas to mo di
reeled, Issued out of tho Circuit Court of
Atlantic County, in a uuiiso wherein Tho
1'ooplen Hunk of llainmonton la complainant
and D. Cicaccnza ia defendant, X will expono
to eale ut public vondue, on
Tuesday, 8«pt. G, 18OO,
nt two u'olook In the afternoon of eald day, at
t be hold of Mrs. Alexander Altken, in the
J'.i'own. Ii\V
II) lit. 10
llmtoln. U
Town of lluiniuontan, County of Atluntlo and
Cu)ioruki, J»v
(I Villon Ill 4 08 Stato of Now Jersoy, all that certain truot or
lileinent, H
II 08 purcol ef land, "ituuto, lyliiir, and being lu thu
llur|ii>, Cliturli
5 41!
. JulliiT.
nonr I 4fi U 118 TUHCI of llumiuonton, County of Atlantic, and
<n, KIlKllllOlll .................
Hlato of Now Joruoy,—
Duvlilxon, Alex
It ft. 1H
I 70 Hugliinlnn at n point in the centre of 1'lue
Klvlim, Win A Knt
8 S, (I
Uuud ut tlio dlntunoa of thrtiu hundred and
j 7 48
R l l K l l H l ) , ItOHCttO M .«
4 llyrnvH \ i
88 Iwenty rodn Norlhouat of Mulii llond ; tlionoe
'I'urvhl, Antonio
1 s» 17 II K! uxteu'ilng (1) North forly live degrees und
Olllonl, .loiiullinri
17 ia; b IK thirty minuted Went eighty roda to u point)
Ilitrlhhorn, Kulph
11 07
8S llienou (2) N o r t h forty four dof^rues anil thirty
llurlxliom, Mrs M K
IB pt^7 5 ; 44 minutou
<mHt twonty-one rods (o a point;
MoiiUliiH 1 t; I)
Ill n
Kitlmill, I ICdt
u lit II'J
U On Ihtiuco (U) .South forty.flvo donrooa thirty
Manufacturer of tbe finest Voi-micolll
11 ,)[jTI)l!H G
BH itiinuic.i uuut eighty rod.i to Iho oentro of
aud Fancy 1'aato.
Kruiuiir, ^1-."
6 tiny lit
1'lua llouil; theueu (4) aluug the name Houth
Ii pt"l Ml 8 (18 forly four degrees and thirty minutes Went
Mncoaroul In packages, with dlrootiout.
i<io.. MrH J II
15 4. H 1H 4
ono rudo to the place of beginning,
MiUII-.lB, Wiillno"
•! DyrnvH
; ma twenty
o.inlniiiliii; one anil ono half uorua of land, Thu IOOHO, us well us tbo packed ol' tho
MiitlliewH, O W .........
vory bust quality, and nothing ialorlor
5 H
atrlct mouBuro, bolim tho fuuuu premlsoa thai
» ptll7 5
to tho Imported onoa.
1 711 Aiiii'k Oluok conveyed to lllujo liroaootuo, by
Mc'Niuniim. May
H Irolm I -(I
m doftd diilcd Mnroli'JO, 1HOH, and of record lu
M(. linn, 11
1081 Iho ('lurk's olllea of Atluntlo County, lu Uook Btouniahlp Agent. Flrut-olatiH tickets to
ol llnoilx l-':l, folio ti7H, -to.
MOIIK«I. ,!OH,. ,'.,... .................. H llrowu
all purtu of the wor>d, with twiii-iscroiv
Miinillllo, < ariiion.or
Triuit N". 'J. llo^lnnlug In t h e r e n t r o o f IM»o
C'xproaa Borvlou.
...... Tlllury...............Ill
N o n c ' i . O W ........................ 11 p i c a
(if Muin Houd and oornnr to ouo Oamp.
Kolunan». JulUiH ............ ... LJ oT,
it r. odQtre
lloxiiiril Knl ....................... U
H III uiiolU'r linn ; ilumiiii axtuiiilln|{ (I) ulong aulil
ItolilniHiii. Mnry ....... ........ 11 llyrnuH 1
Giiuiiiaiiolla'n land Murtlmeatorly nnd at rlgh
K.iHiiMu. 1., ( i r ( ) 1< YiitctH... II YiitVH IK U IV. ai)||l»ii with ould I'lno Hoad «lnlily rodu
Ituiii'i'lo, 1 oter" .................. lo -III
Ii II 71! thenoo (2) Northwesterly, uiul ]nirullol with
HliroiMlcr. llrmiitti
and a MK»t roliublo lino ot
Mm Hunt. (HiMimul
1 7' I'lno Houd twontv r O ' l n j thonco (.1) Houtlioaot
orly und pi.iullol with IIrot linn eighty roild to
nil tho "popular branda of
Htnltl'n, I >.IU
a ... ID
the center "f 1'luo ruud ufuronuld; ihouoo (4,
Tobucoo, and uiy own mako
u 01 a»
nloutf thu uuiuo Houthwualurly twoaly ro<tt) to
iilaoti of hogluitliifc, eontulnliig ton aoreo,
7 U'J
thu Duma |>rut>orty thai John A. llobfn
Tlinyiir.il ICnt ..................... Ill 21.
17 lit 4IS :i:l'i; ft 7V Bon «onv«yuil til llluju Cresoonini by <loa>
Tloliunr,, A N
'J llyrncu 0
<lutu I Ootobor y, IHHti, unit 'of rucard lu tin
In what I cull the attention
Triiwi. r, .............................. lf>
IKK) Olorlt n (I 111 MI of Alluutlo County In Hook ti
of my old frlwuda, and now
Wnlkur. M r n H .................... I
Also, well aeleotod
Wiirlilll, Orliindo......,........I
1 .'U
Wlmilon, Jitiuon ............... HI
1 iU
gooda.i _"*•
Wliltiiov, 'I'lKm ................. 11)
Dated Au K uat ft, 11IUU.
Xuouriioti A Coi.u, AtturneyB.
A. JJ. I>AVIH, Oolloctor.
1'r'a foe, JU.U5.
lluiiiinualou, N. J,, A"K. U, IhUU.
Cor. Second and Bellevue,
Italian and American
Not Too NoutlcaS.
wish yon would write ns
'locnlOcont Devotion, Ueroiam ana'i a Publisher—I
0d a
TBo magnificent devotion, heroism Gr'eat Anther-Bnt I have never beei
and patience of that wonderful worn- °J**;. ,
an. Madam Dreyfus, have been at' Publisher-! know it I want a sea
length rewarded. Her sister-women 3tory that People can understand.
tUce world over must have experienced!
>-J-JB vrcu \ye can't.
s; sensation of relief when news was,| "-what do you think would be the
received of the save arrival of the un- result If we could see ourselves ai
prisoner of the He du Dlable, .others see us?"
tt9 whllo as yet there, was the slight"\Ve'd all-.be so discouraged that nont
«st Jjoaslblllty that fate, which had al- of us would ever have the heart to go
ready proved so unkind to this remark- ' ahead and be great."
couple might fight against them,
1ft was painful to think of the tension
"The tattooed girl la as pretty as 8
picture, Isn't she?"
"Oh, yes, a whole lot of pictures. Bu<
then her beauty la only skin deep."—
Philadelphia Bulletin.
- r,
Tnrnlae in a Tip.
"Mamma, what would you do If that
big vase In the parlor should get
broken.?" said Tommy.
"I should spank whoever did It," said
Mrs. Banks, gazing severely at her little son.
"Well, then, you'd better begin to get
up your muscle," said Tommy, gleefully, "'coz papa's broken it."- -Harper's
Patience of This Woman.
' 1I '«S .^ I* '
Mntta That a Easiness.
Pllson—Are you going to take part to
that guessing contest?
Dllson—Oh, no; they'd rule me out aa
a professional.
PUson—Prof esslonal ?
Dllson—Yes; you know I am connectKno'tvo When to Qnft.
ed with the Weather Bureau.—Ohio
"You told me your son had bualness State Journal.
"Well, hasn't he?"
Chemistry Kindergarten.
"All he knows la when the clock
Bobby— Is oxygen what oxen breathe
strikes 6."
ell day?
Papa—Of course, and what every
Cooh Hilarity.
"Jumpklns never laughs unless, thing else breathes.
Bobby— And Is nitrogen what ever}
there's money In It"
"I've seen him laugh at the theater." erne breathes at night?—Boston Trav,
' • ••••'.•-.:
"Of course he has to laugh there to eler.
get his money back."
Wonts to Make It Permanent.
"Our new boarder came here just for
a temporary home."
"Now he wants to marry my daugh
English Geographical lan
1 While None Apprdhch "Old Slentli,"
SIonT Are Prolific and f peedy.
Although no English novelist can
rival In productiveness the late Mr.
Holsey, "Old Sleuth," the sensational
writer who/left behind him no fewer
than COO novels, and made light ol
:ompletlng a novel of 100,000 words
within a week, there are many wJMtera of fiction who have achieved marvelous records as writers. The average novelist Is ..content to produce one
aovel a year, a feat which can not be
despised when we consider thart the
average novel contains from 150,000
to 200,000 words, and that merely to
copy It would represent a month's
hard work, writing five or six hours a
flay. Several novelists, however, have
produced three, four, and even five, of
these novels In a single year; three
Save a joint record of 230 novels, and
it least two have averaged two and n
aalf novels for every year of thel:
writing life.
In the newest school of writers S.
R. Crockett takes the palm for fecnndity, In numbers If not In the volume
of his novels. Els first novel, the
famous "Sttcklt Minister," -was produced as recently as 1893; but Its success was such a stimulus to Mr.
Crockett's Industry that 1894 saw font
of Its successors, and In alx years Its
author has written and produced fifteen novels,' or almost as many as Mr.
Blackmore has produced In thirty-five
Mr. Barrle Is content with a mucli
slower rate of production. He began
well by publishing four novels In ME
first two years, but singularly enough
lls first really successful novel, "Tb*
Little Minister," seems to have giver
i check to his Industry as n writer ol
action, for In all the Intervening sevoc
rears only two of Mr. Barrie's novels
iave seen the light
'"Ian Maclaren," like Mr. Barrle, Is
:ontent to go slowly and to produce
sue book a year. Last year he produced two books, but one was merelj
a. collection of ^hort stories.
Among other leading writers of fiction who have averaged more than one
rolnme a year Is Mr.' Jerome, whose
record Is sixteen novels In eleven
rears. Stanley Weyman, one of the
nost painstaking of all novelists, hoc
published eleven volumes In his nine
rears of writing, but he never at«mpted fiction until be .was thirty-five
md had lost the first fervor of youth.
Frankfort Moore has published thirtyilx novels In twenty-four years, and
Mrsi Macquold fifty-seven In thirty!even years.
George Glsslng la responsible f01
seventeen books In fifteen years, an<3
Rider Haggard wrote twenty-one nov»ls In seventeen years, four of which
were published In 1888.
In roconl
years tho seductions of -country life
nave been stealing over him and sapping his literary energy. Between 180"
ind 1898 he seems to have given tho
world nothing In book form from his
Among tho "laggards In literature"
tho chief Is perhaps Olive Schrciner
whose average rate of production Is
one book In flve years. Indeed, for
very many years It seemed likely thui
her first brilliant venture, "Tho Storj
of an African Farm," would nevci
nave a eucccesor.
George Meredith has produced little
more than one book In every two yoarj
of his1 writing life. Mrs. Humphrj
Word has been content with seven
books In eighteen years. Mr. Hardj
tins produced.eighteen novels In tlilr
ty-four years, or a rough nvorngo ol
two years for each book, nnd Mr.
Blackmore's record Is very nlmllnr.
irlth sixteen1 novels In no more thuii
twice an many yearn.
Of our older writers, Mr. Flonty
takes tho palm for Industry, with n
record of over ono hundred books, nnd
IB followed by Mlns Hrad(lon, wltli
ilfty-aovcn iiovoln In thirty-eight years
Bishop Lawrence, of Massachusetts,
says at the Lambeth conference, held
last summer, he found the Idea of what
constituted his State very vague. The
authorities considered It some out-ofM A D A M E DBETFCS.
the-way place, and he found himself
A Business Consolidation.
placed with the diocesan representaof.. that
. ...
I "Where Is that girl who was out Ice tives from New Zealand and other Islstood waiting for the moment when ^ on ,Thero B
and colonies of Great Britain.
a d
8ba d f<
undertaker yproposed
her and
f ± hU,fought
? . should
? ^h°m
so splendidly
once more ; " marrled
. °
Wm „
How Di<f She Know?
Edith—Who were those people here
To attempt to conjure up any Idesi
Wail Decoration.
of what, her sufferings have been dur- ) "Our landlady has taken down this afternoon, mamma?
fug the past four and a half years 'Home, Sweet Home." "
Mamma—Prof. Bighead and his wife,
•would be well nigh futile, and certain
"What did she put up In Its steadr dear. The professor Is one of the bestly no one can in the.least realize what
" 'No Quarreling About the Then Informed men in the city.
"How do you know he Is? He never
fier feelings must have been when she mometer.' "
opened his mouth once."—Yonliers
found herself In the arms of her beForewarned.
Joved husband whom, but so. short a
"When nay typewriter girl wen» Statesman.
while ago, It seemed she was never to awayi wnat do y"ou thlnk?
see again.
tiouEevlty and JLate Hoiira.
The heart of every sympathetic worn
"She left a note for the new girl tell
A German doctor, who has been colan will be filled with thankfulness That mg ner r was mighty shaky on the use /ectlng Information about the habits of
at least the Joy of once more meeting of .snall. and .wlll, „
long-lived persons, flr.ds that the mahas been vouchsafed to this long suf______
jority of those who attained old age
ferlng and faithful pair; and. surely,
Indulged in late hours. Eight ont of
the splendid example of wifely devo"A hypocrite, my son, Is a man who ten persons over SO never went to bed
tion, courage, and perseverance which
does what his wife thinks he shouldn't till well Into the small hours, and did
not get up again till late In the day.
do, and then Is too thoughtful of her
feelings to tell her about It"—Detroit
Free Press.
Knew HU Bnoincas.
"You understand," said the plumber
Gettintr Even.
"Why don't you discharge your pro; to his son, who had just been admitted
ent doctor and see If somebody -else to partnership, "that It Is our rule never
can't help you? Here he's had you In to overcharge."
"What do you call an overcharge?'bed for thre« weeks now, and you seem
asked the young man.
to be' getting worse all the time."
"Charging more than the customer Is
"I would mak,e a chxnge, but this
fellow owes me ifCO, and his bill foots worth."—Indianapolis Journal.
up only $49 to date. I've got to wort
Madame DreyCus has presented, not It out of him somehow."
A. Bad Habit Abandoned.
only to her own countrywomen, but to
"Your cousin Wilfred's health seems
her aex all the world over, cannot be
Thank Heaven!
"I see It Is becoming the fad to have to be much better than It was a year
too highly estimated In these days
when, on the one hand, the sanctity of i your wedding cinematographed."
"Yes, the doctor says the trouble
marriage vows Is too often sneered at
and on the other women arc declared courtshlpclnematographed,thank heav- with him was that he was too hearty
an -enter. But he's doing literary worlt
to have lost all' the sweetest and no- en'!"— Boston Journal.
for a living now."
blest attributes of their ser. The love
Two View*.
of this husband and wife has, Indeed,
Perkins—W'emuHt hold on to the PhilEurmurka of Fame,
been tried as by flre, and gloriously has ippines. I'm for expansion. What
"I've struck some encouragement nf
It come forth from the furnace of af- would be the use of Dewey's brilliant
victory If we were to give up the Isl
"What la It?"
Tho1 accompanying portraits of Rtaands now?
"Tills prominent man used to be a
dame Dreyfus and her two children
Murphy—Dldu't. he have tho folpht? farm hand at §10 a month."
are from sketches recently executed by
Olvln' up the Islands couldn't take thot
"What is encouraging about that?"
' French artist.—Montreal Star.
away from him, could It?
"I used to be a farm hand at 910 a
month myself."
Aimitrur Work.
"Dots your htinlximl play the violin,
Extreme Candor.
"John," Bhe aHked, "did you get that Mra. Stebblns?"
"Which style of music do yon prc"No; he Just fiddles a little."
pair of Hhoea for little Dc'uato to-day?
rer?" uskcd WUllo Wlshlngton, who
PoorchHd, who will have to go to school
In t'.ie Onllery.
iad Just been reminded of tho subject
barefooted jiretly HOOII unions you atJimmy—Say! wimu't clnt great whore >y a street piano; "the Italian or tho
tend to tho matter."
"No, my dear," ho replied, "I have ho holds tho mob nt bay?
Tommy—Wot's great about It? Don't "I profer tho Italian," answered Mla»
Been too' Itiwy to-duy to think about
shoes. I can't lot nuch manors distract dom HupcH know If <1oy did anyt'lng to inyenne. "Tho orchestra doesn't wako
my mind from huxInuHB. You ought to him doy'd git do gnuid bounce?—Puck >no up so often."~Wnshlngton Star.
The flirdar's Namesake.
attend to thai yourm>lf,"
A Common ICxperlence.
A registrar In tho East 13nd of Lon"\V\gga, <lo you licllovo that gold r-vor
After a brlvf silence she sold:
Gettlna Kven.
don haa recently recorded tho birth of
"John, do you know i\lrn. Wlldmnb grown?"
'What did little Jim do with the a child who ban boon miined Sirdar
aayB her luiHtiaiid IH one of tho bent
"Of couruu; when I have any It con lunrter ho got for having his tooth Kitchener.
bowlera In t h i n town?" •
I Btiuitly growH li-Hti."
"I'ooh! IU-'H nothing of tho m>rt,"
"lie upont It all on comic volontlnoa
Why Hho Didn't Call Out.
tho man lUw.'lnriYl. "I've been bowling
•jo Bond tho dcntlMt."
A young Indy from tho country \vtit
with lilm nearly all afternoon, anil hu
Jones—Wonder what nmilo Colurnsuing hor ox-nwuotucnrt for breach ol
simply iHii't In It wltli mo!"
bun tlrnt think that tho world wnmi't
promlso, and tho Inwyora woro, IIH usur,«oU« That Way.
An^iuitfca Her Grief.
"I MOO a member of tho Now York al, making nil worts of Iniiuluitlvo In
.lohnaon—Ilcckon Homebody put up 1 100 M.-iyH no inn u ha« a right to got <iulrlou.
Unrni'H- You keep that parrot to remind you of your povr htmband? Why, Job on him.—ICxoluinge.
nurrlod unlofiii ho him nn Income of nt
"You Bay," romnrlicd ono, "that the
cant ?o,00<) n your."
1 novcr thought that Shedcl WHH particdofoiulant frequently But vnry clone tn
Tempora Mutatitur.
ularly green,
"Soylln unit ChnrybdlH," mild IiU "Wlmt'H tho mattor with him? Hob you?"
Tho \Vlilo w Hht;<li1--N<>; but yoi, I'rleml, "wore tho two dangoroiiH roekH 10 n lioiiHofiil of grown-uj>claughtoni?"
"Yos, sir," WUH tho roply, with u
Hhoulil hoar Homo of I'olly'H eonvorin- HO o f t e n ult-ntlimril In iiuelont lld-ni\ioctlc Hush.
"How closio?"
tlon. It IH tin-fill, /nil (hen It IH HO Illcu turo."
I!«r Impreaalnn.
Torn.- Itohtoii Tninm-rlpl.
"Close enough HO'B ono chcor wrin nil
"I kflow," replied, the CoiiKrvtmiiiiiu,
"Who IH AKUlnaliio?" nuked Maud,
"If wo' bail them over here tlieyM lie "Why, don't you know?" rciiponiloil tho oottlii' room wo needed,"
A wny llehlud.
"Anil you Hiiy he put hhi arm iironnil
"VVhut'M (lie m n l t o r ? I hi-ur Hint you inontlimod In every river a m i U n r l x i r Uiuule. "Ile'H a Malay."
"Oil, you! How iilijplil of mo. Oru. you?"
aro KoliiK to w i t h d r a w from our rluh." hlll/'-l'tioU.
"No, I illdii't."
>f Hume people who corno from Malii'
"Yiiti, 1 CMU'I n f f o n l IK r u n Ilio Mole
W u n l « - « l 4'r i-iui<lciir
<llil you Nay, then?"
of Ixilng uHlni-'lw'il liy Horlely for re
"Men nre no i i i u n l i l . "
"1 Hiild he put both anmi 'round me. '
nmlnlni; a nif-mlx 1 ! 1 nt n n o r p i i i l y n i l o n
"Then what?"
lluit linn in.-viT hail ii rnIn 1 walk."-Chi"Wo paid $:ini> f,,r our |i:irlnr I'lirnl.
( J ll|iprtl u Coil.
"He linggfil mi!."
Dally News.
tun-, a m i my h i i H l i i i m l w i i n l n mr in CaptalulHMlino -I >ui' lire In Manlhi
"Very hard?"
I keep the w l l l l l o i v n l u i l h - M p l l l l e l l llowil
"Yen, he i l l d - H i ) hard that 1 com.
A f i i l n a l i l o - Nu; lint t i n - lire of t h u
Hi night."
p u r l y near hollerlu' out."
^merleanu ojuvedeil tlii.-m. —I'hlladul"Why didn't yon holler?"
Undo VV«M l>'on<1 of Him.
> l i l r i N o r t h Aiiierleiui.
" 'C'llllHO
M l u u Krarik—<ieoi-K<: hvems a w f u l l )
ll.Hllltr.l 111,11.
"Tl.nt'ii no reason, lie o s p l l e l i ,
foitil of hi;) uucli'.
l i e • ( i l v e me mill I l l n n H u l l I l i m y
A Kim I f o u t m c i i t .
(ili'iiHe. Mornuiio w h y ? "
ClliM-lllll I t f o r e v e r .
Minn H l m r i > c - - W h y ?
"Tliiit young fellow him a j,-rciU nun"'(.inline I wan ufeereil he'il Mlop."
Mlns irriiuU—|l«'n let him Imve hl><
Mie In l l n i l nil you ran nay In pruo
l l l l l l l l of Wolllll."
Thu court fell off (he heiu-li, ami had
iiti'Ii, chain, n t l l i l mid rlliK n l n r e 1 i>( your love t h a i If I liln.i y o n , yi ,i
l . i v o k n o w n l i l m , u n i t t h a t ' l l mil} i won't (jlvo II iiwiiy '1 I m l l a n a p o l l u J o u r - "Yi-H, Imt don't you I h l u k he'n j{i», to lie carried Mini put miller Hie p u m p
rcry l i t t l e i t l n e l n l l n o In hl.i commaiKlV" for tho purpotio of roMUiicltatlon. - OolJmil.
...mil Ii. llo.M'Jii Try velci 1 .
-San 1'VuiH'l.ieo Chroiilcle.
A Sw.fcn Story. .
Tne story of twi stags which, wnlle
fighting, Interlocked their antlers so
tenaciously that they could not separate them, and both starved to death. Is'
paralleled by the following swan story,
told by a correspondent of the London
The incident was described to me by
a friend who heard It from the lips of
the man who saw H. My friend's Informant, a laboring man, passed on his
way to work every morning a pond on
which were swans.
• One morning he saw a swnu wltX
its head under water, no unusual
'thing, BO he thought nothing of it. The
next morning the bird was In exactly
the same place anu position. Still, that
was not remarkable, and he passed on.
On the third morning, seeing the
swan In precisely the same position, he
called the attention of the keeper to It
The keeper proceeded to examine, and
found that the swan's head had been
swallowed by a large pike. Both, of
course, were dead.
The achievement of a Strnsburg lady
Who has Just accomplished a considerable mountain ascent at the age of
seventy-five recalls tho fact that the
first of all the lady mountaineers (Mademoiselle d'Augevllle) continued climbing almost equally late In life. Her
first ascent that of Mont Blanc* was
accomplished at the age of forty-four;
her twenty-nrst, and last, that of the
•Oldenhorn, at the age of sixty-nine.
Ttien, and not till then, she concluded
that "It Is time to abandon the alpenstock before it abandons me." Other
records are those of Miss Brevort who
made a first ascent of the fusshorn al
fifty-one; and of Miss Lucy Walker,
who climbed the Petit Mont Blanc (a
little thing of-l-,-?u() foot) at forty-nine.
-Liverpool Mercury.
ata rrerer^ncc.
Cholly—Charming widow, isn't she'i
They say she Is to marry again.
Algy—I wouldn't want to be a widow's second husband.
Cholly—Well, I'd rather be a widow's
second husband than her first husband
Mrs. Bronxboroujju—I heard to-daj
that our Janitor Is going to get married.
Mr. Bronxborough—It serves him
right Now he will nnd out how It feels
to be tyrannized.—New York Journal.
A Merc Compliment.
"What's an empty title, pa?''.
"An empty title Is your mother's waj
of calling me the head of the house."
How He Won Her.
Hawksley—Hero's a pretty glri
•sloped with a dentist!
Blunt—H'ra! 1 supposi; at the laal
minute lie didn't pull tho tooth.—Philadelphia North American
One I e:iture.
"Would you Ilku to seo women
"I think it would bo hnmly If n fellow
wanted u light."—Philadelphia Nortli
"Yes," s«ld little Archie, addressing
the visitor, "manimu will bo down
pretty soon. Hue nalil, when Hhc weeu
you con)ln' that who .s'piwi'il aho must
slick up a little, or you'd think she dono
hor own work and l i u r i y around and
toll the neighbors I'.bout it."
One Muri'n Opinion.
"Do you think It P:IJ-M to mind out
cons to collogo? Iio tliey obtain th*.'
practical oxporlotiro In lUonoy-gottiuy
that Id oo iu*V(!!JMiiry In tlioW days?" ,
"Well, Judging from tliei experience
I liavo luul with my won I aboiilil .say
they dlil. Ills practical experlonco In
money-got ting liii-ieiiHe» wltli overy lot'or that I receive from him."
Reaervca Ilia Opinion.
Cltterly—\Voll, you aro living In the
country now; how do you llko It?
"I haven't hail time to llml out. I'v«
only boon thoro u llttli 1 ov«r n wtok nnd
I luul to put In hint Hunilay catchlni; up
on tho uli'ep I luul lout on account of
gettlnjr up HO early and reaching liomw
TO Into."
A 'Thrunt ut Art.
Qotrox-I paid ?r>,0()0 for that worb
of art.
Krlfind—<lro«t Hcottl IH that u
gold I'niiii"?—Nii(,'«i!tM.
iti-ii f a l t l i f u l , they will stick tc
lione u f t o r i;verylioity cluo Imii t|«rli'il II.
Does y o u r Mend nchc? I'nlnlinckof
y o u r c y c M ? 15iul t u s t c l u your m o u t h ?
It'ti your liver! Aycr s 1'ills nrc
llvor pills. They euro constliuilloii,
h c u d a c h c , d y a p c p a l n , mid nil liver
complaints. 25c. All
W«i>t your nioin
nrnwn (if rl«h liln
hmtnt n liouulKul
n tu
DYE (9Ki]t£oro
business, ue all admire the norse, long nod dusty travel before we get tnere.
but we do not think that its beauty or speed It is only one step away.
In California in flvo minutes I walked
ought to bo cultured at the expense'of human degradation. The horse race Is not uround and saw ten fountains all bubbling
ot such importance as the human race. up, and they were all different, and In flve
Tho Bible intimates that a man Is better minutes I can go through this Bible parthan a sheap, and I suppose he Is better terre ana fln4 you fifty bright, sparkling
Preached by Rev. Dr. Talmage.
than a horse, though, like Job's stallion, fountains bubbling up into eternoj life—
bis neck bo clothed with thunder. - Horse healing and therapeutic. A chemist will go
races In olden times were under the ban 61 io ono of those summer watering places
Subject: Advlco For tlio Vacation—Take Christian people, and in our day the same ind take the water, and analyze It.and tell
' tho Bible Alone—.Pleasure Seekers Ad- Institution has come up , under fictitious you It contains so much of Iron,and so much
soda, and so much of lime, and so much
inonlAhcd Not to i.eavo Kcllglon Be- names. And it is colled a "summer meet- at
almost suggestive of positive religious af magnesia. I come to this gospel well,
hind—Temptations at Watering Places, ing,"
exercises. And it Is called an "agricul- this living fountain, and analyze the water,
, Louis Klopsoh, 1899.1
tural fiilr," suggestive of everything that and 1findthat Its Ingredients are poace.parD. C.—-At this season ol Is Improving in the art of farming. But don,forglv6nes8,hopi{comfort, llfo, heaven.
tbe your, wum nil who cnn get a vacation under these deceptive titles nro tho.aame "Ho, every one thiA thlrsteth, como ye"
are talcing It, this discourse of Dr. Tal- cheatlnc, and the same betting, and the to this watering placet Crowd around
mage is suKgeattvo and appropriate. Tho same drunkenness, and -the same vaga- this Bethesda. Oh, you sick, you lame,
text Is John v., 2, 3: "A pool, which is bondage, and tbe same abomination that you troubled, you dying, crowd around
called la the Hebrew tongue Botheada, were to be found under tho old horse .rac- this Bethesdal Step In it, oh, step In HI
The angel of tho covenant to-day stirs tho
having flvo porches. In these Iny a great ing system.
multitude of Impotent folk, of blind, halt, Long ago the English government got water. Why do you not step in it? Borne
of you are too weak to take a step In that
withered, waiting for tho moving of the through
looking to the turf lor tho dragoon idlrectlon. Then we take you up In tbe
. wnter."
tbe light cavalry horse. They found arms of prayer and plunge you oJeat undoi
Outside the city of Jerusalem there was and
that tne turf depreciates the stock, and tbe wave, hoping that the cure may be ai
a sanative watering place, the popular re- out
Is worse yet for men. Thomas Hughes, sudden and as radical as. with Captain
sort for Invalids. To this day there is a It
member of parliament and the author Naaman, who, blotched and carbuncled,
dry basin of rook which shows that there known
all the world over, hearing that a
Into the Jordan, and after the sevmay nave been' a pool there 860 feet long, new
turf enterprise was being started in stepped
enth dive came up, bis skin roseate com130 feet wide and seventy-nve feet deep. this country,
This pool was surrounded Dy flve piazzas,
"Heaven help you, then, for .of all the plextoned as tbe flesh of a little child.
or porches, or bathing houses, where the said,
cankers ot our old civilization there Is
patients tarried until the time when they nothing
this country approaching In unwere to step Into'the water. So far as re- blushinginmeanness,
in rascality holding Its
InvlgoratloQ was concerned It must have bend high, to this belauded
institution ol
been a Saratoga and a Long Branch on a the British turf." Another famous
sportsimall scale, a Leamington and a Brighton man, writes, "How many fine domains
If sweet corn is grown it will be a
combined—modloal and therapeutic. Tra- been shared nmonfc these hosts of rapagood plan to save a few of the earliest
dition says that at a certain season of the cious sharks during tbe last 200 years, and, and best ears for seed. By careful seyear there was an officer of the govern- unless the system be altered, bow many lection every year the corn will be earment who would go down to that water and
are doomed to fall Into the saint lier each succeeding spring, and If
ponr In It some healing quality, and after more
with tbe bullQghts of Spain and quality, size and plumpness of , grain
tbat tbe people would come and get the gull?"
baitings of the pit may the Lord is also considered- great Improvement
medication, but I prefer the plain state- God annihilate
Infamous and accursed in the sweet corn can be made.
ment of Scripture that at a certain- season horse racing of tbe
England nnd Amerlcal
an angel came down and stirred up 01 Another temptation
uround the
The late -weeds in the garden—
troubled the .water, and then tho people watering place Is the.hovering
of hasty those that come In August and Sepcame and got the healing. That angel of and lifelong alliances.formation
Ood tbat stirred up the Judaean watering places are responsible for more 'of the tember—are the ones that produce seed
place had his counterpart In tbe angel of domestic infelicities of this country than before the fact is noticed, and thus
stock the ground with weeds next, year.
healing who In our day. steps into the min- near
y alt other things combined. Society The
garden Is often neglected late in
eral waters of Congress, or Staron, or Sul- is so nrtillcial
phur Springs, or luto tbe salt sea at Cape
summer, but it should be kept clear
character cnn. be formed. They who of
May and Nftbant, where multitudes who of
until frost, and the result will
form companionships umid such circum- be weeds
are worn oat with commercial and profes- stances
a great saving of .labor in the gro-wgo Into a lottery where there are
sional anxieties, as well as those who are twenty blunkx
fruits and vegetables, as
one prize. In the severe
afflicted with rheumatic, neuralgia and tug of life you to
more than glitter and most of the work required-is due to the
splenetic, diseases, go and are cured by tbe splash. Life is want
not a ballroom, where the weeds and grass which spring up at all
thousands. These blessed Betbesdas are music decides the
step and bow and prance times.
scattered all up and down our country.
of long train can make
We are-at a season of the year when rail up for strong common
Sassafras is one of the worst pests,
sense. Yon might as
trains are laden with passengers and bag- well go among the gayly
painted yachts of that can find a hold on a field. Cut It
gage on their way to the mountains and the 4 summer regatta to tlud
war vessels, as down or even grub it up, and It will
lakes and the seashore. Multitudes of our
go among the light spray of the summer reappear almost unexpectedly, growcitizens are away for a restorative ab- to
that ing rapidly and taking possession of the
sence. Tbe city heats are pursuing tbe can stuud tbe test of the gr.jat strugpeople with torch and fear ot sunstroke. gle of human life. In the battle of lite land. There is a time when it can be
The long, silent balls of sumptuous hotels you want a stronger weapon tb'an a lace' removed to the best advantage, however, and that is by grubbing about the
are all abuzz with excited arrivals. Tbo. fan
a croqn«t mallet. The load of life first of September, removing the roots
antlers ot Adirondack deer rattle under Is soorheavy
tbe shot of dty sportsmen. The trout make; want a team stronger than that made up and then clearing off the field. Should
fatal snap at the nook of adroit sportsmen,'1 of q masculine grasshopper and a feminine any plants appear next spring, go into
Who toss their spotted brilliance into tbe butterfly. If tliero is any man la tb.o «•_•»>- the field and touch a little sulphuric
game basket. The baton of the orchestralacid on each—half a teasDOonful will
loader taps the music stand on tbo hotel: munity who excites my contempt and who answer — and
green, and American life bus put on festal, ought to exalte the contempt of every man any shoots aDpear later, first cutting
array, and tbe rumbling of tbo ten-pin rmo. woman it Is the soft handed, soft off all Dlarits that show above ground.
alley, and the crack ol tbe Ivory balls on beaded dude, who, perfumed until the air This is also an excellent method of
tbo'green balzed billiard tables, and tho Is actually Bick, spends his summer In eradicating thistles and other weeds
lolling of tbe barroom goblets, and tbe ex- striking killing attitudes and waving senti- that are difficult to remove.
plosive uncorking of tlio champagne bot- mental adieux and talking Infinitesimal
tles, and the whirl and the rustle of tba nothings and finding hla heaven in the set • If pure, unleached wood ashes couli
ballroom dance, aud tho clattering hoofs 3f a lavender kid glove. Boots as tight as be obtained plentifully, and at a modof the race courao and other Mgns of social an inquisition. Two hours of consummate erate cost, they would give perhaps
dissipation attest tbat tbe Benson for the iklll exhibited In tbe Ue of aflashingera-more satisfactory results than the
great American watering place Is In lull rat. His conversation made up of "Aba!"
salts of ootash, as the ashes contain
play. Music! Flute and drum and coroet- and "Ohsl" nnd "He best"
There Is only one counterpart to such a lime in its best form and serve xvell as
a-plston and flapping cymbals wake tho
echoes of tbe mountains. ''Glad am I that man as that, and that Is the frothy young a precaution iagulnst the attacke of
fagged out American llfo for tbe most part woman at the watering place; her conver- some kinds of Insects. They crta be
bas an opportunity to rest and tbat nerves sion made up of French moonshine; what used without liability of Injury ^feall
-racked and destroyed will llnd a Betbesda. ihe bas In her head only equaled by what kinds of cro?s if broadcasted ovw'the
I believe lu watering places. Th«y ihe had on her back; useless ever since she soil, a« man:' as 160 bushels per acre
recuperate for active service many who ivas horn and to bo useless until she Is dead not belnff considered excessive on cerwere worn out with trouble or overwork. auless she becomes aa Intelligent Chris- tain soils, and they make a better ferThey are national restoratives. Lot not tian. Wo may admire music and fair faces tilizer for clover than barnyard mantho commercial llrm begrudge the clock, md graceful step, but amid tho Jieartlo-s- ure. For fruit trees ashes cannot be
or the employer the journeyman, or tho K-33 and tho Inflation and tbe fantastic excelled.
patient tho pbyslcian, or tbe cburoh Its Influences of our modern watering places
pastor, a season of inoccupation. Luttier jowara how you mako lifelong covenants.
meal is used by growers
Auothor temptation that hovers over tho ofCottonseed
ubod to sport with his children; Edmund
certain kinds of tobacco In connecBurke used to oiiresi his favorlto honso; catering plnao Is that of baneful lltera- tion with sulphate of potash. It has
Thomas Chalmers, In tb>i dark hour of tba :uro. Almost ovary ono starting off for been found that muriate of potash Is
church's disruption, playod klta for ro- :ho summer t:<>:c.s some reading matter.
undesirable for the purpose. Cottonoroatlon—so I was told by Us own daugh- Thorols raoro pestiferous trash real among seed
however. Is not classed
ter—and tbo busy ChrlBt eald to tbo busy (ho Intelligent classes In July and August amongmeal,
the available fertilizers for othapostles, "Como ye apart awhile Into thu than In all the other ten months of the er crons,
as It can be utilized better
desert and reft yourselves." And I buvo four. Men nud women who at homo would
observod that they who do not know how to aot bo Butlsltnd with a book that was not as food for stock, tho undigested or
going to the land In the
rest do not kuow bow to work. But I have
to declare this truth to-day tiiat nome of ir under tbo trees reading books tbe Index manure. As bettor results can be obour fashionable watering places are tho if whlau, would mako them blush If they tained from cottonseed . meal as food,
lornporill and eternal destruction of "a mow that you know what thu book WHH. It will not enter largely Into the com.multitude that no mau can nutnbor," aud •Oh," they say, "you muet havo lutel- position of fertilizers owing to ItH cost.
amid tho couqratulatloua of thla season cctunl reoreatlonl" Xcs. Thoro Is no need The same rule implies to bran, which
ind the prospect of tut> departure of many hat you take along to a watorlng piucu Is an excellent fertilizer, but Is preD( you for tlio country I mum uttor a warn- 'Hamilton's Metaphysics" oruoine pouder- ferred as Block food.
ms discourse on tho eternal decrees or
ing, plain, «arn<-»t aud unmistakable.
Tlm llret temptation that la apt to hover 'Faraday's Philosophy." Thero are many
The old canes of raspberries nnd
In this direction is to leave, your piety ut moy books that are good. You might IIB blackberries arc of no further use.
bomo. You will euud tho dog niiil eat nnd foil say, "I proposo now to give a llt- having fulfilled their mission, and
sanury bird to boAvelliytroJl toraomowliere lo rest to my dlgostlvo organs, mid In- nhould be removed lute In the fall un.1
clue; hut the temptation will bo to leave itoad of eating heavy meat nnd vogotablea burned, IIB by BO doing the borem will
your ridlglou lu tlm room with tho bllnda [ will for a little- while tako lighter food, a also be destroyed, an well an the Hpores
lown and tlm door bolted, and than you ittlo strychnine nnd a fow grains of rutu- of the ranpln-n-y disease known aa
ffln como back in tlm autumn to llml that )aiio." Literary poison lu August IB as anthracnose, which glvtH BO much dift IB starved am) atiffooatod. lying stretched md, as literary poleon In December. Mark
to tho crowofB of raupberrlcH.
3D tho rug eturk ilonJ. Tlioro IB no sur- hat, Do not Jut tho (rogo ot a corrupt ficulty
All refuse material between the ro\vn
plus of I'lety at tlio watering pluooa. I irlutlng press Jump Into your SaratoKa such
doud crnbcriiBH. weeds, etc..
uover kuiiw uny ono to grow vnry rapidly ruiiK or white Mountain vnllao. Aro there nhouldasalso
be removed and consigned
InKraee nt tlio C u t u k l l l Mouir.ulu llouuo, lot good booka that nro easy to road—
as a precaution agcilrmt
conar Hhuroii BprlngH, or tho ViillH of Mont(llficiuio.
:norduoy. It In guuvrully tuo caaa that tho
rlabbath la moru of a caroutml thau any joetry, ringing with merry canto; boolinof
Tho girdling or ringing of
:>tbur day, and thore tiro Sunday walks and Ina engravings, books that will rent the
•iuuday rldoB and Huuday oxmirulnna. nlnd no well an purify the hoart and elo- vlncH lu done to Increase the size of
ICldern aud dunooua and mlutatera of rollu- into tho whole llfo? There will not be an each cluster. It IH not extennlvely
lon who lire entirely oonalatent at liouiu, lour between thlu and your death when practiced, however, although nomo find
can afford to rtail a book lucking ID thu method profitable. The bark lo enlomotlinoa wbuii tbo Hulilmth duwua on, fou
tirely removed bulow the flrut elUHter
them ut Niagara Falls or tho WhltoIMouu- noral principle.
Auothor temptation hovering nil around about a month before the period of rilolno, take a duy to tbomiiulvoii. Htunygo
to tbo oburob, It la apt to boa anernd pu-i mr wa'urluK placou lu Intoxicating bovor- pening, which biietena ripening a week
rado, aud tho diooour.-u>, Instead of being a igea. I am told that It IB becoming morn or two In nilvunco and onlaricou the
plain talk about tho noul, IB opt to bo lud more, fauhlonablo for women to drink. hunch Mill berries. Tho HUP am-emls
What la called a ornaU eormon—that la,' I oaro not how well a woniiin may drea», It through tin- imres of tho wood to nu»lomo illHcouroo picked out ot tho otTualoimi ihii hua takon onouuli ol tho vvlno to fluah tnln growth, but tho elaborated Hup
of tbo your oa tho ono uiott adapted to ox-i ler cliiieU aud put n glun.ilne.ia on hor oyo ileHccndn between the wood and tlm
nlto admiration, aud in thoao ohurohtia, ih« In drunk. Hho limy bn hatidod Into a bark, unrt can go no lower thun tho
from tho \ruy tho ludlca hold thulr luna.i (2DOU cf.rrlnge. nnd liavi) diamonds enough point nt which tho irlnllo In made,
yo« know that they nro oot ju muoh lin- :o astound tho TltfanyB'—uho IB drunk, where It ntomi untl IH utilized In feediircusod with the lient uu wltli thn ple- jlie may bo n graduato of tku bo.it young Ing the griiin'H. Homi- I n j u r y IH done
turotKiuonoffi ot naif dlnclOHod foatureH.' aillen' uomlnary and tint daughter of iiome tlm vine In-low the girdle, nnd It may
Pour puny HOU)H utiiiul in tho or^uu loft .nun In iliingiTof being noinlniitod for thu
and n<|ilull aluiitt Hint nobody Uuowr<, and proalilunay—aho l» drunk. You may havt> not piiy 10 girdle on nn oxlemiive Heale.
woruhlpeni wllb i'iillliii world tit illiununih, 1 largor vooiihulury tliaii I havo, aud you
nn tlm rl(;ht hand drop a vmut luto tlm :nay uny la regard to her ttiat nho la "conlionr box, niul t l i < - n llm niinoilletlon In pro- vivial,'' or Hho la "\iurry," or nlio In "ten—Qll'ier t l l l l l K H happen 111 CUU'llgO.
niiuin-.nl, niul Mm (uivo IH <>ndod. '1'lni sive," or flhci lu "exhllarutetl," but you Not
lino t i n - (Milrugo river uctutounliej*t t h l n j c I nviir trlod to do wan to In* ! lannot \vlth all your uarliinds of vnrlilago n l l y long
f o r t h In OMUICH, mid tho
KO<>>! i|t u wiilenoit plueo. Tlm air IM IM- lover up tlio plain f u u l t h i i t - I t IH au old tirldgoburnt
nt Klncioy Eitreot look Ili'o from
w l t e l l ' -1 d w l l l i I h o " w o r l d , tho lli'ih and tho lartliloivitd DitMn "f d r u n k .
i l i i l u a i ; < - i | to the n m n u i i t
Wliothnr you lurry at home— whloh will
ilnvll.' Tin-re Hi'.- D h r l n i l a i i H \vllo In lliroo
or loin- \ve,ik>i |,i Mieli u plaeo havo Inid i '>o q u l t n a-iniifo ami purhapn ipilto un KOIII- of Jir.uil, A Mi'ii limit hint to play n.
iiii'li (i'i-i>|ii|ii i-.'nih n i i i d o in t h u l r Chili- . (ortuhle -oi-go Into tlmiioiintry, urin your- Htiviiin on tli«- river, wlileh at the time
tliui r - i l n - llml i l i - - v Inid to linep diiriilni; It ' lelf ngiiln»t tunija itloii. The gnicin of (| ( id lnul I t M imiTiit'o eovei'eil w l l b oil.
l l l l l II I ' I I l - l ' - t nni-i I o f;n| It I l l n m l e i l .
I it tho only par» nheltor, w h e t h ' r In town
— A f a m i l y I ' o i n p i - l H l n g Hi-yi-n PITMOIIH
Mm heiilt i or n Ki''"'l m a n y po.iplo >r c o u n t r y . '1'heru are waterlog pluoo, ) l.'fl t-tiTimtiui. N. V., Ihe utluT iloy.
lomiMlble to all or IIH. You cannot upiiii ' the \vholo p a r t y t r a v e l i n g oil one f u l l llllll.-eH III! I l l l l l l l l l l V l 'II t i l - H i i l l n m i n i - r i l l i
n | n l n i ( n n a l i H i i l n t n no w l t y , hut t a k o y n i i r j i hook of t l m Illlilo without IliidliiK out Cure mlli-uiiil ticket. Then, \\vn- I ho
l l l l ' l n u l u i i K w l l l i yi'i nnd t n U o nn lionr for 1 Hiiiio r.iioli v.-utnrliii; pluoo. K m i m u l n - i mother t i u t l i H - r Iliree natr.'i oC t w l n r i ,
m-ci.-i | , n i v i - r n v » r y day, t h o i i K h YOU lie Jpuii d>r nln and iiiieluiitinn.iii. Wiillii of none "f t l i o clilbliTit heliiK t i p t» tho
m i l l h i - - - 1 liy ;;nil'n-.' and HiUiinnillii, ' m l v a t l o n . Hlriiiiin.i from l.iibiuion, A h a l f - f i n o «i;u of ilvo ynii'M.
llr.iji holy H i i i ' - ' n i p i i - i i h , though they deride 'loud ntriiek out of the roiilt by Momni.
A novi-l way of p u l r l1n i ; g u e M n nt
you "•' a M H O ' ' ' i l I ' l i r l l a n . Hnind olT f r o m (''oilutnlns la tint wlliluriu'iix illiieovered
I j l i i n l ' l l i i K hnll-i iu> I I h o M o other I n n t l l n - liy Ma K -nr. Water to d r i n k anil water M t v l h i h i l l u i u - r M him i-oiiie Hi 1 voi;"" In
York. i - Tin- i(in-Mt:i in. m a M l d - i l .
Tint river of (lod.
tlolm w h l n l l |iro;
n ' - o l o I l l l l t l t t n o l l t h i n Hol» to biitho In.
Water of and i - a c l i > ; n l l i - i u i i n <'liootii-!i a holy ami
the svat'T t h ' 1 I n l ' i ' i l l l ' - - ' of lladell llinlon. i wlileh Ii, f u l l of water.
l<el y o u i - iiionil u i i - l y o u r I m m o r t a l l i e u l t l i Which If u ninu d r i n k he oliall nover tlilrnt. < - « r u r t n lii-i- In I hi- i l l i i l i i u - i-iiioii. \ V l i " i i
Ueeii piii-e u'lHt yxiii' iiliy.sleul r o e u i m r i i l l o n I \ V e l l n o f w a t e r l n tho valley of llaea. l.lv- ( l l r m i i l j i bl :t''r\'i-il t h " - K l h - s t M l l n n n ^ H k .
jind l e n i ' M i i h e r t l n i t iil^l tlio tmlpnur und lu^ fouiitatna of wator, A puro r l v n r of
( u - i - l l ' l l i a n n u a l I V I I H I I M w i l l be
nhiih liniili" M|nlii|,-'i I'limiol ilo yon BO nnu'li w n t e r an eloar (VM cryatal from u n d e r the l a -l u Til"
veivr. iinil It In i - M l l n m l e i l
uood a< Ih" li'-iiilii;;. |io|-ennliil Mood t h i l l throno of (toil. Thede urn waterln^i plaeeri l h a l- nII ii'-M
N|IO\V a ]>o|iiiliii|on of over
l.reaUn f o r t h I H M H i ho "Honk of A«e.-,." neiieunlblo to nil of un. Wo do not huve a w,miii,ooi)\vlll
i r n i i e i i Htuti'H.
ThlM may hn y o u r hint n n m m e r . If uo, iiutku laborlouii paoklng u p b e f o r e w o utart—(inly
tho t h r o w i n g away ol eur trniiHurmnlouN.
— r h l l i i ' l e l p b l a .'oll'-.-t-'il jpi;.imo MM
It n lit ventlhillo ot h.-liven.
Anolln'r t i M i i p t i U l i i n liovoilmt around No exponillve hotiil lilllu to pay. It In t n x i ' i i on t r n l l i - y r o i n i u i i i y illvlil"intM
ucurly all our \yiitoi'l"K plancn la thu honio "Wltliout mvucy i\u>J wllllQUt l>rlou>'! Nc hint yi-iir.
Farm Holes.
August 27, 1SD9.
Returning from Captivity.
Kzra 1: 1-11.
Read Ezra 2: 61-70. Memory verses
' .
Golden Text: "The Lord hath done
great things for us; whereof we are
glad.—-Psa. 12C: 3.
Topic: Restoration to the Home Land.
I.. THE INITIAL-ACT (vs. 1-4).
1. Accordant with Prophecy:
That the word of the Lord..might be
accomplished (1).
Then will I bring them up, and restore
them (Jer. 27: 22-).
All things must needs be fulfilled, which
are written '(Luke 2!: 44).
2. By Devlne Instigation:
'The Lord stirred up the spirit of
Cyrus (1).
The Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel (Hag, 1: 14). .
Men spake from God, being moved by
the Holy Ghost (2 Pet. 1: 21).
3. Through Royal Proclamation:
He made a proclamation..and put it
also in writing (1).
King Asa made a proclamation unto
all Judah (1 Kings 15: 22).
Belshazzar..made proclamation concerning him (Dan. 5: 23).
4. With Specific Statement:
He bath charged me to build him an
house (-2). '
The king made a decree to build this
house of God (Ezra 5: 13).
Saying..to the temple. Thy foundation
shall be laid (Isa. 44: 28).
Let him go up to Jerusalem (3).
He shall let my exiles go free (Isa. 45:
The captive exile shall speedily be
loosed' (laa. 51: 14).
Let the men of his place help him
with silver (4). .
They came, /both men and women..
and brought (Exod. 35: 22).
With a perfect heart they offered willingly (1 Chron. 29: 9).
- ' 1. By Willing Pilgrims:
Then rose up..all whose spirit God
had stirred to go (5).
I was glad when they said unto me,
Let us go (Psa. 122: 1).
Let us go speedily..I will go also (Zech.
8: 21).
1. By Friendly Neighbors:
They that were round about them
strengthened their hands (6).
If thy brother be waxen poor..thou
shait uphold him (Lev. 25: 35).
Bear ye one another's burdens (Gal.
6: 2).
3. By Royal Bounty:
Cyrus the king brought forth the vessels, of the Lord (7)
Take these vessels, go, put them in
the temple (Ezra 5. 15).
Let the gold and silver vessels..be restored (Ezra C: 5).
». Through Official Channels:
By..the treasurer,..unto..the prince
of Judah (S).
I Artnxerxes..make a decree to all the
treasurers (Ezra 7: 21).
They were delivered unto..Sheebazzar
(Ezra 5: 14).
5. With Large Gifts:
All the vessels..were five thousand
ind four hundred (11).
All the vessels of the house of God..
he brought to Babylon (2 Chron. 36:
They have brought the veRsels of his
house before thee (Dan. 5: 23).
Topic for the Quarter: Judnh Delivered by Jehovah's Love.
Golden Text for the- Quarter: The
angel of the Lord enoampeth round
about them that feared him, Und tlelleveteth them.—P«n. 3-1: 7.
Mon.—Ezra 1: 1-11. Returning from
TueH.—Ezra 2: 1, 04-tO. Returning captlVl'H.
Wed.—Jer. 29: 10-14. The word of Jeremliih.
Thura.—lH.% 44: 21-2R. Prophecy of return.
Frl.—Ina. Gl: 1-11.
Proclamation of
liberty. '
fint.—Isn. 51: 9-l(i. Joy of redemption.
Sun.—Pun. 107: 1-15.
PraiHe for deliverance.
(ThoHe Home ReiullnKH nre tbe Helectlonn of the I n t e r n a t l o n u l Bible Rending Ansoclatlon.)
Ry ProfeHHiir W l l l l n J. Meeeher, D. T).
Time.—The llrct year of Cyrus (Ezra
1: 1). The yenr t h a t ' b e g a n In March
of H. C. MK, early enough In the year
so t h a t the I m m l g r n t l n e JOWH had time
to eBtuhllnh resiiieneeH in the various
cltlen before the m-venth month (3: 1).
I'lnee.—The Pertilnn empire. Eiipeclnlly Tlubylon, the dty and tho province
and I'aletUlne.
I'oBBibly tho decree
WHH Ipnuei'1 from Kebntnnii, the Median
capital (JQzrii 0: ~).
I'Mrallel I'liHwugi-H.— Ky.ni 5: 12 to 0:
12. Hut, In ronneetlon with t h i n Mini
tho following II-MHOIIII. one Hhoulrt Htuily
carefully the e n t i r e hnolui of Kara iinil
Nehemlnh, n n d , In t!n-lr proper placet*
the Hook of IInKKln:'/.eohiirlaii,chapterH
1 lo H, lOHther, ami Malnehl. For thin
niul the following three II-HHOIIH, one
lihould iniiHtl-r the f l r u t Mix t-lmpterfi ol'
1^7.1 a.
Anteeeilenl ICv.riilM.— Fl\v yearn n f t e r
K?.el:li-l iinw the vhiloii wlileh \ye n t m l l eil In lilt- hint li-:iHon. N ' - l i u r l i n i l n r / . / j i r ,
III b i n t h l r t y - m - v e i i t l i year, Invaileil
Kgypt, P o l l h t l i ' H M he lU'eoluiillnheil I h n
i-aiiy eomiiieht \ v l i U h M/.t-klt-l l u u l , t\vo
yi-iu-H before, (K-.'.elt. L",I: 1V-L11). p i o i o h u - i l
Hi- dh-il »lx y.-iii'H al'l.-r th,:
KKVpt i-xpi-dltli'ii, and bin t<u<vrt<Hoi
l . | i - i i - n - - l and h o n o r , < < l ,1, lioliu hi n. th 1 e n p l i n i - i l UhiK >'!' . l i n l i i l i 1i-' K | I I K < < '-'-':
l''oi' i w t - i i i y - t h i ' i " yi-iini hln
Hlli'et-N,'»o|-n \ \ - c a U I V ion l l l l H i n t - i t h i M i - n i pll'e.
Th'-n I ' l i n n - l l i - h i l i a K 7 . a i - ' r t f i - m i l ,
( h e i-oinim-iK of l l a l i v l o n liy I ' v n m . l l u i
Me.lo I Vi M i n n i i - i - o H i i n l i v i d o n ol' th
Tinph., w i t h i n n i l i - l a t t i n - f r o n t .
d.il.- t ; l v i - n toi- I h , - r a r i l h i K o f I > M I I | I - | I n -1
I n I I ,,. ,|,-n ol' h- ii-. l-i l h a l •-• l u -1i i I I n
- i i l n f o r Ihi- r i - t i i r n f th, JI-\VB
u i n l i - i - u m l i - i 1 y . e r i i l i l i a l h - l HM - I I n | i r n Ili.-'t y e a r "f
It WUH "III l i
i M i ' l u n , " w h l i - h W M M I h e i - i i r of I ' y n u i ,
t h a t l > a n l r l \ \ I I M M l n d v l i the "htioliH."
to Irani t i n - l l n i l l n f i t h H ' - V ' - i i l y y e u i e
n l m l i i ' i i i.f liy .li-i-i-inl li ( D u n . !i: I, _').
'I'lh- S r i - l p l l l r e M do l t e \ i n t - n i i l y May
t h a i I ' a i i i e l luul a n y > a r ( In the move.
n i i - n t f t of /,i-i-iihh:ih' I ami hlfi I'l-U-mlM,
Iml t h e y J i i M l t f y t h e I n t e r f e r e n e e t h a t h<
WIIM llin iniiMler Biilrll lu tluit inovoIIKIlt.
As a rule we get what we work fez.
Success always depends upon effort
and never upon that vague, inystcrlons
thing which some young men call luck
iiuO regard aa something that Is regulated by a Ll'nd fato or destiny or something elso that Is beyond his control.
Of course tliero art- times when the
young man .who starts out with fate'
prospects and works Intelligently ana
hard fails to achieve t'lic things lie act
out to accomplish. But there Is reason
for this, and tlie difficulty 1 lies In the
fact that the reason lay too (loop for
his comprehension. But there la nothing to discourage In this failure to
achieve. Let the saine young mnn Iseep
right on striving and If you follow hla
course you will invariably find that his
later successes will far more than (compensate his early failures. He -will
bave his times of seeming adversity,
but these little, discouragements -only "
serve to strengthen and broaden his capabilities and reader him abler to
achieve greater things. Honest, Intelligent, persistent labor brings Its reward. Luck Is the vague hope of the
lazy. - It exists only in the mind of
the Indolent and worthless. Banish all
Ideas of luck aud work for success and
rou cannot help but achieve Jt.
• I&SJRZ&*** -— '.•" T.~
-•^ta^. L
Keep Poate-1 on Current Topics.
It |s shameful that so rnany young
men know nothing of public affairs,
local, State or National. It Is a duty
;very young man owes to himself and
the commonwealth to keep posted on
matters that pertain to the common
weal. Familiarize yourself with the
questions at Issue In your own district
or ward. Study their merits. Get .at
the bottom. Know the parties Inter38ted and. learn their views and study
ind criticise their actions. Bead your
bome paper. Read Its political dlecasslons, and If It be a partisan
the organ of the other party
Dplnlons for yourself. Get in ftoucb
with what Is going on in the \world.
Read a dally or ; weekly, or both, niru!
have the leading events of the world
thoroughly fixed In your ralnd BO that
you can make an Intelligent remarlj on'
my public question. Learn the name£
jf ,the prominent figures in public life.
Study their thoughts and actions. G£$
'o know them personally, ataost.
Jirough the papers. They can fteacfe
rou much, and you cannot afford toniss their Influence. While .l\ ils \well
:o read the papers thoroughly, 7ou
should do more. There are plenty of
Magazines, to be had at rensonaJfle
prices. They contain tbe thoughts ti£
:he brightest and brainiest men o* 'ti-e
lay, expressed In their best luuffuage.
tt Is an education to thoughtfully reaQ
the papers and magazines. And when.
?ou have done this there still remnlni1
ao end of good books which you may
either get at a public library or -purchase very cheaply. Tbere is no excuse
for a young man's being Ignorant these
flnys with so many opportunities n*
Uand for being well read—educatedCarry Fomc Life Inmirnnce.
If you are n young mnn, having -a
tvlfe or mother depending on you for
support, you should carry some life Insurance. You Rhould carry all yeu possibly can pay for; tor if they require
four help now how much more thcj
would requite It if you were gona! K
needs little argument uowatlays to
I'onviiice men that they ought to be Insured. Everybody of intelligence realizes Its Importance. The queHtlon ofl
what form of Insurance should b(taken perplexes most men. Inmirnhc*
companies make jrreat efforts to goi
their patrons to take endowment policies, combining; investment with In
curaneo. ThlB IB not n good form off
policy for the man of average ineaiu
who IH capable of Having niul lim-Htlng
hlB HiirpluK |n a way Hint will milt lilxc.
bent. Buy your Insurance llko you baj
anything else—for Its market value.
You want protection. Then get the*
policy that for a stated premium will
leave your wife or mother the grvntMS.
possible amount of money In case yon
die. Don't nils InvoHtment and liiBirfonco. It piiyn the companion fur better thnn It pays you, nml If you cat
Kiive without doliiK It In t h a t \vny yon
cuii make much bolter UNO of your un*<*
"Anil HO Kuiinle IVrklelgli Ingoing-En
amiry Unit old decrepit follow Juwt l»v
ciumi! he linn a lot of money?"
"Oh, 110, tlmt luti't tin- ivanim. Rhfiin
Knlilg to marry him ln-rmine her naur-*
I'litu, liy throwing' out flovor lilntH, HI»<'i'i-ileil 111 l i i n U l i i g IIIT lii'llnvi! they (1W;«
n't w i i n l her to I , l i v e him."
-1*- —w >
I ' n l A l l , now, Tlln, Mtiro ll'n tlnn
lioy'n hnlr \vnu cull
'1'lni--All, then, y»< ilou'l Uuoiv
•oiimilt of tho yoiuiK illvlll Hhure,
ho mlu' fur u hut uei-ITuu,' 1 '
- fI
j., .j.-Wui .»*!s.«."' <JH
Your Family
[Entered as second glares matter.]
will reapyihe benefit of your persistence in paying
premiums on Life Insurance policies. These premiums, being proportionate to your earnings, become
a small matter to > ou ; but to th^m it means a sum
which will go far to place them beyond want.
Ins. Go. of America
Home Office,- Newark, N. J.
LESLIE D. WARD, Vice, Pres't.
Second Vice Pres't and Counsel.
W. PERKINS, Agent,
Hammonton. New Jersey.
At Miss Arlitz's.
A lot of new Plaids for school dresses,
12\ to 15 cents a yard, worth 25 cents
Outing Flannels, 8 cents.
New Calico, 5 cents.
Having the agency for Standard Patterns,
I have a complete stock, and can fill any order.
Eook for new Hats next week, for
school children, and for the older ones,
Millinery, Notions, Fancy Goods.
Agent for Standard Patterns.
If you want
go to H. L. Mclntyre,s for it, and you will get a pood
article. See that everv puund has on it the name
H. L. Mclntyre.
Also, the Best Meatsthe markets can afford.
, t-1
Ctentlemen, If ever Before
A solid silver open-face, screw-back and bezel, 18-size
Watch, Waltham or Elgin movement, at $8.50.
we haye a large assortment of the latest Belt and Neck
Sush Buckles and Shirt waist Sets at right prices.
^^ga, Wo are prepared to repair promptly.
Robert Steel, Hammonton Jeweler.
IB well equipped for any kind of
SATURDAY. AUG. 26, 1889
MB. EDITOR ;—Will you kindly pub
lish the following facts for the informa
tion of the patrons of the schools ?
Hereafter there will be but four grade;
in the suburban schools. By a recen
resolution of the Board of Education
all pupils in the fifth grade and above
must attend the Central School. I
was also voted that in all the primary
grades (first to fourth) pupils IUUB
attend the school nearest their home's
It is hoped tuat parents will ascertain
which school is nearest, and send thei
children there at the beginning of thi
term, as it will interfere with a pupil's
progress to transfer him to anothe
school after he has begun work in any
The schools will open on Monday
Sept. llth. In the Central building
the seventh to eleventh grades,' inclu
sive, will be up-stairs, in the asseuiblj
room ; the sixth grade will'be in the
south room, first story; fifth, in the
east room : fourth, in the north room
second, in the west corner : third and
first in the old post-office building; the
kindergarten, as formerly, in its own
building, These are only temporary
arrangements, until the new building
is ready. In the assembly room, the
large platform has been removed, anc
the desks, mostly new, all face toward
the hallway. Other minor changes
have been made in the first story. The
Kindergarten and first to third grades
will be in the new annex when it is
N. C. HouraiDQE,
Supervising Principal.
Gettysburg, Imray, Washington.
The game last 'Saturday with the
Bel moots was the best game of the
season, so say wo all of us. , Until the
fourth inoinjr ye pulse remained normal,
but within the next two innings it bad
run up to fever rate at least, but a few
applications of hot stuff in the 'shape ol
grounders, flies, etc., reduced the pulsation to merely normal condition.
The undoubted tiero of the day was
Carty, of ye sou' east corner of ye
diamond. His delicate little paws
formed the most complete fly-trap we
have seen yet. "Will ye drop into my
paw sir, ?" said ye fielder to ye fly.
And ye fly resigned himself to fate, with
a most prodigious sigh. Especially
noteworthy was the way he glued fast
to Wimburg's blue-bottle in the sixth,
against the back fence, and bis acrobatic
scoop-up of Jefferson in the fourth, in
which he tried to out-turn ye ancient
and reputable Tommy Twist. The two
double plays of Tell and Herbert were
neatly caade. Herbert's fine pick-up of
Jefferson's forwarding of Avil's bunt
elicted some applause in the fourth.
He was rather urffortunato at the bat.
tho> nearly always connecting with' the
first ball pitched. The first three balls
pitched in the game resulted in Stovel'a
strike-out. Jefferson made the first hit
in this inning. The ran getting commenced iu the fourth. Robinson rode
in on Carty'a '.'auto" to center. In an
effort to cut off Conover at 3rd, Gifford
made a bad throw, and he scored.
Magruder drew a base on balls, and
Carty tallied on a wild pitch. In the
fifth Pitts trollied to right, Avil ditto,
Pitta counting. Robinson brought in
Avil with a push to short. Score 6—0!
In the sixth our boys began to wake
up. Jefferson connected and Conley
trotted around on errors, Jefferson discovered the home plate, and Conley
dropped in on Nay lor's drive.
In the seventh, with two out, Gifford
reached Pitt's "burg" on Avil's failure
to connect, Setley sent a special to ru>ht
and Gifford came home. Jefferson also
landed ID the right place, and Setley
came in on Conley's one-centre. Jefferson and Conley tallied on Wimburg
push to the same sequestvd nook, while
the latter trotted iu on a passed ball.
In the ninth Pitts eent to right field and
was brought in by Avil.
The Bcore :—
Over tbe battlefield of Gettysburg, through
the picmretqne Blue Mountains, via Hagerstown nod Antietam, and down tho beautifu
and historic Shennndoah Valley to tbe uniqai
Cavern* of Lnray; tbenoe across thu rolling
hills of Northern V rgiuia to Washington, is
tho route, of this tour, — a section of the
country imcnioly interesting from a historic
and a (cenio standpoint.
The tour ivill leave Now York 7:00 a m.
and Philadelphia 12:20 p m, Saturday, Sopt
16, in chaigo of ouo of the oompany'0 tourisl
agents, nnd will cover a peiiod of five days
An ojcpericLcud ohuperon, whoso eeptoia 1
ohar^o vlll be unescorted ladies, will aocuinB 'U O A
pany the trip throughout. Hound trip tickets
Olfforil, 3b_
1 0 2 8
Covering transportation, ciirri .go drives, and
Hetloy, E H
1 1 l a
hotel accommodations will bo sold at tho
Jefferson, p . .
2 3 0 s
L'oiiley, o f .
2 2 2 0
extremely low rate oJ $25 from New York,
1 1 5 2
B22 from Philadelphia, and proportionate ^|Wlmbur«. c
r. If.
_... 0
0 U
rates from othor/,pointa.
Tlnmiuu, rf.
1 0 0
For Itineraries and full information apply
Herbert, Hi _
u 14
to ticket ngents, Tourist Aiont, 1106 BroadTell.iib
0 0 3
way, New York, 789 Broad (Street, Newark,
7 0 1!7 13
or address Goo. W. Bvyd, As«. Gen. Puss'r
A g t , Broad St. Station, Philadelphia.
Blovull, o
0 1 2 0
PlttN, Ib
2 2 8 1
, 1 2 0 8
Story of a Slave.
To bo bound hand aud foot for years
)y chains of disease IB the worst form of
slavery. George D. Williams, of ManohoBter, Mich., tolls how uuoh a eluve
was made free. Ho says : "My wife bos
icon BO helpless for five years that sho
could not turn over In lied alono. After
using two bottloa of Elootrlo Bitter', uko
s wonderfully improved nnd ablo to do
her own work." This supreme remedy
'or femutu dluoasno quickly ourou nervousieHB,Blo(tplnaHn«Ba, melancholy,lioadnohe,
uickuoho, lutntlug and dizzy apolla.
Thin mii-Aolo working medicine la a godsend to wonk, alokly, and run dowu
,)ooplo. Every bottle guaranteed, Ouly
SO cents. Sold by Dr. Q. Crowoll,
Proo of Charge.
Any adult ttufterliiK from a cold nettled
)ii tho hroii i-1, bronchitis, throat or lung
TOiibleH of any nature, who will cull at
JroweH'tf Phurinnoy, will be prcHcntod
with n «ainple bottle of Booolioo'fl Oornan Syrup free of churno. on]y one
witlo ijlvoii to cue person, and no no to
iblldren without ort'er from parents. No
brout or IIIIIK rciimtly ever luul imoh a
iiklo HH Uoaobou'b Ourinnu Byrup In all
lurtB of tbo civilized world. Twenty
reni'H ago inllllona of bottlen wore jflveu
iwuy, mid your dniK({lat will toll you I IB
iiicooHH wus nmrvolouu. Il in. really tho
>nly thrimt and lung remedy ^oner^lly
(iidnrHod by pbynlolaiiH. One 7S cent
iwttle will euro or prove Itu value. • bold
iy (loulorn evurywbere,
Tho nuin who wiyn there Is no devil
M unuiilly it llvliiK rul'utiitluu ot lil« own
ItoblllMOIl, HH
240 Uolluvue A v o , Hammonton.
It is skillfully blended, scientifically roasted, and packed
HOT in air-tight packages, and
is always uniform in quality.
Rich, luscious, full of aroma,
and only 28 cts. a pound.
Bring in your Laundry
not later than Wednesday
evening, to insure its return
by Saturday morning. •*
The Troy Laundiy, for which
we are agents, is the largest
in South Jersey.
Bee-Hivedash Grocer
opposite the
Volunteer Fire-House.
John Pvascii,
liugrlilor, of.
Hodlniirer, i>-..
Gilbert, rf
a S 0
0 0 0
0 , 0 0
Eammonton, N. J.
AH arrangements for buriala mado
and carefully executed.
Hammonton, IT. J.,
Justice of the Peace,
ODloo. Bobond and Oherrv Sta.
o o u o o a o o x —v
0 0 0 8 3 0 0 0 1 —f l
Kurncil ruiiH...II»iu 'J, JUul 2
Two bane hltu...Avlt
Total buao lilt»...ll(irn 0, lt«l 8
futorlllcii hllu.,,Tcli
Lull on ljuB(;M...Hiun 0. Ilol U
Mtriick out...'1'ull, TliomuH.Htovoll U, Curly
Huitliuirur, Ollliort
Htoloti uua<'H..,Ilum o. lie! 2
Uoiibio |)lujB..,Ti II to Horl>ort 2
DuHOa ou orroru...Ifuin 2, llel,')
llanOHoii ballH...Naylor, I'ltlx. Hluvoll, A v i l
Conovcr, Muuriclor, UucUol
lilt by pltcliod l)ull...Muurl(lor
Wild pitch...Joiroraon, UcUIiullor
1'usuud lmlln...HU)Vcll 2
Muireil fly bull,..Htitloy
Wild throwH...UIir(ird, \vll, Hotloy 2
Kumlilea mid inlunuU urouiuUnu ...Avil
Uroppud thrown tjullH...'1'oU
Uiiili|r«, 1 ,(lall«nc]
Tlmool uamo.,.1 li. 1IA iu.
€5. K. FOWUSIi.
Now and Uooond-liund
Bought, Sold, and Exchanged.
WITH . . .
our homo treatment. Wo are pbyeloluuH, and you get the bone lit of pur
experience. No matter what your
trouble IB, how blmplo or how liopoIUI-B, we can do you Kood, and 11' we
can't via will boiicatly toll you 00.
ThoiivundH of tired, wear), BioU, and
ho]>ulu88 pooplu bavo boon entirely
aud normuuoutiy cured by
Why not take heart again and InvcatlKUto thin ttreut pilnoiplo. Wu liuvo
thiiiiuiindu of to/it tinuniulii. Bond for
book ou homo treatment, \vondoifnl
ouion, udvloo to tho alok, oto., froo.
Drs, Starkoy & Palcn,
l\n Olmrd Hti-flet. rhllu<Iol|>lilu, 1'*.
IIome-dreBHod MeatH give the bcHt Butii faction to dealers
and ciiBtpmors alike, nnd Hiitinfaction id juHt what jou
are looking for. If you get it you'll come again.
Wo guarantee to compete with any in price, though
home-dreoeed cooto one eent more per pound tlnui wo
can buy for daewhere. Y(*t we prefer to handle hoineGive it a trial, uml judge for yourHelf.
Scull's Perfect Coffee.
Twelfth St., between railroads.
Base-ball,—the natioual game
There is hardly a youngster in
or out of town but what can
give you pointers ou how to
play the game.
It comes
as natural to them as it does to
a housewife to tell the "difference . between good and poor
coffee.. For a tip-top, up-todate coffee, they will select
and Embalmer
Cany, I f ,
* United for Gilbert Iu Oiu
Uy Inniniia
linraoimor nmci^linnlcftl or liwentlv« utlnil
trip <u tlio 1'i.rlo ICiiMiiiluon, Kltkuoixl
' rn«r« n«M, pihoiilil wrlto
larjr mi<li'if
tha J'ATICNl- Ut!<)OHl>, llllltlliKirn, Md.
Hi?. <I. JL.
Lyford Beverage
for N o w .Icinny,
I'liiinlon vouolioru oji-ciitiul.
Iliuninontou. N. J.
Ohas. Cunniugham, M.D.
Physician and Surgeon.
)flloe DayM,—Kvery week-day. I
lUH'n Uloolc, Iluiiiiaoiitoii.
ioohargofor oxtruotlng with gaa, when Olllou Hours, 7:.'10 to 10:00 A.M.
1:00 to «:00 und 7:00 to U:00 r.ii.
uio ordered.
EJaf Theodore Mason, Esq., a banker
Monday evening waa spent very
in Kansas City, spent a. few hours in leasantly in the tepee of Little Ha-IIa
Hammonton on Tuesday'. He waa a Council, No. 27, D. of P., it being the
Hammonton hoy, residing here with his ccasion of District Meeting No.' 10.
SATURDAY, AUG. 26, 1899.
parents at Grapo Street and Valley 'he following Great Chiefs of How Jersickness
Avenue in 1866, etc.
ey were present: Great Sachem Arthur
The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Free- .tiles, Atlantic City ; Past U. S. David
In the home, then it is that thoughtbyttrian Church will hold a lawn social 'etereon, Camdcn; Great Pocahontas
ful, careful work is desired in t&0
Hot weather, this week.
Mary Stiles, Atlantic City ; G. Prophfilling of the prescription. It'as
Town 'Council's regular meeting, on Tuesday evening?, Aug. 29th, on Mr. tess Alice Van Houten, Manaequan;
J. B. Small's lawn, Railroad Avenue.
time you wish to avail yourself o?
this evening.
Everybody welcome. If stormy, will be •. K. of R, May Ashmore, Trenton;
best and promptest methods, of tto
jjgy Miss Carrie Moore expects to held on Wednceday evening. .
-. Guard of Tepee Mary Clme. Manaepurest, freshest drugs.
leaye for Elmira, N. Y., soon.
uan ; also several members of Mataoca,
We conduct on modem lines ona
ouncil, Atlantic City, and of Dcltche
Sgy» Miss Katherine Garton is spendCompanies met with our Town Council 'ouncil, Berlin. Alter the council fire
of the best prescription departments.
ing a few weeks la Atlantic City.
on Thursday evening, for consultation
We avail ourselves of every point that
fig?" Mrs. Ella McCoy, of Delanco, in regard to safety gates. The prospect f the regular Council was quenched,
adds to its reliability, its prompt
Visited her sister, Mrs. A. Niepling.
is that some kind of protection will be meeting to order, and the following
helpfulness, and the proscription, is
BSSf Ernest Jackson spent, the week placed at dangerous crossings.
al ways'filled as deaired.
ook the Great Council degree : Anna
•with friends at Pleasantvillo and vicin- B®~ Eev. T. H. A they and wife bad Purdy, Eunice Seely, Lizzie and Grace
A special reasonableness in our prices
. . ' •
makes it always a matter of economy
the pleasure of entertaining bis younger lernshouse, Lucy Whitmore. After
to have it filled here.
Jgf Better order your cranberry brother, J.C. Athey, of CovlnKton.Va., djournment, members and visitors prepicker tickets now. You may need this week. Next week they expect Mrs. ceded to Arlitz's restaurant, where
them in a hurry.
Athey, Sr., and her daughter,—the ley partook of a fine supper which bad
een prepared by the committee. Little
jgf Miss Ethel Davie.a is entertain- latter to remain several months.
Crowelrs Pharmacy.
ORK HORSE for sale, very cheap.
Ia-Ha Council is in a prosperous condiing ber cousin, Miss Maud Glassmyer,
Inquire of
.1. E. HOLMAN,
of Poitsville, Pa.
Middle Bond. Hammonton. . ion, being able to pay all sick, and
Ill Bellevue Avenue.
£©• Capt. Henry Valentine, of
SST The Board of Education have
Open Sundays—9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Lowell, Mass., visited bis parents and rented. Mr./Elvins' building, corner of or future use. The membership is in2:00 to 8:00 p.m.
other relatives, this week.
Bellcvue Ave. and Third Street, and reasing, and there is a good attend• Mr. Joseph Conner and Mies will locate two schools therein until the nce at all meetings. Their frequent
Martha Gliuz, of Philadelphia, visited new annex to Central building is com- ocial times are enjoyed by all. K.
.n inquiry came to Postmaster
Mrs. E. McClelland last week.
pleted,—perhaps two months.
recently, as the rent charged
S/S3" There will be preadbing in the
£©- The Editprand his son, William,
Presbyterian Chapel at Folsom on Sun- spent Monday and Tuesday in Mauch or boxes in Hammonton Post Office,
day afternoon, at four o'clock.
Chunk, Penna., taking- in the famous n response to tbe postmaster's reply
t&" Mrs. George Warner and daugh- switchback railroad. That town being ame the message,—"You are charging
ter, Miss Pearl, of Freehold, spent the editor's boyhood home, the visit was nly the minimum rent received in
fflbes of the fourth'class. That is not
•several days with Mrs. A. Niepling.
peculiarly enjoyable,, although be found
Later, orders were relittle
IST The Woman's Belief Corps will
eived to increase tbe rent of all sizes
Iiave a special meeting this evening. unchanged.
en cents per quarter. Hence, beginAll members requested to be present.
j(®- Sbaumunkin Tribe No. 87, Imp. ning Oct. 1st, patrons will pay 20 cents
jgy Word reaches ua that Mr. David 0. E. M., will visit Muskee Tribe, No. or call boxes, and from 35 to 60 cents
Vincent is enjoying the summer among 125, at Vineland, on nest Tuesday's or lock boxes, according to size. Reold friends in Franklin County, Mass.\ Sleep, Aug. 29th. All Brothers who member, this is not the postmaster's
Egy Harry L. Monfort will be at bis wish to go will please report to C. W. work ; his orders came from WashingThe Puritan is the best and most economical stove to be had
'desk, in the Bank, on Monday, after a Austin before that time, or at Red on. Furthermore, the postmaster does
' two weeks vacation spent in Virginia. Men's Hall at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon. not receive one cent of the box ren t, for Summer cooking. It is absolutely safe and odorless. More
though he owns the boxes,—all tbe economical than coal, wood, or gasoline.
I®- Harry and Bam. Mack, accom- A good time is expected.
panied by their friend, Mr. Pierce, of
S®» The Egg Harbor Fair will open money goes to the Post Office DepartAn important feature over other stoves is, that the
, Philadelphia, spent a tew days in town. on Saturday, Sept. 9. It might prove a ment.
valves are at the side, which avoids the discomfort
t®"The brick work of the now good advertisement for Hammonton if
g/Sf If yon want to see a disgraceful
school anne£ waa completed on Wednes- oar farmers should send samples of their jiece of road, right in town, walk out
and danger of reaching over the flame to operate it.
day. The cornice aud roof are being choice products there, for exhibition Dhird street, from Peach to Cherry, and
There are plenty of vegetables and fruits on to Maple. Tho sand is several inches JH^* Every stove is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
t@ST Dahlias ure now out in all their bore worthy of show. Have them there deep, and an empty wagon is a horseSold in Hamoionton by
beauty at BIISHCU & Son's. They have by Friday, Sept. 8th. No entry charges. oad. Tbe plow and scraper were used
WILL DO PURCH VSINO for Hammon there once, some twelve years ago, bu t
the cut flowers for sale in wondrous
ton people every week-day except Saturvariety.
dny. It orders nro left at tbe REPUBLICAN never have we bad a load of gravel. It
office by 7:15 a.m., or mailed to mo.
was promised this season, but hasn't
8®" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bradbury,
reached that part ot (own yet.
\?itti their nluce aud nephew, of WashJ5SJ- The gutter in front of Anderson's
initton, I). C., are visiting Hammonton store has always beeu kept in a muddy
G. A. B. Encampment, Philado.
and unwholesome condition by the
On account of the Thirty-third Annual
4@T The Humraonton Water Com- waste water from tho town pump, Enoafnpmont of the Grand Army of tbe
pany sent word that an cngineer*would which IB used by the whole neighbor- Republic, to be held at Philadelphia on
bo hero on Friday, to stake />ut their hood. Planking seemed to wear out September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 0, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell explpu tines.
xtrQTckly under tho horse's feet. This cursion tickets from points on the West
B®* The P. & A. C. RailroaoVwlll week, hard brick have been laid instead, Jersey and Seashore Railroad to Philadeland return. For apeolQo rates apply
Bull round-trip tickets to Philadelphia, and tho terra cotta pipe under Seconc phia
x> ticket agents.
during thu G. A. K. week, tjcpt. 4 to 9, Street replaced with brick and cement,
Tickets will bo sold on September 2, 3,
which will doubtless carry off the 'Bur- 4, aud 5. good to return until September
•far 85 cunta.
12, inclusive; but, by depositing ticket
Jt^rMlBB Elizabeth Kano, of Ard- plus water.
with joint agent at Philadelphia en SepttDuoru, Pduna., and Mios Mainio Mctember
5, 0, 7, 6, or 0, and tho payment
BQJ" Additions to tho list of licensee
of fifty oouta, return limit may be extend>l>ormott, of Now York, visited Mrs. dogs,—
ed to September 80, inclusive.
-C'lydu Smith.
GS...B Q Pinto, mnlo. Jim
Side Trips.
fcaS~ We made a alight mistake about GO.,.Jay H Drown, iiinlo. Hltop
Tickets for side trips to Washington,
(T7...J G Galluno, nuiln, Drum
the WoBCoatvillo picnic. It wus to bo (IH,..Walter HivUoly, mulo, Gyp
Old Point Comfort. Gettysburg, Antietam, and Virginia bitttleQolda will also
hold to-day ; but you nro all iuvltod, 69...BmiJ Koglotln, molo, Dawey
bo nold at gro&tly reduced rates.
70...J II (itirlon. miilo, Curio
just tboBuiiio.
7l,..ltOH8 Myroao, ninlo,Trlx
A@r Frank II. Tomhn has just ro- 72...J G Gttlluiio, mulo. Hob
Volcanic Eruptions
<:uived his llceueu to practice dentistry 7.1...F Druno, rnal». Jim
Are ({rand, but tikiu Eruptions rob life
in Pennsylvania, huvlng rucently paaeod 74...Him Pinto, mulo,
of joy. Buoklon'a Arnica Halvo, cures
75,..Mr» Mario Hotluy, male. Bijou
• the Stuto examination.
thorn, also Old, Running, aud Povor
711... W II I'oterman, Oouvu
HorcB, Uloora, Uoll«, Kuloua, Ooros,
8Qr Dr. J. A. Waas nnd family ex- 77...II Llobfrlud, mulo, Hover
Warts. Outs, Brulaoa, Burnt), Boaldo,
Bmall, mule, Iton«r Wllllumn
)<uct to uojoy a two weeks vacation, 7H...Wm
Obappad U«ud», OhllblalnB. Boat 'Pile
70...Win A Adatrm, inula, Klluu
1 i;uiuulnH next Monday ; bunco his BO...D W Pra»t«r, male. Jim
ouvo on earth. Drives out pitiuu ami aohos.
Ouly 2K otn. a box. Cure
Hl...Clmn Emory, innlci, 1'ciu
'denial office will bo closed.
Bold by Dr. O. M. Cro«ell,
HI..Fred Murunolll, mule, John
ESaX- The riuumuitvlllo Bauo-Itall (II...K J ICiiotorbrooU, mitlo, I'Mdo
4 lub will play two Kainou with Hum
HI...A II Button, main, 1'i-lnoo
Henry F. Stockwell,
inonton, ou Labor Day, Monday, tiupt.
tS?" L'lnt ol nuoallcd-for lettorn iu tli
4 ih, at our liitsu-Iiull Park.
Hammonton I'out-Ofllao, on Haturdn
HOT The pastor of tho J'rusbytorlan Auft. 20, 1800. '
817 Market St.,
•4Church will preach to-morrow morning
lON, JS«w Jot-Hoy.
Kuly V, Hood
<jii "Tho Sovcn-hoadod lUinst," aud In
Nlnollnu Krulnnlrro
Telephone 1)87
the evening on "Number 600."
Doimto Urloo
Bine Flame
Oil Stove
We are able, for the present,
to supply all calls tor
TJneeda Crackers and
TJneeda Jinger Wafers
fiiay- Tlio Indies of tho Duptlat Church
"\vHl give a lawn party in Tlltou'a grove
on thu ovuulng of Tuoaday, Soft. Olh.
A dollulitlul timo la promlued.
Mlnu Mugglo Nuab and nloco,
May Bltley, (liuifihtor of a wall
cornmlatilou uieroliuut In Phlliv
(tulphla, are woluomo quanta of Mru. K,
Vlnuonuo I'lintoini
A») lo» lo Tomuoono.U
Oni/.lc> TuimHiodl
A i> ton 111 Aiiuutnuo
Trauy IliunUalon
M u i y Cuuiir
(too. A. Kowlor
Murlu MlulKtoro
TlidiniiH Mi'ICuy
M u r l u l'iiH<iuulu ^iu|•acu
Crescent Bicycles.
Single Wheels,. $30.
Tundems, $50.
Ditiniuilou Oi'itllo Tn <Judoro
Anloiiliio IMIIimulll
JCfes?- Mlflu Nulllo Hurley bus boon
1'orHoiiH onllliiK for uny ol tho uhov
i'li utod tuanhur, and uiiMl^nod to Mag- lotlom will nloiiHo iitut.i'tliul Itbiiu boo
nolia School. Minn Jontiiililno llogurn uilvortlmul.
M. li. .IACKHON, I*. M.
\vlll huvo cliurgn of Hoaudulu Bobool,
•yico Mrs. Win. Mooru, rcolujncd.,
A^nlimldo, who, In liln rucunt l>roulu
lte&~ Thu Crctjoiit Is a vory
, npuliu i'l Hi" Dciiiioonxtto'piii t'
cluii, Croin riilhiilolphlu. Thu.y
In lilt' United .Siuicn an bin prtnr.lpii
j>U>y lldl'u to-duy. ll they llvo up ID ally, Him" no orriiulcm to c.liun^a hi
th. Ir ruiiuliillou our bo.yit will havu to vlowh oil lliat'Hiib|i-til.
liu.ttlu. (iiiino culled nt 4 o'clock.
Tlio nioiii'V oolopun In Hllll nuiipuni
Hurtloua urn i:nulr<mU<1 Wll
Inniuo vvll.li tho A. II. I'liillljiii Oo.,
u.,oilier frulghl'uur liunluu.
JH6 Atluutlo Avo,, AiluiHlo
Second-hand WheolH
at loweHt priccH.
Mo, w© haye not
raised our prices
on Beef!
We do cot believe that the present
high pricett can luot long, BO prefer to
stand the IOHH for a few weeks, rather
tluin.put up the
A full lino of Sundries.
Bamboo Ki
1 0 t> 25 conta.
Montfort Cycle Co.
You may rost nunurcd that you will
bo treated ligl.t tit
Jackson's Market
of his sonl. fie would not, of course,
hairbrush, with which she spanked floor. ^ The young woman threw M
wish to steal her away from hl£
them when they did not mind, tbpy aperi and there • stood. the youth! H«
CEhe mother of a aoldier— hats off to her, nephew, but John's had been probably
promised to be very good and not romp was evidently soaked through and
a mere passing fancy, and he -was .sure
They were as still as .mice when Sir. through. 'Why, where on earth hav<
The mother of a soldier -who baa gone —was he, though?—yes, he believed he THIS IS THEIR DEPARTMENT OP Beecher called ^and found no one 'at you been? she cried."
tO'lace the fray;
was quite sure—that Ella loved him.
home tout these ••well-behaved boys.- 11
At this point the narrator was abruptTHE PAPER.
She gave him to her country -with a blessOne beautiful August evening, after
"Well," said he, "you youngster. ly Intcrrnptctl.
Inj on his head—
may just get ready for the romp ol
"Pardon me," said one of the listenAnd she found his name this morning in the day's work was over, Joshlah'Fry
and Ella stood talking In the gloam- Qnaint HayinnroandCntoUoiacB of tho your lives."
ara, "but if I remember It aright, the
•the-, long list of the dead—
Little Folks Everytvlieref Gathered
."But mamma told us wo mustn't young man said that he went home to
"KlUcd—Sergeant Thomas "Watkins, ing at her mother's gate.
"Ella," he said, "I have come here tind Printed Here toe. All OtUer .Lit- romp," they said.
. ." while leading on the rest,
secure hla nightshirt."
4. Bible in hla pocket and a portrait on this evening because I have something tle Ones to Bead.
"Excuse me," said another listener,
"I'll take all the blame," said ' t h e
• his breast!"
Important to say to you. Ah, you
"but'the way I heard It he went home
great preacher, and they
stnlle. You guess what It Is, don't Beyond the Isle of What's-the -use,
When Mrs. Cressy came home • she to ask his father If be wouldn't split
Che mother of a soldier—she gave him to you?"
heard a terrible racket, and rushed In- the morning's supply of kindling wood
Where Slipshod Point is now,
her land; v
The girl looked down for a moment, There used to be, when I was young,
to the house to use the back of the for the kitchen stove."
She saw Mm on flie transport as he \ra\- and
then, though she blusbod deeply, The Land of Anyhow.
hairbrush In the good old way, but she "I hate to b& 'contradictory," said tht.
cd his BnnbrovTned hand; \
stopped at the door In astonishment
third interrupter, "but I'm sure I was
She tlsaed hhn through the tear drops she gazed at him -with her lovely blue
;yes and said:
There on the floor lay Henry Ward told that he went home for his mamand she told biro to be brave;
Her prayers went night and morning "Yea, Mr. Fry, I felt sure you would
on' the flat of his back, and the ma's good-night kiss!"
For those who served him with good Beecher
say something soon."
with her boy upon the
boys were dancing around and over And the" story wasn't finished.—
Josiah looked radiant It was strange
him like a pack of young Indians.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The mother of a soldier—her comfort and how Ella's words pleased him, and yet He treated shamefully?
All of them were "frozen stiff" at
her Joyv
they were not like those he should have
She gave her dearest treasure when she expected from a Quaker maid. Still'It When girls and boys their tasks would the sight of Mrs. Cressy, except Sir:
Beecher, who arose and got the hairslight,
gave her only.boy;
Vnother Version of pur Well-Known
She saw the banner traving, sh'e heard was delightful 1to think how she had And cloud poor mother's brow,
and Popular Story.,.
understood bin , and no one could be He'd say, "Don't Care! It's good enough! "Mrs. Cressy, I told my friends here
the people cheer,
story of Hip
that! would take all the blame for this Van Winkle is Irvlng*s
<3he clasped her hands and bravely looked
only one version of an
"Then tht>u art not afraid to .trust
away to hide a tear.
romp," he said, handing her the brush,
uld legend that often appears in literme? Thou thlnkest I shall suit thee?" 3nt when in after life they longei
'', • " ' •
with a bow, "and I am ready for what- ature!
To make proud fortune bow.
In the German, it Is picturThe mother of a soldier—Ah! cheer the be said, gayly.
He let them find that fate ne'er smiles at once." •
esquely set forth In the story of the
hero deed,
-"Yes," she answered. "I know it. On work done anyhow.
aionk Alfus.
'And cheer the' brave who battle "neath Tfcay used to tell me you were cold and
But she didn't spank him.
the banner of their creed;
While still very young, Alfus entered
but I did not believe it then, anc Tor he who would the harvest reap,
But don't forget the mothers,'through
a monastery, devoted his life to study
now I laugh when I think of it, for I Must learn to use tap plow,
Dolly's Hair.
all the lonely years;
And pitch his tents a long' way off
have learned to love you."
Dolly's hair that you think so pretty and to prayer. As the years passed, he
That fight the bravest batles on the sunl
She accompanied her words with a From the Land of Anyhow.
very likely came from the^ack of a tiecame learned and wise, yet he reless field of tears.
. .
little squeeze of bis brawny hand, —Youth's Temperance Banner.
light-footed Angora goat, aA-'nearly al tained withal his beautiful faith and
Nay, don't forget the mothers,
the dolls wear hair of thir kind. Thi childlike Biinplicity, so that while his
Helptne Plppo Tend the Ph-ep.
ers of onr men,
kissed. Josiah felt his blood coursing
Angora goats have a beautlfnl coat o: fame spread far and wide, his sincerity
Who see them go and never know thai madly through his veins. He was de- PIppo was a little boy in far-off Italy, long, silky hair that grows until it al and bis noble life endeared him to the
they'll come back again;
lighted to find himself so beloved, and, a country of sunshine far across the | most reaches the ground. This Is en poor.
That give them to their country, to battle though he was distinctly being courted sea. and every day he went out in the , off and sent 'to Munich, in Germany
In time, however, the monk noticed
and to die,
low even the most beautiful things
Because the bugles call them and the
him that his sense of -the proprieties they did not run away down along the wigs for dolls. Over $400.000 worth oi palled on one by con'ttiraal association.
starry banners fly;
little brook. It was nice to be all day | this goat hair Is shipped to Munich ev The mountains that had filled him with
was In no way shocked.
• '
iwe no longer had that effect upon
the mother of a soldier—hats off to her, "But, my dear, thon knowiest .1 am under the shade trees, and, to keep ery yeai* for this purpose alone.
ttlm; perfumes from flowers, which he
I say!
five and forty and sometimes crpss and
bad thought very sweet grew distasteWhose head is bowed in sorrow with its crabbed,"
ful, and he became weary even of
tender locks of gray.
She gave without regretting, though hei
dwelling on noble thoughts, ,Thu3 a
nothing," laughed Ella. "1
old heart sorely bled
?reat dread filled him, In spite of many
love old men, and feel so proud of you
iWhen she. found his name this morning with your beautiful gray hair and your
struggles against it, that heaven itself
in the long list of the dead;
might not satisfy one as everybody
• "Killed—Sergeant Thomas Watkina
claimed It would.
lovely old-man, and I shall be prouder
. - - . while leading on the rest,
In one of these moods of depression,
His dear old mother's portrait elasoec than ever of yon.
lie left the monastery and wandered In
upon his hero breast!"
"Jack yvanted to tell you all about it
the woods that surrounded it Here
—Baltimore News.
long ago, though he knew you would
the great trees, the Binglng birds, and
disapprove of me for liis wife, but I
the rushing river, which, when first he
begged him to wait I told him if you
beheld and heard them, filled him with
were all he said—and you are—that I
yearnings and awe too great for exwas sure I could make you fond ot
pression, now but reminded him of his
me. I loved you a little already beJoubta
cause yon were Jack's uncle and had
been so good to him, and if I like peoIn agony of soul, he prayed to have
this fear removed; and rising from the
ple I can always make them like me a
RETTY and sweet little." She paused, and then after a
sward where he had knelt, he looked
as the maiden look- moment's silence she went on:
about him In astonishment. In place
ed, Josiah had a
of the woods, with every nook of whlob
"Only yesterday I told Jack he might
natural prejudice speak to yon to-day, and now I do behe was familiar, he stood where evMILLIONAIRE HBALEY'S SUMMER • HOME.
against both her lieve you must-have guessed It, for here
erything was strange to him. Unknown
and her mother. you are giving all that we want with:rees cast their refreshing shade over
They were worldly out our even asking It, and I am so aim from being lonely, PIppo took witn
ilm; rare grasses and flowers such as
Wouldn't Keep Them Fattened.
people and the girl glad, for we could never ]mve married liltn a flute, and all day long he played Little Alice had been delegated to he had never seen, were at bis feet;
was by no means without your consent!"
sweet tunes upon It. The sbeep soon rock the baby to sleep. By and by her ind In a rapture of surprise he sat
the wife he would
Darkness Heemt'd to fall over the sot to know the sou-mi of Piprx>'s flute, mother came In and found him still upon a stone to gaze about him.
have chosen for his landscape, and Josiah Pry felt It sud- and when they heard It they knew that awake. "Why, Alice," she said, "isn't
Suddenly a beautiful bird appeared,
adopted son and denly turn cold. His face blanched, their kind little master was near, and your little brother asleep yet?" "No, and resting upon a branch above him,
nephew, John Parr. but he uttered^ not a sound. He merely If It sounded far away they came scam- mamma," was the reply, "I tan't nake began to sing. The bird was n strange
Iflven a Quaker maid would have been turned as If to go home.
one, and Ita song was stranger still. Itn
pering back, for they liked to be near him teep his eyes buttoned."
likely to become demoralized by the
ow, clear, thrilling notes touched him
"Must you go now?" cried Ella, see- Ulni.
perpetual making of flne gowns and ing and suspecting nothing. "Well, One day while they were skipping
Why Harry Was AlHent. - _
as nothing ever had before; but only
furbelows for the ladles of the neigh- perhaps it's time. It's getting dark, ibout under the trees they neard the "Harry," said the teacher to a small 'or an Instant, then It disappeared,
borhood, and Ella MasBle—why — imd Jack will be in from Blrehley fair Bute, but It sounded very strange. Oupll, "yon were not present ycnter- caving him sick with deiilre to hoar II
Suddenly his train of thought was by this time and will want his oupper. Surely that could not be PIppo? Thoy nay. were you detained at homo In igaln.
-of tho Inclemency of the The silence remained unbroken, how•woken by Ella's gay voice.
Besides I know you want to make him all looked up to sec, and sure enough consequence
ever, nnd Alfus rose from his seat, anil
"O, Mr.. Fry!" she said. "I have as happy as you have made me. Good it was not PIppo, but his little slater
"No, ma'am," replied Hnrry. "My dreamily turned toward home, llut
watched you all day, and I have night and Uiank you so much. Jack Nino, who had come out to spend the
wouldn't let me come 'cause It ,vhat was lily amazement to flnd that
thought how tired you must be. You and I will never forget your goodness." ilny with PIppo and the sheep. Under mother
ilB vigorous drop of the morning was
"Good night!" said Josiah, mechanic- i big shady tree were the two children, rained."
are a good bit older than I am and I
low feeble; hln hair and his beard
know I get awfuly tired of work and ally, and he made his way acrosd the little Nino blowing Into the flute with
Human Nature Cronn Ont.
Held to his own homo. Ho staggered all her might, while PIppo with hltI expect yon do, too."
"Tommy," asked a mother of her 3 Hiiiff ubout him In n soft whiteness
The Quaker drew himself up to his somewhat us he walked, and hla feet fingers played the tune.
old son, "what would you do If I gave hat was not like Know .or anything
full height and his handsome, middle- seemed like lend, so that the short dis- Tho sbeep did not know what to make you a nice orange?" "I'd wish you 'lm> except tho touch of ago on n noblo
aged face, with Its fine eyes anil gray tance across the meadow to the farm 3f it at flrst, but na PIppo and NLuo would glvo me another," replied Tom. Ifo.
locks, looked grand to Ella as he re- aocmed longer than ever before. For seemed to Ixi having a nice time thr.v my.
As lie approached the well near tho
that however, he was not sorry, for tho thought It must be nil right, and after
•uonaxtcry ho Haw Mtrango women,
vlth children clinging to their Bltlrtn,
"Work is good, and, thank bod, 1 meeting with hl» nephew wan painful i while they went on about their piny.
lone of whom ho had over seen beimvo plenty of It It keeps ono from to anticipate.
Nino thought that wan the nicest dny
Josiah, however, was no coward, BO she had ever known, and after that •'ew Kndlnci Bngfteatedi far a Wetl- ore, And tbo monoHtery Itnelf wan no
Kaown Tale.
ongcr n uinnll, low building, but a
"I am afraid I do love the world very he put a bravo face on tho matter, and she came often to the Held and helper.
The character of tho old Joke has belvo Btructuro. with a wide Iron
much. It Is BO beautiful, and every' entering the parlor, where .Inck won PIppo tend tho Hheep, until nt last tlu«j
one Is BO kind to ine, but I should Uk« waiting for him to conio In for mip- sot to laiow and love her un well nt come n decidedly Btormy ono.
A fow ovenlnga ago 'at a little down- Tho porter that opened at Ills coll
to be better. AVon't you teach me? 1 [)cr, he exclaimed:
"Well, John. bUHliienn Unit and sup- they did Ptppo.
town gathering ono of tho glrlw uaid va» n young-faced monk, who looked
will try so hard to learn."
afterward. I \vitnt to toll theo that
f)ho had heard each a good story.
t him imknnce. In vain he called for
A nnttte Th it Won Not Pouniit.
JoBlaVo reply was not very coherent, per
I know all—everything. Klin ban Just Many ycurn ugo two boys differed "It happened out In tho I<!aHt Knil ho brothcrn that ho bad known; nnd
but whatever ho said he certainly told mo, and, litil, thou hunt my
about some trilling mutter while at only last week," who said. "A young ,t lunt, In despair, lie cried:
tbouffht a cood deal of Ella after thlri,
Bhu In a good girl anil will r.ialut
and h« decided that although film did theo a faithful, lovlup; wlfo, and thou pluy, anil one of them elinllengied th<> woman whoso homo IH ou ono of tho "IlOI'H 110 0110 ltI10W AlfUH? ThlH
not belong to the Society of Frlc-ndH— imiBt marry an noon a« possible."—Cln other to light. The c-hnlleiiKO WUH ac- prominent croHB ntrecta WI»H receiving nornlng I left tho monuutory to wiilk
cepted, and the herneM went Into mi 11 call from a young man, and It came n the wootl, and now, on my return,
uhe looki'tl no Bwcet'mul good un uny •luurttl I'ont.
ou to rain dreadfully. You muHt rv- II thliiRH riro chunked!"
Held to nettle the
yonns Quaker maid— aho might yet be
An old brotbor, who wan Hitting In
JiielcetH mid eap» were thrown on tho mcinber tbo night Sovernl UIHKB tho
conYerted, nud ulu; had u.nk«l him to
Worth tho Joiirnny.
ground, and all wan In roadlnesn, but younR man off«r»)d to go, but each time lie mm, miBWerod him:
teach her to bo good. "And no I will,"
"AlfiiH? I In-art] tho brothers, when
Doctor Mcllriith iiiui wlIV, of Ohlcn- encli appeared unwilling to Htrllco tho It rallied harder than. over, lie lived
he BUddenly etiirtli-il himself by *iWIIH lint n Hiuall boy, tell how V^fus
iilM>ut half a mllo awny, but, of e»urne,
clalmlne OB h« pondered ov«r tho mat- go, wlio Journeyed rotiml t h u world on Ili-nl blow.
ter In tlio ellcnco of ltln chnmbttr that tlmlr lileycleti, conHuuilu^ tliroo yeurii "Now, I lion, utrlke im- If you dare," It meant a thorough drenching to ven- vent Into tho wood and Mover rotunior more In tin* trip, liy ri>nnon of 1111- •aid tho younger Imy, \vlth a tierce turn out, Ii'lually tlio girl Nitld, 'Well, il. They mild *!mt IIH be won good
It would ho Hlmply unelvlll-/,eil to turn and biily, lie numt luivo been taken In u
"Bhu lu only a frail uaplhi^ now," lie fori'Hc.cii ilcln.vH in IMioHpllnlilt) conn I'omite.imnco.
mild to htmiielf, "but Him will icani un.l trlci), arrived lioiue hint, winter.
Hln roiniianlon tanked at lilin, but you out Hticb it nl^lit IIH tlilH, llrotlier dint-lot of IIrn to heaven, Ilko tbo
AH on (In) occrmloii ol'gtliclr departure i l l i l not like to H t r l k e .
At l e n t i l ) tie Uoliert. In away from hoiiiii, nnd you prophet of old. Hut Hint WUH a btinwill fftow and Uio might lutit uak WIIH
1'itii luivo lilu room Jimt IIH well IIM nol.' dro'J yi-ai-H HKD, for they heard It from
n. lur^i' crowd liitil nccn them off, no na Id:
once un ucorn."
young man deinurred a little, lint lhoi:e before them!"
li'rom tblfi tlrni) JoHlnh iniido it point
Then I tie wlno A l f u n wiw tile lemioil
appeared to appreciate t h e
of ueelii£ JOllit Muxtili- I'n-cjiiciitly :mi|
U n i t l i n i l hei'ii t n n n l i t l i l i u , a n d f a l l i n g
doing Ma bent to convert' lier to lilu
i >ne of u c;i-<>up ol' pi-rnoiiM who wiileli- |i|-ovnl:i'd the <|ll:invl i l l lli'HI, "lei 111. me a moment or two,' wild tin- .Vonir,v 0:1 l i l u IcilecH, he erloilf
lilcuu nnil oiilnUniH. I l n 1'ouinl In lu-r
"1 see n n w how a t l i o u m i n d .VCIII-H are
t h e Hccue 1'roin n i l np]icr u'lnilou- l n > K I I I I I ! I'l'lelldH I I K i l l H , I'm' 1 l i a v e l l u l l i woman, 'and I will -leo t h a t Ihc a|iiirl
u d/ielli', lovliiK i m l u n - , nnil her pn-tly
IIH (lie u l i i l i e li'olli-i'H, cMcorlcd liy l i n n Ilii; to t t l r l k e for e i t h e r . "
ineiil In made rendy for yon.' So :die l i n t mi a day In Thy nl^ht, Klnce I, In
ways fairly eluiniieil him.
I b i l i ' i i l i i K b a t an limtanl to the. lilrd
di-i'dri ill' local cycliT-i, \\licclcil Into
Tliey dri'Hued and l e f t Hie llrlii \ v l l l i went u|i:.hilni and told her mother, ,'iihl
Tim lilca of bavins ln-r it bout llu- vli'\v, r r i i i n r k i ' i l :
H i n t H l i i K H wlt-'ioiit Hie K a t e nf i'nnithi'li
lioliue WIIM certaJuly u t l n i c t i v e , nml yet
"UYI1, ilii-ri' l l n - y I'oinc. A m i now I'elnl n f l e r .
lo nee t h a t II WIIH lu iirder. Kin- wiitin'l dine, lived a hundred yearn!"
uumi'how lui <'0i)lil nol plrluiv ln-r I'd like lo know wliilt ttyiey Inlye Knln
And when tluiNo alioui him HIIW Hie
One of l i i i e m now l i o l i l t i M v e r y n nine nioro t h a n live mlinite.i, hut wh-n :;l'>ry linil oviTHiiread liln face ||ioy
(here nil .loliu'ii w i f e Hie jjlrl hail f a i r . - < ! liy U n i t loiitf rlile, ii(. I'ull •>( l i n n i
•l|icelllllle p i l H l t l o l l IIH II I r n r l h T ol ilin wenl dowiiHlalni Hie yonni? man were dniali, for hltt nonl had lied, til
ly twined lierm-lf itboul. lilu heart,
M h l p M nml p r l v i i t l o i i M . " ,
H o w f e w l i i i t l l e i i w o u l d I n liad completely dlHa|>iieaivd."
by flu" lime t i n ' golden liurve.il
What a remarkable evidence ot
nineteenth century enterprise, says .the
Philadelphia Call, la the fact that a
"summer theatre" la no longer a thing
to be shunned for the double reason
that It la too hot within the four walls
to breathe comfortably and for the other fact, once so apparent, that there
can never be gathered In a playhouse
during the torrid daya talent sufficiently worthy-to make the going worth
while, even If the temperature Is tolerable.
Mr. Keith has killed off both of these
scarecrows. His handsome Philadelphia playhouse Is positively a cool retreat—large parties having actually
this summer deserted the breeze-swept
boardwalk at Atlantic City In order
to enjoy the novelties presented from
weelc to week by the management of
this theatre. It Is not surprising to
learn that the summer, season has been
something of a record-breaker, and
this Is accounted for when one considers the bill given, for Instance, this
week; and what may be seen every day
and evening-' this week is but a fair
sample of the excellence of the usual
offerings at Keith's.
Furthermore, It Is not any wonder
that an, audience yesterday and last
.night'packed the house from top gallery down and overflowed In the boxes
and aisles, causing a suspension of the
sale of seats earlv in the afternoon.
(Sminant Profeiaor Chosen President
of ths University of California.
It Is generally conceded that In namtug Prof. Benjamin Ide Wheeler ol
Cornell University to be president of
tho University of California, a wise selection has b*en made. Prof. Wheeler
has been looked upon for several years
past as a very promising piece of presidential timber. He has been profea. sor of Greek and comparative philology
at Cornell since 1880, and he Is now 45
years of age. His position, as a classical scholar is thoroughly established,
itpd his current papers on Alexander
. the Great In the Century Magazine
have shown the wider public how
broad a grasp he has upon the- great
movement of the world's political, hls-
He Gave Her Up.
"Iilil yon ,-ei! Ilicni \vlieu Ihey rode
I'iMiiii Joiilali knew Ilii' filet, only
n w a y f r o m here?" iixlced ; i i i o t l n - r .
At lli'Hl he clililcil blniHi'lf anil tnlil
"I Mil you iiollee Ihey Iniil ilropjicd
Mmnelf Ijo WUH an old fool. I I \va.-i liuml|cliai-M nml roile x v l t h n liiumi?"
nb:xinl (u I h l i i k ( h u t a t i e a n l l f i i l >;lrl
"1 t h i n k I illii."
af 3> wooH <-:iro for 1111 olil widower
"Well, lliey'iM comliif.; Imeli with
j^ inojvi Uinn double lier ap;e. Still, ralib-il l i u n d l e l i i i i ' H n n d ' i r < 4 rilUliij; u p
lifter all, at even live and f o r t y , u mini M n i l K l i t . 'I'lial '.vim u-orih t i n - Irlp,
can lov< mill love iiuKtilonntely, n n d pi-rlmpii. They Ltuvo leurneil how lu
ICIlu wllh nil Uio ul.-enj.-ili ride u l)li-yi-|e."
lOverytiody lireatlied linrd u l i r n t.lir llnfcn In Dial litrd forever.
l'i>HK'lit, e l l l i e r ainipii),' y n u n n people' or
Ilihi i l n i m a l l e c l i m a x .
old, I f , I n I n i l l a l l i / n of i l i f t n - I M I V M , ( h i '
J'rdi'H aod Ij|f(|itn|ii|{.
'Tlii- yonn;; woman looked n r o u i n !
> l l : ( | i u i : m l : < w o u l d / t r y t o i l n < l a ri'asm;
AeenrdliiK I o n recent l l i v c u t l K i i l l o n "f
(or a quarri'l liefimv t h e y H l r l U e a I M o u Hie room in a bewildered n m i u i i - r .
I'llen H l l r lool;eil oil Mir l l . l l l a l l l e lu ( l i e I l K h t n l i i K Hlruld'H In u-eeii w h i c h a delh a l l . ' l i l u h a t w a H n ' l Hn'i-e. sin- w a > < mini Inn- miTlcil m i l , i h r |M<IM'|I ln-<> IH
lEeorlior Ifotupoit w i t h tlm ( h I t«trr>,,.
lc',,.1 nficii Htnicli liy tli,. iianh l h a a a n y
lir. 15. K. .Ci'e.-uiy, of New York, t e l h ' l i i l l e ilaaed. She w a i t e d a h n i i t I n M I I
o t h e r . If hi n n w h i e lo i n k , ' nholu-r
u K'""I! "lory of liln boyliiKid. ( M I C d n j ' i l m l e M M m a n n e r , v a i n l y i i t r l v l r u : t o
hlii iiiolliiT w e n t away u i n l told l i l i n m l v e ( t i e m v H t e r y . Suddenly « l i i > l i e i i n l t'roiii H l l i t i n i l e r i i t o r M i niidei- a n y irec.i,
Inn IT It In ii cam. of ne»di n n m t l l m
and bin brotbiTH to bo <llllel w h i l e iihr |-|||ildly :i|i[>ri>aehliu; rootfite|i;i. A ic-c
u-jiu L:UI:IV An there WIIH u nice Hal mid l a t e r t l i e r o came n Hoft nip on the beceli IH Hie heHt and t/l'^mk or lioplur
iimniiL' tho worut.
Pain Conquered; Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" I feel it myflutyto write and thank
you for what your Vegetable Compound has done for roe. It is the only
medicine I have found that has done
me anylropd. Before taking your medicine, I was all run down, tired all the
time, no appetite, pains in my back and
bearing down pains and a great sufferer during menstruation. After taking two bottles of Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound I felt like a new
woman. I am now on my fourth bottle
and all my pains have left me. I feel
better than I have felt for. three years
and would recommend your Compound
to every suffering woman. I hope this
letter will help others to find a cure
for their troubles." — Mas. DELLA
The serious ills of women develop
from neglect of early symptoms. Every
pain and ache has a cause, and the
warning they give should not be disregarded.
Mrs. Pinkham understands these
troubles better than any local physician and will give every woman free
advice who is puzzled about her
health.- Mrs. Pinkham's address is
Lynn, Mass. Don't put off writing until
health is completely broken down*
Write at the first indication of trouble.
He—'Ms said that the secret of BUO
eeaa Is constancy of purpose.
She—Yes, 11 you keep at it long
enough you may even succeed, some
day, In catching hold of that mustache
you aro trying to find.
Not Politico.
Father—Ah, my won, It pleases me to
eee that you are taking an Interest In
politics. Every good citizen should interest himself in politics. Tbat Is an
Imposing lot of figures you have there.
What do they represent, the vote for
the different candidates by wards?
Son—No, father, these are not political figures. They represent the averages made by the members of oar baseball team In their practice games.
Put Ont QB a Feeler.
Air. Welllngham—What would you do,
Mr. Bockington, If I were to-ask you
for your daughter in marriage?
Mr. Rbcklngton—Well, that is something that I hardly want to answer offhand.
Mr. Welllngham—I'm glad of that
Now, If I could be. sure that you -would
not answer with your foot I would feel
free to go ahead.
Very Ihlck.
They were talking about the New
York fogs, and some one .stated that
his ferry boat had stopped every few
yards on Its way to the city, the fog
being so thick that it was Impossible to
see ahead.
"Oh, that's nothing!"' said another
man who was of the company. "Coming down from New Dorp the fog is
sometimes so thick that the engineer
has to get out and lead the engine."
Ehe Asked the Mlnlatcr'a Wife for Q
Lode of His Hair.
A venerable, •white-haired clergyman
recently preached In the church of a
friend. He had hardly got back to the
vicarage from the church when th«
door bell rang and a yonng lady asked
to see him. He received her. They
talked about the sermon and other
things, until finally she asked diffidently:
"Oh, won't you please give me a locfe
of your hair?"
"Certainly, my child," said the old
sentleman, flattered at the request. "I'll
send It to you to-morrow." And he did.
On bis return to his own home he had
dve more requests of the same kind,
ind he proudly boasted to his wife thai
be was glad to see that he had not yet
lost his power to please. All went well
cntll his wife received this note:
"Dear Mrs. Fourthly: Won't you
please ask your husband to send m«
just a little lock of his hair? We have
ill been taking lessons in making hale
(lowers. So many of the other glrla asked him, and he sent It to them,,that I
thought I would rather ask you to get
'.t for me. Won't you please do this for
me? It's so hard to get white hair for
lilies of the valley."
This was n terrible blow, and the less
now said about locks of hair In that old
gentleman's presence the better.
tory, and also how entertainingly he
can write. Prof. Wheeler Is anything
but a recluse student of the type that
gives a life's devotion to the dative
ease; and he is widely known In New
York for. his effectiveness as a camA New Parrot Story.
paigner and his unusual aptitude for A maiden lady of a. certain town In
vactlcnl politics.
Cornwall owned a parrot, which someThe eagle Is the monarch of tho skies, liow acquired the disagreeable habit ot
but the little king-bird will chase him sbservlng at frequent Intervals: "1
to his hiding place.
wish tho old lady would die." This annoyed the bird's owner, who spoke to
All that is good grows by being
brought Into light, while that which Is lier curate about It... "I think we can
ovll, If consigned to darkness and t)l- rectify the matter," replied tho good
lonce, will perish of Itself.
man. "I nlao have a parrot, and ho le
i righteous bird, having been brought
We cxaggcratr, misfortune and happiness allko. Wo <in» nevor olther HO up In the way he should go. I will lend
wretched or BO happy as wo any wo FOU my parrot and I trust his Influence
nrlll reform that depraved bird of
The unhapplnosH In this Ufa HRcmn /ours." The curate's parrot was placed
principally to consist In setting ovory- ,n the same room with the wicked one,
thlng we can and wanting everything md as soon as the two had becoma acwo cnn't got.
:ustomed to each other, tho bad bird
remarked: "I wish the old lady would
lie." Whereupon tho clergyman's bird
rollcd.up his eyes uud in solemn acconta
iilded: "Wo beseech thee to hear ua,
{ooil Lord!" The .story got out In the
mrlsh, and for oovonil Sundays it was
accessary to omit the Litany at the
:hurch services.—UrtiiHohold Words.
Cleaning up at the shop after a long,- dirty run, is a
severe test of soap quality. The pores of the skin need
opening, the oily exudations from them demand instant
removal, for health and cleanliness. Ivory Soap meets the
severest tests squarely, does what you expect. It floats,
produces a copious lather, white and pure. Loosens the
dirt and grease, rinses thoroughly and leaves the skin
soft and clean. . Economical because best.
The humblest man or woman can
live splendidly. • That is the royal
:ruth we need to believe, you and I,
IT FLOATS. . . " ;
who have no "mission" and no great
sphere to move in.
Do Your Feet Ache and Burn ?
Shake Into your shoes Allen's FootEase, a powder for the feet. It makes
Tight or new Shoes feel Easy. Curea
Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot, Callous,
Aching and Sweating Feet. Sold by
all Druggists, Grocers and Shoe Stores,
25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsteaa, Le Roy, N. Y.
Frleftds, like everything else a man
gets In this world.have got to be bought
and paid for promptly.
8100 Itewam. 810O.
The readers of this papor will be pleased to
learn that there le at least oae dreaded disease
that science baa been able to core in all Its
stages, and that IB ' atarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Care Is the only positive care kaown to tho
medical fraternity, catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment: Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally,
acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of Uic system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature In dolns; its work. The
proprietors have so much fa til In Its curative
powers that they offer Ono Hundred .Dollars
for any case that it falls to cure, dead for list
of testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 7Sc.
Hall's Family PUle are the beat
The great mistake that most people
make Is that they think more of their
cunning than of their honesty.
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Notorious Coanterrelter Captured.
An excellent account of bow counterfeiters are run to earth Is given in Ainslee's Magazine, where the celebrated
case of Ninger is given in detail.. .
"On the day of his arrest he took sis
$20 and one $50 note to New York. He
passed five of them successfully at
various places where he made purchases and took the sixth to a Third
avenue grocery. On this occasion the
cashier to whom the bill was handed
by one of the, clerks was counting ,a
bundle of notes, and her thumb, applied
from time to time to a sponge near by,
was wet This fatal thumb clasped
Winger's bill and made a great blur.
The cashier looked at It and quickly
drew the bill across the sponge. When
she removed It, it was nothing but a
blotch of Ink. She made the change,
the clerk gave It to Ninger, and, seizing
has hat, followed him from the store.
All this had been done unobserved by
the counterfeiter. He took his $50 note
to a saloon and gave It in exchange for
his beer. The bartender whistled at
the size of It, but handed out the
change. When Ninger reached the
sidewalk, ready to return home, he was
arrested, He IB now In Kings County
Penitentiary serving a sentence for
passing counterfeit money In New
York, and when his term is up he will
be sent back ngaln for making counterfeits In New Jersey."
Clean blood meaus a clean skill. No
beauty without it. ' Cascarets, Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep It clean, by
fltirridg up the laiy liver and driving nil impurities from the body, Besln to-day to
banUh pimples, bolb, blotche*, btuckheads
and that ilckly bilious complexion by taking
It you have any pictures of Peace,
Cascarets.—beauty for Jen cents. Alt dru«glata, satisfaction suarantecd, Ilk., 'Sic., aOc.
now Is the time to dust them off and
hang them In the parlor.
Uniform politeness Is an evidence of
a Christian spirit.
Growth of Glrla.
Mm. Winalows Bootlilnff Synip for chllclrea
teething, eoftcus the gum*, reducing* lntlamm>
lion, ulmyii palu, cured wind colic, 2oc a botttd
Cheerfulness and content are prent
baiiutlllora niul aro fumouu pronurvura
of good looks.
Tp Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. UK:, or 25c.
If C. C. C. fall to c^ire, druggist* etund ,1 oucy.
Monkoys am Imltatlvo. but if thoy
cnn't Imllilte Hoinu d e v i l t r y , they are
not hni>i>y.
"I have n«ed your valuable CA8CABETS'and find them perfect. Couldn't dowltboutthem. I bave used them for some time
for indigestion nnclblHouanessandamnowcompletely cured. Recommend them, to every one.
Once tried, you will never be without them in
the family."
EDW. A. MABZ, Albany, N. Y,
Pleasant, Palatable, potent, Taato Qood. Do
OooJ, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Qrtpe, 10o, 25c, Wa,
Sterling tlnntdy Olia|)Mr. CtlttjO, «onlr»«l, S.wTort. Sit
$3&$3.50 SHOES
Worth $4 to $8 compared with
other makes.
Indorsed by over .
l.OOO.OOO wearers,
B»a* kad prle« »Umpl<l 4n boltona.
Take no nnbeUtuta claimed
to na aa good. Largcit makers
of |3 and (3.90 uliaei In tho
world. Your dualorBhouliHeop
them—K not, wo win sondyou
- arxuronrecetptofprlco. Slato
ad of loatber, Blzo and width, plataorcap too*
Catalogue O Froo.
W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brockton, Mug.
Procured for
and Dulgna
Copyrlg U18
Secured. Patent causes, Examinations. Searches,
It's easier to make yourself tiresome etc. Call or send for Book of Instruction!!.
than ncreonble.
John A. Wlodorabolra,
-,„ „,„ „, „, ,.,,,
Win. C. Wltderuhelra, No- oltl Chcntniit HU,
Nothlns IH ilenlod lo well directed
labor, iinrt- nothlnff IH ever lo be- attained without it.
The highest pi'lnt to which things
can brliiB ono Is oontontment of mind,
la what alt the great railways use.
with which no otituto IH mlHorablu.
The growth of girls la greatest In
their fifteenth year; of boys In their
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smolo Your Ilia Away.
To quit tobacco easily ami forever, be magI'Urt'n Cure for Coumnnpllon relieve* the moH
counhrt,™RltV. D. ' Hucil&inKLl.uu, netic, full of life, nerve oiul vl^or, InUc No-ToIt taken the moot) two weeks to get nbjltlnfttn
Lexington, Mo,, I'ebruury HI, Will.
(t<>A!i ItiU. A trtftl rucka^u nmtli:d
Uuc, the wonder-worker, thut milker weak meu
full nnd two woolen more to got over It.
Htrotitf. Alt dniKgUt.i, fiOc, or $1, Curn guarMim u.ro built
To bucomo oiumblo, you milHt cultl- ailteeil* Booklet ttml 'Maniple Tree, 'AiMres*,
vati! your mliiil; If you would bo loved, Sterling Remedy Cu., Chicago or New York,
Common mmsu IH roully very uncom- you
must cultivate your heart.
Dlllgoncu la tho mothur of ijoort luck;,
Eduoato Your Bowels With Canoarota nnil Qoil iflvoa all thliiBtt to ImliiHtry.
Candy Cathartic, cure conntlputton forever,
Future Hurdnhlpa.
lOc, -r>c. If C. C. C. fall, druggist refund money.
An Excellent Combination.
"What do you think of this wlreleHs
"I think lt'« ono of tho worat things
that over lmppom.Ml. It's an Imposition, that's what It IH. Protty noon It'll
In- NO that the man who K»"H Into lh<i
wooilM uluotoon mlli'H from tho nouruHt
poMloillci) for tho purpose of gutting
away from bin tniMlnoHH may receive
a ini'Mi(iu,-u at any inomrnt calling him
homo to attend t<i nonu'thlnjt that, In
I'liHi- It had HOIUI wrong In hlH abminoc,
In' could have blamed Homoliody rlsv
Tho pleasant inothod and bonalldal
oifoets of tho \v«ll known ivinoily,
HviU'i' OK Finn, manufactured by tho
Gu.ii'tmxiA. II'KJ Sviiui 1 Co., Illustrate
tho vuhui of obtaining tho Hciuiil laxative principle* ot plants known to bo
mudicltmUy laxative and nrosuntliw
thorn in thti form must ro(ro»lii»K to tho •
nnil awc/ptublo to tlio Hyatuin. It
IH tho ono pm-fiict Htrunirtlumlnff laxatlvu, clituntiiiiK 1 tin) system ulTitutually,
illttpclllnir colili, hoailaclii'rt anil fuvors
Ifimtly yot p r o m p t l y ami unuliUntf one
to ovrivomu ImUliiul conntlpuHou p«rm i i n c i i t l v . It"* perfect fri'vilom from
llrutr, Inilcnil.
i-.'iii'V ol>Ji>ot,l<)iuil)lo fjiuvllty nml tiiibMrsi. N u l w i i t i " - M y liiiidiand In a perlitun'co, ami II..1 n o t i n g on tlio lirlilntwri,
llvi't- nml liowi'l.i, w i t h o u t xvciilconliii/ fed bniti'.
I'YIi'iid • You imiir/,1' mo,
or lrrlt:'.tliitf Un-m, milieu it tli<! liUiiil
M r « . N n l i i m s - S l n o i ' t i n - I nib}1 IIOKIIU
In tin) procrf.i of iminiifiioturliiif Htf* ( i M ' l l i l i i i j i i u t h l i i i ; would <|tilct Ilii' l l t l l c
tun >r<i'il, nri l.lii'v lu'o pK-iihiiut. to tin' a i i K « ' l 'ml | i i i l l l i i u |I!M f a t l m r ' H wlilHkor:)
tu-,ic, I m t tho i i i i - ' l i i ' l i u i l i|twllt.lo.si>f tin)
a m i y r H l i T i l u v IK' \ v r i i l n i u l linil l i l M
nmu-ily urn o l i l . i l n r i l from Minna ami
oilier ' i i n / i i i a l i o p l a n t - H , by a inittlioil
liiHMvn !•> t i n ) l'.u,U--oliKiA Flo H v i u i l '
' N o l'r<)nprct« of I'liutiil.
Co. tml;'. In iii-ilcr In |?iil lir, bi'iiulli'liil
l l l f i H - t M i l l l l l t.ll U V . l I l l l l l l l t u U l ' l l l , , | ) l l > l l n t l
\Varwlok- Tlii' Kivnrli aro lj> a nitlirr
ronu-inlicr tlic f u l l ii n mi of t i n - Com puny .Mnliiii'niM.ilii); d l l i - i i i i i i u .
pi'lutcil on t i n ) front, of every imi'lmjfc.
\VlckwlH' -lluw iin'f
CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP CO. \VurwloU- \Vliy, t h n y ' v n gut t)»o
I'lirln lOinimltloii and a n ' v o l u t l u n lilllnl
I'or H4lc by ull I/rugtiLi-d.—-I'rlco Si>c.i>crboula for th« Hiiiuii tlnto.— Jutluo.
Brand Ham and Bacon
Abattoir Stock Yards, Wast Philadelphia
Tim urea! hnttli) of thl.i l l f o Is first
I'acklui lloiu«.K«lrl(«rttor 814.83S N. Iti. Pblla.
fur brimil, th<>n butter on tho broad, and
toiilraf Market, AlliulU Clly, N. J.
no oncrultonuir ucluy fmnn I)IIM|UCMH. Cv>»diilttt.
thon HUKur on tho buttor.
Hun tree, Kmlomcuiciila ot iihvMlfhiiu, laittei
nnil prominent ellUciii,
Si-nil tor cliculuv. Ulllca
liniirM U A. M. in 1 I1. M.
J (SUmlanl)
K l s n ' t u o iviucli w l i n t me I <-au't do that
A. 1.. MILLAKD, Principal. I.ICKM»IU> A N n Ilonolil) miiki'H tin-ill f u l l .Hliuri of HIICCIIHM un It
Connecting wllh all Parti ol the World.
IH \vliiu thi>y won't do.
Detective Bureau
(Ol'UM D A V A M D N l l l l l T )
luvertll|[atl<Mll Ma«l^ In 1'crioiml nil>\ Cl'lilllnnl
liliiUcr-i rtlrti-tly Cniillilentml,
Main Ulllco, 1413 rilbort 31. /'/-o,,,. , v ,-,,;.-(
Orunuh, 1312 AtUnllo Ave., Allanlio City, N. J.
(IM> Ilo\ 1-1) Dp. llvnintSl rUiltlon, rlillii.,lM.
MllVM llfjll lOlil III,mil. I ' n n l lii > l c k l | r i l Illlil
nil U I U l t i > \ v l l f i H I i l l t k u l M t o t l l l t l U l l ntl,-|U.'tll
tonl rut-lily U lnlllii.1 nivnl hr.tllll nulrl-ly.
II u u l i t e r».ivrr W i lie m Im p.u t i r u U i ^
218 Chunoollor'Jti'-c'ot, Phlluclolphlu.
Fits! I l c l lll.oirnl ly C U I rtt. N o l l t M or i i ^ t v o u t
nc»t u l l f r III 11 i l a v ' I uti* ,il 111, Kllnc'4 (lfi;jt
N c r v o R c t U i n - r , V - l l i . l l I m t t l • ,u|<l t i r u i l 1.1 Ire,:,
lilt U. II. K l . I N U , l.l'l. If 11 A l r l l SI,1-, I ' h l l . i . I'.i,
liH \\'lcHcil spread t l H ' i o M c h ' i
Ilki 1
Ki-iM'ii I m y ' l i - i ' i . ; 11 In o n l y 111,' rlK
IIM I l l a l l i r e p,'|-:i,'i'iUi'(l,
N o - T o - B a o For Fifty Ccnta.
, i u l l u u t ' - i ' 4 l u l . !.\-i, I n ' II . i n / . iiiaL-M \^
> l l , l l l | , ' . I l l , l",| | I I O I - .
.m,\, II
All llul;;l:
nun iit-i'n unt.-tl hy mllllotm of tuotliurn for
ilu'trclitMri'n whtlu (V.-ihtim fur ovor Klfty
Vi-nrn. U rMmtti'-rt Uio clitht, miftimi ttiu
«inini, u l U y a nit pi^il, cunirj wlm) collo.-un i
In tln< l"i»t iitniu.ly inr tlliirrliiu.i.
Twonty-flvo Centao Bottlo.
J,|'i. M. Or.
I 1115 Hollnv.
f|<llll|| |OJ; a i l u | h b ,_ p,
Thompson's Eyo Water
1 lO'J
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••M.KIAMIIBU Uxut.i>« (M., i4ifUr«ouwl,:li Ml.. N. V.
I Iletfl OuutfU Hyrup, Tbotu* Ut/u4,
In lliiiu. Hohl 1)T i
i !!
Town of Hammonton
nny street, alley, or other pablio place in this
Tonn : and any violation of this section shall
be punishable by a fine of Tea Dollars,
Sec. 11. Tbat the. pollution of any well,
stream, spring, or reservoir of water used for
drinking purposes, is hereby prohibited ; and
any person or persons who shall cause saoh
pollution, or who sbull aid therein, shall be
liable to a penalty uf Ton Dollars.
Sec. 12. Tnat if any well or spring in this
Town, or any water used for drinking purposes,
is found to bo polluted, or to be the cause of
any sickness, the Board of Health may order
the same not to be used, or closed until thoroughly cleansed and repaired in a manner satisfactory to the Board of Health ; and every
person who shall violate this section shall for-.
foit and pay a penalty of Ton Dolla.s for overy
such offence.
SINK brunts, ETC.
Seo. 13. That no pipe, drain, or other conduii, conveying waste, dirty, or foul water, or
other waste material, thai) at any time bo
allowed to become clogged or obstructed so as
to prevent tho free passage of liquid therein;
and the construction of any drain or sewer, or
.tho pouring oat of foul liquids on the surface
ot tho ground in such manner as to become the
source from which offensive odors shall emanate. or in such manner as to pollute the
ground, air, or water, to the risk or detriment
of the health of porgons living or passing in
tho vicinity thereof, is hereby declared to bo a
nuisance; and any person or pors< ns who
shall ouuso or maintain, or who shall aid in
causing or maintaining any such nuisance,
shall bo liable to a penalty of Ten Dollars.
Adopted Aug. 3,1899.
BAPTIST. Jlov.T. H. Athoy, paator; Sun- Tbo Local Board of Health of the Down oi
day tiers ices: Preaching 10 30, Sunday-Baboo
Jiammonton, County of Atlantic, by virlu
11.45, Junior C. E. 3.00p.m., Christian En
of the provisions ot tho act ot the l-egif"
deavor 6.0ft, Preaching 7.00. Weekday prayc:
ture of Now Jersey, entitled VAn Act
meeting Thursday evening 7.30. Boys Brt<
establish in this State Boards of Health-anc
gade; meotg Wednesday ovo, In 8. of V. Hall.
a Bureau of Vital Statistics, and to dcfin
thoir respective powers and duties," ap
proved March 31,1887, and of other ao's,
rector. Sunday mass 10.36 a. m., voapora a
. \
7.30 p.m.
Section 1. That wbatevenis dangerous ti
EPISCOPAL, ST. MAUK'S. Rev. Edwin C human health, or whatever renders tbe ground
Alcora, reotor. Celebration of Iftly Euoharis tbo water, tho air, or food, a haznrd or an in
let and,3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Other BUD jury to human health, is hereby declared to b
days, 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany, an a nuisance, and any person or persons oreatln.
Sermon, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30 a.m or maintaining, or aiding in tho oroation o
Bronsong 7:00 p. m. Bonday School 9.30 a.m maintenance of any suoh nuisance, shall b<
Friday fivoneong, 7.KO. Saints Day Celebra liable to a penalty of Ten Dollars.
Mon, 7:30 a.m. Speoial services in Advent anr
fa'co. 2. That any person who shall careless
Iy, negligently, or wilfully aid in or contribute
METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. W.N.Ogborn. te the doing of any act dangerous to life oi
pastor. Sunday sorvlcos: class 9.30, a. m detrimental to tho health of any human being,
preaching IO.BO, snnday-sohool 12.00 noon except for justifiable motives and for adequat
Epworth Loagoc ".00 p. m., preaching 7/30 reasons, or who shall omit any precaution
Class Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.30 reasonable and proper to prevent or remove
PMybr meeting Thursday 7.SO p. m
danger or detriment to life or health of nny
human being, shall ho liable to a penalty o
Mission at Fine Road.
PRESBYTERIAN. Rev .0. B. VaoDyho pastor,
Seo. 3. That tho solo of any meat or -vogeta
Sunday services: preaohing, 10.30 a.m., Sun
day-Bohool 12.00 noon, preaching 7.00 p. m ble food or drink that is unwholesome or unfit
C. E. prayer meeting Wednesday 7.30 p.m for food is hereby prohibited; uny person or
persons making nny such sule ae aforesaid!
Chnrok prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m.
shall bo liable to a penalty of Ten Dollars.
Missions at Folsom and Magnolia.
Italian Evangelical. Rev. Thomas Pragale,
Soc. 14. That the storage of animal rofusn
Pastor. Sunday School at9 a.m. Preaohing al
See. 4. That any physician, midwife, nurse, or decayablo or putresciblo matter in liquid or
10.30 o.m. Jr. C. E., 3:30 p.m. C. E. Sec'y
form in any vault, cesspool or other reclergyman, magistrate, or' other person who
at 3-30.
officiate at any biitb, death or mairiage ceptacle in suoh manner as to endanger health,
U1HVBR8AI.18T. Rov, bt. Ethelhert Gates shall
in the Town of IlammoMon, and who shall or in Such manner that the same shall, by
pastor. Sunday services: pleaching 10.80 a.m neglect to make return thereof to tho proper reason of offensive odors emanating theref 8anday school, 12.00 noon, preaohing 7.00 officer, according tu law, and any physician from, become u sourco of dlscomf rt to perp. m. Sociable alternate Thursday evenings, who shall neglect or refuse to report in writing sons living or passing in. the vicinity thereof,
WOMAN'S CnitisriAH TEHPEBAHCE Union, within 24 Lours to tbe Local Board of Health is ho-eby declared to bo a nuisance; and sny
Mrs. Charles Smith, president, Mrs. W. N. any case of contagious or infectious disease person or persons causing or maintaining any
pgborn cor secretary, Mr« B E Brown see.
which said physician has prescribed for or such nnisatfro, or siding therein, shall be liable
attended for tho first time since having each to a penalty of Twenty-five Dollars.
Sec. 15. That the overflow of any foul liquids
disease during the preceding 24 hours, and
CLBBS. J.L.O'Donnoll.
shall state in such report Ibo specific name of or gasrs into any place where they may be
the disease, the full name, race, ago, and sex come injurious to health, or the keeping or
UABSHAL. Chas. E. Roberts
of tho patient, his or her residence as precisely forming such sunken places or excavations
JUSTICES. G. W. Preeiev, .1. B. Ryan, Jos as possible, the nnrnc of the school which tbo upon any lot i r land as accumulate foul water
pat ent attends, or tho factory or workshop at or offensive animal or vegetable matter, is
H Garten
.xCoBSTABLES. Goo Bernihouse,E Shackley
which ho or ebb is employed, if any, the source hereby declared to be a nuisance, and any per
of contagion or intection if it can be ascer- son or person? who rhall cause or maintain
OVERSBF.K OF TBE POOR. Qeo. Bernshause. tained, and such other facts as may bo deemed any such nuisance, or who shall aid in causing
f importance for the information of tho or maintaining the same, shall bo liable to a
VIBB CHIEF. S E Brown. H M Phillips
Board. And ove'y pbyaician shall report, in penalty of Twenty-five Dollars.
Seo. la. That any owner or occupier of arnr
VOLTJHTEEB FIBB Co. D. 8. Cunningham, writing, to tbe liourd of Health, the death of
president; Chas. W. Austin, secretary. Meets ny of bis patients who shall have died in the premises within tbis Town shall cleanse every
belonging to such premises, and reTown of Hammonton, of any contagious or in3rd Monday evening of each month.
Independent Fire Co. Meets first Wednes- fectious disease, within 24 hours thereafter, move the contents therefrom, upon general
and shall state in such report the specific notice in writing to that effect from tbis
day evening in each month.
Town COUKCIL. Alex.H. Sattcn, Chairman name and type of the disease. And every Board, or whomever required to do so by ordiE WBatchel..r, M K Boyer, Wajlsnd DePny, ouseholder, and every keeper of tuy board- nanoi or special notice; and every such occuIng hpuse. lodging bouse, inn or hotel, shall, lier or owner who shall neglect or refuse to
Henry Leibfrid J E Watiis,.
in ruse there ot no physician being in attend- leanse any such cesspool for two days after
. Meets last Saturday eve each month.
ince, report to the Board of Health the same juoh notice shall forfeit and pay a penalty of
BOABD OF EDCCATIOS. C F. Osgood, presi- latticulars in the .same manner as is required Twenty-five Dollars for every such offence.
deot; D. S. Cunningbua,clerk;Edwin Adams, >f physicians daring any period when' said
J L O'Donnell, Mrs J H Ransom, Miss Anna Board thall require notice of f uch cases to be
Preasey, Mrs E A JcsJjn, Tioiaas C Elvins, jiven, shall for each and every failure to make
Sue. 17. That tbe keeping of any tenement
Dr J A W&aa.
Meeta 2nd Tuesday evening luch return or report be liable to a penalty of
onse, or other hense or building, or any part
each month.
Twenty-live dollars.
hereof, in such a state of nncleanllncs?, or
Sec. 6. That the keeping of any dwelling ho crowding of persons in any tenement house
ouse in which there is or has been any pollut
n such a manner as to endanger the health of
or communicable disease without thorough he persons dwelling therein, Is hereby declarD 6 Cunningham, M A ; A B Davis, Sec'y. iring,
cleansing and disinfection, is hereby
I to bo a nuisance; arid any person or perMeeta first Tuesday evening in each month in irobibited. Whenever the Board of Health in ions
through whoso act or neglect tuch a date
Mechanics' Hall.
his town shall know of a porno > sick witb any if unclcanliness shall be caused, and any per
WIRBLOW LODGE, I.O.O.F. Jos H Garten ontaglous or infectious disease in a house, ion or persons by whom fuch crowding shall
N. G.; Char W Austin, Financial Secretary. luilding or locality, from which tbe interests e caused, shall be liable to a penalty of Ten
Orvillo B Hoyt, Reo See Meets every Wed- fpublie health require his removal, it may Dollars.
nesday evening, in Odd Fellows Hall.
direct the removal of said person to a suitable
Seo. 18, That any penalty incurred under
SBAWHUHEIH TBIBE I. 0. R. M. Charles iluce, when said removal can be made without :ho provisions of those ordinances, or any ex
incurred in tho abatement ofany nuisC combo, iSuchem ; Chat W Austin, Chiei ot
nee by tho Board, shall be collected In the
Records. Meet overy Tueiday'aslcop IB Red he premises whore such person has been sick
o be disinfected; and overy person who shall manner prescribed by tbe act cited in tho pro
Mena' Hall.
M. B.'TATLon LonQE, F. & A. M. Robert iolnte this section shall forfeit and pay a amble hereof, or, in lieu thereof, tbo Local
>enalty of Twenty-five Dollars lor overy suoh Board of Health may file a bill in tho Court ol
Steel, W Muster ; Alonzo B. Davis, Beo'y. 'donee.
Chancery for an injunction pursuant to the
2nd and 4tb Friday nights in Masonic Hall.
revision of said act. M. L. JAQK8JN,
President Local Board of Health.
Eea. 6. That there shall not be a public or
N. F. Hinohman, Goun.; Harry Mnrphy, R. 8.;
. L. O'DoHHKLL, Clerk.
pr. bill,$iS.HO
A. T. Lobley, F. S.
Meets every Friday ihurch funeral ot any person who has died of
mall pox, diphtheria, soirlot fever, typhus
evening in Mechanics'Hall.
or Asiatic cholera, but tbe funeral of
GBM.D. A. RUSSELL POST, G. A. R. E L 'ever,perron
N ORDINANCE to Bup()re88 tramps
shall be ( rivato; and It elml! not
Cauffrnon, Commander; W. H. II. Bradbury, uch
In tbe Town of Hntnmontoii.
Adjutant; H. F. Edsnll, Q. M. Meeta 1st and .t any services connected therewith, of any
Introduced July 20,181»a.
3rd Saturday nights in Mechanics Hall.
Paased August 6, 1890.
lemon who has died of any of the diseases
Section 1. Be It ordained, That alt persona
WOMAN'S HELIEF CORPS. President, Miss love mentioned, or of any contagious, posti
ho ahull come from any plaoo without thin
Nora Monfott; Secretary, Miss Nellie DePuy. ontial, or Infectious disease, any person whose
Alternate Friday even, Mechanics Hall.
ittondance is not necessary, or to whom there tatu, or from any city, county, township,
Otongh or place within this state, an4 nave
Gnu. D. A. RUSSELL CAUP Song oy VETER- is danger of contagion thereby ; and any vioANS, No. 14, Cope., Harry 0 Leonard ; First lation of this section el)all bn punishable by a a legal settlement within tho Town of Hammonton, uud llvo idly und without employment
Sergt., Charlus C Combo. Meats every Friday 'no of 1'ifty Dollars.
nd refuse to work for tho unu'il and common
eve, Aitken'n Hall.
ages given to other persons for Ilka work In
BoAiin op HEALTH, M. I,. JaoV son. PresiBee. 1. That no human body of any adult ho Town of llawmonton, or s h u l l b o found
dent; .lohn T. French, J. C. Anderson, WBI. ersun
be buried In this Town so that tho ;olng about from door to door, or placing
Cunningham, Geo. Bo'nithouao, Jos. ii.' ox or shall
coffin containing It shall bo nearer than houiselvefl IL tho streotn, highways or ri>ndn
Uurton, Dr. ('has. Cunningham.
'our feet to tho surface of tho ground, or in tho ii beg or gather alms, and can give no rea«<mBislerhood Branch, N". id, 0. Iron Hull of
ble account ol themselves or their lm«iiic»a in
of any porson, deceased, under fourteen
Baltimore. Surah A, Hood, I'ree't. Carrie A. ears of uge, not less than throe und one-half noil places, ehull bo dcouiud to bo traiupd
King, Seo'y. Meets in Mmilmniru' Hull firm cot; and no dislnteriuont of nny body (hall within tbe meaning of this ordinance.
and third Wednesday OVO'B, 8 o'clock
no. 2. Tbat if any person described In tho
nku place between tho first day of April and
Little Ha.Ha Council, No. 27, D. of P. lie first day of November of any year, nor 'orogolng section of tblu ordinance shall bo
Mrs Luoy Wliitmore, Poonhonliig; Currio A thai! any dlslntoriuent tuke place at any other Vmnd offending against this ordlnanco In tho
Kinir, K. of R. Meets Monday ovonlnir In Hod line without ii permit from tho Clerk of tbo aid Town of llaminouton, it shall bo lawful
iounl of Hvullh uf thin Town i and every per* or uny constable or police ofllcor of sold town,
Men's liull.
on who olittll violate this uaotlnn shall forfeit ud ho Is hereby aajolnod and required, on
BusinosH Organizations.
nd. pny u (itmuliy ol Twenty-llvo Uollurs tor lOtlce givon him by any of tlio Inhabitants
:h(iroof, to apprehend and convoy sueh person
Fruit Growers' Amiooluiton, J. R. Abbott sea- very such oll'onoe.
:i u Justice of tho 1'cnco in said town, who
•m Am
rotary, shippers of fruit und pruiluoo.
hall uxiimluo suoh porson, and may commit
Jlauiwonion Loan and Building Aoanolullon,
Hoe. 8. Tlmt nny plumber or oilier pcrHon lilm
her, being thoruol Kgally ooiivlctod lio«
W. H. Tllton beorotary. Muetu every let ivho shall ontiuiiol by pipe any bu!ld!ut; with iiro or
by tlic.outh or aOlrinutlon of one or
ny oiie«|>ool or other rea-pluolo in which «ald morehim
Thursday In Firemen's Hull.
credible wltned«o;i, othur than the oQlcer
Worklnguien's Loan and Building Annoolutlnn, ipo emplliis, without pluming u nulmbla trap Halting tho urrest, to labor upon tho streets,
W. H. Uernthoiise, uoorotury. Mueiu every n said pi|to bulwoon mioh receptacle und oailj, highway), ur other publia works of said
iillcllng; mi'l.uny person who nliall Iiavo u. own, for u torn' not leus than thirty days nor
let Monday In Firemen's Hull.
uililliiK In thin Town from 'which shall fro ixcoading six months; and (bull forthwith
People's Bank. W. R. Tllton cushlor.
(pert or drain* in uuob u mumier, or In mioh a ioiiuuli him or her lo tlio custody of tho Over^
ua to communicate directly with any
of Highways to carry out the provlnlouti
flurfaco, or wlili any HOtvur, privy,onsH- :eer
Harry Lltllo, hardwnro uuil furnUunC
if tbo Htmiuituo Imposed.
A L. Patten, biuyoloti.
S. That llio Ovursuor of Hlf;bwuyii sbull
anco, or to ijn Junior t o Imnlth und com tint 10,Boo, anu
Crt/woll'ii I'liuruiaoy,
Is hereby empowered to Inour iiuy
f tho ocoupuntit of such )ii>utiu and of Ihoflo neeotisuryho
M. A. Corilcry, bicycles.
oxpenno lor tho Hoard an'd loilglug
living or pausing lu tbo vlolnlly tlmrool', ghall, ;if the ull'onder
K. I). ArllU. uilllluory, eto.
dll'enUorft unildr tho toriim of
n notloo iroiu thin Ilimnl, rmuova nnd prevent, bis ordliiunoo, vr
Orvillo K. Iluyt, publiihor, printer.
subject to Iho il'ruotlon of tha
b 12 Brown & Co, hardware, gruoorica
'Ido u imitfiMe trap or von ilutlnjg opening bo- Uounoll of tlio said Town of llaimuoiiloii.
E K Whlto, Ileo-lilvn gtoro
boo. 4. That thoOvornuer uf Highways limy,
weou said lioime und itny oulaldo rouoptuola in
Kit II. Oliaudlur, attorney.
I'll loll niilii |>l[>o ooiptiiB ; aad every portion ut bin dlaurotlon. illaohur^u 4unh porrions at
<) V Lone, burhor
time within tho turm of octtiinltiuoiit, upon
vho flbull vloliilo thla petition uliull foffoit anil lot IflHtt
Valentino & Huoil, U'iderlukiri>.
than ten dayn go'iil buhavlor, or up<m
my A penalty of Ton. Dollars for every mioh
uiinfaotoryftwt'urltythat they aliall not hoioino
V A Lohiunii, bluoU'iulHi iinU w h e e l w r i g h t ,
upon tliu publlo within onu yiiiir from
John D. liull, oli-oirloinu.
yll.TIl Artll lllllllllltll
tho daio of unlit illuehurifc.
John I'ruooh, Jr., iiuilurinkir.
ducuyWin. Duller, lliiniaUli.
Hgu. 6. Tlmt ibid orilliuinoo ulnill talio effoot
ng animal ojr vejretublo uuliatancu or mihatuniiiinuillattily alter thn ilmoof ilio llnal iiiitma^o
Kobort Hteel, J ownlsr.
A l . K X . i l . HUTTON,
H. Kiodler, lulMK'iui unit olffur*.
'iihbltli, jriirlfu^o, or oflul, In or upon uny lot,
Olmlruiaii of Town Oouiiol<,
M. L.J'ickBou, mniil mid |iroiluoo,
f. L. O'DuMNni.i., Town Olnrlt.
L. W. Oogloy, linr.mno.
irlvttlo plaoo, nnil allowing the HIIIIIU to remain
<J.W. l'ro»«oy,Juiiiloo.
VI.11. Ilernnliouiu, luinber, noul, hlcyolon.
lo or prlvulo pluoo, untl^l tlio sumo nhull boOT1UK TO OIU51)1TOHH.
J)r.J. A. WII.IB, ilentlit,
oino liuKiiriloun to health, or until th<» fiume
Johu Murdoe 1 !, 0)10011.
Kiito Ailkon, uxeitiilrlx of A l ? x u m
Jlonry Knuiior. (I'olaoin), noilur l u m b n r .
'iiiroo of ilHuomfort to pcrnona living or Mtknii.douoaaoil, l>y illrontlon of tho Hurroguto
<leorfi> IClvlim, Jry good', Kruoorloo, mn.
1! tho O'Miniy ol Atlantic, Imruliy glvi-H n n l
Minding In tho vlulnlty thereof, In horaty ita
JaQub KokbArdt, moat urn) pruilune.
luicil to IIP a iiulnaneo, aud any pornoii or o (I o cr<"lltora of Ibu imlil Aloxumlur A l t h u i
Ohua. Ouunlughmu,|)hyiiloUn u n . t O U T ^ O O H .
o bring in iholr il«h(n. tltiiiiaii'U unit Mlaliu
J . II. Hmtill, baker mid ootifoatluiier .
r aid tboriln •hill ho llablo to A [ionally of igalliht tho ntitntu vt thu 0'l|i.l duntilutit, unilo
If. L. Mclntyro, luout anil produce.'on Dollar*.
m(", nllhli, ulna niontlio frmu tli.i ilnii', o
At*v. Altben, livery nnd liourilfnu dtablna,
Hue. 10. That no poraon removing gtirliit^o, tiny will he furcvor burrml of any untliii
Win. 1'. Jtluok, dry jtootltf, ((rooflrlos, otc.
ll'til, nwlll, or uity oduiniivi) or <leraymg n u b - hof»for itgiilnnt ttiu mild uxti'-utrix.
][>. U. ifn<tf niaouaronl, vontianelll.
Duluil Auguil Ilril. A.l» I H U U .
luinio, Hlmll aull'ur It to Jouk or d i u p ironi uuy
P.ituuoni, iiittQottroul, vuruaoolll.
Vohlolo by lilm oniiml or ilrlvon Into or upon
KATK AU'KICN, K » e o u t r l x .
Manufacturer and Dealer in
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A handsomely Illurtmtoa weekly. Lorscst clr- culatlon of any flclcntltlo Journal. Terms, (3 a
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Atlantic City^ N. J.
Branch Office, C25 F 81, Washington, D.
Sun. Sou.
Ace. Ace. Ace. Ex. Ace. •Ex. Ex. Ace. Ace.
p. m. a m p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a. m. u. m.
Sun Suu
Ace. Ace. Kip: Ace Aco. Ace Aco
a.m. a.m. u. m p. m1. p.m a.m. n.m.
430 6 30 600
Tm 3 00 1050 645 ...... .Philadelphia.. 7 40 8 40 W~ll 1 60 030 000 use
438 688 608
3 (1C 1068 1162 .;.»».. .dundon
7 S2 830 10 U7 1 42 (IIS Mo 1123
* 1 .SO Odd II 2 1 ttt»
448 650 820
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7 10 811 •..,. .* 1 23000 !) 18 liffi
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™Egff Harbor.
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4 271 751 4 17
4 ISi ...."" !)01
.Atlantic oily
685 900
„ 4 lo! 74" 405
8 20 "853
• Stops only on notice to conductor or ngcnt, or on slcnnl.
J B flU^CHINSON. Gen'I Manager.
J B WOOD. Gcn'l Pnss'r Apt.
JLtlanf Ic
t.tn. n.m.|a. m. a. tb p.m. p. ni _^
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6 89 ...... II ltd
7 l(i 8 18
i :iii 70S .... WlllltmitowD June.... ft ;V> ...... it 2» .1....^ 2 6 4 6 s.7|8: 27 557
7 20 (1 29 ......
2 47 5 20 8 21 560
...... 781 835 ...... ...... 1 41 7(»
Cedar Brook
r. 24
I) 2V
!l 12 ...... 237 fi lll|8 12 540
- 40 0 44 607
1 5(i 7 17 ...Window June. (I've)... 5 in
841 7 57 0 4 9 012 S'ii 2 02 7 24
5 1(1 7i'Si H 44 u;w 2«0 4 BH 8 IlltS 18
...... 7 20
•i.... 8 •III
" ...... 4:tlf 7 60 S 18
8 (W (l"58
ffliO .»..,- 8 .'tl
...... 4 2(1 761 506
7 .17
K 28 i'ra
EKK U»'t«r
4 111 7 4 l i 4 6 W
A"6S 8 H 7 05
7 -15
4 53
8 21 7 II iisb
4 10 7 8514 5(1
a no
BrfimnlluG Jnno......
8 ill <i in
7 S3
a 40
H (18
8 1(1 it (a
3 Ml 7 25 4 86
8 !B 721
4 35
650 fl'ai 8 43 7 ill o'is 4 16
8 15
...Atlantic City.
4 25 f'i',0 « (ill » '•»(
a fio 7 164 W
1 45
4 58
5 15
6 HO
6 15
0 22
Kxprr.ss leaven Atlantic at 11:00 nro, Hivminonton 11:30, l'lillii>liil|>lilu U-,15
Kxpresn Ipftvo Atlanticfti'iOp in, K«« HnrborOiS'j. Ham l(i:D7,1'lilla l»:5i>
Buiulny Kxp, AtlClty 7:15 n m.O;:iO«nil 1):!U) pru.KgK Ilarlior 11:52nml»:ll!>p in, Hum
8:04 a m,7:00and 10,-iW p in, Plilln Ih2.1 a m,7;5' ami 1»:W p in
DOWN KXH luuven 1'hlln at 1IM5 n in, Wlnlow 11:21, Hani 1I;2'J, K H 11:12, All 12:U.~>
Hinuliiy, I'hllati:15a m. Ham 7:24. Atlnntlo8:l5
J. A. S\VI:IOAIU>, Oon. g
EDSON J. WKKKH, O'Mi. 1'iuMtiiKor A
Hammonton Electric Light and Power Go.
Commercial Electric Lights.
HoiiHO Lighting
,.-,.1111!. P.
32 0.1'.
Klrat 8 (.Iglitx Sl.Ofl pr month
Jl.75 pr mo.
Next 5 Llt'litB 15 o. pnoli pr mo 25 c. each.
Next 10
10 o
17 P.
Noxt 10
12 c.
All-oddltlnnul.... 5c
H c^
Hew Seed Bye,
Best Jar Rubbers,
At A, L Patten's
JESli H.
Salt .
In Hammonton
every Thursday
A New Wagon Shop
Mason Jars
Oil Stoves
Also Jelly Tumblers
K.« K>»
Saturday, July 1,1880
A Great
Best Salmon,
Schedule in effect July 1, 1890
5 lll|;l)tH toS:fl), I llli'.lll t i > H >
I M r . rtll-'l
5 Highlit Ui 10, 1 nli,'lit to 12
-15ii, (•IH-1I....T5 o
Always a Good Stock
tfeo Best I
Real Estate and
Insurance Agent
Sti-4<ot IMtrliUni;
fJOO n year for a 2000 C. I>. Arc evory night oxcopt Hiiiul iy'.to
' Id o'cloflr,
Motor Hntcs, 10 o. per 1000 WrttU.
We do all kinds of Electrical Work, Buch ns Telophori",
Annunciator, and Bell work, at lowest yousible rutcn.
Printed promptly, at the
Shoes made to Order is my
Specialty, and full
satisfaction is 'guaranteed.
Notary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds,
.Repairing done. .
Office, 101 Railroad Ave.
620 a ycnr fura 32 n. I', every nlrjhl In 12
<10 a yrnr for ii\lil C. 1'. eviiry iilulit. <.•> 12
Frantz A. Lehman
Bammouton. : : W. J.
The People's Bank
Of Hammonton. N. J;
• Bollovuo Avenue,
Authorized Capital, $60,000
Paid in, $30,000.
Surplus, $17,000.
U. J. BVHNEB, President.
M. L. JACKSON, Vice-Pres't
W. R.TILTON, Cashiei
it* J*
Flfty-Eight Years Old.
Second St., near Plenannt,
Ki'iir Bornhouse's Mill
It'll n Ion/f lifp, but devotion to tlin truo
Intercuts mid |>ivH|i'nlty ol' 1,1 u Aiiioi'loiui poojilo lwn won for ti iinw I'-|HI.I|H tin HID "outH
rolled by und tlio oil^lnul nmmborii of lf.n fiinillyi>ABtt(i(l to tholr i'n\viin] und tliiuni luliuirum
nro loyal and Htoiulfum tn-iluy, w i r h Jullli In
Itn tonfllilngBj unil coiilldoiico In llm liidtrmatlon wbloli It brliik'H to IIDIIIDII anil (liottliltm.
An a natural (HIII^'I|IU noo, U iiii)i,yH In Itu
old ago all tho v l t u l i l y und vlijnr nf t i n ymitli,
ntjjfjBgthoninl and i'l|ioni!il by tlio oxiioilisnoes
of ovur biilf u cfliitttfv.
Il'liun llvnil on IIH HUM t i n uud on tlio cordial
nnpriort of )>ro|{i'i'ii»lvi' A l u m i n u m .
H In "Tho New Turk Wuiilily 'I'rllinno,"
iolini»vl()(ln«(l tin' o o m i l i y oym' mi tin' loatllilgNu:lontil Fnmlly Ninviipupur.
Itn viilno to tliOHit win) dcalru nil tlin IIUWH ol' tint Hindi unil Nutldii,
tlio jiublHlior of tlio Uici'iMii.KiAN him uiitorod lnt(j un nlllnnao w i t h "Tim Now York
Wookly Tilliiino" which oniililiin him to furnlnli you lintli pil|iriii ul, tint tilllhiR
cost ol $1 "(> lier your
Kvtfty fmHim 1 mid ovory vlllii|[or <IWVH to lilineolf, to lilx family, and lo tlio cornmunlty, u oordlul nii|)|iort (if liln lonul iiowa))U|/oi', tin It. vvoilin r.oiintiuitl.v and untlrli.(i!y tin' lil" liitni'ttuU In uvory wuy, lirltitfn to hln homo nil tlin nmvii and lui|i|ii'iilti|!n
of hln iHili'liliuiliooil, tho ilolnifH of liln A'loiKlx, tho condltlonn unil nriiniioiita for
illlturi'iit. (iroiin, and In a worlfly vlnltor'wliloli Hluitild bo found In ovory homo,
.hint t h i n k of It I lioth (if llinno ptipnru for only Sl.-'i it your.
Send all aiibscriptioriv to tlio Ri'.i'uni.K'AN, Ilummonton.
,MR. EDITOR : I woold like to call CHBRIFP'S SALE.
tbe attention of those who have so genA N ORDINANCE to amend an OrdiBy Tirtne of a writ of fieri faojas, to me diuuuuo cutiuou
entitled --An
"An urainanoo
Ordinance tor
erously patronized the game since we rected, issued oat of the New Jersey Court of _A » nance
Chancery, in a oanso wherein The People's Provide a Supply of Water for tbe Town
moved into our new quartets to the fact Bank
-- —_«.w» HV u. N.
*.. J.,
v.t is
to uvuifjiaiuaai of Hammonton.
that the members of our Base-ball Ciub and The Frnlt Growers' Union and Co-OporaIntroduced July 29,1899.
are amateurs, and play for the pleasure I will expose to tale at poBIlo Tondue, on
Section-1. Be it enacted, That Section 12 of
and sport of the game. They- are not
the ordinanco entitled "An ordinance topro«
Saturday, Sepf. 16,1809,
a supply of water for the. Town of Bnmpaid for their services. When it is at two o'clock In the afternoon of laid day, at
monton," passed Juno 24,1899, bo sod the
taken into consideration that the young the hotel of Mrs. Alexander Altkon, in tho same
is hereby amended to read as follows.
Town of Hammonton; in tbe County of Atlanmen devote nearly every afternoon, after tic ftnd State of New Jersey, all those tracts
Tbat this ordinanco shall not /bo construed
as effootivo-nnlcBS the said water works plant
a day's hard work, to practice, in order or parcels of land and promises, hereinafter shall
good, 70 c. per bushel Beading Special Bicycles,
bo so cons'trrjcted as to secure to tic"
particularly described, eltnate, lying and being
to be in condition to play on Saturday, in
owners of the Town of Hammontoa
the Town of Hatnmonton, ie tho County of
all the rebates and allowances given bythefor tbe entertainment and amusement Atlantic and State of New Jersey,—
Ladies* and Gents' of ua all,— their only idea of remunera- 1. Dwelling and stable at the corner of Board of Eire Underwriters and Adjusters to
Railroad Avenno and Thirteenth Street, hav- property .owners in to was having a water suption being the applause of their friends, ing a frontage on Railroad Avenue of one ply of a similar character. '
Sea. 2. That all ordinances and patta of on
don't you think it would be more gene- hundred and twenty-nine foet, and on Thir- dinances in conflict with this ordinance ato ,
Hamilton Bicycles —
teenth Street of ona hundred and fifty feet.
rous to close our eyes to the few errors
2. Beginning at the intersection of the
.dark or light,
Soc. 3. That this ordinance-shall tolro effect
Ladies' only, $18.60 they make, and i;ive hearty applause to centre
line of Washington Street with the
line of the .thirty feet right of way from tbe data of the final passage thereof. , '
4 cents per dozen.
their many good -plays ? At any rate easterly
described in the agreement mentioned in the
Chairman of Town Council.
I would ask that patrons refrain from attaoled advertisement: thence south-eastL.
Town Clerk.
erly along the centre of Washington Street
personal remarks, which are calculated about
020 bandied and thirteen feet to a
to embarrass tbe player and weaken corner; thence northeast to the northeasts
14 cents per can.
erlj eide of WaaMneton Street; tbenoe southbis play.
easterly along tbe same fifty feet to a comer;
Let us all go to the game in a spirit thence northeasterly three hundred and forty
And Sporting Goods Store. of friendliness to our players, and help feet to the southerly line of Railroad Avenue;
thence northwesterly along the said Railroad
Official Town Attorney,
them to keep up the good work they are A venae t tty feet to a corner; thence abrthArlitz Building, Hammonton,
easterJy to tbe line of the Oamden & Atlantic
doing. "We should be proud of them.
Company; thence along the said rail Room 37 Real Estate & Law Bailding,
•I cannot close without touching upon Railroad
road nortawesterly two hundred and twenty
is back to the old price,
Atlantic Oity. .
a more serious subject, which threatens feet and nine inches; thence southwesterly on
22 c. for a 28-pound bag
the success of our organization, which two hundred feet to a corner of lot one;
will be treated in a very different, if not thence along lot one northwesterly one hundred and twenty-nine feet to the easterly side
more effective way.
Practice in all Courts of the State.
of Thirteenth Street, thence southwesterly
alopg the said eido of Thirteenth Street one Money for first mortgage loans
I heve taken the Jno.Walther
has happened in tbe past, I will say hundred and eighty-seven feet to the norther
shop, on Third St., and will do tbat
Street; thence northanyone who uses profane or objec- Iy tide of.toWashington
the middle of Thirteenth Street;
all sizes, at right'prices.
all work in the wheelwright tionable language, or otherwise con- westerly
thence southwesterly along the middle of said
["and, blacksmith line.
Thirteenth Street about two Hundred and five
ducts himself in a manner offensive to faetto
a oorner; thence to a corner in the
tbe ladies and gentlemen who frequent right of way of the Philadelphia and Atlantic
Horse-shoeing a specialty. our
thence northeasterly nlong the
games, will be Immediately removed
san e to tbe easterly line of the thirty feet]
from the grounds by a policeman, who right of way described in an agreement menbe on duty at every game in the tioned in the annexed advertisement; thence
along the auid easterly aide northeasterly to
Very respectfully,
the place of beginning.
A. H. Phillips Co.
8und Slinil .Sund
p. m. a. ui. a. m. p.m. p.m p.m p.m
¥OL. 37.
Valentine & Hood
Funeral Directors.
All ImsineHa in their lino
promptly and carefully
attended to.
Nobody can longer doubt the efficacy
of the JDingley taTlfT law as a revenue
producer. It was originally intended
to produce at least, ono-balf of ordinary
revenues, which averaged before the
war expenditures began, one million
dollars a day, and DO additions for war
expenses were made to it except the tea
duty which brings less than a million
dollars a mouth. Yet tbe receipts
under it, since March 1st, have been
8103,000,000, or an average of almost
S700.000 a day. instead of tbe 8500,000
expected of it. Daring tbe same period
of tbe existence of tho lamented Wilson
law, the customs receipts were about
$75,000,000, or losa than three-fourths
of those under tbe Dlngloy Taw.
The people ot tho United States are
sending two hundred and fifty million
dollars a year out of the country to buy
tropical products, Including (Iber8,frult,
colfuo and sugar. Tho articles for
which this money IB expended can ail
bo grown in Porto Rico, Hawaii, and
tliu Flilipplnes, to eny nothing of Cuba.
When Americana and American capital
bccoiuo Interested ID tho Industries of
those islands, this vaet sum of money
can bo expended among our own people,
instead ol bolrig, as al present, paid to
of other countries.
M. Ii. JuoKisun,
GeiirRC Klviun,
JCium Btookwoll
O. F. Huxloii,
U. P. Oagood,
W. Il.TJltoi,.
.1.0. Auilitrxnii
W. J. Bmlth,
W.L. Black.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but Bhln Uruptloua rob life
of jov. liuoklon'a Arnica Halve, cured
tliitm, ftlno Old, H»UD|I>K, and Fever
Boron, Ulcers, Ilolln, Foloaa, Corns,
Win 18, OutH, IlrulsoB, IlnruH, Souldu,
(/happed Hindu, Chilblains. Boat Pilo
euro ou earth. Drives out pulua and aoheu.
"ft otB. n box. C'uiu gutiruutoixl.
Oortlilcutoa of uufeaii ln«ued, bourlno Only
Intoruut at tho rnto ol' U per cent, per nu- Bold by Dr. O. M. Crohell, JDrngnlst,
uuni if liold nix uiontha, and 8 per omit If
hold onoyoar.
Q. A. It. Encampment, Fhiluda.
On uoouunt ol tho Thlrty-tliird Annual
Riijonmiunont of tho Grnua Army of tlio
Knpiibllo, to bo hold at Philadelphia on
Hoiitiirnlmr '1, 6, 0, 7, tl, unil 0, the I'oiuiSV Bjifo Diipinilt; HOXPB Tor rent —J3 nylviuilu.Itiillroau C<un|)iuiy -will noil «xoui-Hlou UoltotH from iioliuu on tho Weut
f.'l.m). 9ft, i t n c l l l O y o i year.
Jornoy und Mtuuliorc Hullrond to I'lilliKlolplilu untl return, For Bpoolilo ruteii apply
to tlokut ugontH.
TlokotH will bo nold on Hoptonilior 2, <l,
A lulliinsortinontol hund and raaohln •1, und n, genii to rotum mull tjoptombur
1!3, luolunlvn; but, dy dopoNltltiK .ticket
made,—for work or driving.
with joint ugoiit at 1'lilliuli Iplilu on Huptombar (S, (I, 7, 8, or 0, and the jMiyniunt
of fifty ooutn, reliirn limit may bocxtamlRiding Saddles, Nota, etc. ed to Bcpteinlior SO, liiulualvo.
Hldo Trljw.
Diaoount days—Tueaday and
KrMuv ol' each wook.
._•.!.. -. ^ -. -
- *
Embalming a Specialty Trunks, Valises, Whips,
Oflioo and llotudencc,
208 Penoh Street,
la- W. OOCJIaKY,
Hammonton, N. J.
Tlokotn for Hldo trlpa to Wiinhlngton,
Old Point (Joinlort,, 0<'ttv«l>ilrg, Antlotuin, oud Virginia battlctlolda will ulso
bo uuKl ut grcutlj reduced nilou.
Subject to such rights as the Philadelphia
and • Atlantic City Railroad Company and its
anceeaiora may have in the right of wuy, not
exceeding thirty feet, mentioned in an agreement between Fruit Growers' Onion and CoOperative Society, Limited, and the Philadelphia and Atlantic Ciiy Railroad Company dated April 23,1884, and recorded at May's
Landing, in Book No. 3 of Miscellaneous
Records page 311, &o.
2. Beginning at the.Intersection of the easterly side of the thirty feet right of way described in ao agreement mentioned in the
annexed advertisement witb tho oortborly aide
of the Philadelphia and Atlantto City Railroad
Company; extending thunco northeasterly
along the said easterly side of tbe said thirty
foot right of way to tho middle of Washington
Streot; tbeaoe along tbe middle of Washington Street northeasterly eighty feot to a corner; thence south forty-seven degrees and
fifty minutes west one hjndrod and seventytwo feet to the northerly line of right of nay
of tho Philadelphia and Atlantic Ciiy Railroad
Company; tbenoe along tbe tamo northwesterly about two hundred and eighty foet to the.
place ut beginning.
Subject to the right of the Philadelphia and
Atlantic City Railroad Company and ite successors to break tho fwitob connections and
take up and remove all materials fuunlthed by
it In lha coal Hiding and troaelo, under the
agreement of August 4, 1886.
Doted August 10,1890.
TnoHPBOH A COLK, Solicitors.
By virtue of a writ of Deri fiolaa to rue directed, ftfpued out of the Circuit Oourt of
Alluntio County, in a cause ^wherein The
Peoplcii Dank of llammoulon Is complainant
and U. Ciouounio l» dufondunt, I will oxpoao
lo sale at |>ul>lio vendue, on
No. 25 Third Street,
Only the choicest.
Bread & Cakes
Always the besl
Cor. Second and Bellevue,
Tiiomluy, Bopt. 5,18!)1>,
at two o'clock In the afternoon of said day, nt
t he hotel of Mm. Alexander Attken, In the
Town of liummouton, County of Alluntio and
Bluto of Now Jersey, all ihut certain traot or
jmrcol of lunil, «ltuu(o, Ijinif, and liolng lu the
Town of Hiuuiiionton, County of Alluntio, nnd
Blatu of Now Jersey,—
llugliiiilnu ut u point In tho centre of 1'lno
lloud at the dlstunao of three hnnilrod and
iwunty roiln Norlhouat of Aiuln lload; tlionoo
«xt«ii'!lng (1) North forty five ilogtcoa and
thirty uiluuteii West eighty roils«lo a point;
thuuco (2) Noirh forty four dogreoa and thirty
mliiuius mint twenty-one roils to a .point;
thmmo (3) Hi-uih forty-0»o tlegreoa thirty
mlnuiM oui-t eighty rods to tho centra of
Muitufuoturorof the flneat VoruiioclU
1'luu Komi; tlionoo (4) ulong thu same Bouth
nud Fuuoy I'osto.
forty four degrees and thirty minutes West
twenty one ruda tu tho pUoo of bogluning, Mi<oo.trot)l In puokagoo, wltb <ilr«otl<ms.
oontatulnff ono and ono liulf acrua of land,
liu looau, ua well as tho packed of tlio
strict iiR'uuiiro, boliiK tho naoio {irainlgea that
vary beat quttllty, and nothing inferior
Annii Uliiolt convayeii lu lllujo Orosoenio, by
tu tho imported ones.
deoil duleil Miireh 20, 1BU8, and of rooonllu
tho Olxrk'ii ollloo of Alluntio County, lu liooU
„ ... Plrat-olaHB tickets t»
•l>oo.lf I2!l, lallo 678, Jko.
nil iiiirtu of tlio wond, wltli
Triint N'II. 'i. l!oginnloi; In llio I'ontro of IMoo
i sorvloo.
o»a ono liiiiulniil and eighty rods Iroui llm
euntro of ^lutu Itouii and corner to on* Cauipunolla's lino ; the MOO extending (1) along tiald
Uuiu|iiiiiellit'a luii'l Norlhwciitorly and »t rluht
aiiglou with uulil 1'lno Uoad olglity roiiu |
tluuio.i (1!) Northwciiitnrly, uud puruflol with
1'lno Houil tweutr ro<lo; thenco (3) Houthonitand a moat reliable line ot
orly anil irnullol with llrnt lino elguty rods to
all tho popular brands of
tho center »f 1'lno roud aforcanld; thouoo (i)
Tobacco, and my own make
along the eaine Hotithwostorly twenty roils tu
plaoo ol' IjoglnnliiK, oontuinhiK ton acres,
holng tlio BIIIIIO pronerty that John A. lloblnuoii eMiivbyuil to Hlnjo Cioaoanso by deoil
datol Oolobor X, 188S, and of ranonl In tho
In whnt I oull tbe attontloQ
Clark » Olllco of Alluiitlo County In llook of
of my old frlonds, and now
Dcoiln 100, folio 301, An.
Alao, well neleotocl
lino of nportlujc goodn.i**^
Datoil Annual 6, 18UI).
Tuounm.t A Cut.E, Attorney*.
i'r'n foe, «».U5.
Italian and American