Paw Press 5-1 - Clinton-Graceville
Paw Press 5-1 - Clinton-Graceville
Clinton Graceville Beardsley Paw Press Weekly Thursday: Lasagna, garlic toast, lettuce salad & apples Friday: Cheese pizza, corn, trail mix & applesauce Monday: Chicken pattie, smiley potatoes, tropical fruit mix & peas Tuesday: Scalloped potatoes & ham, pears, glazed carrots & dinner roll Wednesday: Fajitas, salsa, spaghetti sauce, lettuce salad & peaches April 30, 2015 2015 National Honor Society Induction By: Dalton Nilson The CGB National Honor Society inducted students into the NHS program on Monday, April 27. This year 12 students were inducted into the NHS program including : Natalie Basta, Jordan Bauer, Michael Bauer, Claire Chalupnik, Kendra Gilsdorf, Callie Kipp, Kyle Lampert, Kayla Moberg, Dalton Nilson, Austin Stueve, Kassidy Sykora and Sharon Tritz. Mrs. Wahl is the NHS Advisor. Community Volunteer Project: Beardsley City Park What: Prep and paint the Beardsley City Park equipment When: Sunday, May 3 starting at 2 p.m. Monday, May 4 starting at 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 6 at 4 p.m. Why: To improve the look of our City Park YOUR HELP IS MUCH APPRECIATED! The paint, a few brushes and other paint supplies will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own favorite brush and/or pail and wire brushes to help prep the equipment before painting. Also, we will be using oil paint, so please dress appropriately. Pillows! By: Sharon Tritz Mrs. Reisdorph taught these 7th grade students how to use the sewing machines and hand sew. Then they designed and drew their own patterns, chose the fabric and cut the patterns from that fabric. The students also learned how to use the iron to press open seams and iron out wrinkles on their fabrics. Students are: Casey Dahl, Emily Fryer, Michael Niesen, Justin Gillespie is in the back holding up his pizza slice pillow, Austin Folk is directly in front of Justin, and David Casper is on the far right. Page 1 Lunch Menu Volume 22, Issue 29 Weekly Senior Of The Week: Carrie Hiedeman By: Sam Bauer This week’s Senior of the Week is Carrie Hiedeman. She has been a part of track, basketball and volleyball. She works really hard at school and it has paid off as she is the valedictorian of the senior class! She is also the President of Student Council and the Secretary of the class! Page 2 I am best known for . . . Being smart One of my favorite high school memories was . . . Last day of school game days Being a senior finally makes me feel . . . Unsupervised I will miss . . . Sweet rolls and brunch for lunch I will miss . . . Being stuck in class and being shepherded by the bell What are your plans after high school . . . Go to NDSU for English Education My advice for the underclassmen is . . . Work hard. It will pay off. The Newest . . . Trend Kylie Jenner Challenge Selfie Quote “Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should!’’ Website Pitch Perfect 2 By: Kendra Gilsdorf Get ready! Pitch Perfect 2 will be coming out in theaters on May 15. The Barden Bellas are back in Pitch Perfect 2, the follow-up to 2012’s smash hit Pitch Perfect! This upcoming comedy film directed by Elizabeth Banks and written by Kay Cannon is about the Barden Bellas entering an international acappella competition that no American group has ever won before. You’ll be glad to know the cast is back including Rebel Wilson and Anna Kendrick, with a few new stars such as, Clay Matthews and several Green Bay Packers linemen as they show off their singing and dancing abilities! Girls Sports Summary Boys Sports Summary By: Karson Zych By: Kenedi Stotesbery The softball team traveled to Ashby Thursday, April 23 and they unfortunately, lost 13-7. They went to Hillcrest on Friday and they won 1918! Good job! They had a tournament in LQPV on Saturday and they beat Yellow Medicine, but lost to LQPV! Good luck the rest of your season! The track team traveled to LQPV last Friday. Rachael got first in the shot put and earned a new school record! Rachael also got first in the discus. The team of Cheyenne, Jamie, Rachael and Mikaela got fourth place in the 4x1. The track team traveled to Benson on Tuesday. Rachael placed first in the shot put. The team of Callie K., Nora, Jamie and Callie V. got seventh place in the 4x4. Callie V. also got seventh place in the triple jump. Good luck tracksters! Girl Athlete of the Week By: Jacey Douglas This week’s girl athlete of the week is not only my lucky #11 on the softball team, but plays outfield and is cheerleading captain, Alaina Kleindl! She is in cheerleading and softball. Her favorite sport out of the two to do is indeed, softball! She is best known for being crazy! Explain your pregame ritual or something lucky you have or do: Jamming out to music while crusin’ around with friends Favorite sports idol: Carly Manning Favorite Wolverine sports moment (involving you): Playing varsity in softball for the first time What game/event you are looking forward to: Playing against Ortonville The track team went to LQPV on Friday, April 24, where they did pretty well! Joey got first in the 110m and 300m hurdles, Riley, Isaac, Dillon, and Matt got first in the 4x2, Matt got first in the 200m, and Dillon got first in the triple jump! Good job! They traveled to Benson on Tuesday, April 28 and Cormick broke the new school record in the 110m hurdles with 14.89 seconds! The baseball team had a game last Friday against Hancock and they won 13-7. They had a game in Dawson-Boyd on Tuesday and they won 17-4! They are on a winning streak! Keep it up boys! They have a game against Hancock on Thursday and a game against Breckenridge on Friday! Good luck the rest of your season!! Boy Athlete of the Week By: Brittany Backer This week’s athlete of the week is Jacob Gillespie. He plays football, left field in baseball and is a member of the trapshooting team. He is known by his nickname “Gazelle.” My favorite sports idol is. . . John Abraham, football My favorite sports moment is. . . State trapshooting Favorite sports moment (professional sports). . . When the Angels won the Fiesta Bowl My favorite Wolverine sports moment (not involving me). . . State football in 2012 What game/event are you looking forward to. . . Next football season My favorite sport to play is. . . Football Page 3 Sports v Games Spring Maze and Color Fun Page 4 By: Hannah Breeggemann Staff Box Editors Brittany Backer (Page 4) Sam Bauer (Page 2) Hannah Breeggemann (Page 3) Rachael Kellen (Page 5) Callie Kipp (Page 8) Dalton Nilson (Page 6) Tanner Teske (Page 7) Sharon Tritz (Pages 1) Staff Writers Natalie Basta Jacey Douglas Stephanie Findlay Kendra Gilsdorf Gina Gilsdorf Collin Kellen Morgan Nordly ShaRaye Redfield Kenedi Stotesbery Karson Zych Technical Assistance Brice Hoffman Mrs. Holtz Mrs. Stueve Advisor Mrs. Jibben Throwback Retro Hair Accessories By: Rachael Kellen So rine Page 5 By: Gina Gildorf Jell-O urs ge ' Tan s d i Alto irt u EZ Sq Puddin g Pops Reese’s Swoops Wonder Ball Oreo O’s Sandwich Ritz Bits S’mores Cheese M ax Sticks Cheez-It Twiste rz Doritos 3D Page 6 √ It Out In School Opportunities Senior Updates By: Stephanie Findlay Testing has started and for many, it is not over yet! Here are some tips from Mrs. Wahl: Try to stay focused on the test, but stay loose and cool so you can move through the questions nice and easy. Sit comfortably, in a relaxed way, and keep your posture loose so you don’t add aches and pains to your list of worries. Remember to read directions and don’t rush through! Take your time and answer every question; even if you are guessing. If the test you are taking is timed, know ahead of time how many questions there are and how quickly you will have to move through each one. DON’T get distracted, and use all of your time wisely. Good luck everyone! Well seniors, we are down to the final month of high school! I know it seems like a relief to most of us, but before we start majorly slacking off there are still a few last minute things that we need to make sure we get done! First off make sure you have your party all planned out and everything ordered that you are going to need, including food, decorations, and beverages! You also need to get your invites ordered and sent out in the mail, they should be sent out this coming week if they haven’t been already! And finally make sure your grades are up so you can actually graduate! By: Morgan Nordly Save the Date By: Tanner Teske April 30– Golf @ Wheaton April 30– Baseball @ Hancock May 1-8– MCA Testing May 1– Track @ Sisseton May 2– JH Baseball tournament @ Wheaton May 5– Golf @ Henning May 6— Cap and Gown Pictures May 7– JH Track @ Milbank May 9– Baseball Tournament @ LQPV May 12– Golf @ West Central Area May 12— Spring Concert May 19— Elementary Concert May 25– Memorial Day (No School) May 29– Last Day of School May 31– Graduation F-U-N Jokes and Riddles By: Collin Kellen Q: Who earns a living getting rid Q: What do you get from a of their customers?? pampered cow? A: Taxi drivers! A: Spoiled milk Q: Why did the picture go Q: What do lawyers to jail?? wear to court? A: It was framed!! A: Lawsuits! Q: What’s the difference between a guitar and a fish? A: You can’t tuna fish! Q: What do you call a baby monkey? A: A chimp off the old block Q: Why don’t you give Elsa a balloon? A: She will let it go! Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest? A: An investigator Page 7 Animal Facts Trivia Crack By: Natalie Basta By: Samuel Bauer Turtles can breathe through their butts. In China, killing a panda is punishable by death. 1. Where is the Canayma Jungle? 2. Where is rugby originally from? 3. How many squares are there on a chess board? 4. What is LeBron James’ nickname? Cows have best friends. Rat’s laugh when they are tickled. 5. What sport uses pass, set and hit? 6. Swords are used in which martial art? 1. Venezuela 2. England 3. 64 4. The King 5. Volleyball 6. Ninjitsu Dog’s nose prints are as unique as human finger prints. Polls What do you miss about high school? By: Jacey Douglas Playing tennis! Not a thing. Mr. Manning Kitchen Deb Drafting and Art Mrs. Birkholz Sports I played, otherwise nothing! Kitchen Carol Speech Mrs. Arens What’s your first thought when you wake up? By: Brittany Backer Can I go back to sleep? Clash of Clans!!! My wonderful girlfriend Natalie Basta Dillon Bork Michael Bauer Page 8 I’m going to be late! My bed is warm Gina Gilsdorf Mikaela Bork If you could change one thing about yourself, you would be . . . ? By: Hannah Breeggemann Taller Better At Sports Mr. Piechowski Stronger Smarter Myah Issendorf Melanie Sigler Morgan Nordly Riley Kleindl Katie Costello
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