Whatl Saw
Whatl Saw
Whatl Saw Reportsfrom Berlin r92o-r933 JoTEPHRomt by transl.uted uith an introdu.ction MichnelHoftnnnn Gertnan selection. by Michael Bienert W. N rw N oR ToN Y onx & C ol rpauv LoN ooN i-in-3 28 The Berlin PleasureIndustry ( tql o) ometimes,in a fit of incurable melancholy,I go into one of the standardBerlin nightclubs, not to cheer myself up, you understand,but to take malicious pleasureat the phenomenonof so much industrialized merriment. Ary anxiery that it might be my advancing years that make me incapable of enjoying myself is quickly allayed by *y perfecdy objective view of the indescribable monotony of international nighdife. The entire mechanism by which fun is produced and communicated these days seemsever more simplistic and transparentthe more human nature is forced to import entertainment from outside. It's as though that crude force that seemscapablealmost of making somethingout of nothing had now been tried out on people'sspirits and feelings,in the attempt to createcapital from our inborn inclination and need for amusement.And it's as though this crude and homogenizedpurveylng of fun had also succeededin producing in all the cities of the world one standardizedtype of night owl, with the sameset of strictly normed and basicrequirements,which can be satisfiedin accordancewith one or two simple rules.At around two o'clock at night, anyway,the irnagegiven by abar, a "lumry spot," "a dance hall," is one and the samein Berlin, Paris,Marseilles,and Cairo: 17T r72 JOSEPIi ROT H sBnLrN ' s P LE A s uR E IN D U s TR Y 17? the perfurned srnoke of international "luxury brand" cigarettes hangsunder the ceiling like a sort of gaseouslining or underpin- window dummy, the fake worlclwearinessin the glassystare,and the thin lips touched up by nafure itself in homage,of course,to ning. The soft reddish illurnination works not to create light but to slrppressit. The glowing colors of the cocktails,mixed in accor- certain photographic originals. Couples get up simultaneously and indifferently to do their athletic clance movements. Tire dancewith intemational recipes,evokesemipreciousstonesin liquid fonn anclare poured into cuwecl glassbowls about the size of movementsof the musiciansare livelier than thoseof the dancers. It's asthough the marionette-likemovernentsof the musicianshad a coconut half-.Stiff yellow buncllesof straws stick out of metal holders, the only remote nlemory of a long-gone mstic period of taken all the life out of the dancers,The coupleswho, under the heading "classicmodern dance,"go from city to city earning their hurnan history. daily/nightly bread with the sane mechanicalsmile that consists In dre corner the band is installed,nor ro sit but to perform incessantand foolish nlovements that lemind one of the exercise only of the baring of brilliantly maintained teeth-they at least "narching in place."Merely switched to the world of bacchicmilitarism fron that of waL,the saxophone-profane trump of a pro- whele, as if thesebars didn't actually belong to anyone,as if they were institutions of public luxury just asbusesand streetlightsare fane, so to speak, penultimate judgment-flashes and gleams, rnoansand r.vails,yelps and croons. The rnusiciansdo not wear jackets.They sit in their shirtsleeveslike bowlers,in sportsshirts institutions of utility, as though dre entertainment industry produce an imitation of life. There is no owner to be seen any- wanted to prove its closerelationshipto the utility industry. In a ciry like Berlin there are stock companiesthat are capable like tennis players, in thar relaxed A.nglo-Saxonuniform that seelnsto suggestthat the production of sound and noise is more of satis$.ingthe entertainment needs of severalsocial classesat a sporting vocation than an zrrtisticone. Bar girls all over the world are rnarcleout of the same substanceof beauty, with little "solid bourgeois" pleasuresin other parts of the cit1z,and in a concessionto the local variations of climate, geology,anclrace, poured equally over every counrly by a prodigally lavish god- have some inkling of the "grand monde" with its very own Ancl just as in a departmentstore "third-classestablishments." head, to produce that international,slencler,narrow-hippedtype of child-worran in whom vice is paired with training, knee-jerk there are clothes and food for every social classand even for the n-rodernitywith traditional seducrion-by-helplessness, active and passivesuffr'.rgewith the rvillingness to be bought. In every city and "qualiry" so tire great names of the pleasureindustry supply there is the protoqpical young, or rather, ageless,player in male clress(dris dre only overt indication of its sex): smooth fearures ate-and affordable-drink, from champagne and cocktails to ancl slicked-back hair, padcled shoulders and compressedhips, brggy, billowing pants and poinred parenr leather boots-and the the course of a single night, in which my mournfulnesswas such casualdemeanor out of fasl-rionmagazines,the nonchalanceof a once, catering to the "cosmopolite" in the West End, providing third supplying that part of the lower middle classthat wants to myriad delicate nuances in between, carefully graded by price every classwith the appropriate entertairunentand the appropricognac to kirsch to sweet liqueurs down to Patzenhoferbeer. In that it compelled rne to experiencethe pain of every class of big-city dweller athirst for joy, I slowly made the rounds fror"nthe (74 JOSEPH ROT r I bars of the West End of Berlin to those of the Friedrichstrasse, and from there to the bars in the north of the ciry finishing up in the drinking placesthat are frequented by the so-calledlumpenproletariat. As I went, I noticed the schnappsgetting stronger, the beers lighter and brighteq the wines more acidic, the music cheaper,and the women older and stouter' Yes, I had the sensation that somewherethere was some mercilessforce or organizacommercial undertaking, of course-that implacably forcecl the whole population to noctLrrnal pleasures,as it were belaboring it with joys, while husbanding the raw material with tion-a extrene care, clown to the very last scrap. Saxophonistswho have Iost their wind playing in the classybars of the West End carry on playing to the middle class till they lose their hearing, and then they wincl up in proletarian dives. Dancers start out reed thin, to slip slowly, in the ftillness of time and their bodies, in rrccordancewith a strict plan, down from the zonesof prodigality to those where people keep count, to the third where people save their pennies,to the very lowest finally, where the expenditure of money is either an accident or a calamity. One of these places-it was already fhr along in years, a hoary ancient among the clubs of Berlin-was celebrating its fiftieth anniversaty, and was giving out detailed anniversaty programs, complete with unobtainable photographs of long-gone vaudeville stars and popular favorites and a "historical look back." Fror-nthis it appearedthat the establishment,having once been founded and run by a single man, has fallen into the numerous hands of a consortium, a consortiurn, I like to imagine, of deadly seriousfellows, heaqrweight fat cats.There is the photograph of the founding father: the broad round face of a lnan who knew to live and let live, with the twinkling eyes of a connoisseur,with a mighty upntrned moustache betraying a kind of martial good B ER LIN ' s P LE A s U R E IN D U S TR Y r75 humor, and a slow smile that legitimatesthe man'sunquestioned desire for profit. There follow picturesof the "famous numbers,"dre "diseuses," a race of courageouswomen setting foot on the stageas on a battlefield, armored in corsets,in long skirts,under which peep outflirtatiously, seductively, sinfully-snow white or salmon pink srockings and tightly laced dancing shoes, Boadiceaswith bare throats and powerful shouldersand with abundantpiled-up I'rairon their heads, such that a little nodding double-entendrecan't have been an easy matter; and finally the dancerswith round, shapelylegs, sewn,one would think, into the whirling expanseof and ruffletl and lacy underskirts,loose girls of sweetharmlessness easyvirtue. Yes,tl-rat'sthe way it was then. The clubowner walked around among the tables,and nodded and smiled and allowed his patrons to live and encouragedthem to sin as hard as they could. The jokes were terrible, but fhe peoplewere cheerful,the women were very dressed,but at leastdrey were flesh and blood, and not the procluct of hygienic training. Pleasurewas alwaysa business, but at least it wasn't yet an indusuy' Miinchner NettesteNachrichten,May 1, 1930