Pablo Pijnappel Works
Pablo Pijnappel Works
Pablo Pijnappel Works Pablo Pijnappel Works Contents This publication was made possible with the kind support of the Mondriaan Fund. This publication was made possible with the kind support of the Mondriaan Fund. This publication was made possible with the kind support of the Mondriaan Fund. 2015 2014 55 Preface 66 Introduction 10 Invasion The Partyof the Killer Frogs 5 22 20 Preface Em frente ao oceano Casa da Michèle 6 30 24 5 Introduction Now We’llser Gode ‘tilum thecinza End translúcido Pareciam Preface 636 10 32 Introduction The Party Lucas 22 40 44 10 30 44 52 22 50 30 36 58 Casa da Michèle Nima The Party Pareciam ser de um cinza translúcido The Playmakers Casa da Michèle Lucas Pareciam sertode um cinza translúcido Lucas Goes Church Curriculum Vitae 2013 40 59 63 36 44 66 40 50 72 44 Nima Lucas The Playmakers Nima Lucas The Playmakers 2012 Curriculum Vitae 50 59 80 Lucas Sebastian Curriculum Vitae 59 85 2014 2013 2014 2013 Works 2nd edition, edition, 2016 2015 3rd Contents Contents For contact please write to [email protected] Works Copyright@2014-13 by Pablo Pijnappel. All rights unreserved. 6 2nd edition, 2015 Any part of this publication may be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any Works form or by any means, eletronic or mechanical, without permission in writing 2nd 2015 fromedition, the author. For contact please write to [email protected] Published by Pineapple Tree Press, by Reichenberger Str. 107, 10999unreserved. Berlin Copyright@2014-13 Pablo Pijnappel. All rights For contact please write to [email protected] Design appropriated by Any part of this publication may be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any Pablo Pijnappel from H.L. Chu and Michael Kenna form or by any means, eletronic or mechanical, without permission in writing Copyright@2014-13 by Pablo Pijnappel. All rights unreserved. Printed by from the author. Any part of this publication may be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any ‘Marcel’ form or by any means, eletronic or mechanical, without permission in writing Published by from the author. Pineapple Tree Press, Reichenberger Str. 107, 10999 Berlin Design appropriated by Published by Pablo Pijnappel from H.L. Chu and Michael Kenna Pineapple Tree Press, Reichenberger Str. 107, 10999 Berlin Printed by 3 Preface Although in many ways I remain an experimental filmmaker at heart, since 2013 I have started to engage more often with forms that go beyond the audiovisual based mediums. For many years working mostly within the paradigm of the moving-image, I dedicated quite some of that time to a certain archeology of cinema, using the 16 mm and the slide film at a time when these type of analog technique was rapidly being made considered out-dated as the new cheap low-quality products brought by the digital revolution flooded the market. I found their inherited transparent process, endowed in their relative primitiveness within the context of binary language-based machines, as a ready-made deconstruction of image making and remaking. Therefore, the 16 mm and the slide-projector proved to be very adequate tools to help me desiccate the image constructions made by our psychic apparatuss.— not exactly an original idea, but one worth rescuing before was too late. Almost ten years later, I feel now that a certain chapter of my oeuvre is complete and that I can move forward into new grounds: Text based works, performances, audio installations and site specific works are some of the languages that I decided to borrow to expand my exploration of the relation between narrative and memory. Photographing for Publication by Norman Sanders, published in 1983. Because of the nature of these works, which opposed to films and slide-installations, happen often hors du champ, that is to say in a space and time outside a frame which cannot be disseminated after the fact as a video documentation, for the first time the need was created to have a more traditional catalogue, where an explanatory text can be read along with photographs, that together try to emulate something that has been made for, or in, a specific place and situation. As it happens, the com- plications involved in the relation between text and image are part of my practice, allowing me to approach the otherwise daunting task of documentation as another creative endeavor. The catalogue which you have now spread on your screen has its design and layout appropriated of a book I once found in the throw-away carton box of a friend who was moving between studios, and who had Mr. Sanders as a teacher in art-school — presumably in his photography class. Since the field of photography is pertinent to me, which in Richard Prince’s words — very cynically put in his trial for the Canal Zone works — is a precursor of the download and copy-and-paste of images, I found the arbitrariness to buccaneer this book convincing enough. During my own early study in fine arts in the V.A.V. (Previously Audiovisual) department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, I was thought that the process is more important than the end result — which mainly meant that they wanted you coming to class rather than only showing up in the day of the exam. Therefore this catalogue should be considered an on-going project, which will be constantly improved and expanded (towards both the future and the past) as I continue to make newer works and unearth documentation from earlier ones. Please do not hesitate to ask for further material. Rio de Janeiro, January Rotterdam, January 20152015 5 Introduction Formally, my work explores the mechanisms of memory through storytelling. To tell stories is always to look back, or at least, to project the past into the future. I’m fascinated with our inherit aptitude of abstracting time into key moments creating constantly a narrative of our past. My works convey in underlying this premise by presenting stories that haven’t been thoroughly finished and left partly fragmented — not very unlike an incomplete jigsaw puzzle — in order that each one will have to place the pieces together in the attempt of making a coherent story from it. Inevitably, each viewer makes their own version, using their pool of images and of knowledge in their mind to fill in the gaps. Sigmund Freud in his first book, The Interpretation of Dreams, mentions that our recollection of a dream we had on the previous night is nothing but a constructed memory of a far more fragmented and irrational unconscious impulse. In fact, Freud says that as we remember the dream we adjust events in a more coherent order and perhaps fill in the remaining gaps of an illogical dream sequence with ready-made thoughts from previous dreams or fantasies (e.g., day-dreams). He names this reflex of consciousness as Secondary Revision; he claims to be the same agency that makes optical illusion possible, or sonorous illusion, for that matter (like hearing our name being shouted by a complete stranger, only to realize that the word uttered was actually very different). When I first read that theory, I immediately had to remember something that Chris Marker once said: “Actually, when we are in a cinema what we are watching for most of the time is darkness. For every frame of a picture the shutter from the projector closes twice. It’s in the darkness that a story sets in our minds.” This reflex, Freud’s Second- 6 ary Revision, that our minds does in order to make unfinished information a complete coherent whole is what makes the illusion of cinema possible, as well as, perhaps, dreams and memory. A French communication entrepreneur and former journalist, Franck Frommer, wrote the book, La Pensée PowerPoint, which states the dangers of abusing the Microsoft application. He argues that PowerPoint can forestall criticism upon a given project being presented, hiding flaws in logic in the proposal of the orator by its (almost hypnotic) power of illustration (bright colored images being projected in the dark) that help to give weak arguments the illusion of coherence. According to Frommer, “PowerPoint c’est du Cinèma”. Another book, on the same apparently banal subject, is The Cognitive Style of Power Point, by the American Edward Tufte, that demonstrates how the graphic and discursive mechanism of PowerPoint helped Colin Powell “sell” to the United Nations the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq... having changed radically of environment, who walked out of the beaten path, or a place as a subject where this kind of characters transit, a sort of hubs for adventurers and lost souls, that usually are places of transition and of transformation. These protagonists usually resemble someone real or an existing place is seen through peculiar angle; is irrelevant if they are fictional or not, as they are merely subjects, case-studies, for an examination of our construction of space and time. The combination of text with image plays a strong role in conveying the compelling meaning. According to Ronald Barthes, photographs are de-connoted images waiting to be connoted by words like any newspaper can prove. I feel that the written and spoken language, juxtaposed with images form one and the same cognitive thinking, just like our perception apparatus is constituted of consciousness and unconsciousness. “When we dream we think in images and when we are awake we think in concepts,” Freud once suggested. As a subject, my films sometimes employ the convention of storytelling of having some kind of protagonist as a seeing-eye, an object of identification, who is invariably someone that has a nomadic nature, 7 2014 2015 9 9 2014 Transcription 60 posters, found Performance, 50’ stereo and party debris 2014 2015 10 12 The Partyof the Killer Frogs Invasion The is asite-specific site specificworks instalOne Party of three lation tailored for commissioned for the the off-space group show Die Raum in Berlin. A Mão Negativa, thatThe tookspace placeis located near to Eberswalder Straße, in Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro. in Prenzlauer Berg;isaan district which The venue, which interesting in its heydays roughlyan less hybrid between—anuntil art-school, than ten years agoand —aused to be the exhibition space public park, cool hip area. then it drasticontains in its Since grounds a strange cally morphed into a predominantly and labyrinthine garden, which, bourgeois neighborhood became alongside an ostentatiousand neoclassiacalsort of cautionary taletheofearly how XX fast villa, was made in gentrification can changeplantation the characcentury by a sugar-cane ter of a as place. owner, a gift to his eccentric wife, an Italian opera singer. During the Because of thethe local neighborhood’s performance, public was taken recent history, I thought it was pertifor a walk across the park, which nent to tackle Berlinincludes emblem athat between otherathings, started to be exploited fake medieval tower, amore large recently, stone which is the local party culture; aquarium, and a slave’s bathhouse, considered one of six the dreams main traits of while I recounted I had. the what startedthe as a TheGerman dreams capital, all had in common consequence for being cheap place fact of being very vividaand cinepopulated withstorytelling, the creativeasclass, matic in their well in last yearsfitting became more of an as the particularly to the nearly industry for tourists, hordes of lunatic landscape thatwith the park’s young gardenpeople offers. taking cheap flights for the weekend to party in increasingly expensive clubs. The Party IThe wrote a short-story is a walk is presentedwhich as a guided fictionalization a new year’s tour through theofpark, and as theparty Iplace had thrown with — friends, — I calltogether it The Zone where few months before, whichimprobahad gotI have witnessed certain ten bit outatofnight. hand.Slowly, I transferred ble aevents as the the story to the area near Dieinto Raum, different dreams intertwine one in the turn the of the year and between 2005 narrative, garden, everything and 2006, the time that around theeffectively park’s grounds, suggentrification from the hit its gest the cartography ofarea someone’s maximum point, makingthe hordes of unconscious. Although subject young and hipster roll down of sleepartist or dreams are never directly the hill towards the next cool place enunciated, the audience is induced then: Kreuzberg. appropriated Die to infer that they Imight be dreaming Raum’s silkscreen infrastructure themselves. — they print their flyers into amusingly large posters — andisdivided The dreams’ provenance an the storythat intoI sixty posters (includarchive had been building ing plain colored ones that served for the last eight or nine years, by to brakeaccounts the storyafter intowaking chapters) taping up that were four geometrical from split someinto gripping night excur-grids designed of the three comsions, thatfor areeach particularly clear due pletely irregular interrupted walls of thesleep space. to my recurrent In the opening evening caused by insomnia. Aswe partthrew of my aongoing party that easily into filledthe thepsychic small research fifteen squarewhich feet gallery. the mechanisms render Later both redebris of theand party were left inworkthe membering storytelling, space as props for the material, installation. ing with unconscious i.e. spontaneous narratives, is a logical step. The fact that these dreams in areDie Detail of installation Installation in Die Raum, filled with cinematographic referRaum, Berlin, Photo by Berlin, 2014.2014. Photo by Jan ences — including violence — give JanWindszus. Windszus. Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. 2014 I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. But since Femke still hadn’t held a house warming party, and since her house was much more central than mine, we decided to locate the New Year’s Eve party at her new place, which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had Performance in Parque gone to visit his mother in Bogota. Lage, Rio de Janeiro. Photo by Daniel Just after Christmas, Jablonski. 10 when Femke and Chloe had returned from their that about fifty guests would come 60 posters, found stereo party debris respective families in Holland and and — in fact I secretly expected that England — I stayed working at at least fifty of my friends would home with my cat — we met in her come. It was our aspiration that after house to plan the party. After a tour the fireworks, people would stay to around the house, we regrouped dance. in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very We were all very excited and anxclose friend of Femke, was a short, ious to see how everything would red-haired artist, completely covered play out. I had a special reason for with freckles, with the Centaur con- having certain anxieties because my stellation sprinkled on her face. She new fling might come that night. told us about her Christmas thrills Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebain a small coastal town in England, nese girl who was a good friend of where in a truly regressive experiChloe, and whom I had met during ence, she had to sleep in the bunk a dinner party back in the summer. bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, We had been in touch for almost two while outside rained miserably, she months through e-mails and longsat in the living room watching her distance calls, while she was abroad nephew drive an orange Porsche in in Romania and Lebanon. We had circles with his new PlayStation. two brisk, feverish nights before she Because she had just moved from went to Romania, where she took Paris where she had been living for part in an artist residency close to Thepast Party is years, a site specific instal-con- Bucharest. I wrote a short-story which me is ato the five she couldn’t She had invited lation tailored theguests off-space fictionalization a new year’s On party tribute so muchfor with for the visit her, which of I had accepted. Die Raum in turned Berlin.out Thetospace is I had thrown with an friends, party, which be comthe same day together that I bought expenlocated fine nearwith to Eberswalder few months before, hadagotpletely Femke whoStraße, was sive ticket, her fatherwhich suffered fatal in Prenzlauer Berg; a district which ten a bit out in ofBeirut, hand. Icausing transferred concerned about having too many heart attack her to in its heydays — until less the story to the area people who might end roughly up wrecking leave to Lebanon thenear nextDie day.Raum, thannew ten apartment. years ago — used to be the in the turn of the year between 2005 her cool hip area. Since then it drastiand 2006, her effectively time that Somehow father’sthe death seemed callybought morphed a predominantly gentrification from the area We the into drinks together, but I to have brought us closer, ashit if Iits bourgeois neighborhood became had maximum making was in charge of the foodand — which enteredpoint, her life so herhordes father of a sort of tale of how youngleave artistit. and hipster rollback down would becautionary Brazilian of course —fast and could Once I was from gentrification change the charac- Bucharest, the hill towards next anyway cool place they took carecan of the decoration wherethe I went ter ofsetting a place. then: Kreuzberg. appropriated and up the space. During the — I couldn’t get aI refund — andDie Raum’sinsilkscreen infrastructure afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked stayed a cheap hotel by myself, ofthey the local — theyaprint their flyers into amusaBecause feijoada, hungneighborhood’s colorful filhaving terrific time encounterrecent I thought it wasroom perti- ing ingly largeofposters — and ters onhistory, the lamps in the living packs ravenous straydivided dogs in nent because to tackleCarlos a Berlin emblem that the story intowe sixty (includand, was paranoid dark streets, keptposters daily contact started to beinexploited recently, inglong plaindistance coloredcalls onesand thate-mails. served that people the partymore would steal by which is the culture; to brake themore storythan intoone chapters) his books, thelocal girlsparty covered the Now, after monththat we considered one of the main traits of were split intosee four geometrical grids book shelves with a gold aluminum would finally each other again. I the German capital, what started designed for iteach ofbut theIthree comfoil, shielding Carlos’ books fromas a didn’t know then, was seDetail of of installation consequence for being a cheap place cretly pletelybecoming irregular walls the space. the gaze of intellectually inclined very attached to her Photo by de tal populated with the creative class, In the opening evening we threw thieves. already; even though I Fulano consciously in the last years became more of an a party easilytoo filled theexpectasmall tried to that not have many industry with fifteenwith square gallery. Later The threefor of tourists, us had no ideahordes how of tions, the feet presentiment that the youngpeople peopletotaking cheap flights debris theneedy party were left inwhile the many expect; Berlin was she wasofjust and lonely for the weekend to party parties in increasspace as props for theand installation. blooming with Silvester to mourning her father once back ingly expensive compete with, inclubs. our neighborhood in Berlin she would let me down. alone there would be dozens and Installation in Die Raum, dozens of house parties for people to I discovered too late that my feelings Berlin, 2014. Photo by Jan choose between; our assessment was behaved then like vines that would Windszus. The Party 11 13 11 Transcription Femke, andof I were organizing them theChloe capacity reflecting how athe New Year’s party together. It was consumption of popular culture the winteringrained of 2005, in andour weminds. all still becomes lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about Was under that interpretation that the time when most of the younger I shaped my persona in the perartists and the hipsters leaving formance, guidewere or keeper in en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, the walk, inspired on the hosts of which wasTV fully flourishing the anthology series, such asasHitchnew place-to-be, starting its own cock’s Hour, or more appropriately, self-obliteration towards totalbut gentriThe Twilight Zone. And last, not fication, the same cycle that Prenleast, I named the park The Zone, zlauer Bergreference was completing then. as a direct to Tarkovisky’s But we were already not that young The Stalker. — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollTranscription ers like nowadays. Good evening, I had already been living Welcome to the Zone. I’ll in beBerlin your for five years then and had hosted guide here tonight, and in this tour several parties, we are about to always begin, Iwith will the try help of Femke and herof boyfriend. to describe some the eventsI used I to live in a large loft witness every night Inear find Wedding, myself with tolerant neighbors here. incredibly Despite that these occurrences who never called the police, despite amount to very improbable and very the fact that we usually partied durimplausible narratives, I can assure ing the I’m weeabout youweekdays that all theuntil stories Especially in the first years, I was tell you weren’t in any way fabricatstill sort of half living here and in ed or invented — they were simply Rio. Because I was terribly afraid found, discovered. Whenever I findof flying, always farewellinparmyself Ihere, it’s gave like Iasneaked a ty on the day before the film set during shooting,departure, but whoseto make sure Iwas would in because the planeof film-script lost.get And very tired and hungover; actually, the time-pressure put in place by the in myproduction innermost costs, fears, the I did believe high director that every farewell party could is obliged to film from memory,be my last good-bye togaps my friends. improvising for the he doesn’t remember, and appropriating everyBut Femke still thingsince he stumbles overhadn’t duringheld the a house warming party, and since her shooting, like a dejected paperback house was much more central than novel, scraps of newspaper, toilet mine, we decided locate thein-New one-liners, hearsay,toetc... For Year’s Eve party at her new place, stance, once it unfolded before me which was a newly renovated, spathe following scene... cious, ground floor apartment, close to Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn 1stthe Dream station, where she had moved with her the ...Anhalf-Colombian isolated house boyfriend, in the countrywriter Carlos, who at the time had side. A burglar enters it and surrengone tosingle visit his mother Bogota. der the mother andinher two teenage daughters who live there. Just afterthem Christmas, He tight with a when rope orFemke maybe 12 The 2014 Party 2015 and Chloe locked had returned from their he simply them in a room. respective families in Holland and Either way, he took one of the girls England — I stayed working at to a room by himself. While the man home withwith my cat we the metother in her was gone one— sister house to plan the party. After a tour young girl manages to escape. Later, around the house, we regrouped the daughter returns (maybe actually in the kitchen to have drinkstoand together with her mother?), find cigarettes. Chloe, who wasofashock. very her sister alone, in a state close friend of her Femke, a short, But other than dresswas being torn red-haired artist, completely and some sign of blood here covered and with withotherwise the Centaur there,freckles, she seemed safeconstellation sprinkled on her face. She and there was no sign of the man, to told us about her Christmas thrills everyone’s relief. But the burglar apin a small town England, pears againcoastal standing byin a doorway, where in a truly regressive experiholding a double-barrel shotgun that ence, she had to sleep in the bunk he might have found in the house. bed 10-year-old nephew, The of girlher who was violated goes and, while outside rained miserably, she berserk and produces from somesat in the living room watching her where a very long revolver (which nephew drive orange Porsche in maybe was theanburglar’s). She raises circles with his new PlayStation. the gun holding it with both hands, Because shethehad justasmoved fromto and aim at man, she starts Paris where she had been living for slowly walk towards him. She pulls the past five years, she couldn’t conback the revolver’s hammer with tribute much with guests for the a thumbsoand only stops walking party, which turned out to be when her gun is near the facecomof the pletely Femke who was is burglar fine and with the shotgun’s muzzle concerned about havingSuddenly too manythe touching her forehead. people who might end up wrecking lights are out. Nothing is to be seen. her new apartment. Gradually an image start appearing from within the darkness, as if We bought drinksitself together, it would be the forming on thebut I was in charge of the food — which surface of a body of water. Among would be Brazilian of course —itand its ripples that swirl clockwise, they took care of the decoration becomes eventually discernible that and up the space. During the a girlsetting is driving a car along a desertafternoon of the 31st, while I cooked ed road at dusk. She wears a long adress feijoada, they hung and seems very colorful differentfilthan ters on the lamps in the room before; she has maturedliving — now she and, becauseOn Carlos was paranoid is a woman. the back-seat, lays that people in the party would She steal a (the) double-barrel shotgun. his books, the girls covered the arrives in a town that seems to be book shelves with a goldisaluminum relatively small (maybe a suburb foil, shielding Carlos’ books from of a big city), and parks in front of the gaze of intellectually inclined a social housing building; low, gray thieves. and brutal. As if the apartment house was put through a gigantic x-ray The three the of us had noofidea machine, interior eachhow apartmany people to expect; Berlin was ment slid by, showing the humble, blooming with Silvester parties working-class residents who areto compete with, in ourorneighborhood either watching TV, sleeping, or alone there would be dozens and talking to each other. There remains dozens of house parties for people one particular apartment, where in to choose our assessment was a room between; there are three single beds. Transcription that fiftythe guests come Oneabout is empty, otherwould two have — in fact I secretly expected that each a man of dubious complexion at least fifty of my friends would sitting on them, on their undershirts. come. It was ourfaces, aspiration that after Their unshaven paired with the fireworks, people would stay to sly little eyes, smoke cigarettes with dance. a certain stoic boredom, as if they were practicing being in a prison We all very excitedabout and anxcell.were There’s something the ious to see how everything third empty bed which callswould attenplay hadempty a special reason forit tion. out. LikeI an hat or glove, having certain anxieties because stands poignantly as a symbol formy new fling who mightis come thatSomeone night. someone missing. Soraya was a small, plumpy that isn’t there sleeps on thatLebabed. nese girliswho was a good friend of Where he? There’s an intrinChloe, and I had something met during sic logic in whom this image, ahanging dinner party back in the summer. on the cigarette smoke that We had been in touch for almost two veil everything like a blue mist, that months through e-mails and longleaves no doubt that bed belongs distance calls, who whileraped she was abroad to the burglar the girl. in Romania and Lebanon. We had In the kitchen of the apartment, (or two brisk, feverish nights before she maybe is next door?) there’s a little went to Romania, where she took party happening. Neighbors crack part an artist close toto jokesinand laugh,residency while listening Bucharest. She had invited me to radio music. A woman is cooking visit her, which I had accepted. On something in a pan. Suddenly the the same day that I bought an expencarouse is interrupted by a power sive ticket, father suffered fatal cut. All the her lights go off. Shotsaare heart attack in Beirut, causing her heard. Once the eyes get used to to leave to Lebanon day. of the darkness, one the seesnext a couple bullets going through a wall and (or) Somehow father’s death a door. Theher woman that was seemed cooking to have brought us closer, I was almost certainly hit byasaifstray had entered her life so her father bullet. Things get pitch dark now, could leaveanit.image Once slowly I was back from and again forms. Bucharest, where I went anyway The burglar is now seen wearing — I couldn’t get a refund and a dark suit, talking to other—men stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, dressed similarly. They all have a having a terrific time encountervery shady and shifty body language ing packs of ravenous dogs in and facial expression. stray It becomes, dark streets, we kept daily contact therefore, clear that the once-upby long distance calls burglar and e-mails. on-a-time small time now Now, after more than one month we works for the mafia. At some point, would finally see each other again. maybe someone casually drops it, I didn’t know it item then, within but I was like one more the sesmallDetail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her talk amongst crooks, that the head Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously of the family they work for wants tried notex-burglar. have too many expectato seetothe He immeditions, with the presentiment ately becomes nervous, and that maybe she just needy and lonely while trieswas to hide it by sucking the tip of mourning her father and once back a cigarette. The meeting will take in Berlin would let me down. place in ashe particular Italian restaurant, where the mafia often gathers. Detail of installation in Die IAs discovered toothe latetime that my he waits for to gofeelings toPhoto the by Raum, Berlin, 2014. behaved like that would meeting,then he becomes gradually more Janvines Windszus. 13 Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. I was terribly afraid tenseBecause and afraid. Something is out of flying, I always gave a farewell parof the protocol about this intimation ty on the day before the departure, for him to be this nervous. When heto make I would get inthat theeveplane arrivessure in the restaurant very tired and hungover; actually, ning, and finds it completely empty, in innermost fears,worried. I did believe he my starts to get really The that every farewell party be only waiter working takescould him to my last good-bye to my friends. a table, where the man waits for a long while, smoking and worrying. But since still hadn’t held Finally theFemke boss comes in with hisa house warming party, and since her wife. He is the cliché mafioso: bald, house was much more central than fat and in his fifties. His wife is also mine, we decided by to locate thelayNew not disappointing wearing Year’s Eve party at her new place, ers of make up and a fur coat. The which was awho newly renovated, spaex-burglar, by then is completecious, ground floor apartment, ly exasperated, sweating slight-close to Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn ly, the can’t help himself but asking station, where she had moved with directly about the purpose of that her half-Colombian boyfriend, the meeting. The wife is the one that writer Carlos, who at the time had answers saying that they were sorry gone visitdelay his mother in they Bogota. for thetolong but that had forgotten they had another engageJust whenwhere Femkethe ment;after alsoChristmas, in a restaurant, Invasion The of the Killer Frogs Party and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and England — I stayed working at home with my cat — we met in her house to plan the party. After a tour around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very close friend of Femke, was a short, red-haired artist, completely covered with freckles, with the Centaur constellation sprinkled on her face. She told us about her Christmas thrills in a small coastal town in England, where in a truly regressive experience, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought drinks I food, by thethe way, was together, delicious.but The was in charge of answer the foodmakes — which senseless of that the would be Brazilian of apprehensive. course — and ex-burglar even more they tookagain, care of theadecoration He asks now trifle more petand setting up was the space. During ulant, why he summoned likethe afternoon of the while I cooked that — what was31st, happening? The aboss feijoada, theyhand hung filputs one oncolorful his shoulder, ters in the livingDon’t room and on triesthetolamps calm him down. and, Carlos wasfind paranoid worrybecause kid. You’ll soon out. Just that people in theThe party would steal another minute. ex-burglar’s his books, the give girls in covered nerves finally — thatthe was the book shelves a gold aluminum last straw. Hewith stands up and defiantfoil, shielding Carlos’ bookswhatever from ly urges his boss to deliver the gaze intellectually he has toof deliver, becauseinclined he just thieves. can’t wait anymore. The mafioso, changing his tone, gathers all his The three and of usintimidate had no idea authority his how man to many people expect; sit back downtoand wait, Berlin unless was he blooming Silvester to would likewith to see him getparties mad. The compete with, in our neighborhood ex-burglar obeys, scared, and even alone be dozens very and thoughthere he iswould sure something dozens of house parties he forsits people bad is going to happen, backto choose between;that ourhis assessment was down, resigned fate lays on that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would come. It was our aspiration that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. We were all very excited and anxious to see how everything would play out. I had a special reason for having certain anxieties because my new fling might come that night. Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebanese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while she was abroad in Romania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to brought closer, asboss if I and thathave other man’s us hands. The had entered her life so her father his wife leave, and not long after a could leave it. Once I was back from beautiful woman, elegantly dressed, Bucharest, where I went anyway enters the restaurant. She walks — I couldn’t get his a refund — and directly towards table and sits in stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, front of him. The woman then stares having a terrific time encounterdeep into his eyes. ing packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark 2nd streets, Dreamwe kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, one month we A manafter just more wokethan up somewhere would finally see each around the countryside other near aagain. smallI didn’t know it then, but I was setown which might serve as a subDetail of installation cretly veryHis attached urb forbecoming a biggerPhoto city. name to is her by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously Jacques. He doesn’t know where tried have too many expectahe is to —not can’t remember where he tions, with the presentiment slept — and this is definitelythat not she was just needyhe and lonely while his house. Maybe slept at his mourning her father and once back mother’s, he muses, within the in Berlin of sheanwould let memind, down. haziness inebriated still in the grip of a long awakening, as Ihediscovered tooby late my feelings drives home thethat countryside. behaved then like vines that He parks in front of a gardenwould of a 13 Transcription beautifulChloe houseand thatI were seemsorganizing to have Femke, bloomed from the profile of asimply New Year’s party together. It was a mountain day.and Thewe first the winter ofone 2005, allfloor still is in fact completelyBerg, carved lived in Prenzlauer justinside abouta slope; while themost second floor is half the time when of the younger over the surface andwere halfleaving inside the artists and hipsters en mountain, and where the main masse down thethat’s hill to Kreuzberg, entrance is,fully accessible by a stone which was flourishing as the path place-to-be, which half-circles the new startingaround its own garden. Inside thetowards foyer, the self-obliteration totalclinkgentriing of a key thethat key-hole fication, the entering same cycle Prenis heard. Thewas door-knob turnsthen. and zlauer Berg completing Jacques entersalready with anot dazed But we were thatlook young on we his were face, as he would be still— so — in our mid-thirties half-awoken, half-dreaming. For we had no plans to leave. Besides, a moment he catches a glimpse of Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough his wife, she dashes through edges leftwhile and wasn’t completely the house, taken over deliberately by armies ofavoiding baby strollJacques, exiting by the back door ers like nowadays. in the kitchen. That seems to throw him deeper in living disarray. He I hadeven already been in Berlin walks his house, looking for fivearound years then and had hosted with a certain several parties,astonishment always with and the help curiosity and the furof Femkethe andobjects her boyfriend. I used niture scattered as to live that in a lay large loft nearthere, Wedding, if in search of some clueneighbors or hint with incredibly tolerant that would explainthe him what despite was who never called police, happening. he steps into the the fact thatWhen we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. But since Femke still hadn’t held a house warming party, and since her house was much more central than mine, we decided to locate the New Year’s Eve party at her new place, which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had gone to visit his mother in Bogota. Just after Christmas, when Femke 14 12 12 2014 The 2014 Party 2015 comfortable living-room he beand Chloe had returned from their haves as if families he hadn’tinbeen thereand for respective Holland many years. around England — IEverything stayed working at him shouldwith feel my familiar, home cat —but wethey met only in her resonate memories things that house to as plan the party.ofAfter a tour look similar to things know. His around the house, we he regrouped eyes in everything with voraciin thetake kitchen to have drinks and ty. In the living-room a large cigarettes. Chloe, whothere’s was a very window withofa Femke, panoramic close friend wasview a short, over the valley, lays oncovered its red-haired artist,where completely bottom the small-town. He is conwith freckles, with the Centaur contemplatingsprinkled the landscape stellation on herwhen face. some She rumbling is heard coming from the told us about her Christmas thrills third floor,coastal where town the bedroom is. in a small in England, Jacquesinwalks the staircase and where a trulytoregressive experisees ashe friend climbing down ence, hadoftohis sleep in the bunk fromofthe He walks past bed herbedroom. 10-year-old nephew, and, Jacques without greeting or saying while outside rained miserably, she anything. He or room Jacques climb down sat in the living watching her to the first floor, under the nephew drive an which orangeisPorsche in ground,with where them prepares circles hisone newofPlayStation. a drink from a small that from stands Because she had just bar moved in there, nearshe thehad staircase. The for Paris where been living friend, Jacques, near theconthe pastorfive years, waits she couldn’t stairs insothe second-floor until tribute much with guests forhethe ends up coming down the party, which turned outtotomeet be comother who drinking some pletely fineiswith Femke whowhiswas key on ice.about Jacques thinks concerned having tooabout many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and they took care of the decoration and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, they hung colorful filters on the lamps in the living room and, because Carlos was paranoid that people in the party would steal his books, the girls covered the book shelves with a gold aluminum foil, shielding Carlos’ books from the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves. The three of us had no idea how many people to expect; Berlin was blooming with Silvester parties to compete with, in our neighborhood alone there would be dozens and dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was Transcription punching the face, that about his fiftyfriend guestsonwould come butindoesn’t know what to think, — fact I secretly expected thatin what believe, what to do. Finalat leasttofifty of my friends would ly, after hesitations, asks come. It many was our aspirationhe that after the fireworks, friend if hepeople shouldwould punchstay the As an answer, the friend calmly dance. goes up to the second-floor. Jacques follows and finishes his drink. We werehim all very excited and anxWhytodidn’t I sleep here? He asks his ious see how everything would friend, answers: Yes. No, you play out.who I had a special reason for should certain be sleeping here.because If you are having anxieties my feeling better, sleep new fling mightcome comeback thatand night. with your Jacques begsLebafrom Soraya waswife. a small, plumpy deepgirl within daze. Helpfriend me. The nese whohis was a good of friend smiles and tries sooth him: Chloe, and whom I hadtomet during sure. Why didn’t I sleep here? aSure, dinner party back in the summer. Don’t Jacques, everything We hadworry been in touch for almost two will be alright. don’t go for months throughWhy e-mails andwe longa drink somewhere? Let’s goabroad to such distance calls, while she was orRomania such place. lamp in andSuddenly, We ahad bulbbrisk, beingfeverish lit in a moonless night, two nights before she the most vivid memory went to Romania, wheresparkles she took in Jacques: Oh residency yeah! Thatclose place! part in an artist to In such or such neighborhood... Bucharest. She had invited me to Closeher, to which whatever street! The friend visit I had accepted. On becomes verythat happy that Jacques the same day I bought an expenseems to remember place. aThey sive ticket, her fatherthe suffered fatal take the car.inInBeirut, the way, they spot a heart attack causing her to girl, friend of theirs, leave to Lebanon the walking next day.on the side of the road. She’s with another girl they don’t know, in theirseemed way Somehow her father’s death to have meetbrought some guy. of aassudden, to us All closer, if I Jacques is on back-seat with had entered herthe life so her father each girl sitting beside him. He from has could leave it. Once I was back his arms spread leanBucharest, wherebehind I wentthem, anyway ingI on the back the seat. — couldn’t getof a refund —There and is no one the front carmyself, — no stayed in aincheap hotelofby one is driving The encounterengine doesn’t having a terrificit.time even seemoftoravenous be running anddogs the in ing packs stray car simply slowly silentdark streets,slides we kept dailyand contact ly down into the calls smalland town. On a by long distance e-mails. corner, there’s typical fromwe Now, after morea than onebar month Rio, very simple, wideother open again. with no would finally see each I walls parting frombut theI street, didn’t know ititthen, was se-filled Detail installation with lawyers on suitsofattached wearing hats. cretly becoming very to her Photo by tal They areeven smoking heavily anddetheir already; though I Fulano consciously glasses of beer only the last tried to not havecontain too many expectasip before to their wives, tions, with going the presentiment thatindicating the needy end of and the happy-hour. she was just lonely while The car isher rolling down street mourning father and the once back past the bar, in Berlin she when, would from let meinside, down. Jacques stretches oneofarm out ofin Die Detail Detail of installation installation in Die window and grabs a lamp-post, Ithe discovered tooRaum, late that my feelings Raum, Berlin, Berlin, 2014. 2014. Photo Photo by by braking itthen to alike full stop. Opening behaved that wouldthe Jan Janvines Windszus. Windszus. 13 door he Chloe muttersand something: I’m gonFemke, I were organizing drink a quick one. Right inItfront anaNew Year’s party together. was of him, next a narrow side-walk, the winter ofto 2005, and we all still standsinthe side of the bar’sjust counter, lived Prenzlauer Berg, about against his the timewhich when two mostfriends of the of younger are leaning while drinking. One of artists and hipsters were leaving en them, adown blondthe with redKreuzberg, tie, offers masse hillato him a smile and greets Jacques: Of which was fully flourishing as the course, come on in! Haveits a drink new place-to-be, starting own pal! Jacques recognizes friend, self-obliteration towardsthe total gentribut can’t the quite place himthat exactly. fication, same cycle PrenHe drinks friends, then. albeit zlauer Bergwith wasboth completing he gulps down much not faster But we were already thatthan young them Then he lights a cigarette, — wedo. were in our mid-thirties — so offered by plans the blond friend. Smokwe had no to leave. Besides, ing with delight, he remembers that Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough he wasleft trying quit. completely Once he is edges and to wasn’t finished, heby enters back car. taken over armies of into babythe strollIn the of his friend (the one ers likeoffice nowadays. he met in his house earlier), they examine together document which I had already beena living in Berlin is being prepared be had senthosted — theyfor five years thentoand re both lawyers). It contains an odd several parties, always with the help feature in its insteadI used of of Femke andlast herpage: boyfriend. having a hand-signature, contains to live in a large loft nearitWedding, the digital prints,tolerant and theneighbors whole with incredibly palmnever of a hand. is really pewho calledWhat the police, despite culiar thatwe thisusually print doesn’t the factisthat partiedlook durit was made byuntil a human hand. It’s ing weekdays the wee hours. actually three times size of the Especially in the firstthe years, I was handsort of aofman, long still half with living herebony and finin gers.Because Then theI friend is astonished to Rio. was terribly afraid of realize Isuddenly that Jacques (who flying, always gave a farewell parmight have madethe thedeparture, mark on to ty on the dayjust before the page) hands make sureown I would getaren’t in thehuman plane at all!tired Theyand have changed.actually, They are very hungover; now horriblyfears, bony Iand in mytwo innermost didlong, believe alienevery looking Jacques seems that farewell could be as astonished as his as he raismy last good-bye to friend my friends. es his hands in disbelief. Later in the evening, drives backheld home But sinceJacques Femke still hadn’t a and meets his wife in the house warming party, andkitchen. since her She then a scream of horror house wasreleases much more central than when she sees his to hands. Jacques mine, we decided locate the New raises his look at them Year’s Evehands partyand at her new place, completely again, like he which was amystified newly renovated, spahad forgotten whole episodeclose in cious, ground the floor apartment, histhe friend’s office. to Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with 3rd Dream her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had In a small town. At around noon gone to visit his mother in Bogota. someday, in this calm and backward littleafter place, with roadswhen paved with Just Christmas, Femke Invasion The of the Killer Frogs The Party Party padded dirthad without street lights, and Chloe returned from their there was afamilies commotion in traffic respective in Holland and where the—two main streets cross England I stayed working at each other. Maybe twowecars home with my cat — metalmost in her collided thethe crossing, or mayhouse to in plan party. After a tour be therethe was a misunderstanding around house, we regrouped between a mantohorse in the kitchen have riding drinksand and another man in a car. cigarettes. Chloe, whoWhichever was a very the reason it’s close friendorofvehicles Femke,involved, was a short, clear that itartist, was acompletely quarrel between a red-haired covered youngster and with an overweight man. with freckles, the Centaur conIn the heatsprinkled of the argument between stellation on her face. She them,usthe youngster droppedthrills an told about her Christmas insinuation concerning possible in a small coastal town the in England, sexual in orientation of the overweight where a truly regressive experiman, that indeed born in a very efence, she had to sleep the bunk feminate at all times. Theand, bed of herstance 10-year-old nephew, man takes the rained insult to heart, andshe in while outside miserably, order hisroom pride,watching and maybe sat in to thesave living her to prove drive his manhood, challenges nephew an orangehePorsche in the youngster a duel. They should circles with histonew PlayStation. meet precisely there three from days: Because she had justin moved each one bringing their own revolvParis where she had been living for er. Next day, years, the youngster wakes the past five she couldn’t conup feeling terrible, asguests if fromfor a bad tribute so much with the dream.which There’s a great party, turned outfear to betwisting cominside his But curiously, pletely finestomach. with Femke who was he noticed about that more thantoo fearing concerned having many for his own heend dreaded the idea people who life, might up wrecking of having blood on his hands. After her new apartment. breakfast he mounted on his horse and bought rode to the a desert the town, We drinksnear together, but I where practiced a was in he charge of theshooting food — with which pistol he his father, would beinherited Brazilianfrom of course — and who took served in the Army when he they care of the decoration had setting his ownup age. melanand theWhile space.he During the cholically of gathered cans andIbotafternoon the 31st, while cooked he findsthey littered forfilhis atles feijoada, hungaround colorful practice, keepsinpondering ters on thehelamps the livingabout room the duel, coming to the and, because Carlos wasrealization paranoid either way, there will be nosteal that people in the party would happy ending thatcovered story. When his books, the to girls the he returned to thewith city,a he looked for book shelves gold aluminum the overweight man everywhere, foil, shielding Carlos’ books from but gaze there’s sign of him.inclined On the the of no intellectually evening though, the youngster went thieves. to a small fruit shop and ran into the man. bit idea embarrassed The threeBoth of usare hada no how with one another, and awkwardly many people to expect; Berlin was start to speak various things, blooming withabout Silvester parties to going around at hand. compete with,the in matter our neighborhood Maybethere because of be thedozens unexpectalone would and ed openness of his antagonist, the to dozens of house parties for people youngster senses our thatassessment he would bewas choose between; willing to call the duel. But, that about fiftyoff guests would come he now realizes, thatexpected actually that it’s — in fact I secretly impossible it because there at least fiftytoofcancel my friends would were many around them, and come. It waspeople our aspiration that after social dictate theywould lived by emathe fireworks, people stay to nated from the corner of the people’s dance. eyes. Feeling heavier than the groceries he all wasvery carrying, youngWe were excitedtheand anxster returned home and wentwould to talk ious to see how everything to hisout. mother doubts play I hadtoa unload special his reason for on her. Although she already knew having certain anxieties because my aboutfling the duel, that her new mightmeaning come that night. son could two days, she Soraya wasbea dead small,inplumpy Lebaseemed it was nese girlstrangely who wasserene. a good But friend of exactlyand because hisI had mother Chloe, whom metnever during to party be optimistic andsummer. gay with afailed dinner back in the life had and been the future, is why he came to We in touch for almost two talk to her. She was certain evmonths through e-mails andthat longerything calls, wouldwhile turn out her distance she fine wasfor abroad son. In the end wasn’t convinced, in Romania andhe Lebanon. We had so hebrisk, wentfeverish to talk tonights his grandtwo before she mother, who knewwhere nothing went to Romania, sheabout took it, and because sheresidency was already very part in an artist close to old, despiteShe being sharper Bucharest. hadstill invited me than to any pocket knifeI he owned,On visit her, which hadever accepted. he decided notthat to distress He the same day I boughther. an expenthen,ticket, made her up some of analosive fatherkind suffered a fatal gy, however accurate inadequate, heart attack in Beirut, or causing her to to get to some advicethe from The leave Lebanon nexther. day. morning after he woke up feeling yet more tenseher andfather’s strained. Again he Somehow death seemed went back to theus remote to have brought closer,location as if I to practice shooting. quite melanhad entered her lifeStill so her father cholic,leave he anyway a techcould it. Oncedeveloped I was back from nique, which consisted a sequence Bucharest, where I wentinanyway of movements that he repeated over — I couldn’t get a refund — and and over through themyself, course of stayed in again a cheap hotel by the day.aItterrific simplytime comprised in first having encountercrouching, drawing thedogs gun, in ing packs ofthan ravenous stray then aiming then daily finally dark streets, and we kept contact shooting. On the calls end of thee-mails. afterby long distance and noon, after after more practicing several times, Now, than one month we he wasfinally possessed by a quite would see each other irratioagain. I nal fit when ran out ammunididn’t know he it then, butofI was seDetail Detail ofnightmare, installation installation tion. Like he was in aof cretly becoming very attached to her Photo Photohaving by by Fulano Fulano de tal tal he pictured himself to de go already; even though I consciously to thetoduel any tried not next haveday too without many expectabullets.with After moment of panic, tions, theapresentiment that he managed get aand hold of himself she was just to needy lonely while and simplyher rode backand intoonce town and mourning father back bought parcellet of me .45 down. bullets in Berlina new she would in a shop. On the day of the duel, put on histoo darkest clothing, a Ihediscovered late that my feelings black suit, which to have behaved then likeseemed vines that would 15 13 13 Transcription Femke, Chloe were Around organizing been used onlyand oneI time. his awaist, Newhe Year’s party together. It was strapped a leather holster the winter of 2005, and we where he puts the pistol andall thestill two lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about extra clips. He mounted his horse the ofof thethe younger andtime rodewhen to themost center town. artists and hipsters were leaving There he found the whole of the en masse hilleither to Kreuzberg, peopledown of thethe town waiting which was fully flourishing as the around to watch the duel or preparnew place-to-be, starting its ing a street party to celebrateown whoself-obliteration towards total gentriever that would be left standing. The fication, same cycleexactly that Prenother manthewas already on zlauer Bergofwas the middle thecompleting crossing ofthen. the two But we were already not that dusty main thoroughfares. Heyoung was — we weremadly in our through mid-thirties — so transpiring a white we had no plans to leave. Besides, t-shirt that was completely soaked Prenzlauer and stuck toBerg his still had some rough edges left and flabby torso. wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollThe youngster ers like nowadays. dismounted off his horse and I had already been living in Berlin in an impulse, for five years then and had hosted he approached several parties, the overweight always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used man, smelling to live in a large loft near Wedding, the strong stench with incredibly of hard liquor tolerant neighbors who never called exuding from his the police, despite the fact that we body. He whis- usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. pered on his ear: Especially in the “We can still stopfirst years, I was still of half all ofsort this.” The living here and in Rio. Because man answeredI was terribly afraid of flying, I always shouting so that gave a farewell party on the before the departure, to everyone day could make sure I would get in the plane hear: “Are you very tired and hungover; actually, crazy?! You in my innermost fears, I did believe defamed me! that every farewell party could be Now you’ll have my last good-bye to my friends. to pay!!” They both start to walk in opposite direcBut hadn’t twenty held a tions,since and Femke set theirstill positions house warming party, and since her or twenty-four steps apart of each house was much more central than other. There’s was a short interval of mine, wewhile decided to locate New silence, all the peoplethe watched Year’s Eve party at her new place, in expectation, the only sound being which was a against newly renovated, the scraping the groundspaof a cious, ground floor apartment, close scrap of newspaper being carried by to Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn thethe wind. Then someone fired a shot station, had moved with into the where air. Theshe youngster crouched her half-Colombian boyfriend, just missing the bullets that flewthe writer Carlos, at thethe time had over his head. who He drew pistol, gone to visit his mother in Bogota. aimed and then shot and kept shooting until the clip was empty. He Just Christmas, when stoodafter up and waited for theFemke cloud 16 12 12 2014 2014 The Party 2015 and Chloe hadwith returned from their of dust mixed gun powder to respective families in Holland and settle down. He then saw the plump England — other I stayed working at on body of the man stretched home with my cat — we met in her the street. The crowd on all sides house to plan the party. After a came to congratulate him. Theytour around house, regrouped hugged,the kissed, andwe then raised the in the kitchen to have drinks and reluctant youngster on their shoulcigarettes. Chloe, who was a ders and paraded him around.very He close friend of Femke, wasstomach a short, felt completely sick in his red-haired completely and as soonartist, he was put back covered on the with freckles, with the Centaur conground he ran to his horse and rode stellation sprinkled on her face. She out of the town. Near where he practold us about her Christmas thrills ticed shooting, he galloped slowly, in a smallfrom coastal townofinwhiskey England, drinking a bottle where in a truly regressive experiand crying. ence, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and they took care of the decoration and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, they hung colorful filters on the lamps in the living room and, because Carlos was paranoid 4th people Dreamin the party would steal that his books, the girls covered the In a small town, people been book shelves with a goldhave aluminum foundshielding dead with no obvious foil, Carlos’ books cause from of death. In intellectually every case, witnesses the gaze of inclined alluded to sighting frogs in the vicinithieves. ties of the crimes. Those reports unleashed a wave of rumors swept The three of us had no ideathat how the town. It was believedBerlin that an inmany people to expect; was surrection with of theSilvester frogs might be to takblooming parties ing place.with, In order to find the truth compete in our neighborhood about there the cause of be those deaths, alone would dozens andand therefore keepparties the population dozens ofto house for people to from panicking, group of out- was choose between;aour assessment Transcription that aboutmen fiftyofguests would come standing the town, resolved — in fact I secretly expected that to get together and start an investiat least fifty of my friends would gation. They were respectively, the come. wasof our after richestItman theaspiration town, thethat sheriff, the fireworks, people would stay to an intellectual (probably a psycholdance. ogist), and maybe a journalist. I’m one of these men, and like the rest I We were verythat excited and broad anxwear tightallpants go very ious to see how everything would by the calves, a shirt with oversized play out.asI well had aasspecial reason for collars a bushy mustache having certain anxieties because together with a Beatles haircut —my new fling might that night. beside a suit withcome a stripped tie. We Soraya was a small, plumpy decided to go together to an Lebaisolated nese whoone wasofa good friend used of housegirl where the victims Chloe, and whom I had met during to live. It was a basic log-cabin, the a dinner party back interior in the summer. was very We had been in touch for one almost two plain, of the months through e-mails and longonly furniture distance calls, whilewas sheawas abroad table that in Romania and Lebanon. We stood in thehad midtwo brisk, feverish nights before she dle of the main went to Romania, where she took room, covered part in an artist residency with a close Bucharest. She had While invitedwe melooked to visit her, which I had accepted. for evidenceOn the same day that I around bought the an expenhouse, sive ticket, her father suffered a fatal we small-talked heart attack in Beirut, causing her to about the ridicleave to Lebanon the next day. ulous inference that the rumors Somehow her father’s death made thatseemed frogs to have brought us closer, as if killed I could have had entered her life those so herpeople. father could leave it. OnceHow I wascould backafrom Bucharest, where I went anyway frog possibly kill — I couldn’t get a refund — and someone? Only stayed in a cheap hotel by if they myself, could having a terrific time encounterrepulse someone ing packs of ravenous stray dogs in to death for being dark streets, we kept daily contact gross. About then, what sounded by distance and e-mails. likelong an ice storm calls precipitated on Now, after more than one month we top of the cabin. It was completewould finallynot seeonly eachbecause other again. ly abnormal it I didn’t know it then, but I was sewas either Summer or Spring, and Detail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her had been a sunny day until then, Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously but because the ice that landed, tried to not have too amany making particularly lot ofexpectarattle tions, with the presentiment thatof on the thin roof, sounded kind she was just needy and lonely while soft, like it was raining snow-balls. mourning her father and once back Just as soon as it started, it ended. in Berlin she would let me down. Gradually things rolled down from the roof and shifted slushily on Detail Detail of of installation installationthe in in Die Die Iyard. discovered tooof late that my The four us looked atfeelings each Raum, Raum, Berlin, Berlin, 2014. 2014. Photo Photo by by behaved like that would other, notthen moving, and waited for Jan Janvines Windszus. Windszus. 13 Femke, Chloe and a few moments thatI were felt toorganizing stretch aindefinitely. New Year’sThen, partygradually, together. Itlike was the winter of 2005, and we all still a quire where each singer start to lived in Prenzlauer Berg, sing one by one until theyjust areabout all in the time when most of the younger unison, we started to hear what first artists andlike hipsters were leaving en sounded hiccups coming from masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, the yard. As it got louder and louder, which was believing fully flourishing as the we started in our ears and new place-to-be, starting its accepted for what they were:own croaks. self-obliteration towards totalhave gentriIt got so loud, that we would to fication, the same cycle that Prenshout to be able to hear each other, zlauer wasacompleting then. but no Berg one said word. We just But we were already not that young kept staring at each other. Finally, — we were in our mid-thirties — so the sheriff broke the spell and got we had no plans to leave. Besides, close to one of the windows, which Prenzlauer still had some rough like all the Berg others, was covered by a edges left and wasn’t completely plastic shutter. Widening a gap with taken over byhearmies baby strolltwo fingers, lookedofthrough one ers like nowadays. of them. He immediately jumped backwards almost turning over the I hadon already been of living in Berlin table the center the room. for five years then and had Before he could answer anyhosted of our several parties, always with the help questions we were shouting at him, of Femke and her boyfriend. I used we realized that behind the shutto live loft near ters allin thea large windows wereWedding, open, as with incredibly tolerant neighbors all kinds and sizes of frogs started who never called police, despite to slip behind the the shutters into the the fact that we usually partied durhut, making a squashy stump when ing weekdays until the wee hours. landing on the wooden floor like Especially first tomatoes. years, I was they wouldinbethe rotten still sort of half living and as in For a second there washere silence Rio. Because I was terribly afraid they looked at us with their stupidof flying, always a farewell bulged Ieyes, andgave we looked backparat ty on the day before the departure, them. They started to croak again to make sureto I would get in the plane and jump our direction, letting very tired and hungover; actually, more frogs slip in behind them. in innermost fears, I didofbelieve Wemy gathered on the center the that every farewell party couldthe be cabin, with our backs around my last good-bye to my friends. table. We still didn’t know what to do or what to think, each trying in But Femke still hadn’t held a vainsince to find a rational subterfuge house warming party, and since in our minds that would explain her house washappening. much moreI central what was think I than was mine, we decided to locate New the first to crouch and hide the beneath Year’s Eve party at her new place, the table, behind the towel, and which a newly renovated, spathey allwas followed me. The rational cious, ground floor apartment, close wasn’t very strong, but I believed to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn that if these frogs were hungry and station, she had moved with we werewhere “food” and they didn’t see her half-Colombian boyfriend, the us, they would stop approaching. writer Carlos, at the time had Of course thatwho proved to be a comgone to visit his mother in Bogota. pletely fallacious line of thought as we could tell by the vibration on the Just afterfloor Christmas, Femke wooden and by when their croaking Invasion The of the Killer Frogs The Party Party and had right returned their that Chloe they were therefrom beside us. respective families in Holland andthe Maybe as a way of not panicking England I stayed workingunder at four of us—started discussing home with my cat — we met in her the table how, in practical terms, house to plan the party. After a tour could these frogs hurt us. It’s true, around the house, we regrouped someone said, that there are poisonin kitchen to have and ousthe toddles deep in thedrinks Amazon’s cigarettes. Chloe, who was a rain forest, that Natives there very smear close friend of Femke, a short, the point of their arrowswas or such red-haired projectiles artist, on thecompletely poison thatcovered their with freckles, with thethem Centaur skin secrete, to make moreconstellation sprinkled There on herare face. She effective weapons. even told us about her Christmas thrills some, that like cobras, that can spit in small coastal England, theapoison. But thetown frogsinoutsides where in a truly regressive aren’t the tiny 1 inch long, experishiny and ence, shetoddles; had to sleep in the colorful they are justbunk your bed of her 10-year-old nephew, lake and, average brownish and greenish while outside rained miserably, she frogs, albeit there were some quite sat theout living room watching big in ones there...So how can her they nephew drive an orange Porsche in harm us if they aren’t poisonous? circles with known his newtoPlayStation. I was never be a very Because she patient man, had and just I gotmoved tired offrom the Paris where she had been living for debate quite fast and decided to conthe past five years, she couldn’t confront those fat bastards to see what tribute sowaiting much with guests for the they had for me. I swept party, which turned out to be comfrom under the table and stepping pletely fine with Femke who around the frogs that were allwas over concerned about having too many the floor, but weren’t moving that people who might end up wrecking much, as I grabbed a stool that was her new apartment. standing somewhere and turned it up-side-down. I approached the bigWe the drinks but I gestbought son-of-a-bitch thattogether, was entering was in charge of the food — which grumpily by the entrance door we would be Brazilian of courseit—with and left half-open, and squashed they took care of the decoration the stool’s top. To my wonder, its and upquite the space. the masssetting gave in easily,During like it was afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked made of pudding, and when removaing feijoada, they hung the stool from thecolorful ground, filI saw ters on the lamps in the living room — feeling simultaneously a certain and, becauseand Carlos was paranoid amusement aversion — that that people in the party would steal the frog was rendered perfectly flat his the girls covered likebooks, a greenish pizza, which the instead book shelves with awith goldham aluminum of having an olive topfoil, shielding Carlos’ books from ping, had a pair of bulged eyes and the gaze of intellectually inclined a stretched tongue. For a moment I thieves. became inflamed with a blood lust as I thought we could actually just The three them of us had no But ideasoon, how terminate easily. many people to expect; Berlin was dozens and dozens of those pathetic blooming with Silvester parties to looking amphibians were surroundcompete with, in our neighborhood ing me and croaking, making it clear alone andI bethat it there wouldwould take abelotdozens of work. dozens of house parties for people to gan then to wonder again how could choose between; our assessment was they possibly harm me? How...? that about fifty guests would come — fact I secretly expected that 5thinDream at least fifty of my friends would come. was our aspiration after Zurich,It1970s. Deep within that a series the fireworks, people would stay to of courtyards of a residential builddance. ing, there’s a hide-out of an Asian terrorist cell. The cell’s leader is a We were who all very excited and anx- in Chinese, leaves the courtyard ious to see how everything a Mercedes. He’s seen then would driving play I had a special for alongout. a long road alignedreason with many having certain anxieties because trees on the sides, which means my new fling might night. of that he might be come on thethat outskirts Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebathe city, or it could be that he’s just nese girl who was a good friend of crossing a large park. A police patrol Chloe, and whom I had met during on a motorcycle crosses his way acoming dinnerfrom partythe back in the summer. opposite direction. We had been in touch for almost The police officer signals anothertwo car months through e-mails longto pull over, relieving theand Chinese distance calls, while shefailing was abroad from worrying that his headin Romania and Lebanon. We had lights — they are weakly oscillating two feverish nights by before she like brisk, two candles blowing a waft went to Romania, where she took of air — would attract the police part in an artist residency close to patrol’s attention. Soon enough, Bucharest. She had invited me toon though, the motorcycle appears visit her, which I had accepted. his left side, and the policeman,On who the same day that I bought an signals expenwears typical rider’s goggles, sive herhand father a fatal with ticket, his right to suffered him to stop. heart attack in Beirut, causing herofto The Chinese proves to be a man leave to Lebanon the next day. great charisma, very sympathetic, but who at the same time, bears the Somehow heranfather’s death seemed demeanor of important academic to have brought us closer, as I or doctor of some kind, whichif might had entered her life so her father be attributed to his large prescription could it. Once I was back from glassesleave and his nice tweed suit. He Bucharest, where I went anyway speaks calmly and with a soft voice — I couldn’t refund —toand to the officer, get andamanages disstayed in a cheap hotel suade him of asking hisby i.d.myself, and the having a terrific time encountercar’s documents. Suddenly, the tape ing packs of ravenous stray is dogs is rewound, and everything set in dark streets, we kept daily contact back in time. Everything takes place by long distance calls and e-mails. as before: in the same backyard, Now, after more than one month we there’s a hide-out of a terrorist cell. would finally see each other again. Except that this time the terrorist I didn’t know it they then,are butinI fact was Swiss. searen’t Asians, Detail Detail of of installation installation cretly becoming very attached to her And the leader is now a gray haired Photo Photo by by Fulano Fulano de de tal already; even though I consciously man with piercing green eyes andtala tried to notcold havemetallic too many expectasomewhat expression tions, with the presentiment thatHe wrapped tight around his face. she was just needy and lonely also leaves in a Mercedes and while he’s mourning herby father and officer once back also stopped a police on in Berlin sheBut would let me motorcycle. instead of down. smoothtalking the officer, he shoots him Iwith discovered late that feelings a pistol too attached to amy silencer, behaved then like vines that would and then hides the body and the mo13 13 17 Transcription Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. Above and on page 16, photos by Angie VanI had already been living in Berlin dyk. On page 15, photo for five years then by Andrew de Freitas. and had hosted On page 18, photo byalways with the help several parties, Daniel Jablonski. of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, torcycle in the midst of the bushes with incredibly tolerant neighbors next never to the called road —the it’spolice, night.despite When who he returns theusually cell, hepartied tells hisdurthe fact thattowe comrades whatuntil happened, ing weekdays the weeerupting, hours. therefore, aincrisis in his leaderEspecially the first years, I was ship.sort Theofleader’s wife,here whoand is the still half living in second in command, opposes his of Rio. Because I was terribly afraid husbands plans, gave whicha is to abandon flying, I always farewell partheon hide-out. agrees to ty the day Although before theshe departure, that it sure would be bestget if in they make I would thecould plane leave,tired she and believes that they are very hungover; actually, now theyfears, will Ibedid certainly in mytrapped; innermost believe caught if they leaveparty the hide-out. that every farewell could be Thelast leader furiously orders them to my good-bye to my friends. leave. Still stunned from the news of the deadFemke policeman, his comrades But since still hadn’t held a reluctantly, Sometime later,her afhouse warming and since ter theywas leave in different cars,than they house much more central catch the of police roadblocks mine, we sight decided to locate the New everywhere. Eventually, the place, terrorYear’s Eve party at her new ists retrocede back to the courtyard. which was a newly renovated, spaThe leader then, does something cious, ground floor apartment, close completely despotic that infuriates to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn everyonewhere fromshe the had cell moved — specialstation, with ly his wife — puttingboyfriend, them all in her half-Colombian the unnecessary by writer Carlos,danger, who atmotivated the time had a sicktopride that gone visitand his stubbornness mother in Bogota. follows a dogmatic idealism. Maybe he wanted them to continue to flee Just after Christmas, when Femke 18 12 12 2014 The 2014 Party 2015 and had returned from their fromChloe the hide-out and attempt to respective families in Holland and brake through the roadblocks — it’s England — I stayed working at not exactly clear what he did. Shut home my cat — you! we met her up andwith do what I tell He in shouts house to plan the party. After a tour to someone over the walkie-talkie. around the house, When they are backwe inregrouped the hideout’s in the kitchen to have courtyard, it’s evident drinks that theand leader cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very— — who wasn’t obeyed this time close of Femke, was a short, has tofriend be deposed for the sake of red-haired artist, completely covered the cell. He knows it and there’s a with freckles, with Centaur tangible tension in the thick coldconair stellation sprinkled herbreath, face. She of the courtyard thatonthey as told about hertheir Christmas thrills they us walk from cars towards in smalltocoastal townwhere in England, theadoor the cellar, lays the where in a truly regressive experihide-out. In that darkness that covers ence, she had to the sleep in theaims bunk the parked cars, leader his bed ofather nephew, and, pistol his10-year-old wife’s back, who walks while outside rained miserably, she in front of him. But as he pulls the sat in the living room watching her trigger he realizes too late that it’s nephew drive an stops orange Porsche in empty. The wife and turns to circles with his new PlayStation. her husband who is pressing the trigBecause she had just from ger with irritation andmoved disbelief. She Paris where she had been living for draws from her purse a small pistol the pastshe five years, shehusband’s couldn’t conwhich aims at her face tribute so much with guests foror the at point-blank. As a challenge, party, which turned outforward to be comas an affront, he steps and pletely fine with Femke whomuzzle, was kisses the tip of her pistol’s concerned about tooeyes many looking deep intohaving her blue that people who might end up wrecking sustains a firm and decisive gaze. her apartment. Shenew shoots. The leader drops dead on the ground. Two comrades — We the—drinks together, but I alsobought a couple witness the whole was in charge of the food — which incident and scream in horror at would be As Brazilian of course and the sight. if she just wants — to go they took care of the decoration away from those screams that echo and setting space. During through all up thethe backyards of the the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked building, the leader’s wife runs back atofeijoada, they hung colorful fil- in the Mercedes and drives away ters on the lamps thenot living full throttle. Now,init’s clearroom if and, because Carlos was paranoid what happens actually happens, or that people in inside the party happens only herwould mind, steal but his books, the girls covered the the she seems to be driving towards book shelves withOr a gold aluminum country’s border. maybe she is foil, shielding Carlos’ books from actually going towards the airport, the gaze of intellectually inclined where she could buy a ticket to Rio thieves. (?). How much time until the police arrives to the hideout’s courtyard? The us go hadthrough no ideaall how Howthree couldofshe the many people to expect; Berlin was roadblocks or the border control or blooming with Silvester parties to the airport security??? Maybe she compete with,toinboard our neighborhood does manage a plane goalone there would dozens andthe ing to Mexico City,betaking only dozens of house parties for people to clothing on her body, a white leather choose between; our assessment was purse and a gray cardigan on one Transcription Transcription that about fifty guests would come hand. Somehow she now is walking — in fact I secretly expected with a nice suntan around thethat streets at fiftygoes of my friends would ofleast DF, and into a branch of her come. It was she our tries aspiration that after bank, where to withdraw the fireworks, would stay to all her money people from her account dance. —wasn’t it already blocked by the police? We were all very excited and anxious see how everything would LasttoDream play out. I had a special reason for having certain I’m black and Ianxieties have no because eyes. I’mmy new fling might come that night. having an affair with an ex-lover Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebaof mine, who was a Dutch girl who nese girl who was a good friend looked and dressed like Marilynof Chloe, and whom hadme met Monroe. First she Ileft forduring Thomaas, dinner party back in the summer. who is an experimental filmmakWe had whom been inshe touch forthese almost two er with lives days. months through e-mails and longBut later she left him to return to distance calls, while was abroad me. Sometime after, she Thomas rang in Romania and Lebanon. had her door sharing tears likeWe a baby. two brisk, feverish nights before That’s when she left me for a sec-she went to Romania, sheI have took ond time. As I saidwhere before, part in an artist residency close no eyes, and in my flat I walk toto Bucharest. SheI had me It’s to a white statue owninvited of a bird. visit her, which I had accepted. On about three feet high, and somehow the same day that I bought an expenI open it digging my fingers as if it sive hera father suffered like a fatal was ticket, made of soft substance heart attack in Beirut, causing to bread. Inside of it I find layingher a pair leave to Lebanon the next day. of bird’s eyes. I fetch them and put them on my face. I leave towards Somehow father’s seemed Maartje’s. her In her placedeath she tells to have brought us closer, as I me that she will always love ifme. had entered her life so her father When I’m about to leave she asks could it. the Once I was backatfrom me to leave tell her same. I stare her Bucharest, where I went anyway with my bird’s eyes and say: “I’’ll — refundBack — and tryItocouldn’t always get lovea you.” in stayed in a cheap hotel by my flat, I take the eyes off myself, my face having terrific time encounterand putathem back inside the stating packs of ravenous strayopen dogsonin ue, which is still standing dark streets, we kept daily contact my living-room. I startle to realize by long calls andthe e-mails. then thatdistance all along inside statue Now, after more than one month there was a real living bird, whenwe it would finally each again. emerges fromsee deep theother statue’s en- I didn’t know it then,the buteyes. I was setrails and devours I forgot Detail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her to mention that during this whole Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously time I was wearing a red baseball tried cap. to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while Epilogue mourning her father and once back in Berlin I can see she thatwould the sunletisme starting rise. I’m afraid Detail we’ll have to leave. Detailof of installation installation in inDie Die II’m discovered toobe late that feelings sure we’ll able to my find the Raum, Raum, Berlin, Berlin, 2014. 2014. Photo Photoby by behaved thenyour like vines that would way out by own. Have a good Jan Jan Windszus. Windszus. 13 Femke, Femke, Chloe Chloe and and II were were organizing organizing day. aa New NewYear’s Year’s party party together. together. ItIt was was the the winter winter of of 2005, 2005, and and we we all all still still lived lived in in Prenzlauer Prenzlauer Berg, Berg, just just about about the the time time when when most most of of the the younger younger artists artists and and hipsters hipsters were were leaving leaving en en masse masse down down the the hill hill to to Kreuzberg, Kreuzberg, which which was was fully fully flourishing flourishing as as the the new new place-to-be, place-to-be, starting starting its its own own self-obliteration self-obliteration towards towards total total gentrigentrification, fication, the the same same cycle cycle that that PrenPrenzlauer zlauer Berg Berg was was completing completing then. then. But But we we were were already already not not that that young young — — we we were were in in our our mid-thirties mid-thirties — — so so we we had had no no plans plans to to leave. leave. Besides, Besides, Prenzlauer Prenzlauer Berg Berg still still had had some some rough rough edges edges left left and and wasn’t wasn’t completely completely taken taken over over by by armies armies of of baby baby strollstrollers ers like like nowadays. nowadays. II had had already already been been living living in in Berlin Berlin for for five five years years then then and and had had hosted hosted several several parties, parties, always always with with the the help help of of Femke Femke and and her her boyfriend. boyfriend. II used used to to live live in in aa large large loft loft near near Wedding, Wedding, with with incredibly incredibly tolerant tolerant neighbors neighbors who who never never called called the the police, police, despite despite the the fact fact that that we we usually usually partied partied durduring ing weekdays weekdays until until the the wee wee hours. hours. Especially Especially in in the the first first years, years, II was was still still sort sort of of half half living living here here and and in in Rio. Rio. Because Because II was was terribly terribly afraid afraid of of flying, flying, II always always gave gave aa farewell farewell parparty ty on on the the day day before before the the departure, departure, to to make make sure sure II would would get get in in the the plane plane very very tired tired and and hungover; hungover; actually, actually, in in my my innermost innermost fears, fears, II did did believe believe that that every every farewell farewell party party could could be be my my last last good-bye good-bye to to my my friends. friends. But But since since Femke Femke still still hadn’t hadn’t held held aa house house warming warming party, party, and and since since her her house house was was much much more more central central than than mine, mine, we we decided decided to to locate locate the the New New Year’s Year’s Eve Eve party party at at her her new new place, place, which which was was aa newly newly renovated, renovated, spaspacious, cious, ground ground floor floor apartment, apartment, close close to to the the Eberswalderstrasse Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn U-bahn station, station, where where she she had had moved moved with with her her half-Colombian half-Colombian boyfriend, boyfriend, the the writer writer Carlos, Carlos, who who at at the the time time had had gone gone to to visit visit his his mother mother in in Bogota. Bogota. Just Just after after Christmas, Christmas, when when Femke Femke Invasion The of the Killer Frogs The Party Party and and Chloe Chloe had had returned returned from from their their respective respective families families in in Holland Holland and and England England — — II stayed stayed working working at at home home with with my my cat cat — — we we met met in in her her house house to to plan plan the the party. party.After After aa tour tour around around the the house, house, we we regrouped regrouped in in the the kitchen kitchen to to have have drinks drinks and and cigarettes. cigarettes. Chloe, Chloe, who who was was aa very very close close friend friend of of Femke, Femke, was was aa short, short, red-haired red-haired artist, artist, completely completely covered covered with with freckles, freckles, with with the the Centaur Centaur conconstellation stellation sprinkled sprinkled on on her her face. face. She She told told us us about about her her Christmas Christmas thrills thrills in in aa small small coastal coastal town town in in England, England, where where in in aa truly truly regressive regressive experiexperience, ence, she she had had to to sleep sleep in in the the bunk bunk bed bed of of her her 10-year-old 10-year-old nephew, nephew, and, and, while while outside outside rained rained miserably, miserably, she she sat sat in in the the living living room room watching watching her her nephew nephew drive drive an an orange orange Porsche Porsche in in circles circles with with his his new new PlayStation. PlayStation. Because Because she she had had just just moved moved from from Paris Paris where where she she had had been been living living for for the the past past five five years, years, she she couldn’t couldn’t concontribute tribute so so much much with with guests guests for for the the party, party, which which turned turned out out to to be be comcompletely pletely fine fine with with Femke Femke who who was was concerned concerned about about having having too too many many people people who who might might end end up up wrecking wrecking her her new new apartment. apartment. We We bought bought the the drinks drinks together, together, but but II was was in in charge charge of of the the food food — — which which would would be be Brazilian Brazilian of of course course — — and and they they took took care care of of the the decoration decoration and and setting setting up up the the space. space. During During the the afternoon afternoon of of the the 31st, 31st, while while II cooked cooked aa feijoada, feijoada, they they hung hung colorful colorful filfilters ters on on the the lamps lamps in in the the living living room room and, and, because because Carlos Carlos was was paranoid paranoid that that people people in in the the party party would would steal steal his his books, books, the the girls girls covered covered the the book book shelves shelves with with aa gold gold aluminum aluminum foil, foil, shielding shielding Carlos’ Carlos’books books from from the the gaze gaze of of intellectually intellectually inclined inclined thieves. thieves. that that about about fifty fifty guests guests would would come come — — in in fact fact II secretly secretly expected expected that that at at least least fifty fifty of of my my friends friends would would come. come. ItIt was was our our aspiration aspiration that that after after the the fireworks, fireworks, people people would would stay stay to to dance. dance. We We were were all all very very excited excited and and anxanxious ious to to see see how how everything everything would would play play out. out. II had had aa special special reason reason for for having having certain certain anxieties anxieties because because my my new new fling fling might might come come that that night. night. Soraya Soraya was was aa small, small, plumpy plumpy LebaLebanese nese girl girl who who was was aa good good friend friend of of Chloe, Chloe, and and whom whom II had had met met during during aa dinner dinner party party back back in in the the summer. summer. We We had had been been in in touch touch for for almost almost two two months months through through e-mails e-mails and and longlongdistance distance calls, calls, while while she she was was abroad abroad in in Romania Romania and and Lebanon. Lebanon. We We had had two two brisk, brisk, feverish feverish nights nights before before she she went went to to Romania, Romania, where where she she took took part part in in an an artist artist residency residency close close to to Bucharest. Bucharest. She She had had invited invited me me to to visit visit her, her, which which II had had accepted. accepted. On On the the same same day day that that II bought bought an an expenexpensive sive ticket, ticket, her her father father suffered suffered aa fatal fatal heart heart attack attack in in Beirut, Beirut, causing causing her her to to leave leave to to Lebanon Lebanon the the next next day. day. Somehow Somehow her her father’s father’s death death seemed seemed to to have have brought brought us us closer, closer, as as ifif II had had entered entered her her life life so so her her father father could could leave leave it. it. Once Once II was was back back from from Bucharest, Bucharest, where where II went went anyway anyway — — II couldn’t couldn’t get get aa refund refund — — and and stayed stayed in in aa cheap cheap hotel hotel by by myself, myself, having having aa terrific terrific time time encounterencountering ing packs packs of of ravenous ravenous stray stray dogs dogs in in dark dark streets, streets, we we kept kept daily daily contact contact by by long long distance distance calls calls and and e-mails. e-mails. Now, Now, after after more more than than one one month month we we would would finally finally see see each each other other again. again. II didn’t didn’t know know itit then, then, but but II was was seseDetail Detailof installation installation cretly cretly becoming becoming very veryofattached attached to to her her Photo Photoby byFulano Fulanode detal tal already; already; even even though though II consciously consciously tried tried to to not not have have too too many many expectaexpectations, tions, with with the the presentiment presentiment that that she she was was just just needy needy and and lonely lonely while while mourning mourning her her father father and and once once back back in in Berlin Berlin she she would would let let me me down. down. The The three three of of us us had had no no idea idea how how many many people people to to expect; expect; Berlin Berlin was was blooming blooming with with Silvester Silvester parties parties to to compete compete with, with, in in our our neighborhood neighborhood alone alone there there would would be be dozens dozens and and dozens dozens of of house house parties parties for for people people to to II discovered discovered too too late late that that my my feelings feelings choose choose between; between; our our assessment assessment was was behaved behaved then then like like vines vines that that would would 19 13 13 2014 CDposters, played on loop, 12’ and party debris 60 found stereo 2015 2014 10 20 12 The frente Party ao oceano Em The Party a site specific instalSecond of is three site-specific works lation tailored for commissioned forthe theoff-space group show Die Raum in Berlin. A Mão Negativa, thatThe tookspace placeis located near to Eberswalder Straße, in Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro. in Prenzlauer Berg; a district which Spoken text was appropriated and in its heydays — until roughly translated to Portuguese, from less than ten years ago — be the Marguerite Dura’s filmused LestoMains cool hip area. Sincewhich then itisdrastinegatièves (1977), based cally into ainpredominantly on themorphed marks found the caves of bourgeois neighborhood and became South of France left by cavemen aback sortin ofimmemorial cautionary tale of how fast times. Togethgentrification cansound change characer with recorded of the braking ter of a the place. waves, audio piece was installed in a fake cave built with cement, Because of the local which allegedly was neighborhood’s used for singrecent history, thought was pertiing practice byIthe park’sit former nent to tackle Berlin emblem that owner’s wife, afor its accustics. started to be exploited more recently, which localinformal party culture; Duringisa the typical work considered one of the mentioned main traits of meeting in Rio, I had the German capital, what started as a Dura’s film to the curator, Bernardo consequence for he being cheap me place de Souza, while wasatelling populated with thefor creative class, about his concept the show as in the lasttogether years became more an it being, with the parkofand industry forwithin tourists, hordesa of everything its with premises, young people taking cheap artifacts flights collection of reconstructed for weekend to party in increasandthe scenaries made by a future civiingly expensive lization, of whatclubs. once was supposed to have been the past — our present — before a forthcoming ecological doomsday came and the world as we Iknow wroteitaceased short-story which is a to exist. fictionalization of a new year’s party ISometime had thrown together with friends, later, I got to know that few months which had gothe was goingbefore, to install a particular ten a bit of hand. I transferred piece byout Daniel Steegmann in one of the story vaultstoofthe thearea fakenear caveDie —Raum, titled in the turn the year between 2005 simply ^ —ofwhich I had seen before. and effectively the time that That2006, triggered me to want to make gentrification from the areapart hit of its the the audio piece in another maximum point, making hordesSteeof cave, to tangentially permeate young artist andbyhipster rollitdown gmann’s work washing with the hill towards nextand coolthe place sound of thethe waves text, then: appropriated Die whichKreuzberg. would lendI it an interesting Raum’s silkscreen infrastructure conotation, and reciprocally have — they print their flyers to into amustheir meaning amplified different ingly large posters and divided directions; and as a— result, making it the story into sixty posters (includa collaboration of sorts. ing plain colored ones that served to brake the story that Little I knew that into sincechapters) our converwere split four grids sation, de into Souza hadgeometrical watched Les designed for each of three comMains negatièves andthe had become pletely irregular space. so enchanted by walls it thatof hethe decided In opening evening we of threw to the make it the center work his exahibiton, party that easily the small as well asfilled adopting its title. fifteen squaresome feet gallery. Later the That created objection from debris party were in the his partofinthe accepting my left piece, as he space props for thetoinstallation. found as it tautological have it parallel to the original film, which he was going to show in a large flatscreen Detail installation Die Installation in Die in Raum, inside the villa. But inof the end, Raum, Berlin, Photo by Berlin, 2014.2014. Photo by Jan Steegmann had loved the idea, and JanWindszus. Windszus. Transcription Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. But since Femke still hadn’t held a house warming party, and since her house was much more central than mine, we decided to locate the New Year’s Eve party at her new place, which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close Left entrance of fake cave to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn in Parque Lage. station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had gone to visit his mother in Bogota. Just after Christmas, when Femke The Party and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and England — I stayed working at home with my cat — we met in her house to plan the party. After a tour around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very close friend of Femke, was a short, red-haired artist, completely covered with freckles, with the Centaur constellation sprinkled on her face. She told us about her Christmas thrills in a small coastal town in England, where in a truly regressive experience, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and they took care of the decoration and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, they hung colorful filters on the lamps in the living room and, because Carlos was paranoid that people in the party would steal his books, the girls covered the book shelves with a gold aluminum foil, shielding Carlos’ books from the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves. The three of us had no idea how many people to expect; Berlin was blooming with Silvester parties to compete with, in our neighborhood alone there would be dozens and dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would come. It was our aspiration that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. We were all very excited and anxious to see how everything would play out. I had a special reason for having certain anxieties because my new fling might come that night. Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebanese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while she was abroad in Romania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to have brought us closer, as if I had entered her life so her father could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest, where I went anyway — I couldn’t get a refund — and stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, having a terrific time encountering packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark streets, we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, but I was seDetail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously tried to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while mourning her father and once back in Berlin she would let me down. I discovered too late that my feelings behaved then like vines that would 21 13 11 Transcription Femke, andsupport, I were organizing togetherChloe with his I managed atoNew Year’s party together. It was finally convince de Souza that the winter of 2005, and we all work would be like an echostill of lived Prenzlauer Berg, just about Dura’sinfilm, reverberating inside the the mostnew of the younger cavetime withwhen a totally resonance. artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so Transcription. we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely Em frente ao oceano taken over by armies of baby strolldebaixo da rocha ers like nowadays. sobre a parede de granito essas mãos abertas I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted Azuis several E pretasparties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to a large loft near Wedding, Dolive azulindʼágua with incredibly tolerant neighbors Do preto da noite who never called the police, despite the fact thatveio we só usually partied durO homem à gruta ing weekdays until the wee hours. em frente ao oceano Especially in the first years, I was still sort halftinham living here and in Todas as of mãos o mesmo Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of tamanho flying, I always gave a farewell party the day eleon estava só before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, O homem só na gruta observou no in my innermost fears, I did believe ruído that everydofarewell no ruído mar party could be my last good-bye to my friends. a imensidão das coisas But Femke still hadn’t held a E elesince gritou house warming party, and since her house wastem much Você que ummore nomecentral than mine, we decided locate the New você que é providotode identidade Year’s Eve party at her new place, eu te amo which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close Estas mãos to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn do azul da água do preto do céu station, where she had moved with Espalmadas her half-Colombian boyfriend, Dispostas lado a lado no granitothe writer cinza Carlos, who at the time had gone to visit his mother Bogota. Para que qualquer um asinvejam Just after Christmas, when Femke 22 12 12 2014 The 2014 Party 2015 and Chloe had returned from their respective families Eu sou o que chamain Holland and England — I stayed working at home my que cat — we met in her Eu souwith aquele chama quem house to plan the party. After a gritou há trinta mil anos atrás tour around the house, we regrouped in kitchen to have drinks and Euthe te amo cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very close friend Femke, was aeushort, Eu grito queof quero te amar, te red-haired artist, completely covered amo with freckles, with the Centaur con stellation Eu amareisprinkled qualquer on umher queface. ouçaShe o told us about her Christmas thrills que grito in a small coastal town in England, where a truly regressive experiSobre ainterra vazia restará essas ence, she had to sleep in the bunk mãos sobre a parede de granito em bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, frente ao quebrar do oceano while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her Insustentável nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his ouvirá new PlayStation. Ninguém mais Because she had just moved from Nem verá Paris where she had been living for the pastmil five years, she couldn’t conTrinta anos tribute so much with guests for the party, whichlá, turned Estas mãos pretasout to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned many A refração about da luzhaving sobre otoo mar faz people who might end up wrecking trepidar a parede da rocha her new apartment. Eu sou quem chama aquele que We bought theluz drinks together, but I gritava nesta branca was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and O desejo they took care ofnão thefoi decoration a palavra ainda inventada and setting up the space. During the afternoon of athe 31st, while cooked Ele observa imensidão dasIcoisas anofeijoada, they hung colorful filquebrar das ondas, a imensidão ters on the lamps in the living room de sua força and, because Carlos was paranoid e depois ele gritou that people in the party would steal his books, covered the Acima delethe as girls florestas das Améribook shelves with a gold aluminum cas, sem fim foil, shielding Carlos’ books from the of intellectually inclined Ele gaze está no centro thieves. da pedra de corredores The three of us no idea how de caminhos de had pedra many people to expect; Berlin was de todas as partes blooming with Silvester parties to compete in our neighborhood Você quewith, tem nome alone there would be dozens and que é dotado de identidade dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was Transcription that guests come eu teabout amo fifty de um amorwould indefinido — in fact I secretly expected that at fifty of mya rocha friends would É least preciso descer come. It was our aspiration that after vencer o medo the fireworks, people would stay to dance. O vento assopra do continente ele rechaça o oceano We were all very excited and anxious to seelutam how everything would As ondas contra o vento play out. I had a special reason for Elas avançam having certain anxieties because my abrandadas por sua força new fling might come that night. e pacientemente Soraya wasa arocha small, plumpy Lebaalcançam nese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, whom I had met during Tudo seand apaga a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch almost two Eu te amo mais longe for do que você months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while um she que wasouvir abroad Eu amarei qualquer in Romania and Lebanon. We que eu grito que eu te amo had two brisk, feverish nights before she went Romania, Trintatomil anos where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to Eu te chamo visit her, which I had accepted. On the that Ique bought an expenEu same chamoday aquele me responderá sive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack Beirut, causing her to Eu quero te in amar leave to Lebanon the next day. eu te amo Somehow hermil father’s death seemed Desde trinta anos eu grito to have brought us closer, as if I em frente ao mar had entered her life so her father o espectro branco could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest, where went anyway Eu sou aquele queI gritava — I couldn’t get a refund — and que te amava, você. stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, having a terrific time encountering packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark streets, we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, but I was seDetail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously tried to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while mourning her father and once back in Berlin she would let me down. Detail Detail of of installation installation in in Die Die I discovered tooRaum, late that my feelings Raum, Berlin, Berlin, 2014. 2014. Photo Photo by by behaved then like vines that would Jan Jan Windszus. Windszus. 13 Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. But since Femke still hadn’t held a house warming party, and since her house was much more central than mine, we decided to locate the New Year’s Eve party at her new place, which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had gone to visit his mother in Bogota. Just after Christmas, when Femke Em frente ao oceano The The Party Party and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and England — I stayed working at home with my cat — we met in her house to plan the party. After a tour around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very close friend of Femke, was a short, red-haired artist, completely covered with freckles, with the Centaur constellation sprinkled on her face. She told us about her Christmas thrills in a small coastal town in England, where in a truly regressive experience, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and they took care of the decoration and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, they hung colorful filters on the lamps in the living room and, because Carlos was paranoid that people in the party would steal his books, the girls covered the book shelves with a gold aluminum foil, shielding Carlos’ books from the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves. The three of us had no idea how many people to expect; Berlin was blooming with Silvester parties to compete with, in our neighborhood alone there would be dozens and dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would come. It was our aspiration that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. We were all very excited and anxious to see how everything would play out. I had a special reason for having certain anxieties because my new fling might come that night. Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebanese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while she was abroad in Romania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to have brought us closer, as if I had entered her life so her father could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest, where I went anyway — I couldn’t get a refund — and stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, having a terrific time encountering packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark streets, we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, but I was seDetail Detail of installation installation cretly becoming veryofattached to her Photo Photo by by Fulano Fulano de de tal tal already; even though I consciously tried to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while mourning her father and once back Above: Daniel Steeginmann’s Berlin she would ^. Left: Entrance let me down. to the chamber where Ithe discovered too late that my feelings audio-piece was installed. then like vines that would behaved 13 13 23 2015 2014 Textposters, on vinylfound stereo and party debris 60 60 posters, found stereo and party debris Now We’ll Go Until The End The Party The Party The Party is a site specific instalThird of three site-specific works lation tailored for commissioned forthe theoff-space group show Die Raum in Berlin. A Mão Negativa, thatThe tookspace placeisin located near toRio Eberswalder Parque Lage, de Janeiro.Straße, Text in Prenzlauer a district was pasted to Berg; the floor of the which terrace in its heydays — until roughly from Parque Lage’s villa, whereless than ten scene years of agothe —seminal used to Earth be the the first cool hip area. Since it drastiEntranced (1967) bythen Glauber Rocha cally morphed predominantly was filmed. Theinto texta is a transcripbourgeois tion of the neighborhood dialogue fromand the became film abetween sort of cautionary tale that of how fast two characters speak gentrification change the councharacabout the fate can of the fictional ter place. The text follows the try of El aDorado. steps of the characters, who agitatBecause of the local as neighborhood’s edly circled around, they spoke recent history, I thought it was pertiand argued. nent to tackle a Berlin emblem that started to be exploited more recently, which is the local party culture; considered one of the main traits of the German capital, what started as a consequence for being a cheap place populated with the creative class, in the last years became more of an industry for tourists, with hordes of young people taking cheap flights for the weekend to party in increasingly expensive clubs. IThe wrote a short-story which is a film, which is provocatively fictionalization of a new year’s party anti-populist, synthesizes the ever Irepeating had thrown together with friends, struggle of the dogmatic few months the before, which had gotleft against conservative right, ten a bit out aofdispute hand. Ibetween transferred subscribing idethe story the area nearasDie alism andtopragmatism, the Raum, main in the turnisoftorn the between year between 2005 character the two and 2006, effectively theof time fronts. Upon the release thethat film, gentrification from the area hit its Rocha was himself considered a fasmaximum point, making of a cist under the eyes of the hordes Left, and young artistby and roll down subversive thehipster sensors from the the hill towards the next coolevenplace military dictatorship which then: appropriated Die tuallyKreuzberg. prohibited Ithe film, forcing Raum’s infrastructure Rocha tosilkscreen illegally smuggle a copy — print their flyers into amusoutthey of the country, to have it presentingly posters —itand ed in large Cannes, where wondivided the Luis the storyprize. into sixty posters (includBuñuel ing plain colored ones that served to the the story into chapters) In brake the film, villa was made inthat were split into four geometrical grids into the Governor’s Palace, where designed for each of the three comhis right arm, the nonconformist pletely irregular walls of the space. journalist Paulo Martins, proves to In opening evening be the an extremist, urging we himthrew to take aarms partyagainst that easily filled the small the president’s troops fifteen square feet gallery. Later the that were marching into Alecrim, debris of theTaking party were left inthat the the capital. advantage space as props the installation. the floor in the for rooftop is gridded by square flagstones, I gave the dialogue between the two disputing Installation in Die Raum, characters, respectively monochroBerlin, 2014. Photo by Jan matic colors, as inWindszus. a chess game. 10 24 2014 The Party is a site specific installation tailored for the off-space Die Raum in Berlin. The space is located near to Eberswalder Straße, in Prenzlauer Berg; a district which in its heydays — until roughly less than ten years ago — used to be the cool hip area. Since then it drastically morphed into a predominantly bourgeois neighborhood and became a sort of cautionary tale of how fast gentrification can change the character of a place. Because of the local neighborhood’s recent history, I thought it was pertinent to tackle a Berlin emblem that started to be exploited more recently, which is the local party culture; considered one of the main traits of the German capital, what started as a consequence for being a cheap place populated with the creative class, in the last years became more of an industry for tourists, with hordes of young people taking cheap flights for the weekend to party in increasingly expensive clubs. I wrote a short-story which is a fictionalization of a new year’s party I had thrown together with friends, few months before, which had gotten a bit out of hand. I transferred the story to the area near Die Raum, in the turn of the year between 2005 and 2006, effectively the time that gentrification from the area hit its maximum point, making hordes of young artist and hipster roll down the hill towards the next cool place then: Kreuzberg. I appropriated Die Raum’s silkscreen infrastructure — they print their flyers into amusingly large posters — and divided the story into sixty posters (including plain colored ones that served to brake the story into chapters) that were split into four geometrical grids designed for each of the three completely irregular walls of the space. In the opening evening we threw a party that easily filled the small fifteen square feet gallery. Later the andleft the next picdebris of the party This were in the tures: details of work, space as props for the installation. pasted on the rooftop of the villa from Parque Lage, Rio deinJaneiro. Installation Die Raum, Right photo Angieby Jan Berlin, Photo Vandyk. Windszus. 25 11 10 60 posters, found stereo and party debris 60 posters, found stereo and party debris Transcription Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. But since Femke still hadn’t held a house warming party, and since her house was much more central than mine, we decided to locate the New Year’s Eve party at her new place, which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had gone to visit his mother in Bogota. Just after Christmas, when Femke 12 26 2015 The2014 Party and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and England — I stayed working at home with my cat — we met in her house to plan the party. After a tour around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very close friend of Femke, was a short, red-haired artist, completely covered with freckles, with the Centaur constellation sprinkled on her face. She told us about her Christmas thrills in a small coastal town in England, where in a truly regressive experience, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and they took care of the decoration and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, they hung colorful filters on the lamps in the living room and, because Carlos was paranoid that people in the party would steal his books, the girls covered the book shelves with a gold aluminum foil, shielding Carlos’ books from the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves. The three of us had no idea how many people to expect; Berlin was blooming with Silvester parties to compete with, in our neighborhood alone there would be dozens and dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was Transcription that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would come. It was our aspiration that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. We were all very excited and anxious to see how everything would play out. I had a special reason for having certain anxieties because my new fling might come that night. Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebanese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while she was abroad in hbiRomania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to have brought us closer, as if I had entered her life so her father could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest, where I went anyway — I couldn’t get a refund — and stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, having a terrific time encountering packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark streets, we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, but I was seDetail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously tried to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while mourning her father and once back in Berlin she would let me down. Detail of installation in Die I discovered too late my2014. feelings Raum,that Berlin, Photo by behaved then likeJanvines that would Windszus. 13 Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. But since Femke still hadn’t held a house warming party, and since her house was much more central than mine, we decided to locate the New Year’s Eve party at her new place, which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had gone to visit his mother in Bogota. Just after Christmas, when Femke Now We’ll Go until the End The Party and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and England — I stayed working at home with my cat — we met in her house to plan the party. After a tour around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very close friend of Femke, was a short, red-haired artist, completely covered with freckles, with the Centaur constellation sprinkled on her face. She told us about her Christmas thrills in a small coastal town in England, where in a truly regressive experience, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and they took care of the decoration and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, they hung colorful filters on the lamps in the living room and, because Carlos was paranoid that people in the party would steal his books, the girls covered the book shelves with a gold aluminum foil, shielding Carlos’ books from the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves. The three of us had no idea how many people to expect; Berlin was blooming with Silvester parties to compete with, in our neighborhood alone there would be dozens and dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would come. It was our aspiration that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. We were all very excited and anxious to see how everything would play out. I had a special reason for having certain anxieties because my new fling might come that night. Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebanese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while she was abroad in Romania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to have brought us closer, as if I had entered her life so her father could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest, where I went anyway — I couldn’t get a refund — and stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, having a terrific time encountering packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark streets, we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, but I was seDetail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously tried to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while mourning her father and once back in Berlin she would let me down. I discovered too late that my feelings behaved then like vines that would 27 13 Transcription Transcription. Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. But since Femke still hadn’t held a house warming party, and since her house was much more central than mine, we decided to locate the New Year’s Eve party at her new place, which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had gone to visit his mother in Bogota. Just after Christmas, when Femke 28 12 2015 The2014 Party Calm down!!! and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and Now we’ll until the end. at England —go I stayed working home with my cat — we met in her I said to it already: people’s house plan the The party. After a blood tour is sacred. around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and The blood Chloe, isn’t important. be cigarettes. who was It’ll a very the beginning our history. If we close friend of of Femke, was a short, loose, Diazartist, will raise to power. red-haired completely covered with freckles, with the Centaur conA worthless fight. We’ll crushed! stellation sprinkled on herbeface. She told us about her Christmas thrills ‘Can’t betray us! town in England, in a small coastal where in a truly regressive experiOur adventure’s finished. ence, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, Adventure? You call while outsideAdventure?! rained miserably, sheall sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and they took care of the decoration and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, they hung colorful filters on the lamps in the living room and, because Carlos was paranoid that people in the party would steal his books, the girls covered the book shelves with a gold aluminum foil, shielding Carlos’ books from the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves. The three of us had no idea how many people to expect; Berlin was blooming with Silvester parties to compete with, in our neighborhood alone there would be dozens and dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was Transcription that fifty guests would come our about work an adventure!? — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty myorders! friendsDisperse would Stop!!! Obeyofthe come. It was our aspiration thatlog. after the resistants. Sara! Open the the fireworks, people would stay to Note it down: dance. “The contradiction of the forces which direct our lives have thrown We werethis all political very excited and anxus into stalemate, so ious to see how everything would common to those that actively take play reason for part out. in theI had greata special decisions...” having certain anxieties because my new that night.What ...Tofling whommight is thiscome document...? Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebais it for...? nese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, andconsummated whom I had met “...hence, ourduring fate toawards dinnerthe party back in the summer. great national decisions...” We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and long...The speeches! The promises... distance calls, while she was abroad in Romania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to have brought us closer, as if I had entered her life so her father could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest, where I went anyway — I couldn’t get a refund — and stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, having a terrific time encountering packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark streets, we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, but I was seDetail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously tried to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while mourning her father and once back in Berlin she would let me down. Detail of installation in Die I discovered too late my2014. feelings Raum,that Berlin, Photo by behaved then likeJanvines that would Windszus. 13 Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. “...Certain that to resist will unleash aBut pratricidal war between theheld inno-a since Femke still hadn’t cents...” house warming party, and since her house was much more central than ...Who aredecided the innocents? mine, we to locate the New Year’s Eve party at her new place, “...I deliver fate renovated, to God. With which was amy newly spa-the hope oncefloor again, He will bless cious,that ground apartment, close El Dorado with His divineU-bahn grace to the Eberswalderstrasse that dances in the hearts. The station, where shehuman had moved with love that unites us all.” her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had Do Do you who goneyou to see visitSara? his mother insee Bogota. was our leader? OUR GREAT LEADER!!! Just after Christmas, when Femke Now We’ll Go until the End The Party and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and England — I stayed working at home with my cat — we met in her house to plan the party. After a tour around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very close friend of Femke, was a short, red-haired artist, completely covered with freckles, with the Centaur constellation sprinkled on her face. She told us about her Christmas thrills in a small coastal town in England, where in a truly regressive experience, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and they took care of the decoration and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, they hung colorful filters on the lamps in the living room and, because Carlos was paranoid that people in the party would steal his books, the girls covered the book shelves with a gold aluminum foil, shielding Carlos’ books from the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves. The three of us had no idea how many people to expect; Berlin was blooming with Silvester parties to compete with, in our neighborhood alone there would be dozens and dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would come. It was our aspiration that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. We were all very excited and anxious to see how everything would play out. I had a special reason for having certain anxieties because my new fling might come that night. Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebanese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while she was abroad in Romania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to have brought us closer, as if I had entered her life so her father could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest, where I went anyway — I couldn’t get a refund — and stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, having a terrific time encountering packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark streets, we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, but I was seDetail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously tried to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while mourning her father and once back in Berlin she would let me down. I discovered too late that my feelings behaved then like vines that would 29 13 2014 31 9 60 60posters, posters,found foundstereo stereoand andparty partydebris debris 2014 2014 The TheParty Party The TheParty Partyisisa asite sitespecific specificinstalinstallation tailored for the lation tailored for theoff-space off-space Die DieRaum RaumininBerlin. Berlin.The Thespace spaceisis located near to Eberswalder located near to EberswalderStraße, Straße, ininPrenzlauer PrenzlauerBerg; Berg;a adistrict districtwhich which ininitsitsheydays heydays——until untilroughly roughlyless less than thanten tenyears yearsago ago——used usedtotobebethe the cool coolhip hiparea. area.Since Sincethen thenit itdrastidrastically callymorphed morphedinto intoa apredominantly predominantly bourgeois neighborhood bourgeois neighborhoodand andbecame became a asort of cautionary tale of sort of cautionary tale ofhow howfast fast gentrification gentrificationcan canchange changethe thecharaccharacterterofofa aplace. place. Because Becauseofofthe thelocal localneighborhood’s neighborhood’s recent history, I thought recent history, I thoughtit itwas waspertipertinent to tackle a Berlin emblem nent to tackle a Berlin emblemthat that started startedtotobebeexploited exploitedmore morerecently, recently, which whichisisthe thelocal localparty partyculture; culture; considered one of the considered one of themain maintraits traitsofof the German capital, what started the German capital, what startedasasa a consequence consequencefor forbeing beinga acheap cheapplace place populated with the creative populated with the creativeclass, class, ininthe thelast lastyears yearsbecame becamemore moreofofanan industry for tourists, with industry for tourists, withhordes hordesofof young people taking cheap flights young people taking cheap flights for forthe theweekend weekendtotoparty partyininincreasincreasingly expensive clubs. ingly expensive clubs. To download pdf of posters, please press here. 1010 32 I wrote I wrotea ashort-story short-storywhich whichisisa a fictionalization fictionalizationofofa anew newyear’s year’sparty party I had I hadthrown throwntogether togetherwith withfriends, friends, few fewmonths monthsbefore, before,which whichhad hadgotgotten tena abitbitout outofofhand. hand.I transferred I transferred the thestory storytotothe thearea areanear nearDie DieRaum, Raum, ininthe theturn turnofofthe theyear yearbetween between2005 2005 and and2006, 2006,effectively effectivelythe thetime timethat that gentrification gentrificationfrom fromthe thearea areahithititsits maximum maximumpoint, point,making makinghordes hordesofof young youngartist artistand andhipster hipsterroll rolldown down the thehill hilltowards towardsthe thenext nextcool coolplace place then: then:Kreuzberg. Kreuzberg.I appropriated I appropriatedDie Die Raum’s Raum’ssilkscreen silkscreeninfrastructure infrastructure ——they theyprint printtheir theirflyers flyersinto intoamusamusingly inglylarge largeposters posters——and anddivided divided the thestory storyinto intosixty sixtyposters posters(includ(including ingplain plaincolored coloredones onesthat thatserved served totobrake brakethe thestory storyinto intochapters) chapters)that that were weresplit splitinto intofour fourgeometrical geometricalgrids grids designed designedfor foreach eachofofthe thethree threecomcompletely pletelyirregular irregularwalls wallsofofthe thespace. space. InInthe theopening openingevening eveningwe wethrew threw a aparty partythat thateasily easilyfilled filledthe thesmall small fifteen fifteensquare squarefeet feetgallery. gallery.Later Laterthe the debris debrisofofthe theparty partywere wereleft leftininthe the space spaceasasprops propsfor forthe theinstallation. installation. Installation in in Die Raum, Installation Die Raum, Berlin, 2014. Photo byby Jan Berlin, 2014. Photo Jan Windszus. Windszus. 1133 11 2014 Transcription Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. Detail of installation in Die Raum, Berlin, 2014. Photo by Jan Windszus. 34 12 But since Femke still hadn’t held a house warming party, and since her house was much more central than mine, we decided to locate the New Year’s Eve party at her new place, which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had gone to visit his mother in Bogota. Just after Christmas, when Femke The Party and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and England — I stayed working at home with my cat — we met in her house to plan the party. After a tour around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very close friend of Femke, was a short, red-haired artist, completely covered with freckles, with the Centaur constellation sprinkled on her face. She told us about her Christmas thrills in a small coastal town in England, where in a truly regressive experience, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which would be Brazilian of course — and they took care of the decoration and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, they hung colorful filters on the lamps in the living room and, because Carlos was paranoid that people in the party would steal his books, the girls covered the book shelves with a gold aluminum foil, shielding Carlos’ books from the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves. The three of us had no idea how many people to expect; Berlin was blooming with Silvester parties to compete with, in our neighborhood alone there would be dozens and dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would come. It was our aspiration that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. We were all very excited and anxious to see how everything would play out. I had a special reason for having certain anxieties because my new fling might come that night. Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebanese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while she was abroad in Romania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to have brought us closer, as if I had entered her life so her father could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest, where I went anyway — I couldn’t get a refund — and stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, having a terrific time encountering packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark streets, we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, but I was seDetail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously tried to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while mourning her father and once back in Berlin she would let me down. I discovered too late that my feelings behaved then like vines that would 35 13 2014 climb from under my chair, coiling and snaking around my feet without me paying any notice while I emailed or talked to her on the phone; for my surprise later, when suddenly things went wrong and we had to go our separate ways, I trampled, falling face down, then was dragged by Soraya, scraping against the ground as she walked away, leaving a bloody trail behind. Initially, Soraya was supposed to come only one week after the New Year’s, but unexpectedly she decided to come back earlier on the 31st, because she was bored in Beirut and wanted to escape the eerie atmosphere that permeated her stay there. Before I knew that Soraya would come, I, subconsciously perhaps, had been trying to prevent those vines from climbing over my legs by not putting all my eggs in one basket, and had invited a hot Vietnamese girl to the party. So it was with mixed feelings that I received her e-mail saying she would be arriving that day. But to make things more complicated, Soraya threw in some charm by playing hard to get, saying that she wasn’t sure if she would make it to my party because her roommate had other plans. Bruno, a young Italian art-book publisher arrived surprisingly early; one hour before the official scheduled time to start, meaning two hours before anyone else would start arriving. I found that shockingly rude — in Brazil to arrive on time is considered impolite — but my two North-European friends thought nothing of it. Bruno looked smart in black, matching his handsome dark beard that smelled of the Marlboro cigarettes that he was constantly chain smoking. He had brought some gratinéed Italian dish as his contribution and sat in the kitchen with us as we finished cooking. Suddenly we were already past the 36 14 hour and still not finished when a second guest arrived, Kai, a skinny androgynous German, who was also elegantly in black. Bruno was very happy to see her there, they seemed to resume something left unfinished or pending from another night, and stayed flirting with each other by the stove, blocking my way. We had just finished putting all the food that we had, the wine bottles, paper cups and plastic cutlery in Femke’s studio which had been converted into a dining room, when friends from an art collective called Magog arrived, bringing more friends, dishes and drinks. After resting the food in the studio, everybody tried to fit into the kitchen, but it got too crowded so some stayed in the hallway. We all had aperitifs as I made a round of caipiroskas for everyone. Soon more people arrived and all the guests fitted around a long dinner table that had been arranged by putting desks together in Femke’s studio. As we finished eating, shortly before midnight, suddenly throngs of more people arrived, and the house became rapidly totally filled with more than a hundred people, mostly completely unknown to Femke. I pretended bewilderment, while I in fact had secretly invited more people than I had first admitted and encouraged everyone to bring other friends. Things were quickly getting out of hand as both the apartment’s and the building’s doors were left ajar with people coming in and out, some just looting the food and drinks. Then things returned under control all of a sudden when the countdown for New Year’s started and everyone just went outside for the fireworks. The streets were already in the process of being swallowed by the sinister gun powder smoke, what in the war front they like to call the Fog The Party of War. Everywhere rockets could be heard hissing above; fireworks that more closely resembled road bombs exploded in the middle of Schönhauser Allee not giving any special light effect except for producing a blinding glare accompanied by a deafening sound; small, white-trash German kids would light up little bombs that were attached to each other in a chain, like ammo for a machine-gun, making rattling sounds of bullet bursts. As the volleys of fireworks mounted to their climax at the stroke of midnight, I wouldn’t have been surprised at all if a tank squadron of the Red Army had suddenly stormed from Danziger Strasse. While I didn’t dare to actively take part in the collective unconsciousness of my European friends, Bruno, together with a German friend of Femke’s called Hanzel — who looked exactly like Jean-Pierre Léaud, always with a trench coat and a cigarette dangling from his mouth — seemed unabashed and like true pyromaniacs, fitted rockets into empty champagne bottles, lifting them diagonally upwards, their right arms converted into rocket launchers. Back inside it was time for dancing, but the speakers were giving distorted, quirky sounds. Somehow, they had been mysteriously ruptured while everyone was outside. My main suspect was Kai, who stayed inside by the DJ post and who was already completely drunk since supper, having repeatedly annoyed me into trying to take over the music before people were ready to dance. My guess was that she had put the volume too loud when everyone went outside, cracking the speakers. The dance floor was crowded and everyone was just standing awkwardly. The party was quickly dying; people were leaving as they phoned and texted friends in parties Detail of installation in Die Raum, Berlin, 2014. Photo by Jan Windszus. 15 37 The Party 2014 MTV garbage. So, under the pleas of mystified friends, I was forced to intervene. I had brought some 20 records in a red leather LP suitcase from the 60s that had belonged to my grandfather, and that’s all I would play, refusing to even touch the laptop as I was a very committed audiophile then. Unfortunately there was only one turntable and although I tried to be very fast — which I wasn’t — there was always a long pause between songs. Nonetheless, in a flash, the dance floor was burning with people dancing whenever the vinyl was spinning. that were really rocking. Two Austrian friends, Thomas and Klaus, from the Magog art collective, were trying in vain to reconnect the speakers; I knew that the best and fastest option was that I simply get on my bike and pick up my speakers from home, but I was certain that they would get blown up too, and I didn’t want to bother. When one of the Austrians mentioned that he lived around the corner, I jumped at the idea and pleaded for his help, pointing out how guests were oozing out towards other parties. In the mean time, in the dining room: Frank and Elke, a German couple 38 16 friends with Femke, after being together for years in an orthodox relationship had switched to an ‘open’ one. Frank, who was an art historian that found fridges unnecessary, noisy machines and kept his food outside the window of his ground-floor apartment, had, in addition to his girlfriend number one, brought his new girlfriend, a young Egyptian who had the airs of an Arabic Elizabeth Taylor. Apparently, Cleopatra here was indeed aware of Elke, who was a roundish, innocentlooking curator, but seemed to have found the confrontation of being in the same party with her simply too much to handle. After Frank had helped Elke open a wine bottle, he felt the air near his head move as a glass missed him by an inch, and Detail of installation in Die Raum, Berlin, 2014. Photo by Jan Windszus. subsequently exploded on the wall next to him. The shattered pieces of glass showered over the buffet, including my lovely Brazilian black bean stew, rendering most of the rest of the food into a sword-swallower’s meal. The Austrians returned with the speakers and the party resumed — more people arrived and some started to try dancing. That was when Chloe demonstrated that as a DJ, she was a very good visual artist. Or maybe most of the guests just didn’t share her ultra-sophisticated ironic taste, and for them, her cheesy song list simply sounded like A few songs later, Soraya came in with her roommate. I stopped playing records and Chloe took over again, so that I could instead play host to her. To my surprise she was more interested in the company of her lesbian roommate, who not only had an extremely unsavory personality, but was also endowed with the head of an overweight person on a very thin body. Despite this, my heart started secretly to sink, I was amused to later discover that a friend of mine, a beautiful lesbian who was there turned out to know Soraya’s roommate and in fact had had a blind date with her. I laughed very hard to myself with the image unraveling in front of my eyes of my rendering of how their date had unfolded: meeting in a place like Barbie Deinhoff’s, my friend Carolina facing her bloated-faced date not knowing how to escape her harrowing fate, then locking herself in a toilet stall and calling friends to ask whoever was available to ‘incidentally’ arrive in the bar to rescue her. Not finding the attention I sought from the Lebanese girl, I went back to the dance-floor, where a song from Jennifer Lopez was playing. Friends again begged me to play. In the middle of the room, Frank’s girlfriend, Elke, was being slowly seduced by a big butch bearing a thin mustache. I was also a bit startled to see Mubawa, the Nigerian boyfriend of a German friend of mine, slowly dancing with the Egyptian girl. I could have gone with my roommate. Bruno, on his part, since Kai had already collapsed on a couch, was throwing all of his charm toward Chloe on the dance floor. Soraya went to a corner, where she sat sulking. At this point, I received a message from one of my dearest friends. Hey P, in Kreuzberg in a spacey party, come in case you wanna chill. Crestfallen I quickly typed into my phone. Thanks but I can’t leave my own party. Then I realized I had also gotten a message from the Vietnamese girl. Where are you? At this moment I let go a sigh. I’m at my party. I then put on Transmission by Joy Division and the crowd went into a fever. Soraya came and held my arm. Can we go now? I’m tired. Baffled, I took another record into my hands. Uh...I’m deejaying? Can’t you ask someone to take your place? ...this is also my party you know. I tried explaining that I had a responsibility with Femke’s house, being that most of the guests were my guests. Until when do you think you’re staying here? ...I have no idea. Maybe for 1 or 2 hours more? Maybe longer? Why didn’t you tell me this before? What? When? I received another message from the Vietnamese girl: Sorry, still not there... I slipped my cell-phone into my hip pocket and played Bela Lugosi’s Dead by Bauhaus. I was wearing a suit and tie and, under the dark spell of that song, I moved onto the dance-floor, unbuttoned my jacket and started flapping it backwards and forwards as if it were a cape. Even though I was mostly responsible for it, I realized only then that there was a great incongruence between the numbers of men and women at the party — for every man there were at least three women. This made sense, since the apartment was actually filled mostly with my guests who were, not by chance, overwhelmingly female. Then, on the dance-floor, two towering blonde Germans closed in, one from the back and the other from the front and were about to trap me. Their voracity and purposefulness were very intimidating, causing me to spin, using my ‘cape’ to parry the women’s hands, managing to dodge them and go back to my DJ post. I saw then, one of my few male friends that was there, became the next victim of the ravenous pair. He Detail of installation was cornered against a wall; I swear Fulano de tal I could see the Photo whitesbyof his eyes from where I stood. Defenceless, he succumbed and disappeared underneath the tall valkyries. Chloe pushed me from the DJ post and someone took the cue to ask me to make some more caipiroskas. In the kitchen, which was crowded 17 39 2014 The Party with people veiled behind the cloud of cigarette smoke, I met a younger Brazilian friend, Paula who had brought a young British couple with her. All three of them were wearing matching clothes in a flowery patterned, 70’s psychedelic style. The British boy was extremely skinny and tall, with thick-rimmed glasses. They put themselves on the waiting list for caipiroskas while drinking pure vodka shots. Genna started having a fight at the kitchen’s entrance with Mubawa when he came over with the Egyptian girl. Cleopatra disengaged from him and went nonchalantly to the dining room. I followed behind her, but was repealed from entering the room when confronted from within by the sight of huge white buttocks, shining like the full moon, that were protruding from the butch’s back, who was bent over Elke in very loose pants, completely oblivious of any draft that might have warned her of the lack of gracefulness with which she found herself. Mubawa disentangled himself from the fight and came next to me. He pointed toward the dancing room at the end of the hallway, from which a song by Mariah Carey was echoing. What the fuck is that music? Happening/party during opening in Die Raum, Berlin, May, 2014. Photos by Jesper Dyrehauge. 40 18 I dutifully conceded and went back to the DJ post, having to push Chloe away and put to play a very danceable Caetano Veloso song called Alfaomega from 1969 that sounded like Moldy Peaches in Portuguese, which Bruno recognized and danced to with hip-hop moves at the same time as he swirled around the Egyptian girl. Chloe, who had perhaps taken their previous dancing a bit too seriously, as if it had indicated a promise of a future romance, broke down with Bruno’s apparent new interest — never mind that he had been flirting with Kai earlier. She started crying in the middle of the dance-floor. Femke, who had been dancing by herself somewhere wearing a panama hat, came to her aid, and promptly took her into the bathroom. Soraya’s roommate returned. She, who had still been sulking in the corner, suddenly got up and started to dance with her froggy roommate. I approached her on the dance-floor with smooth moves, but she seemed all but oblivious to me. Disenchanted, I went back to the DJ post and played a song by the Beastie Boys. I received another message from the Vietnamese girl: We are at Kastanienallee 21. I’m still at my own party. Sorry I meant to message someone else... Soraya appeared next to me. So, are you going home with me, or should I go with Katti? At 2 a.m., which is still quite early for a New Year’s party, the house was completely packed. I didn’t even look at her. Go with your roommate. Soraya put on her winter jacket and left, infuriated. Yeah, sure. In front of us, the butch was making out with Frank’s girlfriend, and another female couple danced very close. It’s funny how there are only girls kissing tonight. We could change that. How? I dragged her into a hidden dark nook by the window. Although I didn’t manage to really get aroused with her as I kept thinking about Soraya, I felt her plenty while making out, each squeeze feeling like a small redemption. After some fifteen minutes we both emerged from our hideout exactly before Femke came out of the toilet with Chloe, who had a puffy face from crying and would have surely snitched on me to Soraya if she had seen me earlier. I danced with the German girl for a bit, keeping a distance. Suddenly the British boy, the friend of Paula, appeared leading two young lesbians, the three completely out of place in the older crowd. I was glad he approached me, as I used it as a cue to disengage myself from the German who was dumbfounded, and left fuming. There had been a dark-haired German in her late twenties or early thirties with thick, voluptuous lips that had been eyeing me in the kitchen earlier. Frustrated with both the Lebanese and the Vietnamese girls, and taking advantage of the fact that Chloe was in the toilet with Femke, I came up to her in the living room to make some small talk. Excuse me. I’m terribly sorry to disturb you, Paulo. But have you seen Paula? Having fun? Oh dear, I really need to find her... No, I saw her leaving with you. Could I, by any chance, use your phone to call her? Sure. Oh no! My phone’s dead! 41 19 The Party The Party 2014 2014 She said she was coming back, but She said was coming back, you’re sureshe you haven’t seen her?but you’re sure you haven’t seen her? Yes, I’m sure. Yes, I’m sure. I’m very sorry to ask you this, I’m I’mvery verysorry; sorry to you this, I’m very butask if there is any very very sorry; but if there is any way that you could retrieve the way that retrieve number foryou me,could maybe I couldthe find number for me, maybe could find someone that will let me Iuse their someone that will let me use their phone... phone... Uh...sure I’ll try to turn it on again... I’llturn try to turn it on again... I Uh...sure managed to it on. I managed to turn it on. Can I tell you? Can I tell you? Wait, wait, I’m not good with Wait, wait, I’m not good with phones... phones... The kid borrowed a phone from one borrowed a phone from one ofThe the kid lesbians. of the lesbians. Wait? You don’t have a phone? Wait? You don’t have a phone? No, no, I’m not good with phones... No, no, I’m not good with phones... He called, but no one answered. He called, but no one answered. The music went off a second time. Thelaptop musichad went offput a second The been on toptime. of The laptop had been put top of the amplifier, causing it toon overheat. amplifier, causing it tostarted overheat. Athe new crisis. More people to A new crisis. More people started to gush out. But again the Austrians gush the out.night, But again the Austrians saved and went to fetch saved the night, and went to fetch their amplifier. Once the amplifier their amplifier. Once the amplifier was back only the core of the party wasstill back only—the corethirty of thepeople. party was there some was still there — some thirty people. The British kid returned with anThe request. British kid returned with another other request. I’m terribly terribly sorry to bother I’magain terribly terribly to bother you Paulo; you sorry have been a you again Paulo; you have terrific host tonight; but if bybeen any a terrificyou hosthappen tonight; by any chance to but haveif any chance you happen to have any drugs or know of someone that drugs or know of someone that might have them, I would be etermight have them, I would be eternally grateful. nally grateful. I scratched my head. I scratched my head. Uh...I don’t have but...maybe...wait don’t have but...maybe...wait a Uh...I minute. a minute. 20 42 20 I put Chloe in my place in the DJ I put Chloe in the post and wentintomy theplace kitchen, theDJ kid post and went to the kitchen, closely behind me. I found onethe of kid closely behind me. I found one ofif the Austrians, Thomas, and asked the Austrians, Thomas, and asked if he had anything. he had anything. Yeah, sure. Just a moment. Yeah, sure. Just a moment. The kid went with Thomas who The to kidhiswent who by went coatwith that Thomas was hanging went to his coat that was hanging by the entrance. the entrance. that looked like vitamin D12 pills. that looked like vitamin D12 pills. Mubawa picked one of the biggest Mubawa picked the biggest ones and gave it toone me.ofDrunk and ones and gave it to me. Drunk and not knowing how to refuse it, I swalnot knowing how to refuse it, I swallowed it with a gulp of beer. lowed it with a gulp of beer. I went back to dancing but I didn’t I went back to dancing but I tired didn’t feel anything, and soon grew feel anything, and soon grew and sat down. Femke sat next totired me andsaid sat that down. Femke nexthave to me and they wouldsatsoon that theyout. would soon have toand kicksaid everybody It was almost to kick everybody out. It was almost 8 a.m. and she wanted to go to sleep. 8 a.m. andtall sheblondes, wanted to to sleep. In the meantime, I went back to the One of the thegobeautiful In the meantime, I went back to the One of the tall blondes, the beautiful dance room, being careful to avoid Kerstin, was deejaying amazingly, dance being careful to avoid playing Kerstin, was deejaying the girl Iroom, had just kissed. Grace Jones. Theamazingly, thirty or so the girl I had just kissed. playing Grace thirty people left, whoJones. mostlyThe were fromor so people left, who mostly were Chloe was playing a song by the the first group to have arrived infrom the Chloe was playing a song by the the first group to have arrived in the Spice Girls. Genna demanded that party, were still dancing, probably Gennabut demanded that party, were still dancing, probably I Spice changeGirls. the music, I could see full of vitamin D in their blood. At I change the music, but I could see full of vitamin D in their blood. At that Chloe literally still had tears in 8 a.m. Femke cut the music. Kerstin that Chloe literally still had tears in 8 a.m. Femke cut the music. Kerstin her eyes. I thought that deejaying invited me to go with her and some herhelping eyes. I thought thather deejaying me to gopeople with her some was to distract from her ofinvited the remaining to aand club. was helping to distract her from her of the remaining people to a club. distress, so I let her be. distress, so I let her be. * * Bored, I asked the British kid about Bored, I asked the British kid about the pill, just to make conversation. It was about 9 a.m. when the splinthe pill, just to make conversation. tered It was about a.m. whenentered the splingroup of 9ten people a tered group of ten people Oh, I’ve put it in a drink to dissolve, large electronic-music clubentered under- a Oh, largesome electronic-music underI’ll goI’ve get put it... it in a drink to dissolve, neath elevated trainclub tracks. I’ll go get it... neath some elevated train tracks. Beside Kerstin, the Magog collective Beside Kerstin, collective I never saw him again at that party. was there, and so the wasMagog Mubawa and I never saw him again at that party. was there, and so was Mubawa I was by then a bit restless. I went Genny and the Egyptian girl, whoand I was a bit where restless. I went Genny Egyptian back to by thethen kitchen, Thomas sat on myand lapthe in the cab. girl, who back to the kitchen, where Thomas sat on my lap in the cab. grabbed me by the shoulder. grabbed me by the shoulder. Hey did you see the British guy? Inside the club’s packed dance-floor, Hey did you see the British guy? Inside the British club’s packed we met the kid anddance-floor, the two we met the British kid andinthe Yeah, I think he left. lesbians who were dancing a two Yeah, I think he left. lesbians who were dancing in a trance and didn’t acknowledge us. trance and didn’t acknowledge us. Did he give you the stuff? All of a sudden everything became Did he give you the stuff? All of a sudden everything became rhythm to me; nothing mattered rhythm to me; nothing Oh, not really. anymore except obeyingmattered the beats Oh, not really. anymore except obeying the beats by moving my body. The Egyptian Detail of The installation by moving my body. Egyptian Oh that asshole. He said he was gowas grazing against me her Detail of with installation Photo byme Fulano de tal Ohtothat asshole. said he was go- eyes wasclosed. grazingItagainst with her ing share it withHe you. I only gave was a great feeling, Photo by Fulano de tal ing to share it with you. I only gave eyes closed. It was a great feeling, it to him because he said he was go- but in a few minutes I felt a terrible, it to said he was go- dry butthirst. in a few I felt a terrible, ing to him sharebecause it with he you! My minutes mouth was pure white ing to share it with you! dry thirst. My mouth was pure white saliva, and when someone handed saliva, and when someone handed Thomas tapped Mubawa on the me a glass of water, I poured it into Thomasand tapped Mubawa memouth a glassasofif water, pouredand it into shoulder whispered onon histhe ear. my it was Ioxygen shoulder and whispered on his ear. my mouth as if it was oxygen and The Nigerian produced a small, immediately I knew that it was not The Nigerian produced a small, immediately I knew that it was not metal, round canister for mints. enough, that I needed to leave that metal, round canister for mints. enough, that I needed to leave that Inside were dozens of brown tablets place or I would have a seizure. Inside were dozens of brown tablets place or I would have a seizure. I ran out, passing the heavy-set I ran out, passing the aheavy-set bouncer who gave me curious bouncer who gave me aidiots curious glance, as if he had seen like glance, as if he had seen idiots like me many times before. I walked me many times before. walked down the freezing streets,I lit by the down the freezing streets, lit bya the cold overcast sun, wearing only coldand overcast sun, wearing only a shirt a disheveled tie. I wasn’t shirt and a disheveled tie. I wasn’t yet feeling much better, although yet feeling much better, although the fresh air and the lack of music the fresh and the lack music helped withaircontrolling myofhearthelped with controlling my heartbeat and easing my blood pressure beat and my blood pressureI down. Buteasing if the effect of whatever down. But if the effect of whatever had taken was yet to reach its cli- I had Itaken yet tohave reach its climax, knewwas I might a stroke, max, I knew I might have a stroke, or even a heart-attack. or even a heart-attack. I walked in the direction of an UI walked in thenext direction an had Ubahn. The road to the of club bahn. The road next to the club had been cornered off by the police with been cornered off by the police with yellow barrier tape. Four patrol cars yellow barrier Four stood within thetape. closed areapatrol flash-cars stood within the closed area ing their siren lights. I walkedflashpast ing their siren lights. I walked past them and observed from the other them and observed from the other side of the street as an ambulance side ofdown the street as an ambulance slowed and stopped, while a slowed down and stopped, while a police officer opened a path through police officer opened a path through the blockage. The ambulance parked the blockage. The ambulance parked between the cars and paramedics between the cars and paramedics emerged from its rear doors with a emergedAfter fromsome its rear doors with a stretcher. five minutes, stretcher. After some five minutes, someone was transported on the someonefrom wasthe transported stretcher club into on thethe amstretcher from the club into ambulance. The man was a latinothe with bulance. The man was a latino with a shaved head who reminded me of a shaved head who reminded myself — maybe it was me? —me I of myself — maybe it was me? — even had the same tie on — didn’tI I? even had the same tie on — didn’t I? I turned around and continued walkI turned continued walking to the around U-bahn.and I went down the ing to the U-bahn. I went down the stairs to the platform where I medistairs to the platform where I meditated for what felt like a long time, tated forifwhat felt the likelife a long time, thinking this was I thought thinking if this was the life I thought I would be leading at 35, never havI would be leading at 35, never having had made a feature film, never ing had made a feature film, never having written a novel, leaving basihaving a novel, cally likewritten a teenager, whyleaving didn’t Ibasically like a teenager, why didn’t I stay with Clare? Was my Cat, Madstay with Clare? Was my Cat, Madam, my only family now? Maybe myget only family now? When Maybe I am, should a hair implant. I should get a hair implant. When would I finally go back to Jiu-Jitsu? would I finally go back to Jiu-Jitsu? When would I learn German? Why WhenI write wouldmore? I learnWhat German? didn’t aboutWhy didn’t I write more? What about quitting smoking? And drinking? quitting smoking? And drinking? What about Law school? Should I Whattoabout Law school? Should I return Rio...? return to Rio...? I hated how my super-ego inflated I hateda bad howtrip. my super-ego during I was cold,inflated and during a bad trip. I was and realized that I had left all cold, my belongrealized that I had left all my ings in the night club, so I stoodbelongup ings in the night club, so up and went back. Leaving theI stood U-bahn and went back. Leaving the U-bahn station and crossing the street to the station and see crossing the street the club I didn’t any sign of the to poclub I didn’t see any sign of the police cars or of the ambulance or even or of the ambulance or even oflice thecars yellow barrier tapes. Inside, of the yellow barrier tapes. Inside, the bouncer let me in as if I had left theminutes bouncerago, let me if I had left five andinI as found everyfive minutes ago, and I found everyone still dancing, the club packed as one still dancing, thegirl club packed before. The Egyptian was mak-as before. The Egyptian girl was making out with the British kid. ing out with the British kid. It was 2006. I packed my stuff and It was 2006. I packed my stuff and left à l’anglaise...” left à l’anglaise...” Detail of installation in Die DetailBerlin, of installation in Die Raum, 2014. Photo by Raum, Berlin, 2014. Photo by Jan Windszus. Jan Windszus. 21 43 21 Live telephone conversation and slide show 2014 Casa da Michèle Casa da Michèle was a live interview. I invited the artist Adaire Reeford to talk to me in the Galerie Juliette Jongma in Amsterdam, about a film he was trying to make in Rio de Janeiro while staying in the house of the famous French artist Michèle Gálvez Forst, alongside a slide-show of photographs he had made there while location-scouting. As it happened, Reeford got stuck in one of the now infamous traffic jams of the Wonderful City, as roads are being opened and freeways demolished while Rio gears up for the 2016 Olympics, and he never made it to his BA flight. Therefore we improvised a phone conversation. When the time came and I was alone on ‘the stage’ he didn’t pick up the call the first time. Smiling at the audience I made up some excuse, while my heart secretly sank. I tried again some five minutes later, and indeed, in this second attempt, he was there. (I learned later that he had tripped in the cord of the old land line braking it, and had to find a spare one.) 44 22 The first thing he told me over the phone was the improbable story of how Hitchcock came about commissioning the script for North by Northwest to the script writer Ernest Lehman. Hitchcock wanted Lehman to write a script where the opening scene took place in an UN meeting where, say, the Danish diplomat at the moment of his speech said: “I will only speak when the representative of [for instance] Peru, wakes up!”. Someone approaches the Peruvian diplomat who seems to be sleeping bent over his desk and finds out that he is in fact dead. Under his head they find a notepad where the picture of the head of a moose had been drawn. And then, for the ending, Hitchcock said he wanted a chase across Mount Rushmore — “...always wanted that in a film.” At a loss of how to even start writing something that would connect such disparate points in a timeline, Lehman decided to catch a train to Mount Rushmore. In the way, many incidents took place in the trip which took a couple of days; so that by the time he arrived to Mount Rushmore, Top: found-photo sent in the invitation as a portrait of Adaire Reeford. Right: performance in Galerie Juliette Jongma, March 2014. Below: a few moments before the performance started. Photos by Andreea Peterfi. PICTURE OF PERFORMANCE HELD IN GALERIE JULIETTE JONGMA, MARCH 1ST, 2014 45 23 2014 he had his script ready in his mind to be written. From then on, for close to an hour Reeford told me through the phone — which was amplified to speakers — the reasons that lead him never to even start filming while staying at Michèle’s house. While the audience heard the forking narratives, they could concentrate in the images of the slides that sometimes randomly connected to what was being said. Michèle’s house, in the vernacular of her own work, became a hub for narratives and tales told by an artist who is an elusive individual, someone who creates a fictional character of himself by weaving a fog of mystery around him. Transcription But actually there never was an Adaire Reeford, just as there has never been a real Michèle Gálvez Forst either. In a collaboration, the artist Daragh Reeves — who I met in a residency in Rio — had helped me forge those lines (the Hitchcock story was his idea). Later, he used that script as a base to improvise while speaking over the phone to me from Berlin. The photographs were actually of my authorship, so that is to say that it was indeed a fictional interview. Michèle Gálvez Forst was a fictional character based in Dominique Gonzales-Foester who has a real house in Rio, which a common friend takes care, and where I stayed for a sejour once. I went to a wild party at Emery’s in Belleville, Paris: at one point someone offered around some MDMA, and when it was already dawn, we played poker. I lost around fifty euros, and left back home — not before behaving like a very bad loser. Earlier in the night, I met for the first time the artist Michèle Gálvez Forst; this is when it was still a well behaved dinner party, from which she left early. Michèle and I immediately stroke up a friendship that night. We shared a common interest in Brazil and in Rio, and also some mutual friends in Paris. Even our work had some parallels, however Michèle is a world known artist — and also older — and I have just achieved a more modest level of success. SATURDAY Image from slide projector. finger prints he was collecting were most probably those of my friends from the night before. ONE MONTH AGO A week after meeting her, Michèle asked me if I wanted to fly out to her house in Rio for New Year’s. Sure, why not? It had been a hard winter, and also I just had been dumped by this girl Nina, and I felt that at least I could go there and finish a script I’ve been working on. So I flew out and stayed ten days with her, and I decided in the end to extend my stay. She went back to Paris and left me the keys and asked me to keep an eye on her house renovations from her courtyard that had slid down the hill a couple years back due to torrential rainfall. As it happened the workers never showed up anymore once she was gone. 46 24 Casa da Michèle Detail of installation Photo by Fulano de tal A week ago, someone broke through a small window at the back of the house that lead to the American kitchen. Nothing was taken but the visitor left many half finished bottles of my booze around the house. And also moved some furniture around, including some beanbag seats piled into a tower and two dining chairs MONDAY I woke up again to find the same window smashed and the furniture laid out in even more disconcerting places and more of my booze collection drained. I wondered to myself how come I don’t hear anything! The new discoveries totally put me out of the mood for working, so I decided to try the race tracks myself. Image from slide projector. that were in top of the couch. I called the police. A pair of nonchalant officers arrived and pretended to scribble things on a notepad with a ballpoint pen. As they’re leaving, I asked — in my pidgin Portuguese — why they didn’t take some finger prints? The officers shrugged; upon my insistence that some extra investigation be made, they called someone and then left. That evening, after having the window fixed, I tried to forget about this incident: there was a French curator that I knew that was staying in a hotel next door, so she brought some of her friends and I called some of my friends, and we threw a nice dinner party in Michèle’s house. SUNDAY The day after the party, I went over to have breakfast in the hotel next door with my friend. And the communal table I met Samuel Moses, an American writer and academic who had come to Rio for only one night in order to interview the journalist Greenstein for a biography. We had a pleasant conversation, while wolfing down the buffet breakfast. We talked about Greenstein, whose columns in The Times about the dissident NSA’s secret agent, Sutherland I had been following. He had become persecuted himself for handling the leaked confidential NSA files. I was surprised to discover that Greenstein lived in Rio (my guess is he was in hiding from the CIA). Samuel was going to meet him in the horse track in Gávea, a place Greenstein loved to go. When I returned to the house next door, I found a short man who was waiting for me by the gate. He had a severe expression on his face. As I opened the door I asked what he wanted and he informed me that he was a forensic specialist from the police. He started to poor dust in every wine glass and door handle in the house, and took pictures. I tried to explain to the little man that the Once there I experienced immediate beginners’ luck. So I remained there until evening. Each time there would be a new race I would leave my table on the balcony and run downstairs where they had a type of a cat walk for the horses. Here the stable assistants paraded the horses by their tethers, and after the jockeys had being weighted, the horses would return with the jockeys mounted on them. That day I developed a curious gambling theory: I observed that more often than not, jockeys with longer noses on less favorable horses won against high odds. So for every race, I looked for the most pinocchio rider. And with this stupid method I actually turned a profit! TUESDAY I woke, came into the American kitchen, and checked for signs of the burglar but noticed nothing. I had not bother to fix the window so it stood glassless. While I started to Detail of installation get the morning coffee going, I saw by Fulano de tal a trash bag on Photo the kitchen counter. It was closed with a knot, and whatever was inside was about the size of a melon or a football. I picked it up and it seemed to weight around four kilos and it was neither hard or soft. I called the local police station — a 47 46 25 2014 tiny place in the main touristic street of Santa Teresa. Two hours later the patrol car arrived with two new cops and I had to explain everything to them from the beginning. Paying no attention whatsoever to the trash bag they asked if I would like to come to the station to make a report, but warned me that such an effort would be worthless. As they tried leaving I pointed out for a second time the ominous trash bag on the kitchen counter, to which they shrugged and laughed saying ‘He left a gift for you’ and left I was left alone with the mysterious bag on the counter. I felt it with my hands and again could not determined what was inside. . . I took a deep breath and dug my nails into the plastic bag ripping it open. Inside there was another trash bag exactly like the one I had just ripped. Once more I ripped into the bag and once again I encountered another identical bag inside of that. Again I ripped it open and same thing. I started to rip numerous trash bags in rhythm just to find yet another one just like it — in total some 30 bags — until I reached a white shopping bag from the Mundial supermarket chain. of the horses he circled for the next race. I bet on his horses — Aerosol and Mojito — as well as on Sutil whose Jockey who hadn’t a particular long nose, but had the longest. It was a close call with a photo-finish. Sutil won by a nose! I cashed in my humble winnings and I tried to approach the man to invite him for a drink. As soon as he saw me coming, he left to the popular stand area. Somehow I scared him off. Later, also because I never been to the other side, and because his flight sparkled my curiosity further, I too crossed over to the popular seats leaving behind the area where only properly dressed members are admitted, protected by security. Although the popular area was also a beautifully conserved building from the 1920s, it felt like entering another world. Here instead of seeing old retired gentlemen with their binoculars or fat rich nouveaux riches sipping their Martinis, were battered gamblers in wretched surf shorts and Havaiana flip-flops. A long haired Indian with blood shot eyes almost The Party bumped into me while crumpling his race sheet into a tiny ball, shouting an unpleasant curse in Portuguese. I saw the man I imagined could be Greenstein talking with a scruffy looking man in a wheelchair that was being pushed by a middle-aged mulata, who you could tell that in better years had been a beauty and that regardless of her sagging face, still possessed considerable sex-appeal. The ‘French-Greenstein’ saw me across the room and quickly whispered something before taking his leave. I ran towards him but I was stopped by the mulata who expertly hooked one of her arms around my left elbow and fixed me with her seductive smile, hypnotizing me with such charm that I forgot about the man for a moment. Once I had disentangled myself from the mulata, the man was gone. WEDNESDAY Next day, I had my first actual encounter with the burglar. I was returning from the beach, wearing espadrilles and shades, when I saw him climbing the wall that ran At this point I could tell that it was probably not a body part. That soothed me and encourage me to open the final bag. This one I did not rip open, but slowly untied the knot. Inside the blender that usually sat by the sink in the kitchen. Incredulous, I looked to the sink and indeed the blender was not there. That day I went back to the Jockey Club. As I stood there waiting for a race to start, I spotted a handsome man, casually, yet, elegantly dressed. He was sitting near to where I stood and was checking his race sheet. I thought he might be Greenstein, even though he looked way more French than American. I positioned myself behind him and took note 48 26 Detail of installation Photo by Fulano de tal Image from slide projector. around Michèle’s house. He also saw me and froze while sitting on the top of the wall, holding a trash bag that was probably full of my stuff. He was very thin, dark, and wore a disheveled shirt which in bold letters read ‘Búzios’. This very strong territorial instinct took over me and I started shouting to him Hey! What’re you doing there!? Get out! He remained impassive. After a minute or two, I ran inside the house’s ground to get closer to him; by which time he was gone. Inside the house I received a text from a friend that invited me to participate in a demonstration. It was true Carioca fashion to notify me of such thing on the last minute, but I ran from Michèle’s house loading my small camera on the way. A bus took me by surprise as I was hurrying down the slope, it came speeding off a blind curve, pushing me backwards to the ground. I hit my head against the sidewalk and fell unconscious. I woke up with a circle of heads staring down at me. They seemed surprised when I opened my eyes. Curses coming from somewhere made me sit up, irritating a doctor who apparently had come out of her SUV to help me. Ignoring her, I saw that the bus had stopped some 30 feet away; its driver was one of the people surrounding me; and the passengers were furious, demanding the driver to return to the bus and resume their journey. For everybody’s astonishment, I stood up to leave. I was tired of waiting for the ambulance, it was Friday evening, and there was an opening and a party I wanted to attend. I would certainly miss if I ended up in a Brazilian hospital waiting for hours in line. The doctor grabbed me by the arm, but I shrugged her off, saying Tá tudo bem, even though my Image from slide projector. head was throbbing madly. I left the small crowd behind, to the applause of the bus’ passengers, and walked back up the hill, towards Michèle’s house. In the house I took note of my wounds. I felt like I had just been beaten up by a mob. Something similar could have happened to my body, had I gone to the demonstration in the end, as the police were been reported to have acted brutally. I took ice packs from the freezer and wrapped around my body with plastic bags and cloths. I balanced the biggest one on my head like one of those ladies from Bahia who sell coconut couscous on the beach. I had made an appointment with some guests from the hotel next door, whom I had met during breakfast, to go to the opening and the party. I decided that would do me good to ignore my pains and continue as planned. I greeted everyone and explained what had happened. They were completely appalled — more because I insisted in going than what had happened to me. Luckily one of them, a Greek, was a doctor. He quickly examined me looking at my pupils and asked me if I felt any dizziness and discharged me as good to go. . .we caught a big cab. Driving down the hill towards Glória, the car began to fill with a terrible stench. One of our companions, a husky old Scottish filmmaker, asked the driver if he was carrying a dead body in the trunk. That’s when I remembered seeing some old frozen fish laying in the freezer that I took the ice packs out of. By the time we arrived at the opening I had to confess that it was me who was causing the stench. When we arrived my new friends helped me dispose of the ice packsDetail in some drains. of installation Photo by Fulano de tal At the opening, which was held in a large old apartment I went directly to the bathroom so that I could wash myself in the sink — the stench was unbearable. Afterwards I took a shower with all the perfume bottles I could find: Infinity, L’Homme, L’Odyssée, Cinéma, Channel Nº5... Doused in this cocktail of fragrance, 27 49 The Party 2014 I would still had to keep my distance from the friends and acquaintances that I met there. After a while we went to another opening, which was more like a street party organized by a famous Brazilian artist for the gallery. By then my doctor friend allowed me to take painkillers and to drink. Happy to be still alive, I danced like there was no tomorrow. I had my best suit on which attracted a lot of attention attenin a city its citizens wearwear fliption in a where city where its citizens flops most of the time. A beautiful flip-flops most of the time. A beautigirl, I knew from a residency I had ful girl I knew from the residency, done in Rio a few years ago, called Miriam, made eye contact with me Miriam, made eye contact with me on the side-walk-cum-dance-floor. on the side-walk-cum-dance-floor. I approached her and we danced. AtI approached her and we danced. At some point they played a slow song some point they played a slow song and I tried to dance close to her, but and I tried dance close to her, she left andtodisappear in the crowd. but she left and disappeared in the crowd. I looked for her and soon found her with her husband. Transfixed I looked her and soon foundShe stoppedfor dancing and waved. her with her husband. Transfixed blushed and even covered her mouth Iwith stopped dancing and waved. She her hand in embarrassment or blushed and even covered her that mouth shyness. I had the impression with her handkept in embarrassment or her husband looking at me for shyness. I had the impression that the rest of the party. her husband kept looking at me for the rest of the party. THURSDAY THURSDAY I was laying by the pool which was very dirty because since I got there Ithe was laying theworking. pool which was pump wasbynot João, the very dirty because since I got there caretaker, came by to take the pump the pump was working. the to the shop. Henot showed me aJoão, photo caretaker, came by to take the pump on his cell phone that he had taken to theashop. He showed meburglar a photo from TV screen with the on his cell phone that he had taken it. He had finally been captured from a TV screen with the burglar by the police, when he had tried to on it. He finally beenApparently captured brake in ahad nearby house. by the police, when he had triedbytoa he had been bitten in his groin brake in a nearby house. Apparently watchdog that wouldn’t let him go. he had been bitten his groin by Because of my badinPortuguese, I a watchdog that wouldn’t let him go. hadn’t followed the news, but apparBecause of my badbraking Portuguese, I ently he had been in many hadn’t followed the news, but apparhouses of Santa Teresa, primarily to ently he had been breaking in many steal alcohol. houses of Santa Teresa, primarily to steal To myalcohol. surprise, a couple of hours later, I was invited by the two first 50 28 To my agents surprise, couple of hours police to acome to the central later, I station was invited by the first police in Glória to two identify police agents to come to the central the thief. For some crazy bureaupolicereason stationthey in Glória to identify cratic need eye witthe thief. bureaunesses forFor himsome to beinsane charged. So cratic reason theythere needed wityesterday I went andeye immedinessesinfor to be charged. So ately thehim lobby I was confronted yesterday I went andexpression immediwith the kid with there a blank ately inbeside the lobby I wasmother confronted sitting his poor who withcrying. the kid They with atake blank was meexpression to a dark sittingwith beside his poor mother who room two-way glass and the was comes crying.all They meThe to acops dark kid benttook over. roomjust withsaw two-way glass at and thein who me looking him kid lobby came in bent over. the askallme if he wasThe thecops man. meactually lookingunsure. at him in Iwho say just thatsaw I was the lobby ask he wasout theof man. Moments later,me heifwalked the I say that I was station with his actually mother aunsure. bit ahead Moments he walked out of the of me intolater, the sun. station with his mother a bit ahead of me into the sun.* I went then to take a stroll. Flamego I was eating an açai in Flamengo when I saw the same man, the ‘French-Greenstein’, crossing a street light. I quickly paid without finishing my expensive açai bowl — I was standing in the bestbest place in — I was standing in the place town forfor açais —— I ran in in hishis direcin town açais I ran tion. I hadIintended to slow down direction. had intended to slow once Ionce was about 50 feet50away down I was about feet from away him, but hadheunexpectely stopped from him,hebut had unexpectto look at a newspaper by a edly stopped to look at hanging a newspaper news-stand then intuitively turnhanging by aand news-stand and then ed towardsturned me. I stopped myI intuitively towardsinme. tracks, and he started run. destopped in my tracks, to and he Istarted cided pursue him; thinking if I to run.toI decided to pursue him; caught him could exthatexI thinking if IIcaught himplain I could meantthat no harm. plain I meant no harm. He ran into a metro station and I followed. Distracted, I boarded thethe followed. Distracted, I boarded carriage I thought he was in. When the doors shut behind me, I saw that I was mistaken — it was someone else with a white shirt. However, seated just 15 feet away was an exgirlfriend, called Clare. SheShe waswas ex-girlfriend, called Clare. wearing a formal working dress. She still looked beautiful. I had last seen her in Brussels yearsI before. She still lookedmany beautiful. had last Things endedmany well between seen herhadn’t in Brussels years me and Things her, so Ihadn’t decideended to pretend before. well I hadn’t seen her.her, After minute, between me and so aI decided Clare stoodI hadn’t up andseen furiousap- a to pretend her. ly After proachedClare me, You really didn’t see minute, stood up and furiousmeapproached or are you me, ignoring me!? Ididn’t was ly You really ignoring After an instant of I see me oryou. are you ignoring me!? silence she offered a large was ignoring you. After an spurious instant of smile which she maintained for the silence she offered a large spurious rest ofwhich the conversation. Shefor toldtheme smile she maintained that of shethe had been sober for rest conversation. Shealmost told me yearshe andhad thatbeen she worked shitty job that sober fora almost in a hotel in Copacabana. year and that she worked a shitty job in a hotel in Copacabana. Our entire conversation lasted only the span a subway stop but itonly felt Our entireofconversation lasted endless. I excused myself and itleft the span of a subway stop but felt the trainIinexcused the nextmyself station, with endless. and left great relief even though wasgreat not the train in the next stop,itwith the right one. relief even though it was not my stop. I got an e-mail from Miriam inviting Natural History Museum Ime gottoanthe e-mail from Miriam inviting thattoafternoon. It was an extremely me the Natural History Museum hot day. The museum was inside a that afternoon. It was an extremely desolated park in the North Zoneaof hot day. The museum was inside the city. We both walked down desolated park in the North Zonetheof spacious hallways of the down colonial the city. We both walked the building,hallways trying to of pretend that we spacious the colonial were theretrying only to to pretend admire the building, thatmuwe seum’s collection. She hadthe brought were there only to admire mualong an old Pentax camera — probseum’s collection. She had brought ably toanimpress me the romantic along old Pentax camera — probnostalgic. ably to impress me the romantic nostalgic. What was supposed to be a romantic encounter, began having eerie What was supposed to bean a romantic feel to it; every wean entered encounter, beganroom having eerie feel there were either a mummy, or an to it; every room we entered there skeleton or even preserved fetuses. were corpses. It felt like a warm It felt like a warm humid morgue. humid morgue. Looking at at aa display display of of tribal tribal weapweapLooking ons, II told told her her about about some some essay essay II ons, had once once read, read, that that stated stated that that the the had main difference difference between between human’s human’s main of installation and animals animals is is Detail that because because of our our and that of Photo by Fulano de tal intelligence, we we have have memory memory and and intelligence, foresight, while while animals animals only only think think foresight, about the the present. present. The The unfortunate unfortunate about example II gave gave her her was was the the folfollowexample ing: when twotwo males dispute a felowing: when males dispute in the animal kingdom, nothing amale female in the animal kingdom, stops thestops looser trying at nothing thefrom looser fromagain trying a laterattime. Humans, on the other again a later time. Humans, on hand, simply the other handby byremembering rememberingpast past disputes can predict that the threat that of an opponent posed is a constant. In response he takes a more practical approach and eliminates the opponent there and then to avoid any similar problems in the future. The argument concludes intelligence has the effect of heightening man’s viciousness. By developing tools and technology man extends and refines his propensity for violence against his own kind. Miriam stared at me blankly. We continued to wander around those monumental halls filled with death. I caught sight her olive green eyes with their long curvy lashes that seemed to want to devour me like two carnivorous plants. At some point she focused her attention on a vitrine displaying a collection of tiny Greek sculptures about the size of fingers — she photographed these figures with her BlackBerry, completely neglecting her Pentax camera that hung from her neck like an oversized amulet. We left the museum in a daze. The reddish earth soil of the park that surrounded the museum’s palace was baking. Everything at a distance was out of focus behind a transparent haze. We zigzagged towards one the of the park’s entrances, while drops of sweat stung our eyes and our wet flesh shone in the fiery sun. Honestly I was at a loss as what to do; the whole salaciousness of this adulterous encounter both repelled and attracted me. Physically it seemed unfathomable to do anything — I was sure that the moment I would touch her in the heat, she would combust spontaneously into a ball of fire. Finally, she stopped by the canal that crossed the park, as if admiring her reflection in the water lifting her hair from her neck to make a ponytail. This was my cue. I held her waist and pulled her towards me. Drops of sweat rolled down our faces and mixed in our lips. She pulled me away, without showing any expression on her face. We left the park and got in a cab. FRIDAY Just last night, I went to one of my favorite bars in Rio to read a book which I had bought in Shakespeare & Co in Saint-German a long time ago. Originally this book totaled 1100 pages plus, but because I found it too cumbersome to carry around with me I used a big paper cropper to guillotine this copy into the original 5 volumes — just like the author had actually desired in his deathbed. I then proceed to read the volumes in a random order which made perfect sense for that novel which was anyway a constellation of stories that silhouetted a mysterious center. On the way back from the bar I walked on the top of a steep motorway that cuts through a large rock. It is considered dangerous because if one encounters an assailant there you are as trapped as if it were a tunnel. There I ran into Clare again; she was probably on her way to her parents who live nearby. At first she was scared that I would rape or murder her, but once she recognized me we hugged. We went then back to the bar and she told me this bizarre story that earlier that day, someone had jumped out of window from the hotel she works in. It was a Frenchman that had shown up there a few times before. He had visited the hotel many times on the last weeks — for a few hours each time. On this occasion Clare’s colleague had refused him a room, sensing that something was out of place. But the man insisted emphatically putting all the money on the counter as if spreading out cards in a game. Later on from his room he called down to reception and asked to talk to Clare. Clare had been the only one who had ever been remotely friendly to him. But for some reason whoever was there told him that she was busy. Within moments, there was a big commotion outside on the street. The Frenchman had leapt from the window. Detail of installation Photo by Fulano de tal Image from slide projector 29 51 Text printed into an A3 and folded into an A5 2014 Pareciam ser d e u m c i n z a translúcido For my fourth solo show in the Dutch gallery Galerie Juliette Jongma, with the same title in Portuguese (They Seemed Made Of A Translucent Grey), I appropriated the convention of the Press Release and wrote for it a short story which was printed in an A3 and then folded in the middle twice, acquiring the size equivalent to a novel. The narrative is a fiction loosely based in a trip I did to Antwerp for a meeting with curators, that culminated in an absurdly (and premature) large retrospective, when I was barely 26 years old; it received many luke-warm reviews. The title doesn’t directly corresponds to the text, it was actually rather arbitrarily ripped from a dialogue from one of the films — Lucas — that was being shown in the exhibition in Amsterdam, which deals with the notion of idiosyncrasy and randomness in language and its latent poetic potential. To download pdf of press-release please press here. Transcription Clare was in Amsterdam for two weeks in order to do an admission interview for the local art academy. After the interview, while waiting for the verdict, she was hanging out and getting to know the town, considering to move there next year. Immediately during her wanderings around the canals, that in her world meant lots of bars separated by bridges, she made up her mind: she detested Amsterdam. She couldn’t care less for all the ancient buildings which she considered tacky, or the bicycles which she perceived as noiseless stealthy vehicles that would sneak up behind her, and suddenly ring nigglingly, making her jump sideways in panic. I decided to relieve her from her suffering by offering her to come along to Antwerp for a day. I was going there with a six foot six tall curator friend, who had recently hosted my first solo exhibition, called Alexander, for a meeting with a curator couple who had seen the show and were Press Release Pareciam ser de um cinza translúcido. 52 30 53 31 2014 Pareciam ser de um cinza translúcido interested in organizing something with me. As it happened, Alexander was going to visit a nihilist sculptor who lived close to the border of Belgium; since the curator couple were supposed to be friends of his, and being proud of all the feedback that the show was receiving, he offered to take me to Antwerp in his car. During the three hour trip from Amsterdam to Antwerp, Clare sat quietly in the back, wearing her sunglasses, looking out of the window with a slight melancholic disposition; she always bore a certain resigned air, as if she just went through a midlife crisis at age 21 and decided that all her dreams were far too remote already, something of a youthful immature fantasy that were better forgotten; there was nothing to do now but drink and wait for the unavoidable end. I must confess that the mixture of her irrefutable beauty and this fatalism made her completely irresistible to me. Once we arrived in the space in Antwerp, the reception of the couple towards Alexander was very cold. It became clear that it had been a mistake to come with him, and that they would have been much happier to have me alone to talk shop in private; through the course of the afternoon they made clear that they despised Alexander, or any Dutch for that matter, who they appreciated as complete philistines. Also, Clare’s presence disturbed the woman who, very beautiful herself, was bothered by a younger female in her presence. Despite the awkwardness — they treated me very nicely, regardless — we went to the new space, which they planned to use temporarily for a huge solo show with me. It was a gigantic former city administration hall, in the city center. When we went inside the building, Clare decided to go for a walk, having agreed to meet us back there 54 32 two hours later. After having looked at the space, all very excited, imagining where every piece would be installed, including Alexander who seemed completely aloof of their hostility towards him, we went outside. There was no sign of Clare. We talked a bit more on the street in front of the former administration building and after a while the couple went away and Alexander and I waited for as long as an hour, but still no sign of Clare. Clearly she had gotten lost. Alexander needed to go to his appointment with the nihilistic sculptor, and in his cold calvinistic reasoning he told me to not worry that Clare would find her way back to Amsterdam. She’s from Rio. She’ll be alright. There was no way that I would let the sister of my best friend behind in a strange town, so I protested and asked him to drive me around the city to try and find her. Let the sculptor wait, Alexander. You’re the curator! We got into his car and drove around for an hour around the center, but we couldn’t find her. We returned to the entrance of the register hall. Alexander said he was going to Holland with or without me. I’m going to work with this artist, I can’t delay any longer. Before he went, I asked if I could use his phone to call her family in Rio in case she called them for help. Her brother, Barros, answered and became furious in a fit of incoherent paranoia, as if I had kidnapped Clare and would certainly rape and mangle her body at some point. Then the mother took the phone over from him and was also a bit apprehensive, but more reasonable. I assured them that I would find her and that Antwerp, compared to Rio, was like Disneyland — no harm could come Clare’s way. It was getting dark. As soon as Alexander left me behind, I came to the conclusion that the only course to be taken was to try and walk in the same random way that she would, trying not to think too much, just like a tourist, and eventually our paths would cross. I started wandering aimlessly through the narrow cobble-stoned streets of that medieval city, letting myself be drawn by an invisible tide, as if I was swimming in one of the many arms of a huge river that would snake towards the main body of water. After five minutes, I ended up in the main pedestrian shopping avenue, called Meir. I must not have walked more than about a dozen paces then, before I spotted Clare walking towards me. She opened her arms and hugged me drowsily like a drunken seaman who had been lost at open sea in a small rowing boat with a bottle of rum. Oh, you found me! You found me...! The first thing we did was look for a bar with a pay phone, in order for her to call her family and her boyfriend Paulo. After she calmed everyone down, we had some drinks, and we went to the main train station. We found out we had just missed the last train to Amsterdam. We now had to find a hotel, and the thought of possibly staying in the same room with Clare really pleased me. But we needed to eat something first, so we went to a chic local restaurant that we spotted by a square. It was full, so we had to wait installation at the bar for a Detail table.ofClare ordered Photo by Fulano de tal a Duvel, and fell over backwards as soon as she tried to sit on a stool. It was somehow a graceful fall; I remember staring at her, our eyes locking, and then, almost imperceptibly, she rocked backwards, away from me very slowly, steadily like in slow-motion, until she was on the floor on her back, resting there for a few moments holding her beer, stool and all, as if sitting horizontally on the floor. Everybody in the restaurant was very attentive and kind, helping Clare stand up. She acted as if nothing had happened, her beer unscathed in her hand, just smiling and quickly drinking while I paid. I took her arm and walked her outside feeling completely embarrassed. We ate pizza in a random Turkish place, and went off to find a hotel; Clare was completely sedated by now and couldn’t even finish her slice. There was a decent looking place in a corner, and we booked a room with two beds. and a cloud of steam, a soapy fragrance filling the air, as I pretended to read a book. I decided to take a shower myself; when I came out she was already deep in alcoholic slumber in the other bed. I tried to go to sleep in my own bed, but my Carioca macho super ego wouldn’t let me, so I got up and tried to get under Clare’s blanket. Without opening her eyes, she pushed me away, and kicked me back to my own bed. The next day, we decided to not pay for the room, and tried to sneak past the reception desk, but we were caught.” While Clare was taking a shower I sat on my bed feeling the excitement build up, thinking about how we stared at each other in the restaurant and imagining her soaping her body — despite some small nagging feelings of guilt towards Paulo. The sound of the shower ceased, and suddenly there was a very loud thud coming from the bathroom. I knocked on the door and called her name but there was no answer. There was an unsettling silence and I tried to open the door, but of course it was locked from inside. I grabbed the room’s phone and waited for the receptionist to answer, hoping he could come up with a master key, imagining Clare lying with her skull open on the bathroom floor, after drunkenly slipping on the wet tiles. How could I possibly break that news to Barros? I could never go back to Rio again. When the receptionist picked up the phone I hung up; I thought: maybe I should just leave, they’ll never find me, we didn’t need to show our IDs. Then all of a sudden, a loud series of giggles started echoing from under the door crack. She came out wrapped in two towels 55 33 2013 35 57 Mp3 file being played mono on speaker, 15’ loop 2013 58 36 Lucas Goes to Church One of the venues of the 2013 Contour Biennialof the MovingImage, in Mechelen, was a church, for which I made an audio piece installed inside a confessional — in the kneeler’s side. The visitor would sit in the priest’s compartment and hear the story narrated (and interpreted) by the artist Daragh Reeves through the screen that gives into the kneeler. The audio is based on a previous film of mine also called Lucas which dealt with a story of a tourist who accidentally enters a covert brothel in the heart of downtown Buenos Aires. From then on the character is confronted with his doubts regarding fantasy and reality and his innermost desires. It’s largely inspired by a book by Julio Cortázar, Un Tal Lucas (A Certain Lucas), which can be either interpreted as an incoherent, yet poetical, novel, or a fictionalized diary, or a collection of short stories. Although this story is also thinly based on a real incident, many parts were appropriated from this Cortázar book along other writings of his. The main theme here is subjectivity and idiosyncrasy of language; the thin line between autism and poetry. fragment of the story To hear hear aaudio-file storyinterpreted by by Daragh Reeves, please interpreted Daragh Reeves, press here. codeThe is “Church”. please pressThe here. code is “Lucas”. Above: Detail of installation in confessioner’s cell. Left: Installation in situ in Mechelen’s Church. Photos by Kristof Vrancken. 59 37 Transcription So I wanna tell you about this one time in Buenos Aires and I’m at the Cordoba avenue — a very big place — very hot afternoon and the streets are very crowded with office workers, tourists; it’s pretty crazy. And I’m totally dying for the toilet — I really need a piss and there are lots of packed out cafés around and they just seem not the right place. But then this one place in the corner: had these white curtains on them. A very fancy looking little French bistro called ‘Orleans’. So I headed over there, ‘cause it looked quiet too, and opened the door and as I opened the door all this whole row of girls that were sitting on stools just looked up and stared over at me, very welcomely. Door closes behind me and I realize:’Oh shit, uh... this place is probably not just a French bistro. And also got this general fakey feel like, uh — well I can’t tell if it’s a really old nice bistro café? Or a kind of kitschy uh nouveau version. So ah, so I’m dying for the toilet otherwise I would probably just immediately leave. I head over in direction of the girls... looking for the toilet. There’s hardly anybody in there except a couple that looked like tourists, like, similarly lost people who also found this place and they are having a drink. And so I head past the girls — all these girls by the way are drinking water, which adds the impression of something strange... and also I quickly realize they’re not—like as a group they seem very like a lot of pretty girls but actually they’re a sort of sad women with a couple of young nicer ones in the middle of them. So all of them are staring at me, and I’m walking across, the cafe towards this toilet and I just stare at the floor—it’s just too much and I reach this staircase where I think the toilets are. And I quickly order a coffee from this very traditionally dressed waiter who’s also...smiling at me weirdly and he’s holding a shiny tray under his arm. So I order this cortado, head down 60 38 Lucas 2013 the stairs and I’m imagining what’s going to greet me down the stairs. I’m imagining an orgy of some kind happening down there, I formed this impression of this salacious atmosphere and impression that all the action is happening downstairs. I’m imagining clients in ripped clothes coming out of the toilet booths and all these giggles and all these strange things happening down there. And I’m also half hoping of the girls is gonna follow me downstairs. At the same time I’ve just gone down there to have a piss. So, I arrive to the toilet and nothing is going on whatsoever; it’s a completely, completely normal bathroom and in fact ah, it’s very clean, very nice, one of the cleanest toilets I’ve seen in the whole time I’ve been in Buenos Aires. And so I take a leak in this art nouveau pissoir. And I start washing my hands afterwards and ah...while I’m in that funny world I look at my reflection on the mirror. And this strange thing happens, this dreamy thing happens. I start to doubt that I’m real and .that my reflection seems like me and I feel like my reflection. And is this feeling that’s similar to when you’re actually having a dream and you realize while you having that dream that you’re dreaming. Which gives you this funny sense of control. At the same time you’re absolutely not in control of what presumably will unfold in the dream. Then I snap out of it and I get back upstairs. When I re-enter the restaurant, it’s like a whole new place. Nobody’s looking at me anymore...And even the people have changed—there’s two new guys, they’re wearing suits, businessmen. And they’re at the counter ordering drinks. I sit down to take my coffee, I watch them choose where they’re gonna sit. And they pick very wisely the table with the youngest prettiest girls. There aren’t too many nice girls but they quickly identify them and they go over and sit by the window. And I’m thinking that was...I’m kind if admiring their, ah...clear headiness. And I’m sitting there with my coffee in a random corner next to these tourists who first I guessed to be Germans because they were drinking massive beers and it was one o’clock. And they were blond. So...just as I was starting to feel a little bit lonely and missing this attention from all these women, the tourists made some comment and we started talking and we started joking a little bit about how weird the cafe was. They were not Germans. They were actually Australians. And the weird thing is that, they were there for skiing. They had flown all this way to go skiing in what is the equivalent of the alps but in Argentina. And we ended up getting completely drunk together and while we were getting along really well, I noticed that the guy in the couple — he was an older guy, around fifty — he has in the inside of his arm, he has this quite ugly tattoo of a kangaroo. So I asked him, what is the story behind the tattoo? And he tells me, he explains that back in Australia, many years, he was still a postal worker but when he first began he was doing a lot of work delivering packages in the country side. And the road was barricaded by a motorbike gang who were hijacking people. So they manage to stop his car and they are all armed with cricket bats and it’s a very scary situation but strangely enough, prior to this road block, the guy had hit, uh, a kangaroo in the Detail of installation middle of the road and feeling very by Fulano de tal sorry for it andPhoto believing he could still save the kangaroo’s life he put the kangaroo in the front seat of his car. So when this road block happened and these muggers started surrounding his car: One of them flashes a light in his car and shines up the dying kangaroo which completely throws the muggers which means the post-office guy could just quickly speed off. So he got out of this very dangerous situation because of the kangaroo and that’s why he got the tattoo as like a ‘thank god for kangaroos’ emblem. So he’s telling me this story and when in their drunkenness and our drunkenness they decide they need to go off and find a particular snack that’s available in Argentina. So they suddenly leave and I’m left behind in the weird bistro place, alone, drunk and not actually knowing what happened to the kangaroo. And at that moment I notice this really pretty girl behind a column and guess she must have been hidden the whole time. She’s got this very different atmosphere to the others. She’s not looking over at me but she knows I’m there and I think she knows I know she’s there. And she immediately reminds me of this photograph of Clarice Lispector who was a writer who this ex-girlfriend of mine very pretentiously, I have to say, used to use as an image on her Facebook. Its one of these pictures where she is just looking perfect and about to utter something very witty. And this girl has that same atmosphere like she’s not just ah a pretty face, she’s got some power. I was folding and refolding this napkin, unconsciously and when I realized it reminded me of this thing I had once read in a novel, where the novelist equates hesitation in life to an image - and the image he came up with is as if while reading a novel you fold the next page of the novel and therefore you never know what happens. In other words if you don’t do it’s basically like ripping a page out of a book. So I spontaneously get inspired to go and sit down next to the girl. So I sit next to the girl and she just starts speaking to me. She starts telling me this story. And the story is that her colleague. I think it was her boss or her colleague I don’t remember, but this guy had completely fallen in love with her, declared his love and had left his wife and that morning had told this girl that he had left his wife and wanted to be with her. But this issue was that they hadn’t actually formed any kind of relationship, it was all in his own mind. So she had had this awkward day and she asked me for advice, ‘What shall I do?’. And I was in no fit state to advise and also a little bit wrapped up in her beauty so I just didn’t know what to say so I tried to change the subject and uhmmmmm mumbled something about Montevideo and my impressions of it and found myself trying to fill the space with this garbled, difficult to listen to memory of the time I’d first been to Montevideo with my Brazilian grandmother as a kid, which was the last time. It was many years and and how it was a very different city and because that was so long ago, it was a childhood memory but the thing I remember was this crazy poem, I don’t know why I told her all this, it came out very strange, like we were eating chocolate cake in this one place that I remembered, there was cigarette smoke wafting around. We were dipping the chocolate cake into this very technicoloured orange juice. Obviously she had no interest in this story because her mind was full of this issue with the guy. there was nothing you could say to it anyway, so she excused her self and left the table, and I’m left alone there again. And she goes off through a door and when she comes back through the door she doesn’t come back over to talk to me she just starts talking to this old guy at the bar. and this kind of em inflames my jealousy a little bit. So I‘m sitting there, feeling jealous, and frustrated, I’m drunk, I don’t know what the place is, I start fiddling with this sugar cube and I lose control of it and it just skids across the room. And for some reason I was very focussed on the sugar cube and so I go to it, I kind of em raise out of my seat to just go over to retrieve it but the waiter is crossing the room to give the business guys their check and he kicks the sugar cube across into the other corner of the bistro in the direction of most of the girls but I’m like em, I’m like a dog, just focused on the sugar cube and I think its gone under this table where another very nice, beautiful girl who’s in there, who’s got this unbelievably long legs stretched out under the table and I really remember her tights, these semi transparent nylon tights. So I just dive straight under the table through her legs actually or past her legs and I’m trying to grab at this sugar cube, but no one knows I’m after a sugar cube, maybe they think its money, but I’m obviously focused on something and while I’m down there I get completely entangled in the girls legs and she starts squeezing me with her legs and laughing and my neck is completely jammed between her thighs like a nutcracker and she’s laughing and at a certain point it got very sensual and I had this very strong sense of being close to the sea like at the presence of a large body of salty water. And when my head is between her thighs, I start to think of the first time I saw...Rio de La Plata. Through a taxi window. And first I thought it was a mirage. Like a frozen ocean. And it looked like... a painted backdrop of an old film. Poorly painted, too flat, without any trompe l’oeil. 61 39 12 post-cards 12 post-cards 12 post-cards 2013 2013 Nima Nima 2013 Nima In collaboration with curator Transcription. Jacob Fabricius, I designed twelve with curator In collaboration with postcards thatcurator tell a storyInforcollaboration the Transcription. “Everybody somebody’s Transcription. fool”: Jacob Fabricius, I designedistwelve Jacob Fabricius, I designed twelve 2013 Contour Biennial of the MovI was in a smoky Berlin bar giving that an tellaccount a story fora recent the heartbreak postcardsing-Image that tell ainstory for thepostcards “Everybody is somebody’s fool”: Mechelen, Belgium.“Everybody is somebody’s fool”: of to 2013 Biennial of the Mov2013 Contour Biennial of thehaving MovThe story was made in Contour mind was ain a smoky Berlin bar giving a friend. I had fallen in giving loveIwith I was in a smoky Berlin bar ing-Image in Mechelen, Belgium. fromBelgium. the local prison an account ing-Imagetheininmates Mechelen, girl who on the reboundanfrom of awas recent heartbreak toaccount of a recent heartbreak to The story was made having ininmind which constituted of the three The story— was made having inone mind a afriend. I had fallen in love with a a break of her own a friend. I hadup fallen loveand, withafter unusual where thethe biennial inmates from the local having some fun with mefrom togirl forget the inmates from venues the local prison who was on the rebound from girl who was on theprison rebound place —one whoofare access — which constituted one of the three the other guy, she had given — whichtook constituted thedenied three ame break up of her own and, after a break up of her own and, after to the internet and biennial are forced to still unusual venuesthe where the biennial boot. Suddenly that some fun with me to forget unusual venues where the having having some fun with meand to clearly forget use the traditional post as a means of— who phrase popped into my head. It was guy, she had given me took place are denied access took place — who are denied access the other guy, she had given me the other communication to the outside aand saying I had often heard from my Suddenly and clearly that to theworld. internet are forced to still to the internet and are forced to still the boot. the boot. Suddenly and clearly that The story is based on an use account Iranian friend Nima who used to the traditional post as a means of use the traditional post as a means of phrase popped into my head. It was popped into my head. was told by a friend, who I had met inphraselive in I hadItalways communication to theAmsterdam. outside world. communication to the outside world. a saying I had often heard from my I had often heard from my the photography department in arta saying likedon it because, like most sayings, it The story is based an account The storyschool, is based on an Iranian friend Nima who used to about hisaccount three brothers who seems carrymet a simple, yetIranian unshak-friend Nima who used to told each by alive friend, whotoI had inalways told by a were friend, I hadback metthen, in live allwho in prison for in able, Amsterdam. I had truth. Thisinbasic law of thein Amsterdam. I had always the photography department artterms) the photography department incrime. art liked committing a different Later, liked itjungle because, like most sayings, it it because, like most sayings, it (in emotional always school, three school, about his three were brothers seems the post-cards usedwho by the about seemshis to carry simple, yet unshakstuck withabrothers me and who taught me to be to carry a simple, yet unshakwere allable, in prison back each curator the then, Contour team were all in prisonand back each forwho able, truth. This basic law of the understanding when truth. Thisthen, basic law Ifor ofhad theinadvercommitting crime. Later, send them to a crime. large mailing list, jungle one a different committing a different Later, jungleIt(in emotional terms) always tently broken the heartsalways of others. (in emotional terms) the post-cards weretaught used bytaught the each month, spanning therefore one the post-cards were used by the stucktowith me and taught me to be also to resign stuck with me andme me myself to be year each receiver received the thethis curator and Contour teamDarwinian who somewhat fatalism curator and theuntil Contour team who understanding when I had inadverunderstanding when I had inadverstory. mailing list,send to abroken largemy mailing list,ofone when love wasn’t reciprocated send themwhole to a large one them tently tently the hearts others. It broken the hearts of others. It spanning therefore one and helped me to accept thatto I was each month, spanning therefore each one month, also taught me to resign myself to also taught me to resign myself download pdfreceived file withyear the commerely stuck in the middle of a love until each receiver received the year untilTo each receiver the this somewhat Darwinian fatalism this somewhat Darwinian fatalism plete set of the post cards, pleasestory. food-chain, as it were. whole whole story. when my love wasn’t reciprocated when my love wasn’t reciprocated press here. The code is “Nima”. and helped me to accept that I was and helped me to accept that I was To download pdfstuck file with com- of a love To download pdf file with the commerely stuck in the middle of a love merely in thethe middle Post-card number 12, front of the post cards, please plete set of the post cards, pleaseplete setfood-chain, food-chain, as it were. as it were. and back. here. The code is “Nima”.press here. The code is “Nima”. press here. 40 62 40 Post-card number 12, front and back. 40 Post-card number 12, front and back. 41 63 41 Nima I hadn’t seem Nima for many years and then, the other day, still bearing a heavy heart, I ran into him in Berlin. I first got to know him through an ex-girlfriend — she and her identical twin were Nima’s best friends. I got closer to him when we joined the same class to study photography at art school. It was there I learned about his background. Basically he came from a family of criminals, although his parents had adjusted to a normal life since moving to Holland from Turkey where they had lived many years. There they had worked as ‘mules’ taking drugs into Europe. I should mention that neither Nima or his sister were criminals — at least not full time. He is the youngest of four brothers, and back then, the other three were all in prison, each for committing a different crime. His eldest brother, like their parents, had already ‘retired’ . He ran a legit business but was convicted of attempted murder after shooting a cop with a shotgun. He had taken up hunting as a hobby and would often go to the woods in Belgium to kill game. One time he was cleaning his double-barrel Ithaca when a neighbour saw him through the window and called the police, an ‘Arab’ with a gun seeming suspicious to him. Well, this brother was taking a nap on the couch after cleaning the weapon, just before going on his hunting trip,when he was woken with a start by a team of armed men breaking down his door. As an instinctive reflex he rolled off his couch onto to the floor, grabbed the shotgun that he had leaned nearby and fired it at the first man that entered the room. When he saw the policeman flying out of his house (like the coffee cans he used for target practice in the woods) he realized he wasn’t dreaming. Luckily the officer’s kevlar vest stopped the 64 42 buck-shot — its impact only fractured a rib. The middle brother was a dealer that, for one reason or another, had a bounty on his head. One night he was parking his scooter when a hitman approached from the darkness to shoot him pointblank. Agility seems to run in the family’s blood because this brother managed to grab his assailant’s revolver by the cylinder, blocking the trigger-action, before squarely head-butting him as hard as he could. Because he was still wearing his crash helmet the man went straight down leaving the gun in his target’s hands. Nima’s brother shot the hit-man six times before he could recover himself and possibly pull out a second gun. I don’t know the details but he was caught by the police and even though he pleaded self-defence he was sentenced for voluntary manslaughter. The story of the youngest brother was a little more straightforward case of armed robbery. At 24 this brother was as impulsive and fearless as they come. When he was a boy he was often bullied or taken advantage of for being a Middle Eastern kid. By the time he was a teen he had taken up the profession of his older brothers. He would very ‘subtly’ flash the gun he always had tucked under his shirt to straighten out anyone that bothered him. His 9 mm became an inextricable part of his personality, in the way a camera can be for a photographer. He felt as though he could pin down the world with the muzzle of his gun. Before going to sleep he was more likely to forget to brush his teeth than that to neglect to put the pistol underneath his pillow. So one day he was strolling around the sterilely clean streets of Rotterdam when he came across two guards from an armoured car load- 2013 ing cash into an ATM. Without thinking twice he pulled the pistol from under his shirt and robbed them. He walked off with one of the moneybags like it was the day’s groceries but, quickly, he was caught — probably there were surveillance cameras and the police had been warned before he even touched the money. While his brothers were tall and muscular Nima, on the other hand, is very short and slight. He is also gay — a fact that his parents never reproached him for since his father was very open about his homosexual experiences in a Turkish prison. Nima has a huge nose that is only surpassed by his enormous mouth, from which, besides a devilish, funny smile, come words as powerful as .44 bullets. In his own way Nima was as tough or tougher than his brothers; nobody could out-mouth him. He would machine-gun down anyone that stood in his way with piercing arguments that came so fast they never knew what hit ‘em. One day in class he came to me with a crazy story about how some friend of his middle brother (who was by then already in prison) had stolen a Mercedes from him. Nima asked me to help him get it back. I agreed to help as long as he would elucidate things a bit. He explained that, before killing the hit-man, his brother had asked if he could put a car in Nima’s name. Since family is such an important institution in Iranian culture he didn’t even question it. It seemed his brother had lent the car to a friend shortly before going to prison who had then disappeared with it. I think the possible consequences of having a car that might be used for illegal activity in his name had just occurred to Nima. He knew where this friend lived so had decided to get the car back. Calling the cops was, of course, out of the question. But, like many of his proj- ects, nothing came of it and I forgot all about my agreement to help steal back the Mercedes. Some months later Nima received about ten notices for speeding fines in his mail. It turned out that his brother’s friend had been chased by the police and had driven across the country at full speed in the car in Nima’s name. Since he felt he was innocent Nima refused to pay the fines. The penalties for late payment soon built up, snowballing into a huge sum. In time he received a letter from the judge warning him that the police would come to his house to confiscate his belongings. Eventually he started to pay off his debt in instalments. I think he’s still paying it now. these kind of encounters are commonplace— but that I was walking with that German friend to whom I had just told Nima’s story in that bar the night before. My friend was very pleased to meet him but, if I’m honest, if I hadn’t wanted to illustrate my story (and maybe also prove it somehow) I might have let Nima pass me by. In the end I never really felt we were friends and besides, he insisted in taking me to these gay parties which I always found kind of annoying. Post-cards displayed in the Contour exhibition, Mechelen, 2013. Photo Post-cards displayed in the Contour exhibition, by Kristof Vrancken. Mechelen, 2013. Photo by Kristof Vrancken. Nima had always been closer to my ex-girlfriend than he was to me, so when their friendship broke down and I left the art school where we studied together I didn’t see much of him. He had such a big mouth that he — unwittingly perhaps — held a certain oppressive control over his group of friends. It was hard to challenge him on any matter. As a consequence he was always the leader of the pack and everyone would follow his ‘suggestions’ for where to go or what to do. Whenever he got in an argument with someone my ex and her twin sister would side with his opponent in the hope that Nima would be finally dethroned. The day that Nima met someone with a sharper tongue than him his friendship with the twins ended. He couldn’t forgive their disloyalty and ultimately he felt humiliated and defeated. The fact that they had witnessed his fall from the top was too much for him to bear. The coincidence about running into Nima in Berlin the other day wasn’t just the fact that it had been so long since I had seen him in Amsterdam — Berlin is a big, busy hub where 65 43 Monologue workshop with three outcomes 2013 The Playmakers In a joint collaboration with the performance artist Giles Bailey, we ran a monologue workshop with inmates of Mechelen’s prison in Belgium, as part of the 2013 Contour Biennial of the Moving-Image. The first step started by creating a proto-type version of the workshop which we launched in the performance platform Scriptings, in Berlin. There we tried and came up with the fundaments of what we wanted to achieve later with the prisoners: collective based narratives that blur the auto-biographical and the fiction, memory and spoken word being the sole material that the volunteers needed to bring and use. The title from the work is derived from the novel by Thomas Keneally, The Playmaker, about the real story of a play being put up in the first penal colony in Australia; which was itself adapted as a (meta-)play called Our Country’s Good by Timberlake Wertenbaker in the 1980s. In the workshop in Berlin as well as later in the prison in Belgium, 66 44 we conducted experimental narrative and memory exercises and games. It’s important to point out when working with the prisoners we made sure to stir away from any therapeutic connotation, or reformatory altruistic strategy. The basic structure of each session was teaching how to attain yourself into details when telling a story, using prompts such as colors, mundane yet peculiar objects, images from the day’s newspapers, themes (‘something you lost’); invariably you would be required to donate your story to other members of the class and adopt the story from someone else and try to make it your own. own. In theInend each session, your theof end of each ses-all the participants (we participated sion, all the participants (we par- as well) would present to the rest oftothe ticipated as well) would present classofwhichever story endedstory in their rest the class whichever hands in andtheir thathands they had ended andworked that theyon. The presentation would culminate work on. The presentation would in telling the story sitting behind a culminate in telling the story sitting table facing thefacing audience. behind a table the audience. We did two weeks of workshops Unfortunately, for security reasons, withweren’t the inmates where some forty we allowed to document short-monologues wereMechelen’s created. In anything while within the end during theexcept opening the prison’s walls — for of soundBiennial, we together recording. Weperformed did two weeks of Object-prompts used in the prototype-workObject-prompts used in the prototype-workshop shop held in Scriptings, by held in Scriptings, Berlin,Berlin, 2013. 2013. PhotosPhotos by Achim Achim Lengerer. Lengerer. 45 67 2013 The Playmakers with the inmates for inmates a small group workshops with the where in the forty visitor’s area. Unfortunately, some short-monologues were for security reasons, we weren’t created. In the end during the openallowed documentwe anything while ing of thetoBiennial, performed within Mechelen’s prison’sfor walls — together with the inmates a small except forthe soundrecording. group in visitor’s area. Hello, With the collected material from the work-shops we made two other permutations: One spin-off was an installation where a small high-definition monitor showed slides with the visual prompts we used in exercises and games to help triggering the memory and the imagination of the participants. In front of it, laid four headphones where a reading-interpretation by various artists, of some of the texts (translated to English) collected in the prison, could be heard. A third outcome was made within a conference room of the prison’s administrative staff, where once a week, during two months, different members of the staff from the prison did readings of a selection of the prisoner’s stories (in Flemish) using a Teleprompter. To watch/hear video documentation of the installation version, please here. The code is “The Playpress here. . . Fragment interpreted by makers” Giles Bailey. 46 68 of the many One of the many One newspaper’s clipsnewsused as a as a prompt in thepaper’sclips workshop inused Mechprompt in the workshop elen. in Mechelen. My name is ‘Aki’. It’s not my real name err. I’ll tell you a story about the color yellow, it has two sides to it. It has a positive side and also a negative side. Err, It’s actually a color that I used to love, I used to like yellow, but something happened in my life that made me dislike this color. I’ll start when, when I got divorced. I’m about 42 years old and I... basically I have a big company. I build things. I build stadiums. I build houses. Real estate and stuff. And I’ve just build a huge stadium and there’s this cat walk, this sort of platform where young women are presenting swim suits and clothes. These women are walking down the cat walk, down the platform. And there’s a girl in a yellow bikini. I think half Cuban, a black girl. She’s very beautiful. But then the girl after this girl wears a black swim suit. She’s Hungarian and I walk up to her and I ask her, her name and she asks me my name and I’m not saying my name I’m saying “I’m your future husband” and that’s the start of a beautiful relationship with my second wife. I had two children with her, a boy and a girl. And I work a lot. That was very important in my life. I worked, built buildings and stuff like that and I forgot my family a little bit. And that made me also lose my family. I have beautiful long hair and dark skin and the color yellow looks very good on me. I like the color yellow but the color yellow, in my language, is also the color of sin, betrayal and my second wife betrayed me. She met another man and she betrayed me and my family so this is one of the reasons why I can’t stand the color I used to love. I can’t wear it. I can’t see it. It’s the worst color in my life now because it reminds me of a person I used to love and this happened when my two children moved to Algeria. I had just bought a farm in my native country and my wife was spending the summer there and in the horse tracks she met a man that was in the military or something and I think they had a relationship and that’s... that was, kind of like, why we got divorced. And I also wanted to tell you about a second story but that’s, yeah, maybe I’ll just stop here and say yellow is two colors.” Above: One of the colors used as prompts in the workshop in Mechelen’s prison. Above: One of the colors used as Left; a transcript of one of prompts in the workshop in Mechelen’s the stories colprison. Left; a transcript of created one of the lectively bybythe stories created collectively theparticiparticipating in-mates. pating in-mates. 69 47 The Playmakers 2013 Reading by Lien Houwen, member of the protection committee of Mechelen’s inside theprotection staff’s Reading by Lien Houwen,prison, member of the conference room, committee of Mechelen’s prison, inside the staff’s October, 2013. Photos conference room, October, 2013. Photos by Chloé by Chloé Op de Beeck. Op de Beeck. 70 48 71 49 16 mm film loop, 12’, in Portuguese with English subtitles 2013 Lucas Lucas was inspired by Julio Cortázar’s novel A Certain Lucas which assembles a portrait of the protagonist through idiosyncratic accounts and disparate events. I employed a similar narrative strategy in my film shifting between elements of prose and verse to blur the distinction between nonsensical musings and clairvoyant revelations; outmately this film(ed performance) is an exploration around the boundaries of language: when does the disassociation of words from their common meaning are just nonsense and when they graze against the poetic? When showing Lucas as part of an exhibition, the film is played on a 16 mm looper, with English subtitles for the Portuguese dialog. ButBut usudialogue. ally when it’s it’s screened a single time, usually when screened a single Itime, turn Iitturn intoitainto quasi-performance a quasi-perfor- by dubbing live while I mirror mance byitdubbing it live while—I literally my right hand mirrorusing — literally using mywhile rightin the I use the my movehandfilm while in my the left film— I use ments signs I did with hands left — and the movements and my gestures or armsthe ‘inside’ inside film. the film. To watch the a fragment of the film,here. film, please click please press here. The code is The code is “Lucas”. “Lucas” The ‘plot’ (which is loosely based in autobiographical facts) consists of a Brazilian tourist in Buenos Aires, who while searching for a toilet accidentally stumbles upon a covert brothel. The story is told through a series of images that I hold before the camera, a photographic bricolage that traces the subjective associations and existential quandaries of the story’s character. Film-stills from Lucas. 72 50 51 73 Transcription Lucas believes itʼs his lucky day. This optimism ends as soon as the door shuts behind him. Lucas Slowly, he descends the stairway towards the restroom. Both fearing and desiring that one of those women... ...will stalk him. 2013 who flew 20,000 miles... beside him wearing a coat. to ski in Bariloche. Their inebriated faces pale and glow in the dark... Lucas asks about a tattoo on the man’s arm: A kangaroo wearing boxing gloves. Taking advantage of their shock, he steps on the gas... During his youth the man used to be a pugilist. ...leaving them in a cloud of dust. Once he was driving to a shunted town for a fight... Next morning, he realizes that his friend passed away. and found himself at night in a desert... He buried him underneath a dune... Thefilm film Buenos The BuenosAires Aires in a busy avenue... He’s also concerned with what awaits in the restroom. full tourists full ofof tourists and and office workers. office workers. He imagines an orgiastic carousal. Amongthe thecrowd crowdwe wefound find Among Lucas searching for a toilet. Where customers with disheveled clothes... This urge lead him inside a fancy bistro. and faces smeared with lipstick... Entering... leave dark salacious laughs... ...when a kangaroo crashed into his car. he encounters a crowd of lonely women. echoing behind the stalls. . . Heartbroken... Upstairs, two executives arrive. theyturned turn totohim they him offering suggestive smiles. ...when he saw below the airplane... He remarks that last week, before landing in Montevideo... ...the city sunny and harmless... where he had a connection... ...with a new airport. the city seemed very different than he remembered... from another trip. Then it had left the muddled sensation of a fog... The girl excuses herself and goes to the restroom. Lucas observes with resignation... the back of her jeans bulged more swelled more than than expected. expected. that snuck up... When he’s served his second coffee... ...and left his boxing gloves on the grave. and hindered him for days in streets without lights... ...he notices that the girl is talking to an old man. which he crossed in fading grey taxis... He gets distracted... he placed the animal on the passenger seat... The Australians left to eat an assado somewhere... leaving a drunken Lucas behind. They contemplate where to sit among the smiles. and carefully warmed him with a jacket. He spots a very cute girl sitting behind a column... notices the sexy clothes Then he noticed and the tired faces. They pick the best table or at least the one offering... He began to drive in search of help. She reciprocates his stare; now that he’s... Feeling embarrassed he’s inclined to leave. the freshest hors-d’oeuvre. Later that night, someone signals with a flashlight. ...intoxicated, he can’t help... that would merge into the mist encircling... ...the airport that... ...the airport that... whirled like cigarette smoke whirled cigarette around anlike ashtray insidesmoke a diner around an ashtray inside a diner... where they served... where they served... huge slices of cake hugedevoured slices ofhim... cake that that devoured him... after diving into a deepafter jar ofdiving orangeinjuice... a deep jar of orange juice... a dream in Technicolor... a dream in Technicolor... ...sleeping in a musty hotel room... ...sleeping in a musty hotel room... ...with mildewed sunflower ...with mildewed sunflower patterned wall-paper. patterned wall-paper. For Lucas... For Lucas... ...Montevideo now... ...Montevideo now... the vanishing theremembrance... vanishing of that hazy of that hazy remembrance... Upon noticing Lucas... However, his bladder has the upper-hand. He directs himself towards the opposite corner... 74 52 ...horrified. “Montevideo, ¿conoces?” When Lucas returns from the restroom. . . he feels that the attention towards him has faded away. Instead of feeling relief... which is empty except for two lost tourists. he is overcome by loneliness. He hangs his coat and orders a cortado. The tourists at the next table start to chat with him. Eyes glued to the floor, he crosses the bistro… Drinking large pints, they could pass for Germans... feeling the hankering stares around him. but in fact they are middle-aged Australians... Slowing down he sees a girl standing by a pick-up truck. As he halts... a drunken Aussie grabs him by the neck. In the darkness, a group of men,... armed with cricket clubs, close in. When the girl shines the flashlight on the car... they see the kangaroo sitting ...a heart beat... ...nor a voice that whispers in his ear: “What if this is really just a bistro?” He sits reluctant. Then remembers all the moments lost on account of a hesitation. Suddenly he stands up and sits beside her. He asks... ...where she’s from. ...and lets a sugar cube fall to the floor. Before he can fetch it the waiter walks by... ...towards the executives... ...and kicks the sugar cube. Lucas dashes from his chair to find it. Until he spots it under the table of a woman with long legs... ...he kneels under. Startled, she kicks the sugar cube... Lucas squeezes between her legs to grab the cube before it could skid away. When he tries to stand... ...holding the sugar... 75 53 Lucas ...he’s entangled by the woman’s tights. Lucas... ...twists his body... an attempt to free himself. But the thighs have a firm grip around him. All he manages... to feel... ...a salty odor... ...and remember... ...the first time he saw the Rio de la Plata. AndAnd thought it toitbe thought to abemirage. a mirage. A frozen ocean without waves. Like a photograph on a billboard... ...that covered the horizon. Or like a backdrop in an old film... where the sea was painted too flat... without any trompe l’oeil. 76 54 2014 2012 9 [email protected] 79 9 2014 Transcription 60 posters, found stereo party two-channels 16 mm film,and b&w, 12debris min 2014 2012 80 12 10 The Party Sebastian The Partyby is aansite specific instalInformed essay written in the lation for the off-space 1950s tailored by my grandfather, who had Die Raum in Berlin. The in space is become a psychoanalyst Buenos located near to tries Eberswalder Straße, Aires, the film to emulate the in Prenzlauer Berg; asignifier district and which disconnect between in its heydays —allegedly until roughly signified, which takesless than years agoof —a used to be the placeten in the mind psychotic, cool hip the area. Since then it drastithrough use of two channels cally morphed into a predominantly projection which aren’t synchrobourgeois neighborhood and became nized. a sort of cautionary tale of how fast gentrification can change the characThe left projection, containing only ter of a place. a black screen and a voice-over, spoken in Portuguese and Spanish Because of the local neighborhood’s with English subtitles, was originalrecent history, I thought was pertily edited in-sync with theit right nent to tackle a Berlin emblem that projection, which has mute images started to be exploited more episodes recently, of illustrations of psychotic which the local partythe culture; and of is dreams. Along course of considered oneboth of the of the exhibition, 16main mm traits projecthe what started as a tors,German bearingcapital, loop-systems, are left consequence for own, beingmeaning a cheap place running on their that populated the creative many otherwith connections are class, made in the lastboth years of an between thebecame imagesmore and the industry for tourists, with hordes of text. young people taking cheap flights for theMito weekend to party increasIn El de la Torre de in Babel; la ingly expensive clubs. Esquizofrenia como una Disociación de la Lengua (The Myth of the Tower of Babel; Schizophrenia as a Disassociation of Language) my Igrandfather wrote a short-story is bea made an which analogy fictionalization of a new party tween schizophrenia andyear’s the myth of Ithe hadcreation thrownof together withusing friends, language, the few which had gotcasemonths study ofbefore, an Armenian medicine ten a bitwho out of hand. I transferred student had forgotten his native the storyand to the Die Raum, tongue whoarea wasnear diagnosed with in the turn of year between 2005 symptoms of the an insurgent psychosis and effectively time that that 2006, manifested with athe symbolism gentrification from the area hit its connected to the Babylonian myth. maximum point, making hordes of young artistI and rollschizoid down In the film playhipster both the the hill towards the next coolthe place patient and my grandfather, then: Kreuzberg. I appropriated Die analyst. Raum’s silkscreen infrastructure — their flyers intofilm, amusTo they watchprint a fragment of the ingly — and divided pleaselarge pressposters here. The code is the story into sixty posters (includ“Sebastian” ing plain colored ones that served to brake the story into chapters) that were split into four geometrical grids designed for each of the three completely irregular walls of the space. In the opening evening we threw a party that easily filled the small fifteen square feet gallery. Later the debris of the party were left in the space as props for the installation. Detail of installation Die Installation in Die in Raum, Production stills, Raum, Berlin, Photo by Berlin, 2014.2014. Photo by by Jan Javier Barrio JanWindszus. Windszus. Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. 2014 I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live 22in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell party on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. But since Femke still hadn’t held a house warming party, and since her house was much more central than mine, we decided to locate the New Year’s 3Eve party at her new place, which 3was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who at the time had gone to visit his mother in Bogota. Just after Christmas, when Femke 10 The Party and Chloe had returned from their that about fifty guests would come 60 posters, found stereo party debris respective families in Holland and and — in fact I secretly expected that England — I stayed working at at least fifty of my friends would home with my cat — we met in her come. It was our aspiration that after house to plan the party. After a tour the fireworks, people would stay to around the house, we regrouped dance. in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very We were all very excited and anxclose friend of Femke, was a short, ious to see how everything would red-haired artist, completely covered play out. I had a special reason for with freckles, with the Centaur con- having certain anxieties because my stellation sprinkled on her face. She new fling might come that night. told us about her Christmas thrills Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebain a small coastal town in England, nese girl who was a good friend of where in a truly regressive experiChloe, and whom I had met during ence, she had to sleep in the bunk a dinner party back in the summer. bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, We had been in touch for almost two while outside rained miserably, she months through e-mails and longsat in the living room watching her distance calls, while she was abroad nephew drive an orange Porsche in in Romania and Lebanon. We had circles with his new PlayStation. two brisk, feverish nights before she Because she had just moved from went to Romania, where she took Paris where she had been living for part in an artist residency close to Thepast Party is years, a site specific instal-con- Bucharest. I wrote a short-story which me is ato the five she couldn’t She had invited lation tailored theguests off-space fictionalization of a new year’s party tribute so muchfor with for the visit her, which I had accepted. On 1 1 Die Raum in turned Berlin.out The is I had thrown with an friends, party, which tospace be comthe same day together that I bought expenlocated fine nearwith to Eberswalder few months before, hadagotpletely Femke whoStraße, was sive ticket, her fatherwhich suffered fatal in Prenzlauer Berg; a district which ten a bit out in ofBeirut, hand. Icausing transferred concerned about having too many heart attack her to in its heydays — until less the story to the area people who might end roughly up wrecking leave to Lebanon thenear nextDie day.Raum, thannew ten apartment. years ago — used to be the in the turn of the year between 2005 her cool hip area. Since then it drastiand 2006, her effectively time that Somehow father’sthe death seemed callybought morphed a predominantly gentrification from the area We the into drinks together, but I to have brought us closer, ashit if Iits bourgeois neighborhood became had maximum making was in charge of the foodand — which enteredpoint, her life so herhordes father of a sort of tale of how youngleave artistit. and hipster rollback down would becautionary Brazilian of course —fast and could Once I was from gentrification change the charac- Bucharest, the hill towards next anyway cool place they took carecan of the decoration wherethe I went ter ofsetting a place. then: Kreuzberg. appropriated and up the space. During the — I couldn’t get aI refund — andDie Raum’sinsilkscreen infrastructure afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked stayed a cheap hotel by myself, ofthey the local — theyaprint their flyers into amusaBecause feijoada, hungneighborhood’s colorful filhaving terrific time encounterrecent I thought it wasroom perti- ing ingly largeofposters — and ters onhistory, the lamps in the living packs ravenous straydivided dogs in nent because to tackleCarlos a Berlin emblem that the story intowe sixty (includand, was paranoid dark streets, keptposters daily contact started to beinexploited recently, inglong plaindistance coloredcalls onesand thate-mails. served that people the partymore would steal by which is the culture; to brake themore storythan intoone chapters) his books, thelocal girlsparty covered the Now, after monththat we considered one of the main traits of were split intosee four geometrical grids book shelves with a gold aluminum would finally each other again. I the German capital, what started designed for iteach ofbut theIthree comfoil, shielding Carlos’ books fromas a didn’t know then, was seDetail of of installation consequence for being4a cheap place cretly pletelybecoming irregular walls the space. the gaze of intellectually inclined very attached to her Photo by de tal 4 populated with the creative class, In the opening evening we threw thieves. already; even though I Fulano consciously in the last years became more of an a party easilytoo filled theexpectasmall tried to that not have many industry with fifteenwith square gallery. Later The threefor of tourists, us had no ideahordes how of tions, the feet presentiment that the youngpeople peopletotaking cheap flights debris theneedy party were left inwhile the many expect; Berlin was she wasofjust and lonely for the weekend to party parties in increasspace as props for theand installation. blooming with Silvester to mourning her father once back ingly expensive compete with, inclubs. our neighborhood in Berlin she would let me down. alone there would be dozens and Installation in Die Raum, dozens of house parties for people to I discovered too late that my feelings Berlin, 2014. Photo by Jan choose between; our assessment was behaved then like vines that would Windszus. The Party 81 13 11 Transcription Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a NewFar Year’s together. It was away,party lightning joined the winter of 2005, and we all still ocean and heavens together... lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the timeflashing when most the younger in theofhorizon. artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hilllike to Kreuzberg, Quickly, ink which was fully flourishing spreading in water, the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentridark clouds swallowed our ship. fication, the same cycle that PrenzlauerInBerg was completing then. the shadows, we jolted Butbetween we weremy already not that young mother’s prayers... — we were in our mid-thirties — so we and had the no plans Besides, cryingtoofleave. my brothers. Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges leftfather, and wasn’t completely My who slept deeply taken with over aby armies of baby strollbottle of yharaki,... ers like nowadays. was swinging madly I had already been living in Berlin in his hammock. for five years then and had hosted several parties, always The ship tiltedwith and the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used books were thrown around... to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors from one side of the cabin who never called the police, despite to the other. the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until covered the wee hours. I saw the windows by water Especially in the first years, I was as solid as a brick wall... still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I wasa terribly and like curtain, afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell parthe dark sky slid back into view. ty on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, In a harbor somewhere,... in my innermost fears, I did believe that every farewell party could be maybe Dakar, my last good-bye to my friends. or perhaps Recife,... But since Femke still hadn’t of held a merchants hoisted a basket fruit house warming party, and since her aboard our ship. house was much more central than mine, we the New Asdecided I peeledtoalocate banana, Year’s Eve party at her new place, a spider jumped from within... which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground close and floor bit myapartment, hand. to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn station, where she had moved with her half-Colombian boyfriend, the I needed to die writer Carlos, who at the time had so as to not die. gone to visit his mother in Bogota. It’s crazy, but one day Just after Christmas, when Femke a girl hurt me so much... 82 12 The 2014 Party 2015 and Chloe had returned from their respective injumping Holland and thatfamilies I felt like England — I stayed working onto the subway home with my cat — we met in her house to plan the party. After a tour Instead, around the house, regrouped I became awe statue... in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. whoanything. was a very so as Chloe, to not feel close friend of Femke, was a short, red-haired artist, completely covered with freckles, with thethe Centaur I was crossing park constellationone sprinkled on her summer night.face. She told us about her Christmas thrills inUnderneath a small coastal town in England, the trembling shadows where in a truly regressive of gas lamps... experience, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, many lovers shivered whilelike outside rained miserably, the leaves on the trees.she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an warm orangeinside... Porsche in I felt very circles with his new PlayStation. Because sheconnected had just moved from as if I were to everything Paris where she had been living for that surrounded me: the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much withthe guests for the the starlit night, vegetation party, whichand turned out to be the lovers. completely fine with Femke who was concerned about havingthe too many I started to caress grass, people who might end up wrecking combing it with my fingers... her new apartment. and softly brushing the flowers We bought the together, but I withdrinks my face. was in charge of the food — which would ofdissolving course — into and Slowly,beI Brazilian felt myself they took care of the decoration the dust of the pathway... and setting up the space. During the afternoon of the the plants 31st, while I cooked while seemed a feijoada, they hung colorful filto weave me in amongst them... ters on the lamps in the living room and, because was where paranoid I wasn’t ableCarlos to discern I bethat people in the party would steal gan and where the world ended. his books, the girls covered the book shelves withtogether a gold aluminum I pulled myself and ran. foil, shielding Carlos’ from At home I dived intobooks my books. the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves.“Confined on the ship, The three us had no ideariver how he’s of delivered to the many people to expect; Berlin with its thousand arms... was blooming with Silvester parties to compete with,tointhe our seaneighborhood alone with thereits would be and thousanddozens routes... dozens of house parties for people to choosetobetween; our assessment was that great uncertainty Transcription that about fifty guests would come external to everything. — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends He’s a prisoner in the would midst come. It wasofour aspiration the freest... that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. and the openest of the routes,... We bound were all excitedcrossroad. and anxat very the infinite ious to see how everything would play had a special for He’sout. theI passenger par reason excellence: having certain anxieties because The prisoner of the passage. my new fling might come that night. Soraya small, LebaAndwas thealand he plumpy will come to nese girl whois was a good friend of unknown... Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner in the summer. as is,party onceback he disembarks,... We had been in touch for almost two months through andcomes. longthe land frome-mails which he distance calls, while she was abroad inHeRomania and Lebanon. We had has his truth and his homeland... two brisk, feverish nights before she wentonly to Romania, where she took in that fruitless expanse part inthat an artist residency close can’t belong to him.” to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day I bought X isthat 25 years expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack Beirut, causing He’s in a medical student, her to leave to Lebanon the next day. who searched for an analyst... Somehow father’s death seemed as he washer experiencing difficulties to have brought us closer, as with his studies... if I had entered her life so her father could leave Once I was back from andit.his private life. Bucharest, where I went anyway — I couldn’t — and Theseget firsta refund difficulties stayed in arefer cheapabove hotelall... by myself, having a terrific time encountering to packs of ravenous stray dogs an insecurity concerning hisin dark streets, knowledge... we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we and his method of study. would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, butinI Argentina... was seAs soon as he arrived Detail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; though I consciously he waseven bullied for being a ‘Turk’. tried to not have too many expectations,Hewith presentiment that feltthe extremely persecuted she wasbyjust needy and lonely this categorization....while mourning her father and once back in Berlin she wouldhim let full me down. leaving of fears and resentment. Detail of installation in Die I discovered too Raum, late that my feelings Berlin, 2014. Photo by behaved then like vines that would He even changed his name, Jan Windszus. 13 Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about the time when most of the younger artists and hipsters were leaving en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, which was fully flourishing as the new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentrification, the same cycle that Prenzlauer Berg was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so we had no plans to leave. Besides, Prenzlauer Berg still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely taken over by armies of baby strollers like nowadays. I had already been living in Berlin for five years then and had hosted several parties, always with the help of Femke and her boyfriend. I used to live in a large loft near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite the fact that we usually partied during weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was still sort of half living here and in Rio. Because I was terribly afraid of flying, I always itgave farewell partranslating intoaSpanish... ty on the day before the departure, to make sure I would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, to avoid the harassment in my innermost fears, I did and reduce his angst.believe that every farewell party could be my last good-bye to myof friends. During some sessions the treatment a similar fear appeared. But since Femke still hadn’t held a houseAwarming and since her fear that,party, as a foreigner house was—much more central than as a ‘Turk’—... mine, we decided to locate the New Year’she Eve partynot at her new place, would be treated. which was a newly renovated, spacious, ground floor apartment, close to the Eberswalderstrasse U-bahn The tribe of Encounter Bay, station, where she had moved with in Australia... her half-Colombian boyfriend, the writer Carlos, who atofthe time had traces the origin languages gone toback visittohis mother in Bogota. an old woman... Just after whentimes. Femke who Christmas, died in ancient Invasion The of the Killer Frogs Party and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and England — I stayed working at home with my cat — we met in her house to plan the party. After a tour around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes. Chloe, who was a very close friend of Femke, was a short, red-haired artist, completely covered with freckles, with the Centaur constellation sprinkled on her face. She told us about her Christmas thrills in a small coastal town in England, where in a truly regressive experience, she had to sleep in the bunk bed of her 10-year-old nephew, and, while outside rained miserably, she sat in the living room watching her nephew drive an orange Porsche in circles with his new PlayStation. Because she had just moved from Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with guests for the party, which turned out to be completely fine with Femke who was concerned about having too many people who might end up wrecking her new apartment. We bought the drinks together, but I was in charge of the food — which was called would She be Brazilian of Wurruri, course — and andcare lived West... they took ofin thethe decoration and setting up the space. During the She go while aroundI cooked afternoon ofwould the 31st, with athey big hung wooden stick...fila feijoada, colorful ters on the lamps in the living room When she died,was her village and, because Carlos paranoid so happy be rid of her... thatwas people in theto party would steal his books, the girls covered the it sentwith messengers off in bookthat shelves a gold aluminum every direction to spread thefrom news. foil, shielding Carlos’ books the gaze of intellectually inclined Afterwards, men, women thieves. and children got together... The three of us had no idea how to celebrate the event many people to expect; Berlin was with awith cannibalistic blooming Silvester banquet. parties to compete with, in our neighborhood The Raminjerar the first ones alone there wouldwere be dozens and to throw on for the people corpse... dozens ofthemselves house parties to choose between; our assessment was that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would come. It was our aspiration that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. We were all very excited and anxious to see how everything would play out. I had a special reason for having certain anxieties because my new fling might come that night. Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebanese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while she was abroad in Romania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to have brought us closer, as if I had and entered life so her starther devouring thefather flesh. could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest,Right where I went anyway after eating, — I couldn’t get a refund and they could speak in a new— language. stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, havingThe a terrific tribes time fromencounterthe East, ing packswho of ravenous stray dogs in arrived later... dark streets, we kept daily contact byate long and e-mails. thedistance contentscalls of her intestines... Now, after more than one month we would which finallymade see each other again. I them speak didn’t know it then, but I was sea slightly different language. Detail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously The last to arrive... tried to not have too many expectations, with presentiment were thethe Northern tribes that who, she was just needy and lonely while having consumed the rest,... mourning her father and once back in Berlin she would let me down.  started speaking an even I discovered late that my feelings more too distinct language behaved then like vines that would . 83 13 Transcription Femke, Chloe and I were organizing Meeting made It was a New Year’s partyyou together. me feeloflike a lost the winter 2005, andtraveler... we all still lived in Prenzlauer Berg, just about in most a country the time when of the younger whereand no hipsters one speaks hisleaving language. artists were en masse down the hill to Kreuzberg, The fully worstflourishing thing is that which was as the he doesn’t even know where to go. new place-to-be, starting its own self-obliteration towards total gentriSuddenly, he meets stranger fication, the same cycleathat Prenhis language. zlauerwho Bergknows was completing then. But we were already not that young — we were in our mid-thirties — so I was constantly punished we had no plans to leave. Besides, in theBerg Armenian school. Prenzlauer still had some rough edges left and wasn’t completely If a teacher shouted, would taken over by armieseveryone of baby strollknow this was directed at me. ers like that nowadays. I had alreadyYears beenlater, living in Berlin I returned to the for five years then andschool... had hosted several parties, always with the help taking a gift I used of Femke and her as boyfriend. spider I had to liveain a large loftembalmed. near Wedding, with incredibly tolerant neighbors who never called the police, despite I would look at mypartied watch durthe fact that we usually and concentrate... ing weekdays until the wee hours. Especially in the first years, I was otherwise, wouldn’t still sort of half Iliving hereknow and in who IIwas Rio. Because wasanymore. terribly afraid of flying, I always gave a farewell parIt was carnival. ty on the day before the departure, to I wassure in aI remote neighborhood... make would get in the plane very tired and hungover; actually, watching thefears, bandsI pass by, in my innermost did believe together the dancing crowd... that every with farewell party could be my last good-bye to my friends. when I realized thatsince I didn’t knowstill what timeheld it was. But Femke hadn’t a house warming party, and since her where I was.than house Nor was who muchormore central mine, we decided to locate the New I felt as party though hadn’t Year’s Eve at Iher newbeing place, thinking about myself. spawhich was a newly renovated, cious, ground floor apartment, close I panicked. U-bahn to the Eberswalderstrasse station, where she had moved with couldn’t forget about myself. herIhalf-Colombian boyfriend, the Not even forata the minute. writer Carlos, who time had gone to visit his mother in Bogota. I started looking at my watch... Just after Christmas, when Femke Transcription 84 Femke, Chloe and I were organizing a New Year’s party together. It was the winter of 2005, and we all still The Party 2015 and concentrating Chloe had returned their on thefrom pointers respective families in Holland and the time that passed...and England — I stayed working at home withIfmy cat —dowe met in her I didn’t that houseI to plan the party. After a tour would forget who I was. around the house, we regrouped in the kitchen to have drinks and cigarettes.The Chloe, was a very firstwho memory close friend of Femke, was a short, he recalls of his father... red-haired artist, completely covered with the in Centaur conis offreckles, him as awith butcher a market... stellation sprinkled on her face. She told us about hera Christmas holding large knife.thrills in a small coastal town in England, where in a truly regressive experience,I remember she had to — sleep in theknow bunk I don’t bed ofhow her long 10-year-old nephew, afterwards —... and, while outside rained miserably, she sat inseeing the living room watching a whale jetting waterher nephew drive an orange Porsche in like a fountain. circles with his new PlayStation. Because hadthat justwe moved I knewshe then were from safe. Paris where she had been living for the past five years, she couldn’t contribute so much with if guests forclocks the What would happen all the party, in which turned out to be comthe world would stop? pletely fine with Femke who was concerned about having many Confusion would grip too the planet, people who might end up wrecking Like it gripped the tower of Babel. her new apartment. We bought the Eu drinks falotogether, but I was in charge of the fooddizem — which mas os meu lábios não que would be Brazilian of course — and they took careoof the decoration passado and setting up the space. During the não morreu passado afternoon of the 31st, while I cooked a feijoada, hung ainda colorful nem éthey passado falofilters on the lamps in the living room and, because que Carlos was paranoid hablar that people in the party would steal não é o mesmo que falar em um eu his books, the girls covered the book shelves gold aluminum quewith nãoaexisto foil, shielding Carlos’ from ou um outro que sou books mas não sou the gaze of intellectually inclined thieves. o silêncio do barulho que falo escutando The three of us had no idea how many peopleque to expect; a poesiaBerlin was blooming with Silvester parties to é algo incompreensível. compete with, in our neighborhood alone there would be dozens and dozens of house parties for people to choose between; our assessment was that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would come. It was our aspiration that after the fireworks, people would stay to dance. We were all very excited and anxious to see how everything would play out. I had a special reason for having certain anxieties because my new fling might come that night. Soraya was a small, plumpy Lebanese girl who was a good friend of Chloe, and whom I had met during a dinner party back in the summer. We had been in touch for almost two months through e-mails and longdistance calls, while she was abroad in Romania and Lebanon. We had two brisk, feverish nights before she went to Romania, where she took part in an artist residency close to Bucharest. She had invited me to visit her, which I had accepted. On the same day that I bought an expensive ticket, her father suffered a fatal heart attack in Beirut, causing her to leave to Lebanon the next day. Somehow her father’s death seemed to have brought us closer, as if I had entered her life so her father could leave it. Once I was back from Bucharest, where I went anyway — I couldn’t get a refund — and stayed in a cheap hotel by myself, having a terrific time encountering packs of ravenous stray dogs in dark streets, we kept daily contact by long distance calls and e-mails. Now, after more than one month we would finally see each other again. I didn’t know it then, but I was seDetail of installation cretly becoming very attached to her Photo by Fulano de tal already; even though I consciously tried to not have too many expectations, with the presentiment that she was just needy and lonely while mourning her father and once back in Berlin she would let me down. I discovered too late that my feelings behaved then like vines that would The Party 13 and Chloe had returned from their respective families in Holland and England — I stayed working at that about fifty guests would come — in fact I secretly expected that at least fifty of my friends would CV Pablo Pinappel was born in Paris in 1979. He currently lives and works in Rotterdam, Berlin and Rio de Janeiro. Awards 2008 Charlotte Köhler Prijs, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Residencies/Studies 2012 Capacete Entreterimentos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2008-2009 Cité internationale des artes, Paris, France 2006-2008 Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kusten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2000-2003 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2002 San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, USA 1999-2000 HKU, Uthecht, The Netherlands Solo Exhibitions 2014 2016 The Imagem-Lembrança, Party, Die Raum,Cavalo, Berlin, Rio Germany de Janeiro, Brazil Pareciam ser de um cinza translúcido, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2015 Lucas Goes Partying, ArteBA, galerie Juliette Jongma, Buenos Aires, Ar2013 gentine Lucas, Frieze New York, Frame, w/ Ambach&Rice, New York, USA 2014 2012 The Party, Die Raum, Berlin, Germany Pablo Pareciam Pijnappel, ser de um Malmö cinzaKonstahall, translúcido,Malmö, galerieSweden Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, Mise The Netherlands en Abyme, Ambach&Rice, Los Angeles, USA Reading Complex, Seventeen Gallery, London, England Pablo 2013 Pijnappel, Basis, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Lucas, Frieze New York, Frame, w/ Ambach&Rice, New York, USA 2011 Quirijn, 2012 Art Basel, Art Unlimited, w/ Galerie Juliette Jongma and Ambach&Rice, Switzerland Pablo Pijnappel,Basel, Malmö Konstahall, Malmö, Sweden Fontenay-aux-Roses, Galerie Juliette Jongma, USA Amsterdam, The Netherlands Mise en Abyme, Ambach&Rice, Los Angeles, Fontenay-aux-Roses, CarlierGebauer, Reading Complex, Seventeen Gallery, Berlin, London,Germany England Fontenay-aux-Roses; Ambach&Rice, Seattle,Germany USA Pablo Pijnappel, Basis, Frankfurt am Main, 57 87 Curriculum Curriculum Vitae Vitae 2011 Quirijn, Studio Nº2, Galerie van der Mieden, Antwerp, Belgium Quirijn, 2008 2012 Art Basel, Art Unlimited, galerie Juliette Jongma and Ambach&Rice, Basel, Homer, JulietteSwitzerland Jongma, The Netherlands Cinema Galerie in Slow-Motion, Malmö Amsterdam, Konstahall, Malmö, Sweden Fontenay-aux-Roses, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands André, Kadist Foundation, Paris, France; Homer; CarlierGebauer, Berlin, Fontenay-aux-Roses, CarlierGebauer, Berlin, Germany Germany Screenings Fontenay-aux-Roses; Ambach&Rice, Seattle, USA Quirijn, 2007 2015 Studio No2, Galerie van der Mieden, Antwerp, Belgium Pablo Laboratory, White London, England Lucas,Pijnappel, International Film Festival ofChapel, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Nether2008 Caiçara, Museum de Hallen, Haarlem, The Netherlands lands Homer, Juliette Jongma,Bremen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Homer, Galerie Kunstlerhaus Bremen, Germany André, 2012 Kadist Foundation, Paris, France Homer; Germany 2006 Quirijn,CarlierGebauer, Lost and Found,Berlin, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Walderedo, CarlierGebauer, Berlin, Germany 2007 Hotel 2010 Rio, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Pablo Pijnappel, Laboratory, White Chapel, London, England Felicitas, CarlierGebauer, Amsterdam, TheSt. Netherlands Andrew Reid, Contemporary Art Museum Louis, USA Caiçara, Museum de Hallen, Haarlem, The Netherlands 1921-1977 1979, MAC/VAl, Vitry, France Homer, 2005 Kunstlerhaus Bremen, Germany Andrew 2008 and Felicitas, Extra City 2, Antwerp, Belgium 2006 Felicitas, Museum Bureau Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Nether1921-1977Stedelijk 1979-, Panoramico, Museo Tamayo, Mexico Walderedo, CarlierGebauer, Berlin, Germany lands Andrew by Maya, Black Box - Elke Schlüters, Kunstverein Düsseldorf, Hotel Rio, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dusseldorf, Germany Felicitas, CarlierGebauer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2004 Andrew 2007 Reid, Gallery Iris Kadel, Karlsruhe, Germany 2005 Andrew Reid, Playstation, FonsThe Welters Gallery, Amsterdam, The NetherWalderedo, TENT, Rotterdam, Netherlands Andrew and Felicitas, Extra City 2, Antwerp, Belgium lands Felicitas, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2004 Group Andrew Exhibitions Reid, International Short Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 19212004 1977 1979-, Video Village, Milan, Italy Andrew 2014 Reid, Gallery Iris Kadel, Karlsruhe, Germany Andrew Reid, Playstation, Welters Gallery, Amsterdam, Falso GaleriaFons Luciana Caravello, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2003 Movimento, The Netherlands Staged City, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Andrew Reid,Arti, Rotterdam Film Festival, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 1921-1977 1979-, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Basse-Normandie, HérouGroup Exhibitions 2013 ville-Saint-Clair, France Discipline, LeisureVideo & Punishment, Contour Biennial, Mechelen, Belgium 1921-1977 1979-, Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal 2015 Andrew Reid, Brooklyn Underground Film Festival, New York, USA A2012 Mão Negativa, Lage, Reid, Rio deNederlands Janeiro, Brasil 1921-1977 1979-Parque and Andrew Film Festival Utrecht, The As Iminencias das Poéticas, 30th São Paulo Biennial, Brazil Netherlands 2014 Through an1979-, Open Window (Rabo BankFestival, Kunstcollectie), Institut 1921-1977 World Wide Video Amsterdam, The Néerlandais, Netherlands Falso Galeria Luciana Caravello, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Paris, Movimento, France Staged Arti,EYE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Found City, Footage, Film Institut Nederland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Recent Acquisitions, De Hallen, Haarlem, The Netherlands 2013 Never Odd or Even, Roskilde, Sweden Discipline, Leisure & Punishment, Contour Biennial, Mechelen, Belgium 2011 2012 Never Odd or Even, Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany As Iminencias das Poéticas, 30th São Paulo Biennial, Brazil Spectrums of Light, European Gallery Cologne, Through Open Window (Rabo Bank Kunstcollectie), Institut Néerlandais, Cologne,an Germany Paris, France Will Be Home..., Ambach&Rice, Los Angeles, USA Found Footage, EYE Film Institut Nederland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Recent Acquisitions, De Hallen, Haarlem, The Netherlands 58 60 88 2003–2014 2003–201 2010 Odd or Even, Roskilde, Sweden Never Collector’s Preview, Le Temple, Paris, France Arrivi e Partenze Europa, Fondo Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona, Italy 2011 Never Odd or Even, Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany Spectrums of Light, European Gallery Cologne, Cologne, Germany 2009Be Home..., Ambach&Rice, Los Angeles, USA Will Chance Encounters, Ludlow38, New York, USA Still / Moving / Still, International Fotofestival, Knokke, Belgium 2010 Collector’s Preview, Le Temple, Paris, France 2008 e Partenze Europa, Fondo Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona, Italy Arrivi Vijf portretten uit de videocollectie, De Hallen, Haarlem, The Netherlands Wild Signals, Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany 2009 Narrowcast: Reframing Global Video, LACE, Los Angles, USA Chance Encounters, Ludlow38, New York, USA Narrowcast: Global Video, Pitzer Art Galleries, Los Angeles, Still / MovingReframing / Still, International Fotofestival, Knokke, Belgium USA Panoramic, Museo Tamavo Arte Contemporánea, Mexico 2008 Vijf portretten uit de videocollectie, De Hallen, Haarlem, The Netherlands 2007Signals, Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany Wild Reality Crossings, 2. Fotofestival Mannheim, Narrowcast: Reframing Global Video, LACE, Germany Los Angles, USA 52nd Venice Biennale (Slovakian Pavilion), Venice, Italy L.A., USA Narrowcast: Reframing Global Video, Pitzer Art Galleries, Prix de Rome, De Appel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Panoramic, Museo Tamavo Arte Contemporánea, Mexico Elephant Cemetery, Artists Space, New York, USA News From Abroad, Gallery Murray Guy, New York, USA 2007 Free Electrons. Selected Videos from the Lemaître Collection, Tabacalera Reality Crossings, 2. Fotofestival Mannheim, Germany Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain 52nd Venice Biennale (Slovakian Pavilion), Venice, Italy Prix de Rome, De Appel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2006 Elephant Cemetery, Artists Space, New York, USA Indirect Speech, Kunsthalle Kassel, Germany News From Abroad, Gallery Fridericianum, Murray Guy, New York, USA Don Quijote, Witte de With Center For Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, The Free Electrons. Selected Videos from the Lemaître Collection, Tabacalera Netherlands Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain 2004 2006 Present Tense, Welters Gallery, Indirect Speech,Playstation, KunsthalleFons Fridericianum, Kassel,Amsterdam, Germany The NetherlandsQuijote, Witte de With Center For Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, The Don Indonesia under Construction, Witte de With Center For Contemporary Art, Netherlands Rotterdam, The Netherlands Anh Tam Lee – Pablo Pijnappel, Groningen, The Netherlands 2004 1921-1977 1979-, Kunsvlaai, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Present Tense, Playstation, Fons Welters Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2003 Indonesia under Construction, Witte de With Center For Contemporary Art, Parasite Paradise, SKOR, Utrecht, The Netherlands Rotterdam, The Netherlands Anh Tam Lee – Pablo Pijnappel, Groningen, The Netherlands Performances 1921-1977 1979-, Kunsvlaai, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2014 2003 Lucas, Temporary Cologne,The Germany Parasite Paradise, Gallery, SKOR, Utrecht, Netherlands Casa da Michèlle, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2013 Discipline, Leisure & Punishment, Contour Biennial, Mechelen, Belgium 89 59 Curriculum CurriculumVitae Vitae Vitae Curriculum Quirijn, Studio Nº2, Galerie van der Mieden, Antwerp, Belgium 2012 2008 Performances Cinema in Slow-Motion, Malmö Amsterdam, Konstahall, Malmö, Sweden Homer, Galerie Juliette Jongma, The Netherlands André, Kadist Foundation, Paris, France; Homer; CarlierGebauer, Berlin, 2015 Screenings Germany What is Photography?, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France A Mão Negativa, Invasion of the Killer Frogs, Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, 2015 2007 Brazil Pijnappel, Lucas, International Film Festival ofChapel, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The NetherPablo Laboratory, White London, England lands Caiçara, Museum de Hallen, Haarlem, The Netherlands 2014 Kunstlerhaus Bremen, Bremen, Germany Homer, Lucas, Temporary Gallery, Cologne, Germany 2012 Casa da Lost Michèlle, GalerieAmsterdam, Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Quirijn, and Found, The Netherlands; 2006 Walderedo, CarlierGebauer, Berlin, Germany 2013 Rio, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2010 Hotel Discipline, Leisure & Punishment, Contour Biennial, Mechelen, Belgium Andrew Reid, Contemporary Art Museum Louis, USA Felicitas, CarlierGebauer, Amsterdam, TheSt. Netherlands 1921-1977 1979, MAC/VAl, Vitry, France 2012 2005 Cinema and in Slow-Motion, Malmö 2008 Andrew Felicitas, Extra CityKonstahall, 2, Antwerp,Malmö, BelgiumSweden 1921-1977Stedelijk 1979-, Panoramico, Museo Tamayo, Mexico Felicitas, Museum Bureau Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The NetherScreenings Andrew by Maya, Black Box - Elke Schlüters, Kunstverein Düsseldorf, lands Dusseldorf, Germany 2015 2004 Lucas, International of Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2007 Andrew Reid, GalleryFilm Iris Festival Kadel, Karlsruhe, Germany Walderedo, TENT, Rotterdam, Netherlands Andrew Reid, Playstation, FonsThe Welters Gallery, Amsterdam, The Nether2012 lands Quirijn, Lost and Found, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2004 Andrew Exhibitions Reid, International Short Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 1921Group 2010 1979-, Video Village, Milan, Italy 1977 Andrew Reid, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, USA 2014 1921-1977 1979, MAC/VAl, Vitry, Caravello, France 2003 Falso Movimento, Galeria Luciana Rio de Janeiro, Brazil AndrewCity, Reid,Arti, Rotterdam Film Festival, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Staged Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2008 1921-1977 1979-, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Basse-Normandie, Hérou1921-1977 1979-,France Panoramico, Museo Tamayo, Mexico ville-Saint-Clair, 2013 1921-1977 1979-, Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal Discipline, LeisureVideo & Punishment, Contour Biennial, Mechelen, Belgium Andrew Reid, by Maya, BlackUnderground Box - Elke Schlüters, Kunstverein Düsseldorf, Andrew Brooklyn Film Festival, New York, USA Germany 1921-1977 1979and Andrew Reid, Nederlands Film Festival Utrecht, The 2012 Netherlands As Iminencias das Poéticas, 30th São Paulo Biennial, Brazil 2007 1921-1977 World Wide Video Amsterdam, The Néerlandais, Netherlands Through an1979-, Open Window (Rabo BankFestival, Kunstcollectie), Institut Walderedo, Paris, FranceTENT, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Found Footage, EYE Film Institut Nederland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2004 Acquisitions, De Hallen, Haarlem, The Netherlands Recent AndrewOdd Reid, Short Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Never or International Even, Roskilde, Sweden 1921- 1977 1979-, Video Village, Milan, Italy 2011 2003 Odd or Even, Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany Never Andrew Reid, Rotterdam Film Gallery Festival,Cologne, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Spectrums of Light, European 1921-1977 1979-, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Basse-Normandie, Cologne, Germany Hérou-ville-Saint-Clair, France Will Be Home..., Ambach&Rice, Los Angeles, USA 1921-1977 1979-, Video Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal Andrew Reid, Brooklyn Underground Film Festival, New York, USA 90 60 60 58 2003–2014 2003–2016 2010 1921-1977 1979- and Andrew Reid, Nederlands Film Festival, Utrecht, Collector’s Preview, Le Temple, Paris, France The Netherlands Arrivi e Partenze FondoVideo MoleFestival, Vanvitelliana, Ancona, Italy 1921-1977 1979-,Europa, World Wide Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2009 Chance Encounters, Ludlow38, New York, USA Still / Moving / Still, International Fotofestival, Knokke, Belgium 2008 Vijf portretten uit de videocollectie, De Hallen, Haarlem, The Netherlands Wild Signals, Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany Narrowcast: Reframing Global Video, LACE, Los Angles, USA Narrowcast: Reframing Global Video, Pitzer Art Galleries, Los Angeles, USA Panoramic, Museo Tamavo Arte Contemporánea, Mexico 2007 Reality Crossings, 2. Fotofestival Mannheim, Germany 52nd Venice Biennale (Slovakian Pavilion), Venice, Italy Prix de Rome, De Appel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Elephant Cemetery, Artists Space, New York, USA News From Abroad, Gallery Murray Guy, New York, USA Free Electrons. Selected Videos from the Lemaître Collection, Tabacalera Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain 2006 Indirect Speech, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany Don Quijote, Witte de With Center For Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2004 Present Tense, Playstation, Fons Welters Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Indonesia under Construction, Witte de With Center For Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Anh Tam Lee – Pablo Pijnappel, Groningen, The Netherlands 1921-1977 1979-, Kunsvlaai, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2003 Parasite Paradise, SKOR, Utrecht, The Netherlands Performances 2014 Lucas, Temporary Gallery, Cologne, Germany Casa da Michèlle, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2013 Discipline, Leisure &download Punishment, Please press here to thisContour cv in pdfBiennial, Mechelen, Belgium 59 91 Norman Sanders Photographing for Publication You’ve had it happen time and time again. The original photograph looks great; the effect is just what you intended. Then you see it reproduced in an ad, a brochure, or a magazine, and the effect is somehow lost or misinterpreted.